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Speech Essay Format
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Speech Essay Format" can be a challenging endeavor,
demanding a nuanced understanding of both speech and essay writing. The complexity lies in
merging the elements of oral communication with the structural requirements of a written
composition. Striking a balance between the spoken word's immediacy and the organized
structure of an essay poses a unique set of challenges.
To begin with, one must delve into the intricacies of effective speech delivery. This involves
understanding the dynamics of tone, pitch, and pacing that captivate an audience.
Simultaneously, the writer must grapple with the more rigid components of essay construction,
such as crafting a thesis statement, providing supporting evidence, and maintaining a coherent
Addressing the nuances of speech essay format requires a meticulous examination of rhetorical
devices. Consideration must be given to how rhetorical strategies, like ethos, pathos, and logos,
can be seamlessly integrated into the fabric of the essay. The task involves not just explicating
the technicalities of speech delivery but also analyzing the impact of these elements on the
overall persuasiveness and engagement of the audience.
Furthermore, the challenge lies in presenting ideas in a manner that retains the vitality of spoken
language while adhering to the conventions of written discourse. Striking this balance demands
a finesse in language use, where words must resonate with the force of spoken expression but
remain structured within the confines of written form.
In conclusion, navigating the intricate terrain of a "Speech Essay Format" essay demands a
synthesis of two seemingly disparate realms—speech and written composition. It requires a
writer to navigate the delicate balance between the spontaneity of spoken language and the
structured coherence expected in an essay. Success in this endeavor hinges on the writer's ability
to seamlessly integrate the art of oration with the discipline of essay writing.
For those seeking assistance with essays on various topics, including speech essay formats, it's
worth exploring platforms like, where similar essays and much more can be
ordered to aid in academic and creative writing pursuits.
Speech Essay Format Speech Essay Format
A Brief Note On The Automotive Engineering Field
One of the most fascinating professions is automotive engineering,it s all about
shaping the future. Automotive engineering is many different things, taking ideas,
putting them on paper and making them work. From daily driving fuel efficiency
to cornering a 100 mph in a rally race. This involves smart men and women that
want to make an impact in the world. I would like to get in the automotive
engineering field . It s a great fit for me because i love cars, i m that type of guy that
can tell you the year, make, and model of the car just by looking at it.I don t
discriminate because like paul walker once said i appreciate them all . What you
drive makes you who you are. Rally racing has been a dream of... Show more content
on ...
and how has it impacted us? I m eighteen years old, and like many other guys my
age all we think about and talk about is cars. I am a car enthusiast, i love JDM ima
fan Performance cars from japan. Rally racing, drifting, and drag racing is the
best! Like i said my cousin and other family members drag race trucks in the sand, i
ve grown up seeing that and lot of people go out to see it, My dad has never really
been into cars so i grew the love here in the united states by myself. Movies like
fast and furious or shows like initial D have hooked me into cars. I want to help the
world make performance cars. Faster, Stronger! That s what i like. When i began
doing this senior project i knew it had to be about cars i was excited to get started.
To be where we are today in the car world someone had to invent some form of car
or transportation. It would take the brain of a mastermind, a genius! So who invented
the car? It s actually not that simple there were many inventors and engineers but the
credit goes to one man. Karl Benz, yes the founder of mercedes benz! In 1885 he
created the first gasoline car powered by an internal combustion engine, I mean it was
a tiny car only a one or two passenger car. It had three wheels, kinda looked like a
bike. Had a high speed single cylinder with an amazing
Ellison Onizuka Major Accomplishments
Ellison Onizuka was an Asian American astronaut that worked on the Discovery
and Challenger missions. He was born on June 24, 1946 in Kealakua, Hawaii. As a
child he picked coffee beans to make money for his family. He went to the
University of Colorado and was in their Air Force ROTC program and studied
aerospace engineering. Ellison Onizuka impacted space exploration by becoming
the first Asian American in space, working on the IUS on the Discovery mission,
and the tragic fate of the Challenger mission. Onizuka s first major accomplishment
was becoming the first Asian American in space. Onizuka became the first Asian
American in space in January of 1985 when he joined the crew of the Discovery
for the shuttle program s first Department of Defense mission (,
2018). Onizuka was the type of person that never forgot where he came from. He
remembers being a little kid in Hawaii and dreaming of becoming an astronaut. He
feels he can have an impact on the next generation of young Hawaiians and
minorities around the world. That they can become something even when the odds
seem low. The trip made him the first astronaut from Hawaii as well as the first...
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Onizuka was responsible for the primary payload activities, which included the
deployment of a modified Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) (,2018). As a
payload specialist he was in charge of specific payloads, in this case the Inertial
Upper stage which is a booster rocket that sends satellites to deep space. This
mission also included the first department of defense payload. With the completion
of this flight he logged 74 hours in space (,2018). This included 48
orbits around the Earth. Onizuka was in space for just over three days. It s
fascinating to think that he has been dreaming of this for his entire life and that he
can do his job in
Not Celebrating Christopher Columbus Essay
Christopher Columbus should not be considered a hero because he took advantage of
the generosity of the natives to achieve his greedy ambition.
Even though he is celebrated in the United States, Christopher Columbus should not
be considered a hero. He took advantage of the generosity of the American natives he
found. His greedy ambition had horrible results that most Americans do not even
Christopher Columbus was born in about 1451 in the Italian city of Genoa. He was
the son of a wool merchant, and spent most of his childhood working as a part time
weaver. (Zinn) During his teenage years, Columbus got job on a merchant ship and
stayed mostly at sea until 1470, when French privateers attacked his boat.
Unfortunately the ... Show more content on ...
(Rouse) The Taino natives had been living off the islands for over 1,500 years and
developed a set of strong values, consisting of generosity, kindness, and gentle
personalities. Their culture was so intricate and multifaceted, and the Taino fed
millions of people. In addition to feeding everyone, the Taino also maintained a
spirituality that encompassed the respect of their animal and other natural food
sources. (Barreiro) The Tanios all lived together in little villages and had a
developed agriculture of corn, yams, and cassava. They could spin and weave, but
they had no horses or other work animals. They had no iron, but they wore tiny gold
ornaments in their ears. The word Taino in the Arawaklanguage meant men of the
good, and based on what the historians have seen these Taino people seem to be
inherently good. (Barreiro) Well known for their remarkable hospitality, their belief in
sharing, the native people were open, friendly, and welcoming to Columbus and his
crew from the moment they stepped foot on the Taino s island.
To the Taino people, Christopher Columbus and his crew were complete strangers
who arrived carrying swords and speaking an unfamiliar language. Yet the Taino men,
women, and children quickly emerged from their villages and ran onto the island s
beaches to welcome these unwanted guests with food, water, and gifts. (Zinn)
The Early Childhood Education Of Literacy And Numeracy
Introduction Literacy and numeracy are the most vital skills for any individual in
modern society. The early childhood education of literacy and numeracy is of great
importance to not only intellectual growth but also to emotional and social
development in later years. Literacy is one of the fundamental ability for one to be
able to make sense of text, signs, books, and modern technologies. Numeracy
includes aspects such as number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry,
which are all vital to one s daily and professional life. The first few years of one s
life is the key period to establish literacy and numeracy as one s brain development
is at its peak in this period, and the better the foundation of literacy and numeracy is,
the more likely one is going to successful in academic and social performance in later
years. Also as a social experience, literacy and numeracy education is greatly
influenced by one s social environment, or in early childhood settings, one s family
environment. Bronfenbrenner s (1979) ecological systems theory is the foundation of
ecological and sociocultural guideline of literacy and numeracy education in early
childhood settings. The theory are essentially a set of interconnected and yet
isomorphic layers of systems that affect the development of the children from a social
aspect, e.g. the microsystem describes the interaction between the carer and the child,
mesosystem describes the interactions between the family and the teacher,
Jamaica Kincaid s Powerful Short Story Girl
Jamaica Kincaid s powerful short story Girl is a mother daughter dispute. The
mother lists several tips trying to give advice and counsel her daughter. The way
the mother expresses her advice I would not consider as motherly, but more as if
she was a social critic. I visualize the mother as a representation of the damage that
society can do to a person s mind. It is hard for me to believe that this type of
parenting behavior used to be nothing out of the ordinary. In some circumstances, I
felt like the mother kept tormenting her daughter of these duties, so she could fulfill
the proper image to society. The poor girlwas being constrained. While reading this
story, I could sense the harshness from the mother to the daughter... This truly
Nike And Under Armour Essay
Interim Report
MNGT 481
A) Problem/ Opportunity
Columbia Sportswear Company is one of the largest wholesalers of outdoor
sportswear and equipment in the United States. Columbia Sportswear competes in
the consumer goods sector, apparel clothing industry (COLM Profile Yahoo!
Finance, 2015). As of December 31, 2014, they operated 74 outlet retail stores, 19
branded retail stores, and 5 brand specific e commerce Websites in the United States
(COLM Profile Yahoo! Finance, 2015). As an enterprise participating in this industry,
one of the major obstacles the company faces is standing out amongst an intense line
up of rivals; those of which include Nike, North Face, and Lululemon.
Columbia Sportswear already ... Show more content on ...
The VRIO model of sustainability describes four characteristics value, rarity,
inimitability, and organization to exploit profits from which a company s
competitive advantage(s) arises. (Dyer, 2015, p.53) Columbia Sportswear creates
value in the fact that they take advantage of its long standing supplier relationships
to produce high quality products from around the world while controlling costs,
involving themselves in the supply chain early on rather than later which is typical
of the industry to get involved later on in the supply chain (Edgar Pro, 1998,
Sourcing as a Competitive Advantage). The company believes that their
relationship with suppliers increases flexibility and capacity in production and
allows the company for higher quality control while reducing costs. (Edgar Pro,
1998, Sourcing as a Competitive Advantage) Through this competitive advantage,
they are able to provide customers the value that is high quality outdoor sportswear
products that gives its brand the positive brand image as the producer of
dependable products with proven high quality. This value creation through their
products is critical for the company s survival because the company faces intense
rivalries. Rivalry, as identified as one of the five forces that shape a firm s potential
profitability, is a critical factor that impacts just about every aspects of corporate
decisions. (Dyer,
Growing Up In Presidential Elections
There is a point when politics begin saturating daily life from the incredible overload
of constant argument and confusion. I personally dream of the day when I can get
through a meal without politics being brought up, when I can go on the internet and
not see headlines about who insulted who.
In a world where there is increasingly significant polar opposite feelings, it is hard to
stay focused on one s own feelings with so many other opinions being constantly
expressed. From confused and frustrated to incredibly confident and angry, it is
impossible not to clash with others. Because of the divide between voters, there is
increased arguments and talk of the election in general.
Although I fully believe that it is important to be an informed ... Show more content
on ...
The basis of a qualified leader and what each candidate has to offer to the country is
lost in constant leaks of emails and videos.
Normally, the political election is regarded as really beginning when the candidates
are nominated, but this is not a normal election. The 2016 election has been looming
over the American population since before even the primary and caucus debates.
Possibly the most publicized presidential race in American history, it is easy to get
wrapped up in the soap opera like daily news headlines.
According to a study led by the GDELT Project, television networks have mentioned
Donald Trump 108,735 times and Clinton 64,345 times in the past 30 days alone.
This statistic does not even include the countless information thrown at the public
through websites, news publications, and social media.
During the election, media has grabbed at any information regarding the candidates
imaginable. The avalanche of media coverage takes away from essential facts that an
informed citizen requires to make a responsible decision when
Willy Loman s Dysfunctional Family
The Loman s Dysfunctional Family The Loman s are quite the hectic family. The
house is constantly bickering and absolutely full of folk tales. Whether it is small
white lies or enormous secretes, the family does it all. The family tries to get along
and show their love for one another but a times it can be too hard to believe or trust in
another person. Throughout the book the familyshows numerous ways of being
To begin with, the entire Loman family has shown their part of being a dysfunctional
family. Both Happy and Biff are unemployed and live at home with their parents. The
two have it put in their minds that they have had many different wonderful jobs, but
in the end they discover that never actually happened. Willy is constantly yelling at
Linda when she shows him nothing ... Show more content on ...
Next, the biggest problem in this family would have to be Willy. His own insanity is
tearing the family apart. During the story, Death of a Salesman , Biff overhears Willy
Talking to himself which causes an enormous fight between his mother Linda,
himself, and eventually Willy. Biff is tired of how mad his father has become and
wants a way to get him treatment but Linda believes there is nothing that can be
done. Willy s insanity is the cause of most the uproars in this household.
In conclusion, every family has their own flaws. The Loman family has shown their
flaws on several different accounts throughout the story. Willy s mental illness has
not only affected him, but his two sons and wife as well. He basically is making
Biff and Happy believe things that never happened and causing them, mainly Biff to
fight with their parents. Linda is going crazy and is willing to give up her children
because of him. Throughout everything and even Willy s death, the family still loves
each other
Frazier Case
This case outlines the background of the negotiations between NBC (National
Broadcasting Corporation) and Paramount for the extension of renegotiating the
rights to the TV show, Frasier. While NBC wanted to pay under $5 million per
episode in order to make a profit, Paramount seemed to be demanding $8 million
per episode. This was a very big gap considering that there were 24 episodes per
season and that Paramount wanted a three year term on the renegotiated contracted.
The key parties in this case are NBC (represented by Mark Graboff, Scott Sassa and
Jeff Zucker) and Paramount (represented by Kerry McCluggage and Gary Hart).
What is NBC s BATNA?
NBC s BATNA was to either steal a show from another network or begin... Show
more content on ...
Since Paramount could not negotiate for a price lower than $5 million with other
networks, Viacom probably would not agree to a loss making deal unless it felt that
Frasier would have a significant impact on other CBS shows (in other words, be a tent
pole ) as well as on CBS internal power struggle.
What is your best estimate of their respective reservation prices ( walk away price )?
Be sure and explain your answer. Don t just give a number.
The initial offer from Paramount was a 20% increase over what NBC was paying.
This translates to roughly about $6 million per episode. However, NBC s initial
number was 5% less than what they were paying currently. This translates to roughly
about $4.75 million per episode. Later, Paramount came down by $500,000 per
episode ($5.5 million per episode). This still represented a sizable difference.
Based on these facts, I would put Paramount s reservation price being in the range
of $5 $5.25 million per episode. This is because their BATNA is not very strong
and the fact that NBC were the industry leaders in terms of license fees, especially
for prime time shows. Additionally, they called NBC to still work on the deal,
which gives a strong hint that they were still open to negotiation. On the other hand,
NBC s reservation price would be in the range of $5.5 $5.75 million. Though NBC s
BATNA is also not very strong, they have other alternatives. And
Artificial Intelligence And Alan Turing
Alan Turing The A.I. Alan Turing cracked the enigma code on July 9th, 1941 and
laid the infrastructure for artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has come a
long way since the first robot was perfected. In 1950, Alan Turing published,
Computer Machinery and Intelligence. This book introduced the birth of artificial
intelligence as we know it today. Millions of robots with advanced technology and
uses are being created every day since the emergence of this first robot occurred in
1969. While the world advances, so is technology. Technology is progressing and
becoming better and more reliable, each day. Artificial intelligence is a certain
type of technology that is resourceful nationwide. People use it in the medical field,
it s also been helpful to military forces, this technology is truly helping our world
to become a better place. The systems that are created to help in the medical field
have been programmed to help in one specific area of medicine (Masci). This is a
good strategy to slowly introduce robotics into the medical field. If each robot is
specially set up to help with, for example, kidney transplant, the robot would be
capable of being an expert and learning how to make these procedures more efficient.
Some may argue that robots would be inadequate in the operating room because they
may not recognize certain situations. How will we know what these systems can and
cannot handle until we try? Scientists now are formulating a plan to program these
Sin In The Scarlett Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne
White as Snow
Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of The Scarlet Letter, emphasizes the severity of sin
throughout the entire novel. He uses different symbols to show how sin was dealt
with when it came to what the people in the Puritan community believe. When a sin
was committed, the community punished the person, sometimes to the point of
death. Hester Prynne committed adultery, which was one act of sin taken very
seriously. The community wanted to kill her, but Arthur Dimmesdale, a minister and
also her daughter s father, convinced the other ministers to spare Hester. She was
forced to wear the scarlet letter A, which stand for adulterer, for the rest of her life.
Hawthorne reveals a common theme of sin by using: the scarlet letter A, Pearl, and
Arthur Dimmesdale s failing health along with Roger Chillingworth s thirst for
revenge. Hester Prynne was chastised by her community because of her sin of
adultery. Though they spared her life, she was ... Show more content on ...
Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of, The Scarlet Letter, presented Pearl as someone
who is much more than just a symbol of Hester and Arthur s sin. Though the
community only thought of her as an accident, she chose to not let everyone
dictate her life. Pearl represents so much more than just an accident, and that is
what Hawthorne is conveying to the readers. A scholar writes, ...his use of her in
every decisive scene seem to justify an assumption that she is more than a passive
link between her father and mother and more than a static symbol of their sin
(McNamara 537). Pearl was the one having to live every day in the grim spotlight
of the community because they perceived her as an outcast. She never had friends
because the other children s parents would not allow their children to be around
Pearl. Pearl signified how much a person can love someone else, even if that person
derived from a place of
Cephalosporin Case Study
1. What assessments will you make prior to prescribing a cephalosporin? The patient
s medication allergies need to be questioned due to the high incidence of a drug
reaction to cephalosporins if the patient has an allergy to penicillin (UpToDate, 2015).
2. What first line cephalosporin will you prescribe? When treating primary or
secondary skin infections, first generation cephalosporins are recommended as the
standard initial treatment (Woo Wynne, 2012). According to Woo Wynne (2012),
cephalexin is the most used drug for surgical incision infections (Woo Wynne, 2012).
Woo Wynne (2012) recommend dosing for cephalexin for soft tissue and skin
infections 500mg every 12 hours (Woo Wynne, 2012). 3. What are the
pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics for the first line
cephalosporins? (Address the action, use, contraindications, drug to drug and drug to
food interaction, adverse effects, and patient teaching/nursing interventions.)
According to Woo Wynne (2012): Pharmacokinetics: Oral forms of cephalosporins
are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Absorption is delayed by food,
except for in oral ester prodrugs where absorption is... Show more content on ...
This requires clinical, microbiological, and laboratory data. Signs and symptoms of
superinfections should be noted. Nurses must also note signs and symptoms of
hemolytic anemia. Urinalysis, BUN, and creatinine should be used to assess the
patient s renal function when they are on prolonged treatment. If impaired renal
function is indicated the dosage should be decreased. Some cephalosporins affect
blood clotting and require a baseline and assessment of prothrombin level (PT). These
patients should also be monitored for disulfiram reactions. Nurses should also educate
patients on administration, adverse reactions, side effects, and lifestyle management
(Woo Wynne,
Cory Doctorow s Little Brother
Little Brother is a novel written by Cory Doctorow. The story takes place in the
city of San Francisco, where the city is made a target and bombed by terrorists.
The novel tells the story of Marcus Yallow, a seventeen year old student and tech
genius, and his best friends, who are accusedly held responsible for the attacks on
the Bay Bridge. They are detained by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
and are heavily interrogated to the point of torture, where Marcus feels it is
unnecessary and inhumane. When the DHS become aware that they make a huge
mistake in who they are suspecting as the real offenders, the group of friends are
released, only for them to realize that their friend Darryl is missing and his
whereabouts are unknown.... Show more content on ...
Marcus becomes an icon in the eyes of the citizens fighting for individual privacy
and civil rights. As this group rapidly grows and evolves, Marcus and his followers
now attend an illegal open air concert in Dolores Park. He meets the love of his life
Ange and just when things start to get a little intimate between the two, the police
and DHS come break up the concert with pepper spray. This ultimately leads to
Marcus finding out that Darryl is alive and hidden in prison when a man named
Zeb approaches Marcus in the streets and passes him the information in the form of
a note, giving Marcus hope and inspiring him to keep going on. At this point,
Marcus has gathered enough courage to tell his parents about everything that he
has been through and is now open to tell Barbara Stratford, a newspaper reporter
for the Bay Guardian, known for her intense and deep investigations in her work. As
word is getting out on the secrets of the DHS, Marcus is put on a ticking clock as he
needs to do everything in his power
The Importance Of Gender Pronouns
Introduce the issue
Gender pronouns are an ever growing issue in our world, developing into an
exceptionally hot
topic in today s society. There are some citizens out there who prefer the use of non
binary pronouns
such as they/their instead of him/her, because they feel as though their gender should
not be assumed.
Even though some people may not agree with banning gender pronouns, it would
protect transgender
and other non binary people from discrimination, expand the possibilities for gender
identity and
expression, and reduce the impact that gender has on our educational system.
Explain why it is compelling to you
Gender pronouns make me curious because most humans do not have to worry about
harassment due to their gender or how they portray themselves. This is bothersome to
me because we
are all human beings and in my opinion, deserve the same rights as everyone else.
There are many
obstacles that trans and non binary people have to face, such as harassment,
discrimination, and they
may not get the same opportunities within the job market or colleges because of their
personal gender
choices. A national Transgender Discrimination Survey showed that 26% of trans
people lost their jobs
due to bias, 50% were harassed on the job, 20% were evicted or denied housing, and
78% of trans
students were harassed or assaulted ( 2017.) From the web article
Discrimination Laws they state,
Suspects In The Beaumont Case
Suspects in this case were Arthur Stanley Brown, James Ryan O Neill, Derek
Percy, but the main suspect in his case was Bevan Von Einem (Owen, 2002).
Bevan Von Einem was convicted of murderer in 1984. He murder 1 5 boys and
young boys. He was a suspect in the Beaumont case because a witness name Mr. B
(Not the witness real name) had told the police the Einmen had told him that he had
kidnap the Beaumont children back then. He also told police that he had brilliant
torture them and that one died the youngest (Grant). Mr. B also said that the bodies
had been dumped at Moana somewhere south of Adelaide. At the time of the
disappearances Einmen was around Glenelg beach and always too friendly with
children. He was also known as drugging and sexual
What Makes Augustine s Confessions Memorable
Maddie Yamona
Western Civilization II
Mr. Horswell
29 September, 2017
What makes Augustine s Confessions memorable
Augustine s Confessions was a major piece of work that heavily influenced the
religion back in his times. Augustine s Confessions is still read today because of the
relatability it shows in aspects of depression, love, and finding your identity.
Throughout the book Augustine goes through his life and the decisions he has made
and how they made him either a better or worse person. We can use Augustine s
Confessions as a tool to also evaluate our own lives and decisions because of the
way he judges himself and what he considers to be the best and worst things he has
done and why. Augustine goes through trying to find himself through things of the
world and then finally realizes why he can not when he steps back and looks at the
fact that he must first find himself in God.
Augustine finds himself going through hard times throughout the Confessions and
this includes the struggle with depression. Augustine loses one of his very close
friends and begins to become depressed, I raged and sighed and wept and worried, I
could not rest, I could not think intelligent. (Augustine. 64). When Augustine
becomes depressed he says that he does not want to be around people and people can
relate to this because when people are upset they want time to themselves to think not
time around other people. Another example of when Augustine is depressed is when
Augustine realizes how
Overview Of Nursing Documentation
Documentation is a very important task that all nurses must do when working in the
healthcare field. Accurate documentation not only assures high quality patient care
but is our best defense in a malpractice lawsuit. Avoiding malpractice by proper and
complete documentation is about more than just avoiding a lawsuit making it to
court; it is about avoiding the litigation process entirely. We need to remember that
documenting has to be legible, complete, and thoughtful to prevent risks for
litigation. A patient s chart is a medical and legal document.
When documenting, nurses must keep in mind that the information has to be
complete, correct, and timely. Incomplete, misleading or missing documentation
create problems when presented as evidence ... Show more content on
When possible, you should avoid documenting by exception (a quick method
commonly used to document normal findings that includes defined normals) i.e. a
care activity is assumed done unless charted otherwise (Proactive prevention, 2016),
because this can be considered as careless documentation, leading to unclear
communication. We need to remember that documenting has to be complete and
thoughtful to prevent risks for litigation. Again, a patient s chart is a medical and
legal document.
My example of correct documentation that I am going to use today is based on my
recent experience in the CVOU. I took care of one of my nurse s patients through the
entire cardiac procedure. All my interventions were important, so I documented
them as soon as they were done. During post procedure, I had to assess the patient s
femoral incision site for bleeding and swelling or hardening, legs for color and
edema, and pedal and popliteal pulses q15 min x4 and q30 min x2. Although, I was
taking care of another patient at the same time, I kept in the back of my head the
need to assess my primary patient during each time frame, and documented my
findings right away, which takes only a minute or two so there was no delay
documentation, which may have led to
Gender Roles In Zora Neale Hurston s Their Eyes Were...
What would you feel like as a woman if your husband was seen as more important
or powerful than you? Or if it was considered okay for your husband to do whatever
he please towards you? In Zora Neale Hurston s, Their Eyes Were Watching God,
the book revolves around Janie and what has happened in her life prior to returning
to Eatonville, after burying the dead . The concept of genderroles impacts Janie, and
the mayor, Jody s lives and marriage. If the idea of women and men s ideal jobs didn
t exist, then Jody wouldn t think he had complete power and authority over Janie. If
men and women didn t have certain jobs they had to fulfill, then the concept of
gender would not have as big of an effect as it does. Zora starts off the book with a
Gender Segregation Of Canada s Labor
Ever since the 1929 Person s case, women were recognized as equal in the eyes of
the law and this was revolutionizing. This is the first time in Canadian history where
a certain social group stood up for what they believed in because, women wanted to
be treated as equals. In today s society we do recognized women to be just as equal as
men, but this does not pertain in Canada s labor force because women are still
being treated unfairly in regards to fair wages and the possibility of being able to
work any job around Canada. Gendersegregation in our labor market can be
explained as, not being able to receive that same treatment as the opposite sex. This
is because women are stereotypically looked at as a weaker gender; they expect
women to work part time jobs, and the unfair wagegap between women and men.
Firstly, because women are thought to be a weaker gender, their access to jobs
diminishes because women are looked at for only being good in raising children.
Employers find male workers to be more beneficial in regards to any job because men
are looked more as a stronger and smarter than woman. For Example, we find it
frowned upon when we see a femaleconstruction worker, or a firefighter; this I
because as men we think that women are not strong enough or capable to accomplish
the tasks within these jobs. It is stated that large scale factory production was a
growing separation between the work that men and woman did. Men were drawn into
the industrial wage labor
I Want To Change School Hours Essay
One reason why people might not want to change the school hours is because of the
effect it might have on after school activities. If the schools starting hour is pushed
back a little later in the morning then the time of dismissal will be later in the day.
Which can affect those in any after school activities by reducing the time of
availability for practices and matches(National Sleep Foundation). Though this may
be true but in middle schoolthere are not as many after school activities as in high
schoolso it will not affect middle school as it may affect high school. Also by
cutting out any after school activities that are not as popular as others or ones that
do not benefit the school in any way, there can be more space and time for the
other ones. Another reason why someone may feel that school starting later in the
day may be a bad idea is because any teacher working or helping with any after
school activities will have to go home later in the day and have less time with their
family(National Sleep Foundation). This statement also may be true but a study
shows that in practice teachers rarely find this to be true.
A poll found that 60% of children ... Show more content on ...
Sleeping is very important for the human body, when students don t get the required
amount it can lead them to do not so well in school. Schools should be shortened for
middle and high school students. This is important because it will very much help
the students and the teachers by focusing more on their school work and succeeding
in the future with the skills they learned in school. If schools throughout the world
changed the time of the schools openings to a little later in the morning then it will
become a better future for many of the current students and many more to come.
People need to take this seriously and try it out so they can know for a fact that
students that get the required amount of sleep will do better in
The Destructive Sprawl of the Suburbia on the
The Destructive Sprawl of the Suburbia on the Environment Growing up in
Northern Toronto, it had never occurred to me that the neighbourhood I was living
in was planned long before my neighbors or I decided to move and build this a
community. As I grew older and I started to notice new areas being built I noticed
that from afar those hundreds of houses were being built and organized in
preparation for hundreds of families. Personally, I am interested in the development
of subdivisions and the suburbs due to my family owning a property around the area
of Lake Simcoe. It seems as though that with every passing year it takes another few
kilometers or minutes to escape the confines of the citydue to the growth of the
suburbs around... Show more content on ...
The end of the war opened new avenues for the American public due to new
innovations in technology and organization (Marshall, 1979). Abraham Levitt, an
American entrepreneur, established a community in Nassau County, Long Island.
Levitt converted former farmland into a suburban community where thousands of
individuals could find housing. Approximately, 17,000 houses were built and sold
or rented to middle income families (Naish, 2014). Among the American
population, there was a desire for individual freedom following World War II. One
being able to attain a large living space and accumulate material wealth became
engrained in the American Dream. Many realized that the suburbs and living in
planned subdivisions of land was an affordable option. This led to the growth of
suburbia throughout the late 20th century. These same desires are what allow the
suburbs to flourish today. The US Census Bureau published in 2002 The
Demographic Trends of the 20th Century. In the 20th century, the American
population grew from 76 million to 281 million, with 80% of the 281 million living
in urban areas. It is the suburbs that represented the largest degree of growth.
Suburbia houses over 50% of the American people (Hobbs et al., 2014).
While providing high quality housing for millions of people across North America,
the sprawl of Suburbia has harmed the
The Role of Women in Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart
More than those of any other African writer, Chinua Achebe s writings have helped
to develop what is known as African literature today. And the single book which has
helped him to launch his revolution is the classic, Things Fall Apart. The focus of
this essay includes: 1) Achebe s portraiture of women in his fictional universe, the
existing sociocultural situation of the period he is depicting, and the factors in it that
condition male attitudes towards women; 2) the consequences of the absence of a
moderating female principle in his fictions; 3) Achebes progressively changing
attitudetowards women s roles; and 4) feminist prospects for African women. In the
context of this study, the Igbo people whom Achebe describes will... Show more
content on ...
Things Fall Apart is significant because it began the vogue of African novels of
cultural contact and conflict. It has been translated into over twenty major world
languages. Commensurate with its popularity, images of women receive attention.
In a style that is expository rather than prescriptive, Achebe s novel mirrors the
sociocultural organization existing in the Africa of the era he describes. Like Zora
Neale Hurston s Janie Mae Crawford (when married to Jody Starks), Achebe s
women are voiceless. But where even Janie is highly visible, his women are virtually
In Of Woman Born (1977), Adrienne Rich unwittingly captures all the nuances of the
African traditional social milieu when she describes patriarchy as:
the power of the fathers: a familial, social, ideological, and political system in which,
by direct pressure or through tradition, law and language, customs, etiquette,
education, and division of labor men determine
Catoctin Mountain Review Essay
The National Park Service (NPS) and the U. S. Department of the Interior (USDI)
drafted the Catoctin Mountain National Park Management Plan and Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) (2006) to impart knowledge of a need for action to facilitate
the regeneration of vegetation and reforestation of the park. A population of white
tailed deer that was exceeding an estimated 100 individual animals per square mile
was over browsing the vegetation. According to the EIS a population of 15 to 20
individuals is optimal to protect herd health and allow regeneration of the vegetation.
The EIS listed four alternatives that were investigated in depth according to the
National Environmental Protection Act requirements (FHWA, n.d.) these... Show
more content on ...
This alternative would reach the goals through the length of the plan. The reduction
in deer population would not be rapid and regeneration would be seen mostly in the
exclusions until the population had diminished and the plan cost is over $9.5 million.
The preferred alternative, alternative C was comprised of the continuation of
alternative A with the use of sharpshooting and the subduing and euthanization of
deer to rapidly reduce the population to the goal range in three years. Through this
alternative the goals would be meet in a relatively short time frame at a cost between
$738,600 and $941,100. The final alternative, alternative D also continued alternative
A with the combination of sharpshooting, euthanization, and reproduction control.
Alternative D would meet the goals of the plan in a similar time frame as alternative
C with a cost of between $1.4 and $1.6 million.
Rejected alternatives:
Several alternatives were rejected for various reasons. The first rejected alternative
was a managed hunt, for the need of legislation change in congress to allow a hunt on
NPS land and possible cost and safety issues. A second was sterilization of bucks,
which would only show moderate control of the population if the dominant buck
were sterilized. Predator reintroduction was next rejected, because studies have shown
that predators have not shown consistent
The Tragedy Of The Titanic Disaster
On the night of April 14, 1912 the world was struck with disaster as the RMS
Titanic collided with an iceberg and sunk into the sea. Only 31.6% survived the
disaster. In order to understand what factors lead to the highest chances of survival,
this project uses a Titanic passenger database and decision trees in order to classify
survivors into two groups, survived and perished. Then using this information, rank
the most important factors regarding the likelihood of survival. From our
experiments we found that the most important factor in surviving the Titanic disaster
was title and that a decision treethat created around that variable as its highest level
decision had a correct classification rate of 79.425%
1 Introduction
On the night ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the database also provides the class that the passenger was in, their
ticket number, their cabin number, ticket price, and where they embarked. From this
information, we hope to understand what factors played and role in survival and
which were the most important.
The rest of this paper proceeds as follows: In section 2, this paper discusses the
creation of a decision tree. Section 3 describes to experimentation on the Titanic
dataset. Section 4 gives the results of the comparison and the conclusions from the
2 Creating a Decision Tree
We decided that the best to answer these questions would be to create a decision
tree in order to classify which passengers into two categories survived and
perished. By creating a decision tree that was able to classify most of the
passengers statuses correctly, we know which of the factors were the most
important due to the fact that the most important factors would be located at the top
of the tree. The factors located on lower levels of the tree are less important, due to
the fact that they are the deciding factor for survival for a smaller group of people.
To create a decision tree, we begin by cleaning the data that we receive from the
database. First, we remove the names of the passengers, due to the fact that we can
more easily refer to them by their passenger ids. We also remove the information
connected to cabin number, due
Romantic Love Essay
Romantic love as a cultural script includes the belief that love is all you need; true
love lasts forever; true lovers become one; love is pure and good; and anything
done in the name of love cannot be wrong (Ben Ze ev Goussinsky, 2008). Romantic
ideology encompasses positive aspects of love, such as mutual devotion and
intimacy. This influence is present in a beginning scene where Angela is talking to
Mamen about her boyfriend and stating her faithfulness. She explains how she is
able to separate the job (prostitution) from her loyalty. Even if work is busy, 30
guys in a day, she will continue to be faithful. Angela advises Mamen to take care of
her own boyfriend. Then a pseudo scenario is brought up where a hot guy at a club
is present... Show more content on ...
Later on, Caya is on a date with Manuel and she asks him that question. She
basically cries when he replies that he would definitely pick her up from work.
Zulema also contributes to the romantic script by showing us some affiliation as she
cooks for one of her returning clients. A final instance that is in the grey area between
insanity and romantic love is Caya s mother, Pilar. Looping into the ideology that
true love lasts forever, we can see how Pilar continues to love her dead husband
because she does not accept the fact he has passed. During the film, Pilar
consistently receives flowers to her house from an anonymous sender. At first
perception we can think she has a secret admirer. Subsequently, her son supports
the idea of the admirer, but Pilar insists that they are from her husband. It is later
revealed by Caya that she had been sending flowers to herself the whole time.
Physical attractiveness is especially important to men choosing a prospective
sexual partner or mate, as shown by research in many cultures. Males will usually
choose good looks, whereas women favor personal qualities and earning abilities.
Preference is also determined by sexist attitudes about gender roles. People with
more sexist beliefs about gender role ideologies prefer partners who have traditional
masculine/feminine qualities (Crawford, 2012). Using the films schema, we can
identify good looks as big breasts, big butts, nice hair, fixed nails, and a clean
appearance overall. Caya
How Did The North Win The Civil War
Weapons of the Civil War: Why Did The North Win? Battles have been fought
since the dawn of time. Weapons have gradually become more technological and
sophisticated each and every time. People learn from their mistakes, as did the
Indians in the late 1700s, as well as the Confederate troops from the Civil War. The
Union was victorious in this war for freedom, and to this day, the north is more the
heart of the country s economy. Weapons have been around from the Neanderthals of
the post ice age, to the Taliban in Afghanistan. Rocks became knives, sticks became
spears, and bayonets became AK 47 s. The technology from the French and Indian
War was revolutionized and manufactured by the newly opened weaponry companies.
Colt... Show more content on ...
The cap and ball had two barrels, which held nine .40 caliber rounds on the upper
barrel, and a .63 caliber on the lower barrel, and came with the option of either an
eighteen or twenty gauge shot barrel. One model was even fitted with a full length
barrel (Pikes 27 30). This greatly aided the northern victory due to the enormous
power it possessed over the confederate s figure eight s. Riffles were another major
contribution to the war, as far as weapons were concerned. The union forces had
One of the most popular riffles was the Model 1861 Springfield Musket. The
Springfield Musket weighed 9.25 pounds, had a twenty one inch socket bayonet,
and fired a .58 caliber mine ball traveling 950 feet per second. Riffled Muskets,
which were also known as Enfields, were the second most popular riffles in the
war. These Enfields, had a bore diameter of .557 inches, and weighed nine pounds
three ounces. They were accurate at 800 yards, and could travel up to 1,100 yards
without any difficulty. During the course of the war, 400,000 Enfields were sold to
the Union troops, whereas a mere 20,000 were purchased by the confederate army.
Although this weapons wasn t as popular as the Springfield, the Enfield still packed
a powerful punch at 1,100 yards (Ripley 43). The Remington production factories,
located in New England, began producing the Harper s Ferry Rifle in 1850.
St Vincent De Paul Swot Analysis
Non profit organisation: St Vincent de Paul
Fundraising campaign: Walk A Thon
Situation analysis
St Vincent de Paul is a non profit organisation that aims at achieving awareness and
improving the lives of those who face social injustice in Australia. These issues
include, homelessness, poverty and asylum seekers (St Vincent de Paul, 2016). This
non profit organises many fundraising events throughout the year as well as having
Night Patrol volunteers each night go out into Sydney CBD and give the homeless
food and beverages. Homelessness is a large issue within Australia, as
approximately one in every two hundred people spends the night out on the street
(Homelessness Australia, 2012). All of these people are in dire need of basic
necessities, ... Show more content on ...
This simple message is very powerful in the way that it can teach people that one
simple act of kindness has the ability to make a difference in someone else s life.
Each target public will have a different key message aimed at them because no target
public is or thinks the same as the others.
1.NSW Primary and Secondary Schools в†’ Every step counts
This key message demonstrates to the children that even the simplest of acts, such as
a small donation, is still important in raising awareness of social injustices. It allows
these young children and teenagers to realise that it is important to do whatever they
can to others as it can make a different no matter how big or small the gesture is.
2.Employees and CEOs of Major Corporations and Organisations в†’ Walk 4 Others
This key message will symbolise the importance of not thinking of themselves and
doing acts that solely benefit themselves. They should learn to participate in events
that can benefit those who are less fortunate.
3.Local Businesses в†’ Walk a mile in their
Fear And The
She waited a few moments, then slipped out after them, her heart beating so loudly
that she felt instinctively that it must be audible to the people she was following.
She stayed just far enough back that the curve of the corridor concealed her from
sight, keeping her footfalls silent on the deck plating. For just an instant she sped
up, just to see a glimpse of these people. She could see dark hair, and then, for just
a moment, lavender skin. Fear was setting in. At least in the dark she had doubts,
but now she could do nothing but believe her eyes. She was on an alien spaceship.
She didn t know what to do, and so hung back and simply followed them as they
carried on their way through the ship. She was grateful to have someone to follow
because gradually their path became more labyrinthine as they wound their way
further into the ship. They started to go rather fast, and she thought she might lose
them. She slowed down to catch her breath, not sure yet if she would continue
after them. But Nivea had stopped just in time. She hadn t realized they had
stopped as well, and she had to lurch herself back before they saw her. She waited,
spying carefully around the corner. The four men were clustered around a door,
and they seemed to be having trouble opening it. Finally they wrenched the door
open, and Nivea s heart jumped as she saw Meg. She had an orange oil on her fingers
like liquid iodine, and tears in her eyes. Nivea couldn t help the surge of hope and
maybe even
Examples Of Figurative Language In Shooting An Elephant
Well known author and journalist, George Orwell, in his essay, Shooting an
Elephant, describes his experiences as a Policeman in Moulmein, Burma during
European Imperialism. Orwell s purpose is to convey the ideal that what is right
and what is accepted don t always align. He adopts a remorseful tone in order to
convey to the reader the weight of his actions. By looking at George Orwells use of
imagery and figurative language, one can see his strongly conflicting opinions on
Orwell begins his essay, Shooting an Elephant, by explaining the actions of the
Burmese people and by expressing his contempt for imperialism. He appeals to the
empathy of the audience by stating the actions of the Burmese people: if a European
woman went ... Show more content on ...
Orwell writes, If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have about as
much chance as a toad under a steam roller. (3). Orwell s use of the phrase adds to
the dramatic humor of the situation, and creates a better understanding of his
conflicting opinions on his situation. Preceding this statement is an internal argument
within which Orwell debates whether he should shoot the elephant or not. To
connect this statement back to the symbol of the elephant representing imperialism
it shows that if he were to go against the European imperialist he would surely lose
everything he had and possibly his life depending on the person, but right after the
quote above Orwell writes about not thinking particularly of his own skin but of the
natives behind him. Meaning he wasn t thinking so much about saving himself but
rather saving those around him. He was breathing very rhythmically with long
rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling (4), this quote
within it s self is a metaphor as well as imagery. It is a metaphor for how imperialists
may be overthrown but influences can never be forgotten, through this it gives us a
better understanding a picture of the scene and Orwell s feelings during this
Negativity Around My Community Analysis
Throughout my life I ve perceived a substantial amount of negativity around my
community. I extraordinarily feel that our society needs to construct a change to our
community. There is too much people in this community not trying to improve it. We
need to learn how to make our planet to a level where everything is positive and
there s no negativity. Some of that incorporates leadership.
We need more people in our society to step up and be a leader. Someone has to
realize the hardships that our earth is encountering. If someone leads our community
then people will start to be followers. I personally think we should have persuasive
speeches now and then. As a society, we need to discuss how to fix our earth and
maybe turn it into a utopia. ... Show more content on ...
Less fast food places should be built and more healthier restaurants should be
created. Eating fast food is technically bad for you because it contains large
amounts of carbohydrates, added sugar, unhealthy fats, and sodium. This can lead to
obesity, vitamin deficiencies, and heart disease so we should really be in healthy
shape. I also feel like we need more gyms other than the YMCA. The gyms included
should also be free instead of having to pay. Working out maintains good heart health
and is another way to stay healthy. You could possibly increase longevity.
Exercising can also make your bones strong and is good cardiovascular wise. Not
to be rude but there s a lot of people that need to work out. It is very important that
our society stays health and is in top shape. The most important way to stay
healthy is probably not to smoke. Smoking can cause lung cancer and stop you
from doing physical activity. If you smoke, it can prevent you from playing sports
in the future. Smoking is actually another way for you to kill yourself. Ever since
I was young I believed that stores should stop selling cigarettes. The reason why
people are dying is because cigarettes are being sold worldwide. People waste tons of
money each year on it when that money could be used for something else. This is
why we have to think before we do
Social Relation And Dynamics Of Production And
There is no doubt that the increase in population has put pressure on land due to the
increase in the world economy (money supply, utilization of goods and services as
well as production), which has brought about the increase in demand and supply.
This situation should not be a yardstick for investors to exploit on peoples (small
scale farmers) and denying them their human right (Timothy E 2010). The social
relation and dynamics of production and reproduction, property and power in
agrarian formation is termed as political economy (Bernstein, 2010). Land which is a
natural resource and property for its owners has become a debatable issue recently.
The introduction of industries in to agrarian settings has made investors to ... Show
more content on ...
Government polices sometimes turn to promote these land grabs, the challenge is
thrown to social movements to ensure environmental sustainability and better policies.
Especially, now that contemporary issues related to land grabs are based on natural
resource management, and environment violence in developing countries has
augmented (Barlowe et al. 2013).
The link between people and their material environment, thus political ecology
make people aggressive when they are being displaced of their land. This has led
to recent increase in land disputes. There is the mentality that, if someone does not
own a land, he/ she does value or take proper care of it and is tempted to manage it
badly or even use inappropriate technology on it. Also the shifting dialect between
society and land based resource give a reason to detect and understand and respond
to to environmental problems. There is the need to harmonise contemporary cultural,
political and economic systems in other to ensure ecological sustainability. Land
space allocated to small scale farmers should be well demarcated so that the political
boundaries would be clear. This would foster understanding of contemporary agrarian
issues. (Paulson, Susan, and Lisa L. Gezon, 2005)
The objective of this essay is to discuss the how investments on agrarian settings
affect the local people s livelihood. Considering the agrarian question three ,thus the
Personal Narrative-The Cow
The cow crushed me against the metal gate. The beast s enormous ugly head
pressed against my chest and refused to let me escape. I screamed, SYDNEY!
SYDNEY! HELP! She came rushing out of the barn. By the time she reached me,
the cow had backed away a bit, but it still stood with its head lowered, ready to
charge us. Katelyn needs to get rid of this cow, Sydney said, hold on... i ll go get a
whip. The rest of the barn hands and I had repeatedly told Katelyn that the cow
was vicious, but our boss didn t seem to believe us. I had no idea what I was
getting into when I accepted this job. Besides the crazy cow, there s dealing with
thorny hay bales, broken fences, a broken tractor. There s the physical labor of
mucking twenty nasty stalls
Robotic Prosthetics Vs. Real Limbs
We are all so used to using our limbs, most of us wouldn t know what to do without
them. However, some people, because of accidents or sickness, have lost theirs.
Through the use of prosthetics, they can have some of that use back, though it still
can t compare to a real limb. But, recent advancements in robotic prostheticsand a
steady increase in capabilities show that prosthetics may eventually be replaced with
robotics, and may become just as good as or better than real limbs.
While robotic prosthetics are a recent development, prosthetics have been around for
a long time. In the Funk Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, It gives a short history
of prosthetics. They were first carved from wood, more than two thousand years ago,
because it ... Show more content on ...
Prosthetics require pre programed movements and take practice to be able to use
right, although connecting prosthetics right into our nervous systems could fix this
problem(Atzori, Manfredo). There are also only a few areas on prosthetic limbs right
now that can feel. Scientists have been experimenting with synthetic skin that can
feel temperature, to improve senses, but this hasn t been used on limbs yet. Robotic
prosthetics are nowhere near perfect, but advancements like these show progress
toward making this the future of prosthetic limbs.
Robotic prosthetics are in use now, although they aren t nearly as advanced as
some of the ones just mentioned. Some amputees have them, and they are able to
perform basic tasks like walking and picking things up. However, movements are
still limited and the lack of senses prevents the kind of precision our own limbs
provide. They are also very expensive so most people don t have access to them. An
average robotic leg is around one hundred thousand dollars, and may not even be
very versatile. Many don t allow much movement, and often are not waterproof. They
are a good start, but have much to
Theodore Roosevelt Dbq
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was an influential person because he expanded power for
the presidential office, he is considered the first modern president of our time, and
he completed the Panama Canal. Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York, NY on
October 27, 1958 (Source 1). Theodore Roosevelt Jr., also known as Teddy, was the
son of Theodore Rooseveltand Martha Bulloch (Source 1). Teddy was very sick
when he was a young boy. He suffered from defective eyesight and asthma almost
from birth (Source 2). Teddy never went to public schools because of his
sicknesses. Aunt Bamie Roosevelt taught Teddy to read, write, and to do math for a
long period of Teddy s childhood (Source 2). Teddy was tutored all his childhood
until he got accepted to Harvard... Show more content on ...
He died at the age of 60 and will be remembered as this country s hero (Source
2).Theodore was buried near Sagamore Hill. Where it is now a tourist location for
tourists to see the greatest father of our country (source 2). After Theodore s death,
his youngest son, Quentin, was shot down and killed in an air pilot shaft while he
was flying over Germany (Source 5). Teddy was denied the Medal of Honor for the
San Juan Heights, but he posthumously received the honor, which means he earned
the medal when he died. (Source 1).
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. will always be the one person and/or president that helped
this country, sacrificed a lot, and did a lot for this country more than any other
president this country has ever
Workers Compensation System
Workers compensation provides cash and medical benefits to workers who are
injured or become ill in the course of their employment and benefits to the
survivors of workers killed on the job. Benefits are provided without regard to fault
and are the exclusive remedy for workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths. Nearly
all workers and employers in the United States are covered by workers
compensation and each state, with the exception of Texas, has a mandatory
workers compensation system. In 2105 more than 135 million workers accounting
for more than $7.1 trillion in wages, were covered by a state or federal workers
compensation system. When a covered worker is injured becomes sick or dies as a
result of his or her employment, that worker is entitled to full medical coverage for
the injury or illness, cash benefits to replace a portion of wages lost due to inability
to work, and benefits for surviving family members in case of death. Employers are
responsible for providing workers compensation benefits to their... Show more
content on ...
The federal government has only a limited role in the provision of workers
compensation because most workers are covered by state laws. Although every state
has a workers compensation system and in all but one state workers compensation or
an equivalent is mandatory, there is no federal mandate that states must have
workers compensation, no federal standards for state programs and no federal
oversight of state systems. Prior to the establishment of workers compensation laws
at the beginning of the 20th century, the civil courts were the only avenue for the
adjudication of disputes over responsibility for employment related injuries, illnesses,
and deaths, and the courts could order employers to provide compensation to injured
workers or the survivors of workers killed on the job if it was determined that the
employer was negligent. Under the common law doctrine of negligence, the
Essay on Obesity Alters Gut Microbial Ecology
A common theme among the concerns of today s American citizens is that of
obesity. Obesity, identifiable by abnormal fat accumulation, can be defined in
absolute terms by one who has a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30. It is estimated
that over 30 percent of American adults are clinically obese. This number has shown
a dramatic increase from the 15 percent of American adults suffering from obesity in
1980. Globally, 400 million adults are obese, while predictions place this number at
700 million by 2015. The major issue confronting this adiposity is the health
conditions that accompany states of extreme obesity. These include cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis among others. The escalating
number of obese and... Show more content on ...
* These microorganisms help in extracting calories from polysaccharides in our
diet. * They are able to break up polysaccharides that we would otherwise not be
able to hydrolyze. * Studies in mice, which also have large numbers of microbes
living in their guts, have shown that there may be a link between storing energy as
fat and microbial activity. * It is thought that the microbes regulate the expression
of the gut protein fasting induced adipocyte protein (FIAF). This protein is an
inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase (LPL). * If the microbes suppress FIAF, then the
level of LPL increases. * Increased LPL levels enhance fat storage (make an
individual fatter). * There exists a highly adapted range of bacteria present in the
human gut that are inherited maternally.
The hypothesis:
Obesity may be linked to differences in the microbial makeup of each individual.
Individuals prone to obesity may possess microbes that are more efficient at
extracting energy from food than lean individuals.
Questions addressed by the experiment:
* How does the structure of the gut microbial community differ between individuals?
* Does being a member of the same family affect the microbial community? * Does
obesity affect the community structure? If so, at what taxonomic level does this
occur, and does the gut community
White Feminism Essay Examples
White Feminism White feminism is not inclusive because it discriminates against
minority groups. White Feminism is feminism that only represents white cisgender
(people that identify with the sex that was assigned to them at birth) women. This is a
fairly new term I ve seen that s surfaced the internet. It s the mainstream third wave
form of feminismthat s been particularly popular on social media in more recent
years. Many white celebrities have endorsed this form of feminism and have
integrated into their public image. Such as Taylor Swift and Lena Dunham. The first
organized feminist movement recorded was Seneca Falls lead by Alice Walker.
Seneca Falls focused on abolishing slavery, and women s suffrage. However, its main
concern... Show more content on ...
Many writers and notable feminist write about how the women of Seneca falls were
only focused on white women s rights and didn t allow black women to advocate for
them or join their movement. Their focus now is on equality in the workplace and
better pay raises for women. Which anyone can agree is very powerful and uplifting,
however their main focus are situations that only affect white women and they don t
acknowledge the struggles of women of color and also trans women. Both of those
groups have been helping white feminist get their message out for years.
An example of a time where white feminism was in full effect was back in 2015,
an actress named Patricia Arquette decided to make a speech after accepting an
award at the Oscars. She s goes on to talk about how people of color and gay
people need to help and advocate for what she thinks is the feminist movement.
However, she failed to realize that both of those minority groups include women and
are the forefront of women advocacy and women s rights. This outrage over the half
the feminist movement and gave more momentum to the idea of leaving white
feminism in the past where it belongs. (Marcotte 2015) Its harder for people
Touching Spirit Bear Character Analysis
In the books Touching Spirit Bear and Devil s Arithmetic they have many
similarities and differences in conflict. In the book Touching Spirit Bear it s set on
an island with a spirit bear. A kid named Cole Matthews got sent to the island as a
consequence. In the book Devil s Arithmetic it is set during the Holocaust. The
main character is a girl named Hannah and she has to face all of the consequences
the people in the Holocaust did. Although the two books have a lot of similarities
in conflict they also have a lot of differences. Some of the similarities are in conflict.
They both of similar conflicts, especially person vs. person. In the book Touching
spirit Bear Cole has to go to an island because he physically hurt someone, he had hurt
The And The Syrian Migrant Crisis Essay
The nation of Hungary has had a troubled past. From allying with the wrong side in
both World Wars, to being oppressed by the Soviet bloc, Hungary s newly democratic
government has the challenge of passing legislation that would benefit its citizens for
the future, both near and far. In 2004, the Hungarian people, with approval from
Brussels, joined the European Union. This event had unforeseen complications that
would unveil themselves when the World s overall security was questioned.
Within the last few years, the European Union has been faced with the unique
challenge of determining how each nation should be handling the Syrian Migrant
Crisis. Being on the border of the EU, Hungary has been bombarded with migrants
seeking asylum in the EU s member states. Brussels saw the large influx of migrants
and proposed quotas, which in a very recent referendum, the Hungarian citizens
rejected. Along with the threat to national sovereignty in the physical sense, many
European Union economic policies have had a negative impact on the national
economy of Hungary. The constraints and requirements placed on Hungarian business
have not completely benefited the economy, like they have in other EU nations.
Although not blatantly stated, the legislators in Brussels have made decisions that
one could attribute to unfair treatment of Hungary and its people. This can be see
especially when it comes to the respect of the Hungarian Government shown from the
top leaders of the EU and their
2-Methylcyclohexanol Molecules
INTRODUCTION: The polymerization of sugar molecules, such as sucrose and
fructose, involves the dehydration of two sugar monomers to produce a peptide C=O
bond, and the release of water. This common biomolecular mechanism has been
greatly studied within the science disciplines. For Biologists, they ve studied how
nature does it, and for Chemist, they ve studied how we mimic, and manipulate it.
Chemist refer to such chemical reactions, in which atoms or groups of atoms are
removed from a molecule, as an elimination. Elimination reactions are very common
in organic chemistry. Examples include the dehydration of alcohols and the
dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides. The dehydration of alcohols is the method
most frequently used in the laboratory... Show more content on ...
Using the formation of a tosylate to transform the OH group of the starting material
into a good leaving group so that it could be eliminated in the formation of a carbon
carbon double bond. As illustrated in the results of the GC, IR, and NMR analysis of
the products, the experiment was successful and occurred as predicted. It can be
concluded that if a specific product is desired from experimental synthesis, the best
option, in terms of control and specificity, is to design an experiment that favors an
E2 mechanism. As it proves to be the more selective of the elimination/substitution
The Challenges of Taking Dell Private
By exploring the possibility of going private, Dell appears to hope that it can finally
fix the problems that have led to a 40 percent plunge in stock price over the last five
There s one problem, however: Going private may not be all that easy or help out the
company in the end.
The effort is under way, people briefed on the matter have confirmed to DealBook,
with Dell talking with private equity firms and exploring obtaining bank financing. It
s unclear how long it will take to reach a completed deal, though reports have
suggested it may take nearly two months.
But a leveraged buyout of a company as big as Dell would be no small feat, and it
would be dependent on overcoming hurdles specific to the private equity ... Show
more content on ...
could be as low as 8 percent. Avoiding the tax man could bolster that return to 31
(That may less of a problem, according to the investor Wilbur L. Ross, who told
CNBC on Tuesday that the company could sell eurodollar bonds, which may avoid
incurring a steep tax charge.)
Dell also had almost $5 billion in long term debt as of Nov. 2. That means the newly
private company would be highly indebted, though analysts at the ISI Group and
Mizuho point out that the company has respectable cash flow, generating about $3.7
billion in cash from operations during that time.
The bigger question for the company is whether going private would solve any of
the issues it has faced for years. Its traditional business of making and selling
personal computers has become less and less profitable, and Dell has already been
trying to move into the more lucrative and stable market of providing hardware and
software services for corporations. That s not something that requires Dell to be
private, however.
And there s also the question of whether a newly private Dell, forced to spend much
of its revenue on paying down its debt, would have money to invest in its business or
pay for new acquisitions. (Last year alone, the company struck 10 deals, including the
$2.4 billion purchase of Quest Software.)
Mr. Ross said on CNBC that he believed the chances of a deal coming together were
about 50 50. But there s still a lot of work and finagling
Home Depot Case Analysis
Home Depot was one of the biggest home improvement retailers of America with
more than 2248 stores around the world. It was established by Bernie Marcus and
Arthur Blank in 1978. Home Depot is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. For two
decades after its commencement the organization experienced quick development.
Be that as it may, in the mid 2000s the organization execution backed off and Bob
Nardelli was named the new CEO. Prior the organization took after a decentralized
authoritative structure and that functioned admirably until 2000. In mid 1980s, the
point was to convey stockroom retailing idea to the home focus industry. This was
thought to be simply the main effective organization in Do it Yourself (DIY)
section and was celebrated for giving great items the low costs. The Home terminal
was a piece of expansive, quickly developing and aggressive home change industry
amid 1980 s. With two breadwinners in every family, families were ready to spend
more cash on home change ventures. Along these lines, the DIY fragment developed
quickly and the business joined numerous contenders to give intense rivalries to
every others. In mid 1990, Lowe s turned into the biggest contender of Home terminal
as the deals and development were at the best for Lowe s stores which took Lowe to
extensive organization outlet center. Basis of Recommendation: The achievement of
the initial three stores in 1979 urged the organization to extend its business quickly
and achieve the 50th store
Organizational Project Management
Contents Acknowledgement1 1.Introduction3 2.Organizational project management4
3.OPM3 Model5 3.1.Primary physical parts of the standard5 3.2.OPM3 Stages6 4.
How does the OPM3 work?7 5.Benefits of OPM3 to the organization8 6.What kind of
commitment is required to launch OPM3 in an organization?8 7.Importance of
OPM3 to the project managementprofession9 8.Summary10 9.References11
1. Introduction
Successful implementation of a new organizational strategy can turn a good
organization into a great one. Conversely, strategies that fail or generate poor results
can quickly damage the organization s reputation and brand, internally and externally.
Effective strategy execution is the ... Show more content on ...
ii. The self ASSESSMENT element is an interactive database tool that lets
organizations evaluate their current situation and identify their areas in need of
improvement should an organization decided to embark on the path to higher
maturity. iii. The IMPROVEMENT element will help map out the steps needed to
achieve their goals.
* KNOWLEDGE element which drives Assessment * ASSESSMENT element which
in turn drives Improvement * IMPROVEMENT element. 5. Benefits of OPM3 to the
I. It bridges the gap between strategy and individual project. II. It provides a
comprehensive body of knowledge regarding what constitutes best practices in
organizational project management. III. By using OPM3, an organization can
determine exactly which organizational project management best practices and
capabilities it does and does not have. IV. If the organization decides to pursue
improvements, OPM3 provides guidance on prioritizing and planning.
6. What kind of commitment is required to launch OPM3 in an organization?
The process of applying OPM3 in an organization is difficult to quantify. It depends
on factors such as the size, complexity and initial maturity of the organization, the
thoroughness of the assessment, the nature of the organization s strategic objectives,
and the level of resources available also impact any estimate.
Social Issue Poster Analysis Essay
For our Capstone Project, our CMST 1061 class retold a fairytale using the five
different communication pathways, and we retold Peter Pan. My group, Group #1,
was assigned the pathway of Public Discourse to retell Peter Pan. Following the
public discourse pathway, we chose to create social issue posters to serve as the lens
through which to view Peter Pan. We chose social issue posters as the method for our
capstone project because we felt that a series of social issue posters would leave a
stronger impression on the viewers, as well as communicate our message and
retelling in the clearest way possible. Social issue posters are used to deliver
messages directly and powerfully through visual impact and we wanted our project to
leave a lasting... Show more content on ...
We wanted our retelling of Peter Pan to challenge the idea of protagonists and
antagonists in fairytales. There is an obvious antagonist in Peter Pan named Captain
Hook. Captain Hook is known for his hook prosthetic on one of his hands, and the
reason Captain Hook must use a hook as a prosthetic is because Peter Pan, the
protagonist, cut off Captain Hook s hand and fed it to an alligator. Many readers
and viewers of Peter Pan often ignore the merciless bullying and teasing towards
Captain Hook by Peter Pan, simply writing it off as the protagonist defeating the
antagonist for the greater good. Through this project, we wanted to illuminate the
character flaws in Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, and Mr. Darling, to show that the
imperfect protagonists in a story can be just as tormenting as the antagonists. To
do so through the pathway of public discourse, we needed to create powerful
images to go along with our slogan for our series of social issue posters. We used
images from the story that conveyed the character flaws of the three chosen
characters, and then photoshopped the infamous hook prosthetic on to the hand of
each character. The hook is a symbol of evil in Peter Pan, so by adding the hook to
each character s social issue poster, we were able to provide a stronger and clearer
message that illuminated the wrong doings of each character. The social issue posters
allowed us to show our viewers, rather than tell them, the message that we wanted to
Racism In Out Of Africa
Out of Africa
The novel Out of Africa was a very surprising one, and sadly, the plot wasn t the most
surprising part. After reading this novel, a question left to ponder could be, Is the
Author, Karen Blixen, a racist? What drew some to the conclusion that the author was
racist was her overwhelmingly condescending tone throughout the novel.
The tone in the novel Out of Africa was quite interesting to observe. The author did
not have a positive tone in the novel, despite her love for the beautiful land of
Africa. Her tone could be summed up by the word condescending. One way she
sounded condescending was her choice of similes. One example from the text was
when she compared the natives of Africa to dogs. Another example was how Blixen
described Kamante. I suppose that he had been leading a seclusive existence, like a
sick animal . It is upsetting to hear Blixen ... Show more content on ...
Racism is the belief that all members of each race posses(s) characteristics or
abilities specific to that race, especially as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to
another race or races. So, when Blixen states how all of the natives are so silent and
explains that the natives answer questions cryptically she is being racist, by
definition. She always talks about the natives in a way that sounds condescending,
and with the less than positive comparisons to white people, one could say she lives a
life filled with prejudice. Blixen goes on to say I cannot carry the old bwana alone,
you Kikuyus are fools . Here Blixen was generalizing the Kikuyu tribe to be stupid.
Blixen always acts like every native is the same. She fails to recognize the differences
between Africans and the similarities between everyone. She even stated that the
natives could only listen to stories to make them seem less intelligent. In this novel,
she has done quite a few things to help the natives but ultimately we know that she is
a racist through her
The Effects Of Technology On Education
Amidst the past several decades technology has become a crucial organ, advancing
our world to great discoveries and knowledge. It has opened doors to what some
may have found impossible only one hundred years ago, but the progress of
technology seems to have run into a road block. Inadequate education of high school
graduates and suffocation of creativity has become a problem all over America.
Technologyhas contributed by hindering our ability to retain information, stalling
progression in our school system and progressing in technology. Technology can be
advantageous for everyone, but because of its convenience and accessibility it is
hindering our ability to retain information. Within an article written by Timothy Noah
titled... Show more content on ...
Instead we have become co dependent with technology and we have been raising our
children to follow in our footsteps.
We cannot expect Americas set back in educationto fix itself, we must act in order to
better the education of our children and ourselves. Technology has taken over
countless teaching methods and instigated the flatline of our educational system.
Indeed, technology can have many educational contributions, but today they are taken
advantage of. For technology to be a steady contribution to education we must re
discover the meaning of progress and innovation. Tyler Cowen, in a Ted Talk titled
The Great Stagnation , says that for Innovation to be effective it must improve and
not just merely alter. This means that if we are continuing to be innovative we
must continually be improving for there to be any progress. For example, Apple
has released a better iPhone each year, but if you compare the phone to the
previous year you will not find many differences. Maybe the screen will be larger,
the apps may be remodeled, but most of the time the core processer is the same, the
camera has the same pixels and the phones screen still cracks if you put it in your
back pocket. This is innovation with no progress, presenting a shiny new phone that
may be shiny, but not new. Within an article written by Jörg Friedrich titled
Tesco Company Culture
Extended Essay
Damien Jeannenez
Sommaire A.Introduction3 B.First Section4 I.Schein s theory: Surface
manifestation4 a.Mottoes4
II.Schein s theory: Organization values7 III.Johnson s theory: Rituals and routines8
IV.First section conclusion9 C.Second section10 V.Hellriegel and Slocum s Theory11
VI.Denison and Spreitzer s Theory12 VII.Conclusion Section two12 VIII.General
Conclusion12 D.References13
TESCO is a company that was founded in 1919 by JACK COHEN. It is presented
usually as a big international retailer which is based essentially in Great Britain but
also in China, ... Show more content on ...
This means that each employee of the firm will do its best to help every person
who meets and who needs help. For example, the British newspaper THE
INDEPENDENT explains that Tesco has developed a new strategy to help its
clients to overcome the global economic crisis. Tesco set up a discount strategy to
consumers struggling with the effects of the credit crunch . It creates the pay day
strategy (Evans S., 2009). In fact, it tries to simplify the lives of its customers and
of its employees. In conclusion, TESCO through its motto is trying to circulate an
idea; a habit and a behavior to address face each person; each employee is a sort of
flagship of the enterprise; one person is enough to give a bad image, in order that
many people think that TESCO is a bad company, all of this is due because of the
word of mouth. TESCO has created a corporate culture in order that does not happen
with another surface manifestation.
Secondly in this second paragraph we talk about the norms of TESCO. In fact
Mottoes have concerned the way in which employees should act within the
company in relation to clients and colleagues. But the company also uses a strategy
to boost its employees. In this case the Schein s theory calls this a Norm. According
to Schein Norms are expected modes of behaviour that are accepted as the firm s
ways of doing things, thereby providing guidance for employee behaviour . In a Case
Exponential And Weibull Model In Home Care
As shown in previous sections of this chapter, when analysing data, a preliminary
exploration may be made graphically by plotting non parametric estimates of H(t) and
log H(t) to give an informal check on whether an exponential or weibull model might
be adequate. These plots are shown in Figure~ref{HazCumHaz}. begin{figure}[H]
centering includegraphics[width=150mm]{HazCumHaz.jpeg} caption{Hazard and
log hazard functions of time to death for patients with HC and HCCA assessments.}
label{HazCumHaz} end{figure} A resulting straight line through the graph of H(t)
would suggest that an exponential distribution would be the favoured choice for
these data, while a straight line through the graph of log H(t)would suggest a weibull
... Show more content on ...
Predictive trees are an excellent choice for data that have features which interact in
a complicated way as the models sub divide (or partition), the data space into
smaller regions, making the interactions more manageable. This partitioning
continues until model can no longer make a better model than the one previously
made for each subset of the data. One extension of the basic tree methodology is
the survival tree, which applies recursive partitioning to censored survival data. The
literature presents several types tree models for censored data. These trees are a
more flexible non parametric option to survival methods such Cox s proportional
hazards methods and AFT models with more stringent assumptions. The main
difference in the various predictive trees is the splitting criteria. In an article by
Segal, M.R. states that, he replaced the traditional splitting criteria for regression
trees for right censored data with criterion based on variations of the two sample
statistics, in which contrary to common practice at the time; for which within node
separation was maximised, his algorithm preferred splits that result in large between
node separation~cite{segal1988regression}. The default criterion in the R package
Rpart , which is maximized in each split, is the Gini coefficient. The Gini coefficient
is a measure of variation in a set of data.
African Women During European Expansion
The anticolonial movements in Africa were ways to get back at European expansion
on the area from the 1890s to the 1960s. African comebacks to colonial rule varied
from place to place and over time. Several methods of both violent and nonviolent
resistance to colonialism emerged. Nonviolent forms of anti colonialismincluded the
use of the trade unions, press, religious organizations, associations, literary or art
forms, and mass migrations. Various African states used one or several of these
nonviolent forms of anti colonialism at one time or another, but what is significant is
that most of them resorted to armed resistance or devastating actions to protect their
way of life and independence.
The first segment of African resistance to colonial rule took place from about 1880
to 1910 and was largely categorized by several forms of rebellious anti colonialism,
in which military resistance was the norm. Most African states took up arms to
protect their independence during this period. In the end, it was only Ethiopia that
was able to ultimately overthrow the European power of Italy, to maintain its
independence. From 1935 to 1936 the Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini occupied
Ethiopia in revenge for the embarrassing downfall that Italy suffered in 1896. (Poggo,
2015). The Italian occupation encouraged African nationalism and Pan Africanism
because many Africans, believed that Ethiopia was a representation of African
resilience and individuality. Some historians have
Charleston There Was Life Analysis
The picture above, called Life is an illustration of two partners dancing the
Charleston illustrated by John Held. Charleston was one, if not the most popular
dance of Jazz music era. Jazz music was created by African Americans and originated
in New Orleans. It become popular among the white Americans and helped gained
most acceptance of African Americans from the whites. The picture above. Jazzmusic
and culture was the most signifying pop culture of the era. The music was enjoyed
almost by everybody and enjoyed dancing to dance moves associated with the music
such as the Charleston. Even though most musicians were African American, many
were white, too. On the radio, jazz music was played most often than not and most
listened and enjoyed it. The music was a signature to the young and women, mainly
flappers of the era. The music and dance were freedom for the young and women as
they did what they wanted to and no one could stop them from doing so. This
picture shows federal agents dumping out liquor from a speakise they must bust out
as NYPD officers watch on. This time is known as the Prohibition era, as the
prohibition law stated no one can distribute, sell, drink or have no connection... Show
more content on ...
In this era many modern ideas were against such Christian beliefs so many
religious people weren t too fond of it and the state made laws against the spread of
such ideas. An example is John Scope, a high school science teacher taught
evolution as encouraged by many people for him to do so in Tennessee where it is
illegal to teach fundamentalism. The picture above was prompted by the event for
fundamentalist to sell books against evolution so people would still belief in
Christian teachings and not the evolution. He was bought to trial and fined
excessively. The while country followed every moment of the trial closely. This led to
many states overturning their law against the teaching of
Los Angeles Earthquake Report
The latest research results are showing an increased probability for the Los Angeles
area to be hit by a magnitude of eight or higher earthquake. According to Oskin
(2015), Looking at individual faults, the southern San Andreas Fault near Los
Angeles poses the greatest risk over the next 30 years, the researchers said . This
hypothetical scenario describes the possible result of a magnitude of 8 or larger
earthquakein the Los Angeles area. Additionally, this paper answers questions to the
sudden changes resident would have to deal with in their everyday life and the
likelihood of emerging communicable diseases in the area. Furthermore, I have
included a short report for local authorities to hep to prevent the situation getting
Body ... Show more content on ...
As a result, life for tens of thousands of people changed forever. After the initial
shake over one thousand people perished from collapsing buildings, freeway
underpasses and power lines. Unfortunately, this number have been doubled by the
fires all over the city which fueled by broken gas lines and years of extreme
drought. As reality kicks in most of the resident struggle with everyday life
following the devastating effects of the quake. Water, gas, power lines are broken
for that reason large areas are without utilities. In the first days following the
earthquake neighbors and friends get together to help whenever help is needed.
They are searching for survivals among the rubbles of collapsed buildings, treating
the injured and sharing the limited resources they left with. As they realize that they
won t able to get outside help for a while looting become the norm for necessities
like water, food and medicine. The local law enforcement unable to keep order as
armed groups of people roaming the city to collect resources for themselves. In the
meanwhile, the air become unbreathable outdoors for some due to the uncontrolled
fires all over the city. Coupled with, the
India s Economic Success Social Cohesiveness On A Global...
We are pleased to formally introduce Intercontra Initiatives Limited, an institution that
maintains expert and technological know how to ensure the delivery of efficient, cost
saving, and, cutting edge solutions to clientele in the key sectors of
Telecommunications and Oil Gas industry in the African economy. We provide
customer driven and tailored services to diverse clients in this niche market segment
particularly in the areas of engineering and logistics.
We recognise that your organisation occupies a visible position in the
telecommunications industry as a leading major contractor and supplier of
telecommunications infrastructure and as such we at Intercontra Initiatives would
like to make our professional services and logistics solutions available to you.
Telecommunications services are critical to Nigeria s economic success social
cohesiveness on a global platform. The capacity, consistency of good quality network
coverage, and reliability of the infrastructure used in the provision of these services
are important to consumers; both businesses and individuals
The bulk of investment to build, deploy, and, maintain communication networks is
delivered by commercial providers who are in fierce competition to deliver services
to the consumers.
There are many areas in Nigeria that are not being fully served by the telecoms
In the last 5 years, the mobile sector has had triple digit growth rates after
competition was
Carl Roger s First Career Choice
Carl Roger was born on January 8, 1902 Oak Park, Illinois and Died on February 4,
1987 at the age of 85 in San Diego, California. Growing up His father, Walter A.
Rogers, was a civil engineer and his mother, Julia M. Cushing, was a homemaker
and serious Pentecostal Christian. Carl was the fourth of their six children.
Rogers was very intelligent and could read well before kindergarten. Following an
education in a strict religious and ethical environment as an altar boy at the
vicarage of Jimply, and he had become a rather isolated, self determining, and
disciplined person, and acquired a knowledge and an appreciation for the scientific
method in a practical world. His first career choice was agriculture, at the
University of Wisconsin Madison, where he was a part of the fraternity of Alpha
Kappa Lambda, followed by history and then religion. At age 20, following his
1922 trip to Peking, China, for an international Christian conference, he started to
doubt his religious convictions. To help him clarify his career choice, he attended
a seminar entitled Why am I entering the Ministry, after which he decided to
change his career. In 1924, he graduated from University of Wisconsin and enrolled
at Union Theological Seminary. After two years he left the seminary to attend
Teachers College, Columbia University, obtaining an MA in 1928 and a PhD in
1931. While completing his doctoral work, he engaged in child study. In 1930,
Rogers served as director of the Society for the

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Speech Essay Format.pdf

  • 1. Speech Essay Format Crafting an essay on the topic of "Speech Essay Format" can be a challenging endeavor, demanding a nuanced understanding of both speech and essay writing. The complexity lies in merging the elements of oral communication with the structural requirements of a written composition. Striking a balance between the spoken word's immediacy and the organized structure of an essay poses a unique set of challenges. To begin with, one must delve into the intricacies of effective speech delivery. This involves understanding the dynamics of tone, pitch, and pacing that captivate an audience. Simultaneously, the writer must grapple with the more rigid components of essay construction, such as crafting a thesis statement, providing supporting evidence, and maintaining a coherent flow. Addressing the nuances of speech essay format requires a meticulous examination of rhetorical devices. Consideration must be given to how rhetorical strategies, like ethos, pathos, and logos, can be seamlessly integrated into the fabric of the essay. The task involves not just explicating the technicalities of speech delivery but also analyzing the impact of these elements on the overall persuasiveness and engagement of the audience. Furthermore, the challenge lies in presenting ideas in a manner that retains the vitality of spoken language while adhering to the conventions of written discourse. Striking this balance demands a finesse in language use, where words must resonate with the force of spoken expression but remain structured within the confines of written form. In conclusion, navigating the intricate terrain of a "Speech Essay Format" essay demands a synthesis of two seemingly disparate realms—speech and written composition. It requires a writer to navigate the delicate balance between the spontaneity of spoken language and the structured coherence expected in an essay. Success in this endeavor hinges on the writer's ability to seamlessly integrate the art of oration with the discipline of essay writing. For those seeking assistance with essays on various topics, including speech essay formats, it's worth exploring platforms like, where similar essays and much more can be ordered to aid in academic and creative writing pursuits. Speech Essay Format Speech Essay Format
  • 2. A Brief Note On The Automotive Engineering Field One of the most fascinating professions is automotive engineering,it s all about shaping the future. Automotive engineering is many different things, taking ideas, putting them on paper and making them work. From daily driving fuel efficiency to cornering a 100 mph in a rally race. This involves smart men and women that want to make an impact in the world. I would like to get in the automotive engineering field . It s a great fit for me because i love cars, i m that type of guy that can tell you the year, make, and model of the car just by looking at it.I don t discriminate because like paul walker once said i appreciate them all . What you drive makes you who you are. Rally racing has been a dream of... Show more content on ... and how has it impacted us? I m eighteen years old, and like many other guys my age all we think about and talk about is cars. I am a car enthusiast, i love JDM ima fan Performance cars from japan. Rally racing, drifting, and drag racing is the best! Like i said my cousin and other family members drag race trucks in the sand, i ve grown up seeing that and lot of people go out to see it, My dad has never really been into cars so i grew the love here in the united states by myself. Movies like fast and furious or shows like initial D have hooked me into cars. I want to help the world make performance cars. Faster, Stronger! That s what i like. When i began doing this senior project i knew it had to be about cars i was excited to get started. To be where we are today in the car world someone had to invent some form of car or transportation. It would take the brain of a mastermind, a genius! So who invented the car? It s actually not that simple there were many inventors and engineers but the credit goes to one man. Karl Benz, yes the founder of mercedes benz! In 1885 he created the first gasoline car powered by an internal combustion engine, I mean it was a tiny car only a one or two passenger car. It had three wheels, kinda looked like a bike. Had a high speed single cylinder with an amazing
  • 3. Ellison Onizuka Major Accomplishments Ellison Onizuka was an Asian American astronaut that worked on the Discovery and Challenger missions. He was born on June 24, 1946 in Kealakua, Hawaii. As a child he picked coffee beans to make money for his family. He went to the University of Colorado and was in their Air Force ROTC program and studied aerospace engineering. Ellison Onizuka impacted space exploration by becoming the first Asian American in space, working on the IUS on the Discovery mission, and the tragic fate of the Challenger mission. Onizuka s first major accomplishment was becoming the first Asian American in space. Onizuka became the first Asian American in space in January of 1985 when he joined the crew of the Discovery for the shuttle program s first Department of Defense mission (, 2018). Onizuka was the type of person that never forgot where he came from. He remembers being a little kid in Hawaii and dreaming of becoming an astronaut. He feels he can have an impact on the next generation of young Hawaiians and minorities around the world. That they can become something even when the odds seem low. The trip made him the first astronaut from Hawaii as well as the first... Show more content on ... Onizuka was responsible for the primary payload activities, which included the deployment of a modified Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) (,2018). As a payload specialist he was in charge of specific payloads, in this case the Inertial Upper stage which is a booster rocket that sends satellites to deep space. This mission also included the first department of defense payload. With the completion of this flight he logged 74 hours in space (,2018). This included 48 orbits around the Earth. Onizuka was in space for just over three days. It s fascinating to think that he has been dreaming of this for his entire life and that he can do his job in
  • 4. Not Celebrating Christopher Columbus Essay Christopher Columbus should not be considered a hero because he took advantage of the generosity of the natives to achieve his greedy ambition. Even though he is celebrated in the United States, Christopher Columbus should not be considered a hero. He took advantage of the generosity of the American natives he found. His greedy ambition had horrible results that most Americans do not even realize. Christopher Columbus was born in about 1451 in the Italian city of Genoa. He was the son of a wool merchant, and spent most of his childhood working as a part time weaver. (Zinn) During his teenage years, Columbus got job on a merchant ship and stayed mostly at sea until 1470, when French privateers attacked his boat. Unfortunately the ... Show more content on ... (Rouse) The Taino natives had been living off the islands for over 1,500 years and developed a set of strong values, consisting of generosity, kindness, and gentle personalities. Their culture was so intricate and multifaceted, and the Taino fed millions of people. In addition to feeding everyone, the Taino also maintained a spirituality that encompassed the respect of their animal and other natural food sources. (Barreiro) The Tanios all lived together in little villages and had a developed agriculture of corn, yams, and cassava. They could spin and weave, but they had no horses or other work animals. They had no iron, but they wore tiny gold ornaments in their ears. The word Taino in the Arawaklanguage meant men of the good, and based on what the historians have seen these Taino people seem to be inherently good. (Barreiro) Well known for their remarkable hospitality, their belief in sharing, the native people were open, friendly, and welcoming to Columbus and his crew from the moment they stepped foot on the Taino s island. To the Taino people, Christopher Columbus and his crew were complete strangers who arrived carrying swords and speaking an unfamiliar language. Yet the Taino men, women, and children quickly emerged from their villages and ran onto the island s beaches to welcome these unwanted guests with food, water, and gifts. (Zinn)
  • 5. The Early Childhood Education Of Literacy And Numeracy Introduction Literacy and numeracy are the most vital skills for any individual in modern society. The early childhood education of literacy and numeracy is of great importance to not only intellectual growth but also to emotional and social development in later years. Literacy is one of the fundamental ability for one to be able to make sense of text, signs, books, and modern technologies. Numeracy includes aspects such as number sense, computation, measurement, and geometry, which are all vital to one s daily and professional life. The first few years of one s life is the key period to establish literacy and numeracy as one s brain development is at its peak in this period, and the better the foundation of literacy and numeracy is, the more likely one is going to successful in academic and social performance in later years. Also as a social experience, literacy and numeracy education is greatly influenced by one s social environment, or in early childhood settings, one s family environment. Bronfenbrenner s (1979) ecological systems theory is the foundation of ecological and sociocultural guideline of literacy and numeracy education in early childhood settings. The theory are essentially a set of interconnected and yet isomorphic layers of systems that affect the development of the children from a social aspect, e.g. the microsystem describes the interaction between the carer and the child, mesosystem describes the interactions between the family and the teacher,
  • 6. Jamaica Kincaid s Powerful Short Story Girl Jamaica Kincaid s powerful short story Girl is a mother daughter dispute. The mother lists several tips trying to give advice and counsel her daughter. The way the mother expresses her advice I would not consider as motherly, but more as if she was a social critic. I visualize the mother as a representation of the damage that society can do to a person s mind. It is hard for me to believe that this type of parenting behavior used to be nothing out of the ordinary. In some circumstances, I felt like the mother kept tormenting her daughter of these duties, so she could fulfill the proper image to society. The poor girlwas being constrained. While reading this story, I could sense the harshness from the mother to the daughter... This truly
  • 7. Nike And Under Armour Essay Interim Report MNGT 481 A) Problem/ Opportunity Columbia Sportswear Company is one of the largest wholesalers of outdoor sportswear and equipment in the United States. Columbia Sportswear competes in the consumer goods sector, apparel clothing industry (COLM Profile Yahoo! Finance, 2015). As of December 31, 2014, they operated 74 outlet retail stores, 19 branded retail stores, and 5 brand specific e commerce Websites in the United States (COLM Profile Yahoo! Finance, 2015). As an enterprise participating in this industry, one of the major obstacles the company faces is standing out amongst an intense line up of rivals; those of which include Nike, North Face, and Lululemon. Columbia Sportswear already ... Show more content on ... The VRIO model of sustainability describes four characteristics value, rarity, inimitability, and organization to exploit profits from which a company s competitive advantage(s) arises. (Dyer, 2015, p.53) Columbia Sportswear creates value in the fact that they take advantage of its long standing supplier relationships to produce high quality products from around the world while controlling costs, involving themselves in the supply chain early on rather than later which is typical of the industry to get involved later on in the supply chain (Edgar Pro, 1998, Sourcing as a Competitive Advantage). The company believes that their relationship with suppliers increases flexibility and capacity in production and allows the company for higher quality control while reducing costs. (Edgar Pro, 1998, Sourcing as a Competitive Advantage) Through this competitive advantage, they are able to provide customers the value that is high quality outdoor sportswear products that gives its brand the positive brand image as the producer of dependable products with proven high quality. This value creation through their products is critical for the company s survival because the company faces intense rivalries. Rivalry, as identified as one of the five forces that shape a firm s potential profitability, is a critical factor that impacts just about every aspects of corporate decisions. (Dyer,
  • 8. Growing Up In Presidential Elections There is a point when politics begin saturating daily life from the incredible overload of constant argument and confusion. I personally dream of the day when I can get through a meal without politics being brought up, when I can go on the internet and not see headlines about who insulted who. In a world where there is increasingly significant polar opposite feelings, it is hard to stay focused on one s own feelings with so many other opinions being constantly expressed. From confused and frustrated to incredibly confident and angry, it is impossible not to clash with others. Because of the divide between voters, there is increased arguments and talk of the election in general. Although I fully believe that it is important to be an informed ... Show more content on ... The basis of a qualified leader and what each candidate has to offer to the country is lost in constant leaks of emails and videos. Normally, the political election is regarded as really beginning when the candidates are nominated, but this is not a normal election. The 2016 election has been looming over the American population since before even the primary and caucus debates. Possibly the most publicized presidential race in American history, it is easy to get wrapped up in the soap opera like daily news headlines. According to a study led by the GDELT Project, television networks have mentioned Donald Trump 108,735 times and Clinton 64,345 times in the past 30 days alone. This statistic does not even include the countless information thrown at the public through websites, news publications, and social media. During the election, media has grabbed at any information regarding the candidates imaginable. The avalanche of media coverage takes away from essential facts that an informed citizen requires to make a responsible decision when
  • 9. Willy Loman s Dysfunctional Family The Loman s Dysfunctional Family The Loman s are quite the hectic family. The house is constantly bickering and absolutely full of folk tales. Whether it is small white lies or enormous secretes, the family does it all. The family tries to get along and show their love for one another but a times it can be too hard to believe or trust in another person. Throughout the book the familyshows numerous ways of being dysfunctional. To begin with, the entire Loman family has shown their part of being a dysfunctional family. Both Happy and Biff are unemployed and live at home with their parents. The two have it put in their minds that they have had many different wonderful jobs, but in the end they discover that never actually happened. Willy is constantly yelling at Linda when she shows him nothing ... Show more content on ... Next, the biggest problem in this family would have to be Willy. His own insanity is tearing the family apart. During the story, Death of a Salesman , Biff overhears Willy Talking to himself which causes an enormous fight between his mother Linda, himself, and eventually Willy. Biff is tired of how mad his father has become and wants a way to get him treatment but Linda believes there is nothing that can be done. Willy s insanity is the cause of most the uproars in this household. In conclusion, every family has their own flaws. The Loman family has shown their flaws on several different accounts throughout the story. Willy s mental illness has not only affected him, but his two sons and wife as well. He basically is making Biff and Happy believe things that never happened and causing them, mainly Biff to fight with their parents. Linda is going crazy and is willing to give up her children because of him. Throughout everything and even Willy s death, the family still loves each other
  • 10. Frazier Case FRASIER (A) ANALYSIS This case outlines the background of the negotiations between NBC (National Broadcasting Corporation) and Paramount for the extension of renegotiating the rights to the TV show, Frasier. While NBC wanted to pay under $5 million per episode in order to make a profit, Paramount seemed to be demanding $8 million per episode. This was a very big gap considering that there were 24 episodes per season and that Paramount wanted a three year term on the renegotiated contracted. The key parties in this case are NBC (represented by Mark Graboff, Scott Sassa and Jeff Zucker) and Paramount (represented by Kerry McCluggage and Gary Hart). What is NBC s BATNA? NBC s BATNA was to either steal a show from another network or begin... Show more content on ... Since Paramount could not negotiate for a price lower than $5 million with other networks, Viacom probably would not agree to a loss making deal unless it felt that Frasier would have a significant impact on other CBS shows (in other words, be a tent pole ) as well as on CBS internal power struggle. What is your best estimate of their respective reservation prices ( walk away price )? Be sure and explain your answer. Don t just give a number. The initial offer from Paramount was a 20% increase over what NBC was paying. This translates to roughly about $6 million per episode. However, NBC s initial number was 5% less than what they were paying currently. This translates to roughly about $4.75 million per episode. Later, Paramount came down by $500,000 per episode ($5.5 million per episode). This still represented a sizable difference. Based on these facts, I would put Paramount s reservation price being in the range of $5 $5.25 million per episode. This is because their BATNA is not very strong and the fact that NBC were the industry leaders in terms of license fees, especially for prime time shows. Additionally, they called NBC to still work on the deal, which gives a strong hint that they were still open to negotiation. On the other hand, NBC s reservation price would be in the range of $5.5 $5.75 million. Though NBC s BATNA is also not very strong, they have other alternatives. And
  • 11. Artificial Intelligence And Alan Turing Alan Turing The A.I. Alan Turing cracked the enigma code on July 9th, 1941 and laid the infrastructure for artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has come a long way since the first robot was perfected. In 1950, Alan Turing published, Computer Machinery and Intelligence. This book introduced the birth of artificial intelligence as we know it today. Millions of robots with advanced technology and uses are being created every day since the emergence of this first robot occurred in 1969. While the world advances, so is technology. Technology is progressing and becoming better and more reliable, each day. Artificial intelligence is a certain type of technology that is resourceful nationwide. People use it in the medical field, it s also been helpful to military forces, this technology is truly helping our world to become a better place. The systems that are created to help in the medical field have been programmed to help in one specific area of medicine (Masci). This is a good strategy to slowly introduce robotics into the medical field. If each robot is specially set up to help with, for example, kidney transplant, the robot would be capable of being an expert and learning how to make these procedures more efficient. Some may argue that robots would be inadequate in the operating room because they may not recognize certain situations. How will we know what these systems can and cannot handle until we try? Scientists now are formulating a plan to program these
  • 12. Sin In The Scarlett Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne White as Snow Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of The Scarlet Letter, emphasizes the severity of sin throughout the entire novel. He uses different symbols to show how sin was dealt with when it came to what the people in the Puritan community believe. When a sin was committed, the community punished the person, sometimes to the point of death. Hester Prynne committed adultery, which was one act of sin taken very seriously. The community wanted to kill her, but Arthur Dimmesdale, a minister and also her daughter s father, convinced the other ministers to spare Hester. She was forced to wear the scarlet letter A, which stand for adulterer, for the rest of her life. Hawthorne reveals a common theme of sin by using: the scarlet letter A, Pearl, and Arthur Dimmesdale s failing health along with Roger Chillingworth s thirst for revenge. Hester Prynne was chastised by her community because of her sin of adultery. Though they spared her life, she was ... Show more content on ... Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of, The Scarlet Letter, presented Pearl as someone who is much more than just a symbol of Hester and Arthur s sin. Though the community only thought of her as an accident, she chose to not let everyone dictate her life. Pearl represents so much more than just an accident, and that is what Hawthorne is conveying to the readers. A scholar writes, ...his use of her in every decisive scene seem to justify an assumption that she is more than a passive link between her father and mother and more than a static symbol of their sin (McNamara 537). Pearl was the one having to live every day in the grim spotlight of the community because they perceived her as an outcast. She never had friends because the other children s parents would not allow their children to be around Pearl. Pearl signified how much a person can love someone else, even if that person derived from a place of
  • 13. Cephalosporin Case Study 1. What assessments will you make prior to prescribing a cephalosporin? The patient s medication allergies need to be questioned due to the high incidence of a drug reaction to cephalosporins if the patient has an allergy to penicillin (UpToDate, 2015). 2. What first line cephalosporin will you prescribe? When treating primary or secondary skin infections, first generation cephalosporins are recommended as the standard initial treatment (Woo Wynne, 2012). According to Woo Wynne (2012), cephalexin is the most used drug for surgical incision infections (Woo Wynne, 2012). Woo Wynne (2012) recommend dosing for cephalexin for soft tissue and skin infections 500mg every 12 hours (Woo Wynne, 2012). 3. What are the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics for the first line cephalosporins? (Address the action, use, contraindications, drug to drug and drug to food interaction, adverse effects, and patient teaching/nursing interventions.) According to Woo Wynne (2012): Pharmacokinetics: Oral forms of cephalosporins are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Absorption is delayed by food, except for in oral ester prodrugs where absorption is... Show more content on ... This requires clinical, microbiological, and laboratory data. Signs and symptoms of superinfections should be noted. Nurses must also note signs and symptoms of hemolytic anemia. Urinalysis, BUN, and creatinine should be used to assess the patient s renal function when they are on prolonged treatment. If impaired renal function is indicated the dosage should be decreased. Some cephalosporins affect blood clotting and require a baseline and assessment of prothrombin level (PT). These patients should also be monitored for disulfiram reactions. Nurses should also educate patients on administration, adverse reactions, side effects, and lifestyle management (Woo Wynne,
  • 14. Cory Doctorow s Little Brother Little Brother is a novel written by Cory Doctorow. The story takes place in the city of San Francisco, where the city is made a target and bombed by terrorists. The novel tells the story of Marcus Yallow, a seventeen year old student and tech genius, and his best friends, who are accusedly held responsible for the attacks on the Bay Bridge. They are detained by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and are heavily interrogated to the point of torture, where Marcus feels it is unnecessary and inhumane. When the DHS become aware that they make a huge mistake in who they are suspecting as the real offenders, the group of friends are released, only for them to realize that their friend Darryl is missing and his whereabouts are unknown.... Show more content on ... Marcus becomes an icon in the eyes of the citizens fighting for individual privacy and civil rights. As this group rapidly grows and evolves, Marcus and his followers now attend an illegal open air concert in Dolores Park. He meets the love of his life Ange and just when things start to get a little intimate between the two, the police and DHS come break up the concert with pepper spray. This ultimately leads to Marcus finding out that Darryl is alive and hidden in prison when a man named Zeb approaches Marcus in the streets and passes him the information in the form of a note, giving Marcus hope and inspiring him to keep going on. At this point, Marcus has gathered enough courage to tell his parents about everything that he has been through and is now open to tell Barbara Stratford, a newspaper reporter for the Bay Guardian, known for her intense and deep investigations in her work. As word is getting out on the secrets of the DHS, Marcus is put on a ticking clock as he needs to do everything in his power
  • 15. The Importance Of Gender Pronouns Introduce the issue Gender pronouns are an ever growing issue in our world, developing into an exceptionally hot topic in today s society. There are some citizens out there who prefer the use of non binary pronouns such as they/their instead of him/her, because they feel as though their gender should not be assumed. Even though some people may not agree with banning gender pronouns, it would protect transgender and other non binary people from discrimination, expand the possibilities for gender identity and expression, and reduce the impact that gender has on our educational system. Explain why it is compelling to you Gender pronouns make me curious because most humans do not have to worry about harassment due to their gender or how they portray themselves. This is bothersome to me because we are all human beings and in my opinion, deserve the same rights as everyone else. There are many obstacles that trans and non binary people have to face, such as harassment, discrimination, and they may not get the same opportunities within the job market or colleges because of their personal gender choices. A national Transgender Discrimination Survey showed that 26% of trans people lost their jobs due to bias, 50% were harassed on the job, 20% were evicted or denied housing, and 78% of trans students were harassed or assaulted ( 2017.) From the web article Non
  • 17. Suspects In The Beaumont Case Suspects in this case were Arthur Stanley Brown, James Ryan O Neill, Derek Percy, but the main suspect in his case was Bevan Von Einem (Owen, 2002). Bevan Von Einem was convicted of murderer in 1984. He murder 1 5 boys and young boys. He was a suspect in the Beaumont case because a witness name Mr. B (Not the witness real name) had told the police the Einmen had told him that he had kidnap the Beaumont children back then. He also told police that he had brilliant torture them and that one died the youngest (Grant). Mr. B also said that the bodies had been dumped at Moana somewhere south of Adelaide. At the time of the disappearances Einmen was around Glenelg beach and always too friendly with children. He was also known as drugging and sexual
  • 18. What Makes Augustine s Confessions Memorable Maddie Yamona Western Civilization II Mr. Horswell 29 September, 2017 What makes Augustine s Confessions memorable Augustine s Confessions was a major piece of work that heavily influenced the religion back in his times. Augustine s Confessions is still read today because of the relatability it shows in aspects of depression, love, and finding your identity. Throughout the book Augustine goes through his life and the decisions he has made and how they made him either a better or worse person. We can use Augustine s Confessions as a tool to also evaluate our own lives and decisions because of the way he judges himself and what he considers to be the best and worst things he has done and why. Augustine goes through trying to find himself through things of the world and then finally realizes why he can not when he steps back and looks at the fact that he must first find himself in God. Augustine finds himself going through hard times throughout the Confessions and this includes the struggle with depression. Augustine loses one of his very close friends and begins to become depressed, I raged and sighed and wept and worried, I could not rest, I could not think intelligent. (Augustine. 64). When Augustine becomes depressed he says that he does not want to be around people and people can relate to this because when people are upset they want time to themselves to think not time around other people. Another example of when Augustine is depressed is when Augustine realizes how
  • 19. Overview Of Nursing Documentation Documentation is a very important task that all nurses must do when working in the healthcare field. Accurate documentation not only assures high quality patient care but is our best defense in a malpractice lawsuit. Avoiding malpractice by proper and complete documentation is about more than just avoiding a lawsuit making it to court; it is about avoiding the litigation process entirely. We need to remember that documenting has to be legible, complete, and thoughtful to prevent risks for litigation. A patient s chart is a medical and legal document. When documenting, nurses must keep in mind that the information has to be complete, correct, and timely. Incomplete, misleading or missing documentation create problems when presented as evidence ... Show more content on ... When possible, you should avoid documenting by exception (a quick method commonly used to document normal findings that includes defined normals) i.e. a care activity is assumed done unless charted otherwise (Proactive prevention, 2016), because this can be considered as careless documentation, leading to unclear communication. We need to remember that documenting has to be complete and thoughtful to prevent risks for litigation. Again, a patient s chart is a medical and legal document. My example of correct documentation that I am going to use today is based on my recent experience in the CVOU. I took care of one of my nurse s patients through the entire cardiac procedure. All my interventions were important, so I documented them as soon as they were done. During post procedure, I had to assess the patient s femoral incision site for bleeding and swelling or hardening, legs for color and edema, and pedal and popliteal pulses q15 min x4 and q30 min x2. Although, I was taking care of another patient at the same time, I kept in the back of my head the need to assess my primary patient during each time frame, and documented my findings right away, which takes only a minute or two so there was no delay documentation, which may have led to
  • 20. Gender Roles In Zora Neale Hurston s Their Eyes Were... What would you feel like as a woman if your husband was seen as more important or powerful than you? Or if it was considered okay for your husband to do whatever he please towards you? In Zora Neale Hurston s, Their Eyes Were Watching God, the book revolves around Janie and what has happened in her life prior to returning to Eatonville, after burying the dead . The concept of genderroles impacts Janie, and the mayor, Jody s lives and marriage. If the idea of women and men s ideal jobs didn t exist, then Jody wouldn t think he had complete power and authority over Janie. If men and women didn t have certain jobs they had to fulfill, then the concept of gender would not have as big of an effect as it does. Zora starts off the book with a
  • 21. Gender Segregation Of Canada s Labor Ever since the 1929 Person s case, women were recognized as equal in the eyes of the law and this was revolutionizing. This is the first time in Canadian history where a certain social group stood up for what they believed in because, women wanted to be treated as equals. In today s society we do recognized women to be just as equal as men, but this does not pertain in Canada s labor force because women are still being treated unfairly in regards to fair wages and the possibility of being able to work any job around Canada. Gendersegregation in our labor market can be explained as, not being able to receive that same treatment as the opposite sex. This is because women are stereotypically looked at as a weaker gender; they expect women to work part time jobs, and the unfair wagegap between women and men. Firstly, because women are thought to be a weaker gender, their access to jobs diminishes because women are looked at for only being good in raising children. Employers find male workers to be more beneficial in regards to any job because men are looked more as a stronger and smarter than woman. For Example, we find it frowned upon when we see a femaleconstruction worker, or a firefighter; this I because as men we think that women are not strong enough or capable to accomplish the tasks within these jobs. It is stated that large scale factory production was a growing separation between the work that men and woman did. Men were drawn into the industrial wage labor
  • 22. I Want To Change School Hours Essay One reason why people might not want to change the school hours is because of the effect it might have on after school activities. If the schools starting hour is pushed back a little later in the morning then the time of dismissal will be later in the day. Which can affect those in any after school activities by reducing the time of availability for practices and matches(National Sleep Foundation). Though this may be true but in middle schoolthere are not as many after school activities as in high schoolso it will not affect middle school as it may affect high school. Also by cutting out any after school activities that are not as popular as others or ones that do not benefit the school in any way, there can be more space and time for the other ones. Another reason why someone may feel that school starting later in the day may be a bad idea is because any teacher working or helping with any after school activities will have to go home later in the day and have less time with their family(National Sleep Foundation). This statement also may be true but a study shows that in practice teachers rarely find this to be true. A poll found that 60% of children ... Show more content on ... Sleeping is very important for the human body, when students don t get the required amount it can lead them to do not so well in school. Schools should be shortened for middle and high school students. This is important because it will very much help the students and the teachers by focusing more on their school work and succeeding in the future with the skills they learned in school. If schools throughout the world changed the time of the schools openings to a little later in the morning then it will become a better future for many of the current students and many more to come. People need to take this seriously and try it out so they can know for a fact that students that get the required amount of sleep will do better in
  • 23. The Destructive Sprawl of the Suburbia on the Environment... The Destructive Sprawl of the Suburbia on the Environment Growing up in Northern Toronto, it had never occurred to me that the neighbourhood I was living in was planned long before my neighbors or I decided to move and build this a community. As I grew older and I started to notice new areas being built I noticed that from afar those hundreds of houses were being built and organized in preparation for hundreds of families. Personally, I am interested in the development of subdivisions and the suburbs due to my family owning a property around the area of Lake Simcoe. It seems as though that with every passing year it takes another few kilometers or minutes to escape the confines of the citydue to the growth of the suburbs around... Show more content on ... The end of the war opened new avenues for the American public due to new innovations in technology and organization (Marshall, 1979). Abraham Levitt, an American entrepreneur, established a community in Nassau County, Long Island. Levitt converted former farmland into a suburban community where thousands of individuals could find housing. Approximately, 17,000 houses were built and sold or rented to middle income families (Naish, 2014). Among the American population, there was a desire for individual freedom following World War II. One being able to attain a large living space and accumulate material wealth became engrained in the American Dream. Many realized that the suburbs and living in planned subdivisions of land was an affordable option. This led to the growth of suburbia throughout the late 20th century. These same desires are what allow the suburbs to flourish today. The US Census Bureau published in 2002 The Demographic Trends of the 20th Century. In the 20th century, the American population grew from 76 million to 281 million, with 80% of the 281 million living in urban areas. It is the suburbs that represented the largest degree of growth. Suburbia houses over 50% of the American people (Hobbs et al., 2014). While providing high quality housing for millions of people across North America, the sprawl of Suburbia has harmed the
  • 24. The Role of Women in Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Essay More than those of any other African writer, Chinua Achebe s writings have helped to develop what is known as African literature today. And the single book which has helped him to launch his revolution is the classic, Things Fall Apart. The focus of this essay includes: 1) Achebe s portraiture of women in his fictional universe, the existing sociocultural situation of the period he is depicting, and the factors in it that condition male attitudes towards women; 2) the consequences of the absence of a moderating female principle in his fictions; 3) Achebes progressively changing attitudetowards women s roles; and 4) feminist prospects for African women. In the context of this study, the Igbo people whom Achebe describes will... Show more content on ... Things Fall Apart is significant because it began the vogue of African novels of cultural contact and conflict. It has been translated into over twenty major world languages. Commensurate with its popularity, images of women receive attention. In a style that is expository rather than prescriptive, Achebe s novel mirrors the sociocultural organization existing in the Africa of the era he describes. Like Zora Neale Hurston s Janie Mae Crawford (when married to Jody Starks), Achebe s women are voiceless. But where even Janie is highly visible, his women are virtually inconsequential. In Of Woman Born (1977), Adrienne Rich unwittingly captures all the nuances of the African traditional social milieu when she describes patriarchy as: the power of the fathers: a familial, social, ideological, and political system in which, by direct pressure or through tradition, law and language, customs, etiquette, education, and division of labor men determine
  • 25. Catoctin Mountain Review Essay Introduction: The National Park Service (NPS) and the U. S. Department of the Interior (USDI) drafted the Catoctin Mountain National Park Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (2006) to impart knowledge of a need for action to facilitate the regeneration of vegetation and reforestation of the park. A population of white tailed deer that was exceeding an estimated 100 individual animals per square mile was over browsing the vegetation. According to the EIS a population of 15 to 20 individuals is optimal to protect herd health and allow regeneration of the vegetation. The EIS listed four alternatives that were investigated in depth according to the National Environmental Protection Act requirements (FHWA, n.d.) these... Show more content on ... This alternative would reach the goals through the length of the plan. The reduction in deer population would not be rapid and regeneration would be seen mostly in the exclusions until the population had diminished and the plan cost is over $9.5 million. The preferred alternative, alternative C was comprised of the continuation of alternative A with the use of sharpshooting and the subduing and euthanization of deer to rapidly reduce the population to the goal range in three years. Through this alternative the goals would be meet in a relatively short time frame at a cost between $738,600 and $941,100. The final alternative, alternative D also continued alternative A with the combination of sharpshooting, euthanization, and reproduction control. Alternative D would meet the goals of the plan in a similar time frame as alternative C with a cost of between $1.4 and $1.6 million. Rejected alternatives: Several alternatives were rejected for various reasons. The first rejected alternative was a managed hunt, for the need of legislation change in congress to allow a hunt on NPS land and possible cost and safety issues. A second was sterilization of bucks, which would only show moderate control of the population if the dominant buck were sterilized. Predator reintroduction was next rejected, because studies have shown that predators have not shown consistent
  • 26. The Tragedy Of The Titanic Disaster On the night of April 14, 1912 the world was struck with disaster as the RMS Titanic collided with an iceberg and sunk into the sea. Only 31.6% survived the disaster. In order to understand what factors lead to the highest chances of survival, this project uses a Titanic passenger database and decision trees in order to classify survivors into two groups, survived and perished. Then using this information, rank the most important factors regarding the likelihood of survival. From our experiments we found that the most important factor in surviving the Titanic disaster was title and that a decision treethat created around that variable as its highest level decision had a correct classification rate of 79.425% 1 Introduction On the night ... Show more content on ... Additionally, the database also provides the class that the passenger was in, their ticket number, their cabin number, ticket price, and where they embarked. From this information, we hope to understand what factors played and role in survival and which were the most important. The rest of this paper proceeds as follows: In section 2, this paper discusses the creation of a decision tree. Section 3 describes to experimentation on the Titanic dataset. Section 4 gives the results of the comparison and the conclusions from the project. 2 Creating a Decision Tree We decided that the best to answer these questions would be to create a decision tree in order to classify which passengers into two categories survived and perished. By creating a decision tree that was able to classify most of the passengers statuses correctly, we know which of the factors were the most important due to the fact that the most important factors would be located at the top of the tree. The factors located on lower levels of the tree are less important, due to the fact that they are the deciding factor for survival for a smaller group of people. To create a decision tree, we begin by cleaning the data that we receive from the database. First, we remove the names of the passengers, due to the fact that we can more easily refer to them by their passenger ids. We also remove the information connected to cabin number, due
  • 27. Romantic Love Essay Romantic love as a cultural script includes the belief that love is all you need; true love lasts forever; true lovers become one; love is pure and good; and anything done in the name of love cannot be wrong (Ben Ze ev Goussinsky, 2008). Romantic ideology encompasses positive aspects of love, such as mutual devotion and intimacy. This influence is present in a beginning scene where Angela is talking to Mamen about her boyfriend and stating her faithfulness. She explains how she is able to separate the job (prostitution) from her loyalty. Even if work is busy, 30 guys in a day, she will continue to be faithful. Angela advises Mamen to take care of her own boyfriend. Then a pseudo scenario is brought up where a hot guy at a club is present... Show more content on ... Later on, Caya is on a date with Manuel and she asks him that question. She basically cries when he replies that he would definitely pick her up from work. Zulema also contributes to the romantic script by showing us some affiliation as she cooks for one of her returning clients. A final instance that is in the grey area between insanity and romantic love is Caya s mother, Pilar. Looping into the ideology that true love lasts forever, we can see how Pilar continues to love her dead husband because she does not accept the fact he has passed. During the film, Pilar consistently receives flowers to her house from an anonymous sender. At first perception we can think she has a secret admirer. Subsequently, her son supports the idea of the admirer, but Pilar insists that they are from her husband. It is later revealed by Caya that she had been sending flowers to herself the whole time. Physical attractiveness is especially important to men choosing a prospective sexual partner or mate, as shown by research in many cultures. Males will usually choose good looks, whereas women favor personal qualities and earning abilities. Preference is also determined by sexist attitudes about gender roles. People with more sexist beliefs about gender role ideologies prefer partners who have traditional masculine/feminine qualities (Crawford, 2012). Using the films schema, we can identify good looks as big breasts, big butts, nice hair, fixed nails, and a clean appearance overall. Caya
  • 28. How Did The North Win The Civil War Weapons of the Civil War: Why Did The North Win? Battles have been fought since the dawn of time. Weapons have gradually become more technological and sophisticated each and every time. People learn from their mistakes, as did the Indians in the late 1700s, as well as the Confederate troops from the Civil War. The Union was victorious in this war for freedom, and to this day, the north is more the heart of the country s economy. Weapons have been around from the Neanderthals of the post ice age, to the Taliban in Afghanistan. Rocks became knives, sticks became spears, and bayonets became AK 47 s. The technology from the French and Indian War was revolutionized and manufactured by the newly opened weaponry companies. Colt... Show more content on ... The cap and ball had two barrels, which held nine .40 caliber rounds on the upper barrel, and a .63 caliber on the lower barrel, and came with the option of either an eighteen or twenty gauge shot barrel. One model was even fitted with a full length barrel (Pikes 27 30). This greatly aided the northern victory due to the enormous power it possessed over the confederate s figure eight s. Riffles were another major contribution to the war, as far as weapons were concerned. The union forces had One of the most popular riffles was the Model 1861 Springfield Musket. The Springfield Musket weighed 9.25 pounds, had a twenty one inch socket bayonet, and fired a .58 caliber mine ball traveling 950 feet per second. Riffled Muskets, which were also known as Enfields, were the second most popular riffles in the war. These Enfields, had a bore diameter of .557 inches, and weighed nine pounds three ounces. They were accurate at 800 yards, and could travel up to 1,100 yards without any difficulty. During the course of the war, 400,000 Enfields were sold to the Union troops, whereas a mere 20,000 were purchased by the confederate army. Although this weapons wasn t as popular as the Springfield, the Enfield still packed a powerful punch at 1,100 yards (Ripley 43). The Remington production factories, located in New England, began producing the Harper s Ferry Rifle in 1850.
  • 29. St Vincent De Paul Swot Analysis Non profit organisation: St Vincent de Paul Fundraising campaign: Walk A Thon Situation analysis St Vincent de Paul is a non profit organisation that aims at achieving awareness and improving the lives of those who face social injustice in Australia. These issues include, homelessness, poverty and asylum seekers (St Vincent de Paul, 2016). This non profit organises many fundraising events throughout the year as well as having Night Patrol volunteers each night go out into Sydney CBD and give the homeless food and beverages. Homelessness is a large issue within Australia, as approximately one in every two hundred people spends the night out on the street (Homelessness Australia, 2012). All of these people are in dire need of basic necessities, ... Show more content on ... This simple message is very powerful in the way that it can teach people that one simple act of kindness has the ability to make a difference in someone else s life. Each target public will have a different key message aimed at them because no target public is or thinks the same as the others. 1.NSW Primary and Secondary Schools в†’ Every step counts This key message demonstrates to the children that even the simplest of acts, such as a small donation, is still important in raising awareness of social injustices. It allows these young children and teenagers to realise that it is important to do whatever they can to others as it can make a different no matter how big or small the gesture is. 2.Employees and CEOs of Major Corporations and Organisations в†’ Walk 4 Others This key message will symbolise the importance of not thinking of themselves and doing acts that solely benefit themselves. They should learn to participate in events that can benefit those who are less fortunate. 3.Local Businesses в†’ Walk a mile in their
  • 30. Fear And The She waited a few moments, then slipped out after them, her heart beating so loudly that she felt instinctively that it must be audible to the people she was following. She stayed just far enough back that the curve of the corridor concealed her from sight, keeping her footfalls silent on the deck plating. For just an instant she sped up, just to see a glimpse of these people. She could see dark hair, and then, for just a moment, lavender skin. Fear was setting in. At least in the dark she had doubts, but now she could do nothing but believe her eyes. She was on an alien spaceship. She didn t know what to do, and so hung back and simply followed them as they carried on their way through the ship. She was grateful to have someone to follow because gradually their path became more labyrinthine as they wound their way further into the ship. They started to go rather fast, and she thought she might lose them. She slowed down to catch her breath, not sure yet if she would continue after them. But Nivea had stopped just in time. She hadn t realized they had stopped as well, and she had to lurch herself back before they saw her. She waited, spying carefully around the corner. The four men were clustered around a door, and they seemed to be having trouble opening it. Finally they wrenched the door open, and Nivea s heart jumped as she saw Meg. She had an orange oil on her fingers like liquid iodine, and tears in her eyes. Nivea couldn t help the surge of hope and maybe even
  • 31. Examples Of Figurative Language In Shooting An Elephant Well known author and journalist, George Orwell, in his essay, Shooting an Elephant, describes his experiences as a Policeman in Moulmein, Burma during European Imperialism. Orwell s purpose is to convey the ideal that what is right and what is accepted don t always align. He adopts a remorseful tone in order to convey to the reader the weight of his actions. By looking at George Orwells use of imagery and figurative language, one can see his strongly conflicting opinions on Imperialism. Orwell begins his essay, Shooting an Elephant, by explaining the actions of the Burmese people and by expressing his contempt for imperialism. He appeals to the empathy of the audience by stating the actions of the Burmese people: if a European woman went ... Show more content on ... Orwell writes, If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have about as much chance as a toad under a steam roller. (3). Orwell s use of the phrase adds to the dramatic humor of the situation, and creates a better understanding of his conflicting opinions on his situation. Preceding this statement is an internal argument within which Orwell debates whether he should shoot the elephant or not. To connect this statement back to the symbol of the elephant representing imperialism it shows that if he were to go against the European imperialist he would surely lose everything he had and possibly his life depending on the person, but right after the quote above Orwell writes about not thinking particularly of his own skin but of the natives behind him. Meaning he wasn t thinking so much about saving himself but rather saving those around him. He was breathing very rhythmically with long rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling (4), this quote within it s self is a metaphor as well as imagery. It is a metaphor for how imperialists may be overthrown but influences can never be forgotten, through this it gives us a better understanding a picture of the scene and Orwell s feelings during this
  • 32. Negativity Around My Community Analysis Throughout my life I ve perceived a substantial amount of negativity around my community. I extraordinarily feel that our society needs to construct a change to our community. There is too much people in this community not trying to improve it. We need to learn how to make our planet to a level where everything is positive and there s no negativity. Some of that incorporates leadership. We need more people in our society to step up and be a leader. Someone has to realize the hardships that our earth is encountering. If someone leads our community then people will start to be followers. I personally think we should have persuasive speeches now and then. As a society, we need to discuss how to fix our earth and maybe turn it into a utopia. ... Show more content on ... Less fast food places should be built and more healthier restaurants should be created. Eating fast food is technically bad for you because it contains large amounts of carbohydrates, added sugar, unhealthy fats, and sodium. This can lead to obesity, vitamin deficiencies, and heart disease so we should really be in healthy shape. I also feel like we need more gyms other than the YMCA. The gyms included should also be free instead of having to pay. Working out maintains good heart health and is another way to stay healthy. You could possibly increase longevity. Exercising can also make your bones strong and is good cardiovascular wise. Not to be rude but there s a lot of people that need to work out. It is very important that our society stays health and is in top shape. The most important way to stay healthy is probably not to smoke. Smoking can cause lung cancer and stop you from doing physical activity. If you smoke, it can prevent you from playing sports in the future. Smoking is actually another way for you to kill yourself. Ever since I was young I believed that stores should stop selling cigarettes. The reason why people are dying is because cigarettes are being sold worldwide. People waste tons of money each year on it when that money could be used for something else. This is why we have to think before we do
  • 33. Social Relation And Dynamics Of Production And Reproduction INTRODUCTION There is no doubt that the increase in population has put pressure on land due to the increase in the world economy (money supply, utilization of goods and services as well as production), which has brought about the increase in demand and supply. This situation should not be a yardstick for investors to exploit on peoples (small scale farmers) and denying them their human right (Timothy E 2010). The social relation and dynamics of production and reproduction, property and power in agrarian formation is termed as political economy (Bernstein, 2010). Land which is a natural resource and property for its owners has become a debatable issue recently. The introduction of industries in to agrarian settings has made investors to ... Show more content on ... Government polices sometimes turn to promote these land grabs, the challenge is thrown to social movements to ensure environmental sustainability and better policies. Especially, now that contemporary issues related to land grabs are based on natural resource management, and environment violence in developing countries has augmented (Barlowe et al. 2013). The link between people and their material environment, thus political ecology make people aggressive when they are being displaced of their land. This has led to recent increase in land disputes. There is the mentality that, if someone does not own a land, he/ she does value or take proper care of it and is tempted to manage it badly or even use inappropriate technology on it. Also the shifting dialect between society and land based resource give a reason to detect and understand and respond to to environmental problems. There is the need to harmonise contemporary cultural, political and economic systems in other to ensure ecological sustainability. Land space allocated to small scale farmers should be well demarcated so that the political boundaries would be clear. This would foster understanding of contemporary agrarian issues. (Paulson, Susan, and Lisa L. Gezon, 2005) The objective of this essay is to discuss the how investments on agrarian settings affect the local people s livelihood. Considering the agrarian question three ,thus the transformation
  • 34. Personal Narrative-The Cow The cow crushed me against the metal gate. The beast s enormous ugly head pressed against my chest and refused to let me escape. I screamed, SYDNEY! SYDNEY! HELP! She came rushing out of the barn. By the time she reached me, the cow had backed away a bit, but it still stood with its head lowered, ready to charge us. Katelyn needs to get rid of this cow, Sydney said, hold on... i ll go get a whip. The rest of the barn hands and I had repeatedly told Katelyn that the cow was vicious, but our boss didn t seem to believe us. I had no idea what I was getting into when I accepted this job. Besides the crazy cow, there s dealing with thorny hay bales, broken fences, a broken tractor. There s the physical labor of mucking twenty nasty stalls
  • 35. Robotic Prosthetics Vs. Real Limbs We are all so used to using our limbs, most of us wouldn t know what to do without them. However, some people, because of accidents or sickness, have lost theirs. Through the use of prosthetics, they can have some of that use back, though it still can t compare to a real limb. But, recent advancements in robotic prostheticsand a steady increase in capabilities show that prosthetics may eventually be replaced with robotics, and may become just as good as or better than real limbs. While robotic prosthetics are a recent development, prosthetics have been around for a long time. In the Funk Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, It gives a short history of prosthetics. They were first carved from wood, more than two thousand years ago, because it ... Show more content on ... Prosthetics require pre programed movements and take practice to be able to use right, although connecting prosthetics right into our nervous systems could fix this problem(Atzori, Manfredo). There are also only a few areas on prosthetic limbs right now that can feel. Scientists have been experimenting with synthetic skin that can feel temperature, to improve senses, but this hasn t been used on limbs yet. Robotic prosthetics are nowhere near perfect, but advancements like these show progress toward making this the future of prosthetic limbs. Robotic prosthetics are in use now, although they aren t nearly as advanced as some of the ones just mentioned. Some amputees have them, and they are able to perform basic tasks like walking and picking things up. However, movements are still limited and the lack of senses prevents the kind of precision our own limbs provide. They are also very expensive so most people don t have access to them. An average robotic leg is around one hundred thousand dollars, and may not even be very versatile. Many don t allow much movement, and often are not waterproof. They are a good start, but have much to
  • 36. Theodore Roosevelt Dbq Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was an influential person because he expanded power for the presidential office, he is considered the first modern president of our time, and he completed the Panama Canal. Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York, NY on October 27, 1958 (Source 1). Theodore Roosevelt Jr., also known as Teddy, was the son of Theodore Rooseveltand Martha Bulloch (Source 1). Teddy was very sick when he was a young boy. He suffered from defective eyesight and asthma almost from birth (Source 2). Teddy never went to public schools because of his sicknesses. Aunt Bamie Roosevelt taught Teddy to read, write, and to do math for a long period of Teddy s childhood (Source 2). Teddy was tutored all his childhood until he got accepted to Harvard... Show more content on ... He died at the age of 60 and will be remembered as this country s hero (Source 2).Theodore was buried near Sagamore Hill. Where it is now a tourist location for tourists to see the greatest father of our country (source 2). After Theodore s death, his youngest son, Quentin, was shot down and killed in an air pilot shaft while he was flying over Germany (Source 5). Teddy was denied the Medal of Honor for the San Juan Heights, but he posthumously received the honor, which means he earned the medal when he died. (Source 1). Theodore Roosevelt Jr. will always be the one person and/or president that helped this country, sacrificed a lot, and did a lot for this country more than any other president this country has ever
  • 37. Workers Compensation System Workers compensation provides cash and medical benefits to workers who are injured or become ill in the course of their employment and benefits to the survivors of workers killed on the job. Benefits are provided without regard to fault and are the exclusive remedy for workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths. Nearly all workers and employers in the United States are covered by workers compensation and each state, with the exception of Texas, has a mandatory workers compensation system. In 2105 more than 135 million workers accounting for more than $7.1 trillion in wages, were covered by a state or federal workers compensation system. When a covered worker is injured becomes sick or dies as a result of his or her employment, that worker is entitled to full medical coverage for the injury or illness, cash benefits to replace a portion of wages lost due to inability to work, and benefits for surviving family members in case of death. Employers are responsible for providing workers compensation benefits to their... Show more content on ... The federal government has only a limited role in the provision of workers compensation because most workers are covered by state laws. Although every state has a workers compensation system and in all but one state workers compensation or an equivalent is mandatory, there is no federal mandate that states must have workers compensation, no federal standards for state programs and no federal oversight of state systems. Prior to the establishment of workers compensation laws at the beginning of the 20th century, the civil courts were the only avenue for the adjudication of disputes over responsibility for employment related injuries, illnesses, and deaths, and the courts could order employers to provide compensation to injured workers or the survivors of workers killed on the job if it was determined that the employer was negligent. Under the common law doctrine of negligence, the
  • 38. Essay on Obesity Alters Gut Microbial Ecology A common theme among the concerns of today s American citizens is that of obesity. Obesity, identifiable by abnormal fat accumulation, can be defined in absolute terms by one who has a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30. It is estimated that over 30 percent of American adults are clinically obese. This number has shown a dramatic increase from the 15 percent of American adults suffering from obesity in 1980. Globally, 400 million adults are obese, while predictions place this number at 700 million by 2015. The major issue confronting this adiposity is the health conditions that accompany states of extreme obesity. These include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis among others. The escalating number of obese and... Show more content on ... * These microorganisms help in extracting calories from polysaccharides in our diet. * They are able to break up polysaccharides that we would otherwise not be able to hydrolyze. * Studies in mice, which also have large numbers of microbes living in their guts, have shown that there may be a link between storing energy as fat and microbial activity. * It is thought that the microbes regulate the expression of the gut protein fasting induced adipocyte protein (FIAF). This protein is an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase (LPL). * If the microbes suppress FIAF, then the level of LPL increases. * Increased LPL levels enhance fat storage (make an individual fatter). * There exists a highly adapted range of bacteria present in the human gut that are inherited maternally. The hypothesis: Obesity may be linked to differences in the microbial makeup of each individual. Individuals prone to obesity may possess microbes that are more efficient at extracting energy from food than lean individuals. Questions addressed by the experiment: * How does the structure of the gut microbial community differ between individuals? * Does being a member of the same family affect the microbial community? * Does obesity affect the community structure? If so, at what taxonomic level does this occur, and does the gut community
  • 39. White Feminism Essay Examples White Feminism White feminism is not inclusive because it discriminates against minority groups. White Feminism is feminism that only represents white cisgender (people that identify with the sex that was assigned to them at birth) women. This is a fairly new term I ve seen that s surfaced the internet. It s the mainstream third wave form of feminismthat s been particularly popular on social media in more recent years. Many white celebrities have endorsed this form of feminism and have integrated into their public image. Such as Taylor Swift and Lena Dunham. The first organized feminist movement recorded was Seneca Falls lead by Alice Walker. Seneca Falls focused on abolishing slavery, and women s suffrage. However, its main concern... Show more content on ... Many writers and notable feminist write about how the women of Seneca falls were only focused on white women s rights and didn t allow black women to advocate for them or join their movement. Their focus now is on equality in the workplace and better pay raises for women. Which anyone can agree is very powerful and uplifting, however their main focus are situations that only affect white women and they don t acknowledge the struggles of women of color and also trans women. Both of those groups have been helping white feminist get their message out for years. An example of a time where white feminism was in full effect was back in 2015, an actress named Patricia Arquette decided to make a speech after accepting an award at the Oscars. She s goes on to talk about how people of color and gay people need to help and advocate for what she thinks is the feminist movement. However, she failed to realize that both of those minority groups include women and are the forefront of women advocacy and women s rights. This outrage over the half the feminist movement and gave more momentum to the idea of leaving white feminism in the past where it belongs. (Marcotte 2015) Its harder for people
  • 40. Touching Spirit Bear Character Analysis In the books Touching Spirit Bear and Devil s Arithmetic they have many similarities and differences in conflict. In the book Touching Spirit Bear it s set on an island with a spirit bear. A kid named Cole Matthews got sent to the island as a consequence. In the book Devil s Arithmetic it is set during the Holocaust. The main character is a girl named Hannah and she has to face all of the consequences the people in the Holocaust did. Although the two books have a lot of similarities in conflict they also have a lot of differences. Some of the similarities are in conflict. They both of similar conflicts, especially person vs. person. In the book Touching spirit Bear Cole has to go to an island because he physically hurt someone, he had hurt
  • 41. The And The Syrian Migrant Crisis Essay The nation of Hungary has had a troubled past. From allying with the wrong side in both World Wars, to being oppressed by the Soviet bloc, Hungary s newly democratic government has the challenge of passing legislation that would benefit its citizens for the future, both near and far. In 2004, the Hungarian people, with approval from Brussels, joined the European Union. This event had unforeseen complications that would unveil themselves when the World s overall security was questioned. Within the last few years, the European Union has been faced with the unique challenge of determining how each nation should be handling the Syrian Migrant Crisis. Being on the border of the EU, Hungary has been bombarded with migrants seeking asylum in the EU s member states. Brussels saw the large influx of migrants and proposed quotas, which in a very recent referendum, the Hungarian citizens rejected. Along with the threat to national sovereignty in the physical sense, many European Union economic policies have had a negative impact on the national economy of Hungary. The constraints and requirements placed on Hungarian business have not completely benefited the economy, like they have in other EU nations. Although not blatantly stated, the legislators in Brussels have made decisions that one could attribute to unfair treatment of Hungary and its people. This can be see especially when it comes to the respect of the Hungarian Government shown from the top leaders of the EU and their
  • 42. 2-Methylcyclohexanol Molecules INTRODUCTION: The polymerization of sugar molecules, such as sucrose and fructose, involves the dehydration of two sugar monomers to produce a peptide C=O bond, and the release of water. This common biomolecular mechanism has been greatly studied within the science disciplines. For Biologists, they ve studied how nature does it, and for Chemist, they ve studied how we mimic, and manipulate it. Chemist refer to such chemical reactions, in which atoms or groups of atoms are removed from a molecule, as an elimination. Elimination reactions are very common in organic chemistry. Examples include the dehydration of alcohols and the dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides. The dehydration of alcohols is the method most frequently used in the laboratory... Show more content on ... Using the formation of a tosylate to transform the OH group of the starting material into a good leaving group so that it could be eliminated in the formation of a carbon carbon double bond. As illustrated in the results of the GC, IR, and NMR analysis of the products, the experiment was successful and occurred as predicted. It can be concluded that if a specific product is desired from experimental synthesis, the best option, in terms of control and specificity, is to design an experiment that favors an E2 mechanism. As it proves to be the more selective of the elimination/substitution
  • 43. The Challenges of Taking Dell Private By exploring the possibility of going private, Dell appears to hope that it can finally fix the problems that have led to a 40 percent plunge in stock price over the last five years. There s one problem, however: Going private may not be all that easy or help out the company in the end. The effort is under way, people briefed on the matter have confirmed to DealBook, with Dell talking with private equity firms and exploring obtaining bank financing. It s unclear how long it will take to reach a completed deal, though reports have suggested it may take nearly two months. But a leveraged buyout of a company as big as Dell would be no small feat, and it would be dependent on overcoming hurdles specific to the private equity ... Show more content on ... could be as low as 8 percent. Avoiding the tax man could bolster that return to 31 percent. (That may less of a problem, according to the investor Wilbur L. Ross, who told CNBC on Tuesday that the company could sell eurodollar bonds, which may avoid incurring a steep tax charge.) Dell also had almost $5 billion in long term debt as of Nov. 2. That means the newly private company would be highly indebted, though analysts at the ISI Group and Mizuho point out that the company has respectable cash flow, generating about $3.7 billion in cash from operations during that time. The bigger question for the company is whether going private would solve any of the issues it has faced for years. Its traditional business of making and selling personal computers has become less and less profitable, and Dell has already been trying to move into the more lucrative and stable market of providing hardware and software services for corporations. That s not something that requires Dell to be private, however. And there s also the question of whether a newly private Dell, forced to spend much of its revenue on paying down its debt, would have money to invest in its business or pay for new acquisitions. (Last year alone, the company struck 10 deals, including the $2.4 billion purchase of Quest Software.) Mr. Ross said on CNBC that he believed the chances of a deal coming together were about 50 50. But there s still a lot of work and finagling
  • 44. Home Depot Case Analysis Home Depot was one of the biggest home improvement retailers of America with more than 2248 stores around the world. It was established by Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank in 1978. Home Depot is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. For two decades after its commencement the organization experienced quick development. Be that as it may, in the mid 2000s the organization execution backed off and Bob Nardelli was named the new CEO. Prior the organization took after a decentralized authoritative structure and that functioned admirably until 2000. In mid 1980s, the point was to convey stockroom retailing idea to the home focus industry. This was thought to be simply the main effective organization in Do it Yourself (DIY) section and was celebrated for giving great items the low costs. The Home terminal was a piece of expansive, quickly developing and aggressive home change industry amid 1980 s. With two breadwinners in every family, families were ready to spend more cash on home change ventures. Along these lines, the DIY fragment developed quickly and the business joined numerous contenders to give intense rivalries to every others. In mid 1990, Lowe s turned into the biggest contender of Home terminal as the deals and development were at the best for Lowe s stores which took Lowe to extensive organization outlet center. Basis of Recommendation: The achievement of the initial three stores in 1979 urged the organization to extend its business quickly and achieve the 50th store
  • 45. Organizational Project Management Contents Acknowledgement1 1.Introduction3 2.Organizational project management4 3.OPM3 Model5 3.1.Primary physical parts of the standard5 3.2.OPM3 Stages6 4. How does the OPM3 work?7 5.Benefits of OPM3 to the organization8 6.What kind of commitment is required to launch OPM3 in an organization?8 7.Importance of OPM3 to the project managementprofession9 8.Summary10 9.References11 1. Introduction Successful implementation of a new organizational strategy can turn a good organization into a great one. Conversely, strategies that fail or generate poor results can quickly damage the organization s reputation and brand, internally and externally. Effective strategy execution is the ... Show more content on ... ii. The self ASSESSMENT element is an interactive database tool that lets organizations evaluate their current situation and identify their areas in need of improvement should an organization decided to embark on the path to higher maturity. iii. The IMPROVEMENT element will help map out the steps needed to achieve their goals. * KNOWLEDGE element which drives Assessment * ASSESSMENT element which in turn drives Improvement * IMPROVEMENT element. 5. Benefits of OPM3 to the organization I. It bridges the gap between strategy and individual project. II. It provides a comprehensive body of knowledge regarding what constitutes best practices in organizational project management. III. By using OPM3, an organization can determine exactly which organizational project management best practices and capabilities it does and does not have. IV. If the organization decides to pursue improvements, OPM3 provides guidance on prioritizing and planning. 6. What kind of commitment is required to launch OPM3 in an organization? The process of applying OPM3 in an organization is difficult to quantify. It depends on factors such as the size, complexity and initial maturity of the organization, the thoroughness of the assessment, the nature of the organization s strategic objectives, and the level of resources available also impact any estimate.
  • 46. Social Issue Poster Analysis Essay For our Capstone Project, our CMST 1061 class retold a fairytale using the five different communication pathways, and we retold Peter Pan. My group, Group #1, was assigned the pathway of Public Discourse to retell Peter Pan. Following the public discourse pathway, we chose to create social issue posters to serve as the lens through which to view Peter Pan. We chose social issue posters as the method for our capstone project because we felt that a series of social issue posters would leave a stronger impression on the viewers, as well as communicate our message and retelling in the clearest way possible. Social issue posters are used to deliver messages directly and powerfully through visual impact and we wanted our project to leave a lasting... Show more content on ... We wanted our retelling of Peter Pan to challenge the idea of protagonists and antagonists in fairytales. There is an obvious antagonist in Peter Pan named Captain Hook. Captain Hook is known for his hook prosthetic on one of his hands, and the reason Captain Hook must use a hook as a prosthetic is because Peter Pan, the protagonist, cut off Captain Hook s hand and fed it to an alligator. Many readers and viewers of Peter Pan often ignore the merciless bullying and teasing towards Captain Hook by Peter Pan, simply writing it off as the protagonist defeating the antagonist for the greater good. Through this project, we wanted to illuminate the character flaws in Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, and Mr. Darling, to show that the imperfect protagonists in a story can be just as tormenting as the antagonists. To do so through the pathway of public discourse, we needed to create powerful images to go along with our slogan for our series of social issue posters. We used images from the story that conveyed the character flaws of the three chosen characters, and then photoshopped the infamous hook prosthetic on to the hand of each character. The hook is a symbol of evil in Peter Pan, so by adding the hook to each character s social issue poster, we were able to provide a stronger and clearer message that illuminated the wrong doings of each character. The social issue posters allowed us to show our viewers, rather than tell them, the message that we wanted to
  • 47. Racism In Out Of Africa Out of Africa The novel Out of Africa was a very surprising one, and sadly, the plot wasn t the most surprising part. After reading this novel, a question left to ponder could be, Is the Author, Karen Blixen, a racist? What drew some to the conclusion that the author was racist was her overwhelmingly condescending tone throughout the novel. The tone in the novel Out of Africa was quite interesting to observe. The author did not have a positive tone in the novel, despite her love for the beautiful land of Africa. Her tone could be summed up by the word condescending. One way she sounded condescending was her choice of similes. One example from the text was when she compared the natives of Africa to dogs. Another example was how Blixen described Kamante. I suppose that he had been leading a seclusive existence, like a sick animal . It is upsetting to hear Blixen ... Show more content on ... Racism is the belief that all members of each race posses(s) characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. So, when Blixen states how all of the natives are so silent and explains that the natives answer questions cryptically she is being racist, by definition. She always talks about the natives in a way that sounds condescending, and with the less than positive comparisons to white people, one could say she lives a life filled with prejudice. Blixen goes on to say I cannot carry the old bwana alone, you Kikuyus are fools . Here Blixen was generalizing the Kikuyu tribe to be stupid. Blixen always acts like every native is the same. She fails to recognize the differences between Africans and the similarities between everyone. She even stated that the natives could only listen to stories to make them seem less intelligent. In this novel, she has done quite a few things to help the natives but ultimately we know that she is a racist through her
  • 48. The Effects Of Technology On Education Amidst the past several decades technology has become a crucial organ, advancing our world to great discoveries and knowledge. It has opened doors to what some may have found impossible only one hundred years ago, but the progress of technology seems to have run into a road block. Inadequate education of high school graduates and suffocation of creativity has become a problem all over America. Technologyhas contributed by hindering our ability to retain information, stalling progression in our school system and progressing in technology. Technology can be advantageous for everyone, but because of its convenience and accessibility it is hindering our ability to retain information. Within an article written by Timothy Noah titled... Show more content on ... Instead we have become co dependent with technology and we have been raising our children to follow in our footsteps. We cannot expect Americas set back in educationto fix itself, we must act in order to better the education of our children and ourselves. Technology has taken over countless teaching methods and instigated the flatline of our educational system. Indeed, technology can have many educational contributions, but today they are taken advantage of. For technology to be a steady contribution to education we must re discover the meaning of progress and innovation. Tyler Cowen, in a Ted Talk titled The Great Stagnation , says that for Innovation to be effective it must improve and not just merely alter. This means that if we are continuing to be innovative we must continually be improving for there to be any progress. For example, Apple has released a better iPhone each year, but if you compare the phone to the previous year you will not find many differences. Maybe the screen will be larger, the apps may be remodeled, but most of the time the core processer is the same, the camera has the same pixels and the phones screen still cracks if you put it in your back pocket. This is innovation with no progress, presenting a shiny new phone that may be shiny, but not new. Within an article written by JГ¶rg Friedrich titled
  • 49. Tesco Company Culture Extended Essay [pic] Damien Jeannenez Sommaire A.Introduction3 B.First Section4 I.Schein s theory: Surface manifestation4 a.Mottoes4 b.Norms5 c.Heroes6 II.Schein s theory: Organization values7 III.Johnson s theory: Rituals and routines8 IV.First section conclusion9 C.Second section10 V.Hellriegel and Slocum s Theory11 VI.Denison and Spreitzer s Theory12 VII.Conclusion Section two12 VIII.General Conclusion12 D.References13 Introduction TESCO is a company that was founded in 1919 by JACK COHEN. It is presented usually as a big international retailer which is based essentially in Great Britain but also in China, ... Show more content on ... This means that each employee of the firm will do its best to help every person who meets and who needs help. For example, the British newspaper THE INDEPENDENT explains that Tesco has developed a new strategy to help its clients to overcome the global economic crisis. Tesco set up a discount strategy to consumers struggling with the effects of the credit crunch . It creates the pay day strategy (Evans S., 2009). In fact, it tries to simplify the lives of its customers and of its employees. In conclusion, TESCO through its motto is trying to circulate an idea; a habit and a behavior to address face each person; each employee is a sort of flagship of the enterprise; one person is enough to give a bad image, in order that many people think that TESCO is a bad company, all of this is due because of the word of mouth. TESCO has created a corporate culture in order that does not happen with another surface manifestation. Norms Secondly in this second paragraph we talk about the norms of TESCO. In fact Mottoes have concerned the way in which employees should act within the company in relation to clients and colleagues. But the company also uses a strategy to boost its employees. In this case the Schein s theory calls this a Norm. According to Schein Norms are expected modes of behaviour that are accepted as the firm s ways of doing things, thereby providing guidance for employee behaviour . In a Case
  • 50. Exponential And Weibull Model In Home Care As shown in previous sections of this chapter, when analysing data, a preliminary exploration may be made graphically by plotting non parametric estimates of H(t) and log H(t) to give an informal check on whether an exponential or weibull model might be adequate. These plots are shown in Figure~ref{HazCumHaz}. begin{figure}[H] centering includegraphics[width=150mm]{HazCumHaz.jpeg} caption{Hazard and log hazard functions of time to death for patients with HC and HCCA assessments.} label{HazCumHaz} end{figure} A resulting straight line through the graph of H(t) would suggest that an exponential distribution would be the favoured choice for these data, while a straight line through the graph of log H(t)would suggest a weibull ... Show more content on ... Predictive trees are an excellent choice for data that have features which interact in a complicated way as the models sub divide (or partition), the data space into smaller regions, making the interactions more manageable. This partitioning continues until model can no longer make a better model than the one previously made for each subset of the data. One extension of the basic tree methodology is the survival tree, which applies recursive partitioning to censored survival data. The literature presents several types tree models for censored data. These trees are a more flexible non parametric option to survival methods such Cox s proportional hazards methods and AFT models with more stringent assumptions. The main difference in the various predictive trees is the splitting criteria. In an article by Segal, M.R. states that, he replaced the traditional splitting criteria for regression trees for right censored data with criterion based on variations of the two sample statistics, in which contrary to common practice at the time; for which within node separation was maximised, his algorithm preferred splits that result in large between node separation~cite{segal1988regression}. The default criterion in the R package Rpart , which is maximized in each split, is the Gini coefficient. The Gini coefficient is a measure of variation in a set of data.
  • 51. African Women During European Expansion The anticolonial movements in Africa were ways to get back at European expansion on the area from the 1890s to the 1960s. African comebacks to colonial rule varied from place to place and over time. Several methods of both violent and nonviolent resistance to colonialism emerged. Nonviolent forms of anti colonialismincluded the use of the trade unions, press, religious organizations, associations, literary or art forms, and mass migrations. Various African states used one or several of these nonviolent forms of anti colonialism at one time or another, but what is significant is that most of them resorted to armed resistance or devastating actions to protect their way of life and independence. The first segment of African resistance to colonial rule took place from about 1880 to 1910 and was largely categorized by several forms of rebellious anti colonialism, in which military resistance was the norm. Most African states took up arms to protect their independence during this period. In the end, it was only Ethiopia that was able to ultimately overthrow the European power of Italy, to maintain its independence. From 1935 to 1936 the Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini occupied Ethiopia in revenge for the embarrassing downfall that Italy suffered in 1896. (Poggo, 2015). The Italian occupation encouraged African nationalism and Pan Africanism because many Africans, believed that Ethiopia was a representation of African resilience and individuality. Some historians have
  • 52. Charleston There Was Life Analysis The picture above, called Life is an illustration of two partners dancing the Charleston illustrated by John Held. Charleston was one, if not the most popular dance of Jazz music era. Jazz music was created by African Americans and originated in New Orleans. It become popular among the white Americans and helped gained most acceptance of African Americans from the whites. The picture above. Jazzmusic and culture was the most signifying pop culture of the era. The music was enjoyed almost by everybody and enjoyed dancing to dance moves associated with the music such as the Charleston. Even though most musicians were African American, many were white, too. On the radio, jazz music was played most often than not and most listened and enjoyed it. The music was a signature to the young and women, mainly flappers of the era. The music and dance were freedom for the young and women as they did what they wanted to and no one could stop them from doing so. This picture shows federal agents dumping out liquor from a speakise they must bust out as NYPD officers watch on. This time is known as the Prohibition era, as the prohibition law stated no one can distribute, sell, drink or have no connection... Show more content on ... In this era many modern ideas were against such Christian beliefs so many religious people weren t too fond of it and the state made laws against the spread of such ideas. An example is John Scope, a high school science teacher taught evolution as encouraged by many people for him to do so in Tennessee where it is illegal to teach fundamentalism. The picture above was prompted by the event for fundamentalist to sell books against evolution so people would still belief in Christian teachings and not the evolution. He was bought to trial and fined excessively. The while country followed every moment of the trial closely. This led to many states overturning their law against the teaching of
  • 53. Los Angeles Earthquake Report The latest research results are showing an increased probability for the Los Angeles area to be hit by a magnitude of eight or higher earthquake. According to Oskin (2015), Looking at individual faults, the southern San Andreas Fault near Los Angeles poses the greatest risk over the next 30 years, the researchers said . This hypothetical scenario describes the possible result of a magnitude of 8 or larger earthquakein the Los Angeles area. Additionally, this paper answers questions to the sudden changes resident would have to deal with in their everyday life and the likelihood of emerging communicable diseases in the area. Furthermore, I have included a short report for local authorities to hep to prevent the situation getting worse. Body ... Show more content on ... As a result, life for tens of thousands of people changed forever. After the initial shake over one thousand people perished from collapsing buildings, freeway underpasses and power lines. Unfortunately, this number have been doubled by the fires all over the city which fueled by broken gas lines and years of extreme drought. As reality kicks in most of the resident struggle with everyday life following the devastating effects of the quake. Water, gas, power lines are broken for that reason large areas are without utilities. In the first days following the earthquake neighbors and friends get together to help whenever help is needed. They are searching for survivals among the rubbles of collapsed buildings, treating the injured and sharing the limited resources they left with. As they realize that they won t able to get outside help for a while looting become the norm for necessities like water, food and medicine. The local law enforcement unable to keep order as armed groups of people roaming the city to collect resources for themselves. In the meanwhile, the air become unbreathable outdoors for some due to the uncontrolled fires all over the city. Coupled with, the
  • 54. India s Economic Success Social Cohesiveness On A Global... INTRODUCTION We are pleased to formally introduce Intercontra Initiatives Limited, an institution that maintains expert and technological know how to ensure the delivery of efficient, cost saving, and, cutting edge solutions to clientele in the key sectors of Telecommunications and Oil Gas industry in the African economy. We provide customer driven and tailored services to diverse clients in this niche market segment particularly in the areas of engineering and logistics. We recognise that your organisation occupies a visible position in the telecommunications industry as a leading major contractor and supplier of telecommunications infrastructure and as such we at Intercontra Initiatives would like to make our professional services and logistics solutions available to you. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Telecommunications services are critical to Nigeria s economic success social cohesiveness on a global platform. The capacity, consistency of good quality network coverage, and reliability of the infrastructure used in the provision of these services are important to consumers; both businesses and individuals The bulk of investment to build, deploy, and, maintain communication networks is delivered by commercial providers who are in fierce competition to deliver services to the consumers. There are many areas in Nigeria that are not being fully served by the telecoms market. In the last 5 years, the mobile sector has had triple digit growth rates after competition was
  • 55. Carl Roger s First Career Choice Carl Roger was born on January 8, 1902 Oak Park, Illinois and Died on February 4, 1987 at the age of 85 in San Diego, California. Growing up His father, Walter A. Rogers, was a civil engineer and his mother, Julia M. Cushing, was a homemaker and serious Pentecostal Christian. Carl was the fourth of their six children. Rogers was very intelligent and could read well before kindergarten. Following an education in a strict religious and ethical environment as an altar boy at the vicarage of Jimply, and he had become a rather isolated, self determining, and disciplined person, and acquired a knowledge and an appreciation for the scientific method in a practical world. His first career choice was agriculture, at the University of Wisconsin Madison, where he was a part of the fraternity of Alpha Kappa Lambda, followed by history and then religion. At age 20, following his 1922 trip to Peking, China, for an international Christian conference, he started to doubt his religious convictions. To help him clarify his career choice, he attended a seminar entitled Why am I entering the Ministry, after which he decided to change his career. In 1924, he graduated from University of Wisconsin and enrolled at Union Theological Seminary. After two years he left the seminary to attend Teachers College, Columbia University, obtaining an MA in 1928 and a PhD in 1931. While completing his doctoral work, he engaged in child study. In 1930, Rogers served as director of the Society for the