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Savannah Hardwick
Factual Page Layout- Task 10
Time management
For this project, I had to create three different products, a broadsheet
front cover, a tabloid front cover and a fanzine, using a combination of
techniques I learnt. I was not given a specific time frame for how long I
had to complete each of the tasks, I was just told the deadline for when
they were due, and I had to manage my own time within this. I feel I
managed my time very well, each of the tasks were complete to what I
believe is the best of my ability, and I think that the final products reflect
the briefs given correctly. In order for me to make sure that I completed
all the tasks on time, I gave myself a schedule of around 3-4 days to
complete each of the products and to have uploaded them to the blog
where my work was being showcased. I feel that this final project has
gone very smoothly in regards to my time management and I think that
this is because I have used my experience of past project to help me
organize my time. In previous projects similar to this, such as the
creating recipe cards task, I found myself rushing the production stage
because I had spent the majority of my time working on the planning, so
for this project, I had very basic but thorough planning which allowed
me to follow flat plans and style sheets when creating my products,
which I found also allowed me more room to edit and change my
designs for the products as I went along. By giving myself enough time to
create multiple products, I found that I was able to be more creative and
change my designs, making them much more varied whilst still sticking
to the brief and the typical conventions of that product.
Reviewing work in progress
Throughout the production of the products, I made sure that I was
constantly reviewing what I was creating, making sure that I was sticking
to the briefs and that what I was making looked like existing products. I
think that for the most part I did well with this, making sure to check
what I was doing was working for me and that I was also ensuring that
the product had the look of others existing in the market. I think that for
my fanzine I achieved this very well, I was constantly looking at my flat
plans and style sheets, trying to make sure that I was keeping to my
original ideas, as they were the ones that I liked the most and felt
represented what an actual fanzine would look like the most. Whereas
with my tabloid and broadsheet front covers, I felt that I could’ve spent
Savannah Hardwick
more time reflecting on what I was doing and why I was doing it, instead
of just making the decision to do it, as I feel that some aspects of these
two products do not look they belong on that type of product, for
example the bright colours and gossip style images used on the
broadsheet, I feel would be better suited to a tabloid or a gossip
magazine. I feel that with this final project my work reflection has been
at its strongest as I was very sure of what I wanted and made sure that I
was checking my work and how it was coming along.
Technical Competencies
Throughout the production of these products, I used lots of different
tools and processes that I hadn’t used before, such as InDesign, and I
feel that the work I produced was technically very good when taking this
into consideration. Due to me having a limited knowledge of InDesign, I
found myself learning as I went along, which I think was a good way to
learn because it was allowing me to process things very quickly and get
to practice them straight away. When creating my broadsheet, I used
only InDesign and no other software’s to create my final product, this
product itself was very technical to make, so I felt that this was the
correct way to create it. I especially like that in InDesign, you can create
guides that you have to stick to, as this is what a real broadsheet would
be like. I think that because I hadn’t used InDesign before I was able to
establish what I was doing very quickly when creating my designs,
through me learning how to use the software and be able to produce
technically competent pieces of work. Whilst creating my products, I
wanted to make sure that they looked as much like the products I had
researched as I could, because I wanted them to look professional, as
this was my final project. With my broadsheet, I chose to use minimal
images, in the end only having 4 small ones, which were based, primarily
Savannah Hardwick
at the top of the page. I chose to do this because I wanted the focus to
be on the text and the layout, not on the images. So I decided to have
small images around the page relating to the stories next to them. The
main article has larger images, only because I felt that it was necessary,
and even then I chose to have the image in black and white so that it
didn’t draw in all the readers attention. I also think that having the
images be smaller makes them of a high quality, because I didn’t have to
edit the size or the colours of them too much, which helps to make them
look more professional. I think that my final broadsheet looks very
professional and I believe that I kept to the traditional conventions of a
broadsheet as much as I could, whilst also making it unique and
individual to me. I think that the basic layout helped to keep it looking
how a typical broadsheet would look, having the correct sized columns
and also keeping the information on the page in the appropriates grids.
As much as I think this product looks technically competent and
professional, I also think that there are areas which could be drastically
improved. The first thing I would change would be the gossip styled
story banner at the top of the page, I think that this style of story would
be better suited to a tabloid, and to change this I would make the stories
more suitable to what would be seen in a broadsheet, I would also take
the pictures away, or even have them, in black and white so as not to
take attention away from the headlines and stories. I think that if I were
to compare my work to other existing broadsheets, it would fit in but
also be unique from them. I think that because I added colour and image
onto my broadsheet, it would definitely stand out against others,
especially broadsheets such as The Guardian, which features only one
colour usually throughout the page, and the images are very faded, not
being too bright so that they become the main focus of the page, similar
to how I designed my broadsheet.
Savannah Hardwick
Creative abilities
When making my products I felt that I had the ability to be as creative as
I wanted with them, especially with my fanzine, as a tabloid and a
broadsheet have more traditional and formal looks to them, whereas a
fanzine is more of an expression and a way for you to show your
opinions through layout, colour and image choice. I think that this final
project has helped me to refine my creative abilities and to help me
design specific products. I think that with this final project, being able to
create three different products was really great, because it allowed me
to have three different levels of creativity in each one. For example, a
broadsheet has a more traditional look, therefore I had to try and stick
with the typical conventions which are related to a broadsheet, which
are much more formal, and for a tabloid, there were still the formal
elements from the broadsheet, but I had slightly more freedom with the
typography and the text itself. Then finally, I had the fanzine, which had
no conventions at all and I was able to really push my designs. I think
with my fanzine I wanted to be creative but also organized, as much I
love the fanzines where the text and images all crash into one an other
and mold around the page, I think that because of the amount of text I
had and the topic it was about, that the fanzine would be better if it was
slightly more organized and structured. Although I kept it structured, I
feel that my fanzine is my strongest piece of work to date; I think that
with this project I was able to really break the traditions of what I
personally would have done. I think that producing my fanzine was the
most fun I have had whilst creating any of these products, I felt a bit
more freedom to do what I wanted. My favorite part of this overall
design would be the images and the typography. I chose to make the
blog black and white, with flashes of red throughout because that way,
the red would draw in the audience to certain aspects of the page, for
example the lips of the famous punk rock female stars, which I edited
and changed, making them all have the same pair of slightly comical lips
and the colour of the important parts of the text- the title/headline and
the pull quotes from the article itself. I also think that the way I laid out
the text itself was quite interesting, having it still read as normal (left to
right) but having them in Polaroid camera images, which made them
stand out off of the page and look individual, whilst still fitting in with
the theme of the fanzine itself. I had seen the idea to change out parts
of the face of the images on another fanzine, and I thought that it was a
really clever idea to show how all of the images are united, but also to
make the page look slightly funkier and individual. I took this idea and
Savannah Hardwick
applied it to my fanzine, manipulating the images and adding a pair of
lips to all of the females within the image. I think that my past projects
such as the recipe cards, social action and design for advertising have
really helped me with this task, because I was able to use what I learnt
during those projects within this one, especially in regards to the layout
and typography, as well as thinking about colour choices and creating
the product for a certain consumer.
Finished product
For my final products I think that my intentions for each of them were
met and I have managed to achieve what I wanted regarding the look of
each of the products, as well as keeping to a specific time frame. When
talking about my broadsheet front cover, I wanted it to be very formal,
but also something that would look good on the shelf, similar to that of
The Times, which features similar news stories and colour schemes as
what I based mine on. I think that the broadsheet is my weakest product
that I made for this project; I think that certain aspects of the product
are too informal and would not be suited to a broadsheet, even though I
do like the final outcome of this item. The second product I created was
a tabloid front cover, for this I was allowed to be slightly more creative
as it is a much more in-formal product than the previous
item I made, a broadsheet front cover. With the tabloid, I
kept to the typical conventions of what you would expect to
see on a tabloid newspaper, having bright and eye catching
images, loud and in your face headlines and a red box
around the name of the publication. I kept these
conventions because I think that this is what
makes a newspaper a newspaper, it’s how
people recognize it as one. I also chose to
create my own advertisements for this
product, instead of getting stock images like
I did with the broadsheet front cover, as I
feel it makes it more unique to me, and
makes it look more like a tabloid, due to the
quality of the images used.
The final product I made was
a fanzine, which allowed me
the most freedom and chance
to be creative with it, I feel
that with my fanzine, I was
Savannah Hardwick
able to combine qualities I had learnt from both my broadsheet and
tabloid front covers, including grids, layout and colour schemes, as well
as the quality of the images used.
Appropriateness of my work for the audiences
Each of my products had a very different type of consumer audience due
to the tone of the product itself, for example the broadsheet front page
will be much more formal and professional than the fanzine or tabloid.
The type of audience for broadsheet would be somebody of an older
age, in a good and stable job who is more interested in politics and
what’s happening in the world than gossip, and because of this I had to
make sure that my broadsheet was appropriate for its target audience,
making sure that the smaller stories and adverts would be something
that this type of person would be interested in, but also that the layout
and tone of the page was something that they could relate to. For the
tabloid front page, the target audience was someone who was looking
for something much less formal, something filled
with bright attractive colours and stories about
gossip and celebrity, and definitely not world
news or politics. So because of this, I had to make
sure that my tabloid front cover design featured
bold, exciting looking colours and a layout that
would allow me to pack a lot of things onto the
page, including minimal text and a lot of images
and adverts. Finally for my fanzine, I had a very
specific type of audience because of the story in the fanzine, I was
aiming my story at women in the punk genre who disagreed and stood
against sexism in the punk industry, women who were very opinionated
about it and would want to read all about it. I needed my fanzine to be
creative, interesting and something that this type of feminist would
want to look at, so I chose to use images of the most famous women in
punk, those who stood against the stereotypical female punk rocker. I
chose to do each product for a specific audience type so that the
product itself would look as though it was catered for a certain type of
person. In previous projects, such as critical approaches, I had to show
how a product had been made for its consumer, and I feel that I have
taken what I learnt there and applied it here, making sure that I was
making each print product for a specific type of audience, whether that’s
Savannah Hardwick
a feminist punk rocker, a professional worker or someone who wants to
sit at home with a cup of tea and read about celebrity gossip.
Content, style and the skills I have used
The content of each of my product was something I had written myself
in my writing copy unit, for the broadsheet and tabloid newspaper front
cover designs, I used an article I had written about how the police had
started to crack down on punk being shown in public in the 1970’s,
including the arrest of a punk record store owner, and his eventual
release, and how this one act changed and shaped punk as we know it.
For the tabloid front cover, I had to edit the wording slightly to make it
appeal to the audience type. I had to make the text ‘dumbed’ down
slightly, making sure that the small section I showed didn’t feature long
and complicated sentences, otherwise this would not appeal to my
audience type for this product. For the fanzine, I had previously written
the story, which was based around women and
sexism in the punk industry so I didn’t have to
change this at all, and I made sure to base my
fanzine design around the article I had already
written. The images that I used throughout
each of the products were stock images that I
found using search engines, primarily Google
image and Bing images. I chose to use stock
images instead of taking my own because I felt
that the images I found online were much better quality than what I
could’ve produced, I also think that I was more likely to find images that
represented the time and the fashions clearly if I got them from excising
images. The only problem that I had with getting the images from online
came when I was editing them, I had to make sure that I didn’t alter the
image to much, other wise it would loose its quality, and I wanted the
images to be of as higher quality as possible. I decided which images I
wanted to use by whether or not they would fit in with the story they
were going next to, because my story in the tabloid and broadsheet was
about a punk store owner being arrested, I wanted to make sure that I
had an image representative of that. Overall I think that the style of
each of my final products reflects what I set out to do, and reflects the
type of product it is. There was a very big difference between creating a
newspaper front page and a fanzine, I think that whist creating both I
used aspects from one and other. For example, when creating my
Savannah Hardwick
fanzine I tried to implicate the use of grids and columns within it, to
make sure that the page was well organized and easy to follow, and with
the front-page designs, I wanted them to be creative and interesting to
look at whilst also keeping them professional and traditional.
How have your skills developed
Working on this project I have had to learn new software in order to be
able to complete the tasks properly, this new software was InDesign,
which was instrumental in me being able to complete my newspaper
front cover tasks. Using this software was very useful to me because it
helped me to understand how to use grids effectively when creating my
layouts. I think during this project my skills have grown profusely due to
me now being able to use another software, as well as me feeling more
confident with using Photoshop. A specific example of my growing skills
on InDesign would be learning how to edit the text within the grids, for
example being able to make it so that the text molds around the images,
and also adding drop capitals to the text, which for all of my products
was a great thing to know as I used it for all of them. I also feel much
more confident with using Photoshop, I have used this for 2 years now
but with this last project, I really feel that I understand it more clearly
and know how to use the tools effectively, an example would be when it
came to layering and editing the images on the fanzine, editing them
and placing them in the correct places and at such a high quality, I
wouldn’t have been able to do this if I didn’t know how to use this
software effectively.
Areas for improvement
I think that throughout all of my products there are areas, which could
be improved to alter the overall look of the product, to make it appear
even more like existing products like it on the market. Areas for
improvement on my broadsheet I feel are mostly to do with the text and
fonts I have used. I have received peer feedback and I think that me and
the person who was evaluating my work were in accordance, I agreed
with a lot of what they said about the font being too informal and not
suited to a broadsheet. I chose these different fonts because I felt that
they were all bold, easy to read and clear, which is what I wanted them
to each be. I like the masthead font very much because I feel that it is
very representative of what an existing products masthead might look
like, I think that it flows well with the graphic I have chosen to place near
Savannah Hardwick
it and I think that it stands out against the page well. The headline font is
very bold and clear to see, but I agree with my feedback ‘’and the
headline itself is a little too
informal for a broadsheet, I think
this type of headline would be more
suited for the tabloid’. I find that I
agree with this comment, because
now looking at my product, I think
that although the font itself is good, it doesn’t suit being on a
broadsheet newspaper.
The peer feedback I received for my tabloid newspaper front-page
design was very similar to that of the broadsheet article, but this time it
was the added colour that I placed on the page that the person looking
at my product didn’t like. I chose to put red strokes around each
separate box which I thought helped to separate each item from the
other, but my peer evaluation didn’t agree saying ‘’the red boxes seem
too distracting, I don’t know why they are there because the spacing
between each item is enough’’. I have originally disagreed with this
comment, but now looking back I agree. I think that the red stroke
around the text of the story is unnecessary and stands out too much off
of the image behind it. I also personally think that the secondary stories
underneath the advert could be improved drastically, I think that they
look unfinished and slightly rushed, even though they weren’t, I think
that if they had more colour and smaller text featured then they might
have been more interesting to look at.
My final product was my fanzine, and this was the one product that I
was most happy with. I think that the image, text, fonts and design all
work very well together and are very representative of the genre I am
writing about. My one criticism about this the layout of the Polaroid
camera images, which has the text, placed within them. I like this idea
because it’s a different way of showing my story, as the text still flows in
the natural way that we are use to reading, form left to right and then
down. My peer feedback told me that ‘’there is a lot going on this page,
maybe there could’ve been less?’’ which I agree and disagree with, I
think that yes there is a lot of things happening on the page but I think
that it is well laid out enough to warrant having that much stuff, the
images flow downwards and nothing is overtaken by them, and I think
that you can read the text clear enough.
Savannah Hardwick
In order to gather information to help me with my final evaluation, I was
peer assessed by others in my classroom. Having these evaluations really
helped me to see more clearly what could be improved on each of the
products, but also what was interesting and good to look at about them.
I think that my final three products are well put together and are
representative of what existing products would look like, I tried to stick
to traditions with them and I feel I achieved this. My favorite final piece
is my fanzine because I think it combines everything I’ve learnt during
creating the tabloid and broadsheet as well as what I have learnt during
my previous projects.

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Task 10

  • 1. Savannah Hardwick Evaluation Factual Page Layout- Task 10 Time management For this project, I had to create three different products, a broadsheet front cover, a tabloid front cover and a fanzine, using a combination of techniques I learnt. I was not given a specific time frame for how long I had to complete each of the tasks, I was just told the deadline for when they were due, and I had to manage my own time within this. I feel I managed my time very well, each of the tasks were complete to what I believe is the best of my ability, and I think that the final products reflect the briefs given correctly. In order for me to make sure that I completed all the tasks on time, I gave myself a schedule of around 3-4 days to complete each of the products and to have uploaded them to the blog where my work was being showcased. I feel that this final project has gone very smoothly in regards to my time management and I think that this is because I have used my experience of past project to help me organize my time. In previous projects similar to this, such as the creating recipe cards task, I found myself rushing the production stage because I had spent the majority of my time working on the planning, so for this project, I had very basic but thorough planning which allowed me to follow flat plans and style sheets when creating my products, which I found also allowed me more room to edit and change my designs for the products as I went along. By giving myself enough time to create multiple products, I found that I was able to be more creative and change my designs, making them much more varied whilst still sticking to the brief and the typical conventions of that product. Reviewing work in progress Throughout the production of the products, I made sure that I was constantly reviewing what I was creating, making sure that I was sticking to the briefs and that what I was making looked like existing products. I think that for the most part I did well with this, making sure to check what I was doing was working for me and that I was also ensuring that the product had the look of others existing in the market. I think that for my fanzine I achieved this very well, I was constantly looking at my flat plans and style sheets, trying to make sure that I was keeping to my original ideas, as they were the ones that I liked the most and felt represented what an actual fanzine would look like the most. Whereas with my tabloid and broadsheet front covers, I felt that I could’ve spent
  • 2. Savannah Hardwick more time reflecting on what I was doing and why I was doing it, instead of just making the decision to do it, as I feel that some aspects of these two products do not look they belong on that type of product, for example the bright colours and gossip style images used on the broadsheet, I feel would be better suited to a tabloid or a gossip magazine. I feel that with this final project my work reflection has been at its strongest as I was very sure of what I wanted and made sure that I was checking my work and how it was coming along. Technical Competencies Throughout the production of these products, I used lots of different tools and processes that I hadn’t used before, such as InDesign, and I feel that the work I produced was technically very good when taking this into consideration. Due to me having a limited knowledge of InDesign, I found myself learning as I went along, which I think was a good way to learn because it was allowing me to process things very quickly and get to practice them straight away. When creating my broadsheet, I used only InDesign and no other software’s to create my final product, this product itself was very technical to make, so I felt that this was the correct way to create it. I especially like that in InDesign, you can create guides that you have to stick to, as this is what a real broadsheet would be like. I think that because I hadn’t used InDesign before I was able to establish what I was doing very quickly when creating my designs, through me learning how to use the software and be able to produce technically competent pieces of work. Whilst creating my products, I wanted to make sure that they looked as much like the products I had researched as I could, because I wanted them to look professional, as this was my final project. With my broadsheet, I chose to use minimal images, in the end only having 4 small ones, which were based, primarily
  • 3. Savannah Hardwick at the top of the page. I chose to do this because I wanted the focus to be on the text and the layout, not on the images. So I decided to have small images around the page relating to the stories next to them. The main article has larger images, only because I felt that it was necessary, and even then I chose to have the image in black and white so that it didn’t draw in all the readers attention. I also think that having the images be smaller makes them of a high quality, because I didn’t have to edit the size or the colours of them too much, which helps to make them look more professional. I think that my final broadsheet looks very professional and I believe that I kept to the traditional conventions of a broadsheet as much as I could, whilst also making it unique and individual to me. I think that the basic layout helped to keep it looking how a typical broadsheet would look, having the correct sized columns and also keeping the information on the page in the appropriates grids. As much as I think this product looks technically competent and professional, I also think that there are areas which could be drastically improved. The first thing I would change would be the gossip styled story banner at the top of the page, I think that this style of story would be better suited to a tabloid, and to change this I would make the stories more suitable to what would be seen in a broadsheet, I would also take the pictures away, or even have them, in black and white so as not to take attention away from the headlines and stories. I think that if I were to compare my work to other existing broadsheets, it would fit in but also be unique from them. I think that because I added colour and image onto my broadsheet, it would definitely stand out against others, especially broadsheets such as The Guardian, which features only one colour usually throughout the page, and the images are very faded, not being too bright so that they become the main focus of the page, similar to how I designed my broadsheet.
  • 4. Savannah Hardwick Creative abilities When making my products I felt that I had the ability to be as creative as I wanted with them, especially with my fanzine, as a tabloid and a broadsheet have more traditional and formal looks to them, whereas a fanzine is more of an expression and a way for you to show your opinions through layout, colour and image choice. I think that this final project has helped me to refine my creative abilities and to help me design specific products. I think that with this final project, being able to create three different products was really great, because it allowed me to have three different levels of creativity in each one. For example, a broadsheet has a more traditional look, therefore I had to try and stick with the typical conventions which are related to a broadsheet, which are much more formal, and for a tabloid, there were still the formal elements from the broadsheet, but I had slightly more freedom with the typography and the text itself. Then finally, I had the fanzine, which had no conventions at all and I was able to really push my designs. I think with my fanzine I wanted to be creative but also organized, as much I love the fanzines where the text and images all crash into one an other and mold around the page, I think that because of the amount of text I had and the topic it was about, that the fanzine would be better if it was slightly more organized and structured. Although I kept it structured, I feel that my fanzine is my strongest piece of work to date; I think that with this project I was able to really break the traditions of what I personally would have done. I think that producing my fanzine was the most fun I have had whilst creating any of these products, I felt a bit more freedom to do what I wanted. My favorite part of this overall design would be the images and the typography. I chose to make the blog black and white, with flashes of red throughout because that way, the red would draw in the audience to certain aspects of the page, for example the lips of the famous punk rock female stars, which I edited and changed, making them all have the same pair of slightly comical lips and the colour of the important parts of the text- the title/headline and the pull quotes from the article itself. I also think that the way I laid out the text itself was quite interesting, having it still read as normal (left to right) but having them in Polaroid camera images, which made them stand out off of the page and look individual, whilst still fitting in with the theme of the fanzine itself. I had seen the idea to change out parts of the face of the images on another fanzine, and I thought that it was a really clever idea to show how all of the images are united, but also to make the page look slightly funkier and individual. I took this idea and
  • 5. Savannah Hardwick applied it to my fanzine, manipulating the images and adding a pair of lips to all of the females within the image. I think that my past projects such as the recipe cards, social action and design for advertising have really helped me with this task, because I was able to use what I learnt during those projects within this one, especially in regards to the layout and typography, as well as thinking about colour choices and creating the product for a certain consumer. Finished product For my final products I think that my intentions for each of them were met and I have managed to achieve what I wanted regarding the look of each of the products, as well as keeping to a specific time frame. When talking about my broadsheet front cover, I wanted it to be very formal, but also something that would look good on the shelf, similar to that of The Times, which features similar news stories and colour schemes as what I based mine on. I think that the broadsheet is my weakest product that I made for this project; I think that certain aspects of the product are too informal and would not be suited to a broadsheet, even though I do like the final outcome of this item. The second product I created was a tabloid front cover, for this I was allowed to be slightly more creative as it is a much more in-formal product than the previous item I made, a broadsheet front cover. With the tabloid, I kept to the typical conventions of what you would expect to see on a tabloid newspaper, having bright and eye catching images, loud and in your face headlines and a red box around the name of the publication. I kept these conventions because I think that this is what makes a newspaper a newspaper, it’s how people recognize it as one. I also chose to create my own advertisements for this product, instead of getting stock images like I did with the broadsheet front cover, as I feel it makes it more unique to me, and makes it look more like a tabloid, due to the quality of the images used. The final product I made was a fanzine, which allowed me the most freedom and chance to be creative with it, I feel that with my fanzine, I was
  • 6. Savannah Hardwick able to combine qualities I had learnt from both my broadsheet and tabloid front covers, including grids, layout and colour schemes, as well as the quality of the images used. Appropriateness of my work for the audiences Each of my products had a very different type of consumer audience due to the tone of the product itself, for example the broadsheet front page will be much more formal and professional than the fanzine or tabloid. The type of audience for broadsheet would be somebody of an older age, in a good and stable job who is more interested in politics and what’s happening in the world than gossip, and because of this I had to make sure that my broadsheet was appropriate for its target audience, making sure that the smaller stories and adverts would be something that this type of person would be interested in, but also that the layout and tone of the page was something that they could relate to. For the tabloid front page, the target audience was someone who was looking for something much less formal, something filled with bright attractive colours and stories about gossip and celebrity, and definitely not world news or politics. So because of this, I had to make sure that my tabloid front cover design featured bold, exciting looking colours and a layout that would allow me to pack a lot of things onto the page, including minimal text and a lot of images and adverts. Finally for my fanzine, I had a very specific type of audience because of the story in the fanzine, I was aiming my story at women in the punk genre who disagreed and stood against sexism in the punk industry, women who were very opinionated about it and would want to read all about it. I needed my fanzine to be creative, interesting and something that this type of feminist would want to look at, so I chose to use images of the most famous women in punk, those who stood against the stereotypical female punk rocker. I chose to do each product for a specific audience type so that the product itself would look as though it was catered for a certain type of person. In previous projects, such as critical approaches, I had to show how a product had been made for its consumer, and I feel that I have taken what I learnt there and applied it here, making sure that I was making each print product for a specific type of audience, whether that’s
  • 7. Savannah Hardwick a feminist punk rocker, a professional worker or someone who wants to sit at home with a cup of tea and read about celebrity gossip. Content, style and the skills I have used The content of each of my product was something I had written myself in my writing copy unit, for the broadsheet and tabloid newspaper front cover designs, I used an article I had written about how the police had started to crack down on punk being shown in public in the 1970’s, including the arrest of a punk record store owner, and his eventual release, and how this one act changed and shaped punk as we know it. For the tabloid front cover, I had to edit the wording slightly to make it appeal to the audience type. I had to make the text ‘dumbed’ down slightly, making sure that the small section I showed didn’t feature long and complicated sentences, otherwise this would not appeal to my audience type for this product. For the fanzine, I had previously written the story, which was based around women and sexism in the punk industry so I didn’t have to change this at all, and I made sure to base my fanzine design around the article I had already written. The images that I used throughout each of the products were stock images that I found using search engines, primarily Google image and Bing images. I chose to use stock images instead of taking my own because I felt that the images I found online were much better quality than what I could’ve produced, I also think that I was more likely to find images that represented the time and the fashions clearly if I got them from excising images. The only problem that I had with getting the images from online came when I was editing them, I had to make sure that I didn’t alter the image to much, other wise it would loose its quality, and I wanted the images to be of as higher quality as possible. I decided which images I wanted to use by whether or not they would fit in with the story they were going next to, because my story in the tabloid and broadsheet was about a punk store owner being arrested, I wanted to make sure that I had an image representative of that. Overall I think that the style of each of my final products reflects what I set out to do, and reflects the type of product it is. There was a very big difference between creating a newspaper front page and a fanzine, I think that whist creating both I used aspects from one and other. For example, when creating my
  • 8. Savannah Hardwick fanzine I tried to implicate the use of grids and columns within it, to make sure that the page was well organized and easy to follow, and with the front-page designs, I wanted them to be creative and interesting to look at whilst also keeping them professional and traditional. How have your skills developed Working on this project I have had to learn new software in order to be able to complete the tasks properly, this new software was InDesign, which was instrumental in me being able to complete my newspaper front cover tasks. Using this software was very useful to me because it helped me to understand how to use grids effectively when creating my layouts. I think during this project my skills have grown profusely due to me now being able to use another software, as well as me feeling more confident with using Photoshop. A specific example of my growing skills on InDesign would be learning how to edit the text within the grids, for example being able to make it so that the text molds around the images, and also adding drop capitals to the text, which for all of my products was a great thing to know as I used it for all of them. I also feel much more confident with using Photoshop, I have used this for 2 years now but with this last project, I really feel that I understand it more clearly and know how to use the tools effectively, an example would be when it came to layering and editing the images on the fanzine, editing them and placing them in the correct places and at such a high quality, I wouldn’t have been able to do this if I didn’t know how to use this software effectively. Areas for improvement I think that throughout all of my products there are areas, which could be improved to alter the overall look of the product, to make it appear even more like existing products like it on the market. Areas for improvement on my broadsheet I feel are mostly to do with the text and fonts I have used. I have received peer feedback and I think that me and the person who was evaluating my work were in accordance, I agreed with a lot of what they said about the font being too informal and not suited to a broadsheet. I chose these different fonts because I felt that they were all bold, easy to read and clear, which is what I wanted them to each be. I like the masthead font very much because I feel that it is very representative of what an existing products masthead might look like, I think that it flows well with the graphic I have chosen to place near
  • 9. Savannah Hardwick it and I think that it stands out against the page well. The headline font is very bold and clear to see, but I agree with my feedback ‘’and the headline itself is a little too informal for a broadsheet, I think this type of headline would be more suited for the tabloid’. I find that I agree with this comment, because now looking at my product, I think that although the font itself is good, it doesn’t suit being on a broadsheet newspaper. The peer feedback I received for my tabloid newspaper front-page design was very similar to that of the broadsheet article, but this time it was the added colour that I placed on the page that the person looking at my product didn’t like. I chose to put red strokes around each separate box which I thought helped to separate each item from the other, but my peer evaluation didn’t agree saying ‘’the red boxes seem too distracting, I don’t know why they are there because the spacing between each item is enough’’. I have originally disagreed with this comment, but now looking back I agree. I think that the red stroke around the text of the story is unnecessary and stands out too much off of the image behind it. I also personally think that the secondary stories underneath the advert could be improved drastically, I think that they look unfinished and slightly rushed, even though they weren’t, I think that if they had more colour and smaller text featured then they might have been more interesting to look at. My final product was my fanzine, and this was the one product that I was most happy with. I think that the image, text, fonts and design all work very well together and are very representative of the genre I am writing about. My one criticism about this the layout of the Polaroid camera images, which has the text, placed within them. I like this idea because it’s a different way of showing my story, as the text still flows in the natural way that we are use to reading, form left to right and then down. My peer feedback told me that ‘’there is a lot going on this page, maybe there could’ve been less?’’ which I agree and disagree with, I think that yes there is a lot of things happening on the page but I think that it is well laid out enough to warrant having that much stuff, the images flow downwards and nothing is overtaken by them, and I think that you can read the text clear enough.
  • 10. Savannah Hardwick In order to gather information to help me with my final evaluation, I was peer assessed by others in my classroom. Having these evaluations really helped me to see more clearly what could be improved on each of the products, but also what was interesting and good to look at about them. I think that my final three products are well put together and are representative of what existing products would look like, I tried to stick to traditions with them and I feel I achieved this. My favorite final piece is my fanzine because I think it combines everything I’ve learnt during creating the tabloid and broadsheet as well as what I have learnt during my previous projects.