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                                          BALANCED SCORECARD FORUM
                                          21 - 26 April 2012 • The Address Hotel, Dubai Marina, UAE                      DUBAI
Building Competitiveness Through World Class Strategy Execution Practices

  Dr Kaplan And Dr Norton’s                                ONLY At The Balanced Scorecard Forum 2012
     Famous Masterclass                                    ü	 THE definitive Balanced Scorecard Masterclass delivered by the iconic gurus
                                                           ü	 NEW The region’s top business leaders on today’s most pressing business
       Plus Brand NEW Material on                                   challenges and the way forward
  Co-Creation, Shared Value And Scenario                   ü	 NEW The Strategy Execution Ambassador – Jeroen de Flander – on why
     Analysis For Risk Management!                                  companies fail in strategy execution
                                                           ü	 NEW Expert lessons on implementing the Balanced Scorecard in project
                                                                    focused organisations
                                                           ü	 NEW In-depth guidance, tools and practical lessons on how risk
                                                                    management works in practice
                                                           ü	 NEW Benchmarking data on strategy execution capability, success and
                                                                    failure from over 1400 companies
                                                           ü	 NEW Multiple perspectives on the Balanced Scorecard at every stage of its
                                                           ü	 NEW 5 Hall of Fame case studies for best practice Balanced Scorecard
                                                           ü	 NEW 6 expert led workshops on everything from change management
                                                                    to aligning human capital for performance breakthroughs!

                                                                        Introducing The Strategy Execution Ambassador

                                                                        Jeroen De Flander
                                                                            New Guru Speaker

  Pre-Forum Workshops: 21 April 2012
  A: Risk Management For Strategy Execution
  B: Aligning Human Capital To Drive Performance Breakthroughs
  C: Best Practice Change Management For Successful Strategy
                                                                                                Bestselling author of
                                                                                             Strategy Execution Heroes
  Post-Forum Workshops: 26 April 2012
  D: “The 8” – A Unique Strategy Execution Framework
  E: The Balanced Scorecard In A Project Focused Organisation
                                                                               Plus! The Strategy Execution Barometer™ - the leading resource
  F: A Practical Guide To Performance Benchmarking                             worldwide for practical, fact-based Strategy Execution market data
                                                                                         – with data from more than 1400 companies!

   Strategic Partner        Supporting Sponsor                    Sponsor                        Media Partners               Organised By

Tel: 971-4-335 2437            Fax: 971-4-335 2438               Email:               Web:
The Famous Kaplan Norton Masterclass                                                                                                                                                                                 Hearing it from the masters
Two Days LIVE and IN PERSON With The Iconic Inventors of Balanced Scorecard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       is a unique experience
Dr Robert Kaplan And Dr David Norton                                                                                                                                                                                             Rajeev Thomas, Qatar Foundation

One of the most valuable speakers on business strategy and leadership today                                                                          David P. Norton is founder and director of several organisations specialising in systems and processes to improve the execution of business
                                                                                                                                                     strategy. Dr Norton has founded and built a series of professional service firms during the course of his career, each focused on leading edge
Few people have contributed as significantly to the art, and especially the science, of business strategy as Robert Kaplan.
                                                                                                                                                     issues of management, from information technology and knowledge management to the discipline of strategy management. A frequent lecturer
His Balanced Scorecard is the premier tool for aligning a company’s current actions with its strategic goals. This performance management
                                                                                                                                                     and author, David Norton is best known for his work with the Balanced Scorecard, which has been the subject of many conferences and articles.
system helps business leaders clarify their corporate vision and align people, business units, and resources with a unified strategy.
                                                                                                                                                     He is the co-author, with Robert S. Kaplan, of eight Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles and five books: The Balanced Scorecard, The Strategy
In his research and writing, speaking and consulting, Robert develops ways to link cost and performance management systems to strategy               Focused Organization, Strategy Maps, Alignment and The Execution Premium. Dr. Norton’s books have sold more than one million copies in 23
implementation and operational excellence.                                                                                                           different languages.
                  The BSC approach is also being successfully applied by governments and nonprofits throughout the world to improve                  The Balanced Scorecard concept was selected by the editors of the Harvard Business Review as “One of the most influential
                    transparency, governance, and measurable social outcomes.                                                                        management ideas of the past 75 years.” Dr Norton was also voted as one of the “World’s 12 Most Influential Management
                     Robert Kaplan and coauthor David Norton have written five landmark books on The Balanced Scorecard, describing how it           Thinkers” by Sun Top Media’s Thinkers 50. Drs. Norton and Kaplan were honored with the “Champion of Workplace
                    works and outlining best practices for its implementation. Together, these books have transformed the business strategy          Learning and Performance Award” by the The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). David P. Norton
                   landscape and made Robert Kaplan one of the most valuable speakers in the fields of business strategy and leadership.             is the preeminent authority, along with Robert Kaplan, on how to institutionalise strategic thinking using The Balanced
                      Robert Kaplan is Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and a former Dean of the Graduate School of             Scorecard (BSC). Dr Norton co-developed this extraordinary tool for defining and executing business strategy. He co-
                       Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University.                                                                        authored with Kaplan, the three essential books on The Balanced Scorecard. David Norton is also the co-founder,
                                                                                                                                                     president and CEO of the consulting firm that helps organisations use the BSC successfully. In his presentations,
                        The Books                                                                                                                    Dr Norton helps companies make effective strategic thinking and execution an essential part of their business,
                        The Execution Premium describes a systematic and proven framework for achieving the financial results promised by            both at the top (through the equivalent of a Chief Strategy Officer) and throughout the organization.
                        your strategy: How to put it into action, test it and revise it for reliable returns.                                        An effective and influential speaker, David P. Norton is one of the most significant figures
                         The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action-The seminal book on the tool that dozens of companies              transforming business today.
                         have embraced for achieving long-term growth. Winner of the 2001 Wildman Medal from the American Accounting
                         Association for its impact on practice; in 22 languages.                                                                    More About David Norton
                         The Strategy Focused Organisation describes how to make strategy a continuous process owned by everyone                     Utilising the Balanced Scorecard concept, Dr Norton allows complex organisations to effectively
                         throughout the organisation. Best international business book for 2000, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young.                           clarify, manage and implement their business strategies with a rigor never possible before. Dr Norton’s
                                                                                                                                                     first book, The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into Action, shows managers how to use this
                          Strategy Maps offers a powerful new visual tool for aligning processes, people and IT with desired outcomes. One of        revolutionary tool to guide their strategic investments in people, systems and new products for long-
                          top 10 business books of 2004 by strategy+business magazine and                                                term growth. Dr Kaplan and Dr Norton describe a multistage system that enables organisations to gain
                         Alignment applies the Balanced Scorecard to corporate strategy, aligning business units (often poorly-coordinated)          measurable benefits from carefully formulated business strategies. Together, these books and the
                      with headquarters’ long-term goals, using an Office of Strategic Management.                                                   presentations based on them, represent some of the most valuable breakthroughs in business strategy
                                                                                                                                                     in recent times.
                                                          Dr Kaplan also co-developed Activity-Based Costing, a revolutionary approach to
                      Dr Robert Kaplan,                   determining the underlying economics of a business, which he describes in his books        Dr David Norton’s research and lectures have tremendous value for any company                 Dr David Norton
                      Professor                           Cost & Effect and, more recently, Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing.                      seeking to plan and sustain value creation over the long term. Dr Norton has
                      Harvard Business                    Honours
                                                                                                                                                     extremely broad and practical experience working with companies of all kinds and
                                                                                                                                                     at all levels on their strategic capabilities. And he has unusual depth in developing         Palladium Group
                      School and                          Ÿ     Accounting Hall of Fame                                                              the strategic potential of human resources.                                                   and Co-founder
                      Co-founder of
                                                          Ÿ     Lifetime Contribution Award, Management Accounting Section of the American
                                                                                                                                                     David P. Norton earned a BS in electrical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic               of the Balanced
                      the Balanced                              Accounting Association, and the Institute of Management Accountants
                                                                                                                                                     Institute, an MS in operations research from the Florida Institute of Technology, an           Scorecard USA
                      Scorecard USA                       Ÿ     One of top 20 Business Writers/Management Gurus, Financial Times 2005 CEO            MBA from Florida State University, and his doctorate in business administration
                                                                Survey                                                                               from Harvard Business School.

Masterclass Day One                                                                                        Sunday, 22 April 2012                      Masterclass Day Two                                                                                           Monday, 23 April 2012
                                           With NEW material from Dr Kaplan and Dr Norton on Co-Creation, Shared Value and Scenario Testing for Risk Management!
07:00   Registration And Coffee                                            12:30    Lunch And Networking Break                                        07:30     Morning Coffee                                                               system achieves this objective at several levels including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             conducting operational and strategy review meetings as
                                                                                                                                                      08:00     Opening Remarks From The Chairman                                            well as meetings that test and adapt the strategy, leading
08:00   Opening From The Chairman                                          13.45    Setting Meaningful KPIs, Stretch Targets And Selecting And                  Mazen Dauleh, Strategy Consultant, State Audit Bureau, Qatar
        Mazen Dauleh, Strategy Consultant, State Audit Bureau,                      Funding Strategic Initiatives                                                                                                                            to new objectives and BSC metrics that keep the strategy
                                                                                                                                                      08:05     Risk Management: Interactive Case Study                                      relevant to changing market and business conditions. Dr
        Qatar                                                                       The discussion of the system continues by showing how to
                                                                                                                                                                “The Harvard Experience”                                                     Kaplan will demonstrate the role for business analytics to
                                                                                    set targets for strategic themes and objectives, the process                                                                                             inform the design of operational KPI dashboards. He will
08:15   Strategy Execution System: From A To Z                                      to select portfolios of strategic initiatives, and the new                  Using a real-life case study example from the Canadian
                                                                                                                                                                utility, Hydro One, Dr Kaplan will lead an interactive session               also summarise his current collaboration with Professor
        Managing strategy execution should be a permanent part                      funding mechanism of strategic expenditures (StratEx).                                                                                                   Michael Porter on the tremendous opportunities to improve
        of an executive’s job. This requires a management system.                   Dr Norton will describe his recent research on the                          on establishing and running a comprehensive enterprise
                                                                                                                                                                risk management system. The session will emphasise the                       the value and cost of health care delivery through accurate
        Most organisations have pieces of this system, such as                      performance breakthroughs that Hall of Fame enterprises                                                                                                  measurement of outcomes and costs.
                                                                                                                                                                mechanisms for identifying and quantifying the principal risks
        budgeting and goal-setting, but the pieces are isolated and                 have achieved. These provide guidance for setting                           to an organisation’s strategy, especially how to develop and                 Dr Robert Kaplan
        incompatible. Further, most organisations do not have a                     ambitious quantitative and qualitative targets for key                      transmit risk information from the front lines to the boardroom, 12:30
        formal process to translate the strategy, test it, and align                BSC achievement metrics. The role of theme owners and                                                                                                    Lunch and Networking Break
                                                                                                                                                                and how to allocate resources to mitigate the most likely and
        the organisation. This session provides a CEO’s guide: What                 theme teams for managing the implementation of cross-                       consequential risks.                                             13:45       BSC Implementation: Leading Change And The Role For The
        to expect when adopting the Balanced Scorecard system                       functional and cross-business projects will be introduced.                  Dr Robert Kaplan                                                             CEO
        – real world insights into the challenges, timeframes,                      Dr David Norton                                                                                                                                          Strategy requires that companies break away from
        investment and skills involved in a successful sustainable                                                                                    09:15     Integrating Risk Management To The Strategy Execution                        doing business-as-usual so they can adopt a new way
        implementation. Dr Norton will also describe how mature            14.30    Aligning The Organisation To The Strategy                                   System                                                                       of competing and doing business. Yet most change
        BSC organisations sustain their strategy execution system                   Most enterprises consist of multiple business and                           Risk management has become essential for successful and                      management programme fail. In this session, Dr Kaplan
                                                                                                                                                                sustainable strategy execution. Many organisations, however,                 will highlight the vitally important role for the CEO to lead
        by embedding it within the organisation’s three to five year                functional units. For the full execution premium to be
                                                                                                                                                                despite having a designated risk management officer and even                 and manage the change process. He will start with the
        strategy cycle.                                                             earned, the enterprise must achieve both vertical and                       a risk management department, have suffered massive losses
        Dr David Norton                                                             horizontal alignment in each unit’s strategic objectives. This                                                                                           key role – embedded in leadership gurus John Kotter
                                                                                                                                                                from their failure to understand and manage the risks inherent               and Michael Beer’s pioneering work – to unfreeze the
                                                                                    session will review how to achieve organisational synergies                 in their strategies. Dr Kaplan will share insights on how Hall
09:45   Strategy Maps, Strategic Themes And The Balanced                            through a cascaded and linked strategy map, and how to                                                                                                   organisation so that executives and employees alike accept
                                                                                                                                                                of Fame organisations, such as Infosys and VW do Brasil use                  the urgent need for change. He will continue by showing how
        Scorecard                                                                   co-create strategy maps with strategic suppliers and                        their strategy maps to identify the key risks in the strategy.               Kotter’s Leading Change programme can be leveraged and
        In this session, Dr Kaplan will describe the latest innovations             customers for shared value creation.                                        From this early identification, they develop Key Risk Indicator              accelerated by integrating with the Kaplan-Norton strategy
        in strategy mapping. The session will illustrate how external               Dr Robert Kaplan                                                            scorecards to give them advance warning of imminent risk                     execution system. The session will include examples from
        and internal customer metrics need to be selected based                                                                                                 events and also develop portfolios of risk mitigation initiatives            the successful CEOs of enterprises in the Palladium Balanced
        on the organisation’s differentiating customer value               15.15    Networking And Refreshment Break                                            that reduce the likelihood and consequences from risk events.                Scorecard Hall of Fame for Strategy Execution®.
        proposition. Discover how to choose the right strategic                                                                                                 The session will conclude with the role for war-gaming and                   Dr Robert Kaplan
        objectives and construct a strategy map around four to             15.45    Linking Strategy To Operations                                              scenario analysis to envision and mitigate the non-controllable
        six themes that link human capital and process objectives                   High-level strategic objectives must be driven down into                    risks that can arise from the organisation’s volatile external 14:45         Networking And Refreshment Break
        to customer and shareholder objectives. While strategy                      operational processes. Dr Norton will illustrate how to link                environment.
                                                                                                                                                                Dr Robert Kaplan                                                  15:15      BSC Implementation And The Office Of Strategy
        maps provide an overall view of an organisation’s strategy,                 operational process improvements to strategic objectives,                                                                                                Management
        strategic themes segment the strategy into general                          including the role for performance improvement programs           10:15     Networking And Refreshment Break                                             The new BSC strategy management system does not
        categories, allowing organisations to focus actions and                     (TQM, Six Sigma, Lean); and how to design operational                                                                                                    manage itself. This session will discuss how a new
        provide a structure for accountability. New material will                   dashboards of KPIs that drive continuous improvement.             10:45     Aligning Employees To The Strategy                                           competency and a new organisation, the Office of Strategy
        include how to incorporate triple bottom line reporting and                 Dr David Norton                                                             Ultimately, strategy is executed by employees, not the senior                Management, has emerged to play this role. Dr Norton will
        sustainability objectives into your strategy map. Dr Kaplan                                                                                             leadership team. But employees cannot help implement a                       explain the multi-year agenda for the OSM as it migrates
                                                                                                                                                                strategy that they are unaware of, do not understand, or                     the Balanced Scorecard from an initial feasibility project
        will also demonstrate how to co-create strategy maps with          16.30    Kaplan–Norton Clinic
                                                                                                                                                                have little motivation to execute. This session covers the                   into a sustainable strategy execution system that delivers
        key stakeholders to create the “shared value” described                     Open Forum for Q&A                                                          important processes needed to communicate strategy,
        in Michael Porter’s seminal January 2011 Harvard Business                                                                                                                                                                            transformational improvements in performance. The stages
                                                                                                                                                                motivate employees, and align the development of employees’                  include:
        Review article.                                                    17.30    Close Of Masterclass Day One                                                capabilities and competencies to strategic objectives.
        Dr Robert Kaplan                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1. Unfreeze the organisation (continuing the discussion
                                                                                                                                                                Dr David Norton                                                                 in Dr Kaplan’s previous session)
                                                                                                                                                      11:30     Continually Improving The Strategy                                           2. Focus and align the organisation to strategic priorities, and
10:45   Networking And Refreshment Break                                                                                                                                                                                                     3. Sustain the new culture of strategy execution and
                                                                                                                                                                Today, strategies are implemented in volatile and highly-
                                                                                                                                                                competitive environments. Strategy is a hypothesis on how                        accountability for delivering performance.
11:15   Strategy Execution: Best Practice Case
        Volkswagen do Brasil (VWB) is the second largest
                                                                                     This was the best Forum                                                    to satisfy shareholder/stakeholder objectives. The strategy                  Dr David Norton

        Volkswagen operation in the world, with four plants,                         I and my executive team                                                    execution system must not only define these hypotheses,
                                                                                                                                                                but also continually monitor the external and internal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 16.00       Kaplan–Norton Clinic
        22,000 employees, and revenues of more than US$9
        billion, enjoying one of the highest profitability rates in the
                                                                                   ever attended; the best time                                                 environments so that managers can guide, test, and adapt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Open Forum for Q&A

        VW group. It wasn’t always this way. In 2006, following                    invested for our company’s                                                   the strategy to changing conditions. The BSC management          17.00       Close Of Masterclass
        years of currency devaluation, a sluggish economy, new                                future
        sources of competition, and market share loss, VWB
        undertook a major restructuring and adopted the BSC                           Zeyad Al Moosa, Managing Director,                                                       Meet The Masterclass Chairman
        to mobilise the company. In this interactive session, Dr                         Gulf Drug Establishment, UAE                                                           Mazen’s experience comes from hands-on implementation projects as the top Strategy Executive responsible to large
        Kaplan will demonstrate how VWB grew revenue by 80                                                                                                                      company CEOs and boards to create strategic planning management systems using Balanced Scorecard (including Qatar
        percent in four years, doubled employee engagement, and                                                                                                                 Steel and Qtel). Beyond specialised strategy management experience in the last decade, Mazen’s management experience
        improved internal processes through the organisation’s                                                                                                                  spans 25 years with world class companies including Schlumberger and Qatar Petroleum. He has also supervised and
        implementation of a sustainable strategy management                                                                                                                     managed Strategic HR initiatives, including structure reorganisation, performance management and job evaluation.
        system.                                                                                                                                        Mazen Dauleh, Mazen’s MBA dissertation topic was on Change Management and further academic credentials include the highest
        Dr Robert Kaplan                                                                                                                                Strategy Consultant,    available certifications from Drs Kaplan and Norton in Balanced Scorecard and (OSM) Office of Strategy Management. He is
                                                                                                                                                      State Audit Bureau, Qatar also founder and CEO of Vision Strategy Management Consulting.

         Tel: +971 4 335 2437                                                             Email:                                                     Fax: +971 4 335 2438                                              
BALANCED SCORECARD FORUM                                                                                                                                               Wonderful Masterclass which can
                                                                                                                                                                                              change an organisation’s fate
                       21 - 26 April 2012 • The Address Hotel, Dubai Marina, UAE                                 DUBAI                                                                              Prakash Loganath, Reliance Industries

      NEW And Refreshed Agenda For 2012!                                                                                                                                         Agenda At A Glance
                                                                                                                                                                                  Balanced Scorecard Forum 2012
 Bringing You All Of The Latest Developments In Strategy Management And Execution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         21 April     22 April    23 April     24 April   25 April        26 April
 ü	 Essential updates on the latest strategy management concepts, including new industry buzzwords                                                                                Pre-Forum Workshops       A, B, C
    “shared value” and “co-creation”                                                                                                                                              Kaplan Norton Masterclass
                                                                                                                                                                                  Including Executive Lunch                             ü           ü
 ü	 Vital insights into what makes the Hall of Fame companies stand out – from Dr Norton – and why
    companies fail - from brand new guru, Jeroen de Flander                                                                                                                       Balanced Scorecard Forum                                                        ü          ü
 ü	 Practical “how to” on risk management from Dr Kaplan, Abu Dhabi Ports Company and Dimension                                                                                   Post-Forum Workshops                                                                                    D, E, F
    Data Asia Pacific
                                                                                                                                                                                 Best Practice Contributions And Insights From:
 ü	 Strategy execution benchmarking data from more than 1400 companies                                                                                                           Dubal YK Almoayyed and Sons Abu Dhabi Ports Company Bahrain Ministry of
 ü	 The full story: multiple perspectives on the Balanced Scorecard at every stage of its lifecycle                                                                              Works AW Rostamani Abdulla Al Masaood and Sons Qatar Government Zamil
 ü	 Successful Balanced Scorecard implementation in project focused organisations                                                                                                Group Holding Company Mary Kay Infosys Dimension Data Asia Pacific Abu
 ü	 And much more…                                                                                                                                                               Dhabi Sewerage Services Company Qatar Steel Abu Dhabi Education Council

              Forum Day One                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Tuesday, 24 April 2012
              07. 30 Registration And Coffee

              08.00 Chairman’s Opening Remarks                                                              Edy Abou Chakra heads the management and strategy consulting practice at ADDIMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BOOK BEFORE
                                          Edy Abou Chakra
                                                                                                            Consulting. He brings with him over 15 years of experience in the management, strategy,
                                                                                                            information systems and financial fields. As a strategic planner and management
                                                                                                            consultant, he has helped many organisations develop successful strategies and execute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2 FEBRUARY 2012
                                          ADDIMA Consulting                                                 them through the balanced scorecard and other performance planning and management                                        AND SAVE UPTO US$2,920
                                          UK, KSA & Lebanon                                                 systems. Mr. Abou Chakra is a certified Master Balanced Scorecard Professional from
                                                                                                            George Washington University and the Balanced Scorecard Institute (MBSP), Information
                                                                                                            Systems Auditor (CISA-ISACA) and Certified E-business Consultant (CEC-ICECC).

                      Business Leaders Panel                                                                                    Michel Ayat
                                                                                                                                                                                             Alan Guest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Constantin Salameh
              08.15 New Pillars Of Competitiveness – Leveraging Performance Culture,                                            AW Rostamani                                                 YK Almoayyed & Sons                                             Abdulla Al Masaood & Sons
                    Governance And Risk Management Practices To Succeed In Today’s                                              UAE                                                          Bahrain                                                         UAE
                    Middle East Business Landscape
                    Ÿ How will the region’s economy develop in the next five years and
                       what will be the keys to success?                                                     Michel Ayat is a seasoned automobile industry               Alan’s early career saw him overseeing the CKD                Constantin Salameh is CEO of Abdulla Al Masaood &
                                                                                                             professional with over 25 years of experience in leading    assembly of both Land Rover and Range Rover in                Sons, a diversified Abu-Dhabi-based private group
                      Ÿ To what extent is governance an important part of corporate board                    a portfolio of automotive brands. Ayat has spearheaded      assembly plants throughout Africa, the Far East and           with operating companies in the automotive and motor
                        agendas in the Arab World?                                                           the operations of Arabian Automobiles Co. (AAC), which      other developing markets. In 1980 he became Export            sports, hospitality and leisure, industrial, services and
                                                                                                             is the flagship of the AW Rostamani Group and the           Sales Director for Land Rover and the Overseas Strategy       construction sectors. He has 25 years of senior cross-
                      Ÿ How are left field macroeconomic events impacting business in the                    National Sales Company (NSC) for the Nissan, Infiniti       Director for Rover International before moving in the         functional management experience with multinational
                        Middle East?                                                                         and Renault brands in Dubai and the Northern Emirates.      early 90’s into General Management in the Middle              companies in the technology, private equity, retail and
                                                                                                             Ayat has been responsible for delivering consistent         East. He worked in Dubai, Qatar and Egypt in senior           financial services sectors. He was the MD of Safinvest
                      Ÿ How important are risk management practices in achieving success                     year-on-year growth and ensuring market leadership          management positions before joining YK Almoayyed in           SA, a multi-billion dollar private investment group, and
                        in today’s business landscape?                                                       in key vehicle segments. His medium term goal is to turn    2005 as Chief Executive. YK Al Moayyed is a diversified       the senior VP and CFO of Compass Holding, a family
                      Ÿ What are the performance levers businesses need to leverage to be                    the automotive operations of AW Rostamani Group into        business group with business in the automobile, building      business with operations in fifty countries. Constantin
                                                                                                             a US$2 billion company by 2015.                             materials, electronics, industrial and building systems       previously held senior executive positions with Hewlett
                        competitive in an ever changing world?                                                                                                           and furniture and interior design sectors.                    Packard.

 09.00            The Office Of Strategy Management (OSM) As A Driver Of Sustainable Business            11.45   Qatar Government: Driving The Implementation Of The Balanced Scorecard From
                  Success                                                                                        An Unexpected Source - Finance
                  Ÿ Defining the scope and responsibilities for the OSM to ensure real alignment of              Ÿ The case for change and resistance to migrating from a government culture to a
                                                                                                                     performance-driven one based on KPIs
                      management processes to the strategy
                  Ÿ Populating the OSM with capable managers who will make things happen
                                                                                                                 Ÿ Implanting the OSM (Office of Strategy Management) into the Finance Function
                                                                                                                     - where you would least expect it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A great opportunity to meet the
                  Ÿ In it for the long haul: moving past the initial project to embed a sustainable              Ÿ How this BSC implementation will enable the State Audit Bureau to audit
                                                                                                                     the more than120 government ministries and entities for strategy execution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Balanced Scorecard gurus
                      organisational framework to support the new performance management                             capability in Qatar - another term for sound governance
                      system                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dexter Calivara, Qatar Fuel - WOQOD
                                                                                                                 Mazen Dauleh, Strategy Consultant, State Audit Bureau, Qatar
                  Alan Guest, CEO, YK Almoayyed & Sons, Bahrain
                                                                                                         12.30   ADDIMA Consulting Case Study
 09.45            Networking And Refreshment Break
                                                                                                         13.15   Lunch And Networking Break
 10.15            Risk Management: When Competing Strategic Objectives Collide To Create A
                  “Black Swan” Risk
                                                                                                                 The BSC Journey And Practitioner Perspectives Along The Way                                   Ÿ Communicating strategy, reducing altitude and maintaining focus to maximise
                  Ÿ The ADPC Enterprise Risk Management Framework: Aligning risk management              14.15   BSC: The Right Start - Building Engagement, Accountability And A True                         Ruben Decoud, Manager International Human Resources, Mary Kay, USA
                      activities down to the project level                                                       Performance Culture With The Balanced Scorecard
                  Ÿ Back from the brink: Managing a “black swan risk event” on a regional mega-                  Ÿ Developing strategic direction and establishing a strategic change agenda that     15.45    Networking And Refreshment Break
                      project                                                                                        reflects the key strategic priorities
Must Attend

                  Ÿ Risk action: Engaging multiple internal and external stakeholders for successful             Ÿ Getting started with a robust strategy map and scorecard which are a true          16.15    BSC: Mature Implementation – Maintaining Momentum And A Clear Strategic
                      risk mitigation                                                                                reflection of the corporate strategy                                                      Direction In An Ever Changing World
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ÿ Sustaining strategic focus
                  Ÿ Risk velocity: Understanding its impact on risk appetite and response                        Ÿ Building and sustaining senior level understanding and commitment to a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ÿ Driving organisational change
                                                                                                                     approach and a new corporate scorecard
                  Ÿ Future-world scenario planning: less about prediction, more about organisation                                                                                                             Ÿ Delivering performance
                      flexibility and resilience                                                                 Ÿ Keeping up the momentum with the BSC implementation: Managing the BSC                       Ÿ Lessons for implementation
                                                                                                                     programme to ensure success                                                               V. Ganapathy Subramanian, Head – Strategic Planning, Infosys Ltd, India
                  Domenic Antonucci, Chief Risk Officer,                                                                                                                                                       Hall of Fame Award Winner 2007
                                                                                                                 Mahmoud Al Sayyed, Vice President Strategy Management,
                  ADPC (Abu Dhabi Ports Company), UAE                                                            Zamil Group Holding Company, KSA
                                                                                                                                                                                                      17.00    Balanced Scorecard Practitioner – Expert Panel
 11.00            Successful Balanced Scorecard Implementation In A Project Focused Organisation         15.00   BSC: The Middle Years - Linking The Organisational Vision To The Individual By                A great opportunity to ask those questions you really want to ask expert
                  Ÿ Real results: applying the Balanced Scorecard to deliver new infrastructure and              Creating A Strategic Line Of Sight                                                            practitioners about every step of the Balanced Scorecard journey.
                      public services in support of Bahrain Vision 2030                                          Ÿ Achieving alignment to a strategic vision across borders and functions                      Mahmoud Al Sayyed, Vice President Strategy Management,
                  Ÿ Linking core business and management initiatives with operational projects                                                                                                                 Zamil Group Holding Company, KSA
                                                                                                                 Ÿ Translating strategic vision into tangible behaviors to maximise synergy and
                  Ÿ Integrating the Balanced Scorecard with the Ministry’s Project Management                                                                                                                  Ruben Decoud, Manager International Human Resources, Mary Kay, USA
                                                                                                                     clarify performance expectations
                      Framework                                                                                                                                                                                V. Ganapathy Subramanian, Head – Strategic Planning, Infosys Ltd, India
                                                                                                                 Ÿ Linking business activities and performance indicators to people processes and
                  Raja Al Zayani, Chief Of Strategic Planning, Ministry Of Works, Bahrain                            individual appraisal systems                                                     17.45    End Of Forum Day One

  Feature Speakers Spotlight
                             Amir Al Janahi                                                            Domenic Antonucci                                                   Raja Al Zayani                                                         Mahmoud Al Sayyed
                             Corporate Controller                                                      Chief Risk Officer                                                  Chief Of Strategic Planning                                            Vice President Strategy
                             Dubal                                                                     ADPC (Abu Dhabi Ports Company)                                      Ministry Of Works                                                      Management
                             UAE                                                                       UAE                                                                 Bahrain                                                                Zamil Group Holding Company

 Amir Al Janahi is a member of Dubai Aluminium (DUBAL)’s                        Domenic is responsible for programme risk and Enterprise-wide          Raja has established the strategic planning section at the Ministry   Mahmoud has an MBA, Certified Management Consultant (CMC),
 Executive Management team working as Corporate Controller.                     Risk Management (ERM) for Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC)               of Works, which has acted as the region’s first Office of Strategy    Kaplan-Norton Palladium Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Certified
 He is responsible for the effective execution of DUBAL’s strategy              an infrastructure developer. The Khalifa Port and Industrial           Management. In three years from its establishment, the strategic      Graduate and Certified Project Management Professional (PMP)
 and operational objectives using the Balanced Scorecard, which                 Zone is a mega-size project constructing one of the world’s            planning section has supported Ministry of Works in winning           with 16 years of experience in management and consulting
 was adopted by DUBAL in 2005. Amir also has responsibility for                 largest vertically integrated industrial and transportation hubs.      the Hall of Fame Award, which is the world renowned award             in the fields of strategy management, corporate governance,
 management reporting, budgeting, forecasting, preparation of                   Domenic has 30 years experience in corporate strategic planning,       for excellence in strategy management. Raja has been a key            organisational development and business valuation. Mahmoud
 financial statements, internal control and management of the                   operations and business risk management consulting in the UAE,         member in supporting Ministry of Works to found, plan, execute,       has been in his current role since September 2008. He is
 finance department and the accounts payable process. He has                    Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific with firms such as Shell.         and manage the strategy. She has been recognised by Palladium         responsible for initiating and implementing the Group strategy
 been with DUBAL since 1988, and formerly held a financial control              Prior to joining ADPC, Domenic was a strategic risk consultant to      Group for Strategy Execution as the world’s first Certified           management system using the Balanced Scorecard framework
 role at the Commercial Bank of Dubai. He is a fellow member of                 MENA regional clients with the world’s largest risk consulting firm    Practitioner during the Palladium Summit at London during June        as well as governance and organisation alignment practices.
 CIMA.                                                                          Marsh, having relocated from chief risk officer roles implementing     2011.
                                                                                AS4360 risk standards with Australian organisations.

                Tel: +971 4 335 2437                                                       Email:                                                      Fax: +971 4 335 2438                                         
New Guru Speaker                                   Jeroen De Flander
                                                   Jeroen De Flander is a seasoned international strategy execution expert, top executive coach, seminar leader and highly regarded keynote Be among the first to hear Jeroen speak in the UAE
                                                   speaker.                                                                                                                                 on Wednesday, 25 April 2012, 08.30 – 12.00!
                                                   Jeroen has helped more than 17,500 managers in 22 countries master the necessary execution skills, including the USA, Brazil, Venezuela, Drawing on The Strategy Execution Barometer™, the
                                                   Jordan, Malaysia, Spain, Italy, Russia, Estonia, the Netherlands, France, the UK, Germany, Egypt, China, Croatia, Korea and Belgium. He has leading resource worldwide for practical, fact-based
                                                   shared the stage with strategy gurus like Michael Porter and Costas Markides.                                                                Strategy Execution market data, Jeroen de Flander will
                                                                                                                                                                                                answer that all-important question: Why do companies
                                                   His book, Strategy Execution Heroes, reached the Amazon bestseller list in five countries. Jeroen is co-founder of the performance factory fail in executing their strategy? With reference to data from
                                                   – a leading research, training and advisory firm which is solely focused on helping individuals and organisations increase performance over 1400 companies, 20,000 managers, 36 countries
                                                   through best-in-class strategy execution.                                                                                                    and 29 sectors, Jeroen will show you how your company
                                                                                                                                                                                                measures up against others in terms of strategy execution
                                                   For several years, he had global responsibility for the Balanced Scorecard product line for Arthur D. Little – a leading strategy consulting capability, explain why companies fail to execute their
                                                   firm. The 50+ companies he has advised on various strategy and strategy execution topics include Atos Worldline, AXA, Base, Bridgestone, strategy correctly and provide you with the tools and
                                                   CEMEX, GDFSuez, Honda, ING, Johnson & Johnson, Komatsu, Sony and the Flemish and Belgian governments.                                        techniques to avoid making the same mistakes!

                                                                                  What people say about The Strategy Execution Barometer™:
                                                                                                     A very insightful report that reflects everyday realities                                            This report offers a true benchmark for us with
                                                                                                       at the ground level. It also makes you realise that                                                regards to other large international companies.
       Book signing with                                                                           you are not alone in facing the problems of implementing                                                It allows us to compare ourselves to both the
       Jeroen de Flander                                                                              your company strategy. I have been able to use this                                                    average and the best-in-class so we know
                                                                                                     report as a benchmark to improve my organisation’s                                                   exactly where we stand and how we should act
on Wednesday, 25 April 2012, 10.00-10.30                                                                       performance management process                                                                                accordingly

                                                                                                   Dr Mohammed Ilyas, Manager Economics and Business Support, SABIC, KSA                                           Bart Ponsioen, Senior Associate, ING, Germany

      Forum Day Two                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wednesday, 25 April 2012
   07. 45 Morning Coffee                                                                         12.00     Implementing Balanced Scorecard To Achieve Best In Class                        15.15     Networking And Refreshment Break
                                                                                                           Business Performance In Adverse Market Conditions
   08.15     Chairman’s Opening Remarks                                                                    Setting the tone at the top: the instrumental role of leadership in             15.45     The Internal Processes Perspective: Driving Operational Excellence
                            José María Ortiz, Vice-President, Palladium, EMEA                              strategy execution success                                                                Through The Balanced Scorecard
                            Jose Maria oversees EMEA operations. Since joining                             Ÿ Delivering a communication and awareness campaign that                                  Ÿ Identifying and understanding your competitive advantage as a
                            Palladium ten years ago, Jose Maria has developed a                                 brings strategy to life every day                                                        driver of breakthrough performance
                            strong professional career, first appointed as the COO
                            of Iberia Spain, later becoming the Managing Director,                         Ÿ    “Strategy is everywhere”: Creating a strategic line of sight from                    Ÿ    Identifying opportunities for productivity gains by designing
             and more recently the COO for the EMEA region. He previously                                       head office to the plant                                                                  productivity initiatives
             worked for PwC, collaborating with companies such as Endesa,                                  Ÿ    Embedding a true performance culture: from strategy definition                       Ÿ    Prioritising and monitoring productivity initiatives to embed
             Iberdrola, Barcelona City Council, the Spanish government and the                                  to budgeting and operations                                                               process change for sustainable results
             Portuguese government to develop strategy management systems.
             The focus of his work has been on the development and definition of                           Amir Al Janahi, Corporate Controller, Dubal, UAE                                          Ÿ    Benchmarking results against industry peers to drive
             corporate performance tools in large, complex organisations.                                  Hall of Fame Award Winner 2011                                                                 continuous performance improvement
                                                                                                           Amir Al Janahi is a member of Dubai Aluminium (DUBAL)’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Yousef Ahmed Al-Muhannadi, Rolling Mill Manager,
                                                                                                           Executive Management team working as Corporate Controller.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Qatar Steel, Qatar
                                  Guru Morning                                                             He is responsible for the effective execution of DUBAL’s strategy
      Become A Strategy Execution Hero by Jeroen de Flander                                                and operational objectives using the Balanced Scorecard, which
                                                                                                                                                                                16.30                Staying On Track: Developing Corporate Performance That Fairly
                                                                                                           was adopted by DUBAL in 2005. Amir also has responsibility for
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reflects The Organisation Strategy And Objectives
   08.30 The Strategy Execution Barometer™: Why Do Companies Fail To                                       management reporting, budgeting, forecasting, preparation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ÿ ADEC programmes and performance management
         Execute Their Strategy Successfully……                                                             financial statements, internal control and management of the
                                                                                                           finance department and the accounts payable process. He has been                          Ÿ    Defining an optimum balance of quantitative vs qualitative
             Insights From The Largest Strategy Execution Benchmark In The                                 with DUBAL since 1988, and formerly held a financial control role at                           measures across the three perspectives (not for profit)
             World                                                                                         the Commercial Bank of Dubai. He is a fellow member of CIMA.                              Ÿ    Keeping the strategic objectives in sight: defining the right
             Learn how your organisation’s strategy execution performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                          metrics to influence behaviours in a way which drives improved
             and capability compares to your peers in the region and around                      12.45     Lunch And Networking Break                                                                     performance
             the world! Find out just how the world’s top companies are faring
             in executing their strategy with reference to the world’s leading                                                                                                                       Ÿ    Challenges and limitations to performance management
                                                                                                 13.45     Driving Strategic Alignment And Managing Risk In The New World
             strategy execution benchmarking data covering over 20,000                                                                                                                               Tarek El Mourad, Head Of Programms And Performance
                                                                                                           Order: Keeping Your Business On Track In An Ever Changing
             managers, 1400+ companies, 36 countries and 29 industry sectors.
                                                                                                           Business World                                                                            Management, Abu Dhabi Education Council, UAE
             Jeroen De Flander, Managing Director, The Performance Factory,
             Belgium                                                                                       Ÿ Boosting business results with the Balanced Scorecard
                                                                                                           Ÿ    ‘New Normal’ in the technology industry: Adapting the strategy             17.15     Closing Remarks From The Chairman
   10.00     Networking And Refreshment Break                                                                   to succeed in a world of cloud computing and shifting vendor
                                                                                                                strategies                                                                 17.30     End Of Forum
             Book Signing with Jeroen de Flander                                                           Ÿ    Leveraging the Balanced Scorecard to drive alignment around
                                                                                                                the new strategy
   10.30     …..And What You Can Do To Lock In Strategy Execution Success By
             Avoiding The Same Mistakes!                                                                   Bill Padfield, CEO, Dimension Data Asia Pacific, Singapore

             Essential New Tools And Techniques That Will Make Strategy                          14.30     Organisational Excellence At Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services
             Happen For Your Organisation                                                                  Company: An Integrated Approach
             In this session, leaders learn about the strategy execution secrets                           Ÿ Getting started with the Abu Dhabi Executive Council’s Strategic
             from the best-in-class. You will discover new insights and receive                               Planning and Performance Management framework
             practical tips to boost strategy execution in your own company:
                                                                                                           Ÿ    Developing an organisational excellence roadmap focusing
             Ÿ How to link organisational and individual performance with “The
                                                                                                                on process improvement, risk mitigation, benchmarking and
                  8”, a powerful strategy execution framework
                                                                                                                compliance with international standards
             Ÿ    Strategy communication: how to get the strategy into the head,
                  heart and hands of your people                                                           Ÿ    Introducing the Balanced Scorecard at ADSSC and integrating it
                                                                                                                into the organisational excellence roadmap
             Ÿ    Four Balanced Scorecard insights for the advanced practitioner
                                                                                                           Ÿ    Leveraging technology to fully integrate multiple excellence
             Ÿ    Strategy execution Zen: the art of a simple strategy execution
                  process                                                                                       initiatives for effective performance management

             Jeroen De Flander, Managing Director, The Performance Factory,                                Zillay Ahmed, Organisational Excellence and Quality Advisor,
             Belgium                                                                                       Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company, UAE

                       V. Ganapathy Subramanian                                             Bill Padfield                                                        Ruben Decoud                                                         Tarek El Mourad
                       Head – Strategic Planning                                            CEO                                                                  Manager International Human                                          Head Of Programmes And
                       Infosys                                                              Dimension Data Asia Pacific                                          Resources                                                            Performance Management
                       India                                                                Singapore                                                            Mary Kay                                                             Abu Dhabi Education Council
                                                                                                                                                                 USA                                                                  UAE

   Ganapathy heads Strategic Planning and Performance                    Bill (AMP, INSEAD, France) was appointed Chief Executive Officer     For the last 20 years Ruben Decoud has been involved in strategic   Tarek is heading the programmes and performance management
   Management at Infosys. In this role, he is responsible for long and   of Dimension Data Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (formerly known as            planning and management of Human Resources in Lloyds TSB            division at Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) since April 2007.
   medium term planning for the company, corporate development           Datacraft Asia Pte Ltd) in August 2003. Bill joined Dimension Data   Bank Plc and KPMG Consulting in Paraguay, Brazil, UK and            Tarek has worked more than 14 years in strategic planning,
   and driving alignment through the corporate performance               as Chief Operating Officer in November 2001 and was appointed        USA. At his current company, Mary Kay Inc., based in Dallas –       effectiveness and performance management. Prior to joining
   management processes across Infosys. He has over 13 years             as an Executive board member in October 2002. As the CEO, Bill       TX, he is involved in Global Human Resources Strategy which         ADEC, Tarek established and managed the office of Institutional
   of experience in the areas of strategy, planning and finance, in      manages and oversees all aspects of the Dimension Data Asia          includes strategic design and deployment of Human Resources         Research and Planning at Abu Dhabi University and the office
   industries spanning banking, insurance, management consulting         Pacific Group’s operations, and drives the Group’s transition into   programmes and systems to employees across four regions and         of Institutional Research at the American University of Sharjah.
   and IT Services. Before joining Infosys in 2005, his experience       a world-class IT services company. Bill has 34 years of IT and       33 countries. Ruben has concentrated his efforts and energy         During his career, Tarek has directed performance management,
   has been in areas of planning and assurance, having set up and        telecom industry experience in Europe, North America, the Middle     on creating clarity and alignment within the business. He now       institutional effectiveness, business advisory, quality control and
   headed business planning and financial planning functions in two      East and Asia Pacific.                                               has responsibility for the Balanced Scorecard for the Human         information management units. He has also served as the Human
   private sector general insurance companies. Prior to his stint in                                                                          Resources function.                                                 Capital coordinator for Abu Dhabi government.
   insurance, he also has consulted for Indian companies, primarily in
   the areas of strategy and finance.

           Tel: +971 4 335 2437                                                    Email:                                                    Fax: +971 4 335 2438                                       
strategy execution event Dubai
strategy execution event Dubai
strategy execution event Dubai

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strategy execution event Dubai

  • 1. Super Early Bird Book By 2 February 2012 and SAVE US$2,920! BALANCED SCORECARD FORUM 21 - 26 April 2012 • The Address Hotel, Dubai Marina, UAE DUBAI Building Competitiveness Through World Class Strategy Execution Practices Dr Kaplan And Dr Norton’s ONLY At The Balanced Scorecard Forum 2012 Famous Masterclass ü THE definitive Balanced Scorecard Masterclass delivered by the iconic gurus themselves ü NEW The region’s top business leaders on today’s most pressing business Plus Brand NEW Material on challenges and the way forward Co-Creation, Shared Value And Scenario ü NEW The Strategy Execution Ambassador – Jeroen de Flander – on why Analysis For Risk Management! companies fail in strategy execution ü NEW Expert lessons on implementing the Balanced Scorecard in project focused organisations ü NEW In-depth guidance, tools and practical lessons on how risk management works in practice ü NEW Benchmarking data on strategy execution capability, success and failure from over 1400 companies ü NEW Multiple perspectives on the Balanced Scorecard at every stage of its lifecycle ü NEW 5 Hall of Fame case studies for best practice Balanced Scorecard implementations ü NEW 6 expert led workshops on everything from change management to aligning human capital for performance breakthroughs! Introducing The Strategy Execution Ambassador Jeroen De Flander New Guru Speaker Pre-Forum Workshops: 21 April 2012 A: Risk Management For Strategy Execution B: Aligning Human Capital To Drive Performance Breakthroughs C: Best Practice Change Management For Successful Strategy Execution Bestselling author of Strategy Execution Heroes Post-Forum Workshops: 26 April 2012 D: “The 8” – A Unique Strategy Execution Framework E: The Balanced Scorecard In A Project Focused Organisation Plus! The Strategy Execution Barometer™ - the leading resource F: A Practical Guide To Performance Benchmarking worldwide for practical, fact-based Strategy Execution market data – with data from more than 1400 companies! Strategic Partner Supporting Sponsor Sponsor Media Partners Organised By Tel: 971-4-335 2437 Fax: 971-4-335 2438 Email: Web:
  • 2. The Famous Kaplan Norton Masterclass Hearing it from the masters Two Days LIVE and IN PERSON With The Iconic Inventors of Balanced Scorecard is a unique experience Dr Robert Kaplan And Dr David Norton Rajeev Thomas, Qatar Foundation One of the most valuable speakers on business strategy and leadership today David P. Norton is founder and director of several organisations specialising in systems and processes to improve the execution of business strategy. Dr Norton has founded and built a series of professional service firms during the course of his career, each focused on leading edge Few people have contributed as significantly to the art, and especially the science, of business strategy as Robert Kaplan. issues of management, from information technology and knowledge management to the discipline of strategy management. A frequent lecturer His Balanced Scorecard is the premier tool for aligning a company’s current actions with its strategic goals. This performance management and author, David Norton is best known for his work with the Balanced Scorecard, which has been the subject of many conferences and articles. system helps business leaders clarify their corporate vision and align people, business units, and resources with a unified strategy. He is the co-author, with Robert S. Kaplan, of eight Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles and five books: The Balanced Scorecard, The Strategy In his research and writing, speaking and consulting, Robert develops ways to link cost and performance management systems to strategy Focused Organization, Strategy Maps, Alignment and The Execution Premium. Dr. Norton’s books have sold more than one million copies in 23 implementation and operational excellence. different languages. The BSC approach is also being successfully applied by governments and nonprofits throughout the world to improve The Balanced Scorecard concept was selected by the editors of the Harvard Business Review as “One of the most influential transparency, governance, and measurable social outcomes. management ideas of the past 75 years.” Dr Norton was also voted as one of the “World’s 12 Most Influential Management Robert Kaplan and coauthor David Norton have written five landmark books on The Balanced Scorecard, describing how it Thinkers” by Sun Top Media’s Thinkers 50. Drs. Norton and Kaplan were honored with the “Champion of Workplace works and outlining best practices for its implementation. Together, these books have transformed the business strategy Learning and Performance Award” by the The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). David P. Norton landscape and made Robert Kaplan one of the most valuable speakers in the fields of business strategy and leadership. is the preeminent authority, along with Robert Kaplan, on how to institutionalise strategic thinking using The Balanced Robert Kaplan is Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and a former Dean of the Graduate School of Scorecard (BSC). Dr Norton co-developed this extraordinary tool for defining and executing business strategy. He co- Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University. authored with Kaplan, the three essential books on The Balanced Scorecard. David Norton is also the co-founder, president and CEO of the consulting firm that helps organisations use the BSC successfully. In his presentations, The Books Dr Norton helps companies make effective strategic thinking and execution an essential part of their business, The Execution Premium describes a systematic and proven framework for achieving the financial results promised by both at the top (through the equivalent of a Chief Strategy Officer) and throughout the organization. your strategy: How to put it into action, test it and revise it for reliable returns. An effective and influential speaker, David P. Norton is one of the most significant figures The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action-The seminal book on the tool that dozens of companies transforming business today. have embraced for achieving long-term growth. Winner of the 2001 Wildman Medal from the American Accounting Association for its impact on practice; in 22 languages. More About David Norton The Strategy Focused Organisation describes how to make strategy a continuous process owned by everyone Utilising the Balanced Scorecard concept, Dr Norton allows complex organisations to effectively throughout the organisation. Best international business book for 2000, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. clarify, manage and implement their business strategies with a rigor never possible before. Dr Norton’s first book, The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into Action, shows managers how to use this Strategy Maps offers a powerful new visual tool for aligning processes, people and IT with desired outcomes. One of revolutionary tool to guide their strategic investments in people, systems and new products for long- top 10 business books of 2004 by strategy+business magazine and term growth. Dr Kaplan and Dr Norton describe a multistage system that enables organisations to gain Alignment applies the Balanced Scorecard to corporate strategy, aligning business units (often poorly-coordinated) measurable benefits from carefully formulated business strategies. Together, these books and the with headquarters’ long-term goals, using an Office of Strategic Management. presentations based on them, represent some of the most valuable breakthroughs in business strategy in recent times. Dr Kaplan also co-developed Activity-Based Costing, a revolutionary approach to Dr Robert Kaplan, determining the underlying economics of a business, which he describes in his books Dr David Norton’s research and lectures have tremendous value for any company Dr David Norton Professor Cost & Effect and, more recently, Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. seeking to plan and sustain value creation over the long term. Dr Norton has Director Harvard Business Honours extremely broad and practical experience working with companies of all kinds and at all levels on their strategic capabilities. And he has unusual depth in developing Palladium Group School and Ÿ Accounting Hall of Fame the strategic potential of human resources. and Co-founder Co-founder of Ÿ Lifetime Contribution Award, Management Accounting Section of the American David P. Norton earned a BS in electrical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic of the Balanced the Balanced Accounting Association, and the Institute of Management Accountants Institute, an MS in operations research from the Florida Institute of Technology, an Scorecard USA Scorecard USA Ÿ One of top 20 Business Writers/Management Gurus, Financial Times 2005 CEO MBA from Florida State University, and his doctorate in business administration Survey from Harvard Business School. Masterclass Day One Sunday, 22 April 2012 Masterclass Day Two Monday, 23 April 2012 With NEW material from Dr Kaplan and Dr Norton on Co-Creation, Shared Value and Scenario Testing for Risk Management! 07:00 Registration And Coffee 12:30 Lunch And Networking Break 07:30 Morning Coffee system achieves this objective at several levels including conducting operational and strategy review meetings as 08:00 Opening Remarks From The Chairman well as meetings that test and adapt the strategy, leading 08:00 Opening From The Chairman 13.45 Setting Meaningful KPIs, Stretch Targets And Selecting And Mazen Dauleh, Strategy Consultant, State Audit Bureau, Qatar Mazen Dauleh, Strategy Consultant, State Audit Bureau, Funding Strategic Initiatives to new objectives and BSC metrics that keep the strategy 08:05 Risk Management: Interactive Case Study relevant to changing market and business conditions. Dr Qatar The discussion of the system continues by showing how to “The Harvard Experience” Kaplan will demonstrate the role for business analytics to set targets for strategic themes and objectives, the process inform the design of operational KPI dashboards. He will 08:15 Strategy Execution System: From A To Z to select portfolios of strategic initiatives, and the new Using a real-life case study example from the Canadian utility, Hydro One, Dr Kaplan will lead an interactive session also summarise his current collaboration with Professor Managing strategy execution should be a permanent part funding mechanism of strategic expenditures (StratEx). Michael Porter on the tremendous opportunities to improve of an executive’s job. This requires a management system. Dr Norton will describe his recent research on the on establishing and running a comprehensive enterprise risk management system. The session will emphasise the the value and cost of health care delivery through accurate Most organisations have pieces of this system, such as performance breakthroughs that Hall of Fame enterprises measurement of outcomes and costs. mechanisms for identifying and quantifying the principal risks budgeting and goal-setting, but the pieces are isolated and have achieved. These provide guidance for setting to an organisation’s strategy, especially how to develop and Dr Robert Kaplan incompatible. Further, most organisations do not have a ambitious quantitative and qualitative targets for key transmit risk information from the front lines to the boardroom, 12:30 formal process to translate the strategy, test it, and align BSC achievement metrics. The role of theme owners and Lunch and Networking Break and how to allocate resources to mitigate the most likely and the organisation. This session provides a CEO’s guide: What theme teams for managing the implementation of cross- consequential risks. 13:45 BSC Implementation: Leading Change And The Role For The to expect when adopting the Balanced Scorecard system functional and cross-business projects will be introduced. Dr Robert Kaplan CEO – real world insights into the challenges, timeframes, Dr David Norton Strategy requires that companies break away from investment and skills involved in a successful sustainable 09:15 Integrating Risk Management To The Strategy Execution doing business-as-usual so they can adopt a new way implementation. Dr Norton will also describe how mature 14.30 Aligning The Organisation To The Strategy System of competing and doing business. Yet most change BSC organisations sustain their strategy execution system Most enterprises consist of multiple business and Risk management has become essential for successful and management programme fail. In this session, Dr Kaplan sustainable strategy execution. Many organisations, however, will highlight the vitally important role for the CEO to lead by embedding it within the organisation’s three to five year functional units. For the full execution premium to be despite having a designated risk management officer and even and manage the change process. He will start with the strategy cycle. earned, the enterprise must achieve both vertical and a risk management department, have suffered massive losses Dr David Norton horizontal alignment in each unit’s strategic objectives. This key role – embedded in leadership gurus John Kotter from their failure to understand and manage the risks inherent and Michael Beer’s pioneering work – to unfreeze the session will review how to achieve organisational synergies in their strategies. Dr Kaplan will share insights on how Hall 09:45 Strategy Maps, Strategic Themes And The Balanced through a cascaded and linked strategy map, and how to organisation so that executives and employees alike accept of Fame organisations, such as Infosys and VW do Brasil use the urgent need for change. He will continue by showing how Scorecard co-create strategy maps with strategic suppliers and their strategy maps to identify the key risks in the strategy. Kotter’s Leading Change programme can be leveraged and In this session, Dr Kaplan will describe the latest innovations customers for shared value creation. From this early identification, they develop Key Risk Indicator accelerated by integrating with the Kaplan-Norton strategy in strategy mapping. The session will illustrate how external Dr Robert Kaplan scorecards to give them advance warning of imminent risk execution system. The session will include examples from and internal customer metrics need to be selected based events and also develop portfolios of risk mitigation initiatives the successful CEOs of enterprises in the Palladium Balanced on the organisation’s differentiating customer value 15.15 Networking And Refreshment Break that reduce the likelihood and consequences from risk events. Scorecard Hall of Fame for Strategy Execution®. proposition. Discover how to choose the right strategic The session will conclude with the role for war-gaming and Dr Robert Kaplan objectives and construct a strategy map around four to 15.45 Linking Strategy To Operations scenario analysis to envision and mitigate the non-controllable six themes that link human capital and process objectives High-level strategic objectives must be driven down into risks that can arise from the organisation’s volatile external 14:45 Networking And Refreshment Break to customer and shareholder objectives. While strategy operational processes. Dr Norton will illustrate how to link environment. Dr Robert Kaplan 15:15 BSC Implementation And The Office Of Strategy maps provide an overall view of an organisation’s strategy, operational process improvements to strategic objectives, Management strategic themes segment the strategy into general including the role for performance improvement programs 10:15 Networking And Refreshment Break The new BSC strategy management system does not categories, allowing organisations to focus actions and (TQM, Six Sigma, Lean); and how to design operational manage itself. This session will discuss how a new provide a structure for accountability. New material will dashboards of KPIs that drive continuous improvement. 10:45 Aligning Employees To The Strategy competency and a new organisation, the Office of Strategy include how to incorporate triple bottom line reporting and Dr David Norton Ultimately, strategy is executed by employees, not the senior Management, has emerged to play this role. Dr Norton will sustainability objectives into your strategy map. Dr Kaplan leadership team. But employees cannot help implement a explain the multi-year agenda for the OSM as it migrates strategy that they are unaware of, do not understand, or the Balanced Scorecard from an initial feasibility project will also demonstrate how to co-create strategy maps with 16.30 Kaplan–Norton Clinic have little motivation to execute. This session covers the into a sustainable strategy execution system that delivers key stakeholders to create the “shared value” described Open Forum for Q&A important processes needed to communicate strategy, in Michael Porter’s seminal January 2011 Harvard Business transformational improvements in performance. The stages motivate employees, and align the development of employees’ include: Review article. 17.30 Close Of Masterclass Day One capabilities and competencies to strategic objectives. Dr Robert Kaplan 1. Unfreeze the organisation (continuing the discussion Dr David Norton in Dr Kaplan’s previous session) 11:30 Continually Improving The Strategy 2. Focus and align the organisation to strategic priorities, and 10:45 Networking And Refreshment Break 3. Sustain the new culture of strategy execution and Today, strategies are implemented in volatile and highly- competitive environments. Strategy is a hypothesis on how accountability for delivering performance. 11:15 Strategy Execution: Best Practice Case Volkswagen do Brasil (VWB) is the second largest This was the best Forum to satisfy shareholder/stakeholder objectives. The strategy Dr David Norton Volkswagen operation in the world, with four plants, I and my executive team execution system must not only define these hypotheses, but also continually monitor the external and internal 16.00 Kaplan–Norton Clinic 22,000 employees, and revenues of more than US$9 billion, enjoying one of the highest profitability rates in the ever attended; the best time environments so that managers can guide, test, and adapt Open Forum for Q&A VW group. It wasn’t always this way. In 2006, following invested for our company’s the strategy to changing conditions. The BSC management 17.00 Close Of Masterclass years of currency devaluation, a sluggish economy, new future sources of competition, and market share loss, VWB undertook a major restructuring and adopted the BSC Zeyad Al Moosa, Managing Director, Meet The Masterclass Chairman to mobilise the company. In this interactive session, Dr Gulf Drug Establishment, UAE Mazen’s experience comes from hands-on implementation projects as the top Strategy Executive responsible to large Kaplan will demonstrate how VWB grew revenue by 80 company CEOs and boards to create strategic planning management systems using Balanced Scorecard (including Qatar percent in four years, doubled employee engagement, and Steel and Qtel). Beyond specialised strategy management experience in the last decade, Mazen’s management experience improved internal processes through the organisation’s spans 25 years with world class companies including Schlumberger and Qatar Petroleum. He has also supervised and implementation of a sustainable strategy management managed Strategic HR initiatives, including structure reorganisation, performance management and job evaluation. system. Mazen Dauleh, Mazen’s MBA dissertation topic was on Change Management and further academic credentials include the highest Dr Robert Kaplan Strategy Consultant, available certifications from Drs Kaplan and Norton in Balanced Scorecard and (OSM) Office of Strategy Management. He is State Audit Bureau, Qatar also founder and CEO of Vision Strategy Management Consulting. Tel: +971 4 335 2437 Email: Fax: +971 4 335 2438
  • 3. BALANCED SCORECARD FORUM Wonderful Masterclass which can change an organisation’s fate 21 - 26 April 2012 • The Address Hotel, Dubai Marina, UAE DUBAI Prakash Loganath, Reliance Industries NEW And Refreshed Agenda For 2012! Agenda At A Glance Balanced Scorecard Forum 2012 Bringing You All Of The Latest Developments In Strategy Management And Execution 21 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 April 26 April ü Essential updates on the latest strategy management concepts, including new industry buzzwords Pre-Forum Workshops A, B, C “shared value” and “co-creation” Kaplan Norton Masterclass Including Executive Lunch ü ü ü Vital insights into what makes the Hall of Fame companies stand out – from Dr Norton – and why companies fail - from brand new guru, Jeroen de Flander Balanced Scorecard Forum ü ü ü Practical “how to” on risk management from Dr Kaplan, Abu Dhabi Ports Company and Dimension Post-Forum Workshops D, E, F Data Asia Pacific Best Practice Contributions And Insights From: ü Strategy execution benchmarking data from more than 1400 companies Dubal YK Almoayyed and Sons Abu Dhabi Ports Company Bahrain Ministry of ü The full story: multiple perspectives on the Balanced Scorecard at every stage of its lifecycle Works AW Rostamani Abdulla Al Masaood and Sons Qatar Government Zamil ü Successful Balanced Scorecard implementation in project focused organisations Group Holding Company Mary Kay Infosys Dimension Data Asia Pacific Abu ü And much more… Dhabi Sewerage Services Company Qatar Steel Abu Dhabi Education Council Forum Day One Tuesday, 24 April 2012 07. 30 Registration And Coffee 08.00 Chairman’s Opening Remarks Edy Abou Chakra heads the management and strategy consulting practice at ADDIMA BOOK BEFORE Edy Abou Chakra Partner Consulting. He brings with him over 15 years of experience in the management, strategy, information systems and financial fields. As a strategic planner and management consultant, he has helped many organisations develop successful strategies and execute 2 FEBRUARY 2012 ADDIMA Consulting them through the balanced scorecard and other performance planning and management AND SAVE UPTO US$2,920 UK, KSA & Lebanon systems. Mr. Abou Chakra is a certified Master Balanced Scorecard Professional from George Washington University and the Balanced Scorecard Institute (MBSP), Information Systems Auditor (CISA-ISACA) and Certified E-business Consultant (CEC-ICECC). WWW.IIRME.COM/BSC Business Leaders Panel Michel Ayat CEO Alan Guest CEO Constantin Salameh CEO 08.15 New Pillars Of Competitiveness – Leveraging Performance Culture, AW Rostamani YK Almoayyed & Sons Abdulla Al Masaood & Sons Governance And Risk Management Practices To Succeed In Today’s UAE Bahrain UAE Middle East Business Landscape Ÿ How will the region’s economy develop in the next five years and what will be the keys to success? Michel Ayat is a seasoned automobile industry Alan’s early career saw him overseeing the CKD Constantin Salameh is CEO of Abdulla Al Masaood & professional with over 25 years of experience in leading assembly of both Land Rover and Range Rover in Sons, a diversified Abu-Dhabi-based private group Ÿ To what extent is governance an important part of corporate board a portfolio of automotive brands. Ayat has spearheaded assembly plants throughout Africa, the Far East and with operating companies in the automotive and motor agendas in the Arab World? the operations of Arabian Automobiles Co. (AAC), which other developing markets. In 1980 he became Export sports, hospitality and leisure, industrial, services and is the flagship of the AW Rostamani Group and the Sales Director for Land Rover and the Overseas Strategy construction sectors. He has 25 years of senior cross- Ÿ How are left field macroeconomic events impacting business in the National Sales Company (NSC) for the Nissan, Infiniti Director for Rover International before moving in the functional management experience with multinational Middle East? and Renault brands in Dubai and the Northern Emirates. early 90’s into General Management in the Middle companies in the technology, private equity, retail and Ayat has been responsible for delivering consistent East. He worked in Dubai, Qatar and Egypt in senior financial services sectors. He was the MD of Safinvest Ÿ How important are risk management practices in achieving success year-on-year growth and ensuring market leadership management positions before joining YK Almoayyed in SA, a multi-billion dollar private investment group, and in today’s business landscape? in key vehicle segments. His medium term goal is to turn 2005 as Chief Executive. YK Al Moayyed is a diversified the senior VP and CFO of Compass Holding, a family Ÿ What are the performance levers businesses need to leverage to be the automotive operations of AW Rostamani Group into business group with business in the automobile, building business with operations in fifty countries. Constantin a US$2 billion company by 2015. materials, electronics, industrial and building systems previously held senior executive positions with Hewlett competitive in an ever changing world? and furniture and interior design sectors. Packard. 09.00 The Office Of Strategy Management (OSM) As A Driver Of Sustainable Business 11.45 Qatar Government: Driving The Implementation Of The Balanced Scorecard From Success An Unexpected Source - Finance Ÿ Defining the scope and responsibilities for the OSM to ensure real alignment of Ÿ The case for change and resistance to migrating from a government culture to a performance-driven one based on KPIs management processes to the strategy Ÿ Populating the OSM with capable managers who will make things happen Ÿ Implanting the OSM (Office of Strategy Management) into the Finance Function - where you would least expect it A great opportunity to meet the Ÿ In it for the long haul: moving past the initial project to embed a sustainable Ÿ How this BSC implementation will enable the State Audit Bureau to audit the more than120 government ministries and entities for strategy execution Balanced Scorecard gurus organisational framework to support the new performance management capability in Qatar - another term for sound governance system Dexter Calivara, Qatar Fuel - WOQOD Mazen Dauleh, Strategy Consultant, State Audit Bureau, Qatar Alan Guest, CEO, YK Almoayyed & Sons, Bahrain 12.30 ADDIMA Consulting Case Study 09.45 Networking And Refreshment Break 13.15 Lunch And Networking Break 10.15 Risk Management: When Competing Strategic Objectives Collide To Create A “Black Swan” Risk The BSC Journey And Practitioner Perspectives Along The Way Ÿ Communicating strategy, reducing altitude and maintaining focus to maximise synergy Ÿ The ADPC Enterprise Risk Management Framework: Aligning risk management 14.15 BSC: The Right Start - Building Engagement, Accountability And A True Ruben Decoud, Manager International Human Resources, Mary Kay, USA activities down to the project level Performance Culture With The Balanced Scorecard Ÿ Back from the brink: Managing a “black swan risk event” on a regional mega- Ÿ Developing strategic direction and establishing a strategic change agenda that 15.45 Networking And Refreshment Break project reflects the key strategic priorities Must Attend Ÿ Risk action: Engaging multiple internal and external stakeholders for successful Ÿ Getting started with a robust strategy map and scorecard which are a true 16.15 BSC: Mature Implementation – Maintaining Momentum And A Clear Strategic risk mitigation reflection of the corporate strategy Direction In An Ever Changing World Ÿ Sustaining strategic focus Ÿ Risk velocity: Understanding its impact on risk appetite and response Ÿ Building and sustaining senior level understanding and commitment to a new Ÿ Driving organisational change approach and a new corporate scorecard Ÿ Future-world scenario planning: less about prediction, more about organisation Ÿ Delivering performance flexibility and resilience Ÿ Keeping up the momentum with the BSC implementation: Managing the BSC Ÿ Lessons for implementation programme to ensure success V. Ganapathy Subramanian, Head – Strategic Planning, Infosys Ltd, India Domenic Antonucci, Chief Risk Officer, Hall of Fame Award Winner 2007 Mahmoud Al Sayyed, Vice President Strategy Management, ADPC (Abu Dhabi Ports Company), UAE Zamil Group Holding Company, KSA 17.00 Balanced Scorecard Practitioner – Expert Panel 11.00 Successful Balanced Scorecard Implementation In A Project Focused Organisation 15.00 BSC: The Middle Years - Linking The Organisational Vision To The Individual By A great opportunity to ask those questions you really want to ask expert Ÿ Real results: applying the Balanced Scorecard to deliver new infrastructure and Creating A Strategic Line Of Sight practitioners about every step of the Balanced Scorecard journey. public services in support of Bahrain Vision 2030 Ÿ Achieving alignment to a strategic vision across borders and functions Mahmoud Al Sayyed, Vice President Strategy Management, Ÿ Linking core business and management initiatives with operational projects Zamil Group Holding Company, KSA Ÿ Translating strategic vision into tangible behaviors to maximise synergy and Ÿ Integrating the Balanced Scorecard with the Ministry’s Project Management Ruben Decoud, Manager International Human Resources, Mary Kay, USA clarify performance expectations Framework V. Ganapathy Subramanian, Head – Strategic Planning, Infosys Ltd, India Ÿ Linking business activities and performance indicators to people processes and Raja Al Zayani, Chief Of Strategic Planning, Ministry Of Works, Bahrain individual appraisal systems 17.45 End Of Forum Day One Feature Speakers Spotlight Amir Al Janahi Domenic Antonucci Raja Al Zayani Mahmoud Al Sayyed Corporate Controller Chief Risk Officer Chief Of Strategic Planning Vice President Strategy Dubal ADPC (Abu Dhabi Ports Company) Ministry Of Works Management UAE UAE Bahrain Zamil Group Holding Company KSA Amir Al Janahi is a member of Dubai Aluminium (DUBAL)’s Domenic is responsible for programme risk and Enterprise-wide Raja has established the strategic planning section at the Ministry Mahmoud has an MBA, Certified Management Consultant (CMC), Executive Management team working as Corporate Controller. Risk Management (ERM) for Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC) of Works, which has acted as the region’s first Office of Strategy Kaplan-Norton Palladium Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Certified He is responsible for the effective execution of DUBAL’s strategy an infrastructure developer. The Khalifa Port and Industrial Management. In three years from its establishment, the strategic Graduate and Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and operational objectives using the Balanced Scorecard, which Zone is a mega-size project constructing one of the world’s planning section has supported Ministry of Works in winning with 16 years of experience in management and consulting was adopted by DUBAL in 2005. Amir also has responsibility for largest vertically integrated industrial and transportation hubs. the Hall of Fame Award, which is the world renowned award in the fields of strategy management, corporate governance, management reporting, budgeting, forecasting, preparation of Domenic has 30 years experience in corporate strategic planning, for excellence in strategy management. Raja has been a key organisational development and business valuation. Mahmoud financial statements, internal control and management of the operations and business risk management consulting in the UAE, member in supporting Ministry of Works to found, plan, execute, has been in his current role since September 2008. He is finance department and the accounts payable process. He has Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific with firms such as Shell. and manage the strategy. She has been recognised by Palladium responsible for initiating and implementing the Group strategy been with DUBAL since 1988, and formerly held a financial control Prior to joining ADPC, Domenic was a strategic risk consultant to Group for Strategy Execution as the world’s first Certified management system using the Balanced Scorecard framework role at the Commercial Bank of Dubai. He is a fellow member of MENA regional clients with the world’s largest risk consulting firm Practitioner during the Palladium Summit at London during June as well as governance and organisation alignment practices. CIMA. Marsh, having relocated from chief risk officer roles implementing 2011. AS4360 risk standards with Australian organisations. Tel: +971 4 335 2437 Email: Fax: +971 4 335 2438
  • 4. New Guru Speaker Jeroen De Flander Jeroen De Flander is a seasoned international strategy execution expert, top executive coach, seminar leader and highly regarded keynote Be among the first to hear Jeroen speak in the UAE speaker. on Wednesday, 25 April 2012, 08.30 – 12.00! Jeroen has helped more than 17,500 managers in 22 countries master the necessary execution skills, including the USA, Brazil, Venezuela, Drawing on The Strategy Execution Barometer™, the Jordan, Malaysia, Spain, Italy, Russia, Estonia, the Netherlands, France, the UK, Germany, Egypt, China, Croatia, Korea and Belgium. He has leading resource worldwide for practical, fact-based shared the stage with strategy gurus like Michael Porter and Costas Markides. Strategy Execution market data, Jeroen de Flander will answer that all-important question: Why do companies His book, Strategy Execution Heroes, reached the Amazon bestseller list in five countries. Jeroen is co-founder of the performance factory fail in executing their strategy? With reference to data from – a leading research, training and advisory firm which is solely focused on helping individuals and organisations increase performance over 1400 companies, 20,000 managers, 36 countries through best-in-class strategy execution. and 29 sectors, Jeroen will show you how your company measures up against others in terms of strategy execution For several years, he had global responsibility for the Balanced Scorecard product line for Arthur D. Little – a leading strategy consulting capability, explain why companies fail to execute their firm. The 50+ companies he has advised on various strategy and strategy execution topics include Atos Worldline, AXA, Base, Bridgestone, strategy correctly and provide you with the tools and CEMEX, GDFSuez, Honda, ING, Johnson & Johnson, Komatsu, Sony and the Flemish and Belgian governments. techniques to avoid making the same mistakes! What people say about The Strategy Execution Barometer™: A very insightful report that reflects everyday realities This report offers a true benchmark for us with at the ground level. It also makes you realise that regards to other large international companies. Book signing with you are not alone in facing the problems of implementing It allows us to compare ourselves to both the Jeroen de Flander your company strategy. I have been able to use this average and the best-in-class so we know report as a benchmark to improve my organisation’s exactly where we stand and how we should act on Wednesday, 25 April 2012, 10.00-10.30 performance management process accordingly Dr Mohammed Ilyas, Manager Economics and Business Support, SABIC, KSA Bart Ponsioen, Senior Associate, ING, Germany Forum Day Two Wednesday, 25 April 2012 07. 45 Morning Coffee 12.00 Implementing Balanced Scorecard To Achieve Best In Class 15.15 Networking And Refreshment Break Business Performance In Adverse Market Conditions 08.15 Chairman’s Opening Remarks Setting the tone at the top: the instrumental role of leadership in 15.45 The Internal Processes Perspective: Driving Operational Excellence José María Ortiz, Vice-President, Palladium, EMEA strategy execution success Through The Balanced Scorecard Jose Maria oversees EMEA operations. Since joining Ÿ Delivering a communication and awareness campaign that Ÿ Identifying and understanding your competitive advantage as a Palladium ten years ago, Jose Maria has developed a brings strategy to life every day driver of breakthrough performance strong professional career, first appointed as the COO of Iberia Spain, later becoming the Managing Director, Ÿ “Strategy is everywhere”: Creating a strategic line of sight from Ÿ Identifying opportunities for productivity gains by designing and more recently the COO for the EMEA region. He previously head office to the plant productivity initiatives worked for PwC, collaborating with companies such as Endesa, Ÿ Embedding a true performance culture: from strategy definition Ÿ Prioritising and monitoring productivity initiatives to embed Iberdrola, Barcelona City Council, the Spanish government and the to budgeting and operations process change for sustainable results Portuguese government to develop strategy management systems. The focus of his work has been on the development and definition of Amir Al Janahi, Corporate Controller, Dubal, UAE Ÿ Benchmarking results against industry peers to drive corporate performance tools in large, complex organisations. Hall of Fame Award Winner 2011 continuous performance improvement Amir Al Janahi is a member of Dubai Aluminium (DUBAL)’s Yousef Ahmed Al-Muhannadi, Rolling Mill Manager, Executive Management team working as Corporate Controller. Qatar Steel, Qatar Guru Morning He is responsible for the effective execution of DUBAL’s strategy Become A Strategy Execution Hero by Jeroen de Flander and operational objectives using the Balanced Scorecard, which 16.30 Staying On Track: Developing Corporate Performance That Fairly was adopted by DUBAL in 2005. Amir also has responsibility for Reflects The Organisation Strategy And Objectives 08.30 The Strategy Execution Barometer™: Why Do Companies Fail To management reporting, budgeting, forecasting, preparation of Ÿ ADEC programmes and performance management Execute Their Strategy Successfully…… financial statements, internal control and management of the finance department and the accounts payable process. He has been Ÿ Defining an optimum balance of quantitative vs qualitative Insights From The Largest Strategy Execution Benchmark In The with DUBAL since 1988, and formerly held a financial control role at measures across the three perspectives (not for profit) World the Commercial Bank of Dubai. He is a fellow member of CIMA. Ÿ Keeping the strategic objectives in sight: defining the right Learn how your organisation’s strategy execution performance metrics to influence behaviours in a way which drives improved and capability compares to your peers in the region and around 12.45 Lunch And Networking Break performance the world! Find out just how the world’s top companies are faring in executing their strategy with reference to the world’s leading Ÿ Challenges and limitations to performance management 13.45 Driving Strategic Alignment And Managing Risk In The New World strategy execution benchmarking data covering over 20,000 Tarek El Mourad, Head Of Programms And Performance Order: Keeping Your Business On Track In An Ever Changing managers, 1400+ companies, 36 countries and 29 industry sectors. Business World Management, Abu Dhabi Education Council, UAE Jeroen De Flander, Managing Director, The Performance Factory, Belgium Ÿ Boosting business results with the Balanced Scorecard Ÿ ‘New Normal’ in the technology industry: Adapting the strategy 17.15 Closing Remarks From The Chairman 10.00 Networking And Refreshment Break to succeed in a world of cloud computing and shifting vendor strategies 17.30 End Of Forum Book Signing with Jeroen de Flander Ÿ Leveraging the Balanced Scorecard to drive alignment around the new strategy 10.30 …..And What You Can Do To Lock In Strategy Execution Success By Avoiding The Same Mistakes! Bill Padfield, CEO, Dimension Data Asia Pacific, Singapore Essential New Tools And Techniques That Will Make Strategy 14.30 Organisational Excellence At Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Happen For Your Organisation Company: An Integrated Approach In this session, leaders learn about the strategy execution secrets Ÿ Getting started with the Abu Dhabi Executive Council’s Strategic from the best-in-class. You will discover new insights and receive Planning and Performance Management framework practical tips to boost strategy execution in your own company: Ÿ Developing an organisational excellence roadmap focusing Ÿ How to link organisational and individual performance with “The on process improvement, risk mitigation, benchmarking and 8”, a powerful strategy execution framework compliance with international standards Ÿ Strategy communication: how to get the strategy into the head, heart and hands of your people Ÿ Introducing the Balanced Scorecard at ADSSC and integrating it into the organisational excellence roadmap Ÿ Four Balanced Scorecard insights for the advanced practitioner Ÿ Leveraging technology to fully integrate multiple excellence Ÿ Strategy execution Zen: the art of a simple strategy execution process initiatives for effective performance management Jeroen De Flander, Managing Director, The Performance Factory, Zillay Ahmed, Organisational Excellence and Quality Advisor, Belgium Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company, UAE V. Ganapathy Subramanian Bill Padfield Ruben Decoud Tarek El Mourad Head – Strategic Planning CEO Manager International Human Head Of Programmes And Infosys Dimension Data Asia Pacific Resources Performance Management India Singapore Mary Kay Abu Dhabi Education Council USA UAE Ganapathy heads Strategic Planning and Performance Bill (AMP, INSEAD, France) was appointed Chief Executive Officer For the last 20 years Ruben Decoud has been involved in strategic Tarek is heading the programmes and performance management Management at Infosys. In this role, he is responsible for long and of Dimension Data Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (formerly known as planning and management of Human Resources in Lloyds TSB division at Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) since April 2007. medium term planning for the company, corporate development Datacraft Asia Pte Ltd) in August 2003. Bill joined Dimension Data Bank Plc and KPMG Consulting in Paraguay, Brazil, UK and Tarek has worked more than 14 years in strategic planning, and driving alignment through the corporate performance as Chief Operating Officer in November 2001 and was appointed USA. At his current company, Mary Kay Inc., based in Dallas – effectiveness and performance management. Prior to joining management processes across Infosys. He has over 13 years as an Executive board member in October 2002. As the CEO, Bill TX, he is involved in Global Human Resources Strategy which ADEC, Tarek established and managed the office of Institutional of experience in the areas of strategy, planning and finance, in manages and oversees all aspects of the Dimension Data Asia includes strategic design and deployment of Human Resources Research and Planning at Abu Dhabi University and the office industries spanning banking, insurance, management consulting Pacific Group’s operations, and drives the Group’s transition into programmes and systems to employees across four regions and of Institutional Research at the American University of Sharjah. and IT Services. Before joining Infosys in 2005, his experience a world-class IT services company. Bill has 34 years of IT and 33 countries. Ruben has concentrated his efforts and energy During his career, Tarek has directed performance management, has been in areas of planning and assurance, having set up and telecom industry experience in Europe, North America, the Middle on creating clarity and alignment within the business. He now institutional effectiveness, business advisory, quality control and headed business planning and financial planning functions in two East and Asia Pacific. has responsibility for the Balanced Scorecard for the Human information management units. He has also served as the Human private sector general insurance companies. Prior to his stint in Resources function. Capital coordinator for Abu Dhabi government. insurance, he also has consulted for Indian companies, primarily in the areas of strategy and finance. Tel: +971 4 335 2437 Email: Fax: +971 4 335 2438