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Storytelling In The Workplace
In this webinar, it emphasizes the importance of storytelling in the workplace and conferences. Storytelling can not only bring people closer together
but motivate people in the workplace in order to accomplish a task. Ms. Waymon uses the stories as examples to illustrate how they promote
accountability, motivation, and even confidence. The stories are designed to teach the listener, furthermore, it is meant to help someone or a group
better understand the point in order for that person or team promote the message through their behavior and productivity. In addition, Ms. Waymon
states stories should engage the listeners to think of how they would react if they were in the situation.
In such situations, storytelling can be highly effective ... Show more content on ...
Waymon used was openings on how to present the story such as using openers "once an upon a time", "speaking of adventures". In addition, Ms.
Waymon puts importance on professional networking actually being considered an important skill. Networking and storytelling work hand in hand as
storytelling opens up networking opportunities in the workplace and outside of it.
Personally, Ms. Waymon webinar, helped me understand the importance of storytelling and how easy of a technique it is to network with others
that may potentially aid you in the future. I watched presentations on public speakers, technology, and science and even on public speaking and
now after watching this webinar I recognize the importance of storytelling and what for speakers and people of their everyday lives. All of those
speakers used at least one story and each of those stories usually had an audience and I engaged into that I have watched in the past have all used
some components of storytelling and it actually has engaged listener's such as myself to think what we would do if we were in the situation. As a
young and upcoming professional in the field of public service, I believe it is important to use craft stories in order further engage listeners and motivate
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Storytelling In Storytelling
Besides art based on nature, storytelling is the heart of Waldorf education. Children under seven years are introduced to fairy tales and nature stories.
As they progress to an elementary stage, they are introduced to folk fairy tales where they learn about diverse cultures, fables which teaches them
moral values, and folk fairy tales about ancient times and historical events These stories form the basis of basic education.
As identified earlier, Waldorf education emphasizes developmental learning. Children are not introduced to formal learning until elementary class at
age 6–7. Pre–school pedagogy emphasizes imagination and imitation of practical activities. The imitation approach aims at informing the child of the
notion that the world is a perfect place (Ullrich, 2014). Thus, the educational approach emphasizes holistic conduct, character, and personality among
the teacher and the environment. Pre–school children are discouraged from using technology until elementary with the belief that it conflicts with the
developmental process of a child (Woods and Glenys, 2006). At this developmental stage, children are using their power of imagination to learn and
technology such as Television can expose them to unhealthy content. Besides formal learning, early stages of elementary curriculum continue to
nurture imagination. Formal learning involves reading, writing, artwork, and handwork. The academic subjects in elementary grades are introduced
through storytelling.
Stories with
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Storytelling And Storytelling
According to traditional beliefs and stories told, it is acknowledged that Noongars have lived within South West of West Australia since time
immemorial. Evidence provided by archaeologist stating signs of land usage and human habitation from Perth and Albany in the past 45,000 years.
(–west–native–title–settlement/Pages/Noongar–History–––A–Brief–Summary.aspx). It is believed Noongars
lived in harmony with the natural environment, with solid spiritual beliefs that there is a strong connection between landscape, culture, human, mythical
creatures and spiritual realm.
Noongars believe family is the fundamental of every living being. It is a tradition for Noongar families or tribes to sit around a fire pit and pass down
knowledge to younger generations. Therefore, storytelling is frequently identified as a method to educate, and distributing their identity, culture and
belief. Story telling is recognized as a significant occasion for the Noongars as fragment of their religion. Although storytelling is typically delivered
orally, due to nonexistence of written language, Noongars also use artwork to express their emotion and significant events, this is usually done through
the use of different symbols.
Majority of Noongar families are separated after the arrival of British, they claim to offer the noongars a suitable living environment, where they will
be educated and well feed. By doing so, younger children are taken away from
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What Are The Importance Of Oral Storytelling
Construction of narratives Tracing the history of stories and oral storytelling, it is hard to ascertain when it started as
Alison Davies explains in her book Storytelling in the Classroom. She says that when man first started to communicate he used stories. She also points
out how paintings etched on cave walls centuries ago were not done out of amusement but made to describe actual events that occurred at that time.
People needed language so that it would enable them to create tales and understand a strange phenomenon around them called world. According to
Davies, records of storytelling have been found in many ancient cultures and languages, including Sanskrit, Old German, Latin,
Chinese, Greek, Icelandic and Old Slavonic. ... Show more content on ...
Importance of oral storytelling Although 'Narrative, Culture and Mind' does not directly talk about the significance of storytelling as an effective
learning tool, it does offer valuable insight into the process of storymaking and what makes it one of the most memorable forms of communication.
Ann M.
Scroggie's article 'Preserving Tradition and Enhancing Learning Through Youth Storytelling', however, not only describes storytelling but also
explains how a story can be used and how people react to a story. Her article can be seen as an extension of Jerome Bruner's research as she stresses
upon the urgent need to preserve the tradition of oral storytelling 'for the survival of the global society'. In the first part of the article, Scroggie, like
Bruner describes stories and oral storytelling as the heart of culture through which people collect memories and form their identity. In the second part
of the essay, she argues how the printed word and the invasion of electronic media has led to the decline of the tradition of storytelling and how our
lives have become saturated with technological devices and media. Scroggie writes how this decline
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Storytelling In Storytelling
In correlation to this point, on the topic of storytelling–particularly oratory stories told throughout a culture–it is necessary for one to be eloquent, both
to tell and to consume the tale. To be a bard in any age is to be a wordsmith and an actor, a writer, and a reader, as they must know the web they
weave so intimately that they can then bring it to life. This intimate understanding is developed through study and practice, as speech is nuanced in
ways an ineloquent person would not realize. The capability to speak–and speak well–is the culmination of the laborious studies of literature. "Even
when you have mastered words and diction sufficiently, it is still very difficult to put each thing in its proper place, to lower some things and raise up
others..." If one does not speak well–pausing or pushing when necessary–or if words are changed with inequivalent partners, then the meaning of their
words fall flat. This is seen in novels, films, and speeches on a social and political scale every single day. They prove their lack of eloquence with
each fumbled definition or hazy comparison; it is lazy to not understand the words one uses, and yet it is accepted and reinforced throughout modern
media. When these stories are bastardized by people who do not fully understand them, their original purpose is lost. Suddenly, morals become soft,
and children do not have a foundation to grow from–mirroring the ineloquence of their influencers. Storybook tales about not talking to
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Storytelling In The Things They Carried
The world we live in today, storytelling remains to play a critical role in the American society. Each story, storytellers tells serves a deep meaning
towards their life and provides a medium allowing the storyteller to retain information they hold as a remembrance. Indeed, storytelling would bring
meanings into one's lives as well. Storytelling offers a pathway that allows ones to stimulate continuous learning, development, connection and to look
ahead to our future. Storytelling is an expression of power providing pathways to spiritual enlightenment.
The role of storytelling is the conveying of experiences storytellers puts in words. Storytelling derived from how the storyteller wants to express the
story to the audience. Most stories serve ... Show more content on ...
Tim O'Brien, the author tells the story about the Vietnam War through different perspective of the character in different stories. In the book, The
Things They Carried, one of the short stories "Notes" Tim O'Brien wrote a meta–fiction story, which allows him to explain the reasons why he had
written this short story "Speaking of Courage." In 1975, O'Brien receives a letter from Norman Bowker hoping that O'Brien can write a story
about the experience he had during the Vietnam War and his feelings about Kiowa's death. After the Vietnam War had ended, Bowker had suffered
from PTSD, which makes him feel pain and guilt towards Kiowa's death. He cannot live up to society after experiencing being in a world full of
cruelty in Vietnam. Bowker feels meaningless in life. Through his letter to O'Brien, he is seeking for help and another way to express his feelings
that only the soldiers that were in the Vietnam War would know. O'Brien as a storyteller and a writer wrote "Speaking of Courage," briefly about the
Vietnam War, in order for the novel to make sense. However, he totally neglected the main experience in the Vietnam War, Kiowa's death, and the shit
field. Bowker then lost hope. Eight months later, Bowker hanged himself in the YMCA locker room. After the death of Bowker, O'Brien decides to
revise the short story and writes the truth of what happen really in
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Significance in Storytelling in the Odyssey Essay
Essay One, The Odyssey
Steven Botello
ENGL 2315: Great Works of Literature I
September 16, 2012 Imagine a life without television, no internet, no cell phones, no radio, no movies, and no video games. This was the life during
the Odyssey. The storytelling in the Odyssey gave Greek society a way of entertainment. Men, woman, and children would listen to these stories with
attentiveness and would then share them throughout their lives. These stories were told in many ways such as in poems, songs, and tales. If not for
storytelling in the Odyssey, the story of Odysseus would be a lot shorter, as well as insignificant to Greek society. The storytelling in the Odyssey
knitted the life of Odysseus together, and gave many moral lessons and ... Show more content on ...
Even today people tell their life's struggles and past to therapists, psychologist, and even family and friends to help with grief and sorrow. To me, this
is what Odysseus is doing in books 9–12. He was letting out all his feelings by telling his tale of his voyage back home. Yes, it was a therapy session
in which Odysseus told his legendary stories. Nonetheless, through his story telling "All [was] made good, [his] heart's desire" (13.45). Odysseus
felt relieved of his mournful feelings after telling his stories and was eager to get home once and for all. Through Odysseus' stories he would
engage the listeners by implying that they were there with him, talking to them and involving them as if they were there. Odysseus was the "great
teller of tales", the man of great wisdom. Alcinous urged Odysseus to keep telling his "countless exploits" in book 11, and so Odysseus kept on.
Alcinous and his men would "hold out till dawn's first light if only you could bear, here in our halls to tell the tale of all the pains you suffered."
(11.425–28). This is how great of entertainment the storytelling of Odysseus was. His skillful techniques with words grasped the attention and hearts of
his listeners. Storytelling has been used to teach moral lessons to adults and even young children and the storytelling done by Odysseus is no different.
In Odysseus' first obstacle, versus the Cyclops, Odysseus shows
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Storytelling Outline
Storytelling has elements that are implemented in any research or design. A story has different parts: plot, characters, theme, symbols, style, and point
of view (Felton, 2014). However, a visual story has a beginning, middle, and end that communicate responses from any characters in a story. In
addition, a character has a purpose to change the outcome of its story. A character can create and represents an emotional connection that intended
audience could relate to any situation. As a matter of fact, stories start with struggles of the individual, the lives, they lead, and the challenges they face
(Sykes, Malik, &West, 2012). For this reason, it builds on a connection that story moves on to tell a person how many others in the same situation...
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The story is structured to have a protagonist and antagonist that have the advantage by determining the direction on which the audience needs to go to
achieve the goal. The protagonist can be defined as a hero that pursues primary goals about the plot of a story (Littlehale, n.d.). However, the antagonist
can be a villain that stands opposed to advancing the primary goals of the plot of a story (Littlehale, n.d.). In connection, a protagonist supports the
goal of the story that has the qualities of trust or unity. On the other hand, the antagonist can represent the struggle that goes against the goals of the
character such as failure. Even though the antagonist can play the role of being evil, it can also play the good guy in different situations. However,
the protagonist can also play the role of the bad guy in spite of being defined as the "good guy". In other words, doesn't matter how the protagonist
and antagonist plays a role in the story is the purpose of acting out on an argument, which is equally effort to solve a problem and efforts to go against
it. Protagonist and Antagonist did not come into existence in order to establish whom an audience should root for or who should be rallied against
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The Hero's Journey Of Storytelling
Storytelling is the oldest form of communication with groups and masses. Learning to promote cooking classes through brand storytelling is the best
way to convey and message your company's history, uniqueness, qualifications and value.
Brand Storytelling Is More than Marketing Collateral
Business Consultant and Brand Story Strategist Bernadette Jiwa advises clients that brand storytelling isn't just about what you say on your website. In
fact, she states, "Your story isn't just what you tell people it's also what they believe about you based on the signals your brand sends."
Jiwa's snapshot of brand storytelling includes everything related to your company, such as colors and graphics used in your collateral, business cards,
logo, staff and ... Show more content on ...
Share your company story told in your voice the way you would tell a friend.
Share your passion and your vision for what students in your cooking class will gain that is unique to your company and can't be obtained through
Allow staff personalities to shine in a natural and non–gimmicky way.
Showcase your cooking classes, use photos of past classes with students having fun and learning.
Share details in a lively way about your class instructor(s) and her/his experience by offering a human interest story of each instructor's journey.
Appeal to potential students' aspirations and how your classes will fulfill their needs/desires and goals. Will your classes make their dreams come true
or serve as the next step to actualizing their dreams?
Make Your Cooking Classes Stand Out From Others
What makes your cooking classes different from others? Take this opportunity to inform people about your company's expertise and how your classes
offer greater value.
Capitalize on your company's story.
Credentials will make your classes stand
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Christian Education Storytelling
"How Storytelling Can Help in Christian Education Ministry" In the article by Kenneth O. Gangel Ph.D., Tell Me A Story, expressed numerous of
ways storytelling can be life changing in Christian education ministry. However, a story is a narrative account of an experience or event (Webster's
Dictionary 2010). Furthermore, storytelling helps transfer the subject matter or topic from short to long term memory. Gangel mentioned stories can
also be a governing device for social control. Stories can also arouse imagination, enthusiasm, and instruct as well. In my opinion, the value of
storytelling in Christian education, can build the sense of security, love and belonging to the human needs. Not mention, biblical stories make available
the chance for one to build personality with truth. Thus, in Christian education, stories plant seeds of proper conduct that will also alert one in making
the wrong choices. Accordingly, I believe the... Show more content on ...
To point out, the best part of this article I feel, gives some of the problems of storytelling in Christian education ministry. For instance, I have
experienced the misuse of one word or sentence changing the meaning of the whole story or the point intended. As well as, the loss of thought pattern
occurs (not telling the truth), especially if the message is being read. Ordinarily, using language which does not clearly communicate meaning,
overemphasizing minor details obscuring the basic implication, and poor organization that does not allow the story to progress systematically to its
logical climax, are a few of the problems. However, it is not fair of the article to mention the problems without giving some solutions. Moreover, it is
important to realize, there are some principles for effective storytelling that can help in Christian education ministry as
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Importance Of Storytelling In Hamlet
Different methods of storytelling impact how we convey meaning. Many stories exist in a state of narrative tension which is the tension a character
feels about acting or resolving an issue, and the tension that arises when they are blocked from gaining that resolution. The use of storytelling methods
impact the meaning of the work as a whole. Shakespeare, Stanley Kubrick, and Tom McCarthy use storytelling methods such as "Question, Answer,
Question", redefining character relationships, and symbols that advance the narrative tension and aid the meaning of the work.
A central plot in Hamlet is his need to avenge the death of his father, creating narrative tension. Because Hamlet does act, in the end, and does resolve
his narrative tension, the ... Show more content on ...
That narrative tension being the Spotlight team of the Boston Globe attempting to write a story on molestation allegations against the Catholic church.
Smaller narrative tensions include problems with priests admitting to allegations, victims coming forward, and censorship by the Catholic church.
Throughout the film, the Spotlight team develops their story. At the beginning of the film, McCarthy creates tension by showing a priest who has been
convicted of child molestation, being excused from punishment by the Catholic church. To capture the audience's attention, McCarthy uses "Question,
Answer, Question". The question asked is, "This priest molested kids in six different parishes over the last thirty years?", the answer being, "Cardinal
Law found out about it fifteen years ago and did nothing". The questions that arise are, why are the convicted priests not punished and why did
Cardinal Law excuse them? The smaller narrative tensions arise when Spotlight attempts to answer this question. Spotlight is approached by Cardinal
Law trying to shut down the investigation and arguing, "...that the city flourishes when its great institutions work together". As Spotlight continues its
investigation, their relationship with the Catholic church is redefined from gregarious to timid as the church attempts to thwart Spotlight's
investigation. Symbolism in Spotlight is
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The Storyteller By Mario Vargas Llosa
While today history is taught through textbooks in classrooms across the world, history, before written language even existed, was passed down
orally and conveyed by stories told around a fire; the histories and cultures of entire peoples were passed down by word of mouth. Even once written
language came to be, stories remained the primary source of recounting history and culture to future generations. Mario Vargas Llosa's The Storyteller
revolves around this idea of storytelling as a means to shape and form culture as Llosa describes an outsider who takes on the role of the main orator
of a tribe in Peru. Llosa both alternates between insider and outsider narratives in The Storyteller and presents an unreliable narrator in a position of
power ... Show more content on ...
At first the Hablador simply tells stories that lack much meaning besides explaining why the Machigeungians do what they do, but over time it can
be seen that the Hablador becomes more and more unreliable as his own teachings and beliefs begin to seep into the stories of the native people. It
is important to note, that even while the Hablador's original stories lack a lesson, these stories form the backbone of the Machigeungian people.
These stories define who the Machigeungian people are by breaking down their religion and culture into stories of how they came to be and why they
continue to have such traditions as being nomadic. Eric Hanson on writing about indigenous people says, "Such stories often teach important lessons
about a given society's culture, the land, and the ways in which members are expected to interact with each other and their environment. The passing
on of these stories from generation to generation keeps the social order intact"(Hanson). What Hanson is saying is exactly what Llosa is expressing
by simply having a narrator tell stories that draw the reader into the world of the Machigeungian people. Llosa then expands upon this importance later
as the Hablador becomes more and more unreliable in terms of telling stories that were passed
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Storytelling In Storytelling
Storytelling is a pivotal aspect of the world; it always has been and it always will be. Storytelling is within many different things in the world, but it is
most prevalent in varying forms of media. Media itself is born from and thrives from storytelling. News networks, magazines, novels, movies, video
games, etc. all employ storytelling to get their message across. Each form of media, however, uses a different form of narrative structure. Many creators
have hidden secrets in their many forms of media for their viewers to find. Easter eggs play a vital role in the media and in connecting the creator to
the viewer on a more personal level. Storytelling is meant to connect the world around us in several different ways. Taking the time to explore these
structures can help us learn about both ourselves and the creators behind the masterpieces. Video games are a special medium when it comes to
storytelling. Video games hold the unique ability to employ interactivity with visual representations of the player's actions within their narratives. No
other medium, not even second–person novels, can compare with this experience. While second–person novels are essentially video games on paper,
they lack the true interactivity that a video game holds. The visual representation of the player's interactions with the game world is the reason video
games are such a perfect medium for deep storytelling.
In the 2011 RPG Dark Souls, developed by FromSoftware, there is in an NPC named Undead
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Storytelling As A Form Of Storytelling
Furthermore, storytelling becomes a form of physical and psychological torture that the characters try to escape. There are two perspectives that torture
illustrates in the plays. Torture as a form of storytelling is sharing the stories, but also how stories are told. The Pillowman forms storytelling as torture
when the Tupolski and Ariel interrogate Katurian to expose his identity through his stories. The push of storytelling as torture becomes a central focus
when the use of language and words direct a physical and psychological control against the characters. Therefore, storytelling illustrates a form of
brainwashing. In addition, Katurian uses storytelling to comfort for his brother Michal, but the stories are used against him when... Show more content
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Katurian hurts himself pushing the concept that he is innocent, and all the stories are just coincidental. On the other hand, Antigone in New York
illustrates that storytelling is torturous towards Anita and Sasha when they do not listen to one another. Anita tortures Sasha and Flea to find Paulie
that she does not find him herself. Throughout the play, Anita has more concern for Paulie than anyone else; she recalls stories to help herself out of
the lumps. However, by recalling stories about Paulie of how much she loves him, only tortures herself knowing she doesn't know where he is. She
hurts herself not knowing what will happen, not even wondering of any consequences that would arise. However, the more Antia talks about Paulie,
she realizes her relationship with Paulie is not how she talks about him in the beginning. "They started beating him over the head with their clubs,"
Anita reveals how storytelling is tortuous that she could have done something to help but during the moment, she is more concerned with herself. Thus,
the act of storytelling becomes a torture when the characters ultimately hurt one another in the end. Needless to say, The Pillowman and Antigone in
New York amplify storytelling as torture; the difference in plays illustrate a contrast between telling and performing the stories. The difference between
the two establish a
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How Can Storytelling Improve Communication Skills in a 4...
This research was carried out in an Early Childhood Care and Education Centre located in an urban community. It is based on a four year old child
whose name is Sarah Lall (not real name). She is very loving and helpful but interaction with her peers is limited since she does not speak in clear
sentences. Her words do not take the form of complete sentences and sometimes puzzles the teachers and her peers as to what she is trying to say.
Based on face to face interviews with her mother it was clear that she is not given much opportunity to communicate at home which as a result her
vocabulary is limited. Many young children lack vital experiences in background knowledge that develop vocabulary and other ... Show more content
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2.How can storytelling improve social interaction in four year olds?
In summary this chapter dealt with the background of the child and the purpose of the study. It gave a description of various strategies used through
storytelling to improve the communication skills in a four year old child. In chapter two the researcher will explore the literature that surrounds the
research study based on the effects of storytelling to improve communication skills in four year olds.
Literature Review The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which storytelling can improve the communication skills of a four year old
child in an early childhood centre. Critical to this examination there would be two main factors contributing to the research. These are storytelling to
improve communication skills and developing communication skills. It would demonstrate a clearer understand of the value of intervention at an early
age and the effect it has on the child reaching his/her fullest potential. Nelson (2003) explains: "Infants and toddlers use story to explain and create
meaning because that's what parents and their culture do. Storytelling impacts the development of communication skills that are critical to a child's
success at school. It encourages children to listen actively and analytically, improves verbal skills, increases the child's taught and boosts their
understanding skills.
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Storytelling Research Paper
Storytelling is a fantastic way to come closer to one another, and reminisce on the past. It show lessons, and present themes. I think storytelling can
really strengthen a relationship and change the way someone looks at certain situations. All the way up north in Van Buren Maine, my mom, Karen
Lee Cyr Cummings was born on October 25, 1970. She went through many good and rough times in school, with her friends, and around the house.
During childhood, we should not let any horrable or embarrassing moments bring us down, but instead push through them to find other fun in the
future. Everybody goes through embarrassing moments in their life. Sometimes they are very hard to avoid. While my mom was in 6th grade, she had
a terrible accident that embarrassed her a lot. During gym class, they were roller skating around the gym, having a great time. Then, my starting
speeding up and lost control of herself. Wham! She hit the wall with the force of a rhino, and her front was knocked out. She was in a great deal of
pain, shock, and embarrassment. With piling emotions overwhelming her body, she just wanted to get out of there and ball her eyes out. However, she
didn't let this ... Show more content on ...
Nicky was very smart, funny, and a great friend to be around. My mom always had so much fun with her especially when they slept over at each
other's houses. At Nicky's house, they would stay up super late every single time. Watching scary movies like Friday The 13 and Nightmare On
Elm Street is what gave them the perfect thrill. They had so much fun being scared during the late hours of night. Also, they stayed up even later to
watch MTV videos like Michael Jackson's Thriller. They also experienced the first music video on MTV ever; Video Killed The Radio Star by the
Buggles, made in August of 1981. My mom and Nicky always had so much fun together away from all of the rough patches, until it came to the potato
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Digital Storytelling Essay
In recent decades, various learning paradigms have been used to enhance teaching and learning practice. Digital Storytelling is an innovative
pedagogical approach that has the potential to engage learners in student–centred learning, and enhance learning outcomes across the curriculum. The
key motivation for incorporating educational technologies like digital storytelling into the curriculum is the desire to improve the engagement and
learning of students. Digital Storytelling is an art form with a defined structure that delivers narrative intelligence and imagination using technology.
Digital Storytelling is an exceptional instructional tool which helps in enhancing learners' motivation, and helps teachers in building constructivist
learning environments.
This paper describes the ... Show more content on ...
Nischelwitzer, 2004). The main advantage of ADS is that it can be combined easily with other models to create new forms of digital storytelling.
Storylining Suspense and Story Engine are two somewhat linked models developed for the creation and consumption of non–linear digital stories. This
model is mostly used for creation of artisitic stories, so its implementation in eLearning is seen.
Movement Oriented Design (MOD) provides a systematic process for developing an e–Learning story starting with just a topic, or an idea. In the
MOD model, an e–Learning story comprises two main parts: knowledge part, and narrative part (Sharda, 2007). The narrative part focuses on creating
an emotionally engaging story, which carries the knowledge part required for e–Learning.
Some of the new pedagogical models based on storytelling include: story–centred curriculum, proposed by Schank (2007), and scenario–based
curriculum development, suggested by Bareiss & Singh (2007). The common theme that steep into these pedagogical models is: "learning through
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Successful Storytelling Rhetorical Analysis
Important features of successful storytelling
Truly justifying a story's value; for it to be considered successful, the narrative must be engaging for the reader. A back
–story identifies the depth of
significant characters complexities and foibles, understanding the circumstances they are faced with. The emotive thread that weaves the shape our
understanding of the characters inevitably unveils the bigger picture of the story. Events can be linked through a chronological sequence in time, or
using flash backs that can be pieced together or fed to us as titbits of the story through foreshadowing. The interpretation of events through the
characters reactions can have a huge relevance on the theme and motivation of the story, catapulting the reader further into a journey of intrigue.
Readers should become immersed into a narrative that grabs their attention with intrinsic interest, denoting a higher level of meaning for the reader. A
well–written story should start with a dramatic opening that hooks us into the story ... Show more content on ...
Sunlight now flooded into the open gorge before us, amplifying the water reflecting off the open rock faces and blinding us with light. What now
appeared before me truly took my breath away.
Kira had already skipped off into the bushland. My apparent keenness to follow was felt by Hazel as she steadily placed a hand on my arm; wait,
she indicated with her eyes. We watched in fascination as this magical woman lit some gum leaves and began gently blowing, beckoning us forward,
signalling we leave our shoes by the root. As the smoke snaked around us, Keira began singing in her native Wiradjuri. Waving it first across her own
then our bodies, the heady, intoxicating scent of the ritual raised my flesh in skin tingling anticipatory goose bumps. Feeling the watchful gaze of
others before me.
Surrounded by caves on one side and waterfall and rock pools of the sweetest purest
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Analysis Of Nobody Mean More To Me Than You And The Future...
Listen and One Shall Receive Listen up, reader's, and gather full attention to the storyteller. Essentially, move beyond a simplistic reason for why the
story is being told. Look beyond the surface! Stories are more than just a basic idea on paper. The quality of a story portrays a deeper meaning and
message to an audience. More specifically, stories are constantly being told throughout life and play an important role. Stories such as "How to Tame a
Wild Tongue," "The Burden of Memory: Victims,Storytelling and Resistance in Northern Ireland," "Digital Storytelling as a Signature Pedagogy for
the New Humanities," "Nobody Mean More to Me Than You and the Future Life of Willie Jordan," and "Shunned" compare by shaping storytelling
while moving beyond a deeper connection and meaning. ... Show more content on ...
This is the language that the student's are used to hearing and using throughout their daily lives (Jordan 158). The students are incorporating Black
English,instead of the Americanized writing, to feel more included in their schoolwork. Willie Jordan, a student in Jordan's English class goes through
an unexpected occurrence when "Brooklynn police had murdered his unarmed, twenty–five year old brother, Reggie Jordan" (164). The death of a
family member is the main reason for Willie missing school (164). In remembrance of Reggie Jordan, Jordan's english class decides to write personal
letters to Reggie in Black English(165). The letters can be interpreted and symbolized for storytelling in multiple ways: trying to comprehend a loss,
letting go of emotions, and helping out a
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Storytelling In Storytelling
As complex and different as human beings are, there are many things that near all people share a common interest in with perhaps the most potent
being the love for art. Art as a concept comes in many forms be it music, images, theater, and so on. Within all of these art forms, however, is a more
powerful element of art and an art form of its own; the art of storytelling. Storytelling has been both a form of entertainment and expression for a large
portion of human history. Storytelling has become a massive part of our culture and with that has evolved more and more into a true form of art. Just
like paintings and drawings have intricacies that make them truly unique such as texture, contrast, density, and the like, storytelling has elements that
are necessary in perfecting the art. Perhaps the three most important, as demonstrated by Tim O'Brien in The Things They Carried, are the ability to
keep the audience engaged, spark the audience's curiosity, and give great attention to detail. The most important part of a story is the audience and
more importantly, how the story draws the audience's attention and makes them not WANT to care but rather genuinely care about the things that the
author is saying. In many cases storytellers spark curiosity in the audience by foreshadowing a scenario or even telling the end of a story first and
making the reader wonder how the end came about. Tim O'Brien many times presents information of a character death or major event before even
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Theme Of Storytelling In The Things They Carried
Storytelling is like opening a window to the mind of the listeners. Stories provide the chance to experience a wide variety of emotions without actually
having to go through the situations in which you would feel them. Tim O'Brien uses himself to show us that storytelling and memory can help alleviate
burdens over time. Through the book, The Things They Carried, we can take a look at many war stories that Tim tells and howstorytelling can get
people through the times they never thought they could. He shows this by retelling many stories about the burdens he carries from the war throughout
this book. Burdens are heavy loads, almost like an invisible back pack we carry with us on the inside due to intense situations we've experienced in our
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In the text, Tim O'Brien uses, "But this too is true: stories can save us, in a story, miracles can happen" (O'Brien 213–224). Through this, we can infer
that stories can mean nothing to some people and mean the world to others. In a story, there might be something said that can remind a person that
even though you may have been in a rough situation that you think you'll never be able to recover from, it is possible. I read an article on how Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) became a problem far beyond the battlefield. In the article, there was a section that talked about how the soldiers
come home from war and don't know how to act in the new environment from were they've been striving for what seemed to be forever. This can
cause an unhealthy amount of stress and uncomfortableness on the soldiers because they are going from being with the same group of people under
the same rough conditions to returning home and having to try and settle back into a much more relaxed setting than they were used to. This can
directly be seen in the article where it says, "Many soldiers will tell you that the hardest things about coming home is learning to sleep without the
security of a group of heavily armed men around them" (Junger). When the men come home and tell the memories they have from fighting in the war,
it helps them relieve what they've been carrying
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Passover Through Storytelling
Storytelling is a common theme in the human experience. Almost all civilizations have a tradition of storytelling whether it be folk tales used to teach
lessons or stories used to remember the past. Storytelling is important to Judaism as it is used to recount Jewish history and to teach new generations
about the past to create a better future. Oral tradition and the Torah are used to help discuss the past. In fact, the Torah itself isstorytelling in written
form used to preserve history and traditions. Jewish communities also use storytelling to discuss and debate the past and how it affects life today. For
example, the meanings and rules illustrated in the Torah are often discussed to determine how they relate to current issues. To do this, the older
generations use storytelling and the Torah to teach the new generations about the history of the Jewish people. Stories are used to explain the world
and to teach people morals and lessons so they can pass them onto their children. This plays a role in Jewish history and traditions, including Passover.
Storytelling is a significant part of the significance and celebration of Passover. Storytelling is important to the meaning and celebration of Passover....
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Passover is based on the story in Exodus. The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt then Moses led them out of Egypt after the last plague. The night
before, Jewish people rapidly prepared to leave. They sacrificed a lamb and put blood on their doors to protect them. They also made unleavened
bread because they did not have time for it to rise. Moses led them safely out of Egypt, where they were freed from slavery and developed their new
identity as a nation. Passover is centered around the story of Exodus. Thus, Passover celebrates the liberation of the Israelites and the birth of their
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Storytelling In To Kill A Mockingbird
Storytelling can reveal a lot about a person. Revelations can be discovered through storytelling. When someone hears a story, they visualize it, and
when they visualize it, they believe it, and the end result is usually someone's perception of someone else being changed. Through stories, we can see
the world from other people perspectives. Stories are what cause someone to have an opinion about something without even knowing anything about
the topic in reality. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee,storytelling plays a major role. There are three character who tell stories that
have an impact on either the community, the other characters, or even themselves. Miss Stephanie Crawford gossips, and tells stories about Arthur
"Boo" ... Show more content on ...
Jem said if I didn't go with him he'd make me, and Reverend Sykes said I'd better go now, so I went. Dill had seemed to be alright that day, nothing
wrong with him, but I guessed he hadn't fully recovered from running away"(Lee, 265). The whole trial of Tom Robinson is based off of Bob
Ewell, and Mayella Ewell lying about Tom raping Mayella, when in reality, Tom has not done anything wrong. Dill realizes how severe the
consequences of lying can be, and he begins to cry. Dill had run away from Meridian and come to Maycomb prior to the Trial. He had told the story
of how he came to Maycomb, and Scout thought that he may have been lying, since the events that took place during his journey sounded weird. Dill
may be an impulsive liar, but he has now learned what lies can do, and he is shocked by the
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The Influence Of Storytelling: The Enchantress Of Florence
Storytelling may not always be all truth, but is more powerful than historical truth. It allows point of views to bring personal export into the story. This
helps people not only understand more about the past, but also understand the situation as a whole in a more affective way. The Enchantress of
Florence is an example of how powerful storytelling is. Storytelling in this book not only includes historical facts but also allows its readers to
understand the historical truth in a different perspective. Storytelling may not always be true but it can help one understand things in the real world.
"The story was completely untrue, but the untruth of the untrue stories could sometimes be of service in the real world.''(Rushdie 166) This quote comes
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In the enchantress of Florence, there are different speakers who give different point of views of a story. Characters such as Akbar, Qara koz, and
Uccello each had different details in their story that help readers learn more about the past because of the different perspectives that make the
story become one. All the stories had to do with a baby being born, incest and most importantly how Uccello is Akbar's uncle. Although some
readers might say that Qara koz's story was wrong, other might say it was the most correct because she was there when the mirror had the child
and Uccello was born .Readers might also say Uccello's story was wrong because along with being a traveler, he lied a lot to get what he wanted. In
this case although Akbar's story might be wrong, it helped readers understand more about his family history that was told from his mom's point of
view. "At this the royal ladies behind the screen shouted our family's story there is a hidden chapter."(Rushdie 107) This quote tells
readers that Akbar's mom is going to tell him part of the family history. When Akbar told his story in the end of the book, he related what she said.
Due to the fact that Akbar's story may not be true and part of his story was told in his moms point of view, readers can infer that whatever the mom and
aunt knew, they thought it was historically correct but it wasn't which shows us that the family didn't know their history as well as they thought they
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Arabian Nights, A Reflection Of Changes In Hierarchies And...
Animal Frontiers in the Arabian Nights, A Reflection of Changes in Hierarchies and Effective Storytelling
The concept of digression is explored and mastered by Shahrazad throughout the sets of stories that comprise The Arabian Nights. Unlike the stories
of Jaques and his Master, in Jaques the Fatalist, where digression plays well in a journey without a specific purpose, the stories of Shahrazad and her
use of digression has a clear objective. The main character of The Arabian Nights, Shahrazad, makes use of her abilities as an effective storyteller to
keep her audience engaged with a perfect sense of Kairos that achieves several purposes: arousing the KingВґs curiosity and keep it lingering, keeping
herself alive, establishing her own ... Show more content on ...
In a traditional point of view, humans are "above" animals, but the ability of the merchant to understand the animals defies the traditional hierarchy.
This decentralization of the relationship between a human and an animal is significant in the fact that the words of a rooster end up influencing the
actions of a person (the merchant). The rooster represents the traditional patriarchal concept of male "superiority" over female since he discusses a
stern piece of advice with a dog, after he "jumped on a hen and, finishing with her, jumped down and jumped on another" (Haddawy, 19), displaying a
behavior of control and disrespect over the opposite sex. The rooster indirectly advises the merchant, through his conversation with the dog, to "fall on
her" (referring to the merchantВґs wife) (19) and beat her with an oak branch until she has no desire to question her husbandВґs actions. The merchant
heeds the words of the rooster, and reestablishes the hierarchy of male over female dominance by using impulsive and violent animal like brutality. Yet,
the hierarchy of human–reason dominance over animalistic behavior was diminished after the merchant followed the advice of his cock. The Tale of
the Merchant and the Demon also explores changes of hierarchies related to the crossing of human–animal border. In the First Old ManВґs Tale, the
infertile wife of the old man, driven by her jealousy, causes the death of the old manВґs mistress, and
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Oral Storytelling In Native American Culture
Like a coin dropped between the cushions of a couch, traditional oral storytelling is a custom fading away in current American culture. For Native
Americans, however, the practice of oral storytelling is still a tradition that carries culture and rich history over the course of generations. Three
examples of traditional oral stories, "How Men and Women Got Together", "Coyote's Rabbit Chase", and "Corn Mother", demonstrate key differences
in perspectives and values among diverse native tribes in America. In the first of three oral stories, "How Men and Women Got Together", we
experience the unique perspective of the Blood–Piegan tribe. In this oral story, an "Old Man" created both men and women separately, each with their
own differences. He then attempts to combine the groups together in order to provide benefits for each group. Material possessions were one of the
major driving forces in this story. Early on in the story it is explained, "After a while the men learned how to make bows and arrows. The women
learned how to tan buffalo hides and make tipis and beautiful robes decorated with porcupine quills,". The women in the story desired food and
weapons, things that the men already had. Meanwhile, the men desired clothing and shelter, things that the women already had. Apparently, these
material goods are valued enough in the Blood–Piegan culture that they were worth both men and women putting their differences aside to obtain. It is
also apparent that men and women value
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Short Story This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix Arizona
In short story "This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona," by Sherman Alexie, characterization and symbolism played major roles to make the
story appealing to the readers' hearts. The author does well by creating two opposite characters and making them work together. Victor and Thomas
are two characters that have a bit of a stranded past that seems to linger into their present relationship together. The two don't seem to get along very
well at all during the first part of their journey but as they progress towards Phoenix Arizona storytelling; the thing that at first seemed to tear them
apart was able to bring them together. The element of storytelling evolves and these changes enable the characters to move from the memories and pain
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Thomas finally explains to Victor that his stories "They are all I have, all I can do" (Alexie, 214) which Victor seems to begin to understand
despite the fact that "Thomas would remain the crazy storyteller who talked to dogs and cars, who listened to the wind and pine trees"(Alexie,
214) while also being aware that "he couldn't really be friends with Thomas even after all that happened"(Alexie, 214). Despite the boundaries that
seem to separate them Thomas asks for just one request from Victor in return for his money and time and that is to "Just one time when I'm telling
a story somewhere, why don't you stop and listen?" (Alexie, 215). Victor agrees and as a gift to Thomas he gives half the ashes of his father to
Thomas that they agree will be tossed into Spokane Falls and "will rise like a salmon, leap over the bridge, over me, and find his way home"
(Alexie, 215). Thomas gives Victor one last word of advice before they leave when he simply says "Nothing stops cousin" (Alexie, 215) leaving the
reader pondering what that means as the story wraps up. The two then part ways leaving behind their past as they look towards the future and whatever
it may
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Layered Storytelling In Winnie The Pooh By A. Milne
As with many great stories, A.A. Milne includes layered storytelling in his classic collection of childrens' stories Winnie the Pooh. Layered
storytelling is the idea that the story being told is somehow in the universe of the story itself. In Winnie the Pooh, Milne uses a frame narrative to tell
the story. This means that in the book is narrated by a character in the story, being told to another "first layer" character. The use of this narration
serves many purposes for the writing, ranging from simple to quite deep and complex. The most obvious, at least to an adult reader, purpose served by
the frame narrative is to better engage the child reading or listening to the story. In recognizing that Christopher Robin and Pooh are real, at least ...
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As well as connecting to the children enjoying the story, the frame narrative also provides humour which an adult, especially a parent, would find
funny. In the first section of the book, before any storytelling has started, the narrator (who we know to be Milne) is speaking with Christopher Robin
about the name Winnie being used on a male bear. Christopher Robin responds by saying "He's Winnie–ther–Pooh. Don't you know what 'ther'
means?", to which Milne replies "Ah, yes, now I do" and goes on to say that he hopes the reader understands too, because they are not getting any more
explanation. The dialogue between the two, which almost seems like banter, is so representative of the thinking that goes on in a child's mind, that if
they know something (even if they made it up themselves), a grown–up must also know it. The lack of explanation is exactly what any parent would
expect coming from their child, and provides both humour and relatable content for the adult reading the story to the child. On top of this, I believe the
frame narrative is used for another, far deeper
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Storytelling Vs Storytelling
The novel is a modern, ever changing, and important tool that is utilized by different societies. Storytelling did/does the same thing, however, and by
finding the similarities between the two, it appears to me that the novel is storytelling reborn. Theorist Walter Benjamin argues that novels have done
the opposite and have eradicated storytelling. He states that, "...the storyteller in his living immediacy is by no means a present force. He has already
become something remote from us and something that is getting even more distant," which makes it seem as if the novel has destroyed the sacred art of
storytelling (Benjamin 77). Per contra, the novel has benefitted society just as much if not more than storytelling. I have found that novels have taken
the same tools that storytelling once used/ still use, such as open endings, re–readability, community building, and more and have molded these tools
so that they are able to accomplish the same effects that storytelling can on a new scale. This new scale simply means that the novel has taken the
tools listed above and have utilized them in a way that storytelling was unable to. The new technology that the printed novel brings not only attempts
to replicate storytelling technology but manages to do so. Thus we need to determine, first, if my suspicions are correct and the novel has replaced or
is at least vastly similar to storytelling. From there, we can determine what it means to be a novel and what the novel can do with the
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The Effects Of Storytelling On Early Childhood Development
The Effects of Storytelling on Early Childhood Development
Jennifer Lisset Pacheco
California State University, Fullerton The Effects of Storytelling on Early Childhood Development Young children are like sponges; they absorb
information like a sponge absorbs water. It is essential for them to be emerged in an environment in which they can absorb positive information so that
one day they can become contributing members of our society and have a better future. For this reason, there is a pronounced importance on providing
enriching environments for children to learn and develop appropriately. One of the ways that this can be achieved is through a literacy rich
environment specifically with the use of story reading and storytelling. ... Show more content on ...
(Hayes & Casey, 2002) This is because when children are interacting, thelearning process is more enjoyable. The fact that the children were engaging
in a shared experience made it easier for them to create longer narratives because they were having fun. In addition, Wright, Diener, and Kemp (2013)
studied the link between storytelling dramas and the sense of community in the early childhood classroom. Specifically, they found that storytelling
dramas creates a sense of community which encourages social interaction for children who had existing social issues (Wright, Diener, & Kemp,
2013). Preschooler's with existing social issues have a hard time entering play and engaging with others because they are still learning how to do so.
For this reason, creating a sense of community in the classroom through storytelling establishes a feeling of belonging for children who have less
social skills. Children are more likely to engage in these shared activities if they feel comfortable and valued in the environment they are doing so
(Wright et al., 2013). Similarly, storytelling encourages children to have respect for each other by being an active member of the storytelling process.
During storytelling, children take turns and collaborate with each other (Kim, 1999). This reciprocal back and forth interaction creates a sense of unity
and allows children to identify that their ideas are valued by
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Storytelling In The Thousand And One Nights
Words over Pictures In today's society, there are collections of Instagram posts, Snapchat stories, and fanfictions, all conveniently on the internet to be
accessed at any time by anyone. Storytelling is not a new concept; it has roots in some of the oldest civilizations. The Jews passed down their
scriptures, and the Greeks and Romans used oral tradition to share their many epics. The mediums in which things are shared changed, and most
people prefer to talk through pictures and technology. Yet somehow, the traditional way of telling a story lives on; people get together to "catch up"
and exchange stories, because there is a deeper sense of intimacy when you talk with a person rather than reading what they say. The Islamic people put
words over pictures and told stories to one another to strengthen their relationships and bonds. The older Islamic society held this intimacy higher than
the previous societies.... Show more content on ...
The amount of storytelling in and around this story is impressive in itself. The outermost story, The Thousand and One Nights, is a story (number
one) of a maiden who is telling the story of Sindbad the Sailor (number two) who shares his adventures with Sinbad the Porter (number three), and
within these adventures, he tells his life story to certain kings (number four). The lesson on epics clearly taught that when there is repetition, there is
meaning. The stories hold much value in the eyes of the receiver, too. When Sindbad the Sailor finishes the story of his fourth voyage, the porter goes
home and "spent the night in the utmost joy, happiness, and wonder (4. 1598)". He enjoys the Sailor's accounts a great deal. The concept of stories
and sharing stories is evidently a key focus in
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Essay on Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai...
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie
Throughout his novel Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, Dai Sijie illustrates the powerful influence that books have on their readers. Through
his narrative, he establishes his stance on the controversial issue of whether or not storytelling is good. He combines countless events and feelings to
create a novel that demonstrates the good of storytelling and the iniquity of book banning and burning. In the end, Sijie portrays storytelling as a means
of good entertainment, enlightening experience and positive encouragement. First and foremost, Sijie displays storytelling as a means for
entertainment, and in turn, as something good. He portrays Luo as an ... Show more content on ...
Stories give people new ideas and experiences along with lessons that they are unable to realize in their own lives. The narrator feels as though he
is in the land of Balzac's Ursule MirouС‘t even though he has never before seen France. He is so fascinated with the story that he does not put the
book down until he has finished the last page (Sijie 57). This allows him to experience life in an entirely different manner from which he is
accustomed. From these stories, the boys gain insights into thoughts and emotions that are completely foreign to them. While Luo visits the Little
Seamstress telling her of the stories he as read, the narrator feels one of these unfamiliar emotions. He states, "Suddenly I felt a stab of jealousy, a
bitter wrenching emotion I had never felt before" (58). Although jealousy is not usually seen as a good feature and while this emotional awakening
may seem like a negative effect of storytelling to some readers, it is actually an amazing accomplishment. Stories provide their readers with a new
perception of life. They are able to feel what they have never felt, to see what they have never seen, and to be what they have never been. While
these experiences may not be the most enjoyable, all experiences leave people with a more extensive idea of what life really is. In addition to
providing positive
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The Evolution Of Storytelling And How It Has Changed...
Storytelling occurs in many situations, from kitchen–table conversation to corporate situations. Some storytelling situations demand informality; others
are highly formal (National Storytelling Network). Some demand certain themes, attitudes, and artistic approaches (National Storytelling Network). The
purpose of this paper is to show the evolution of storytelling and how it has changed throughout time. First, I will set up the background for storytelling
including its history and progression. Second, I will present the concept of storytelling today and how public relations specialist utilize it. Third, I will
explore what storytelling will be like in the future.
Storytelling has been a part of the human history for many of thousands of years. It first originated with visual stories, such as cave drawings; in fact
some cave drawings date back to 15000 B.C. (Big Fish). However, as time progressed, stories began to evolve; transforming cave paintings into oral
traditions, in which stories were passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth (Mendoza). This ultimately led up to the concept of
narratives, including written, printed and typed stories (Mendoza). Storytelling often evolves when new advancing technologies are introduced to the
market. In example, the printing press, the camera, and the Internet and its social media platforms, all transformed the way we tell and how we tell
stories (Mendoza). With that being said, stories
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John Bell On The Art Of Storytelling Analysis
In his podcast On the Art of Storytelling, John Bell asks us what is storytelling? Story telling is vital, every day we experience different forms of
stories being told. We may not be aware, but stories are everywhere. When I first thought about John Bell's podcast, I thought he must have covered
everything, and within such a short amount of time. From the importance of childhood growth to the tales of history he described the ways stories
function in our modern world and the perils of a world without stories. I found his points about fairy tales to be interesting, but I wondered why he did
not touch upon urban legends which I feel are just as vital, and also do stories only affect the growth of children? I would think that stories also help
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Storytelling: In Support 1, How To Tell A Story
A good story is intricate yet simple. Harsh yet subtle, bold yet restrained. A good story doesn't sound like a story, it feels like a memory of your own life.
Storytelling is the best form of communication, the best way to relate.
Storytelling is a sacred art and is being constantly being changed and altered.
A good story can be the best way to teach a lesson.
Support 1, How To Tell A Story
Telling a story can be easy. Telling of an old memory with no point can be tragic. Telling a story so that the reader/listener feels the same way the
main character feels at the same time he/she feels it is difficult. A good story seems real.
Samuel Clemens, also known as Mark Twain, told many stories, heard many stories, and evaluated many stories. ... Show more content on ...
Tim O'brien wrote The Things They Carried to tell about his war experience but he also wrote about his experience with listening to stories and telling
O'brien feels strongly about war stories, he says, "If a war story seems moral, so not believe it. There is always that surreal seemingnedd which makes
the story seem untrue but which in fact represents the hard and exact truth. (67)"
Support 3, Shonda Rhimes The Future of Storytelling
Shonda Rhimes has been the author and producer of many hit shows, many of which are on netflix.
Rhimes has had lots of experience in storytelling because it is her way to pay the bills and it changes daily.
In a ted talk interview, Rhimes says that, "Good stories are never going to change, the need for people to gather together and exchange their stories and
to talk about the things that feel universal, The idea that we all feel a compelling need to watch stories, tell stories, share stories will never change.
(Rhimes, Stivers)"
Support 4, The Value of Storytelling in religion
Celeste Behe writes for the Catholic Digest and about a year ago, an essay titled The Value of Storytelling was published from her. This essay
explains the best way to tell a good story to a group of children in order to teach them the
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Salmon Rushdie's Haroun And The Sea Of Stories
Most of us have experienced storytelling in one way or another. This act takes place everywhere and appears to have an importance to many
people. Storytelling has become a tradition for many families, which has raised the question: how is storytelling important in our lives? It makes
sense that someone would question why we repeat such a basic task for generations. This question is unique because everyone has their own answer.
One of these answers that I think stands out the most takes the form of a book and it is Salmon Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea Of Stories. I can only
describe this book as Rushdie's answer to that question mixed into the plot of a fairy tale. While the plot I found to be very predictable, I was
surprised to find what the... Show more content on ...
The problem is that the book thinks there is only one type of storytelling which is fiction storytelling. I believe that both types of storytelling are
important in life but to different people and in different ways. Fiction storytelling I believe is mostly beneficial to a younger age group or someone
who has little to no imagination. These stories give people the ability to let go of reality for awhile and be able to explore a new world controlled by
wild thoughts and ideas. By letting younger kids be exposed to imagination early on, they will become free–range thinkers for most of their life. This
happened to me when I was little. When I was introduced to actions that spark imagination(storytelling, video–games, cartoons, etc.) at youth, I found
myself playing games like make–believe and other games where the rules were made up more often. For some reason I seem to say it was those
games that gave me a happy childhood to reflect on. While in my opinion fiction storytelling builds a foundation for a good childhood, I seem to find
that nonfiction storytelling has more value to life. I believe that these can be told, respected at most ages. Nonfiction storytelling could provide the
listener with knowledge for what do in a certain situation, place, time, etc. Such examples of this kind of storytelling could take the form of reviews,
warnings involving past
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Storytelling Catalog Essay
The practice of storytelling can be found in most cultures, however, it plays a more significant role within the indigenous people. In a handful of
primitive tribes, though each person is expected to have a relationship with the world of spirit, it is often thought to be dangerous. For this reason,
certain individuals are often identified as a certain type of specialist for the tribe. In this case, an elder would usually be chosen as the storyteller.
Storytellers can deliver a message through music, dance, or a complex story. The message they deliver is generally a tradition that has been passed
down through many generations. These traditions are not written, but told orally. Because of this, storytellers must take time to memorize long stanzas
or musical pieces.
Ancient examples of storytelling are found within the epics of the indigenous Ainu of Japan and the chants of the Yoruba orisa. The Yoruban chants
discuss the origins of the ... Show more content on ...
Without the distractions of worldly items, I am free to think; think about life, family, religion, and anything else that comes to mind. Time alone in
nature helps me to understand how huge the world is and how little my problems actually are. This helps me to feel more grateful and appreciative
with the life I have been blessed with. Though hard to find, sacred space can be found in many places throughout our culture, even outside of religious
institutions. Sacred time can be spent with family, friends, and neighbors. It can as simple as sharing a meal or going for a walk together. A sacred
space is anytime technology is not a component and people are able to genuinely enjoy each other's presence. Unfortunately, this is getting harder and
harder to come by with the busyness of peoples' lives. They are rushing so quickly from one thing to the next, they often don't have time for anything
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The Importance Of Storytelling And Beliefs In Ishmael Beah
We often forget how conversations and stories sometimes seem so absurd and implausible to influence our characters, however, in times of difficulty
come to our aid. Furthermore, sometimes we forget how much our identity is shaped by the stories and narratives which do not have a written form.
From the developing world, in which science and technology continue to have no detrimental effects to familial relationships and or oral storytelling of
elder members, amazing writers have emerged. These writers, generally, value storytelling and conversations in their writing. Ishmael Beah
recognized the importance of storytelling and highlights his views of music and poetry, as they play a large role in his life. Moreover, as we observe
his memoir in further depth, apart from music and poetry, storytelling and conversations had an extensive impact on Ishmael and his identity, especially
when he refers to the stories as a coping method.
Taking into account, the effects of storytelling and conversation in Ishmael's life, it is clear his grandparents play a crucial role. Firstly, they provided
him with many excellent stories, which led to him feeling compelled to re–tell them and in result regained peace at heart. In fact, his grandparents,
especially his grandmother, are more or less associated with oral stories. She always told him and other children stories that were morally powerful
and with no doubt memorable. For example, much of Ishmael's life, or we had better say his
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Essay On Storytelling
Lyndsay Miller
Ms. Williams
English 12
10 November 2014
Storytelling is the oral tradition of sharing stories and recounting events of the past. It is an ancient art form and is a dear form of human expression
(What is). Most historians and psychologists alike agree that storytelling is one of the many things binding and defining humanity as we know it
because everything revolves around storytelling in one form or another. Humans are possibly the only animals capable of creating and telling stories.
Though it is known that the history of storytelling is quite ancient, stories still play a crucial part of our societies and cultures. Its influence is in
almost every aspect of human life whether it be movies, books, music, news, religion, or art. Stories are what define us and our morals, our dreams,
our prejudices, and our desires. Typically, oral stories are handed down generation to generation. It is not known who or when the first story was told,
much less what the first story was (History).
The history of storytelling is not one that can be pinpointed to a particular time and place, but it can be assumed that man began to tell stories when he
developed the capacity of speech. This being said, not all tales were for entertainment purposes, but rather to enlighten, to tell ... Show more content on ...
They way stories are told may morph, but never will storytelling cease. From their people skills to their memories, there is no argument that storytellers
possess boundless talent and intelligence. They were the first educators. And now, storytelling is a large part of everyday life. The news in the morning,
the gossip throughout the day, the casual response to the casual "What's up?" – It's all a form of storytelling. Our lives are steeped in it. In almost every
conversation a story is told. At every turn a story is born. So we all are storytellers, and the world is our audience, just waiting to hear the gospel leave
... Get more on ...

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Storytelling In The Workplace

  • 1. Storytelling In The Workplace In this webinar, it emphasizes the importance of storytelling in the workplace and conferences. Storytelling can not only bring people closer together but motivate people in the workplace in order to accomplish a task. Ms. Waymon uses the stories as examples to illustrate how they promote accountability, motivation, and even confidence. The stories are designed to teach the listener, furthermore, it is meant to help someone or a group better understand the point in order for that person or team promote the message through their behavior and productivity. In addition, Ms. Waymon states stories should engage the listeners to think of how they would react if they were in the situation. In such situations, storytelling can be highly effective ... Show more content on ... Waymon used was openings on how to present the story such as using openers "once an upon a time", "speaking of adventures". In addition, Ms. Waymon puts importance on professional networking actually being considered an important skill. Networking and storytelling work hand in hand as storytelling opens up networking opportunities in the workplace and outside of it. Personally, Ms. Waymon webinar, helped me understand the importance of storytelling and how easy of a technique it is to network with others that may potentially aid you in the future. I watched presentations on public speakers, technology, and science and even on public speaking and now after watching this webinar I recognize the importance of storytelling and what for speakers and people of their everyday lives. All of those speakers used at least one story and each of those stories usually had an audience and I engaged into that I have watched in the past have all used some components of storytelling and it actually has engaged listener's such as myself to think what we would do if we were in the situation. As a young and upcoming professional in the field of public service, I believe it is important to use craft stories in order further engage listeners and motivate ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Storytelling In Storytelling Besides art based on nature, storytelling is the heart of Waldorf education. Children under seven years are introduced to fairy tales and nature stories. As they progress to an elementary stage, they are introduced to folk fairy tales where they learn about diverse cultures, fables which teaches them moral values, and folk fairy tales about ancient times and historical events These stories form the basis of basic education. As identified earlier, Waldorf education emphasizes developmental learning. Children are not introduced to formal learning until elementary class at age 6–7. Pre–school pedagogy emphasizes imagination and imitation of practical activities. The imitation approach aims at informing the child of the notion that the world is a perfect place (Ullrich, 2014). Thus, the educational approach emphasizes holistic conduct, character, and personality among the teacher and the environment. Pre–school children are discouraged from using technology until elementary with the belief that it conflicts with the developmental process of a child (Woods and Glenys, 2006). At this developmental stage, children are using their power of imagination to learn and technology such as Television can expose them to unhealthy content. Besides formal learning, early stages of elementary curriculum continue to nurture imagination. Formal learning involves reading, writing, artwork, and handwork. The academic subjects in elementary grades are introduced through storytelling. Stories with ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Storytelling And Storytelling Wandering According to traditional beliefs and stories told, it is acknowledged that Noongars have lived within South West of West Australia since time immemorial. Evidence provided by archaeologist stating signs of land usage and human habitation from Perth and Albany in the past 45,000 years. (–west–native–title–settlement/Pages/Noongar–History–––A–Brief–Summary.aspx). It is believed Noongars lived in harmony with the natural environment, with solid spiritual beliefs that there is a strong connection between landscape, culture, human, mythical creatures and spiritual realm. Noongars believe family is the fundamental of every living being. It is a tradition for Noongar families or tribes to sit around a fire pit and pass down knowledge to younger generations. Therefore, storytelling is frequently identified as a method to educate, and distributing their identity, culture and belief. Story telling is recognized as a significant occasion for the Noongars as fragment of their religion. Although storytelling is typically delivered orally, due to nonexistence of written language, Noongars also use artwork to express their emotion and significant events, this is usually done through the use of different symbols. Majority of Noongar families are separated after the arrival of British, they claim to offer the noongars a suitable living environment, where they will be educated and well feed. By doing so, younger children are taken away from ... Get more on ...
  • 4. What Are The Importance Of Oral Storytelling Construction of narratives Tracing the history of stories and oral storytelling, it is hard to ascertain when it started as Alison Davies explains in her book Storytelling in the Classroom. She says that when man first started to communicate he used stories. She also points out how paintings etched on cave walls centuries ago were not done out of amusement but made to describe actual events that occurred at that time. People needed language so that it would enable them to create tales and understand a strange phenomenon around them called world. According to Davies, records of storytelling have been found in many ancient cultures and languages, including Sanskrit, Old German, Latin, Chinese, Greek, Icelandic and Old Slavonic. ... Show more content on ... Importance of oral storytelling Although 'Narrative, Culture and Mind' does not directly talk about the significance of storytelling as an effective learning tool, it does offer valuable insight into the process of storymaking and what makes it one of the most memorable forms of communication. Ann M. Scroggie's article 'Preserving Tradition and Enhancing Learning Through Youth Storytelling', however, not only describes storytelling but also explains how a story can be used and how people react to a story. Her article can be seen as an extension of Jerome Bruner's research as she stresses upon the urgent need to preserve the tradition of oral storytelling 'for the survival of the global society'. In the first part of the article, Scroggie, like Bruner describes stories and oral storytelling as the heart of culture through which people collect memories and form their identity. In the second part of the essay, she argues how the printed word and the invasion of electronic media has led to the decline of the tradition of storytelling and how our lives have become saturated with technological devices and media. Scroggie writes how this decline ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Storytelling In Storytelling In correlation to this point, on the topic of storytelling–particularly oratory stories told throughout a culture–it is necessary for one to be eloquent, both to tell and to consume the tale. To be a bard in any age is to be a wordsmith and an actor, a writer, and a reader, as they must know the web they weave so intimately that they can then bring it to life. This intimate understanding is developed through study and practice, as speech is nuanced in ways an ineloquent person would not realize. The capability to speak–and speak well–is the culmination of the laborious studies of literature. "Even when you have mastered words and diction sufficiently, it is still very difficult to put each thing in its proper place, to lower some things and raise up others..." If one does not speak well–pausing or pushing when necessary–or if words are changed with inequivalent partners, then the meaning of their words fall flat. This is seen in novels, films, and speeches on a social and political scale every single day. They prove their lack of eloquence with each fumbled definition or hazy comparison; it is lazy to not understand the words one uses, and yet it is accepted and reinforced throughout modern media. When these stories are bastardized by people who do not fully understand them, their original purpose is lost. Suddenly, morals become soft, and children do not have a foundation to grow from–mirroring the ineloquence of their influencers. Storybook tales about not talking to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Storytelling In The Things They Carried The world we live in today, storytelling remains to play a critical role in the American society. Each story, storytellers tells serves a deep meaning towards their life and provides a medium allowing the storyteller to retain information they hold as a remembrance. Indeed, storytelling would bring meanings into one's lives as well. Storytelling offers a pathway that allows ones to stimulate continuous learning, development, connection and to look ahead to our future. Storytelling is an expression of power providing pathways to spiritual enlightenment. The role of storytelling is the conveying of experiences storytellers puts in words. Storytelling derived from how the storyteller wants to express the story to the audience. Most stories serve ... Show more content on ... Tim O'Brien, the author tells the story about the Vietnam War through different perspective of the character in different stories. In the book, The Things They Carried, one of the short stories "Notes" Tim O'Brien wrote a meta–fiction story, which allows him to explain the reasons why he had written this short story "Speaking of Courage." In 1975, O'Brien receives a letter from Norman Bowker hoping that O'Brien can write a story about the experience he had during the Vietnam War and his feelings about Kiowa's death. After the Vietnam War had ended, Bowker had suffered from PTSD, which makes him feel pain and guilt towards Kiowa's death. He cannot live up to society after experiencing being in a world full of cruelty in Vietnam. Bowker feels meaningless in life. Through his letter to O'Brien, he is seeking for help and another way to express his feelings that only the soldiers that were in the Vietnam War would know. O'Brien as a storyteller and a writer wrote "Speaking of Courage," briefly about the Vietnam War, in order for the novel to make sense. However, he totally neglected the main experience in the Vietnam War, Kiowa's death, and the shit field. Bowker then lost hope. Eight months later, Bowker hanged himself in the YMCA locker room. After the death of Bowker, O'Brien decides to revise the short story and writes the truth of what happen really in ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Significance in Storytelling in the Odyssey Essay Essay One, The Odyssey Steven Botello ENGL 2315: Great Works of Literature I September 16, 2012 Imagine a life without television, no internet, no cell phones, no radio, no movies, and no video games. This was the life during the Odyssey. The storytelling in the Odyssey gave Greek society a way of entertainment. Men, woman, and children would listen to these stories with attentiveness and would then share them throughout their lives. These stories were told in many ways such as in poems, songs, and tales. If not for storytelling in the Odyssey, the story of Odysseus would be a lot shorter, as well as insignificant to Greek society. The storytelling in the Odyssey knitted the life of Odysseus together, and gave many moral lessons and ... Show more content on ... Even today people tell their life's struggles and past to therapists, psychologist, and even family and friends to help with grief and sorrow. To me, this is what Odysseus is doing in books 9–12. He was letting out all his feelings by telling his tale of his voyage back home. Yes, it was a therapy session in which Odysseus told his legendary stories. Nonetheless, through his story telling "All [was] made good, [his] heart's desire" (13.45). Odysseus felt relieved of his mournful feelings after telling his stories and was eager to get home once and for all. Through Odysseus' stories he would engage the listeners by implying that they were there with him, talking to them and involving them as if they were there. Odysseus was the "great teller of tales", the man of great wisdom. Alcinous urged Odysseus to keep telling his "countless exploits" in book 11, and so Odysseus kept on. Alcinous and his men would "hold out till dawn's first light if only you could bear, here in our halls to tell the tale of all the pains you suffered." (11.425–28). This is how great of entertainment the storytelling of Odysseus was. His skillful techniques with words grasped the attention and hearts of his listeners. Storytelling has been used to teach moral lessons to adults and even young children and the storytelling done by Odysseus is no different. In Odysseus' first obstacle, versus the Cyclops, Odysseus shows ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Storytelling Outline Storytelling has elements that are implemented in any research or design. A story has different parts: plot, characters, theme, symbols, style, and point of view (Felton, 2014). However, a visual story has a beginning, middle, and end that communicate responses from any characters in a story. In addition, a character has a purpose to change the outcome of its story. A character can create and represents an emotional connection that intended audience could relate to any situation. As a matter of fact, stories start with struggles of the individual, the lives, they lead, and the challenges they face (Sykes, Malik, &West, 2012). For this reason, it builds on a connection that story moves on to tell a person how many others in the same situation... Show more content on ... The story is structured to have a protagonist and antagonist that have the advantage by determining the direction on which the audience needs to go to achieve the goal. The protagonist can be defined as a hero that pursues primary goals about the plot of a story (Littlehale, n.d.). However, the antagonist can be a villain that stands opposed to advancing the primary goals of the plot of a story (Littlehale, n.d.). In connection, a protagonist supports the goal of the story that has the qualities of trust or unity. On the other hand, the antagonist can represent the struggle that goes against the goals of the character such as failure. Even though the antagonist can play the role of being evil, it can also play the good guy in different situations. However, the protagonist can also play the role of the bad guy in spite of being defined as the "good guy". In other words, doesn't matter how the protagonist and antagonist plays a role in the story is the purpose of acting out on an argument, which is equally effort to solve a problem and efforts to go against it. Protagonist and Antagonist did not come into existence in order to establish whom an audience should root for or who should be rallied against ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Hero's Journey Of Storytelling Storytelling is the oldest form of communication with groups and masses. Learning to promote cooking classes through brand storytelling is the best way to convey and message your company's history, uniqueness, qualifications and value. Brand Storytelling Is More than Marketing Collateral Business Consultant and Brand Story Strategist Bernadette Jiwa advises clients that brand storytelling isn't just about what you say on your website. In fact, she states, "Your story isn't just what you tell people it's also what they believe about you based on the signals your brand sends." Jiwa's snapshot of brand storytelling includes everything related to your company, such as colors and graphics used in your collateral, business cards, logo, staff and ... Show more content on ... Share your company story told in your voice the way you would tell a friend. Share your passion and your vision for what students in your cooking class will gain that is unique to your company and can't be obtained through competitors. Allow staff personalities to shine in a natural and non–gimmicky way. Showcase your cooking classes, use photos of past classes with students having fun and learning. Share details in a lively way about your class instructor(s) and her/his experience by offering a human interest story of each instructor's journey. Appeal to potential students' aspirations and how your classes will fulfill their needs/desires and goals. Will your classes make their dreams come true or serve as the next step to actualizing their dreams? Make Your Cooking Classes Stand Out From Others What makes your cooking classes different from others? Take this opportunity to inform people about your company's expertise and how your classes offer greater value. Capitalize on your company's story. Credentials will make your classes stand
  • 10. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Christian Education Storytelling "How Storytelling Can Help in Christian Education Ministry" In the article by Kenneth O. Gangel Ph.D., Tell Me A Story, expressed numerous of ways storytelling can be life changing in Christian education ministry. However, a story is a narrative account of an experience or event (Webster's Dictionary 2010). Furthermore, storytelling helps transfer the subject matter or topic from short to long term memory. Gangel mentioned stories can also be a governing device for social control. Stories can also arouse imagination, enthusiasm, and instruct as well. In my opinion, the value of storytelling in Christian education, can build the sense of security, love and belonging to the human needs. Not mention, biblical stories make available the chance for one to build personality with truth. Thus, in Christian education, stories plant seeds of proper conduct that will also alert one in making the wrong choices. Accordingly, I believe the... Show more content on ... To point out, the best part of this article I feel, gives some of the problems of storytelling in Christian education ministry. For instance, I have experienced the misuse of one word or sentence changing the meaning of the whole story or the point intended. As well as, the loss of thought pattern occurs (not telling the truth), especially if the message is being read. Ordinarily, using language which does not clearly communicate meaning, overemphasizing minor details obscuring the basic implication, and poor organization that does not allow the story to progress systematically to its logical climax, are a few of the problems. However, it is not fair of the article to mention the problems without giving some solutions. Moreover, it is important to realize, there are some principles for effective storytelling that can help in Christian education ministry as ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Importance Of Storytelling In Hamlet Different methods of storytelling impact how we convey meaning. Many stories exist in a state of narrative tension which is the tension a character feels about acting or resolving an issue, and the tension that arises when they are blocked from gaining that resolution. The use of storytelling methods impact the meaning of the work as a whole. Shakespeare, Stanley Kubrick, and Tom McCarthy use storytelling methods such as "Question, Answer, Question", redefining character relationships, and symbols that advance the narrative tension and aid the meaning of the work. A central plot in Hamlet is his need to avenge the death of his father, creating narrative tension. Because Hamlet does act, in the end, and does resolve his narrative tension, the ... Show more content on ... That narrative tension being the Spotlight team of the Boston Globe attempting to write a story on molestation allegations against the Catholic church. Smaller narrative tensions include problems with priests admitting to allegations, victims coming forward, and censorship by the Catholic church. Throughout the film, the Spotlight team develops their story. At the beginning of the film, McCarthy creates tension by showing a priest who has been convicted of child molestation, being excused from punishment by the Catholic church. To capture the audience's attention, McCarthy uses "Question, Answer, Question". The question asked is, "This priest molested kids in six different parishes over the last thirty years?", the answer being, "Cardinal Law found out about it fifteen years ago and did nothing". The questions that arise are, why are the convicted priests not punished and why did Cardinal Law excuse them? The smaller narrative tensions arise when Spotlight attempts to answer this question. Spotlight is approached by Cardinal Law trying to shut down the investigation and arguing, "...that the city flourishes when its great institutions work together". As Spotlight continues its investigation, their relationship with the Catholic church is redefined from gregarious to timid as the church attempts to thwart Spotlight's investigation. Symbolism in Spotlight is ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Storyteller By Mario Vargas Llosa While today history is taught through textbooks in classrooms across the world, history, before written language even existed, was passed down orally and conveyed by stories told around a fire; the histories and cultures of entire peoples were passed down by word of mouth. Even once written language came to be, stories remained the primary source of recounting history and culture to future generations. Mario Vargas Llosa's The Storyteller revolves around this idea of storytelling as a means to shape and form culture as Llosa describes an outsider who takes on the role of the main orator of a tribe in Peru. Llosa both alternates between insider and outsider narratives in The Storyteller and presents an unreliable narrator in a position of power ... Show more content on ... At first the Hablador simply tells stories that lack much meaning besides explaining why the Machigeungians do what they do, but over time it can be seen that the Hablador becomes more and more unreliable as his own teachings and beliefs begin to seep into the stories of the native people. It is important to note, that even while the Hablador's original stories lack a lesson, these stories form the backbone of the Machigeungian people. These stories define who the Machigeungian people are by breaking down their religion and culture into stories of how they came to be and why they continue to have such traditions as being nomadic. Eric Hanson on writing about indigenous people says, "Such stories often teach important lessons about a given society's culture, the land, and the ways in which members are expected to interact with each other and their environment. The passing on of these stories from generation to generation keeps the social order intact"(Hanson). What Hanson is saying is exactly what Llosa is expressing by simply having a narrator tell stories that draw the reader into the world of the Machigeungian people. Llosa then expands upon this importance later as the Hablador becomes more and more unreliable in terms of telling stories that were passed ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Storytelling In Storytelling Storytelling is a pivotal aspect of the world; it always has been and it always will be. Storytelling is within many different things in the world, but it is most prevalent in varying forms of media. Media itself is born from and thrives from storytelling. News networks, magazines, novels, movies, video games, etc. all employ storytelling to get their message across. Each form of media, however, uses a different form of narrative structure. Many creators have hidden secrets in their many forms of media for their viewers to find. Easter eggs play a vital role in the media and in connecting the creator to the viewer on a more personal level. Storytelling is meant to connect the world around us in several different ways. Taking the time to explore these structures can help us learn about both ourselves and the creators behind the masterpieces. Video games are a special medium when it comes to storytelling. Video games hold the unique ability to employ interactivity with visual representations of the player's actions within their narratives. No other medium, not even second–person novels, can compare with this experience. While second–person novels are essentially video games on paper, they lack the true interactivity that a video game holds. The visual representation of the player's interactions with the game world is the reason video games are such a perfect medium for deep storytelling. In the 2011 RPG Dark Souls, developed by FromSoftware, there is in an NPC named Undead ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Storytelling As A Form Of Storytelling Furthermore, storytelling becomes a form of physical and psychological torture that the characters try to escape. There are two perspectives that torture illustrates in the plays. Torture as a form of storytelling is sharing the stories, but also how stories are told. The Pillowman forms storytelling as torture when the Tupolski and Ariel interrogate Katurian to expose his identity through his stories. The push of storytelling as torture becomes a central focus when the use of language and words direct a physical and psychological control against the characters. Therefore, storytelling illustrates a form of brainwashing. In addition, Katurian uses storytelling to comfort for his brother Michal, but the stories are used against him when... Show more content on ... Katurian hurts himself pushing the concept that he is innocent, and all the stories are just coincidental. On the other hand, Antigone in New York illustrates that storytelling is torturous towards Anita and Sasha when they do not listen to one another. Anita tortures Sasha and Flea to find Paulie that she does not find him herself. Throughout the play, Anita has more concern for Paulie than anyone else; she recalls stories to help herself out of the lumps. However, by recalling stories about Paulie of how much she loves him, only tortures herself knowing she doesn't know where he is. She hurts herself not knowing what will happen, not even wondering of any consequences that would arise. However, the more Antia talks about Paulie, she realizes her relationship with Paulie is not how she talks about him in the beginning. "They started beating him over the head with their clubs," Anita reveals how storytelling is tortuous that she could have done something to help but during the moment, she is more concerned with herself. Thus, the act of storytelling becomes a torture when the characters ultimately hurt one another in the end. Needless to say, The Pillowman and Antigone in New York amplify storytelling as torture; the difference in plays illustrate a contrast between telling and performing the stories. The difference between the two establish a ... Get more on ...
  • 16. How Can Storytelling Improve Communication Skills in a 4... CHAPTER ONE Introduction This research was carried out in an Early Childhood Care and Education Centre located in an urban community. It is based on a four year old child whose name is Sarah Lall (not real name). She is very loving and helpful but interaction with her peers is limited since she does not speak in clear sentences. Her words do not take the form of complete sentences and sometimes puzzles the teachers and her peers as to what she is trying to say. Based on face to face interviews with her mother it was clear that she is not given much opportunity to communicate at home which as a result her vocabulary is limited. Many young children lack vital experiences in background knowledge that develop vocabulary and other ... Show more content on ... 2.How can storytelling improve social interaction in four year olds? Summary In summary this chapter dealt with the background of the child and the purpose of the study. It gave a description of various strategies used through storytelling to improve the communication skills in a four year old child. In chapter two the researcher will explore the literature that surrounds the research study based on the effects of storytelling to improve communication skills in four year olds. CHAPTER TWO Literature Review The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which storytelling can improve the communication skills of a four year old child in an early childhood centre. Critical to this examination there would be two main factors contributing to the research. These are storytelling to improve communication skills and developing communication skills. It would demonstrate a clearer understand of the value of intervention at an early age and the effect it has on the child reaching his/her fullest potential. Nelson (2003) explains: "Infants and toddlers use story to explain and create meaning because that's what parents and their culture do. Storytelling impacts the development of communication skills that are critical to a child's success at school. It encourages children to listen actively and analytically, improves verbal skills, increases the child's taught and boosts their understanding skills.
  • 17. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Storytelling Research Paper Storytelling is a fantastic way to come closer to one another, and reminisce on the past. It show lessons, and present themes. I think storytelling can really strengthen a relationship and change the way someone looks at certain situations. All the way up north in Van Buren Maine, my mom, Karen Lee Cyr Cummings was born on October 25, 1970. She went through many good and rough times in school, with her friends, and around the house. During childhood, we should not let any horrable or embarrassing moments bring us down, but instead push through them to find other fun in the future. Everybody goes through embarrassing moments in their life. Sometimes they are very hard to avoid. While my mom was in 6th grade, she had a terrible accident that embarrassed her a lot. During gym class, they were roller skating around the gym, having a great time. Then, my starting speeding up and lost control of herself. Wham! She hit the wall with the force of a rhino, and her front was knocked out. She was in a great deal of pain, shock, and embarrassment. With piling emotions overwhelming her body, she just wanted to get out of there and ball her eyes out. However, she didn't let this ... Show more content on ... Nicky was very smart, funny, and a great friend to be around. My mom always had so much fun with her especially when they slept over at each other's houses. At Nicky's house, they would stay up super late every single time. Watching scary movies like Friday The 13 and Nightmare On Elm Street is what gave them the perfect thrill. They had so much fun being scared during the late hours of night. Also, they stayed up even later to watch MTV videos like Michael Jackson's Thriller. They also experienced the first music video on MTV ever; Video Killed The Radio Star by the Buggles, made in August of 1981. My mom and Nicky always had so much fun together away from all of the rough patches, until it came to the potato ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Digital Storytelling Essay Abstract In recent decades, various learning paradigms have been used to enhance teaching and learning practice. Digital Storytelling is an innovative pedagogical approach that has the potential to engage learners in student–centred learning, and enhance learning outcomes across the curriculum. The key motivation for incorporating educational technologies like digital storytelling into the curriculum is the desire to improve the engagement and learning of students. Digital Storytelling is an art form with a defined structure that delivers narrative intelligence and imagination using technology. Digital Storytelling is an exceptional instructional tool which helps in enhancing learners' motivation, and helps teachers in building constructivist learning environments. This paper describes the ... Show more content on ... Nischelwitzer, 2004). The main advantage of ADS is that it can be combined easily with other models to create new forms of digital storytelling. Storylining Suspense and Story Engine are two somewhat linked models developed for the creation and consumption of non–linear digital stories. This model is mostly used for creation of artisitic stories, so its implementation in eLearning is seen. Movement Oriented Design (MOD) provides a systematic process for developing an e–Learning story starting with just a topic, or an idea. In the MOD model, an e–Learning story comprises two main parts: knowledge part, and narrative part (Sharda, 2007). The narrative part focuses on creating an emotionally engaging story, which carries the knowledge part required for e–Learning. Some of the new pedagogical models based on storytelling include: story–centred curriculum, proposed by Schank (2007), and scenario–based curriculum development, suggested by Bareiss & Singh (2007). The common theme that steep into these pedagogical models is: "learning through ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Successful Storytelling Rhetorical Analysis Important features of successful storytelling Truly justifying a story's value; for it to be considered successful, the narrative must be engaging for the reader. A back –story identifies the depth of significant characters complexities and foibles, understanding the circumstances they are faced with. The emotive thread that weaves the shape our understanding of the characters inevitably unveils the bigger picture of the story. Events can be linked through a chronological sequence in time, or using flash backs that can be pieced together or fed to us as titbits of the story through foreshadowing. The interpretation of events through the characters reactions can have a huge relevance on the theme and motivation of the story, catapulting the reader further into a journey of intrigue. Readers should become immersed into a narrative that grabs their attention with intrinsic interest, denoting a higher level of meaning for the reader. A well–written story should start with a dramatic opening that hooks us into the story ... Show more content on ... Sunlight now flooded into the open gorge before us, amplifying the water reflecting off the open rock faces and blinding us with light. What now appeared before me truly took my breath away. Kira had already skipped off into the bushland. My apparent keenness to follow was felt by Hazel as she steadily placed a hand on my arm; wait, she indicated with her eyes. We watched in fascination as this magical woman lit some gum leaves and began gently blowing, beckoning us forward, signalling we leave our shoes by the root. As the smoke snaked around us, Keira began singing in her native Wiradjuri. Waving it first across her own then our bodies, the heady, intoxicating scent of the ritual raised my flesh in skin tingling anticipatory goose bumps. Feeling the watchful gaze of others before me. Conclusion Surrounded by caves on one side and waterfall and rock pools of the sweetest purest ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Analysis Of Nobody Mean More To Me Than You And The Future... Listen and One Shall Receive Listen up, reader's, and gather full attention to the storyteller. Essentially, move beyond a simplistic reason for why the story is being told. Look beyond the surface! Stories are more than just a basic idea on paper. The quality of a story portrays a deeper meaning and message to an audience. More specifically, stories are constantly being told throughout life and play an important role. Stories such as "How to Tame a Wild Tongue," "The Burden of Memory: Victims,Storytelling and Resistance in Northern Ireland," "Digital Storytelling as a Signature Pedagogy for the New Humanities," "Nobody Mean More to Me Than You and the Future Life of Willie Jordan," and "Shunned" compare by shaping storytelling while moving beyond a deeper connection and meaning. ... Show more content on ... This is the language that the student's are used to hearing and using throughout their daily lives (Jordan 158). The students are incorporating Black English,instead of the Americanized writing, to feel more included in their schoolwork. Willie Jordan, a student in Jordan's English class goes through an unexpected occurrence when "Brooklynn police had murdered his unarmed, twenty–five year old brother, Reggie Jordan" (164). The death of a family member is the main reason for Willie missing school (164). In remembrance of Reggie Jordan, Jordan's english class decides to write personal letters to Reggie in Black English(165). The letters can be interpreted and symbolized for storytelling in multiple ways: trying to comprehend a loss, letting go of emotions, and helping out a ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Storytelling In Storytelling As complex and different as human beings are, there are many things that near all people share a common interest in with perhaps the most potent being the love for art. Art as a concept comes in many forms be it music, images, theater, and so on. Within all of these art forms, however, is a more powerful element of art and an art form of its own; the art of storytelling. Storytelling has been both a form of entertainment and expression for a large portion of human history. Storytelling has become a massive part of our culture and with that has evolved more and more into a true form of art. Just like paintings and drawings have intricacies that make them truly unique such as texture, contrast, density, and the like, storytelling has elements that are necessary in perfecting the art. Perhaps the three most important, as demonstrated by Tim O'Brien in The Things They Carried, are the ability to keep the audience engaged, spark the audience's curiosity, and give great attention to detail. The most important part of a story is the audience and more importantly, how the story draws the audience's attention and makes them not WANT to care but rather genuinely care about the things that the author is saying. In many cases storytellers spark curiosity in the audience by foreshadowing a scenario or even telling the end of a story first and making the reader wonder how the end came about. Tim O'Brien many times presents information of a character death or major event before even ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Theme Of Storytelling In The Things They Carried Storytelling is like opening a window to the mind of the listeners. Stories provide the chance to experience a wide variety of emotions without actually having to go through the situations in which you would feel them. Tim O'Brien uses himself to show us that storytelling and memory can help alleviate burdens over time. Through the book, The Things They Carried, we can take a look at many war stories that Tim tells and howstorytelling can get people through the times they never thought they could. He shows this by retelling many stories about the burdens he carries from the war throughout this book. Burdens are heavy loads, almost like an invisible back pack we carry with us on the inside due to intense situations we've experienced in our ... Show more content on ... In the text, Tim O'Brien uses, "But this too is true: stories can save us, in a story, miracles can happen" (O'Brien 213–224). Through this, we can infer that stories can mean nothing to some people and mean the world to others. In a story, there might be something said that can remind a person that even though you may have been in a rough situation that you think you'll never be able to recover from, it is possible. I read an article on how Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) became a problem far beyond the battlefield. In the article, there was a section that talked about how the soldiers come home from war and don't know how to act in the new environment from were they've been striving for what seemed to be forever. This can cause an unhealthy amount of stress and uncomfortableness on the soldiers because they are going from being with the same group of people under the same rough conditions to returning home and having to try and settle back into a much more relaxed setting than they were used to. This can directly be seen in the article where it says, "Many soldiers will tell you that the hardest things about coming home is learning to sleep without the security of a group of heavily armed men around them" (Junger). When the men come home and tell the memories they have from fighting in the war, it helps them relieve what they've been carrying ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Passover Through Storytelling Storytelling is a common theme in the human experience. Almost all civilizations have a tradition of storytelling whether it be folk tales used to teach lessons or stories used to remember the past. Storytelling is important to Judaism as it is used to recount Jewish history and to teach new generations about the past to create a better future. Oral tradition and the Torah are used to help discuss the past. In fact, the Torah itself isstorytelling in written form used to preserve history and traditions. Jewish communities also use storytelling to discuss and debate the past and how it affects life today. For example, the meanings and rules illustrated in the Torah are often discussed to determine how they relate to current issues. To do this, the older generations use storytelling and the Torah to teach the new generations about the history of the Jewish people. Stories are used to explain the world and to teach people morals and lessons so they can pass them onto their children. This plays a role in Jewish history and traditions, including Passover. Storytelling is a significant part of the significance and celebration of Passover. Storytelling is important to the meaning and celebration of Passover.... Show more content on ... Passover is based on the story in Exodus. The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt then Moses led them out of Egypt after the last plague. The night before, Jewish people rapidly prepared to leave. They sacrificed a lamb and put blood on their doors to protect them. They also made unleavened bread because they did not have time for it to rise. Moses led them safely out of Egypt, where they were freed from slavery and developed their new identity as a nation. Passover is centered around the story of Exodus. Thus, Passover celebrates the liberation of the Israelites and the birth of their independent ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Storytelling In To Kill A Mockingbird Storytelling can reveal a lot about a person. Revelations can be discovered through storytelling. When someone hears a story, they visualize it, and when they visualize it, they believe it, and the end result is usually someone's perception of someone else being changed. Through stories, we can see the world from other people perspectives. Stories are what cause someone to have an opinion about something without even knowing anything about the topic in reality. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee,storytelling plays a major role. There are three character who tell stories that have an impact on either the community, the other characters, or even themselves. Miss Stephanie Crawford gossips, and tells stories about Arthur "Boo" ... Show more content on ... Jem said if I didn't go with him he'd make me, and Reverend Sykes said I'd better go now, so I went. Dill had seemed to be alright that day, nothing wrong with him, but I guessed he hadn't fully recovered from running away"(Lee, 265). The whole trial of Tom Robinson is based off of Bob Ewell, and Mayella Ewell lying about Tom raping Mayella, when in reality, Tom has not done anything wrong. Dill realizes how severe the consequences of lying can be, and he begins to cry. Dill had run away from Meridian and come to Maycomb prior to the Trial. He had told the story of how he came to Maycomb, and Scout thought that he may have been lying, since the events that took place during his journey sounded weird. Dill may be an impulsive liar, but he has now learned what lies can do, and he is shocked by the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Influence Of Storytelling: The Enchantress Of Florence Storytelling may not always be all truth, but is more powerful than historical truth. It allows point of views to bring personal export into the story. This helps people not only understand more about the past, but also understand the situation as a whole in a more affective way. The Enchantress of Florence is an example of how powerful storytelling is. Storytelling in this book not only includes historical facts but also allows its readers to understand the historical truth in a different perspective. Storytelling may not always be true but it can help one understand things in the real world. "The story was completely untrue, but the untruth of the untrue stories could sometimes be of service in the real world.''(Rushdie 166) This quote comes ... Show more content on ... In the enchantress of Florence, there are different speakers who give different point of views of a story. Characters such as Akbar, Qara koz, and Uccello each had different details in their story that help readers learn more about the past because of the different perspectives that make the story become one. All the stories had to do with a baby being born, incest and most importantly how Uccello is Akbar's uncle. Although some readers might say that Qara koz's story was wrong, other might say it was the most correct because she was there when the mirror had the child and Uccello was born .Readers might also say Uccello's story was wrong because along with being a traveler, he lied a lot to get what he wanted. In this case although Akbar's story might be wrong, it helped readers understand more about his family history that was told from his mom's point of view. "At this the royal ladies behind the screen shouted our family's story there is a hidden chapter."(Rushdie 107) This quote tells readers that Akbar's mom is going to tell him part of the family history. When Akbar told his story in the end of the book, he related what she said. Due to the fact that Akbar's story may not be true and part of his story was told in his moms point of view, readers can infer that whatever the mom and aunt knew, they thought it was historically correct but it wasn't which shows us that the family didn't know their history as well as they thought they ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Arabian Nights, A Reflection Of Changes In Hierarchies And... Animal Frontiers in the Arabian Nights, A Reflection of Changes in Hierarchies and Effective Storytelling The concept of digression is explored and mastered by Shahrazad throughout the sets of stories that comprise The Arabian Nights. Unlike the stories of Jaques and his Master, in Jaques the Fatalist, where digression plays well in a journey without a specific purpose, the stories of Shahrazad and her use of digression has a clear objective. The main character of The Arabian Nights, Shahrazad, makes use of her abilities as an effective storyteller to keep her audience engaged with a perfect sense of Kairos that achieves several purposes: arousing the KingВґs curiosity and keep it lingering, keeping herself alive, establishing her own ... Show more content on ... In a traditional point of view, humans are "above" animals, but the ability of the merchant to understand the animals defies the traditional hierarchy. This decentralization of the relationship between a human and an animal is significant in the fact that the words of a rooster end up influencing the actions of a person (the merchant). The rooster represents the traditional patriarchal concept of male "superiority" over female since he discusses a stern piece of advice with a dog, after he "jumped on a hen and, finishing with her, jumped down and jumped on another" (Haddawy, 19), displaying a behavior of control and disrespect over the opposite sex. The rooster indirectly advises the merchant, through his conversation with the dog, to "fall on her" (referring to the merchantВґs wife) (19) and beat her with an oak branch until she has no desire to question her husbandВґs actions. The merchant heeds the words of the rooster, and reestablishes the hierarchy of male over female dominance by using impulsive and violent animal like brutality. Yet, the hierarchy of human–reason dominance over animalistic behavior was diminished after the merchant followed the advice of his cock. The Tale of the Merchant and the Demon also explores changes of hierarchies related to the crossing of human–animal border. In the First Old ManВґs Tale, the infertile wife of the old man, driven by her jealousy, causes the death of the old manВґs mistress, and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Oral Storytelling In Native American Culture Like a coin dropped between the cushions of a couch, traditional oral storytelling is a custom fading away in current American culture. For Native Americans, however, the practice of oral storytelling is still a tradition that carries culture and rich history over the course of generations. Three examples of traditional oral stories, "How Men and Women Got Together", "Coyote's Rabbit Chase", and "Corn Mother", demonstrate key differences in perspectives and values among diverse native tribes in America. In the first of three oral stories, "How Men and Women Got Together", we experience the unique perspective of the Blood–Piegan tribe. In this oral story, an "Old Man" created both men and women separately, each with their own differences. He then attempts to combine the groups together in order to provide benefits for each group. Material possessions were one of the major driving forces in this story. Early on in the story it is explained, "After a while the men learned how to make bows and arrows. The women learned how to tan buffalo hides and make tipis and beautiful robes decorated with porcupine quills,". The women in the story desired food and weapons, things that the men already had. Meanwhile, the men desired clothing and shelter, things that the women already had. Apparently, these material goods are valued enough in the Blood–Piegan culture that they were worth both men and women putting their differences aside to obtain. It is also apparent that men and women value ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Short Story This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix Arizona In short story "This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona," by Sherman Alexie, characterization and symbolism played major roles to make the story appealing to the readers' hearts. The author does well by creating two opposite characters and making them work together. Victor and Thomas are two characters that have a bit of a stranded past that seems to linger into their present relationship together. The two don't seem to get along very well at all during the first part of their journey but as they progress towards Phoenix Arizona storytelling; the thing that at first seemed to tear them apart was able to bring them together. The element of storytelling evolves and these changes enable the characters to move from the memories and pain ... Show more content on ... Thomas finally explains to Victor that his stories "They are all I have, all I can do" (Alexie, 214) which Victor seems to begin to understand despite the fact that "Thomas would remain the crazy storyteller who talked to dogs and cars, who listened to the wind and pine trees"(Alexie, 214) while also being aware that "he couldn't really be friends with Thomas even after all that happened"(Alexie, 214). Despite the boundaries that seem to separate them Thomas asks for just one request from Victor in return for his money and time and that is to "Just one time when I'm telling a story somewhere, why don't you stop and listen?" (Alexie, 215). Victor agrees and as a gift to Thomas he gives half the ashes of his father to Thomas that they agree will be tossed into Spokane Falls and "will rise like a salmon, leap over the bridge, over me, and find his way home" (Alexie, 215). Thomas gives Victor one last word of advice before they leave when he simply says "Nothing stops cousin" (Alexie, 215) leaving the reader pondering what that means as the story wraps up. The two then part ways leaving behind their past as they look towards the future and whatever it may ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Layered Storytelling In Winnie The Pooh By A. Milne As with many great stories, A.A. Milne includes layered storytelling in his classic collection of childrens' stories Winnie the Pooh. Layered storytelling is the idea that the story being told is somehow in the universe of the story itself. In Winnie the Pooh, Milne uses a frame narrative to tell the story. This means that in the book is narrated by a character in the story, being told to another "first layer" character. The use of this narration serves many purposes for the writing, ranging from simple to quite deep and complex. The most obvious, at least to an adult reader, purpose served by the frame narrative is to better engage the child reading or listening to the story. In recognizing that Christopher Robin and Pooh are real, at least ... Show more content on ... As well as connecting to the children enjoying the story, the frame narrative also provides humour which an adult, especially a parent, would find funny. In the first section of the book, before any storytelling has started, the narrator (who we know to be Milne) is speaking with Christopher Robin about the name Winnie being used on a male bear. Christopher Robin responds by saying "He's Winnie–ther–Pooh. Don't you know what 'ther' means?", to which Milne replies "Ah, yes, now I do" and goes on to say that he hopes the reader understands too, because they are not getting any more explanation. The dialogue between the two, which almost seems like banter, is so representative of the thinking that goes on in a child's mind, that if they know something (even if they made it up themselves), a grown–up must also know it. The lack of explanation is exactly what any parent would expect coming from their child, and provides both humour and relatable content for the adult reading the story to the child. On top of this, I believe the frame narrative is used for another, far deeper ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Storytelling Vs Storytelling The novel is a modern, ever changing, and important tool that is utilized by different societies. Storytelling did/does the same thing, however, and by finding the similarities between the two, it appears to me that the novel is storytelling reborn. Theorist Walter Benjamin argues that novels have done the opposite and have eradicated storytelling. He states that, "...the storyteller in his living immediacy is by no means a present force. He has already become something remote from us and something that is getting even more distant," which makes it seem as if the novel has destroyed the sacred art of storytelling (Benjamin 77). Per contra, the novel has benefitted society just as much if not more than storytelling. I have found that novels have taken the same tools that storytelling once used/ still use, such as open endings, re–readability, community building, and more and have molded these tools so that they are able to accomplish the same effects that storytelling can on a new scale. This new scale simply means that the novel has taken the tools listed above and have utilized them in a way that storytelling was unable to. The new technology that the printed novel brings not only attempts to replicate storytelling technology but manages to do so. Thus we need to determine, first, if my suspicions are correct and the novel has replaced or is at least vastly similar to storytelling. From there, we can determine what it means to be a novel and what the novel can do with the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Effects Of Storytelling On Early Childhood Development The Effects of Storytelling on Early Childhood Development Jennifer Lisset Pacheco California State University, Fullerton The Effects of Storytelling on Early Childhood Development Young children are like sponges; they absorb information like a sponge absorbs water. It is essential for them to be emerged in an environment in which they can absorb positive information so that one day they can become contributing members of our society and have a better future. For this reason, there is a pronounced importance on providing enriching environments for children to learn and develop appropriately. One of the ways that this can be achieved is through a literacy rich environment specifically with the use of story reading and storytelling. ... Show more content on ... (Hayes & Casey, 2002) This is because when children are interacting, thelearning process is more enjoyable. The fact that the children were engaging in a shared experience made it easier for them to create longer narratives because they were having fun. In addition, Wright, Diener, and Kemp (2013) studied the link between storytelling dramas and the sense of community in the early childhood classroom. Specifically, they found that storytelling dramas creates a sense of community which encourages social interaction for children who had existing social issues (Wright, Diener, & Kemp, 2013). Preschooler's with existing social issues have a hard time entering play and engaging with others because they are still learning how to do so. For this reason, creating a sense of community in the classroom through storytelling establishes a feeling of belonging for children who have less social skills. Children are more likely to engage in these shared activities if they feel comfortable and valued in the environment they are doing so (Wright et al., 2013). Similarly, storytelling encourages children to have respect for each other by being an active member of the storytelling process. During storytelling, children take turns and collaborate with each other (Kim, 1999). This reciprocal back and forth interaction creates a sense of unity and allows children to identify that their ideas are valued by ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Storytelling In The Thousand And One Nights Words over Pictures In today's society, there are collections of Instagram posts, Snapchat stories, and fanfictions, all conveniently on the internet to be accessed at any time by anyone. Storytelling is not a new concept; it has roots in some of the oldest civilizations. The Jews passed down their scriptures, and the Greeks and Romans used oral tradition to share their many epics. The mediums in which things are shared changed, and most people prefer to talk through pictures and technology. Yet somehow, the traditional way of telling a story lives on; people get together to "catch up" and exchange stories, because there is a deeper sense of intimacy when you talk with a person rather than reading what they say. The Islamic people put words over pictures and told stories to one another to strengthen their relationships and bonds. The older Islamic society held this intimacy higher than the previous societies.... Show more content on ... The amount of storytelling in and around this story is impressive in itself. The outermost story, The Thousand and One Nights, is a story (number one) of a maiden who is telling the story of Sindbad the Sailor (number two) who shares his adventures with Sinbad the Porter (number three), and within these adventures, he tells his life story to certain kings (number four). The lesson on epics clearly taught that when there is repetition, there is meaning. The stories hold much value in the eyes of the receiver, too. When Sindbad the Sailor finishes the story of his fourth voyage, the porter goes home and "spent the night in the utmost joy, happiness, and wonder (4. 1598)". He enjoys the Sailor's accounts a great deal. The concept of stories and sharing stories is evidently a key focus in ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay on Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai... Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie Throughout his novel Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, Dai Sijie illustrates the powerful influence that books have on their readers. Through his narrative, he establishes his stance on the controversial issue of whether or not storytelling is good. He combines countless events and feelings to create a novel that demonstrates the good of storytelling and the iniquity of book banning and burning. In the end, Sijie portrays storytelling as a means of good entertainment, enlightening experience and positive encouragement. First and foremost, Sijie displays storytelling as a means for entertainment, and in turn, as something good. He portrays Luo as an ... Show more content on ... Stories give people new ideas and experiences along with lessons that they are unable to realize in their own lives. The narrator feels as though he is in the land of Balzac's Ursule MirouС‘t even though he has never before seen France. He is so fascinated with the story that he does not put the book down until he has finished the last page (Sijie 57). This allows him to experience life in an entirely different manner from which he is accustomed. From these stories, the boys gain insights into thoughts and emotions that are completely foreign to them. While Luo visits the Little Seamstress telling her of the stories he as read, the narrator feels one of these unfamiliar emotions. He states, "Suddenly I felt a stab of jealousy, a bitter wrenching emotion I had never felt before" (58). Although jealousy is not usually seen as a good feature and while this emotional awakening may seem like a negative effect of storytelling to some readers, it is actually an amazing accomplishment. Stories provide their readers with a new perception of life. They are able to feel what they have never felt, to see what they have never seen, and to be what they have never been. While these experiences may not be the most enjoyable, all experiences leave people with a more extensive idea of what life really is. In addition to providing positive ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Evolution Of Storytelling And How It Has Changed... Introduction Storytelling occurs in many situations, from kitchen–table conversation to corporate situations. Some storytelling situations demand informality; others are highly formal (National Storytelling Network). Some demand certain themes, attitudes, and artistic approaches (National Storytelling Network). The purpose of this paper is to show the evolution of storytelling and how it has changed throughout time. First, I will set up the background for storytelling including its history and progression. Second, I will present the concept of storytelling today and how public relations specialist utilize it. Third, I will explore what storytelling will be like in the future. Background Storytelling has been a part of the human history for many of thousands of years. It first originated with visual stories, such as cave drawings; in fact some cave drawings date back to 15000 B.C. (Big Fish). However, as time progressed, stories began to evolve; transforming cave paintings into oral traditions, in which stories were passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth (Mendoza). This ultimately led up to the concept of narratives, including written, printed and typed stories (Mendoza). Storytelling often evolves when new advancing technologies are introduced to the market. In example, the printing press, the camera, and the Internet and its social media platforms, all transformed the way we tell and how we tell stories (Mendoza). With that being said, stories ... Get more on ...
  • 36. John Bell On The Art Of Storytelling Analysis In his podcast On the Art of Storytelling, John Bell asks us what is storytelling? Story telling is vital, every day we experience different forms of stories being told. We may not be aware, but stories are everywhere. When I first thought about John Bell's podcast, I thought he must have covered everything, and within such a short amount of time. From the importance of childhood growth to the tales of history he described the ways stories function in our modern world and the perils of a world without stories. I found his points about fairy tales to be interesting, but I wondered why he did not touch upon urban legends which I feel are just as vital, and also do stories only affect the growth of children? I would think that stories also help ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Storytelling: In Support 1, How To Tell A Story A good story is intricate yet simple. Harsh yet subtle, bold yet restrained. A good story doesn't sound like a story, it feels like a memory of your own life. Storytelling is the best form of communication, the best way to relate. Storytelling is a sacred art and is being constantly being changed and altered. A good story can be the best way to teach a lesson. Support 1, How To Tell A Story Telling a story can be easy. Telling of an old memory with no point can be tragic. Telling a story so that the reader/listener feels the same way the main character feels at the same time he/she feels it is difficult. A good story seems real. Samuel Clemens, also known as Mark Twain, told many stories, heard many stories, and evaluated many stories. ... Show more content on ... Tim O'brien wrote The Things They Carried to tell about his war experience but he also wrote about his experience with listening to stories and telling them. O'brien feels strongly about war stories, he says, "If a war story seems moral, so not believe it. There is always that surreal seemingnedd which makes the story seem untrue but which in fact represents the hard and exact truth. (67)" Support 3, Shonda Rhimes The Future of Storytelling Shonda Rhimes has been the author and producer of many hit shows, many of which are on netflix. Rhimes has had lots of experience in storytelling because it is her way to pay the bills and it changes daily. In a ted talk interview, Rhimes says that, "Good stories are never going to change, the need for people to gather together and exchange their stories and to talk about the things that feel universal, The idea that we all feel a compelling need to watch stories, tell stories, share stories will never change. (Rhimes, Stivers)" Support 4, The Value of Storytelling in religion Celeste Behe writes for the Catholic Digest and about a year ago, an essay titled The Value of Storytelling was published from her. This essay explains the best way to tell a good story to a group of children in order to teach them the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Salmon Rushdie's Haroun And The Sea Of Stories Most of us have experienced storytelling in one way or another. This act takes place everywhere and appears to have an importance to many people. Storytelling has become a tradition for many families, which has raised the question: how is storytelling important in our lives? It makes sense that someone would question why we repeat such a basic task for generations. This question is unique because everyone has their own answer. One of these answers that I think stands out the most takes the form of a book and it is Salmon Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea Of Stories. I can only describe this book as Rushdie's answer to that question mixed into the plot of a fairy tale. While the plot I found to be very predictable, I was surprised to find what the... Show more content on ... The problem is that the book thinks there is only one type of storytelling which is fiction storytelling. I believe that both types of storytelling are important in life but to different people and in different ways. Fiction storytelling I believe is mostly beneficial to a younger age group or someone who has little to no imagination. These stories give people the ability to let go of reality for awhile and be able to explore a new world controlled by wild thoughts and ideas. By letting younger kids be exposed to imagination early on, they will become free–range thinkers for most of their life. This happened to me when I was little. When I was introduced to actions that spark imagination(storytelling, video–games, cartoons, etc.) at youth, I found myself playing games like make–believe and other games where the rules were made up more often. For some reason I seem to say it was those games that gave me a happy childhood to reflect on. While in my opinion fiction storytelling builds a foundation for a good childhood, I seem to find that nonfiction storytelling has more value to life. I believe that these can be told, respected at most ages. Nonfiction storytelling could provide the listener with knowledge for what do in a certain situation, place, time, etc. Such examples of this kind of storytelling could take the form of reviews, warnings involving past ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Storytelling Catalog Essay The practice of storytelling can be found in most cultures, however, it plays a more significant role within the indigenous people. In a handful of primitive tribes, though each person is expected to have a relationship with the world of spirit, it is often thought to be dangerous. For this reason, certain individuals are often identified as a certain type of specialist for the tribe. In this case, an elder would usually be chosen as the storyteller. Storytellers can deliver a message through music, dance, or a complex story. The message they deliver is generally a tradition that has been passed down through many generations. These traditions are not written, but told orally. Because of this, storytellers must take time to memorize long stanzas or musical pieces. Ancient examples of storytelling are found within the epics of the indigenous Ainu of Japan and the chants of the Yoruba orisa. The Yoruban chants discuss the origins of the ... Show more content on ... Without the distractions of worldly items, I am free to think; think about life, family, religion, and anything else that comes to mind. Time alone in nature helps me to understand how huge the world is and how little my problems actually are. This helps me to feel more grateful and appreciative with the life I have been blessed with. Though hard to find, sacred space can be found in many places throughout our culture, even outside of religious institutions. Sacred time can be spent with family, friends, and neighbors. It can as simple as sharing a meal or going for a walk together. A sacred space is anytime technology is not a component and people are able to genuinely enjoy each other's presence. Unfortunately, this is getting harder and harder to come by with the busyness of peoples' lives. They are rushing so quickly from one thing to the next, they often don't have time for anything ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Importance Of Storytelling And Beliefs In Ishmael Beah We often forget how conversations and stories sometimes seem so absurd and implausible to influence our characters, however, in times of difficulty come to our aid. Furthermore, sometimes we forget how much our identity is shaped by the stories and narratives which do not have a written form. From the developing world, in which science and technology continue to have no detrimental effects to familial relationships and or oral storytelling of elder members, amazing writers have emerged. These writers, generally, value storytelling and conversations in their writing. Ishmael Beah recognized the importance of storytelling and highlights his views of music and poetry, as they play a large role in his life. Moreover, as we observe his memoir in further depth, apart from music and poetry, storytelling and conversations had an extensive impact on Ishmael and his identity, especially when he refers to the stories as a coping method. Taking into account, the effects of storytelling and conversation in Ishmael's life, it is clear his grandparents play a crucial role. Firstly, they provided him with many excellent stories, which led to him feeling compelled to re–tell them and in result regained peace at heart. In fact, his grandparents, especially his grandmother, are more or less associated with oral stories. She always told him and other children stories that were morally powerful and with no doubt memorable. For example, much of Ishmael's life, or we had better say his ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Essay On Storytelling Lyndsay Miller Ms. Williams English 12 10 November 2014 Storytelling Storytelling is the oral tradition of sharing stories and recounting events of the past. It is an ancient art form and is a dear form of human expression (What is). Most historians and psychologists alike agree that storytelling is one of the many things binding and defining humanity as we know it because everything revolves around storytelling in one form or another. Humans are possibly the only animals capable of creating and telling stories. Though it is known that the history of storytelling is quite ancient, stories still play a crucial part of our societies and cultures. Its influence is in almost every aspect of human life whether it be movies, books, music, news, religion, or art. Stories are what define us and our morals, our dreams, our prejudices, and our desires. Typically, oral stories are handed down generation to generation. It is not known who or when the first story was told, much less what the first story was (History). The history of storytelling is not one that can be pinpointed to a particular time and place, but it can be assumed that man began to tell stories when he developed the capacity of speech. This being said, not all tales were for entertainment purposes, but rather to enlighten, to tell ... Show more content on ... They way stories are told may morph, but never will storytelling cease. From their people skills to their memories, there is no argument that storytellers possess boundless talent and intelligence. They were the first educators. And now, storytelling is a large part of everyday life. The news in the morning, the gossip throughout the day, the casual response to the casual "What's up?" – It's all a form of storytelling. Our lives are steeped in it. In almost every conversation a story is told. At every turn a story is born. So we all are storytellers, and the world is our audience, just waiting to hear the gospel leave our ... Get more on ...