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Researching Current Recipe
         Savannah Hardwick
Cordon Vert recipe card-front

                                The front cover of this recipe card has the
                                image in the centre of the page which draws
                                the readers eye towards it straight away
                                making it essentially the most important
                                thing on the page as its what will make the
                                reader look further. The surrounding colours
                                on the page all relate to the image of the
                                carrot and cashew fan, featuring reds and
                                greens as the primary colours on the page.
                                The image itself is of high quality and the
                                food on the plate is presented in a
                                professional manor. There is minimal
                                amounts of texts used on the page which
                                makes the image the focal point of this
                                page. The text itself isn't bold or
                                capitalised, and is presented in white, a
                                simple colour that stands out against the
                                red of the boarder. By having a boarder on
                                the page makes the picture more
                                centralised and important. The group who
                                have created the recipe cards logo is
                                featured in the bottom left hand corner of
                                the page, again the logo is green, which
                                relates to the image due to the garnish that
                                has been placed on the meal itself.
Cordon Vert recipe card-back

                               The back page of the recipe card is where
                               the details such as ingredients, cooking
                               method and preparation times are
                               shown. This page features primarily
                               writing. The font varies throughout the
                               page, having the main bulk of the text be
                               a simple, clear and easy to read font and
                               having a serif font along the right hand
                               side of the page adds a more feminine
                               look to the page. The page is again
                               bordered by a red block and the centre of
                               the page is white. The colour of the texts
                               alternates depending on which colour it is
                               on top of, red text on a white background
                               and white text on a red background. The
                               image used is a close up of the meal
                               itself, and is placed on the left hand side
                               of the page and is much smaller than the
                               image featured on the front cover. The is
                               again a green logo on the page but its
                               more centralised. The colours all relate to
                               the image on the page, featuring reds and
                               greens. You can see by the
                               professionalism of the pages and the
                               formal presentation, text types and
                               colour used, that this recipe card is aimed
                               at an older female audience.
Recipe page taken from a ‘vegetarian for beginners’ book-front

   This recipe page has a lime green
   background and features mainly
   greens, blues and whites. Each of the
   colours have a contrast against each
   other and stand out again the colour of
   the background, making the page look
   more fun and child like. The style of
   page has a look of a notebook with
   notes written on it. It also features a
   ‘children can help with’ section which
   further establishes the childlike theme
   to the page. The page features no
   images of the food at all, which doesn’t
   give a clear ides of what the food could
   look like. The images used on the page
   are childlike drawings of equipment
   that would be used to cook this food.
   The text on the page is in a simple sans
   serif font that is easy to read, clear and
Recipe page taken from a ‘vegetarian for beginners’ book-back

   The page after the recipe is a full page
   view of the food itself. Although its not
   shown before the recipe, it follows
   directly. The image itself features blue,
   green, red and orange as its primary
   colours. The orange in the bowl is a
   stark contrast to the green and blue
   that surround it. The colours are similar
   to those used on the recipe page itself.
   This page has no text at all, and the
   reader has to assume that it’s the
   picture that goes along side the recipe.
   The image itself is a photograph which
   is most likely to have been
   photographed specifically for the
   recipe book.
Vegetarian society recipe card-front

                                       The front page of this recipe features
                                       the main image of the food, a
                                       raspberry frangipane tart. The image is
                                       of high quality and clear to see. The
                                       image has been photographed
                                       specifically for this recipe and the
                                       image is of the food being described.
                                       The colours in the images are primarily
                                       red and green, which are the colours
                                       that have been used in the background
                                       as well. The red is shown through the
                                       napkin that the white plate is placed
                                       on and the green is shown through the
                                       green blocks acting as a boarder. The
                                       text on the page is very simple and in a
                                       sans serif font, the colour of the text is
                                       white, which stands out against the
                                       green of the boarder. There is a
                                       vegetarian society logo in the bottom
                                       left hand corner of the page, which
                                       tells the reader where the recipe has
                                       come from.
Vegetarian society recipe card-back
                                      The page featuring all the written
                                      information is where the main details
                                      such as ingredients, cooking method and
                                      preparation times are shown to the
                                      reader. The font varies throughout the
                                      page, having the main bulk of the text be
                                      a simple and easy to read font and having
                                      a serif font along the right hand side of
                                      the page, which makes the page look
                                      slightly more feminine. The page is again
                                      bordered by a green block and the centre
                                      of the page is white. Much like the front
                                      page of the recipe. The colour of the text
                                      is either green or white depending on
                                      where it is placed. The image used is a
                                      close up of the dessert, and is placed on
                                      the right hand side of the page and is
                                      much smaller than the image featured on
                                      the front cover. The colours once again
                                      relate to the image on the page, featuring
                                      reds and greens. Due to the very formal
                                      and professional look of the page, I would
                                      suggest that the audience for this recipe
                                      would be an older woman.
Vegetarian society recipe card-front
 This front age of the recipe has the
 majority of the page featuring a
 medium close up of the ‘big bad boy
 salad’. The clear, high quality images
 shows a variety of colours, including
 reds, light pinks, greens and yellows,
 will draw the reader to the recipe. The
 food looks as though it has been
 placed next to other food with colours
 that contrast against its own, the
 yellow of the noodles against the green
 of the cucumber for example. The text
 on the page has been separated from
 the image by it being placed in a faded
 red square, which has been made to
 look like it has been pulled out of a
 notebook, on top of the image. The
 text is written in lower case, and is in
 white. The white text against the red
 background makes it stand out and the
 reader will notice it.
Vegetarian society recipe card-back
  This recipe card is slightly different due to the fact that it has
  ingredients on one page and then the method on a separate
  page to that. Although they are on two different pages it is
  clear that they are still for the same recipe due to the colour
  scheme used. They both feature texts in the same font, which
  is clear and easy to read. They also have the same background
  on the page- the modern looking orange pattern.

   The ingredients page has a
   small image in the bottom left
   hand corner, this image is also
   titled ‘tasty fun!’, the image
   looks like it has come directly
   from a Polaroid camera. Both
   pages are labeled clearly and
   have a step by step guide,
   clearly stating the method and
   the ingredients.
Vegetarian society recipe bookmarks

                            These bookmark styled recipe cards
                            made by the vegetarian society are
                            small and easy to store but they also
                            contain all the information you need as
                            well as a bright and colourful images.
                            Each bookmark is set up in a similar
                            way, having the image take up the top
                            third of the page. The colour scheme
                            also stays the same throughout each
                            bookmark, having the title of the recipe
                            over the image in bold white writing
                            with a green boarder. The main text on
                            the page is in black, with the
                            ingredients bolded, and the smaller
                            details in italic. Along the left hand side
                            of the page features the title of the dish
                            again, but turned on its side and in
                            green. The idea behind this is that due
                            to the recipe being in a ‘bookmark’
                            style, if you were to put the page in a
                            book or diary, you would be able to see
                            either the top of the page- which shows
                            the title of the recipe and the image, or
                            the left hand side of the page-which has
                            the title in bold and green.
Recipe card.
                             The title is written in a sans serif font, the colour                         Bright and colourful, using
                             of the text is brown, the brown font relates to the                           colours like pinks, yellows
                             brown of the chocolate in the images. The title                               and green have a strong
                             appears very informal which show that the recipe                              contrast against each other,
                             page itself will be informal also.                                            this will draw the readers
                                                                                                           eye towards it.

 There is a fun, childlike
 style to the colours and
 images used.

                                                                                                           The images take up half of
                                                                                                           the page and are essentially
                                                                                                           the first thing the reader
                                                                                                           will see. High quality
    The ingredients are clearly                                                                            photographs help the
    displayed on the entire left                                                                           images to look more
    hand side of the page. The                                                                             professional on an informal
    colour of the text is once                                                                             background. The colours in
    again brown, which relates                                                                             the images are repeated
    to the ingredients that are                                                                            throughout the page on the
    being used. The font used is                                                                           background and in the
    simple and easy to read.                                                                               texts.

                        The childlike drawing in the left hand bottom                The method of the recipe is
                        corner continues the childlike theme of the                  the biggest bulk of text on
                        page. By having the image look hand drawn, it                the page, the clear and
                        separates it from the professionalism of the                 easy to read font gives step
                        photographs.                                                 by step instructions.
Recipe card.
                                 The title is on the top of the page and is slightly           The colours used on this
                                 separated from the rest of the things on the page.            page are dark and muted
                                 The colour used is not easily readable when its               colours. Featuring reds and
                                 against the colour of the background its on. The              greens as well as faded
                                 yellow square also has brown spots faded into it              browns. The colours tie into
                                 which makes it even harder to read.                           the images shown on the

 The style of the page is
 more formal than the one
 previously, but is still very
                                                                                               The images take up half of
                                                                                               the page and are essentially
                                                                                               the first thing the reader
                                                                                               will see. High quality
    The ingredients are clearly                                                                photographs help the
    displayed on the entire left                                                               images to look more
    hand side of the page. The                                                                 professional on the dark
    colour of the text is dark                                                                 background. Although the
    green making it hard to                                                                    images are of a high quality,
    read clearly.                                                                              the food itself is not clear
                                                                                               of what it is.

                                                                                       The method of the recipe is
                                                                                       the biggest bulk of text on
                         The illustrations in the centre of the page are               the page, the font gives
                         representing the Mexican feel of the dish by                  step by step instructions,
                         having ‘ole’ written in a sans serif font.                    although the colour and
                                                                                       style of the text is not easy
                                                                                       to read.
Simple imagery used on the page. Photos
of the food used In the recipes instead of
the finished piece.

Very basic colours used- white is the
primary colour on the page. Splashes of
red and green across the page. Lack of
colour draws the readers eye to where the
colour is.

Small and simple title in the top left hand
corner going on a diagonal slant. Sans serif
font used adds a more feminine look to it.

   Each title for the recipes is seperated from
   the rest of the recipe via a ‘paper clip’ this
   paper clip effect makes the page look
   slightly more 3D and adds a fun and
   inventive aspect to the page.

Simple background means that the recipes
are the main focus of the page.

Shadows around the images and the
crinkled look of the paper notes make the
page look more interesting to the eye. It
appears that the background is a table and
these items have been placed on the
surface, then photographed.

Simple black boarder outlining the recipe
and seperating it from where it might be-
recipe book, magazine etc.
Front of a recipe card for leek and
            ginger soup
                  • As you can see there is a very
                    professional look to this page.
                    The photography is very strong
                    and with the use of a shallow
                    depth of field the focus is kept
                    firmly on the product itself. The
                    lighting allows you to see the dish
                    clearly and allows you to get a
                    feel for the texture of the food.
                    There is a elegant feel to the
                    image with the use of the wood
                    and the spoon, you get the
                    feeling of sitting beside a roaring
                    fire, this gives a pleasing finish to
                    the image.
Back of the leek and ginger soup card

With the back they have kept it
simple using only two colors and two
font types. This makes it easy to read
whilst still upholding a professional
finish to the card. There is some serif
font that goes from top to bottom
on the right hand side that also
shows the elegancy of the dish. The
step by step walkthrough is very
clear and easy to follow. There is
also a lot of extra information at the
foot of the card where they show all
of the numbers and email addresses
that you can go to if you wish to
gather more information regarding
what they as a company are about
or any general queries they have
about the products that they
A vegetarian guide for young people
                  •   This is a stark contrast to the work
                      on the previous slides as this is
                      aimed specifically at the younger
                      generations and they hope to
                      appeal more to them with the use
                      of eye catching and stimulating
                  •   The playful use of the foods to
                      construct some of the letters will
                      also help with the interaction
                      between them and the children
                      and will also help the appeal of the
                      text to the younger children.
                  •   You can tell clearly which sort of
                      age groups they are trying to reach
                      out to. The concept whilst being an
                      interesting one it is also simplistic
                      in its makeup.
Example of the photography used in
    the young peoples guide
                 •   The photography used in this guide
                     is a positive representation of what
                     they are trying to achieve within
                     the vegetarian community which is
                     to get more young people
                     interested and aware of the
                     vegetarian options that there are
                     available. The Images are very
                     welcoming and fun with a
                     professional element in there as
                     well. The images labeled 21 and 23
                     show a couple of the dishes that
                     can be made with the use of this
                     guide whilst the other photographs
                     show children interacting with
                     others and the food.
A vegetarian food guide for teens
• Although this is focused on a
  similar aspect to the previous
  slide there are vast differences in
  this product to the last. It is easy
  to tell that this is for an older
  audience in comparison to the
  one aimed at “young people”.
  There is a sense that this has
  been put together with more of a
  professional finish in mind, with
  the title along the top, the logo in
  the bottom left corner and an
  image that helps to illustrate
  what they are about making up
  the majority of the cover.
Nutritional information
            •   This page of the guide enables the
                readers to get a good idea of the
                sorts of foods you should be eating
                in order to maintain a healthy diet
                if you are a vegetarian.
            •   There is a strong use of color
                throughout the entire publication
                and is especially present in this
                example with lots of use of greens
                and yellows which are bright and
            •   It gives information that can be
                beneficial to the readers as well as
                there being an accompanying visual
                representation of the sorts of foods
                that are given as examples.
An adult/parent guide
           •   This is yet another example of one of the
               publications that this company is responsible
           •   You can tell that this is for a more mature
               audience as it has a much cleaner finish to it
               with the focus being entirely on the food itself
               rather than incorporating an image that
               comprises of both the people that it is aimed at
               as well as the food.
           •   This is more of the standard culinary publication
               layouts that we are accustomed to seeing where
               there is a shallow depth of field and also where
               a focal point is very clear.
           •   It is easy to see how the escalation in age of the
               target audience has effected the finish of the
               overall layout, use of text, fonts, color etc.
           •   The use of the caption in the top left corner
               “quick meal ideas” is one that will appeal to
               parents as time is always a factor when
               considering meal choice.
Parent guide layout/style
•   This is an example of the layout and
    the style that is used in this
    particular guide. In comparison the
    the previous editions of their work
    for young people and teens there is
    noticeably more text on the page
    and it is in relatively large
•   There is also a difference in the
    different colors that are on the
    page and there is simply a couple of
    different colors and a few different
    font styles depending on what
    effect they are trying to create. For
    example on the two strips of paper
    they have used a font that makes it
    look as though there is hand
    writing on there.
Vegetarianism pregnancy
            •   This again is an example of a
                vegetarian product that has a
                specific clientele in mind and in this
                case it is concerning the topic of
                pregnancy and how and if being a
                vegetarian affects you or your child.
            •   The front cover is fairly simple and
                consists of a few main factors; the
                title, images of parents, food and
                children and a line specifying what
                you will find throughout the guide
                “useful information to support you
                and your baby”.
            •   Taking this all into account there is
                complete clarity of what the book is
                about and the information you will
                find within.
•   This is a screenshot to show how two pieces of
    the same information can be depicted
    completely differently when there is a different
    target market in mind. This version of the same
    pie chart has significantly more text on and
    noticeably less color than the version of it on
    the teens guide. There is also a large amount of
    text that is found above the chart that helps to
    illustrate the points that are made by the pie
    chart and the accompanying information.
•   Since this is a publication that is aimed at the
    topic of pregnancy the majority of the audience
    will be women and it could be said that this is
    reflected trough the choice of font. The font is
    sans serif and has a nice curvy and smooth feel
    to it rather than a serif font which can be hard
    on the eye.
•   This is helpful to me as it shows me that I will
    have to really think about who the cards that I
    am going to create are aimed at and how I can
    go about executing different techniques in order
    to get the desired effects.
What extras are offered?
            • This screenshot helps to illustrate
              that the company have put in
              additional information regarding
              certain topics that people going
              through pregnancy might have for
              example, morning sickness or
              digestive problems. The guide
              gives a considerable amount of
              information about these topics.
            • The same color scheme is used
              through the inner pages of the
              publication with the green
              header and white background
              with overlaying black text which
              makes it formal and easy to read.
•   This is an example of how you can
    adjust the style of your recipe cards
    to accommodate for any specific
    seasonal or festive times. With this
    particular dish you get the feeling
    that it is Christmas. The use of
    bokeh photography gives a nice
    relaxed and pleasant atmosphere
    that you would associate with that
    time of the year. The focal point of
    the image is the meal itself that is
    placed directly in the middle of the
    photograph. The image feels as
    though it is quite intimate with the
    use of candles and what appears to
    be a wine glass also there is
    another plate that is in the
    background of the image.
        •   This is another example of how the look
            of a recipe card can be affected by the
            time of year or season. This particular
            example is trying to portray the feeling
            of Christmas, one of the ways that they
            do this is by using colors such as gold
            and purple which can be linked to the
            Christmas period. Also there is a theme
            of sharing in this image which is also
            associated with Christmas time.
        •   They have also included a fancy and
            elegant feel to it, there is an extremely
            shallow depth of field to the point that
            the only part of the image that is sharp
            in focus is the pie itself and not even
            the greens or the sides are clear.
Festive/ seasonal
•   The Christmas theme is continued on into
    the publication with further use of purple
    and gold also there are more Christmas
    related images in this such as the
    decoration with text and even images in
    them. The numbers for the method also
    feature Christmas elements.
•   The titles are done in gold or purple and
    also in a serif font which is a more
    attractive and elegant style of text and
    then the bulky portions of information
    have been done in a sans serif font which
    easier to read and therefore better for
    instructional use. Also making it easier to
    read the larger amounts of text are done
    in black against the white background.
•   We will have to take into account any
    ways that we can make the products that
    we make more appealing and this could
    be down to matching it to the time of year
    i.e. spring, (Easter) and being able to
    create a theme to match this.

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Producing print base media lo2 text analysis

  • 1. Researching Current Recipe Pages Savannah Hardwick
  • 2. Cordon Vert recipe card-front The front cover of this recipe card has the image in the centre of the page which draws the readers eye towards it straight away making it essentially the most important thing on the page as its what will make the reader look further. The surrounding colours on the page all relate to the image of the carrot and cashew fan, featuring reds and greens as the primary colours on the page. The image itself is of high quality and the food on the plate is presented in a professional manor. There is minimal amounts of texts used on the page which makes the image the focal point of this page. The text itself isn't bold or capitalised, and is presented in white, a simple colour that stands out against the red of the boarder. By having a boarder on the page makes the picture more centralised and important. The group who have created the recipe cards logo is featured in the bottom left hand corner of the page, again the logo is green, which relates to the image due to the garnish that has been placed on the meal itself.
  • 3. Cordon Vert recipe card-back The back page of the recipe card is where the details such as ingredients, cooking method and preparation times are shown. This page features primarily writing. The font varies throughout the page, having the main bulk of the text be a simple, clear and easy to read font and having a serif font along the right hand side of the page adds a more feminine look to the page. The page is again bordered by a red block and the centre of the page is white. The colour of the texts alternates depending on which colour it is on top of, red text on a white background and white text on a red background. The image used is a close up of the meal itself, and is placed on the left hand side of the page and is much smaller than the image featured on the front cover. The is again a green logo on the page but its more centralised. The colours all relate to the image on the page, featuring reds and greens. You can see by the professionalism of the pages and the formal presentation, text types and colour used, that this recipe card is aimed at an older female audience.
  • 4. Recipe page taken from a ‘vegetarian for beginners’ book-front This recipe page has a lime green background and features mainly greens, blues and whites. Each of the colours have a contrast against each other and stand out again the colour of the background, making the page look more fun and child like. The style of page has a look of a notebook with notes written on it. It also features a ‘children can help with’ section which further establishes the childlike theme to the page. The page features no images of the food at all, which doesn’t give a clear ides of what the food could look like. The images used on the page are childlike drawings of equipment that would be used to cook this food. The text on the page is in a simple sans serif font that is easy to read, clear and concise.
  • 5. Recipe page taken from a ‘vegetarian for beginners’ book-back The page after the recipe is a full page view of the food itself. Although its not shown before the recipe, it follows directly. The image itself features blue, green, red and orange as its primary colours. The orange in the bowl is a stark contrast to the green and blue that surround it. The colours are similar to those used on the recipe page itself. This page has no text at all, and the reader has to assume that it’s the picture that goes along side the recipe. The image itself is a photograph which is most likely to have been photographed specifically for the recipe book.
  • 6. Vegetarian society recipe card-front The front page of this recipe features the main image of the food, a raspberry frangipane tart. The image is of high quality and clear to see. The image has been photographed specifically for this recipe and the image is of the food being described. The colours in the images are primarily red and green, which are the colours that have been used in the background as well. The red is shown through the napkin that the white plate is placed on and the green is shown through the green blocks acting as a boarder. The text on the page is very simple and in a sans serif font, the colour of the text is white, which stands out against the green of the boarder. There is a vegetarian society logo in the bottom left hand corner of the page, which tells the reader where the recipe has come from.
  • 7. Vegetarian society recipe card-back The page featuring all the written information is where the main details such as ingredients, cooking method and preparation times are shown to the reader. The font varies throughout the page, having the main bulk of the text be a simple and easy to read font and having a serif font along the right hand side of the page, which makes the page look slightly more feminine. The page is again bordered by a green block and the centre of the page is white. Much like the front page of the recipe. The colour of the text is either green or white depending on where it is placed. The image used is a close up of the dessert, and is placed on the right hand side of the page and is much smaller than the image featured on the front cover. The colours once again relate to the image on the page, featuring reds and greens. Due to the very formal and professional look of the page, I would suggest that the audience for this recipe would be an older woman.
  • 8. Vegetarian society recipe card-front This front age of the recipe has the majority of the page featuring a medium close up of the ‘big bad boy salad’. The clear, high quality images shows a variety of colours, including reds, light pinks, greens and yellows, will draw the reader to the recipe. The food looks as though it has been placed next to other food with colours that contrast against its own, the yellow of the noodles against the green of the cucumber for example. The text on the page has been separated from the image by it being placed in a faded red square, which has been made to look like it has been pulled out of a notebook, on top of the image. The text is written in lower case, and is in white. The white text against the red background makes it stand out and the reader will notice it.
  • 9. Vegetarian society recipe card-back This recipe card is slightly different due to the fact that it has ingredients on one page and then the method on a separate page to that. Although they are on two different pages it is clear that they are still for the same recipe due to the colour scheme used. They both feature texts in the same font, which is clear and easy to read. They also have the same background on the page- the modern looking orange pattern. The ingredients page has a small image in the bottom left hand corner, this image is also titled ‘tasty fun!’, the image looks like it has come directly from a Polaroid camera. Both pages are labeled clearly and have a step by step guide, clearly stating the method and the ingredients.
  • 10. Vegetarian society recipe bookmarks These bookmark styled recipe cards made by the vegetarian society are small and easy to store but they also contain all the information you need as well as a bright and colourful images. Each bookmark is set up in a similar way, having the image take up the top third of the page. The colour scheme also stays the same throughout each bookmark, having the title of the recipe over the image in bold white writing with a green boarder. The main text on the page is in black, with the ingredients bolded, and the smaller details in italic. Along the left hand side of the page features the title of the dish again, but turned on its side and in green. The idea behind this is that due to the recipe being in a ‘bookmark’ style, if you were to put the page in a book or diary, you would be able to see either the top of the page- which shows the title of the recipe and the image, or the left hand side of the page-which has the title in bold and green.
  • 11. Recipe card. The title is written in a sans serif font, the colour Bright and colourful, using of the text is brown, the brown font relates to the colours like pinks, yellows brown of the chocolate in the images. The title and green have a strong appears very informal which show that the recipe contrast against each other, page itself will be informal also. this will draw the readers eye towards it. There is a fun, childlike style to the colours and images used. The images take up half of the page and are essentially the first thing the reader will see. High quality The ingredients are clearly photographs help the displayed on the entire left images to look more hand side of the page. The professional on an informal colour of the text is once background. The colours in again brown, which relates the images are repeated to the ingredients that are throughout the page on the being used. The font used is background and in the simple and easy to read. texts. The childlike drawing in the left hand bottom The method of the recipe is corner continues the childlike theme of the the biggest bulk of text on page. By having the image look hand drawn, it the page, the clear and separates it from the professionalism of the easy to read font gives step photographs. by step instructions.
  • 12. Recipe card. The title is on the top of the page and is slightly The colours used on this separated from the rest of the things on the page. page are dark and muted The colour used is not easily readable when its colours. Featuring reds and against the colour of the background its on. The greens as well as faded yellow square also has brown spots faded into it browns. The colours tie into which makes it even harder to read. the images shown on the page. The style of the page is more formal than the one previously, but is still very informal. The images take up half of the page and are essentially the first thing the reader will see. High quality The ingredients are clearly photographs help the displayed on the entire left images to look more hand side of the page. The professional on the dark colour of the text is dark background. Although the green making it hard to images are of a high quality, read clearly. the food itself is not clear of what it is. The method of the recipe is the biggest bulk of text on The illustrations in the centre of the page are the page, the font gives representing the Mexican feel of the dish by step by step instructions, having ‘ole’ written in a sans serif font. although the colour and style of the text is not easy to read.
  • 13. Simple imagery used on the page. Photos of the food used In the recipes instead of the finished piece. Very basic colours used- white is the primary colour on the page. Splashes of red and green across the page. Lack of colour draws the readers eye to where the colour is. Small and simple title in the top left hand corner going on a diagonal slant. Sans serif font used adds a more feminine look to it. Each title for the recipes is seperated from the rest of the recipe via a ‘paper clip’ this paper clip effect makes the page look slightly more 3D and adds a fun and inventive aspect to the page. Simple background means that the recipes are the main focus of the page. Shadows around the images and the crinkled look of the paper notes make the page look more interesting to the eye. It appears that the background is a table and these items have been placed on the surface, then photographed. Simple black boarder outlining the recipe and seperating it from where it might be- recipe book, magazine etc.
  • 14. Front of a recipe card for leek and ginger soup • As you can see there is a very professional look to this page. The photography is very strong and with the use of a shallow depth of field the focus is kept firmly on the product itself. The lighting allows you to see the dish clearly and allows you to get a feel for the texture of the food. There is a elegant feel to the image with the use of the wood and the spoon, you get the feeling of sitting beside a roaring fire, this gives a pleasing finish to the image.
  • 15. Back of the leek and ginger soup card With the back they have kept it simple using only two colors and two font types. This makes it easy to read whilst still upholding a professional finish to the card. There is some serif font that goes from top to bottom on the right hand side that also shows the elegancy of the dish. The step by step walkthrough is very clear and easy to follow. There is also a lot of extra information at the foot of the card where they show all of the numbers and email addresses that you can go to if you wish to gather more information regarding what they as a company are about or any general queries they have about the products that they
  • 16. A vegetarian guide for young people • This is a stark contrast to the work on the previous slides as this is aimed specifically at the younger generations and they hope to appeal more to them with the use of eye catching and stimulating colors. • The playful use of the foods to construct some of the letters will also help with the interaction between them and the children and will also help the appeal of the text to the younger children. • You can tell clearly which sort of age groups they are trying to reach out to. The concept whilst being an interesting one it is also simplistic in its makeup.
  • 17. Example of the photography used in the young peoples guide • The photography used in this guide is a positive representation of what they are trying to achieve within the vegetarian community which is to get more young people interested and aware of the vegetarian options that there are available. The Images are very welcoming and fun with a professional element in there as well. The images labeled 21 and 23 show a couple of the dishes that can be made with the use of this guide whilst the other photographs show children interacting with others and the food.
  • 18. A vegetarian food guide for teens • Although this is focused on a similar aspect to the previous slide there are vast differences in this product to the last. It is easy to tell that this is for an older audience in comparison to the one aimed at “young people”. There is a sense that this has been put together with more of a professional finish in mind, with the title along the top, the logo in the bottom left corner and an image that helps to illustrate what they are about making up the majority of the cover.
  • 19. Nutritional information • This page of the guide enables the readers to get a good idea of the sorts of foods you should be eating in order to maintain a healthy diet if you are a vegetarian. • There is a strong use of color throughout the entire publication and is especially present in this example with lots of use of greens and yellows which are bright and eye-catching. • It gives information that can be beneficial to the readers as well as there being an accompanying visual representation of the sorts of foods that are given as examples.
  • 20. An adult/parent guide • This is yet another example of one of the publications that this company is responsible for. • You can tell that this is for a more mature audience as it has a much cleaner finish to it with the focus being entirely on the food itself rather than incorporating an image that comprises of both the people that it is aimed at as well as the food. • This is more of the standard culinary publication layouts that we are accustomed to seeing where there is a shallow depth of field and also where a focal point is very clear. • It is easy to see how the escalation in age of the target audience has effected the finish of the overall layout, use of text, fonts, color etc. • The use of the caption in the top left corner “quick meal ideas” is one that will appeal to parents as time is always a factor when considering meal choice.
  • 21. Parent guide layout/style • This is an example of the layout and the style that is used in this particular guide. In comparison the the previous editions of their work for young people and teens there is noticeably more text on the page and it is in relatively large quantities. • There is also a difference in the different colors that are on the page and there is simply a couple of different colors and a few different font styles depending on what effect they are trying to create. For example on the two strips of paper they have used a font that makes it look as though there is hand writing on there.
  • 22. Vegetarianism pregnancy • This again is an example of a vegetarian product that has a specific clientele in mind and in this case it is concerning the topic of pregnancy and how and if being a vegetarian affects you or your child. • The front cover is fairly simple and consists of a few main factors; the title, images of parents, food and children and a line specifying what you will find throughout the guide “useful information to support you and your baby”. • Taking this all into account there is complete clarity of what the book is about and the information you will find within.
  • 23. Comparison • This is a screenshot to show how two pieces of the same information can be depicted completely differently when there is a different target market in mind. This version of the same pie chart has significantly more text on and noticeably less color than the version of it on the teens guide. There is also a large amount of text that is found above the chart that helps to illustrate the points that are made by the pie chart and the accompanying information. • Since this is a publication that is aimed at the topic of pregnancy the majority of the audience will be women and it could be said that this is reflected trough the choice of font. The font is sans serif and has a nice curvy and smooth feel to it rather than a serif font which can be hard on the eye. • This is helpful to me as it shows me that I will have to really think about who the cards that I am going to create are aimed at and how I can go about executing different techniques in order to get the desired effects.
  • 24. What extras are offered? • This screenshot helps to illustrate that the company have put in additional information regarding certain topics that people going through pregnancy might have for example, morning sickness or digestive problems. The guide gives a considerable amount of information about these topics. • The same color scheme is used through the inner pages of the publication with the green header and white background with overlaying black text which makes it formal and easy to read.
  • 25. Festive/seasonal • This is an example of how you can adjust the style of your recipe cards to accommodate for any specific seasonal or festive times. With this particular dish you get the feeling that it is Christmas. The use of bokeh photography gives a nice relaxed and pleasant atmosphere that you would associate with that time of the year. The focal point of the image is the meal itself that is placed directly in the middle of the photograph. The image feels as though it is quite intimate with the use of candles and what appears to be a wine glass also there is another plate that is in the background of the image.
  • 26. Festive/seasonal • This is another example of how the look of a recipe card can be affected by the time of year or season. This particular example is trying to portray the feeling of Christmas, one of the ways that they do this is by using colors such as gold and purple which can be linked to the Christmas period. Also there is a theme of sharing in this image which is also associated with Christmas time. • They have also included a fancy and elegant feel to it, there is an extremely shallow depth of field to the point that the only part of the image that is sharp in focus is the pie itself and not even the greens or the sides are clear.
  • 27. Festive/ seasonal • The Christmas theme is continued on into the publication with further use of purple and gold also there are more Christmas related images in this such as the decoration with text and even images in them. The numbers for the method also feature Christmas elements. • The titles are done in gold or purple and also in a serif font which is a more attractive and elegant style of text and then the bulky portions of information have been done in a sans serif font which easier to read and therefore better for instructional use. Also making it easier to read the larger amounts of text are done in black against the white background. • We will have to take into account any ways that we can make the products that we make more appealing and this could be down to matching it to the time of year i.e. spring, (Easter) and being able to create a theme to match this.