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Task 5
By Ellie Hawkins
Different genres
Here are some genres I have found categorized in the iTunes charts. With these being
here it suggests to me that these genres are popular and therefore should be taken into
consideration when chosen my genre

and workout




R and B


As I have now found different genres that I could possibly focus on I am now going to be
reaching into some of the genre most some of their histories in order to find out what
genre is most appealing to me.
Rock/Rock n’ Roll genre
Originated in the 1940s and
50s, growing from various
other American music forms,
including blues, country and

It introduced a new
culture that
included fashion
trends, new forms
of slang and new

Instruments added to rock
music are usually the guitar,
drums and bass . There are
also keyboard instruments
including the organ, the piano
or other synthesizers

The rock n‟ roll began
to develop around
manifestations against
the war. This kind of
music was used to ask
peace and so that it
didn‟t follow a third
world war

The term "rock and roll" was
applied to music for the
first time in 1951 by

Rock and Roll has
continued, seeing the
rise of arena rock and
punk rock in the 70s,
plus heavy metal in
the 80s and grunge
and pop-punk in the
Hip- Hop/Rap Genre
Elements like
deejaying, graffiti, and
breakdancing are constantly
being merged with others
like clothing
trends, slang, and general
mindset. Creating not only a
type of music genre but a
music culture
Hip-hop is believed to have
originated by a Jamaican DJ
named Kool Herc. His style
of deejaying involved
rhymes over instrumentals
in which he would rap with
a microphone. Herc and
other party DJs helped
spread the message of hiphop around town, creating
lots of followers in the
Some of the earliest
rap songs ever was
recorded by "King Tim
III (Personality Jock)"
by Fatback Band and
"Rapper‟s Delight" by
the Sugarhill Gang.

Hip-hop is a form of music
that's comprised mainly of
deejaying .

Rap Vs. Hip-Hop


Rap is a form of music that came
from the hip-hop culture. Hip hop
can be seen as more of a lifestyle
with its dress code however In the
words of KRS-One, "hip-hop is
something you live, rap is
something you do."

Hip-hop is still forever
growing and evolving. It
has become more
popular and eclectic,
integrating soul, jazz and
live instrumentations due
to the likes of Kanye
West championing the
„soulful rap‟.
POP Genre
The definition of pop
music has changed
over time being more
purposefully flexible
as the music that is
constantly changing.
Pop music is
"popular" or tuneful
music and sometimes
contrasted with rock,
soul, or other forms
of popular music.

Since the mid-1950's pop music has
had a wide accessible audience. This
means the music that sells the most
copies, draws the largest concert
audiences, and is played most often
on the radio. Since 1955 the music
that appeals to the widest audience,
or pop music, has been dominated
by sounds that are still rooted in
basic elements of rock 'n roll.

pop music has been and
continues to be a melting
pot that borrows elements
and ideas from a wide range
of musical styles. Rock, r&b,
country, disco, punk etc.
Most recently, Latin music
seems to be impacting pop
music more significantly
than at any point in the past.

Although pop music continues to be a
melting pot of styles, there is a genre of
pop music that claims to be pop music in
its purest form. This music, usually called
pure pop or power pop, typically consists
songs played on the standard electric
guitar, bass and drums with vocals that
have a very strong catchy chorus.
Country genre
Jimmie Rodgers was known as the
"Father of Country Music," due to
his great success of being the first
country singer to get a million
sales for one of his songs.
between 1927 and 1933, he was
established the first preeminent
voice in country music and was
also inducted into the Country
Music Hall of Fame in 1960 after
his death

The Carter Family was country
music‟s first famous vocal. It
considered of only family
members and in the late „20s
after the release of their first
collection of songs where
known as the country stars

Country music is a
mixture of ballads and
dance tunes played
characteristically on
fiddle, banjo, guitar, and
pedal steel guitar.


Country music is a
genre of American
popular music that
takes its roots from the
south-eastern genre of
American folk music
The origins of country music can be found
in the late 1910s however it wasn‟t until
the early „20s that country music was
recorded and become a music genre. The
most historians point in country music was
in 1927, the year Victor Records signed
Jimmie Rodgers and The Carter Family
becoming the true moment country music
was born.
Target Audience

I have chosen to focus on the pop genre for my music
magazine. From by brief research i have found out that the
majority of young girls ages 12-16 listen to pop music and
also that pop is the most listened to type of music on the
radio and on iTunes. As i have now chosen my genre i am
going to be going onto the next step in my research. I will
be analysing different articles from fellow pop magazines
to give me an idea in what my audience likes, I will be
creating my magazine name and font whilst also producing
a recording of my audiences feedback into the chooses I
have made.
Ideas for POP Articles
I have looked though different pop music magazines and found that the follows
articles where most popular. By doing this it will help me understand the
topic my audience enjoy allowing me to produce a magazine which is
appealing to my audience.

Recent Charts Hits- top selling singles for iTunes


The top 10 charts


Recent fashion for that mouth/season


Upcoming gigs


Hottest artist


How to get the perfect date


Interviews with popular artist


Make up tips

I am now going to be analysing some articles e.g. question and answer
interviews to help me understand what i like and why for when it comes
to creating my magazine.
Article Analysis
I am now going to be analysing an article from “we love pop” to help when designing my music magazine.

The style of the interview is question and answer. This makes it easier for the audience to follow unlike a free
flowing article which would require the audience to make a distinction between what is description and what is
responses from the star.


can see that they have used the colour system of blue and pink in the article. The colour pink has been used in
the highlighted sections of the interviewee response and the colour blue has been used for the interviewers
questions. Stereotypically the colour pink is a females colour therefore by Jenna's responses being pink it makes
the audience feel more lovingly towards her , making them want to continue reading about her life. The colour
blue is stereotypically a males colour this reflects the content of the article focusing on the topic of doctor who
which has a male targeted audience. It is uncommon for a pop magazine to talk about topics which are male
dominated as their target audience are usually young girls however the article also talks about boys which would
attract the audience. As my target audience are girls they would be interested in hearing about other peoples
relationships like this article does. The question reads “ Can you talk about your boyfriend, Richard? He played
Rob Stark in Game Of Thrones, our other fave fantasy show...” by using the word “our” it makes the audience feel
although they are part of the magazine, making them feel valued and therefore interested in the magazine.


They have used a Medium close up of the actress Jenna Coleman in the top right hand corner of the article.. By
doing this the audience gets to see the glamour appearance of the actress, suggesting to them that the content of
the article will be female related and therefore making it link to the audience. There is also another picture to
the bottom right which is of the actress and the person who plays doctor who. By using multiple images it attracts
the audience as stereotypically the audience can be lazy and sluggish when it comes it reading lots of information,
therefore by doing this it gives the audience variety, making them more inclined to read the magazine


I can also see that the layout of the magazine is divided into four sections which makes it easier for the
audience to read whilst also making it look organised and professional. By doing this it requires little effort from
the audience to follow the article ,making them attracted to the magazine due to them stereotypically being lazy.


I can also see that a quote from the actress has been sectioned off away from the main body of text. This quote
is directly from the star, making it seem as though she is saying it personally to the audience, creating a strong
relationship between the audience and the magazine.


Some parts of the responses from the interviewee have been highlighted which makes it easier for the audience
to distinguish the key parts of the article. This allows the audience to get the important parts of the interviewee
responses without them having to read the whole article. If this wasn't highlighted this could potentially bore the
audience making them uninterested in reading the whole content.
Article Analysis


Here I have labelled what I have talked about on the previous
slide to make it clearly what I have indicated
Article Analysis

Straight away from the title I can see that it links to music due to it focusing on the bands number 1 song . The title of
the article is also attractive due to it being in capital letters, which makes it standout and eye catching to the


I can see that the colour system used is red and green. This is appropriate for the time of year as these colours have
conations of Christmas, making the magazine seen festive and therefore attracting the audience. This is because my
target audience will be 12-16 years old, an age at which it is common to be excited about Christmas ,therefore by the
artier using these colours it will make the audience feel wound up and cheery thus making them want to read the festive


The layout of the article has adopted the rule of thirds making it seem organised, professional and also making it eerier
for the audience to read. This creates a contrast between formally ( the layout) and informality (the bright colours used)
showing that the magazine knows it audience by making its article attractive in presentation and also style . By using
the rule of thirds it makes it eerier, allowing the audience to casually follow the text without having to distinguish what
is description and what is the interviewee response, making it appealing to the audience.


This is a very small article, serving for small reading. My audience would like this as stereotypically they become bored
easy , lacking attention if they have to read a long amount of text. Therefore by doing the magazine doing this the
audience can enjoy the article without it becoming to longitudinal whilst also getting gossipy information what they


They have chosen to highlight some of the interviewee responses in yellow. This will automatically attract the audience
eyes, allowing them to get the key and most important parts of the interviewee responses without having to read though
the whole text. The colour yellow would attract the audiences due to it having conations of happiness, make my
audience happy whilst reading.


Throughout the article informal language has been used in question in and in the interviewee responses. This would
attract my audience due to them stereotypically using informal language themselves when communication. Therefore
by the magazine doing this it will make the magazine appear more friendly and inviting, making the audience feel as
though they are talking to a fellow mate.


The main image is of the pop band The Wanted. This would attract the audience due to the band being linked to the
pop culture which is primary female based. The image seem quite comical, with all members having Santa hats on. This
makes the article seem unserious but fun, something that my target audience would be attracted to.


However I can see a problem with this article. The scene has not been set, meaning it lacks detail and setting. This could
potentially confuse the audience, making them wonder what the article is really about.
Article Analysis



Main Image

Rule of


Here like I did
before I have
indicated out
what I have
talked about in
the analysis of
the article
When looking throughout different teen pop music
magazines I noticed that there wasn't any free flowing
articles. Most where question and answer articles with
other text only being information about what different
celebrities where doing. Therefore here I have chosen
to analysis part of the magazine known as the “review
round” which is found in all “we love pop” magazines
to help me understand the type of information found in
a pop music magazine, similar to an article would .

This double page spread is called the “review round “which suggests to me that it will be focusing on stars success
and how well they are doing at the moment. This would attract the audience due to them being interested in
gossipy type information and also because it is about famous stars, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in
the celebrity life style.


I have noticed that not all the text is about music artists. However this would be expected of a pop music magazine
due to its audience commonly being interests in all types of celebrity news not just music related. Also by doing this
it gives the audience variety into what they are reading, keeping them hooked on the magazine.


I can see that the colour system used is pink and yellow. These two colours seem to be continuously used
throughout the magazine suggesting to me that this is the house style. The colour yellow has connotations of
happiness and excitement ,thus making the audience feel this way when reading. The colour pink is stereotypically
a female colour, this links in with the audience being female, making them attracted to the magazine


I can see that all the individual paragraphs have been given a title . By doing this it allows the reader to earlier
figure out what they are reading and also potentially helping them to find their desired article fast and


Multiply images have been used which is attractive to the audience. Commonly younger people find images more
visually exciting than text which can appear a little boring and longitudinal. This maybe the reason for the
magazine not having a free flowing article as this could potentially bore the audience with the large amount of text.
However images could have also been used to allow the audience feel more connected to the text in order to make
the enjoy reading better


The double page spread looks very busy with lots of image and text. However this would attract the audience by
suggesting that the magazine is detailed when finding/ producing information about celebrities to the
audience .This would allow the audience to get a wide range of gossipy type information whilst also making the text
seen thrilling and fun, elements of which are associated with this young audience.


I can see to the far right that a very small question and answer styled interview has taken place with the pop band
Union J. Union J are a very popular pop music band, attracting the audience with their poppy music and also with
their good looks. Because of this the audience would be attracted to the article, making the want to read the
surrounding text.


The title of the article is “Pokémon”, this is a game and also a TV series which was played mostly in 2005 .
Stereotypically Pokémon has a target audience of male, making it a surprising article due to it being a girls pop
magazine. As many young girls will not be aware of this game they would be attracted to the article. This is added
due to Union J promoting it, automatically making the audience want to read about it
Analysis of Reviews Page

not just




images and

Here like I did
before I have
indicated out
what I have
talked about in
the analysis of
the article
Mind Map of Names for my Music

I like this one because
of the play on words of
popping being like
topping. As it saying pop
it tells the audience the
genre of music and I also
like the fact it says hits
which suggests that all
the content in the
magazine will be current
and popular.

I like the fact that it
is simplistic and
straight to the point.
The audience would
be able to clearly
indentify what type
of genre it is,
encouraging them to
buy the magazine

I like this as it is a
combination of what my
audience loves pop music
and gossip. It is unique
and stylish which would
attract my audience by
also being relevant to
what attracts the


I like this as it has an
excitable and fun
character to it. Poppers
are used at times of
celebration eliciting the
I would expect this to be eye catching
idea that my magazine is
and dramatic thanks to the exclamation also something to be
point used . I also like it as it suggests
excited about. It is also
music as you “listen” eliciting the idea effective as it suggests the
of the magazine being focus and fixated genre of pop from the
on the music the audience likes.
word “ popping”
Name for my POP Music Magazine
I then when around and asked 12-16 year old girls which magazine name they preferred, to make
sure it was appealing to my audience. I recorded their responses and then placed it into a graph
to see what was the most popular

Therefore from my questionnaire and my own personal opinion I have chosen GOSSPOP
to be my magazines name. I have chosen this because it was the most popular with
my audience and also because I think it embody the personality of my target
audience of loving pop music and gossipy very well.
Design/Fonts for GOSSPOP
When choosing my font type I though it was important to consist existing pop magazines font styles in order to
capture the right market/ cliental.
I can see here that the font type is curved and sans serif.
I think they have used this to connote softness and
gentleness which are stereotype female characteristics
therefore embodying their target audience. as a result of
this I will be findings fonts that are curved and sans serif
to represent my young female target audience.

I quite like this due to the girly appearance created by
the follower accents and also because of the uniqueness
it has. I prefer the one in bond as this would make it
standout to the audience whilst also making it look
feminine with its curved font. I also tried different
alternatives regarding what letters should be in capitals.
I decided to only have the whole word of pop in capitals
as I wanted to make it clear to my audience what genre
my magazine is. However I do think this font could be a
little bit too girly for my teenage audience, making me
seek other ideas.

I really like this font because of its thick
ad bond font which could make it
extremely eye catching to the audience.
the shiny effect of the font makes me
think of ice cream and summer which
have connation's of happiness and
delight, the attitude I would like my
audience to have when reading me
magazine. The only thing I would
change would be to have a more
exciting colour.

I first glace I thought this font would be
a good idea. I feel it would be
appropriate for my audience due to it
looking like something you would write
down in school and also because it looks
stylish and fresh. I decided to add an
exclamation point to make it seem more
dramatic however due to my changing
attitude towards this font it didn‟t give
the desired effect I wanted. Also as it
has connation's of school this might put
the audience off as by picking up a
magazine you would be looking for an
escape from education, wanting fun and
gossip you excite you. Therefore I will
not be using this font for my music

I really like this font. It standout due to it all being in
bond and also has a slightly older appearance which would
attract my teenage audience. I also like the fact it has
some white areas in it because this will allow me to edit
the colouring, making it more appropriate for my
audience. I have decided to use this font as I believe it
would attract my audience the most and also because
of the feedback I have gotten from fellow friends who
view this as the best font. However I did notice that
the G looks more like a C so when it comes to editing I
will make sure the G stands out.

In order to make sure that the font i choose was attractive to my audience I decided to
collect a tally asking 8 people aged between 12-16 year old girls which font they

As font 1 got the most tally's I have decided to use this for my masthead. I believe
from the results that this would attract my audience the most due to them choosing
this font as their favourite. However I was asked during this whether I had made a
spelling mistake due to the font making the G in gosspop look more like a C. My
target audience still agreed I should use this font however I will be editing this in
order to make the G look more pronounced on either Photoshop or paint later on .

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Task 5

  • 1. Task 5 By Ellie Hawkins
  • 2. Different genres Here are some genres I have found categorized in the iTunes charts. With these being here it suggests to me that these genres are popular and therefore should be taken into consideration when chosen my genre Fitness and workout Alterative Blues Children‟s Classical Country Dance music • • • • • • • • Hip-hop/Rap Jazz Metal Pop R and B Reggae Rock Singer/Songwriter Electronic As I have now found different genres that I could possibly focus on I am now going to be reaching into some of the genre most some of their histories in order to find out what genre is most appealing to me.
  • 3. Rock/Rock n’ Roll genre Originated in the 1940s and 50s, growing from various other American music forms, including blues, country and jazz. It introduced a new culture that included fashion trends, new forms of slang and new lifestyles. Rock Instruments added to rock music are usually the guitar, drums and bass . There are also keyboard instruments including the organ, the piano or other synthesizers The rock n‟ roll began to develop around manifestations against the war. This kind of music was used to ask peace and so that it didn‟t follow a third world war The term "rock and roll" was applied to music for the first time in 1951 by Cleveland Rock and Roll has continued, seeing the rise of arena rock and punk rock in the 70s, plus heavy metal in the 80s and grunge and pop-punk in the 90s.
  • 4. Hip- Hop/Rap Genre Elements like deejaying, graffiti, and breakdancing are constantly being merged with others like clothing trends, slang, and general mindset. Creating not only a type of music genre but a music culture Hip-hop is believed to have originated by a Jamaican DJ named Kool Herc. His style of deejaying involved rhymes over instrumentals in which he would rap with a microphone. Herc and other party DJs helped spread the message of hiphop around town, creating lots of followers in the process. Some of the earliest rap songs ever was recorded by "King Tim III (Personality Jock)" by Fatback Band and "Rapper‟s Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang. Hip-hop is a form of music that's comprised mainly of deejaying . Rap Vs. Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Rap is a form of music that came from the hip-hop culture. Hip hop can be seen as more of a lifestyle with its dress code however In the words of KRS-One, "hip-hop is something you live, rap is something you do." Hip-hop is still forever growing and evolving. It has become more popular and eclectic, integrating soul, jazz and live instrumentations due to the likes of Kanye West championing the „soulful rap‟.
  • 5. POP Genre The definition of pop music has changed over time being more purposefully flexible as the music that is constantly changing. Pop music is "popular" or tuneful music and sometimes contrasted with rock, soul, or other forms of popular music. Since the mid-1950's pop music has had a wide accessible audience. This means the music that sells the most copies, draws the largest concert audiences, and is played most often on the radio. Since 1955 the music that appeals to the widest audience, or pop music, has been dominated by sounds that are still rooted in basic elements of rock 'n roll. Pop pop music has been and continues to be a melting pot that borrows elements and ideas from a wide range of musical styles. Rock, r&b, country, disco, punk etc. Most recently, Latin music seems to be impacting pop music more significantly than at any point in the past. Although pop music continues to be a melting pot of styles, there is a genre of pop music that claims to be pop music in its purest form. This music, usually called pure pop or power pop, typically consists songs played on the standard electric guitar, bass and drums with vocals that have a very strong catchy chorus.
  • 6. Country genre Jimmie Rodgers was known as the "Father of Country Music," due to his great success of being the first country singer to get a million sales for one of his songs. between 1927 and 1933, he was established the first preeminent voice in country music and was also inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1960 after his death The Carter Family was country music‟s first famous vocal. It considered of only family members and in the late „20s after the release of their first collection of songs where known as the country stars Country music is a mixture of ballads and dance tunes played characteristically on fiddle, banjo, guitar, and pedal steel guitar. Country Country music is a genre of American popular music that takes its roots from the south-eastern genre of American folk music The origins of country music can be found in the late 1910s however it wasn‟t until the early „20s that country music was recorded and become a music genre. The most historians point in country music was in 1927, the year Victor Records signed Jimmie Rodgers and The Carter Family becoming the true moment country music was born.
  • 7. Target Audience  I have chosen to focus on the pop genre for my music magazine. From by brief research i have found out that the majority of young girls ages 12-16 listen to pop music and also that pop is the most listened to type of music on the radio and on iTunes. As i have now chosen my genre i am going to be going onto the next step in my research. I will be analysing different articles from fellow pop magazines to give me an idea in what my audience likes, I will be creating my magazine name and font whilst also producing a recording of my audiences feedback into the chooses I have made.
  • 8. Ideas for POP Articles I have looked though different pop music magazines and found that the follows articles where most popular. By doing this it will help me understand the topic my audience enjoy allowing me to produce a magazine which is appealing to my audience.  Recent Charts Hits- top selling singles for iTunes  The top 10 charts  Recent fashion for that mouth/season  Upcoming gigs  Hottest artist  How to get the perfect date  Interviews with popular artist  Make up tips I am now going to be analysing some articles e.g. question and answer interviews to help me understand what i like and why for when it comes to creating my magazine.
  • 9. Article Analysis I am now going to be analysing an article from “we love pop” to help when designing my music magazine.  The style of the interview is question and answer. This makes it easier for the audience to follow unlike a free flowing article which would require the audience to make a distinction between what is description and what is responses from the star.  can see that they have used the colour system of blue and pink in the article. The colour pink has been used in the highlighted sections of the interviewee response and the colour blue has been used for the interviewers questions. Stereotypically the colour pink is a females colour therefore by Jenna's responses being pink it makes the audience feel more lovingly towards her , making them want to continue reading about her life. The colour blue is stereotypically a males colour this reflects the content of the article focusing on the topic of doctor who which has a male targeted audience. It is uncommon for a pop magazine to talk about topics which are male dominated as their target audience are usually young girls however the article also talks about boys which would attract the audience. As my target audience are girls they would be interested in hearing about other peoples relationships like this article does. The question reads “ Can you talk about your boyfriend, Richard? He played Rob Stark in Game Of Thrones, our other fave fantasy show...” by using the word “our” it makes the audience feel although they are part of the magazine, making them feel valued and therefore interested in the magazine.  They have used a Medium close up of the actress Jenna Coleman in the top right hand corner of the article.. By doing this the audience gets to see the glamour appearance of the actress, suggesting to them that the content of the article will be female related and therefore making it link to the audience. There is also another picture to the bottom right which is of the actress and the person who plays doctor who. By using multiple images it attracts the audience as stereotypically the audience can be lazy and sluggish when it comes it reading lots of information, therefore by doing this it gives the audience variety, making them more inclined to read the magazine  I can also see that the layout of the magazine is divided into four sections which makes it easier for the audience to read whilst also making it look organised and professional. By doing this it requires little effort from the audience to follow the article ,making them attracted to the magazine due to them stereotypically being lazy.  I can also see that a quote from the actress has been sectioned off away from the main body of text. This quote is directly from the star, making it seem as though she is saying it personally to the audience, creating a strong relationship between the audience and the magazine.  Some parts of the responses from the interviewee have been highlighted which makes it easier for the audience to distinguish the key parts of the article. This allows the audience to get the important parts of the interviewee responses without them having to read the whole article. If this wasn't highlighted this could potentially bore the audience making them uninterested in reading the whole content.
  • 10. Article Analysis Title Columns Main Image QUESTION AND ANSWER ARTICLE Highlighted Colour system Other image Here I have labelled what I have talked about on the previous slide to make it clearly what I have indicated
  • 11. Article Analysis Question and Answer “ CHRISTMAS IS MORE EXCITING THAN A NO.1  Straight away from the title I can see that it links to music due to it focusing on the bands number 1 song . The title of the article is also attractive due to it being in capital letters, which makes it standout and eye catching to the audience.  I can see that the colour system used is red and green. This is appropriate for the time of year as these colours have conations of Christmas, making the magazine seen festive and therefore attracting the audience. This is because my target audience will be 12-16 years old, an age at which it is common to be excited about Christmas ,therefore by the artier using these colours it will make the audience feel wound up and cheery thus making them want to read the festive article.  The layout of the article has adopted the rule of thirds making it seem organised, professional and also making it eerier for the audience to read. This creates a contrast between formally ( the layout) and informality (the bright colours used) showing that the magazine knows it audience by making its article attractive in presentation and also style . By using the rule of thirds it makes it eerier, allowing the audience to casually follow the text without having to distinguish what is description and what is the interviewee response, making it appealing to the audience.  This is a very small article, serving for small reading. My audience would like this as stereotypically they become bored easy , lacking attention if they have to read a long amount of text. Therefore by doing the magazine doing this the audience can enjoy the article without it becoming to longitudinal whilst also getting gossipy information what they crave.  They have chosen to highlight some of the interviewee responses in yellow. This will automatically attract the audience eyes, allowing them to get the key and most important parts of the interviewee responses without having to read though the whole text. The colour yellow would attract the audiences due to it having conations of happiness, make my audience happy whilst reading.  Throughout the article informal language has been used in question in and in the interviewee responses. This would attract my audience due to them stereotypically using informal language themselves when communication. Therefore by the magazine doing this it will make the magazine appear more friendly and inviting, making the audience feel as though they are talking to a fellow mate.  The main image is of the pop band The Wanted. This would attract the audience due to the band being linked to the pop culture which is primary female based. The image seem quite comical, with all members having Santa hats on. This makes the article seem unserious but fun, something that my target audience would be attracted to.  However I can see a problem with this article. The scene has not been set, meaning it lacks detail and setting. This could potentially confuse the audience, making them wonder what the article is really about.
  • 12. Article Analysis Title QUESTION AND ANSWER ARTICLE Highlighted Colour system Main Image Rule of thirds Language Here like I did before I have indicated out what I have talked about in the analysis of the article
  • 13. Analysis When looking throughout different teen pop music magazines I noticed that there wasn't any free flowing articles. Most where question and answer articles with other text only being information about what different celebrities where doing. Therefore here I have chosen to analysis part of the magazine known as the “review round” which is found in all “we love pop” magazines to help me understand the type of information found in a pop music magazine, similar to an article would .
  • 14.  This double page spread is called the “review round “which suggests to me that it will be focusing on stars success and how well they are doing at the moment. This would attract the audience due to them being interested in gossipy type information and also because it is about famous stars, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the celebrity life style.  I have noticed that not all the text is about music artists. However this would be expected of a pop music magazine due to its audience commonly being interests in all types of celebrity news not just music related. Also by doing this it gives the audience variety into what they are reading, keeping them hooked on the magazine.  I can see that the colour system used is pink and yellow. These two colours seem to be continuously used throughout the magazine suggesting to me that this is the house style. The colour yellow has connotations of happiness and excitement ,thus making the audience feel this way when reading. The colour pink is stereotypically a female colour, this links in with the audience being female, making them attracted to the magazine  I can see that all the individual paragraphs have been given a title . By doing this it allows the reader to earlier figure out what they are reading and also potentially helping them to find their desired article fast and effectively.  Multiply images have been used which is attractive to the audience. Commonly younger people find images more visually exciting than text which can appear a little boring and longitudinal. This maybe the reason for the magazine not having a free flowing article as this could potentially bore the audience with the large amount of text. However images could have also been used to allow the audience feel more connected to the text in order to make the enjoy reading better  The double page spread looks very busy with lots of image and text. However this would attract the audience by suggesting that the magazine is detailed when finding/ producing information about celebrities to the audience .This would allow the audience to get a wide range of gossipy type information whilst also making the text seen thrilling and fun, elements of which are associated with this young audience.  I can see to the far right that a very small question and answer styled interview has taken place with the pop band Union J. Union J are a very popular pop music band, attracting the audience with their poppy music and also with their good looks. Because of this the audience would be attracted to the article, making the want to read the surrounding text.  The title of the article is “Pokémon”, this is a game and also a TV series which was played mostly in 2005 . Stereotypically Pokémon has a target audience of male, making it a surprising article due to it being a girls pop magazine. As many young girls will not be aware of this game they would be attracted to the article. This is added due to Union J promoting it, automatically making the audience want to read about it
  • 15. Analysis of Reviews Page Different celebrities not just music Main Image Colour system Pokémon article Colour system Multiple images and text Here like I did before I have indicated out what I have talked about in the analysis of the article
  • 16. Mind Map of Names for my Music POPPING HITS Magazine POP I like this one because of the play on words of popping being like topping. As it saying pop it tells the audience the genre of music and I also like the fact it says hits which suggests that all the content in the magazine will be current and popular. I like the fact that it is simplistic and straight to the point. The audience would be able to clearly indentify what type of genre it is, encouraging them to buy the magazine Names GOSSPOP I like this as it is a combination of what my audience loves pop music and gossip. It is unique and stylish which would attract my audience by also being relevant to what attracts the audience. THE POPPER I like this as it has an excitable and fun character to it. Poppers are used at times of LISTEN! celebration eliciting the I would expect this to be eye catching idea that my magazine is and dramatic thanks to the exclamation also something to be point used . I also like it as it suggests excited about. It is also music as you “listen” eliciting the idea effective as it suggests the of the magazine being focus and fixated genre of pop from the on the music the audience likes. word “ popping”
  • 17. Name for my POP Music Magazine I then when around and asked 12-16 year old girls which magazine name they preferred, to make sure it was appealing to my audience. I recorded their responses and then placed it into a graph to see what was the most popular Recording: Therefore from my questionnaire and my own personal opinion I have chosen GOSSPOP to be my magazines name. I have chosen this because it was the most popular with my audience and also because I think it embody the personality of my target audience of loving pop music and gossipy very well.
  • 18. Design/Fonts for GOSSPOP When choosing my font type I though it was important to consist existing pop magazines font styles in order to capture the right market/ cliental. I can see here that the font type is curved and sans serif. I think they have used this to connote softness and gentleness which are stereotype female characteristics therefore embodying their target audience. as a result of this I will be findings fonts that are curved and sans serif to represent my young female target audience. I quite like this due to the girly appearance created by the follower accents and also because of the uniqueness it has. I prefer the one in bond as this would make it standout to the audience whilst also making it look feminine with its curved font. I also tried different alternatives regarding what letters should be in capitals. I decided to only have the whole word of pop in capitals as I wanted to make it clear to my audience what genre my magazine is. However I do think this font could be a little bit too girly for my teenage audience, making me seek other ideas. I really like this font because of its thick ad bond font which could make it extremely eye catching to the audience. the shiny effect of the font makes me think of ice cream and summer which have connation's of happiness and delight, the attitude I would like my audience to have when reading me magazine. The only thing I would change would be to have a more exciting colour. I first glace I thought this font would be a good idea. I feel it would be appropriate for my audience due to it looking like something you would write down in school and also because it looks stylish and fresh. I decided to add an exclamation point to make it seem more dramatic however due to my changing attitude towards this font it didn‟t give the desired effect I wanted. Also as it has connation's of school this might put the audience off as by picking up a magazine you would be looking for an escape from education, wanting fun and gossip you excite you. Therefore I will not be using this font for my music magazine. I really like this font. It standout due to it all being in bond and also has a slightly older appearance which would attract my teenage audience. I also like the fact it has some white areas in it because this will allow me to edit the colouring, making it more appropriate for my audience. I have decided to use this font as I believe it would attract my audience the most and also because of the feedback I have gotten from fellow friends who view this as the best font. However I did notice that the G looks more like a C so when it comes to editing I will make sure the G stands out.
  • 19. Font In order to make sure that the font i choose was attractive to my audience I decided to collect a tally asking 8 people aged between 12-16 year old girls which font they preferred.  As font 1 got the most tally's I have decided to use this for my masthead. I believe from the results that this would attract my audience the most due to them choosing this font as their favourite. However I was asked during this whether I had made a spelling mistake due to the font making the G in gosspop look more like a C. My target audience still agreed I should use this font however I will be editing this in order to make the G look more pronounced on either Photoshop or paint later on .