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Garima Tandon
B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed.
Banaras Hindu University
Significance of Environmental Education Skills and
Methods for Modern Crisis Management
Whatever surrounds an ‘organism’ constitutes the ‘environment’ of
the organism. Both of them are subjected to change with time. If these changes
are within the adjustment capacity of the environment or organism, they do not
leave any destructive effect on them. Such changes have been happening since
thousands of years of known human history. But in the recent world history of
about 200 years rapid changes have occurred in the environment throughout the
globe. These changes have resulted into global warming because of greenhouse
gas emissions, acidification of soil and water, drastic decline in the quality of air,
soil and water, reckless exploitation of natural resources stored in the soil through
mining activities, drastic changes in the land use and land cover through
overexploitation of natural resources leading to desertification of landscapes,
associated rapid depletion of biodiversity etc. As cited by Singh (2006),
Ramakrishnan (2001) has categorized all these changes under ‘Global Change’.
This global change has triggered variety of changes in natural
environment which are further leading to scarcity of various constituent elements
of natural environment is about to take the form of a crisis at a larger level.
However, the present deterioration in natural environment has already led to
extinction of variety of life forms on earth. Therefore top priority should be given
to overcome environment problems. Environmental Education in various forms
and at various levels has the potential to resolve the modern crisis. Here focus is
on the modern crisis management by using environmental education skills and
Modern Crisis-
Modern crisis has emerged due to problems of degradation of
environment, rapid erosion of values, alienation of younger generation as typified
by their rejection of tradition and their loss of faith in social, political and cultural
traditions, poverty, separatism and terrorism. Modern pattern of development
tries to find solution of these problems in fractions through technical, political
and economic reforms, without looking into the ‘whole complex’. Currently
globalization is still being viewed from a competitive rather than a cooperative
spirit, both by developing and developed world. If the issues involved are not
viewed on the basis of equity based mutual trust between nations, this would have
far reaching consequences for human survival on this planet.
We are still grappling with the impacts of global change, global
warming, atmospheric pollution and alteration in the gaseous composition,
pollution of the soil and water bodies, land-use alterations leading to land
degradation and desertification, rapid depletion of biodiversity, accelerated
biological invasion etc., all triggered by ‘industrial revolution’. Adaptation of this
resulted into climatic change, desertification, deforestation, and land degradation,
biological invasion and biodiversity depletion, increase in species extinction rates
ultimately ecosystem fragility. We are always experimenting with nature that
results in creation of things that in turn become harmful for our life. Arise of
Covid-19 is one such example of resultant to greed satisfaction of human being
for enhancing its economy that now become cause for destruction of global
economy and threat for life of humankind across globe. In the whole process, the
harmonious relationship between organism and environment has been bypassed.
The traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) has been overlooked and side-lined.
All this has led to environmental crisis.
Balance of ecology, economy, and ethics has not been
maintained in the aims and process of education. Harmonious development of
head, hand and heart of individuals has been neglected. Therefore, the products
of such systems of education themselves have not been developed properly.
Hence, the roots of different types of crisis in the society lie in the faulty education
system that is unable to make individuals sensitive towards environmental crisis
and aware enough for its resolution.
The need to protect the environment hence the rationales for environmental
education arise as a result of the following:
1. Environment is the basis of all life and therefore deserves proper care and
2. If the environment is threatened on a continuous basis, numerous problems
which would constitute a danger to human existence could arise.
3. The environment is part of our cultural heritage which should be handed down
to prosperity.
4. Some resources of the environment are not easily replaceable and should be
managed on a sustainable basis, to prevent the extinction of certain components
of the environment such as plants and animals.
5. There is need to enhance the sanity and aesthetic quality of our environment in
order to promote healthy living.
6. The environment is part of nature and needs to be preserved for its own sake.
The rationale for environmental education can be summarized as the following:
1. A major goal of environmental education in India as entrenched in National
Policy on Education is the provision of the expertise that can utilize scientific
knowledge towards the preservation and solution of environmental problems.
Knowledge about the changes that have altered the environment - land, water,
weather, and vegetation; social, cultural and political environment are essential
components of environmental education. Consequently, the general public should
be equipped with all these to be able to solve the problems of the environment.
2. India’s socio-economic development (like any other less developed country) is
firmly rooted on the exploitation of the natural resources in our environment.
Land, water, forest and other mineral resources utilization is the dominant feature
of rural economy with agriculture the driving force. Uncontrolled and improper
exploitation of these resources have implications on the environment causing
disruption in the living standard, starvation, displacement and human suffering.
Environmental Education is therefore necessary to create awareness of the causes
and effects of these problems as food and water scarcity, pollution, outbreak of
epidemics and natural disaster such as flood, erosion and desert encroachment.
3. Environmental education is needed to foster international co-operation and
understanding. The developed countries rely on the high technology for the
exploitation of natural resources while developing countries like India totally
depend on agriculture, forestry and the mineral resources thereby leading to
intensive and over-exploitation of the natural resources and these have serious
implications on the resources.
4. Public enlightenment on the impact of government policies on local
environment should be useful both to the government and the local people.
5. Awareness of such global environmental issues is an essential component of
environmental education which ordinary citizen should be aware of.
6. Environmental education for the over-all social and economic emancipation of
women and children. These form a substantial percentage in the utilization of
natural resources especially at the rural setting.
7. Environmental education is very essential for the lack of it. Environmental
Education is virtually a new thing in this part of the world.
8. Environment education is also very essential for our survival on earth. The
natural resources and cultural heritage need to be protected not only for this
generation but for future generation.
Modern Crisis Management by Environmental Education Skills &
Environmental Education is made up of two terms Environment
and Education. Environment is defined as “the sum total of all conditions and
influences affecting the life and development of organisms. Education is defined
as “Forming desirable attitudes, values, skills, understanding and interest about
the environment, so as to preserve it and improve it for survival of the present and
future mankind”.
Environmental Education is an educational intervention to meet
the challenge of environmental crisis. As cited by Singh (2006), Robello (1994)
has given the definition of environmental education in final report of Tbilisi
Conference, 1977 as:
“Environmental Education is an integral part of the education
process. It should be centered on practical problems and be of an
interdisciplinary character. It should aim at building up a sense
of values, contribute to public well-being and concern itself with
the survival of the human species. Its force should reside mainly
in the initiative of the learners and their involvement in action and
it should be guided by both immediate and future subjects of
Therefore, we can say that Environmental Education (EE) refers
to organized efforts to teach how natural environments function, and particularly,
how human beings can manage behavior and ecosystems to live sustainably. In
other words, we can say that Environmental education is a process that allows
individuals to explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take
action to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper
understanding of environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and
responsible decisions.
It is a multi-disciplinary field integrating disciplines such as
biology, chemistry, physics, ecology, earth science, atmospheric science,
mathematics, and geography. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) states that Environmental Education is vital in
imparting an inherent respect for nature amongst society and in enhancing public
environmental awareness. UNESCO emphasises the role of Environmental
Education in safeguarding future global developments of societal quality of
life (QOL), through the protection of the environment, eradication of poverty,
minimization of inequalities and insurance of sustainable development
(UNESCO, 2014a). The term often implies education within the school system,
from primary to post-secondary. However, it sometimes includes all efforts to
educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media
campaigns, etc. There are also ways that environmental education is taught
outside the traditional classroom. Aquariums, zoos, parks, and nature centers all
have ways of teaching the public about the environment.
Environmental education focuses on:
1. Engaging with citizens of all demographics to;
2. Think critically, ethically, and creatively when evaluating environmental
3. Make educated judgments about those environmental issues;
4. Develop skills and a commitment to act independently and collectively to
sustain and enhance the environment; and,
5. To enhance their appreciation of the environment; resulting in positive
environmental behavioural change.
There are major aspects of environmental education i.e.
Education about Environment, Education through Environment and Education
for Environment. People while dealing with nature and natural resources have
accumulated a lot of empirical knowledge on the basis of their experiences. This
is based in the intrinsic relation that man and nature from part of an invisible
whole, therefore people in traditional societies developed an eco-centric view
which is widely reflected in their attitudes towards plants, animals, rivers and the
earth. All this knowledge of man is communicated in different ways to the next
generation. This knowledge has been termed as “Traditional Ecological
Knowledge” (TEK). As cited by Singh (2006), Ramakrishna (2001) has
highlighted three kind of benefits of Traditional Ecological Knowledge as:
i. Economic-plants and animals of food value, medicinal plants etc.
ii. Ecological/Social-manipulation of biodiversity for controlling soil water
regimes & hydrology for efficient organic residue management, soil
fertility management, through modified soil/biological process etc.
iii. Ethical-cultural, spiritual and religious belief system centred around
concept of sacred species, sacred grooves and sacred landscapes.
Since ancient time this knowledge has been communicated
through three types of education as:
(i) Formal- Well designed and planned education given through
schools, colleges, universities etc.
(ii) Non-formal- Any organized, systematic educational activity outside
the framework of a formal system.
(iii) Informal- Any incidental learning in family, at workplace, during
travel etc.
Therefore, education in its various forms have been used to create,
conserve and transfer knowledge from time to time. At the same time education
has been used to develop human potential for his/her ‘self-development’ and also
for making him/her useful for society. It has been rightly said in National Policy
on Education, 1986 that “Education is an investment in present and future”. So
for betterment of present environment and to handover better environment to
future generations environmental concerns must be incorporated at all levels of
education i.e. (i) Pre-primary (ii) Primary (iii) Secondary and (iv) Tertiary level
of education.
Steps in this direction have been initiated in the form of
Environmental Education worldwide since 1970’s. As cited by Boca & Saracli
(2019), according to UNESCO in 1987 environmental education was considered
as a learning process that enhances people’s knowledge and skills about the
environment and the associated challenges, which develop the necessary skills
and expertise needed to meet challenges and foster attitudes, motivations, and
commitments to inform decisions and take responsible actions. . As cited by Boca
& Saracli (2019), Environmental education, as supported by Crohn Kara and
Birbaum, has been around for over 50 years and has contributed to environmental
sustainability by disseminating skills-building information.
Environmental Education play a vital role in resolving the
environmental crisis by developing the skills to behave in environment friendly
manner and being sensitive in resolution of environmental issues for the welfare
of all instead of getting self centered. It also helps to develop a global perspective
for the management of crisis condition. A view of ‘ Global Change’ that leads to
‘Environmental Crisis’ and role of environmental education for development of
a better environment has been shown in following diagram:
Scarcity of Pure
Air, Water, Soil etc.
Decline in Quality
of Air, Water, Soil
1. T.E.K.
4.Participation of
2. Modern
Source: Singh (2006)
E- Environment
O- Organism
T.E.K. - Traditional
Ecological Knowledge
Eco. - Economics
Eth. - Ethics
Ecol. - Ecology
Environmental Education is an approach that views the environment
in its entirety including social, political, economic, technological, moral, aesthetic
and spiritual aspects. In today’s world because of industrialization and increasing
population, the natural resources has been rapidly utilized and our environment
is being increasingly degrade by human activities. Environmental Education
methods ensure hands on participation of individual with directly interacting with
nature and helpful in development of skill of observation, analysis and other
problem solving skills to deal with natural crisis management. Environmental
Education skills and methods helps to ensure the health and welfare of nation and
can help to prevent or mitigate environmental human health problems caused by
environmental crisis. It also helps us to get aware about how can be use the natural
resources in the sustainable way. It aims to make the citizens competent to do
scientific work and to find out practical solutions to current environmental
Utility and significance of Environmental Education methods and
skills can be understood by considering following points:
a. Essential for the self-fulfilment and social development of the child and the
b. Essential for understanding the different food chains and the nature’s
ecological balance.
c. Plays an important role in understanding and appreciating how the
environment is used for making a living and promoting material culture
d. Enables one to appreciate and enjoy nature and society.
e. Inculcates a concern for the systematic change of environment for the
distant and immediate welfare of mankind.
f. Makes one conscious of the problems of population explosion, depletion of
natural resources, global warming, etc.
g. Environmental education enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and
effective decision-making skills, and teaches individuals to weigh various
sides of an environmental issue to make informed and responsible
decisions. Environmental education does not advocate a particular
viewpoint or course of action.
h. It entails the will to take personal initiatives and social participation to
achieve sustainability.
i. The study of environmental education creates awareness among the people
to know about various renewable and non-renewable resources of the
j. It provides the knowledge about ecological systems and cause and effect
k. It provides necessary information about biodiversity richness and the
potential dangers to the species of plants, animals and microorganisms in
the environment.
l. The study of environmental education enables one to understand the causes
and consequences due to natural and induced disasters (flood, earthquake,
landslide, cyclones etc.,) and pollutions and measures to minimize the
m. It enables one to evaluate alternative responses to environmental issues
before deciding an alternative course of action.
n. It create environmentally literate citizens (by knowing the environmental
acts, rights, rules, legislations, etc.) to make appropriate judgments and
decisions for the protection and improvement of the earth.
o. The study of environmental education exposes the problems of over
population, health, hygiene, etc. and the role of arts, science and technology
in eliminating/ minimizing the evils from the society.
p. The study of environmental education tries to identify and develop
appropriate and indigenous eco-friendly skills and technologies to various
environmental issues.
q. It teaches the citizens the need for sustainable utilization of resources as
these resources are inherited from our ancestors to the younger generation
without deteriorating their quality.
r. The study of environmental education enables theoretical knowledge into
practice and the multiple uses of environment.
s. The study of environmental education enables the people to understand the
complexities of the environment and need for the people to adapt
appropriate activities and pursue sustainable development, which are
harmonious with the environment.
t. The study of environmental education motivates students to get involved in
community action, and to participate in various environment and
management projects.
u. Environmental study is a key instrument for bringing about the changes in
the knowledge, values, behaviors and lifestyles required to achieve
sustainability and stability within and among countries.
Environmental crisis is the greatest crisis of the day. Educational intervention
through environmental education programme in formal non-formal and informal
settings can be one important remedy. But the initiative regarding implementation
of environmental education programme has to be taken by educational
institutions. Universities must take a lead in this area by framing suitable
programmes for environmental education, personal training, and material
preparation for environmental education and execution of the whole program in
a proper way.
Environmental education is seen as a strategy of reflection for society or a group,
through which values are re-established and new identities created for
individuals. Considering that they may only be educated to demonstrate
environmental awareness based on a project of society which includes individuals
as opinion formers, and not just followers of orders or rules, but which, above all,
allows them to be seen as part of the problem, thereby enabling them to see
themselves as key to the solution.
 Boca, G.D. & Saracli, S. (2019). Environmental Education and Student’s
Perception, for Sustainability. Sustainability, 11. 1-18. Retrieved
 BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY. (2015). Environmental Education.
pp. 7-11. Retrieved from
 Manwamar. (2016). Environmental Education. Retrieved from
 Murugesan, V. (2016). Environmental Education. Retrieved from
 Sana. (2018). Meaning, significance and characteristics of environmental
education. Retrieved from
 Singh, S.K. (2006). Environmental Education (1st
Ed.). Varanasi: Sapna
Ashok Prakashan. pp. 107-110, 114-118, 124.
 Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia. (2013). Environmental Education.
Retrieved from

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Significance of environmental education skills and methods for modern crisis management by Garima Tandon

  • 1. By, Garima Tandon B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed. Banaras Hindu University Significance of Environmental Education Skills and Methods for Modern Crisis Management Introduction- Whatever surrounds an ‘organism’ constitutes the ‘environment’ of the organism. Both of them are subjected to change with time. If these changes are within the adjustment capacity of the environment or organism, they do not leave any destructive effect on them. Such changes have been happening since thousands of years of known human history. But in the recent world history of about 200 years rapid changes have occurred in the environment throughout the globe. These changes have resulted into global warming because of greenhouse gas emissions, acidification of soil and water, drastic decline in the quality of air, soil and water, reckless exploitation of natural resources stored in the soil through mining activities, drastic changes in the land use and land cover through overexploitation of natural resources leading to desertification of landscapes, associated rapid depletion of biodiversity etc. As cited by Singh (2006), Ramakrishnan (2001) has categorized all these changes under ‘Global Change’. This global change has triggered variety of changes in natural environment which are further leading to scarcity of various constituent elements of natural environment is about to take the form of a crisis at a larger level. However, the present deterioration in natural environment has already led to extinction of variety of life forms on earth. Therefore top priority should be given
  • 2. to overcome environment problems. Environmental Education in various forms and at various levels has the potential to resolve the modern crisis. Here focus is on the modern crisis management by using environmental education skills and methods. Modern Crisis- Modern crisis has emerged due to problems of degradation of environment, rapid erosion of values, alienation of younger generation as typified by their rejection of tradition and their loss of faith in social, political and cultural traditions, poverty, separatism and terrorism. Modern pattern of development tries to find solution of these problems in fractions through technical, political and economic reforms, without looking into the ‘whole complex’. Currently globalization is still being viewed from a competitive rather than a cooperative spirit, both by developing and developed world. If the issues involved are not viewed on the basis of equity based mutual trust between nations, this would have far reaching consequences for human survival on this planet. We are still grappling with the impacts of global change, global warming, atmospheric pollution and alteration in the gaseous composition, pollution of the soil and water bodies, land-use alterations leading to land degradation and desertification, rapid depletion of biodiversity, accelerated biological invasion etc., all triggered by ‘industrial revolution’. Adaptation of this resulted into climatic change, desertification, deforestation, and land degradation, biological invasion and biodiversity depletion, increase in species extinction rates ultimately ecosystem fragility. We are always experimenting with nature that results in creation of things that in turn become harmful for our life. Arise of Covid-19 is one such example of resultant to greed satisfaction of human being
  • 3. for enhancing its economy that now become cause for destruction of global economy and threat for life of humankind across globe. In the whole process, the harmonious relationship between organism and environment has been bypassed. The traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) has been overlooked and side-lined. All this has led to environmental crisis. Balance of ecology, economy, and ethics has not been maintained in the aims and process of education. Harmonious development of head, hand and heart of individuals has been neglected. Therefore, the products of such systems of education themselves have not been developed properly. Hence, the roots of different types of crisis in the society lie in the faulty education system that is unable to make individuals sensitive towards environmental crisis and aware enough for its resolution. NEED TO RESOLVE CRISIS - The need to protect the environment hence the rationales for environmental education arise as a result of the following: 1. Environment is the basis of all life and therefore deserves proper care and management. 2. If the environment is threatened on a continuous basis, numerous problems which would constitute a danger to human existence could arise. 3. The environment is part of our cultural heritage which should be handed down to prosperity. 4. Some resources of the environment are not easily replaceable and should be managed on a sustainable basis, to prevent the extinction of certain components of the environment such as plants and animals. 5. There is need to enhance the sanity and aesthetic quality of our environment in order to promote healthy living.
  • 4. 6. The environment is part of nature and needs to be preserved for its own sake. RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION- The rationale for environmental education can be summarized as the following: 1. A major goal of environmental education in India as entrenched in National Policy on Education is the provision of the expertise that can utilize scientific knowledge towards the preservation and solution of environmental problems. Knowledge about the changes that have altered the environment - land, water, weather, and vegetation; social, cultural and political environment are essential components of environmental education. Consequently, the general public should be equipped with all these to be able to solve the problems of the environment. 2. India’s socio-economic development (like any other less developed country) is firmly rooted on the exploitation of the natural resources in our environment. Land, water, forest and other mineral resources utilization is the dominant feature of rural economy with agriculture the driving force. Uncontrolled and improper exploitation of these resources have implications on the environment causing disruption in the living standard, starvation, displacement and human suffering. Environmental Education is therefore necessary to create awareness of the causes and effects of these problems as food and water scarcity, pollution, outbreak of epidemics and natural disaster such as flood, erosion and desert encroachment. 3. Environmental education is needed to foster international co-operation and understanding. The developed countries rely on the high technology for the exploitation of natural resources while developing countries like India totally depend on agriculture, forestry and the mineral resources thereby leading to
  • 5. intensive and over-exploitation of the natural resources and these have serious implications on the resources. 4. Public enlightenment on the impact of government policies on local environment should be useful both to the government and the local people. 5. Awareness of such global environmental issues is an essential component of environmental education which ordinary citizen should be aware of. 6. Environmental education for the over-all social and economic emancipation of women and children. These form a substantial percentage in the utilization of natural resources especially at the rural setting. 7. Environmental education is very essential for the lack of it. Environmental Education is virtually a new thing in this part of the world. 8. Environment education is also very essential for our survival on earth. The natural resources and cultural heritage need to be protected not only for this generation but for future generation. Modern Crisis Management by Environmental Education Skills & Methods- Environmental Education is made up of two terms Environment and Education. Environment is defined as “the sum total of all conditions and influences affecting the life and development of organisms. Education is defined as “Forming desirable attitudes, values, skills, understanding and interest about the environment, so as to preserve it and improve it for survival of the present and future mankind”.
  • 6. Environmental Education is an educational intervention to meet the challenge of environmental crisis. As cited by Singh (2006), Robello (1994) has given the definition of environmental education in final report of Tbilisi Conference, 1977 as: “Environmental Education is an integral part of the education process. It should be centered on practical problems and be of an interdisciplinary character. It should aim at building up a sense of values, contribute to public well-being and concern itself with the survival of the human species. Its force should reside mainly in the initiative of the learners and their involvement in action and it should be guided by both immediate and future subjects of concern”. Therefore, we can say that Environmental Education (EE) refers to organized efforts to teach how natural environments function, and particularly, how human beings can manage behavior and ecosystems to live sustainably. In other words, we can say that Environmental education is a process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions. It is a multi-disciplinary field integrating disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, ecology, earth science, atmospheric science, mathematics, and geography. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) states that Environmental Education is vital in imparting an inherent respect for nature amongst society and in enhancing public environmental awareness. UNESCO emphasises the role of Environmental
  • 7. Education in safeguarding future global developments of societal quality of life (QOL), through the protection of the environment, eradication of poverty, minimization of inequalities and insurance of sustainable development (UNESCO, 2014a). The term often implies education within the school system, from primary to post-secondary. However, it sometimes includes all efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaigns, etc. There are also ways that environmental education is taught outside the traditional classroom. Aquariums, zoos, parks, and nature centers all have ways of teaching the public about the environment. Environmental education focuses on: 1. Engaging with citizens of all demographics to; 2. Think critically, ethically, and creatively when evaluating environmental issues; 3. Make educated judgments about those environmental issues; 4. Develop skills and a commitment to act independently and collectively to sustain and enhance the environment; and, 5. To enhance their appreciation of the environment; resulting in positive environmental behavioural change. There are major aspects of environmental education i.e. Education about Environment, Education through Environment and Education for Environment. People while dealing with nature and natural resources have accumulated a lot of empirical knowledge on the basis of their experiences. This is based in the intrinsic relation that man and nature from part of an invisible whole, therefore people in traditional societies developed an eco-centric view
  • 8. which is widely reflected in their attitudes towards plants, animals, rivers and the earth. All this knowledge of man is communicated in different ways to the next generation. This knowledge has been termed as “Traditional Ecological Knowledge” (TEK). As cited by Singh (2006), Ramakrishna (2001) has highlighted three kind of benefits of Traditional Ecological Knowledge as: i. Economic-plants and animals of food value, medicinal plants etc. ii. Ecological/Social-manipulation of biodiversity for controlling soil water regimes & hydrology for efficient organic residue management, soil fertility management, through modified soil/biological process etc. iii. Ethical-cultural, spiritual and religious belief system centred around concept of sacred species, sacred grooves and sacred landscapes. Since ancient time this knowledge has been communicated through three types of education as: (i) Formal- Well designed and planned education given through schools, colleges, universities etc. (ii) Non-formal- Any organized, systematic educational activity outside the framework of a formal system. (iii) Informal- Any incidental learning in family, at workplace, during travel etc. Therefore, education in its various forms have been used to create, conserve and transfer knowledge from time to time. At the same time education has been used to develop human potential for his/her ‘self-development’ and also for making him/her useful for society. It has been rightly said in National Policy on Education, 1986 that “Education is an investment in present and future”. So for betterment of present environment and to handover better environment to
  • 9. future generations environmental concerns must be incorporated at all levels of education i.e. (i) Pre-primary (ii) Primary (iii) Secondary and (iv) Tertiary level of education. Steps in this direction have been initiated in the form of Environmental Education worldwide since 1970’s. As cited by Boca & Saracli (2019), according to UNESCO in 1987 environmental education was considered as a learning process that enhances people’s knowledge and skills about the environment and the associated challenges, which develop the necessary skills and expertise needed to meet challenges and foster attitudes, motivations, and commitments to inform decisions and take responsible actions. . As cited by Boca & Saracli (2019), Environmental education, as supported by Crohn Kara and Birbaum, has been around for over 50 years and has contributed to environmental sustainability by disseminating skills-building information. Environmental Education play a vital role in resolving the environmental crisis by developing the skills to behave in environment friendly manner and being sensitive in resolution of environmental issues for the welfare of all instead of getting self centered. It also helps to develop a global perspective for the management of crisis condition. A view of ‘ Global Change’ that leads to ‘Environmental Crisis’ and role of environmental education for development of a better environment has been shown in following diagram:
  • 10. O E Scarcity of Pure Air, Water, Soil etc. Decline in Quality of Air, Water, Soil etc. Global Warming MODERNENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS Climate Change Biodiversity Depletion FOR TOMMORROW EDUCATION FOR ALL Formal Non-Formal Informal 1. T.E.K. CHANGE IN 1.Awareness 2.Attitude 3.Skills 4.Participation of people 2. Modern Knowledge Eco. Eth. Ecol. Source: Singh (2006) E- Environment O- Organism T.E.K. - Traditional Ecological Knowledge KN- Eco. - Economics Eth. - Ethics Ecol. - Ecology
  • 11. SIGNIFICANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION METHODS AND SKILLS IN MODERN ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS MANAGEMENT- Environmental Education is an approach that views the environment in its entirety including social, political, economic, technological, moral, aesthetic and spiritual aspects. In today’s world because of industrialization and increasing population, the natural resources has been rapidly utilized and our environment is being increasingly degrade by human activities. Environmental Education methods ensure hands on participation of individual with directly interacting with nature and helpful in development of skill of observation, analysis and other problem solving skills to deal with natural crisis management. Environmental Education skills and methods helps to ensure the health and welfare of nation and can help to prevent or mitigate environmental human health problems caused by environmental crisis. It also helps us to get aware about how can be use the natural resources in the sustainable way. It aims to make the citizens competent to do scientific work and to find out practical solutions to current environmental problems. Utility and significance of Environmental Education methods and skills can be understood by considering following points: a. Essential for the self-fulfilment and social development of the child and the adult. b. Essential for understanding the different food chains and the nature’s ecological balance. c. Plays an important role in understanding and appreciating how the environment is used for making a living and promoting material culture d. Enables one to appreciate and enjoy nature and society.
  • 12. e. Inculcates a concern for the systematic change of environment for the distant and immediate welfare of mankind. f. Makes one conscious of the problems of population explosion, depletion of natural resources, global warming, etc. g. Environmental education enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective decision-making skills, and teaches individuals to weigh various sides of an environmental issue to make informed and responsible decisions. Environmental education does not advocate a particular viewpoint or course of action. h. It entails the will to take personal initiatives and social participation to achieve sustainability. i. The study of environmental education creates awareness among the people to know about various renewable and non-renewable resources of the region. j. It provides the knowledge about ecological systems and cause and effect relationships. k. It provides necessary information about biodiversity richness and the potential dangers to the species of plants, animals and microorganisms in the environment. l. The study of environmental education enables one to understand the causes and consequences due to natural and induced disasters (flood, earthquake, landslide, cyclones etc.,) and pollutions and measures to minimize the effects. m. It enables one to evaluate alternative responses to environmental issues before deciding an alternative course of action.
  • 13. n. It create environmentally literate citizens (by knowing the environmental acts, rights, rules, legislations, etc.) to make appropriate judgments and decisions for the protection and improvement of the earth. o. The study of environmental education exposes the problems of over population, health, hygiene, etc. and the role of arts, science and technology in eliminating/ minimizing the evils from the society. p. The study of environmental education tries to identify and develop appropriate and indigenous eco-friendly skills and technologies to various environmental issues. q. It teaches the citizens the need for sustainable utilization of resources as these resources are inherited from our ancestors to the younger generation without deteriorating their quality. r. The study of environmental education enables theoretical knowledge into practice and the multiple uses of environment. s. The study of environmental education enables the people to understand the complexities of the environment and need for the people to adapt appropriate activities and pursue sustainable development, which are harmonious with the environment. t. The study of environmental education motivates students to get involved in community action, and to participate in various environment and management projects. u. Environmental study is a key instrument for bringing about the changes in the knowledge, values, behaviors and lifestyles required to achieve sustainability and stability within and among countries.
  • 14. Conclusion- Environmental crisis is the greatest crisis of the day. Educational intervention through environmental education programme in formal non-formal and informal settings can be one important remedy. But the initiative regarding implementation of environmental education programme has to be taken by educational institutions. Universities must take a lead in this area by framing suitable programmes for environmental education, personal training, and material preparation for environmental education and execution of the whole program in a proper way. Environmental education is seen as a strategy of reflection for society or a group, through which values are re-established and new identities created for individuals. Considering that they may only be educated to demonstrate environmental awareness based on a project of society which includes individuals as opinion formers, and not just followers of orders or rules, but which, above all, allows them to be seen as part of the problem, thereby enabling them to see themselves as key to the solution.
  • 15. References  Boca, G.D. & Saracli, S. (2019). Environmental Education and Student’s Perception, for Sustainability. Sustainability, 11. 1-18. Retrieved from  BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY. (2015). Environmental Education. pp. 7-11. Retrieved from Ed/II/ENVIRONMENTAL%20EDUCATION.pdf.  Manwamar. (2016). Environmental Education. Retrieved from education-68397436.  Murugesan, V. (2016). Environmental Education. Retrieved from 62139346.  Sana. (2018). Meaning, significance and characteristics of environmental education. Retrieved from characteristics-of-environmental-education.  Singh, S.K. (2006). Environmental Education (1st Ed.). Varanasi: Sapna Ashok Prakashan. pp. 107-110, 114-118, 124.  Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia. (2013). Environmental Education. Retrieved from