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Presented by 
Premnath R 
Govt . CON, Kottayam
 “ Psyche ” - mind 
 “ Metron ” - to measure 
 Chan dynasty - 1000 B C 
 East India Company - 1832 A D 
 British model of Chinese testing system - 
1855 A D 
 American Civil Service Commission – 1883 A D
 Two streams of thoughts 
1. Measurement of individual differences 
(Darwin, Galton, Cattell) 
2. Psychophysical measurements (Herbart, 
Weber, Fechner, Wundt) 
 Experimental psychology and standardized 
Psychometrics is defined as the branch of 
psychology dealing with measurable factors, 
but also as the occult power of defining the 
priorities of things by mere contact. 
(Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary)
‘A psychological test is any procedure on 
the basis of which inferences are made 
concerning a person's capacity, propensity or 
liability to act, react, experience, or to 
structure or order thought or behavior in 
particular ways.’ 
(The British Psychological Society)
Psychological tests are written, visual, or 
verbal evaluations administered to assess the 
cognitive and emotional functioning of children 
and adults. 
American Psychological Association (APA) 
A psychological test is an objective and 
standardized measure of an individual's mental 
and/or behavioral characteristics. A psychological 
test is an instrument designed to measure 
unobserved constructs, also known as latent 
1. Analysis of the situation 
2. Tentative selection of test items 
3. Development of standardized 
4. Administration of test to a 
representative group 
5. Final selection of the test items 
6. Evaluation of the final test-
 Depending upon time limit: Speed test and power 
 e.g. Kaufman Assessment battery for children 
 Depending upon number of individuals: Group test 
and Individual test 
 Depending upon language: Verbal and Non- verbal 
 Depending upon method: Paper -pencil and 
performance test . 
 Computed assisted tests:
Depending upon what is measured: 
Intelligence tests, Aptitude tests, 
Achievement tests, Personality tests. 
Occupational tests: 
 Interest tests: 
 Aptitude tests: 
General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB), 
Differential Aptitude Tests(DAT)
Devised in 1916 by Stanford psychologist Lewis 
 Consisting of questions and short tasks arranged 
from easy to difficult, the Stanford- Binet scale 
measures a wide variety of verbal and nonverbal 
 Its fifteen tests are divided into 
 verbal reasoning 
 quantitative reasoning 
 abstract/visual reasoning 
 short-term memory
Over 140 Genius or Near-Genius/ Gifted 
120 – 139 Very Superior 
110 – 119 Superior 
90 – 109 Average or Normal 
80 – 89 Dull Normal 
70 – 79 Borderline Deficiency/Mild 
50 – 69 Moron /Moderate 
20 – 49 Imbecile /Severe 
Below 20 Idiot/ Profound
David "Wex" Wechsler (January 12, 1896 – 
May 2, 1981)
Include both verbal and non- verbal tests 
Verbal tests include, 
 Vocabulary 
 Information 
 Comprehension 
 Arithmetic 
 Similarities 
 Digit span
Performance tests include, 
 Digit symbols 
 Picture completion 
 Block design 
 Picture arrangement 
 Object assembly(jigsaw)
 Information : A persons level of general 
Comprehension : How well you can 
understand questions and grasp concepts. 
 Arithmetic : A persons mathematical 
Similarities : Measures abstract thought. 
 Digit Span : Measures attention span. 
Vocabulary : How many word meanings you 
 Digit Symbol : Mental flexibility with random 
Picture Completion : Ability to notice 
differences between two similar pictures. 
 Block Design : Mentally construct printed 
designs in your head. 
Picture Arrangement : Arrange pictures in a 
logical order. 
Object Assembly : Place the correct part in 
relationship to a whole.
The Wechsler Preschool and Primary 
Scales of Intelligence (WPPSI) 
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for 
Children (WISC) 
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 
Testing Booklet 
 Story Cards 
 Puzzle Pieces 
 Block Design
Incorporate ideas from cognitive 
psychology and neuropsychology 
It consists of 16 subtests ,some for older 
and some for younger children (tests that 
measure the school experiences more 
directly such as naming pictures of well-known 
places and objects).
The test fall into several categories: 
Sequential processing, such as 
remembering a series of digits or hand 
Simultaneous processing, such as 
arranging a series of related pictures in 
the correct order;
The test consist of items at each age level 
 vocabulary 
 Language development 
 compression 
 sentence building 
 similarities and differences 
 analogies 
 sentence repetition 
 auditory perception 
 social reasoning 
 visual-motor co-ordination ability.
 It is useful to evaluate 
 Basal age - the ability to pass all the test items at 
the particular age. 
 Terminal age - the inability to pass any of the items 
on a particular age level. 
 The Binet Kamat Test of Intelligence - the Hindi 
version can be used for children well versed 
with the Hindi language
Developed by John C Raven in 1936. 
The test consists of 50 designs each of 
which has a cut out segment . The 
subject is shown the 6-8 cut out 
alternative pieces and is asked to 
indicate what to be put in the matrix.
Matrices are available in three different 
forms for participants of different 
Standard Progressive Matrices: 
Colored Progressive Matrices: 
Advanced Progressive Matrices:
Personality tests and inventories evaluate 
the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and 
behavioral traits that comprise personality. 
The results of these tests determine an 
individual's personality strengths and 
weaknesses, and may identify certain 
disturbances in personality, or 
 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 
 Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI ) 
 The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) 
 Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (or 
 The Eyesenck Personality Inventory
 Rorschach test:- 
 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) 
 Sentence completion test 
 Create drawings (Draw a person 
test) or complete a story. 
Developed in the late 1930’s by psychologist 
Starke R. Hathaway and psychiatrist J.C. 
McKinley at the University of Minnesota. 
The most widely researched and clinically 
used of all personality tests 
Developed to identify emotional disorders 
 This is one of the most frequently used 
personality tests in mental health.
 The test is used by trained professionals to 
assist in identifying personality structure 
and psychopathology. 
 consists of 567 statements that the test 
taker has to mark as “true,” “false,” or 
“cannot say.” 
 Answers are scored according to how they 
correspond with those given by persons 
with various psychological disorders, 
including depression, hysteria, paranoia, 
psychopathic deviancy, and schizophrenia.
 The MMPI is copyrighted by the University of 
 It is appropriate for use with adults 18 and 
The current MMPI-2 has 567 items, all 
true-or-false format, and usually takes 
between 1 and 2 hours to complete 
depending on reading level.
 The MMPI-2 is most commonly used by 
mental health professionals to assess and 
diagnose mental illness. 
 The MMPI-2 has been utilized in other fields 
outside of clinical psychology. The test is often 
used in legal cases, including criminal defense 
and custody disputes.
 It has been designed for adults (18 years and 
older) who have a minimum of an eighth-grade 
reading level. 
 The MCMI is one of the few self-report tests 
that focus on personality disorders along with 
symptoms that are associated with these 
 The current version, the MCMI-III, is composed of 
175 items that are scored to produce 28 scales 
divided into following categories 
 Modifying Indices, 
 Clinical Personality Patterns, 
 Severe Personality Pathology 
 Clinical Syndromes 
 Severe Syndromes
It assesses 
 Traits (including dominance, 
responsibility, self-acceptance) 
 Socialization 
 Traits relevant to academic achievement. 
 Personality Research Form (PRF) 
 The Neuroticism Extroversion Openness 
Personality Inventory, Revised (NEO-PIR)
 Over several decades of research by 
Raymond B. Cattell and his colleagues. 
 Big Five secondary traits, which have 
become popularized by other authors in 
recent years.
 Short questionnaire which can be completed in 10 
to 20 minutes. 
 It assesses two dimensions of personality: 
Introversion versus Extroversion, and Neuroticism 
versus Emotional stability. 
 The EPI includes a subset of questions that 
comprises a Social Desirability Scale (Lie Scale):
 Projective techniques involve asking subjects to 
interpret or fill in visual stimuli, complete 
sentences, or report what associations 
particular words bring to mind. 
 Because of the leeway provided by the tests, 
subjects project their own personalities onto 
the stimulus, often revealing personal conflicts, 
motivations, coping styles, and other 
Hermann Rorschach (8 November 1884 – 
1 April 1922)
 Created in the 1920s by Swiss psychologist 
Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922). 
 It consists of a series of 10 cards, each 
containing a complicated inkblot. Some are in 
black and white, some in color. 
 Subjects are asked to describe what they see 
in each card.
Test scores are based on several parameters: 
1) what part of the blot a person focuses on 
2) what particular details determine the 
3) the content of the responses (what objects, 
persons, or situations they involve); 
4) the frequency with which a particular 
response has been given by previous test takers
 Introduced at Harvard University in 1935 by Henry 
 Test takers look at a series of up to 20 pictures of 
people in a variety of recognizable settings and 
construct a story about what is happening in each 
one. They are asked to describe not only what is 
happening at the moment shown in the picture but 
also what events led up to the present situation and 
what the characters are thinking and feeling.
 Its adherents assert that the TAT taps a 
subject's unconscious to reveal repressed 
aspects of personality, motives and needs for 
achievement, power and intimacy, and 
problem-solving abilities.
 The subject is asked to tell as dramatic a story 
as they can for each picture presented, including 
the following: 
? what has led up to the event shown 
? what is happening at the moment 
? what the characters are feeling and thinking 
? what the outcome of the story was
 There are 31 picture cards in the standard form of 
the TAT . 
 Some of the cards show male figures, some 
female, some both male and female figures, some 
of ambiguous gender, some adults, some children, 
and some show no human figures at all. 
 One card is completely blank
 Individual assessments for employment in fields 
requiring a high degree such as law 
enforcement, military leadership positions. 
 For diagnosis in order to match psychotherapy 
best suited to patients personalities. 
 Forensic purposes in evaluating the motivations 
and general attitudes of persons accused of 
violent crimes. 
 Research into specific aspects of human 
personality, most often needs for achievement, 
fears of failure, hostility.
Specifically for children or adolescents. 
Subjects are asked to complete sentences 
with such open-ended beginnings as “I 
wish . . .” or “My mother . . .” 
Same sentence beginnings are shown to 
different test takers. 
There are no norms for comparing their 
answers to those of previous subjects.
 (Draw a person test) 
 complete a story.
 Luria- Nebraska battery 
 Halsted- Reitan battery 
 Michigan neuropsychological battery 
 Shipley Institute of Living Scale 
 NIMHANS neuropsychological battery.
Assessment of the neurological deficit 
 Predicts the possible organic psychopathology 
 Identification of intact neurological functioning 
 help in the process of neuro-rehabilitation 
(Cognitive retraining) 
 Evaluation and comparison of various treatment 
options and its perceived efficacy 
 Progressive evaluation and formulation of 
differential diagnosis 
Developmental progression of the milestones 
Tackling the mental developmental delay, and 
taking necessary actions on time
Rating scales are instruments used to assess 
the magnitude or severity of a 
psychological construct or disorder. 
Rating scales aid in research and clinical 
practice such data are important for 
evaluation, decision making, documentation 
and/or analysis.
 For the assessment of general mental health: 
1. Golberg general health questionnaire(GHQ) 
2. Subjective wellbeing inventory (SWBI) 
 For the assessment of anxiety :- 
1. Hamilton anxiety rating scale (HARC), 
2. Covi anxiety scale
 For the assessment of depression :- 
1. Hamilton depression rating scale (HDRS), 
2. Beck depression Inventory(BDI) 
 For the assessment of mania :- 
1. Young’s mania rating scale, 
2. Bech- Rafaelson mania scale
 For the assessment of schizophrenia :- 
1. Brief psychiatric rating scale, 
2. Scale for assessment of positive symptoms 
and scale for assessment of negative 
 The Bayley Scales of Infant Development has been 
standardized on Indian children 
 The Pandey's Cognitive Development test for the pre-school 
child is a standardized test, 
1. Conceptual skills 
2. Information 
3. Comprehension 
4. Visual Perception 
5. Memory 
6. Object vocabulary
Assist in diagnosis:- 
 Assist in the formulation of psychopathology 
and in the identification of areas of stress. 
 Determine the nature of the deficits. 
 Assess the severity of psychopathology and 
response of treatment. 
To assess general characteristics of the 
Easy to get information and is more 
scientifically consistent. 
 Used for forensic evaluation, family court 
issues, or criminal charges. 
 Assess level of functioning or disability.
 Uncritical use 
Attitudes toward testing 
Effects of negative attitudes 
Ethical issues 
Test users 
Test security 
Test interpretation 
Test publication 
Privacy issues
 Should have knowledge about all the 
psychological tests. 
 Clarify the patient’s and relatives’ doubts 
regarding the psychological tests they have to 
 Nurses should have good rapport with the 
patients and family members.
 The nurse should reassure the patient about 
the safety of the tests and the confidentiality 
of the observations of the psychologist. 
 The nurse observes the patient’s behavior and 
the changes, which occur once the therapy is 
 The nurse observes, informs and records these 
changes in patient’s chart.
 A nurse who is knowledgeable and skilled is an 
empowered nurse who is able to function at par 
with other team members and thus further 
build up the nursing images in the public eye. 
 The nurse can also interrupt the findings of 
various tests and then plan the nursing care 

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Psychometric assessment Premnath 28 Feb 2013

  • 1. Presented by Premnath R Govt . CON, Kottayam
  • 2.  “ Psyche ” - mind  “ Metron ” - to measure  Chan dynasty - 1000 B C  East India Company - 1832 A D  British model of Chinese testing system - 1855 A D  American Civil Service Commission – 1883 A D
  • 3.  Two streams of thoughts 1. Measurement of individual differences (Darwin, Galton, Cattell) 2. Psychophysical measurements (Herbart, Weber, Fechner, Wundt)  Experimental psychology and standardized testing
  • 4. Definition Psychometrics is defined as the branch of psychology dealing with measurable factors, but also as the occult power of defining the priorities of things by mere contact. (Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary)
  • 5. Definition ‘A psychological test is any procedure on the basis of which inferences are made concerning a person's capacity, propensity or liability to act, react, experience, or to structure or order thought or behavior in particular ways.’ (The British Psychological Society)
  • 6. Definition Psychological tests are written, visual, or verbal evaluations administered to assess the cognitive and emotional functioning of children and adults. American Psychological Association (APA) A psychological test is an objective and standardized measure of an individual's mental and/or behavioral characteristics. A psychological test is an instrument designed to measure unobserved constructs, also known as latent variables. (Wikipedia)
  • 7. Reliability. Validity. Norms Uniform Objective Interpretable Standardization Objectivity
  • 8. 1. Analysis of the situation 2. Tentative selection of test items 3. Development of standardized procedures 4. Administration of test to a representative group 5. Final selection of the test items 6. Evaluation of the final test-
  • 9.  Depending upon time limit: Speed test and power test.  e.g. Kaufman Assessment battery for children  Depending upon number of individuals: Group test and Individual test  Depending upon language: Verbal and Non- verbal test.  Depending upon method: Paper -pencil and performance test .  Computed assisted tests:
  • 10. Depending upon what is measured: Intelligence tests, Aptitude tests, Achievement tests, Personality tests. Occupational tests:  Interest tests:  Aptitude tests: General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB), Differential Aptitude Tests(DAT)
  • 11. 1. STANFORD-BINET INTELLIGENCE SCALES:- Devised in 1916 by Stanford psychologist Lewis Terman.
  • 12.  Consisting of questions and short tasks arranged from easy to difficult, the Stanford- Binet scale measures a wide variety of verbal and nonverbal skills.  Its fifteen tests are divided into  verbal reasoning  quantitative reasoning  abstract/visual reasoning  short-term memory
  • 13. Over 140 Genius or Near-Genius/ Gifted 120 – 139 Very Superior 110 – 119 Superior 90 – 109 Average or Normal 80 – 89 Dull Normal 70 – 79 Borderline Deficiency/Mild 50 – 69 Moron /Moderate 20 – 49 Imbecile /Severe Below 20 Idiot/ Profound
  • 14. David "Wex" Wechsler (January 12, 1896 – May 2, 1981)
  • 15. Include both verbal and non- verbal tests Verbal tests include,  Vocabulary  Information  Comprehension  Arithmetic  Similarities  Digit span
  • 16. Performance tests include,  Digit symbols  Picture completion  Block design  Picture arrangement  Object assembly(jigsaw)
  • 17.  Information : A persons level of general knowledge Comprehension : How well you can understand questions and grasp concepts.  Arithmetic : A persons mathematical abilities. Similarities : Measures abstract thought.  Digit Span : Measures attention span. Vocabulary : How many word meanings you know.
  • 18.  Digit Symbol : Mental flexibility with random symbols. Picture Completion : Ability to notice differences between two similar pictures.  Block Design : Mentally construct printed designs in your head. Picture Arrangement : Arrange pictures in a logical order. Object Assembly : Place the correct part in relationship to a whole.
  • 19. TYPES The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence (WPPSI) The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
  • 20. Testing Booklet  Story Cards  Puzzle Pieces  Block Design
  • 21.
  • 22. Incorporate ideas from cognitive psychology and neuropsychology It consists of 16 subtests ,some for older and some for younger children (tests that measure the school experiences more directly such as naming pictures of well-known places and objects).
  • 23. The test fall into several categories: Sequential processing, such as remembering a series of digits or hand movements; Simultaneous processing, such as arranging a series of related pictures in the correct order;
  • 24. The test consist of items at each age level  vocabulary  Language development  compression  sentence building  similarities and differences  analogies  sentence repetition  auditory perception  social reasoning  visual-motor co-ordination ability.
  • 25.  It is useful to evaluate  Basal age - the ability to pass all the test items at the particular age.  Terminal age - the inability to pass any of the items on a particular age level.  The Binet Kamat Test of Intelligence - the Hindi version can be used for children well versed with the Hindi language
  • 26. Developed by John C Raven in 1936. The test consists of 50 designs each of which has a cut out segment . The subject is shown the 6-8 cut out alternative pieces and is asked to indicate what to be put in the matrix.
  • 27. Matrices are available in three different forms for participants of different ability. Standard Progressive Matrices: Colored Progressive Matrices: Advanced Progressive Matrices:
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. Personality tests and inventories evaluate the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behavioral traits that comprise personality. The results of these tests determine an individual's personality strengths and weaknesses, and may identify certain disturbances in personality, or psychopathology
  • 31. 1. PERSONALITY INVENTORY  Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory  Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI )  The California Psychological Inventory (CPI)  Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (or 16PF)  The Eyesenck Personality Inventory
  • 32. 2. PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUES  Rorschach test:-  Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)  Sentence completion test  Create drawings (Draw a person test) or complete a story. 3. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 4. RATING SCALES
  • 33. Developed in the late 1930’s by psychologist Starke R. Hathaway and psychiatrist J.C. McKinley at the University of Minnesota. The most widely researched and clinically used of all personality tests Developed to identify emotional disorders  This is one of the most frequently used personality tests in mental health.
  • 34.  The test is used by trained professionals to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology.  consists of 567 statements that the test taker has to mark as “true,” “false,” or “cannot say.”  Answers are scored according to how they correspond with those given by persons with various psychological disorders, including depression, hysteria, paranoia, psychopathic deviancy, and schizophrenia.
  • 35.  The MMPI is copyrighted by the University of Minnesota.  It is appropriate for use with adults 18 and over. The current MMPI-2 has 567 items, all true-or-false format, and usually takes between 1 and 2 hours to complete depending on reading level.
  • 36.  The MMPI-2 is most commonly used by mental health professionals to assess and diagnose mental illness.  The MMPI-2 has been utilized in other fields outside of clinical psychology. The test is often used in legal cases, including criminal defense and custody disputes.
  • 37.  It has been designed for adults (18 years and older) who have a minimum of an eighth-grade reading level.  The MCMI is one of the few self-report tests that focus on personality disorders along with symptoms that are associated with these disorders.
  • 38.  The current version, the MCMI-III, is composed of 175 items that are scored to produce 28 scales divided into following categories  Modifying Indices,  Clinical Personality Patterns,  Severe Personality Pathology  Clinical Syndromes  Severe Syndromes
  • 39. It assesses  Traits (including dominance, responsibility, self-acceptance)  Socialization  Traits relevant to academic achievement.  Personality Research Form (PRF)  The Neuroticism Extroversion Openness Personality Inventory, Revised (NEO-PIR)
  • 40.  Over several decades of research by Raymond B. Cattell and his colleagues.  Big Five secondary traits, which have become popularized by other authors in recent years.
  • 41. THE EYESENCK PERSONALITY INVENTORY  Short questionnaire which can be completed in 10 to 20 minutes.  It assesses two dimensions of personality: Introversion versus Extroversion, and Neuroticism versus Emotional stability.  The EPI includes a subset of questions that comprises a Social Desirability Scale (Lie Scale):
  • 42.  Projective techniques involve asking subjects to interpret or fill in visual stimuli, complete sentences, or report what associations particular words bring to mind.  Because of the leeway provided by the tests, subjects project their own personalities onto the stimulus, often revealing personal conflicts, motivations, coping styles, and other characteristics.
  • 43. Hermann Rorschach (8 November 1884 – 1 April 1922)
  • 44.  Created in the 1920s by Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922).  It consists of a series of 10 cards, each containing a complicated inkblot. Some are in black and white, some in color.  Subjects are asked to describe what they see in each card.
  • 45. Test scores are based on several parameters: 1) what part of the blot a person focuses on 2) what particular details determine the response; 3) the content of the responses (what objects, persons, or situations they involve); 4) the frequency with which a particular response has been given by previous test takers
  • 46.
  • 47.  Introduced at Harvard University in 1935 by Henry Murray.  Test takers look at a series of up to 20 pictures of people in a variety of recognizable settings and construct a story about what is happening in each one. They are asked to describe not only what is happening at the moment shown in the picture but also what events led up to the present situation and what the characters are thinking and feeling.
  • 48.  Its adherents assert that the TAT taps a subject's unconscious to reveal repressed aspects of personality, motives and needs for achievement, power and intimacy, and problem-solving abilities.
  • 49.  The subject is asked to tell as dramatic a story as they can for each picture presented, including the following: ? what has led up to the event shown ? what is happening at the moment ? what the characters are feeling and thinking ? what the outcome of the story was
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.  There are 31 picture cards in the standard form of the TAT .  Some of the cards show male figures, some female, some both male and female figures, some of ambiguous gender, some adults, some children, and some show no human figures at all.  One card is completely blank
  • 53. USES OF TAT  Individual assessments for employment in fields requiring a high degree such as law enforcement, military leadership positions.  For diagnosis in order to match psychotherapy best suited to patients personalities.  Forensic purposes in evaluating the motivations and general attitudes of persons accused of violent crimes.  Research into specific aspects of human personality, most often needs for achievement, fears of failure, hostility.
  • 54. Specifically for children or adolescents. Subjects are asked to complete sentences with such open-ended beginnings as “I wish . . .” or “My mother . . .” Same sentence beginnings are shown to different test takers. There are no norms for comparing their answers to those of previous subjects.
  • 55. CREATE DRAWINGS  (Draw a person test)  complete a story.
  • 56.  Luria- Nebraska battery  Halsted- Reitan battery  Michigan neuropsychological battery  Shipley Institute of Living Scale  NIMHANS neuropsychological battery.
  • 57. Assessment of the neurological deficit  Predicts the possible organic psychopathology  Identification of intact neurological functioning  help in the process of neuro-rehabilitation (Cognitive retraining)  Evaluation and comparison of various treatment options and its perceived efficacy  Progressive evaluation and formulation of differential diagnosis Developmental progression of the milestones Tackling the mental developmental delay, and taking necessary actions on time
  • 58. Rating scales are instruments used to assess the magnitude or severity of a psychological construct or disorder. Rating scales aid in research and clinical practice such data are important for evaluation, decision making, documentation and/or analysis.
  • 59.  For the assessment of general mental health: 1. Golberg general health questionnaire(GHQ) 2. Subjective wellbeing inventory (SWBI)  For the assessment of anxiety :- 1. Hamilton anxiety rating scale (HARC), 2. Covi anxiety scale
  • 60.  For the assessment of depression :- 1. Hamilton depression rating scale (HDRS), 2. Beck depression Inventory(BDI)  For the assessment of mania :- 1. Young’s mania rating scale, 2. Bech- Rafaelson mania scale
  • 61.  For the assessment of schizophrenia :- 1. Brief psychiatric rating scale, 2. Scale for assessment of positive symptoms and scale for assessment of negative symptoms.
  • 62.  The Bayley Scales of Infant Development has been standardized on Indian children  The Pandey's Cognitive Development test for the pre-school child is a standardized test, 1. Conceptual skills 2. Information 3. Comprehension 4. Visual Perception 5. Memory 6. Object vocabulary
  • 63. Assist in diagnosis:-  Assist in the formulation of psychopathology and in the identification of areas of stress.  Determine the nature of the deficits.  Assess the severity of psychopathology and response of treatment. To assess general characteristics of the individual. Easy to get information and is more scientifically consistent.  Used for forensic evaluation, family court issues, or criminal charges.  Assess level of functioning or disability.
  • 64.  Uncritical use Faking Attitudes toward testing Effects of negative attitudes Ethical issues Test users Test security Test interpretation Test publication Privacy issues
  • 65.  Should have knowledge about all the psychological tests.  Clarify the patient’s and relatives’ doubts regarding the psychological tests they have to undergo.  Nurses should have good rapport with the patients and family members.
  • 66.  The nurse should reassure the patient about the safety of the tests and the confidentiality of the observations of the psychologist.  The nurse observes the patient’s behavior and the changes, which occur once the therapy is commenced.  The nurse observes, informs and records these changes in patient’s chart.
  • 67.  A nurse who is knowledgeable and skilled is an empowered nurse who is able to function at par with other team members and thus further build up the nursing images in the public eye.  The nurse can also interrupt the findings of various tests and then plan the nursing care accordingly.