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The Concept Of Abstract Data Types
Abstract The objective or purpose of this paper is to drill deep down into the concept of Abstract Data Types. Draw
the basic comparison between ADTs and few of the most frequently confused terms with the concept. Examine how
modern programing languages, predominantly, java, C#, Python, Ruby, Objective C and C++ put these ideas into
practice. The intent of my research is to help developers identify the strengths and weakness of different abstract
data type and evaluate scenario under which each data type can be utilized to fully harness its maximum potential.
Keywords: Abstract Data Types, Data Types, Data Structures Abstract Data Types: Examine How Different
Languages Choose To Use the Concept Since most of the popular programing languages used today are object
oriented in nature, which in turn, is not a language, but a set of ideas that is supported by many languages, part of
my research will be focused on how these concepts came into play and the rest will be aimed at collecting
arguments to elaborate distinction and similarities between the two paradigms. Before the concept of Object
Oriented development was introduced, programs were written as a long piece of code, often with all the data and
variables defined in one place and all the logic in another. This Approach to programing was known as Procedure–
Oriented. Although, procedural languages had named functions and subroutines to make the program look more
modular and maintainable, but as the code got bigger and more
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Programming Language
I . Abstract
Programming Languages are important part of some peoples' life, but not all of programming languages are needed
to learn. In these days, programming languages very popular in the world, but still have their specializations, and
each language has its own advantages and disadvantages. We can discuss comparison of programming languages in
this project.
II . Introduction
Language programming language evolved to communicate design diet tips machines, in particular computer.
Programming languages may be used to create programs for controlling the behavior of the machine or to express
algorithms. Over thousands of different programming languages in the field of information and more are created
every year has been established, in particular. Vocabulary and grammar proposal to instruct the computer to perform
certain tasks. Firstly, we have to know what is programming language? The term usually refers to programming
languages, such as high BASIC, C, C ++, COBOL, FORTRAN, Ada and Pascal. Every language has a unique set of
keywords (words that are used) and a special syntax for organizing the program instructions. Some languages are
defined in the specification (e.g., the C programming language defined ISO), while other languages (such as Perl)
dominant application is considered as a reference. ... Show more content on ...
Any other type of CPU has its own machine language.
Programming Language, to make the required calculations, to store the data obtained and input / output devices to
send data to / receive is the language used to make such transactions. A specific syntax of the programming
languages as in natural language (syntax) is. Programming languages not only with applications that run on
computers, electronic devices with applications running on other processors and memory is
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Key Factors Of A Gifted Student 's Educational Experience...
Our gifted programming standards take several factors of a gifted student's educational experience into account. Our
primary goal is for each gifted student to develop well–rounded academically, socially, and emotionally.
To accomplish this goal we integrate our gifted programming standards with the academic standards. We have
specific student outcomes with which we use the academic content to accomplish. Student outcomes are
grouped into four areas.
Cognitive Growth and Talent Development
Students benefit from meaningful and challenging learning activities that address their unique
characteristics and needs. (Standard 1.6) Students become more competent and develop their abilities.
(Standards 3.2 & 3.3)
The interventions we use are designed to increase challenge and develop self– efficacy in our
students. We operate at the three highest levels of Bloom's Taxonomy: synthesis, evaluation,
and analysis. Students use metacognition where they notice their thoughts and record their
thinking. This allows us to ratchet–up the level of their thinking through the types of questions
we ask. We want our students to become self–regulated learners. We encourage them to set
goals and recognize their accomplishments. They learn to self–monitor and adapt to changes
using a variety of learning strategies.
When we ask students to "leave tracks" in their reading, they are doing a metacogitive
activity. Beyond making connections to the text, we ask them to notice
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Openedge 's Fund Of Programming Language
OpenEdge ABL Programming Language
Research Paper
Kaitlyn M Marin
CSIT 313– Fund of Programming Language
Professor Stefan Robila
December 1,
OpenEdge ABL Programming Language
OpenEdge ABL, Advanced Business Language, is a high–level programming language. OpenEdge ABL is
developed and maintained by Progress Software Corporation. OpenEdge ABL previously was known by other
names, such as Progress or Progress 4GL. (History 1) This language was first released in the 1980s. This first
commercial release for UNIX and DOS was in 1984, since then there has been several versions released. (History 1)
In the 1990s Progress released their first graphical interface, PROGRESS. (History 1) Throughout each era such as
GUI, web and the cloud, Progress has kept up to date with technology. In 2009 Progress released their first cloud
application that they called OpenEdge. (History 1)
OpenEdge provides a programming language for building business application. (Sadd
25). Progress provides much documentation that can easily be found on their site, It is
suggested to use the documentation to refer to the information on the language; such as keywords and statements.
(Sadd 25) There are a lot of specifics about the keywords and statements that users can look into by referring to the
documentation. This language is very powerful, and it is meant for serious developers that need to solve business
problems. ( Sadd 25) In John Sadd's book, OpenEdge Development: ABL
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Unit 4 Assignment 1 Comparative Study Of Programming...
COMP 6411
Comparative Study of Programming Languages
BFS & DFS with GUI
Assignment # 2
Submitted To: Prof. Javad Sadri
Submission Date: 2nd August, 2015
Submitted By: Khurram Shahzad
Concordia ID: 27186444
As the requirements and complexity of today's most modern world increasing; expectation from computer
programming languages also increasing, new techniques must be developed to effectively design and create very
large scale Integration solutions quickly. In order to do so choice of technology and programming languages has a
vital role that can give us quick, efficient and cost effective solutions. For this assignment, our classical problem
BFS and DFS are solved ... Show more content on ...
PHP use gc_collect_cycles – Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles.
PHP gives you more programming freedom and doesn't prompt naming convention as Java.
Java platform standardization is driven by Oracle, PHP by PHP Group. Both are standardized and documented but
PHP is not as documented as JLS.
Web Applications & Web Services Development
Both JSP and PHP are web based languages. Both have Mail Sending, File upload, form handling, sessions in built
not paralyse like asp classic that used to perform every 2nd function with help of 3rd party.
PHP is compiled and executed. JSP connect with Servlets and Java is compiled to bytecode, bytecode is then
compiled just–in–time that return to servlets to client browser.
Using in Start–ups and Prototyping
Java is easier to prototype in and thus to write start–ups. Conclusion
No matter which web programming language you use if we have to make our website efficient, attractive and more
functional we have to use java in any form. It could in form of javascript, jquery, mootools, angularjs or node.
Webstite can be made without using java as well but transition like gallery rotation, tabs, menus, ajax and other
client side design changes at run time would not be
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Cloud Computing And Google App Engine Development
Cloud Computing and Google App Engine development
About cloud computing:
Cloud computing is a term coined for a recent trend towards service oriented cluster computing/processing based on
certain SLA and other benefits. It provides simplified and automated process for configuring, deployment,
maintenance and easy process to manage the resources. The offering of different clouds (Azure, google, AWS etc.)
may differ, but what's common among them is Virtualization and performance isolation for per user/application.
Cloud computing can broadly be classified into 3 broad categories:
Software as a service – SaaS describes a system in which high level functionality software as an on–demand is
hosted by a cloud and shared to end client using thin client application via internet. The main feature of SaaS
systems is that the API offered to the cloud client is for a complete software service. The SaaS Cloud provider may
charge end user based on number of users or number of requests hit on hosted API. Example Sales Force.
Platform as a service – PaaS refers to the availability of scalable services through an interface from which restricted
network–accessible, applications written in high–level languages (Java,.net, python etc.) can be created. Two
examples of PaaS systems are Google App Engine (GAE) and Microsoft Azure.
Infrastructure as a Service – IaaS describes a services for provisioning virtualized operating system instances,
storage, and network capacity under contract from a
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Biography Of Grace Hopper And The Computer Age
Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, also known as the "Grandmother of the Computer Age" was a remarkable woman who
rose to the challenge of programming the first computer, Mark I. During her lifetime as a leader in the field of
technology she founded the basis of modern–day computer language as we know it, essentially teaching computers
to speak as well as contributing to the transition from primitive programming techniques to the usage of
sophisticated compilers. Due to her extraordinary achievements in computer science, she paved the way for future
visionaries to further their knowledge and create the modern day technology we use today, and is recognized for
developing groundbreaking software, receiving multiple awards, and as the namesake for ... Show more content on ...
She attempted to show her students the role math played in real life by offering visible examples. During that time
she also earned a Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale University – a rare accomplishment for women of that time.
(Vassar 4). Hopper had worked her way up to associate professor of mathematics at Vassar College by the time of
Pearl Harbor in 1941. However, a year later she joined Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency (WAVE) , or the
US Naval Reserve for women, in hopes of more directly serving the war effort. After graduating from midshipmen
's school in 1943 she was commissioned as a lieutenant and given orders to the Navy Bureau of Ships Computation
Project at Harvard University where she worked on the Mark I computer programming staff at the Cruft
laboratories, a program directed by Howard Aiken. (Isaacson 4).
Upon arriving at the lab she recalls Aikens first words to her being "Where the hell have you been? Here, compute
the coefficients of the arctangent series by next Thursday." (Hopper). Thus, she designed her first computer
program. The Mark I was completed in 1944 with the help of Hopper's knowledge. This computing machine was in
many ways unique, most impressive were its speed of computation and its automatic ability to proceed through a
series of arithmetic operations without the need of human intervention. (Asprey 72).
The team of engineers who worked on the Mark I were faced with many challenges. Their
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Differences Between The COBOL Programming Language Vs. PHP...
There are many differences that we can find between the COBOL programming language and PHP language. Both
had different upbringing, different purpose to serve, different features, and different strengths and weaknesses. Also,
it is interesting to note that one is a legacy language while one is much more modern, which we will explore these
influences on how time and expectation of modern society could have affected the latter language. In 1959, a
programming language was developed by CODASYL(Conference/Committee on Data Systems Languages), in an
effort to create a standard for data processing to use across all computers. It was heavily influenced by the work of
Grace Hopper, an advocate of machine–independent programming languages. Its name was COBOL and it stood for
Common Business–Oriented Language, the sole language for business applications. Nowadays, some of the
compilers available for COBOL are IBM COBOL, GnuCOBOL, NetCOBOL, VisualCOBOL, and MCP. Also, some
of the IDEs available for COBOL are Eclipse, CANDE, OCIDE, and HackEdit. CODASYL was looking to create a
common business language to use across all industries, with support from the US Department of Defense, who was
also interested in obtaining such a language. The only mainstream language at the time of COBOL's conception was
FORTRAN, which ... Show more content on ...
The code format is separated into four divisions, each having their own function. The Identification Division
contains information such as program name, author, and location of installation. The Environment Division is an
optional section if the program is using files. However, files by COBOL definition also include outputs such as
databases and printers. The Data Division is used to define variables for the functions to be used. It should be noted
that COBOL does not have local
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The Pros and Cons of Object Orineted Programming and...
Object oriented programming vs. procedural programming – the pros and cons Computer programming as we know
is an important engineering task in modern world where a maximum number of electronic equipment are based on
microcontrollers and microprocessors. The cost of microprocessors and controllers have gone so low that the cost of
entire electronic circuit which used to be sky high in 1970s and 80s, has now gone to down drastically. Even the
simple microcontrollers we use today are able to perform complex arithmetic tasks along with several other tasks
such as on chip network interface, wireless interface, etc. In order to utilize all the functions of a given processor,
one must know the important programing procedures available today. In ... Show more content on
Now, we will look into what Object Oriented Programming is. Before that we must first understand what an object
is, because that is what the entire programming method is based on. An object is something which has a defined
state and characteristics of its own. This concept was taken from the real world scenario, where each object we see
has those two states. An example would be a cup, it has a height, it has a purpose and it has a specific volume which
it can hold. The shape of the cup can also be taken into consideration. In software programming, the object is
worked upon by use of methods. The methods are what help two or multiple objects communicate with each other
("Object Oriented Programming"). Thus we can now say, Object oriented programming works on "objects" instead
of working directly on the actions as in case of Procedural programming. Although, indirectly we are working on
their actions because that is what makes the entire program work. Objects once defined can be used infinite times in
a program and we do not have to define them. Thus, object oriented programming focusses more on getting the
logic of the program right instead of spending several lines of code trying to get the data definitions right. The most
commonly used Object oriented programming languages are Java, C#, PHP and Visual basic designed for .NET
framework. An example of PHP object oriented programming would help us understand the actual programming
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The Film Analysis Of The Film Cold Mountain
The film Cold Mountain follows two people Ada Monroe and W.P. Inman, these two star crossed lovers quickly
become separated after the Civil War begins. Ada has to figure out how to make it in life after being completely
alone and being lucky enough to have the right people in her life. Whereas, Inman had to take a dangerous journey
back Cold Mountain to be reunited with Ada again. The movie is about Inman's journey and Ada learning how to
live. For the first third of the movie, it goes back and forth between Inman's current military life to flash backs of
their interactions. The movie begins with Inman in Petersburg, Virginia looking at a photo of Ada, while the Union
soldiers are planning an attack. It cuts to the first time Ada and Inman officially met, when Sally Swanger
approached Ada in an attempt to get her top field plow if Ada would talk to Inman. Their chat was brief and a bit
awkward as they managed small talk for a moment. The movie flashes back to Inman and the Explosion, which
ensued the battle, viewers saw Inman fight to save his friends' life and made sure he stood by his side until he
passed. In another moment of reminiscing Inman remember Ada playing her piano on the back of the wagon as he
was plowing Sally's fields, memories of them talking at a party about the war and Ada's concern about him enlisting
is visibly seen as she asks for a tintype of him. soon after he dropped off sheet music belonging to his father. Ada,
her father Monroe, and Inman take a
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The Advantages And Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of The...
Lighttpd Web Server
Lighttpd web server is a free, open–source web server software that distributed with the Free BSD operating system.
It is easy to set up and it runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris operating system. It is fast, reliable, secure
and flexible and it consume lesser CPU power. Lighttpd is also an asynchronous server that runs as single process
with a single thread and non–blocking input or output (I/O). Asynchronous server give the advantage of web
applications that written in any programming language to run on the Lighttpd server.
Lighttpd is also an ideal server for embedded system. As an example, Raspberry Pi, one of the popular embedded
system on the market is a good candidate for Lighttpd web server. ... Show more content on ...
In other system, it will be expensive operation in RAM usage and CPU load if starting a new process or threads. In
Lighttpd, expensive operation in RAM usage and CPU load will not happen since Lighttpd does not need to start a
new process or thread on per–user or per–connection basis. Therefore, it is really light in RAM usage and CPU load.
Lighttpd also normally use the I/O bound rather than the CPU–bound. This means that Lighttpd always serve static
files by speed of disk device or network interface instead of CPU speed.
There also some disadvantages of Lighttpd web server. Lighttpd web server's design has faced some problem when
it comes to the hardware with large number of CPU cores (CPUs). This is because Lighttpd only uses several
threads and it will not gain too much from increasing more CPUs. However, Lighttpd is really light and never bound
by lack of CPU power. There is also one weakness of the Lighttpd server which is Lighttpd buffer output from CGI
server process in internal buffers. This will leads to less RAM memory consumption. It is a weak design that using
Lighttpd to send iso–sized files which obtained as data stream from the CGI process. This issue may limit the use of
Lighttpd web server. However, this issue not really cause any big problem in the real
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Future Of Web Design And Development Essay
Term Paper
Past, Present, and the Future of Web Design and Development
Kunal Chauhan
B.Sc. IT (2014–2017)
Mentor: Mrs. Deepa Gupta
I hereby declare that the project work entitled "Past, Present and Future of Web Design and Development"
submitted to the Amity University Noida is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Mrs.
Deepa Gupta, assistant professor department of Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Noida,
and this project work is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of science in Information Technology. The results embodied in this thesis have not been submitted to any
other University or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.
Kunal Chauhan
Bsc. IT (Sem 3) 2014–2017
This is to certify that Kunal Chauhan of BSc.IT from AMITY UNIVERSITY has done his semester project at NEW
DELHI from 1st June 2015 to 30th June 2015. The project entitled "Past Present and Future of Web Design and
Development" embodies the original work done by Kunal Chauhan during his above full semester project training
Deepa Gupta
Assistant Professor
AIIT, Amity University
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Table of Contents
Topic Page
Abstract 5
Introduction 6
What Is Web Design? 7
What Is Web Development? 8
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The Differences And Similarities Between C + And Java
C++ and Java came into view to be exceptionally almost identical programming languages. While there is a lot of
usual syntax allocation between the two languages, there are also some very considerable unusual features in both
programming languages. Martin (1997) states C++ and Java programming languages differ allot in many aspects
and features. More specifically, this is to aware especially to amateurs who would use this specific programming
languages their main differences and functions. There is a variance between C++ and Java programming languages
in terms of multiple inheritance, class types and array declaration. C++ is a very fast and well built language. The
focus of this language is, building code that will run on a specific machine ... Show more content on
C++ work exceedingly well for a system with limited hardware capabilities where the programmer needs precise
control over how the system will work and raw speed is of the utmost performance. This could be very critical for
some networking applications, especially in embedded systems or other very distinct uses. First, multiple
inheritance is an important feature in C++ and programmers believe that it is a very good structuring tool. To
acquire directly from more than one class is usually called multiple inheritance. Using this method for programmers
would be a trial because failure to use this method correctly will cause errors in coding a certain program. Next,
Java supports classes, but does not support structures or unions. All classes in Java ultimately inherit from the object
class. This is significantly different from C++ where it is possible to create inheritance trees that are completely
unrelated to one another. Lastly, defining an array is needed in C++ but not in case of Java at the time of array
declaration, when declaring an array in C++. Declaration of arrays in programming is a prime factor where
programmers must be accurate and specific on building their codes and so that executing their codes will not be a
big deal for a program to
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Both, Gramazio and Kohler, seem to satisfy a more holistic...
Both, Gramazio and Kohler, seem to satisfy a more holistic view of Richard Sennett ideas. They seem to develop an
in depth interaction with the robotic technology, a method that enriches the act of craft in a more liberated way.
There are two the main factors that broaden the architectural design potentials by the use of the robotic technology.
First, the control software plays a crucial role because robots enable the manufacturing of object directly from their
digital description, thus, the designer is enabled with an in depth interaction with the manufacturing processes that
emerge and grasps the opportunity to experiment with non–standard project specific fabrications. Furthermore, the
ability of the computer to permit the objects with ... Show more content on ...
It is upon this machine that Gramazio and Kohler effectuate the conceptual approach of digital materiality. The
benefits of this technology in comparison with the other digital fabrication machines to explore a more craft
architecture are several.
R–O–B – scale 1:1
The R–O–B mobile fabrication unit has brought new possibilities in the building environment since it can be
applied at an architectural scale with the capability to expand the possibilities to reinvent the architectural processes
and materials. In addition, R–O–B ability to be liberated from the fixed production location is probably his biggest
advantage among others. The unit is housed in a specially adapted freight container of standard size and can be
easily transported directly on the building site. The R–O–B is consisted of a customary industrial robot mounted on
a linear axis and has the ability to cover a workspace big enough for the fabrication of 1:1 scale architectural
elements which are built directly. By the use of the robotic arm complete building elements are no longer needed,
only raw material has to be brought on site, hence reducing transport and economic costs. Upon the conception of
the R–O–B, the production of building parts can be synchronized to the progress of the building. Hence, design and
fabrication experience unforeseen changes in the course of construction process. As a result designers can react to
strategic changes during the
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Languages : Python And Java
Programming languages are vast and diverse in their numbers. These different languages use fundamental styles of
programming called programming paradigms. These programming paradigms layout the particular design approach
that a program will use to solve a problem or achieve an objective. Of the many different types of programming
paradigms, some of the more distinguished ones are procedural, functional, logical, and object orientated
programming. Recently the object orientated languages have been rising in popularity due to their ability to easily
implement large programs. There are many different object orientated programming languages (OOPLs), among
them are C#, Java, Ruby, and Python. This essay will compare and contrast two of these languages: Python and
OOPLs have been around since the 1960's (Deitel, Java How to Program). They handle tasks by viewing them as a
group of different objects. Objects are created from a class which could be considered the blueprint. Objects contain
data stored in fields, and the procedures which manipulate the data are known as methods. These objects can
interact with each other. There are some key elements of OOPLs, such as code reusability. In OOPLs, through what
is known as inheritance, code can be reused. Think of a cup, it is an object. It contains a liquid and overflows when
it's full. If you wanted to program a coffee mug, wine glass, or sports bottle, you could reuse the code for a cup
though inheritance, then add extra fields
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My Honor As An Aggie
Assignment 1, CSCE 314–501 Zach McClendon, UIN: 322002764 September 14, 2016 "On my honor, as an Aggie,
I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on any portion of the academic work included in this
assignment." Signature of student 1 Introduction The reason behind my choice of languages in this report are based
on the following criteria: if i had prior knowledge, it was required, or they sounded interesting to me. I did this
because I thought it would give me a chance to learn more about languages I have used and learn something new
about a language I had no prior knowledge of. 2 Languages 2.1 C++ C++ is a language that was developed by
Stroustrup in response to his experience on his Ph.D thesis. It led him to create a more powerful language similar to
C with high level features for organization. The design was to give efficient and flexible performance making it a
versatile language that has found its place in a wide variety of applications and services. [11] C++ is an object–
oriented language that has a wide variety of uses and allows a good deal of flexibility. While it may not be the
easiest to implement in many situation, it has a variety of benefits other languages can't always provide such as
performance in situations where others may lack and tools that make correct coding possible. [5] Still today a
widely used language, C++ finds its place in a wide range of applications such as software development and even
space probes. [11] 2.2 Haskell Haskell is a
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History of C Essay
History of: Origins and Examples
Essay written by DaMonMayers
Origins of C
What are C and OOP?
C is an advanced, high–level programming language ("Computer languages") that is used to develop powerful
applications for Microsoft® Windows®, many Linux environments, and other well–known and widely used
operating systems. C is quickly becoming the standard language for commercial software development (Oualline).
OOP, an abbreviation for object–oriented programming is simply code that "attempts to place a new layer of
abstraction between the programmer and the data he is working with ... this layer will help the programmer develop
better code more quickly than he could do before." (McHale). OOP languages must include four ... Show more
content on ...
The first implementation arose in 1958 and quickly became the standard for expressing algorithms. Algol was most
widely used in the academic community, which thusly led to its widespread usage.
P: begin integer h, i; real array A[1:5], B[1:5, 1:2]; for i := 1 step 1 until 5 do
A[I] := 6 – i; h := 1
Loop: if h *= 5 then begin B[h,1] := 1;
B[h,2] := 5 + 3 * (h – A[h]); h := h + 1; go to Loop end end P
The similarity between such modern languages as Pascal and Modula–2 and Algol proves it influential to the
programming community, even today. Algol also introduced the concept of "free–format," a concept that allows
programmers to arrange the code any way they want (assuming the syntax is correct) (Parsons). This concept proves
itself useful today in making source code easier to read and eliminating the problem of "spaghetti code" (code
written in an unreadable fashion, or strung together as spaghetti is).
Simula67 was developed by the Norwegian armed forces (Kristen Nygaard and Ole–Johan Dahl at the Norwegian
Computer Center) and was the first of its kind to use classes (as class is defined by "a program unit containing both
data and associated functions") (Overland, 3). Its development was initiated between 1961 and 1967. SIMULA I,
appearing first in 1964, was designed as a system
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Designing a New Programming Language
The objective of this project is to design a programing language by using basic common qualities from two different
programing languages. This presentation should illustrate the features of the various programing languages currently
used in the industry and this common capabilities. The constant of this experiment is the comparison and use object
oriented programing languages. After analysis create a programing language with the same structures and variables.
Further define the classes of the language such as its attributes and characteristics. The language executed basic
algorithmic solutions. Therefore when I created controls and data structures also finding means to express
algorithms I was able to create a programing language. The variables in this projects were the stored values such as
strings and integers. If I was to do this experiment in the future or expand on this experiment I would define and
organize my experimental data structures differently.
A programming language is an artificial language which gives instruction that is carried out by a computer. The
researcher chose this project to understand and learn about Programming language design, structure and computer
software development. The researcher wanted to find out how object oriented programing languages work, their
processing, how they are designed to complete tasks and how they affect the software development. In his
investigation, he researched the basic common qualities of an object oriented programs
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Comparison Between R And Python
Chapter 3
Today, R and Python are the most popular open tools for Machine Learning. This Chapter presents a general
overview of R and Python, their characteristics and usage for machine learning. Lastly, a comparison matrix of R
and Python for ML is provided at the end of this chapter.
About R
R stands for both the statistical programming language and the software environment. It is one of the most popular
statistical environment for machine learning and general data analysis. R is licensed under the GNU General Public
License, with copyright held by The R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
The source code of R is written in R, C and Fortran. R is free, open source and cross platform with a large
community of users. Even though R programming is challenging, the CRAN packages reduce the number of lines
coding, with a help command giving explanation and examples of use. R also gained popularity for its fancy
R is today one of the most –if not the most– powerful ... Show more content on ...
They are both open source, free and easy to install. The choice of a tool over the other is subjective and depends on
the user's preference and personal experience. Python is a great solution if the user wants to learn a powerful
programming language for not only machine learning and statistics. Besides, if the user is already familiar with
python or with a similar programming language, Python seems a natural choice. Python is more flexible and gives
the freedom of development. R on the other hand, is more suitable if the user is specifically interested in statistical
computations and visualizations. For non–programmers, R can be very exciting; the user can easily do data
explorations and create some amazing plots with little effort. Many tutorials and books are available for beginners,
and the community is always welcoming new R users. Still, mastering R programming language demands a lot of
time, patience and
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Essay on Ada's Metamorphosis to Independent Woman in Cold...
Ada's Metamorphosis to Independent Woman in Cold Mountain
As Ada arrives at Black Cove, she and her father are completely unprepared for a life of independence. The ride
there becomes the first of their problems. A new horse and cabriolet were purchased for the trip, but that was their
first mistake. "The rain fell aslant, coming at their faces so that the top of the carriage did little good in sheltering
them from it" (55). Monroe, Ada's father, had no idea on how to get to Cold Mountain, and "At each fork, Monroe
simply guessed at the route they ought to take" (55). Ada's life in Charleston was one of aristocracy. She enjoyed
balls, parties, and suitors, none of which helped her in any way at Black Cove. Ruby comments that ... Show more
content on ...
"Ada told Ruby that she envied her knowledge of how the world runs" (137). Ruby also teaches Ada about home
remedies and new ways of doing things around the house.
Ada learns from Ruby about the nature of the world. "You commence by trying to see what likes what, Ruby said.
Which Ada interpreted to mean, Observe and understand the workings of affinity in nature" (138). Slowly Ada
learns how to run the farm and live off its offerings. She begins to see things that she might not have noticed before.
As a heron flies over her head she wonders if the sighting is "A blessing? A warning beacon? Picket of the spirit
world?" (193). She jots down the incident in her journal, drawing pictures of the bird and maybe other associated
objects. She even says to herself "I am living a life now where I keep account of the doings of particular birds"
(239). She is observing, and learning from, nature in its purest forms.
It is easily seen that Ada acquires something of an understanding of nature in its purest forms. She is no longer
afraid to do things that might seem 'unladylike'. Ruby dangled her feet over the edge of the hayloft. Ada had never
known a grown woman to do that, but "Ruby looked at her with some amusement, as if to say, I can do this because
I have never been proper, and you can do it because you have recently quit being so" (288). The way Ada draws and
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Design And Implementation Of Select Java Concepts
Nathali Santana
CSC 401 Programming Languages
Assignment 4
Design and Implementation of Select Java concepts There are many concepts in the design and implementation of
the Java programming language. Six of the many concepts are the final reserved word, permanent generation in the
Java Virtual Machine, the functions of the intern() class, dynamic scoping using shallow access, dynamic scoping
using deep access and the implementation of the concept of passing a method as a parameter in Java. These
concepts have various effects on Java programming. From improving performance of a program to preventing
variable value changing, these six concepts are all helpful in their own way to the Java programming language.
Along with the implementation of these concepts in Java, similar concepts in other programming languages will
also be looked at.
In Java, there is a reserved word called "final." In general, the "final" reserved word serves as a way to prevent
changing the contents of a Java entity. Fox example, assigning a variable as "final double x = 10.2;" means that this
variable will not be allowed to change its value later on in the program because it has already been assigned a value.
Alternatively, a final variable can be declared without initialization and can be given a value later. This assignment
can only be done once and must be assigned by the time the program has exited the constructor. The use of final is
not only for variables. Final can also be used when
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Javascript: C and Draw
INTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPT {draw:rect} What is JavaScript? JavaScript was designed to add interactivity
to HTML pages JavaScript is a scripting language A scripting language is a lightweight programming language A
JavaScript consists of lines of executable computer code A JavaScript is usually embedded directly into HTML
pages JavaScript is an interpreted language (means that scripts execute without preliminary compilation) Everyone
can use JavaScript without purchasing a license {draw:rect} Are Java and JavaScript the Same? NO! Java and
JavaScript are two completely different languages in both concept and design! Java (developed by Sun
Microsystems) is a powerful and much more complex ... Show more content on ...
JavaScript Comparison and Logical Operators {draw:a} {draw:a} {draw:rect} Comparison and Logical operators
are used to test for true or false. {draw:rect} Comparison Operators Comparison operators are used in logical
statements to determine equality or difference between variables or values. Given that x=5, the table below explains
the comparison operators: {draw:rect} How Can it be Used Comparison operators can be used in conditional
statements to compare values and take action depending on the result: You will learn more about the use of
conditional statements in the next chapter of this tutorial. {draw:rect} Logical Operators Logical operators are used
in determine the logic between variables or values. Given that x=6 and y=3, the table below explains the logical
operators: {draw:rect} Conditional Operator JavaScript also contains a conditional operator that assigns a value to a
variable based on some condition. Syntax Example If the variable visitor has the value of "PRES", then the variable
greeting will be assigned the value "Dear President " else it will be assigned "Dear". JavaScript If...Else Statements
{draw:a} {draw:a} {draw:rect} Conditional statements in JavaScript are used to perform different actions based on
different conditions. {draw:rect} Examples If statement
How to write an if statement. If...else statement
How to write an if...else statement.
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Syntax And Syntax
The task of providing a simple description of a programming language is very difficult but it is essential to the
language's success.
ALGOL 60 and 68 was initially represented using compact formal descriptions; in both scenarios, however, the
description was not clear because they utilized a completely new notation. Hence, both these languages were not
accepted by the developer community. Similarly, few languages have faced some issues due to different dialects, a
result of simple but informal and imprecise description.
The study of programming languages is similar to natural languages. It can be classified into Syntax refers to the
spelling and grammar of a programming language. The syntax of a programming language is the combination ...
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Syntax rules of a programming language defines the spelling and grammar. In syntax, each and every language has
its own rules.
Computers are very inflexible and understand what you write only if you state what you want in exact syntax that
the computer expects and understands.
Importance of semantics
Semantics is referred to the meaning of words and sentences.
Mostly semantics studies the understanding of each word and creates the sentences in the form of text written.
Semantics offers a framework for easy understanding and analyses the fundamental requirement of languages.
Syntax refers in different way of symbols that combined to create well–formed sentences in the language. It defines
the formal relations between the components of a programming language. So, it provides a structural description of
the various expressions which makes strings in the language.
Syntax Composition
Tokens: A token consists of a token name and an optional attribute value. Different types of Tokens are namely,
keywords, identifiers, constants, and operator symbols. The syntax of token is token_name, value
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The Modeling Technique That You Were Assigned For Your Own...
Final Exam
1. Describe the modeling technique that you were assigned in your own words.
The modeling technique that I was assigned Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF). In software engineering,
expanded Backus–Naur frame (EBNF) is a group of metasyntax documentations, any of which can be utilized to
express a setting free sentence structure. EBNF is utilized to make a formal depiction of a formal language which
can be a PC programming language. They are augmentations of the fundamental Backus–Naur frame (BNF)
metasyntax documentation. EBNF is a code that communicates the sentence structure of a formal language. An
EBNF comprises of terminal images and non–terminal creation rules which are the limitations administering how
terminal images can be joined into a legitimate arrangement. Cases of terminal images incorporate alphanumeric
characters, accentuation marks, and whitespace characters. BNF is the first, most straightforward, for the most part
utilized as a part of scholarly papers of hypothetical setting, for conveying to people, instead of being utilized as a
part of compiler or parser. EBNF implies Extended BNF. There 's not one single EBNF, but rather numerous.
Reusing existing syntax learning dwelling in gauges, specifications and manuals for programming dialects,
confronts a few difficulties. A standout amongst the most significant of them is the differing qualities of syntactic
documentations: without loss of all inclusive statement, we can express that each and
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Case Study : Software Development- Programming Essay
TASMAN INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIES NZ Diploma in Computing Level 5 Unit Standards 6776 Piyush
Dankhara 3/26/2015 Tasman International Academies Assessment Package Diploma in Information Technology
Level 7 Unit Standard 6776 Unit Title: Software Development– Programming Demonstrate computer programming
skills using an object–oriented language Version 4 Level 6 Credits 14 PURPOSE: People credited with this unit
standard are able to: explain object–oriented computer program development techniques; and design, write, modify
and test an object–oriented computer program. AIM: The assessment aim is towards achieving competency in
candidate performance on applying the principles of creating computer program using object oriented language. You
will be required to demonstrate the competency in the following aspects through submitted work on given scenario
in the assessment Task. Explain object–oriented computer program development techniques. Design an object–
oriented computer program. Write an object–oriented computer program. Modify the function of an object–oriented
computer program. Test an object–oriented computer program. Student Name
Due Date ________ Student Signature __________________________ Date Submitted ¬ –
____________________ Assessor Name: _____________________________ Assessor Signature:
__________________ For
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Components Programming And Object Oriented Programming...
C++ programming language is one of the well designed and widely accepted object oriented programming
language. It was called that C++ programming language is an enhanced version of C language with some extra
keywords. It is improved and reliable form of C language.
C++ programming language has various properties due to which it becomes quite popular:–
⦁ It supports all features of both structure programming and object oriented programming language.
⦁ It provides the easiest way to handle the data hiding and encapsulation with the help of powerful keywords such as
class, private, public, and protected.
⦁ In this programming language we have to understand the meaning of various terms such as objects, class, data
abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance (one of the most powerful concept), polymorphism, data binding, and
message passing etc.
⦁ It also provides overloading of operators and functions.
⦁ C++ focuses on function and class templates for handling parameterized data types.
Advantagses of C++ :–
⦁ C++, the object oriented language provides a standard class library that can be extended by the users, thus saving a
lot of coding and debugging effort.
⦁ Object oriented language greatly enhance the possibility of reuse.
⦁ It also provides many other advantages in the production and maintenance of software such as shorter
development times, high degree of code sharing and malleability.
These advantages make OOPs an important technology for building
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Essay on Comparison Of Java, Javascript, Java Applets And...
Comparison of Java, JavaScript, Java Applets and Java Beans
Introduction Starting back in the early 1990's with the introduction of Java to the computer scene there has been
many updates and advances in how languages interact with web based programs. In this paper we are going to
highlight several areas of several different Java flavors. The flavors we are addressing are Java, JavaScript, Java
Applets and JavaBeans. We will discuss their history, features, usage and syntax and finally follow up with a chart
providing a comparison of the different Java architectures.
Java, a language based on C++, was developed by James Gosling and colleagues at Sun Microsystems in the early
1990's. (Java programming language, n.d.) It was ... Show more content on ...
JavaScript was commonly used to manipulate images and document contents. There were early issues with
JavaScript; security flaws, lack of development tools and often criticized for "being too unlike Java, or too much
like Perl." (Champeon, 2001) However, JavaScript took on a life all its own and in some circles was written off due
to its simpleness, its security flaws and to some extent because it could only be tested within the browser
A Java Applet is a small program written in Java, which can be downloaded to any computer. The applet is usually
embedded in an HTML page on a Web site and can be executed from within a browser. "JavaSoft, the current name
of the company which oversees the development of the Java language, was founded in January of 1996, and a few
months later released the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.0." (Youmans, 1997) The concept of an applet
came out of the creation on the Java language. "It enabled users to produce programs named applets which could be
transmitted and run over the Internet, a somewhat different end product from what was originally envisioned back at
the beginning of the decade." (Youmans, 1997) Java Applets came about as a requirement for adding functionalities
to HTML documents,
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Essay On Software Development
Before our article gets into the nitty–gritty aspects of learning software development for free at home, let's see some
vital information as to why this may be a viable option for your career path to opportunities.
That said, our article below covers several aspects of software development that may help you decide as to whether
the computer sciences are for you or not:
(–– removed HTML ––) (–– removed HTML ––) Current industry figures. (–– removed HTML ––) (–– removed
HTML ––) The top four myths dispelled that may keep you from a lucrative career as a computer engineer. (––
removed HTML ––) (–– removed HTML ––) An overview of free computer learning at home. (–– removed HTML
––) (–– removed HTML ––) What it takes to succeed ... Show more content on ...
In reality, coding for beginners is not that difficult at all. In essence, it's simply knowing how to talk to a computer
in a specialized language such as PHP, Ruby or Fortran. Then, you master how to tell it its instructions: step–by–
step. However, things do become more convoluted, and you'll need to learn to code more languages applicable to
the tasks at hand.
(–– removed HTML ––) Myth Number Three: (–– removed HTML ––)
You'll have to be a math wizard to learn how to program.
Actually, there is no real direct correlation between math and programming a computer. Honest.
(–– removed HTML ––) Myth Number Four: (–– removed HTML ––)
You'll need a college degree if you're going to succeed as a software developer.
You'd be surprised to know that many, if not most computer people, do not have a degree in computer science. In
fact, the population of software specialists who now have no degree whatsoever and are completely self–taught, has
risen exponentially within the last decade in comparison to those people who do have a formal degree.
Furthermore, although many do not have a degree, there are sufficient online tools readily available for people who
have the inclination to simply learn how to use, let's say, a software package. As such, at home courses abound in
enormous availability making it far easier to with online tools are accessible.
In addition,
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Differences Between Two Languages Based On The Languages
Summary The main aim of this report is to highlight differences between two languages based on the program
developed for both the languages. A reader–writer program was created in two languages, i.e. JAVA and PYTHON.
The program creates 4 threads each of which performs 5 read/write operations to the shared location. These threads
simulate a coin flip. If the coin flip results in Heads (H) – Reading from the shared location is performed and if the
coin flip results in Tails (T) – Writing to the shared memory location is performed. To achieve this concurrency and
parallel programming, Semaphores and Monitor is used. Based on the output of the programs, two languages are
then differentiate based on certain given comparison and evaluation criteria and concluded which of the two chosen
languages is better for concurrency and simultaneously programming. Keywords: Semaphore, Monitor, Reader–
Writer, Concurrency, Thread. 1. Introduction Concurrency and Parallel programming in Computer Science, refers to
act of performing several computations simultaneously by interacting with each other and using the same memory
location to perform various operations. Reader–Writer is a common example of concurrency and parallel
programming. In this problem, multiple threads access the same memory location at any given time. Two or more
threads can read from the shared location at the same time, but same cannot be said for the writer. When a writer
thread is writing, no other thread, whether it's a
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Analysis Of The Software Language And Tools Used In The...
This chapter is about the software language and the tools used in the development of the project. The platform used
here is .NET. The Primary languages are C#, VB, and J#. In this project C# is chosen for implementation. 5.2.
DOTNET 5.2 .1 INTRODUCTION TO DOTNET Microsoft .NET is a set of Microsoft software technologies for
rapidly building and integrating XML Web services, Microsoft Windows–based applications, and Web solutions.
THE .NET FRAMEWORK The .NET Framework has two main parts: 1. The Common Language Runtime (CLR).
2. A hierarchical set of class libraries. 5.2.3 MANAGE CODE MANAGED CODE is a meta data. This provides a
guaranteed secure execution and interoperability. 5.2.4 MANAGE DATA With Managed Code comes Managed ...
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There are also efficient means of converting value types to object types if and when necessary. The set of classes is
pretty comprehensive, providing collections, file, screen, and network I/O, threading, and so on, as well as XML
and database connectivity. The class library has a number of namespaces, having different functionalities, with
minimum dependency between them. LANGUAGES SUPPORTED BY .NET The multi–language capability of the
.NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET enables developers to use their existing programming skills to build all
types of applications and XML Web services. The .NET framework supports new versions of Microsoft's old
favorites Visual Basic and C++ (as VB.NET and Managed C++), but there are also a number of new additions to the
family. Managed Extensions for C++ and attributed programming are just some of the enhancements made to the
C++ language. Managed Extensions simplify the task of migrating existing C++ applications to the new .NET
Framework. C# is Microsoft's new language. It's a C–style language that is essentially "C++ for Rapid Application
Development". Unlike other languages, its specification is just the grammar of the language. It has no standard
library of its own, and instead has been designed with the intention of using the .NET libraries as its own. Microsoft
Visual J# .NET provides the easiest transition for Java–language developers into the world of
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Florida Is A State Composed Of Diverse Cultures And Languages
Florida ESOL Consent Decree Gumary Prado Broward College Florida is a state composed of diverse cultures and
languages. Prior to 1990 there were not any modifications or accommodations in the classroom for English
Language Learners (ELL), which had become an increasing issue. During this decade Florida was the third largest
state with residents that were not native–born. Historically, Florida has become the home for many individuals who
migrated from Central and Latin America (MacDonald, 2004). According to the Consent Decree (n.d.), the Florida
English speakers of other languages (ESOL) Consent Decree was a result of the case, LULAC et. al v. State Board
of Education, August 14, 1990. This case addresses the civil rights of English Language Learners (ELLs). The
plaintiffs in this case were LULAC and Multicultural Education, Training and Advocacy (META) and the defendant
were Florida Board of Education. LULAC and META came together to bring justice to students whose native
language was not English. The plaintiffs' sought to implement policies to protect students whose native language
was not English in order to create an equal learning environment. For example, English was the only means of
communication in the classrooms and students who did not speak or understand the language would find themselves
at a disadvantage. Due to the lack of modifications in place, students would eventually fall through the cracks of the
school system. This case brought
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3.1 : 7 Light Intensity Sensor
In photometry, luminous intensity is a quantify of the wavelength–weighted power emitted through a daylight basis
in a particular path for every unit solid angle, based on the luminosity function, a standardized representation of the
sensitivity of the human eye. The SI unit of luminous intensity is the candela (cd), an SI base unit. Here, this sensor
measures the voltage from the output side. After that from the conversion table, this voltage converts the voltage to
luminous intensity. As the daylight decreases, the resistance increases and vice–versa.
DAQ hardware
This is the actual pin diagram of NI DAQ card 6008/6009 which having 32 input/output pins. The National
Instruments USB–6008/6009 devices provide eight single–ended analog inputs.provide eight single–ended analog
(AI) channels, two analog output (AO) channels, 12 DIO channels with a full–speed USB interface. Here, it has two
parts, one comprises analog input pins (1 to 16) and alternate side has the digital input pins (17 to 32). AIx pins are
the input channels where input analog quantities are to be given whereas AO pins are the output channels where the
output is to be obtained.
3.1.9 LabVIEW software
This software is the product of national instruments which can be used for various automotive applications; e.g. data
acquisition, instrument control, test automation, industrial control and embedded system. Basically, it has two
windows for programming. 1) Front panel and 2)
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A Rubik 's Cube Is A Logic Game And Mathematical Puzzle
A Rubik's cube is a logic game and mathematical puzzle that develops critical thinking and spatial reasoning skills.
It is a three–dimensional puzzle originally invented and developed by Erno Rubik to serve the purpose of a
mathematical aid in the 1970's but unexpectedly evolved into what is now considered to be the world's top–selling
toy. Erno Rubik was a young professor teaching interior design and architecture in Hungary when he first created
the object. He created an object that was not supposed to be possible. His solid cube twisted and turned – and still
did not break or fall apart. Rubik first invented the cube, formerly known as the 'Magic Cube' to help explain three–
dimensional geometry to his students. The puzzle is in the form of a cube made up of smaller, coloured interlocking
cubes that can be manipulated by twisting the horizontal and vertical planes. Initially before the cube has been
manipulated each face of the cube is covered in a different colour. Meaning when you twist and turn the cube away
from its original orientation the colours on each face will be jumbled. Although it has now been made apparent that
every legal permutation of the Rubik's cube can be solved in 20 moves or fewer, it has been reported, the first time
Rubik jumbled the cube it took him a month to solve it. Throughout the introduction I have used information from
sites reference [1] – [4] found in the appendix. Research into existing, similar applications There are a few games of
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Smart Emotion Based Music Player With Sleep Alert System
||shree|| Abstract:–
In this paper we propose a smart emotion based music player with sleep alert system. The objective of this paper is
to introduce needs and applications of facial expression recognition. The proposed system has a camera to capture
the user's facial expression. By analyzing the expressions, the system will get idea about user's emotion. After
getting idea about emotion , the music player will start playing music as per the user's emotion. Simultaneously
based on frequency and timing of eyes blinking and yawning the sleepy state of the user will be detected and
accordingly user will be alerted.
The field of science is as big as the galaxy itself. Every passing day there are new developments; if not big or
shocking, but constructive and leading towards a better future. Sound and Graphics are two huge fields of Science
and Engineering that not only interesting but also attract learners to study them in detail to explore into their
knowledge. Since then many inventions have pull–back us to this time where thinking of various ideas which might
have been difficult a few decades back and more over implementing them is now possible The human face is an
expressive organ of an individual's body and especially plays an important role in extraction of individual's
behaviour and the emotional state.
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Object Oriented Programming Essay
Designing a Class Tutorial for C++ OOP (Object Oriented Programming) The modern programming is based on the
concept that "program little and use more". The object oriented programming languages are playing a vital role in
the industry of development. The OOP introduced following concepts: Split a program into set of tasks and sub–
tasks Develop functions for these tasks And reuse these functions with little or less modifications This lead a new
term "Reusability", which means that you have to write a function once and use the function again and again by
calling the Object of that Class in which the function is present. You can also further implement the Class by
adopting the rules provided by OOP. C++ is a good example of object oriented programming. Features of OOP
There are many features of OOP, but the most common features are: Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism
Abstraction Contracts Class The class is capsule that is used to encapsulate an abstract data type. When you define a
class, you define a blueprint for a data type. The class itself does not defines data, its only gives the name
concerning with the objects. However a class contains one or more than one objects. These objects are the
operations which a class performs. In short, a class provides blueprints of objects. The basic syntax for a class is:
Objects Objects are the actual operations and functions that a class performs. Each object has its own
characteristics/properties/attributes and
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Port Scanner, Ip Resolver And Client Server Using Socket...
Port Scanner, IP Resolver and Client Server using Socket Programming in Python Project Report [EE281] By:–
Shekhar Agrawal Shaunak Deshmukh Tejas Nikam Preyansh Shah Prof. Balaji Venkatraman, Project Advisor
12/2014 ABSTRACT By [Shekhar Agrawal, Shaunak Deshmukh, Tejas Nikam, Preyansh Shah] Our aim is to get
hands–on experience in Python. We have used Socket Programming in Python to implement a Port Scanner and an
IP Resolver. Port scanning is an important technique to probe a host for open ports. The technique of connecting to
the host on a particular port from all the available ports along with identifying the active port as well as the services
running on the target to pentest it is generally referred to as port scanning. We ... Show more content on ...
Tools Used 5.2. Standards Chapter 6 Project Progress and Status References 1. Introduction 1.1 Project goals and
objectives 1.1.1 Goals To implement a port scanner and an IP resolver using socket programming in python. To
implement a chat server using socket API calls which shows a connection establishment between a client and server.
1.1.2 Objectives To learn the basics of Socket programming in Python. To build a port scanner to scan the active
ports on a connected host. To build an IP resolver for converting the host name into IPv4 address. To establish a
connection between client and server 1.2 Problem and motivation To establish a connection, there are a few basic
parameters which must be known. To determine the services available on a remote machine, a port scanner is used.
Verifying the security policies by network administrators and identification of running services by attackers is done
using port scanning. For the purpose of computer devices and services worldwide,
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A Comparison Between Computer Programming And Java
A Comparison Between Computer Programming: Java and C++ in games industry 1.Introduction I chose this topic
because these languages are a relationship between programmers and computer without those languages can 't use
the computer. Moreover, considered one of the models that I will study in September at Swansea University. This is
why I find this topic so interesting as it given a lot of detailed information about two programming c++ and java in
uses and its founders to explain how they became so successful and why their programs are so brilliant. I admire the
genius of these successful two programs. Also, as a Mathematics and Computing for Finance student I feel that I
could learn so much from them. So, I shall keep a very close eye on their research and their result. The purpose of
the programming languages as Coded language to write information by programmers that a computer could
understand to do what the programmer wants. A computer language is used binary ( '1 ' and '0 ') code as call the
machine language that a computer can execute instructions quickly without any translator or interpreter program,
but is complicated. The high level languages such as C++ and java are very simpler for use, but it need to another
program to transfer a high–level code into a computer language, for this are slower. There are many of programming
languages are being always developed. The Advanced
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Online Computer Programming : An Integral Part Of Our...
Computer programming and computer programmers have become an integral part of our society with the rise of
computers and the internet. Computer programmers create the languages or instructions that computers use in order
to carry out the orders that users give to them. There are many courses available to those interested in learning
computer programming languages and how to become a computer programmer. One of the hottest ways to learn
how to program computers is through the use of computer technology. An online computer programming course is a
great way to start your journey towards becoming a computer programmer. There are many benefits to derive from
taking a course online rather than going the traditional route. The biggest benefit is convenience. Online computer
programming courses (especially those that are free) allow you to participate when it is convenient for you – before
or after work, at 3:00 am, or on the weekends. You can also learn at your own pace. Online computer courses also
get rid of the necessity to pay for transportation, or finding a parking space. When one is taking a computer course
online, there is also the possibility of greatly expanding your horizons as individuals in differing cities, towns or
countries participate and contribute their knowledge. Additionally, online course can take full advantage of
multimedia technology. There are many computer programming languages that one can learn from an online
computer programming class. One of the
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Programming Languages Research Paper
Programming languages are our way to speak to computers. From Lisp to Go to Java, programmers have had more
flexibility and productivity with high–level programming languages. Programming languages have changed and
evolved throughout the history of computer science. Programmers have learned to adapt to programming languages,
such as assembly language, however more programming languages are being created that give users more control.
The future of programming languages will continue to contribute to the growth of computer science and
understanding of computation.
The history of programming languages includes several influential figures in computer science. The first
programming language goes back to the invention of the difference engine ... Show more content on
Instead, there should be a set of instructions to control the simplified hardware that would improve the speed of the
system. The second concept is "conditional control transfer" which means that small blocks of code can be reused
and jumped to in different orders. It gave rise to the if/then statements and for loops we use in everyday
programming today. In addition, libraries were formed which are blocks of code that can be reused over and over
again. Both of these concepts gave rise to the modern day Von Neumann programming languages, which include C,
C++ and Java.
At this time, still in 1945, German engineer Konrad Zuse designed the first high–level non–Von Neumann
programming language Plankakul (Calculus of Programs). This was unique in history as it was developed at the
same time John Von Neumann came out with his two concepts, but it used his own constructs and logic. The
Plankakul language was not a huge success at the time, but it showed us many of the same modern day features of a
programming language. For example, the features of the language was that it is a high level programming language,
has reusable functions, uses no recursion, is a typed language, and there is a WHILE construct for iteration. The
language was developed independently of Von Neumann's ideas, but it still came up with similar concepts and
influenced modern programming languages.
The breakthrough in designing a
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The Concept Of Abstract Data Types

  • 1. The Concept Of Abstract Data Types Abstract The objective or purpose of this paper is to drill deep down into the concept of Abstract Data Types. Draw the basic comparison between ADTs and few of the most frequently confused terms with the concept. Examine how modern programing languages, predominantly, java, C#, Python, Ruby, Objective C and C++ put these ideas into practice. The intent of my research is to help developers identify the strengths and weakness of different abstract data type and evaluate scenario under which each data type can be utilized to fully harness its maximum potential. Keywords: Abstract Data Types, Data Types, Data Structures Abstract Data Types: Examine How Different Languages Choose To Use the Concept Since most of the popular programing languages used today are object oriented in nature, which in turn, is not a language, but a set of ideas that is supported by many languages, part of my research will be focused on how these concepts came into play and the rest will be aimed at collecting arguments to elaborate distinction and similarities between the two paradigms. Before the concept of Object Oriented development was introduced, programs were written as a long piece of code, often with all the data and variables defined in one place and all the logic in another. This Approach to programing was known as Procedure– Oriented. Although, procedural languages had named functions and subroutines to make the program look more modular and maintainable, but as the code got bigger and more ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Programming Language I . Abstract Programming Languages are important part of some peoples' life, but not all of programming languages are needed to learn. In these days, programming languages very popular in the world, but still have their specializations, and each language has its own advantages and disadvantages. We can discuss comparison of programming languages in this project. II . Introduction Language programming language evolved to communicate design diet tips machines, in particular computer. Programming languages may be used to create programs for controlling the behavior of the machine or to express algorithms. Over thousands of different programming languages in the field of information and more are created every year has been established, in particular. Vocabulary and grammar proposal to instruct the computer to perform certain tasks. Firstly, we have to know what is programming language? The term usually refers to programming languages, such as high BASIC, C, C ++, COBOL, FORTRAN, Ada and Pascal. Every language has a unique set of keywords (words that are used) and a special syntax for organizing the program instructions. Some languages are defined in the specification (e.g., the C programming language defined ISO), while other languages (such as Perl) dominant application is considered as a reference. ... Show more content on ... Any other type of CPU has its own machine language. Programming Language, to make the required calculations, to store the data obtained and input / output devices to send data to / receive is the language used to make such transactions. A specific syntax of the programming languages as in natural language (syntax) is. Programming languages not only with applications that run on computers, electronic devices with applications running on other processors and memory is ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Key Factors Of A Gifted Student 's Educational Experience... Our gifted programming standards take several factors of a gifted student's educational experience into account. Our primary goal is for each gifted student to develop well–rounded academically, socially, and emotionally. To accomplish this goal we integrate our gifted programming standards with the academic standards. We have specific student outcomes with which we use the academic content to accomplish. Student outcomes are grouped into four areas. Cognitive Growth and Talent Development Students benefit from meaningful and challenging learning activities that address their unique characteristics and needs. (Standard 1.6) Students become more competent and develop their abilities. (Standards 3.2 & 3.3) The interventions we use are designed to increase challenge and develop self– efficacy in our students. We operate at the three highest levels of Bloom's Taxonomy: synthesis, evaluation, and analysis. Students use metacognition where they notice their thoughts and record their thinking. This allows us to ratchet–up the level of their thinking through the types of questions we ask. We want our students to become self–regulated learners. We encourage them to set goals and recognize their accomplishments. They learn to self–monitor and adapt to changes using a variety of learning strategies. When we ask students to "leave tracks" in their reading, they are doing a metacogitive activity. Beyond making connections to the text, we ask them to notice ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Openedge 's Fund Of Programming Language OpenEdge ABL Programming Language Research Paper Kaitlyn M Marin CSIT 313– Fund of Programming Language Professor Stefan Robila December 1, OpenEdge ABL Programming Language OpenEdge ABL, Advanced Business Language, is a high–level programming language. OpenEdge ABL is developed and maintained by Progress Software Corporation. OpenEdge ABL previously was known by other names, such as Progress or Progress 4GL. (History 1) This language was first released in the 1980s. This first commercial release for UNIX and DOS was in 1984, since then there has been several versions released. (History 1) In the 1990s Progress released their first graphical interface, PROGRESS. (History 1) Throughout each era such as GUI, web and the cloud, Progress has kept up to date with technology. In 2009 Progress released their first cloud application that they called OpenEdge. (History 1) OpenEdge provides a programming language for building business application. (Sadd 25). Progress provides much documentation that can easily be found on their site, It is suggested to use the documentation to refer to the information on the language; such as keywords and statements. (Sadd 25) There are a lot of specifics about the keywords and statements that users can look into by referring to the documentation. This language is very powerful, and it is meant for serious developers that need to solve business problems. ( Sadd 25) In John Sadd's book, OpenEdge Development: ABL ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Unit 4 Assignment 1 Comparative Study Of Programming... COMP 6411 Comparative Study of Programming Languages BFS & DFS with GUI Assignment # 2 Submitted To: Prof. Javad Sadri Submission Date: 2nd August, 2015 Submitted By: Khurram Shahzad Email: Concordia ID: 27186444 Abstract As the requirements and complexity of today's most modern world increasing; expectation from computer programming languages also increasing, new techniques must be developed to effectively design and create very large scale Integration solutions quickly. In order to do so choice of technology and programming languages has a vital role that can give us quick, efficient and cost effective solutions. For this assignment, our classical problem BFS and DFS are solved ... Show more content on ... PHP use gc_collect_cycles – Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles. Consistency PHP gives you more programming freedom and doesn't prompt naming convention as Java. Standardization Java platform standardization is driven by Oracle, PHP by PHP Group. Both are standardized and documented but PHP is not as documented as JLS. Web Applications & Web Services Development Both JSP and PHP are web based languages. Both have Mail Sending, File upload, form handling, sessions in built not paralyse like asp classic that used to perform every 2nd function with help of 3rd party. Compilation/Interpretation PHP is compiled and executed. JSP connect with Servlets and Java is compiled to bytecode, bytecode is then compiled just–in–time that return to servlets to client browser. Using in Start–ups and Prototyping Java is easier to prototype in and thus to write start–ups. Conclusion No matter which web programming language you use if we have to make our website efficient, attractive and more functional we have to use java in any form. It could in form of javascript, jquery, mootools, angularjs or node. Webstite can be made without using java as well but transition like gallery rotation, tabs, menus, ajax and other client side design changes at run time would not be ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Cloud Computing And Google App Engine Development Cloud Computing and Google App Engine development About cloud computing: Cloud computing is a term coined for a recent trend towards service oriented cluster computing/processing based on certain SLA and other benefits. It provides simplified and automated process for configuring, deployment, maintenance and easy process to manage the resources. The offering of different clouds (Azure, google, AWS etc.) may differ, but what's common among them is Virtualization and performance isolation for per user/application. Cloud computing can broadly be classified into 3 broad categories: Software as a service – SaaS describes a system in which high level functionality software as an on–demand is hosted by a cloud and shared to end client using thin client application via internet. The main feature of SaaS systems is that the API offered to the cloud client is for a complete software service. The SaaS Cloud provider may charge end user based on number of users or number of requests hit on hosted API. Example Sales Force. Platform as a service – PaaS refers to the availability of scalable services through an interface from which restricted network–accessible, applications written in high–level languages (Java,.net, python etc.) can be created. Two examples of PaaS systems are Google App Engine (GAE) and Microsoft Azure. Infrastructure as a Service – IaaS describes a services for provisioning virtualized operating system instances, storage, and network capacity under contract from a ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Biography Of Grace Hopper And The Computer Age Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, also known as the "Grandmother of the Computer Age" was a remarkable woman who rose to the challenge of programming the first computer, Mark I. During her lifetime as a leader in the field of technology she founded the basis of modern–day computer language as we know it, essentially teaching computers to speak as well as contributing to the transition from primitive programming techniques to the usage of sophisticated compilers. Due to her extraordinary achievements in computer science, she paved the way for future visionaries to further their knowledge and create the modern day technology we use today, and is recognized for developing groundbreaking software, receiving multiple awards, and as the namesake for ... Show more content on ... She attempted to show her students the role math played in real life by offering visible examples. During that time she also earned a Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale University – a rare accomplishment for women of that time. (Vassar 4). Hopper had worked her way up to associate professor of mathematics at Vassar College by the time of Pearl Harbor in 1941. However, a year later she joined Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency (WAVE) , or the US Naval Reserve for women, in hopes of more directly serving the war effort. After graduating from midshipmen 's school in 1943 she was commissioned as a lieutenant and given orders to the Navy Bureau of Ships Computation Project at Harvard University where she worked on the Mark I computer programming staff at the Cruft laboratories, a program directed by Howard Aiken. (Isaacson 4). Upon arriving at the lab she recalls Aikens first words to her being "Where the hell have you been? Here, compute the coefficients of the arctangent series by next Thursday." (Hopper). Thus, she designed her first computer program. The Mark I was completed in 1944 with the help of Hopper's knowledge. This computing machine was in many ways unique, most impressive were its speed of computation and its automatic ability to proceed through a series of arithmetic operations without the need of human intervention. (Asprey 72). The team of engineers who worked on the Mark I were faced with many challenges. Their ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Differences Between The COBOL Programming Language Vs. PHP... There are many differences that we can find between the COBOL programming language and PHP language. Both had different upbringing, different purpose to serve, different features, and different strengths and weaknesses. Also, it is interesting to note that one is a legacy language while one is much more modern, which we will explore these influences on how time and expectation of modern society could have affected the latter language. In 1959, a programming language was developed by CODASYL(Conference/Committee on Data Systems Languages), in an effort to create a standard for data processing to use across all computers. It was heavily influenced by the work of Grace Hopper, an advocate of machine–independent programming languages. Its name was COBOL and it stood for Common Business–Oriented Language, the sole language for business applications. Nowadays, some of the compilers available for COBOL are IBM COBOL, GnuCOBOL, NetCOBOL, VisualCOBOL, and MCP. Also, some of the IDEs available for COBOL are Eclipse, CANDE, OCIDE, and HackEdit. CODASYL was looking to create a common business language to use across all industries, with support from the US Department of Defense, who was also interested in obtaining such a language. The only mainstream language at the time of COBOL's conception was FORTRAN, which ... Show more content on ... The code format is separated into four divisions, each having their own function. The Identification Division contains information such as program name, author, and location of installation. The Environment Division is an optional section if the program is using files. However, files by COBOL definition also include outputs such as databases and printers. The Data Division is used to define variables for the functions to be used. It should be noted that COBOL does not have local ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Pros and Cons of Object Orineted Programming and... Object oriented programming vs. procedural programming – the pros and cons Computer programming as we know is an important engineering task in modern world where a maximum number of electronic equipment are based on microcontrollers and microprocessors. The cost of microprocessors and controllers have gone so low that the cost of entire electronic circuit which used to be sky high in 1970s and 80s, has now gone to down drastically. Even the simple microcontrollers we use today are able to perform complex arithmetic tasks along with several other tasks such as on chip network interface, wireless interface, etc. In order to utilize all the functions of a given processor, one must know the important programing procedures available today. In ... Show more content on ... Now, we will look into what Object Oriented Programming is. Before that we must first understand what an object is, because that is what the entire programming method is based on. An object is something which has a defined state and characteristics of its own. This concept was taken from the real world scenario, where each object we see has those two states. An example would be a cup, it has a height, it has a purpose and it has a specific volume which it can hold. The shape of the cup can also be taken into consideration. In software programming, the object is worked upon by use of methods. The methods are what help two or multiple objects communicate with each other ("Object Oriented Programming"). Thus we can now say, Object oriented programming works on "objects" instead of working directly on the actions as in case of Procedural programming. Although, indirectly we are working on their actions because that is what makes the entire program work. Objects once defined can be used infinite times in a program and we do not have to define them. Thus, object oriented programming focusses more on getting the logic of the program right instead of spending several lines of code trying to get the data definitions right. The most commonly used Object oriented programming languages are Java, C#, PHP and Visual basic designed for .NET framework. An example of PHP object oriented programming would help us understand the actual programming ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Film Analysis Of The Film Cold Mountain The film Cold Mountain follows two people Ada Monroe and W.P. Inman, these two star crossed lovers quickly become separated after the Civil War begins. Ada has to figure out how to make it in life after being completely alone and being lucky enough to have the right people in her life. Whereas, Inman had to take a dangerous journey back Cold Mountain to be reunited with Ada again. The movie is about Inman's journey and Ada learning how to live. For the first third of the movie, it goes back and forth between Inman's current military life to flash backs of their interactions. The movie begins with Inman in Petersburg, Virginia looking at a photo of Ada, while the Union soldiers are planning an attack. It cuts to the first time Ada and Inman officially met, when Sally Swanger approached Ada in an attempt to get her top field plow if Ada would talk to Inman. Their chat was brief and a bit awkward as they managed small talk for a moment. The movie flashes back to Inman and the Explosion, which ensued the battle, viewers saw Inman fight to save his friends' life and made sure he stood by his side until he passed. In another moment of reminiscing Inman remember Ada playing her piano on the back of the wagon as he was plowing Sally's fields, memories of them talking at a party about the war and Ada's concern about him enlisting is visibly seen as she asks for a tintype of him. soon after he dropped off sheet music belonging to his father. Ada, her father Monroe, and Inman take a ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Advantages And Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of The... Lighttpd Web Server Introduction Lighttpd web server is a free, open–source web server software that distributed with the Free BSD operating system. It is easy to set up and it runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris operating system. It is fast, reliable, secure and flexible and it consume lesser CPU power. Lighttpd is also an asynchronous server that runs as single process with a single thread and non–blocking input or output (I/O). Asynchronous server give the advantage of web applications that written in any programming language to run on the Lighttpd server. Lighttpd is also an ideal server for embedded system. As an example, Raspberry Pi, one of the popular embedded system on the market is a good candidate for Lighttpd web server. ... Show more content on ... In other system, it will be expensive operation in RAM usage and CPU load if starting a new process or threads. In Lighttpd, expensive operation in RAM usage and CPU load will not happen since Lighttpd does not need to start a new process or thread on per–user or per–connection basis. Therefore, it is really light in RAM usage and CPU load. Lighttpd also normally use the I/O bound rather than the CPU–bound. This means that Lighttpd always serve static files by speed of disk device or network interface instead of CPU speed. Disadvantages There also some disadvantages of Lighttpd web server. Lighttpd web server's design has faced some problem when it comes to the hardware with large number of CPU cores (CPUs). This is because Lighttpd only uses several threads and it will not gain too much from increasing more CPUs. However, Lighttpd is really light and never bound by lack of CPU power. There is also one weakness of the Lighttpd server which is Lighttpd buffer output from CGI server process in internal buffers. This will leads to less RAM memory consumption. It is a weak design that using Lighttpd to send iso–sized files which obtained as data stream from the CGI process. This issue may limit the use of Lighttpd web server. However, this issue not really cause any big problem in the real ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Future Of Web Design And Development Essay AMITY INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AMITY UNIVERSITY, NOIDA Term Paper Past, Present, and the Future of Web Design and Development Kunal Chauhan A1004914060 B.Sc. IT (2014–2017) Mentor: Mrs. Deepa Gupta DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project work entitled "Past, Present and Future of Web Design and Development" submitted to the Amity University Noida is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Mrs. Deepa Gupta, assistant professor department of Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Noida, and this project work is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of science in Information Technology. The results embodied in this thesis have not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma. Kunal Chauhan Bsc. IT (Sem 3) 2014–2017 A1004914060 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Kunal Chauhan of BSc.IT from AMITY UNIVERSITY has done his semester project at NEW DELHI from 1st June 2015 to 30th June 2015. The project entitled "Past Present and Future of Web Design and Development" embodies the original work done by Kunal Chauhan during his above full semester project training period. Date:– Signature:– Deepa Gupta Assistant Professor AIIT, Amity University Noida, Uttar Pradesh Table of Contents Topic Page Abstract 5 Introduction
  • 46. Introduction 6 What Is Web Design? 7 What Is Web Development? 8 Additional ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Differences And Similarities Between C + And Java C++ and Java came into view to be exceptionally almost identical programming languages. While there is a lot of usual syntax allocation between the two languages, there are also some very considerable unusual features in both programming languages. Martin (1997) states C++ and Java programming languages differ allot in many aspects and features. More specifically, this is to aware especially to amateurs who would use this specific programming languages their main differences and functions. There is a variance between C++ and Java programming languages in terms of multiple inheritance, class types and array declaration. C++ is a very fast and well built language. The focus of this language is, building code that will run on a specific machine ... Show more content on ... C++ work exceedingly well for a system with limited hardware capabilities where the programmer needs precise control over how the system will work and raw speed is of the utmost performance. This could be very critical for some networking applications, especially in embedded systems or other very distinct uses. First, multiple inheritance is an important feature in C++ and programmers believe that it is a very good structuring tool. To acquire directly from more than one class is usually called multiple inheritance. Using this method for programmers would be a trial because failure to use this method correctly will cause errors in coding a certain program. Next, Java supports classes, but does not support structures or unions. All classes in Java ultimately inherit from the object class. This is significantly different from C++ where it is possible to create inheritance trees that are completely unrelated to one another. Lastly, defining an array is needed in C++ but not in case of Java at the time of array declaration, when declaring an array in C++. Declaration of arrays in programming is a prime factor where programmers must be accurate and specific on building their codes and so that executing their codes will not be a big deal for a program to ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Both, Gramazio and Kohler, seem to satisfy a more holistic... Both, Gramazio and Kohler, seem to satisfy a more holistic view of Richard Sennett ideas. They seem to develop an in depth interaction with the robotic technology, a method that enriches the act of craft in a more liberated way. There are two the main factors that broaden the architectural design potentials by the use of the robotic technology. First, the control software plays a crucial role because robots enable the manufacturing of object directly from their digital description, thus, the designer is enabled with an in depth interaction with the manufacturing processes that emerge and grasps the opportunity to experiment with non–standard project specific fabrications. Furthermore, the ability of the computer to permit the objects with ... Show more content on ... It is upon this machine that Gramazio and Kohler effectuate the conceptual approach of digital materiality. The benefits of this technology in comparison with the other digital fabrication machines to explore a more craft architecture are several. R–O–B – scale 1:1 The R–O–B mobile fabrication unit has brought new possibilities in the building environment since it can be applied at an architectural scale with the capability to expand the possibilities to reinvent the architectural processes and materials. In addition, R–O–B ability to be liberated from the fixed production location is probably his biggest advantage among others. The unit is housed in a specially adapted freight container of standard size and can be easily transported directly on the building site. The R–O–B is consisted of a customary industrial robot mounted on a linear axis and has the ability to cover a workspace big enough for the fabrication of 1:1 scale architectural elements which are built directly. By the use of the robotic arm complete building elements are no longer needed, only raw material has to be brought on site, hence reducing transport and economic costs. Upon the conception of the R–O–B, the production of building parts can be synchronized to the progress of the building. Hence, design and fabrication experience unforeseen changes in the course of construction process. As a result designers can react to strategic changes during the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Languages : Python And Java Programming languages are vast and diverse in their numbers. These different languages use fundamental styles of programming called programming paradigms. These programming paradigms layout the particular design approach that a program will use to solve a problem or achieve an objective. Of the many different types of programming paradigms, some of the more distinguished ones are procedural, functional, logical, and object orientated programming. Recently the object orientated languages have been rising in popularity due to their ability to easily implement large programs. There are many different object orientated programming languages (OOPLs), among them are C#, Java, Ruby, and Python. This essay will compare and contrast two of these languages: Python and Java. OOPLs have been around since the 1960's (Deitel, Java How to Program). They handle tasks by viewing them as a group of different objects. Objects are created from a class which could be considered the blueprint. Objects contain data stored in fields, and the procedures which manipulate the data are known as methods. These objects can interact with each other. There are some key elements of OOPLs, such as code reusability. In OOPLs, through what is known as inheritance, code can be reused. Think of a cup, it is an object. It contains a liquid and overflows when it's full. If you wanted to program a coffee mug, wine glass, or sports bottle, you could reuse the code for a cup though inheritance, then add extra fields ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. My Honor As An Aggie Assignment 1, CSCE 314–501 Zach McClendon, UIN: 322002764 September 14, 2016 "On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on any portion of the academic work included in this assignment." Signature of student 1 Introduction The reason behind my choice of languages in this report are based on the following criteria: if i had prior knowledge, it was required, or they sounded interesting to me. I did this because I thought it would give me a chance to learn more about languages I have used and learn something new about a language I had no prior knowledge of. 2 Languages 2.1 C++ C++ is a language that was developed by Stroustrup in response to his experience on his Ph.D thesis. It led him to create a more powerful language similar to C with high level features for organization. The design was to give efficient and flexible performance making it a versatile language that has found its place in a wide variety of applications and services. [11] C++ is an object– oriented language that has a wide variety of uses and allows a good deal of flexibility. While it may not be the easiest to implement in many situation, it has a variety of benefits other languages can't always provide such as performance in situations where others may lack and tools that make correct coding possible. [5] Still today a widely used language, C++ finds its place in a wide range of applications such as software development and even space probes. [11] 2.2 Haskell Haskell is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. History of C Essay History of: Origins and Examples Essay written by DaMonMayers Origins of C What are C and OOP? C is an advanced, high–level programming language ("Computer languages") that is used to develop powerful applications for Microsoft® Windows®, many Linux environments, and other well–known and widely used operating systems. C is quickly becoming the standard language for commercial software development (Oualline). OOP, an abbreviation for object–oriented programming is simply code that "attempts to place a new layer of abstraction between the programmer and the data he is working with ... this layer will help the programmer develop better code more quickly than he could do before." (McHale). OOP languages must include four ... Show more content on ... The first implementation arose in 1958 and quickly became the standard for expressing algorithms. Algol was most widely used in the academic community, which thusly led to its widespread usage. P: begin integer h, i; real array A[1:5], B[1:5, 1:2]; for i := 1 step 1 until 5 do A[I] := 6 – i; h := 1 Loop: if h *= 5 then begin B[h,1] := 1; B[h,2] := 5 + 3 * (h – A[h]); h := h + 1; go to Loop end end P (Parsons) The similarity between such modern languages as Pascal and Modula–2 and Algol proves it influential to the programming community, even today. Algol also introduced the concept of "free–format," a concept that allows programmers to arrange the code any way they want (assuming the syntax is correct) (Parsons). This concept proves itself useful today in making source code easier to read and eliminating the problem of "spaghetti code" (code written in an unreadable fashion, or strung together as spaghetti is). Simula67 Simula67 was developed by the Norwegian armed forces (Kristen Nygaard and Ole–Johan Dahl at the Norwegian Computer Center) and was the first of its kind to use classes (as class is defined by "a program unit containing both data and associated functions") (Overland, 3). Its development was initiated between 1961 and 1967. SIMULA I, appearing first in 1964, was designed as a system ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Designing a New Programming Language The objective of this project is to design a programing language by using basic common qualities from two different programing languages. This presentation should illustrate the features of the various programing languages currently used in the industry and this common capabilities. The constant of this experiment is the comparison and use object oriented programing languages. After analysis create a programing language with the same structures and variables. Further define the classes of the language such as its attributes and characteristics. The language executed basic algorithmic solutions. Therefore when I created controls and data structures also finding means to express algorithms I was able to create a programing language. The variables in this projects were the stored values such as strings and integers. If I was to do this experiment in the future or expand on this experiment I would define and organize my experimental data structures differently. A programming language is an artificial language which gives instruction that is carried out by a computer. The researcher chose this project to understand and learn about Programming language design, structure and computer software development. The researcher wanted to find out how object oriented programing languages work, their processing, how they are designed to complete tasks and how they affect the software development. In his investigation, he researched the basic common qualities of an object oriented programs ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Comparison Between R And Python Chapter 3 Today, R and Python are the most popular open tools for Machine Learning. This Chapter presents a general overview of R and Python, their characteristics and usage for machine learning. Lastly, a comparison matrix of R and Python for ML is provided at the end of this chapter. About R R stands for both the statistical programming language and the software environment. It is one of the most popular statistical environment for machine learning and general data analysis. R is licensed under the GNU General Public License, with copyright held by The R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The source code of R is written in R, C and Fortran. R is free, open source and cross platform with a large community of users. Even though R programming is challenging, the CRAN packages reduce the number of lines coding, with a help command giving explanation and examples of use. R also gained popularity for its fancy visualizations. R is today one of the most –if not the most– powerful ... Show more content on ... They are both open source, free and easy to install. The choice of a tool over the other is subjective and depends on the user's preference and personal experience. Python is a great solution if the user wants to learn a powerful programming language for not only machine learning and statistics. Besides, if the user is already familiar with python or with a similar programming language, Python seems a natural choice. Python is more flexible and gives the freedom of development. R on the other hand, is more suitable if the user is specifically interested in statistical computations and visualizations. For non–programmers, R can be very exciting; the user can easily do data explorations and create some amazing plots with little effort. Many tutorials and books are available for beginners, and the community is always welcoming new R users. Still, mastering R programming language demands a lot of time, patience and ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Essay on Ada's Metamorphosis to Independent Woman in Cold... Ada's Metamorphosis to Independent Woman in Cold Mountain As Ada arrives at Black Cove, she and her father are completely unprepared for a life of independence. The ride there becomes the first of their problems. A new horse and cabriolet were purchased for the trip, but that was their first mistake. "The rain fell aslant, coming at their faces so that the top of the carriage did little good in sheltering them from it" (55). Monroe, Ada's father, had no idea on how to get to Cold Mountain, and "At each fork, Monroe simply guessed at the route they ought to take" (55). Ada's life in Charleston was one of aristocracy. She enjoyed balls, parties, and suitors, none of which helped her in any way at Black Cove. Ruby comments that ... Show more content on ... "Ada told Ruby that she envied her knowledge of how the world runs" (137). Ruby also teaches Ada about home remedies and new ways of doing things around the house. Ada learns from Ruby about the nature of the world. "You commence by trying to see what likes what, Ruby said. Which Ada interpreted to mean, Observe and understand the workings of affinity in nature" (138). Slowly Ada learns how to run the farm and live off its offerings. She begins to see things that she might not have noticed before. As a heron flies over her head she wonders if the sighting is "A blessing? A warning beacon? Picket of the spirit world?" (193). She jots down the incident in her journal, drawing pictures of the bird and maybe other associated objects. She even says to herself "I am living a life now where I keep account of the doings of particular birds" (239). She is observing, and learning from, nature in its purest forms. It is easily seen that Ada acquires something of an understanding of nature in its purest forms. She is no longer afraid to do things that might seem 'unladylike'. Ruby dangled her feet over the edge of the hayloft. Ada had never known a grown woman to do that, but "Ruby looked at her with some amusement, as if to say, I can do this because I have never been proper, and you can do it because you have recently quit being so" (288). The way Ada draws and ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Design And Implementation Of Select Java Concepts Nathali Santana CSC 401 Programming Languages Assignment 4 11/16/2014 Design and Implementation of Select Java concepts There are many concepts in the design and implementation of the Java programming language. Six of the many concepts are the final reserved word, permanent generation in the Java Virtual Machine, the functions of the intern() class, dynamic scoping using shallow access, dynamic scoping using deep access and the implementation of the concept of passing a method as a parameter in Java. These concepts have various effects on Java programming. From improving performance of a program to preventing variable value changing, these six concepts are all helpful in their own way to the Java programming language. Along with the implementation of these concepts in Java, similar concepts in other programming languages will also be looked at. In Java, there is a reserved word called "final." In general, the "final" reserved word serves as a way to prevent changing the contents of a Java entity. Fox example, assigning a variable as "final double x = 10.2;" means that this variable will not be allowed to change its value later on in the program because it has already been assigned a value. Alternatively, a final variable can be declared without initialization and can be given a value later. This assignment can only be done once and must be assigned by the time the program has exited the constructor. The use of final is not only for variables. Final can also be used when ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Javascript: C and Draw INTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPT {draw:rect} What is JavaScript? JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages JavaScript is a scripting language A scripting language is a lightweight programming language A JavaScript consists of lines of executable computer code A JavaScript is usually embedded directly into HTML pages JavaScript is an interpreted language (means that scripts execute without preliminary compilation) Everyone can use JavaScript without purchasing a license {draw:rect} Are Java and JavaScript the Same? NO! Java and JavaScript are two completely different languages in both concept and design! Java (developed by Sun Microsystems) is a powerful and much more complex ... Show more content on ... JavaScript Comparison and Logical Operators {draw:a} {draw:a} {draw:rect} Comparison and Logical operators are used to test for true or false. {draw:rect} Comparison Operators Comparison operators are used in logical statements to determine equality or difference between variables or values. Given that x=5, the table below explains the comparison operators: {draw:rect} How Can it be Used Comparison operators can be used in conditional statements to compare values and take action depending on the result: You will learn more about the use of conditional statements in the next chapter of this tutorial. {draw:rect} Logical Operators Logical operators are used in determine the logic between variables or values. Given that x=6 and y=3, the table below explains the logical operators: {draw:rect} Conditional Operator JavaScript also contains a conditional operator that assigns a value to a variable based on some condition. Syntax Example If the variable visitor has the value of "PRES", then the variable greeting will be assigned the value "Dear President " else it will be assigned "Dear". JavaScript If...Else Statements {draw:a} {draw:a} {draw:rect} Conditional statements in JavaScript are used to perform different actions based on different conditions. {draw:rect} Examples If statement How to write an if statement. If...else statement How to write an if...else statement. ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Syntax And Syntax The task of providing a simple description of a programming language is very difficult but it is essential to the language's success. ALGOL 60 and 68 was initially represented using compact formal descriptions; in both scenarios, however, the description was not clear because they utilized a completely new notation. Hence, both these languages were not accepted by the developer community. Similarly, few languages have faced some issues due to different dialects, a result of simple but informal and imprecise description. The study of programming languages is similar to natural languages. It can be classified into Syntax refers to the spelling and grammar of a programming language. The syntax of a programming language is the combination ... Show more content on ... Syntax rules of a programming language defines the spelling and grammar. In syntax, each and every language has its own rules. Computers are very inflexible and understand what you write only if you state what you want in exact syntax that the computer expects and understands. Importance of semantics Semantics is referred to the meaning of words and sentences. Mostly semantics studies the understanding of each word and creates the sentences in the form of text written. Semantics offers a framework for easy understanding and analyses the fundamental requirement of languages. Syntax Syntax refers in different way of symbols that combined to create well–formed sentences in the language. It defines the formal relations between the components of a programming language. So, it provides a structural description of the various expressions which makes strings in the language. Syntax Composition Tokens: A token consists of a token name and an optional attribute value. Different types of Tokens are namely, keywords, identifiers, constants, and operator symbols. The syntax of token is token_name, value ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. The Modeling Technique That You Were Assigned For Your Own... Final Exam 1. Describe the modeling technique that you were assigned in your own words. The modeling technique that I was assigned Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF). In software engineering, expanded Backus–Naur frame (EBNF) is a group of metasyntax documentations, any of which can be utilized to express a setting free sentence structure. EBNF is utilized to make a formal depiction of a formal language which can be a PC programming language. They are augmentations of the fundamental Backus–Naur frame (BNF) metasyntax documentation. EBNF is a code that communicates the sentence structure of a formal language. An EBNF comprises of terminal images and non–terminal creation rules which are the limitations administering how terminal images can be joined into a legitimate arrangement. Cases of terminal images incorporate alphanumeric characters, accentuation marks, and whitespace characters. BNF is the first, most straightforward, for the most part utilized as a part of scholarly papers of hypothetical setting, for conveying to people, instead of being utilized as a part of compiler or parser. EBNF implies Extended BNF. There 's not one single EBNF, but rather numerous. Reusing existing syntax learning dwelling in gauges, specifications and manuals for programming dialects, confronts a few difficulties. A standout amongst the most significant of them is the differing qualities of syntactic documentations: without loss of all inclusive statement, we can express that each and ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Case Study : Software Development- Programming Essay TASMAN INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIES NZ Diploma in Computing Level 5 Unit Standards 6776 Piyush Dankhara 3/26/2015 Tasman International Academies Assessment Package Diploma in Information Technology Level 7 Unit Standard 6776 Unit Title: Software Development– Programming Demonstrate computer programming skills using an object–oriented language Version 4 Level 6 Credits 14 PURPOSE: People credited with this unit standard are able to: explain object–oriented computer program development techniques; and design, write, modify and test an object–oriented computer program. AIM: The assessment aim is towards achieving competency in candidate performance on applying the principles of creating computer program using object oriented language. You will be required to demonstrate the competency in the following aspects through submitted work on given scenario in the assessment Task. Explain object–oriented computer program development techniques. Design an object– oriented computer program. Write an object–oriented computer program. Modify the function of an object–oriented computer program. Test an object–oriented computer program. Student Name ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬______________________________ Due Date ________ Student Signature __________________________ Date Submitted ¬ – ____________________ Assessor Name: _____________________________ Assessor Signature: __________________ For ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Components Programming And Object Oriented Programming... 1. INTRODUCTION: C++ programming language is one of the well designed and widely accepted object oriented programming language. It was called that C++ programming language is an enhanced version of C language with some extra keywords. It is improved and reliable form of C language. C++ programming language has various properties due to which it becomes quite popular:– ⦁ It supports all features of both structure programming and object oriented programming language. ⦁ It provides the easiest way to handle the data hiding and encapsulation with the help of powerful keywords such as class, private, public, and protected. ⦁ In this programming language we have to understand the meaning of various terms such as objects, class, data abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance (one of the most powerful concept), polymorphism, data binding, and message passing etc. ⦁ It also provides overloading of operators and functions. ⦁ C++ focuses on function and class templates for handling parameterized data types. Advantagses of C++ :– ⦁ C++, the object oriented language provides a standard class library that can be extended by the users, thus saving a lot of coding and debugging effort. ⦁ Object oriented language greatly enhance the possibility of reuse. ⦁ It also provides many other advantages in the production and maintenance of software such as shorter development times, high degree of code sharing and malleability. These advantages make OOPs an important technology for building ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Essay on Comparison Of Java, Javascript, Java Applets And... Comparison of Java, JavaScript, Java Applets and Java Beans Introduction Starting back in the early 1990's with the introduction of Java to the computer scene there has been many updates and advances in how languages interact with web based programs. In this paper we are going to highlight several areas of several different Java flavors. The flavors we are addressing are Java, JavaScript, Java Applets and JavaBeans. We will discuss their history, features, usage and syntax and finally follow up with a chart providing a comparison of the different Java architectures. History Java, a language based on C++, was developed by James Gosling and colleagues at Sun Microsystems in the early 1990's. (Java programming language, n.d.) It was ... Show more content on ... JavaScript was commonly used to manipulate images and document contents. There were early issues with JavaScript; security flaws, lack of development tools and often criticized for "being too unlike Java, or too much like Perl." (Champeon, 2001) However, JavaScript took on a life all its own and in some circles was written off due to its simpleness, its security flaws and to some extent because it could only be tested within the browser environment. A Java Applet is a small program written in Java, which can be downloaded to any computer. The applet is usually embedded in an HTML page on a Web site and can be executed from within a browser. "JavaSoft, the current name of the company which oversees the development of the Java language, was founded in January of 1996, and a few months later released the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.0." (Youmans, 1997) The concept of an applet came out of the creation on the Java language. "It enabled users to produce programs named applets which could be transmitted and run over the Internet, a somewhat different end product from what was originally envisioned back at the beginning of the decade." (Youmans, 1997) Java Applets came about as a requirement for adding functionalities to HTML documents, ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Essay On Software Development Before our article gets into the nitty–gritty aspects of learning software development for free at home, let's see some vital information as to why this may be a viable option for your career path to opportunities. That said, our article below covers several aspects of software development that may help you decide as to whether the computer sciences are for you or not: (–– removed HTML ––) (–– removed HTML ––) Current industry figures. (–– removed HTML ––) (–– removed HTML ––) The top four myths dispelled that may keep you from a lucrative career as a computer engineer. (–– removed HTML ––) (–– removed HTML ––) An overview of free computer learning at home. (–– removed HTML ––) (–– removed HTML ––) What it takes to succeed ... Show more content on ... In reality, coding for beginners is not that difficult at all. In essence, it's simply knowing how to talk to a computer in a specialized language such as PHP, Ruby or Fortran. Then, you master how to tell it its instructions: step–by– step. However, things do become more convoluted, and you'll need to learn to code more languages applicable to the tasks at hand. (–– removed HTML ––) Myth Number Three: (–– removed HTML ––) You'll have to be a math wizard to learn how to program. Actually, there is no real direct correlation between math and programming a computer. Honest. (–– removed HTML ––) Myth Number Four: (–– removed HTML ––) You'll need a college degree if you're going to succeed as a software developer. You'd be surprised to know that many, if not most computer people, do not have a degree in computer science. In fact, the population of software specialists who now have no degree whatsoever and are completely self–taught, has risen exponentially within the last decade in comparison to those people who do have a formal degree. Furthermore, although many do not have a degree, there are sufficient online tools readily available for people who have the inclination to simply learn how to use, let's say, a software package. As such, at home courses abound in enormous availability making it far easier to with online tools are accessible. In addition, ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Differences Between Two Languages Based On The Languages Summary The main aim of this report is to highlight differences between two languages based on the program developed for both the languages. A reader–writer program was created in two languages, i.e. JAVA and PYTHON. The program creates 4 threads each of which performs 5 read/write operations to the shared location. These threads simulate a coin flip. If the coin flip results in Heads (H) – Reading from the shared location is performed and if the coin flip results in Tails (T) – Writing to the shared memory location is performed. To achieve this concurrency and parallel programming, Semaphores and Monitor is used. Based on the output of the programs, two languages are then differentiate based on certain given comparison and evaluation criteria and concluded which of the two chosen languages is better for concurrency and simultaneously programming. Keywords: Semaphore, Monitor, Reader– Writer, Concurrency, Thread. 1. Introduction Concurrency and Parallel programming in Computer Science, refers to act of performing several computations simultaneously by interacting with each other and using the same memory location to perform various operations. Reader–Writer is a common example of concurrency and parallel programming. In this problem, multiple threads access the same memory location at any given time. Two or more threads can read from the shared location at the same time, but same cannot be said for the writer. When a writer thread is writing, no other thread, whether it's a ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Analysis Of The Software Language And Tools Used In The... This chapter is about the software language and the tools used in the development of the project. The platform used here is .NET. The Primary languages are C#, VB, and J#. In this project C# is chosen for implementation. 5.2. DOTNET 5.2 .1 INTRODUCTION TO DOTNET Microsoft .NET is a set of Microsoft software technologies for rapidly building and integrating XML Web services, Microsoft Windows–based applications, and Web solutions. THE .NET FRAMEWORK The .NET Framework has two main parts: 1. The Common Language Runtime (CLR). 2. A hierarchical set of class libraries. 5.2.3 MANAGE CODE MANAGED CODE is a meta data. This provides a guaranteed secure execution and interoperability. 5.2.4 MANAGE DATA With Managed Code comes Managed ... Show more content on ... There are also efficient means of converting value types to object types if and when necessary. The set of classes is pretty comprehensive, providing collections, file, screen, and network I/O, threading, and so on, as well as XML and database connectivity. The class library has a number of namespaces, having different functionalities, with minimum dependency between them. LANGUAGES SUPPORTED BY .NET The multi–language capability of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET enables developers to use their existing programming skills to build all types of applications and XML Web services. The .NET framework supports new versions of Microsoft's old favorites Visual Basic and C++ (as VB.NET and Managed C++), but there are also a number of new additions to the family. Managed Extensions for C++ and attributed programming are just some of the enhancements made to the C++ language. Managed Extensions simplify the task of migrating existing C++ applications to the new .NET Framework. C# is Microsoft's new language. It's a C–style language that is essentially "C++ for Rapid Application Development". Unlike other languages, its specification is just the grammar of the language. It has no standard library of its own, and instead has been designed with the intention of using the .NET libraries as its own. Microsoft Visual J# .NET provides the easiest transition for Java–language developers into the world of ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Florida Is A State Composed Of Diverse Cultures And Languages Florida ESOL Consent Decree Gumary Prado Broward College Florida is a state composed of diverse cultures and languages. Prior to 1990 there were not any modifications or accommodations in the classroom for English Language Learners (ELL), which had become an increasing issue. During this decade Florida was the third largest state with residents that were not native–born. Historically, Florida has become the home for many individuals who migrated from Central and Latin America (MacDonald, 2004). According to the Consent Decree (n.d.), the Florida English speakers of other languages (ESOL) Consent Decree was a result of the case, LULAC et. al v. State Board of Education, August 14, 1990. This case addresses the civil rights of English Language Learners (ELLs). The plaintiffs in this case were LULAC and Multicultural Education, Training and Advocacy (META) and the defendant were Florida Board of Education. LULAC and META came together to bring justice to students whose native language was not English. The plaintiffs' sought to implement policies to protect students whose native language was not English in order to create an equal learning environment. For example, English was the only means of communication in the classrooms and students who did not speak or understand the language would find themselves at a disadvantage. Due to the lack of modifications in place, students would eventually fall through the cracks of the school system. This case brought ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. 3.1 : 7 Light Intensity Sensor 3.1.7 LIGHT INTENSITY SENSOR In photometry, luminous intensity is a quantify of the wavelength–weighted power emitted through a daylight basis in a particular path for every unit solid angle, based on the luminosity function, a standardized representation of the sensitivity of the human eye. The SI unit of luminous intensity is the candela (cd), an SI base unit. Here, this sensor measures the voltage from the output side. After that from the conversion table, this voltage converts the voltage to luminous intensity. As the daylight decreases, the resistance increases and vice–versa. DAQ hardware This is the actual pin diagram of NI DAQ card 6008/6009 which having 32 input/output pins. The National Instruments USB–6008/6009 devices provide eight single–ended analog inputs.provide eight single–ended analog inputs. (AI) channels, two analog output (AO) channels, 12 DIO channels with a full–speed USB interface. Here, it has two parts, one comprises analog input pins (1 to 16) and alternate side has the digital input pins (17 to 32). AIx pins are the input channels where input analog quantities are to be given whereas AO pins are the output channels where the output is to be obtained. 3.1.9 LabVIEW software This software is the product of national instruments which can be used for various automotive applications; e.g. data acquisition, instrument control, test automation, industrial control and embedded system. Basically, it has two windows for programming. 1) Front panel and 2) ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. A Rubik 's Cube Is A Logic Game And Mathematical Puzzle A Rubik's cube is a logic game and mathematical puzzle that develops critical thinking and spatial reasoning skills. It is a three–dimensional puzzle originally invented and developed by Erno Rubik to serve the purpose of a mathematical aid in the 1970's but unexpectedly evolved into what is now considered to be the world's top–selling toy. Erno Rubik was a young professor teaching interior design and architecture in Hungary when he first created the object. He created an object that was not supposed to be possible. His solid cube twisted and turned – and still did not break or fall apart. Rubik first invented the cube, formerly known as the 'Magic Cube' to help explain three– dimensional geometry to his students. The puzzle is in the form of a cube made up of smaller, coloured interlocking cubes that can be manipulated by twisting the horizontal and vertical planes. Initially before the cube has been manipulated each face of the cube is covered in a different colour. Meaning when you twist and turn the cube away from its original orientation the colours on each face will be jumbled. Although it has now been made apparent that every legal permutation of the Rubik's cube can be solved in 20 moves or fewer, it has been reported, the first time Rubik jumbled the cube it took him a month to solve it. Throughout the introduction I have used information from sites reference [1] – [4] found in the appendix. Research into existing, similar applications There are a few games of ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Smart Emotion Based Music Player With Sleep Alert System ||shree|| Abstract:– In this paper we propose a smart emotion based music player with sleep alert system. The objective of this paper is to introduce needs and applications of facial expression recognition. The proposed system has a camera to capture the user's facial expression. By analyzing the expressions, the system will get idea about user's emotion. After getting idea about emotion , the music player will start playing music as per the user's emotion. Simultaneously based on frequency and timing of eyes blinking and yawning the sleepy state of the user will be detected and accordingly user will be alerted. Introduction:– The field of science is as big as the galaxy itself. Every passing day there are new developments; if not big or shocking, but constructive and leading towards a better future. Sound and Graphics are two huge fields of Science and Engineering that not only interesting but also attract learners to study them in detail to explore into their knowledge. Since then many inventions have pull–back us to this time where thinking of various ideas which might have been difficult a few decades back and more over implementing them is now possible The human face is an expressive organ of an individual's body and especially plays an important role in extraction of individual's behaviour and the emotional state. ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Object Oriented Programming Essay Designing a Class Tutorial for C++ OOP (Object Oriented Programming) The modern programming is based on the concept that "program little and use more". The object oriented programming languages are playing a vital role in the industry of development. The OOP introduced following concepts: Split a program into set of tasks and sub– tasks Develop functions for these tasks And reuse these functions with little or less modifications This lead a new term "Reusability", which means that you have to write a function once and use the function again and again by calling the Object of that Class in which the function is present. You can also further implement the Class by adopting the rules provided by OOP. C++ is a good example of object oriented programming. Features of OOP There are many features of OOP, but the most common features are: Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction Contracts Class The class is capsule that is used to encapsulate an abstract data type. When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type. The class itself does not defines data, its only gives the name concerning with the objects. However a class contains one or more than one objects. These objects are the operations which a class performs. In short, a class provides blueprints of objects. The basic syntax for a class is: Objects Objects are the actual operations and functions that a class performs. Each object has its own characteristics/properties/attributes and ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Port Scanner, Ip Resolver And Client Server Using Socket... Port Scanner, IP Resolver and Client Server using Socket Programming in Python Project Report [EE281] By:– Shekhar Agrawal Shaunak Deshmukh Tejas Nikam Preyansh Shah Prof. Balaji Venkatraman, Project Advisor 12/2014 ABSTRACT By [Shekhar Agrawal, Shaunak Deshmukh, Tejas Nikam, Preyansh Shah] Our aim is to get hands–on experience in Python. We have used Socket Programming in Python to implement a Port Scanner and an IP Resolver. Port scanning is an important technique to probe a host for open ports. The technique of connecting to the host on a particular port from all the available ports along with identifying the active port as well as the services running on the target to pentest it is generally referred to as port scanning. We ... Show more content on ... Tools Used 5.2. Standards Chapter 6 Project Progress and Status References 1. Introduction 1.1 Project goals and objectives 1.1.1 Goals To implement a port scanner and an IP resolver using socket programming in python. To implement a chat server using socket API calls which shows a connection establishment between a client and server. 1.1.2 Objectives To learn the basics of Socket programming in Python. To build a port scanner to scan the active ports on a connected host. To build an IP resolver for converting the host name into IPv4 address. To establish a connection between client and server 1.2 Problem and motivation To establish a connection, there are a few basic parameters which must be known. To determine the services available on a remote machine, a port scanner is used. Verifying the security policies by network administrators and identification of running services by attackers is done using port scanning. For the purpose of computer devices and services worldwide, ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. A Comparison Between Computer Programming And Java A Comparison Between Computer Programming: Java and C++ in games industry 1.Introduction I chose this topic because these languages are a relationship between programmers and computer without those languages can 't use the computer. Moreover, considered one of the models that I will study in September at Swansea University. This is why I find this topic so interesting as it given a lot of detailed information about two programming c++ and java in uses and its founders to explain how they became so successful and why their programs are so brilliant. I admire the genius of these successful two programs. Also, as a Mathematics and Computing for Finance student I feel that I could learn so much from them. So, I shall keep a very close eye on their research and their result. The purpose of the programming languages as Coded language to write information by programmers that a computer could understand to do what the programmer wants. A computer language is used binary ( '1 ' and '0 ') code as call the machine language that a computer can execute instructions quickly without any translator or interpreter program, but is complicated. The high level languages such as C++ and java are very simpler for use, but it need to another program to transfer a high–level code into a computer language, for this are slower. There are many of programming languages are being always developed. The Advanced ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Online Computer Programming : An Integral Part Of Our... Computer programming and computer programmers have become an integral part of our society with the rise of computers and the internet. Computer programmers create the languages or instructions that computers use in order to carry out the orders that users give to them. There are many courses available to those interested in learning computer programming languages and how to become a computer programmer. One of the hottest ways to learn how to program computers is through the use of computer technology. An online computer programming course is a great way to start your journey towards becoming a computer programmer. There are many benefits to derive from taking a course online rather than going the traditional route. The biggest benefit is convenience. Online computer programming courses (especially those that are free) allow you to participate when it is convenient for you – before or after work, at 3:00 am, or on the weekends. You can also learn at your own pace. Online computer courses also get rid of the necessity to pay for transportation, or finding a parking space. When one is taking a computer course online, there is also the possibility of greatly expanding your horizons as individuals in differing cities, towns or countries participate and contribute their knowledge. Additionally, online course can take full advantage of multimedia technology. There are many computer programming languages that one can learn from an online computer programming class. One of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Programming Languages Research Paper Programming languages are our way to speak to computers. From Lisp to Go to Java, programmers have had more flexibility and productivity with high–level programming languages. Programming languages have changed and evolved throughout the history of computer science. Programmers have learned to adapt to programming languages, such as assembly language, however more programming languages are being created that give users more control. The future of programming languages will continue to contribute to the growth of computer science and understanding of computation. The history of programming languages includes several influential figures in computer science. The first programming language goes back to the invention of the difference engine ... Show more content on ... Instead, there should be a set of instructions to control the simplified hardware that would improve the speed of the system. The second concept is "conditional control transfer" which means that small blocks of code can be reused and jumped to in different orders. It gave rise to the if/then statements and for loops we use in everyday programming today. In addition, libraries were formed which are blocks of code that can be reused over and over again. Both of these concepts gave rise to the modern day Von Neumann programming languages, which include C, C++ and Java. At this time, still in 1945, German engineer Konrad Zuse designed the first high–level non–Von Neumann programming language Plankakul (Calculus of Programs). This was unique in history as it was developed at the same time John Von Neumann came out with his two concepts, but it used his own constructs and logic. The Plankakul language was not a huge success at the time, but it showed us many of the same modern day features of a programming language. For example, the features of the language was that it is a high level programming language, has reusable functions, uses no recursion, is a typed language, and there is a WHILE construct for iteration. The language was developed independently of Von Neumann's ideas, but it still came up with similar concepts and influenced modern programming languages. The breakthrough in designing a ... Get more on ...