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Intelligent Process Control
Using Neural Fuzzy Techniques


       Chyi-Tsong Chen

Department of Chemical Engineering
       Feng Chia University

  1        Introduction

  2    Review on fuzzy control system:
       concepts and design

  3    Design of a neural fuzzy control
       system for complex processes

  4    Application to nonlinear chemical
       process control

  5    Conclusions and future prospect
1           Introduction

    Conventional control strategies and
      •  structure and design methodologies
          • open-loop control

    −   manual control
    −   suitable for process whose mathematical
        model is hard to characterize precisely
•     Closed-loop control

            −   use system output error to generate control
            −   automatic control
            −   widely used algorithm: PID type controller

for continuous system

                        ⎡          1                          de ( t ) ⎤
                                        ∫0 e ( t ) dt + τ D
           u (t ) = k c ⎢ e (t ) +
                        ⎣          τI                          dt ⎥    ⎦

for discrete system
                      ⎡       Ts k     τ                    ⎤
           u(k ) = kc ⎢e(k ) + ∑ e(i) + D (e(k ) − e(k − 1))⎥
                      ⎣       τ I i =0 Ts                   ⎦
         k c : proportional gain
         τ I : integral time constant
         τ D : derivative time constant
         TS : sampling time
New challenges:

    Extremely nonlinearities
    Unmeasurable uncertainties
    Unknown or imprecisely known
    Time-varying parameters

Modeling problem
Controller parameter's tuning problem
Control performance degradation

Motivation: Searching for new approaches
for complex process control

⇒   人工智慧
    Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Research fields of AI
2      Conventional Fuzzy Control
       System: Concept and Design

Fuzzy logic
•   Fuzzy concepts and statements
       1. Ben is very tall.
       2. John is a handsome boy.
       3. Today is very very cold.
       4. (1) Please find a man with 101 hairs and 54321
          (2) Please find a bald and full beard man.

⇒    Precision statement may lose meaning in some
⇒   Significance statement can reflect human's thought
    and concept more naturally.
Classical Set Theory and Fuzzy Set
Comfortable Temperature ?

        Classical Set Theory

           ⎧ x ∈ A,    S A (x) = 1
           ⎩ x ∉ A,    S A (x) = 0

    x=15, xA(x)=1,    Belongs to the set of
     x=14.9, xA(x)=0, NOT belongs to the set of
                       Comfortable, but belongs
                       to the set of cold.

    ⇒   Unreasonable
Fuzzy Set Theory (Zadeh, 1965)
                Describe Fuzzy concepts and phenomena
                Use membership function to represent the degree of
                membership of an element in a certain fuzzy set
                             0 ≤ μ A (x ) ≤ 1

 A: comfortable; B: cold; C: hot
   μ A (15) = 0.5 degree of membership in A is 0.5
   μ B (15) = 0.5 degree of membership in B is 0.5
   μC (15) = 0      degree of membership in C is 0 (not belongs to)

μ A (14.9) = 0.45   degree of membership in A is 0.45

μ B (14.9) = 0.55   degree of membership in B is 0.55
μC (14.9) = 0       degree of membership in C is 0 (not belongs to)
Commonly used membership functions

1. Z functions

 z1: μ(x,az)     z2: μ(x,az,bx)     z3 (Z-shape function)

2. S functions

S1: μ(x,as)        S2: μ(x,as,bs)   S3 (S-shape function)
3. π functions

4. characteristic function representation
1. characteristic function representation
 μ A ( x) = {x | 0.25 / 0 + 0.5 / 10 + 1.0 / 20 + 0.5 / 30 + 0.25 / 40}

      A: comfortable temp


Some typical fuzzy rules and their
    reasoning methods

           linguistic form              formal representation

(一) If temp is high,
         then add some cold water.           If A then B
(二) If water level is high,
         then decrease feeding rate, else
         maintain the feeding rate.         If A then B else C
(三) If error is large and
          the error change is large,
          then increase the heating rate.   If A and B then C
Fuzzy Reasoning Methods

  Type (一) If A then B

       Fuzzy rule: If x=A then y=B
            Now: x=A’
       Conclusion: y=B’=?

     B’=A’ 。(A→B)

      μ B ' ( y ) = V {μ A' ( x ) ∧ [ μ A ( x ) ∧ μ B ( y )]}

                = V {μ A' ( x ) ∧ μ A ( x )} ∧ μ B ( y )

                = α ∧ μB ( y)
Type (二) If A then B else C
           Fuzzy rule: If x=A then y=B else y=C
                Now: x=A’
           Conclusion: y=B’

"Fuzzy relation"

                         R = ( A × B) U ( A × C )

         μ R ( x, y ) = [ μ A ( x ) ∧ μ B ( y )] ∨ [(1 − μ A ( x )) ∧ μC ( y )]

"Fuzzy implication"
              B ' = A'o R

                      = A'o[( A × B ) U ( A × C )]
Type (三) If x1=A and x2=B then y=C
      Fuzzy rule:  If x = A and x = B then y = C
                       1         2
           Now: x = A′ and x = B′
                   1          2
      Conclusion: y = C ′ = ?

           C ' = ( A' and B' ) o [( A and B) → C ]

           μ C ' ( y) = α A ∧ α B ∧ μ C ( z )

           α A = V ( μ A' ( x1 ) ∧ μ A ( x1 ))

           α B = V ( μ B ' ( x2 ) ∧ μ B ( x2 ))
Multiple rules
             Rule 1: If x1 = A1 and x2 = B1 then y = C1
            Rule 2: If x1 = A2 and x2 = B2 then y = C2

            Rule n: If x1 = An and x2 = Bn then y = Cn

                Now: x1 = A′ and x2 = B′

           Conclusion: y = C ′ = ?

⇒    inferring output from each rule

               Ci ' = ( A' and B' ) o [( Ai and Bi ) → Ci ]
               μC ' ( y ) = α A ∧ α B ∧ μC ( z )
                     i           i        i        i

⇒    where
              α Ai = V ( μ A' ( x1 ) ∧ μ Ai ( x1 ))
              α B = V ( μ B ' ( x 2 ) ∧ μ B ( x 2 ))
                 i                            i

⇒    OUTPUT:
                     C ' = C1 '∪C2 '∪... ∪ Cn '

       μC ' ( y ) = max(μC1 ' ( y ), μC2 ' ( y ), ..., μCn ' ( y ))
EXAMPLE: two rules system

      μC ' ( y ) = α A ∧ α B ∧ μC ( y )
         1          1       1       1

      μC ' ( y ) = α A ∧ α B ∧ μC ( y )
         2              2       2       2
Pioneer of fuzzy logical control (FLC)

    E. Mamdani and S. Assilian (1974)

      ─ Steam Engine Control

  • Input variables: pressure error (E) and the rate of pressure
                    error (CE)
                            E = P-Psp   and        &
                                              CE = E

• Output variable (control input): change of heating rate (ΔU)
   • Fuzzy sets: 7 linguistic terms for each variable

                  PB (positive big)
                  PM (positive medium)
                  PS (positive small)
                  ZE (zero)
                  NS (negative small)
                  NM (negative medium)
                  NB (negative big)
control rules:
     extracted from operation experiences

 •   For examples
      rule 1: IF E is PS and CE is ZE, then U is NS
       rule 2: IF E is ZE and CE is ZE, then U is ZE
       rule 3: IF E is PS and CE is NS, then U is NS
Fuzzy inference

Defuzzification (generating a control input)

Performance comparison (experimental results)
Fuzzy Control Configuration
                                   Fuzzy Controller   (模糊控制器)

       +       e                   E
yd                                          Inference     U                 u
                   •   Fuzzifier                              Defuzzifier         plant
       −           e               EC        Engine                                       y
                       (模糊化)                                  (解模糊化)            (受控系統)
           de/dt                           (推理引擎)

                                        Fuzzy rule Base

            transferring crisp measured data into suitable
            linguistic values (fuzzy sets)

       Fuzzy rule base
           store the empirical knowledge of the operation of the
           process of the domain expert

       Inference engine
             the kernel of fuzzy logical control
             simulating human decision making

            yield a non-fuzzy decision or control action from an
            inferred fuzzy action by the inference engine
Features of the FLC

  A model-free approach

  Represent a means of
  both collecting human
  knowledge and expertise

  Has the ability of dealing
  with nonlinearities and
  unknown dynamics
Problems of using FLC
 The derivation of fuzzy rules is
 often time consuming and difficult.

 The system performance relies to
 a great extent on so-called experts
 who may not be able to transcribe
 their knowledge into the requisite
 rule form.

 There exists no formal framework
 for the choice of the parameters of
 a fuzzy system.

 The static fuzzy controller has no
 mechanisms for adapting to real-
 time plant change.
  ⇒ Bringing the learning abilities of the
 neural networks to automate and realize
 the design of fuzzy logical control systems

 Advantages of the combination of these
 two techniques:

 •   The fuzzy logic systems provide a
     structure framework with high-level
     fuzzy IF-THEN rule thinking and
     reasoning to the neural network.

 •   The neural networks provide the
     connectionist structure (fault tolerance
     and distributed representation
     properties) and learning ability to the
     fuzzy logical systems.
Comparisons of FLC, MNN and CCT
    (Fukuda and Shibata, 1994)
                               Fuzzy        N e u ra l   C o n v e n tio n a l

                              S y s te m   N e tw o rk       C o n tro l

                               (F L C )     (M N N )     T h e o ry (C C T )

 L e a rn in g A b ility          B            G                  B

     K n o w le d g e             G             B                SB

  R e p r e s e n ta tio n

E x p e rt K n o w le d g e       G             B                SB

    N o n lin e a rity            G            G                  B

    O p tim iz a tio n            B           SG                 SB

         A b ility

  F a u lt To le r a n c e        G            G                  B

  Good (G); Slihtly Good (SG); Slightly Bad (SB); Bad (B)
Introduction to Artificial Neural
   Structure of a neuron

   An artificial neuron

                 y = f (∑ wi xi + θ )
Commonly used activated
function (transfer function)
A feedforward neural network

—   Structure
       input layer
          receive signals from external environment

       hidden layer
          receive signals from the input layer and
          transmit output signals to a subsequent layer

       output layer
           transmit output signals to environment
Operations of an artificial
neural network

1.   training or learning phase

     — Useinput-output data to update the
      network parameters (interconnection
      weights and thresholds)

2.   recall phase

     — Givenan input to the trained network
      and then generate an output

3.   generalization (prediction) phase

     — Given a new (unknown) input to the
      trained network and then gives a
Properties (advantages) of
 1.   It has the ability of approximating
      any extremely nonlinear functions.

 2.   It can adapt and learn the dynamic
      behavior under uncertainties and

 3.   It has the ability of fault tolerance
      since the quantity and quality
      informations are distributedly stored
      in the weights and thresholds
      between neurons.

 4.   It is suitable to operate in a massive
      parallel framework.
3             Design of a neural fuzzy
                control system

Control system structure

yd(t)   +         e(t)          x1           u*(t)        u(t)                       y(t)
                                                     K3          plant
                                      NFC                                    +
                        ce(t)    x2
                                                                         −   ∧
                                                                             y (t)

                                learning mechanism
A Neural Fuzzy Controller (NFC)

                            μ11 )
                             (∗             π1     O11 )

  x1                                        π2
                            μ12 )

                              .             π3

                            μ 1∗n)
                                            π4                                           1
                                                                          I (4)                     u*

                                            π5                                    ∑O
                                                                                  j =1
                                                                                             ( 3)
                 O 2( 1 )          O22 )
                              .              .
                                             .              Wl cj

                            μ (2∗n)        π m−1
                                                   Ol( 3)


           (1)                (2)            (3)                    (4)

(1)        Input layer

(2)        Linguistic term layer (Fuzzification)

(3)        Rule layer (Rule Base)

(4)        Output layer (Fuzzy inference engine and
Input-output behavior of the NFC
(1)   Layer 1 (input layer)

                         I i(1) = xi , i = 1, 2
                         oi(1) = xi ,i = 1,2

(2)   Layer 2 (linguistic term layer)

                             ( xi − a i k ) 2
        I   ( 2)
            ik      =−                 2
                                                , i = 1,2; k = 1,2,L,n

        oi(k2) = μ Aij              = exp(I i(k2) ), i = 1,2; k = 1,2,L,n

(3)   Layer 3 (Rule layer)

         ol( 3) = o22 ) o1 2 ) , l = 1, 2, L, n ; j = 1, 2, L, n

            oi( 3) = μ i = I i( 3) , i = 1, 2, L , m (= n 2 )

(4)   Layer 4 (Output layer)
                         I   ( 4)
                                    = ∑ o (p3) wp
                                      p =1

                                           I (4)
             o     (4)
                         = u∗=             m
                                                   ,   j = 1, 2, L, m
                                       ∑ o (j3)
                                       j =1
A learning algorithm for the NFC
   System performance function (error function)

   Ec =     ( yd − y ) 2
   Steepest descent algorithm

   w υ ( k + 1) = w υ ( k ) − η             + β Δw υ ( k )
                                    ∂ wυ
    a i j ( k + 1) = a ij ( k ) − η         + β Δa i j ( k )
                                     ∂ a ij
    bi j (k + 1) = bi j (k ) − η          + β Δbi j (k )
                                   ∂ bi j


        ∂E     ∂ E ∂ y ∂ u*
        ∂ wυ    ∂ y ∂ u * ∂ wυ
                             ∂ y          o (j3)
              = −( y d − y )
                             ∂ u*      ∑
                                           p =1
                                                o (p3)
∂E ∂ E ∂ y           n
                           ∂ u*           ∂ o((3−1)n+l ∂ o1(2) ∂ I 1(2)

      =             ∑∂ o
                                               j            j        j

∂ a1 j ∂ y ∂ u*     l =1
                           ( 3)
                           ( j −1) n +l     ∂ o1(2) ∂ I 1(2) ∂ a1 j
                                                 j        j

                  ∂ y 2(o1 j − a1 j ) o1 j
                                                                      (w                                                      )
                           (1)         ( 2)            n

                                                      ∑o                                ∑             o (p3) − ∑p=1 o (p3) wp ,
                                                                                               m                  m
     = −( y d − y) *                                           ( 2)
                                                                         ( j −1) n +l                                                 j = 1, 2, L, n
                  ∂ u b12j (∑m o (p3) ) 2                                                      p =1
                                                      l =1
                               p =1

∂E                  ∂ y 2(o2 j − a 2 j ) o2 j
                                                                              (w                                                        )
                             (1)          ( 2)                    n

                                                              ∑o                                   ∑          o (3) − ∑p =1 o (p3) w p ,
                                                                                                          m               m
       = −( y d − y) *                                                 ( 2)
                                                                                  ( l −1) n + j                                                j = 1, 2, L, n
∂ a2 j              ∂ u b2 j (∑m o (p3) ) 2                                                               p =1 p
                                                              l =1
                                 p =1

∂E                 ∂ y 2(o1 j − a1 j ) o1 j
                                                                             (w                                                    )
                           (1)        2 (2)                   n

                                                             ∑o                                ∑         o(3) − ∑p=1 o(p3) wp ,
                                                                                                      m               m
       = −( yd − y) *                                                 (2)
                                                                                                                                            j = 1, 2, L, n
∂ b1 j                           (
                   ∂ u b3 m o(3) 2
                         1 j ∑p=1 p               )          l =1
                                                                      2l       ( j −1)n+l             p=1 p


∂E                  ∂ y 2(o2 j − a2 j ) o2 j
                                                                             (w                                                   )
                           (1)         2 ( 2)                 n

                                                             ∑o                                ∑          o (3) − ∑p=1 o (p3) wp ,
                                                                                                      m               m
       = −( y d − y) *                                                ( 2)
                                                                                                                                            j = 1, 2, L, n
∂ b2 j                            (
                    ∂ u b3 m o (3) 2
                          2 j ∑p =1 p             )          l =1
                                                                      1l       ( l −1) n + j          p =1 p


         The only unknown in the learning algorithm is the
       system response gradient ∂y
                                 ∂u *

      ⇒ MNN-based estimator
An MNN-based estimator                                          (Chen and Chang, 1996)



u(t)                                                                               −
                    .                   j
                    .                         w2i j         i
                   S1k                 .
                                       .                         w3i

                   S1, k +1            .
                                       .                                   y (t)
                   .                                             MNN
                   S1, m1

Input-output behavior of the MNN
                    ⎧ y (t − j + 1),   1≤ j ≤ k
Input layer: S1 j = ⎨
                    ⎩u(t − j + k + 1), k + 1 ≤ j ≤ m1

                                m1    ~
Hidden layer: net 2i = ∑ w2i j S1 j − θ 2i ,
                         ~                                        i = 1,2,L,m2
                                j =1

                                       − net2i
                              1− e
                   S 2i =              − net 2i
                                                   ,      i = 1,2,L,m2
                              1+ e

Output layer: net3 = ∑ w3i S 2i − θ 3 ,
                                i =1
                        ∧  ~
                           a (1 − e −net3 )
                            1 + e −net3
A learning algorithm for the MNN-based
   Error function

            1      ∧
   E   m
           = ( y − y) 2
   Steepest descent algorithm
                                ∧               ~ ~
   ~ (k + 1) = w (k ) + η ( y − y )δ w δ S + β Δ w (k )
   w2ij        ~        ~            ~
                2ij                 3 3i 2i 1 j    2ij

                                  ∧        ~ ~
   ~ ( k + 1) = w ( k ) + η ( y − y )δ S + β Δ w ( k )
   w3i          ~         ~
                  3i                  3 2i      3i

   ~               ~                 ∧          ~ ~
                              ~( y − y)δ w δ + β Δθ (k )
   θ 2i (k + 1) = θ 2i (k ) + η          ~
                                        3 3i 2i    2i

   ~                   ~            ∧      ~ ~
                            ~ ( y − y )δ + β Δ θ (k )
   θ 3 (k + 1) = θ 3 (k ) + η           3       3
   ~ (k + 1) = a (k ) + η ( y − y ) y + β Δ a (k )
   a           ~        ~               ~ ~

    δ 2i = (1 − S 2i ) (1 + S 2i )
                           ∧        ∧
         1~                y        y
    δ 3 = a (1 −           ~ ) (1 + a )
         2                 a
System's gradient prediction

          ∧         ∧
 ∂y ∂ y         ∂ y m2 ⎛ ∂ net3 ∂ S2i ∂ net2i ∂ S1, q +1 ⎞
             =        ∑ ⎜ ∂ S ∂ net ∂ S
               ∂ net3 i =1 ⎝                         * ⎟
 ∂u                                      1, q +1 ∂ u
    *      *
                             2i     2i                   ⎠
              = δ 3 K3 ∑ w3i δ 2i w2,i , q +1
                         ~        ~
                        i =1
Initialization of the NFC

                   ⎧      2 1 1 2 ⎫
         a k (0) = ⎨− 1, − , − , 0, , , 1⎬                  k = 1, 2 ,L ,7
                   ⎩      3 3 3 3 ⎭

                   ⎧1 1 1 1 1 1 1⎫                          k = 1, 2,L ,7
        b k ( 0) = ⎨ , , , , , , ⎬
                   ⎩4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ⎭

Normalized initial linking weights (rule base)
 The suggested initial linking weights (7 segments).
                              x1                                    partitions

                                                 negative   ←                            →   positive

              x2                         NB       NM        NS         ZO        PS             PM        PB

                                   NB     −1      −1            2          2         1             1        0
                                                            −         −          −             −
                                        ( w1 )   ( w8 )         3          3         3             3

                                   NM    −1                                                        0

                                                      2         2          1         1                      1
                                                  −         −          −         −
                                        ( w2 )        3         3          3         3                      3

                                   NS       2         2         1          1         0           1          1
                                        −         −         −          −

                                            3         3         3          3                     3          3

                                   ZO       2         1         1         0      1               1         2
                                        −         −         −
                                            3         3         3                3               3         3

                                   PS       1         1         0       1        1              2          2
                                        −         −

                                            3         3                 3        3              3          3

                                   PM       1         0      1          1        2              2           1
                                            3                3          3        3              3        ( w 48 )

                                   PB     0        1         1          2        2               1          1
                                                   3         3          3        3            ( w 42 )   ( w 49 )
4          Application to nonlinear process

An nonlinear CSTR (Ray, 1981)

      Dynamic equations:
  •                                  x2
  x1 = − x1 + D a (1 − x1 ) exp(            )
                                 1 + x2 / ϕ
  •                                             x2
  x 2 = −(1 + δ ) x 2 + BD a (1 − x1 ) exp(            ) +δu
                                            1 + x2 / ϕ

      x1   d im e n s io n le s s r e a c ta n t c o n c e n tr a tio n
      x2   d im e n s io n le s s re a c to r te m p e ra tu re

      u    c o o lin g ja c k e t te m p e ra tu re

      Da   D a m k ö h le r n u m b e r
      ϕ    a c tiv a tio n e n e rg y
      B    h e a t o f re a c tio n

      δ    h e a t tr a n s fe r c o e ffic ie n t

      Nominal system parameters (Chu et al., 1992)

  Da = 0.072, ϕ = 20.0, B = 8, δ = 0.3
Equilibrium points
    ( x1 , x2 ) A = (0144,0.886)
    ( x1 , x2 ) B = (0.445, 2.750)
    ( x1 , x2 ) c = (0.765, 4.705)

                                 ( x1 , x2 ) A       ( x1 , x2 ) B
—    Control objective:                          →
Performance test and comparison

—   Parameter uncertainties (   δ : 0.3 → 0.35; B :8 → 7.5)
—   Unmeasured disturbance rejection (d=0.5)

—   Handling hard input constraint ( − 2 ≤ u ≤ 2 )
—   Measurement delay (0.2 min)

—   Measurement noise (std.=0.01)
5      Conclusions and future


The advantages of the neural fuzzy control

  Combines the benefits of fuzzy logical system (knowledge
  representation and reasoning) and neural networks (fault
  tolerance and learning ability)

  Provides an effective intelligent approach to complex
  process control
       without any a priori process knowledge
       model-free direct control
       be able to deal with uncertainties and nonlinearities

Future prospect

  stability analysis
  application to multivariable process control
  Self rules reduction and extraction
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Midterm II Review
Numarical values
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Chapter 2 (maths 3)
Chapter 2 (maths 3)Chapter 2 (maths 3)
Chapter 2 (maths 3)
Newton-Raphson Method
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Probability Formula sheet
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Probability Formula sheet
Numarical values highlighted
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Fourier series
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Fourier series
Partial differential equations
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Partial differential equations
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Rasterisation of a circle by the bresenham algorithm
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
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Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)

Similar to Intelligent Process Control Using Neural Fuzzy Techniques ~陳奇中教授演講投影片

2D1431 Machine Learning
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2018 MUMS Fall Course - Statistical Representation of Model Input (EDITED) - ...
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2018 MUMS Fall Course - Statistical Representation of Model Input (EDITED) - ...
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Jam 2006 Test Papers Mathematical Statisticsashu29
Talk at SciCADE2013 about "Accelerated Multiple Precision ODE solver base on ...
Talk at SciCADE2013 about "Accelerated Multiple Precision ODE solver base on ...Talk at SciCADE2013 about "Accelerated Multiple Precision ODE solver base on ...
Talk at SciCADE2013 about "Accelerated Multiple Precision ODE solver base on ...
Shizuoka Inst. Science and Tech.
Episode 50 : Simulation Problem Solution Approaches Convergence Techniques S...
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Episode 50 : Simulation Problem Solution Approaches Convergence Techniques S...
Brief summary of signals
Brief summary of signalsBrief summary of signals
Brief summary of signals
aroosa khan
Input analysis
Input analysisInput analysis
Input analysis
Bhavik A Shah
Lec1 01
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Random Matrix Theory and Machine Learning - Part 3
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Random Matrix Theory and Machine Learning - Part 3
Fabian Pedregosa
Teknik Simulasi
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Rezzy Caraka
Hierarchical matrices for approximating large covariance matries and computin...
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Alexander Litvinenko
A Novel Methodology for Designing Linear Phase IIR Filters
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A Novel Methodology for Designing Linear Phase IIR Filters
IDES Editor
Automatic bayesian cubature
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Automatic bayesian cubature
Jagadeeswaran Rathinavel
Reinforcement Learning: Hidden Theory and New Super-Fast Algorithms
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Reinforcement Learning: Hidden Theory and New Super-Fast Algorithms
Sean Meyn
Optimization Techniques.pdf
Optimization Techniques.pdfOptimization Techniques.pdf
Optimization Techniques.pdf
Alexey Vasyukov
alt klausur
alt klausuralt klausur
alt klausur
Discrete Nonlinear Optimal Control of S/C Formations Near The L1 and L2 poi...
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Discrete Nonlinear Optimal Control of S/C Formations Near The L1 and L2 poi...
Belinda Marchand
Lecture: Monte Carlo Methods
Lecture: Monte Carlo MethodsLecture: Monte Carlo Methods
Lecture: Monte Carlo Methods
Frank Kienle
Optimization tutorial
Optimization tutorialOptimization tutorial
Optimization tutorial
Northwestern University

Similar to Intelligent Process Control Using Neural Fuzzy Techniques ~陳奇中教授演講投影片 (20)

2D1431 Machine Learning
2D1431 Machine Learning2D1431 Machine Learning
2D1431 Machine Learning
2018 MUMS Fall Course - Statistical Representation of Model Input (EDITED) - ...
2018 MUMS Fall Course - Statistical Representation of Model Input (EDITED) - ...2018 MUMS Fall Course - Statistical Representation of Model Input (EDITED) - ...
2018 MUMS Fall Course - Statistical Representation of Model Input (EDITED) - ...
Jam 2006 Test Papers Mathematical Statistics
Jam 2006 Test Papers Mathematical StatisticsJam 2006 Test Papers Mathematical Statistics
Jam 2006 Test Papers Mathematical Statistics
Talk at SciCADE2013 about "Accelerated Multiple Precision ODE solver base on ...
Talk at SciCADE2013 about "Accelerated Multiple Precision ODE solver base on ...Talk at SciCADE2013 about "Accelerated Multiple Precision ODE solver base on ...
Talk at SciCADE2013 about "Accelerated Multiple Precision ODE solver base on ...
Episode 50 : Simulation Problem Solution Approaches Convergence Techniques S...
Episode 50 :  Simulation Problem Solution Approaches Convergence Techniques S...Episode 50 :  Simulation Problem Solution Approaches Convergence Techniques S...
Episode 50 : Simulation Problem Solution Approaches Convergence Techniques S...
Brief summary of signals
Brief summary of signalsBrief summary of signals
Brief summary of signals
Input analysis
Input analysisInput analysis
Input analysis
Lec1 01
Lec1 01Lec1 01
Lec1 01
Random Matrix Theory and Machine Learning - Part 3
Random Matrix Theory and Machine Learning - Part 3Random Matrix Theory and Machine Learning - Part 3
Random Matrix Theory and Machine Learning - Part 3
Teknik Simulasi
Teknik SimulasiTeknik Simulasi
Teknik Simulasi
Hierarchical matrices for approximating large covariance matries and computin...
Hierarchical matrices for approximating large covariance matries and computin...Hierarchical matrices for approximating large covariance matries and computin...
Hierarchical matrices for approximating large covariance matries and computin...
A Novel Methodology for Designing Linear Phase IIR Filters
A Novel Methodology for Designing Linear Phase IIR FiltersA Novel Methodology for Designing Linear Phase IIR Filters
A Novel Methodology for Designing Linear Phase IIR Filters
Automatic bayesian cubature
Automatic bayesian cubatureAutomatic bayesian cubature
Automatic bayesian cubature
Reinforcement Learning: Hidden Theory and New Super-Fast Algorithms
Reinforcement Learning: Hidden Theory and New Super-Fast AlgorithmsReinforcement Learning: Hidden Theory and New Super-Fast Algorithms
Reinforcement Learning: Hidden Theory and New Super-Fast Algorithms
Optimization Techniques.pdf
Optimization Techniques.pdfOptimization Techniques.pdf
Optimization Techniques.pdf
alt klausur
alt klausuralt klausur
alt klausur
Discrete Nonlinear Optimal Control of S/C Formations Near The L1 and L2 poi...
  Discrete Nonlinear Optimal Control of S/C Formations Near The L1 and L2 poi...  Discrete Nonlinear Optimal Control of S/C Formations Near The L1 and L2 poi...
Discrete Nonlinear Optimal Control of S/C Formations Near The L1 and L2 poi...
Lecture: Monte Carlo Methods
Lecture: Monte Carlo MethodsLecture: Monte Carlo Methods
Lecture: Monte Carlo Methods
Optimization tutorial
Optimization tutorialOptimization tutorial
Optimization tutorial

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Chyi-Tsong Chen
Ch 06 MATLAB Applications in Chemical Engineering_陳奇中教授教學投影片
Ch 06 MATLAB Applications in Chemical Engineering_陳奇中教授教學投影片Ch 06 MATLAB Applications in Chemical Engineering_陳奇中教授教學投影片
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Reliability-Based Design Optimization Using a Cell Evolution Method ~陳奇中教授演講投影片
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創意研發專論:創意規則 ~陳奇中教授演講投影片
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創意研發專論:創意規則 ~陳奇中教授演講投影片
Data Driven Process Optimization Using Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms ~陳奇中教授演講投影片
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Data Driven Process Optimization Using Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms ~陳奇中教授演講投影片
Designs of Single Neuron Control Systems: Survey ~陳奇中教授演講投影片
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Intelligent Process Control Using Neural Fuzzy Techniques ~陳奇中教授演講投影片

  • 1. Intelligent Process Control Using Neural Fuzzy Techniques 模糊類神經控制系統設計 陳奇中 Chyi-Tsong Chen Department of Chemical Engineering Feng Chia University 逢甲大學化工系
  • 2. Outlines 1 Introduction 2 Review on fuzzy control system: concepts and design 3 Design of a neural fuzzy control system for complex processes 4 Application to nonlinear chemical process control 5 Conclusions and future prospect
  • 3. 1 Introduction Conventional control strategies and limitations • structure and design methodologies • open-loop control − manual control − suitable for process whose mathematical model is hard to characterize precisely
  • 4. Closed-loop control system − use system output error to generate control signal − automatic control − widely used algorithm: PID type controller for continuous system ⎡ 1 de ( t ) ⎤ ∫0 e ( t ) dt + τ D t u (t ) = k c ⎢ e (t ) + ⎣ τI dt ⎥ ⎦ for discrete system ⎡ Ts k τ ⎤ u(k ) = kc ⎢e(k ) + ∑ e(i) + D (e(k ) − e(k − 1))⎥ ⎣ τ I i =0 Ts ⎦ k c : proportional gain τ I : integral time constant τ D : derivative time constant TS : sampling time
  • 5. New challenges: Extremely nonlinearities Unmeasurable uncertainties Unknown or imprecisely known dynamics Time-varying parameters Multi-objectives Modeling problem Controller parameter's tuning problem Control performance degradation Motivation: Searching for new approaches for complex process control ⇒ 人工智慧 Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • 7. 2 Conventional Fuzzy Control System: Concept and Design Fuzzy logic • Fuzzy concepts and statements Examples: 1. Ben is very tall. 2. John is a handsome boy. 3. Today is very very cold. 4. (1) Please find a man with 101 hairs and 54321 beard. (2) Please find a bald and full beard man. 5. ⇒ Precision statement may lose meaning in some cases. ⇒ Significance statement can reflect human's thought and concept more naturally.
  • 8. Classical Set Theory and Fuzzy Set Comfortable Temperature ? Classical Set Theory ⎧ x ∈ A, S A (x) = 1 ⎨ ⎩ x ∉ A, S A (x) = 0 x=15, xA(x)=1, Belongs to the set of comfortable x=14.9, xA(x)=0, NOT belongs to the set of Comfortable, but belongs to the set of cold. ⇒ Unreasonable
  • 9. Fuzzy Set Theory (Zadeh, 1965) Describe Fuzzy concepts and phenomena Use membership function to represent the degree of membership of an element in a certain fuzzy set 0 ≤ μ A (x ) ≤ 1 A: comfortable; B: cold; C: hot μ A (15) = 0.5 degree of membership in A is 0.5 μ B (15) = 0.5 degree of membership in B is 0.5 μC (15) = 0 degree of membership in C is 0 (not belongs to) μ A (14.9) = 0.45 degree of membership in A is 0.45 μ B (14.9) = 0.55 degree of membership in B is 0.55 μC (14.9) = 0 degree of membership in C is 0 (not belongs to)
  • 10. Commonly used membership functions 1. Z functions z1: μ(x,az) z2: μ(x,az,bx) z3 (Z-shape function) 2. S functions S1: μ(x,as) S2: μ(x,as,bs) S3 (S-shape function)
  • 11. 3. π functions 4. characteristic function representation
  • 12. Examples 1. characteristic function representation μ A ( x) = {x | 0.25 / 0 + 0.5 / 10 + 1.0 / 20 + 0.5 / 30 + 0.25 / 40} A: comfortable temp 2. 3.
  • 13. Some typical fuzzy rules and their reasoning methods linguistic form formal representation (一) If temp is high, then add some cold water. If A then B (二) If water level is high, then decrease feeding rate, else maintain the feeding rate. If A then B else C (三) If error is large and the error change is large, then increase the heating rate. If A and B then C
  • 14. Fuzzy Reasoning Methods Type (一) If A then B Fuzzy rule: If x=A then y=B Now: x=A’ Conclusion: y=B’=? B’=A’ 。(A→B) μ B ' ( y ) = V {μ A' ( x ) ∧ [ μ A ( x ) ∧ μ B ( y )]} x = V {μ A' ( x ) ∧ μ A ( x )} ∧ μ B ( y ) x = α ∧ μB ( y)
  • 15. Type (二) If A then B else C Fuzzy rule: If x=A then y=B else y=C Now: x=A’ Conclusion: y=B’ "Fuzzy relation" R = ( A × B) U ( A × C ) μ R ( x, y ) = [ μ A ( x ) ∧ μ B ( y )] ∨ [(1 − μ A ( x )) ∧ μC ( y )] "Fuzzy implication" B ' = A'o R = A'o[( A × B ) U ( A × C )]
  • 16. Type (三) If x1=A and x2=B then y=C Fuzzy rule: If x = A and x = B then y = C 1 2 Now: x = A′ and x = B′ 1 2 Conclusion: y = C ′ = ? C ' = ( A' and B' ) o [( A and B) → C ] μ C ' ( y) = α A ∧ α B ∧ μ C ( z ) where α A = V ( μ A' ( x1 ) ∧ μ A ( x1 )) x α B = V ( μ B ' ( x2 ) ∧ μ B ( x2 )) x
  • 17. Multiple rules Rule 1: If x1 = A1 and x2 = B1 then y = C1 Rule 2: If x1 = A2 and x2 = B2 then y = C2 Rule n: If x1 = An and x2 = Bn then y = Cn Now: x1 = A′ and x2 = B′ Conclusion: y = C ′ = ? ⇒ inferring output from each rule Ci ' = ( A' and B' ) o [( Ai and Bi ) → Ci ] μC ' ( y ) = α A ∧ α B ∧ μC ( z ) i i i i ⇒ where α Ai = V ( μ A' ( x1 ) ∧ μ Ai ( x1 )) x α B = V ( μ B ' ( x 2 ) ∧ μ B ( x 2 )) i i x ⇒ OUTPUT: C ' = C1 '∪C2 '∪... ∪ Cn ' μC ' ( y ) = max(μC1 ' ( y ), μC2 ' ( y ), ..., μCn ' ( y ))
  • 18. EXAMPLE: two rules system μC ' ( y ) = α A ∧ α B ∧ μC ( y ) 1 1 1 1 μC ' ( y ) = α A ∧ α B ∧ μC ( y ) 2 2 2 2
  • 19. Pioneer of fuzzy logical control (FLC) E. Mamdani and S. Assilian (1974) ─ Steam Engine Control • Input variables: pressure error (E) and the rate of pressure error (CE) E = P-Psp and & CE = E • Output variable (control input): change of heating rate (ΔU) • Fuzzy sets: 7 linguistic terms for each variable PB (positive big) PM (positive medium) PS (positive small) ZE (zero) NS (negative small) NM (negative medium) NB (negative big)
  • 20. control rules: extracted from operation experiences • For examples rule 1: IF E is PS and CE is ZE, then U is NS rule 2: IF E is ZE and CE is ZE, then U is ZE rule 3: IF E is PS and CE is NS, then U is NS
  • 21. Fuzzy inference Defuzzification (generating a control input) Performance comparison (experimental results)
  • 22. Fuzzy Control Configuration Fuzzy Controller (模糊控制器) + e E yd Inference U u • Fuzzifier Defuzzifier plant − e EC Engine y (模糊化) (解模糊化) (受控系統) de/dt (推理引擎) Fuzzy rule Base (規則庫) Fuzzification transferring crisp measured data into suitable linguistic values (fuzzy sets) Fuzzy rule base store the empirical knowledge of the operation of the process of the domain expert Inference engine the kernel of fuzzy logical control simulating human decision making Defuzzification yield a non-fuzzy decision or control action from an inferred fuzzy action by the inference engine
  • 23. Features of the FLC A model-free approach Represent a means of both collecting human knowledge and expertise Has the ability of dealing with nonlinearities and unknown dynamics
  • 24. Problems of using FLC The derivation of fuzzy rules is often time consuming and difficult. The system performance relies to a great extent on so-called experts who may not be able to transcribe their knowledge into the requisite rule form. There exists no formal framework for the choice of the parameters of a fuzzy system. The static fuzzy controller has no mechanisms for adapting to real- time plant change.
  • 25. Motivation ⇒ Bringing the learning abilities of the neural networks to automate and realize the design of fuzzy logical control systems Advantages of the combination of these two techniques: • The fuzzy logic systems provide a structure framework with high-level fuzzy IF-THEN rule thinking and reasoning to the neural network. • The neural networks provide the connectionist structure (fault tolerance and distributed representation properties) and learning ability to the fuzzy logical systems.
  • 26. Comparisons of FLC, MNN and CCT (Fukuda and Shibata, 1994) Fuzzy N e u ra l C o n v e n tio n a l S y s te m N e tw o rk C o n tro l (F L C ) (M N N ) T h e o ry (C C T ) L e a rn in g A b ility B G B K n o w le d g e G B SB R e p r e s e n ta tio n E x p e rt K n o w le d g e G B SB N o n lin e a rity G G B O p tim iz a tio n B SG SB A b ility F a u lt To le r a n c e G G B Good (G); Slihtly Good (SG); Slightly Bad (SB); Bad (B)
  • 27. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks Structure of a neuron An artificial neuron y = f (∑ wi xi + θ )
  • 28. Commonly used activated function (transfer function)
  • 29. A feedforward neural network — Structure input layer receive signals from external environment hidden layer receive signals from the input layer and transmit output signals to a subsequent layer output layer transmit output signals to environment
  • 30. Operations of an artificial neural network 1. training or learning phase — Useinput-output data to update the network parameters (interconnection weights and thresholds) 2. recall phase — Givenan input to the trained network and then generate an output 3. generalization (prediction) phase — Given a new (unknown) input to the trained network and then gives a prediction
  • 31. Properties (advantages) of MNN 1. It has the ability of approximating any extremely nonlinear functions. 2. It can adapt and learn the dynamic behavior under uncertainties and disturbances. 3. It has the ability of fault tolerance since the quantity and quality informations are distributedly stored in the weights and thresholds between neurons. 4. It is suitable to operate in a massive parallel framework.
  • 32. 3 Design of a neural fuzzy control system Control system structure − yd(t) + e(t) x1 u*(t) u(t) y(t) K3 plant NFC + ce(t) x2 de/dt − ∧ y (t) MNN learning mechanism
  • 33. A Neural Fuzzy Controller (NFC) μ11 ) (∗ π1 O11 ) (3 O1(1) x1 π2 μ12 ) (∗ . c W11 . π3 μ 1∗n) ( π4 1 I (4) u* ∑ m π5 ∑O j =1 ( 3) j O(4) μ21) (∗ π6 O 2( 1 ) O22 ) (2 x2 μ22) (∗ π7 . . . . Wl cj μ (2∗n) π m−1 Ol( 3) j πm (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) Input layer (2) Linguistic term layer (Fuzzification) (3) Rule layer (Rule Base) (4) Output layer (Fuzzy inference engine and defuzzification
  • 34. Input-output behavior of the NFC (1) Layer 1 (input layer) I i(1) = xi , i = 1, 2 oi(1) = xi ,i = 1,2 (2) Layer 2 (linguistic term layer) ( xi − a i k ) 2 I ( 2) ik =− 2 , i = 1,2; k = 1,2,L,n bik oi(k2) = μ Aij = exp(I i(k2) ), i = 1,2; k = 1,2,L,n (3) Layer 3 (Rule layer) ol( 3) = o22 ) o1 2 ) , l = 1, 2, L, n ; j = 1, 2, L, n j ( l ( j oi( 3) = μ i = I i( 3) , i = 1, 2, L , m (= n 2 ) (4) Layer 4 (Output layer) m I ( 4) = ∑ o (p3) wp p =1 I (4) o (4) = u∗= m , j = 1, 2, L, m ∑ o (j3) j =1
  • 35. A learning algorithm for the NFC System performance function (error function) 1 Ec = ( yd − y ) 2 2 Steepest descent algorithm ∂E w υ ( k + 1) = w υ ( k ) − η + β Δw υ ( k ) ∂ wυ ∂E a i j ( k + 1) = a ij ( k ) − η + β Δa i j ( k ) ∂ a ij ∂E bi j (k + 1) = bi j (k ) − η + β Δbi j (k ) ∂ bi j where ∂E ∂ E ∂ y ∂ u* = ∂ wυ ∂ y ∂ u * ∂ wυ ∂ y o (j3) = −( y d − y ) ∂ u* ∑ m p =1 o (p3)
  • 36. ∂E ∂ E ∂ y n ∂ u* ∂ o((3−1)n+l ∂ o1(2) ∂ I 1(2) ) = ∑∂ o j j j ∂ a1 j ∂ y ∂ u* l =1 ( 3) ( j −1) n +l ∂ o1(2) ∂ I 1(2) ∂ a1 j j j ∂ y 2(o1 j − a1 j ) o1 j (w ) (1) ( 2) n ∑o ∑ o (p3) − ∑p=1 o (p3) wp , m m = −( y d − y) * ( 2) ( j −1) n +l j = 1, 2, L, n ∂ u b12j (∑m o (p3) ) 2 p =1 2l l =1 p =1 ∂E ∂ y 2(o2 j − a 2 j ) o2 j (w ) (1) ( 2) n ∑o ∑ o (3) − ∑p =1 o (p3) w p , m m = −( y d − y) * ( 2) ( l −1) n + j j = 1, 2, L, n ∂ a2 j ∂ u b2 j (∑m o (p3) ) 2 p =1 p 1l 2 l =1 p =1 ∂E ∂ y 2(o1 j − a1 j ) o1 j (w ) (1) 2 (2) n ∑o ∑ o(3) − ∑p=1 o(p3) wp , m m = −( yd − y) * (2) j = 1, 2, L, n ∂ b1 j ( ∂ u b3 m o(3) 2 1 j ∑p=1 p ) l =1 2l ( j −1)n+l p=1 p And ∂E ∂ y 2(o2 j − a2 j ) o2 j (w ) (1) 2 ( 2) n ∑o ∑ o (3) − ∑p=1 o (p3) wp , m m = −( y d − y) * ( 2) j = 1, 2, L, n ∂ b2 j ( ∂ u b3 m o (3) 2 2 j ∑p =1 p ) l =1 1l ( l −1) n + j p =1 p NOTE: The only unknown in the learning algorithm is the system response gradient ∂y ∂u * ⇒ MNN-based estimator
  • 37. An MNN-based estimator (Chen and Chang, 1996) plant y(t) + u(t) − S11 . . j . w2i j i S1k . . . w3i ∧ S1, k +1 . . . y (t) . . MNN . S1, m1 Input-output behavior of the MNN ⎧ y (t − j + 1), 1≤ j ≤ k Input layer: S1 j = ⎨ ⎩u(t − j + k + 1), k + 1 ≤ j ≤ m1 m1 ~ Hidden layer: net 2i = ∑ w2i j S1 j − θ 2i , ~ i = 1,2,L,m2 j =1 − net2i 1− e S 2i = − net 2i , i = 1,2,L,m2 1+ e m2 Output layer: net3 = ∑ w3i S 2i − θ 3 , ~ i =1 ∧ ~ a (1 − e −net3 ) y= 1 + e −net3
  • 38. A learning algorithm for the MNN-based estimator Error function 1 ∧ E m = ( y − y) 2 2 Steepest descent algorithm ∧ ~ ~ ~ (k + 1) = w (k ) + η ( y − y )δ w δ S + β Δ w (k ) w2ij ~ ~ ~ 2ij 3 3i 2i 1 j 2ij ∧ ~ ~ ~ ( k + 1) = w ( k ) + η ( y − y )δ S + β Δ w ( k ) w3i ~ ~ 3i 3 2i 3i ~ ~ ∧ ~ ~ ~( y − y)δ w δ + β Δθ (k ) θ 2i (k + 1) = θ 2i (k ) + η ~ 3 3i 2i 2i ~ ~ ∧ ~ ~ ~ ( y − y )δ + β Δ θ (k ) θ 3 (k + 1) = θ 3 (k ) + η 3 3 ∧ ∧ ~ (k + 1) = a (k ) + η ( y − y ) y + β Δ a (k ) a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a where 1 δ 2i = (1 − S 2i ) (1 + S 2i ) 2 ∧ ∧ 1~ y y δ 3 = a (1 − ~ ) (1 + a ) ~ 2 a
  • 39. System's gradient prediction ∧ ∧ ∂y ∂ y ∂ y m2 ⎛ ∂ net3 ∂ S2i ∂ net2i ∂ S1, q +1 ⎞ ≈ ∂u = ∑ ⎜ ∂ S ∂ net ∂ S ⎜ ∂ net3 i =1 ⎝ * ⎟ ⎟ ∂u 1, q +1 ∂ u * * 2i 2i ⎠ m2 = δ 3 K3 ∑ w3i δ 2i w2,i , q +1 ~ ~ i =1
  • 40. Initialization of the NFC ⎧ 2 1 1 2 ⎫ a k (0) = ⎨− 1, − , − , 0, , , 1⎬ k = 1, 2 ,L ,7 ⎩ 3 3 3 3 ⎭ ⎧1 1 1 1 1 1 1⎫ k = 1, 2,L ,7 b k ( 0) = ⎨ , , , , , , ⎬ ⎩4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ⎭ Normalized initial linking weights (rule base) The suggested initial linking weights (7 segments). x1 partitions negative ← → positive x2 NB NM NS ZO PS PM PB NB −1 −1 2 2 1 1 0 − − − − ( w1 ) ( w8 ) 3 3 3 3 NM −1 0 negative 2 2 1 1 1 − − − − ( w2 ) 3 3 3 3 3 NS 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 − − − − → 3 3 3 3 3 3 partitions ZO 2 1 1 0 1 1 2 − − − 3 3 3 3 3 3 PS 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 − − ← 3 3 3 3 3 3 positive PM 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 − 3 3 3 3 3 ( w 48 ) PB 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 ( w 42 ) ( w 49 )
  • 41. 4 Application to nonlinear process control An nonlinear CSTR (Ray, 1981) Dynamic equations: • x2 x1 = − x1 + D a (1 − x1 ) exp( ) 1 + x2 / ϕ • x2 x 2 = −(1 + δ ) x 2 + BD a (1 − x1 ) exp( ) +δu 1 + x2 / ϕ x1 d im e n s io n le s s r e a c ta n t c o n c e n tr a tio n x2 d im e n s io n le s s re a c to r te m p e ra tu re u c o o lin g ja c k e t te m p e ra tu re Da D a m k ö h le r n u m b e r ϕ a c tiv a tio n e n e rg y B h e a t o f re a c tio n δ h e a t tr a n s fe r c o e ffic ie n t Nominal system parameters (Chu et al., 1992) Da = 0.072, ϕ = 20.0, B = 8, δ = 0.3
  • 42. Equilibrium points ( x1 , x2 ) A = (0144,0.886) . (stable) ( x1 , x2 ) B = (0.445, 2.750) (unstable) ( x1 , x2 ) c = (0.765, 4.705) (stable) ( x1 , x2 ) A ( x1 , x2 ) B — Control objective: →
  • 43. Performance test and comparison — Parameter uncertainties ( δ : 0.3 → 0.35; B :8 → 7.5)
  • 44. Unmeasured disturbance rejection (d=0.5) — Handling hard input constraint ( − 2 ≤ u ≤ 2 )
  • 45. Measurement delay (0.2 min) — Measurement noise (std.=0.01)
  • 46. 5 Conclusions and future prospect Conclusions The advantages of the neural fuzzy control system: Combines the benefits of fuzzy logical system (knowledge representation and reasoning) and neural networks (fault tolerance and learning ability) Provides an effective intelligent approach to complex process control without any a priori process knowledge model-free direct control be able to deal with uncertainties and nonlinearities directly Future prospect stability analysis application to multivariable process control Self rules reduction and extraction
  • 47.
  • 48. Thanks for your attention.