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                                            Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116

                    TCP with delayed ack for wireless networks
                  Jiwei Chen *, Mario Gerla, Yeng Zhong Lee, M.Y. Sanadidi
                                    University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, United States

                      Received 5 May 2006; received in revised form 25 October 2007; accepted 30 October 2007
                                                 Available online 6 November 2007


   This paper studies the TCP performance with delayed ack in wireless networks (including ad hoc and WLANs) which
use IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol as the underlying medium access control. Our analysis and simulations show that TCP
throughput does not always benefit from an unrestricted delay policy. In fact, for a given topology and flow pattern, there
exists an optimal delay window size at the receiver that produces best TCP throughput. If the window is set too small, the
receiver generates too many acks and causes channel contention; on the other hand, if the window is set too high, the bur-
sty transmission at the sender triggered by large cumulative acks will induce interference and packet losses, thus degrading
the throughout. In wireless networks, packet losses are also related to the length of TCP path; when traveling through a
longer path, a packet is more likely to suffer interference. Therefore, path length is an important factor to consider when
choosing appropriate delay window sizes. In this paper, we first propose an adaptive delayed ack mechanism which is suit-
able for ad hoc networks, then we propose a more general adaptive delayed ack scheme for ad hoc and hybrid networks.
The simulation results show that our schemes can effectively improve TCP throughput by up to 25% in static networks, and
provide more significant gain in mobile networks. The proposed schemes are simple and easy to deploy. The real testbed
experiments are also presented to verify our approaches. Furthermore, a simple and effective receiver-side probe and detec-
tion is proposed to improve friendliness between the standard TCP and our proposed TCP with adaptive delayed ack.
Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: TCP; Congestion control; Adaptive delayed ack; Wireless medium access/contention; Friendliness

1. Introduction                                                        networks, several other inherent factors attribute to
                                                                       the TCP performance deterioration, including
   The Transport Control Protocol (TCP) is the                         unpredictable channel errors, medium access con-
most widely used reliable transport protocol over                      tention complicated by hidden/exposed terminal
the Internet. TCP was originally designed for wired                    problems, and frequent route breakages caused by
links where buffer overflows account for most                            node mobility. All these factors pose great chal-
packet losses. However, in multihop ad hoc wireless                    lenges to the design of TCP protocols to provide
                                                                       efficient and reliable end-to-end communications.
                                                                       Many researchers have made valiant effort to pro-
   Corresponding author.
   E-mail addresses: (J. Chen), gerla@cs.
                                                                       pose various methods to make TCP survive in such (M. Gerla), (Y.Z. Lee), medy@cs.          challenging environments. In this paper, we focus (M.Y. Sanadidi).                                              on studying the effect of delayed acks on TCP

1570-8705/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116                         1099

performance. Then based on our findings, we pro-              in turn causes severe packet interference with each
pose adaptive schemes that address the aforemen-             other. When packet loss rate becomes high, the
tioned factors effectively.                                   benefit of delaying acks, via reducing ack packets,
   In standard TCP the receiver generates one ack            disappears. Consequently, TCP performance
for each data packet, or more popularly, two in-             degrades after reaching the peak at the optimal
order data packets with the standard delayed ack             delay window size.
option [1]. This mechanism works well in wired net-              Armed with the deep understanding of delayed
works. In multihop wireless networks, however, this          ack impact on TCP performance over multihop
mechanism can be further improved due to:                    wireless links, we propose an adaptive scheme based
                                                             on the hop count of a TCP path. The basic idea
• Since the data and ack packets usually take the            behind this scheme is, for a short path where inter-
  same route (or spatially close routes), they inter-        ference problem is minimal, we delay the ack as
  fere with each other. The interference increases           much as possible to maximally improve TCP
  with the number of acks generated.                         throughput; while for a long path, we apply an
• Generating acks wastes scarce wireless resources.          appropriate delay window size restriction to avoid
  Though acks are essential to provide reliability,          high packet loss to achieve optimal TCP perfor-
  generating more acks than necessary is not desir-          mance. Furthermore, we propose an end-to-end
  able in wireless networks. Ideally, the receiver           delay based scheme tailored for hybrid wired/wire-
  should generate minimal number of acks                     less networks. These two schemes can be deployed
  required for reliable data recovery.                       separately, but are also compatible with each other
                                                             to provide better performance in heterogenous net-
   Recently, the delayed ack strategy has been stud-         works. It is also worth noting that our proposed
ied to improve TCP performance [2,3]. However,               schemes only reside in transport layers at the end
this field is not fully exploited and many issues             hosts, thus no modification on intermediate nodes
remain unsolved. Some important questions                    is needed.
include: what is the relation between delayed acks               However, TCP with untraditional delayed ack
and TCP performance, how to choose the proper                (with delay window larger than 2) would cause
delay window (the number of in-order data packets            friendliness to the standard TCP. Since TCP sender
to be waited for before generating an ack) for TCP,          increases the congestion window (cwnd) by usually
and how to deal with the loss of acks in multihop            counting the number of acks received in the current
wireless networks. In this paper we carry out a sys-         popular implementations, the TCP with untradi-
tematic study to understand the effect of delayed             tional delayed ack is slower in increasing the cwnd
acks on TCP over wireless links. We investigate              than the standard TCP. If they coexist, the TCP
TCP performance and delayed ack related packet               with untraditional delayed ack would not get fair
loss characteristics, under various wireless network         share with the standard TCP. The unfriendliness
scenarios and flow patterns.                                  problem was largely avoided in previous research
   Our objective is to clearly identify the relation-        and stays unsolved. In the paper, we address the
ship between TCP throughput and delayed ack over             problem with a simple and intelligent end-to-end
multihop wireless links. We reveal several interest-         receiver-side detection mechanism. If the receiver
ing findings, which are tremendously beneficial to             detects other competing traffic, it switches to the
deeply understand TCP behavior in wireless multi-            standard TCP, and vice versa. With this adaptive
hop networks, and to design enhanced TCP proto-              switching scheme, the friendliness of the standard
cols. First, we found that TCP does not always               TCP and our proposed adaptive delayed ack scheme
benefit from arbitrary delaying of acks. In fact, for         is significantly improved.
a given network topology and flow pattern, there                  Another challenge for TCP with adaptive
exists an optimal delay window size at the receiver,         delayed ack comes from mobile ad hoc networks.
at which TCP achieves maximum throughput. Sec-               Although delayed acks may potentially improve
ond, since 802.11 does not guarantee collision free          TCP throughput regardless of underlying routing
packet transmission, a packet is more likely to be           protocols. Different routing mechanisms, however,
interfered with when going through a long path. If           have great impact on TCP performance [4], and to
a large delay window is used over a long path, it            what degree delayed acks can benefit TCP perfor-
causes large bursts of packets in transit, and this          mance. The problem of more packet losses due to
1100                              J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116

mobility could have more impact on TCP with                   than the transmission range, request-to-send (RTS)
untraditional delayed ack since fewer acks are gen-           and clear-to-send (CTS) in 802.11 MAC cannot
erated. In this paper, we investigate the TCP-DCA             ensure collision free transfer of packets. This causes
(Delayed Cumulative Ack) which addresses the                  hidden/exposed terminals leading to packet loss in
ack loss issue in mobile networks. Meanwhile, the             ad hoc multihop wireless paths [8]. Many research
performance of various TCP schemes are presented              efforts have been made to adapt TCP to the unique
over popular ad hoc routing protocols, namely, Ad-            characteristic of wireless ad hoc network, e.g.
Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing                         Transport layer ‘‘Fixed RTO’’ in [4], delayed ack
(AODV) [5], Dynamic Source Routing [6] and                    in [2,3], network layer support [9–11] and even
Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) [7].                lower-layer assistance, for example, MAC support
The reason we include GPSR in our study is that               in [8].
Geo-routing is a recently developed routing scheme               Although a TCP ack packet is small, typically
promising to be scalable, and robust to node                  40 bytes, the transmission of TCP ack packets
mobility.                                                     may require the same overhead as that of data pack-
   While our work shares the common concept with              ets in 802.11 MAC depending on the RTS thresh-
previous research in that the TCP receiver delays             old. If interference from TCP acks could be
ack up to a certain number of data packets, we                reduced, data packets would suffer less collisions
undergo a more complete and optimized study to                resulting in higher throughput. Several approaches
understand the delayed ack impact and propose                 to delay acks have been proposed [2,3,12]. TCP-
more effective solutions suitable for various scenar-          ADA (Adaptive Delayed Ack) [12] proposed to
ios. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed               decrease the number of acks to improve TCP per-
schemes are the first existing mechanisms suitable             formance. They claimed that maximum TCP
for both static/mobile wireless and hybrid networks,          throughput is achieved when one ack acknowledges
and taking the ack loss and friendliness into account         the full cwnd. However, the scheme did not address
as well.                                                      several important issues, such as packet loss and
   The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-           out-of-order packet reception. In fact, as we will
lows. Background work is provided in Section 2.               show in this paper, TCP does not always benefit
A thorough study of delayed ack impact on TCP                 from delaying ack as much as possible.
performance is presented in Section 3 under various              Altman and Jimenez [2] presented a basic delayed
network topologies and traffic patterns. We present             ack scheme which was further improved in [3] where
our adaptive delayed ack (TCP-DCA) scheme in                  TCP-DAA (Dynamic Adaptive Acknowledgement)
Section 4. The issue of the loss of ack packets is dis-       was proposed. In TCP-DAA, the receiver adjusts
cussed. Section 5 evaluates TCP-DCA on static and             the delay window according to the channel condi-
mobile ad hoc networks, and hybrid wired/wireless             tion (packet loss event). A TCP-DAA receiver
networks as well. Several enhancements are pre-               delays acking until it receives a certain number of
sented to improve TCP-DCA’s efficiency and                      data packets, ranging from 2 to 4 packets. When
friendliness. Section 6 discusses a few issues to fur-        there is no packet loss, the TCP-DAA receiver waits
ther improve TCP with untraditional delayed ack.              for more data packets (up to 4) before generating an
We conclude the paper in Section 7. The impact of             ack, but reduces the number to 2 in case of out-of-
different routing protocols on TCP is also consid-             order packet arrival. However, since a TCP sender
ered in proper sections.                                      automatically cuts the cwnd when packet loss
                                                              occurs, i.e. automatically adapting to the channel
2. Related work                                               state at the sender side, the receiver side adaptation
                                                              provides little extra improvement. We will show
   The standard TCP assumes that a packet loss is             that in our adaptive delayed ack scheme, the recei-
invariably due to buffer overflow and reduces the               ver does not respond dynamically to packet loss,
cwnd by half when packet loss happens. However,               yet achieves better performance.
in ad hoc network, packet loss caused by buffer                   In [3], the ack time is set to be one average packet
overflow is rare. Instead, it is more likely due to            inter-arrival time. That is, an ack is generated when
medium contention as shown in [8]. The fundamen-              no data packet arrives after one average packet
tal problem resides in the limitations of IEEE 802.11         inter-arrival time since last unacknowledged data
MAC. Since the interference range is usually longer           packet. In wireless networks, the inter-arrival time
J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116                           1101

is highly variable due to random MAC contention               for further improvement. As it is a primarily recei-
and back-off, so it is very difficult to get accurate            ver-side modification, it could be combined with
enough statistics in a complex large system. Another          other sender-side schemes or low layer approaches.
impact of this timer implementation is that the               For example, at sender-side, [15] studied the perfor-
receiver operates insensitively to the number of acks         mance of TCP on three different routing protocols
(2–4) to be delayed because any unexpected extra              and proposed a TCP modification called fixed
delayed data packet will trigger an ack.                      RTO, which essentially freezes the TCP RTO value
    An important aspect of TCP with untraditional             whenever there is a route loss. Recent work [9–11]
delayed ack is the delay window size selection. In            are approaches at the network layer. Chandran
TCP-DAA [3], the receiver may delay up to four                et al. [9] discussed a mechanism called TCP-Feed-
ack packets and this number is limited by the sender          back, which uses route failure and re-establishment
cwnd, which is fixed at four packets. The similar              notifications to provide feedback to TCP, and thus
delay window size of 3–4 packets is also picked in            reduce the number of packet retransmissions and
[2] heuristically. There are issues in this scheme that       TCP back-offs during route calculation, to improve
desires further clarification and improvement. First,          throughput. Holland and Vaidya [10] evaluated an
although a small cwnd limit helps TCP operation in            explicit link failure notification technique (ELFN)
wireless networks, it is not suitable for hybrid wired        in the context of improving TCP performance over
and wireless network where a high bandwidth                   multi-hop ad-hoc networks. They studied the effect
delay product exists. Second, if the cwnd is not lim-         of link failures due to mobility on throughput and
ited by four packets, the choice of a delay window            showed through simulations that ELFN improves
size of 4 may no longer be suitable. In this paper,           the performance of TCP. Xu et al. [11] proposed a
we address the above issues and provide more effec-            Neighborhood RED (NRED) scheme, which
tive and general solutions that apply to various              extended the RED concept to the distributed
environments.                                                 neighborhood queue, to address significant TCP
    The delayed ack has impact on the TCP sender.             unfairness in ad hoc wireless networks. These mech-
Since the receiver does not ack as frequently as in           anisms are promising schemes to be integrated with
the standard TCP, the congestion window increas-              our mechanism for more robustness against packet
ing rate for delayed ack is slowed down. Such slower          loss and TCP fairness.
probing rate improves TCP performance in ad hoc
networks, as reported in [13]. The conservative win-          3. TCP throughput vs. delay window
dow increase, however, hinders efficient transmis-
sion in wired network where delay bandwidth                      In this section, we investigate the impact of the
product may be large. In this paper, we solve this            receiver ack delay window size on TCP perfor-
problem and allow TCP-DCA to cope with ad hoc                 mance. The conclusion we draw is that, when the
and hybrid wired/wireless networks via adaptive               path length is short, TCP achieves better perfor-
schemes.                                                      mance with a delay window as large as the entire
    We also study the impact of cwnd limit at the             sender cwnd. When the path length increases, how-
sender. A small sender cwnd can decrease interfer-            ever, a large delay window triggers bursty transmis-
ence and maximize pipeline effect. [8] revealed that           sions, which results in mutual data packet
there exists an optimal TCP cwnd size that maxi-              contention and higher losses. In fact, for long paths,
mizes spatial channel reuse. Further increasing the           there exists an optimal delay window size that
window size does not lead to better performance.              achieves maximum TCP throughput. We verify the
On the contrary, it results in increased link layer           delay ack impact using various network topologies,
contention and degraded TCP throughput. In [14],              including cross and grid topologies with various
the optimal congestion window limit is determined             flow patterns. Real testbed measurement results
based on the hop count for maximum pipeline effect             are also presented to reinforce our conclusions.
and the interference/transmission range ratio. In the            Firstly, we study a basic scheme with fixed delay
paper, we will show that in our scheme TCP-DCA,               window limit to illustrate the impact of the delay
the sender’s cwnd is not limited, and yet, performs           window size on TCP performance, named as TCP-
better than the case of the limited cwnd used in [3].         FDCA. We use static routing to investigate delayed
    TCP-DCA resides at TCP layer, and it has poten-           ack performance without any routing interference.
tial to be combined with other TCP enhancements               Routing impact will be shown in Section 5.
1102                                   J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116

3.1. TCP with fixed delay window limit                              choose b as 0.8 and a as 1.5. The receiver also gen-
(TCP-FDCA)                                                         erates an ack within 500 ms of the arrival of an
                                                                   unacknowledged data packet in accordance with
   TCP-FDCA maintains a variable delay window                      RFC2581 [1].
‘‘w’’ representing the number of data packet arrivals                 One drawback to this approach is that the TCP-
before acking at the receiver. This delay window w is              FDCA receiver needs to be informed of sender’s
bounded by a delay window limit, and also limited                  cwnd size to prevent delay window larger than cwnd
by the cwnd size to prevent the delay window from                  leading to unnecessary delaying at the receiver. To
exceeding the cwnd which results in delaying the                   address this problem, we propose two possible
ack, but for possibly non-existent packets. If data                methods. One is to imbed the cwnd size in an option
packets arrive in order, the receiver generates one                field of the packet header. The other is to reuse some
cumulative ack for every w data packets. If an out                 TCP header field. For example, the sender could
of order packet is received, or a packet that fills a               reuse the advertised window field in data packet
gap in the sequence space of packets in the receiver               header for ‘‘advertising’’ its cwnd size to the recei-
buffer (that is, recovery from earlier packet loss), the            ver. This method is not unrealistic due to the fact
receiver acks immediately to inform the sender of                  that current TCP connection is mostly used for
the packet loss/recovery in a timely manner. The                   one direction, i.e. there is only data packets from
receiver also keeps a fall-back delay ack timer which              the sender to the receiver and no backward data,
estimates the expected time to receive w data pack-                so the advertised window field from the sender is
ets. At the TCP sender, when it receives a cumula-                 usually wasted. Even if two-way TCP data is
tive ack acknowledging w data packets, it updates                  included, it is still possible to reuse the advertised
the cwnd and sends out a burst of at least w packets,              window field, for example every other packet with
provided such packets are ready for transmission in                one bit in the reserved field to indicate whether
the sender buffer.                                                  cwnd or advertised window size is used. The lowed
   To get the delay timer period, the receiver moni-               frequency of cwnd notification is not expected to
tors the data packet inter-arrival interval and com-               affect TCP-FDCA much since TCP-FDCA receiver
putes a smoothed interval through a low-pass                       does not need to know the exact cwnd so often, as
filter. The average inter-arrival interval is used to               we will see later in the paper.
set the ack delay timer based on the current delay
window size. In TCP-FDCA, an accurate delay                        3.2. Chain topology
timer is not needed and the timer is solely for fall
back purpose. In fact, our inter-arrival time compu-                  In order to understand TCP-FDCA, its perfor-
tation is rather simple and loose: the receiver sam-               mance is shown over a chain topology in Ns2 [16].
ples the inter-arrival time of any consecutively                   The chain topology is general used to study TCP
arrived data packets, not necessarily in-order pack-               performance since TCP typically runs over a single
ets. Therefore, the inter-arrival sample is an inflated             path. Fig. 1 shows a chain example. The TCP con-
value compared with inter-arrival between in-order                 nection is sourced at the first node (node 1) and
packets. A TCP-FDCA receiver smoothes such                         packets travel over the chain to the end node (node
inflated inter-arrival samples through a low-pass                   6). The interference range is 550 m and transmission
filter                                                              range is 250 m. We place the nodes at 200 m inter-
                                                                   vals, so that nodes are 4 hops away can transmit
I iþ1 ¼ bI iavg þ ð1 À bÞI s ;
  avg                                                     ð1Þ
                                                                   simultaneously without interference. Notice that a
where I avg is the average of inflated packet inter-ar-             node that is 3 hops away is a ‘‘hidden node’’. IEEE
rival time (I s ). I avg is used to set delay ack timer (T w )     802.11 is the underlying MAC. Data rate on the
which defines the total time for receiving a whole de-              wireless channel is 2 Mbps and one simulation run
lay window of in-order data packets                                lasts 300 s. Each data point represents an averaged
                                                                   result of 5 simulation runs with different random
T w ¼ awI avg ;                                           ð2Þ
                                                                   seeds. The packet size is 1000 bytes and the TCP-
where w is the delay window size, a is a parameter to              Newreno is adopted as it is the most popular TCP
tolerate high dynamic packet delay. Obviously, the                 protocol nowadays. The delay window limit applied
delay ack timer is rather inflated and quite robust                 at the TCP receiver ranges from 1 to the current
to high inter-arrival variation. In the paper, we                  cwnd size.
J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116                                                             1103


                                                                          Throughput (Kbps)

                1       2       3       4         5       6



Fig. 1. Chain topology. The solid-line circle denotes a node’s                                 400
valid transmission range. The dotted-line circle denotes a node’s                                    1   2      3     4     5     6       7     8   9   10 ...CW
                                                                                                                     Delay Window Limit (packets)
interference range. Node 4’s transmission will interfere with node
1’s transmissions to node 2.                                                                                        (a) Path Length h ≤ 3
3.2.1. Single TCP flow                                                                                    7hop
   TCP performance over wireless multihop inevita-                                                       9hop

bly depends on the path length (hop count). The
                                                                          Throughput (Kbps)

longer the path is, the lower the throughput would
be. We present TCP-FDCA throughput as a func-
tion of delay window limits on a path with different
lengths in Fig. 2. Fig. 2a shows that when a sender                                            250

and a receiver are within 3 hops, TCP-FDCA gets
steady performance gain by increasing the delay
window size up to the entire cwnd size. For the
one hop case, the fastest throughput increase can                                                    1   2      3     4     5     6       7     8   9   10 ...CW
be seen when the delay window is small, say less                                                                     Delay Window Limit (packets)

than 5. The increasing trend becomes slower for                                                                     (b) Path Length 10 > h >3
delay windows larger than 5 and the throughput
approaches the limit when the delay window reaches                                                                                                      10hop
the cwnd size (denoted by CW). The same trend is                                               230                                                      14hop
also observed when the path length is 2 and 3.                                                 220

The reason for this performance gain is that
                                                                          Throughput (Kbps)

802.11 MAC provides nearly collision free packet                                               210

transmissions for short paths. Since the interference                                          200
range is larger than 2 times the transmission range,
when the sender and receiver are within 2 hops,
every node along the path can sense all other nodes                                            180
transmissions. In this case, no hidden nodes exist,
thus packet loss is minimal. When the hop length
is 3, the TCP receiver is the only node hidden from                                            160
                                                                                                     1   2      3     4     5     6       7     8   9   10 ...CW
the TCP sender. If the receiver acks only after                                                                      Delay Window Limit (packets)
receiving all packets in a cwnd, no data packet                                                                 (c) Path Length 20 ≥ h ≥ 10
can be interfered. The maximal performance gain
is achieved when the receiver acks after receiving                      Fig. 2. TCP-FDCA throughput vs. delay window on chain
all packets in a cwnd, and attains up to 25%                            topology. (a) Path length h 6 3. (b) Path length 10 > h > 3.
                                                                        (c) Path length 20 P h P 10.
throughput gain relative to the TCP with delay win-
dow at 1.
   Since the interference range is larger than the                      solve the hidden/exposed terminal problem. As the
transmission range, RTS/CTS cannot completely                           path becomes longer than 3 hops, packet collision
1104                              J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116

is unavoidable. For example, node 1 and node 4 are            ver are used for 802.11b devices and the devices are
interfering nodes in Fig. 1, so simultaneous packet           set to ad-hoc mode. The topology of the testbed is a
transmissions on them will be interfered. The hidden          chain and the route is statically configured. There is
terminal results in packet loss and this problem              one source laptop and one selected destination lap-
becomes more severe for longer paths because a                top among other 5 laptops depending on the num-
packet has more chances to be interfered with.                ber of hops in our experiments. We use ‘‘Iperf’’ to
Another problem is that when the sender receives              generate FTP traffic with packet size of 1000 bytes.
a cumulative ack, it immediately sends a burst of             From the experiment results shown in Fig. 3, we
packets. The larger the delay window, the larger              confirm that the TCP-FDCA throughput vs. recei-
the burst and the more packet loss due to increased           ver delay window follows the same trends as in
interfering. (Note that the packet burst size is              the simulation results shown in Fig. 1.
directly related with the receiver delay window since            Fig. 4 compares TCP-FDCA throughput for 1
it is at least equal to the size of the delay window.)        hop and 5 hops paths from simulation and actual
    When the packet loss becomes high, the TCP-               testbed, when delay window limit is equal to 1 and
FDCA throughput gain from delaying ack is lost                cwnd respectively. We note that the average differ-
due to the increased packet losses. Fig. 2(b) shows           ence between the testbed TCP throughput and the
this tradeoff of TCP-FDCA performance gain with                simulation results is below 10%. Such difference is
delay window size for paths larger than 3 hops.
When the hop count is 4 or 5, we do observe unsuc-
cessful packet transmissions caused by interference,
however, since a TCP sender is able to recover                                                   1hop
packet loss rather rapidly due to the small round                                                3hop
trip time (RTT), TCP-FDCA maintains perfor-
mance gain by delaying ack for more data packets.
                                                                Throughput (Kbps)

After peak performance at certain delay window,
the TCP-FDCA performance gets worse due to
more packet losses. Similar trend also exists for
paths longer than 5 hops, where TCP-FDCA                                               800
achieves throughput gain only when the delay win-
dow size is small; for large delay window size, delay-                                 600
ing ack cannot maintain throughput gain because of
excessive data packet losses. Further, now that RTT                                    400
is larger, TCP-FDCA spends more time detecting                                               1          2         3           4           5   ...CW
                                                                                                            Delay Window Size (packets)
packet loss and recovering lost packets by entering
fast retransmit/recovery in which only one packet                                                              (a) 1 to 3 hop
is recovered per RTT. Therefore, for long paths,                                       370
large delay window is not preferred.                                                             4hop
    We also show TCP-FDCA performance over a
very long path h P 10 in Fig. 2(c) which has similar
results with Fig. 2(b). TCP-FDCA only gets perfor-                                     340
                                                                  Throughput (Kbps)

mance gain for small delay window size. For large                                      330
delay window size, TCP-FDCA gets poor                                                  320

3.2.2. Real testbed verification
   We investigate the effectiveness of our TCP-                                         290

FDCA in an actual ad-hoc network testbed. Our                                          280
testbed consists of six laptops equipped with Ori-                                     270
noco 802.11b PCMICA cards with channel rate of                                               1          2         3           4           5   ...CW
                                                                                                            Delay Window Size (packets)
2Mbps. The laptops run Mandrake Linux distribu-
                                                                                                               (b) 4 and 5 hop
tion 7 with kernel version 2.4.3. Linux PCMCIA
package version 3.2.0 and Orinoco wavelan2-cs dri-            Fig. 3. Real testbed measurement. (a) 1 to 3 hop. (b) 4 and 5 hop.
J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116                                                                     1105

                                                                                                3.3. More complex topologies and flow patterns

                                                                                                   We expand our study to scenarios of more com-
                                                                                                plex topologies and flow patterns, including cross
 Total Throughput (Kbps)

                           1000                                                                 and grid topologies. For all cases, we observe the
                                                                                                similar results to what is described above, i.e., when
                                                                                                the path is short, TCP-FDCA achieves optimal
                                                                                                throughput by delaying acks as much as possible,
                            500                                                                 up to the entire sender’s cwnd. On the other hand,
                                                                                                when the path becomes longer, a large delay win-
                                                                                                dow hinders performance gain and deteriorates
                                                                                                TCP throughput gradually. We show that there
                              0                                                                 exists a certain delay window size, at which TCP-
                                           Simulation                  Experiment
                                                                                                FDCA achieves optimal throughput performance.
                                                        (a) 1 hop
                                                                                                The following provides a summary of results on
                                                                                                multiple flows and various topologies. The perfor-
                                      1                                                         mance over random topologies will be shown in Sec-
                                                                                                tion 5.2.
 Total Throughput (Kbps)

                                                                                                3.3.1. Multiple TCP flows
                                                                                                   Fig. 5 exhibits result for 5 concurrent TCP-
                                                                                                FDCA flows on a chain topology with hop count
                                                                                                varying from 3 to 7, and has similar results to Fig. 2.
                                                                                                3.3.2. Cross and grid topology
                                                                                                   Fig. 6 shows examples of cross and grid topolo-
                                                                                                gies with a 4 hop path for each TCP-FDCA flow,
                                                                                                and the results with different delay window size are
                                          Simulation                  Experiment                shown in Fig. 7. Additionally the results from vary-
                                                        (b) 5 hop                               ing path lengths are shown. Similar trend is observed
                                                                                                again. We also run extensive simulations on cross
                           Fig. 4. Simulation vs. experiment. (a) 1 hop. (b) 5 hop.
                                                                                                and grid topologies with multiple overlapped flows
                                                                                                instead of one flow. The results, not included here,
mainly caused by parameter setting in the testbed                                               also confirm the same trends discussed above.
measurements. In our testbed experiments, RTS/
CTS control packets are adopted for unicast data
packets to overcome the hidden terminal problem                                                                                           3hop
only if the packet size is above the minimum thresh-                                                                                      7hop
old 256 bytes. Since the size of TCP ack packet
                                                                                                  Aggregate Throughput (Kbps)

(40 bytes) is below the minimum RTS/CTS threshold
in Linux settings so that no RTS/CTS handshake is
performed when transmitting acks in testbed experi-
ments. Compared with simulation results where
RTS/CTS is always performed regardless of packet
size, such ‘‘zero’’ MAC overhead in testbed measure-
ments has impact on the performance: the through-
put gain derived from TCP-FDCA in the testbed
measurements is lower than the corresponding results
in the simulations because of the lack of RTS/CTS                                                                                     1   2      3    4     5    6      7     8     9   10 ...CW
reduction for acks in simulations. Other than this                                                                                                   Delay Window Limit (packets)

slight difference, the results are similar in simulation                                         Fig. 5. TCP-FDCA throughput vs. delay window on chain
and in testbed measurements.                                                                    topology (5 flows).
1106                                                                             J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116


                                                                                                                                       Flow 1
                                                   TCP flow 1

                                                       0           1                    2           3        4

                                                                                                                                       Flow 2

                                                                           TCP flow 2       6

                                                                                                                                       Flow 3
                                                               (a) Cross To pology                                                                              (b) Gri d Topology
Fig. 6. More complex topologies. Left: cross topology with 4 hop path on each direction. 200 m distance between two adjacent nodes.
Right: 5 · 5 grid topology, 200 m distance between horizontal and vertical adjacent nodes. (a) Cross topology. (b) Grid topology.

                                  340                                                                                                                340
                                            4hop                                                                                                               5x5
                                            6hop                                                                                                               5x7
                                            8hop                                                                                                               5x9
                                  320                                                                                                                320
    Aggregate Throughput (Kbps)

                                                                                                                       Aggregate Throughput (Kbps)

                                  300                                                                                                                300

                                  280                                                                                                                280

                                  260                                                                                                                260

                                  240                                                                                                                240

                                  220                                                                                                                220

                                  200                                                                                                                200
                                        1   2      3       4   5       6                7       8       9   10 ...CW                                       1   2     3    4     5     6     7    8      9   10 ...CW
                                                       Delay Window Limit (packets)                                                                                      Delay Window Limit (packets)

                                                           (a) Cross Topology                                                                                             (b) Grid Topology
                                        Fig. 7. TCP-FDCA throughput vs. delay window on complex topologies. (a) Cross topology. (b) Grid topology.

4. TCP with adaptive delayed cumulative ack                                                                                                          vation, we dynamically determine the delay window
(TCP-DCA)                                                                                                                                            size based on the hop count of a TCP connection
                                                                                                                                                     and call it as TCP-DCA. For a short path (h 6 3),
   In this section we propose TCP-DCA with adap-                                                                                                     TCP-DCA could delay ack for a whole cwnd to
tive delayed window according to the underlying                                                                                                      get best performance; otherwise a small delay win-
path information to optimize TCP performance.                                                                                                        dow for long paths. Since TCP still gets slight ben-
The issue of ack loss is also discussed and a simple                                                                                                 efit by delaying more for moderate long paths
receiver retransmission scheme is proposed.                                                                                                          (3 < h 6 9), therefore the delay window could be
                                                                                                                                                     slightly larger for such paths. TCP-DCA receiver
4.1. TCP-DCA with adaptive delayed ack                                                                                                               can get the path length information from the TTL
                                                                                                                                                     field in TCP packet header or from the routing
   Up to now we have presented the tradeoff                                                                                                           layer at the receiver node Table 1 lists the delay win-
between TCP-FDCA throughput and delay window                                                                                                         dow size applied in TCP-DCA according to the path
size on different path lengths. Inspired by this obser-                                                                                               length.
J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116                            1107

Table 1                                                        mission timer period is set to 1 s. This ack retrans-
Delay window at TCP-DCA receiver                               mission timer is started after sending an ack, and
Path length (h)                       Delay window limit       canceled after receiving a data packet.
h63                                   Congestion window           Until now all previous results were obtained
3<h69                                 5                        without ack retransmission. This is due to two facts:
h P 10                                3                        first, the results with and without ack retransmission
                                                               are almost the same for static networks. Mostly
4.2. Ack loss                                                  because the ack loss is rare, and the ack retransmis-
                                                               sion timer period is large (at least 1 s). Second, with-
   The standard TCP generates more acks than                   out the ack retransmission timer, it is easy to
TCP-DCA, due to the cumulative property of the                 observe the sole impact of the delay window on
ack, one ack successfully received at the TCP sender           TCP performance. In the following simulations,
can makes up for all the preceding lost acks. Thus,            the ack retransmission timer is enabled unless
the ack loss in standard TCP is not serious. How-              explicitly mentioned.
ever, the number of acks in TCP-DCA is much less
than standard TCP, and thus an ack loss has more               5. Performance evaluation
negative impact on TCP-DCA performance. In
order to be robust to ack loss, a retransmission                  This section presents the TCP-DCA performance
timer at the receiver is adopted to retransmit a               over wireless and hybrid networks. First, we show
cumulative ack if necessary.                                   TCP-DCA performance on static multihop wireless
   A challenge here is to estimate RTT at the recei-           networks and compare it with TCP-DAA in [3]. Sec-
ver which is needed for setting the ack retransmis-            ond, we demonstrate TCP-DCA performance on
sion timeouts. If TCP includes two-way data, the               mobile ad hoc network, and show TCP-DCA per-
receiver can get the accurate RTT measurement                  formance over several ad hoc routings. Third, we
since the sender acks the data immediately. If TCP             extend the hop count based approach to an end-
only has one-way data, RTT measurement at the                  to-end delay based scheme to further improve
receiver may not be straightforward. If the TCP                TCP-DCA in hybrid wired/wireless networks. Last,
timestamp option is used, the receiver could use it            we propose a simple approach to address the friend-
to estimate RTT, though such an estimate may be                liness problem of TCP-DCA to TCP-Newreno with
inflated if the sender does not send data packets               standard delayed option.
immediately after receiving an ack [17]. However,
in TCP-DCA, the ack retransmission timer is only               5.1. Static ad hoc network
a coarse timer for predicting when to retransmit
acks, an accurate RTT measurement is not required                  In this section, we show TCP-DCA performance
and thus an inflated RTT can be tolerated. In the               in static ad hoc networks. Meanwhile, we compare
paper, the timestamp option is used to estimate                TCP-DCA with TCP-DAA and TCP-Newreno
the RTT for a TCP flow which has one-way data.                  (with and without standard delayed ack option
   The receiver computes the ack retransmission                [1]). More specially, we use the name ‘‘original
time based on this RTT measurement. We use the                 TCP’’ for TCP-Newreno without standard delayed
following formula to calculate the retransmission              option, and TCP-STD-DA for TCP-Newreno with
timer period:                                                  standard delayed option. AODV routing is used
                                                               unless otherwise stated.
           7        1                                              TCP-DAA [3] is an interesting extension of [2]
SRTTr ¼ SRTTr þ RTTr ;
     kþ1        k        kþ1
           8        8                                          and has shown good performance in static ad hoc
         3        1                                            networks. It is the most recent work and the major
RTTvar ¼ RTTvar þ jRTTr À SRTTr j;
   kþ1       k          kþ1     kþ1
         4        4                                            differences between TCP-DAA and TCP-DCA are
   r         r             var
RTOkþ1 ¼ SRTTkþ1 þ 4 Â RTTkþ1 ;                                listed in Table 2. For fair comparison, most simula-
                                                               tions scenarios presented in this subsection were
where RTTr is the RTT estimation at the receiver,              shown in [3]. Each result is the average of five sim-
SRTTr is the smoothed RTT. RTTvar and RTOr                     ulation runs.
are RTT variance and retransmission timer period                   In Fig. 8, we compare TCP-DAA to TCP-DCA
at the receiver. The minimum value of the retrans-             in the chain topology with different hop count and
1108                                   J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116

Table 2
Design difference
            TCP-DAA                                                                          TCP-DCA
Sender      Duplicate acks threshold to trigger retransmission is 2; CW                      Puts CW into advertised window field
            upper limit is 4; Retransmission (RTO) timer is increased fivefold                in packet header
Receiver    Delay window is adaptive from 2 and 4 based on loss event                        Delay window is adaptive on the path

number of concurrent flows. Although TCP-DCA is                       CWL and TCP-DAA achieve best performance
designed without cwnd limit, we include TCP-DCA                      and their difference is small. They provide better
with cwnd limit at 4 in this experiment, named TCP-                  performance, about 10–25%, than the standard
DCA-CWL, to show a fair comparison with TCP-                         TCP (with and without delayed ack option).
DAA. Note that in TCP-DAA, the cwnd limit is                            With static topology and steady traffic pairs, the
set to 4 by default. Fig. 8a shows the performance                   variance of results is very small (less than 5%) so we
of TCP-DCA over 3 hop chain. The aggregate                           omit its error bar results. Also note that TCP-DCA-
throughput of TCP-DCA decreases when the num-                        CWL does not bring significant benefit over TCP-
ber of flows increases. When there are few flows,                      DCA. Since the ack flow is decreased, the optimal
since each TCP-DCA generates as few acks as pos-                     cwnd size could actually increase (for details, please
sible, the advantage of TCP-DCA is obvious. When                     refer to [14]). Although it may be interesting to
more flows coexist, the cwnd of each flow becomes                      investigate the optimal cwnd for TCP-DCA, we
smaller since they compete for the bandwidth, thus                   do not pursue it because our ultimate goal to design
the benefit of delayed ack reduces because more                       TCP-DCA without cwnd limit. Moreover, this
acks are generated. If the cwnd is below the cwnd                    property makes TCP-DCA distinct since selecting
limit in TCP-DCA-CWL, they have similar perfor-                      an optimal cwnd is non-trivial, which needs to know
mance. The performance of TCP-STD-DA is better                       a lot of underlying information to accomplish. For
than original TCP, but worse than TCP-DCA and                        example, it requires the knowledge of transmis-
TCP-DAA. TCP-DCA and TCP-DCA-CWL pro-                                sion/interference ratio [14] at the physical layer
vides better performance than other TCP variants.                    which is usually hard to obtain. It could also poten-
Overall, TCP-DCA achieves best performance, up                       tially limit the application of TCP in a variety of
to 15% improvement over TCP-DAA, and 25% over                        wireless networks, such as that TCP with cwnd limit
TCP-STD-DA respectively. Fig. 8b–c show the per-                     in wired and wireless scenario does not perform well
formance of TCP-DCA on a 5 and 7 hop path. The                       (will be shown in Section 5.4). Taking this into
same trend persists and TCP-DCA outperforms all                      account, we do not choose cwnd limit in TCP-
other algorithms in most situations.                                 DCA and thus in the following experiments, only
   Note that the cwnd limit on TCP-DCA does not                      TCP-DCA (no cwnd limit) is adopted.
bring considerable benefit. For a short path in
Fig. 8a, the cwnd limit could considerably restrict                  5.2. Mobile ad hoc network
the TCP performance as the number of flows is
small. For a long path in Fig. 8b–c, the cwnd limit                     We have demonstrated that applying delayed ack
only provides slightly more performance gain for 2                   scheme improves TCP performance in a static net-
flows, and this advantage disappears for more flows.                   work, now we show that it can improve TCP perfor-
From Fig. 8, the performance of TCP-DCA without                      mance in a mobile network as well. Though our
cwnd limit is better than that of TCP-DCA-CWL in                     delayed ack scheme is not specifically designed for
most situations. It indicates that TCP-DCA can                       the TCP in mobile network, we show that our
achieve the distinguished performance without set-                   scheme works well in mobile scenarios.
ting cwnd limit.                                                        In Fig. 10, we show the performance of the origi-
   We also give results for the grid topology. This                  nal TCP, TCP-STD-DA, TCP-DAA and TCP-
grid topology is shown in Fig. 9a and 6 flows run-                    DCA running over three routing schemes: GPSR,
ning on the grid. Fig. 9b compares the performance                   AODV and DSR. The experiment consists of 40
of original TCP, TCP-STD-DA, TCP-DAA, TCP-                           nodes randomly moving within a 1000 m · 1000 m
DCA-CWL and TCP-DCA, and we observe the                              area. Each node moves with the same speed without
similar results as before. TCP-DCA, TCP-DCA-                         pause. The Random Waypoint mobility model [18]
J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116                                         1109

                                                                                TCP-DCA                         Flow 4          Flow 5               Flow 6
                                                                                TCP-STD-DA            Flow 1
 Aggregate Throughput (Kbps)


                                                                                                      Flow 2

                                     2   4   6   8       10     12    14   16       18        20      Flow 3
                                                      Number of Flows
                                                     (a) 3 Hop Path
                                                                                                                      (a) Grid Topology
                               290                                              TCP                  TCP-
 Aggregate Throughput (Kbps)

                               270                                                                   DCA-
                               250                                                                   DAA

                               240                                                                   STD-

                                     2   4   6   8       10     12    14   16       18        20
                                                      Number of Flows                                       0   100    200    300      400     500     600    700
                                                     (b) 5 Hop Path                                                    Aggregate Throughput (Kbps)

                                                                                                      (b) Aggregate Throughput for TCP variants over
                                                                                                      Grid Topology
                               260                                              TCP-STD-DA         Fig. 9. Performance comparison on grid topology. (a) Grid
                                                                                                   topology. (b) Aggregate throughput for TCP variants over grid
 Aggregate Throughput (Kbps)

                               240                                                                 topology.

                               220                                                                 but with different randomly generated mobility
                                                                                                   traces. We run the set of experiments with 40 differ-
                               200                                                                 ent mobility traces and plot the 95% confidence
                                                                                                   interval as error bars on the figures.
                                                                                                      We illustrate results on speed 10 m/s and 20 m/s
                                                                                                   in Fig. 10 with one TCP flow, for other speeds and
                                     2   4   6   8       10     12    14   16       18        20   multiple flows, the results are similar. From Fig. 10
                                                      Number of Flows                              we observe that the delayed cumulative ack contrib-
                                                     (c) 7 Hop Path                                utes to the performance gain compared with other
Fig. 8. Aggregate throughput for TCP variants over chain
                                                                                                   TCP variants. TCP-DCA produces at least 10% per-
topology. (a) 3 hop path. (b) 5 hop path. (c) 7 hop path.                                          formance gain over other TCP variants regardless of
                                                                                                   routing protocols and mobility speed, especially
                                                                                                   more gain for TCP over DSR. TCP-STD-DA is
is used. All results displayed are calculated as the                                               unsurprisingly consistently better than the original
average of 40 runs with the same traffic pattern,                                                    TCP without delayed ack. However, TCP-DAA
1110                                             J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116

                           900                                                                   800
                                                         TCP-DCA                                                           TCP-DCA
                                                         TCP                                                               TCP
                           800                           TCP-STD-DA                              700                       TCP-STD-DA
                                                         TCP-DAA                                                           TCP-DAA
                                                         TCP-DCA-ACK-LOSS                                                  TCP-DCA-ACK-LOSS
       Throughput (Kbps)

                                                                             Throughput (Kbps)

                           100                                                                   100

                            0                                                                      0
                                 GPSR         AODV             DSR                                     GPSR        AODV          DSR

                                        (a) 10 m/s                                                            (b) 20 m/s
                                         Fig. 10. TCP performance over mobile network. (a) 10 m/s. (b) 20 m/s.

does not show consistent improvement across differ-                                     acks are generated and more timeouts are likely to
ent routing protocols. It performs similarly as TCP-                                   happen. Fig. 11 illustrates the idle time of TCP dur-
STD-DA over GPSR, but does not show better                                             ing the whole simulation time (400 s) for different
performance than TCP (with or without standard                                         TCP variants and routing schemes. As expected,
delayed option) over DSR.                                                              TCP-DCA (considering ack loss) has least idle time
   In TCP-DCA, the receiver would probe the sen-                                       over each routing scheme, which helps TCP-DCA
der by retransmitting acks in the event of high                                        maintain better throughput in a mobile network.
packet loss (see Section 4.2). It prevents the sender                                  Note that TCP-DCA-ACK-LOSS has similar idle
from entering long timeout due to the severe packet                                    time with other TCP variants, which confirms that
loss event. In Fig. 10, we also show the result of                                     retransmission scheme is effective in improving
TCP-DCA without ack retransmission (TCP-                                               TCP performance in mobile networks.
DCA-ACK-LOSS) to confirm the effectiveness of
ack retransmission. When packet loss is severe                                         5.3. Lossy network
(e.g. TCP over DSR), ack retransmission consider-
ably boosts the TCP-DCA’s performance. On the                                              In wireless networks, the wireless link in fact
other hand, the ack retransmission does not help                                       could become unreliable and error-prone. After
much when packet loss is not severe (e.g. TCP over                                     studying the performance of TCP-DCA under
GPSR). Therefore, TCP-DCA only incurs more ack                                         packet losses in mobile networks, we investigate its
retransmission overhead when needed, and works                                         performance under lossy wireless link. BER (bit
well with packet losses in mobile networks.                                            error rate) is used as the loss metrics at the wireless
   Comparing with static ad hoc networks in Sec-                                       link and the error is assumed to be uniformly dis-
tion 5.1, mobility poses more challenges for TCP.                                      tributed and independent on each link. It is worth
In a mobile network, the loss of packets (or acks)                                     pointing out that when a packet is received with
may be caused by temporary route loss as well as                                       bit error, the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer helps in
network congestion. Higher mobility causes more                                        recovering packet loss by retransmissions until a
route loss and thus more packet losses. Since routes                                   maximum retransmission limit is reached [19] or
are likely to be lost frequently in high node mobility                                 retransmission is successful. Therefore, when BER
environments, and different routing algorithms have                                     is low, the MAC retransmission scheme can easily
different capability to repair broken routes quickly,                                   recover the packet and would not cause much prob-
thus different TCP performance is observed over                                         lem for TCP. While the BER is high, the heavy
different routing schemes. Moreover, The frequent                                       packet loss would knock down TCP performance.
route breakages could put TCP into long idle state                                         Fig. 12 illustrates a scenario where a single flow
leading to poor TCP performance, especially for                                        goes through 5 hop chain path under varying
TCP with untraditional delayed ack where fewer                                         BER from very low BER to high BER. Each bar
J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116                                                1111

                                          350          TCP-DCA
                                          300          TCP-DAA                                                                   300    TCP-DAA

                                          250                                                                                    250
                     Idle Time (second)

                                                                                                            Idle Time (second)
                                          200                                                                                    200

                                          150                                                                                    150

                                          100                                                                                    100

                                           50                                                                                     50

                                            0                                                                                      0
                                                         GPSR                AODV               DSR                                       GPSR                AODV      DSR

                                                                          (a) 10 m/s                                                                       (b) 20 m/s
                                                                                    Fig. 11. TCP idle time. (a) 10 m/s. (b) 20 m/s.

                                                                                                                                 account the acknowledged data covered in the acks.
                                                                                             TCP-STD-DA                          Using delayed ack could potentially cause slow
                    250                                                                                                          cwnd increase and thus hurt TCP performance.
                                                                                                                                 Therefore, the pure adaptive delay window based
                                                                                                                                 on the hop count appears not adequate for this sce-

                                                                                                                                 nario. For example, in WLAN where 1 hop wireless
                    150                                                                                                          client can delay the cumulative ack for the whole
                                                                                                                                 cwnd, the cwnd at the sender could increase slowly,
                    100                                                                                                          particularly if a large propagation delay is encoun-
                                                                                                                                 tered in the wired part. Although slow increase for
                    50                                                                                                           cwnd is helpful for improving TCP performance in
                                                                                                                                 ad hoc networks as shown in our previous results,
                             0                                                                                                   it is not desirable for the hybrid network. In
                                                2e-6             6e-6            2e-5         6e-5
                                                                    Bit Error Rate
                                                                                                                                 RFC3465 [20] Allman proposed to increase the
                                                                                                                                 cwnd based on the number of bytes acknowledged
                                          Fig. 12. TCP performance under random loss.                                            by the arriving acks rather than based on the num-
                                                                                                                                 ber of acknowledgments that arrive at the sender in
is an averaged result of 20 random runs. Overall, the                                                                            RFC2581 [1]. However, this approach potentially
performance of TCP-DCA is no worse than other                                                                                    causes large bursts if the delay window is large.
variants, and quite robust to wireless loss. TCP-                                                                                An appropriate delay window limit needs to be
DAA also works very well unless the loss is too                                                                                  investigated in this scenario.
heavy. With the increasing loss rate, all TCP vari-                                                                                  Another challenge of the hybrid network is that
ants gracefully reduce their performance and the                                                                                 the hop count information from the packet header
variance of results increase.                                                                                                    is no longer accurate for the wireless hops since it
                                                                                                                                 includes the wired path. It is possible for a wireless
5.4. Hybrid (wired and wireless) network                                                                                         node to get hop count from the routing table to the
                                                                                                                                 base station (or gateway) to the wired network,
   In this section we study TCP-DCA in the wired                                                                                 however, this information is not guaranteed to be
and wireless ad hoc environment. Since wired net-                                                                                available all the time.
work has abundant bandwidth, it demands a much                                                                                       To address the problems in hybrid networks, we
larger cwnd than the pure ad hoc network for effec-                                                                               tailor and propose a novel receiver-side probe mech-
tive TCP performance. In current TCP implementa-                                                                                 anism based on CapProbe in [21], and extend the
tion, TCP sender increases the cwnd only based on                                                                                previous hop-count based approach via the recei-
the number of acks received while not taking into                                                                                ver-side probe in hybrid networks.
1112                              J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116

   The receiver-side probe works as follows: First            Table 3
the receiver passively estimate the wireless band-            IEEE 802.11b MAC overhead (with long preamble), L is packet
                                                              size, R is capacity
width and minimum RTT. Second it computes the
equivalent hop count based on the minimum RTT                 Data frame                                                              192 ls + 8L/R
and wireless bandwidth, then the previous hop                 SIFS                                                                    10 ls
count approach can be applied afterwards.                     DIFS                                                                    50 ls
                                                              RTS                                                                     192 ls + 160/R
   Now we address the problem to estimate the end-            CTS                                                                     192 ls + 112/R
to-end hybrid path bandwidth at the TCP receiver.             ACK                                                                     192 ls + 112/R
CapProbe [21] is a recently proposed bottleneck
capacity and path rate estimation technique shown
to be both fast and accurate. It combines the use
                                                              Table 4
of time interval measurements and end-to-end delay
                                                              Delay window at TCP-DCA receiver (delay-based, wireless
measurements to filter out bad packet pair probing             bandwidth is at 2 Mbps and TCP data packet size is 1000 bytes)
samples. It is proved to be suitable for wired and
                                                              Minimum RTT (ms)                                                Delay window limit
last-hop wireless networks. Inspired by CapProbe,
                                                              RTTmin < 18                                                     Congestion window
we proposed a new approach at the TCP-DCA
                                                              18 6 RTTmin 6 60                                                5
receiver without triggering any probing traffic. The            RTTmin > 60                                                     3
idea is that after the receiver sends a cumulative
ack, the sender would send a burst of packets. The
burst of packets can just serve as the packet pair
probing. Since the receiver knows the sequence
number of the first burst packets, it can identify
the packet pair and estimate the bandwidth when                                                      Internet         BS          1              2

packet pair arrives. Our approach is based on the
CapProbe, but it is different with CapProbe. First                                           Fig. 13. Hybrid wired/wireless topology.
our approach is imbed at the TCP receiver without
any additional probing traffic. Moreover, our
approach is a one-way (instead of round-trip in
CapProbe) estimation technique, and it is expected                                   1500
to work for wired, hybrid and purely wireless                                                                                            TCP-STD-DA

   The other challenge is to estimate the minimum
                                                                 Throughput (Kbps)

RTT at the receiver, but this have been solved as
described in Section 4.2. After the wireless bandwidth
and minimum RTT is obtained, the receiver derives
the equivalent hop count by considering the TCP
data and ack packet sizes. For example, with wireless
bandwidth of 2 Mbps, data packet size of 1000 bytes
and ack size of 40 bytes, the minimum RTT for a 1
wireless hop path is about 6 ms considering various
overhead, such as header overhead at TCP (20 bytes),                                              1 hop                       2 hop
IP (20 bytes) and MAC (34 bytes) and MAC layer                                                              Wireless Hop Count
fixed overhead shown in Table 3 (for details, please                                         Fig. 14. Wired and wireless performance.
refer to [22]). In Table 4, we listed the delay window
size in a wireless network with capacity 2Mbps.
   In Fig. 13, we show a TCP connection from a                running with different random seeds. Similar to Sec-
wired network to a wireless network with up to 2              tion 5.1, the variance of results is very small so we
wireless hops. The one-way propagation delay on               omit its error bar results. Since TCP-DAA limits
the wired link is 50 ms. The performance of TCP-              the cwnd, the performance of TCP-DAA is limited.
DCA, TCP-DAA and the standard TCP (with and                   TCP-DCA provides best performance in both cases
without standard delayed ack option) shown in                 of 1 and 2 hop paths. Therefore, TCP-DCA is
Fig. 14, represents averaged result of 10 simulation          extensible to hybrid networks instead of working
TCP with delayed ack for wireless networks
TCP with delayed ack for wireless networks
TCP with delayed ack for wireless networks
TCP with delayed ack for wireless networks

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TCP with delayed ack for wireless networks

  • 1. Available online at Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 TCP with delayed ack for wireless networks Jiwei Chen *, Mario Gerla, Yeng Zhong Lee, M.Y. Sanadidi University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, United States Received 5 May 2006; received in revised form 25 October 2007; accepted 30 October 2007 Available online 6 November 2007 Abstract This paper studies the TCP performance with delayed ack in wireless networks (including ad hoc and WLANs) which use IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol as the underlying medium access control. Our analysis and simulations show that TCP throughput does not always benefit from an unrestricted delay policy. In fact, for a given topology and flow pattern, there exists an optimal delay window size at the receiver that produces best TCP throughput. If the window is set too small, the receiver generates too many acks and causes channel contention; on the other hand, if the window is set too high, the bur- sty transmission at the sender triggered by large cumulative acks will induce interference and packet losses, thus degrading the throughout. In wireless networks, packet losses are also related to the length of TCP path; when traveling through a longer path, a packet is more likely to suffer interference. Therefore, path length is an important factor to consider when choosing appropriate delay window sizes. In this paper, we first propose an adaptive delayed ack mechanism which is suit- able for ad hoc networks, then we propose a more general adaptive delayed ack scheme for ad hoc and hybrid networks. The simulation results show that our schemes can effectively improve TCP throughput by up to 25% in static networks, and provide more significant gain in mobile networks. The proposed schemes are simple and easy to deploy. The real testbed experiments are also presented to verify our approaches. Furthermore, a simple and effective receiver-side probe and detec- tion is proposed to improve friendliness between the standard TCP and our proposed TCP with adaptive delayed ack. Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: TCP; Congestion control; Adaptive delayed ack; Wireless medium access/contention; Friendliness 1. Introduction networks, several other inherent factors attribute to the TCP performance deterioration, including The Transport Control Protocol (TCP) is the unpredictable channel errors, medium access con- most widely used reliable transport protocol over tention complicated by hidden/exposed terminal the Internet. TCP was originally designed for wired problems, and frequent route breakages caused by links where buffer overflows account for most node mobility. All these factors pose great chal- packet losses. However, in multihop ad hoc wireless lenges to the design of TCP protocols to provide efficient and reliable end-to-end communications. * Many researchers have made valiant effort to pro- Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (J. Chen), gerla@cs. pose various methods to make TCP survive in such (M. Gerla), (Y.Z. Lee), medy@cs. challenging environments. In this paper, we focus (M.Y. Sanadidi). on studying the effect of delayed acks on TCP 1570-8705/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2007.10.004
  • 2. J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 1099 performance. Then based on our findings, we pro- in turn causes severe packet interference with each pose adaptive schemes that address the aforemen- other. When packet loss rate becomes high, the tioned factors effectively. benefit of delaying acks, via reducing ack packets, In standard TCP the receiver generates one ack disappears. Consequently, TCP performance for each data packet, or more popularly, two in- degrades after reaching the peak at the optimal order data packets with the standard delayed ack delay window size. option [1]. This mechanism works well in wired net- Armed with the deep understanding of delayed works. In multihop wireless networks, however, this ack impact on TCP performance over multihop mechanism can be further improved due to: wireless links, we propose an adaptive scheme based on the hop count of a TCP path. The basic idea • Since the data and ack packets usually take the behind this scheme is, for a short path where inter- same route (or spatially close routes), they inter- ference problem is minimal, we delay the ack as fere with each other. The interference increases much as possible to maximally improve TCP with the number of acks generated. throughput; while for a long path, we apply an • Generating acks wastes scarce wireless resources. appropriate delay window size restriction to avoid Though acks are essential to provide reliability, high packet loss to achieve optimal TCP perfor- generating more acks than necessary is not desir- mance. Furthermore, we propose an end-to-end able in wireless networks. Ideally, the receiver delay based scheme tailored for hybrid wired/wire- should generate minimal number of acks less networks. These two schemes can be deployed required for reliable data recovery. separately, but are also compatible with each other to provide better performance in heterogenous net- Recently, the delayed ack strategy has been stud- works. It is also worth noting that our proposed ied to improve TCP performance [2,3]. However, schemes only reside in transport layers at the end this field is not fully exploited and many issues hosts, thus no modification on intermediate nodes remain unsolved. Some important questions is needed. include: what is the relation between delayed acks However, TCP with untraditional delayed ack and TCP performance, how to choose the proper (with delay window larger than 2) would cause delay window (the number of in-order data packets friendliness to the standard TCP. Since TCP sender to be waited for before generating an ack) for TCP, increases the congestion window (cwnd) by usually and how to deal with the loss of acks in multihop counting the number of acks received in the current wireless networks. In this paper we carry out a sys- popular implementations, the TCP with untradi- tematic study to understand the effect of delayed tional delayed ack is slower in increasing the cwnd acks on TCP over wireless links. We investigate than the standard TCP. If they coexist, the TCP TCP performance and delayed ack related packet with untraditional delayed ack would not get fair loss characteristics, under various wireless network share with the standard TCP. The unfriendliness scenarios and flow patterns. problem was largely avoided in previous research Our objective is to clearly identify the relation- and stays unsolved. In the paper, we address the ship between TCP throughput and delayed ack over problem with a simple and intelligent end-to-end multihop wireless links. We reveal several interest- receiver-side detection mechanism. If the receiver ing findings, which are tremendously beneficial to detects other competing traffic, it switches to the deeply understand TCP behavior in wireless multi- standard TCP, and vice versa. With this adaptive hop networks, and to design enhanced TCP proto- switching scheme, the friendliness of the standard cols. First, we found that TCP does not always TCP and our proposed adaptive delayed ack scheme benefit from arbitrary delaying of acks. In fact, for is significantly improved. a given network topology and flow pattern, there Another challenge for TCP with adaptive exists an optimal delay window size at the receiver, delayed ack comes from mobile ad hoc networks. at which TCP achieves maximum throughput. Sec- Although delayed acks may potentially improve ond, since 802.11 does not guarantee collision free TCP throughput regardless of underlying routing packet transmission, a packet is more likely to be protocols. Different routing mechanisms, however, interfered with when going through a long path. If have great impact on TCP performance [4], and to a large delay window is used over a long path, it what degree delayed acks can benefit TCP perfor- causes large bursts of packets in transit, and this mance. The problem of more packet losses due to
  • 3. 1100 J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 mobility could have more impact on TCP with than the transmission range, request-to-send (RTS) untraditional delayed ack since fewer acks are gen- and clear-to-send (CTS) in 802.11 MAC cannot erated. In this paper, we investigate the TCP-DCA ensure collision free transfer of packets. This causes (Delayed Cumulative Ack) which addresses the hidden/exposed terminals leading to packet loss in ack loss issue in mobile networks. Meanwhile, the ad hoc multihop wireless paths [8]. Many research performance of various TCP schemes are presented efforts have been made to adapt TCP to the unique over popular ad hoc routing protocols, namely, Ad- characteristic of wireless ad hoc network, e.g. Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Transport layer ‘‘Fixed RTO’’ in [4], delayed ack (AODV) [5], Dynamic Source Routing [6] and in [2,3], network layer support [9–11] and even Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) [7]. lower-layer assistance, for example, MAC support The reason we include GPSR in our study is that in [8]. Geo-routing is a recently developed routing scheme Although a TCP ack packet is small, typically promising to be scalable, and robust to node 40 bytes, the transmission of TCP ack packets mobility. may require the same overhead as that of data pack- While our work shares the common concept with ets in 802.11 MAC depending on the RTS thresh- previous research in that the TCP receiver delays old. If interference from TCP acks could be ack up to a certain number of data packets, we reduced, data packets would suffer less collisions undergo a more complete and optimized study to resulting in higher throughput. Several approaches understand the delayed ack impact and propose to delay acks have been proposed [2,3,12]. TCP- more effective solutions suitable for various scenar- ADA (Adaptive Delayed Ack) [12] proposed to ios. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed decrease the number of acks to improve TCP per- schemes are the first existing mechanisms suitable formance. They claimed that maximum TCP for both static/mobile wireless and hybrid networks, throughput is achieved when one ack acknowledges and taking the ack loss and friendliness into account the full cwnd. However, the scheme did not address as well. several important issues, such as packet loss and The remainder of this paper is organized as fol- out-of-order packet reception. In fact, as we will lows. Background work is provided in Section 2. show in this paper, TCP does not always benefit A thorough study of delayed ack impact on TCP from delaying ack as much as possible. performance is presented in Section 3 under various Altman and Jimenez [2] presented a basic delayed network topologies and traffic patterns. We present ack scheme which was further improved in [3] where our adaptive delayed ack (TCP-DCA) scheme in TCP-DAA (Dynamic Adaptive Acknowledgement) Section 4. The issue of the loss of ack packets is dis- was proposed. In TCP-DAA, the receiver adjusts cussed. Section 5 evaluates TCP-DCA on static and the delay window according to the channel condi- mobile ad hoc networks, and hybrid wired/wireless tion (packet loss event). A TCP-DAA receiver networks as well. Several enhancements are pre- delays acking until it receives a certain number of sented to improve TCP-DCA’s efficiency and data packets, ranging from 2 to 4 packets. When friendliness. Section 6 discusses a few issues to fur- there is no packet loss, the TCP-DAA receiver waits ther improve TCP with untraditional delayed ack. for more data packets (up to 4) before generating an We conclude the paper in Section 7. The impact of ack, but reduces the number to 2 in case of out-of- different routing protocols on TCP is also consid- order packet arrival. However, since a TCP sender ered in proper sections. automatically cuts the cwnd when packet loss occurs, i.e. automatically adapting to the channel 2. Related work state at the sender side, the receiver side adaptation provides little extra improvement. We will show The standard TCP assumes that a packet loss is that in our adaptive delayed ack scheme, the recei- invariably due to buffer overflow and reduces the ver does not respond dynamically to packet loss, cwnd by half when packet loss happens. However, yet achieves better performance. in ad hoc network, packet loss caused by buffer In [3], the ack time is set to be one average packet overflow is rare. Instead, it is more likely due to inter-arrival time. That is, an ack is generated when medium contention as shown in [8]. The fundamen- no data packet arrives after one average packet tal problem resides in the limitations of IEEE 802.11 inter-arrival time since last unacknowledged data MAC. Since the interference range is usually longer packet. In wireless networks, the inter-arrival time
  • 4. J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 1101 is highly variable due to random MAC contention for further improvement. As it is a primarily recei- and back-off, so it is very difficult to get accurate ver-side modification, it could be combined with enough statistics in a complex large system. Another other sender-side schemes or low layer approaches. impact of this timer implementation is that the For example, at sender-side, [15] studied the perfor- receiver operates insensitively to the number of acks mance of TCP on three different routing protocols (2–4) to be delayed because any unexpected extra and proposed a TCP modification called fixed delayed data packet will trigger an ack. RTO, which essentially freezes the TCP RTO value An important aspect of TCP with untraditional whenever there is a route loss. Recent work [9–11] delayed ack is the delay window size selection. In are approaches at the network layer. Chandran TCP-DAA [3], the receiver may delay up to four et al. [9] discussed a mechanism called TCP-Feed- ack packets and this number is limited by the sender back, which uses route failure and re-establishment cwnd, which is fixed at four packets. The similar notifications to provide feedback to TCP, and thus delay window size of 3–4 packets is also picked in reduce the number of packet retransmissions and [2] heuristically. There are issues in this scheme that TCP back-offs during route calculation, to improve desires further clarification and improvement. First, throughput. Holland and Vaidya [10] evaluated an although a small cwnd limit helps TCP operation in explicit link failure notification technique (ELFN) wireless networks, it is not suitable for hybrid wired in the context of improving TCP performance over and wireless network where a high bandwidth multi-hop ad-hoc networks. They studied the effect delay product exists. Second, if the cwnd is not lim- of link failures due to mobility on throughput and ited by four packets, the choice of a delay window showed through simulations that ELFN improves size of 4 may no longer be suitable. In this paper, the performance of TCP. Xu et al. [11] proposed a we address the above issues and provide more effec- Neighborhood RED (NRED) scheme, which tive and general solutions that apply to various extended the RED concept to the distributed environments. neighborhood queue, to address significant TCP The delayed ack has impact on the TCP sender. unfairness in ad hoc wireless networks. These mech- Since the receiver does not ack as frequently as in anisms are promising schemes to be integrated with the standard TCP, the congestion window increas- our mechanism for more robustness against packet ing rate for delayed ack is slowed down. Such slower loss and TCP fairness. probing rate improves TCP performance in ad hoc networks, as reported in [13]. The conservative win- 3. TCP throughput vs. delay window dow increase, however, hinders efficient transmis- sion in wired network where delay bandwidth In this section, we investigate the impact of the product may be large. In this paper, we solve this receiver ack delay window size on TCP perfor- problem and allow TCP-DCA to cope with ad hoc mance. The conclusion we draw is that, when the and hybrid wired/wireless networks via adaptive path length is short, TCP achieves better perfor- schemes. mance with a delay window as large as the entire We also study the impact of cwnd limit at the sender cwnd. When the path length increases, how- sender. A small sender cwnd can decrease interfer- ever, a large delay window triggers bursty transmis- ence and maximize pipeline effect. [8] revealed that sions, which results in mutual data packet there exists an optimal TCP cwnd size that maxi- contention and higher losses. In fact, for long paths, mizes spatial channel reuse. Further increasing the there exists an optimal delay window size that window size does not lead to better performance. achieves maximum TCP throughput. We verify the On the contrary, it results in increased link layer delay ack impact using various network topologies, contention and degraded TCP throughput. In [14], including cross and grid topologies with various the optimal congestion window limit is determined flow patterns. Real testbed measurement results based on the hop count for maximum pipeline effect are also presented to reinforce our conclusions. and the interference/transmission range ratio. In the Firstly, we study a basic scheme with fixed delay paper, we will show that in our scheme TCP-DCA, window limit to illustrate the impact of the delay the sender’s cwnd is not limited, and yet, performs window size on TCP performance, named as TCP- better than the case of the limited cwnd used in [3]. FDCA. We use static routing to investigate delayed TCP-DCA resides at TCP layer, and it has poten- ack performance without any routing interference. tial to be combined with other TCP enhancements Routing impact will be shown in Section 5.
  • 5. 1102 J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 3.1. TCP with fixed delay window limit choose b as 0.8 and a as 1.5. The receiver also gen- (TCP-FDCA) erates an ack within 500 ms of the arrival of an unacknowledged data packet in accordance with TCP-FDCA maintains a variable delay window RFC2581 [1]. ‘‘w’’ representing the number of data packet arrivals One drawback to this approach is that the TCP- before acking at the receiver. This delay window w is FDCA receiver needs to be informed of sender’s bounded by a delay window limit, and also limited cwnd size to prevent delay window larger than cwnd by the cwnd size to prevent the delay window from leading to unnecessary delaying at the receiver. To exceeding the cwnd which results in delaying the address this problem, we propose two possible ack, but for possibly non-existent packets. If data methods. One is to imbed the cwnd size in an option packets arrive in order, the receiver generates one field of the packet header. The other is to reuse some cumulative ack for every w data packets. If an out TCP header field. For example, the sender could of order packet is received, or a packet that fills a reuse the advertised window field in data packet gap in the sequence space of packets in the receiver header for ‘‘advertising’’ its cwnd size to the recei- buffer (that is, recovery from earlier packet loss), the ver. This method is not unrealistic due to the fact receiver acks immediately to inform the sender of that current TCP connection is mostly used for the packet loss/recovery in a timely manner. The one direction, i.e. there is only data packets from receiver also keeps a fall-back delay ack timer which the sender to the receiver and no backward data, estimates the expected time to receive w data pack- so the advertised window field from the sender is ets. At the TCP sender, when it receives a cumula- usually wasted. Even if two-way TCP data is tive ack acknowledging w data packets, it updates included, it is still possible to reuse the advertised the cwnd and sends out a burst of at least w packets, window field, for example every other packet with provided such packets are ready for transmission in one bit in the reserved field to indicate whether the sender buffer. cwnd or advertised window size is used. The lowed To get the delay timer period, the receiver moni- frequency of cwnd notification is not expected to tors the data packet inter-arrival interval and com- affect TCP-FDCA much since TCP-FDCA receiver putes a smoothed interval through a low-pass does not need to know the exact cwnd so often, as filter. The average inter-arrival interval is used to we will see later in the paper. set the ack delay timer based on the current delay window size. In TCP-FDCA, an accurate delay 3.2. Chain topology timer is not needed and the timer is solely for fall back purpose. In fact, our inter-arrival time compu- In order to understand TCP-FDCA, its perfor- tation is rather simple and loose: the receiver sam- mance is shown over a chain topology in Ns2 [16]. ples the inter-arrival time of any consecutively The chain topology is general used to study TCP arrived data packets, not necessarily in-order pack- performance since TCP typically runs over a single ets. Therefore, the inter-arrival sample is an inflated path. Fig. 1 shows a chain example. The TCP con- value compared with inter-arrival between in-order nection is sourced at the first node (node 1) and packets. A TCP-FDCA receiver smoothes such packets travel over the chain to the end node (node inflated inter-arrival samples through a low-pass 6). The interference range is 550 m and transmission filter range is 250 m. We place the nodes at 200 m inter- vals, so that nodes are 4 hops away can transmit I iþ1 ¼ bI iavg þ ð1 À bÞI s ; avg ð1Þ simultaneously without interference. Notice that a where I avg is the average of inflated packet inter-ar- node that is 3 hops away is a ‘‘hidden node’’. IEEE rival time (I s ). I avg is used to set delay ack timer (T w ) 802.11 is the underlying MAC. Data rate on the which defines the total time for receiving a whole de- wireless channel is 2 Mbps and one simulation run lay window of in-order data packets lasts 300 s. Each data point represents an averaged result of 5 simulation runs with different random T w ¼ awI avg ; ð2Þ seeds. The packet size is 1000 bytes and the TCP- where w is the delay window size, a is a parameter to Newreno is adopted as it is the most popular TCP tolerate high dynamic packet delay. Obviously, the protocol nowadays. The delay window limit applied delay ack timer is rather inflated and quite robust at the TCP receiver ranges from 1 to the current to high inter-arrival variation. In the paper, we cwnd size.
  • 6. J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 1103 1600 1hop 2hop 3hop 1400 Throughput (Kbps) 1200 1 2 3 4 5 6 1000 800 600 Fig. 1. Chain topology. The solid-line circle denotes a node’s 400 valid transmission range. The dotted-line circle denotes a node’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...CW Delay Window Limit (packets) interference range. Node 4’s transmission will interfere with node 1’s transmissions to node 2. (a) Path Length h ≤ 3 350 4hop 5hop 6hop 3.2.1. Single TCP flow 7hop 8hop TCP performance over wireless multihop inevita- 9hop bly depends on the path length (hop count). The Throughput (Kbps) 300 longer the path is, the lower the throughput would be. We present TCP-FDCA throughput as a func- tion of delay window limits on a path with different lengths in Fig. 2. Fig. 2a shows that when a sender 250 and a receiver are within 3 hops, TCP-FDCA gets steady performance gain by increasing the delay window size up to the entire cwnd size. For the 200 one hop case, the fastest throughput increase can 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...CW be seen when the delay window is small, say less Delay Window Limit (packets) than 5. The increasing trend becomes slower for (b) Path Length 10 > h >3 delay windows larger than 5 and the throughput 240 approaches the limit when the delay window reaches 10hop 12hop the cwnd size (denoted by CW). The same trend is 230 14hop 16hop also observed when the path length is 2 and 3. 220 18hop 20hop The reason for this performance gain is that Throughput (Kbps) 802.11 MAC provides nearly collision free packet 210 transmissions for short paths. Since the interference 200 range is larger than 2 times the transmission range, 190 when the sender and receiver are within 2 hops, every node along the path can sense all other nodes 180 transmissions. In this case, no hidden nodes exist, 170 thus packet loss is minimal. When the hop length is 3, the TCP receiver is the only node hidden from 160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...CW the TCP sender. If the receiver acks only after Delay Window Limit (packets) receiving all packets in a cwnd, no data packet (c) Path Length 20 ≥ h ≥ 10 can be interfered. The maximal performance gain is achieved when the receiver acks after receiving Fig. 2. TCP-FDCA throughput vs. delay window on chain all packets in a cwnd, and attains up to 25% topology. (a) Path length h 6 3. (b) Path length 10 > h > 3. (c) Path length 20 P h P 10. throughput gain relative to the TCP with delay win- dow at 1. Since the interference range is larger than the solve the hidden/exposed terminal problem. As the transmission range, RTS/CTS cannot completely path becomes longer than 3 hops, packet collision
  • 7. 1104 J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 is unavoidable. For example, node 1 and node 4 are ver are used for 802.11b devices and the devices are interfering nodes in Fig. 1, so simultaneous packet set to ad-hoc mode. The topology of the testbed is a transmissions on them will be interfered. The hidden chain and the route is statically configured. There is terminal results in packet loss and this problem one source laptop and one selected destination lap- becomes more severe for longer paths because a top among other 5 laptops depending on the num- packet has more chances to be interfered with. ber of hops in our experiments. We use ‘‘Iperf’’ to Another problem is that when the sender receives generate FTP traffic with packet size of 1000 bytes. a cumulative ack, it immediately sends a burst of From the experiment results shown in Fig. 3, we packets. The larger the delay window, the larger confirm that the TCP-FDCA throughput vs. recei- the burst and the more packet loss due to increased ver delay window follows the same trends as in interfering. (Note that the packet burst size is the simulation results shown in Fig. 1. directly related with the receiver delay window since Fig. 4 compares TCP-FDCA throughput for 1 it is at least equal to the size of the delay window.) hop and 5 hops paths from simulation and actual When the packet loss becomes high, the TCP- testbed, when delay window limit is equal to 1 and FDCA throughput gain from delaying ack is lost cwnd respectively. We note that the average differ- due to the increased packet losses. Fig. 2(b) shows ence between the testbed TCP throughput and the this tradeoff of TCP-FDCA performance gain with simulation results is below 10%. Such difference is delay window size for paths larger than 3 hops. When the hop count is 4 or 5, we do observe unsuc- cessful packet transmissions caused by interference, 1600 however, since a TCP sender is able to recover 1hop 2hop packet loss rather rapidly due to the small round 3hop 1400 trip time (RTT), TCP-FDCA maintains perfor- mance gain by delaying ack for more data packets. 1200 Throughput (Kbps) After peak performance at certain delay window, the TCP-FDCA performance gets worse due to 1000 more packet losses. Similar trend also exists for paths longer than 5 hops, where TCP-FDCA 800 achieves throughput gain only when the delay win- dow size is small; for large delay window size, delay- 600 ing ack cannot maintain throughput gain because of excessive data packet losses. Further, now that RTT 400 is larger, TCP-FDCA spends more time detecting 1 2 3 4 5 ...CW Delay Window Size (packets) packet loss and recovering lost packets by entering fast retransmit/recovery in which only one packet (a) 1 to 3 hop is recovered per RTT. Therefore, for long paths, 370 large delay window is not preferred. 4hop 5hop 360 We also show TCP-FDCA performance over a 350 very long path h P 10 in Fig. 2(c) which has similar results with Fig. 2(b). TCP-FDCA only gets perfor- 340 Throughput (Kbps) mance gain for small delay window size. For large 330 delay window size, TCP-FDCA gets poor 320 throughput. 310 300 3.2.2. Real testbed verification We investigate the effectiveness of our TCP- 290 FDCA in an actual ad-hoc network testbed. Our 280 testbed consists of six laptops equipped with Ori- 270 noco 802.11b PCMICA cards with channel rate of 1 2 3 4 5 ...CW Delay Window Size (packets) 2Mbps. The laptops run Mandrake Linux distribu- (b) 4 and 5 hop tion 7 with kernel version 2.4.3. Linux PCMCIA package version 3.2.0 and Orinoco wavelan2-cs dri- Fig. 3. Real testbed measurement. (a) 1 to 3 hop. (b) 4 and 5 hop.
  • 8. J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 1105 1500 d 3.3. More complex topologies and flow patterns 1 dCW We expand our study to scenarios of more com- plex topologies and flow patterns, including cross Total Throughput (Kbps) 1000 and grid topologies. For all cases, we observe the similar results to what is described above, i.e., when the path is short, TCP-FDCA achieves optimal throughput by delaying acks as much as possible, 500 up to the entire sender’s cwnd. On the other hand, when the path becomes longer, a large delay win- dow hinders performance gain and deteriorates TCP throughput gradually. We show that there 0 exists a certain delay window size, at which TCP- Simulation Experiment FDCA achieves optimal throughput performance. (a) 1 hop The following provides a summary of results on 300 multiple flows and various topologies. The perfor- d 1 mance over random topologies will be shown in Sec- d 250 CW tion 5.2. Total Throughput (Kbps) 200 3.3.1. Multiple TCP flows Fig. 5 exhibits result for 5 concurrent TCP- FDCA flows on a chain topology with hop count 150 varying from 3 to 7, and has similar results to Fig. 2. 100 3.3.2. Cross and grid topology Fig. 6 shows examples of cross and grid topolo- 50 gies with a 4 hop path for each TCP-FDCA flow, and the results with different delay window size are 0 Simulation Experiment shown in Fig. 7. Additionally the results from vary- (b) 5 hop ing path lengths are shown. Similar trend is observed again. We also run extensive simulations on cross Fig. 4. Simulation vs. experiment. (a) 1 hop. (b) 5 hop. and grid topologies with multiple overlapped flows instead of one flow. The results, not included here, mainly caused by parameter setting in the testbed also confirm the same trends discussed above. measurements. In our testbed experiments, RTS/ CTS control packets are adopted for unicast data 500 packets to overcome the hidden terminal problem 3hop 5hop only if the packet size is above the minimum thresh- 7hop 450 old 256 bytes. Since the size of TCP ack packet Aggregate Throughput (Kbps) (40 bytes) is below the minimum RTS/CTS threshold 400 in Linux settings so that no RTS/CTS handshake is performed when transmitting acks in testbed experi- 350 ments. Compared with simulation results where RTS/CTS is always performed regardless of packet 300 size, such ‘‘zero’’ MAC overhead in testbed measure- ments has impact on the performance: the through- 250 put gain derived from TCP-FDCA in the testbed measurements is lower than the corresponding results 200 in the simulations because of the lack of RTS/CTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...CW reduction for acks in simulations. Other than this Delay Window Limit (packets) slight difference, the results are similar in simulation Fig. 5. TCP-FDCA throughput vs. delay window on chain and in testbed measurements. topology (5 flows).
  • 9. 1106 J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 8 Flow 1 7 TCP flow 1 0 1 2 3 4 Flow 2 TCP flow 2 6 5 Flow 3 (a) Cross To pology (b) Gri d Topology Fig. 6. More complex topologies. Left: cross topology with 4 hop path on each direction. 200 m distance between two adjacent nodes. Right: 5 · 5 grid topology, 200 m distance between horizontal and vertical adjacent nodes. (a) Cross topology. (b) Grid topology. 340 340 4hop 5x5 6hop 5x7 8hop 5x9 320 320 Aggregate Throughput (Kbps) Aggregate Throughput (Kbps) 300 300 280 280 260 260 240 240 220 220 200 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...CW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...CW Delay Window Limit (packets) Delay Window Limit (packets) (a) Cross Topology (b) Grid Topology Fig. 7. TCP-FDCA throughput vs. delay window on complex topologies. (a) Cross topology. (b) Grid topology. 4. TCP with adaptive delayed cumulative ack vation, we dynamically determine the delay window (TCP-DCA) size based on the hop count of a TCP connection and call it as TCP-DCA. For a short path (h 6 3), In this section we propose TCP-DCA with adap- TCP-DCA could delay ack for a whole cwnd to tive delayed window according to the underlying get best performance; otherwise a small delay win- path information to optimize TCP performance. dow for long paths. Since TCP still gets slight ben- The issue of ack loss is also discussed and a simple efit by delaying more for moderate long paths receiver retransmission scheme is proposed. (3 < h 6 9), therefore the delay window could be slightly larger for such paths. TCP-DCA receiver 4.1. TCP-DCA with adaptive delayed ack can get the path length information from the TTL field in TCP packet header or from the routing Up to now we have presented the tradeoff layer at the receiver node Table 1 lists the delay win- between TCP-FDCA throughput and delay window dow size applied in TCP-DCA according to the path size on different path lengths. Inspired by this obser- length.
  • 10. J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 1107 Table 1 mission timer period is set to 1 s. This ack retrans- Delay window at TCP-DCA receiver mission timer is started after sending an ack, and Path length (h) Delay window limit canceled after receiving a data packet. h63 Congestion window Until now all previous results were obtained 3<h69 5 without ack retransmission. This is due to two facts: h P 10 3 first, the results with and without ack retransmission are almost the same for static networks. Mostly 4.2. Ack loss because the ack loss is rare, and the ack retransmis- sion timer period is large (at least 1 s). Second, with- The standard TCP generates more acks than out the ack retransmission timer, it is easy to TCP-DCA, due to the cumulative property of the observe the sole impact of the delay window on ack, one ack successfully received at the TCP sender TCP performance. In the following simulations, can makes up for all the preceding lost acks. Thus, the ack retransmission timer is enabled unless the ack loss in standard TCP is not serious. How- explicitly mentioned. ever, the number of acks in TCP-DCA is much less than standard TCP, and thus an ack loss has more 5. Performance evaluation negative impact on TCP-DCA performance. In order to be robust to ack loss, a retransmission This section presents the TCP-DCA performance timer at the receiver is adopted to retransmit a over wireless and hybrid networks. First, we show cumulative ack if necessary. TCP-DCA performance on static multihop wireless A challenge here is to estimate RTT at the recei- networks and compare it with TCP-DAA in [3]. Sec- ver which is needed for setting the ack retransmis- ond, we demonstrate TCP-DCA performance on sion timeouts. If TCP includes two-way data, the mobile ad hoc network, and show TCP-DCA per- receiver can get the accurate RTT measurement formance over several ad hoc routings. Third, we since the sender acks the data immediately. If TCP extend the hop count based approach to an end- only has one-way data, RTT measurement at the to-end delay based scheme to further improve receiver may not be straightforward. If the TCP TCP-DCA in hybrid wired/wireless networks. Last, timestamp option is used, the receiver could use it we propose a simple approach to address the friend- to estimate RTT, though such an estimate may be liness problem of TCP-DCA to TCP-Newreno with inflated if the sender does not send data packets standard delayed option. immediately after receiving an ack [17]. However, in TCP-DCA, the ack retransmission timer is only 5.1. Static ad hoc network a coarse timer for predicting when to retransmit acks, an accurate RTT measurement is not required In this section, we show TCP-DCA performance and thus an inflated RTT can be tolerated. In the in static ad hoc networks. Meanwhile, we compare paper, the timestamp option is used to estimate TCP-DCA with TCP-DAA and TCP-Newreno the RTT for a TCP flow which has one-way data. (with and without standard delayed ack option The receiver computes the ack retransmission [1]). More specially, we use the name ‘‘original time based on this RTT measurement. We use the TCP’’ for TCP-Newreno without standard delayed following formula to calculate the retransmission option, and TCP-STD-DA for TCP-Newreno with timer period: standard delayed option. AODV routing is used unless otherwise stated. 7 1 TCP-DAA [3] is an interesting extension of [2] SRTTr ¼ SRTTr þ RTTr ; kþ1 k kþ1 8 8 and has shown good performance in static ad hoc 3 1 networks. It is the most recent work and the major RTTvar ¼ RTTvar þ jRTTr À SRTTr j; kþ1 k kþ1 kþ1 4 4 differences between TCP-DAA and TCP-DCA are r r var RTOkþ1 ¼ SRTTkþ1 þ 4 Â RTTkþ1 ; listed in Table 2. For fair comparison, most simula- tions scenarios presented in this subsection were where RTTr is the RTT estimation at the receiver, shown in [3]. Each result is the average of five sim- SRTTr is the smoothed RTT. RTTvar and RTOr ulation runs. are RTT variance and retransmission timer period In Fig. 8, we compare TCP-DAA to TCP-DCA at the receiver. The minimum value of the retrans- in the chain topology with different hop count and
  • 11. 1108 J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 Table 2 Design difference TCP-DAA TCP-DCA Sender Duplicate acks threshold to trigger retransmission is 2; CW Puts CW into advertised window field upper limit is 4; Retransmission (RTO) timer is increased fivefold in packet header Receiver Delay window is adaptive from 2 and 4 based on loss event Delay window is adaptive on the path length number of concurrent flows. Although TCP-DCA is CWL and TCP-DAA achieve best performance designed without cwnd limit, we include TCP-DCA and their difference is small. They provide better with cwnd limit at 4 in this experiment, named TCP- performance, about 10–25%, than the standard DCA-CWL, to show a fair comparison with TCP- TCP (with and without delayed ack option). DAA. Note that in TCP-DAA, the cwnd limit is With static topology and steady traffic pairs, the set to 4 by default. Fig. 8a shows the performance variance of results is very small (less than 5%) so we of TCP-DCA over 3 hop chain. The aggregate omit its error bar results. Also note that TCP-DCA- throughput of TCP-DCA decreases when the num- CWL does not bring significant benefit over TCP- ber of flows increases. When there are few flows, DCA. Since the ack flow is decreased, the optimal since each TCP-DCA generates as few acks as pos- cwnd size could actually increase (for details, please sible, the advantage of TCP-DCA is obvious. When refer to [14]). Although it may be interesting to more flows coexist, the cwnd of each flow becomes investigate the optimal cwnd for TCP-DCA, we smaller since they compete for the bandwidth, thus do not pursue it because our ultimate goal to design the benefit of delayed ack reduces because more TCP-DCA without cwnd limit. Moreover, this acks are generated. If the cwnd is below the cwnd property makes TCP-DCA distinct since selecting limit in TCP-DCA-CWL, they have similar perfor- an optimal cwnd is non-trivial, which needs to know mance. The performance of TCP-STD-DA is better a lot of underlying information to accomplish. For than original TCP, but worse than TCP-DCA and example, it requires the knowledge of transmis- TCP-DAA. TCP-DCA and TCP-DCA-CWL pro- sion/interference ratio [14] at the physical layer vides better performance than other TCP variants. which is usually hard to obtain. It could also poten- Overall, TCP-DCA achieves best performance, up tially limit the application of TCP in a variety of to 15% improvement over TCP-DAA, and 25% over wireless networks, such as that TCP with cwnd limit TCP-STD-DA respectively. Fig. 8b–c show the per- in wired and wireless scenario does not perform well formance of TCP-DCA on a 5 and 7 hop path. The (will be shown in Section 5.4). Taking this into same trend persists and TCP-DCA outperforms all account, we do not choose cwnd limit in TCP- other algorithms in most situations. DCA and thus in the following experiments, only Note that the cwnd limit on TCP-DCA does not TCP-DCA (no cwnd limit) is adopted. bring considerable benefit. For a short path in Fig. 8a, the cwnd limit could considerably restrict 5.2. Mobile ad hoc network the TCP performance as the number of flows is small. For a long path in Fig. 8b–c, the cwnd limit We have demonstrated that applying delayed ack only provides slightly more performance gain for 2 scheme improves TCP performance in a static net- flows, and this advantage disappears for more flows. work, now we show that it can improve TCP perfor- From Fig. 8, the performance of TCP-DCA without mance in a mobile network as well. Though our cwnd limit is better than that of TCP-DCA-CWL in delayed ack scheme is not specifically designed for most situations. It indicates that TCP-DCA can the TCP in mobile network, we show that our achieve the distinguished performance without set- scheme works well in mobile scenarios. ting cwnd limit. In Fig. 10, we show the performance of the origi- We also give results for the grid topology. This nal TCP, TCP-STD-DA, TCP-DAA and TCP- grid topology is shown in Fig. 9a and 6 flows run- DCA running over three routing schemes: GPSR, ning on the grid. Fig. 9b compares the performance AODV and DSR. The experiment consists of 40 of original TCP, TCP-STD-DA, TCP-DAA, TCP- nodes randomly moving within a 1000 m · 1000 m DCA-CWL and TCP-DCA, and we observe the area. Each node moves with the same speed without similar results as before. TCP-DCA, TCP-DCA- pause. The Random Waypoint mobility model [18]
  • 12. J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 1109 550 TCP-DCA Flow 4 Flow 5 Flow 6 TCP-DCA-CWL TCP-DAA TCP TCP-STD-DA Flow 1 Aggregate Throughput (Kbps) 500 Flow 2 450 400 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Flow 3 Number of Flows (a) 3 Hop Path (a) Grid Topology 300 TCP-DCA TCP-DCA-CWL TCP-DAA 290 TCP TCP- TCP-STD-DA DCA Aggregate Throughput (Kbps) 280 TCP- 270 DCA- CWL 260 TCP- 250 DAA TCP- 240 STD- DA 230 TCP 220 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of Flows 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 (b) 5 Hop Path Aggregate Throughput (Kbps) 280 (b) Aggregate Throughput for TCP variants over TCP-DCA TCP-DCA-CWL Grid Topology TCP-DAA TCP 260 TCP-STD-DA Fig. 9. Performance comparison on grid topology. (a) Grid topology. (b) Aggregate throughput for TCP variants over grid Aggregate Throughput (Kbps) 240 topology. 220 but with different randomly generated mobility traces. We run the set of experiments with 40 differ- 200 ent mobility traces and plot the 95% confidence interval as error bars on the figures. 180 We illustrate results on speed 10 m/s and 20 m/s in Fig. 10 with one TCP flow, for other speeds and 160 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 multiple flows, the results are similar. From Fig. 10 Number of Flows we observe that the delayed cumulative ack contrib- (c) 7 Hop Path utes to the performance gain compared with other Fig. 8. Aggregate throughput for TCP variants over chain TCP variants. TCP-DCA produces at least 10% per- topology. (a) 3 hop path. (b) 5 hop path. (c) 7 hop path. formance gain over other TCP variants regardless of routing protocols and mobility speed, especially more gain for TCP over DSR. TCP-STD-DA is is used. All results displayed are calculated as the unsurprisingly consistently better than the original average of 40 runs with the same traffic pattern, TCP without delayed ack. However, TCP-DAA
  • 13. 1110 J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 900 800 TCP-DCA TCP-DCA TCP TCP 800 TCP-STD-DA 700 TCP-STD-DA TCP-DAA TCP-DAA TCP-DCA-ACK-LOSS TCP-DCA-ACK-LOSS 700 600 Throughput (Kbps) Throughput (Kbps) 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 GPSR AODV DSR GPSR AODV DSR (a) 10 m/s (b) 20 m/s Fig. 10. TCP performance over mobile network. (a) 10 m/s. (b) 20 m/s. does not show consistent improvement across differ- acks are generated and more timeouts are likely to ent routing protocols. It performs similarly as TCP- happen. Fig. 11 illustrates the idle time of TCP dur- STD-DA over GPSR, but does not show better ing the whole simulation time (400 s) for different performance than TCP (with or without standard TCP variants and routing schemes. As expected, delayed option) over DSR. TCP-DCA (considering ack loss) has least idle time In TCP-DCA, the receiver would probe the sen- over each routing scheme, which helps TCP-DCA der by retransmitting acks in the event of high maintain better throughput in a mobile network. packet loss (see Section 4.2). It prevents the sender Note that TCP-DCA-ACK-LOSS has similar idle from entering long timeout due to the severe packet time with other TCP variants, which confirms that loss event. In Fig. 10, we also show the result of retransmission scheme is effective in improving TCP-DCA without ack retransmission (TCP- TCP performance in mobile networks. DCA-ACK-LOSS) to confirm the effectiveness of ack retransmission. When packet loss is severe 5.3. Lossy network (e.g. TCP over DSR), ack retransmission consider- ably boosts the TCP-DCA’s performance. On the In wireless networks, the wireless link in fact other hand, the ack retransmission does not help could become unreliable and error-prone. After much when packet loss is not severe (e.g. TCP over studying the performance of TCP-DCA under GPSR). Therefore, TCP-DCA only incurs more ack packet losses in mobile networks, we investigate its retransmission overhead when needed, and works performance under lossy wireless link. BER (bit well with packet losses in mobile networks. error rate) is used as the loss metrics at the wireless Comparing with static ad hoc networks in Sec- link and the error is assumed to be uniformly dis- tion 5.1, mobility poses more challenges for TCP. tributed and independent on each link. It is worth In a mobile network, the loss of packets (or acks) pointing out that when a packet is received with may be caused by temporary route loss as well as bit error, the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer helps in network congestion. Higher mobility causes more recovering packet loss by retransmissions until a route loss and thus more packet losses. Since routes maximum retransmission limit is reached [19] or are likely to be lost frequently in high node mobility retransmission is successful. Therefore, when BER environments, and different routing algorithms have is low, the MAC retransmission scheme can easily different capability to repair broken routes quickly, recover the packet and would not cause much prob- thus different TCP performance is observed over lem for TCP. While the BER is high, the heavy different routing schemes. Moreover, The frequent packet loss would knock down TCP performance. route breakages could put TCP into long idle state Fig. 12 illustrates a scenario where a single flow leading to poor TCP performance, especially for goes through 5 hop chain path under varying TCP with untraditional delayed ack where fewer BER from very low BER to high BER. Each bar
  • 14. J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 1111 350 TCP-DCA 350 TCP-DCA TCP TCP TCP-STD-DA TCP-STD-DA 300 TCP-DAA 300 TCP-DAA TCP-DCA-ACK-LOSS TCP-DCA-ACK-LOSS 250 250 Idle Time (second) Idle Time (second) 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 GPSR AODV DSR GPSR AODV DSR (a) 10 m/s (b) 20 m/s Fig. 11. TCP idle time. (a) 10 m/s. (b) 20 m/s. 300 TCP-DCA account the acknowledged data covered in the acks. TCP TCP-STD-DA Using delayed ack could potentially cause slow TCP-DAA 250 cwnd increase and thus hurt TCP performance. Therefore, the pure adaptive delay window based on the hop count appears not adequate for this sce- Throughput(Kbps) 200 nario. For example, in WLAN where 1 hop wireless 150 client can delay the cumulative ack for the whole cwnd, the cwnd at the sender could increase slowly, 100 particularly if a large propagation delay is encoun- tered in the wired part. Although slow increase for 50 cwnd is helpful for improving TCP performance in ad hoc networks as shown in our previous results, 0 it is not desirable for the hybrid network. In 2e-6 6e-6 2e-5 6e-5 Bit Error Rate RFC3465 [20] Allman proposed to increase the cwnd based on the number of bytes acknowledged Fig. 12. TCP performance under random loss. by the arriving acks rather than based on the num- ber of acknowledgments that arrive at the sender in is an averaged result of 20 random runs. Overall, the RFC2581 [1]. However, this approach potentially performance of TCP-DCA is no worse than other causes large bursts if the delay window is large. variants, and quite robust to wireless loss. TCP- An appropriate delay window limit needs to be DAA also works very well unless the loss is too investigated in this scenario. heavy. With the increasing loss rate, all TCP vari- Another challenge of the hybrid network is that ants gracefully reduce their performance and the the hop count information from the packet header variance of results increase. is no longer accurate for the wireless hops since it includes the wired path. It is possible for a wireless 5.4. Hybrid (wired and wireless) network node to get hop count from the routing table to the base station (or gateway) to the wired network, In this section we study TCP-DCA in the wired however, this information is not guaranteed to be and wireless ad hoc environment. Since wired net- available all the time. work has abundant bandwidth, it demands a much To address the problems in hybrid networks, we larger cwnd than the pure ad hoc network for effec- tailor and propose a novel receiver-side probe mech- tive TCP performance. In current TCP implementa- anism based on CapProbe in [21], and extend the tion, TCP sender increases the cwnd only based on previous hop-count based approach via the recei- the number of acks received while not taking into ver-side probe in hybrid networks.
  • 15. 1112 J. Chen et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 6 (2008) 1098–1116 The receiver-side probe works as follows: First Table 3 the receiver passively estimate the wireless band- IEEE 802.11b MAC overhead (with long preamble), L is packet size, R is capacity width and minimum RTT. Second it computes the equivalent hop count based on the minimum RTT Data frame 192 ls + 8L/R and wireless bandwidth, then the previous hop SIFS 10 ls count approach can be applied afterwards. DIFS 50 ls RTS 192 ls + 160/R Now we address the problem to estimate the end- CTS 192 ls + 112/R to-end hybrid path bandwidth at the TCP receiver. ACK 192 ls + 112/R CapProbe [21] is a recently proposed bottleneck capacity and path rate estimation technique shown to be both fast and accurate. It combines the use Table 4 of time interval measurements and end-to-end delay Delay window at TCP-DCA receiver (delay-based, wireless measurements to filter out bad packet pair probing bandwidth is at 2 Mbps and TCP data packet size is 1000 bytes) samples. It is proved to be suitable for wired and Minimum RTT (ms) Delay window limit last-hop wireless networks. Inspired by CapProbe, RTTmin < 18 Congestion window we proposed a new approach at the TCP-DCA 18 6 RTTmin 6 60 5 receiver without triggering any probing traffic. The RTTmin > 60 3 idea is that after the receiver sends a cumulative ack, the sender would send a burst of packets. The burst of packets can just serve as the packet pair probing. Since the receiver knows the sequence number of the first burst packets, it can identify the packet pair and estimate the bandwidth when Internet BS 1 2 packet pair arrives. Our approach is based on the CapProbe, but it is different with CapProbe. First Fig. 13. Hybrid wired/wireless topology. our approach is imbed at the TCP receiver without any additional probing traffic. Moreover, our approach is a one-way (instead of round-trip in CapProbe) estimation technique, and it is expected 1500 TCP-DCA TCP to work for wired, hybrid and purely wireless TCP-STD-DA TCP-DAA networks. The other challenge is to estimate the minimum Throughput (Kbps) 1000 RTT at the receiver, but this have been solved as described in Section 4.2. After the wireless bandwidth and minimum RTT is obtained, the receiver derives the equivalent hop count by considering the TCP 500 data and ack packet sizes. For example, with wireless bandwidth of 2 Mbps, data packet size of 1000 bytes and ack size of 40 bytes, the minimum RTT for a 1 wireless hop path is about 6 ms considering various 0 overhead, such as header overhead at TCP (20 bytes), 1 hop 2 hop IP (20 bytes) and MAC (34 bytes) and MAC layer Wireless Hop Count fixed overhead shown in Table 3 (for details, please Fig. 14. Wired and wireless performance. refer to [22]). In Table 4, we listed the delay window size in a wireless network with capacity 2Mbps. In Fig. 13, we show a TCP connection from a running with different random seeds. Similar to Sec- wired network to a wireless network with up to 2 tion 5.1, the variance of results is very small so we wireless hops. The one-way propagation delay on omit its error bar results. Since TCP-DAA limits the wired link is 50 ms. The performance of TCP- the cwnd, the performance of TCP-DAA is limited. DCA, TCP-DAA and the standard TCP (with and TCP-DCA provides best performance in both cases without standard delayed ack option) shown in of 1 and 2 hop paths. Therefore, TCP-DCA is Fig. 14, represents averaged result of 10 simulation extensible to hybrid networks instead of working