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Summary Of Got Lactose
According to "Got Lactose?", cultural behavior affects evolution. In this excerpt, it is shown that cultures that included lactose in their diets, such as
European and East African cultures, are lactase persistent in adulthood. Other cultures, such as Asian cultures, that did not include lactose in their diets,
did not continue to be lactase persistent in adulthood. This is shown in the example of what happens during a famine. During famine, when milk was a
majority source of food, those who could not process lactose died off, leaving those who can process lactose to survive. So now, those there today have
the mutation that allows them to process lacto Each culture manages to define various concepts, words and ideas differently. In these chapters,
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Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerant individuals experience many uncomfortable symptoms after consumption of lactose containing foods. This discomfort is largely
due to a shortage or an absence of the digestive enzyme lactase. Lactase is an enzyme located on the brush border of mucosal cells in the small
intestine (Stanfield, 2011). Normally, lactose is hydrolyzed by thisenzyme and end products, glucose and galactose, are readily absorbed into the
bloodstream (Lomer, Parkes, & Sanderson, 2008). Without lactase this mechanism is not possible and lactose problematically lingers as a disaccharide
in the small intestine's lumen. This paper will discuss the development of primary and secondary lactose intolerance, the physiology behind the their
symptoms, and the ... Show more content on ...
Fermented milk products have had probiotics added to them (such as Streptococcus thermophiles or Lactobacillus bulgaricus). These microorganisms
ferment milk products so that lactose is no longer present or hardly present. These microorganisms are able to endure low pH environments, such as
that found in the stomach (McWilliams, 2012). Because of this, probiotics similar to these microorganisms are sometimes used as a form of treatment
for lactose intolerance. Treatment through probiotics varies in its success because of the differences in individuals who suffer from the condition
(Lomer et al.,
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Imobilizing Enzymes
The purpose of immobilising enzymes before they are used to catalyse a reaction is to be reused again because they are not completely lost in the
solution. We immobilised lactase enzyme by dissolving it in sodium alginate gel. This is one of the more widely used practises in industry as it is very
efficient and effective. We can see that by our experiment by immobilising theenzyme and could retain it even after it has been involved in the reaction
by catalysing the breakdown of lactose in glucose and galactose.
Lactose was contained within the milk and as the milk met the immobilised lactase, it began to break down into glucose and galactose. The results
show, as the lactose in the milk was left to the lactase for longer, the break down into glucose and galactose increased. This can be seen by the
colour change. To begin with we tested the milk for glucose by dipping the clinistix before the treatment and the result was negative, showing that no
glucose was present. Once the milk was exposed in the lactase enzyme for 5 minutes it had already begun to break down into glucose and galactose,
the first test showed some signs of glucose as had turned from blue to light green. As the experiment progressed and the milk was left in the lactase
enzyme for longer, more and more was broken down into glucose and galactose, this is evident by ... Show more content on ...
It made it more difficult to give an accurate time of conversion. This could be improved, by using more advanced type of glucose detecting sticks to
measure the percentage of glucose conversion. This will give a quantitative, which would produce more accurate tables and graphs. I could use a set
time for to check how much is converted. This would prevent problems such as interference of the beads and lactose and galactose molecules, blocking
the glucose molecules from the end of the syringe
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Lactose Intolerance : An Essential Pathway For Continued...
Lactose Intolerance
For human beings, the process of digestion is an essential pathway for continued survival on a daily basis. However, in the last 10 years, statistics
from 1997 to 2007 for bodily functions rejecting certain types of food, such as allergies, has increased at a rate of 18%. (Branum) Reactions to certain
types of food can be caused by the bodies immune system "overreacting" to one of the molecules within the food in question. ("Food Allergies–
Cause") Other causes can be from the body's lacking the ability to produce the required digestive enzymes which result in the inability to process that
sort of food. A prime, and common, example of this is a condition known aslactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance has generally been more common
with certain ethnic groups such as Asians and Europeans largely because of the history of their regions. Being isolated from livestock that produces
milk, many of these ancient people were not exposed to lactose molecules for thousands of years. This is, of course, with the exception of a mother's
breast milk however, as Curry states in this source, "Young children almost universally producelactase and can digest the lactose in their mother 's
milk. But as they mature, most switch off the lactase gene." Then, as trade increased, milk was a sudden commodity that had not been available, nor
desired, for many adults and it was soon discovered many could not drink this milk without suffering symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach
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Lactose Intolerance Research Paper
My sister Bess had always been a picky eater. We figured it was just how she was until she started complaining of pain when she ate dairy. My
parents immediately took her to the doctor. They told her what we had already assumed: she was lactose intolerant. Because of the fact that Bess
already was a picky eater with a sensitive stomach, her diagnosis limited her even more. We went to the store to get her almond milk and some
different substitutes, but not all of them worked for her due to taste preferences and other stomach issues. We had some meals that were safe to make
for her, but it still wasn't an easy transition. There was a day she sat in her room almost in tears due to her frustration. What I Already Know or
Assume I know from... Show more content on ...
Milk from other mammals (i.e. goats) also contains high amounts of lactose. Products with lower lactose are safe for people with lactose intolerance
to eat or drink ("Lactose Intolerance in Children and Adolescents" 3). There aren't any permanent treatments for lactose intolerance (Martin). There are
pills and other supplements that can be taken to lessen the effects, but avoiding dairy is the best defense (Tuokkola, et al 1080 ). There have been
some people that have stopped having dairy and subsequently no longer had any reactions to dairy when they had it again
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Personal Essay: Lactose Intolerant
Got Milk? Why I Chose My Topic Nothing can compare to the refreshing deliciousness of a creamy, soft serve ice cream cone. Ice cream is, in fact,
incredible in all forms, including ice cream cakes, milkshakes, sundaes, popsicles, and countless more. If it wasn't already obvious, ice cream is
my favorite dessert. Consuming this delectable dairy treat is the easy task; however, the aftermath is a different story. Afterwards, there's a terrible
storm of stomach pains, nausea, cramping and perpetual sadness. Yes, I am also lactose intolerant. I have never been officially diagnosed, but the
long running effects of lactose intolerance in my family and the pain I experience after consuming dairy lead me to this conclusion. As a fond
lover of most dairy products, I not only want to know why these foods pain me but also what has made me lactose intolerant. Why do the things I
love hurt me the most? How can I control my discomfort and still enjoy my favorite foods? What I Already Know Lactose intolerance has its
dominance in my family. My mother and both of my sisters have the same reactions to dairy that I do. I've been lactose intolerant since I've been a
child; but when I was about 10 years old, I could suddenly eat dairy without any pain. About two years ago, the pain started to return with seemingly no
reason. What I do not... Show more content on ...
In this article, these professionals explained the difference between actual lactose intolerance and other causes of abdominal or stomach pain. They also
gave insight on the potential negative health effects that avoiding certain foods can cause. This article, along with the other resources, has given me
new insight and information to lead me to more definite conclusions than
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Speech On Lactose Intolerance
Good morning Miss B and class. Lactose intolerance is often mistaken as an allergy, but it is rather an intolerance of lactose.
An intolerance is a hypersensitivity to certain food or ingredient. It is not as serious as an allergy as it does not involve and immune system response.
It causes symptoms and their severity ranges as to how much is ingested. These symptoms can be: Digestive problems, gas build up, cramps, bloating.
People with an intolerance of a substance can ingest small quantities of it.
An allergy is where the immune system reacts to a specific food and regards it as harmful or toxic. The body produces antibodies in response to the
allergen and if the body comes in contact with any amount, antibodies respond by an allergic ... Show more content on ...
It is done by doing the hydrogen breath test. It measures the amount of hydrogen exhaled after drinking a lactose beverage. Lactose which is
undigested is fermented in the colon and these bacteria produce hydrogen which s exhaled. If you have higher levels of hydrogen exhaled after 90
minutes of drinking the lactose drink, you are then classified as being lactose intolerant.
People must be aware of the risk factors if diagnosed with lactose intolerance, Consuming lactose products will cause discomfort. Children that are
lactose intolerant have a higher risk of getting rickets and hampered tooth formation, and therefore need to be put on supplements in extreme cases.
Adults must be aware of getting osteoporosis.
Managing with lactose intolerance can be tricky to juggle. People are encouraged to find a level of lactose that they can handle without having
symptoms, through trial and error. When consuming lactose, it is recommended to have it with a meal as it slows down the digestive process. Cheeses
and yoghurts contain less lactose than milk and could be a better way of introducing calcium to your diet. Know medication that contains lactose and
read food
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Lactose Research Paper
Lactose is the carbohydrate naturally found in all kinds of milk including human milk. To digest lactose your body contains the enzyme lactase. Lactase
is an enzyme supplement used to help people who are having trouble digesting milk and other dairy products. This enzyme is found in the small
intestines. Lactose intolerance is the reduced ability to digest milk sugars, due to the insufficient amounts of lactase.
Lactase splits and breaks down the lactose in your body into two simple sugars called glucose and galactose. These smaller sugars are absorbed by
your body to provide energy. This lactase enzyme is found in the lining if the small intestines. When a person doesn't have enough of the enzyme
lactase they are said to be lactose maldigestion ... Show more content on ...
Lactose maldigestion does not necessarily result in symptoms of lactose intolerance. Most people with lactose maldigestion can eat some
lactose–containing foods such as dairy, without feeling unwell. The 2 main causes for lactose intolerance are genetic predisposition or medical
condition. Genetic predisposition runs in the family depending the race/nationality you are can determine whether or not you are lactose intolerant.
Medical conditions such as gastrointestinal infection which can stip the insines of lactase for a few weeks or people with malnutrition who suffer
from undernutrition if their diet does not provide them with adequate calories and protein for maintenance and growth, or they cannot fully utilize
the food they eat due to illness. can lead to temporary lactose intolerance. Many health experts think it's important to treat lactose intolerance so
people can consume milk and milk products. Milk is a major source of calcium. which is needed for stronger bones people who don't get enough
milk are more likely than others to develop weak bones (osteoporosis). If you think you or someone in your care might have lactose intolerance, it's
important to see your doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate
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Lactose Lab Report
Study on The Effect of Temperature on Lactase [Online Simulation]
To determine the effect of temperature (0– 100 В°C) of the enzyme lactase using an online simulation.
This topic appealed to me because I know a lot of family and friends that experienced lactose intolerance. I thought that they were only allergic to
dairy products, but as this topic was discussed in our biology class, my curiosity extended and I became aware that the carbohydrate called lactose is
the reason for their illness. Lactose is a disaccharide molecule that is too large for the human body to digest. Therefore, it needs to be broken down by
a hydrolase enzyme called lactase (translated by the human LAC gene) into two monosaccharides– glucose and galactose. ... Show more content on ...
It would have been easier to understand the data if it was collected for rate per minute only. It is suggested that the data should just be collected in the
three minute mark to prevent confusion. Furthermore, since the simulation is pre–programmed there is no way of knowing how the lactase dose is
incorporated with the lactose solution. This may affect the lactase reaction because the speed of the lactase dropping in the solution may change the
hydrolysis rate. Lastly , because it is only a simulation, it is not the same as experiencing the experiment in real life. The simulation can come close in
accuracy as the actual experiment, but it can never be like one because it is computer generated. It is suggested that this experiment should also be tried
as an actual experiment instead of just the computer generated simulation
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Lactase Experiment
The results of the experiment vary from what is reported by previous studies (Curry, 2013, Enattah et al., 2002, & Tishkoff, 2007). The experiment
was conducted on students currently in the Biology 225 course in Schenectady, NY. The class was primarily composed of individuals whom are
descendants of Europe. Therefore, an assumption was made that by in large, the percentage of lactase persistent in the class that was expected was
going to be near 95% (Curry, 2013). However, such a high percentage was not found. Of the class, only 49.3% of individuals were determined to
possess a genotype that results in a phenotype of lactase persistence. Conversely, 40.8% of the class was found to carry the genotype lct/lct which
results in the phenotype of lactase non–persistence. Therefore, the results are nearly 50% off from what we expected initially. This could be for
numerous reasons, but perhaps the assumption should not have been made. The results fit much better when compared to the world average
occurrence of lactase persistence. Curry notes that out of all individuals over the age of 8 years old, only 35% still possess the ability to digest and
breakdown the lactose in dairy products (2013). The results do fit closer to the world average, therefore indicating that the assumption may have been
wrong, the results of the experiment still do not necessarily indicate whether the total population of students in the Spring 2016 Biology 225 class fits
the societal model where there is a
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Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is a condition in which the body is not able to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and milk products. Children with lactose
intolerance should avoid consuming foods and drinks with lactose.
What do I need to know about this diet?
Avoid giving your child foods with lactose.
Look for the words "lactose–free" or "lactose–reduced" on food labels. Your child can have lactose–free foods and may be able to have small amounts
of lactose–reduced foods.
Make sure your child gets enough calcium. Give your child a calcium supplement if directed by your child's health care provider. Talk to the health care
provider about a supplement if your child is not taking one.
Which foods have lactose?
Lactose is found in milk and ... Show more content on ...
What are some alternatives to milk and foods made with milk products?
Lactose–free products, such as lactose–free milk.
Almond or rice milk.
Soy products, such as soy yogurt, soy cheese, soy ice cream, soy–based sour cream, and soy–based infant formula.
Nondairy products, such as nondairy creamers and nondairy whipped topping. Note that nondairy products sometimes contain lactose, so it is
important to check the ingredients list.
Can my child have any foods with lactose?
Some children with lactose intolerance can safely eat foods that have a little lactose. Foods with a little lactose have less than 1 g of lactose per
serving. Examples of foods with a little lactose are:
Aged cheese (such as Swiss, cheddar, or Parmesan cheese). One serving is about 1–2 oz.
Cream cheese. One serving is about 2 Tbsp.
Ricotta cheese. One serving is about ВЅ cup.
If you give your child a food that has lactose:
Give your child only one food with lactose in it at a time.
Give your child a small amount of the food.
Stop giving your child the food if symptoms return.
Is my child getting enough calcium?
Calcium is found in many foods with lactose and is important for bone health. The amount of calcium your child needs depends on his or her
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Lactase Enzyme Lab Report
An Enzyme is a protein that in essence speeds up biological reactions. So that would mean that a Catalase is an enzyme reaction that decomposes
hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. It is primarily found in the liver and it is important in protecting the cell from damaging oxidative reactions.
Since enzymes speed up chemical reactions, without them the reactions would take place way to slowly to actually do your body any good. It also
stops the accumulation of cellular organelles. It is involved in several metabolic processes.
Enzymes have things called 'Active Sites' this the spot where substrates bind and chemical reaction takes place. Each enzyme has a different shape, this
allows the enzyme to receive only one type of ... Show more content on ...
They need to be broken down into simple sugars (monosaccharides) then digested/absorbed. In order to do this, the small intestine produces an enzyme
called lactase. What lactase does is attaches itself to the lactose molecule and breaks it down into glucose and galactose. These molecules aren't as big
or complicated so they're easily absorbed by the small intestine and into the bloodstream. Lactose Intolerance is when the body doesn't actually
produce the lactase enzyme, so the lactose can't be broken down and absorbed. People with Lactose intolerance usually opt to take lactaid pills.
The way these lactaid pills work is they contain the enzyme lactase that is responsible for the breakdown of lactose. You take these pills with the
lactase in them and then now since your body now has the enzyme in needs to break down and absorb the lactose proceeds to do so. What people
have recently found was that the pills don't actually work due to the acidity levels in the stomach. So when you take the lactaid pills, they don't
make a difference because your stomach acids destroy the pills before they can take affect. What my results in Table 1 found that this was actually
correct because, when the acid was introduced into this experiment it in essence rendered the pills completely useless. In Table 2 we found that, this
issue was in fact due to the acidity because when you remove the acid, each test we did came back positive. Meaning that lactose was successfully
metabolized/broken down into glucose. If we try and take account the sources of error that may have occurred during this lab, we have to take into
account that these pills are recommended to be taken with food. So that while the pill is put into your system the stomach acids don't destroy it
because there is food in your system that it is already focused on. So maybe if we had mimicked the
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Lactose Intolerance And Its Effects On The Body
Lactose intolerance occurs when the body is unable to properly digest foods which contain lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in milk and foods made
with milk. Lactase is the enzyme which is produced in the small intestine, and people with lactose intolerance tend to have a deficiency in lactase. Since
lactase is produced in the small intestine, lactose intolerance affects the digestive system and leaves people with symptoms which to their digestive
tract. Lactose intolerance can also be known as lactose malabsorption since the body does not properly digest lactose. Lactose intolerance is normally
harmless; however, the symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable to most people. The signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance usually begin ...
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However, it stays high enough to still digest the amount of dairy which is found in an adult diet. When someone has primary lactose intolerance,
the production of lactase falls off quickly and makes it difficult to digest milk products by adulthood. Genetics determines if someone has primary
lactose intolerance. Primary lactose intolerance occurs in a copious amount of people with an African, Asian, or Hispanic background. This disease
is also very common in people who are of Mediterranean or Southern European descent. The second type of lactose intolerance is called secondary
lactose intolerance. This type of lactose intolerance occurs when an illness, surgery or surgery involving the small intestine causes the small intestine
to decrease in lactase production. There are multiple different diseases associated with secondary lactose intolerance including celiac disease,
bacterial overgrowth, and Crohn's disease. There's a possibility of restoring lactase levels and improving the symptoms or signs by treating the
underlying disorder; however, it could take some time after treating the disease for lactase levels to increase. The last type of lactose intolerance is
called congenital or developmental lactose intolerance. Rarely, babies can be born with lactose intolerance which is caused when lactase activity is
completely absent. This disorder of being born lactose intolerant is passed from generation to generation meaning is it also determined by genetics. The
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Causes Of Lactose Intolerance
Lactose Intolerance Organisms across the planet utilize carbohydrates via digestion and absorption to obtain the energy they require (Open Learning
Initiative, 2015, p.70). For example, when a human being drinks milk, an enzyme lactase breaks down the sugar lactose into smaller sugar molecules
that the body then burns as energy (Multiple: Lactose Intolerance, 2009, p.643). However, particular individuals lack the ability to properly digest the
sugar in milk and these individuals have what is known as lactose intolerance (Hilton, 2011, p.2518). For my discussion forum post, I will discuss in
further detail the biology behind lactose intolerance, what causes it and how sufferers cope with their condition. Discussion What is lactose intolerance?
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However, per the Open Learning Initiative (2015, pg.93) foods such as "buttermilk, yogurt, and cheese, cause less of a problem because the amount of
lactose in these products is reduced by the microorganisms that are used to make them" and hence may be safe for individuals with lactose intolerance
to consume. What can people do to deal with lactose intolerance? One of the consequences of having lactose intolerance is a calcium deficiency
secondary to their diet restrictions (Davidson, 2013, pg.695). However, with the aid of a dietitian, these individuals can construct meals that will allow
them to have a adequate calcium intake via foods that contain calcium and do not contain lactose (such as salmon and white beans) and via calcium
supplements (Davidson, 2013, pg.695). Is there a way around it? Individuals with lactose intolerance have multiple options to cope with their condition.
For example, substituting dairy products for lactose–free equivalents, using lactase drops to breakdown the lactose in milk prior to consumption and
taking lactase capsules orally prior to consuming dairy products (Hilton, 2011,
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Marketing Pl Glf Cafe
GLF Cafe 1. Executive Summary This business plan provides a in–depth evaluation and plan of the present and potential profitability, liquidity and
financial security of GLF Cafe. This business has prospective future in the cafe market as it is a unique and original business. GLF Cafe will
satisfy the demands of the target audience, because gluten and lactose free dieting popularity has been increasing rapidly. 1.1 Business Name and
Justification GLF Cafe is a original name. This name has been chosen by the owner as it will provide a variety of ONLY lactose and gluten free
food and beverages for those who are on these diets. The initials GLF is a abbreviation for (Gluten and Lactose free Cafe.) 1.2 Vision and Mission
statement "Healthy... Show more content on ...
The location in George street is optimal as it is outside a chain of bus stops and train stations. Those who come to work early can stop by GLF Cafe
before going to work as it is in a good location. It is possible that the working class who are thinking about having a healthier diet may be influenced
and supported by the business.
 1.5 Ownership and legal structure This business will be operation by a sole trader. As the business running under
a sole trader it would not be hard to register the business. The reason why this business will be operated by a sole trader is that the owner has
complete control of the decisions regarding the business. A sole trader can employ staff at will, will receive full profits and dissolving or exiting
the business will requiring no hassle at all if the situation arises. 1.6 Business Goals For the first two years of operate this business has the
following goals to achieve: To win the TIME OUT Food Awards for best cafe. To have a excellent costumer base. To create original and interesting
lactose and gluten free recipes. To implement a social media promotion campaign. To train all employees to the highest standards a cafe can produce.
1.7 SWOT Analysis 2. Operations and Human Resources 2.1 Staff Personal and skill requirements The willingness to help people. A passion for good
food and beverages. Good problem–solving and decision–making skills. Strong organisational skills. The ability to lead and supervise people. Ability
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Lactose Intolerance Essay
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Lactose Intolerance
Keeton Ma'ataua Mulitalo
ANTH 3200
Lactose Intolerance All infant mammals when first born reply on their mothers for many aspects; protection, survival, and food. For food most babies
drink from their mothers breast, consuming milk that she produces for her offspring. Just as any mammal, Homo Sapiens rely on milk (being breast
fed) when first born. Most babies are able to produce enzymes that break down the lactose in their mother's milk. Allowing them to consume it, but
again (just as any mammal) once the baby starts growing (from an infant to an adult) and starts to rely less on their mother's ... Show more content on ...
It's been a little over two–hundred years since Samoans started to reproduce the genetic mutation. In the late 1700s European sailors "discovered" the
Island of Samoa, this leading to them reproducing with my ancestors, giving them the mutated gene to be lactose tolerant. Although being lactose
tolerant is among the people of Samoa (Pacific Islanders), most of the people (today) are still lactose intolerant. Having difficulty digesting dairy
products, due to a good amount of the Pacific Island population being lactose intolerance, they still use the ancient ways to make food, using coconut
milk. Making it difficult for them to undergo the genetic mutation, but maybe over time (just like the Europeans) the Pacific Islanders, Samoans will be
able to be lactose
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Lactose Intolerance Paper
Lactose Intolerance Research Paper Luping Zhao Ms. Temesvari IB Science 10 26 October 2017 –General Description of Disease Lactose intolerance
is a disorder where the body has a decreased ability to digest a sugar in milk products called lactose due to lack of the enzyme lactase found in the
duodenum, which breaks down lactase into galactose and glucose. This disorder is more common in adults, and mostly occurs in Asia and Africa,
where lactose intolerance is as high as 95% in some parts. In northern Europe however, this disorder occurs in less than 10% of the population. People
who are lactose intolerant must learn how to avoid the symptoms while getting enough of the nutrients in milk products. –History of disorder... Show
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Lactose, without Lactase, cannot be directly absorbed through the small intestine into the bloodstream, so it passes intact into the colon. The bacteria
in the colon can metabolise lactose, with the resulting fermentation producing large amounts of gas (mixture of methane, hydrogen, and carbon
dioxide), resulting in various abdominal symptoms, such as bloating. The fermentation, along with the unabsorbed sugars, raise the osmotic pressure of
the colon (low water concentration in the colon), causing more water to enter the bowels, resulting in Diarrhea. Other symptoms include cramps,
nausea, borborygmic, flatulence, and vomiting (mainly in adolescents). Symptoms usually occur between 30 mins and 2 hours after consumption of
lactose, with symptoms increasing with the amount of Lactose consumed, though most lactose–intolerant people can consume a certain (low) level of
lactose without these symptoms. –The possible treatments of the disorder Lactose intolerant is usually treating by decreasing lactose in the diet. Most
people with lactose intolerance can consume around 10g of lactose each day. Eating dairy products with less or no lactose is an option to gain the
nutrients that milk has. Adjusting the diet is also important, eating foods with the nutrients that milk has (most importantly calcium and vitamin D).
Taking lactase supplements is also an option, which supplies the body with lactase.
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Lactose Intolerance Research Paper
People who are lactose intolerant do not have the ability to digest the sugars found in dairy products. The small intestine does not produce enough of
the chemical needed to diagnose milk. A lack of lactase in the small intestine causes sugars from dairy to seep into the colon. Gastrointestinal problems
occur when the sugars produce excess gas in the colon. Scientists estimate sixty five percent of the general population cannot properly digest lactose.
What causes lactose intolerance?
Few people are born lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is usually caused by damage to the small intestine. Chrons or Celiac disease can cause
lactose intolerance. When the conditions are treated, people are usually able to effectively digest lactose.
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Essay Lactose Intolerance
Lactose Intolerance Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest significant amounts of lactose, the predominant sugar of milk. This inability results
from a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is normally produced by the cells that line the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into
simpler forms that can then be absorbed into the bloodstream. When there is not enough lactase to digest the amount of lactose consumed, the results,
although not usually dangerous, may be very distressing. While not all persons deficient in lactase have symptoms, those who do are considered to be
lactose intolerant.
The symptoms listed below are caused by the fermentation ... Show more content on ...
Persons who suffer from lactase deficiency and do not avoid lactose may suffer from weight loss and malnutrition.
The severity of symptoms varies depending on the amount of lactose each individual can tolerate. Some of the symptoms may be similar to those of
milk allergy but milk allergies can cause the body to react quicker, more often within a few minutes.
Common symptoms include nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhoea, which begin about 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or drinking foods
containing lactose. The severity of symptoms varies depending on the amount of lactose each individual can tolerate.
Some causes of lactose intolerance are well known. For instance, certain digestive diseases and injuries to the small intestine can reduce the amount of
enzymes produced. In rare cases, children are born without the ability to produce lactase. For most people, though, lactase deficiency is a condition
that develops naturally over time. After about the age of 2 years, the body begins to produce less lactase. However, many people may not experience
symptoms until they are much older.
How is lactose intolerance diagnosed?
The most common tests used to measure the absorption of lactose in the digestive system are the lactose tolerance test, the hydrogen breath test, and the
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Lactase Intolerance
Only one–third of the human population is capable of digesting lactose, which is the sugar found in milk. This is most likely because only certain
societies amongst the globe domesticated cows for a food and income source around ten thousand years ago. People who had ancestors that were apart
of these communities are more likely to be lactase persistent than those who do not. Communities such as these were often seen in places such as
Europe and Africa, which can likely be an explanation for why lactase persistence is often found in those with European and African ancestry, while
those with Asian backgrounds are often lactase intolerant.
Lactose, which is the main sugar in milk, is very difficult for the small intestine to process. Because of this, cells are required to make an enzyme
referred to as lactase, which is only found in newly born mammals, along with lactase persistent adult mammals. Lactase then breaks lactose into
glucose and galactose, possibly through the process of hydrolysis, and then the two sugars are entered into the blood stream where ... Show more
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They compared the lactase gene on chromosome two between those who were lactase persistent and those who were lactase intolerant and found that
there was a one base difference, being a T instead of a C. This can be considered a mutation found in European countries.
The lactase persistent mutation found in Europe was almost nonexistent in Africa. A different mutation was found, but it was still seen in the lactase
gene and allowed African adults to digest milk. Both European and African backgrounds evolved independently, with two different mutations that
essentially allowed them to do the same thing. This can be considered a great example of evolution and adaption in two different parts of the
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Evolution By Natural Selection
Evolution is the change of traits of a species over several generations. A famous biologist named Charles Darwin, theorized that evolution happens by
natural selection. Many people believe that evolution requires millions of years but scientists believe that evolution can occur rather quickly. In
Today's world, we have better health care, food, shelter and hygiene. Some might question if our advanced medicine and technology can lead to a stop
in evolution, but in fact we are still evolving according to some scientists (Neild). There has been much debate and controversy over this statement but
there is no concrete proof to say that humans are not evolving. In fact, there is evidence that evolution is happening at this very moment. For example,...
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Over the past 30,000 years, human brains have decreased about ten percent which is said to be equivalent to a tennis ball. Wilkens states, "Based on
skulls found in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, the human brain was about 1,500 cubic centimeters 30,000 years ago, and now it's down to about
1,359 cubic centimeters." It might seem like a slow process but losing that much brain mass can surely affect humans one way or another. Although
some people might think that humans are getting dumber because of the shrinking of the brain, some scientists strongly believe that is not the case.
There are several theories that explain why this phenomenon is happening. One theory states that humans now tend to rely more on society and
smaller brains help us work together. It also states that smaller brains cause humans to be less aggressive, giving us many social advantages
(Hullinger). Another and more interesting theory states that the reason behind the loss of the human brain mass is because, " Domestication leads to
smaller brains." (Alban) Humans learned how to cultivate, find food and shelter. People no longer need to learn survival skills like our ancient
ancestors once did which means that that location in our brain in no longer being used. A good example of this are domestic animals. Pet owners
provide their animals with food, shelter and love. They are no longer out in the wilderness
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Lactose Fermentation Lab
After making a clear dichotomous key, I knew the metabolic tests that needed to be performed on both, unknown 1A and unknown 1B, in order to
lead to an identification. On Unknown 1A, the first test required was a lactose fermentation test. I needed one tube of lactose and phenol red broth,
fitted with a Durham tube. The phenol red is a Ph indicator, and would turn the broth from a red color to a yellow color if acid is produced, which
would occur in lactose fermentation. The Durham tube allows us to see if any gas is produced in the fermentation process. If there is a bubble in the
tube, this shows that gas was produced. Be careful when handling these tubes to ensure you do not jostle it, causing air to enter the Durham tube. I
inoculated... Show more content on ...
A Simmon's citrate slant is needed for this test. This slant is a chemically defined medium of sodium citrate as a the carbon source, and the pH indicator
bromothymol blue. Only microorganisms containing the enzyme citrate premease, that allow them to use citrate as the only source of carbon, will
survive. They will produce alkaline byproducts which would turn the medium from green to blue. Using a sterilized inoculation needle, I collected the
sample from Unknown 1B, then stabbed the needle all the way to the bottom of the tube. Then I gently pulled out the needle to the surface of the slant
and streaked the surface before removing the needle from the tube. A urease test was next on the agenda. A urease slant is used to indicate whether a
bacteria is able to produce urease, that breaks down urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. This causes the slant to become more alkaline and is
indicated by the phenol red within the slant by changing to a hot pink color. Using a sterilized inoculation loop I obtained a sample of Unknown 1B
and carefully streaked the surface of the urea slant. I replaced the cap onto the urea slant but did not tighten, this test requires aerobic conditions. I then
wrapped the tube in foil prior to
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Neapolitan Ice Cream Persuasive Speech
In a society full of whining, complaining, self–victimizing snowflakes, people can get pretty agitating, right? All of these folks come out of nowhere
with these ridiculous claims. These "new–age" principles are always challenging the way we 've done things, and I mean, if it ain 't broke, don 't fix
it? Like, what more do these people want? When does it stop? We truly do live in a world where no one is satisfied. You do one thing, you 're
screwed. You do another thing, your still screwed. If you implement something that doesn 't 100% cater to the desires of another, there 's a problem.
The truth is, you 're not going to win out on every conflict. You are not going to be satisfied with every little decision made. If I were to host a... Show
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So naturally, you call up to Blueberry Elementary and ask the Principal to introduce non–lactose foods to the menu. The Principal, being a person who
has to worry about the needs of hundreds of other students, tells you that he will look into the issue, but no real progress was made in the
conversation. You make follow up call a couple of days later, and again, no progress. At this point, you 're quite offended at the reluctance to
address your concerns. Even though your son is just one student out of several hundred, your son 's health is still a pretty valid component of his
education and should be taken seriously by those who are responsible for him at school. After a few weeks, you somehow manage to convince the
school 's PTA to hold a meeting to discuss the issue with the other parents. The PTA allows you to brief the audience of your proposal, officially
bringing the issue to the awareness of others. Your proposal is a decent one, however, the other parents are simply not invested in the issue. You hear
various statements, such as, "Neapolitan ice cream hasn 't been a problem before, your son will be fine," or "My neighbor 's kid is lactose–intolerant
and she eats ice cream several times a day" and even "If it 's such a problem, then why don 't you transfer your son to Strawberry Academy (a private
school), where they don 't serve ice cream? Don 't punish us with a new menu!" The statements made by various members of the PTA reflect the
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Lactose Intolerant People Research Paper
Who is a lactose intolerant person? This is a person who cannot digest lactose when ingested into his body. How do you know that you are lactose
intolerant? If you take fresh dairy products and diarrhoea or get stomach upsets like bloating, pain, or cramps, regurgitation, flatulence, or gas,
borborygmi– rumbling and gurgling in the stomach, nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting, you could most likely be a victim.
All is not lost if you still like dairy products, only in this case you may need to take tem in a different state.
Milk has several components although many people take it as a source of protein, well it has 3.5% protein but more than that it has a 2–8% of
carbohydrates which majorly is lactose or what we call milk sugar. This is what that gives the fresh milk a sweet taste.
In the digestion process, carbohydrates are digested from the mouth by the enzyme by salivary amylase, in the stomach there isn't much further break
down until when it gets to the small intestines. Every sugar requires its enzyme to digest it, for example maltose requires maltase so lactose requires
lactase. Lactase enzyme is naturally produced by cells in the small intestine lining; it breaks lactose into its simple sugars which are glucose and
galactose. It cannot be absorbed in its complex state. ... Show more content on ...
Same way herbivores digest green forage while carnivores cannot. Lactase is present in babies but wears off in some people as they grow older,
mostly from the age of six. Premature babies may have less lactase and they may be lactose intolerant to a significant amount. There is also a congenital
lactose intolerance in some people all together, though rare it cannot be ruled out. There are other factors that can cause intolerance of fresh milk as
well as fresh dairy products, these include gastroenteritis and
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Effect Of Lactose On Ice Cream
What is the effect of varying amounts of lactose on the product in the chemical reaction to make ice cream?
To determine the effect of lactose amount has on ice cream consistency.
Background information
Lactose, also known as milk sugar, is a disaccharide found in the milk of most mammals. It consists of the monosaccharides glucose and galactose.
Lactose is the major carbohydrate in the milk of most mammals (Milk Composition and Synthesis, 2009). Different types of milk, cream, and dairy
contain varying amounts of lactose. Half and Half cream contains about 1.2g of lactose per ounce, whipping cream contains about .8g of lactose per
ounce, and skim milk contains about 1.5g of lactose per ounce (Ryan, 2004). Some types of milk contain ... Show more content on ...
The hypothesis that if the amount of lactose was greater than the ice cream will be softer in consistency was supported based on the data that was
collected. On average and in two out of three trials the data showed a decrease in height as the amount of lactose increased. This experiment showed
how changing the amount of reactants in a chemical reaction can have a direct effect on the state of the product. Work Cited
Hurley, Walter L. "Milk Composition: Lactose." Milk Composition and Synthesis Resource
Library, University of Illinois, 2009, Accessed 3 Dec. 2017
"ICE CREAM." Dairy Processing Handbook, Tetra Pak, 7 Dec. 2015,–cream. Accessed 10 Dec. 2017
Rohrig, Brian. "Ice, Cream... and Chemistry." American Chemical Society, Feb. 2014,
/chemmatters/past–issues/archive–2013–2014/ice–cream–chemistry.html. Accessed 20
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Effects Of Lactose On Ice Cream
Title What is the effect of varying amounts of lactose on the product in the chemical reaction to make ice cream? Purpose To determine the effect of
lactose amount has on ice cream consistency. Background information Lactose, also known as milk sugar, is a disaccharide found in the milk of
most mammals. It is made up of the monosaccharides glucose and galactose. Lactose is the major carbohydrate in the milk of most mammals (Milk
Composition and Synthesis, 2009). Different types of milk, cream, and dairy contain varying amounts of lactose. Half and Half cream contains about
1.2g of lactose per ounce, whipping cream contains about .8g of lactose per ounce, and skim milk contains about 1.5g of lactose per ounce (Ryan,
2004). Some types of... Show more content on ...
Fill a 1–gallon plastic bag half full with ice and add 6 tablespoons of salt. Seal and shake the bag. Put the milk and sugar mixture into a 1–pint ziplock
bag and seal the bag. Place the 1–pint bag into the 1–gallon bag and shake vigorously for 10 minutes. Remove the 1–pint bag from the 1–gallon bag
Remove the ice cream from the 1–pint bag and shape into the tallest formation possible Measure the final height of the formation, Repeat step seven
two more times Preform steps 1–8 for skim milk, half and half, and whipping cream Data Lactose amount effect on height Lactose amount grams
Height cm Trail 1 Trail 2 Trial 3 Average 0g 12.7 12.06 13.9 12.88 .8g (Whipping cream) 11.7 11.2 13 11.96 1.2g (Half and Half) 11.1 12 11.7 11.6 1.5g
(Skim milk) 10.9 11.7 11.2 11.26 0g of lactose.8g of lactose 1.2g of lactose1.5g of lactoseData Analysis The data shows that in almost every trial
there is a clear and constant pattern while there were a few exceptions in a couple of the trials the clear pattern that can be shown even more clearly
by looking at the averages the more lactose that was in the milk or cream used the shorter the ice cream was in height; caused by the softer state of
the ice cream as the lactose increased thus making it more difficult to hold it's shape. Pictures also show a clear
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What Causes Lactose Intolerance
What Causes Lactose Deficiency And How It Can Be Diagnosed Lactose intolerance is considered to be the inability to break a kind of natural sugar,
which is referred to as lactose. It is commonly established in dairy products including milk and yogurt. If a person is said to be lactose intolerant, then
his/her small intestine will stop making enough amount of lactase enzyme in order to digest or break down the lactose. The undigested lactose will
move towards the large intestine, when this happens. The bacteria, which are usually available within the large intestine will get interact with those
undigested lactose and in turn, cause symptoms like gas, diarrhea and bloating. This condition might also be regarded as lactase deficiency. In fact,
lactose intolerance is widely seen in adults, specifically those with African, Asian, Mediterranean Ancestry or Native American. According to some
recent studies, about 30 million American individuals of age 20 are lactose intolerant. Even though the condition is not serious, yet it might be
unpleasant. Actually, the signs of lactose intolerance arise about 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingesting milk or else several other dairy products with
lactose. Individuals who are suffering from lactose intolerant should avoid consuming those products or of course take medicines that contain the
enzyme lactase before doing so. The symptoms could range out of mild to severe. Typically, the severity relies on the quantity of lactose you have
consumed and also the amount of lactase, which the individual has actually made.... Show more content on ...
Some confirmatory tests will measure lactase activity within the body and they are: lactose intolerance test, hydrogen breath test and stool acidity
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Lactose Intolerance Syndrome
Module four discussed lactose intolerance and dumping syndrome in great detail, then briefly explained other disorders of the GI tract and
pancreases. Lactose intolerance occurs when the body can no longer efficiently digest lactose result in bloating, cramping, and sever diarrhea. Lactose
is not directly absorbed by the body, so lactase has to break it down into glucose and galactose. The breakdown of lactose occurs in the last part of the
small intestine, but if this does not occur then lactose will move to the colon causing an osmotic effect. The osmotic effect will causes water to diffuse
into the colon through capillaries of the intestinal tissue. Colonic bacteria will start to metabolize lactose, and produce gases such as carbon dioxide,
methane and hydrogen gas. ... Show more content on ...
Lactose intolerance can be tested for by measuring the amount of hydrogen gas that is present when the person exhales. Dumping syndrome occurs
when a person has had gastric surgery involving stomach staples or removal of a section of the stomach. Stomach contents are emptied too quickly into
the duodenum, where they mix with pancreatic and intestinal juice which causes rapid digestion of carbohydrates resulting in glucose. There are two
problems that arise from rapid digestion of carbohydrates. The first problem occurs because glucose is absorbed rapidly, which causes a spike
blood glucose levels leading to a rise in insulin, resulting in blood glucose levels to drop; otherwise known as hypoglycemia. The second problem
arises because glucose digestion occurs at a faster rate than absorption, leading to a buildup of glucose in the small intestine. An osmotic effect occurs
where water enters the intestines resulting in sever diarrhea. An abundance of water is lost from the body due to the diarrhea causing a decrease in blood
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Problems Associated with Celiac Disease and Lactose...
Introduction: Enzymes are essential to the proper functioning of the human body. Enzymes are catalysts, which cause reactions to occur. The two
primary classes of enzymes for maintaining life functions are digestive and metabolic enzymes. The primary digestive enzymes are classified as
proteases, amylases and lipases. These enzymes can help breakdown food molecules. Metabolic enzymes are responsible for the repairing and
structuring of every cell. Inadequate production of digestive enzymes can have a negative impact on the breakdown of food into the various nutrients
our bodies require.
Problems associated with Celiac Disease and Lactose Intolerance "Celiac disease is an inflammatory disease of the upper small intestine caused by ...
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The amount of small intestine damaged due to a loss of villi determines the severity of symptoms due to the diseases. Severe signs and symptoms of
malabsorption are evident in people whose small intestine is affected by a loss of villi (Marks). Therefore this explains the various problems a person
with celiac disease encounters. 1
Lactose intolerance occurs when the body has a hard time digesting dairy products. Lactose is a milk sugar and is broken down by enzymes in the
intestinal track, allowing the enzymes to be used as an energy source. Lactase is an enzyme which breaks down lactose. Lactose intolerance occurs
when the intestine does not contain lactase (Jackson). Low lactose activity in the small intestine, allows undigested lactose to pass into the colon,
where the bacteria are able to convert the sugar into hydrogen gas and organic acids. This causes symptoms such as bloating and cramping
("Lactose Intolerance"). The two causes of lactose intolerance are primary lactase deficiency and secondary lactase deficiency. In primary lactase
deficiency the level of lactase enzyme falls as a person gets older. This does not allow the person to tolerate the amount of lactose that they were used
to. This affects around 70 percent of the population. Secondary lactase deficiency is a temporary condition in which the level of lactase drops due to a
problem in a person's digestive
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Determining The Success Of A Restaurant Business
The menu is the fundamental element in determining the success of a restaurant business. Each customer may have their individual dietary
preferences, but the basis of a menu depends on universal requirements in human nature. A human is intrinsically an omnivore with a diet of both meat
and plant proteins. The omnivore's paradox or dilemma refers to the contradiction of omnivores having both the sense of neophilia, the inclination and
craving for exploration and variation but at the same time limited by neophobia, the fear of the uncertainty of a food's edibility. The incorporation
principle referring to how a food effects a person physically and psychologically. Understanding how the omnivore's paradox works and how the
incorporation principle influences customers will help chefs putting together a menu create something that caters to a wide range of customers and
dietary requirements. The omnivore's paradox raises the issue of how a chef can create a menu that is both interesting and sellable, catering to the
balance of mankind's fear of danger and need of novelty, and how the dishes they produce can meet and exceed the customer's expectations. This
essay will explain the omnivore's paradox, its relationship to neophilia and neophobia, and their influence on a commercial chef. The incorporation
principle will be explained in relation to a customer's decision making. It will also cover how the omnivore's paradox and incorporation principle
effects the boundaries of food in
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Lactose Intolerance Research Paper
Lactose Intolerance: Got Milk? Most humans are unable to digest lactose that is found in milk causing them to be lactose intolerant. Lactose is a
carbohydrate that is the main sugar found in milk. It is broken down by lactase through the process of digestion. Lactase is an enzyme and protein
that cuts the sugar molecule (lactose) in half to create two molecules: a glucose molecule and a galactose molecule. These two molecules are then
absorbed into the blood stream and used for energy in the body. The majority of humans are lactose intolerant because their bodies stop producing
lactase after either infancy or childhood (usually around the age of two). Babies can digest breast milk because their bodies produce lactase. Some
adults cannot drink breast milk because, after childhood, their bodies stop producing lactase. The LCT gene made up of DNA, which is a nucleic acid,
instructs the body to make lactase. After infancy or childhood, most human lose this gene resulting in the inability to digest lactose. Without the lactase
enzyme, the body is unable to break down lactose to absorb into the blood stream. When the body is unable to digest lactose, it becomes lactose
intolerant. The CE (Collective Evolution) website explains that, "Lactase persistence in humans has evolved as an adaptation to the consumption of
non–human milk and dairy products... Show more content on ...
As stated before, lactose intolerance is formed when the body stops producing lactase, which is a protein that breaks down lactose (sugar found in
milk) into two molecules that is absorbed in the blood stream and used as energy in the body. If someone is not producing lactase, they are unable to
break down lactose and this is known as lactose intolerance. With a milk allergy, the body is actually rejecting the milk. The body has an allergic
reaction to the protein in milk. Therefore, lactose intolerance is not a milk allergy. These are two very different
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Lactase is an enzyme located in the mammalian small intestine that breaks down lactose into sugars, glucose and galactose. It is a necessary enzyme
in order to digest lactose, a milk sugar, which cannot be absorbed directly.
Lactose is a sugar found only in mammalian milk
According to the article, there is high production at birth and then lactase production starts decreasing in adulthood. However, through recent studies, it
is shown that there is a high variation in lactase production among individuals and population which could be divided into a group with continuous
high lactase production and a group with declining lactase production.
The authors are point out that the most commonly used term, lactose tolerance/intolerance are ... Show more content on ...
Considering the minority groups are dramatically increasing in the U.S. population, USDA continuing with the current recommendation which
involves dairy(or milk) consumption shows the ignorance towards the minority groups which are part of the U.S. citizens as well and therefore, it is
conflicting with its
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HUN4446 Study Guide Essay
HUN 4446 Exam 2 Study Guide
Lactose Mal Digestion/ Malabsorption
1. What are the products of lactose digestion? –The products of lactose digestion are glucose and galactose.
2. What is lactase deficiency? –Lactase deficiency is a deficiency in the enzyme that breaks down lactose. The causes of lactase deficiency include
congenital defects, secondary lactase deficiency, and primary (acquired).
3. Define lactose maldigestion, identify the potential etiologies of lactose maldigestion, and describe the metabolic/physiologic effects of lactose
maldigestion. –Lactose Maldigestion: reduced digestion of lactose due to low lactase activity that subsequently results in MALABSORBTION of
lactose; it may be asymptomatic. – The ... Show more content on ...
1. Crohn's Disease 2. Ulcerative Colitis
3. Describe the factors that are believed to contribute to the etiology of Crohn's disease. – You need to be genetically susceptible to the disease, and
then something in the environment triggers it. [also, something about microbiota and an inflammatory immune response].
4. Describe the symptoms/ clinical manifestations of Crohn's disease. – Signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease are: в—¦diarrhea, abdominal pain and
tenderness в—¦blood/mucus in the stool (less likely than Ulcerative colitis, though) в—¦tenesmus (strong urge to relieve your bowels) в—¦weight loss
в—¦fever в—¦anorexia в—¦delayed growth in pre–pubescent patients в—¦perianal fistula ◦↑ inflammatory markers: ESR (erythrocyte
sedimentation rate – how fast RBCs fall); C–reactive protein
5. Describe the tests and procedures used to diagnose Crohn's disease. –The tests used to diagnose Crohn's disease include an endoscopy/colonoscopy,
or a capsule endoscopy, where you swallow a little pill that takes pictures. –Small bowel x–ray/ barium enema – CT scan – ASCA (antisaccharomyces
Ab) [tests for yeast antibodies because people with IBD are more susceptible to yeast infections, so they would be more likely to have anto–yeast
antibodies.] –biopsy *There is no single test to detect Crohn's disease
6. What are the potential complications for Crohn's disease? –Potential complications of Crohn's disease are: в—¦obstruction or
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The Effect of Substrates and Temperature on Lactose and...
Title: The Effect of substrates and temperature on Lactase and its shape.
The purpose of this lab is to examine the specificity of the lactase enzyme to a specific substrate and how it can denature due to the rise in temperature.
Background Information:
Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in milk. It is made up of two monosaccharides: glucose and galactose.
Therefore it is a disaccharide that needs to break down in order to be digested. However some people are "Lactose Intolerant" or lack lactase in their
bodies. This means that they cannot consume lactose–contained food or drinks or they need help digesting it. People who are lactose intolerant must
be very selective to make sure that they do not eat food or drinks with lactose. There are pills though, which are purchased by lactose intolerant people.
This pill helps the people break down the sugar lactose into its smaller components.
Research Question: Will lactose in the milk react to lactose (will glucose be present) and will it react to the lactose in higher temperature then its
optimum temperature?
Independent Variable: lactose enzyme solution and denatured lactose enzyme solution
Dependent Variable: glucose
Control Variable: Milk
Safety Rules:
Do not put the lactase pill in your mouth. Unless your doctor prescribes you, you must not eat it. This could lead to an allergic reaction.
Do not drink any of the materials needed for this lab.
Do not
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Limitations Of Lactase Intestinations
The limitations that are necessary to be taken into consideration are the errors associated with the above research attaining methodologies. Using a
lactose tolerance test the arbitrary cut–offs are difficult when taking into consideration borderline values. The impact of certain cut–offs would
eliminate or include participant values that could impact on the big picture of the results. For breath hydrogen analysis and lactose tolerance test,
another error is the likelihood of false positives and false negatives. Most commonly is found in studies is that breath hydrogen reveals the most
accurate results (Mulcare, C. A., et al, 2004). The other errors come from the human participants themselves, which is why necessary eliminations are
used... Show more content on ...
Consideration would then be required of the types of pastoralism within the population is currently practiced and the relationship that holds with the
practices in the past. A specific understanding of the types of milk that was consumed whether lactose rich forms was ingested first or bacteria
converted dairy products resulting in lower lactose–containing foods. The Khoe and the San represent the current day populations reflective of their
original ancestors of the same area (Breton, G., et al, 2014). The ancestors of the Khoe–San populations of Southern African region likely diverged at a
minimum of 100 thousand years ago from all human ancestors (11 – Breton, G., et al, 2014).
Assuming the data could be collected for the Khoe population, the hypothesis being tested through further evaluation whether the recorded lactase
persistence is realistic given the subsistence behaviour of the current population. This would require archaeological evidence for the pastoralist
population by the original ancestors of the area. The introduction of pastoralism to southern areas of Africa is widely debated. It has been accepted the
pastoralism spread from North to East Africa and then to Southern African. There are a few pre–existing hypotheses attempting to explain the
occurrence of pastoralism (Breton, G., et al, 2014). One is called the demic diffusion model which suggests the ancestors of the Khoe originated from
an East African or external population that migrated
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Lactose Fermentation Lab
After making a clear dichotomous key, I knew the metabolic tests that needed to be performed on both, unknown 1A and unknown 1B, in order to
lead to an identification. On Unknown 1A, the first test required was a lactose fermentation test. I needed one tube of lactose and phenol red broth,
fitted with a Durham tube. The phenol red is a Ph indicator, and would turn the broth from a red color to a yellow color if acid is produced, which
would occur in lactose fermentation. The Durham tube allows us to see if any gas is produced in the fermentation process. If there is a bubble in the
tube, this shows that gas was produced. Be careful when handling these tubes to ensure you do not jostle it, causing air to enter the Durham tube. I
inoculated... Show more content on ...
A Simmon's citrate slant is needed for this test. This slant is a chemically defined medium of sodium citrate as a the carbon source, and the pH indicator
bromothymol blue. Only microorganisms containing the enzyme citrate premease, that allow them to use citrate as the only source of carbon, will
survive. They will produce alkaline byproducts which would turn the medium from green to blue. Using a sterilized inoculation needle, I collected the
sample from Unknown 1B, then stabbed the needle all the way to the bottom of the tube. Then I gently pulled out the needle to the surface of the slant
and streaked the surface before removing the needle from the tube. A urease test was next on the agenda. A urease slant is used to indicate whether a
bacteria is able to produce urease, that breaks down urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. This causes the slant to become more alkaline and is
indicated by the phenol red within the slant by changing to a hot pink color. Using a sterilized inoculation loop I obtained a sample of Unknown 1B
and carefully streaked the surface of the urea slant. I replaced the cap onto the urea slant but did not tighten, this test requires aerobic conditions. I then
wrapped the tube in foil prior to
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Lactase Lab Report
In order to digest the lactose that milk has the enzyme lactase is needed to break it down. Lactase is a large glycoprotein and has two active sites.
These active sites can activate and determine a variety of ОІ glucoside, ОІ galactoside, lactose, and others (Swallow). The enzyme lactase is a
dominant genetic trait that is inherited and is known as lactase persistence. However, this persistence can change over time. When a baby is born the
lactase activity is high and is very important for a child's health. As the child get older the lactase activity declines. Stated above, having the dominant
genetic trait is lactase persistent. People with many lactase enzymes can hydrolyze large amounts and are able to consume considerable ... Show more
content on ...
Tolerance or Intolerance to lactose varies in throughout the world. In Northwestern Europe, the Swedes and Danes have a high persistence to lactose.
As you move to the west and south the persistence to lactose declines. This also occurs in India where the north and south are more tolerant
(Swallow). About seventy five percent of African American and Native American are lactose intolerant and about ninety percent of Asians are too
(Horner).In this lab we test how effective tablets or drops of lactase have on people who are lactose intolerant. This lab tests the effectiveness of these
options on different pHs and different temperatures to see when and how the best way to use these options are. Our hypothesis are that the enzyme
activity is at its highest when lactose drops are added to refrigerated food with lactose in it, when the pH level is neutral. Our second hypothesis
state that enzyme activity is at its highest when lactase drops are added to food with lactose in it at 37 degrees Celsius with a pH level at 2.We will
use ONPG. This is a modified substrate that acts like lactose but has a colorless dye. This dye attaches to the galactose instead of glucose and if bGAL (
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Lactose Intolerance Research Paper
Lactose Intolerance is a common deficiency. Over 40 million americans suffer from Lactose intolerance. It is the inability to digest sugars in milk and
other dairy products. Lactase is an enzyme in the small intestine, low levels can effect the ability to digest daily products. For most people, symptoms
can be harmless and easily managed. Symptoms can include nausea,abdominal cramps,bloating, diarrhea,and sometimes vomiting. These symptoms
usually occur about 30 minute stop 2 hours after ingesting a milk product. When a milk product is ingested it usually turns the lactase in to two simple
sugars and then are sent through the blood stream to the intestine. However, when you are lactose in tolerant your body carries out a different process.
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Lactose, Lactaid And Yeast
Enzymes are an important role in a living cell. Enzymes are the substance produced by a living organism, which help cells to accelerate the chemical
reaction that normally would take days to years. The experiments that we examined helped us identify the specifics in enzymes, and how they produced
carbon dioxide in lactose and Melibiose. We filled test tubes with different solutions and placed them inside water that was thirty–seven degrees
Celsius. As we did this we determined exactly how much Carbon dioxide would be released. My predicted results verse my produced results varied.
Some did not match what I had predicted and others did match what I had predicted. With treatment one I predicted there to be Carbon Dioxide
released. When examining treatment one Lactose, Lactaid, and yeast. We discovered that there were little amounts being released. However, when the
temperature of the water decreased we found that the enzymes in the solution stayed the same from fifteen minutes to twenty–minute mark. For
treatment two Melibiose, Lactaid, and yeast. I predicted that there wouldn't be any Carbon Dioxide released however, I was wrong once again. While,
actually testing treatment two we discovered at the five–minute mark there was three ML of Carbon Dioxide released. As the temperature of the water
started to decrease the change in reaction of the enzymes started to decrease dramatically. At the twenty–minute mark we were at 1.3 ML. On to
treatment three Lactose, Beano, and yeast. I predicted that there would be Carbon Dioxide released. While, actually testing treatment three there was
Carbon Dioxide released. However, testing treatment three at... Show more content on ...
At the temperature of thirty–seven degrees Celsius we found that the reaction of the solution would produce carbon dioxide. When the temperature
decreased the activity of the enzymes dramatically slowed down, in resulting in less carbon dioxide
... Get more on ...

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Summary Of Got Lactose

  • 1. Summary Of Got Lactose According to "Got Lactose?", cultural behavior affects evolution. In this excerpt, it is shown that cultures that included lactose in their diets, such as European and East African cultures, are lactase persistent in adulthood. Other cultures, such as Asian cultures, that did not include lactose in their diets, did not continue to be lactase persistent in adulthood. This is shown in the example of what happens during a famine. During famine, when milk was a majority source of food, those who could not process lactose died off, leaving those who can process lactose to survive. So now, those there today have the mutation that allows them to process lacto Each culture manages to define various concepts, words and ideas differently. In these chapters, ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Lactose Intolerance Lactose intolerant individuals experience many uncomfortable symptoms after consumption of lactose containing foods. This discomfort is largely due to a shortage or an absence of the digestive enzyme lactase. Lactase is an enzyme located on the brush border of mucosal cells in the small intestine (Stanfield, 2011). Normally, lactose is hydrolyzed by thisenzyme and end products, glucose and galactose, are readily absorbed into the bloodstream (Lomer, Parkes, & Sanderson, 2008). Without lactase this mechanism is not possible and lactose problematically lingers as a disaccharide in the small intestine's lumen. This paper will discuss the development of primary and secondary lactose intolerance, the physiology behind the their symptoms, and the ... Show more content on ... Fermented milk products have had probiotics added to them (such as Streptococcus thermophiles or Lactobacillus bulgaricus). These microorganisms ferment milk products so that lactose is no longer present or hardly present. These microorganisms are able to endure low pH environments, such as that found in the stomach (McWilliams, 2012). Because of this, probiotics similar to these microorganisms are sometimes used as a form of treatment for lactose intolerance. Treatment through probiotics varies in its success because of the differences in individuals who suffer from the condition (Lomer et al., ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Imobilizing Enzymes The purpose of immobilising enzymes before they are used to catalyse a reaction is to be reused again because they are not completely lost in the solution. We immobilised lactase enzyme by dissolving it in sodium alginate gel. This is one of the more widely used practises in industry as it is very efficient and effective. We can see that by our experiment by immobilising theenzyme and could retain it even after it has been involved in the reaction by catalysing the breakdown of lactose in glucose and galactose. Lactose was contained within the milk and as the milk met the immobilised lactase, it began to break down into glucose and galactose. The results show, as the lactose in the milk was left to the lactase for longer, the break down into glucose and galactose increased. This can be seen by the colour change. To begin with we tested the milk for glucose by dipping the clinistix before the treatment and the result was negative, showing that no glucose was present. Once the milk was exposed in the lactase enzyme for 5 minutes it had already begun to break down into glucose and galactose, the first test showed some signs of glucose as had turned from blue to light green. As the experiment progressed and the milk was left in the lactase enzyme for longer, more and more was broken down into glucose and galactose, this is evident by ... Show more content on ... It made it more difficult to give an accurate time of conversion. This could be improved, by using more advanced type of glucose detecting sticks to measure the percentage of glucose conversion. This will give a quantitative, which would produce more accurate tables and graphs. I could use a set time for to check how much is converted. This would prevent problems such as interference of the beads and lactose and galactose molecules, blocking the glucose molecules from the end of the syringe ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Lactose Intolerance : An Essential Pathway For Continued... Lactose Intolerance For human beings, the process of digestion is an essential pathway for continued survival on a daily basis. However, in the last 10 years, statistics from 1997 to 2007 for bodily functions rejecting certain types of food, such as allergies, has increased at a rate of 18%. (Branum) Reactions to certain types of food can be caused by the bodies immune system "overreacting" to one of the molecules within the food in question. ("Food Allergies– Cause") Other causes can be from the body's lacking the ability to produce the required digestive enzymes which result in the inability to process that sort of food. A prime, and common, example of this is a condition known aslactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance has generally been more common with certain ethnic groups such as Asians and Europeans largely because of the history of their regions. Being isolated from livestock that produces milk, many of these ancient people were not exposed to lactose molecules for thousands of years. This is, of course, with the exception of a mother's breast milk however, as Curry states in this source, "Young children almost universally producelactase and can digest the lactose in their mother 's milk. But as they mature, most switch off the lactase gene." Then, as trade increased, milk was a sudden commodity that had not been available, nor desired, for many adults and it was soon discovered many could not drink this milk without suffering symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Lactose Intolerance Research Paper My sister Bess had always been a picky eater. We figured it was just how she was until she started complaining of pain when she ate dairy. My parents immediately took her to the doctor. They told her what we had already assumed: she was lactose intolerant. Because of the fact that Bess already was a picky eater with a sensitive stomach, her diagnosis limited her even more. We went to the store to get her almond milk and some different substitutes, but not all of them worked for her due to taste preferences and other stomach issues. We had some meals that were safe to make for her, but it still wasn't an easy transition. There was a day she sat in her room almost in tears due to her frustration. What I Already Know or Assume I know from... Show more content on ... Milk from other mammals (i.e. goats) also contains high amounts of lactose. Products with lower lactose are safe for people with lactose intolerance to eat or drink ("Lactose Intolerance in Children and Adolescents" 3). There aren't any permanent treatments for lactose intolerance (Martin). There are pills and other supplements that can be taken to lessen the effects, but avoiding dairy is the best defense (Tuokkola, et al 1080 ). There have been some people that have stopped having dairy and subsequently no longer had any reactions to dairy when they had it again ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Personal Essay: Lactose Intolerant Got Milk? Why I Chose My Topic Nothing can compare to the refreshing deliciousness of a creamy, soft serve ice cream cone. Ice cream is, in fact, incredible in all forms, including ice cream cakes, milkshakes, sundaes, popsicles, and countless more. If it wasn't already obvious, ice cream is my favorite dessert. Consuming this delectable dairy treat is the easy task; however, the aftermath is a different story. Afterwards, there's a terrible storm of stomach pains, nausea, cramping and perpetual sadness. Yes, I am also lactose intolerant. I have never been officially diagnosed, but the long running effects of lactose intolerance in my family and the pain I experience after consuming dairy lead me to this conclusion. As a fond lover of most dairy products, I not only want to know why these foods pain me but also what has made me lactose intolerant. Why do the things I love hurt me the most? How can I control my discomfort and still enjoy my favorite foods? What I Already Know Lactose intolerance has its dominance in my family. My mother and both of my sisters have the same reactions to dairy that I do. I've been lactose intolerant since I've been a child; but when I was about 10 years old, I could suddenly eat dairy without any pain. About two years ago, the pain started to return with seemingly no reason. What I do not... Show more content on ... In this article, these professionals explained the difference between actual lactose intolerance and other causes of abdominal or stomach pain. They also gave insight on the potential negative health effects that avoiding certain foods can cause. This article, along with the other resources, has given me new insight and information to lead me to more definite conclusions than ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Speech On Lactose Intolerance Good morning Miss B and class. Lactose intolerance is often mistaken as an allergy, but it is rather an intolerance of lactose. An intolerance is a hypersensitivity to certain food or ingredient. It is not as serious as an allergy as it does not involve and immune system response. It causes symptoms and their severity ranges as to how much is ingested. These symptoms can be: Digestive problems, gas build up, cramps, bloating. People with an intolerance of a substance can ingest small quantities of it. An allergy is where the immune system reacts to a specific food and regards it as harmful or toxic. The body produces antibodies in response to the allergen and if the body comes in contact with any amount, antibodies respond by an allergic ... Show more content on ... It is done by doing the hydrogen breath test. It measures the amount of hydrogen exhaled after drinking a lactose beverage. Lactose which is undigested is fermented in the colon and these bacteria produce hydrogen which s exhaled. If you have higher levels of hydrogen exhaled after 90 minutes of drinking the lactose drink, you are then classified as being lactose intolerant. People must be aware of the risk factors if diagnosed with lactose intolerance, Consuming lactose products will cause discomfort. Children that are lactose intolerant have a higher risk of getting rickets and hampered tooth formation, and therefore need to be put on supplements in extreme cases. Adults must be aware of getting osteoporosis. Managing with lactose intolerance can be tricky to juggle. People are encouraged to find a level of lactose that they can handle without having symptoms, through trial and error. When consuming lactose, it is recommended to have it with a meal as it slows down the digestive process. Cheeses and yoghurts contain less lactose than milk and could be a better way of introducing calcium to your diet. Know medication that contains lactose and read food ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Lactose Research Paper Lactose is the carbohydrate naturally found in all kinds of milk including human milk. To digest lactose your body contains the enzyme lactase. Lactase is an enzyme supplement used to help people who are having trouble digesting milk and other dairy products. This enzyme is found in the small intestines. Lactose intolerance is the reduced ability to digest milk sugars, due to the insufficient amounts of lactase. Lactase splits and breaks down the lactose in your body into two simple sugars called glucose and galactose. These smaller sugars are absorbed by your body to provide energy. This lactase enzyme is found in the lining if the small intestines. When a person doesn't have enough of the enzyme lactase they are said to be lactose maldigestion ... Show more content on ... Lactose maldigestion does not necessarily result in symptoms of lactose intolerance. Most people with lactose maldigestion can eat some lactose–containing foods such as dairy, without feeling unwell. The 2 main causes for lactose intolerance are genetic predisposition or medical condition. Genetic predisposition runs in the family depending the race/nationality you are can determine whether or not you are lactose intolerant. Medical conditions such as gastrointestinal infection which can stip the insines of lactase for a few weeks or people with malnutrition who suffer from undernutrition if their diet does not provide them with adequate calories and protein for maintenance and growth, or they cannot fully utilize the food they eat due to illness. can lead to temporary lactose intolerance. Many health experts think it's important to treat lactose intolerance so people can consume milk and milk products. Milk is a major source of calcium. which is needed for stronger bones people who don't get enough milk are more likely than others to develop weak bones (osteoporosis). If you think you or someone in your care might have lactose intolerance, it's important to see your doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Lactose Lab Report Study on The Effect of Temperature on Lactase [Online Simulation] Aim: To determine the effect of temperature (0– 100 В°C) of the enzyme lactase using an online simulation. Introduction: This topic appealed to me because I know a lot of family and friends that experienced lactose intolerance. I thought that they were only allergic to dairy products, but as this topic was discussed in our biology class, my curiosity extended and I became aware that the carbohydrate called lactose is the reason for their illness. Lactose is a disaccharide molecule that is too large for the human body to digest. Therefore, it needs to be broken down by a hydrolase enzyme called lactase (translated by the human LAC gene) into two monosaccharides– glucose and galactose. ... Show more content on ... It would have been easier to understand the data if it was collected for rate per minute only. It is suggested that the data should just be collected in the three minute mark to prevent confusion. Furthermore, since the simulation is pre–programmed there is no way of knowing how the lactase dose is incorporated with the lactose solution. This may affect the lactase reaction because the speed of the lactase dropping in the solution may change the hydrolysis rate. Lastly , because it is only a simulation, it is not the same as experiencing the experiment in real life. The simulation can come close in accuracy as the actual experiment, but it can never be like one because it is computer generated. It is suggested that this experiment should also be tried as an actual experiment instead of just the computer generated simulation ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Lactase Experiment The results of the experiment vary from what is reported by previous studies (Curry, 2013, Enattah et al., 2002, & Tishkoff, 2007). The experiment was conducted on students currently in the Biology 225 course in Schenectady, NY. The class was primarily composed of individuals whom are descendants of Europe. Therefore, an assumption was made that by in large, the percentage of lactase persistent in the class that was expected was going to be near 95% (Curry, 2013). However, such a high percentage was not found. Of the class, only 49.3% of individuals were determined to possess a genotype that results in a phenotype of lactase persistence. Conversely, 40.8% of the class was found to carry the genotype lct/lct which results in the phenotype of lactase non–persistence. Therefore, the results are nearly 50% off from what we expected initially. This could be for numerous reasons, but perhaps the assumption should not have been made. The results fit much better when compared to the world average occurrence of lactase persistence. Curry notes that out of all individuals over the age of 8 years old, only 35% still possess the ability to digest and breakdown the lactose in dairy products (2013). The results do fit closer to the world average, therefore indicating that the assumption may have been wrong, the results of the experiment still do not necessarily indicate whether the total population of students in the Spring 2016 Biology 225 class fits the societal model where there is a ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Lactose Intolerance Introduction Lactose intolerance is a condition in which the body is not able to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and milk products. Children with lactose intolerance should avoid consuming foods and drinks with lactose. What do I need to know about this diet? Avoid giving your child foods with lactose. Look for the words "lactose–free" or "lactose–reduced" on food labels. Your child can have lactose–free foods and may be able to have small amounts of lactose–reduced foods. Make sure your child gets enough calcium. Give your child a calcium supplement if directed by your child's health care provider. Talk to the health care provider about a supplement if your child is not taking one. Which foods have lactose? Lactose is found in milk and ... Show more content on ... Whey. What are some alternatives to milk and foods made with milk products? Lactose–free products, such as lactose–free milk. Almond or rice milk. Soy products, such as soy yogurt, soy cheese, soy ice cream, soy–based sour cream, and soy–based infant formula. Nondairy products, such as nondairy creamers and nondairy whipped topping. Note that nondairy products sometimes contain lactose, so it is important to check the ingredients list. Can my child have any foods with lactose? Some children with lactose intolerance can safely eat foods that have a little lactose. Foods with a little lactose have less than 1 g of lactose per serving. Examples of foods with a little lactose are: Aged cheese (such as Swiss, cheddar, or Parmesan cheese). One serving is about 1–2 oz. Cream cheese. One serving is about 2 Tbsp. Ricotta cheese. One serving is about ВЅ cup. If you give your child a food that has lactose: Give your child only one food with lactose in it at a time. Give your child a small amount of the food.
  • 12. Stop giving your child the food if symptoms return. Is my child getting enough calcium? Calcium is found in many foods with lactose and is important for bone health. The amount of calcium your child needs depends on his or her ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Lactase Enzyme Lab Report Introduction: An Enzyme is a protein that in essence speeds up biological reactions. So that would mean that a Catalase is an enzyme reaction that decomposes hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. It is primarily found in the liver and it is important in protecting the cell from damaging oxidative reactions. Since enzymes speed up chemical reactions, without them the reactions would take place way to slowly to actually do your body any good. It also stops the accumulation of cellular organelles. It is involved in several metabolic processes. Enzymes have things called 'Active Sites' this the spot where substrates bind and chemical reaction takes place. Each enzyme has a different shape, this allows the enzyme to receive only one type of ... Show more content on ... They need to be broken down into simple sugars (monosaccharides) then digested/absorbed. In order to do this, the small intestine produces an enzyme called lactase. What lactase does is attaches itself to the lactose molecule and breaks it down into glucose and galactose. These molecules aren't as big or complicated so they're easily absorbed by the small intestine and into the bloodstream. Lactose Intolerance is when the body doesn't actually produce the lactase enzyme, so the lactose can't be broken down and absorbed. People with Lactose intolerance usually opt to take lactaid pills. The way these lactaid pills work is they contain the enzyme lactase that is responsible for the breakdown of lactose. You take these pills with the lactase in them and then now since your body now has the enzyme in needs to break down and absorb the lactose proceeds to do so. What people have recently found was that the pills don't actually work due to the acidity levels in the stomach. So when you take the lactaid pills, they don't make a difference because your stomach acids destroy the pills before they can take affect. What my results in Table 1 found that this was actually correct because, when the acid was introduced into this experiment it in essence rendered the pills completely useless. In Table 2 we found that, this issue was in fact due to the acidity because when you remove the acid, each test we did came back positive. Meaning that lactose was successfully metabolized/broken down into glucose. If we try and take account the sources of error that may have occurred during this lab, we have to take into account that these pills are recommended to be taken with food. So that while the pill is put into your system the stomach acids don't destroy it because there is food in your system that it is already focused on. So maybe if we had mimicked the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Lactose Intolerance And Its Effects On The Body Lactose intolerance occurs when the body is unable to properly digest foods which contain lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in milk and foods made with milk. Lactase is the enzyme which is produced in the small intestine, and people with lactose intolerance tend to have a deficiency in lactase. Since lactase is produced in the small intestine, lactose intolerance affects the digestive system and leaves people with symptoms which to their digestive tract. Lactose intolerance can also be known as lactose malabsorption since the body does not properly digest lactose. Lactose intolerance is normally harmless; however, the symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable to most people. The signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance usually begin ... Show more content on ... However, it stays high enough to still digest the amount of dairy which is found in an adult diet. When someone has primary lactose intolerance, the production of lactase falls off quickly and makes it difficult to digest milk products by adulthood. Genetics determines if someone has primary lactose intolerance. Primary lactose intolerance occurs in a copious amount of people with an African, Asian, or Hispanic background. This disease is also very common in people who are of Mediterranean or Southern European descent. The second type of lactose intolerance is called secondary lactose intolerance. This type of lactose intolerance occurs when an illness, surgery or surgery involving the small intestine causes the small intestine to decrease in lactase production. There are multiple different diseases associated with secondary lactose intolerance including celiac disease, bacterial overgrowth, and Crohn's disease. There's a possibility of restoring lactase levels and improving the symptoms or signs by treating the underlying disorder; however, it could take some time after treating the disease for lactase levels to increase. The last type of lactose intolerance is called congenital or developmental lactose intolerance. Rarely, babies can be born with lactose intolerance which is caused when lactase activity is completely absent. This disorder of being born lactose intolerant is passed from generation to generation meaning is it also determined by genetics. The pattern ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Causes Of Lactose Intolerance Lactose Intolerance Organisms across the planet utilize carbohydrates via digestion and absorption to obtain the energy they require (Open Learning Initiative, 2015, p.70). For example, when a human being drinks milk, an enzyme lactase breaks down the sugar lactose into smaller sugar molecules that the body then burns as energy (Multiple: Lactose Intolerance, 2009, p.643). However, particular individuals lack the ability to properly digest the sugar in milk and these individuals have what is known as lactose intolerance (Hilton, 2011, p.2518). For my discussion forum post, I will discuss in further detail the biology behind lactose intolerance, what causes it and how sufferers cope with their condition. Discussion What is lactose intolerance? ... Show more content on ... However, per the Open Learning Initiative (2015, pg.93) foods such as "buttermilk, yogurt, and cheese, cause less of a problem because the amount of lactose in these products is reduced by the microorganisms that are used to make them" and hence may be safe for individuals with lactose intolerance to consume. What can people do to deal with lactose intolerance? One of the consequences of having lactose intolerance is a calcium deficiency secondary to their diet restrictions (Davidson, 2013, pg.695). However, with the aid of a dietitian, these individuals can construct meals that will allow them to have a adequate calcium intake via foods that contain calcium and do not contain lactose (such as salmon and white beans) and via calcium supplements (Davidson, 2013, pg.695). Is there a way around it? Individuals with lactose intolerance have multiple options to cope with their condition. For example, substituting dairy products for lactose–free equivalents, using lactase drops to breakdown the lactose in milk prior to consumption and taking lactase capsules orally prior to consuming dairy products (Hilton, 2011, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Marketing Pl Glf Cafe GLF Cafe 1. Executive Summary This business plan provides a in–depth evaluation and plan of the present and potential profitability, liquidity and financial security of GLF Cafe. This business has prospective future in the cafe market as it is a unique and original business. GLF Cafe will satisfy the demands of the target audience, because gluten and lactose free dieting popularity has been increasing rapidly. 1.1 Business Name and Justification GLF Cafe is a original name. This name has been chosen by the owner as it will provide a variety of ONLY lactose and gluten free food and beverages for those who are on these diets. The initials GLF is a abbreviation for (Gluten and Lactose free Cafe.) 1.2 Vision and Mission statement "Healthy... Show more content on ... The location in George street is optimal as it is outside a chain of bus stops and train stations. Those who come to work early can stop by GLF Cafe before going to work as it is in a good location. It is possible that the working class who are thinking about having a healthier diet may be influenced and supported by the business.
 1.5 Ownership and legal structure This business will be operation by a sole trader. As the business running under a sole trader it would not be hard to register the business. The reason why this business will be operated by a sole trader is that the owner has complete control of the decisions regarding the business. A sole trader can employ staff at will, will receive full profits and dissolving or exiting the business will requiring no hassle at all if the situation arises. 1.6 Business Goals For the first two years of operate this business has the following goals to achieve: To win the TIME OUT Food Awards for best cafe. To have a excellent costumer base. To create original and interesting lactose and gluten free recipes. To implement a social media promotion campaign. To train all employees to the highest standards a cafe can produce. 1.7 SWOT Analysis 2. Operations and Human Resources 2.1 Staff Personal and skill requirements The willingness to help people. A passion for good food and beverages. Good problem–solving and decision–making skills. Strong organisational skills. The ability to lead and supervise people. Ability ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Lactose Intolerance Essay Edit with the Docs app Make tweaks, leave comments, and share with others to edit at the same time. NO THANKSGET THE APP Lactose Intolerance Keeton Ma'ataua Mulitalo ANTH 3200 Lactose Intolerance All infant mammals when first born reply on their mothers for many aspects; protection, survival, and food. For food most babies drink from their mothers breast, consuming milk that she produces for her offspring. Just as any mammal, Homo Sapiens rely on milk (being breast fed) when first born. Most babies are able to produce enzymes that break down the lactose in their mother's milk. Allowing them to consume it, but again (just as any mammal) once the baby starts growing (from an infant to an adult) and starts to rely less on their mother's ... Show more content on ... It's been a little over two–hundred years since Samoans started to reproduce the genetic mutation. In the late 1700s European sailors "discovered" the Island of Samoa, this leading to them reproducing with my ancestors, giving them the mutated gene to be lactose tolerant. Although being lactose tolerant is among the people of Samoa (Pacific Islanders), most of the people (today) are still lactose intolerant. Having difficulty digesting dairy products, due to a good amount of the Pacific Island population being lactose intolerance, they still use the ancient ways to make food, using coconut milk. Making it difficult for them to undergo the genetic mutation, but maybe over time (just like the Europeans) the Pacific Islanders, Samoans will be able to be lactose ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Lactose Intolerance Paper Lactose Intolerance Research Paper Luping Zhao Ms. Temesvari IB Science 10 26 October 2017 –General Description of Disease Lactose intolerance is a disorder where the body has a decreased ability to digest a sugar in milk products called lactose due to lack of the enzyme lactase found in the duodenum, which breaks down lactase into galactose and glucose. This disorder is more common in adults, and mostly occurs in Asia and Africa, where lactose intolerance is as high as 95% in some parts. In northern Europe however, this disorder occurs in less than 10% of the population. People who are lactose intolerant must learn how to avoid the symptoms while getting enough of the nutrients in milk products. –History of disorder... Show more content on ... Lactose, without Lactase, cannot be directly absorbed through the small intestine into the bloodstream, so it passes intact into the colon. The bacteria in the colon can metabolise lactose, with the resulting fermentation producing large amounts of gas (mixture of methane, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide), resulting in various abdominal symptoms, such as bloating. The fermentation, along with the unabsorbed sugars, raise the osmotic pressure of the colon (low water concentration in the colon), causing more water to enter the bowels, resulting in Diarrhea. Other symptoms include cramps, nausea, borborygmic, flatulence, and vomiting (mainly in adolescents). Symptoms usually occur between 30 mins and 2 hours after consumption of lactose, with symptoms increasing with the amount of Lactose consumed, though most lactose–intolerant people can consume a certain (low) level of lactose without these symptoms. –The possible treatments of the disorder Lactose intolerant is usually treating by decreasing lactose in the diet. Most people with lactose intolerance can consume around 10g of lactose each day. Eating dairy products with less or no lactose is an option to gain the nutrients that milk has. Adjusting the diet is also important, eating foods with the nutrients that milk has (most importantly calcium and vitamin D). Taking lactase supplements is also an option, which supplies the body with lactase. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Lactose Intolerance Research Paper People who are lactose intolerant do not have the ability to digest the sugars found in dairy products. The small intestine does not produce enough of the chemical needed to diagnose milk. A lack of lactase in the small intestine causes sugars from dairy to seep into the colon. Gastrointestinal problems occur when the sugars produce excess gas in the colon. Scientists estimate sixty five percent of the general population cannot properly digest lactose. What causes lactose intolerance? Few people are born lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is usually caused by damage to the small intestine. Chrons or Celiac disease can cause lactose intolerance. When the conditions are treated, people are usually able to effectively digest lactose. What ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Essay Lactose Intolerance Lactose Intolerance Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest significant amounts of lactose, the predominant sugar of milk. This inability results from a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is normally produced by the cells that line the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into simpler forms that can then be absorbed into the bloodstream. When there is not enough lactase to digest the amount of lactose consumed, the results, although not usually dangerous, may be very distressing. While not all persons deficient in lactase have symptoms, those who do are considered to be lactose intolerant. The symptoms listed below are caused by the fermentation ... Show more content on ... Persons who suffer from lactase deficiency and do not avoid lactose may suffer from weight loss and malnutrition. The severity of symptoms varies depending on the amount of lactose each individual can tolerate. Some of the symptoms may be similar to those of milk allergy but milk allergies can cause the body to react quicker, more often within a few minutes. Common symptoms include nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhoea, which begin about 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or drinking foods containing lactose. The severity of symptoms varies depending on the amount of lactose each individual can tolerate. Some causes of lactose intolerance are well known. For instance, certain digestive diseases and injuries to the small intestine can reduce the amount of enzymes produced. In rare cases, children are born without the ability to produce lactase. For most people, though, lactase deficiency is a condition that develops naturally over time. After about the age of 2 years, the body begins to produce less lactase. However, many people may not experience symptoms until they are much older. How is lactose intolerance diagnosed? The most common tests used to measure the absorption of lactose in the digestive system are the lactose tolerance test, the hydrogen breath test, and the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Lactase Intolerance Only one–third of the human population is capable of digesting lactose, which is the sugar found in milk. This is most likely because only certain societies amongst the globe domesticated cows for a food and income source around ten thousand years ago. People who had ancestors that were apart of these communities are more likely to be lactase persistent than those who do not. Communities such as these were often seen in places such as Europe and Africa, which can likely be an explanation for why lactase persistence is often found in those with European and African ancestry, while those with Asian backgrounds are often lactase intolerant. Lactose, which is the main sugar in milk, is very difficult for the small intestine to process. Because of this, cells are required to make an enzyme referred to as lactase, which is only found in newly born mammals, along with lactase persistent adult mammals. Lactase then breaks lactose into glucose and galactose, possibly through the process of hydrolysis, and then the two sugars are entered into the blood stream where ... Show more content on ... They compared the lactase gene on chromosome two between those who were lactase persistent and those who were lactase intolerant and found that there was a one base difference, being a T instead of a C. This can be considered a mutation found in European countries. The lactase persistent mutation found in Europe was almost nonexistent in Africa. A different mutation was found, but it was still seen in the lactase gene and allowed African adults to digest milk. Both European and African backgrounds evolved independently, with two different mutations that essentially allowed them to do the same thing. This can be considered a great example of evolution and adaption in two different parts of the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Evolution By Natural Selection Evolution is the change of traits of a species over several generations. A famous biologist named Charles Darwin, theorized that evolution happens by natural selection. Many people believe that evolution requires millions of years but scientists believe that evolution can occur rather quickly. In Today's world, we have better health care, food, shelter and hygiene. Some might question if our advanced medicine and technology can lead to a stop in evolution, but in fact we are still evolving according to some scientists (Neild). There has been much debate and controversy over this statement but there is no concrete proof to say that humans are not evolving. In fact, there is evidence that evolution is happening at this very moment. For example,... Show more content on ... Over the past 30,000 years, human brains have decreased about ten percent which is said to be equivalent to a tennis ball. Wilkens states, "Based on skulls found in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, the human brain was about 1,500 cubic centimeters 30,000 years ago, and now it's down to about 1,359 cubic centimeters." It might seem like a slow process but losing that much brain mass can surely affect humans one way or another. Although some people might think that humans are getting dumber because of the shrinking of the brain, some scientists strongly believe that is not the case. There are several theories that explain why this phenomenon is happening. One theory states that humans now tend to rely more on society and smaller brains help us work together. It also states that smaller brains cause humans to be less aggressive, giving us many social advantages (Hullinger). Another and more interesting theory states that the reason behind the loss of the human brain mass is because, " Domestication leads to smaller brains." (Alban) Humans learned how to cultivate, find food and shelter. People no longer need to learn survival skills like our ancient ancestors once did which means that that location in our brain in no longer being used. A good example of this are domestic animals. Pet owners provide their animals with food, shelter and love. They are no longer out in the wilderness ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Lactose Fermentation Lab After making a clear dichotomous key, I knew the metabolic tests that needed to be performed on both, unknown 1A and unknown 1B, in order to lead to an identification. On Unknown 1A, the first test required was a lactose fermentation test. I needed one tube of lactose and phenol red broth, fitted with a Durham tube. The phenol red is a Ph indicator, and would turn the broth from a red color to a yellow color if acid is produced, which would occur in lactose fermentation. The Durham tube allows us to see if any gas is produced in the fermentation process. If there is a bubble in the tube, this shows that gas was produced. Be careful when handling these tubes to ensure you do not jostle it, causing air to enter the Durham tube. I inoculated... Show more content on ... A Simmon's citrate slant is needed for this test. This slant is a chemically defined medium of sodium citrate as a the carbon source, and the pH indicator bromothymol blue. Only microorganisms containing the enzyme citrate premease, that allow them to use citrate as the only source of carbon, will survive. They will produce alkaline byproducts which would turn the medium from green to blue. Using a sterilized inoculation needle, I collected the sample from Unknown 1B, then stabbed the needle all the way to the bottom of the tube. Then I gently pulled out the needle to the surface of the slant and streaked the surface before removing the needle from the tube. A urease test was next on the agenda. A urease slant is used to indicate whether a bacteria is able to produce urease, that breaks down urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. This causes the slant to become more alkaline and is indicated by the phenol red within the slant by changing to a hot pink color. Using a sterilized inoculation loop I obtained a sample of Unknown 1B and carefully streaked the surface of the urea slant. I replaced the cap onto the urea slant but did not tighten, this test requires aerobic conditions. I then wrapped the tube in foil prior to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Neapolitan Ice Cream Persuasive Speech In a society full of whining, complaining, self–victimizing snowflakes, people can get pretty agitating, right? All of these folks come out of nowhere with these ridiculous claims. These "new–age" principles are always challenging the way we 've done things, and I mean, if it ain 't broke, don 't fix it? Like, what more do these people want? When does it stop? We truly do live in a world where no one is satisfied. You do one thing, you 're screwed. You do another thing, your still screwed. If you implement something that doesn 't 100% cater to the desires of another, there 's a problem. The truth is, you 're not going to win out on every conflict. You are not going to be satisfied with every little decision made. If I were to host a... Show more content on ... So naturally, you call up to Blueberry Elementary and ask the Principal to introduce non–lactose foods to the menu. The Principal, being a person who has to worry about the needs of hundreds of other students, tells you that he will look into the issue, but no real progress was made in the conversation. You make follow up call a couple of days later, and again, no progress. At this point, you 're quite offended at the reluctance to address your concerns. Even though your son is just one student out of several hundred, your son 's health is still a pretty valid component of his education and should be taken seriously by those who are responsible for him at school. After a few weeks, you somehow manage to convince the school 's PTA to hold a meeting to discuss the issue with the other parents. The PTA allows you to brief the audience of your proposal, officially bringing the issue to the awareness of others. Your proposal is a decent one, however, the other parents are simply not invested in the issue. You hear various statements, such as, "Neapolitan ice cream hasn 't been a problem before, your son will be fine," or "My neighbor 's kid is lactose–intolerant and she eats ice cream several times a day" and even "If it 's such a problem, then why don 't you transfer your son to Strawberry Academy (a private school), where they don 't serve ice cream? Don 't punish us with a new menu!" The statements made by various members of the PTA reflect the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Lactose Intolerant People Research Paper HELP FOR LACTOSE INTOLERANT PEOPLE Who is a lactose intolerant person? This is a person who cannot digest lactose when ingested into his body. How do you know that you are lactose intolerant? If you take fresh dairy products and diarrhoea or get stomach upsets like bloating, pain, or cramps, regurgitation, flatulence, or gas, borborygmi– rumbling and gurgling in the stomach, nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting, you could most likely be a victim. All is not lost if you still like dairy products, only in this case you may need to take tem in a different state. Milk has several components although many people take it as a source of protein, well it has 3.5% protein but more than that it has a 2–8% of carbohydrates which majorly is lactose or what we call milk sugar. This is what that gives the fresh milk a sweet taste. In the digestion process, carbohydrates are digested from the mouth by the enzyme by salivary amylase, in the stomach there isn't much further break down until when it gets to the small intestines. Every sugar requires its enzyme to digest it, for example maltose requires maltase so lactose requires lactase. Lactase enzyme is naturally produced by cells in the small intestine lining; it breaks lactose into its simple sugars which are glucose and galactose. It cannot be absorbed in its complex state. ... Show more content on ... Same way herbivores digest green forage while carnivores cannot. Lactase is present in babies but wears off in some people as they grow older, mostly from the age of six. Premature babies may have less lactase and they may be lactose intolerant to a significant amount. There is also a congenital lactose intolerance in some people all together, though rare it cannot be ruled out. There are other factors that can cause intolerance of fresh milk as well as fresh dairy products, these include gastroenteritis and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Effect Of Lactose On Ice Cream What is the effect of varying amounts of lactose on the product in the chemical reaction to make ice cream? Purpose To determine the effect of lactose amount has on ice cream consistency. Background information Lactose, also known as milk sugar, is a disaccharide found in the milk of most mammals. It consists of the monosaccharides glucose and galactose. Lactose is the major carbohydrate in the milk of most mammals (Milk Composition and Synthesis, 2009). Different types of milk, cream, and dairy contain varying amounts of lactose. Half and Half cream contains about 1.2g of lactose per ounce, whipping cream contains about .8g of lactose per ounce, and skim milk contains about 1.5g of lactose per ounce (Ryan, 2004). Some types of milk contain ... Show more content on ... The hypothesis that if the amount of lactose was greater than the ice cream will be softer in consistency was supported based on the data that was collected. On average and in two out of three trials the data showed a decrease in height as the amount of lactose increased. This experiment showed how changing the amount of reactants in a chemical reaction can have a direct effect on the state of the product. Work Cited Hurley, Walter L. "Milk Composition: Lactose." Milk Composition and Synthesis Resource Library, University of Illinois, 2009, Accessed 3 Dec. 2017 "ICE CREAM." Dairy Processing Handbook, Tetra Pak, 7 Dec. 2015,–cream. Accessed 10 Dec. 2017 Rohrig, Brian. "Ice, Cream... and Chemistry." American Chemical Society, Feb. 2014, /chemmatters/past–issues/archive–2013–2014/ice–cream–chemistry.html. Accessed 20 ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Effects Of Lactose On Ice Cream Title What is the effect of varying amounts of lactose on the product in the chemical reaction to make ice cream? Purpose To determine the effect of lactose amount has on ice cream consistency. Background information Lactose, also known as milk sugar, is a disaccharide found in the milk of most mammals. It is made up of the monosaccharides glucose and galactose. Lactose is the major carbohydrate in the milk of most mammals (Milk Composition and Synthesis, 2009). Different types of milk, cream, and dairy contain varying amounts of lactose. Half and Half cream contains about 1.2g of lactose per ounce, whipping cream contains about .8g of lactose per ounce, and skim milk contains about 1.5g of lactose per ounce (Ryan, 2004). Some types of... Show more content on ... Fill a 1–gallon plastic bag half full with ice and add 6 tablespoons of salt. Seal and shake the bag. Put the milk and sugar mixture into a 1–pint ziplock bag and seal the bag. Place the 1–pint bag into the 1–gallon bag and shake vigorously for 10 minutes. Remove the 1–pint bag from the 1–gallon bag Remove the ice cream from the 1–pint bag and shape into the tallest formation possible Measure the final height of the formation, Repeat step seven two more times Preform steps 1–8 for skim milk, half and half, and whipping cream Data Lactose amount effect on height Lactose amount grams Height cm Trail 1 Trail 2 Trial 3 Average 0g 12.7 12.06 13.9 12.88 .8g (Whipping cream) 11.7 11.2 13 11.96 1.2g (Half and Half) 11.1 12 11.7 11.6 1.5g (Skim milk) 10.9 11.7 11.2 11.26 0g of lactose.8g of lactose 1.2g of lactose1.5g of lactoseData Analysis The data shows that in almost every trial there is a clear and constant pattern while there were a few exceptions in a couple of the trials the clear pattern that can be shown even more clearly by looking at the averages the more lactose that was in the milk or cream used the shorter the ice cream was in height; caused by the softer state of the ice cream as the lactose increased thus making it more difficult to hold it's shape. Pictures also show a clear ... Get more on ...
  • 28. What Causes Lactose Intolerance What Causes Lactose Deficiency And How It Can Be Diagnosed Lactose intolerance is considered to be the inability to break a kind of natural sugar, which is referred to as lactose. It is commonly established in dairy products including milk and yogurt. If a person is said to be lactose intolerant, then his/her small intestine will stop making enough amount of lactase enzyme in order to digest or break down the lactose. The undigested lactose will move towards the large intestine, when this happens. The bacteria, which are usually available within the large intestine will get interact with those undigested lactose and in turn, cause symptoms like gas, diarrhea and bloating. This condition might also be regarded as lactase deficiency. In fact, lactose intolerance is widely seen in adults, specifically those with African, Asian, Mediterranean Ancestry or Native American. According to some recent studies, about 30 million American individuals of age 20 are lactose intolerant. Even though the condition is not serious, yet it might be unpleasant. Actually, the signs of lactose intolerance arise about 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingesting milk or else several other dairy products with lactose. Individuals who are suffering from lactose intolerant should avoid consuming those products or of course take medicines that contain the enzyme lactase before doing so. The symptoms could range out of mild to severe. Typically, the severity relies on the quantity of lactose you have consumed and also the amount of lactase, which the individual has actually made.... Show more content on ... Some confirmatory tests will measure lactase activity within the body and they are: lactose intolerance test, hydrogen breath test and stool acidity ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Lactose Intolerance Syndrome Module four discussed lactose intolerance and dumping syndrome in great detail, then briefly explained other disorders of the GI tract and pancreases. Lactose intolerance occurs when the body can no longer efficiently digest lactose result in bloating, cramping, and sever diarrhea. Lactose is not directly absorbed by the body, so lactase has to break it down into glucose and galactose. The breakdown of lactose occurs in the last part of the small intestine, but if this does not occur then lactose will move to the colon causing an osmotic effect. The osmotic effect will causes water to diffuse into the colon through capillaries of the intestinal tissue. Colonic bacteria will start to metabolize lactose, and produce gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen gas. ... Show more content on ... Lactose intolerance can be tested for by measuring the amount of hydrogen gas that is present when the person exhales. Dumping syndrome occurs when a person has had gastric surgery involving stomach staples or removal of a section of the stomach. Stomach contents are emptied too quickly into the duodenum, where they mix with pancreatic and intestinal juice which causes rapid digestion of carbohydrates resulting in glucose. There are two problems that arise from rapid digestion of carbohydrates. The first problem occurs because glucose is absorbed rapidly, which causes a spike blood glucose levels leading to a rise in insulin, resulting in blood glucose levels to drop; otherwise known as hypoglycemia. The second problem arises because glucose digestion occurs at a faster rate than absorption, leading to a buildup of glucose in the small intestine. An osmotic effect occurs where water enters the intestines resulting in sever diarrhea. An abundance of water is lost from the body due to the diarrhea causing a decrease in blood ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Problems Associated with Celiac Disease and Lactose... Introduction: Enzymes are essential to the proper functioning of the human body. Enzymes are catalysts, which cause reactions to occur. The two primary classes of enzymes for maintaining life functions are digestive and metabolic enzymes. The primary digestive enzymes are classified as proteases, amylases and lipases. These enzymes can help breakdown food molecules. Metabolic enzymes are responsible for the repairing and structuring of every cell. Inadequate production of digestive enzymes can have a negative impact on the breakdown of food into the various nutrients our bodies require. Problems associated with Celiac Disease and Lactose Intolerance "Celiac disease is an inflammatory disease of the upper small intestine caused by ... Show more content on ... The amount of small intestine damaged due to a loss of villi determines the severity of symptoms due to the diseases. Severe signs and symptoms of malabsorption are evident in people whose small intestine is affected by a loss of villi (Marks). Therefore this explains the various problems a person with celiac disease encounters. 1 Lactose intolerance occurs when the body has a hard time digesting dairy products. Lactose is a milk sugar and is broken down by enzymes in the intestinal track, allowing the enzymes to be used as an energy source. Lactase is an enzyme which breaks down lactose. Lactose intolerance occurs when the intestine does not contain lactase (Jackson). Low lactose activity in the small intestine, allows undigested lactose to pass into the colon, where the bacteria are able to convert the sugar into hydrogen gas and organic acids. This causes symptoms such as bloating and cramping ("Lactose Intolerance"). The two causes of lactose intolerance are primary lactase deficiency and secondary lactase deficiency. In primary lactase deficiency the level of lactase enzyme falls as a person gets older. This does not allow the person to tolerate the amount of lactose that they were used to. This affects around 70 percent of the population. Secondary lactase deficiency is a temporary condition in which the level of lactase drops due to a problem in a person's digestive ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Determining The Success Of A Restaurant Business The menu is the fundamental element in determining the success of a restaurant business. Each customer may have their individual dietary preferences, but the basis of a menu depends on universal requirements in human nature. A human is intrinsically an omnivore with a diet of both meat and plant proteins. The omnivore's paradox or dilemma refers to the contradiction of omnivores having both the sense of neophilia, the inclination and craving for exploration and variation but at the same time limited by neophobia, the fear of the uncertainty of a food's edibility. The incorporation principle referring to how a food effects a person physically and psychologically. Understanding how the omnivore's paradox works and how the incorporation principle influences customers will help chefs putting together a menu create something that caters to a wide range of customers and dietary requirements. The omnivore's paradox raises the issue of how a chef can create a menu that is both interesting and sellable, catering to the balance of mankind's fear of danger and need of novelty, and how the dishes they produce can meet and exceed the customer's expectations. This essay will explain the omnivore's paradox, its relationship to neophilia and neophobia, and their influence on a commercial chef. The incorporation principle will be explained in relation to a customer's decision making. It will also cover how the omnivore's paradox and incorporation principle effects the boundaries of food in ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Lactose Intolerance Research Paper Lactose Intolerance: Got Milk? Most humans are unable to digest lactose that is found in milk causing them to be lactose intolerant. Lactose is a carbohydrate that is the main sugar found in milk. It is broken down by lactase through the process of digestion. Lactase is an enzyme and protein that cuts the sugar molecule (lactose) in half to create two molecules: a glucose molecule and a galactose molecule. These two molecules are then absorbed into the blood stream and used for energy in the body. The majority of humans are lactose intolerant because their bodies stop producing lactase after either infancy or childhood (usually around the age of two). Babies can digest breast milk because their bodies produce lactase. Some adults cannot drink breast milk because, after childhood, their bodies stop producing lactase. The LCT gene made up of DNA, which is a nucleic acid, instructs the body to make lactase. After infancy or childhood, most human lose this gene resulting in the inability to digest lactose. Without the lactase enzyme, the body is unable to break down lactose to absorb into the blood stream. When the body is unable to digest lactose, it becomes lactose intolerant. The CE (Collective Evolution) website explains that, "Lactase persistence in humans has evolved as an adaptation to the consumption of non–human milk and dairy products... Show more content on ... As stated before, lactose intolerance is formed when the body stops producing lactase, which is a protein that breaks down lactose (sugar found in milk) into two molecules that is absorbed in the blood stream and used as energy in the body. If someone is not producing lactase, they are unable to break down lactose and this is known as lactose intolerance. With a milk allergy, the body is actually rejecting the milk. The body has an allergic reaction to the protein in milk. Therefore, lactose intolerance is not a milk allergy. These are two very different ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Lactase Lactase is an enzyme located in the mammalian small intestine that breaks down lactose into sugars, glucose and galactose. It is a necessary enzyme in order to digest lactose, a milk sugar, which cannot be absorbed directly. Lactose is a sugar found only in mammalian milk According to the article, there is high production at birth and then lactase production starts decreasing in adulthood. However, through recent studies, it is shown that there is a high variation in lactase production among individuals and population which could be divided into a group with continuous high lactase production and a group with declining lactase production. The authors are point out that the most commonly used term, lactose tolerance/intolerance are ... Show more content on ... Considering the minority groups are dramatically increasing in the U.S. population, USDA continuing with the current recommendation which involves dairy(or milk) consumption shows the ignorance towards the minority groups which are part of the U.S. citizens as well and therefore, it is conflicting with its ... Get more on ...
  • 34. HUN4446 Study Guide Essay HUN 4446 Exam 2 Study Guide Lactose Mal Digestion/ Malabsorption 1. What are the products of lactose digestion? –The products of lactose digestion are glucose and galactose. 2. What is lactase deficiency? –Lactase deficiency is a deficiency in the enzyme that breaks down lactose. The causes of lactase deficiency include congenital defects, secondary lactase deficiency, and primary (acquired). 3. Define lactose maldigestion, identify the potential etiologies of lactose maldigestion, and describe the metabolic/physiologic effects of lactose maldigestion. –Lactose Maldigestion: reduced digestion of lactose due to low lactase activity that subsequently results in MALABSORBTION of lactose; it may be asymptomatic. – The ... Show more content on ... 1. Crohn's Disease 2. Ulcerative Colitis 3. Describe the factors that are believed to contribute to the etiology of Crohn's disease. – You need to be genetically susceptible to the disease, and then something in the environment triggers it. [also, something about microbiota and an inflammatory immune response]. 4. Describe the symptoms/ clinical manifestations of Crohn's disease. – Signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease are: в—¦diarrhea, abdominal pain and tenderness в—¦blood/mucus in the stool (less likely than Ulcerative colitis, though) в—¦tenesmus (strong urge to relieve your bowels) в—¦weight loss в—¦fever в—¦anorexia в—¦delayed growth in pre–pubescent patients в—¦perianal fistula ◦↑ inflammatory markers: ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate – how fast RBCs fall); C–reactive protein 5. Describe the tests and procedures used to diagnose Crohn's disease. –The tests used to diagnose Crohn's disease include an endoscopy/colonoscopy, or a capsule endoscopy, where you swallow a little pill that takes pictures. –Small bowel x–ray/ barium enema – CT scan – ASCA (antisaccharomyces Ab) [tests for yeast antibodies because people with IBD are more susceptible to yeast infections, so they would be more likely to have anto–yeast antibodies.] –biopsy *There is no single test to detect Crohn's disease 6. What are the potential complications for Crohn's disease? –Potential complications of Crohn's disease are: в—¦obstruction or ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Effect of Substrates and Temperature on Lactose and... Title: The Effect of substrates and temperature on Lactase and its shape. Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to examine the specificity of the lactase enzyme to a specific substrate and how it can denature due to the rise in temperature. Background Information: Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in milk. It is made up of two monosaccharides: glucose and galactose. Therefore it is a disaccharide that needs to break down in order to be digested. However some people are "Lactose Intolerant" or lack lactase in their bodies. This means that they cannot consume lactose–contained food or drinks or they need help digesting it. People who are lactose intolerant must be very selective to make sure that they do not eat food or drinks with lactose. There are pills though, which are purchased by lactose intolerant people. This pill helps the people break down the sugar lactose into its smaller components. Research Question: Will lactose in the milk react to lactose (will glucose be present) and will it react to the lactose in higher temperature then its optimum temperature? Independent Variable: lactose enzyme solution and denatured lactose enzyme solution Dependent Variable: glucose Control Variable: Milk Safety Rules: Do not put the lactase pill in your mouth. Unless your doctor prescribes you, you must not eat it. This could lead to an allergic reaction. Do not drink any of the materials needed for this lab. Do not ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Limitations Of Lactase Intestinations The limitations that are necessary to be taken into consideration are the errors associated with the above research attaining methodologies. Using a lactose tolerance test the arbitrary cut–offs are difficult when taking into consideration borderline values. The impact of certain cut–offs would eliminate or include participant values that could impact on the big picture of the results. For breath hydrogen analysis and lactose tolerance test, another error is the likelihood of false positives and false negatives. Most commonly is found in studies is that breath hydrogen reveals the most accurate results (Mulcare, C. A., et al, 2004). The other errors come from the human participants themselves, which is why necessary eliminations are used... Show more content on ... Consideration would then be required of the types of pastoralism within the population is currently practiced and the relationship that holds with the practices in the past. A specific understanding of the types of milk that was consumed whether lactose rich forms was ingested first or bacteria converted dairy products resulting in lower lactose–containing foods. The Khoe and the San represent the current day populations reflective of their original ancestors of the same area (Breton, G., et al, 2014). The ancestors of the Khoe–San populations of Southern African region likely diverged at a minimum of 100 thousand years ago from all human ancestors (11 – Breton, G., et al, 2014). Assuming the data could be collected for the Khoe population, the hypothesis being tested through further evaluation whether the recorded lactase persistence is realistic given the subsistence behaviour of the current population. This would require archaeological evidence for the pastoralist population by the original ancestors of the area. The introduction of pastoralism to southern areas of Africa is widely debated. It has been accepted the pastoralism spread from North to East Africa and then to Southern African. There are a few pre–existing hypotheses attempting to explain the occurrence of pastoralism (Breton, G., et al, 2014). One is called the demic diffusion model which suggests the ancestors of the Khoe originated from an East African or external population that migrated ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Lactose Fermentation Lab After making a clear dichotomous key, I knew the metabolic tests that needed to be performed on both, unknown 1A and unknown 1B, in order to lead to an identification. On Unknown 1A, the first test required was a lactose fermentation test. I needed one tube of lactose and phenol red broth, fitted with a Durham tube. The phenol red is a Ph indicator, and would turn the broth from a red color to a yellow color if acid is produced, which would occur in lactose fermentation. The Durham tube allows us to see if any gas is produced in the fermentation process. If there is a bubble in the tube, this shows that gas was produced. Be careful when handling these tubes to ensure you do not jostle it, causing air to enter the Durham tube. I inoculated... Show more content on ... A Simmon's citrate slant is needed for this test. This slant is a chemically defined medium of sodium citrate as a the carbon source, and the pH indicator bromothymol blue. Only microorganisms containing the enzyme citrate premease, that allow them to use citrate as the only source of carbon, will survive. They will produce alkaline byproducts which would turn the medium from green to blue. Using a sterilized inoculation needle, I collected the sample from Unknown 1B, then stabbed the needle all the way to the bottom of the tube. Then I gently pulled out the needle to the surface of the slant and streaked the surface before removing the needle from the tube. A urease test was next on the agenda. A urease slant is used to indicate whether a bacteria is able to produce urease, that breaks down urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. This causes the slant to become more alkaline and is indicated by the phenol red within the slant by changing to a hot pink color. Using a sterilized inoculation loop I obtained a sample of Unknown 1B and carefully streaked the surface of the urea slant. I replaced the cap onto the urea slant but did not tighten, this test requires aerobic conditions. I then wrapped the tube in foil prior to ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Lactase Lab Report Introduction In order to digest the lactose that milk has the enzyme lactase is needed to break it down. Lactase is a large glycoprotein and has two active sites. These active sites can activate and determine a variety of ОІ glucoside, ОІ galactoside, lactose, and others (Swallow). The enzyme lactase is a dominant genetic trait that is inherited and is known as lactase persistence. However, this persistence can change over time. When a baby is born the lactase activity is high and is very important for a child's health. As the child get older the lactase activity declines. Stated above, having the dominant genetic trait is lactase persistent. People with many lactase enzymes can hydrolyze large amounts and are able to consume considerable ... Show more content on ... Tolerance or Intolerance to lactose varies in throughout the world. In Northwestern Europe, the Swedes and Danes have a high persistence to lactose. As you move to the west and south the persistence to lactose declines. This also occurs in India where the north and south are more tolerant (Swallow). About seventy five percent of African American and Native American are lactose intolerant and about ninety percent of Asians are too (Horner).In this lab we test how effective tablets or drops of lactase have on people who are lactose intolerant. This lab tests the effectiveness of these options on different pHs and different temperatures to see when and how the best way to use these options are. Our hypothesis are that the enzyme activity is at its highest when lactose drops are added to refrigerated food with lactose in it, when the pH level is neutral. Our second hypothesis state that enzyme activity is at its highest when lactase drops are added to food with lactose in it at 37 degrees Celsius with a pH level at 2.We will use ONPG. This is a modified substrate that acts like lactose but has a colorless dye. This dye attaches to the galactose instead of glucose and if bGAL ( ОІ– ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Lactose Intolerance Research Paper Lactose Intolerance is a common deficiency. Over 40 million americans suffer from Lactose intolerance. It is the inability to digest sugars in milk and other dairy products. Lactase is an enzyme in the small intestine, low levels can effect the ability to digest daily products. For most people, symptoms can be harmless and easily managed. Symptoms can include nausea,abdominal cramps,bloating, diarrhea,and sometimes vomiting. These symptoms usually occur about 30 minute stop 2 hours after ingesting a milk product. When a milk product is ingested it usually turns the lactase in to two simple sugars and then are sent through the blood stream to the intestine. However, when you are lactose in tolerant your body carries out a different process. ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Lactose, Lactaid And Yeast Enzymes are an important role in a living cell. Enzymes are the substance produced by a living organism, which help cells to accelerate the chemical reaction that normally would take days to years. The experiments that we examined helped us identify the specifics in enzymes, and how they produced carbon dioxide in lactose and Melibiose. We filled test tubes with different solutions and placed them inside water that was thirty–seven degrees Celsius. As we did this we determined exactly how much Carbon dioxide would be released. My predicted results verse my produced results varied. Some did not match what I had predicted and others did match what I had predicted. With treatment one I predicted there to be Carbon Dioxide released. When examining treatment one Lactose, Lactaid, and yeast. We discovered that there were little amounts being released. However, when the temperature of the water decreased we found that the enzymes in the solution stayed the same from fifteen minutes to twenty–minute mark. For treatment two Melibiose, Lactaid, and yeast. I predicted that there wouldn't be any Carbon Dioxide released however, I was wrong once again. While, actually testing treatment two we discovered at the five–minute mark there was three ML of Carbon Dioxide released. As the temperature of the water started to decrease the change in reaction of the enzymes started to decrease dramatically. At the twenty–minute mark we were at 1.3 ML. On to treatment three Lactose, Beano, and yeast. I predicted that there would be Carbon Dioxide released. While, actually testing treatment three there was Carbon Dioxide released. However, testing treatment three at... Show more content on ... At the temperature of thirty–seven degrees Celsius we found that the reaction of the solution would produce carbon dioxide. When the temperature decreased the activity of the enzymes dramatically slowed down, in resulting in less carbon dioxide ... Get more on ...