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The Evolution of Blended &
Competency-Based Schooling
What Lies Beyond the Horizon?
Tim Hudson, PhD
Vice President of Learning
DreamBox Learning
Poll: What is your biggest challenge with
blended schooling?
- Personalizing learning for every student
- Measuring impact
- Fidelity of implementations
- Getting educators comfortable with blended learning
- Accessing and using actionable data
Poll: What is your level of interest in digital
- Just looking at new technologies
- Researching possible software solutions for my school
- Interested in grants and funding options for my school
- Interested in pricing
- Interested in viewing a demo
Today’s Goals
Explore our hidden
assumptions and imagine
the full implications of
blended learning that
ensure high achievement
and enjoyment for all
Surface and reflect upon our
own mental models of
education, schooling, and
learning that inform how we
design classrooms,
schools, and use
educational technology.
“Next Generation” Education?
“…one would think that by 2025, age-graded
schools and the familiar teaching and learning that
occurs today in K-12 and universities would have
exited the rear door. Not so. Blended instruction,
personalized learning, and flipped classrooms
will reinforce the age-graded school, the 19th
century organizational innovation that is rock-solid
in 2015. That is what I predict for 2025.”
Larry Cuban, 12/2015
Stanford University Professor Emeritus of Education
From “Predictions, Dumb and Otherwise, about Technology in Schools in 2025”
What is Blended
What is
What is Blended
What is
l (Industrial)
Pedagogy with
School Policies &
Structures are Designed
for Students as Unique
Strategic & Varied
Schedule, Location,
Path, Pace
Empowering Learning
Experiences, Critical
Thinking, Creativity,
Students “Think & Do”
using Their Own
Intuitive Ideas
School Policies &
Structures are Designed
for Efficiency, Economy
& Scale.
Fixed Schedule,
Location, Path, Pace
Age-Based Pacing
Traditional Lesson
Paradigm of Mass
Teach, Practice, Test
Students “Sit & Get” the
Teacher’s Ideas
l (Industrial)
Pedagogy with
Planning Backwards
© 1998, 2005© 2007
School Policies &
Structures are Designed
for Students as Unique
Strategic & Varied
Schedule, Location,
Path, Pace
Empowering Learning
Experiences, Critical
Thinking, Creativity,
Students “Think & Do”
using Their Own
Intuitive Ideas
School Policies &
Structures are Designed
for Efficiency, Economy
& Scale.
Fixed Schedule,
Location, Path, Pace
Age-Based Pacing
Traditional Lesson
Paradigm of Mass
Teach, Practice, Test
Students “Sit & Get” the
Teacher’s Ideas
l (Industrial)
Pedagogy with
Plan Curriculum Backwards
1. Identify desired
results (for units and
2. Determine
acceptable evidence
3. Plan learning
experiences and
Understanding by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, ©2005
Schooling by Design, ©2007, Wiggins & McTighe, p. 6
Where are decisions about
Blended Learning or
Models made?
Mission should drive
scheduling. Structures
should not drive
Plan Schooling Backwards
• “Not schooling by habit or
• “Without a commitment to
mission, we don’t really
have a school; we just
have a home for freelance
tutors of subjects.”
p. 11, 25, Wiggins & McTighe, © 2007
Mission or Habit?
“Our mission is to ensure success
for all our students. We will do
whatever it takes to ensure their
success –
provided we don’t have to change
the schedule, modify any of our
existing practices, or adopt any
new practices.”
Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at Work, ©2008, DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, pp. 114-115
What is Blended
What is
School Policies &
Structures are Designed
for Students as Unique
Strategic & Varied
Schedule, Location,
Path, Pace
Empowering Learning
Experiences, Critical
Thinking, Creativity,
Students “Think & Do”
using Their Own
Intuitive Ideas
School Policies &
Structures are Designed
for Efficiency, Economy
& Scale.
Fixed Schedule,
Location, Path, Pace
Age-Based Pacing
Traditional Lesson
Paradigm of Mass
Teach, Practice, Test
Students “Sit & Get” the
Teacher’s Ideas
l (Industrial)
Pedagogy with
Is there
an app
for this?
Is there
an app
for this?
Is there
an app
for this?
Is there
an app
for this?
Why don’t we see
the term ‘blended’
associated with
other professions?
• What are restaurants, farms, hospitals, schools,
etc. “in business” to accomplish?
• Regardless of what “school” looks like, what
must be accomplished for all students?
Plan Schooling Backwards
“Contemporary school reform efforts…
typically focus too much on various
means: structures, schedules,
programs, PD, curriculum, and
instructional practices (like cooperative
[or blended learning]
[or flipped classrooms]
[or iPads, hardware, etc]
[or “gamification”]
p. 234-235, Wiggins & McTighe, © 2007
Plan Schooling Backwards
“Certainly such reforms serve
as the fuel for the school
improvement engine, but
they must not be mistaken as
the destination…[which is]
improved learning.”
p. 234-235, Wiggins & McTighe, © 2007
Blended Learning
H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012
Blended Learning
H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012
online delivery of
content & instruction
anytime, anywhere
delivery of content &
instruction at school
Time, Place, Path, Pace
H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012
Time, Place, Path, Pace
H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012
• Path: Learning is no longer restricted to the pedagogy used by
the teacher. Interactive and adaptive software allows students
to learn [in a method that is customized to their needs].
BUT… Learning IS restricted – and limited by – the
pedagogy used by the online teacher, in the online
instruction, or in designs of the learning software.
Which blended schooling model is better?
Blending is a means to what ends?
What is happening with the teacher?
What is happening on the computers?
H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012
Class Size
Planning “Forward”
based on resources?
Or Planning
Backward from
Adapted from Schooling by Design, G. Wiggins & J. McTighe, ©2007, p. 6
based on Schooling by Design, ©2007, Wiggins & McTighe, p. 6
Where are decisions about
Blended Learning Models
1. Define Learning
2. Establish
Curriculum &
3. Establish Face-to-
Face and Online
Programs &
Practices to
Enable Blended
Determine Personnel,
Structures, and
What is Blended
What is
Competency Education (iNACOL)
• Advance upon demonstrated mastery
• Transferable learning objectives that
empower students
• Positive, meaningful assessment
• Timely, differentiated support
• Application and creation of knowledge,
developing important skills &
• Advance upon demonstrated mastery
• Transferable learning objectives that
empower students
• Positive, meaningful assessment
• Timely, differentiated support
• Application and creation of knowledge,
developing important skills &
Competency Education (iNACOL)
Plan Curriculum Backwards
1. Identify desired
results (for units and
2. Determine
3. Plan learning
experiences and
Understanding by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, ©2005
and Skills
© Authentic Education
Learning Outcomes A-M-T
“You can learn
ANYTHING online.”
usually means
“You can acquire
Schooling by Design, ©2007, Wiggins & McTighe, p. 6
Where are decisions about
Systems made?
Establish Policies &
Structures for
Progressing Based on
Decide on Evidence
of Competence
Why “Factory” Model Structures?
“…all the rhetoric around how we will shove off the mantel
of “factory education” for the brand new world of
“personalized learning” misses a point of the utmost
Factory education was invented as a form of
Mike Caulfield, July 2014
Director of Blended and Networked Learning at Washington State University-Vancouver
“The Original Factory Education Was a Personalized Learning Experiment”
Will County, Illinois One-Room Schoolhouse,
Varied Pace Alone Doesn’t Result
in Learning & Understanding
How we Cause Learning
1. Identify desired
results (for units and
2. Determine
acceptable evidence
3. Plan learning
experiences and
Understanding by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, ©2005
Wiggins on “Mastery”
“…the original sin in
curriculum design: Take
a complex whole, divide
it into small pieces, string
those together in a rigid
sequence of instruction
and testing, and call
completion of this
sequence "mastery."
“How Good is Good Enough?” G. Wiggins, ASCD © 2013
Learning to Drive?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill +
Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill +
Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill +
Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill +
Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill +
Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill +
Skill + Skill l
≠Transfer, Mastery &
What do you remember
about math from when you
were in middle & high
Experience or Instruction?
From a 5th grade teacher in NY:
“I had a lot of good people teaching me math when I
was a student – earnest and funny and caring. But
the math they taught me wasn’t good math. Every
class was the same for eight years:
‘Get out your homework, go over the
homework, here’s the new set of exercises,
here’s how to do them. Now get started. I’ll
be around.’”
p. 55, Teaching What Matters Most, Strong, Silver, & Perini, ©2001
Instruction, Content Delivery
Class or
Use Data
to Plan
Use Data
Impersonal by Definition
Let Me
Show You
How To Do
Now You
Go Do
Can You
Maybe You
Need to Be
Shown X
You Know
Who is doing the thinking?
School & Home Work
At School:
Instruction &
At Home:
Maybe you
need to be
shown X
Use Data
Flipped Classroom?
At Home:
Videos & Online
At School:
Practice &
Maybe You
Need to
Watch the
Video Again
Use Data
Learning Outcomes?
“They were so concerned with making
sure we knew how to do every single
procedure we never learned how to think
mathematically. I did well in math but I
never understood what I was doing. I
remember hundreds of procedures but
not one single mathematical idea.”
p. 55, Teaching What Matters Most, Strong, Silver, & Perini, ©2001
Let Me
Show You
How To Do
Now You
Go Do
Can You
Maybe You
Need to Be
Shown X
You Know
If it’s believed that learners are
merely passive receivers of
information and procedures,
then what would logically
follow for the design of
schools and lessons and
Transmission View of Learning
Pedagogy, not Technology
Earth 2199
“I know kung fu.”
The Matrix, 1999, Warner Brothers, Village Roadshow Pictures
Did educators try to simply transmit information
from books to passive students en masse in 2000?
‘At School in the Year 2000’ Image Source via Wikimedia Commons
What’s Different? What’s Similar?
What’s Different? What’s Similar?
School Policies &
Structures are Designed
for Students as Unique
Strategic & Varied
Schedule, Location,
Path, Pace
Empowering Learning
Experiences, Critical
Thinking, Creativity,
Students “Think & Do”
using Their Own
Intuitive Ideas
School Policies &
Structures are Designed
for Efficiency, Economy
& Scale.
Fixed Schedule,
Location, Path, Pace
Age-Based Pacing
Traditional Lesson
Paradigm of Mass
Teach, Practice, Test
Students “Sit & Get” the
Teacher’s Ideas
l (Industrial)
Pedagogy with
Is there
an app
for this?
Is there
an app
for this?
Is there
an app
for this?
Is there
an app
for this?
Curse of the Familiar
“If our problems are mere inefficiencies
– if we need students doing
basically exactly what they've been
doing before but faster – then the
gambit of building apps that mirror
typical classroom practices will work
out great.”
Justin Reich on EdWeek
November 20, 2013
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
“Each MOOC varies in content,
requirements, prerequisites and length,”
Tarte said. “Some will contain video
lectures, some might have selected
readings, and some courses provide
quizzes periodically so students can test
their understanding of the material.”
High School to Offer College Courses Online, November 27, 2013
Thoughtful vs. Thoughtless Blended Learning
… night school instruction was questionable … I heard over
and over again about students who never watched or read
through any of the instruction material. They simply clicked
through screens until they got to assessments and Googled
to find answers. Even in rooms where teachers did not
allow that practice, instruction from the computer relied on
basic “read this” followed by “now answer these questions”
approach no different than many textbook-style education
methods. Students never had the chance to engage in any
activities, projects, or even class discussions to augment
their learning. It was all basic regurgitation…”
-Patrick White
Fullan: Alive in the Swamp
Fullan & Donnelly, Alive in the Swamp: Assessing Digital Innovations in Education, © July 2013,
“Technology–enabled innovations have a different
problem, mainly pedagogy and outcomes. Many of
the innovations, particularly those that provide online
content and learning materials, use basic pedagogy –
most often in the form of introducing concepts
by video instruction and following up with a series of
progression exercises and tests. Other digital
innovations are simply tools that allow teachers
to do the same age-old practices but in a digital
format.” (p. 25)
Fullan & Donnelly, Alive in the Swamp
Scorecard: Innovation Index
Fullan & Donnelly, Alive in the Swamp: Assessing Digital Innovations in Education, © July 2013,
Sample: Assessment Platform
Fullan & Donnelly, Alive in the Swamp: Assessing Digital Innovations in Education, © July 2013,
Data inform
the Adaptive
Common “Adaptive” Design
Input, Video
Mistakes on
the Quiz or
Test Items
Wiggins on “Mastery”
“Indeed, many modern
software solutions now exist
to help educators track
endless small objectives,
in the name of "mastery,"
"proficiency," or
"competency." In some
units, students cannot
advance to the next level
until they test out on interim
assessments of such bits
of knowledge.”
“How Good is Good Enough?” G. Wiggins, ASCD © 2013
• “The notion that learning comes about by the
accretion of little bits is outmoded learning
• “Current models of learning based on cognitive
psychology contend that learners gain
understanding when they construct their own
knowledge and develop their own cognitive
maps of the interconnections among facts and
concepts.” (pp. 5–6)
Shepard, L. A. (1989, April). Why we need better assessments. Educational Leadership, 46(7)
quoted in Schooling by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, © 2007 p. 46
Where do we get this notion?
Why does it persist?
Transmission via Print
“If, by a miracle of mechanical
ingenuity, a book could be so arranged
that only to him who had done what
was directed on page one would page
two become visible, and so on, much
that now requires personal instruction
could be managed by print.”
Edward Thorndike 1912
Transmission via Print
“If, by a miracle of mechanical
ingenuity, a book could be so arranged
that only to him who had done what
was directed on page one would page
two become visible, and so on, much
that now requires personal instruction
could be managed by print.”
Edward Thorndike 1912
What’s the alternative?
What other notions are there?
Curse of the Familiar
“If you think that the problems in
classrooms are not just about kids
doing things a little faster, but doing
different things than is current
practice, then you need to build things
that will be unfamiliar.”
Justin Reich on EdWeek
November 20, 2013
Learning Principle
“Understandings cannot
be given; they have to be
engineered so that learners
see for themselves the
power of an idea for
making sense of things.”
p. 113, Schooling by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, ©2007
Don’t Start by Telling
“Providing students with opportunities to
first grapple with specific information
relevant to a topic has been shown to create
a ‘time for telling’ that enables them to
learn much more from an organizing
How People Learn, p. 58
Engineered for Realizations
Engage with
& Make
Sense of a
Situation or
Ideas &
Adapts &
“Offline,” Too
The Quality of Digital
Learning Experiences
is just as important
as the Quality of
Classroom Learning
Best Practices
for Evaluating
Thank you
DreamBox Learning® K-8 Math
Available in English & Spanish
Intelligent Adaptive Learning
• Millions of personalized learning paths
• Tailored to a student’s unique needs
Motivating Learning
• Student Directed, Empowering
• Leverages Gaming Protocols
Rigorous Mathematics
• Reporting Aligned to CCSS,
Texas TEKS, Virginia SOL,
Indiana IAS, South Carolina,
SCCCR, Canada WNCP, &
Canada Ontario Curriculum
• Standards for Mathematical
DreamBox Lessons & Virtual Manipulatives
Intelligently adapt & individualize to:
• Students’ own intuitive strategies
• Kinds of mistakes
• Efficiency of strategy
• Scaffolding needed
• Response time
Insight Dashboards
Seeing is believing!
We value your feedback, compliments,
suggestions, and complaints!
Let us know how we’re doing:

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The Evolution of Blended and Competency-Based Schooling: What Lies Beyond the Horizon?

  • 1. The Evolution of Blended & Competency-Based Schooling What Lies Beyond the Horizon? Tim Hudson, PhD Vice President of Learning DreamBox Learning @DocHudsonMath
  • 2. Poll: What is your biggest challenge with blended schooling? - Personalizing learning for every student - Measuring impact - Fidelity of implementations - Getting educators comfortable with blended learning - Accessing and using actionable data
  • 3. Poll: What is your level of interest in digital curriculum? - Just looking at new technologies - Researching possible software solutions for my school - Interested in grants and funding options for my school - Interested in pricing - Interested in viewing a demo
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 7. Today’s Goals Explore our hidden assumptions and imagine the full implications of blended learning that ensure high achievement and enjoyment for all students. Surface and reflect upon our own mental models of education, schooling, and learning that inform how we design classrooms, schools, and use educational technology.
  • 8. “Next Generation” Education? “…one would think that by 2025, age-graded schools and the familiar teaching and learning that occurs today in K-12 and universities would have exited the rear door. Not so. Blended instruction, personalized learning, and flipped classrooms will reinforce the age-graded school, the 19th century organizational innovation that is rock-solid in 2015. That is what I predict for 2025.” Larry Cuban, 12/2015 Stanford University Professor Emeritus of Education From “Predictions, Dumb and Otherwise, about Technology in Schools in 2025”
  • 9. What is Blended Schooling? What is Competency-Based Schooling?
  • 10. What is Blended Schooling? What is Competency-Based Schooling?
  • 12. School Policies & Structures are Designed for Students as Unique Individuals. Strategic & Varied Schedule, Location, Path, Pace Empowering Learning Experiences, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Exploration. Students “Think & Do” using Their Own Intuitive Ideas School Policies & Structures are Designed for Efficiency, Economy & Scale. Fixed Schedule, Location, Path, Pace Age-Based Pacing Calendars Traditional Lesson Paradigm of Mass Instruction Teach, Practice, Test Students “Sit & Get” the Teacher’s Ideas Personalized (Relational) Impersona l (Industrial) Learning Pedagogy with Students Schooling Structures from Adults
  • 14. School Policies & Structures are Designed for Students as Unique Individuals. Strategic & Varied Schedule, Location, Path, Pace Empowering Learning Experiences, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Exploration. Students “Think & Do” using Their Own Intuitive Ideas School Policies & Structures are Designed for Efficiency, Economy & Scale. Fixed Schedule, Location, Path, Pace Age-Based Pacing Calendars Traditional Lesson Paradigm of Mass Instruction Teach, Practice, Test Students “Sit & Get” the Teacher’s Ideas Personalized (Relational) Impersona l (Industrial) Learning Pedagogy with Students Schooling Structures from Adults
  • 15. Plan Curriculum Backwards 1. Identify desired results (for units and lessons) 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction Understanding by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, ©2005
  • 16. Schooling by Design, ©2007, Wiggins & McTighe, p. 6 Where are decisions about Blended Learning or Competency-Based Models made?
  • 18. Plan Schooling Backwards • “Not schooling by habit or impulse.” • “Without a commitment to mission, we don’t really have a school; we just have a home for freelance tutors of subjects.” p. 11, 25, Wiggins & McTighe, © 2007
  • 19. Mission or Habit? “Our mission is to ensure success for all our students. We will do whatever it takes to ensure their success – provided we don’t have to change the schedule, modify any of our existing practices, or adopt any new practices.” Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at Work, ©2008, DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, pp. 114-115
  • 20. What is Blended Schooling? What is Competency-Based Schooling?
  • 21. School Policies & Structures are Designed for Students as Unique Individuals. Strategic & Varied Schedule, Location, Path, Pace Empowering Learning Experiences, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Exploration. Students “Think & Do” using Their Own Intuitive Ideas School Policies & Structures are Designed for Efficiency, Economy & Scale. Fixed Schedule, Location, Path, Pace Age-Based Pacing Calendars Traditional Lesson Paradigm of Mass Instruction Teach, Practice, Test Students “Sit & Get” the Teacher’s Ideas Personalized (Relational) Impersona l (Industrial) Learning Pedagogy with Students Schooling Structures from Adults Blende d Blende d Is there an app for this? Is there an app for this? Is there an app for this? Is there an app for this?
  • 22. Why don’t we see the term ‘blended’ associated with other professions?
  • 27. PURPOSE • What are restaurants, farms, hospitals, schools, etc. “in business” to accomplish? • Regardless of what “school” looks like, what must be accomplished for all students?
  • 28. Plan Schooling Backwards “Contemporary school reform efforts… typically focus too much on various means: structures, schedules, programs, PD, curriculum, and instructional practices (like cooperative learning)” [or blended learning] [or flipped classrooms] [or iPads, hardware, etc] [or “gamification”] p. 234-235, Wiggins & McTighe, © 2007
  • 29. Plan Schooling Backwards “Certainly such reforms serve as the fuel for the school improvement engine, but they must not be mistaken as the destination…[which is] improved learning.” p. 234-235, Wiggins & McTighe, © 2007
  • 30. Blended Learning H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012
  • 31. Blended Learning H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012 online delivery of content & instruction anytime, anywhere delivery of content & instruction at school
  • 32. Time, Place, Path, Pace H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012
  • 33. Time, Place, Path, Pace H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012 • Path: Learning is no longer restricted to the pedagogy used by the teacher. Interactive and adaptive software allows students to learn [in a method that is customized to their needs]. BUT… Learning IS restricted – and limited by – the pedagogy used by the online teacher, in the online instruction, or in designs of the learning software.
  • 34. Which blended schooling model is better? FLIPPED-CLASSROOM ENRICHED-VIRTUAL Blending is a means to what ends? What is happening with the teacher? What is happening on the computers? H. Staker, M. Horn, Classifying K-12 Blended Learning, © 2012
  • 35. Schedules Equipment Facilities Budgets Class Size Planning “Forward” based on resources? Or Planning Backward from Mission Adapted from Schooling by Design, G. Wiggins & J. McTighe, ©2007, p. 6
  • 36. based on Schooling by Design, ©2007, Wiggins & McTighe, p. 6 Where are decisions about Blended Learning Models made? 1. Define Learning Principles 2. Establish Curriculum & Assessment 3. Establish Face-to- Face and Online Programs & Practices to Enable Blended Learning Determine Personnel, Structures, and Resources
  • 37. What is Blended Schooling? What is Competency-Based Schooling?
  • 38. Competency Education (iNACOL) • Advance upon demonstrated mastery • Transferable learning objectives that empower students • Positive, meaningful assessment • Timely, differentiated support • Application and creation of knowledge, developing important skills & dispositions
  • 39. • Advance upon demonstrated mastery • Transferable learning objectives that empower students • Positive, meaningful assessment • Timely, differentiated support • Application and creation of knowledge, developing important skills & dispositions Competency Education (iNACOL)
  • 40. Plan Curriculum Backwards 1. Identify desired results (for units and lessons) 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction Understanding by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, ©2005
  • 42. “You can learn ANYTHING online.” usually means “You can acquire ANY INFORMATION online.”
  • 43. Schooling by Design, ©2007, Wiggins & McTighe, p. 6 Where are decisions about Competency-Based Systems made? Establish Policies & Structures for Progressing Based on Competency Decide on Evidence of Competence
  • 44. Why “Factory” Model Structures? “…all the rhetoric around how we will shove off the mantel of “factory education” for the brand new world of “personalized learning” misses a point of the utmost importance: Factory education was invented as a form of personalization.” Mike Caulfield, July 2014 Director of Blended and Networked Learning at Washington State University-Vancouver “The Original Factory Education Was a Personalized Learning Experiment”
  • 45. Will County, Illinois One-Room Schoolhouse, Math Packet 1 Math Packet 2 Math Packet 4 Math Packet 7 Math Packet 3 Math Packet 8 Math Packet 2 Math Packet 3 Math Packet 3 Varied Pace Alone Doesn’t Result in Learning & Understanding
  • 46. How we Cause Learning 1. Identify desired results (for units and lessons) 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction Understanding by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, ©2005
  • 47. Wiggins on “Mastery” “…the original sin in curriculum design: Take a complex whole, divide it into small pieces, string those together in a rigid sequence of instruction and testing, and call completion of this sequence "mastery." “How Good is Good Enough?” G. Wiggins, ASCD © 2013
  • 48. Learning to Drive? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  • 49. Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill + Skill l ≠Transfer, Mastery & Understanding
  • 50. What do you remember about math from when you were in middle & high school?
  • 51. Experience or Instruction? From a 5th grade teacher in NY: “I had a lot of good people teaching me math when I was a student – earnest and funny and caring. But the math they taught me wasn’t good math. Every class was the same for eight years: ‘Get out your homework, go over the homework, here’s the new set of exercises, here’s how to do them. Now get started. I’ll be around.’” p. 55, Teaching What Matters Most, Strong, Silver, & Perini, ©2001
  • 52. Instruction, Content Delivery Whole Class or Small Group Instruction Independent Practice Whole Class Assessment Use Data Formatively to Plan Use Data Summatively (Competence)
  • 53.
  • 55. Let Me Show You How To Do X Now You Go Do X Can You Independently Do X? Maybe You Need to Be Shown X Again You Know X Who is doing the thinking?
  • 56. School & Home Work At School: Explicit Instruction & Problem Solving At Home: Practice Problems Whole Class Assessment Maybe you need to be shown X again Use Data Summatively
  • 57. Flipped Classroom? At Home: Explicit Instructional Videos & Online Practice At School: Guided Practice & Problem Solving Whole Class Assessment Maybe You Need to Watch the Video Again Use Data Summatively
  • 58. Learning Outcomes? “They were so concerned with making sure we knew how to do every single procedure we never learned how to think mathematically. I did well in math but I never understood what I was doing. I remember hundreds of procedures but not one single mathematical idea.” p. 55, Teaching What Matters Most, Strong, Silver, & Perini, ©2001
  • 59. Let Me Show You How To Do X Now You Go Do X Can You Independently Do X? Maybe You Need to Be Shown X Again You Know X If it’s believed that learners are merely passive receivers of information and procedures, then what would logically follow for the design of schools and lessons and edtech?
  • 62. Earth 2199 “I know kung fu.” The Matrix, 1999, Warner Brothers, Village Roadshow Pictures
  • 63. Did educators try to simply transmit information from books to passive students en masse in 2000? ‘At School in the Year 2000’ Image Source via Wikimedia Commons
  • 66. School Policies & Structures are Designed for Students as Unique Individuals. Strategic & Varied Schedule, Location, Path, Pace Empowering Learning Experiences, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Exploration. Students “Think & Do” using Their Own Intuitive Ideas School Policies & Structures are Designed for Efficiency, Economy & Scale. Fixed Schedule, Location, Path, Pace Age-Based Pacing Calendars Traditional Lesson Paradigm of Mass Instruction Teach, Practice, Test Students “Sit & Get” the Teacher’s Ideas Personalized (Relational) Impersona l (Industrial) Learning Pedagogy with Students Schooling Structures from Adults Blende d Blende d Is there an app for this? Is there an app for this? Is there an app for this? Is there an app for this?
  • 67. Curse of the Familiar “If our problems are mere inefficiencies – if we need students doing basically exactly what they've been doing before but faster – then the gambit of building apps that mirror typical classroom practices will work out great.” Justin Reich on EdWeek November 20, 2013
  • 68. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Each MOOC varies in content, requirements, prerequisites and length,” Tarte said. “Some will contain video lectures, some might have selected readings, and some courses provide quizzes periodically so students can test their understanding of the material.” High School to Offer College Courses Online, November 27, 2013
  • 69. Thoughtful vs. Thoughtless Blended Learning … night school instruction was questionable … I heard over and over again about students who never watched or read through any of the instruction material. They simply clicked through screens until they got to assessments and Googled to find answers. Even in rooms where teachers did not allow that practice, instruction from the computer relied on basic “read this” followed by “now answer these questions” approach no different than many textbook-style education methods. Students never had the chance to engage in any activities, projects, or even class discussions to augment their learning. It was all basic regurgitation…” -Patrick White
  • 70. Fullan: Alive in the Swamp Fullan & Donnelly, Alive in the Swamp: Assessing Digital Innovations in Education, © July 2013, “Technology–enabled innovations have a different problem, mainly pedagogy and outcomes. Many of the innovations, particularly those that provide online content and learning materials, use basic pedagogy – most often in the form of introducing concepts by video instruction and following up with a series of progression exercises and tests. Other digital innovations are simply tools that allow teachers to do the same age-old practices but in a digital format.” (p. 25)
  • 71. Fullan & Donnelly, Alive in the Swamp Scorecard: Innovation Index Fullan & Donnelly, Alive in the Swamp: Assessing Digital Innovations in Education, © July 2013,
  • 72. Sample: Assessment Platform Fullan & Donnelly, Alive in the Swamp: Assessing Digital Innovations in Education, © July 2013,
  • 73. Data inform the Adaptive Engine Common “Adaptive” Design Explicit Input, Video Lecture, Textbook Reading, Dependent Practice, “Worksheet” Problems Digitized Quiz/Test Items Mistakes on the Quiz or Test Items
  • 74. Wiggins on “Mastery” “Indeed, many modern software solutions now exist to help educators track endless small objectives, in the name of "mastery," "proficiency," or "competency." In some units, students cannot advance to the next level until they test out on interim assessments of such bits of knowledge.” “How Good is Good Enough?” G. Wiggins, ASCD © 2013
  • 75. 1989 • “The notion that learning comes about by the accretion of little bits is outmoded learning theory. • “Current models of learning based on cognitive psychology contend that learners gain understanding when they construct their own knowledge and develop their own cognitive maps of the interconnections among facts and concepts.” (pp. 5–6) Shepard, L. A. (1989, April). Why we need better assessments. Educational Leadership, 46(7) quoted in Schooling by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, © 2007 p. 46
  • 76. Where do we get this notion? Why does it persist?
  • 77. Transmission via Print “If, by a miracle of mechanical ingenuity, a book could be so arranged that only to him who had done what was directed on page one would page two become visible, and so on, much that now requires personal instruction could be managed by print.” Edward Thorndike 1912
  • 78. Transmission via Print “If, by a miracle of mechanical ingenuity, a book could be so arranged that only to him who had done what was directed on page one would page two become visible, and so on, much that now requires personal instruction could be managed by print.” Edward Thorndike 1912
  • 79. What’s the alternative? What other notions are there?
  • 80. Curse of the Familiar “If you think that the problems in classrooms are not just about kids doing things a little faster, but doing different things than is current practice, then you need to build things that will be unfamiliar.” Justin Reich on EdWeek November 20, 2013
  • 81. Learning Principle “Understandings cannot be given; they have to be engineered so that learners see for themselves the power of an idea for making sense of things.” p. 113, Schooling by Design, Wiggins & McTighe, ©2007
  • 82. Don’t Start by Telling “Providing students with opportunities to first grapple with specific information relevant to a topic has been shown to create a ‘time for telling’ that enables them to learn much more from an organizing lecture.” How People Learn, p. 58
  • 83. Engineered for Realizations Engage with & Make Sense of a Situation or Context Student’s Own Ideas & Intuition Specific, Instant, Custom Feedback Engine Adapts & Differentiates Student Independently Transfers “Offline,” Too
  • 84. The Quality of Digital Learning Experiences is just as important as the Quality of Classroom Learning Experiences
  • 87. DreamBox Learning® K-8 Math Available in English & Spanish Intelligent Adaptive Learning Engine • Millions of personalized learning paths • Tailored to a student’s unique needs Motivating Learning Environments • Student Directed, Empowering • Leverages Gaming Protocols Rigorous Mathematics Curriculum • Reporting Aligned to CCSS, Texas TEKS, Virginia SOL, Indiana IAS, South Carolina, SCCCR, Canada WNCP, & Canada Ontario Curriculum Reports • Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • 88. DreamBox Lessons & Virtual Manipulatives Intelligently adapt & individualize to: • Students’ own intuitive strategies • Kinds of mistakes • Efficiency of strategy • Scaffolding needed • Response time
  • 91. We value your feedback, compliments, suggestions, and complaints! Let us know how we’re doing:

Editor's Notes

  1. People are getting what they need and when they need it. Better learning, not regurgitating. What do you think about content X? Explore, make sense How many people use Personalized Learning & Personalized Schooling interchangeably?
  2. People are getting what they need and when they need it. Better learning, not regurgitating. What do you think about content X? Explore, make sense How many people use Personalized Learning & Personalized Schooling interchangeably?
  3. People are getting what they need and when they need it. Better learning, not regurgitating. What do you think about content X? Explore, make sense How many people use Personalized Learning & Personalized Schooling interchangeably?
  4. Personalized Schooling: anytime, anywhere, learner-centered, macro-relevant, mastery-based/competency-based Understanding/Learning: learner-centered, micro-relevance, contextualized
  5. People are getting what they need and when they need it. Better learning, not regurgitating. What do you think about content X? Explore, make sense How many people use Personalized Learning & Personalized Schooling interchangeably?
  6. DreamBox is being used for blended learning in schools. Learning happens with or without technology. Of course we should use technology. But blending should be the means rather than the ends. Our goal isn’t first to blend, and we shouldn’t make any decisions about blending until the goals and evaluation are defined. We don’t want to think of doing bad things for learning but just with technology. For example, block scheduling without changes in pedagogy hasn’t been effective.
  7. DreamBox is being used for blended learning in schools. Learning happens with or without technology. Of course we should use technology. But blending should be the means rather than the ends. Our goal isn’t first to blend, and we shouldn’t make any decisions about blending until the goals and evaluation are defined. We don’t want to think of doing bad things for learning but just with technology. For example, block scheduling without changes in pedagogy hasn’t been effective.
  8. DreamBox is being used for blended learning in schools. Learning happens with or without technology. Of course we should use technology. But blending should be the means rather than the ends. Our goal isn’t first to blend, and we shouldn’t make any decisions about blending until the goals and evaluation are defined. We don’t want to think of doing bad things for learning but just with technology. For example, block scheduling without changes in pedagogy hasn’t been effective.
  9. DreamBox is being used for blended learning in schools. Learning happens with or without technology. Of course we should use technology. But blending should be the means rather than the ends. Our goal isn’t first to blend, and we shouldn’t make any decisions about blending until the goals and evaluation are defined. We don’t want to think of doing bad things for learning but just with technology. For example, block scheduling without changes in pedagogy hasn’t been effective.
  10. People are getting what they need and when they need it. Better learning, not regurgitating. What do you think about content X? Explore, make sense How many people use Personalized Learning & Personalized Schooling interchangeably?
  11. DreamBox Learning provides a new class of intelligent adaptive learning technology is the true game changer in education. Combines 3 essential elements 1) Rigorous K-8 Mathematics – DreamBox uses virtual manipulatives that enable students to build conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Provided standards-based reporting. 2) Motivating Learning Environments that are age-appropriate and motives learners to persist and progress. 3) Powerful Intelligent Adaptive Learning engine providing millions of personalized, student-driven learning paths—each one—tailored to a student’s unique needs.
  12. We have invested heavily in ensuring you, your fellow administrators, and your teachers have access to data that is meaningful and actionable. This fall, our new educator experience will become available. New dashboards will provide at-a-glace insights into student proficiency and program usage – helping educators determine what action is needed to have an even greater impact on student learning All dashboards present data intuitively, so you and your teachers can access the information you need, when you need it. Helps educators know when to stay the course and when to pivot instruction Allows teachers to facilitate more meaningful conversations. (Left) Teachers can dive deeper into specific information about how their class is performing against the standards. Here they can see which students have mastered the standard, which have not, and which have not attempted it. This data is based on continuous formative assessment. A teacher might use this report is in lesson planning - they can look at this report to gain insight into where each student is and then take action by creating learning groups or pulling a student aside for more 1:1 instruction. (Right)The activity feed allows teachers to see what students are working on. They can click into the demo lessons so they can experience the instruction - just like the student. Many teachers use this to expand their understanding of the math concept and develop new teaching strategies to support student learning.