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MSC NURSING 1st year
It is based on the learned content of subject specific area
and it is directed to measure the learner’s level of
attainment of the specific objectives. We know that to
measure an attribute a standard instrument is needed.
Definition of Test: -
 Test is a systematic procedure for observing persons and describing them with
either a numerical scale or a category system. Thus, test may give either
qualitative or quantitative information. (Anthoj.Nitko)
 Test commonly refers to set of items or questions under specific condition.
 A series of question, problems, or physical responses designed to determine
knowledge, intelligence, or ability is called a test.
 Test: - A method to determine a student’s ability to complete certain task or
demonstrate mastery of a skill or knowledge of content.
 Assessment: - The process of gathering information to monitor progress and
make educational decisions if necessary. An assessment may include a test, but
it also includes methods such as observations, interviews, behaviour monitoring,
 Measurement: - Refers to the set of procedures and the principles for how to
use the procedures in educational test and assessments.
 Evaluation: - Procedures used to determine whether the subject (ex- student)
meets pre-set criteria, such as qualifying for special education services.
In terms of Discrete OR Integrative Tests
 Discrete: - It is of point of tests are expected to test one item or skills at a time.
 Integrative Tests: - Combine various items, structures, skills into one signal
test. Ex- Long Questions
 The test can either be standardized and non standardized (teacher made test)
What is standardized test: -
 A standardized test is a test that is administered and scored in a
consistent, or standard, manner. Standardized tests are designed in
such a way that the question, condition for administering, scoring
procedures, and interpretation are consistent and are administered
and scored in a predominated, standard manner.
 Mcq.
 True and false questions.
 Short answer question.
 Essay questions.
Computer Based Test (CBT)
 Are used in large scale testing situations because computers can score them
quickly, consistently, and inexpensively.
 Some examples of CBT are: -
DEFINITION: -A test administered under controlled or standardized condition is
known as a standardized test.
 A tool which has been tested and tried on a large sample and whose validity and
reliability is pre-determined as well as which can be used on any member of the
population is standardized tools.
MEANING: -A standardized tool gives the same results repeatedly, if used for the
same person and measures exactly what it is meant to measure.
A standardized tool has a pre-set established format and content.
The items on the tool have been validated and their reliability is
It presents the same questions and requires the same way of
responding from all the respondents.
Administration and scoring technique is specific and unique for
every standardized tool.
 Intelligence test: - Attempts to indicate the capacity, the brightness or the
nature intelligence of the individuals compared with norm of her age.
 Prognostic/predictive test: - Intended to discover the possibilities of a student
success in some specified area.
 Achievement test: - To indicate the accomplishment of the student in particular
subjects or area of the curriculum.
 Aptitude tests: - Designed to measure a person’s potential for
achievement, usually achievement of an academic nature.
 Ability tests: - Measure skills in terms of speed, accuracy, or both.
 Personality tests: - Measures typical behaviour, traits,
temperaments, and dispositions.
Introduction: -
 Interest is the feeling that prompts us to spontaneous activity.
Ounces interests is around in studies, games, literature and good
conduct, the child will consider no sacrifice and effort too great to
attain proficiency.
 Interest is a feeling or emotion that causes attention to focus on an
object or an event or a process.
 An interest is tendency to become absorbed in an experience and to
continue it.
 Psychological test to assess a person’s interest and preferences.
These test are used primarily for career counselling. Interest test
include items about daily activities from among which applicant
select their preferences.
Interest inventories: - Jackson vocational interest survey(JVIS). It measures two-
dimension work role and work style. It contains 34 basic interest scale. It equally
applicable to men and women.
 Work Roles: -Creative arts, life science, personal service, finance, law,
performing art, business, professional advising, mathematics, adventure,
medical service, etc.
 Work Styles: - Job security, accountability, independence,
interpersonal confidence, stamina, plan fullness, academic
Kuder occupational interest survey:
 Was developed by federick kuder. The kuder focuses on measuring
the person’s broad areas of interest. Thus, the kuder will yield the
person’s scores along ten vocational interest scales. Ex- outdoor,
mechanical, clerical, computational, scientific, literary, social
science, persuasive, artistic, and musical.
Self-directed search: -
 It was developed by Johan Holand and known as RIASEC theory
that both people and work environment can be classified according
to six basic types. It is organized around individual’s interests.
Procedure calls for self-rating of abilities and reported
 Realistic
 Investigative
 Artistic
 Social
 Enterprising
 Conventional
Interest pattern
 Enjoys technical material and outdoor activity
 Is interested in science and the process of investigation
 Enjoy self-expression and being dramatic
 Is interested in helping others and in activities involving other people
 Is interested in power and political strength
 Likes to be well organized and has clerical interests
Strong Campbell interest inventory:-
 It is named after ek strong. It was developed in 1920’s. It is mainly used for educational
and career choices. It also helps to assess job dissatisfaction.
Non-professional interest tests: -
 It includes Minnesota vocational inventory and career assessment inventory.
(MVI I) is designed for men who are not oriented toward college and
emphasizes skilled and semi-skilled trades. The MVI I has nine basic interest
areas, including mechanical interests, electronics, and food services, as well as
21 specific occupational scales, including those for plumbers, carpenters, and
truck driver. The MVI I has been used extensively by the military and by
guidance programs for individuals who do not go to college.
 A personality test is standardized tool or questionnaire which reveals different
aspects of an individual’s character for psychological make-up.
 The aggregate of the physical and mental qualities of an individual which will
interact and function in characteristics fashion with the environment.
 Personality means once inner or outer circumstances suitable with his
 SANGUINE: - The word sanguine means the kind of quality that is pleasant,
cheerful. The person who is categorized as sanguine would be cheerful,
vigorous, confident & optimistic.
 MELANCHOLIC: - The world melancholic refers to something that is gloomy
& sad. A melancholic person would be usually depressed morose & gloomy.
 CHLORIC: - Is refers to someone who is easily angered, bad-tempered. A
choleric type of person would be hot-tempered, angry & easily irritable.
 PHLEGMATIC: - Is refers to someone who I not easily excited to action or
display of emotion, dull, apathetic & sluggish. A phlegmatic type of person
would be slow-moving, calm & unexcitable.
According to Carl Jung There Are 2 Types
 INTROVERT: - Means self-oriented unsociable/un interest to the other
feelings. They are self-oriental activity/aloof or alone.
 EXTROVERT: - Means sociable person (express the feeling).
personality assessment technique involves:
 Projective test: - These are non-structured disguised type of tests.
These maybe associated with theories that are clinically oriented and
put emphasis on unconscious factors. Ex- Rorschach ink blot test.
 The Rorschach inkblot test is a type of projective psychological
test created in 1921 by a Swiss psychologist named Hermann
Rorschach. Often utilized to assess personality and emotional
functioning, it is the second most commonly used forensic test after
the MMPI-2.
Rorschach Inkblot Test Work
 The Rorschach test consists of 10 inkblot images, some of which are black,
white, or gray and some of which are color.
 A psychologist or psychiatrist who has been trained in the use, scoring, and
interpretation of the test shows each of the ten cards to the respondent. During
the test, the subject is provided with each of the ten cards, one by one.
 The subject is then asked to describe what he or she thinks the card looks like.
 They may also respond in any way that they want. They may say that they see one
thing, several different things, or even nothing at all.
 Test-takers can focus on the image as a whole, on certain aspects of the image, or even
on the white space that surrounds the image.
 Once the subject has provided a response, the psychologist will then ask additional
questions to get the subject to further elaborate on his or her initial impressions.
How Are Inkblot Interpreted
 How respondents describe the image. Certain responses are common on each
card, so scorers include a code that identifies such responses.
 How long they take to respond. Taking a very long time before offering a
response might indicate that the respondent is "shocked" by what they see.
 Factors known as determinants. Which can include location, form, color, and
shading, that generate a response.
 Extra or unrelated comments. Any additional comments that are made that are
no part of the main response.
 Bat, Butterfly, Or Moth
 Seeing animal or human
shapes is a common response
to each of the 10 cards
 Two humans
 The red details of card II are often
seen as blood, and are the most
distinctive features. Responses to
them can provide indications about
how a subject is likely to manage
feelings of anger or physical harm
 Two humans
 Is often described as being two
human figures engaged in some type
of interaction. Responses to this card
are thought to provide information
about how the individual interacts
with other people.
 Degree of intelligence and control of subject on his action
 Emotional aspect
 Mental approach to given problems
 Creative and imaginative capacities
 Security and anxiety
 Personality growth and development
 Phobia, sex disturbances and sever psychological disorder can be detected
which severe as a guide for treatment program.
Psychometric test: -
 These are structured voluntary types of tests. These are commonly associated
with empirical theories that accept verbal reports as useful data. Ex-
 In general, the word questionnaire refers to device for securing answers to
questions by using a form which the respondent fills in himself. Ex- 16
personality factor questionnaire(16PF)
 It is another example of paper & pencil test. Raymond Cattell developed 16PF.
He identified 16 factors which he believed is reflect key characteristics of the
human personality.
 The 16 factors are in fact 16 bipolar traits.
Subjective tests: -
 These are non-structured and non-
disguised type of tests. These are
mostly associated with clinically
oriented theories. It reveals what the
respondent perceives about his
external environment, ex- interview
Personality Inventories
 Responses about individual’s personality are sought by using a list of specially
designed items. It resembles questionnaire in many aspects like administration,
scoring, interpretation, etc.
 MMPI-1 (Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory): - is a psychological
test that assess personality traits and psychopathology. It is primarily intended to
test people who are suspected of having mental health or clinical issues.
 The best known personality inventory is Minnesota multiphasic personality
inventory (MMPI)- it is considered as the gold standard in personality testing.
 The original MMPI was first published by university of Minnesota press in
1943. It was replaced by MMPI 2 in 1989
 A version for adolescents MMPI-A was published in 1992
 An alternative version of the test, the MMPI-2 restructured from(MMPI-2-RF),
published in 2008, retains some aspects of the traditional MMPI assessment
strategy, but adopts a different theoretical approach to personality test
 It consists of 550 verbal items to which person has to respond in true, false and
 The scale is useful in measuring the anxiety, hostility, hallucinations, phobias,
and suicidal impulses.
 To distinguish ‘normal’ from ‘abnormal’. Test ask for answer. T or F or cannot
say about different personality traits like attitudes environmental reaction,
physiological and psychological symptoms and past experience.
 In 1938, henry Murray gave theory of needs.
 Tat is designed to find out people’s basic needs by having them to tell stories.
 The tat includes a standard set of 30 pictures.
 The tester asks the test taker to make up a story about what is happening, what
went before, what is going to happen & what the people involved are thinking &
 The test is built on the assumption that people’s stories reveal important aspects
of their needs & self-perceptions as well as their views about significant others.
 It explores the underlying hidden drives, complexes & conflicts of the
personality. It suits for adolescents & adults.
 Focus of problems
 Nature of needs
 Quality of interpersonal relationships
Other Personality Test
 Sentence Completion Test: - It is a simple test to assess the subject regarding
inner concepts of object or environment. Subject complete the sentence own
desire words. There are types of sentence completion tests which include:
 I like……………?
 My hope is………………...?
 Can apply in literate
 Identifies the wishes, desire and inner concepts
 Able to express in own words
 Considered superior to word association as the respondent responds with more
than one word
 Possibility of greater flexibility and variety of responses can be received
California Personality Inventory: -
 This test was developed by G cough in 1975. It is consists of 480 items. Items
consist of social, educational, vocational and issues.
 It provides information regarding social behaviour and social problems.
 CPI consist of nearly 18 scales to assess social behaviour of the individual.
Word Association Test (WAT): -
In this technique there are number of selected words. The subject is told that: -
 Examiner will speak a series of words, one at a time.
 After each word, the subject has to reply as quickly as possible with the first
word that comes to his mind.
 There is no right or wrong response.
 When the subject gives a quick response word, he taken unaware of and his
unconscious process directs his association.
 The most popular & commonly used expressive technique is draw a man
technique test developed by good in 1926. The basic assumption for the use of
this test is that drawings of a person represent unconscious projections of self-
image and also as a rough estimate of intelligence.
 It is like painting, drawing & psych trauma. It is a basic test to identify
individual creativeness. Ex- tell to the person draw a woman, man, house or tree
 From the picture itself, the one can identify the size of the picture, quality of the
picture, colouring of the picture own their emotional excitement.
 It is a new method to assess the individual personality it consist of 426 items for
assess introvert theory of extravert and introvert. Extravert means sociable
person (express the feeling). Introvert means self-oriented unsociable/un
interest to the other feelings. They are self-oriental activity/aloof or alone.
 These 2 personalities can identify through the Myer's brigs personality test.
 Now days through the computer & telecommunication also can views to assess
the personality. It is known as:
 Computerized questioner method.
 Computerized interview.
 Through the online submission method.
 Body image, personality profiles and alexithymia in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
Scaruffi E, et al. J psychoses obstetric gynaecology. 2018
 AIM: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine-metabolic disorder. It affects
women's physical well-being and leads to great psychological distress. Indeed, women with PCOS
show a compromised quality of life as well as impaired emotional well-being. The aim of this study is
to assess personality characteristics, body image and alexithymia in women with PCOS.
 MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 59 women with PCOS and 38 healthy controls were
administered the Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS), the body uneasiness test (BUT) and the Minnesota
multiphasic personality inventory-2 (MMPI-2).
 RESULTS: The PCOS group showed higher values of alexithymia and a higher body uneasiness.
They also showed higher values on many clinical, content and supplementary scales of the MMPI-2.
 DISCUSSION: It seems that physical appearance and bodily function have a central place in the
minds of women with PCOS, as well as in their relationships. However, it is a body they find it hard
to feel and with which they mostly feel uncomfortable. Their approach to the outside world seems to
be characterized by a certain degree of immaturity, anger, hostility and distrust. Low self-esteem also
seems to be connected to a certain tendency toward introversion and withdrawal. This leads to
problems in social, professional and intimate relationships.
 Neerja KP. Text book of nursing education. 1st edition. New Delhi: jaypee brothers medical publisher; 2007
 Basavanthappa B.T. Nursing education 1st edition. New Delhi: jaypee publisher; 2003.
 Basavanthappa B.T. Nursing education 3st edition. New Delhi: jaypee publisher; 2009.
 Devi sanatambi eka. Manipal manual of nursing education. 1st edition. New Delhi 2008.
 Sodhi kaur jaspreet. Comprehensive textbook of nursing education. 1st edition. Daryaganj, jaypee
publishers, 2017.
 Https://psychcentral.Com/lib/minnesota-multiphasic-personality-inventory-mmpi/
 Https://www.Mentalhelp.Net/articles/psychological-testing-minnesota-multiphasic-personality-inventory/

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Test of intrest and personality

  • 2.
  • 3. TEST: - It is based on the learned content of subject specific area and it is directed to measure the learner’s level of attainment of the specific objectives. We know that to measure an attribute a standard instrument is needed.
  • 4. Definition of Test: -  Test is a systematic procedure for observing persons and describing them with either a numerical scale or a category system. Thus, test may give either qualitative or quantitative information. (Anthoj.Nitko)  Test commonly refers to set of items or questions under specific condition.  A series of question, problems, or physical responses designed to determine knowledge, intelligence, or ability is called a test.
  • 5. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN:- TEST, ASSESSEMENT,MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION: -  Test: - A method to determine a student’s ability to complete certain task or demonstrate mastery of a skill or knowledge of content.  Assessment: - The process of gathering information to monitor progress and make educational decisions if necessary. An assessment may include a test, but it also includes methods such as observations, interviews, behaviour monitoring, etc.
  • 6. CONTII..  Measurement: - Refers to the set of procedures and the principles for how to use the procedures in educational test and assessments.  Evaluation: - Procedures used to determine whether the subject (ex- student) meets pre-set criteria, such as qualifying for special education services.
  • 7. TYPES OF TEST In terms of Discrete OR Integrative Tests  Discrete: - It is of point of tests are expected to test one item or skills at a time. Ex- MCQ  Integrative Tests: - Combine various items, structures, skills into one signal test. Ex- Long Questions  The test can either be standardized and non standardized (teacher made test)
  • 8. What is standardized test: -  A standardized test is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent, or standard, manner. Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the question, condition for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretation are consistent and are administered and scored in a predominated, standard manner.
  • 9. SOME EXAPMLES OF STANDARDIZED TEST: -  Mcq.  True and false questions.  Short answer question.  Essay questions.
  • 10. Computer Based Test (CBT)  Are used in large scale testing situations because computers can score them quickly, consistently, and inexpensively.  Some examples of CBT are: -  NCLEX  UPTU  NEET
  • 11. DEFINITION AND MEANING OF STANDARDIZED TESTS DEFINITION: -A test administered under controlled or standardized condition is known as a standardized test.  A tool which has been tested and tried on a large sample and whose validity and reliability is pre-determined as well as which can be used on any member of the population is standardized tools. MEANING: -A standardized tool gives the same results repeatedly, if used for the same person and measures exactly what it is meant to measure.
  • 12. CHARACTERSTICS OF A GOOD STANDARDIZED TOOL: A standardized tool has a pre-set established format and content. The items on the tool have been validated and their reliability is determined. It presents the same questions and requires the same way of responding from all the respondents. Administration and scoring technique is specific and unique for every standardized tool.
  • 13. TYPES OF STANDARDIZED TESTS: -  Intelligence test: - Attempts to indicate the capacity, the brightness or the nature intelligence of the individuals compared with norm of her age.  Prognostic/predictive test: - Intended to discover the possibilities of a student success in some specified area.  Achievement test: - To indicate the accomplishment of the student in particular subjects or area of the curriculum.
  • 14. CONTII…  Aptitude tests: - Designed to measure a person’s potential for achievement, usually achievement of an academic nature.  Ability tests: - Measure skills in terms of speed, accuracy, or both.  Personality tests: - Measures typical behaviour, traits, temperaments, and dispositions.
  • 16. Introduction: -  Interest is the feeling that prompts us to spontaneous activity. Ounces interests is around in studies, games, literature and good conduct, the child will consider no sacrifice and effort too great to attain proficiency.
  • 17. DEFINITION: -  Interest is a feeling or emotion that causes attention to focus on an object or an event or a process.  An interest is tendency to become absorbed in an experience and to continue it.
  • 18. USES: -  Psychological test to assess a person’s interest and preferences. These test are used primarily for career counselling. Interest test include items about daily activities from among which applicant select their preferences.
  • 19. ASSESSMENT OF INTEREST: - Interest inventories: - Jackson vocational interest survey(JVIS). It measures two- dimension work role and work style. It contains 34 basic interest scale. It equally applicable to men and women.  Work Roles: -Creative arts, life science, personal service, finance, law, performing art, business, professional advising, mathematics, adventure, medical service, etc.
  • 20. CONTII…  Work Styles: - Job security, accountability, independence, interpersonal confidence, stamina, plan fullness, academic achievement.
  • 21. Kuder occupational interest survey:  Was developed by federick kuder. The kuder focuses on measuring the person’s broad areas of interest. Thus, the kuder will yield the person’s scores along ten vocational interest scales. Ex- outdoor, mechanical, clerical, computational, scientific, literary, social science, persuasive, artistic, and musical.
  • 22. Self-directed search: -  It was developed by Johan Holand and known as RIASEC theory that both people and work environment can be classified according to six basic types. It is organized around individual’s interests. Procedure calls for self-rating of abilities and reported competencies.
  • 23. CONTII.. Factor  Realistic  Investigative  Artistic  Social  Enterprising  Conventional Interest pattern  Enjoys technical material and outdoor activity  Is interested in science and the process of investigation  Enjoy self-expression and being dramatic  Is interested in helping others and in activities involving other people  Is interested in power and political strength  Likes to be well organized and has clerical interests
  • 24. Strong Campbell interest inventory:-  It is named after ek strong. It was developed in 1920’s. It is mainly used for educational and career choices. It also helps to assess job dissatisfaction.
  • 25. Non-professional interest tests: -  It includes Minnesota vocational inventory and career assessment inventory. (MVI I) is designed for men who are not oriented toward college and emphasizes skilled and semi-skilled trades. The MVI I has nine basic interest areas, including mechanical interests, electronics, and food services, as well as 21 specific occupational scales, including those for plumbers, carpenters, and truck driver. The MVI I has been used extensively by the military and by guidance programs for individuals who do not go to college.
  • 27. TEST OF PERSONALITY  A personality test is standardized tool or questionnaire which reveals different aspects of an individual’s character for psychological make-up. DEFINITION OF PERSONALITY:-  The aggregate of the physical and mental qualities of an individual which will interact and function in characteristics fashion with the environment.  Personality means once inner or outer circumstances suitable with his environment.
  • 28. TYPES OF PERSONALITY  SANGUINE: - The word sanguine means the kind of quality that is pleasant, cheerful. The person who is categorized as sanguine would be cheerful, vigorous, confident & optimistic.  MELANCHOLIC: - The world melancholic refers to something that is gloomy & sad. A melancholic person would be usually depressed morose & gloomy.  CHLORIC: - Is refers to someone who is easily angered, bad-tempered. A choleric type of person would be hot-tempered, angry & easily irritable.
  • 29. CONTII…  PHLEGMATIC: - Is refers to someone who I not easily excited to action or display of emotion, dull, apathetic & sluggish. A phlegmatic type of person would be slow-moving, calm & unexcitable. According to Carl Jung There Are 2 Types  INTROVERT: - Means self-oriented unsociable/un interest to the other feelings. They are self-oriental activity/aloof or alone.  EXTROVERT: - Means sociable person (express the feeling).
  • 30. personality assessment technique involves:  Projective test: - These are non-structured disguised type of tests. These maybe associated with theories that are clinically oriented and put emphasis on unconscious factors. Ex- Rorschach ink blot test.
  • 31. RORSCHACH INK BLOT TEST  The Rorschach inkblot test is a type of projective psychological test created in 1921 by a Swiss psychologist named Hermann Rorschach. Often utilized to assess personality and emotional functioning, it is the second most commonly used forensic test after the MMPI-2.
  • 32. Rorschach Inkblot Test Work  The Rorschach test consists of 10 inkblot images, some of which are black, white, or gray and some of which are color.  A psychologist or psychiatrist who has been trained in the use, scoring, and interpretation of the test shows each of the ten cards to the respondent. During the test, the subject is provided with each of the ten cards, one by one.  The subject is then asked to describe what he or she thinks the card looks like.
  • 33. CONTII…  They may also respond in any way that they want. They may say that they see one thing, several different things, or even nothing at all.  Test-takers can focus on the image as a whole, on certain aspects of the image, or even on the white space that surrounds the image.  Once the subject has provided a response, the psychologist will then ask additional questions to get the subject to further elaborate on his or her initial impressions.
  • 34. How Are Inkblot Interpreted  How respondents describe the image. Certain responses are common on each card, so scorers include a code that identifies such responses.  How long they take to respond. Taking a very long time before offering a response might indicate that the respondent is "shocked" by what they see.  Factors known as determinants. Which can include location, form, color, and shading, that generate a response.  Extra or unrelated comments. Any additional comments that are made that are no part of the main response.
  • 35. CARD 1 POPULAR RESPONSES  Bat, Butterfly, Or Moth  Seeing animal or human shapes is a common response to each of the 10 cards
  • 36. CARD 2 POPULAR RESPONSES  Two humans  The red details of card II are often seen as blood, and are the most distinctive features. Responses to them can provide indications about how a subject is likely to manage feelings of anger or physical harm
  • 37. CARD 3 POPULAR RESPONSES  Two humans  Is often described as being two human figures engaged in some type of interaction. Responses to this card are thought to provide information about how the individual interacts with other people.
  • 38. USAGE  Degree of intelligence and control of subject on his action  Emotional aspect  Mental approach to given problems  Creative and imaginative capacities  Security and anxiety  Personality growth and development  Phobia, sex disturbances and sever psychological disorder can be detected which severe as a guide for treatment program.
  • 39. Psychometric test: -  These are structured voluntary types of tests. These are commonly associated with empirical theories that accept verbal reports as useful data. Ex- questionnaires.  In general, the word questionnaire refers to device for securing answers to questions by using a form which the respondent fills in himself. Ex- 16 personality factor questionnaire(16PF)  It is another example of paper & pencil test. Raymond Cattell developed 16PF. He identified 16 factors which he believed is reflect key characteristics of the human personality.  The 16 factors are in fact 16 bipolar traits.
  • 40.
  • 41. Subjective tests: -  These are non-structured and non- disguised type of tests. These are mostly associated with clinically oriented theories. It reveals what the respondent perceives about his external environment, ex- interview technique.
  • 42. Personality Inventories  Responses about individual’s personality are sought by using a list of specially designed items. It resembles questionnaire in many aspects like administration, scoring, interpretation, etc.  MMPI-1 (Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory): - is a psychological test that assess personality traits and psychopathology. It is primarily intended to test people who are suspected of having mental health or clinical issues.  The best known personality inventory is Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI)- it is considered as the gold standard in personality testing.  The original MMPI was first published by university of Minnesota press in 1943. It was replaced by MMPI 2 in 1989
  • 43. CONTII…  A version for adolescents MMPI-A was published in 1992  An alternative version of the test, the MMPI-2 restructured from(MMPI-2-RF), published in 2008, retains some aspects of the traditional MMPI assessment strategy, but adopts a different theoretical approach to personality test development.  It consists of 550 verbal items to which person has to respond in true, false and ‘cannot’.  The scale is useful in measuring the anxiety, hostility, hallucinations, phobias, and suicidal impulses.
  • 45. PURPOSES: -  To distinguish ‘normal’ from ‘abnormal’. Test ask for answer. T or F or cannot say about different personality traits like attitudes environmental reaction, physiological and psychological symptoms and past experience.
  • 46. THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST (TAT)  In 1938, henry Murray gave theory of needs.  Tat is designed to find out people’s basic needs by having them to tell stories.  The tat includes a standard set of 30 pictures.  The tester asks the test taker to make up a story about what is happening, what went before, what is going to happen & what the people involved are thinking & feeling.  The test is built on the assumption that people’s stories reveal important aspects of their needs & self-perceptions as well as their views about significant others.  It explores the underlying hidden drives, complexes & conflicts of the personality. It suits for adolescents & adults.
  • 47.
  • 48. Usage  Focus of problems  Nature of needs  Quality of interpersonal relationships
  • 49. Other Personality Test  Sentence Completion Test: - It is a simple test to assess the subject regarding inner concepts of object or environment. Subject complete the sentence own desire words. There are types of sentence completion tests which include:  I like……………?  My hope is………………...?
  • 50. Advantages  Can apply in literate  Identifies the wishes, desire and inner concepts  Able to express in own words  Considered superior to word association as the respondent responds with more than one word  Possibility of greater flexibility and variety of responses can be received
  • 51. California Personality Inventory: -  This test was developed by G cough in 1975. It is consists of 480 items. Items consist of social, educational, vocational and issues. Uses  It provides information regarding social behaviour and social problems.  CPI consist of nearly 18 scales to assess social behaviour of the individual.
  • 52. Word Association Test (WAT): - In this technique there are number of selected words. The subject is told that: -  Examiner will speak a series of words, one at a time.  After each word, the subject has to reply as quickly as possible with the first word that comes to his mind.  There is no right or wrong response.  When the subject gives a quick response word, he taken unaware of and his unconscious process directs his association.
  • 53. DRAW TEST  The most popular & commonly used expressive technique is draw a man technique test developed by good in 1926. The basic assumption for the use of this test is that drawings of a person represent unconscious projections of self- image and also as a rough estimate of intelligence.  It is like painting, drawing & psych trauma. It is a basic test to identify individual creativeness. Ex- tell to the person draw a woman, man, house or tree etc.  From the picture itself, the one can identify the size of the picture, quality of the picture, colouring of the picture own their emotional excitement.
  • 54. MYER, S BRIGYS PERSONALITY  It is a new method to assess the individual personality it consist of 426 items for assess introvert theory of extravert and introvert. Extravert means sociable person (express the feeling). Introvert means self-oriented unsociable/un interest to the other feelings. They are self-oriental activity/aloof or alone.  These 2 personalities can identify through the Myer's brigs personality test.  Now days through the computer & telecommunication also can views to assess the personality. It is known as:  Computerized questioner method.  Computerized interview.  Through the online submission method.
  • 55. ABSTRACT  Body image, personality profiles and alexithymia in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Scaruffi E, et al. J psychoses obstetric gynaecology. 2018  AIM: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine-metabolic disorder. It affects women's physical well-being and leads to great psychological distress. Indeed, women with PCOS show a compromised quality of life as well as impaired emotional well-being. The aim of this study is to assess personality characteristics, body image and alexithymia in women with PCOS.  MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 59 women with PCOS and 38 healthy controls were administered the Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS), the body uneasiness test (BUT) and the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-2 (MMPI-2).  RESULTS: The PCOS group showed higher values of alexithymia and a higher body uneasiness. They also showed higher values on many clinical, content and supplementary scales of the MMPI-2.  DISCUSSION: It seems that physical appearance and bodily function have a central place in the minds of women with PCOS, as well as in their relationships. However, it is a body they find it hard to feel and with which they mostly feel uncomfortable. Their approach to the outside world seems to be characterized by a certain degree of immaturity, anger, hostility and distrust. Low self-esteem also seems to be connected to a certain tendency toward introversion and withdrawal. This leads to problems in social, professional and intimate relationships.
  • 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY  Neerja KP. Text book of nursing education. 1st edition. New Delhi: jaypee brothers medical publisher; 2007  Basavanthappa B.T. Nursing education 1st edition. New Delhi: jaypee publisher; 2003.  Basavanthappa B.T. Nursing education 3st edition. New Delhi: jaypee publisher; 2009.  Devi sanatambi eka. Manipal manual of nursing education. 1st edition. New Delhi 2008.  Sodhi kaur jaspreet. Comprehensive textbook of nursing education. 1st edition. Daryaganj, jaypee publishers, 2017.  Https://psychcentral.Com/lib/minnesota-multiphasic-personality-inventory-mmpi/  Https://www.Mentalhelp.Net/articles/psychological-testing-minnesota-multiphasic-personality-inventory/