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Temporo Research Paper
With a loud ripping sound, a massive breach in Saint Xavier High School opens, a product of
experimentation with the space–time–continuum committed by the evil Dr. Chronos. A young,
mild–mannered man named Joe is working hard, and taking a vocabulary test, when suddenly he is
viciously sucked into the whirling maelstrom of time energy, his life, and indeed, every major event
in history, flashing before his eyes. Joe is not defeated by his brush pure time energy, however,
instead he is reborn, as the master of time, Temporo. My superhero alter ego, Temporo, would have
the amazing power of time manipulation, a truly excellent superpower. Without the barrier of time, I
could accomplish many things in my life. By day, as mild mannered student Joseph, ... Show more
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The low talking of other engineers acts as a fitting backdrop to the machinery–filled lab. I walk up
to a table surrounded by a team of engineers, to witness the metallic wonder that is the new Skylake
Intel processor. If I was to shadow a person in my dream job of being a Chip Design Engineer at
Intel, there are many things I would do to prepare. For one, I would create a chart with two sides,
that I would label expectation, and reality. I would write down my expectations before the
shadowing, and then I would right down the reality of the job during the actual shadowing, this
would allow me to evaluate my dream job, and see if it really lives up to the expectations I have in
my own head, to see if it is a good choice to pursue that career. Secondly, I would bring a notepad,
to write down any random thoughts or information important in evaluating that job. Finally, I would
prepare two questions for the person I will be shadowing. My first question would be "What are the
top three biggest surprises you experienced when you started this job?" This would allow me to
understand things I may not know when attempting to work in my dream field, allowing me to better
understand my dream job and decide if it is a good idea to strive for this field. My second question
would be "How did you achieve working as a Chip Design engineer, and what you recommend I do
if I wish to be one?" This would allow me
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Nathan Kleitman's Golden Age
Nathan Kleitman was born in Bessarabia, now known as Moldova in 1895. He had spent much of
his youth being chased around, first being driven to Palestine due to the holocaust and then the
world war drove him to the United States. He has been termed as the "father of modern sleep
research". He initially carried out many experiments on sleep as he believed that the study of sleep
was an unexplored area of the science of physiology. in 1953 he and one of his graduate student
Eugene Aserinsky discovered the rapid eye movement aka REM sleep and that discovery according
to William C. Derment made "the study of sleep a true scientific study". REM sleep has helped
understand the entire dynamics of sleep as it helps in understanding different sleep patterns in
different organisms. Modern Technology has helped make the study of sleep economical and easier
due to which various studies have been carried out on sleep. And hence experts call this "the dawn
of the golden age of sleep research" and ironically the question arises "If this is sleep research's
golden age, then why are we all so tired?" In addition to this the ... Show more content on ...
However, Mathew J. Wolf–Meyer is more critical about the question of sleep. He argues that the
practice of going to bed at eleven o'clock and waking up at seven in the morning is not the system
that human beings were made to follow and blames American capitalism specifically for this. But
Till Roenneberg, the author of 'Internal Time: Chronotypes, Social Jet lag and why you're so tired'
believes that it has do more with human physiology than industrial capitalism. Roennberg has used
the term Chrono type to explain the different sleeping behaviors among the larks who sleep early
and wake up early and owls who sleep late and wake up late and how factors like social life and age
influence these Chrono
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The Guyver Film Analysis
The Guyver (1991) – Lisker– This science fiction film is loosely based on the Japanese manga
series, "The Guyver", which is about Sean Barker, a young man who discovers an alien artifact, "the
Unit", that changes Barker into an alien–hybrid super soldier, "the Guyver". Barker finds out that a
major corporation, "Chronos", is seeking the Guyver unit and discovers that those who operate
Chronos are not human. Chronos' president employs his henchman, Lisker, portrayed by Michael
Berryman to retrieve the unit.
Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time (1991) – Pilgrim #1 – In modern Los Angeles, Dar, a
barbarian who can speak to animals learns that his evil brother, Arklon, has nefarious universal
plans. Arklon has joined forces with Lyranna, ... Show more content on ...
Mysterious events land the girl and her psychologist in a harrowing situation and her worst fears are
realized. She becomes stranded in her psychologist's vehicle with no contact with the outside world
in the deep woods under the cover of darkness. Michael Berryman portrays a friendly and helpful
gas station in this creepy horror
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Philip K. Dick's Analysis
Philip K. Dick's exegesis, above being a theological exploration, is a philosophical and
cosmological investigation into the world and being. Philip K. Dick attempts to understand his own
being and his surrounding world by alluding to the existing knowledge of the past while arriving at
something new on his own. My Focus on this paper is on an excerpt of his work from pages 606 to
608 that mainly focuses on three themes. These themes that reappear throughout his work include
the concept of time and a time outside of time, as we understand it, the distinction of the
phenomenal and the noumenal realm of existence and the interaction of the two, and the unitary
nature of the world and the divine. My aim in this paper is to carefully comprehend ... Show more
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This argument implicitly denies the freedom of the will of humans, and claims that we as beings are
hard–wired to follow along a certain path. Essentially, he does this in several occasions such as
claiming that " each individual human being is programmed uniquely in terms of (1) the signals he
can and will encounter during his life, and (2) according to the unique and special purpose set for
him by his creator" (71). Dick either has to deny that humans have any freedom of the will and
agency as a being, or has to justify his assertion by finding a way around this claim. There is
however some improvement upon this argument where Dick claims, "what we are talking about the Tao, which is real but does not exist, yet registers on (mildly shapes) what does exist"
(729). This is certainly a departure from the original comment by Dick as he changes his word from
'programmed' into 'mildly shapes', thus allowing for some type of agency for human beings as
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How Does One Sacrifice Something That Can 't Be Held But...
Here is a riddle I learned during this school year. How does one sacrifice something that can't be
held but measured? If it can't be held, how can you give someone yours? Last clue: If it can be
measured why can't you save it up for different purposes? What are we talking about here? After
three clues you should have answered time. So how do people sacrifice time that can be measured,
not held, and not given? For that answer we need to talk to a god. Chronos is a Greek god of time,
but unlike other gods, sacrificing time wouldn't't please him. I have learned this firsthand by mostly
trial and error. My trial and error tests had me sitting on my comfy couch, legs up, facing my 60–
inch (measured diagonally) watching a TV show. My MacBook computer would be on my lap being
ignored even though I had every intention to start my schoolwork. If Chronos was sitting next to me,
the Greek god would smell of times lost and be fuming from his mouths, all three of them. I was in
every sense sacrificing time rather then using it wisely. In a deep echoing god like voice Chrono
honors me with the best advice the Greek god of time could give, "Use my time wisely or before
you know it, your time will be up mortal."
The Greek gods statement rang true to the same pitch of my ears as I turned off the TV and started
my paper. I turned my head to face face face Chronos and responded in my mortal weak words
responding, "Use it or loose it?"
The gods six eyes all squint in unison at
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Chrono Displacement, By Audrey Niffenegger
The hardcover version of this book is over 500 pages. I read it in two sittings and it was a struggle to
ever put it down. To call this book a romance novel would not be accurate. To call it a science
fiction novel wouldn't be entirely accurate either. Author Audrey Niffenegger manages to weave
these two genres together into a unique story that is touching, funny, sweet, and sad enough for the
romantic and cynic in all of us. What could be a simple love story between two people, Henry and
Clare, is complicated by the fact that Henry has a disease that causes him to jump in and out of
different periods of time. Henry, a Chicago librarian, has "Chrono Displacement" disorder, a
problem that has afflicted him since childhood. He is unwillingly ... Show more content on ...
There is a certain exhilaration I find in visiting a foreign country by myself, a certain freedom. There
are some experiences which can only be had by a solo traveler. Traveling alone can be a life–altering
experience. Your perspectives are often changed, and you return looking at things in a different way.
Here is a beginner's guide to traveling alone. Certain things are more important when you are
traveling alone as opposed to traveling with someone else or in a group. Knowing a bit of the
language, for instance. The challenge of communicating can be amusing when you are traveling
with another person, even funny. But it can become frustrating and downright dangerous when you
are traveling alone. Purchase a Complete Idiot's Guide to learning the language when you begin
planning your trip alone. Study the basics and practice your speech. Make sure you master a few
common phrases before you leave on your solo vacation. Study maps of the areas you are planning
to visit. You don't want to get lost in a foreign country when you are by yourself. Carry a fold–out
map with you at all times, along with a business card or brochure from the hotel you are staying at.
Getting lost at night in a foreign country could very well lead to disaster. Your foreign language
skills come into play here, too. Don't be afraid to socialize. The best places to do this are in the local
pubs. Start with pubs near your hotel and branch out as you become more familiar with your
surroundings. Solo travelers tend to make friends quite easily. People are less intimidated by single
travelers than they are by couples or groups. Of course, you should always be careful. Don't give
away too much information about yourself or where you are staying, especially at first. Avoid
nightclubs your first few evenings and stick to the pubs, where bartenders and other patrons are
always within earshot. Don't become overly intoxicated so that you can't
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Urie Bronfenbrenner: Co-Founder Of The Head Start Program
Urie Bronfenbrenner
"Co–founder of the Head start Program" Urie Bronfenbrenner was born April 29, 1917 in Moscow,
Russia to Dr. Alexander and Eugine Kamentski Bronfenbrenner. At the age of 6, they arrived in the
United States. He graduated High School in Haverstraw, New York in the year 1923. He then
accomplished a dual major in psychology and music from Cornell University in 1938. Two years
later, he accomplished his Master's in education at Harvard University. Finally in the year 1942 he
received his PhD from The University of Michigan. Urie wedded a woman by the name of Liese
Price in 1942. Together they had 6 children, two of them boys and four of them girls. They also over
the years they came to be grandparents to thirteen grandchildren ... Show more content on ...
Through articles, lectures and discussions Urie was widely published. These extensively published
influences won him awards and admirations. There is an award presented yearly in his favor, it is
called "The Bronfenbrenner Award" which was prepared in 1996. It is for "Lifetime Contributions to
developmental Psychology in the Service of Science and Society" from the American Psychological
Association. Urie Bronfenbrenner urges family ties. He articulates that we need to study together all
areas rather than separately. He contends that people need to act upon the knowledge specified to us
for enhancements in the lives of children. He debates that all the individuals in children's lives allow
them to live up to their biological potential. I agree. Today children's values are diminishing by the
methods parents are teaching them. If we don't carry on Urie's work I believe his challenge will no
longer be
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The Sirens Of Titan Essay
Over the course of Kurt Vonnegut's career, an unorthodox handling of time became one of many
signature features in his fictional works (Allen 37). Despite The Sirens of Titan (1959) being only
his second novel, this trademark is still prevalent. When delving into science fiction, it is often
helpful to incorporate ideas from other works within the genre. This concept is exemplified by the
"megatext," an aspect of science fiction that involves the application of a reader's own knowledge of
the genre to a new encounter (Evans xiii). By working within the megatext, Ursula K. Le Guin's The
Dispossessed (1974) provides an insightful avenue in exploring the handling of time and its
consequences in Vonnegut's The Sirens of Titan. This ... Show more content on ...
An interesting structural feature to note is that each chapter is preceded by a quotation from that
chapter. This is not unlike a prophecy and resembles Rumfoord's abilities. This use of chapter
quotations as well as the looping of the narrative could be interpreted to reflect Rumfoord's
perception of time in that "everything that ever has been always will be, and everything that ever
will be always has been" (20). There is also a significant amount of foreshadowing in that the novel
is essentially outlined during Malachi's first meeting with Rumfoord.
In The Dispossessed, time can be thought of in either a Sequential or Simultaneous manner. The
Sequential school of thought is the more concrete, familiar version in that time flows in a linear
progression. Simultaneity considers this linearity as "not...a physically objective phenomenon, but
as a subjective one" (Le Guin 221). Shevek, the protagonist, makes use of an apt comparison to
further describe the concept: It would be a little like reading a book, you see. The book is all there,
at once, between its covers. But if you want to read the story and understand it, you must begin with
the first page, and go forward, always in order. So the universe would be a very great book, and we
would be very small readers. (221)
According to Shevek, where Sequence falls short is its inability to
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Analysis Of The Book ' Time Travel '
The title represents the major theme present in this novel: time travel. Henry is diagnosed with a
disorder known as Chrono–Displacement, which causes him to time travel. In the novel, Henry is
married to Clare, and the story is based on their love over the course of time. When Henry time
travels, he cannot control when he travels or where he travels to. A side effect of time travel is that
he cannot bring anything with him when he travels, so he ends up naked in strange locations. This is
one of the conflicts in the novel because Henry is constantly time traveling, and, as a result, Clare is
often left waiting for Henry to come home.
Henry DeTamble: Henry works at the Newberry Library in Chicago in the special collections
section. He has a genetic disease (Chrono–Displacement), which causes him to time travel with no
control over the destination or time. Stress causes him to time travel, so he runs every morning as a
way to stay calm.
Clare Abshire: Clare is a curious and open minded young artist who has been in love with Henry
since she was six years old. She is independent and strong willed. Clare spends hours working in her
art studio not only because art is her passion, but because it helps her to escape her chaotic life and
keep busy.
Charisse: Charisse is Clare's best friend and roommate. Whenever Clare needs her, she is always
there, as she is very loyal. Charisse is married to Gomez.
Gomez (Comrade): Gomez is good friends with Henry and Clare. He is addicted to
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Ancient Greeks and Leaders Today
Ancient Greeks and Leaders Today
Leaders of heroic stature
In his Theogeny, Hesiod describes and compares the leadership of Chronos and Zeus where one is a
Titan and the other is a god. Chronos leads the Titans with a strong hand and dictatorial rule while
Zeus is more democratic in listening to the gods. In addition, Chronos eats his children representing
how bad leaders will destroy their followers which are contrasted with Zeus, who helps and supports
his fellow gods. Hesiod is also a shepherd that shows the value of humility and unpretentious
leadership. The book Theogeny should be analyzed according to the symbolism of each god or
goddesses in accord with leadership characteristics. I WOULD DOUBLE–SPACE THE
Leaders of intelligence and problem solving
In Homer's Odyssey, we see the role of the charismatic leader and transformative leadership.
Achilles is the noble hero, handsome, strong, and virile, who through bravery and audaciousness
succeed to kill Hector, but also through foolhardiness which is a character flaw lands in a position to
have his heel expose to a death dealing wound. The other is Ulysses, who is charismatic, but through
transformative leadership allows himself to use his intelligence and problem solving abilities to lead
his men through trials and tests such as the Cyclops, but in the end, because of his ambition, he loses
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Different Theorists Have Different Ideas About The...
Different theorists have different ideas about the development of children. Two of these include Urie
Brofenbrenner and Mason Durie. The western theorist, Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005) was born in
Russia however was relocated to the United States in his early years, where his father worked as a
clinical pathologist. This is likely to have impacted on Bronfenbrenners future career path of
psychology (Moffitt, n.d.). Bronfenbrenner explores the ideas around ecological theory. A Maori
perspective is Durie, born in New Zealand in 1938. He studied medicine and surgery at University
of Otago, and continued on to do a postgraduate diploma in psychiatry (Massey University, 2010).
Durie explores ideas around Maori wellbeing. Both of these theorists have implications on teaching.
Bronfenbrenners main theory is the ecological theory, which was developed in 1979, with the idea
of the individual surrounded by 5 different systems, to explain the effect of the environment on
children (Williams, n.d.). These complex systems are all interacting, therefore influencing and
impacting the childrens lives through behaviours and attitudes (Sincero, 2012). The model is made
up of 5 circles with each circle representing a different level, with the individual in the middle. Each
level goes further away from the individual, in relation to its contact with the child, Bronfenbrenner
(2005, as cited in Claibourne, Drewery, Paki & Chu, 2014) refers to it as "a change in
developmental focus from the
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Pantheons: The Most Common Gods In Greek Mythology
Did you know there are bird headed and eight armed gods? Pantheons are religions or mythologies
with multiple gods or goddesses. Only a few pantheons that are around the world that are all in this
article. There are many gods in pantheons. Here are some more known gods and goddesses. The
most famous gods are from Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythologies. There are many king gods in
mythologies like Odin, god of war and wisdom and Zeus, God of lightning and the sky. Strangely
there are quite a few gods of lightning including Zeus and Thor. There are also many wisdom gods
and goddesses some of which are Athena and Odin. And finally the death gods Hades and Osiris
from Greek and Egyptian mythologies. Also there are many gods and goddesses ... Show more
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Olorun ruled the sky and Olokun ruled what was below and eventually made dry land that was
inhabitable. Then a while later people came to Oloruna and his son Orumila, god of wisdom for
solutions to their problems. One day a man asked for powers which then everyone else started to
also want powers making Orumila not able to think of what to do. So one day he was walking and
ran into a chameleon in which he confided in and it told him "Leave the distribution to chance" so
he told the people about his plans so that they were prepared. Then he rained the elements for the
people to catch and when they caught them they became gods of the element they had caught
creating the
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Paleoamerican Fieldwork : Chivacabe, Huehuetenango, Guatemala
The third article will report on the research results of three planned seasons of fieldwork (either
Spring/Summer or Fall 2018, 2019, and 2020) at the late Pleistocene paleontological site Chivacabe,
Huehuetenango, Guatemala (Western Highlands), and will place it in the larger context of
Paleoamerican activity within Middle America. In the 80s, non–prismatic obsidian artifacts,
including a lanceolate fluted point (Figure...), were found at the site but without archaeological
control. Interestingly, one of the obsidian items is a very small piece of green Pachuca obsidian from
Central Mexico (Figure...). Although not from a known context, the possibility that early
Paleoamerican occupants at the site had access to Central Mexican obsidian is ... Show more content
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All are identified by the presence of fluted projectile points and only one, Los Tapiales (Gruhn et al.
1977) has yielded somewhat complementary Paleoamerican 14C dates (Table...). Piedra del Coyote
also yielded early 14C assays, but without diagnostic artifacts.
Other than this small list, very little is known about the earliest occupations in the Guatemalan
Highlands: it is unknown when people first came to the region, what their subsistence or social
practices were, or precisely when they might have transitioned to a broad–spectrum foraging way of
life that typically characterizes the Archaic (see Dillehay 2000). Given the lack of data, Chivacabe
stands to contribute a great deal on this topic for Middle America.
4.1. The Chivacabe Site, Huehuetenango, Guatemala
The site is located on a deep alluvial terrace of a small stream that drains into the Rio Selegua and
the Huehuetenango Basin (Figure ...). Relatively steep valley sidewalls are present to the northwest,
and the terrace slopes gradually down–slope to the east. Some considered the site to be a place
where early Paleoamericans exploited now–extinct megafauna. An on–site museum presents
findings from earlier projects, including a collection of obsidian artifacts, and the bone bed remains
open for viewing (~3–4m below the surface) (Figure...).
This site was discovered in 1976 when the landowner, Octavio Villatoro dug a
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A Hero's Journey Of Annihilation Short Story
Awakened from hellish reverie, from the sounds and the feelings of blood and of fury, blanketed in
the shadow of a forgotten struggle – the warriors on the battlefield stop. Ten thousand little faces
turn to the source. They stare into the maw of their future and are found wanting. There is an omen
to be known in the face of this grandeur. "Behold, gaze upon doom." Stark darkness of thought
overpowers the rational and surrenders them to the destiny of the moment. Residing in the fear of
the unknown, they are immobilized as violently as their actions just previous. Before, the fighters
advanced in the bloodlust of compelling differences. Purposeful annihilation, an endgame to
progress towards. They fought for control, They fought for power, ... Show more content on ...
Damage is done, but new wounds on hold. For a moment, a respite from the condemnation of cold
blades and hasty death. There is only this sight to behold, an obsidian orb of seeming malignantly
imminent damnation. The realms of Man quelled by the fiery vengeance of one Chronos returned.
Finally, this is a reckoning against the sin of self destruction. Residing in the twilight of Time's fast
embrace, they will no longer seek to know fate. Its arrival stares down upon their souls in a form of
hellfire–ringed perfect void. Mortality is not forgotten, but is magnified under its felling reach. To
continue, perhaps, would lead to all deaths. To the deaths of everything they know. The Gods do not
game. Fire encircling fragile existence, they are awaiting a final judgment now. Are they to be cast
into Hades, ten thousand mortal coils shed, final infinite atonements awaiting the warriors who tread
upon the throne? They each walk from their dropped weapons. Stupefied from the presence and in
the confusion of daylight's darkness, they break the engagement's lines. There are no territories, no
lands. There are no more sides. There is no chain of command. The terms are not formally penned,
put to page, or even discussed in any manner. The meaning of the death–dealing skirmish, this
raging machine of war –– temporarily and easily deposed. Under this immortal black sun and on the
field of infernal battle, Peace is reached here & now, on the heels of a long war now ended.
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Acting Appropriately Case Summary
Cameron Group topic: Acting Appropriately on the Job & Proper Attire PO's case was discussed
with the team. Result is to discharge PO from treatment, and recommended PO for a long–term
inpatient treatment with the Level of care 3.5. Chrono was made. CCO was notified via OMNI and
Email on this date. Lundvall Group topic: Acting Appropriately on the Job & Proper Attire PO
attended group on time, and participated in the check–in re: current mood and news. PO received
information re: what appropriate behavior on the job is. PO completed The Job Savvy on "How to
be a Success at Work", and learned the importance of looking good on the job. PO demonstrated his
learning by sharing with peers about his work ethic and how to follow rules at work. PO had a
positive response to ... Show more content on ...
Chrono was made. CCO was notified via OMNI and Email on this date. OMNI stated that PO is in
non–compliance with DOC obligations, and that he is failure to report to his CCO. Mitrofanov
Group topic: Acting Appropriately on the Job & Proper Attire PO attended group on time, and
moderately participated in the check–in re: current mood and news. PO received information re:
what appropriate behavior on the job is. PO completed The Job Savvy on "How to be a Success at
Work", and learned the importance of looking good on the job. PO demonstrated his learning by
sharing with peers about his current and previous job related issues, dress codes, and how to resolve
problems. PO had a positive response to treatment. Mather Group topic: Acting Appropriately on the
Job & Proper Attire PO was not present for IOP group today. CDP received a voice message from
PO, which stating that she is not feeling well, and will not attend group today. Chrono was made.
CCO was notified via OMNI and Email on this date. Payne Group topic: Acting Appropriately on
the Job & Proper
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Comparing Hutchings's Time And World Politics
"Time and World Politics" is a book about the past and the future. And it also has a lot to say about
now – this analysis has become peculiarly relevant due to today's uncertainty faced by the
international society with the post–truth scenario of major powers in the West and their mostly
unexpected change of leadership and future steps in foreign policy. Kimberly Hutchings's work, as
the title suggests, talks about the point of view of time in world politics in a very thoroughly way; it
is a superb collection of the main voices of the subject of time and its development throughout the
centuries. Some parts of it are quite dense theoretically. Also, the author's own proposal for the topic
was not so well explained in details in comparison to the work done in the whole set of authors
reviewed in the book. Hutchings understands that one of the current views of world–political time
comes from a dialectic between the ancient Greek conception of chronos and kairos, which is
utilized in a Newtonian fashion of infinite and linear succession of facts. This view is characterized
by a series of theorizations made in a progressive, universal and determinist telos: the historicist
philosophies of history, she points out, are the most accepted perspective of time in world politics,
with great aspirations ... Show more content on ...
These variables are quite useful for a better comprehension of the subsequent parts of the book. The
author's approach to show how the intellectual foundations for time in world politics were
established so that contemporary authors could write about it in their own periods was fruitful. A
historical background of the Christianism and Enlightenment periods in Europe and how they
influenced the analysis of political temporality in the philosophy of history of Kant, Hegel and Marx
was given, followed by an evaluation within a historicist and progressive
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Wireless Communication For Wearable Devices
Wireless Communication for Wearable Devices Shivram Tabibu
This paper presents a review of Wireless Communication for Wearable Devices. The wearable
devices are one of the primary means for the effective motion recognition of reflexive systems. We
review some basic wearable deployments and their open wireless communication along the
communication channel which have been devised.
In order to establish a given area network, wireless communication means is used by wearable
devices to transmit data to proximate devices. Data transmission must be secure since wearable
devices transmit vital information. Wearable wireless communication system is exciting new
frontier techniques. There are many devices worked in ... Show more content on ...
Earlier electric–field distribution of a wearable device for the wireless communication with means
of human body as a transmission channel was analyzed by the finite–difference time–domain
(FDTD) method and confirmed by trial experiments and the elucidation of the influence in the
propagation characteristics by the human body was restrictive [5].
The best illustration to explain a wireless communication system for a wearable device can be
illustrated by establishing a Body Area Network and transmit data to proximate devices. The Figure
1 illustrates the hardware architecture of an Intra Body Communication System/ module. The
communication module consists of a Serial interface unit(SIU), a Serializer/ Deserializer and a
Modulator/ Demodulator. In order to interface with embedded microcontrollers, the serial interface
is used as an on–chip communication system. The communication module is controlled by the
integrated processor via serial interface. It transforms the data to serial form and uses FIFO to
improve system performance. It is then modulated to become the transmission signal for
communication for Intra Body. Modulation on the signal transmitter is done by modulator where the
serial data is modulated with predefined frequencies in order to use the human body or a given
system as
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Nobuo Uematsu Major Accomplishments
Once upon a time, there's a boy who wants to be composed music, he dreaming of being a famous
musician, his name Nobuo Uematsu.
Nobuo began to play the piano at age 11 and 12 in Kochi (Japan), he did not take any formal lesson
which means he already learned by himself. After graduating from Kanagawa University, Uematsu
played the keyboard in several amateur bands and composed music for television commercials.
When Uematsu was working at a music rental shop in Tokyo, a Square employee asked him to join
them for creating music of some title, although he agreed, Uematsu at the time considered it a side
job, he did not think to work a full–time, he decides to work only a part–time job for making money.
Uematsu met Hironobu Sakaguchi for the first
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Different Theorists Have Different Ideas About The...
Different theorists have different ideas about the development of children. Two of these include Urie
Brofenbrenner and Mason Durie. The western theorist, Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005) was born in
Russia however was relocated to the United States in his early years, where his father worked as a
clinical pathologist. This is likely to have impacted on Bronfenbrenners future career path of
psychology (Moffitt, n.d.). Bronfenbrenner explores the ideas around ecological theory. A Maori
perspective is Durie, born in New Zealand in 1938. He studied medicine and surgery at University
of Otago, and continued on to do a postgraduate diploma in psychiatry (Massey University, 2010).
Durie explores ideas around Maori wellbeing. Both of these theorists have implications on teaching.
Bronfenbrenners main theory is the ecological theory, which was developed in 1979, with the idea
of the individual surrounded by 5 different systems, to explain the effect of the environment on
children (Williams, n.d.). These complex systems are all interacting, therefore influencing and
impacting the childrens lives through behaviours and attitudes (Sincero, 2012). The model is made
up of 5 circles with each circle representing a different level, with the individual in the middle. Each
level goes further away from the individual, in relation to its contact with the child, Bronfenbrenner
(2005, as cited in Claibourne, Drewery, Paki & Chu, 2014) refers to it as "a change in
developmental focus from the
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The Lost Track Of Time Analysis
Imagination is being able to think creatively to come up with new ideas or theories. It is a topic that
is slowly declining in schools and everyday life. Imagination is important for growth in society,
child development, and for entertainment. Without imagination, nothing new will ever be created,
and everything will always stay the same. An imaginative person is not afraid to take risks and
wants to express their opinions. The Lost Track of Time by Paige Britt discusses the need for
imagination in society. The book shows the need for creativity through the characters, conflict, and
plot. If society focuses more on imagination, people will learn to think in other perspectives and
outside of the box. First, imagination is necessary for growth in societies. If people ... Show more
content on ...
The characters Chronos and Penelope's mom share similar thoughts on imagination. Chronos
believed, "The Realm was overrun with useless daydreamers and the Remote Possibility was
nothing but a silly notion." (65). Chronos believes that time should be spent on more important
things, rather than imagination. Penelope's mom shares a similar opinion with Chronos because, she
believes that imagination is not important for schooling and education. Two other characters that
share the same opinion, but is opposite from the other two, is the Great Moodler and Miss Maddie.
The Great Moodler tells penelope, "That's what I call a least possibility. Very tiny, but very
powerful. They can grow to be unusually large."(229). This quote from the Great Moodler is
significant because, she says that anything is possible if you believe in it enough. The Great
Moodler's opinion relates to Miss Maddie's because, they both believe time is best spent doing
nothing. Doing nothing is the same as daydreaming and using imagination. This is important
because everyone needs time throughout the day to think and consider endless
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Payoff Matrix Case Study
Mighell Group topic: What is the Payoff? The group session was focused on increasing motivation
for treatment and recovery. Group members were to: complete "The Payoff Matrix" exercise;
identify the Pros and Cons of being in recovery/continuing drug use; and discuss how to stay
motivated throughout the difficult times w/o returning to the old destructive behavior. PO was on
time and minimally participated in the group discussion. PO reported experiencing "extreme pain"
on both of his knees, but he did not want to miss any group treatment, stated that he will schedule a
knee surgery after treatment is completed. PO was able to open and honest to share and discuss his
current struggles with peers, and as well as accepted the differing views of others. Roach ... Show
more content on ...
The group session was focused on increasing motivation for treatment and recovery. Group
members were to: complete "The Payoff Matrix" exercise; identify the Pros and Cons of being in
recovery/continuing drug use; and discuss how to stay motivated throughout the difficult times w/o
returning to the old destructive behavior. PO was on time and had a moderate level of participation
in group as evidenced by completing the exercise and engaging in the group discussion. PO was
able to identify the benefits and the consequences of being in recovery/continuing drug use. PO
identified "not smoking" as a behavior she would like to change in a near future. Good treatment
progress. Spencer Group topic: What is the Payoff? PO was a no show, no call for OP group today.
CCO was notified. Johnson Group topic: What is the Payoff? PO was not present for OP group
today due to confinement. Chrono was made. CCO was notified. Benipal Group topic: What is the
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Time and Motion Study
* Model for the construction industry using pre–determined times Jasper Van Gilsa, Leo
Vaningelgema Abstract This paper is based on our work experience with Office–line. This company
prepares standard times for companies in the industrial sector. Standard time is productive time that
is required and achieved by an employee. Standard time contains everything that is necessary for the
work specified to be completed. The reason why Office–line only prepare standard times for the
industrial sector rather than the construction industry is due to the repetitive nature of the work. One
example is the car industry which uses assembly lines. In the construction sector, this kind of
repetition is not so evident. There is repetitiveness in some ... Show more content on
This includes that we have to make a more than one measurement to become a reliable average for
these tasks. A second importance that we need to take notice of using chrono, is the performance
level at which the employee is working. An execution time of a specific person can not be used as a
reference for or employees and as a consequency we can't set these specific times as standards.
Tools that can help us by adding a tempo to our measurements are tempo scales. These scales will
make sure that execution times will be calibrated and that we become standard times. Standard times
can be executed by any valid employee in a social acceptable space of time. Bedaux–scale This
tempo scale was designed by the Frenchman Bedaux. He saw that not all employees were working
at the same performance level. So he had the idea to add a value from 0 to 100 to the performance
levels where 100 stands for the maximum pace which can only be performed for a short period and
zero for doing nothing at all. A score of 60 is the level every valid employee should be able to
perform for a complete week, 8 hours per day. For his scale, Bedaux compared the working tempo
with walking (60) and running (100) that we know starts from a speed of 7,5 km/h. Walking at the
speed of 4,5 km/h matches the score of 60 Bedaux–points. Berenschot–scale * For some people the
Bedaux–scale was a bit
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Ekko Dialectical Journal
After he opened the grand doors to the courtyard, Ekko was traumatized by the sight of his friends
and family being held hostage by the Noxian soldiers. "Sacrifice your blade to me if you want to
keep your friends in one piece," demanded Darius, the Noxian war commander, as he pressed the
edge of his enormous axe against Jinx's neck. Intimidated by Darius's threat, Ekko readied himself
to dive into danger. He reached into his pocket to take out a pair of googles that belonged to his
close friend, Vi, before she became an example of those who challenged the Noxian Empire. The
relic constantly reminded Ekko of the pact that they established to bring peace to Zaun from Noxus
with as little innocent casualties as possible. He believed that her ... Show more content on ...
Astonished by the unexpected fatality, Ekko leapt out of his brawl to examine the stained axe in the
grasp of Darius's hand. "Some things you can't control Ekko, like the death of your despicable
friends against my mighty strength," Darius exclaimed as he proudly propped his weapon onto his
shoulder while the constant pinging of blood falling from the blade of the axe and hitting the
pavement resonated throughout the courtyard. "Yeah Darius, you're right, I can't control some
things. But I can control how I change the future," said Ekko. Although he was aggravated by the
loss of Jinx, Ekko attempted to keep a confident expression to prove to Darius that he will only get
stronger the more he losses. Ekko took off Vi's goggles and clenched them in his hand while
thinking about how he couldn't control the loss of an innocent soul of his friend, this time. Ekko
grabbed the dial on his blade and twisted it counterclockwise. As the chrono–energy coursed around
him, Ekko watched as the life of Jinx rushed back into her, as each of the Noxian soldiers flew back
into the murderous positions, as he walked away from the courtyard, and as the grand doors closed
before him all in a matter of
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The Influence Of The Ancient Greek Olympic Games
The ancient Greek people came up with many ideas and made many advancements that changed
today's world. One such creation was the Olympics. Athletes all over the world dedicate their lives
to a sport, using a combination of talent and hard work in the hope they they will one day represent
their country in the Olympic Games. These Games first came into existence in ancient Greece
during the year 776 BC. According to an article published by the Penn Museum, "The ancient
Olympic Games were primarily a part of a religious festival in honor of Zeus, the father of the
Greek gods and goddesses." Though the Games died out around 400 AD, the idea remained. Then,
in 1896, the first modern–day Olympics took place in their place of origin– Olympia, Greece– with
34 participating countries. From there, they continued to grow in size until they became the massive
global event that they are today (The ancient Olympic games, 2017). Even though few people know
much about Zeus, and even fewer people care, it is thanks to him and the rest of the Greek gods and
goddesses that the world can come together every four years and honor the the best of the best.
Word origins
Even the words people speak would not be the same without the influence of Greek mythology.
Many of the people from the Greek stories made such an impact that their names were used to create
many of the words that are spoken today.
Gods. The ancient Greek gods and titans were used to explain how the world worked. Each of the
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Ancient Greeks and Leaders Today
Ancient Greeks and Leaders Today
Leaders of heroic stature
In his Theogeny, Hesiod describes and compares the leadership of Chronos and Zeus where one is a
Titan and the other is a god. Chronos leads the Titans with a strong hand and dictatorial rule while
Zeus is more democratic in listening to the gods. In addition, Chronos eats his children representing
how bad leaders will destroy their followers which are contrasted with Zeus, who helps and supports
his fellow gods. Hesiod is also a shepherd that shows the value of humility and unpretentious
leadership. The book Theogeny should be analyzed according to the symbolism of each god or
goddesses in accord with leadership characteristics. I WOULD DOUBLE–SPACE THE
Leaders of intelligence and problem solving
In Homer's Odyssey, we see the role of the charismatic leader and transformative leadership.
Achilles is the noble hero, handsome, strong, and virile, who through bravery and audaciousness
succeed to kill Hector, but also through foolhardiness which is a character flaw lands in a position to
have his heel expose to a death dealing wound. The other is Ulysses, who is charismatic, but through
transformative leadership allows himself to use his intelligence and problem solving abilities to lead
his men through trials and tests such as the Cyclops, but in the end, because of his ambition, he loses
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Macbeth's Mental State with Quotes
Macbeth 's general mental state throughout the Play
" All his earlier work was naturalistic and realistic – Finally, in the last paintings, the canvasses
became nonsense"
–Oliver Sacks 558
When the play first start 's Macbeth is referred to by King Duncan his "Worthiest cousin" but later
on in the play Macbeth begins to show signs of mental illness perhaps due to traumatizing events
such as killing Duncan, and ordering the murderers to hunt down Banquo, and his son. When
Macbeth begins to see the ghosts of Banquo it shows signs of remorse or regret on his conscience,
and basically it begins to ruin him. Just like Dr.P 's paintings at first they were sensible pieces of art
and as the illness progressed so did his mentality.
"All ... Show more content on ...
"To thus is nothing, but to be safely thus. Our fear 's in Banquo"
–Macbeth III I 53–54
Although Oliver Sacks did not speak about this disorder in his analysis of Dr.P many greek tales and
other plays written by Macbeth have showed that people that gain power through immoral ways
tend to get very paranoid over their power. For example when Chronos bore the 12 original
Olympians he feared that they would eventually grow up and take his throne, so he ate them.
Another example might be from Macbeth when Duncan 's sons are accused of killing their own
father to gain the throne. Also like in many of these tales this brings their own downfall, a sort of
karma. When Macbeth becomes so paranoid over power and kills Banquo his nobles leave him and
in the end he is killed. Just like Zues who eventually rose up and threw Chronos into the pits or
"Here is a place reserved sir – Thou canst not say I did it, never shake."
–III iiii 55–62
"But there is problems with the visual parts of your brain – you must see a neurologist."
–Oliver Sacks 551
When Macbeth see 's Banquo 's ghost sitting in his seat, I think that he did not have a strong enough
reaction for someone who just saw a ghost of their former comrade sitting in their dining room seat.
Macbeth also
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Wearable Technique
Wearable devices for health and fitness keep sprouting in numbers day to day. These devices are
used to document fitness and health measurements and are equipped with sensors for motion
recognition. However, the numbers of wearable devices for weight lifting exercise or strength
training in general, are still low.
In the research paper Wearables, Social Networking and Veracity: The Building Blocks of a Verified
Exercise Application by Chiung Ching Ho and Mehdi Sharifi, the numbers of work based on weight
lifting exercises are low as compared to work related to motion recognition exercise while according
to them these two exercises are equally important.
In weight lifting exercise, the positioning of the wearable
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Grim Reaper Research Paper
Grim reaper origin of the myth is the Medieval Period Azrael is who started the myth because he
made a deal with life so he beame the grim reaper. Appearance Dark Figure Usually mysterious
Rarely see their face or features Cloak Usually Black Usually Long, Hooded Long sleeved hourglass
in hand, waiting for the last grain of sand to fall. The scythe is a long stick with a sharp curved blade
like Crecent shaped. Bones Typically have no flesh Typically white showing bones .PurposeTake
souls to the afterlife Usually after the person is dead If they forget to get the dead person, the souls
they become ghosts. The grim reaper in literature Bridge to Terrabithia Book The shadow that the
kid josh is running from a shadowy figure which represents the
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Social Learning Theory : Theory Of Reward And Punishment...
Social Learning Theory:
Albert Bandura (1977), a psychologist, proposed social learning theory to integrate the behaviorism
with the cognitive theory to explain why people behave in a certain way, irrespective of the type of
environment they are in. Bandura tried to integrate the behavior, cognition, and the environment to
postulate the social learning theory. Many academicians have seen Bandura as the neo–behaviorist
theorist (positivist) despite the fact that he believed in self–help, self–regulation, and self–reflection.
Albert Bandura goes beyond the behaviorist tradition of reward and punishment of behavioral
reinforcement. He said that people learn not only by direct experiences, but also by vicarious
learning (by observing), symbolic functioning (learning through conceptualization), and self–
regulatory process (learning through self–direction such as rewarding oneself for certain behaviors),
which is absent in ANT. He believed, unlike the network theorists, that most external influences
affect behavior through the intermediary cognitive process. Social learning theory is helpful in
understanding childhood development and human behavior in the cyber environment and
"sociotechnical" environment of ANT and human ghosting. Social learning theory can also help in
understanding impacts of technological developments on human beings. People learn from each
other how to behave in a new environment. Social learning theory explains many childhood social,
moral, and cognitive
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Cigarettes And Other Nicotine Products
Group topic: Cigarettes and Other Nicotine Products
In today's session, group members were to learn the physiological and neurological effects of using
nicotine and tobacco. The importance of quitting smoking and the methods of cessation were
discussed. PO was on time and minimally engaged in the discussion. PO showed no interested in
today's topic as evidenced by only answering questions when prompted. PO completed the weekly
treatment progress, reported having attended one sober meeting, no verification was provided. PO's
response to treatment was not as positive as usual.
Group topic: Cigarettes and Other Nicotine Products
In today's session, group members were to learn the physiological and neurological effects of using
nicotine and tobacco. The importance of quitting smoking and the methods of cessation were
discussed. PO was on time and moderately engaged in the discussion. PO openly shared personal
experiences and thoughts related to tobacco use with peers, stated "I started smoking cigarette when
I was 10 year old because everyone was doing it". PO stated no desire for quitting smoking cigarette
at this point. PO completed the weekly treatment progress, reported that he did not attend any
support meetings as he was "sick and lack of free time". PO has maintained a positive attitude
throughout the group process.
Group topic: Cigarettes and Other Nicotine Products
PO was not present for IOP group today. PO contacted CDP
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Questions On Anger Control Plan
GAMBLE Group topic: Anger Control Plan PO was on time and moderately participated in the
group activities. PO learned anger is a natural form of emotions to human and the key is how to
respond anger with positive ways, rather than reacting with violent behavior or using of substance to
reduce anger feelings. PO took a part in the group discussion about other negative emotions along
with anger, and shared how to cope with anger and sad feelings with more healthy and positive
strategies, such as time–out, walking away, or take a deep breathing. PO was well engaged in the
group process today. BUCKLES Group topic: Anger Control Plan PO was on time and minimally
participated in the group activities. PO learned anger is a natural form of emotions to human and the
key is how to respond anger with positive ways, rather than reacting with violent behavior or using
of substance to reduce anger feelings. PO was quiet and not willing to engage in the group
discussion about other negative emotions along with anger. PO reported her last use date was 10–
02–2015. PO had a negative response to treatment. CDP attempted to reschedule an individual
session with PO. PO stated that she has to complete a three day of work crew for DOC violation. An
individual session was scheduled for 10–21–2015. NOPSON Group topic: Anger Control Plan PO
was on time and moderately participated in the group activities. PO learned anger is a natural form
of emotions to human and the key is how to
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Cast Away Symbolism
In the movie Cast Away, there were many symbols that showed irony and coincidence. The first
pickup that Chuck makes shows that he works for Fedex and is always on a rigorous time schedule.
The song that was playing while he was picking up the package was All Shook Up by Elvis Presley,
showing that he likes Elvis and we see that again when the little boy who brings the package to him
in Moscow gets an Elvis CD for a job well done. The sailing trophies in Chuck's room are also
ironic because it shows that he likes the water, and is a good sailor, but ends up stranded on an
island, struggling to sailing out. The pocket watch that Kelly gave him symbolizes her time. It is
ironic because when the watch stops, it foreshadows that their relationship ... Show more content on ...
"Takes a lot of work to bring a man back to life" means that figuratively, it takes a while for
someone to become accustomed to the normality of regular life again. "I had power over nothing"
means that Chuck couldn't control anything on the island. Which is so weird for him because he is
used to being in control of everything in his life. On the island, he couldn't even control how he
would die. "And I know what I have to do now, I got to keep breathing" means that all chuck could
control was if he lived, and he realized he had to. He had to keep breathing for his own self and
Kelly. "Tomorrow the sun will rise, who knows what the tide could bring" means that figuratively,
the next day that comes is full of surprises. You can't know what to expect. You just know that the
day will come and it will bring different things for you. Time is very ironic in the movie. Chuck
goes from the master of time, always controlling it and keep track of it. When he gets on the island
though, no of that matters and even if it did, there was no way he could control it. He had to learn to
accept and and realized that time was all relative and did not matter as much as he thought it did. It
is precious, but he can't control it or what it will bring. Chronos is the order of things
chronologically or by time. Kairos is
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Capricornus Zodiac Signs
where Capricornus is in the sky, the area in the sky where it is placed is called "The Sea". There are
five commonly known stars in Capricornus which are, Deneb Algedi, Nashira, Prima, Secunda
Giedi, and Dabih. The constellation is also a very commonly mentioned zodiac sign, which is called
Capricorn. It is one of the twelve astrology signs with the symbol of a "Sea Goat" just like how
Capricornus means "Sea Goat" in Latin. Both are very similar except one is used as a constellation
and the other is a zodiac sign that tells facts about the type of person you are. Capricornus is more
than just a constellation in the sky, but can represent who and how a person is.
The myth of Capricornus is not very well know. There are many believes coming
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The Thought-experiments in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse...
The Thought–experiments in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five or the Children's Crusade: A
Duty Dance With Death
In 1945 Kurt Vonnegut witnessed a horrific series of bombings that led to the destruction of the
German city of Dresden, where he was taken as a prisoner of war. The controversial fire–storm raid,
carried out by bombers of the Royal Air Force and US Air Force, took casualties of up to a quarter
million people (Klinkowitz x–xi). As a prisoner of war, Vonnegut was forced to participate as a
corpse miner in the city's cleanup process. Upon his return from the Second World War, Vonnegut
decided to write a book describing his traumatic war experiences. After twenty years of struggling
with research, failing to recall personal ... Show more content on ...
Although drastic presentations such as space and time travel potentially hinder the plausibility of the
storyline and detach the reader from the text, it is this exact element in Slaughterhouse Five that
returns the reader back into the story, bringing closer the relationship between the reader and
Vonnegut himself. In this sense, this experimental form of narrative creates another Chrono–
Synclastic Infundibulum: a place in the novel where both the reader and the author coexist. With this
new form of storytelling Vonnegut commits himself to a novel that could possibly fail. However he
takes this risk in order to produce a novel that reflects his personal experiences more closely than if
he had abided with conventional styles. By inserting the readers and himself into the novel,
Vonnegut thus subjects the readers to his personal experiences more directly; the act of reading
Slaughterhouse Five becomes a simulation of Vonnegut's past in Dresden.
While Slaughterhouse Five was a novel intended to reflect Vonnegut's personal experiences in
Dresden, the delivery of the storyline suggests that the novel is anything but an autobiography.
Instead, with space and time travel placed into the novel–without any scientific explanation–
Slaughterhouse Five reads like a
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Internship Final Paper
Final Report on Internship Program American University of Beirut A Comparison of Two
Approaches of Handling Contacts in Rigid Multibody Dynamics Abstract This paper is based on my
work completed during an eight–week internship at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. My work
was to contribute to a research program aimed at using new software that handles contacts in rigid
multibody dynamics much faster than the traditional dynamic simulation software used. This new
approach seems to be promising and the long run goals of this research program is to be able to
simulate very complex models ... Show more content on ...
Each ball is in contact with each other and a coulomb friction exists among them This model will be
simulated both in ADAMS and Chrono::Engine. The purpose behind this comparison is to find out
how fast Chrono::Engine handles contacts. Accuracy of results is a criterion that will not be
regarded in this paper. The model is simulated for 3 seconds. All the balls end up falling into the
container box, entering a series of collision courses. Model investigation Here we will proceed with
an investigation of the parts that this model comprises, namely the balls and the rigid container box.
A. Single Ball Dimensions Weight: 0.882 kg Diameter: 6.0 cm Contacts Amongst each other:
Impact type, with 105 N/mm of stiffness With the container box: Impact type, with 105 N/mm of
stiffness The balls are randomly positioned on top of the box, with no initial condition implied.
When the simulation begins, under the effect of gravity, they all end up falling into the box. During
this process, they all go through collision courses with each other and with the container box. Note:
The material type of the balls is steel B. The Container Box [pic] Dimensions: Depth: 400mm
Width: 450mm Length: 330mm Note: The depth, width and length are along
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Narnia Christian Analysis
The objective of this work is to analyze the work of the infantile–juvenile literature of the Irish
writer C. S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia, an important fictional literary narrative, composed by
seven chronicles. It will take into account the apparent biblical character revealed through the
language figures and the mythical characters employed by the author. In order to explain how
Christianity is perceived and recognized in Lewis's work, two chronicles were chosen for analysis:
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Prince Caspian.
The Chronicles and The Christianity One of the earliest resemblance to Christianity that I could
perceive in the work of the Chronicles of Narnia consists of the literary genre, which is ... Show
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The professor of Sociology, Anthropology Milton Greco saw that author Lewis did not use only the
same figures of language found in the Bible – as parables, allegories, comparisons, metaphors – and
some similar components (animals, nature, children, songs, prophecies, mythical beings); but
mainly, "the sense of Moral (right and wrong). Along with issues of faith (beliefs in deities) and
behavioral (solidarity, altruism, kindness, generosity, pride, stubbornness, and unbelief)" (Greco,
p.163) Another biblical parallel is found in the author's choice of the main character, the lion Aslan.
Because in Revelation in the Bible, the lion is clearly used as a specific symbol of Christ. The
apostle John records: "Then one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep! Behold, the Lion of the
tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed to open the scroll and its seven
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Akira Toriyama Research Paper
I will be writing this paper on Akira Toriyama, a manga artist. Toriyama is famous because of his
works of the animes Dragon Ball, Dr. Slump, character designing in the video game Dragon Quest,
Chrono Trigger and Blue Dragon. We should like his art because it's style is unique to him, and
without him we wouldn't have the characters in Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, and Blue Dragon.
We also wouldn't have the anime series of Dragon Ball, and Dr. Slump. Toriyama's art is important
because it is a major part of pop culture, with a lot of people having heard of his works, as well as
having played or watched some. Most of Toriyama's art is important to me because it's what I grew
up with. Most of my childhood was me, sitting in front of the t.v., watching the series of Dragon
Ball for hours on end, and enjoying every minute of it.
His works should be, and are, considered art, because, like I said before, he has his own ... Show
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The series was based on one of his old works (Dragon Boy) and Journey to the West, with Goku
being based off of Sun Wukong and Bulma being based off of the main protagonist, a buddhist
monk named Xuanzang. In the manga, Goku, Bulma, and all the other people Goku encounters and
befriends, search and fight for the seven mystical wish granting Dragon Balls. Toriyama included a
lot of elements he used from past mangas he worked on, with Dragon Ball being funny, witty, and
action packed. At first, Dragon Ball was just a manga, but soon became a cartoon (anime), with
there being 194 chapters, and 325 in the second part of the series (Dragon Ball Z). This particular
series is my favorite show of all time, with it being action packed but also funny. The characters are
really cool and no two look exactly the same, all having different personalities, and different aspects
that make them important to the series, with Goku being my favorite
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The Role Of Colonialism In The United States
There is one goal in mind in colonialism, and it is to utilize the natives and established colonies to
create capital for the parent country. To do this, the individuals who are being conquered will be
used slaves and their land will be turned into plantations. It is the process of one group people
controlling another group of individuals. The reading describes it as a cultural, political, economic,
and social domination of a group of people by an unknown or foreign power. This superiority will
exist for an extensive period. Then minority group or the people that have been subjugated suffer a
few critical consequences such as extermination, expulsion, secession, segregation, cultural fusion,
or assimilation(McNamara & Burns, 2009). For how long? ... Show more content on ...
Fundamentally, the existence of the subordinating group or groups will the changed, probably
forever. We can use the United Staes for example, it has been centuries, and this country is still
feeling the effects of colonialism. One of the other results of colonialism is that there will be a
definite preference for the dominating group. As a result of colonialism in the United States, we are
witnessing the almost total extermination of the initial subordinate group, with other groups of color
facing segregation and consistent discrimination, especially in the justice system. In the U.S. when
reviewing the average rate of incarceration on the state level, per one hundred thousand, one
thousand four hundred and eight are b, three hundred and seventy–eight are Hispanic, and two
hundred and seventy–five are white. These numbers reflect that blacks are incarcerated fives times
more than
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Compare And Contrast Egyptian And Chinese Creation Myths
According to the book, no one myth regarding the beginning of all things or the origin of humans
ever became universally accepted, however, the separate accounts mentioned all share a great deal in
common, yet of course differ in some way, with many other creation myths taught so far. The
creation of the world, or cosmic order, out of Chaos, is similar to the creation myths of Chinese,
Indian, and Egyptian mythology, however, the details differ. In Egyptian myth, Nun embodies
chaotic energies which are later put into order by the first deity. Both Greek and Indian mythology
mention creating order out of Chaos but neither divulge many details on how this happened. Chinese
creation myth, also making mention of creating order out of Chaos, explains
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Temporo Research Paper

  • 1. Temporo Research Paper With a loud ripping sound, a massive breach in Saint Xavier High School opens, a product of experimentation with the space–time–continuum committed by the evil Dr. Chronos. A young, mild–mannered man named Joe is working hard, and taking a vocabulary test, when suddenly he is viciously sucked into the whirling maelstrom of time energy, his life, and indeed, every major event in history, flashing before his eyes. Joe is not defeated by his brush pure time energy, however, instead he is reborn, as the master of time, Temporo. My superhero alter ego, Temporo, would have the amazing power of time manipulation, a truly excellent superpower. Without the barrier of time, I could accomplish many things in my life. By day, as mild mannered student Joseph, ... Show more content on ... The low talking of other engineers acts as a fitting backdrop to the machinery–filled lab. I walk up to a table surrounded by a team of engineers, to witness the metallic wonder that is the new Skylake Intel processor. If I was to shadow a person in my dream job of being a Chip Design Engineer at Intel, there are many things I would do to prepare. For one, I would create a chart with two sides, that I would label expectation, and reality. I would write down my expectations before the shadowing, and then I would right down the reality of the job during the actual shadowing, this would allow me to evaluate my dream job, and see if it really lives up to the expectations I have in my own head, to see if it is a good choice to pursue that career. Secondly, I would bring a notepad, to write down any random thoughts or information important in evaluating that job. Finally, I would prepare two questions for the person I will be shadowing. My first question would be "What are the top three biggest surprises you experienced when you started this job?" This would allow me to understand things I may not know when attempting to work in my dream field, allowing me to better understand my dream job and decide if it is a good idea to strive for this field. My second question would be "How did you achieve working as a Chip Design engineer, and what you recommend I do if I wish to be one?" This would allow me ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Nathan Kleitman's Golden Age Nathan Kleitman was born in Bessarabia, now known as Moldova in 1895. He had spent much of his youth being chased around, first being driven to Palestine due to the holocaust and then the world war drove him to the United States. He has been termed as the "father of modern sleep research". He initially carried out many experiments on sleep as he believed that the study of sleep was an unexplored area of the science of physiology. in 1953 he and one of his graduate student Eugene Aserinsky discovered the rapid eye movement aka REM sleep and that discovery according to William C. Derment made "the study of sleep a true scientific study". REM sleep has helped understand the entire dynamics of sleep as it helps in understanding different sleep patterns in different organisms. Modern Technology has helped make the study of sleep economical and easier due to which various studies have been carried out on sleep. And hence experts call this "the dawn of the golden age of sleep research" and ironically the question arises "If this is sleep research's golden age, then why are we all so tired?" In addition to this the ... Show more content on ... However, Mathew J. Wolf–Meyer is more critical about the question of sleep. He argues that the practice of going to bed at eleven o'clock and waking up at seven in the morning is not the system that human beings were made to follow and blames American capitalism specifically for this. But Till Roenneberg, the author of 'Internal Time: Chronotypes, Social Jet lag and why you're so tired' believes that it has do more with human physiology than industrial capitalism. Roennberg has used the term Chrono type to explain the different sleeping behaviors among the larks who sleep early and wake up early and owls who sleep late and wake up late and how factors like social life and age influence these Chrono ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Guyver Film Analysis The Guyver (1991) – Lisker– This science fiction film is loosely based on the Japanese manga series, "The Guyver", which is about Sean Barker, a young man who discovers an alien artifact, "the Unit", that changes Barker into an alien–hybrid super soldier, "the Guyver". Barker finds out that a major corporation, "Chronos", is seeking the Guyver unit and discovers that those who operate Chronos are not human. Chronos' president employs his henchman, Lisker, portrayed by Michael Berryman to retrieve the unit. Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time (1991) – Pilgrim #1 – In modern Los Angeles, Dar, a barbarian who can speak to animals learns that his evil brother, Arklon, has nefarious universal plans. Arklon has joined forces with Lyranna, ... Show more content on ... Mysterious events land the girl and her psychologist in a harrowing situation and her worst fears are realized. She becomes stranded in her psychologist's vehicle with no contact with the outside world in the deep woods under the cover of darkness. Michael Berryman portrays a friendly and helpful gas station in this creepy horror ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Philip K. Dick's Analysis Philip K. Dick's exegesis, above being a theological exploration, is a philosophical and cosmological investigation into the world and being. Philip K. Dick attempts to understand his own being and his surrounding world by alluding to the existing knowledge of the past while arriving at something new on his own. My Focus on this paper is on an excerpt of his work from pages 606 to 608 that mainly focuses on three themes. These themes that reappear throughout his work include the concept of time and a time outside of time, as we understand it, the distinction of the phenomenal and the noumenal realm of existence and the interaction of the two, and the unitary nature of the world and the divine. My aim in this paper is to carefully comprehend ... Show more content on ... This argument implicitly denies the freedom of the will of humans, and claims that we as beings are hard–wired to follow along a certain path. Essentially, he does this in several occasions such as claiming that " each individual human being is programmed uniquely in terms of (1) the signals he can and will encounter during his life, and (2) according to the unique and special purpose set for him by his creator" (71). Dick either has to deny that humans have any freedom of the will and agency as a being, or has to justify his assertion by finding a way around this claim. There is however some improvement upon this argument where Dick claims, "what we are talking about the Tao, which is real but does not exist, yet registers on (mildly shapes) what does exist" (729). This is certainly a departure from the original comment by Dick as he changes his word from 'programmed' into 'mildly shapes', thus allowing for some type of agency for human beings as ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. How Does One Sacrifice Something That Can 't Be Held But... Here is a riddle I learned during this school year. How does one sacrifice something that can't be held but measured? If it can't be held, how can you give someone yours? Last clue: If it can be measured why can't you save it up for different purposes? What are we talking about here? After three clues you should have answered time. So how do people sacrifice time that can be measured, not held, and not given? For that answer we need to talk to a god. Chronos is a Greek god of time, but unlike other gods, sacrificing time wouldn't't please him. I have learned this firsthand by mostly trial and error. My trial and error tests had me sitting on my comfy couch, legs up, facing my 60– inch (measured diagonally) watching a TV show. My MacBook computer would be on my lap being ignored even though I had every intention to start my schoolwork. If Chronos was sitting next to me, the Greek god would smell of times lost and be fuming from his mouths, all three of them. I was in every sense sacrificing time rather then using it wisely. In a deep echoing god like voice Chrono honors me with the best advice the Greek god of time could give, "Use my time wisely or before you know it, your time will be up mortal." The Greek gods statement rang true to the same pitch of my ears as I turned off the TV and started my paper. I turned my head to face face face Chronos and responded in my mortal weak words responding, "Use it or loose it?" The gods six eyes all squint in unison at ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Chrono Displacement, By Audrey Niffenegger The hardcover version of this book is over 500 pages. I read it in two sittings and it was a struggle to ever put it down. To call this book a romance novel would not be accurate. To call it a science fiction novel wouldn't be entirely accurate either. Author Audrey Niffenegger manages to weave these two genres together into a unique story that is touching, funny, sweet, and sad enough for the romantic and cynic in all of us. What could be a simple love story between two people, Henry and Clare, is complicated by the fact that Henry has a disease that causes him to jump in and out of different periods of time. Henry, a Chicago librarian, has "Chrono Displacement" disorder, a problem that has afflicted him since childhood. He is unwillingly ... Show more content on ... There is a certain exhilaration I find in visiting a foreign country by myself, a certain freedom. There are some experiences which can only be had by a solo traveler. Traveling alone can be a life–altering experience. Your perspectives are often changed, and you return looking at things in a different way. Here is a beginner's guide to traveling alone. Certain things are more important when you are traveling alone as opposed to traveling with someone else or in a group. Knowing a bit of the language, for instance. The challenge of communicating can be amusing when you are traveling with another person, even funny. But it can become frustrating and downright dangerous when you are traveling alone. Purchase a Complete Idiot's Guide to learning the language when you begin planning your trip alone. Study the basics and practice your speech. Make sure you master a few common phrases before you leave on your solo vacation. Study maps of the areas you are planning to visit. You don't want to get lost in a foreign country when you are by yourself. Carry a fold–out map with you at all times, along with a business card or brochure from the hotel you are staying at. Getting lost at night in a foreign country could very well lead to disaster. Your foreign language skills come into play here, too. Don't be afraid to socialize. The best places to do this are in the local pubs. Start with pubs near your hotel and branch out as you become more familiar with your surroundings. Solo travelers tend to make friends quite easily. People are less intimidated by single travelers than they are by couples or groups. Of course, you should always be careful. Don't give away too much information about yourself or where you are staying, especially at first. Avoid nightclubs your first few evenings and stick to the pubs, where bartenders and other patrons are always within earshot. Don't become overly intoxicated so that you can't ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Urie Bronfenbrenner: Co-Founder Of The Head Start Program Urie Bronfenbrenner "Co–founder of the Head start Program" Urie Bronfenbrenner was born April 29, 1917 in Moscow, Russia to Dr. Alexander and Eugine Kamentski Bronfenbrenner. At the age of 6, they arrived in the United States. He graduated High School in Haverstraw, New York in the year 1923. He then accomplished a dual major in psychology and music from Cornell University in 1938. Two years later, he accomplished his Master's in education at Harvard University. Finally in the year 1942 he received his PhD from The University of Michigan. Urie wedded a woman by the name of Liese Price in 1942. Together they had 6 children, two of them boys and four of them girls. They also over the years they came to be grandparents to thirteen grandchildren ... Show more content on ... Through articles, lectures and discussions Urie was widely published. These extensively published influences won him awards and admirations. There is an award presented yearly in his favor, it is called "The Bronfenbrenner Award" which was prepared in 1996. It is for "Lifetime Contributions to developmental Psychology in the Service of Science and Society" from the American Psychological Association. Urie Bronfenbrenner urges family ties. He articulates that we need to study together all areas rather than separately. He contends that people need to act upon the knowledge specified to us for enhancements in the lives of children. He debates that all the individuals in children's lives allow them to live up to their biological potential. I agree. Today children's values are diminishing by the methods parents are teaching them. If we don't carry on Urie's work I believe his challenge will no longer be ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Sirens Of Titan Essay Over the course of Kurt Vonnegut's career, an unorthodox handling of time became one of many signature features in his fictional works (Allen 37). Despite The Sirens of Titan (1959) being only his second novel, this trademark is still prevalent. When delving into science fiction, it is often helpful to incorporate ideas from other works within the genre. This concept is exemplified by the "megatext," an aspect of science fiction that involves the application of a reader's own knowledge of the genre to a new encounter (Evans xiii). By working within the megatext, Ursula K. Le Guin's The Dispossessed (1974) provides an insightful avenue in exploring the handling of time and its consequences in Vonnegut's The Sirens of Titan. This ... Show more content on ... An interesting structural feature to note is that each chapter is preceded by a quotation from that chapter. This is not unlike a prophecy and resembles Rumfoord's abilities. This use of chapter quotations as well as the looping of the narrative could be interpreted to reflect Rumfoord's perception of time in that "everything that ever has been always will be, and everything that ever will be always has been" (20). There is also a significant amount of foreshadowing in that the novel is essentially outlined during Malachi's first meeting with Rumfoord. In The Dispossessed, time can be thought of in either a Sequential or Simultaneous manner. The Sequential school of thought is the more concrete, familiar version in that time flows in a linear progression. Simultaneity considers this linearity as "not...a physically objective phenomenon, but as a subjective one" (Le Guin 221). Shevek, the protagonist, makes use of an apt comparison to further describe the concept: It would be a little like reading a book, you see. The book is all there, at once, between its covers. But if you want to read the story and understand it, you must begin with the first page, and go forward, always in order. So the universe would be a very great book, and we would be very small readers. (221) According to Shevek, where Sequence falls short is its inability to ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Analysis Of The Book ' Time Travel ' The title represents the major theme present in this novel: time travel. Henry is diagnosed with a disorder known as Chrono–Displacement, which causes him to time travel. In the novel, Henry is married to Clare, and the story is based on their love over the course of time. When Henry time travels, he cannot control when he travels or where he travels to. A side effect of time travel is that he cannot bring anything with him when he travels, so he ends up naked in strange locations. This is one of the conflicts in the novel because Henry is constantly time traveling, and, as a result, Clare is often left waiting for Henry to come home. Henry DeTamble: Henry works at the Newberry Library in Chicago in the special collections section. He has a genetic disease (Chrono–Displacement), which causes him to time travel with no control over the destination or time. Stress causes him to time travel, so he runs every morning as a way to stay calm. Clare Abshire: Clare is a curious and open minded young artist who has been in love with Henry since she was six years old. She is independent and strong willed. Clare spends hours working in her art studio not only because art is her passion, but because it helps her to escape her chaotic life and keep busy. Charisse: Charisse is Clare's best friend and roommate. Whenever Clare needs her, she is always there, as she is very loyal. Charisse is married to Gomez. Gomez (Comrade): Gomez is good friends with Henry and Clare. He is addicted to ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Ancient Greeks and Leaders Today Ancient Greeks and Leaders Today WHAT LESSONS DO THE ANCIENT GREEKS TEACH US ABOUT THE ROLE OF PERSONAL CHARACTER IN A GOOD NATIONAL LEADER? Leaders of heroic stature In his Theogeny, Hesiod describes and compares the leadership of Chronos and Zeus where one is a Titan and the other is a god. Chronos leads the Titans with a strong hand and dictatorial rule while Zeus is more democratic in listening to the gods. In addition, Chronos eats his children representing how bad leaders will destroy their followers which are contrasted with Zeus, who helps and supports his fellow gods. Hesiod is also a shepherd that shows the value of humility and unpretentious leadership. The book Theogeny should be analyzed according to the symbolism of each god or goddesses in accord with leadership characteristics. I WOULD DOUBLE–SPACE THE DOCUMENT. Leaders of intelligence and problem solving In Homer's Odyssey, we see the role of the charismatic leader and transformative leadership. Achilles is the noble hero, handsome, strong, and virile, who through bravery and audaciousness succeed to kill Hector, but also through foolhardiness which is a character flaw lands in a position to have his heel expose to a death dealing wound. The other is Ulysses, who is charismatic, but through transformative leadership allows himself to use his intelligence and problem solving abilities to lead his men through trials and tests such as the Cyclops, but in the end, because of his ambition, he loses all ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Different Theorists Have Different Ideas About The... Different theorists have different ideas about the development of children. Two of these include Urie Brofenbrenner and Mason Durie. The western theorist, Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005) was born in Russia however was relocated to the United States in his early years, where his father worked as a clinical pathologist. This is likely to have impacted on Bronfenbrenners future career path of psychology (Moffitt, n.d.). Bronfenbrenner explores the ideas around ecological theory. A Maori perspective is Durie, born in New Zealand in 1938. He studied medicine and surgery at University of Otago, and continued on to do a postgraduate diploma in psychiatry (Massey University, 2010). Durie explores ideas around Maori wellbeing. Both of these theorists have implications on teaching. Bronfenbrenners main theory is the ecological theory, which was developed in 1979, with the idea of the individual surrounded by 5 different systems, to explain the effect of the environment on children (Williams, n.d.). These complex systems are all interacting, therefore influencing and impacting the childrens lives through behaviours and attitudes (Sincero, 2012). The model is made up of 5 circles with each circle representing a different level, with the individual in the middle. Each level goes further away from the individual, in relation to its contact with the child, Bronfenbrenner (2005, as cited in Claibourne, Drewery, Paki & Chu, 2014) refers to it as "a change in developmental focus from the ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Pantheons: The Most Common Gods In Greek Mythology Did you know there are bird headed and eight armed gods? Pantheons are religions or mythologies with multiple gods or goddesses. Only a few pantheons that are around the world that are all in this article. There are many gods in pantheons. Here are some more known gods and goddesses. The most famous gods are from Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythologies. There are many king gods in mythologies like Odin, god of war and wisdom and Zeus, God of lightning and the sky. Strangely there are quite a few gods of lightning including Zeus and Thor. There are also many wisdom gods and goddesses some of which are Athena and Odin. And finally the death gods Hades and Osiris from Greek and Egyptian mythologies. Also there are many gods and goddesses ... Show more content on ... Olorun ruled the sky and Olokun ruled what was below and eventually made dry land that was inhabitable. Then a while later people came to Oloruna and his son Orumila, god of wisdom for solutions to their problems. One day a man asked for powers which then everyone else started to also want powers making Orumila not able to think of what to do. So one day he was walking and ran into a chameleon in which he confided in and it told him "Leave the distribution to chance" so he told the people about his plans so that they were prepared. Then he rained the elements for the people to catch and when they caught them they became gods of the element they had caught creating the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Paleoamerican Fieldwork : Chivacabe, Huehuetenango, Guatemala The third article will report on the research results of three planned seasons of fieldwork (either Spring/Summer or Fall 2018, 2019, and 2020) at the late Pleistocene paleontological site Chivacabe, Huehuetenango, Guatemala (Western Highlands), and will place it in the larger context of Paleoamerican activity within Middle America. In the 80s, non–prismatic obsidian artifacts, including a lanceolate fluted point (Figure...), were found at the site but without archaeological control. Interestingly, one of the obsidian items is a very small piece of green Pachuca obsidian from Central Mexico (Figure...). Although not from a known context, the possibility that early Paleoamerican occupants at the site had access to Central Mexican obsidian is ... Show more content on ... All are identified by the presence of fluted projectile points and only one, Los Tapiales (Gruhn et al. 1977) has yielded somewhat complementary Paleoamerican 14C dates (Table...). Piedra del Coyote also yielded early 14C assays, but without diagnostic artifacts. Other than this small list, very little is known about the earliest occupations in the Guatemalan Highlands: it is unknown when people first came to the region, what their subsistence or social practices were, or precisely when they might have transitioned to a broad–spectrum foraging way of life that typically characterizes the Archaic (see Dillehay 2000). Given the lack of data, Chivacabe stands to contribute a great deal on this topic for Middle America. 4.1. The Chivacabe Site, Huehuetenango, Guatemala The site is located on a deep alluvial terrace of a small stream that drains into the Rio Selegua and the Huehuetenango Basin (Figure ...). Relatively steep valley sidewalls are present to the northwest, and the terrace slopes gradually down–slope to the east. Some considered the site to be a place where early Paleoamericans exploited now–extinct megafauna. An on–site museum presents findings from earlier projects, including a collection of obsidian artifacts, and the bone bed remains open for viewing (~3–4m below the surface) (Figure...). This site was discovered in 1976 when the landowner, Octavio Villatoro dug a ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. A Hero's Journey Of Annihilation Short Story Awakened from hellish reverie, from the sounds and the feelings of blood and of fury, blanketed in the shadow of a forgotten struggle – the warriors on the battlefield stop. Ten thousand little faces turn to the source. They stare into the maw of their future and are found wanting. There is an omen to be known in the face of this grandeur. "Behold, gaze upon doom." Stark darkness of thought overpowers the rational and surrenders them to the destiny of the moment. Residing in the fear of the unknown, they are immobilized as violently as their actions just previous. Before, the fighters advanced in the bloodlust of compelling differences. Purposeful annihilation, an endgame to progress towards. They fought for control, They fought for power, ... Show more content on ... Damage is done, but new wounds on hold. For a moment, a respite from the condemnation of cold blades and hasty death. There is only this sight to behold, an obsidian orb of seeming malignantly imminent damnation. The realms of Man quelled by the fiery vengeance of one Chronos returned. Finally, this is a reckoning against the sin of self destruction. Residing in the twilight of Time's fast embrace, they will no longer seek to know fate. Its arrival stares down upon their souls in a form of hellfire–ringed perfect void. Mortality is not forgotten, but is magnified under its felling reach. To continue, perhaps, would lead to all deaths. To the deaths of everything they know. The Gods do not game. Fire encircling fragile existence, they are awaiting a final judgment now. Are they to be cast into Hades, ten thousand mortal coils shed, final infinite atonements awaiting the warriors who tread upon the throne? They each walk from their dropped weapons. Stupefied from the presence and in the confusion of daylight's darkness, they break the engagement's lines. There are no territories, no lands. There are no more sides. There is no chain of command. The terms are not formally penned, put to page, or even discussed in any manner. The meaning of the death–dealing skirmish, this raging machine of war –– temporarily and easily deposed. Under this immortal black sun and on the field of infernal battle, Peace is reached here & now, on the heels of a long war now ended. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Acting Appropriately Case Summary Cameron Group topic: Acting Appropriately on the Job & Proper Attire PO's case was discussed with the team. Result is to discharge PO from treatment, and recommended PO for a long–term inpatient treatment with the Level of care 3.5. Chrono was made. CCO was notified via OMNI and Email on this date. Lundvall Group topic: Acting Appropriately on the Job & Proper Attire PO attended group on time, and participated in the check–in re: current mood and news. PO received information re: what appropriate behavior on the job is. PO completed The Job Savvy on "How to be a Success at Work", and learned the importance of looking good on the job. PO demonstrated his learning by sharing with peers about his work ethic and how to follow rules at work. PO had a positive response to ... Show more content on ... Chrono was made. CCO was notified via OMNI and Email on this date. OMNI stated that PO is in non–compliance with DOC obligations, and that he is failure to report to his CCO. Mitrofanov Group topic: Acting Appropriately on the Job & Proper Attire PO attended group on time, and moderately participated in the check–in re: current mood and news. PO received information re: what appropriate behavior on the job is. PO completed The Job Savvy on "How to be a Success at Work", and learned the importance of looking good on the job. PO demonstrated his learning by sharing with peers about his current and previous job related issues, dress codes, and how to resolve problems. PO had a positive response to treatment. Mather Group topic: Acting Appropriately on the Job & Proper Attire PO was not present for IOP group today. CDP received a voice message from PO, which stating that she is not feeling well, and will not attend group today. Chrono was made. CCO was notified via OMNI and Email on this date. Payne Group topic: Acting Appropriately on the Job & Proper ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Comparing Hutchings's Time And World Politics "Time and World Politics" is a book about the past and the future. And it also has a lot to say about now – this analysis has become peculiarly relevant due to today's uncertainty faced by the international society with the post–truth scenario of major powers in the West and their mostly unexpected change of leadership and future steps in foreign policy. Kimberly Hutchings's work, as the title suggests, talks about the point of view of time in world politics in a very thoroughly way; it is a superb collection of the main voices of the subject of time and its development throughout the centuries. Some parts of it are quite dense theoretically. Also, the author's own proposal for the topic was not so well explained in details in comparison to the work done in the whole set of authors reviewed in the book. Hutchings understands that one of the current views of world–political time comes from a dialectic between the ancient Greek conception of chronos and kairos, which is utilized in a Newtonian fashion of infinite and linear succession of facts. This view is characterized by a series of theorizations made in a progressive, universal and determinist telos: the historicist philosophies of history, she points out, are the most accepted perspective of time in world politics, with great aspirations ... Show more content on ... These variables are quite useful for a better comprehension of the subsequent parts of the book. The author's approach to show how the intellectual foundations for time in world politics were established so that contemporary authors could write about it in their own periods was fruitful. A historical background of the Christianism and Enlightenment periods in Europe and how they influenced the analysis of political temporality in the philosophy of history of Kant, Hegel and Marx was given, followed by an evaluation within a historicist and progressive ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Wireless Communication For Wearable Devices Wireless Communication for Wearable Devices Shivram Tabibu Abstract– This paper presents a review of Wireless Communication for Wearable Devices. The wearable devices are one of the primary means for the effective motion recognition of reflexive systems. We review some basic wearable deployments and their open wireless communication along the communication channel which have been devised. Introduction– In order to establish a given area network, wireless communication means is used by wearable devices to transmit data to proximate devices. Data transmission must be secure since wearable devices transmit vital information. Wearable wireless communication system is exciting new frontier techniques. There are many devices worked in ... Show more content on ... Earlier electric–field distribution of a wearable device for the wireless communication with means of human body as a transmission channel was analyzed by the finite–difference time–domain (FDTD) method and confirmed by trial experiments and the elucidation of the influence in the propagation characteristics by the human body was restrictive [5]. Mechanism– The best illustration to explain a wireless communication system for a wearable device can be illustrated by establishing a Body Area Network and transmit data to proximate devices. The Figure 1 illustrates the hardware architecture of an Intra Body Communication System/ module. The communication module consists of a Serial interface unit(SIU), a Serializer/ Deserializer and a Modulator/ Demodulator. In order to interface with embedded microcontrollers, the serial interface is used as an on–chip communication system. The communication module is controlled by the integrated processor via serial interface. It transforms the data to serial form and uses FIFO to improve system performance. It is then modulated to become the transmission signal for communication for Intra Body. Modulation on the signal transmitter is done by modulator where the serial data is modulated with predefined frequencies in order to use the human body or a given system as ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Nobuo Uematsu Major Accomplishments Once upon a time, there's a boy who wants to be composed music, he dreaming of being a famous musician, his name Nobuo Uematsu. Nobuo began to play the piano at age 11 and 12 in Kochi (Japan), he did not take any formal lesson which means he already learned by himself. After graduating from Kanagawa University, Uematsu played the keyboard in several amateur bands and composed music for television commercials. When Uematsu was working at a music rental shop in Tokyo, a Square employee asked him to join them for creating music of some title, although he agreed, Uematsu at the time considered it a side job, he did not think to work a full–time, he decides to work only a part–time job for making money. Uematsu met Hironobu Sakaguchi for the first ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Different Theorists Have Different Ideas About The... Different theorists have different ideas about the development of children. Two of these include Urie Brofenbrenner and Mason Durie. The western theorist, Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005) was born in Russia however was relocated to the United States in his early years, where his father worked as a clinical pathologist. This is likely to have impacted on Bronfenbrenners future career path of psychology (Moffitt, n.d.). Bronfenbrenner explores the ideas around ecological theory. A Maori perspective is Durie, born in New Zealand in 1938. He studied medicine and surgery at University of Otago, and continued on to do a postgraduate diploma in psychiatry (Massey University, 2010). Durie explores ideas around Maori wellbeing. Both of these theorists have implications on teaching. Bronfenbrenners main theory is the ecological theory, which was developed in 1979, with the idea of the individual surrounded by 5 different systems, to explain the effect of the environment on children (Williams, n.d.). These complex systems are all interacting, therefore influencing and impacting the childrens lives through behaviours and attitudes (Sincero, 2012). The model is made up of 5 circles with each circle representing a different level, with the individual in the middle. Each level goes further away from the individual, in relation to its contact with the child, Bronfenbrenner (2005, as cited in Claibourne, Drewery, Paki & Chu, 2014) refers to it as "a change in developmental focus from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Lost Track Of Time Analysis Imagination is being able to think creatively to come up with new ideas or theories. It is a topic that is slowly declining in schools and everyday life. Imagination is important for growth in society, child development, and for entertainment. Without imagination, nothing new will ever be created, and everything will always stay the same. An imaginative person is not afraid to take risks and wants to express their opinions. The Lost Track of Time by Paige Britt discusses the need for imagination in society. The book shows the need for creativity through the characters, conflict, and plot. If society focuses more on imagination, people will learn to think in other perspectives and outside of the box. First, imagination is necessary for growth in societies. If people ... Show more content on ... The characters Chronos and Penelope's mom share similar thoughts on imagination. Chronos believed, "The Realm was overrun with useless daydreamers and the Remote Possibility was nothing but a silly notion." (65). Chronos believes that time should be spent on more important things, rather than imagination. Penelope's mom shares a similar opinion with Chronos because, she believes that imagination is not important for schooling and education. Two other characters that share the same opinion, but is opposite from the other two, is the Great Moodler and Miss Maddie. The Great Moodler tells penelope, "That's what I call a least possibility. Very tiny, but very powerful. They can grow to be unusually large."(229). This quote from the Great Moodler is significant because, she says that anything is possible if you believe in it enough. The Great Moodler's opinion relates to Miss Maddie's because, they both believe time is best spent doing nothing. Doing nothing is the same as daydreaming and using imagination. This is important because everyone needs time throughout the day to think and consider endless ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Payoff Matrix Case Study Mighell Group topic: What is the Payoff? The group session was focused on increasing motivation for treatment and recovery. Group members were to: complete "The Payoff Matrix" exercise; identify the Pros and Cons of being in recovery/continuing drug use; and discuss how to stay motivated throughout the difficult times w/o returning to the old destructive behavior. PO was on time and minimally participated in the group discussion. PO reported experiencing "extreme pain" on both of his knees, but he did not want to miss any group treatment, stated that he will schedule a knee surgery after treatment is completed. PO was able to open and honest to share and discuss his current struggles with peers, and as well as accepted the differing views of others. Roach ... Show more content on ... The group session was focused on increasing motivation for treatment and recovery. Group members were to: complete "The Payoff Matrix" exercise; identify the Pros and Cons of being in recovery/continuing drug use; and discuss how to stay motivated throughout the difficult times w/o returning to the old destructive behavior. PO was on time and had a moderate level of participation in group as evidenced by completing the exercise and engaging in the group discussion. PO was able to identify the benefits and the consequences of being in recovery/continuing drug use. PO identified "not smoking" as a behavior she would like to change in a near future. Good treatment progress. Spencer Group topic: What is the Payoff? PO was a no show, no call for OP group today. CCO was notified. Johnson Group topic: What is the Payoff? PO was not present for OP group today due to confinement. Chrono was made. CCO was notified. Benipal Group topic: What is the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Time and Motion Study * Model for the construction industry using pre–determined times Jasper Van Gilsa, Leo Vaningelgema Abstract This paper is based on our work experience with Office–line. This company prepares standard times for companies in the industrial sector. Standard time is productive time that is required and achieved by an employee. Standard time contains everything that is necessary for the work specified to be completed. The reason why Office–line only prepare standard times for the industrial sector rather than the construction industry is due to the repetitive nature of the work. One example is the car industry which uses assembly lines. In the construction sector, this kind of repetition is not so evident. There is repetitiveness in some ... Show more content on ... This includes that we have to make a more than one measurement to become a reliable average for these tasks. A second importance that we need to take notice of using chrono, is the performance level at which the employee is working. An execution time of a specific person can not be used as a reference for or employees and as a consequency we can't set these specific times as standards. Tools that can help us by adding a tempo to our measurements are tempo scales. These scales will make sure that execution times will be calibrated and that we become standard times. Standard times can be executed by any valid employee in a social acceptable space of time. Bedaux–scale This tempo scale was designed by the Frenchman Bedaux. He saw that not all employees were working at the same performance level. So he had the idea to add a value from 0 to 100 to the performance levels where 100 stands for the maximum pace which can only be performed for a short period and zero for doing nothing at all. A score of 60 is the level every valid employee should be able to perform for a complete week, 8 hours per day. For his scale, Bedaux compared the working tempo with walking (60) and running (100) that we know starts from a speed of 7,5 km/h. Walking at the speed of 4,5 km/h matches the score of 60 Bedaux–points. Berenschot–scale * For some people the Bedaux–scale was a bit ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Ekko Dialectical Journal After he opened the grand doors to the courtyard, Ekko was traumatized by the sight of his friends and family being held hostage by the Noxian soldiers. "Sacrifice your blade to me if you want to keep your friends in one piece," demanded Darius, the Noxian war commander, as he pressed the edge of his enormous axe against Jinx's neck. Intimidated by Darius's threat, Ekko readied himself to dive into danger. He reached into his pocket to take out a pair of googles that belonged to his close friend, Vi, before she became an example of those who challenged the Noxian Empire. The relic constantly reminded Ekko of the pact that they established to bring peace to Zaun from Noxus with as little innocent casualties as possible. He believed that her ... Show more content on ... Astonished by the unexpected fatality, Ekko leapt out of his brawl to examine the stained axe in the grasp of Darius's hand. "Some things you can't control Ekko, like the death of your despicable friends against my mighty strength," Darius exclaimed as he proudly propped his weapon onto his shoulder while the constant pinging of blood falling from the blade of the axe and hitting the pavement resonated throughout the courtyard. "Yeah Darius, you're right, I can't control some things. But I can control how I change the future," said Ekko. Although he was aggravated by the loss of Jinx, Ekko attempted to keep a confident expression to prove to Darius that he will only get stronger the more he losses. Ekko took off Vi's goggles and clenched them in his hand while thinking about how he couldn't control the loss of an innocent soul of his friend, this time. Ekko grabbed the dial on his blade and twisted it counterclockwise. As the chrono–energy coursed around him, Ekko watched as the life of Jinx rushed back into her, as each of the Noxian soldiers flew back into the murderous positions, as he walked away from the courtyard, and as the grand doors closed before him all in a matter of ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Influence Of The Ancient Greek Olympic Games The ancient Greek people came up with many ideas and made many advancements that changed today's world. One such creation was the Olympics. Athletes all over the world dedicate their lives to a sport, using a combination of talent and hard work in the hope they they will one day represent their country in the Olympic Games. These Games first came into existence in ancient Greece during the year 776 BC. According to an article published by the Penn Museum, "The ancient Olympic Games were primarily a part of a religious festival in honor of Zeus, the father of the Greek gods and goddesses." Though the Games died out around 400 AD, the idea remained. Then, in 1896, the first modern–day Olympics took place in their place of origin– Olympia, Greece– with 34 participating countries. From there, they continued to grow in size until they became the massive global event that they are today (The ancient Olympic games, 2017). Even though few people know much about Zeus, and even fewer people care, it is thanks to him and the rest of the Greek gods and goddesses that the world can come together every four years and honor the the best of the best. Word origins Even the words people speak would not be the same without the influence of Greek mythology. Many of the people from the Greek stories made such an impact that their names were used to create many of the words that are spoken today. Gods. The ancient Greek gods and titans were used to explain how the world worked. Each of the gods ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Ancient Greeks and Leaders Today Ancient Greeks and Leaders Today WHAT LESSONS DO THE ANCIENT GREEKS TEACH US ABOUT THE ROLE OF PERSONAL CHARACTER IN A GOOD NATIONAL LEADER? Leaders of heroic stature In his Theogeny, Hesiod describes and compares the leadership of Chronos and Zeus where one is a Titan and the other is a god. Chronos leads the Titans with a strong hand and dictatorial rule while Zeus is more democratic in listening to the gods. In addition, Chronos eats his children representing how bad leaders will destroy their followers which are contrasted with Zeus, who helps and supports his fellow gods. Hesiod is also a shepherd that shows the value of humility and unpretentious leadership. The book Theogeny should be analyzed according to the symbolism of each god or goddesses in accord with leadership characteristics. I WOULD DOUBLE–SPACE THE DOCUMENT. Leaders of intelligence and problem solving In Homer's Odyssey, we see the role of the charismatic leader and transformative leadership. Achilles is the noble hero, handsome, strong, and virile, who through bravery and audaciousness succeed to kill Hector, but also through foolhardiness which is a character flaw lands in a position to have his heel expose to a death dealing wound. The other is Ulysses, who is charismatic, but through transformative leadership allows himself to use his intelligence and problem solving abilities to lead his men through trials and tests such as the Cyclops, but in the end, because of his ambition, he loses all ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Macbeth's Mental State with Quotes Macbeth 's general mental state throughout the Play " All his earlier work was naturalistic and realistic – Finally, in the last paintings, the canvasses became nonsense" –Oliver Sacks 558 When the play first start 's Macbeth is referred to by King Duncan his "Worthiest cousin" but later on in the play Macbeth begins to show signs of mental illness perhaps due to traumatizing events such as killing Duncan, and ordering the murderers to hunt down Banquo, and his son. When Macbeth begins to see the ghosts of Banquo it shows signs of remorse or regret on his conscience, and basically it begins to ruin him. Just like Dr.P 's paintings at first they were sensible pieces of art and as the illness progressed so did his mentality. "All ... Show more content on ... "To thus is nothing, but to be safely thus. Our fear 's in Banquo" –Macbeth III I 53–54 Although Oliver Sacks did not speak about this disorder in his analysis of Dr.P many greek tales and other plays written by Macbeth have showed that people that gain power through immoral ways tend to get very paranoid over their power. For example when Chronos bore the 12 original Olympians he feared that they would eventually grow up and take his throne, so he ate them. Another example might be from Macbeth when Duncan 's sons are accused of killing their own father to gain the throne. Also like in many of these tales this brings their own downfall, a sort of karma. When Macbeth becomes so paranoid over power and kills Banquo his nobles leave him and in the end he is killed. Just like Zues who eventually rose up and threw Chronos into the pits or Tantalus "Here is a place reserved sir – Thou canst not say I did it, never shake." –III iiii 55–62 "But there is problems with the visual parts of your brain – you must see a neurologist." –Oliver Sacks 551 When Macbeth see 's Banquo 's ghost sitting in his seat, I think that he did not have a strong enough reaction for someone who just saw a ghost of their former comrade sitting in their dining room seat. Macbeth also ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Wearable Technique INTRODUCTION Wearable devices for health and fitness keep sprouting in numbers day to day. These devices are used to document fitness and health measurements and are equipped with sensors for motion recognition. However, the numbers of wearable devices for weight lifting exercise or strength training in general, are still low. PAPER OVERVIEW In the research paper Wearables, Social Networking and Veracity: The Building Blocks of a Verified Exercise Application by Chiung Ching Ho and Mehdi Sharifi, the numbers of work based on weight lifting exercises are low as compared to work related to motion recognition exercise while according to them these two exercises are equally important. In weight lifting exercise, the positioning of the wearable ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Grim Reaper Research Paper Grim reaper origin of the myth is the Medieval Period Azrael is who started the myth because he made a deal with life so he beame the grim reaper. Appearance Dark Figure Usually mysterious Rarely see their face or features Cloak Usually Black Usually Long, Hooded Long sleeved hourglass in hand, waiting for the last grain of sand to fall. The scythe is a long stick with a sharp curved blade like Crecent shaped. Bones Typically have no flesh Typically white showing bones .PurposeTake souls to the afterlife Usually after the person is dead If they forget to get the dead person, the souls they become ghosts. The grim reaper in literature Bridge to Terrabithia Book The shadow that the kid josh is running from a shadowy figure which represents the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Social Learning Theory : Theory Of Reward And Punishment... Social Learning Theory: Albert Bandura (1977), a psychologist, proposed social learning theory to integrate the behaviorism with the cognitive theory to explain why people behave in a certain way, irrespective of the type of environment they are in. Bandura tried to integrate the behavior, cognition, and the environment to postulate the social learning theory. Many academicians have seen Bandura as the neo–behaviorist theorist (positivist) despite the fact that he believed in self–help, self–regulation, and self–reflection. Albert Bandura goes beyond the behaviorist tradition of reward and punishment of behavioral reinforcement. He said that people learn not only by direct experiences, but also by vicarious learning (by observing), symbolic functioning (learning through conceptualization), and self– regulatory process (learning through self–direction such as rewarding oneself for certain behaviors), which is absent in ANT. He believed, unlike the network theorists, that most external influences affect behavior through the intermediary cognitive process. Social learning theory is helpful in understanding childhood development and human behavior in the cyber environment and "sociotechnical" environment of ANT and human ghosting. Social learning theory can also help in understanding impacts of technological developments on human beings. People learn from each other how to behave in a new environment. Social learning theory explains many childhood social, moral, and cognitive ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Cigarettes And Other Nicotine Products Mikhaylovich Group topic: Cigarettes and Other Nicotine Products In today's session, group members were to learn the physiological and neurological effects of using nicotine and tobacco. The importance of quitting smoking and the methods of cessation were discussed. PO was on time and minimally engaged in the discussion. PO showed no interested in today's topic as evidenced by only answering questions when prompted. PO completed the weekly treatment progress, reported having attended one sober meeting, no verification was provided. PO's response to treatment was not as positive as usual. Eliason Group topic: Cigarettes and Other Nicotine Products In today's session, group members were to learn the physiological and neurological effects of using nicotine and tobacco. The importance of quitting smoking and the methods of cessation were discussed. PO was on time and moderately engaged in the discussion. PO openly shared personal experiences and thoughts related to tobacco use with peers, stated "I started smoking cigarette when I was 10 year old because everyone was doing it". PO stated no desire for quitting smoking cigarette at this point. PO completed the weekly treatment progress, reported that he did not attend any support meetings as he was "sick and lack of free time". PO has maintained a positive attitude throughout the group process. Sleister Group topic: Cigarettes and Other Nicotine Products PO was not present for IOP group today. PO contacted CDP ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Questions On Anger Control Plan GAMBLE Group topic: Anger Control Plan PO was on time and moderately participated in the group activities. PO learned anger is a natural form of emotions to human and the key is how to respond anger with positive ways, rather than reacting with violent behavior or using of substance to reduce anger feelings. PO took a part in the group discussion about other negative emotions along with anger, and shared how to cope with anger and sad feelings with more healthy and positive strategies, such as time–out, walking away, or take a deep breathing. PO was well engaged in the group process today. BUCKLES Group topic: Anger Control Plan PO was on time and minimally participated in the group activities. PO learned anger is a natural form of emotions to human and the key is how to respond anger with positive ways, rather than reacting with violent behavior or using of substance to reduce anger feelings. PO was quiet and not willing to engage in the group discussion about other negative emotions along with anger. PO reported her last use date was 10– 02–2015. PO had a negative response to treatment. CDP attempted to reschedule an individual session with PO. PO stated that she has to complete a three day of work crew for DOC violation. An individual session was scheduled for 10–21–2015. NOPSON Group topic: Anger Control Plan PO was on time and moderately participated in the group activities. PO learned anger is a natural form of emotions to human and the key is how to ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Cast Away Symbolism In the movie Cast Away, there were many symbols that showed irony and coincidence. The first pickup that Chuck makes shows that he works for Fedex and is always on a rigorous time schedule. The song that was playing while he was picking up the package was All Shook Up by Elvis Presley, showing that he likes Elvis and we see that again when the little boy who brings the package to him in Moscow gets an Elvis CD for a job well done. The sailing trophies in Chuck's room are also ironic because it shows that he likes the water, and is a good sailor, but ends up stranded on an island, struggling to sailing out. The pocket watch that Kelly gave him symbolizes her time. It is ironic because when the watch stops, it foreshadows that their relationship ... Show more content on ... "Takes a lot of work to bring a man back to life" means that figuratively, it takes a while for someone to become accustomed to the normality of regular life again. "I had power over nothing" means that Chuck couldn't control anything on the island. Which is so weird for him because he is used to being in control of everything in his life. On the island, he couldn't even control how he would die. "And I know what I have to do now, I got to keep breathing" means that all chuck could control was if he lived, and he realized he had to. He had to keep breathing for his own self and Kelly. "Tomorrow the sun will rise, who knows what the tide could bring" means that figuratively, the next day that comes is full of surprises. You can't know what to expect. You just know that the day will come and it will bring different things for you. Time is very ironic in the movie. Chuck goes from the master of time, always controlling it and keep track of it. When he gets on the island though, no of that matters and even if it did, there was no way he could control it. He had to learn to accept and and realized that time was all relative and did not matter as much as he thought it did. It is precious, but he can't control it or what it will bring. Chronos is the order of things chronologically or by time. Kairos is ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Capricornus Zodiac Signs where Capricornus is in the sky, the area in the sky where it is placed is called "The Sea". There are five commonly known stars in Capricornus which are, Deneb Algedi, Nashira, Prima, Secunda Giedi, and Dabih. The constellation is also a very commonly mentioned zodiac sign, which is called Capricorn. It is one of the twelve astrology signs with the symbol of a "Sea Goat" just like how Capricornus means "Sea Goat" in Latin. Both are very similar except one is used as a constellation and the other is a zodiac sign that tells facts about the type of person you are. Capricornus is more than just a constellation in the sky, but can represent who and how a person is. The myth of Capricornus is not very well know. There are many believes coming ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Thought-experiments in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse... The Thought–experiments in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five or the Children's Crusade: A Duty Dance With Death In 1945 Kurt Vonnegut witnessed a horrific series of bombings that led to the destruction of the German city of Dresden, where he was taken as a prisoner of war. The controversial fire–storm raid, carried out by bombers of the Royal Air Force and US Air Force, took casualties of up to a quarter million people (Klinkowitz x–xi). As a prisoner of war, Vonnegut was forced to participate as a corpse miner in the city's cleanup process. Upon his return from the Second World War, Vonnegut decided to write a book describing his traumatic war experiences. After twenty years of struggling with research, failing to recall personal ... Show more content on ... Although drastic presentations such as space and time travel potentially hinder the plausibility of the storyline and detach the reader from the text, it is this exact element in Slaughterhouse Five that returns the reader back into the story, bringing closer the relationship between the reader and Vonnegut himself. In this sense, this experimental form of narrative creates another Chrono– Synclastic Infundibulum: a place in the novel where both the reader and the author coexist. With this new form of storytelling Vonnegut commits himself to a novel that could possibly fail. However he takes this risk in order to produce a novel that reflects his personal experiences more closely than if he had abided with conventional styles. By inserting the readers and himself into the novel, Vonnegut thus subjects the readers to his personal experiences more directly; the act of reading Slaughterhouse Five becomes a simulation of Vonnegut's past in Dresden. While Slaughterhouse Five was a novel intended to reflect Vonnegut's personal experiences in Dresden, the delivery of the storyline suggests that the novel is anything but an autobiography. Instead, with space and time travel placed into the novel–without any scientific explanation– Slaughterhouse Five reads like a ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Internship Final Paper Final Report on Internship Program American University of Beirut A Comparison of Two Approaches of Handling Contacts in Rigid Multibody Dynamics Abstract This paper is based on my work completed during an eight–week internship at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. My work was to contribute to a research program aimed at using new software that handles contacts in rigid multibody dynamics much faster than the traditional dynamic simulation software used. This new approach seems to be promising and the long run goals of this research program is to be able to simulate very complex models ... Show more content on ... Each ball is in contact with each other and a coulomb friction exists among them This model will be simulated both in ADAMS and Chrono::Engine. The purpose behind this comparison is to find out how fast Chrono::Engine handles contacts. Accuracy of results is a criterion that will not be regarded in this paper. The model is simulated for 3 seconds. All the balls end up falling into the container box, entering a series of collision courses. Model investigation Here we will proceed with an investigation of the parts that this model comprises, namely the balls and the rigid container box. A. Single Ball Dimensions Weight: 0.882 kg Diameter: 6.0 cm Contacts Amongst each other: Impact type, with 105 N/mm of stiffness With the container box: Impact type, with 105 N/mm of stiffness The balls are randomly positioned on top of the box, with no initial condition implied. When the simulation begins, under the effect of gravity, they all end up falling into the box. During this process, they all go through collision courses with each other and with the container box. Note: The material type of the balls is steel B. The Container Box [pic] Dimensions: Depth: 400mm Width: 450mm Length: 330mm Note: The depth, width and length are along ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Narnia Christian Analysis Abstract The objective of this work is to analyze the work of the infantile–juvenile literature of the Irish writer C. S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia, an important fictional literary narrative, composed by seven chronicles. It will take into account the apparent biblical character revealed through the language figures and the mythical characters employed by the author. In order to explain how Christianity is perceived and recognized in Lewis's work, two chronicles were chosen for analysis: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Prince Caspian. The Chronicles and The Christianity One of the earliest resemblance to Christianity that I could perceive in the work of the Chronicles of Narnia consists of the literary genre, which is ... Show more content on ... The professor of Sociology, Anthropology Milton Greco saw that author Lewis did not use only the same figures of language found in the Bible – as parables, allegories, comparisons, metaphors – and some similar components (animals, nature, children, songs, prophecies, mythical beings); but mainly, "the sense of Moral (right and wrong). Along with issues of faith (beliefs in deities) and behavioral (solidarity, altruism, kindness, generosity, pride, stubbornness, and unbelief)" (Greco, p.163) Another biblical parallel is found in the author's choice of the main character, the lion Aslan. Because in Revelation in the Bible, the lion is clearly used as a specific symbol of Christ. The apostle John records: "Then one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep! Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed to open the scroll and its seven ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Akira Toriyama Research Paper I will be writing this paper on Akira Toriyama, a manga artist. Toriyama is famous because of his works of the animes Dragon Ball, Dr. Slump, character designing in the video game Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger and Blue Dragon. We should like his art because it's style is unique to him, and without him we wouldn't have the characters in Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, and Blue Dragon. We also wouldn't have the anime series of Dragon Ball, and Dr. Slump. Toriyama's art is important because it is a major part of pop culture, with a lot of people having heard of his works, as well as having played or watched some. Most of Toriyama's art is important to me because it's what I grew up with. Most of my childhood was me, sitting in front of the t.v., watching the series of Dragon Ball for hours on end, and enjoying every minute of it. His works should be, and are, considered art, because, like I said before, he has his own ... Show more content on ... The series was based on one of his old works (Dragon Boy) and Journey to the West, with Goku being based off of Sun Wukong and Bulma being based off of the main protagonist, a buddhist monk named Xuanzang. In the manga, Goku, Bulma, and all the other people Goku encounters and befriends, search and fight for the seven mystical wish granting Dragon Balls. Toriyama included a lot of elements he used from past mangas he worked on, with Dragon Ball being funny, witty, and action packed. At first, Dragon Ball was just a manga, but soon became a cartoon (anime), with there being 194 chapters, and 325 in the second part of the series (Dragon Ball Z). This particular series is my favorite show of all time, with it being action packed but also funny. The characters are really cool and no two look exactly the same, all having different personalities, and different aspects that make them important to the series, with Goku being my favorite ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Role Of Colonialism In The United States There is one goal in mind in colonialism, and it is to utilize the natives and established colonies to create capital for the parent country. To do this, the individuals who are being conquered will be used slaves and their land will be turned into plantations. It is the process of one group people controlling another group of individuals. The reading describes it as a cultural, political, economic, and social domination of a group of people by an unknown or foreign power. This superiority will exist for an extensive period. Then minority group or the people that have been subjugated suffer a few critical consequences such as extermination, expulsion, secession, segregation, cultural fusion, or assimilation(McNamara & Burns, 2009). For how long? ... Show more content on ... Fundamentally, the existence of the subordinating group or groups will the changed, probably forever. We can use the United Staes for example, it has been centuries, and this country is still feeling the effects of colonialism. One of the other results of colonialism is that there will be a definite preference for the dominating group. As a result of colonialism in the United States, we are witnessing the almost total extermination of the initial subordinate group, with other groups of color facing segregation and consistent discrimination, especially in the justice system. In the U.S. when reviewing the average rate of incarceration on the state level, per one hundred thousand, one thousand four hundred and eight are b, three hundred and seventy–eight are Hispanic, and two hundred and seventy–five are white. These numbers reflect that blacks are incarcerated fives times more than ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Compare And Contrast Egyptian And Chinese Creation Myths According to the book, no one myth regarding the beginning of all things or the origin of humans ever became universally accepted, however, the separate accounts mentioned all share a great deal in common, yet of course differ in some way, with many other creation myths taught so far. The creation of the world, or cosmic order, out of Chaos, is similar to the creation myths of Chinese, Indian, and Egyptian mythology, however, the details differ. In Egyptian myth, Nun embodies chaotic energies which are later put into order by the first deity. Both Greek and Indian mythology mention creating order out of Chaos but neither divulge many details on how this happened. Chinese creation myth, also making mention of creating order out of Chaos, explains ... Get more on ...