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Procedural Programming Of Programming Languages
Programming Languages
Definition of the term "program"
A program in computing is a predefined list of instructions that, when run or 'executed ', tell a
computer to carry out a task and how to it.
Overview of procedural, object orientated and event driven programs
In programming, there are many different paradigms, also known as structures or styles that allow
the programmer a means to build or structure different elements within a computer program. These
paradigms are: procedural, event driven and object orientated.
Applications that can be developed using these paradigms
Procedural programming uses a list of instructions to tell the computer what to do step–by–step.
Procedural programming relies on – you guessed it – procedures, also known as routines or
subroutines. A procedure contains a series of computational steps to be carried out. Procedural
programming is also referred to as imperative programming. Procedural programming languages are
also known as top–down languages.
Procedural programming is intuitive in the sense that it is very similar to how you would expect a
program to work. If you want a computer to do something, you should provide step–by–step
instructions on how to do it. It is, therefore, no surprise that most of the early programming
languages are all procedural.
The procedural paradigm uses a list of instructions as a basis. These tell the computer what to do,
and how to do it step by step. The procedural paradigm does rely on subroutines or
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Programming Language Essay
Conduct an internet search on programming languages. Identify a language that is compiled and
compare the features of this language with Python, which is an interpreted language. Discuss the
advantage and disadvantages of each and provide one example each of where interpreted and
compiled languages would be most appropriate
A compiler is a program that translates a high–level language program into a separate machine
language program.
Compiled languages are always supposed to be fast because of their direct execution by the
Large softwares and million dollar projects are often written in compiled languages because of the
speed and performance they offer
C++ is object oriented programming language and it is a very simple and easy ... Show more content
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In C++ programming 'break and BREAK' both are different.
If any language treats lower case latter separately and upper case latter separately than they can be
called as case sensitive programming language [Example c, c++, java, .net are sensitive
programming languages.] other wise it is called as case insensitive programming language [Example
HTML, SQL is case insensitive programming languages].
Compiler based
C++ is a compiler based programming language that means without compilation no C++ program
can be executed. First we need compiler to compile our program and then execute.
Syntax based language
C++ is a strongly tight syntax based programming language. If any language follow rules and
regulation very strictly known as strongly tight syntax based language. Example C, C++, Java, .net
etc. If any language not follow rules and regulation very strictly known as loosely tight syntax based
Example HTML.
Efficient use of pointers
Pointers is a variable which hold the address of another variable, pointer directly direct access to
memory address of any variable due to this performance of application is improve. In C++ language
also concept of pointer are available.
The Python language uses an interpreter, which is a program that both translates and xecutes the
instructions in a high–level language program
Python is a high–level, interpreted, interactive and object–oriented scripting language. Python is
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A Comparison Between Computer Programming And Java
A Comparison Between Computer Programming: Java and C++ in games industry 1.Introduction I
chose this topic because these languages are a relationship between programmers and computer
without those languages can 't use the computer. Moreover, considered one of the models that I will
study in September at Swansea University. This is why I find this topic so interesting as it given a
lot of detailed information about two programming c++ and java in uses and its founders to explain
how they became so successful and why their programs are so brilliant. I admire the genius of these
successful two programs. Also, as a Mathematics and Computing for Finance student I feel that I
could learn so much from them. So, I shall keep a very close eye on their research and their result.
The purpose of the programming languages as Coded language to write information by
programmers that a computer could understand to do what the programmer wants. A computer
language is used binary ( '1 ' and '0 ') code as call the machine language that a computer can execute
instructions quickly without any translator or interpreter program, but is complicated. The high level
languages such as C++ and java are very simpler for use, but it need to another program to transfer a
high–level code into a computer language, for this are slower. There are many of programming
languages are being always developed. The Advanced
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Designing A Language For The Banking Problem
This essay is written to design a language that is suitable for the banking problem. The banking
sector is related to the business areas. Banking sector provide services to their customers and
security of their customer's money to them. Banking is also evolved in the finance areas also. There
are many programming languages that have been widely used for the business applications of
computers. Some of these languages are java, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, Python, PHP, C/C++
etc. Each language has its own features and characteristics, syntax, compilation and interpreter
methods and also has exception handling and maintenance also. So, here I am going to design a new
language that is use for the banking problem domain. The language is IBPL (Internet Business
Programming Language). This language has its own features, scope, characteristics, maintenance
and its compilation and interpretation methods. This language is different from all the existing
languages. In this essay I am going to describe about my language i.e. IBPL (Internet Business
Programming Language), its purpose of designing, its features, its characteristics, its compilation
and interpretation, its expressivity, type checking, Orthogonality, its simplicity, its data types and
support for abstraction, its readability, writability and its reliability etc.
So, in this I am going to write an essay to design a new language for the problem domain of
This essay is written to design a language that is
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Programming Languages Over The Years Have Improved And
Programming languages over the years have improved and even changed drastically in their design
and capabilities. New languages are created to perform specific tasks that others cannot accomplish
each year. By doing so, the creation of these new languages fill specific niches. However, the
problem with computer languages is that if you want to construct an easier approach to a task or
problem in another language, odds are you must give something else up to accomplish that goal.
Which is why there is such a large amount of different and unique programming languages. Each of
them has a specific purpose of implementation, COBOL, for example, is the primary language of
business. FORTRAN is the primary language of science, PROLOG is the ... Show more content on ...
Like many modern programming languages, Lua was inspired and influenced by other previous
languages. Among such influences are Scheme and Python (101 Ireusalimschy). However, Lua was
not simply created as one new language, but rather, as "as the fusion of two descriptive languages,
designed for the configuration of two specific applications: one for scientific data entry, the other for
visualizing lithology profiles obtained from geological probes" (SPE paper). SOL, a data description
language, was the first half of this fusion. What Lua inherited from SOL was its data description
support, but conversely integrated that support into procedural semantics (2 Ireusalimschy).
Furthermore, SOL's ability to name and nest declarations was passed onto Lua. Syntax between
SOL and Lua have minor differences but rather drastic differences in semantics (2 Ireusalimschy).
And the other half of this fusion? None other than DEL, a simple language designed to describe and
declare data entries in a simple way. To make the boring process of data entry easier, DEL turned
each "entity" into a data structure or record that additionally included its name in a graphical
metafile. DEL's original demand for an interactive data entry language was met, but quickly the
team at TeCGraf was met with more demands. Items on the wish list for DEL included Boolean
variables for active/inactive input, loops, and conditional controls. As DEL became heavier and
heavier, the team decided they truly needed
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Hack Programming Language Essay
Hack programming language is used to for HipHop virtual machine (HHVM) which hack was
created by Facebook in March 2014 as a dialect of PHP. The language implementation is open
source. [1] [3] Before the introducing hack as a new programming language, it had already used by
Facebook for implementation and actually Facebook applied it in some aspects of Facebook
application. HHVM is considered as an open source virtual machine based on just–in–time (JIT)
compilation which is applicable is PHP and Hack as an executable engine. Hence, HHVM into Hack
is sort of JVM into JAVA. [1] What is Hack? Hack is a service side language in Facebook. In other
words, when we hit or get a notification from Facebook shows that we have a direct
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If it is possible for it to handle assignment then returns the value, otherwise it shows
"unexpectedvalueexception". Shapes: Idex(): It can provide static representation of each method
which shows the shape of any type. Basically this method search shape "shape" for the filed $index
and check if the field exist then it returns the value otherwise it will return the default value. For
example: [5] function run(): void { echo "== Shapes::idx ==n"; $s = shape('x' => 10, 'y' => 20); $v
= Shapes::idx($s, 'x'); echo "$v = " . (($v == null)? "null" : $v) ."n"; $v = Shapes::idx($s, 'y'); echo
"$v = " . (($v == null)? "null" : $v) ."n"; Async: used in HHVM which is included Async,
Await,Available.[5] 2 Collections: There are seven collections in Hack which are as follow: [6]
Vector, ImmVector, Map, ImmMap, Set, ImmSet and Pair. Vector: Is mutable , integer–indexed,
ordered sequence of values and indices starts from 1 to n–1. ImmVector: Is an immutable version of
Vector. Map: Mutable, string or integer–index, ordered sequence of values. Values can be any type.
ImmMap: Is an immutable version of Map. Set: Mutable, ordered set of unique values. ImmSet: IS
an immoutable version of Set. Pair: Is an immutable version of exactly two values. Reference
Semantics: Generally, using the mathematic rules to understand the meaning
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Unit 4 Assignment 1 Comparative Study Of Programming...
COMP 6411
Comparative Study of Programming Languages
BFS & DFS with GUI
Assignment # 2
Submitted To: Prof. Javad Sadri
Submission Date: 2nd August, 2015
Submitted By: Khurram Shahzad
Concordia ID: 27186444
As the requirements and complexity of today's most modern world increasing; expectation from
computer programming languages also increasing, new techniques must be developed to effectively
design and create very large scale Integration solutions quickly. In order to do so choice of
technology and programming languages has a vital role that can give us quick, efficient and cost
effective solutions. For this assignment, our classical problem BFS and DFS are solved ... Show
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PHP use gc_collect_cycles – Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles.
PHP gives you more programming freedom and doesn't prompt naming convention as Java.
Java platform standardization is driven by Oracle, PHP by PHP Group. Both are standardized and
documented but PHP is not as documented as JLS.
Web Applications & Web Services Development
Both JSP and PHP are web based languages. Both have Mail Sending, File upload, form handling,
sessions in built not paralyse like asp classic that used to perform every 2nd function with help of
3rd party.
PHP is compiled and executed. JSP connect with Servlets and Java is compiled to bytecode,
bytecode is then compiled just–in–time that return to servlets to client browser.
Using in Start–ups and Prototyping
Java is easier to prototype in and thus to write start–ups. Conclusion
No matter which web programming language you use if we have to make our website efficient,
attractive and more functional we have to use java in any form. It could in form of javascript, jquery,
mootools, angularjs or node. Webstite can be made without using java as well but transition like
gallery rotation, tabs, menus, ajax and other client side design changes at run time would not be
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Advantages Of Object Oriented Programming Language
Table of Contents
 Description and History 4
 Concepts 5–6
 Features and Advantages of OOP 7
 Different between Interface & Abstract classes 8
 Different between Overloading & overriding 9–10
 Encapsulation 11–12
 Association 13–14
 Polymorphism 15
 Harvard Referencing 16
Object–oriented programming language is a high–level programming language based on the object.
Data hiding, Inheritance, and polymorphism such basic features of this programming languages. this
method is not used for computer programming Until the early 1990s. But, mostly use this language
for modern computer programming.
Very Successful object oriented languages are in present. object–oriented languages are include on
Python, C++, Delphi, Java, PHP, Swift, Perl, Ruby and C# Those are can be used as object oriented
languages. ... Show more content on ...
However, the University of Oslo in 1967 was developed further by the name of OOP Simula.
properties in simula, is equivalent to today object–oriented language. Thus OOP was around already
a quarter of a century ago, which makes it even more surprising that the approach only recently
began to gain widespread acceptance. This probably stems from the fact that Simula and Smalltalk
were considered specialized languages. Smalltalk was viewed like a toy by many computer
scientists. But, Simula was designed like a simulation language. Smalltalk became the prototype of
object–oriented languages. It still is one of the most successful OOP languages. Smalltalk usually
slow transformation. Although newer Smalltalk systems do generate machine code, message
dispatching is still interpretative. Furthermore, Smalltalk does not allow static type checking. This
limits its suitability for larger software
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Programming Language Essay
Introduction To Programming Language
A program is aaa collection of instructions written in any programming language. They tell a
computer how to perform a some task. It is just like a recipe which tells us how to prepare a
particular dish and also describes all its ingredients and the steps to follow. Programming is also
very similar in concept.
Language is the medium of communication and sending/receiving thoughts between two people. For
communication, a medium is required which can be understand from both the sides and that medium
is known as a language. Many different languages are used across ... Show more content on ...
3. High level language
These languages are used in modern times. These are simple enough so that a common man can
easily understand them and can create a program. All the codes are written in English language here
and a compiler is used to convert the program into machine language.
They are the softwares which are used to convert the programs written in human readable form to
machine readable form that is machine language. Basically there are three translator softwares used
in computer programming:
1. Assembler
Programs which are written in assembly language are converted into machine language with the
help of assembler. It is a kind of software which convert the codes written in any text file into
machine language and process them in CPU then CPU understand that code and return the desire
result into human readable form i.e. English.
2. Compiler
It is used to convert the high level program codes into machine language. It converts the full source
code into machine code at a time and shows all the errors combined.
3. Interpreter
It is also used to convert the high level program codes into machine language but it converts the
code line by line and if it found error in any line then it stop further conversion and shows the error.
C at a Glance
C is a general–purpose computer
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Specification Of The Programming Language Of Java
Programming Language
1. Linguistic composition of Java?
2. Specifications of the Java programming language?
3. The goals of Java?
Programming Language is artificial language aims to conveys the instructions to the device and
especially computer device. Also we can be used to setting up programs to control the behavior of
the device or to express to algorithm. Programming Language divided to high–level language it
means that it is close to the language that it understood by humans such as: C and Java. On other
hand there is low–level language as Assembly language: is the second generation of programming
languages programmer writes instructions using symbolic instruction codes and it is close to the
machine language is the first generation ... Show more content on ...
In 1998 Java has evolved dramatically and it became called Java 2. Also among the most important
developments that have been developed in this version its Java capabilities in the graphical
interface. As well there have been many developments in this language which still continuously
developed. And the aims of Java are: Object–oriented, It provides possibility of running programs
written by it as remote computers securely, Create programs with graphical user interface and
Software design benefit from all the advantages of the Internet. Java has evolved through the years
and it used to making library programs like: Internet Software, Internet pages, Mobile Applications
and many
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Definition Of A Programming Language
Author: Solomon Bitone
Creating a programming language that can maintain a balance between power and compatibility is a
great accomplishment. COBOL 60 was designed to be a standardized and widely used language
across all businesses. However, as time passed, it became seen as a nuisance for its monolithic code
structures and inefficient programming style (1). Despite its later shortcomings, COBOL managed to
be the first language to implement recursion. This is significant, considering how time–restricted
CODASYL was in making the language. COBOL was innovative for the 1960s because it was one
of the first high–level programming languages and it was compatible across many computers.
In 1959, the need for a standardized programming language for businesses was apparent, so Mary K.
Hawes (ElectroData Division, Burroughs Corporation) requested a formal meeting with
programmers and manufacturers to create such a language (2). The resulting language was COBOL
(common business–oriented language), which changed the world of programming for everyone.
CODASYL (Committee on Data Systems Languages) was formed in order to guide the development
of COBOL, and their team was made of individuals with backgrounds that involved data processing
activities (3). One noteworthy individual is Grace Hopper, who was one of the first programmers of
the Harvard Mark I computer in 1944. She invented the first compiler for a computer programming
language (5). Her goal with COBOL was to make it a highly
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Java As A Programming Language
Java : Introduction Java as a programming language is one that was designed in a time when the
distribution of information was rapidly increasing. Its original purpose was to be used in a home
entertainment controller for the television, however it was much too advanced for the industry (The
History of Java Technology), and so java moved on to a much more capable, and growing internet.
Java's uses aren't just restricted to the internet though, Java is/was produced to be easily distributed
and implemented among many platforms. Java was produced with a set of goals in mind. One of its
most noteworthy and successful goals was to be portable/ cross platform. Java owes a good amount
of its success to its object oriented core, as well as being built upon its familiarity with the c
languages among other things. Java like all programming languages are judged based on their
writability, readability, reliability and overall cost. Literature Review Java is an all–around language
with it being one of the most used language of 2014 (TIOBE Software: The Coding Standards
Company) it was even used in Google's android operating system (Rosenblatt, Seth) which is home
to 84% of the mobile operating system market share (IDC: Smartphone OS Market Share). Java has
the flexibility to be used in all fields; cross platform and able to be ported over to other systems. As I
mentioned earlier Java was originally made for a television remote and evolved from that point, Java
had evolved
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Definition Of A Programming Language
THINK ABOUT A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE that you have a great familiarity with: C++,
Java, Go, Scala, MYSQL, Ruby or even Python. Now reflect on this specific programming language
and you will realize there are certain conventions that you follow that actually help define the
language. The attributes that make up programming in a specific language are what programmers
utilize in their daily working environment, and they also set a standard of expectations of coding
style. Just like a programming language, there is still another significant type of writing that is used
in the Computer Science discipline, research articles. Research articles are found in every field of
study because they are used to reveal new breakthroughs within a specific ... Show more content on ...
The templates are merely a starting point for how to write a research article, but there is a tight
constraint as to the amount you can deviate away from the generic organizational structure of the
article. Understanding these templates will help you examine these articles for desired information.
The general structure of a research article would be as follows.
The major text of the article begins with an abstract section where the goals of the experiment are
explained briefly. Rather than asking a research question like other fields, computer science articles
will present a statement about what the objective is behind their research experiment in this section.
The abstract is followed by an introductory section that will state what the general community
thinks about the topic as well as provide a brief breakdown on what the articles sections are and
what is in each section. The next topic(s) in the article are there to describe the experiment. Within
this section subtitles are frequently used in order to organize the information presented and help the
reader focus on a particular aspect of the experiment. This is also the section where images,
diagrams, and code snippets are used to provide visual context to see what is happening. This is
another aspect specific to the computer science field. Unlike any other discipline, a writing
convention within computer
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Computer Science Is The Study Of Principals And How The...
Computer Science is the study of principals and how the computers works. Which leads to computer
programming. What is computer programming? Well computer programing is a process that leads
from an original formulation of computing problem to executable computer programs. You wonder
why this is so important to everybody, but it is very important since things you will use in your daily
life had to be programmed to be able to work. For example writing this paper I am using Microsoft
Word which had to be programed so I can use it to write my papers. How many people knew that
everything had to be coded for it to work? What types of degrees can you get for computer
programming? It's a good idea to get an IT degree (How to Become par. 3). You ... Show more
content on ...
While you are in the programming portion of getting your degree there are a ton of different
languages that you can take and learn. As a computer programmer there is always new languages to
learn and even to refresh yourself on. Computer scientist seem like they are always going to school
since they are always trying to keep up to date with the newest languages or even just keeping up
with all of the new technology. There are hundreds of different languages out there that anyone
could learn if they had the time and patience to learn it all. COBOL (Common Business Oriented
Language) is one of the oldest languages that there is out there (COBOL par. 1). Out of those there
are Java, Python, C, C++, Ruby and JavaScript (Kim). Do you know what the most common
programming languages were in 2010? Well if you don't know they are C++, Java, JavaScript C#
and finally Visual Basic (Programming Languages par.3) For example you will see java everywhere,
it is one of the most commonly taught languages that is good to learn if you want to become a
programmer. As you start your classes, you will start with the fairly easy programs during school
and then get into the harder programs. Also according to COBOL this is the first high level language
that makes it almost seem like being a human (par. 1). "COBOL was first created in 1959 by
Conference on Data Systems Languages" (Li, Abraham par. 2). COBOL presents itself some
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Key Features Of The Pseudo Code
Pseudo Code is a concept that allows programmer to define certain logic in terms of plain simple
steps, which can act as a solution to the problem.
Pseudo Code is important because it helps the programmer to define the logic before implementing
the actual program. This can be extremely important when a programmer is trying to solve a very
complex program. In such cases, the programmer can understand the problem and define all the
possible solutions steps in completeness and also get it verified without the corresponding output
defined. It helps programmer to save significant time and cost while implementing the actual
Since, the Pseudo Code is defined in a natural language it can easily be understood by other
programmers as well. ... Show more content on ...
This is different from Object–Oriented Languages, which operates on both Data and Code.
Procedural language executes instructions in a sequential manner. The above figure 1.2.1 shows the
high level view of a procedural language
Key features of Procedural Programming
Procedural Programming is made of a few key features, which are given below:
Pre–defined functions: Functions that are frequently needed are defined as a part of the
programming language itself so that the programmer can easily use these functions for most
common functionality, which is also very repetitive.
For Example:
A function like "System.out.println" can be used to output the content on the command prompt or as
an output of the function.
Global variables: Global variables are variables that are defined at the beginning of the program and
can be accessed through the execution of the entire program. The Global variable is usually defined
as a static variable.
Local variables: Local variables are variables that can only be accessed within the certain section of
the code like a function or method and not available during the complete execution of the program.
In certain cases if the local variable is redeemed with the same name as a global variable then the
local variable will take precedence in the corresponding
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Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Object-Oriented...
Object–oriented Programming languages Overview In earlier times, before object oriented was
introduced, the languages that used is so uncomfortable and not familiar to developers. A normal
person cannot understand what that was coded. The language that time used makes lots of errors,
bugs, misunderstands... between developing programs. Disadvantage structured language: for
avoiding from these kind of problems, at that time Object oriented language were introduced to
avoid these. It's more familiar than structured language. History SIMULA was the 1st object was used to create simulations. Alan Kay headed a group of Xerox Parc created the first
personal computer, its name was DYNABOOK To create DYNABOOK, they develop Smalltalk ...
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Cant override marked final or static methods, must be same or wider access levels, same or narrow
checked exception, Instance methods can be overridden only if they are inherited by the subclass
Difference between interface and abstract classes Abstract An abstract class is a class. that is
declared abstract it may or may not include abstract methods. abstract class can have both abstract &
non abstract methods. Abstract method should be abstract void m(); abstract method should be only
inside a abstract class, not inside a normal class. And concrete methods shouldn't be inside a abstract
class. An abstract method doesn't have a method body. Can have one or more abstract method inside
a abstract class. We can't create abstract class object, but we can create its sub class object. but we
have to override abstract methods in sub class. Ex: abstract class Car{ void Color(){
System.out.println("red"); } abstract void engine(); } class Audi extends Car{ public static void
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Components Programming And Object Oriented Programming...
C++ programming language is one of the well designed and widely accepted object oriented
programming language. It was called that C++ programming language is an enhanced version of C
language with some extra keywords. It is improved and reliable form of C language.
C++ programming language has various properties due to which it becomes quite popular:–
⦁ It supports all features of both structure programming and object oriented programming language.
⦁ It provides the easiest way to handle the data hiding and encapsulation with the help of powerful
keywords such as class, private, public, and protected.
⦁ In this programming language we have to understand the meaning of various terms such as
objects, class, data abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance (one of the most powerful concept),
polymorphism, data binding, and message passing etc.
⦁ It also provides overloading of operators and functions.
⦁ C++ focuses on function and class templates for handling parameterized data types.
Advantagses of C++ :–
⦁ C++, the object oriented language provides a standard class library that can be extended by the
users, thus saving a lot of coding and debugging effort.
⦁ Object oriented language greatly enhance the possibility of reuse.
⦁ It also provides many other advantages in the production and maintenance of software such as
shorter development times, high degree of code sharing and malleability.
These advantages make OOPs an important technology for building
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Java Language : An Object Oriented Programming
Java language is simple. Java language syntax and the C language and C ++ language is very close,
so most programmers are easy to learn and use Java. On the other hand, Java discarded rarely used
in C ++, it is difficult to understand, confusing those features, such as operator overloading, multiple
inheritance, automatic casts. In particular, Java language does not use pointers, and provides
automatic garbage collection, so programmers do not have to worry about memory management.
Java is an object–oriented language. Java language provides classes, interfaces and inheritance
primitives, for simplicity, only supports single inheritance between classes, but between interfaces
support multiple inheritance, and to support the implementation mechanism between classes and
interfaces (keyword implements) . Full support for dynamic binding Java language, C ++ language
and only use dynamic binding of virtual functions. In short, Java language is a pure object–oriented
programming language. Java language is distributed. Java language support for Internet
development and application, there is a network application programming interfaces ( in
basic Java application programming interfaces, it provides a programming library for network
applications, including URL, URLConnection, Socket, ServerSocket like. Java 's RMI (remote
method activation) mechanism is an important means to develop distributed applications Java
language is robust. Java 's strong typing, exception
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Comparison Between R And Python
Chapter 3
Today, R and Python are the most popular open tools for Machine Learning. This Chapter presents a
general overview of R and Python, their characteristics and usage for machine learning. Lastly, a
comparison matrix of R and Python for ML is provided at the end of this chapter.
About R
R stands for both the statistical programming language and the software environment. It is one of
the most popular statistical environment for machine learning and general data analysis. R is
licensed under the GNU General Public License, with copyright held by The R Foundation for
Statistical Computing.
The source code of R is written in R, C and Fortran. R is free, open source and cross platform with a
large community of users. Even though R programming is challenging, the CRAN packages reduce
the number of lines coding, with a help command giving explanation and examples of use. R also
gained popularity for its fancy visualizations.
R is today one of the most –if not the most– powerful ... Show more content on ...
They are both open source, free and easy to install. The choice of a tool over the other is subjective
and depends on the user's preference and personal experience. Python is a great solution if the user
wants to learn a powerful programming language for not only machine learning and statistics.
Besides, if the user is already familiar with python or with a similar programming language, Python
seems a natural choice. Python is more flexible and gives the freedom of development. R on the
other hand, is more suitable if the user is specifically interested in statistical computations and
visualizations. For non–programmers, R can be very exciting; the user can easily do data
explorations and create some amazing plots with little effort. Many tutorials and books are available
for beginners, and the community is always welcoming new R users. Still, mastering R
programming language demands a lot of time, patience and
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A Study Of Computer Programming
Joshua Carver
Mrs. Galaviz
Senior Paper
A Study of Computer Programming Although everyone uses it not many people know how
computers and computer programming work. The people who first pioneered the technology are
largely left out of our textbooks although they have had such a large impact on how people now live
their lives, it is not just the recent advancements either, there have been many leaps forward in as
many years. In addition to not knowing who invented these concepts people generally do not know
how they work, it is more simple than many people tend to think. The future of computer
technology may be a deciding factor in how people live in the future, from quantum computing to
artificial intelligence. I believe people should know about computer programming because it has
become such a large part of all our lives. Everyone should know about how it came about, how it
works, and where it will go in the future. Getting information to the reader on computers and
computer programming is the purpose of this essay, so there is no need to cover what one would
need to know, as it will be explained. It is a crime that the people who have worked to create
computers, and programming today have little to no place in the current history books. Although
there has been the occasional movie such as The Imitation Game for the most part the history of
computer programming has been criminally under reported. For some people like Jim Daniels a
computer engineer and teacher at
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Microsoft Corporation : The First Computer Programming...
Microsoft Corporation got its start under Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975. Since that time, it has
grown exponentially and is a leader in the area of computer hardware, software and electronics.
Microsoft offers, among other things, personal computers, game consoles, electronics and software.
It is most well–known for its Microsoft Windows operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite,
Xbox, and the Internet Explorer web browser. Today, Microsoft is one of the largest companies
offering these particular types of services and is known all over the world. Microsoft Corporation's
mission is to "empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more"
(Microsoft Corporation, 2016). I think it is safe to say that they accomplish this mission on a daily
basis and that they will continue to do so for years to come. Microsoft Corporation began in 1975
when Bill Gates and Paul Allen developed the first computer programming language. Shortly
thereafter, they formed the Microsoft Corporation and, eventually, were contacted by IBM to
develop the operating system for their first personal computer which they named MS–DOS. Within
a few years of this accomplishment, Microsoft had developed the Windows operating system for
which they are well known and the suite of office products known as Microsoft Office. (Zachary).
Today, Microsoft is guided by its board of directors, on which Bill Gates serves as the Founder and
Technology Advisor, and its senior
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C Language
The C programming language (often, just "C") is a general–purpose, procedural, imperative
computer programming language developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie for use on the
Unix operating system. It has since spread to many other operating systems, and is now one of the
most widely used programming languages. C also has had a great influence on many other popular
languages,[1] especially [[C++]] which was originally designed as an enhancement to C. It is the
most commonly used programming language for writing system software,[2][3] though it is also
widely used for writing applications. Though not originally designed as a language for teaching, and
despite its somewhat unforgiving character, C is commonly used in computer science ... Show more
content on ...
The relatively low–level nature of the language affords the programmer close control over what the
program is doing, while allowing solutions that can be specially tailored and aggressively optimized
for a particular platform. This allows the code to run efficiently on very limited hardware, such as
mass–produced consumer embedded systems, which today are as capable as the general–purpose
machines originally used to implement C.
A number of the above missing features are available
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Computer Languages And Programming Frameworks
INRODUCTION Early accounting software was bespoke, painstakingly handcrafted literally byte
by byte over the course of months. While it represented an obvious step forward from employing
hordes of people chugging away on adding machines and carrying stacks of paper all over the place,
there was still a great deal of room for improvement. As time passed, computer capacity grew to
enable the use of higher–level development tools. These allowed people to define and encode
business rules without needing to understand everything down to the basic wiring of the machine.
True computer languages and programming frameworks followed. Probably the first report
generation "language" was developed in 1959 for the IBM 7090 and known as "9PAC". At the time,
storing and accessing structured data on computers was still in its infancy, and some concepts from
9PAC formed key parts of the development of early relational databases. Throughout the 1960s,
companies invested in producing proprietary accounting systems tailored to their particular
requirements. Jobs would be run in "batch" mode, often overnight, with only a select few permitted
to see or access the computer directly (frequently, this did not even include the programmers!)
However, computers continued to grow in capability, and the idea of building one generalized
application with flexible features which could be customized to each client's needs became reality in
1973 with the introduction of SAP RF. Over time SAP's product
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Programming Language
I . Abstract
Programming Languages are important part of some peoples' life, but not all of programming
languages are needed to learn. In these days, programming languages very popular in the world, but
still have their specializations, and each language has its own advantages and disadvantages. We can
discuss comparison of programming languages in this project.
II . Introduction
Language programming language evolved to communicate design diet tips machines, in particular
computer. Programming languages may be used to create programs for controlling the behavior of
the machine or to express algorithms. Over thousands of different programming languages in the
field of information and more are created every year has been established, in particular. Vocabulary
and grammar proposal to instruct the computer to perform certain tasks. Firstly, we have to know
what is programming language? The term usually refers to programming languages, such as high
BASIC, C, C ++, COBOL, FORTRAN, Ada and Pascal. Every language has a unique set of
keywords (words that are used) and a special syntax for organizing the program instructions. Some
languages are defined in the specification (e.g., the C programming language defined ISO), while
other languages (such as Perl) dominant application is considered as a reference. ... Show more
content on ...
Any other type of CPU has its own machine language.
Programming Language, to make the required calculations, to store the data obtained and input /
output devices to send data to / receive is the language used to make such transactions. A specific
syntax of the programming languages as in natural language (syntax) is. Programming languages not
only with applications that run on computers, electronic devices with applications running on other
processors and memory is
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Designing a New Programming Language
The objective of this project is to design a programing language by using basic common qualities
from two different programing languages. This presentation should illustrate the features of the
various programing languages currently used in the industry and this common capabilities. The
constant of this experiment is the comparison and use object oriented programing languages. After
analysis create a programing language with the same structures and variables. Further define the
classes of the language such as its attributes and characteristics. The language executed basic
algorithmic solutions. Therefore when I created controls and data structures also finding means to
express algorithms I was able to create a programing language. The variables in this projects were
the stored values such as strings and integers. If I was to do this experiment in the future or expand
on this experiment I would define and organize my experimental data structures differently.
A programming language is an artificial language which gives instruction that is carried out by a
computer. The researcher chose this project to understand and learn about Programming language
design, structure and computer software development. The researcher wanted to find out how object
oriented programing languages work, their processing, how they are designed to complete tasks and
how they affect the software development. In his investigation, he researched the basic common
qualities of an object oriented programs
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Advantages And Disadvantages For The Idea Of Single...
Q2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for the idea of single language for all programming
do– mains?
Developing a single programming language for all programming domains would be extremely
difficult and would require a method of logic unlike anything currently available because number of
domains have different requirements, different characteristics and criteria. It would also be quite a
feat to combine a functional language with an imperative language since by definition they are
nearly opposites. Scientific applications require features found in other languages, but FORTRAN is
suited to process the information more efficiently. Business applications have evolved from COBOL
to Visual Basic, but a language like FORTRAN does not allow for the GUI ... Show more content on ...
And C will write a value to a memory address. So it's not good . so C is fast but when you talk about
safety so it's not a good choice.
Q4. In your opinion, what major features would a perfect programming language include?
Programming language should have Syntax, documentation, and error message, and exception
handling are the most important features in a perfect programming language.
Syntax that is meaningful and easy to understand. Even a very large and complex programming has
a very simple syntax structure .
Documentation should be easy to read, well indexed so that it's easy to find the relevant commands
and should have examples of each variation, sub–command, etc.
Error messages should give enough information to actually due to this make debugging easy to do
rather than short cryptic messages that don't even give a proper information about the errors and clue
about what the problem was.
Q:5 What are the differences between compilation, pure interpretation, and hybrid implementation
sys– tem? Give example of programming language for each category?
Compilation, pure interpretation and hybrid implementation are major methods of implementing the
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Jav A Simple Object Oriented Computer Programming Language
ID NO: 3868705
Prof. Nicholas Rosasco
DATE: 09–11–2014
Java is a simple object oriented computer programming language. Java is developed by James
Gosling at sun Microsystems. At first java is called as "OAK" after it is named as "Green" later on it
is named as java. Java is similar to C/C++ style. It is popular for "Write once, Run Anywhere"
(WORA). It released in 1995 as "Java 1.0". Unlike C and C++, Java can run in any operating system
or in any computer. Java allowed accessibility to network also. We can use java applets for web
pages which increased the popularity of java. Java programs take more memory than C++ programs,
but java programs ... Show more content on ...
Java has garbage collection. It is nothing but it creates an automatic memory. When compare to
C++, java is easy to build and less complicated. Full build in C++ might take up to 20 hours, while
in java it takes seven minutes. C++ don't have binary standard, but java have binary standard. Java is
a general purpose programming language, but C++ is designed for systems and application
Object Oriented: Java is a pure object oriented programming language where C++ is semi oriented.
Basic concepts of object oriented program are object, class, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction
and encapsulation.
Data Types: We can use many data types like Boolean, char, byte, int, short, float, long, double.
Memory Management: We can allocate memory for new objects. Objects that are not are in use will
be removed from the garbage collection by the garbage collector.
Multithreading: Java allows multiple threads to run and execute at a time. By using "Thread" class
the method will start, run and stop.
Simple: The java is simple and easy to understand. It is similar to C and C++. It contains no "goto"
statement but we can use "break" and "continue". It don't have any header files. Java don't contain
any structures, unions, functions.
When java code is compiled, it is converted into java byte code which is executed by java virtual
machine. JVM is not physically existed but it is a hypothetical processor that can run java code.
Then it is send to
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Computer Programming : The First Computer Program
Computer Programming 01001101 11010010 11001011, Computer programming may sound
complicated, but once anyone gets used to it, it is easy to understand. People every day use an
electronic device to get tasks done. Those electronics are told what to do when they input a problem
or command. To receive a clarification of what Computer Programming is, it is necessary to
experience it. It is key to have programmers in this world; programmers have to deal with the
complicated parts of the computer. They should be credited for the work they promote on an
everyday level. People depend on technology to live because they have learned to adapt to that
which is illustrated in everyday lives, History, and soon to be the future. In 2500 B.C., The Abacus
was the only mechanical device that existed for numerical computation at the beginning of human
history; it was invented in Sumeria Circa around that time period (Wikipedia 1). It was designed to
find the answer to a math problem. The First computer program was written for the Analytical
Engine by Mathematician Ada Lovelace to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers (Wikipedia
3).Time passed, and devices were made so programming could start to evolve. Computer languages
were first composed of a series of steps to wire a particular program: these advanced into a series of
steps keyed into the computer then executed. (Ferguson 3) "At this point so far programming has not
reached to a computer just yet, but later will be unveiled as
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Programming Languages Research Paper
Programming languages are our way to speak to computers. From Lisp to Go to Java, programmers
have had more flexibility and productivity with high–level programming languages. Programming
languages have changed and evolved throughout the history of computer science. Programmers have
learned to adapt to programming languages, such as assembly language, however more
programming languages are being created that give users more control. The future of programming
languages will continue to contribute to the growth of computer science and understanding of
The history of programming languages includes several influential figures in computer science. The
first programming language goes back to the invention of the difference engine ... Show more
content on ...
Instead, there should be a set of instructions to control the simplified hardware that would improve
the speed of the system. The second concept is "conditional control transfer" which means that small
blocks of code can be reused and jumped to in different orders. It gave rise to the if/then statements
and for loops we use in everyday programming today. In addition, libraries were formed which are
blocks of code that can be reused over and over again. Both of these concepts gave rise to the
modern day Von Neumann programming languages, which include C, C++ and Java.
At this time, still in 1945, German engineer Konrad Zuse designed the first high–level non–Von
Neumann programming language Plankakul (Calculus of Programs). This was unique in history as it
was developed at the same time John Von Neumann came out with his two concepts, but it used his
own constructs and logic. The Plankakul language was not a huge success at the time, but it showed
us many of the same modern day features of a programming language. For example, the features of
the language was that it is a high level programming language, has reusable functions, uses no
recursion, is a typed language, and there is a WHILE construct for iteration. The language was
developed independently of Von Neumann's ideas, but it still came up with similar concepts and
influenced modern programming languages.
The breakthrough in designing a
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Openedge 's Fund Of Programming Language
OpenEdge ABL Programming Language
Research Paper
Kaitlyn M Marin
CSIT 313– Fund of Programming Language
Professor Stefan Robila
December 1,
OpenEdge ABL Programming Language
OpenEdge ABL, Advanced Business Language, is a high–level programming language. OpenEdge
ABL is developed and maintained by Progress Software Corporation. OpenEdge ABL previously
was known by other names, such as Progress or Progress 4GL. (History 1) This language was first
released in the 1980s. This first commercial release for UNIX and DOS was in 1984, since then
there has been several versions released. (History 1) In the 1990s Progress released their first
graphical interface, PROGRESS. (History 1) Throughout each era such as GUI, web and the cloud,
Progress has kept up to date with technology. In 2009 Progress released their first cloud application
that they called OpenEdge. (History 1)
OpenEdge provides a programming language for building business application. (Sadd
25). Progress provides much documentation that can easily be found on their site, It is suggested to use the documentation to refer to the information on the
language; such as keywords and statements. (Sadd 25) There are a lot of specifics about the
keywords and statements that users can look into by referring to the documentation. This language is
very powerful, and it is meant for serious developers that need to solve business problems. ( Sadd
25) In John Sadd's book, OpenEdge Development: ABL
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Differences Between An Imperative Programming Language And...
Describe the differences between an imperative programming language and a non–imperative
programming language. Imperative languages are based on the sequential execution of instructions
that direct the computer system what steps to take in order to come up with a solution to a problem.
This is achieved by the programmer setting states, such as assigning data to memory, altering states,
and controlling the sequence of instructions (University of the People, n.d.). In order to achieve this,
the programmer must have a complete plan of the process the computer will use achieve a solution.
Issues that can arise with imperative languages are side effects caused by the status of states being
altered in some unintentional fashion because the computer is executing the instructions, as outlined,
by the programmer. In non–imperative languages, the necessity of controlling the sequence of
execution is less important. Attention in the language is instead focused on what data is needed,
what the problem is, and what result output you are looking for. The programmer needs to be able to
define the problem and result for which they are seeking a solution, but the computer decides, based
on built–in functions of the language, how to return the solution to the problem. As no states are
altered as part of non–imperative languages programs, there are no issues with side effects
(University of the People, n.d.). Discuss an example of where you would use an imperative language
and a situation
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Writing Programs On A Block Programming Environment
I am writing to find out whether writing programs in a block programming environment is more
effective compared to a high level language. I will look at both block programming environments
and high level languages by researching and explaining what each of them are but also by giving
examples of programs made using them and by focusing on both the advantages and disadvantages
of writing programs in these ways. I will compare the two together and decide whether they are
suited to complex or simple situations and also as well as this will look at whether the programmer
needs knowledge on how to create a program using them. Computer languages are used to create
programs and are set of instructions which the computer uses to run a program. There are a lot of
computer languages however, they all have different features.One of them is high level language.
The advantage of using high level language is that it's person friendly, so humans can understand it
easily as it's written in text which means that it's also easier to write and maintain. High level
language is also portable and can work across different CPU families and as well as this it supports a
wide range of data types. An another advantage of using it is that it programs faster and takes less
time to code. A disadvantage of using high level language to program is that it needs to be translated
into machine code before it can be executed so that the CPU can run it as computers only use and
understand binary data. This can
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Inside The Computer : A Discourse Community
Inside the Computer The idea of groups has been going on for as long as there have been humans.
So it isn't beyond the imagination to find that there are specific terms for different groups. But today,
this essay will be focusing on a single term for a group. This term is called a discourse community.
What is a discourse community? A discourse community is a group of people involved in and
communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field (Instructure, 2013). And to go
into even more depth about what this essay is about, it has to do with a class that I am in. This class
is called comp 1900, and it is an introduction to computer science course. And the reason why I have
chosen to see this class as a discourse community is because I believe it fits into the six Swales rules
for deciding if a community is a discourse community. The rules go as follows from the "Writing
about Writing" book by Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs: "A discourse community has a broadly
agreed set of common public goals."(Wardle & Downs, 2014, p: 220) "A discourse community has
mechanisms of intercommunication among its members".(Wardle & Downs, 2014, p: 221) "A
discourse community uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and
feedback." (Wardle & Downs, 2014, p: 221) "A discourse community utilizes and hence possesses
one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims."(Wardle & Downs, 2014, p: 221)
"In addition to owning genres,
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The Programming Of Programming Language Generations
Question (P1.1)
1) What is a programming language generations?
The programming language generation is divided in 5 parts:
1 Generation programme language is Machine Language (or Binary)
According to (Net industry, 2015) "First Generation is the lowest level of a computer language."
Computers were programmed by scientists using front control panels equipped with toggle switches
in 1940s to 1950s.
In First–generation programming language computer (was and still) converting information given
by a programmer into a binary numbers which is a combinations of 0s and 1s as there was no
translator used to compile or assemble the information given. The advantage of programming is that,
the code could run very and efficiently precise as the information are executed directly by the CPU.
The disadvantages in low level languages is when an error occurs the code was not easy to fix. It
could take a week to change and run the program.
Everything a programmer type on the computer the CPU convert them to a machine language which
is a combination of 0s and 1s.
Understanding how computers process information given into a binary number in order to
understand is not easy. An example been given bellow.
2 Generation programme languages is Assembly Languages
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Nimrod: A new Programming Language
Numerous amounts of companies and individuals write code to make large and small projects more
efficient and easier to fathom. In 2014, Nimrod became a new systems programming language.
Nimrod, a new language with a high metaprogramming support, which is programming, but its
basically writing code that writes code. Also generics and exception tracking built in, with optional
garbage collection. Nimrod is compatible to compile with C, C++, Objective–C, or Java Script.
"Generic programming is a style of computer programming is which algorithms are written in terms
of to–be–specified–later that are the instantiated when needed for specific types provided as
parameters". In other words, it is occupying or reusing an algorithm and changing its
implementations. Garbage collection is an automatic memory management and heap allocation that
developments and distinguishes dormant memory block and reallocates storage for recycle. The
initial job of garbage collection is to reduce or eliminate memory lost. This will create more
memory; thus, running the program more efficient. Nimrod is competing with the top computer
language in the world, C programming being the main rival. Andreas Rumpf is the creator of
Nimrod programming language. He created this programming language during his leisure time.
Andreas Rumpf works for a top private company. During his career, Andreas persistently
endeavored to construct his own start–up, which would permit him to program in Nimrod full–time.
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Differences Between The COBOL Programming Language Vs. PHP...
There are many differences that we can find between the COBOL programming language and PHP
language. Both had different upbringing, different purpose to serve, different features, and different
strengths and weaknesses. Also, it is interesting to note that one is a legacy language while one is
much more modern, which we will explore these influences on how time and expectation of modern
society could have affected the latter language. In 1959, a programming language was developed by
CODASYL(Conference/Committee on Data Systems Languages), in an effort to create a standard
for data processing to use across all computers. It was heavily influenced by the work of Grace
Hopper, an advocate of machine–independent programming languages. Its name was COBOL and it
stood for Common Business–Oriented Language, the sole language for business applications.
Nowadays, some of the compilers available for COBOL are IBM COBOL, GnuCOBOL,
NetCOBOL, VisualCOBOL, and MCP. Also, some of the IDEs available for COBOL are Eclipse,
CANDE, OCIDE, and HackEdit. CODASYL was looking to create a common business language to
use across all industries, with support from the US Department of Defense, who was also interested
in obtaining such a language. The only mainstream language at the time of COBOL's conception
was FORTRAN, which ... Show more content on ...
The code format is separated into four divisions, each having their own function. The Identification
Division contains information such as program name, author, and location of installation. The
Environment Division is an optional section if the program is using files. However, files by COBOL
definition also include outputs such as databases and printers. The Data Division is used to define
variables for the functions to be used. It should be noted that COBOL does not have local
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Nt1310 Unit 5 Programming Language Analysis
When the sequential execution of the program flow breaks, the control jumps to another part of the
program such type of branching is known as conditional branching. On the other hand, if the
branching happens unconditionally, then it is known as unconditional branching. The decision
making statements supported by most of the programming languages include: 1. if statement 2.
switch statement if statement The if statement is one of the vital among decision making
statements and it is mainly used for controlling the execution flow of statements within a program. It
is a two–way decision making statement that is used in conjunction with test expression. The
general form is given as: if (test expression) then clause else clause Here the test expression is first
evaluated and then based on the result or value returned, (true or false), the program control is ...
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How "then" and "else" clauses stated? How should the importance of nested selectors be stated? In
most of the programming languages, then clause and else clause is a compound or a single
statement. However, in case of Perl, all of these clauses have to be compound statements though it
may have single statements. Braces are used in most of the programming languages that indicates
the body of then and else clauses. The compound statements are specified by the use of indentation
in case of Python, like: if x < y: x = y print "case n" Note that all the compound statements are given
equal indentation. Instead of writing the then clause, colon is made used especially in Python.
Simple if statement The syntax for simple "if" statement is given as: if
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Factors Affecting The Choice Of Programming Language Essay
The factors affecting the choice of programming language
Every programming language is used for difference purposes, and every language has his pros and
cons. There are also factors that affect the choice of which programming language to use. Which
Having a reliable prrogram is highly importan in programin. If an amployee gets handed a task with
a strict deadline. It it ismportant that the employee uses a reliable program so it doesnt crash. It is
important to use a reliable programming software. The program or software must be highly secure
and should be updated to the latestet version, if the sytem is old it has a higher chance of crashing
and may cause other problems to the computer sytem such as slowing the speed of the compter
down or not respoding on time of comand. I would recommend ADA only because it is the best and
has all the reliable features.
Expandibilaty is when you wish for more than one user to work on a solution at a time Some
programs have a high expandibialty which means they can easily be used with any type of sytem the
user has, through my research I realiesd PHP support computer clusters and also can work with a
huge number of files.
Organisational Policy
When choosing a programming language organizational policy. Programs such as Visual basic are
only affective on windows. Visual basic is a very popular object oriented programing language
which only runs smoothly one a windows device.
Maintaince and development costs
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Syntax And Syntax
The task of providing a simple description of a programming language is very difficult but it is
essential to the language's success.
ALGOL 60 and 68 was initially represented using compact formal descriptions; in both scenarios,
however, the description was not clear because they utilized a completely new notation. Hence, both
these languages were not accepted by the developer community. Similarly, few languages have
faced some issues due to different dialects, a result of simple but informal and imprecise description.
The study of programming languages is similar to natural languages. It can be classified into Syntax
refers to the spelling and grammar of a programming language. The syntax of a programming
language is the combination ... Show more content on ...
Syntax rules of a programming language defines the spelling and grammar. In syntax, each and
every language has its own rules.
Computers are very inflexible and understand what you write only if you state what you want in
exact syntax that the computer expects and understands.
Importance of semantics
Semantics is referred to the meaning of words and sentences.
Mostly semantics studies the understanding of each word and creates the sentences in the form of
text written.
Semantics offers a framework for easy understanding and analyses the fundamental requirement of
Syntax refers in different way of symbols that combined to create well–formed sentences in the
language. It defines the formal relations between the components of a programming language. So, it
provides a structural description of the various expressions which makes strings in the language.
Syntax Composition
Tokens: A token consists of a token name and an optional attribute value. Different types of Tokens
are namely, keywords, identifiers, constants, and operator symbols. The syntax of token is
token_name, value
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  • 3. Programming Language Essay Conduct an internet search on programming languages. Identify a language that is compiled and compare the features of this language with Python, which is an interpreted language. Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of each and provide one example each of where interpreted and compiled languages would be most appropriate A compiler is a program that translates a high–level language program into a separate machine language program. Compiled languages are always supposed to be fast because of their direct execution by the computer Large softwares and million dollar projects are often written in compiled languages because of the speed and performance they offer C++ is object oriented programming language and it is a very simple and easy ... Show more content on ... In C++ programming 'break and BREAK' both are different. If any language treats lower case latter separately and upper case latter separately than they can be called as case sensitive programming language [Example c, c++, java, .net are sensitive programming languages.] other wise it is called as case insensitive programming language [Example HTML, SQL is case insensitive programming languages]. Compiler based C++ is a compiler based programming language that means without compilation no C++ program can be executed. First we need compiler to compile our program and then execute. Syntax based language C++ is a strongly tight syntax based programming language. If any language follow rules and regulation very strictly known as strongly tight syntax based language. Example C, C++, Java, .net etc. If any language not follow rules and regulation very strictly known as loosely tight syntax based language. Example HTML. Efficient use of pointers Pointers is a variable which hold the address of another variable, pointer directly direct access to memory address of any variable due to this performance of application is improve. In C++ language also concept of pointer are available. ________________________________________ The Python language uses an interpreter, which is a program that both translates and xecutes the instructions in a high–level language program Python is a high–level, interpreted, interactive and object–oriented scripting language. Python is
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  • 6. A Comparison Between Computer Programming And Java A Comparison Between Computer Programming: Java and C++ in games industry 1.Introduction I chose this topic because these languages are a relationship between programmers and computer without those languages can 't use the computer. Moreover, considered one of the models that I will study in September at Swansea University. This is why I find this topic so interesting as it given a lot of detailed information about two programming c++ and java in uses and its founders to explain how they became so successful and why their programs are so brilliant. I admire the genius of these successful two programs. Also, as a Mathematics and Computing for Finance student I feel that I could learn so much from them. So, I shall keep a very close eye on their research and their result. The purpose of the programming languages as Coded language to write information by programmers that a computer could understand to do what the programmer wants. A computer language is used binary ( '1 ' and '0 ') code as call the machine language that a computer can execute instructions quickly without any translator or interpreter program, but is complicated. The high level languages such as C++ and java are very simpler for use, but it need to another program to transfer a high–level code into a computer language, for this are slower. There are many of programming languages are being always developed. The Advanced ... Get more on ...
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  • 8. Designing A Language For The Banking Problem This essay is written to design a language that is suitable for the banking problem. The banking sector is related to the business areas. Banking sector provide services to their customers and security of their customer's money to them. Banking is also evolved in the finance areas also. There are many programming languages that have been widely used for the business applications of computers. Some of these languages are java, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, Python, PHP, C/C++ etc. Each language has its own features and characteristics, syntax, compilation and interpreter methods and also has exception handling and maintenance also. So, here I am going to design a new language that is use for the banking problem domain. The language is IBPL (Internet Business Programming Language). This language has its own features, scope, characteristics, maintenance and its compilation and interpretation methods. This language is different from all the existing languages. In this essay I am going to describe about my language i.e. IBPL (Internet Business Programming Language), its purpose of designing, its features, its characteristics, its compilation and interpretation, its expressivity, type checking, Orthogonality, its simplicity, its data types and support for abstraction, its readability, writability and its reliability etc. So, in this I am going to write an essay to design a new language for the problem domain of banking. INTRODUCTION: This essay is written to design a language that is ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Programming Languages Over The Years Have Improved And Programming languages over the years have improved and even changed drastically in their design and capabilities. New languages are created to perform specific tasks that others cannot accomplish each year. By doing so, the creation of these new languages fill specific niches. However, the problem with computer languages is that if you want to construct an easier approach to a task or problem in another language, odds are you must give something else up to accomplish that goal. Which is why there is such a large amount of different and unique programming languages. Each of them has a specific purpose of implementation, COBOL, for example, is the primary language of business. FORTRAN is the primary language of science, PROLOG is the ... Show more content on ... Like many modern programming languages, Lua was inspired and influenced by other previous languages. Among such influences are Scheme and Python (101 Ireusalimschy). However, Lua was not simply created as one new language, but rather, as "as the fusion of two descriptive languages, designed for the configuration of two specific applications: one for scientific data entry, the other for visualizing lithology profiles obtained from geological probes" (SPE paper). SOL, a data description language, was the first half of this fusion. What Lua inherited from SOL was its data description support, but conversely integrated that support into procedural semantics (2 Ireusalimschy). Furthermore, SOL's ability to name and nest declarations was passed onto Lua. Syntax between SOL and Lua have minor differences but rather drastic differences in semantics (2 Ireusalimschy). And the other half of this fusion? None other than DEL, a simple language designed to describe and declare data entries in a simple way. To make the boring process of data entry easier, DEL turned each "entity" into a data structure or record that additionally included its name in a graphical metafile. DEL's original demand for an interactive data entry language was met, but quickly the team at TeCGraf was met with more demands. Items on the wish list for DEL included Boolean variables for active/inactive input, loops, and conditional controls. As DEL became heavier and heavier, the team decided they truly needed ... Get more on ...
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  • 12. Hack Programming Language Essay Hack programming language is used to for HipHop virtual machine (HHVM) which hack was created by Facebook in March 2014 as a dialect of PHP. The language implementation is open source. [1] [3] Before the introducing hack as a new programming language, it had already used by Facebook for implementation and actually Facebook applied it in some aspects of Facebook application. HHVM is considered as an open source virtual machine based on just–in–time (JIT) compilation which is applicable is PHP and Hack as an executable engine. Hence, HHVM into Hack is sort of JVM into JAVA. [1] What is Hack? Hack is a service side language in Facebook. In other words, when we hit or get a notification from Facebook shows that we have a direct ... Show more content on ... If it is possible for it to handle assignment then returns the value, otherwise it shows "unexpectedvalueexception". Shapes: Idex(): It can provide static representation of each method which shows the shape of any type. Basically this method search shape "shape" for the filed $index and check if the field exist then it returns the value otherwise it will return the default value. For example: [5] function run(): void { echo "== Shapes::idx ==n"; $s = shape('x' => 10, 'y' => 20); $v = Shapes::idx($s, 'x'); echo "$v = " . (($v == null)? "null" : $v) ."n"; $v = Shapes::idx($s, 'y'); echo "$v = " . (($v == null)? "null" : $v) ."n"; Async: used in HHVM which is included Async, Await,Available.[5] 2 Collections: There are seven collections in Hack which are as follow: [6] Vector, ImmVector, Map, ImmMap, Set, ImmSet and Pair. Vector: Is mutable , integer–indexed, ordered sequence of values and indices starts from 1 to n–1. ImmVector: Is an immutable version of Vector. Map: Mutable, string or integer–index, ordered sequence of values. Values can be any type. ImmMap: Is an immutable version of Map. Set: Mutable, ordered set of unique values. ImmSet: IS an immoutable version of Set. Pair: Is an immutable version of exactly two values. Reference Semantics: Generally, using the mathematic rules to understand the meaning ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Unit 4 Assignment 1 Comparative Study Of Programming... COMP 6411 Comparative Study of Programming Languages BFS & DFS with GUI Assignment # 2 Submitted To: Prof. Javad Sadri Submission Date: 2nd August, 2015 Submitted By: Khurram Shahzad Email: Concordia ID: 27186444 Abstract As the requirements and complexity of today's most modern world increasing; expectation from computer programming languages also increasing, new techniques must be developed to effectively design and create very large scale Integration solutions quickly. In order to do so choice of technology and programming languages has a vital role that can give us quick, efficient and cost effective solutions. For this assignment, our classical problem BFS and DFS are solved ... Show more content on ... PHP use gc_collect_cycles – Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles. Consistency PHP gives you more programming freedom and doesn't prompt naming convention as Java. Standardization Java platform standardization is driven by Oracle, PHP by PHP Group. Both are standardized and documented but PHP is not as documented as JLS. Web Applications & Web Services Development Both JSP and PHP are web based languages. Both have Mail Sending, File upload, form handling, sessions in built not paralyse like asp classic that used to perform every 2nd function with help of 3rd party. Compilation/Interpretation PHP is compiled and executed. JSP connect with Servlets and Java is compiled to bytecode, bytecode is then compiled just–in–time that return to servlets to client browser. Using in Start–ups and Prototyping Java is easier to prototype in and thus to write start–ups. Conclusion
  • 15. No matter which web programming language you use if we have to make our website efficient, attractive and more functional we have to use java in any form. It could in form of javascript, jquery, mootools, angularjs or node. Webstite can be made without using java as well but transition like gallery rotation, tabs, menus, ajax and other client side design changes at run time would not be ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Advantages Of Object Oriented Programming Language Table of Contents  Description and History 4  Concepts 5–6  Features and Advantages of OOP 7  Different between Interface & Abstract classes 8  Different between Overloading & overriding 9–10  Encapsulation 11–12  Association 13–14  Polymorphism 15  Harvard Referencing 16 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Object–oriented programming language is a high–level programming language based on the object. Data hiding, Inheritance, and polymorphism such basic features of this programming languages. this method is not used for computer programming Until the early 1990s. But, mostly use this language for modern computer programming. Very Successful object oriented languages are in present. object–oriented languages are include on Python, C++, Delphi, Java, PHP, Swift, Perl, Ruby and C# Those are can be used as object oriented languages. ... Show more content on ... However, the University of Oslo in 1967 was developed further by the name of OOP Simula. properties in simula, is equivalent to today object–oriented language. Thus OOP was around already a quarter of a century ago, which makes it even more surprising that the approach only recently began to gain widespread acceptance. This probably stems from the fact that Simula and Smalltalk were considered specialized languages. Smalltalk was viewed like a toy by many computer scientists. But, Simula was designed like a simulation language. Smalltalk became the prototype of object–oriented languages. It still is one of the most successful OOP languages. Smalltalk usually slow transformation. Although newer Smalltalk systems do generate machine code, message dispatching is still interpretative. Furthermore, Smalltalk does not allow static type checking. This limits its suitability for larger software ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Programming Language Essay Introduction To Programming Language WHAT IS PROGRAMMING? "COMPUTER PROGRAMMING IS THE ART OF MAKING A COMPUTER DO WHAT YOU WANT IT TO DO" A program is aaa collection of instructions written in any programming language. They tell a computer how to perform a some task. It is just like a recipe which tells us how to prepare a particular dish and also describes all its ingredients and the steps to follow. Programming is also very similar in concept. WHAT IS LANGUAGE? Language is the medium of communication and sending/receiving thoughts between two people. For communication, a medium is required which can be understand from both the sides and that medium is known as a language. Many different languages are used across ... Show more content on ... 3. High level language These languages are used in modern times. These are simple enough so that a common man can easily understand them and can create a program. All the codes are written in English language here and a compiler is used to convert the program into machine language. Translators They are the softwares which are used to convert the programs written in human readable form to machine readable form that is machine language. Basically there are three translator softwares used in computer programming: 1. Assembler Programs which are written in assembly language are converted into machine language with the help of assembler. It is a kind of software which convert the codes written in any text file into machine language and process them in CPU then CPU understand that code and return the desire result into human readable form i.e. English. 2. Compiler It is used to convert the high level program codes into machine language. It converts the full source code into machine code at a time and shows all the errors combined. 3. Interpreter It is also used to convert the high level program codes into machine language but it converts the code line by line and if it found error in any line then it stop further conversion and shows the error.
  • 20. C at a Glance C is a general–purpose computer ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Specification Of The Programming Language Of Java Programming Language 1. Linguistic composition of Java? 2. Specifications of the Java programming language? 3. The goals of Java? Programming Language is artificial language aims to conveys the instructions to the device and especially computer device. Also we can be used to setting up programs to control the behavior of the device or to express to algorithm. Programming Language divided to high–level language it means that it is close to the language that it understood by humans such as: C and Java. On other hand there is low–level language as Assembly language: is the second generation of programming languages programmer writes instructions using symbolic instruction codes and it is close to the machine language is the first generation ... Show more content on ... In 1998 Java has evolved dramatically and it became called Java 2. Also among the most important developments that have been developed in this version its Java capabilities in the graphical interface. As well there have been many developments in this language which still continuously developed. And the aims of Java are: Object–oriented, It provides possibility of running programs written by it as remote computers securely, Create programs with graphical user interface and Software design benefit from all the advantages of the Internet. Java has evolved through the years and it used to making library programs like: Internet Software, Internet pages, Mobile Applications and many ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Definition Of A Programming Language Author: Solomon Bitone Creating a programming language that can maintain a balance between power and compatibility is a great accomplishment. COBOL 60 was designed to be a standardized and widely used language across all businesses. However, as time passed, it became seen as a nuisance for its monolithic code structures and inefficient programming style (1). Despite its later shortcomings, COBOL managed to be the first language to implement recursion. This is significant, considering how time–restricted CODASYL was in making the language. COBOL was innovative for the 1960s because it was one of the first high–level programming languages and it was compatible across many computers. In 1959, the need for a standardized programming language for businesses was apparent, so Mary K. Hawes (ElectroData Division, Burroughs Corporation) requested a formal meeting with programmers and manufacturers to create such a language (2). The resulting language was COBOL (common business–oriented language), which changed the world of programming for everyone. CODASYL (Committee on Data Systems Languages) was formed in order to guide the development of COBOL, and their team was made of individuals with backgrounds that involved data processing activities (3). One noteworthy individual is Grace Hopper, who was one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer in 1944. She invented the first compiler for a computer programming language (5). Her goal with COBOL was to make it a highly ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Java As A Programming Language Java : Introduction Java as a programming language is one that was designed in a time when the distribution of information was rapidly increasing. Its original purpose was to be used in a home entertainment controller for the television, however it was much too advanced for the industry (The History of Java Technology), and so java moved on to a much more capable, and growing internet. Java's uses aren't just restricted to the internet though, Java is/was produced to be easily distributed and implemented among many platforms. Java was produced with a set of goals in mind. One of its most noteworthy and successful goals was to be portable/ cross platform. Java owes a good amount of its success to its object oriented core, as well as being built upon its familiarity with the c languages among other things. Java like all programming languages are judged based on their writability, readability, reliability and overall cost. Literature Review Java is an all–around language with it being one of the most used language of 2014 (TIOBE Software: The Coding Standards Company) it was even used in Google's android operating system (Rosenblatt, Seth) which is home to 84% of the mobile operating system market share (IDC: Smartphone OS Market Share). Java has the flexibility to be used in all fields; cross platform and able to be ported over to other systems. As I mentioned earlier Java was originally made for a television remote and evolved from that point, Java had evolved ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Definition Of A Programming Language THINK ABOUT A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE that you have a great familiarity with: C++, Java, Go, Scala, MYSQL, Ruby or even Python. Now reflect on this specific programming language and you will realize there are certain conventions that you follow that actually help define the language. The attributes that make up programming in a specific language are what programmers utilize in their daily working environment, and they also set a standard of expectations of coding style. Just like a programming language, there is still another significant type of writing that is used in the Computer Science discipline, research articles. Research articles are found in every field of study because they are used to reveal new breakthroughs within a specific ... Show more content on ... The templates are merely a starting point for how to write a research article, but there is a tight constraint as to the amount you can deviate away from the generic organizational structure of the article. Understanding these templates will help you examine these articles for desired information. The general structure of a research article would be as follows. The major text of the article begins with an abstract section where the goals of the experiment are explained briefly. Rather than asking a research question like other fields, computer science articles will present a statement about what the objective is behind their research experiment in this section. The abstract is followed by an introductory section that will state what the general community thinks about the topic as well as provide a brief breakdown on what the articles sections are and what is in each section. The next topic(s) in the article are there to describe the experiment. Within this section subtitles are frequently used in order to organize the information presented and help the reader focus on a particular aspect of the experiment. This is also the section where images, diagrams, and code snippets are used to provide visual context to see what is happening. This is another aspect specific to the computer science field. Unlike any other discipline, a writing convention within computer ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Computer Science Is The Study Of Principals And How The... Computer Science is the study of principals and how the computers works. Which leads to computer programming. What is computer programming? Well computer programing is a process that leads from an original formulation of computing problem to executable computer programs. You wonder why this is so important to everybody, but it is very important since things you will use in your daily life had to be programmed to be able to work. For example writing this paper I am using Microsoft Word which had to be programed so I can use it to write my papers. How many people knew that everything had to be coded for it to work? What types of degrees can you get for computer programming? It's a good idea to get an IT degree (How to Become par. 3). You ... Show more content on ... While you are in the programming portion of getting your degree there are a ton of different languages that you can take and learn. As a computer programmer there is always new languages to learn and even to refresh yourself on. Computer scientist seem like they are always going to school since they are always trying to keep up to date with the newest languages or even just keeping up with all of the new technology. There are hundreds of different languages out there that anyone could learn if they had the time and patience to learn it all. COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) is one of the oldest languages that there is out there (COBOL par. 1). Out of those there are Java, Python, C, C++, Ruby and JavaScript (Kim). Do you know what the most common programming languages were in 2010? Well if you don't know they are C++, Java, JavaScript C# and finally Visual Basic (Programming Languages par.3) For example you will see java everywhere, it is one of the most commonly taught languages that is good to learn if you want to become a programmer. As you start your classes, you will start with the fairly easy programs during school and then get into the harder programs. Also according to COBOL this is the first high level language that makes it almost seem like being a human (par. 1). "COBOL was first created in 1959 by Conference on Data Systems Languages" (Li, Abraham par. 2). COBOL presents itself some advantages ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Key Features Of The Pseudo Code Pseudo Code is a concept that allows programmer to define certain logic in terms of plain simple steps, which can act as a solution to the problem. Pseudo Code is important because it helps the programmer to define the logic before implementing the actual program. This can be extremely important when a programmer is trying to solve a very complex program. In such cases, the programmer can understand the problem and define all the possible solutions steps in completeness and also get it verified without the corresponding output defined. It helps programmer to save significant time and cost while implementing the actual program. Since, the Pseudo Code is defined in a natural language it can easily be understood by other programmers as well. ... Show more content on ... This is different from Object–Oriented Languages, which operates on both Data and Code. Procedural language executes instructions in a sequential manner. The above figure 1.2.1 shows the high level view of a procedural language Key features of Procedural Programming Procedural Programming is made of a few key features, which are given below: Pre–defined functions: Functions that are frequently needed are defined as a part of the programming language itself so that the programmer can easily use these functions for most common functionality, which is also very repetitive. For Example: A function like "System.out.println" can be used to output the content on the command prompt or as an output of the function. Global variables: Global variables are variables that are defined at the beginning of the program and can be accessed through the execution of the entire program. The Global variable is usually defined as a static variable. Local variables: Local variables are variables that can only be accessed within the certain section of the code like a function or method and not available during the complete execution of the program. In certain cases if the local variable is redeemed with the same name as a global variable then the local variable will take precedence in the corresponding ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Object-Oriented... Object–oriented Programming languages Overview In earlier times, before object oriented was introduced, the languages that used is so uncomfortable and not familiar to developers. A normal person cannot understand what that was coded. The language that time used makes lots of errors, bugs, misunderstands... between developing programs. Disadvantage structured language: for avoiding from these kind of problems, at that time Object oriented language were introduced to avoid these. It's more familiar than structured language. History SIMULA was the 1st object was used to create simulations. Alan Kay headed a group of Xerox Parc created the first personal computer, its name was DYNABOOK To create DYNABOOK, they develop Smalltalk ... Show more content on ... Cant override marked final or static methods, must be same or wider access levels, same or narrow checked exception, Instance methods can be overridden only if they are inherited by the subclass Difference between interface and abstract classes Abstract An abstract class is a class. that is declared abstract it may or may not include abstract methods. abstract class can have both abstract & non abstract methods. Abstract method should be abstract void m(); abstract method should be only inside a abstract class, not inside a normal class. And concrete methods shouldn't be inside a abstract class. An abstract method doesn't have a method body. Can have one or more abstract method inside a abstract class. We can't create abstract class object, but we can create its sub class object. but we have to override abstract methods in sub class. Ex: abstract class Car{ void Color(){ System.out.println("red"); } abstract void engine(); } class Audi extends Car{ public static void main(String ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Components Programming And Object Oriented Programming... 1. INTRODUCTION: C++ programming language is one of the well designed and widely accepted object oriented programming language. It was called that C++ programming language is an enhanced version of C language with some extra keywords. It is improved and reliable form of C language. C++ programming language has various properties due to which it becomes quite popular:– ⦁ It supports all features of both structure programming and object oriented programming language. ⦁ It provides the easiest way to handle the data hiding and encapsulation with the help of powerful keywords such as class, private, public, and protected. ⦁ In this programming language we have to understand the meaning of various terms such as objects, class, data abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance (one of the most powerful concept), polymorphism, data binding, and message passing etc. ⦁ It also provides overloading of operators and functions. ⦁ C++ focuses on function and class templates for handling parameterized data types. Advantagses of C++ :– ⦁ C++, the object oriented language provides a standard class library that can be extended by the users, thus saving a lot of coding and debugging effort. ⦁ Object oriented language greatly enhance the possibility of reuse. ⦁ It also provides many other advantages in the production and maintenance of software such as shorter development times, high degree of code sharing and malleability. These advantages make OOPs an important technology for building ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Java Language : An Object Oriented Programming Java language is simple. Java language syntax and the C language and C ++ language is very close, so most programmers are easy to learn and use Java. On the other hand, Java discarded rarely used in C ++, it is difficult to understand, confusing those features, such as operator overloading, multiple inheritance, automatic casts. In particular, Java language does not use pointers, and provides automatic garbage collection, so programmers do not have to worry about memory management. Java is an object–oriented language. Java language provides classes, interfaces and inheritance primitives, for simplicity, only supports single inheritance between classes, but between interfaces support multiple inheritance, and to support the implementation mechanism between classes and interfaces (keyword implements) . Full support for dynamic binding Java language, C ++ language and only use dynamic binding of virtual functions. In short, Java language is a pure object–oriented programming language. Java language is distributed. Java language support for Internet development and application, there is a network application programming interfaces ( in basic Java application programming interfaces, it provides a programming library for network applications, including URL, URLConnection, Socket, ServerSocket like. Java 's RMI (remote method activation) mechanism is an important means to develop distributed applications Java language is robust. Java 's strong typing, exception ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Comparison Between R And Python Chapter 3 Today, R and Python are the most popular open tools for Machine Learning. This Chapter presents a general overview of R and Python, their characteristics and usage for machine learning. Lastly, a comparison matrix of R and Python for ML is provided at the end of this chapter. About R R stands for both the statistical programming language and the software environment. It is one of the most popular statistical environment for machine learning and general data analysis. R is licensed under the GNU General Public License, with copyright held by The R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The source code of R is written in R, C and Fortran. R is free, open source and cross platform with a large community of users. Even though R programming is challenging, the CRAN packages reduce the number of lines coding, with a help command giving explanation and examples of use. R also gained popularity for its fancy visualizations. R is today one of the most –if not the most– powerful ... Show more content on ... They are both open source, free and easy to install. The choice of a tool over the other is subjective and depends on the user's preference and personal experience. Python is a great solution if the user wants to learn a powerful programming language for not only machine learning and statistics. Besides, if the user is already familiar with python or with a similar programming language, Python seems a natural choice. Python is more flexible and gives the freedom of development. R on the other hand, is more suitable if the user is specifically interested in statistical computations and visualizations. For non–programmers, R can be very exciting; the user can easily do data explorations and create some amazing plots with little effort. Many tutorials and books are available for beginners, and the community is always welcoming new R users. Still, mastering R programming language demands a lot of time, patience and ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. A Study Of Computer Programming Joshua Carver Mrs. Galaviz 2/18/15 Senior Paper A Study of Computer Programming Although everyone uses it not many people know how computers and computer programming work. The people who first pioneered the technology are largely left out of our textbooks although they have had such a large impact on how people now live their lives, it is not just the recent advancements either, there have been many leaps forward in as many years. In addition to not knowing who invented these concepts people generally do not know how they work, it is more simple than many people tend to think. The future of computer technology may be a deciding factor in how people live in the future, from quantum computing to artificial intelligence. I believe people should know about computer programming because it has become such a large part of all our lives. Everyone should know about how it came about, how it works, and where it will go in the future. Getting information to the reader on computers and computer programming is the purpose of this essay, so there is no need to cover what one would need to know, as it will be explained. It is a crime that the people who have worked to create computers, and programming today have little to no place in the current history books. Although there has been the occasional movie such as The Imitation Game for the most part the history of computer programming has been criminally under reported. For some people like Jim Daniels a computer engineer and teacher at ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Microsoft Corporation : The First Computer Programming... Microsoft Corporation got its start under Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975. Since that time, it has grown exponentially and is a leader in the area of computer hardware, software and electronics. Microsoft offers, among other things, personal computers, game consoles, electronics and software. It is most well–known for its Microsoft Windows operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, Xbox, and the Internet Explorer web browser. Today, Microsoft is one of the largest companies offering these particular types of services and is known all over the world. Microsoft Corporation's mission is to "empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more" (Microsoft Corporation, 2016). I think it is safe to say that they accomplish this mission on a daily basis and that they will continue to do so for years to come. Microsoft Corporation began in 1975 when Bill Gates and Paul Allen developed the first computer programming language. Shortly thereafter, they formed the Microsoft Corporation and, eventually, were contacted by IBM to develop the operating system for their first personal computer which they named MS–DOS. Within a few years of this accomplishment, Microsoft had developed the Windows operating system for which they are well known and the suite of office products known as Microsoft Office. (Zachary). Today, Microsoft is guided by its board of directors, on which Bill Gates serves as the Founder and Technology Advisor, and its senior ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. C Language The C programming language (often, just "C") is a general–purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie for use on the Unix operating system. It has since spread to many other operating systems, and is now one of the most widely used programming languages. C also has had a great influence on many other popular languages,[1] especially [[C++]] which was originally designed as an enhancement to C. It is the most commonly used programming language for writing system software,[2][3] though it is also widely used for writing applications. Though not originally designed as a language for teaching, and despite its somewhat unforgiving character, C is commonly used in computer science ... Show more content on ... The relatively low–level nature of the language affords the programmer close control over what the program is doing, while allowing solutions that can be specially tailored and aggressively optimized for a particular platform. This allows the code to run efficiently on very limited hardware, such as mass–produced consumer embedded systems, which today are as capable as the general–purpose machines originally used to implement C. A number of the above missing features are available ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Computer Languages And Programming Frameworks INRODUCTION Early accounting software was bespoke, painstakingly handcrafted literally byte by byte over the course of months. While it represented an obvious step forward from employing hordes of people chugging away on adding machines and carrying stacks of paper all over the place, there was still a great deal of room for improvement. As time passed, computer capacity grew to enable the use of higher–level development tools. These allowed people to define and encode business rules without needing to understand everything down to the basic wiring of the machine. True computer languages and programming frameworks followed. Probably the first report generation "language" was developed in 1959 for the IBM 7090 and known as "9PAC". At the time, storing and accessing structured data on computers was still in its infancy, and some concepts from 9PAC formed key parts of the development of early relational databases. Throughout the 1960s, companies invested in producing proprietary accounting systems tailored to their particular requirements. Jobs would be run in "batch" mode, often overnight, with only a select few permitted to see or access the computer directly (frequently, this did not even include the programmers!) However, computers continued to grow in capability, and the idea of building one generalized application with flexible features which could be customized to each client's needs became reality in 1973 with the introduction of SAP RF. Over time SAP's product ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Programming Language I . Abstract Programming Languages are important part of some peoples' life, but not all of programming languages are needed to learn. In these days, programming languages very popular in the world, but still have their specializations, and each language has its own advantages and disadvantages. We can discuss comparison of programming languages in this project. II . Introduction Language programming language evolved to communicate design diet tips machines, in particular computer. Programming languages may be used to create programs for controlling the behavior of the machine or to express algorithms. Over thousands of different programming languages in the field of information and more are created every year has been established, in particular. Vocabulary and grammar proposal to instruct the computer to perform certain tasks. Firstly, we have to know what is programming language? The term usually refers to programming languages, such as high BASIC, C, C ++, COBOL, FORTRAN, Ada and Pascal. Every language has a unique set of keywords (words that are used) and a special syntax for organizing the program instructions. Some languages are defined in the specification (e.g., the C programming language defined ISO), while other languages (such as Perl) dominant application is considered as a reference. ... Show more content on ... Any other type of CPU has its own machine language. Programming Language, to make the required calculations, to store the data obtained and input / output devices to send data to / receive is the language used to make such transactions. A specific syntax of the programming languages as in natural language (syntax) is. Programming languages not only with applications that run on computers, electronic devices with applications running on other processors and memory is ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Designing a New Programming Language The objective of this project is to design a programing language by using basic common qualities from two different programing languages. This presentation should illustrate the features of the various programing languages currently used in the industry and this common capabilities. The constant of this experiment is the comparison and use object oriented programing languages. After analysis create a programing language with the same structures and variables. Further define the classes of the language such as its attributes and characteristics. The language executed basic algorithmic solutions. Therefore when I created controls and data structures also finding means to express algorithms I was able to create a programing language. The variables in this projects were the stored values such as strings and integers. If I was to do this experiment in the future or expand on this experiment I would define and organize my experimental data structures differently. A programming language is an artificial language which gives instruction that is carried out by a computer. The researcher chose this project to understand and learn about Programming language design, structure and computer software development. The researcher wanted to find out how object oriented programing languages work, their processing, how they are designed to complete tasks and how they affect the software development. In his investigation, he researched the basic common qualities of an object oriented programs ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Advantages And Disadvantages For The Idea Of Single... Q2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for the idea of single language for all programming do– mains? Developing a single programming language for all programming domains would be extremely difficult and would require a method of logic unlike anything currently available because number of domains have different requirements, different characteristics and criteria. It would also be quite a feat to combine a functional language with an imperative language since by definition they are nearly opposites. Scientific applications require features found in other languages, but FORTRAN is suited to process the information more efficiently. Business applications have evolved from COBOL to Visual Basic, but a language like FORTRAN does not allow for the GUI ... Show more content on ... And C will write a value to a memory address. So it's not good . so C is fast but when you talk about safety so it's not a good choice. Q4. In your opinion, what major features would a perfect programming language include? Programming language should have Syntax, documentation, and error message, and exception handling are the most important features in a perfect programming language. Syntax that is meaningful and easy to understand. Even a very large and complex programming has a very simple syntax structure . Documentation should be easy to read, well indexed so that it's easy to find the relevant commands and should have examples of each variation, sub–command, etc. Error messages should give enough information to actually due to this make debugging easy to do rather than short cryptic messages that don't even give a proper information about the errors and clue about what the problem was. Q:5 What are the differences between compilation, pure interpretation, and hybrid implementation sys– tem? Give example of programming language for each category? Compilation, pure interpretation and hybrid implementation are major methods of implementing the programming ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Jav A Simple Object Oriented Computer Programming Language JAVAAND FETURES NAME: HIMAJA RAVI ID NO: 3868705 Prof. Nicholas Rosasco COURSE: IT–500 DATE: 09–11–2014 HISTORY OF JAVA: Java is a simple object oriented computer programming language. Java is developed by James Gosling at sun Microsystems. At first java is called as "OAK" after it is named as "Green" later on it is named as java. Java is similar to C/C++ style. It is popular for "Write once, Run Anywhere" (WORA). It released in 1995 as "Java 1.0". Unlike C and C++, Java can run in any operating system or in any computer. Java allowed accessibility to network also. We can use java applets for web pages which increased the popularity of java. Java programs take more memory than C++ programs, but java programs ... Show more content on ... Java has garbage collection. It is nothing but it creates an automatic memory. When compare to C++, java is easy to build and less complicated. Full build in C++ might take up to 20 hours, while in java it takes seven minutes. C++ don't have binary standard, but java have binary standard. Java is a general purpose programming language, but C++ is designed for systems and application programs. Features: Object Oriented: Java is a pure object oriented programming language where C++ is semi oriented. Basic concepts of object oriented program are object, class, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation. Data Types: We can use many data types like Boolean, char, byte, int, short, float, long, double. Memory Management: We can allocate memory for new objects. Objects that are not are in use will be removed from the garbage collection by the garbage collector. Multithreading: Java allows multiple threads to run and execute at a time. By using "Thread" class the method will start, run and stop. Simple: The java is simple and easy to understand. It is similar to C and C++. It contains no "goto" statement but we can use "break" and "continue". It don't have any header files. Java don't contain any structures, unions, functions. Interpreted: When java code is compiled, it is converted into java byte code which is executed by java virtual
  • 57. machine. JVM is not physically existed but it is a hypothetical processor that can run java code. Then it is send to ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Computer Programming : The First Computer Program Computer Programming 01001101 11010010 11001011, Computer programming may sound complicated, but once anyone gets used to it, it is easy to understand. People every day use an electronic device to get tasks done. Those electronics are told what to do when they input a problem or command. To receive a clarification of what Computer Programming is, it is necessary to experience it. It is key to have programmers in this world; programmers have to deal with the complicated parts of the computer. They should be credited for the work they promote on an everyday level. People depend on technology to live because they have learned to adapt to that which is illustrated in everyday lives, History, and soon to be the future. In 2500 B.C., The Abacus was the only mechanical device that existed for numerical computation at the beginning of human history; it was invented in Sumeria Circa around that time period (Wikipedia 1). It was designed to find the answer to a math problem. The First computer program was written for the Analytical Engine by Mathematician Ada Lovelace to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers (Wikipedia 3).Time passed, and devices were made so programming could start to evolve. Computer languages were first composed of a series of steps to wire a particular program: these advanced into a series of steps keyed into the computer then executed. (Ferguson 3) "At this point so far programming has not reached to a computer just yet, but later will be unveiled as ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Programming Languages Research Paper Programming languages are our way to speak to computers. From Lisp to Go to Java, programmers have had more flexibility and productivity with high–level programming languages. Programming languages have changed and evolved throughout the history of computer science. Programmers have learned to adapt to programming languages, such as assembly language, however more programming languages are being created that give users more control. The future of programming languages will continue to contribute to the growth of computer science and understanding of computation. The history of programming languages includes several influential figures in computer science. The first programming language goes back to the invention of the difference engine ... Show more content on ... Instead, there should be a set of instructions to control the simplified hardware that would improve the speed of the system. The second concept is "conditional control transfer" which means that small blocks of code can be reused and jumped to in different orders. It gave rise to the if/then statements and for loops we use in everyday programming today. In addition, libraries were formed which are blocks of code that can be reused over and over again. Both of these concepts gave rise to the modern day Von Neumann programming languages, which include C, C++ and Java. At this time, still in 1945, German engineer Konrad Zuse designed the first high–level non–Von Neumann programming language Plankakul (Calculus of Programs). This was unique in history as it was developed at the same time John Von Neumann came out with his two concepts, but it used his own constructs and logic. The Plankakul language was not a huge success at the time, but it showed us many of the same modern day features of a programming language. For example, the features of the language was that it is a high level programming language, has reusable functions, uses no recursion, is a typed language, and there is a WHILE construct for iteration. The language was developed independently of Von Neumann's ideas, but it still came up with similar concepts and influenced modern programming languages. The breakthrough in designing a ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Openedge 's Fund Of Programming Language OpenEdge ABL Programming Language Research Paper Kaitlyn M Marin CSIT 313– Fund of Programming Language Professor Stefan Robila December 1, OpenEdge ABL Programming Language OpenEdge ABL, Advanced Business Language, is a high–level programming language. OpenEdge ABL is developed and maintained by Progress Software Corporation. OpenEdge ABL previously was known by other names, such as Progress or Progress 4GL. (History 1) This language was first released in the 1980s. This first commercial release for UNIX and DOS was in 1984, since then there has been several versions released. (History 1) In the 1990s Progress released their first graphical interface, PROGRESS. (History 1) Throughout each era such as GUI, web and the cloud, Progress has kept up to date with technology. In 2009 Progress released their first cloud application that they called OpenEdge. (History 1) OpenEdge provides a programming language for building business application. (Sadd 25). Progress provides much documentation that can easily be found on their site, It is suggested to use the documentation to refer to the information on the language; such as keywords and statements. (Sadd 25) There are a lot of specifics about the keywords and statements that users can look into by referring to the documentation. This language is very powerful, and it is meant for serious developers that need to solve business problems. ( Sadd 25) In John Sadd's book, OpenEdge Development: ABL ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Differences Between An Imperative Programming Language And... Describe the differences between an imperative programming language and a non–imperative programming language. Imperative languages are based on the sequential execution of instructions that direct the computer system what steps to take in order to come up with a solution to a problem. This is achieved by the programmer setting states, such as assigning data to memory, altering states, and controlling the sequence of instructions (University of the People, n.d.). In order to achieve this, the programmer must have a complete plan of the process the computer will use achieve a solution. Issues that can arise with imperative languages are side effects caused by the status of states being altered in some unintentional fashion because the computer is executing the instructions, as outlined, by the programmer. In non–imperative languages, the necessity of controlling the sequence of execution is less important. Attention in the language is instead focused on what data is needed, what the problem is, and what result output you are looking for. The programmer needs to be able to define the problem and result for which they are seeking a solution, but the computer decides, based on built–in functions of the language, how to return the solution to the problem. As no states are altered as part of non–imperative languages programs, there are no issues with side effects (University of the People, n.d.). Discuss an example of where you would use an imperative language and a situation ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Writing Programs On A Block Programming Environment I am writing to find out whether writing programs in a block programming environment is more effective compared to a high level language. I will look at both block programming environments and high level languages by researching and explaining what each of them are but also by giving examples of programs made using them and by focusing on both the advantages and disadvantages of writing programs in these ways. I will compare the two together and decide whether they are suited to complex or simple situations and also as well as this will look at whether the programmer needs knowledge on how to create a program using them. Computer languages are used to create programs and are set of instructions which the computer uses to run a program. There are a lot of computer languages however, they all have different features.One of them is high level language. The advantage of using high level language is that it's person friendly, so humans can understand it easily as it's written in text which means that it's also easier to write and maintain. High level language is also portable and can work across different CPU families and as well as this it supports a wide range of data types. An another advantage of using it is that it programs faster and takes less time to code. A disadvantage of using high level language to program is that it needs to be translated into machine code before it can be executed so that the CPU can run it as computers only use and understand binary data. This can ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Inside The Computer : A Discourse Community Inside the Computer The idea of groups has been going on for as long as there have been humans. So it isn't beyond the imagination to find that there are specific terms for different groups. But today, this essay will be focusing on a single term for a group. This term is called a discourse community. What is a discourse community? A discourse community is a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field (Instructure, 2013). And to go into even more depth about what this essay is about, it has to do with a class that I am in. This class is called comp 1900, and it is an introduction to computer science course. And the reason why I have chosen to see this class as a discourse community is because I believe it fits into the six Swales rules for deciding if a community is a discourse community. The rules go as follows from the "Writing about Writing" book by Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs: "A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals."(Wardle & Downs, 2014, p: 220) "A discourse community has mechanisms of intercommunication among its members".(Wardle & Downs, 2014, p: 221) "A discourse community uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback." (Wardle & Downs, 2014, p: 221) "A discourse community utilizes and hence possesses one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims."(Wardle & Downs, 2014, p: 221) "In addition to owning genres, ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Programming Of Programming Language Generations Question (P1.1) 1) What is a programming language generations? The programming language generation is divided in 5 parts: 1 Generation programme language is Machine Language (or Binary) According to (Net industry, 2015) "First Generation is the lowest level of a computer language." Computers were programmed by scientists using front control panels equipped with toggle switches in 1940s to 1950s. In First–generation programming language computer (was and still) converting information given by a programmer into a binary numbers which is a combinations of 0s and 1s as there was no translator used to compile or assemble the information given. The advantage of programming is that, the code could run very and efficiently precise as the information are executed directly by the CPU. The disadvantages in low level languages is when an error occurs the code was not easy to fix. It could take a week to change and run the program. Everything a programmer type on the computer the CPU convert them to a machine language which is a combination of 0s and 1s. Understanding how computers process information given into a binary number in order to understand is not easy. An example been given bellow. + 2 Generation programme languages is Assembly Languages ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Nimrod: A new Programming Language Numerous amounts of companies and individuals write code to make large and small projects more efficient and easier to fathom. In 2014, Nimrod became a new systems programming language. Nimrod, a new language with a high metaprogramming support, which is programming, but its basically writing code that writes code. Also generics and exception tracking built in, with optional garbage collection. Nimrod is compatible to compile with C, C++, Objective–C, or Java Script. "Generic programming is a style of computer programming is which algorithms are written in terms of to–be–specified–later that are the instantiated when needed for specific types provided as parameters". In other words, it is occupying or reusing an algorithm and changing its implementations. Garbage collection is an automatic memory management and heap allocation that developments and distinguishes dormant memory block and reallocates storage for recycle. The initial job of garbage collection is to reduce or eliminate memory lost. This will create more memory; thus, running the program more efficient. Nimrod is competing with the top computer language in the world, C programming being the main rival. Andreas Rumpf is the creator of Nimrod programming language. He created this programming language during his leisure time. Andreas Rumpf works for a top private company. During his career, Andreas persistently endeavored to construct his own start–up, which would permit him to program in Nimrod full–time. Over ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Differences Between The COBOL Programming Language Vs. PHP... There are many differences that we can find between the COBOL programming language and PHP language. Both had different upbringing, different purpose to serve, different features, and different strengths and weaknesses. Also, it is interesting to note that one is a legacy language while one is much more modern, which we will explore these influences on how time and expectation of modern society could have affected the latter language. In 1959, a programming language was developed by CODASYL(Conference/Committee on Data Systems Languages), in an effort to create a standard for data processing to use across all computers. It was heavily influenced by the work of Grace Hopper, an advocate of machine–independent programming languages. Its name was COBOL and it stood for Common Business–Oriented Language, the sole language for business applications. Nowadays, some of the compilers available for COBOL are IBM COBOL, GnuCOBOL, NetCOBOL, VisualCOBOL, and MCP. Also, some of the IDEs available for COBOL are Eclipse, CANDE, OCIDE, and HackEdit. CODASYL was looking to create a common business language to use across all industries, with support from the US Department of Defense, who was also interested in obtaining such a language. The only mainstream language at the time of COBOL's conception was FORTRAN, which ... Show more content on ... The code format is separated into four divisions, each having their own function. The Identification Division contains information such as program name, author, and location of installation. The Environment Division is an optional section if the program is using files. However, files by COBOL definition also include outputs such as databases and printers. The Data Division is used to define variables for the functions to be used. It should be noted that COBOL does not have local ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Nt1310 Unit 5 Programming Language Analysis When the sequential execution of the program flow breaks, the control jumps to another part of the program such type of branching is known as conditional branching. On the other hand, if the branching happens unconditionally, then it is known as unconditional branching. The decision making statements supported by most of the programming languages include: 1. if statement 2. switch statement if statement The if statement is one of the vital among decision making statements and it is mainly used for controlling the execution flow of statements within a program. It is a two–way decision making statement that is used in conjunction with test expression. The general form is given as: if (test expression) then clause else clause Here the test expression is first evaluated and then based on the result or value returned, (true or false), the program control is ... Show more content on ... How "then" and "else" clauses stated? How should the importance of nested selectors be stated? In most of the programming languages, then clause and else clause is a compound or a single statement. However, in case of Perl, all of these clauses have to be compound statements though it may have single statements. Braces are used in most of the programming languages that indicates the body of then and else clauses. The compound statements are specified by the use of indentation in case of Python, like: if x < y: x = y print "case n" Note that all the compound statements are given equal indentation. Instead of writing the then clause, colon is made used especially in Python. Simple if statement The syntax for simple "if" statement is given as: if ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. Factors Affecting The Choice Of Programming Language Essay The factors affecting the choice of programming language Every programming language is used for difference purposes, and every language has his pros and cons. There are also factors that affect the choice of which programming language to use. Which are: Reliability Having a reliable prrogram is highly importan in programin. If an amployee gets handed a task with a strict deadline. It it ismportant that the employee uses a reliable program so it doesnt crash. It is important to use a reliable programming software. The program or software must be highly secure and should be updated to the latestet version, if the sytem is old it has a higher chance of crashing and may cause other problems to the computer sytem such as slowing the speed of the compter down or not respoding on time of comand. I would recommend ADA only because it is the best and has all the reliable features. Expandability Expandibilaty is when you wish for more than one user to work on a solution at a time Some programs have a high expandibialty which means they can easily be used with any type of sytem the user has, through my research I realiesd PHP support computer clusters and also can work with a huge number of files. Organisational Policy When choosing a programming language organizational policy. Programs such as Visual basic are only affective on windows. Visual basic is a very popular object oriented programing language which only runs smoothly one a windows device. Maintaince and development costs ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Syntax And Syntax The task of providing a simple description of a programming language is very difficult but it is essential to the language's success. ALGOL 60 and 68 was initially represented using compact formal descriptions; in both scenarios, however, the description was not clear because they utilized a completely new notation. Hence, both these languages were not accepted by the developer community. Similarly, few languages have faced some issues due to different dialects, a result of simple but informal and imprecise description. The study of programming languages is similar to natural languages. It can be classified into Syntax refers to the spelling and grammar of a programming language. The syntax of a programming language is the combination ... Show more content on ... Syntax rules of a programming language defines the spelling and grammar. In syntax, each and every language has its own rules. Computers are very inflexible and understand what you write only if you state what you want in exact syntax that the computer expects and understands. Importance of semantics Semantics is referred to the meaning of words and sentences. Mostly semantics studies the understanding of each word and creates the sentences in the form of text written. Semantics offers a framework for easy understanding and analyses the fundamental requirement of languages. Syntax Syntax refers in different way of symbols that combined to create well–formed sentences in the language. It defines the formal relations between the components of a programming language. So, it provides a structural description of the various expressions which makes strings in the language. Syntax Composition Tokens: A token consists of a token name and an optional attribute value. Different types of Tokens are namely, keywords, identifiers, constants, and operator symbols. The syntax of token is token_name, value ... Get more on ...