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• Soil Fertility and Soil Productivity
• Soil as a Source of Plant Nutrient
• Criteria of Essentiality (Arnon 1954)
• Forms of Nutrient in Soil
• Essential and Beneficial Nutrients and their
Role / function
Dr.A. B. Jadhav,
Assistant Professor,
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,
College of Agriculture, Pune
Nutrient Sources-Fertilizers and Manures
Air: Carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen
Water: Hydrogen,
Fertilizers: All macro
and micronutrients
Manures: Bulky and
Soil: All nutrients
Component Per cent
1 Mineral matter 45
2 Soil water 25
3 Soil air 25
4 Organic matter 5
Soil Composition (Volume basis)
In the 19th century, the German scientist Justus von
Liebig formulated the “Law of the Minimum,” which states
that if one of the essential plant nutrients is
deficient, plant growth will be poor even when all other
essential nutrients are abundant.
Criteria of Essentiality
Proposed by Arnon and Stout (1939)
Modified by Arnon (1957)
The plant must be unable to grow normally or
complete its life cycle in the absence of the element.
The element is specific and cannot be replaced
by another
The element plays a direct role in metabolism.
• A nutrient required for normal growth plant and
without which plant can not complete its life
• Mineral element which either stimulate growth
but are not essential or which are essential for
certain plant species or under given conditions
• It is that part of Nutrient which is
actual available to plant and
whose variation in soil affects the
response of crop in terms of yield
• When concentration of an essential nutrient is low
enough to severely limit yield and distinct
deficiency symptoms are visible
• The nutrient concentration range in which added
nutrient will not increase yield but can increase
nutrient concentration
Critical range
• Yield is severely affected when a nutrient is deficient
and when the nutrient deficiency is corrected, growth
increases more rapidly than nutrient concentration or
• Under severe deficiency, rapid increase in yield with
added nutrient can cause a small decrease in nutrient
concentration this effect is called
Carbon, Hydrogen,
Oxygen, Nitrogen,
Phosphorus &
Calcium, Magnesium
& Sulphur
Iron, Manganese, Zinc,
Cupper, Boron,
Molybdenum &
Chlorine, Nickel
Essential Nutrients
Essential Nutrients for Plants
Chemical AtomicIonic forms Approximate dry
Element symbol weightAbsorbed by plants ____ concentration_____
Nitrogen N 14.01 NO3
-, NH4
+ 4.0 %
Phosphorus P 30.98 PO4
3-, HPO4
2-, H2PO4
- 0.5 %
Potassium K 39.10 K+ 4.0 %
Magnesium Mg 24.32 Mg2+ 0.5 %
Sulfur S 32.07 SO4
2- 0.5 %
Calcium Ca 40.08 Ca2+ 1.0 %
Iron Fe 55.85 Fe2+, Fe3+ 200 ppm
Manganese Mn 54.94 Mn2+ 200 ppm
Zinc Zn 65.38 Zn2+ 30 ppm
Copper Cu 63.54 Cu2
+ 10 ppm
Boron B 10.82 BO3
2-, B4O7
2- 60 ppm
Molybdenum Mo 95.95 MoO4
2- 2 ppm
Chlorine Cl 35.46 Cl- 3000 ppm
Essential But Not Applied
Carbon C 12.01 CO2 40 %
Hydrogen H 1.01 H2O 6 %
Oxygen O 16.00 O2, H2O 40 %
Plant tissues also contain other elements (Na, Se, Co, Si, Rb, Sr, F, I) which are not needed for the normal growth
and development.
Plant Soil
Mobile Immobile Mobile Immobile
N B H3BO3, H2BO3 NH4
P Ca NO3 Ca2+ and Mg2+
K Cu SO4 Cu2+
Mg Fe Cl Fe2+ and Fe3+
Cl Mn MoO4
Mo Zn H2PO4, HPO4
S K+
Mobility of Nutrients in Plant and Soil
Cations Anions Metals Non-metals
K, Ca and Mg NO3, H2PO4
and SO4
K, Ca and Mg
Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu
N, P, S B,
MO and Cl
Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu
Plant Nutrient Deficiency Terminology
Severe localized yellowing; scorched
Symptoms not limited to one area of a
plant, but rather spread over the entire
General yellowing of the plant tissue;
lack of chlorophyll.
Death of plant tissue; tissue browns
and dies.
Able to be moved from one plant part
to another.
Not able to be moved from one part of
the plant to another.
Interveinal Chlorosis
Yellowing in between leaf veins, yet
veins remain green.
Spotted, irregular, inconsistent
Symptoms limited to one leaf or one
section of the leaf or plant.
Decreased growth; shorter height of
the affected plants
Role or
Component of chlorophyll, enzyme, amino acids and protein
Encourages vegetative growth & deep green colour
Enhances plumpness in cereal crops and succulence in crops
Role in utilization of carbohydrates
General chlorosis of lower leaves (light green to yellow), stunted and
slow growth, and necrosis of older leaves in severe cases
In cereals, yellow discoloration from the leaf tip backward in the form
of a “V” is common
Stunted growth/Less vegetative
Roots are unable to absorb sufficient N, proteins in the older part get
converted & translocated towards top part
Higher photosynthetic rate & vigorous vegetative growth
Succulence & dark green colour causes disease/ pest succeptibiltiy
Delays crop maturity, weakening of fiber, lodging of crops
Excess N enhances loss of soil moisture
Role or
Energy storage & transfer (1 ATP/ADP= 1200 cal/mole)
Cell division, cell development, root lengthening, seed and fruit
development, early maturity and early ripening
Component of nucleic acid, co-enzyme, nucleotides, phospholipids,
phosphoproteins & sugar phosphates
Phytic acid/ phytin- storage form of P in seeds
Older leaves are affected first and acquire a purplish discoloration due
to the accumulation of sugars in P deficient plants which favor
anthocyanin synthesis;
Deficiency first appears on older leaves, retard plant growth, shoot
growth is depressed, potato tuber develops rusty lessions
Decrease in number of flowers & delays flower initiation & poor earhead
Dark green leaves (Chlorophyll is high but photosynthetic rate less)
Toxicity Higher P plant have Zn deficiency and Chlorosis
Stunted with dark green leaves.
Corn lower leaves become reddish-purple
Role or
More than 80 plant enzymes requires K for activation
Synthesis of ATP, translocation of carbohydrates
Synthesis of amino acids, proteins, chlorophyll
Enhance resistance against moisture stress by regulating opening &
closing of stomata and disease resistance
Affects the rate of transpiration & water uptakes, produces strong stiff
straw which inhibit lodging in crops.
Older leaves pale green & later chlorosis between veins followed by
scorching or firing with necrotic tissues along margines.
Accumulation of diamine pitrucine in leaves
Stunted growth & bushy appearance
Yield of root & tuber crops affected severely
Lodging, seeds under developed & shriveled, fruit and sugarcane juice
quality affected, prone to disease/ pest/ cold suceptibility
Excess K induces Mg deficiency
Corn older leaves are chlorotic and leaf edges are burned, but the midrib remains green.
Banana: Older leaves become chlorotic, then necrotic, and the tip of the midrib bends
Role or
Immobile in plant, Constituent of cell wall, require for cell elongation &
Activation of enzymes, role in structure & permeability of cell
Enhance uptake of NO3-N,
Lower uptake by monocots than dicots
Deficiency starts from top (seedling stage), retard growth of tops &
Failure of terminal buds of shoots & apical tips of roots
Chromosome abnormality, Die-back of fruit trees, blossom end rot in
tomato, bitter pit in apples
Iron chlorosis,
P- availability reduces.
Celery young leaves are
necrotic and the growing point
Tomato young leaves -twisted and cupped
Calcium deficient bean leaves have
chlorotic and necrotic spots
Role or
Component of chlorophyll (15-20% Mg present in Chlorophyll)
Structural component of ribosome- protein synthesis
Imparts dark green colour/ Photosynthesis/ glycolysis
Role in oil seed crops, Helps in transport of P
Synthesis of carbohydrates, fats & vitamins
Deficiency first appears on older leaves, citrus develops bronzing
Interveinal chlorosis (veins remain green), Under severe deficiency
causes lower leaves becomes purplish- then turnes red later turns
brown & develop necrotic spots (cotton)
Brittle leaves & tendency to curve upward
Leaves of Mg deficient sugarbeets and potatoes are stiff and brittle and
veins are often twisted.
Low Mg- forage crops causes hypo-magnesemia (Low Mg in blood)
Toxicity occures in alkali soils
Mg Deficiency in Turmeric
S Deficiency in maize
Magnesium deficient tomato; interveinal
chlorosis of older leaves.
Magnesium deficient sweetpotato leaves
become reddish-purple.
Role or
Component of protein (S- containing amino acids cystine, cysteine &
Requires for chlorophyll synthesis, Important role in oil synthesis
Requires for the synthesis of co-enzymes A
Involved in synthesis of fatty acids & component of ferridoxin
Inhibition of protein and chlorophyll synthesis. S deficiency symptoms
resembles with the symptoms of N and Mo deficiencies. In contrast to N
or Mo deficiency S deficiency symptoms initially occur in younger
leaves, causing them to turn light green to yellow (chlorosis)
Retards growth, Chlorotic/stunted/thin-stemed & spindly appearance
Curling of margines/ organge redish tints on older leaves
Leaf petioles become brittle stem, spinally appearance
Banana; young leaves are
uniformly chlorotic
Sulfur deficient sorghum; young leaves
are uniformly chlorotic.
Sulfur deficient tomato; young leaves are
uniformly chlorotic.
Role or
Soil critical limit= 4.5 mg kg-1 (ppm)Absorbed by plants as Fe2+ & Fe3+,
activation of enzymes
Component of pophyrin, cytochromes, hames, hematin, ferridoxin,
ferrichrome and haemoglobim (imp. In photosynthesis & respiration)
75% of Fe is associated with chloroplast, required for synthesis of
Important component of nitrogenase enzyme essential for N2 fixation
Widespread deficiency in Maharashtra
Deficiency occurs in young or top part of plant
Fe deficiency reduces chlorophyll production and is characterized by
interveinal chlorosis with a sharp distinction between veins and
chlorotic areas in young leaves
Under severe deficiency leaf becomes complete white and plant growth
Reduction in growth
Fe-deficiency in lime
Courtesy by Mr. Vaibhav Shelar
Role or
Soil critical limit is 0.6 mg kg-1 (ppm)
Involved in many enzymatic activities
Zn required for synthesis of tryptophan-amino acid necessary for the
synthesis of growth hormone
Component of synthetic & natural organic complexes
Widespread deficiency in Maharashtra in sugarcane belt . Deficiency
appers on top leaves, fruits & branches
Reduction of growth hormone causes shortening of internodes/ leaves
are smaller than normal- small narrow thickened leaves
Light-green-yellow or white areas found between the veins of leaves
Bushy or rosette appearance of plant or clustering of leaves, Tissue
death, chlorotic leaf areas, Early loss of foliage
, White bud in sorghum and corn, little leaf of cotton, mottle leaf in citrus
Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves
Reddish brown coloration, dry & papery sound
Rolling of leaves, roots brown & necrotic
Zinc. Midrib and leaf margin remain green and yellowing of leaf blade. Red
lesions on leaves. Reduced tillering and shorter internodes
Role or
Immobile Soil critical limit is 0.2 mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is 5 ppm
Anonymous role like Fe Involvement in photosynthesis for evolution
of O2
Oxidation-reduction reactions and Enzyme activation (citric acid cycle)
Mn can substitute for Mg in phsophorylating & group transfer
(Electron transport in photosystem)
Manganese helps in chlorophyll formation, Important in nitrogen
Symptoms usually appears on younger leaves, chlorosis between veins
Chlorotic patches between veins of middle leaves
Chlorotic area becomes necrotic & turns red-brown-reddish brown
Gray specks of oat, marsh spots of peas, Speckled yellows of sugar
beets, pahala blight of sugarcane
, Low Mn favours root-rot disease in wheat.
Leaf sheath & lower part of stem of cereals develops minute brown spot
Crinkle leaf of cotton in acidic soils
Turmeric- Mn deficiency
Role or
Immobile Soil critical limit is 2 mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is ppm
Important role in enzyme activity accleration
Protein & carbohydrate metabolism
Helps in utilization of Fe during chlorophyll synthesis
Role in synthesis of complex polymers like lignine & melanine. Indirect
effect on nodule formation
Young leaves become yellow & stunted if under severe deficiency
leaves becomes pale & older leaves dieback
In advanced deficiency dead tissues appears along tips & edges of the
leaves (similar to that of K def.)
Ergot infection in wheat & barley is associated with Cu-def.
Cauliflower & cabbage shows fine interveinal cholrotic mottling
, Legumes & tomato shows rolling & distortion
Reduce shoot vigour, poor development of flowers & discoloured root
system & leaf chlorosis
Mostly occurs due to sewage sludge, muncipal compost, pig & poultry
manure application or repeated Cu-pesticide spraying.
Role or
Immobile Soil critical limit is mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is ppm
Primary role in Ca metabolism (Boron increases the solubility and
mobility of Ca in plant)
Cell development in meristematic tissue, Proper pllination, fruit & seed
Translocation of sugars, starches, N and P
Synthesis of amino acids and proteins, nodule formation, regulation
of carbohydrate
Pollen germination & pollen tube growth
Def. symptoms appears on young, newer or emerging leaves
Cessation of terminal bud growth followed by death of young leaves.
Thickened, cracked or curled leaves.
Twisted leaf appearance, flower & fruit development restricted
Sterility & severely impaired seed set.
Discolouration, cracking or rotting of fruit, tubers or roots
Hollow stem of cabbage, Internal cork of apples, uneven thickness of
citrus peel, lumpy fruits, gummy deposits on the fruit
Role or
Immobile Soil critical limit is mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is ppm
Essential component of nitrate reductase enzyme which catlyses the
conversion of NO3 to NO2
Structural component of nitrogenase enzyme involved in N2 fixation by
Role in absorption and translocation of Fe
Involvement in protein synthesis
Pollen formation disturbs, tasseling delayed flowers & fail to open.
Capasity of the anthers for pollen production is also decreased
Whiptail of cauliflower (Brassica) in which middle leaves starts showing
small interveinal chlorotic patches that becomes translucent at later
stages. Immature grain sprouting in maize
Inward curling of leaves in tomato. Beans develop interveinal chlorosis
called Scald of beans
In wheat middle leaves turns yellow & turns golden yellow.
Yellow spot disease citrus- in which summer flush of leaves become
yellow leaving green zone along the margin.
Excess Mo toxic to grazing cattles. (High Mo > 5 ppm causes
molybdenose (teart)) disorder – bone deformation & stunted growth.
Chlorin (MOBILE)
Role or
Immobile Soil critical limit is mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is ppm
Osmotic regulation & cation neutralization
Maintaining leaf turgor
Cl act as co-factor in Mn containing O2 evolution for photosynthesis
Cell elongation and stomata opening
In absent of Cl photosynthesis rate reduced
Wilting of leaves, curling of leaflets & chlorosis
Necrosis in some plant parts, leaf bronzing & reduction in root growth
Thickened leaves & tend to roll with excessive amount of Cl
Storage quality of tubers affected
Increases the osmotic pressure of soil water & therby lower the
availability of water to plants
.Role or
Component of urease enzyme which catalyses hydrolysis of urea
Nodule weight & seed yield of soybean stimulated by Ni
Leaflet tip necrosis in soybean & cowpea due to the role of Ni in N
Excess Ni causes Fe & Zn deficiency & competes with Ca and Mg
.Role or
Cell wall structure. Tissue strengthens, draught resistance
Si-reduces activity of invertase in sugarcane which enhance sucrose
production, increases erectness in rice

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Soils 502 lecture no. 1 11 soil fertility_ essential nutrients_role_diagnosis_deficiency

  • 1. A • Soil Fertility and Soil Productivity • Soil as a Source of Plant Nutrient • Criteria of Essentiality (Arnon 1954) B • Forms of Nutrient in Soil • Essential and Beneficial Nutrients and their Role / function Dr.A. B. Jadhav, Assistant Professor, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Pune
  • 2.
  • 3. Nutrient Sources-Fertilizers and Manures Air: Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Water: Hydrogen, oxygen Fertilizers: All macro and micronutrients Manures: Bulky and concentrated Soil: All nutrients
  • 5.
  • 6. Component Per cent 1 Mineral matter 45 2 Soil water 25 3 Soil air 25 4 Organic matter 5 Soil Composition (Volume basis)
  • 7. In the 19th century, the German scientist Justus von Liebig formulated the “Law of the Minimum,” which states that if one of the essential plant nutrients is deficient, plant growth will be poor even when all other essential nutrients are abundant.
  • 8. Criteria of Essentiality Proposed by Arnon and Stout (1939) Modified by Arnon (1957) The plant must be unable to grow normally or complete its life cycle in the absence of the element. The element is specific and cannot be replaced by another The element plays a direct role in metabolism. 1) 2) 3)
  • 9. Essential Nutrient • A nutrient required for normal growth plant and without which plant can not complete its life cycle Beneficial Nutrient • Mineral element which either stimulate growth but are not essential or which are essential for certain plant species or under given conditions • It is that part of Nutrient which is actual available to plant and whose variation in soil affects the response of crop in terms of yield Available Nutrient
  • 10. • When concentration of an essential nutrient is low enough to severely limit yield and distinct deficiency symptoms are visible Deficient • The nutrient concentration range in which added nutrient will not increase yield but can increase nutrient concentration Critical range Steenberg effect • Yield is severely affected when a nutrient is deficient and when the nutrient deficiency is corrected, growth increases more rapidly than nutrient concentration or • Under severe deficiency, rapid increase in yield with added nutrient can cause a small decrease in nutrient concentration this effect is called
  • 11. MAJOR Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus & potassium potassium SECONDARY Calcium, Magnesium & Sulphur MICRONUTRIENTS Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Cupper, Boron, Molybdenum & Chlorine, Nickel Essential Nutrients
  • 12.
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  • 14.
  • 15. Essential Nutrients for Plants Chemical AtomicIonic forms Approximate dry Element symbol weightAbsorbed by plants ____ concentration_____ Mccronutrients Nitrogen N 14.01 NO3 -, NH4 + 4.0 % Phosphorus P 30.98 PO4 3-, HPO4 2-, H2PO4 - 0.5 % Potassium K 39.10 K+ 4.0 % Magnesium Mg 24.32 Mg2+ 0.5 % Sulfur S 32.07 SO4 2- 0.5 % Calcium Ca 40.08 Ca2+ 1.0 % Micronutrients Iron Fe 55.85 Fe2+, Fe3+ 200 ppm Manganese Mn 54.94 Mn2+ 200 ppm Zinc Zn 65.38 Zn2+ 30 ppm Copper Cu 63.54 Cu2 + 10 ppm Boron B 10.82 BO3 2-, B4O7 2- 60 ppm Molybdenum Mo 95.95 MoO4 2- 2 ppm Chlorine Cl 35.46 Cl- 3000 ppm Essential But Not Applied Carbon C 12.01 CO2 40 % Hydrogen H 1.01 H2O 6 % Oxygen O 16.00 O2, H2O 40 % ________________________________________________________________ Plant tissues also contain other elements (Na, Se, Co, Si, Rb, Sr, F, I) which are not needed for the normal growth and development.
  • 16. Plant Soil Mobile Immobile Mobile Immobile N B H3BO3, H2BO3 NH4 P Ca NO3 Ca2+ and Mg2+ K Cu SO4 Cu2+ Mg Fe Cl Fe2+ and Fe3+ Cl Mn MoO4 Mo Zn H2PO4, HPO4 S K+ Mobility of Nutrients in Plant and Soil Cations Anions Metals Non-metals K, Ca and Mg NO3, H2PO4 and SO4 K, Ca and Mg Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu N, P, S B, MO and Cl Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu
  • 17. Plant Nutrient Deficiency Terminology Burning Severe localized yellowing; scorched appearance. Generalized Symptoms not limited to one area of a plant, but rather spread over the entire plant. Chlorosis General yellowing of the plant tissue; lack of chlorophyll. Necrosis Death of plant tissue; tissue browns and dies. Mobile Able to be moved from one plant part to another. Immobile Not able to be moved from one part of the plant to another. Interveinal Chlorosis Yellowing in between leaf veins, yet veins remain green. Mottling Spotted, irregular, inconsistent pattern. Localized Symptoms limited to one leaf or one section of the leaf or plant. Stunting Decreased growth; shorter height of the affected plants
  • 18.
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  • 23. NITROGEN Role or Function Component of chlorophyll, enzyme, amino acids and protein Encourages vegetative growth & deep green colour Enhances plumpness in cereal crops and succulence in crops Role in utilization of carbohydrates Deficiency symptoms General chlorosis of lower leaves (light green to yellow), stunted and slow growth, and necrosis of older leaves in severe cases In cereals, yellow discoloration from the leaf tip backward in the form of a “V” is common Stunted growth/Less vegetative Roots are unable to absorb sufficient N, proteins in the older part get converted & translocated towards top part Toxicity symptoms Higher photosynthetic rate & vigorous vegetative growth Succulence & dark green colour causes disease/ pest succeptibiltiy Delays crop maturity, weakening of fiber, lodging of crops Excess N enhances loss of soil moisture
  • 25. PHOSPHORUS Role or Function Energy storage & transfer (1 ATP/ADP= 1200 cal/mole) Cell division, cell development, root lengthening, seed and fruit development, early maturity and early ripening Component of nucleic acid, co-enzyme, nucleotides, phospholipids, phosphoproteins & sugar phosphates Phytic acid/ phytin- storage form of P in seeds Deficiency symptoms Older leaves are affected first and acquire a purplish discoloration due to the accumulation of sugars in P deficient plants which favor anthocyanin synthesis; Deficiency first appears on older leaves, retard plant growth, shoot growth is depressed, potato tuber develops rusty lessions Decrease in number of flowers & delays flower initiation & poor earhead formation Dark green leaves (Chlorophyll is high but photosynthetic rate less) Toxicity Higher P plant have Zn deficiency and Chlorosis
  • 26. Stunted with dark green leaves. Corn lower leaves become reddish-purple Corn leaves are purplish and tips are brown and necrotic. Maize
  • 27. POTASSIUM Role or Function More than 80 plant enzymes requires K for activation Synthesis of ATP, translocation of carbohydrates Synthesis of amino acids, proteins, chlorophyll Enhance resistance against moisture stress by regulating opening & closing of stomata and disease resistance Affects the rate of transpiration & water uptakes, produces strong stiff straw which inhibit lodging in crops. Deficiency symptoms Older leaves pale green & later chlorosis between veins followed by scorching or firing with necrotic tissues along margines. Accumulation of diamine pitrucine in leaves Stunted growth & bushy appearance Yield of root & tuber crops affected severely Lodging, seeds under developed & shriveled, fruit and sugarcane juice quality affected, prone to disease/ pest/ cold suceptibility Toxicity symptoms Excess K induces Mg deficiency
  • 28. Corn older leaves are chlorotic and leaf edges are burned, but the midrib remains green. Banana: Older leaves become chlorotic, then necrotic, and the tip of the midrib bends downward.
  • 29. CALCIUM (IMMOBILE) Role or Function Immobile in plant, Constituent of cell wall, require for cell elongation & division Activation of enzymes, role in structure & permeability of cell memberane Enhance uptake of NO3-N, Lower uptake by monocots than dicots Deficiency symptoms Deficiency starts from top (seedling stage), retard growth of tops & roots, Failure of terminal buds of shoots & apical tips of roots Chromosome abnormality, Die-back of fruit trees, blossom end rot in tomato, bitter pit in apples Toxicity symptoms Iron chlorosis, P- availability reduces.
  • 30. Celery young leaves are necrotic and the growing point dies Tomato young leaves -twisted and cupped Calcium deficient bean leaves have chlorotic and necrotic spots Guava
  • 31.
  • 32. MAGNESIUM (MOBILE) Role or Function Component of chlorophyll (15-20% Mg present in Chlorophyll) Structural component of ribosome- protein synthesis Imparts dark green colour/ Photosynthesis/ glycolysis Role in oil seed crops, Helps in transport of P Synthesis of carbohydrates, fats & vitamins Deficiency symptoms Deficiency first appears on older leaves, citrus develops bronzing disease. Interveinal chlorosis (veins remain green), Under severe deficiency causes lower leaves becomes purplish- then turnes red later turns brown & develop necrotic spots (cotton) Brittle leaves & tendency to curve upward Leaves of Mg deficient sugarbeets and potatoes are stiff and brittle and veins are often twisted. Low Mg- forage crops causes hypo-magnesemia (Low Mg in blood) Toxicity symptoms Toxicity occures in alkali soils
  • 33.
  • 34. Mg Deficiency in Turmeric S Deficiency in maize
  • 35. Magnesium deficient tomato; interveinal chlorosis of older leaves. Magnesium deficient sweetpotato leaves become reddish-purple.
  • 36. SULPHUR (IMMOBILE) Role or Function Component of protein (S- containing amino acids cystine, cysteine & methionine), Requires for chlorophyll synthesis, Important role in oil synthesis Requires for the synthesis of co-enzymes A Involved in synthesis of fatty acids & component of ferridoxin Deficiency symptoms Inhibition of protein and chlorophyll synthesis. S deficiency symptoms resembles with the symptoms of N and Mo deficiencies. In contrast to N or Mo deficiency S deficiency symptoms initially occur in younger leaves, causing them to turn light green to yellow (chlorosis) Retards growth, Chlorotic/stunted/thin-stemed & spindly appearance Curling of margines/ organge redish tints on older leaves Leaf petioles become brittle stem, spinally appearance Toxicity symptoms
  • 37. Banana; young leaves are uniformly chlorotic Sulfur deficient sorghum; young leaves are uniformly chlorotic. Sulfur deficient tomato; young leaves are uniformly chlorotic.
  • 38. IRON (IMMOBILE) Role or Function Soil critical limit= 4.5 mg kg-1 (ppm)Absorbed by plants as Fe2+ & Fe3+, activation of enzymes Component of pophyrin, cytochromes, hames, hematin, ferridoxin, ferrichrome and haemoglobim (imp. In photosynthesis & respiration) 75% of Fe is associated with chloroplast, required for synthesis of chlorophyll Important component of nitrogenase enzyme essential for N2 fixation Deficiency symptoms Widespread deficiency in Maharashtra Deficiency occurs in young or top part of plant Fe deficiency reduces chlorophyll production and is characterized by interveinal chlorosis with a sharp distinction between veins and chlorotic areas in young leaves Under severe deficiency leaf becomes complete white and plant growth stunted Toxicity symptoms Reduction in growth
  • 39. Fe-deficiency in lime Courtesy by Mr. Vaibhav Shelar
  • 41. ZINC (IMMOBILE) Role or Function Soil critical limit is 0.6 mg kg-1 (ppm) Involved in many enzymatic activities Zn required for synthesis of tryptophan-amino acid necessary for the synthesis of growth hormone Component of synthetic & natural organic complexes Deficiency symptoms Widespread deficiency in Maharashtra in sugarcane belt . Deficiency appers on top leaves, fruits & branches Reduction of growth hormone causes shortening of internodes/ leaves are smaller than normal- small narrow thickened leaves Light-green-yellow or white areas found between the veins of leaves Bushy or rosette appearance of plant or clustering of leaves, Tissue death, chlorotic leaf areas, Early loss of foliage , White bud in sorghum and corn, little leaf of cotton, mottle leaf in citrus Toxicity symptoms Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves Reddish brown coloration, dry & papery sound Rolling of leaves, roots brown & necrotic
  • 42. Zinc. Midrib and leaf margin remain green and yellowing of leaf blade. Red lesions on leaves. Reduced tillering and shorter internodes
  • 43. MANGANESE (IMMOBILE) Role or Function Immobile Soil critical limit is 0.2 mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is 5 ppm Anonymous role like Fe Involvement in photosynthesis for evolution of O2 Oxidation-reduction reactions and Enzyme activation (citric acid cycle) Mn can substitute for Mg in phsophorylating & group transfer (Electron transport in photosystem) Manganese helps in chlorophyll formation, Important in nitrogen metabolism Deficiency symptoms Symptoms usually appears on younger leaves, chlorosis between veins Chlorotic patches between veins of middle leaves Chlorotic area becomes necrotic & turns red-brown-reddish brown Gray specks of oat, marsh spots of peas, Speckled yellows of sugar beets, pahala blight of sugarcane , Low Mn favours root-rot disease in wheat. Toxicity symptoms Leaf sheath & lower part of stem of cereals develops minute brown spot Crinkle leaf of cotton in acidic soils
  • 45. COPPER (IMMOBILE) Role or Function Immobile Soil critical limit is 2 mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is ppm Important role in enzyme activity accleration Protein & carbohydrate metabolism Helps in utilization of Fe during chlorophyll synthesis Role in synthesis of complex polymers like lignine & melanine. Indirect effect on nodule formation Deficiency symptoms Young leaves become yellow & stunted if under severe deficiency leaves becomes pale & older leaves dieback In advanced deficiency dead tissues appears along tips & edges of the leaves (similar to that of K def.) Ergot infection in wheat & barley is associated with Cu-def. Cauliflower & cabbage shows fine interveinal cholrotic mottling , Legumes & tomato shows rolling & distortion Toxicity symptoms Reduce shoot vigour, poor development of flowers & discoloured root system & leaf chlorosis Mostly occurs due to sewage sludge, muncipal compost, pig & poultry manure application or repeated Cu-pesticide spraying.
  • 46. BORON (IMMOBILE) Role or Function Immobile Soil critical limit is mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is ppm Primary role in Ca metabolism (Boron increases the solubility and mobility of Ca in plant) Cell development in meristematic tissue, Proper pllination, fruit & seed set Translocation of sugars, starches, N and P Synthesis of amino acids and proteins, nodule formation, regulation of carbohydrate Pollen germination & pollen tube growth Deficiency symptoms Def. symptoms appears on young, newer or emerging leaves Cessation of terminal bud growth followed by death of young leaves. Thickened, cracked or curled leaves. Twisted leaf appearance, flower & fruit development restricted Sterility & severely impaired seed set. Discolouration, cracking or rotting of fruit, tubers or roots Hollow stem of cabbage, Internal cork of apples, uneven thickness of citrus peel, lumpy fruits, gummy deposits on the fruit
  • 47. MOLYBDENUM (MOBILE) Role or Function Immobile Soil critical limit is mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is ppm Essential component of nitrate reductase enzyme which catlyses the conversion of NO3 to NO2 Structural component of nitrogenase enzyme involved in N2 fixation by Azatobactor Role in absorption and translocation of Fe Involvement in protein synthesis Deficiency symptoms Pollen formation disturbs, tasseling delayed flowers & fail to open. Capasity of the anthers for pollen production is also decreased Whiptail of cauliflower (Brassica) in which middle leaves starts showing small interveinal chlorotic patches that becomes translucent at later stages. Immature grain sprouting in maize Inward curling of leaves in tomato. Beans develop interveinal chlorosis called Scald of beans In wheat middle leaves turns yellow & turns golden yellow. Yellow spot disease citrus- in which summer flush of leaves become yellow leaving green zone along the margin. Toxicity symptoms Excess Mo toxic to grazing cattles. (High Mo > 5 ppm causes molybdenose (teart)) disorder – bone deformation & stunted growth.
  • 48. Chlorin (MOBILE) Role or Function Immobile Soil critical limit is mg kg-1 (ppm) and in Plant is ppm Osmotic regulation & cation neutralization Maintaining leaf turgor Cl act as co-factor in Mn containing O2 evolution for photosynthesis Cell elongation and stomata opening In absent of Cl photosynthesis rate reduced Deficiency symptoms Wilting of leaves, curling of leaflets & chlorosis Necrosis in some plant parts, leaf bronzing & reduction in root growth Toxicity symptoms Thickened leaves & tend to roll with excessive amount of Cl Storage quality of tubers affected Increases the osmotic pressure of soil water & therby lower the availability of water to plants
  • 49. Nickel (IMMOBILE) .Role or Function Component of urease enzyme which catalyses hydrolysis of urea Nodule weight & seed yield of soybean stimulated by Ni Deficiency symptoms Leaflet tip necrosis in soybean & cowpea due to the role of Ni in N metabolism Toxicity symptoms Excess Ni causes Fe & Zn deficiency & competes with Ca and Mg Silicon .Role or Function Cell wall structure. Tissue strengthens, draught resistance Si-reduces activity of invertase in sugarcane which enhance sucrose production, increases erectness in rice Deficiency symptoms Toxicity symptoms