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Wikipedia . (.). Pop Punk . Available: .
Last accessed 5th Feb 2018.
Tags- Pop punk, Rock, Music, California, Emo pop, Emo, Punk rock, Wikipedia,
guitars, loud, bands, Blink0 182.
I don’t think this article is very trustworthy. I think it will have a few facts
that are true but Wikipedia is a sight that you are able to trust as much as
anyone is able to edit the information.
Here an article is talking about how pop punk is a music genre that combines both punk
rock and pop music. It also then goes on to tell you about what the music generally is
like with its fast tempos and distorted electric guitars. After this it goes on telling you
how this genre came about in the mid 1970s with a music style that would be similar to
power pop. But the by the mid 1980s you had bands that came out with the genre
hardcore punk with pop music to create a new but faster pop punk sound. In the United
states pop punk started to grow more popularity especially in California more towards
the mid to late 1990s. It was only during this time that a few pop punk bands did start to
sell millions of records and also receive radio and television airplay. But by 1994 pop
punk started to grow more in the mainstream popularity. You then had the 2000s were
emo pop started to fusion more with pop punk and managed to receive commercial
success. But by the end of the 2000s the pop punk genre that started around the 1990s
had a large mainstream popularity.
“Pop punk (also known as punk-pop) is a music genre that fuses elements of punk rock
and pop music.”- Anon Wikipedia
“by the mid-1980s, several bands merged hardcore punk with pop music to create a
new, faster pop punk sound”- Anon Wikipedia
“By the mid-1990s, a few pop punk bands had started to sell millions of records and
receive extensive radio and television airplay.”- Anon Wikipedia
“By the end of the 2000s, the pop punk sound of the 1990s had largely waned in
mainstream popularity.”- Anon Wikipedia
Further Research
After reading this article I think some further research that I would be able to do is look
more at the history of the genre pop punk and see what bands did start off doing this
kind of music. But I think also it would be a good idea to look more into the popularity of
this music as I still know that its not as big as pop music. But it is a genre that is still
gaining popularity.
Wikipedia . (.). Pop Punk . Available: Last accessed 5th Feb 2018 .
Tags- Emo pop, Pop punk, Bands, MTV, Fueled by Ramen, Fall Out Boy,
Paramore, Emo, Music, Songs, Billboard hot 100
I don’t think this article is very trustworthy. I think it will have a few facts
that are true but Wikipedia is a sight that you are able to trust as much as
anyone is able to edit the information.
This article is talking more about the genre pop punk and how it came along and its fusion
combing the genre of emo as well which is where you will get your emo punk from. As this
kind of genre (Pop punk) came more popular in the mid 2000s with record labels such as
Fueled by Ramen who released platinum albums from bands such as Fall out Boy, Panic! at
the Disco and Paramore. It then goes back to talking about the fans of pop punk music and
that they will deny the association between the bands they like labeled as being emo. After
this it goes on talk more about the band Fall out Boy and some of the success they have had
with some of their albums and singles that have released over the years. As it wasn’t till
their album in 2005 (From Under the Cork Tree) that they were finally able to achieve
mainstream success. They then went on to other bands or artists that have has success with
some of the albums and singles they have released for example Panic! At The Disco were on
Billboard hot 100 at number 7 with their single of I Write Sins, Not Tragedies. They then
went on to talk about another pop punk band (Paramore) who didn't hit mainstream
success till the late 2000s.
“While many pop punk fans adamantly deny any association between their favorite acts and
those labeled emo, crossover bands who melded the two have gradually put both genres in
the same scene boat.”- Anon Wikipedia
“Although Fall Out Boy had been staple of the Chicago hardcore scene, where they mixed
pop sensibilities with hardcore punk, they are widely considered a pop punk and emo pop
act.”- Anon Wikipedia
“Paramore achieved mainstream success in the late 2000s. During the late 2000s, many
Paramore songs were on the Billboard Hot 100. Paramore's song ”Misery Business" peaked
at number 26 on the Billboard Hot 100 in January 2008. Paramore's song”- Anon Wikipedia
Further Research
I think after reading article it has opened me up into finding bands in this genre to research
into. As I have Fall out Boy, Paramore and Panic! At the Disco that I got from this article that
I can do even more research into which I then think I will also research articles about them,
interviews but I think looking into things like their music videos good be a good thing to also
research into. To see what they do similar with them all being from the same music genre.
Perpetua, M. (2012). Patrick Stump: I'm a 27-Year-Old Has-Been.
stump-im-a-27-year-old-has-been-20120229. Last accessed 5th Feb
Tags- Fall out Boy, Patrick Stump, Soul Punk, Rolling
Stone, Haters, Blog
This article is based off a blog that the lead singer of Fall out boy, Patrick Stump, wrote during their break
that lasted from 2009-2012. He wrote this blog in 2012 towards the end of this hiatus which is also when
they wrote this article. This concentrates more about the haters that Patrick had gotten during this time
when he tried to release a solo album called Soul Punk. As he first started to get hate when Fall out Boys
album Folie A Deux was released due to the fact they changed their sound a little so due to the this when on
stage they would be booed at which is something they were not used too. He would get letters to his house
as well on saying that fans liked him better when he was fat after the singer went though a big weight loss.
But because of all the hate that the lead singer has gotten he has then gone on to talk about his fear to
perform again any time soon. Due to the hate he got from his last album with Fall out Boy and the hate he
then got when doing shows for his own solo album.
“Whatever notoriety Fall Out Boy used to have prevents me from having the ability to start over from the
bottom again”- Patrick Stump
”Stumps post is extremely candid and often quite heartbreaking, particularly as he describes being insulted
and harassed by his own fans.”- Matthew Perpetua (Article writer)
“Kids that paid for tickets to my solo shows to tell me how much I sucked without Fall Out Boy, that wasn’t
something I suppose I was or ever will be ready for” – Patrick Stump
“Touring on Folie was like being the last act as the vaudeville show: We were the rotten vegetable targets.”-
Patrick Stump
Further Research
For further research I think there is a few different paths that I could take this. As I think for starters I could
have a read at the real blog of Patrick Stump where he writes about Has-been at 27. As I think this would get
me more insight on what this article is talking about. After that I think I could then look into articles on their
album Folie A Deux but maybe also look at awards it could have gotten and anything like that. Then another
article that would be good to look at is on the album Soul Punk as you could then compare these two by the
bad reputation they have spoken about having in this article. Then lastly I could then go into looking at
article or interviews on the hiatus from 2009-2012.
I do believe that this article is trustworthy in the fact it is true and I can take facts from due to the fact firstly
they have wrote this article about a blog which already limits them on things they can write about and
secondly the article is by Rolling Stones which is a massive brand that not only releases articles online but
also a magazine which people will read to get the gossip on these bands so I do believe it to be trustworthy.
Tender, J . (2012). EDITORIAL: THE CURE TO
Last accessed 5th Feb 2018.
This article is more of a blog written by a fan back in 2012 about the album
From Under the Cork Tree which was released back in 2005. It first starts off
with talking about middle school and what it was like while he was growing
especially with how strict his parents were. As he tells you that From under the
Cork Tree was also his first CD that he illegally burned which is when he
learned that his friend Josh wasn't the best person to ask when burning a CD
due to the fact that it ended up having one song missing. But from this he
carried on searching for similar music and basing conversations around it too.
“That thing was Chicago based, pop-punk band Fall Out Boy and they were not
allowed. ”- Jacob Tender
“My copy of FUCT was missing track 1. For those who have heard “Our Lawyer
Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued,” - Jacob
“The second thing I learned was that my mother is not a fan of obscure lyrics
referring to sex and blasphemy.”- Jacob Tender
Further Research
I think this has opened up for me to do research on more of the albums the
band has released and to see more feedback from their audience. As this way I
am able to see what it is that people like about this band and what them
people also may have in common. But this could also open me up to compare
this guys experience of Fall out Boy to someone else's experience to a different
band. As I think that could be a good thing to compare as well.
Fall out Boy, From Under the Cork Tree, Album, Music, Songs, Forbidden,
Childhood, Transformation, Patrick Stump, Take this to Your Grave, Sugar We’re
Going Down.
I do believe that this article is trustworthy for the simple fact that
its about someone's life. So its mainly about their opinion on the
whole thing. For example the album to them it is complete yet
other people will know that it is missing a song. So I think if I
wanted to I could take quotes and things from this article for the
fact it is someone's opinion.
Baltin, S. (2017). Why Panic! At The
Disco Is One Of Rock's Best Success
Stories. Available:
stories/#1873a6704d71. Last accessed
19th Feb 2018.
This article talks about Panic at the Disco and their lead singer Brendon
Urie and how he's the type of guy everyone would love to hang out with.
As they even talk about how easy he is to interview with his constant
laughing and smiling. It then goes on to talk a bit about their albums and
some of their singles. As in 2005 their debut Fever you Cant Sweat out
included the bands biggest hit I Write sins not Tragedies which sold over
1.8 million copies. Then in their current album Death of A Bachelor which
has one original member left of the band (Brendon) sold 190,000 copies in
the first week of its release bringing the bands first number 1 album.
“he band formed in 2004, going platinum with their 2005 debut, A Fever
You Can’t Sweat Out, thanks in large part to the band’s smash hit single, “I
Write Sins Not Tragedies.” That album, at 1.8 million copies sold, is still the
band’s biggest seller.”- Steve Baltin
“2013’s Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!, which debuted at No 2 on the
Billboard Top 200 with 84,000 copies sold.”- Steve Baltin
“But Urie’s personality, which comes across in videos and in the social
media posts he used so expertly setting up this album, was the biggest
thing.”-Steve Baltin
Further Research
I think because this article spoke a lot about their music and albums I think
the best thing to do would be to look more into their music and maybe see
how it has changed over the years. As by the looks of this article there
music has been a big hit through out the years they have been with a
record. I think it would be best to look at especially I Write sins not
Tragedies and then their album Death of a Bachelor.
I'm not too sure if this article is very trust worthy I think the things that I do
think are trustworthy are the writers opinions. But I'm not too sure about
the statics I think if I was to then research into more I would be able to tell
if I am able to trust these facts.
Tags- Panic! At the Disco, Brendon Urie, Music, Albums, Facts, LGBTQ Community,
Donald Trump, Hit singles, Rock,
You could say that this video is a little weird as some of the content does go with the lyrics
but there is some stuff that don’t go too well and you do wonder why its there. This could
be something that does make the song so much more popular. As its the most popular and
listened too song by Panic! At the Disco. To the point that the lead singer Brendon Urie
has become sick of singing it and will change the lyrics when performing live. The most
known lyric in the song is ‘Haven't you heard of closing a goddam door” Which I guess in a
way does go with the video for the fact that at the wedding the groom catches the
bridesmaid cheating. But what is highly weird about the video is the circus aspect of it. But
when looking in to it you get to the point where Brendon Urie is playing the conscience of
the groom as he tells the story through his lyrics. As when the bride is talking to the waiter
that’s when the groom finds out that he has been cheated on hence the lyric about
shutting the door. Then to explain the circus aspect of it the people that you already see
sitting down who look all fancy are the brides family then the clowns end up representing
the grooms family.
“What a beautiful wedding, says a bridesmaid to a waiter
And, yes, but what a shame”- Brendon Urie
“I chime in with a
Haven't you ever heard of closing a goddamn door?
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality”-
Brendon Urie
“I mean, technically, our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast
So pour the champagne”- Brendon Urie
Further Research
I think with this I could research even more into the lyrics and the meanings. Which could
then also lead me to researching in who wrote the lyrics and what inspired such a song t
be written. For the fact that it is a lot different to some of their current music and you are
able to see how much they have grown over the years.
Tags- Panic! At The Disco, Single, YouTube, Music, Music Video, Brendon
Urie, Wedding, Clowns, Cheating
Yes I do think this is trustworthy as this is something that the band has
made but also I think with music videos you are able to come up with
your own meaning of what it cold mean. Even if the band has told you
what the meaning is your able to still see the music video from your
This isn't much of a music video or anything it is just the band performing live on the Ellen
Show. I think I wanted to researching in to this video as it shows more of the bands
personality and how well they do live. Which they sound unbelievable live especially the lead
singer Brendon Urie as even though you can see him having the time of his life dancing and
singing. He is still able to hit each and every note even those high ones. I think especially this
performance shows you the personality of the singer that a lot of interviews will talk about
the fact that he is just doing what he enjoys and that’s something you are able to see in his
performance. Which I think in my opinion compare to the original music video I think this live
performance is much better for the fact that the energy really radiates off it.
“Tonight we are victorious
Champagne pouring over us”- Brendon Urie
“Double bubble disco queen headed to the guillotine”- Brendon Urie
“My touch is black and poisonous
And nothing like my punch-drunk kiss”- Brendon Urie
“Oh we gotta turn up the crazy
Livin' like a washed up celebrity
Shooting fireworks like it's the fourth of July”- Brendon Urie
Further Research
I think after this I could research more in to their song lyrics and where it is they may find
inspiration to do these. But also want to know more about who it is that may write their songs
for them or if it is the band that writes their own lyrics and comes up with what it they want
to do for their albums and music. But also I think that I would like to research more into other
tv shows that they have performed on.
I do think this article is reliable for the fact that it’s a live performance of the band from a TV
show. I think this helps with my research as I am able to see how well they do perform live so
looking at their talent but also if they are just standing and singing or if they are putting on a
show for people. Which is something I was able to see with this video but I can also see a
massive difference in personality from the other video I had researched of theirs. But
between the two you also have the age gap of a few years.
Tags- Panic At The Disco, Live performance, Ellen show, YouTube,
High notes, Victorious, Song, Music,Live.

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  • 2. Wikipedia . (.). Pop Punk . Available: . Last accessed 5th Feb 2018. Tags- Pop punk, Rock, Music, California, Emo pop, Emo, Punk rock, Wikipedia, guitars, loud, bands, Blink0 182. I don’t think this article is very trustworthy. I think it will have a few facts that are true but Wikipedia is a sight that you are able to trust as much as anyone is able to edit the information. Summary Here an article is talking about how pop punk is a music genre that combines both punk rock and pop music. It also then goes on to tell you about what the music generally is like with its fast tempos and distorted electric guitars. After this it goes on telling you how this genre came about in the mid 1970s with a music style that would be similar to power pop. But the by the mid 1980s you had bands that came out with the genre hardcore punk with pop music to create a new but faster pop punk sound. In the United states pop punk started to grow more popularity especially in California more towards the mid to late 1990s. It was only during this time that a few pop punk bands did start to sell millions of records and also receive radio and television airplay. But by 1994 pop punk started to grow more in the mainstream popularity. You then had the 2000s were emo pop started to fusion more with pop punk and managed to receive commercial success. But by the end of the 2000s the pop punk genre that started around the 1990s had a large mainstream popularity. Quotes “Pop punk (also known as punk-pop) is a music genre that fuses elements of punk rock and pop music.”- Anon Wikipedia “by the mid-1980s, several bands merged hardcore punk with pop music to create a new, faster pop punk sound”- Anon Wikipedia “By the mid-1990s, a few pop punk bands had started to sell millions of records and receive extensive radio and television airplay.”- Anon Wikipedia “By the end of the 2000s, the pop punk sound of the 1990s had largely waned in mainstream popularity.”- Anon Wikipedia Further Research After reading this article I think some further research that I would be able to do is look more at the history of the genre pop punk and see what bands did start off doing this kind of music. But I think also it would be a good idea to look more into the popularity of this music as I still know that its not as big as pop music. But it is a genre that is still gaining popularity.
  • 3. Wikipedia . (.). Pop Punk . Available: Last accessed 5th Feb 2018 . Tags- Emo pop, Pop punk, Bands, MTV, Fueled by Ramen, Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Emo, Music, Songs, Billboard hot 100 I don’t think this article is very trustworthy. I think it will have a few facts that are true but Wikipedia is a sight that you are able to trust as much as anyone is able to edit the information. Summary This article is talking more about the genre pop punk and how it came along and its fusion combing the genre of emo as well which is where you will get your emo punk from. As this kind of genre (Pop punk) came more popular in the mid 2000s with record labels such as Fueled by Ramen who released platinum albums from bands such as Fall out Boy, Panic! at the Disco and Paramore. It then goes back to talking about the fans of pop punk music and that they will deny the association between the bands they like labeled as being emo. After this it goes on talk more about the band Fall out Boy and some of the success they have had with some of their albums and singles that have released over the years. As it wasn’t till their album in 2005 (From Under the Cork Tree) that they were finally able to achieve mainstream success. They then went on to other bands or artists that have has success with some of the albums and singles they have released for example Panic! At The Disco were on Billboard hot 100 at number 7 with their single of I Write Sins, Not Tragedies. They then went on to talk about another pop punk band (Paramore) who didn't hit mainstream success till the late 2000s. Quotes “While many pop punk fans adamantly deny any association between their favorite acts and those labeled emo, crossover bands who melded the two have gradually put both genres in the same scene boat.”- Anon Wikipedia “Although Fall Out Boy had been staple of the Chicago hardcore scene, where they mixed pop sensibilities with hardcore punk, they are widely considered a pop punk and emo pop act.”- Anon Wikipedia “Paramore achieved mainstream success in the late 2000s. During the late 2000s, many Paramore songs were on the Billboard Hot 100. Paramore's song ”Misery Business" peaked at number 26 on the Billboard Hot 100 in January 2008. Paramore's song”- Anon Wikipedia Further Research I think after reading article it has opened me up into finding bands in this genre to research into. As I have Fall out Boy, Paramore and Panic! At the Disco that I got from this article that I can do even more research into which I then think I will also research articles about them, interviews but I think looking into things like their music videos good be a good thing to also research into. To see what they do similar with them all being from the same music genre.
  • 4. Perpetua, M. (2012). Patrick Stump: I'm a 27-Year-Old Has-Been. Available: stump-im-a-27-year-old-has-been-20120229. Last accessed 5th Feb 2018 Tags- Fall out Boy, Patrick Stump, Soul Punk, Rolling Stone, Haters, Blog Summary This article is based off a blog that the lead singer of Fall out boy, Patrick Stump, wrote during their break that lasted from 2009-2012. He wrote this blog in 2012 towards the end of this hiatus which is also when they wrote this article. This concentrates more about the haters that Patrick had gotten during this time when he tried to release a solo album called Soul Punk. As he first started to get hate when Fall out Boys album Folie A Deux was released due to the fact they changed their sound a little so due to the this when on stage they would be booed at which is something they were not used too. He would get letters to his house as well on saying that fans liked him better when he was fat after the singer went though a big weight loss. But because of all the hate that the lead singer has gotten he has then gone on to talk about his fear to perform again any time soon. Due to the hate he got from his last album with Fall out Boy and the hate he then got when doing shows for his own solo album. Quotes “Whatever notoriety Fall Out Boy used to have prevents me from having the ability to start over from the bottom again”- Patrick Stump ”Stumps post is extremely candid and often quite heartbreaking, particularly as he describes being insulted and harassed by his own fans.”- Matthew Perpetua (Article writer) “Kids that paid for tickets to my solo shows to tell me how much I sucked without Fall Out Boy, that wasn’t something I suppose I was or ever will be ready for” – Patrick Stump “Touring on Folie was like being the last act as the vaudeville show: We were the rotten vegetable targets.”- Patrick Stump Further Research For further research I think there is a few different paths that I could take this. As I think for starters I could have a read at the real blog of Patrick Stump where he writes about Has-been at 27. As I think this would get me more insight on what this article is talking about. After that I think I could then look into articles on their album Folie A Deux but maybe also look at awards it could have gotten and anything like that. Then another article that would be good to look at is on the album Soul Punk as you could then compare these two by the bad reputation they have spoken about having in this article. Then lastly I could then go into looking at article or interviews on the hiatus from 2009-2012. I do believe that this article is trustworthy in the fact it is true and I can take facts from due to the fact firstly they have wrote this article about a blog which already limits them on things they can write about and secondly the article is by Rolling Stones which is a massive brand that not only releases articles online but also a magazine which people will read to get the gossip on these bands so I do believe it to be trustworthy.
  • 5. Tender, J . (2012). EDITORIAL: THE CURE TO GROWING OLDER – A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE. Available: the-cure-to-growing-older-a-musical-retrospective/. Last accessed 5th Feb 2018. Summary This article is more of a blog written by a fan back in 2012 about the album From Under the Cork Tree which was released back in 2005. It first starts off with talking about middle school and what it was like while he was growing especially with how strict his parents were. As he tells you that From under the Cork Tree was also his first CD that he illegally burned which is when he learned that his friend Josh wasn't the best person to ask when burning a CD due to the fact that it ended up having one song missing. But from this he carried on searching for similar music and basing conversations around it too. Quotes “That thing was Chicago based, pop-punk band Fall Out Boy and they were not allowed. ”- Jacob Tender “My copy of FUCT was missing track 1. For those who have heard “Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued,” - Jacob Tender “The second thing I learned was that my mother is not a fan of obscure lyrics referring to sex and blasphemy.”- Jacob Tender Further Research I think this has opened up for me to do research on more of the albums the band has released and to see more feedback from their audience. As this way I am able to see what it is that people like about this band and what them people also may have in common. But this could also open me up to compare this guys experience of Fall out Boy to someone else's experience to a different band. As I think that could be a good thing to compare as well. Tags Fall out Boy, From Under the Cork Tree, Album, Music, Songs, Forbidden, Childhood, Transformation, Patrick Stump, Take this to Your Grave, Sugar We’re Going Down. I do believe that this article is trustworthy for the simple fact that its about someone's life. So its mainly about their opinion on the whole thing. For example the album to them it is complete yet other people will know that it is missing a song. So I think if I wanted to I could take quotes and things from this article for the fact it is someone's opinion.
  • 6. Baltin, S. (2017). Why Panic! At The Disco Is One Of Rock's Best Success Stories. Available: n/2017/04/03/why-panic-at-the-disco- is-one-of-rocks-best-success- stories/#1873a6704d71. Last accessed 19th Feb 2018. Summary This article talks about Panic at the Disco and their lead singer Brendon Urie and how he's the type of guy everyone would love to hang out with. As they even talk about how easy he is to interview with his constant laughing and smiling. It then goes on to talk a bit about their albums and some of their singles. As in 2005 their debut Fever you Cant Sweat out included the bands biggest hit I Write sins not Tragedies which sold over 1.8 million copies. Then in their current album Death of A Bachelor which has one original member left of the band (Brendon) sold 190,000 copies in the first week of its release bringing the bands first number 1 album. Quotes “he band formed in 2004, going platinum with their 2005 debut, A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out, thanks in large part to the band’s smash hit single, “I Write Sins Not Tragedies.” That album, at 1.8 million copies sold, is still the band’s biggest seller.”- Steve Baltin “2013’s Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!, which debuted at No 2 on the Billboard Top 200 with 84,000 copies sold.”- Steve Baltin “But Urie’s personality, which comes across in videos and in the social media posts he used so expertly setting up this album, was the biggest thing.”-Steve Baltin Further Research I think because this article spoke a lot about their music and albums I think the best thing to do would be to look more into their music and maybe see how it has changed over the years. As by the looks of this article there music has been a big hit through out the years they have been with a record. I think it would be best to look at especially I Write sins not Tragedies and then their album Death of a Bachelor. I'm not too sure if this article is very trust worthy I think the things that I do think are trustworthy are the writers opinions. But I'm not too sure about the statics I think if I was to then research into more I would be able to tell if I am able to trust these facts. Tags- Panic! At the Disco, Brendon Urie, Music, Albums, Facts, LGBTQ Community, Donald Trump, Hit singles, Rock,
  • 7. Summary You could say that this video is a little weird as some of the content does go with the lyrics but there is some stuff that don’t go too well and you do wonder why its there. This could be something that does make the song so much more popular. As its the most popular and listened too song by Panic! At the Disco. To the point that the lead singer Brendon Urie has become sick of singing it and will change the lyrics when performing live. The most known lyric in the song is ‘Haven't you heard of closing a goddam door” Which I guess in a way does go with the video for the fact that at the wedding the groom catches the bridesmaid cheating. But what is highly weird about the video is the circus aspect of it. But when looking in to it you get to the point where Brendon Urie is playing the conscience of the groom as he tells the story through his lyrics. As when the bride is talking to the waiter that’s when the groom finds out that he has been cheated on hence the lyric about shutting the door. Then to explain the circus aspect of it the people that you already see sitting down who look all fancy are the brides family then the clowns end up representing the grooms family. Quotes “What a beautiful wedding, says a bridesmaid to a waiter And, yes, but what a shame”- Brendon Urie “I chime in with a Haven't you ever heard of closing a goddamn door? No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality”- Brendon Urie “I mean, technically, our marriage is saved Well this calls for a toast So pour the champagne”- Brendon Urie Further Research I think with this I could research even more into the lyrics and the meanings. Which could then also lead me to researching in who wrote the lyrics and what inspired such a song t be written. For the fact that it is a lot different to some of their current music and you are able to see how much they have grown over the years. Tags- Panic! At The Disco, Single, YouTube, Music, Music Video, Brendon Urie, Wedding, Clowns, Cheating Yes I do think this is trustworthy as this is something that the band has made but also I think with music videos you are able to come up with your own meaning of what it cold mean. Even if the band has told you what the meaning is your able to still see the music video from your opinion.
  • 8. Summary This isn't much of a music video or anything it is just the band performing live on the Ellen Show. I think I wanted to researching in to this video as it shows more of the bands personality and how well they do live. Which they sound unbelievable live especially the lead singer Brendon Urie as even though you can see him having the time of his life dancing and singing. He is still able to hit each and every note even those high ones. I think especially this performance shows you the personality of the singer that a lot of interviews will talk about the fact that he is just doing what he enjoys and that’s something you are able to see in his performance. Which I think in my opinion compare to the original music video I think this live performance is much better for the fact that the energy really radiates off it. Quotes “Tonight we are victorious Champagne pouring over us”- Brendon Urie “Double bubble disco queen headed to the guillotine”- Brendon Urie “My touch is black and poisonous And nothing like my punch-drunk kiss”- Brendon Urie “Oh we gotta turn up the crazy Livin' like a washed up celebrity Shooting fireworks like it's the fourth of July”- Brendon Urie Further Research I think after this I could research more in to their song lyrics and where it is they may find inspiration to do these. But also want to know more about who it is that may write their songs for them or if it is the band that writes their own lyrics and comes up with what it they want to do for their albums and music. But also I think that I would like to research more into other tv shows that they have performed on. I do think this article is reliable for the fact that it’s a live performance of the band from a TV show. I think this helps with my research as I am able to see how well they do perform live so looking at their talent but also if they are just standing and singing or if they are putting on a show for people. Which is something I was able to see with this video but I can also see a massive difference in personality from the other video I had researched of theirs. But between the two you also have the age gap of a few years. Tags- Panic At The Disco, Live performance, Ellen show, YouTube, High notes, Victorious, Song, Music,Live.