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Shaping the Future of the Newspaper                                                                      STRATEGY REPORT

                                                                                     8.4       Around the world, faster

Winning                                                                                        mobile technological
                                                                                               infrastructure, multimedia

                                                                                               handsets, advertising networks
                                                                                               and engaged users are driving
                                                                                               the mobile channel to become

Strategies                                                                                     an essential part of every
                                                                                               newspaper company’s media

             All the strategy reports are available to WAN members and subscribers at the SFN Web site
 the Future
of the Newspaper



    Executive Summary                                                                   5
1   Global Mobile Market                                                                7
      Telecom Markets by Country                                                       10
      Global Mobile Usage                                                              13
      2G vs. 3G                                                                        14
      Mobile Internet                                                                  15
      Japanese Mobile Market                                                           18
2   Mobile Marketing and Advertising                                                   19
      Successful Mobile Ad Campaigns in Japan                                          26
3   Mobile Tagging                                                                     29
      QR Codes in Japan                                                                30
      2-D Barcodes in Europe                                                           33
      2-D Barcodes in the United States                                                37
4   Mobile Technologies and Platforms for Newspapers                                   39
      Mobile – Play it all the Way                                                     39
      Mobile Analytics                                                                 41
      Implementing a Mobile Strategy                                                   43
5   Why Mobile is an Opportunity for Newspaper Companies                               45
      Distribution and Monetization                                                    45
    Conclusion                                                                         53



Executive Summary

Around the world, newspapers' digital              soaring, with some markets reaching
strategies are finding more ways to reach          saturation. In 2004, there were 1.74 billion
audiences with better, more tailored offerings     mobile subscribers worldwide. That number is
for each audience member. There is no              expected to reach 3.9 billion by the end of
question mobile, although currently a small        2009, and 4.9 billion in 2012, according to
slice of the digital pie, will increasingly be a   Portio Research.
key platform audiences turn to, and
                                                   Mobile growth is happening in developing
newspapers must be there to meet them.
                                                   parts of the world, where handsets are cheaper
“There is no doubt a future-proof newspaper        than PCs, and online access via mobile is
channel strategy means a strong mobile             spreading like wildfire, bringing news and
presence. And the more browsers newspapers         information to areas that previously had no
receive, the more they will gain in click-         connection to the Internet. Meanwhile, in
throughs and advertising revenue,” states          mobile-saturated markets like Japan, where
Anders Børde, marketing director for Oslo-         mobile tagging was developed in 2003 and
based More Mobile Relations in Chapter 4.          smartphone usage is high, the mobile is relied
“Newspapers that have the opportunity to talk      on as a wallet, to make purchases online and
to customers (not only distributing content) on    share information in real time through mobile
so many channels and several times every day       Web sites, as well as for e-mailing, sending
are in a unique position to build rich relations   SMS messages and voice calls – activities that
with their audiences. I believe newspapers, as     are also becoming the norm elsewhere.
well as any other type of company, cannot take
                                                   Although each market around the world has its
the risk of not communicating with customers
                                                   own variables, they all have one thing in
over the mobile platform. It will simply be
                                                   common: each day, the number of people who
                                                   cannot live without their mobile goes up. This
Indeed, mobile usage on a global scale is          means newspapers not only have more


opportunities to reach audiences, but also to       What newspapers should be thinking about is
engage them and understand them like never          not only mobile ads, but how to use cell
before.                                             phones for micro payment. We do that a lot
                                                    here, and that's the biggest driver of mobile
“It encourages users to repeat interaction. It
also connects what was previously
disconnected, drives specific actions, and          Another interactive mobile revenue stream
embeds into greater context,” said Christopher      seeing growing usage is mobile tagging. This
Billich, senior vice president of research and      trend, which digitally links a 2-D barcode and
strategy at Tokyo-based Infinita, Inc., in          mobile device, provides users with
Chapter 2.                                          complementary information, such as coupons,
                                                    product details, content in other formats,
Just as newspapers launched print versions
                                                    contests and more.
hundreds of years ago, then Web sites in the
1990s, they are now developing a presence on        For example, QR codes are used by
mobile. Publishers agree that, just as when         McDonald's in Japan to access nutrition
they launched their first Internet sites, growth    information. The fast food chain claims to
was slow, and missteps were made along the          have 10 million registered users – this amounts
way to Web 2.0. They also agree there is a          to 10 percent of Japan's population.
future for mobile advertising, and as adoption
                                                    In Spain, daily newspaper El País launched
rates increase, so will revenue opportunities.
                                                    several campaigns using the 2-D barcode in
“ ... the mobile advertising market seems to be     2008, one of which was a campaign that gave
heading the same way as the standard Web            customers an easy way to access the mobile
advertising market. It just lags behind by a few    site – by using their mobiles to scan barcodes
years, and it’s tempered by screen size and the     in the paper.
functionality of the mobile phone.
                                                    In all, monetization strategies for mobile are
Smartphones like the iPhone are showing us
                                                    plentiful, ranging from advertising, to
what the future of mobile can look like, but not
                                                    micropayments to barcoding. As newspaper
everyone is going to want a big screen, and we
                                                    companies face mobile, like they did with the
will have to wait until some of the
                                                    Internet in the past, they are reminded that
functionality available on high-end phones,
                                                    above all else, as always, content is key.
like location information, and the ability to
stream video and audio filter down to the
lower-end of the market. We will also need to
wait for faster 3G connections, to get out of
the cities and into the towns, villages and
country before we can start to see video
advertising becoming more commonplace on
mobiles,” Marcus Austin, mobile product
manager for Guardian News & Media in
London, told SFN in Chapter 5.
Jo Christian Oterhals, CEO of VG Multimedia
AS in Oslo, pointed out in Chapter 5 that
mobile is ripe for advertising, as well as other
types of revenue.
“We believe eyeballs have the same value, no
matter if it's in print, online or on the cell
phone,” he said. “But today the revenues from
mobile ads aren't big. As always, what's most
important is to develop the product itself, drive
traffic to it and establish a position. When this
is in place, monetizing can start for real. I
think that the mobile Internet is just starting
up, and frankly the revenues all of us see today
is just a drop compared to what will come.


1. Global Mobile Market

Despite the global advertising downturn, the      higher than that of other handset users. iPhone
mobile market continues to grow in the double     users accessed:
digits now and projected well into the future.    • News and information via their Web browser
The anticipated skyrocketing growth resembles     80 percent vs. 20 percent for all mobile users
the hockey-stick trajectory of Internet revenue   • E-mail 76 percent vs. 13 percent
starting in 2001.                                 • Mobile music, 66 percent vs. 23 percent
                                                  • Social networking, 55 percent vs. 13 percent
The burgeoning mobile ecosystem is                • Web search, 55 percent vs. 12 percent
punctuated by dynamic usage patterns,             • Buying a game, 19 percent vs. 3 percent
interactive content development, advertising      • 23 percent of mobile media users have a
and subscription revenues and technological       smartphone and 3.5 percent an iPhone. Of the
breakthroughs that signal huge potential for      iPhone users 75 percent are male and mostly
newspaper companies to extend their brands        aged 18-44.
and revenue-making for the future.                Dozens of newspaper companies around the
                                                  world realise the potential of iPhones, and
One of the key drivers for the most recent
                                                  have developed their iPhone Web sites
spikes in usage of mobile phone functionality
                                                  accordingly. Among the newspaper companies
beyond voice usage is the surge of iPhones and
                                                  with downloadable applications from the
other smartphones sweeping the consumer
                                                  Apple iTunes App Store are:
market. The CEO of Deutsche Telecom
                                                  • Globe and Mail, Canada
reported that iPhone data usage is 30 times
                                                  • USA Today, United States
higher than from other phones. Google reports
                                                  • New York Times, United States
that iPhone search requests are 50 times higher
                                                  • O Globo, Brazil
than from any other phone.
                                                  • Straits Times, Singapore
comScore reports that iPhone multimedia data      • Le Parisiene and Le Monde, France
usage in the United Kingdom is significantly      • El Universal, Mexico


    Mobile Content Consumption: France, Germany and the UK, May 2008
                Any news or info via browser                                            32
                        Accessed Web search                            18                                                              iPhone
                                                                     15                                                                Market
           Watched mobile TV and/or video
Accessed a social networking site or blog                   10
         Listened to music on mobile phone                                               33
             Used e-mail (work or personal)                                       26
                                              % 0               10           20         30          40          50        60       70       80       90
Source: M:Metrics                                                                                         © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

•   Associated Press, United States                                                services, consulting services, and the
•   Ria Novosti, Russia                                                            semiconductor industry.
•   20 Minutes, France and Germany
                                                                                   While mobile experts and research houses
•   Aftonbladet, Sweden
                                                                                   agree the industry will grow quickly and
•   Jakarta Globe, Indonesia
                                                                                   profitably, few agree how much the nascent
•   Aftenposten, Norway
                                                                                   industry will be worth in the years ahead:
•   El País, Spain
•   Telegraph and Guardian, United Kingdom                                         • According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, mobile
•   Chicago Tribune, United States                                                 advertising will grow from almost $1.4 billion
According to Gartner Group, WTN News,                                              in 2006 to $16.4 billion in 2012.
EDN, and Vault, the global mobile market                                           • ABIResearch projects the world market for
accounted for US$718.4 billion in 2006,                                            mobile marketing and advertising was worth
higher than many other sectors, such as IT                                         about $3 billion in 2007, and will be valued at
services, pharmaceutical sales, financial                                          $19 billion in 2012.

                            Global Advertising Market: Internet vs. Mobile
 %                                                                                                                                         US$ millions
140                                                                                                                                        120,000
                        129.1                  % Change                   Internet Advertising (US$ millions)
                                               % Change                   Mobile Advertising (US$ millions)                    103,958
                                    107.4                                                                        93,461
100                                                                                                 82,324
                2008-12                                                                                                                    80,000
                 CAGR                                           85.6
    80           17.3
                 44.0                                                      65.5                                                            60,000
    60                                              46,843
                                 42.4     35,734                                                          42.8                             40,000
                     40.1                                                                                             39.4
    40                                      44.2
         27.9                   24,778                                                                                             28.4
                    17,404                              31.1
    20 12,420                                                              25.5                 9,165                             16,407 20,000
                                                                                    20.3                12,774
                                                                              4,382    6,418 16.4     13.5
                                    703        1,427            2,648                                                           11.2
             148          339
     0                                                                                                                                     0
          2003        2004        2005       2006       2007p               2008         2009            2010        2011        2012
Sources: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Wilkofsky Gruen Associates                                           © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009


• Informa Telecoms & Media estimates                           sectors, according to Portio Research. In 2006,
worldwide mobile advertising spending at                       the mobile market led with a growth of more
$871 million in 2006 and projects it will reach                than 16 percent, double that of the second
$11.35 billion by next year.                                   highest pharmaceutical sector, and also beat IT
                                                               services, travel and tourism as well as financial
• Overall worldwide mobile revenue,
including advertising, subscriptions and
handsets, will grow from $519.7 billion in
                                                               In 2007, the year-over-year growth of the global
2004 to $1.09 trillion in 2012, according to
                                                               mobile market is 11.9 percent, even higher than
Portio Research.
                                                               the semiconductor industry, consulting services,
The mobile market also grew faster than other                  or financial services, according to Portio.

                             Worldwide Mobile Revenue, 2004-2012(e)
US$ billion

1,000                                                                                                1,045.7
 800                                                        874.3


             2004         2005          2006   2007(e)      2008(e)     2009(e)       2010(e)        2011(e)      2012(e)
Source: Portio Research                                                           © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

            Worldwide Mobile Market vs. Other Industries – Revenue, 2006
US$ billion




           Semiconductor          Consulting    Financial       Pharmaceutical         IT Services        Mobile Market
             Industry              Services     Services            Sales
Source: Gartner, WTN News, EDN, and Vault                                         © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009


                  Year-Over-Year Growth Rate, Mobile vs. Other Industries,
%                                   2006 and 2007(e)
            2006                                                       2007(e)
16                                                       16.6
10                                                                                                               11.9

                          8.0                                                         8.1
  6                                                                                                 7.1
  4                                 4.6                                4.5
  2         3.5

       Financial Pharma-           Travel &   IT        Mobile       Financial       Semi- Consulting            Mobile
       Services ceutical           Tourism Services     Market       Services      conductor Services            Market
Source: Portio Research                                                          © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

                                                                 According to Portio Research, in 2006, SMS
       Share of Worldwide Mobile                                 contributed the majority of overall mobile data
         Data Service Revenue,                                   services revenue, which accounted for 57.6
            2006 vs. 2011(e)                                     percent. MMS came next with a 14.5 percent
                                                                 In 2011, SMS is expected to remain the
                                                                 number one contributor, but its share is
              1                                                  forecast to drop dramatically from 57.6
        3.9                                                      percent to less than 40 percent. MMS is still
       2.5                                                       ranked second, with its share down slightly to
                                                                 14.2 percent.
                                                                 The biggest gainer is mobile video, which is
                                                      57.8       expected to increase from only 1 percent in
                                                                 2006 to nearly 8 percent in 2011.
                                                                 Mobile music, mobile IM and mobile e-mail
                                                                 are also on the upswing, according to Portio.
                  17.5                                           Telecom Markets by Country
                                                                 According to IDATE and data from operators
                                                      39.8       and national regulators, in 2007 the United
      7.9                                                        States reported £133 billion telecom service
                                                                 revenues, the highest among all other countries
                                                                 on the table. Japan ranked second with £50.4
        3.5                                                      In terms of telecom revenues per capita, the
                                                                 United Kingdom, United States and Canada
                                                                 are in the top three with more than £430.
                         2.2         14.2
                                                                 Fixed line penetration is not that impressive
              SMS                    Mobile Games
                                                                 across countries – in Germany, there are 66
              MMS                    Mobile e-mail
                                                                 fixed lines per 100 people, the highest among
              Mobile IM              Mobile Video
              Mobile Music           Others
                                                                 all the countries. In Japan, France, and Italy,
                                                                 the penetration is even lower than 50 percent.
Source: Portio Research
© World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009                      The United States and United Kingdom have


                                  Telecoms Market Key Indicators, 2007
                                                               UK        France Germany              Italy        USA     Canada Japan
Telecoms service revenues                                 £26.9bn £24.4bn             £30.4bn £20.5bn £133.0bn £14.2bn £50.4bn
Telecoms revenues per capita                               £443           £382         £369          £353         £442        £432         £395
Fixed lines per 100 population                             55.5           45.1         66.0          44.4         53.1        58.3         47.4
Monthly outbound fixed-line minutes per capita             203             138         171           122          223         182          78
Mobile connection per 100 population                       121.0          86.9         117.9        154.4         85.3        61.6         78.9
Share of mobile post-pay connections                       36%            66%          45%           10%          92%         78%          98%
3G connections per 100 population                          20.6            9.2         10.6          41.4         14.0        0.9          65.4
Source: IDATE, operators, national regulators                                                      © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

the most monthly outbound fixed line minutes                                  mobile users use text messaging. MMS is most
per capita, at more than 200 minutes. Japan, on                               popular in Italy – more than four out of 10
the contrary, has the least, at less than 80                                  users there use MMS and photo messaging. E-
minutes per capita.                                                           mailing is rarely used in most of the countries,
                                                                              except for Japan, where three out of four users
3G connections per 100 people are particularly
                                                                              use e-mail on their mobile phones, while text
high in Japan, at more than 65. Italy comes
                                                                              messaging, MMS and photo messaging are
next with 41 connections, while France and
                                                                              relatively low.
Canada lag behind with less than 10 3G
connections per 100.                                                          Through its survey of countries, Ofcom's research
                                                                              also revealed that females are more likely to
Text messaging is still more popular compared
                                                                              use both fixed lines and mobiles than males.
to MMS, photo messaging and e-mailing
among most of the countries surveyed for                                      In Japan, the United States, Italy, France and
Ofcom's research, Understanding International                                 the United Kingdom, weekly mobile usage is
Communications Behaviour, published in                                        higher than landline, while in Canada, fixed
October 2008. In Germany, Italy, the United                                   line usage is much higher than mobile. In
Kingdom and France, more than 70 percent of                                   Germany, usage of the two devices almost tie.

                                 Communication Usage of Mobile Phones
                           Which of the following do you use your mobile phone for?
                                    Base: all adults aged 18+ who own a mobile phone
 %                    (UK 929, France 914, Germany 946, Italy 952, USA 834, Canada 785, Japan 914)

 90                                                                                         Text messaging
                                                                                            MMS or photo messaging
                                                                    79                      E-mailing
 70                         74                                                                                                               75


 50                                                                                    55

               27                 26                 25                                                                        27

                                                                                 14           16
 10                  12                                                                              13
                                          9               10                                                             10            8
              UK                 France          Germany                 Italy              USA               Canada                 Japan
Source: Ofcom’s Understanding International Communications Behaviour research, October 2008
© World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009


                                        Percentage of Online Users Using Fixed Line and Mobile
                                                          on a Weekly Basis
                                        Additional proportion of women, in addition to male proportion, claiming weekly use of a landline
                                        Proportion of men,claiming weekly use of a landline
                                        Additional proportion of women, in addition to male proportion, claiming weekly use of a mobile
                                        Proportion of men, claiming weekly use of a mobile      Denote a statistically significant change
100                                                                                                                          1
                                            1                                                                                96                                                                                            6
                                                                      4              4         3                                                            2
                                            88                                                                                                                             11                                              88
 80          7                                                        84             86       86
                                                       8                                                          5                                         81
             77                                                                                                                                                            76             1
                                                       72                                                         74
                                                                                                                                            5                                            70



                                       UK              France                        Germany                         Italy                      USA                        Canada                            Japan
Source: Ofcom’s Understanding International Communications Behaviour research, October 2008
© World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

         European Mobile Content Revenue by Country and Category, 2013
                                                                                                          Revenues/per capita ranking:

                          million                 1         13             3         4      11      15             10         2        9          8              16        14             5         6            12             7

             Mobile Content Revenues




















     Other content                               152       161         142          137     97      35             22        22       17         21              19        14            13        11             9         13
     Video/TV                                    251       241         335          334     129     43             30        31       24         36              33        21            17        16            14         21
     Games                                       218       190         169          134     111     37             25        26       21         29              20        17            15        12             8         15
     Music                                       178       145         154          97      90      31             23        33       16         20              19        12            16        12             8         10
     Logos                                       17         14         43           30      32       4             5          5        2          4               4         2             3        2              2             2
     Ring-back tones                             44         45         27           37      22       8             10         6        5          5               4         4             3        3              3             2
     Ring tones                                  120        92         42           71      62      17             13        13       11         12               9         9             7        6              5             5

Source: Jupiter Research Mobile Forecast (Western Europe), June, 2008                                                                                   © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009


In 2013, the United Kingdom, Germany,                                     Global Mobile Usage
France, Italy and Spain will represent
79 percent of the overall mobile content market                           Global mobile subscribers accounted for 1.74
in Europe, which accounts for 5.4 billion                                 billion in 2004, and are expected to rise to 3.9
in total, according to Jupiter Research's Mobile                          billion this year, growing to 4.9 billion in
Forecast, June 2008. Video and TV revenue                                 2012, according to estimates by Portio
will make up the biggest chunk in the five                                Research. The worldwide mobile users will
countries, followed by games and music.                                   reach 4.9 billion in 2012.
                                                                          According to Informa Telecoms & Media’s
                                                                          World Cellular Information Services,

                           Worldwide Mobile Subscribers, 2004-2012(e)

4,000                                                                                           4,254.3
2,000                     2,169.7

            2004           2005          2006          2007(e)       2008(e)      2009(e)       2010(e)       2011(e)       2012(e)
Source: Portio Research                                                                     © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

                     Worldwide Mobile Phone Subscriptions, 1999-2009
 Billion                                                                                                                       Million
 4.00                                                                                                                             600
                     Yearly Net Adds (Million)
                     Cumulative Subscribers (Billion)
 3.25                                                                                                                             500
 2.00                                                                                                                             300
 1.25                                                                                                                             200
 0.00                                                                                                                             0
            1999       2000       2001       2002       2003       2004        2005   2006        2007       2008       2009
Source: Informa Telecoms & Media’s World Cellular Information Services                      © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009


worldwide mobile phone subscriptions only
accounted for 500 million in 1999. However,                  Mobile Phone Users
the numbers increase more than 200 million               Who Only Use Voice Services,
every year. In 2009, the total subscriptions will
                                                                2001 vs. 2006
total nearly four million.
According to Strategy Analytics, the Asia           80                                        2001     2006
Pacific region has contributed the most mobile      70
users worldwide throughout the years,               60
boosting from less than 400 million in 2002 to      50
nearly two billion in 2010. North America           40
and Western Europe have increased at a flat         30
pace; users from each remained at less than         20
400 million throughout the years.                   10
The rest of the world, however, grew rapidly         0
                                                               North     Western         Asia          Rest
from less than 300 million in 2002 to nearly                  America    Europe         Pacific      of World
1.5 billion in 2010, next only to the Asia          Source: Strategy Analytics
                                                    © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

                                                    sales of each are expected to reach 1.1 billion
          Worldwide Mobile Users                    in 2011. TV phones are growing from niche
           by Region, 2002-2011                     to an expected 150 million in 2011, according
Million      Asia Pacific                           to Strategy Analytics.
2,500        Rest of the World
             Western Europe
2,000        North America

1,500                                                 Sales of Multimedia Handsets,
                                                      North America, Western Europe
1,000                                                  and Asia Pacific, 2002-2011
  500                                               Million
                                                                  Camera Phone
     0                                              1,000         Music Phone










                                                                  TV Phone










Source: Strategy Analytics
© World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009           600

The number of people using mobile solely              200
for voice services have dropped, according to
Strategy Analytics. In 2001, more than eight



















out of 10 North American users used mobile
phones solely for voice service, but that           Source: Strategy Analytics
                                                    © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009
percentage decreased to 50 percent in 2006.
In Western Europe and rest of the world,
about 60 percent of the users were using
mobile only for voice services. However,            2G vs. 3G
the percentage has dropped to less than 20          According to IDATE, the 2G network is highly
percent and about 30 percent, respectively.         penetrated in all the countries surveyed, with
The Asia Pacific has the lowest percentage of       100 percent reach in the United Kingdom,
users who use mobile only for voice services –      Japan and Italy, and more than 95 percent
about 50 percent in 2001 and then down              penetration in other countries.
to about 10 percent in 2006. Multimedia
handsets in North America, Western Europe,          3G in Japan also has 100 percent penetration,
and the Asia Pacific have taken off since           the highest in all the countries. The United
2002, especially for camera phones and              Kingdom is next, with 92 percent 3G
music phones. In 2002, camera phones and            penetration. In other countries, the reach is
music phones sold less than 50 million, but         around 70 percent to 80 percent.


                                 Mobile Network: 2G vs. 3G Availability
 %                                                         2G     3G        HSPA
       100                99                   99               100                                      98               100 100
 80                87
                                                    80                 78     78           78                  78
                                70      70               70                                                                           70



             UK                France            Germany              Italy                USA               Canada           Japan
Note: Some figures estimated for the UK, Germany, Canada and Japan. HSDPA figure unavailable in Canada.
Source: IDATE, 2008                                                                         © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

High Speed Packet Access (HSPA), a standard
that improves the end-user experience by                                      Global Wireless Internet Access
increasing peak data rates, is quite popular in                                Users through Mobile Phone,
the European countries surveyed and Japan.                                              2002-2008
The United Kingdom leads with 87 percent                                    Million
reach, while in other countries reach is between                            1,200                114% 107%
                                                                            1,100                               48% 39% 20% 19%
70 percent to 80 percent. In the United States,                             1,000
reach is relatively lower, at only 15 percent.                                900                                                    920
                                                                              800           Number of users
                                                                              700           Growth rate %                    770
Mobile Internet                                                               600                                      640
According to iResearch, global wireless online                                400                             460
access users though mobile phone increased                                    300
from 70 million to 920 million in 2008. The                                   100            150
growth rate was more than 100 percent in 2003                                    0     70
and 2004, but dropped to double digits in the                                         2002 2003 2004 2005 2006e 2007e 2008e
                                                                            Source: iResearch Inc.
years following.                                                            © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

                        Mobile Internet Penetration, Europe, Nov., 2007

                                                                                                                         47.2 m
                                             Internet users

                                                                                                45.0 m

                      Internet users

                                                                                            August 2007               November 2007
Source: Mobiento                                                                                © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009


         Flat Rate Monthly Pay Mobile Internet Subscribers by Country, 2013
Million                                                                                                                                                                                           %
12                                                                                                                                                                                                50
                                                         11.7                      Flat-rate mobile                               11.7
                                                                                   Internet subscribers                                      11.4
                                                                                   (pay monthly only)
                                                                                   Share of flat-rate mobile                                                                                      40
                                                                                   Internet subscribers (%)
 8                   Average                     8.2                                          8.0                                                                            30         30
                    in Europe                                                                                                                         27       28                                 30

 6                                                                                                                      22        23          23
                                                                                    20        21      21
                                                         18          19                                                                                                                           20
                                       17        17
 4                     15
                                                                                                      2.8                                                                                         10
                      1.3              1.5                                                                          1.5                                        1.3           1.3
          1.1                                                        1.1                                                                                                                1.1
 0                                                                                                                                                                                                0















Source: Jupiter Research Mobile Forecast (Western Europe), June 2008                                                                        © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

In Europe, mobile Internet users accounted for                                                            Scandinavian countries outperform others –
21 percent of overall online users. The overall                                                           with over 27 percent. Those which lag behind
mobile Web users in Europe reached 45                                                                     the overall European average, which is 21
million in August 2007, and increased 4.8                                                                 percent, include Greece, Portugal, Belgium,
percent to 47.2 million in November 2007,                                                                 Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Ireland.
according to Mobiento.
                                                                                                          According to Nielsen, in the second quarter
According to Jupiter Research Mobile Forecast,                                                            of 2008, there were 34.3 million PC-based
in 2013, Germany and France will lead in terms                                                            Internet users and 5.8 million mobile Web
of the number of flat-rate monthly pay mobile                                                             users. The numbers went up to 35.3 million and
Internet subscribers – each with 11.7 million                                                             7.3 million in the third quarter, respectively.
users, followed by the UK’s 11.4 million. Italy
                                                                                                          Mobile Internet has a relatively higher
and Spain come next with 8.2 million and
                                                                                                          quarterly growth in terms of unique audience –
eight million subscribers, respectively.
                                                                                                          25 percent, compared to PC-based Internet,
In terms of percentage of mobile population,                                                              which is only 3 percent.

     Mobile Internet and PC-based Internet Unique Audience and Growth,
                             UK, Q2 vs. Q3, 2008
                             Unique Audience (million)                                                                               Unique Audience % Growth
 40                                                                                                                30
                                                                                                                                    PC-based Internet                     Mobile Internet
 35                                                                                                                25
                    34.3                                      35.3                                                                          25%
 20                                                                                                                15

     5                                                                             7.3
     0                                                                                                                                                                            3%
                                  Q2                                  Q3                                                                                  Q2-Q3
Source: Nielsen                                                                                                                             © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009


  Mobile Content Consumption: France, Germany and the UK, May 2008
              Any news or info via browser                                                                  32
                    Accessed Web search                         18                                                                                       iPhone
                                                               15                                                                                        Market
          Watched mobile TV and/or video
Accessed a social networking site or blog             10
       Listened to music on mobile phone                                                                    33
            Used e-mail (work or personal)                                26
                                        % 0               10         20                                     30          40        50          60     70       80          90
Source: M:Metrics                                                                                                             © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

Seventy percent of iPhone users listen to music
or use e-mail on their phone, while 33 percent                                                                   Global Desktop Web Sites
and 26 percent of smartphone users do so.                                                                          vs. Mobile Web Sites
The overall market average is 18 percent and                                                                                 Desktop Web Sites
8 percent, respectively.                                                                                    200              (to reach 850M computers)
                                                                           Numbers of Web Sites (million)

                                                                                                                             Mobile Web Sites
Mobile search, mobile social networking and                                                                                  (to reach 3.5B handsets)
mobile TV are relatively not that popular – 57
percent, 42 percent and 32 percent of iPhone
users do so, versus 18 percent, 10 percent and                                                              100
15 percent of smartphone users. The average
market reach of these three activities are less                                                              50
than 10 percent.
According to Whoop, the number of Internet
                                                                                                                     1995      2000          2005    2008 2009 2010
Web sites, emerging in the mid 1990s, grew to
                                                                           Source: Whoop                                     © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009
more than 150 million and reached 850 million
computers between 2005 and 2008. Mobile Web                                will reach more than 150 million in number on
sites, emerging in early 2000s, by comparison,                             a total of 3.5 billion handsets in 2010.

            U.S. Mobile Users who Accessed News and Information,
  Unique users
                  Three-month Average Ending January 2008
        (000s)                 and January 2009                                                                                                                       %
         70,000                                                                                                                                                    120

                                                                                                                                                    63,182         100
         50,000             Jan-08                                  87%
                            Jan-09                                                                                                                                 80
         40,000             % Change                                                                                                     71%
                                                                                                                                   36,870                          60
         20,000                     22,369
         10,000                                                                                                                                                    20
                       10,821                                  10,312
                0                                                                                                                                                  0
                                Daily                                 Weekly                                                           Ever in the month
Source: comScore                                                                                                              © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009


In the United States, according to comScore,
the mobile users who ever accessed news and                   Japanese Mobile Market
information on a monthly basis were up from                         Statistics
36.8 million in January 2008 to 63.2 million in
                                                      Highest Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) globally
January 2009, with a 71 percent increase.
                                                                   106 million mobile subscribers
The growth is even higher in the heavy-used                     9 out of 10 use mobile data services
groups. Those who do so on a weekly basis                                   4 out of 5 on 3G
increased from 10.3 million to 19.3 million,                           Messaging is almost free
up 87 percent, while the daily users rose from        40% of mobile data users are on data flat rate plans
10.8 million to 22.4 million – a 107 percent        Source: Infinita, Inc. and Telecom Carriers Association
increase.                                           © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

Japanese Mobile Market
Japan is known as the most advanced mobile            Key Mobile Operators in Japan
market in the world, with more than 106               Carrier                    Total                        3G
million subscribers, the highest percentage of        DoCoMo                  53,628,700              45,199,900
3G users, the highest average revenue per user,       KDDI                    30,304,900              29,916,400
and the highest concentration of multimedia
                                                      SoftBank                19,111,700              15,112,700
users. Nine out of 10 mobile users use data
                                                      Total                 103,045,300              90,229,000
services, while at least 80 percent are on a 3G
                                                    Source: Telecom Carriers Association, June 2008
network. Messaging is almost free in Japan,         © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009
and at least four out of 10 data users are on
data flat rate plans, according to Infitina, Inc.
and Telecom Carriers Association. The three
main operators, DoCoMo, KDDI, and                             Japanese Mobile Usage
SoftBank, have over 103 million mobile                                (% of Respondents)
subscribers, and over 90 million of these users                                     enabled               100%
                                                      Mobile Search
are on 3G.                                                                          usage                  44%
                                                                                    enabled                55%
In addition, Japan boasts some of the most            GPS
                                                                                    usage                  23%
advanced mobile functionality used by its                                           enabled                46%
                                                      Mobile TV
subscribers. Mobile phones in Japan are                                             usage                  36%
routinely used for boarding passes for airlines                                     enabled                73%
                                                      Mobile NFC
                                                                                    usage                  18%
and trains, student and employee
                                                    Base: All Respondents, N= 3,178 (2008)
identification, e-tickets and e-keys. A mobile      Source: impress R&D, September 2008
can also serve as an electronic purse, which        © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009
users can use at restaurants or shops. The
accessibility of purchase history can also
                                                    frequency wireless communication technology
combine with loyalty programmes and
                                                    which enables the exchange of data between
coupons, which allow marketers to send
                                                    devices over a short distance, is enabled
relevant and customised messages to
                                                    among at least seven out of 10 handsets,
individual users. The mobile Web also allows
                                                    although only 18 percent use it. Mobile TV is
users to socialise, make purchases, or get any
                                                    available to about half of the respondents,
information they are looking for immediately.
                                                    while nearly four out of 10 use it.
According to the survey conducted by impress
R&D, many mobile functionalities have a fair
reach in Japan, although it may still need some
time for users to really adopt them.
For example, all the Japanese respondents
have access to mobile search, although only 44
percent actually use it. GPS on mobile is
available among 55 percent of users, while
only 23 percent use it. Mobile NFC , or Near
Field Communication, a short-range high


2. Mobile Marketing
   and Advertising
Despite a downturn in overall advertising                     The growth of mobile advertising resembles
spending, global mobile ad spending is on the                 the “hockey stick” growth pattern of Internet
ascendancy, expected to grow in double digits                 advertising in the early 2000s. While it
worldwide for the foreseeable future.                         represents less than 1 percent of all interactive
Innovative newspaper companies are investing                  spending in most places globally in 2009,
in the development of content and business                    mobile advertising spending is expected to
models on the mobile channel, knowing that                    grow exponentially.
the mobile Web will continue to grow and
become more lucrative for the future.                         In the United States alone, mobile advertising
                                                              spending will grow from US$648 million in
                                                              2008 to $3.33 billion in 2013, a 2009 study by
                                                              eMarketer forecasts. Global mobile advertising
U.S. Mobile Advertising Spending                              spending is and will continue to be dominated
  (Millions of dollars and percent change,                    by mobile text message advertising, dwarfing
US$ million     year over year)                               the next two most popular types of mobile
3,500                                                 39.3%   advertising, display and directory search
3,000                                                 3,330   advertising, a 2008 study by eMarketer states.
2,500                                         69.5%
                                              2,390           Global mobile text message advertising
                                                              spending will grow from $2.56 billion in 2007
1,500                  41.7%                                  to $14.17 billion in 2012, while mobile display
                 30.9% 1,410                                  advertising will grow from $53 million to $1.2
      35.0% 17.3% 995
  500        760                                              billion, and mobile search will expand from
                                                              $83 million to $3.77 billion in the same period,
         2008    2009     2010     2011       2012    2013    according to eMarketer.
Source: eMarketer, February 2009
© World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009                   A number of factors are contributing to the


                                                                          models for the mobile channel as part of
         Global Mobile Advertising                                        newspaper companies’ mobile marketing
           Spending, by Format                                            strategies. A variety of revenue-making
         (Millions of dollars, 2007-2012)                                 campaigns have been launched, but remain a
               2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
                                                                          small subset of the projected mobile
Mobile message                                                            advertising spend for the foreseeable future.
advertising*   2,560 4,200 6,440 9,260 11,960 14,173
Mobile display
                                                                          • Global mobile subscriptions by far surpass
advertising**    52   142 338 629 945 1,203                               broadband subscriptions. One-third of the
Mobile search                                                             world’s population subscribes to a mobile
advertising***   83   244 597 1,290 2,345 3,773
Total          2,695 4,586 7,375 11,179 15,250 19,149
                                                                          phone service, while only 3 percent to 4
Note: numbers may not add up to a total due to rounding.                  percent subscribe to broadband Internet. In
* Spending on placement in text messages, includes direct spending        some countries, particularly in the developing
on message campaigns as well as spending on promotional coverage
of end-user messaging costs.                                              world, mobile is the primary digital media.
** Spending on display banners, links or icons placed on WAP,
mobile HTML sites or embedded in mobile applications such as maps
or entertainment services (eg games or video).
                                                                          A variety of agencies are riding the wave of
*** Spending on sponsored display ads and text links that appear          mobile advertising and marketing demand,
alongside mobile search results, as well as spending on audio ads
played to mobile phone callers making a directory inquiry.                including some agencies that have strong ties
Source: eMarketer, 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009       to newspaper companies. These companies are
                                                                          offering a variety of services to help promote
recent surge in mobile advertising growth, and                            newspaper company mobile services, and also
the bullish projections for the next five years                           handle mobile advertising campaigns.
include the wide distribution of smartphones,
improving network capabilities and attractive
                                                                            MORE Mobile Marketing
mobile subscription rates.
                                                                            Owned by: Telenor Group, Oslo
• Smartphones and iPhones adoption is                                       Founded: 2008
ratcheting up the access of multimedia                                      Countries served: Nordics
information. iPhone usage reportedly                                        Marketing director: Anders Børde
represents 30 times more data usage and 50                        
times more search requests than other phones.
• Unlimited mobile data plans increase in                                 MORE Mobile Relations, a year-old amalgam
popularity, which encourages more access to                               of four mobile marketing companies from each
multimedia information.                                                   of the Nordic countries, provides services to
                                                                          assist clients in developing relationships with
• Mobile technologies are developing more
                                                                          their customers using mobile marketing and
multimedia, geography-targeting and
                                                                          advertising tactics.
demography-targeting advertising units to
reach consumers more precisely.                                           Among MORE’s clients are newspaper
                                                                          companies, including Schibsted’s Verdans
• Advertisers and agencies are increasingly
                                                                          Gang, and A-Pressen, a group of regional
interested in the target-ability and acceptance
                                                                          Norwegian newspapers. MORE and A-Pressen
of mobile advertising.
                                                                          are both owned by Telenor Group, one of the
• Publishers are building sustainable business                            world’s largest telecoms. While the most

                 Global Smartphone Sales and Market Share, by Vendor
                                          (In thousands of units, Q4 2007-2008)
 Company            4Q08 Sales          Market Share4Q08              4Q07 Sales    Market Share4Q07       4Q07-4Q08 Growth
 Nokia                15,561.7                  40.8%                  18,703.3             50.9%                  -16.8%
 RIM                   7,442.6                  19.5%                   4,024.7             10.9%                   84.9%
 Apple                 4,079.4                  10.7%                   1,928.3             5.2%                  111.6%
 HTC                   1,631.7                   4.3%                   1,361.1             3.7%                    19.9%
 Samsung               1,598.2                   4.2%                    671.5              1.8%                  138.0%
 Others                7,829.7                  20.5%                  10,077.3             27.4%                  -22.3%
 Total                38,143.3                  100%                   36,766.1             100%                     3.7%
Source: Gartner Group, 2008                                                              © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009


         Scandinavian Consumer Study of Mobile Message Usefulness
                                         Medium Degree of perceived usefulness
     Receive special promotions from airlines                                                                  44
                                                                                                     37                                                Norway
                             on your mobile                                                          37
Find more info on destination/hotel/attraction                                                                   47
                                                                                                                  48                                   Denmark
                         on mobile Web sites                                                          38
   Receive discount coupons to your mobile                                                                      45
  Search via mobile closest shop, restaurant,                                                                        50
                                   pharmacy                                                                                 58
        Receive to your mobile 10 best offers                                               31
              when entering a shopping mall                                                30
           Download film content and cinema                                                                42
                  programme to your mobile                                                            39

                                                 %0             10         20          30            40             50         60            70         80        90

                                           High Degree of perceived usefulness
                 Receive alert from post office                                                                                                           80
                         on package delivery                                                                                                      71
      Receive reminder alert for appointment                                                                                                              80
                         with dentist/doctor                                                                                                      72
                  Receive booking information                                                                                                       75
                               to your mobile                                                                                                     72
      Receive alerts from community, school,                                                                                             66
        traffic authorities, etc on your mobile                                                                                         64

                                                 %0             10         20          30            40             50         60            70         80        90
Source: More Mobile Marketing, 2008                                                                        © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

         Scandinavian Consumer Study of Mobile Message Usefulness
                                            Advertising Channel Intrusiveness
                                           TV                                                                                  60                      Norway
                               Newspaper                   11                                                                                          Denmark
                                       Radio                                                                        50
                                      Cinema                    15
                                      Internet                                             34
                                      Boards      5
                     DM (traditional mail)                                                           40
  Mobile messages without permission                                                                                                                         82
     Mobile messages with permission                                  20
                                          % 0         10             20          30             40             50             60         70             80        90
Source: More Mobile Marketing, 2008                                                                        © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009

obvious mobile strategy is to create a mobile                                   message alerts for sports scores, weather,
version of the newspaper, there are a variety of                                traffic, news, stock market on an opt-in basis,
strategies to execute, said Marketing Director                                  developing the mobile user database through
Anders Børde, including building loyalty                                        marketing events and giveaways, and more.
strategies, a coupon business, sending out text                                 (See Chapter 4 for Børde’s essay on the subject).

Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies
Доклад SFN 8.4. -  Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies

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Доклад SFN 8.4. - Эффективные мобильные стратегии / Winning Mobile Strategies

  • 1. Shaping the Future of the Newspaper STRATEGY REPORT ANALYSING STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE PRESS INDUSTRY Volume 8 N°4 APRIL 2009 © WAN 8.4 Around the world, faster Winning mobile technological infrastructure, multimedia Mobile handsets, advertising networks and engaged users are driving the mobile channel to become Strategies an essential part of every newspaper company’s media mix All the strategy reports are available to WAN members and subscribers at the SFN Web site
  • 3. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 5 1 Global Mobile Market 7 Telecom Markets by Country 10 Global Mobile Usage 13 2G vs. 3G 14 Mobile Internet 15 Japanese Mobile Market 18 2 Mobile Marketing and Advertising 19 Successful Mobile Ad Campaigns in Japan 26 3 Mobile Tagging 29 QR Codes in Japan 30 2-D Barcodes in Europe 33 2-D Barcodes in the United States 37 4 Mobile Technologies and Platforms for Newspapers 39 Mobile – Play it all the Way 39 Mobile Analytics 41 Implementing a Mobile Strategy 43 5 Why Mobile is an Opportunity for Newspaper Companies 45 Distribution and Monetization 45 Conclusion 53 3
  • 5. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES Executive Summary Around the world, newspapers' digital soaring, with some markets reaching strategies are finding more ways to reach saturation. In 2004, there were 1.74 billion audiences with better, more tailored offerings mobile subscribers worldwide. That number is for each audience member. There is no expected to reach 3.9 billion by the end of question mobile, although currently a small 2009, and 4.9 billion in 2012, according to slice of the digital pie, will increasingly be a Portio Research. key platform audiences turn to, and Mobile growth is happening in developing newspapers must be there to meet them. parts of the world, where handsets are cheaper “There is no doubt a future-proof newspaper than PCs, and online access via mobile is channel strategy means a strong mobile spreading like wildfire, bringing news and presence. And the more browsers newspapers information to areas that previously had no receive, the more they will gain in click- connection to the Internet. Meanwhile, in throughs and advertising revenue,” states mobile-saturated markets like Japan, where Anders Børde, marketing director for Oslo- mobile tagging was developed in 2003 and based More Mobile Relations in Chapter 4. smartphone usage is high, the mobile is relied “Newspapers that have the opportunity to talk on as a wallet, to make purchases online and to customers (not only distributing content) on share information in real time through mobile so many channels and several times every day Web sites, as well as for e-mailing, sending are in a unique position to build rich relations SMS messages and voice calls – activities that with their audiences. I believe newspapers, as are also becoming the norm elsewhere. well as any other type of company, cannot take Although each market around the world has its the risk of not communicating with customers own variables, they all have one thing in over the mobile platform. It will simply be common: each day, the number of people who expected.” cannot live without their mobile goes up. This Indeed, mobile usage on a global scale is means newspapers not only have more 5
  • 6. APRIL 2009 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF THE NEWSPAPER opportunities to reach audiences, but also to What newspapers should be thinking about is engage them and understand them like never not only mobile ads, but how to use cell before. phones for micro payment. We do that a lot here, and that's the biggest driver of mobile “It encourages users to repeat interaction. It revenues.” also connects what was previously disconnected, drives specific actions, and Another interactive mobile revenue stream embeds into greater context,” said Christopher seeing growing usage is mobile tagging. This Billich, senior vice president of research and trend, which digitally links a 2-D barcode and strategy at Tokyo-based Infinita, Inc., in mobile device, provides users with Chapter 2. complementary information, such as coupons, product details, content in other formats, Just as newspapers launched print versions contests and more. hundreds of years ago, then Web sites in the 1990s, they are now developing a presence on For example, QR codes are used by mobile. Publishers agree that, just as when McDonald's in Japan to access nutrition they launched their first Internet sites, growth information. The fast food chain claims to was slow, and missteps were made along the have 10 million registered users – this amounts way to Web 2.0. They also agree there is a to 10 percent of Japan's population. future for mobile advertising, and as adoption In Spain, daily newspaper El País launched rates increase, so will revenue opportunities. several campaigns using the 2-D barcode in “ ... the mobile advertising market seems to be 2008, one of which was a campaign that gave heading the same way as the standard Web customers an easy way to access the mobile advertising market. It just lags behind by a few site – by using their mobiles to scan barcodes years, and it’s tempered by screen size and the in the paper. functionality of the mobile phone. In all, monetization strategies for mobile are Smartphones like the iPhone are showing us plentiful, ranging from advertising, to what the future of mobile can look like, but not micropayments to barcoding. As newspaper everyone is going to want a big screen, and we companies face mobile, like they did with the will have to wait until some of the Internet in the past, they are reminded that functionality available on high-end phones, above all else, as always, content is key. like location information, and the ability to stream video and audio filter down to the lower-end of the market. We will also need to wait for faster 3G connections, to get out of the cities and into the towns, villages and country before we can start to see video advertising becoming more commonplace on mobiles,” Marcus Austin, mobile product manager for Guardian News & Media in London, told SFN in Chapter 5. Jo Christian Oterhals, CEO of VG Multimedia AS in Oslo, pointed out in Chapter 5 that mobile is ripe for advertising, as well as other types of revenue. “We believe eyeballs have the same value, no matter if it's in print, online or on the cell phone,” he said. “But today the revenues from mobile ads aren't big. As always, what's most important is to develop the product itself, drive traffic to it and establish a position. When this is in place, monetizing can start for real. I think that the mobile Internet is just starting up, and frankly the revenues all of us see today is just a drop compared to what will come. 6
  • 7. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES 1. Global Mobile Market Despite the global advertising downturn, the higher than that of other handset users. iPhone mobile market continues to grow in the double users accessed: digits now and projected well into the future. • News and information via their Web browser The anticipated skyrocketing growth resembles 80 percent vs. 20 percent for all mobile users the hockey-stick trajectory of Internet revenue • E-mail 76 percent vs. 13 percent starting in 2001. • Mobile music, 66 percent vs. 23 percent • Social networking, 55 percent vs. 13 percent The burgeoning mobile ecosystem is • Web search, 55 percent vs. 12 percent punctuated by dynamic usage patterns, • Buying a game, 19 percent vs. 3 percent interactive content development, advertising • 23 percent of mobile media users have a and subscription revenues and technological smartphone and 3.5 percent an iPhone. Of the breakthroughs that signal huge potential for iPhone users 75 percent are male and mostly newspaper companies to extend their brands aged 18-44. and revenue-making for the future. Dozens of newspaper companies around the world realise the potential of iPhones, and One of the key drivers for the most recent have developed their iPhone Web sites spikes in usage of mobile phone functionality accordingly. Among the newspaper companies beyond voice usage is the surge of iPhones and with downloadable applications from the other smartphones sweeping the consumer Apple iTunes App Store are: market. The CEO of Deutsche Telecom • Globe and Mail, Canada reported that iPhone data usage is 30 times • USA Today, United States higher than from other phones. Google reports • New York Times, United States that iPhone search requests are 50 times higher • O Globo, Brazil than from any other phone. • Straits Times, Singapore comScore reports that iPhone multimedia data • Le Parisiene and Le Monde, France usage in the United Kingdom is significantly • El Universal, Mexico 7
  • 8. APRIL 2009 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF THE NEWSPAPER Mobile Content Consumption: France, Germany and the UK, May 2008 80 Any news or info via browser 32 11 57 Accessed Web search 18 iPhone 5 Smartphone 32 15 Market Watched mobile TV and/or video 7 42 Accessed a social networking site or blog 10 3 70 Listened to music on mobile phone 33 18 70 Used e-mail (work or personal) 26 8 % 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Source: M:Metrics © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 • Associated Press, United States services, consulting services, and the • Ria Novosti, Russia semiconductor industry. • 20 Minutes, France and Germany While mobile experts and research houses • Aftonbladet, Sweden agree the industry will grow quickly and • Jakarta Globe, Indonesia profitably, few agree how much the nascent • Aftenposten, Norway industry will be worth in the years ahead: • El País, Spain • Telegraph and Guardian, United Kingdom • According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, mobile • Chicago Tribune, United States advertising will grow from almost $1.4 billion According to Gartner Group, WTN News, in 2006 to $16.4 billion in 2012. EDN, and Vault, the global mobile market • ABIResearch projects the world market for accounted for US$718.4 billion in 2006, mobile marketing and advertising was worth higher than many other sectors, such as IT about $3 billion in 2007, and will be valued at services, pharmaceutical sales, financial $19 billion in 2012. Global Advertising Market: Internet vs. Mobile % US$ millions 140 120,000 129.1 % Change Internet Advertising (US$ millions) % Change Mobile Advertising (US$ millions) 103,958 120 100,000 107.4 93,461 103.0 100 82,324 2008-12 80,000 CAGR 85.6 70,733 80 17.3 58,809 44.0 65.5 60,000 60 46,843 46.5 42.4 35,734 42.8 40,000 40.1 39.4 40 44.2 27.9 24,778 28.4 17,404 31.1 20 12,420 25.5 9,165 16,407 20,000 20.3 12,774 4,382 6,418 16.4 13.5 703 1,427 2,648 11.2 148 339 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007p 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Sources: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Wilkofsky Gruen Associates © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 8
  • 9. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES • Informa Telecoms & Media estimates sectors, according to Portio Research. In 2006, worldwide mobile advertising spending at the mobile market led with a growth of more $871 million in 2006 and projects it will reach than 16 percent, double that of the second $11.35 billion by next year. highest pharmaceutical sector, and also beat IT services, travel and tourism as well as financial • Overall worldwide mobile revenue, services. including advertising, subscriptions and handsets, will grow from $519.7 billion in In 2007, the year-over-year growth of the global 2004 to $1.09 trillion in 2012, according to mobile market is 11.9 percent, even higher than Portio Research. the semiconductor industry, consulting services, The mobile market also grew faster than other or financial services, according to Portio. Worldwide Mobile Revenue, 2004-2012(e) US$ billion 1,200 1,094.9 1,000 1,045.7 993.6 936.0 800 874.3 803.7 718.4 600 616.4 519.7 400 200 0 2004 2005 2006 2007(e) 2008(e) 2009(e) 2010(e) 2011(e) 2012(e) Source: Portio Research © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 Worldwide Mobile Market vs. Other Industries – Revenue, 2006 US$ billion 800 700 718.4 672.3 600 604.5 500 472.2 400 300 280.2 260.2 200 100 0 Semiconductor Consulting Financial Pharmaceutical IT Services Mobile Market Industry Services Services Sales Source: Gartner, WTN News, EDN, and Vault © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 9
  • 10. APRIL 2009 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF THE NEWSPAPER Year-Over-Year Growth Rate, Mobile vs. Other Industries, % 2006 and 2007(e) 18 2006 2007(e) 16 16.6 14 12 10 11.9 8 8.0 8.1 6 7.1 6.4 4 4.6 4.5 2 3.5 0 Financial Pharma- Travel & IT Mobile Financial Semi- Consulting Mobile Services ceutical Tourism Services Market Services conductor Services Market Industry Source: Portio Research © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 According to Portio Research, in 2006, SMS Share of Worldwide Mobile contributed the majority of overall mobile data Data Service Revenue, services revenue, which accounted for 57.6 2006 vs. 2011(e) percent. MMS came next with a 14.5 percent contribution. 2006 In 2011, SMS is expected to remain the 13.3 number one contributor, but its share is 1 forecast to drop dramatically from 57.6 3.9 percent to less than 40 percent. MMS is still 2.5 ranked second, with its share down slightly to 14.2 percent. 6.7 The biggest gainer is mobile video, which is 0.4 57.8 expected to increase from only 1 percent in 2006 to nearly 8 percent in 2011. 14.5 Mobile music, mobile IM and mobile e-mail are also on the upswing, according to Portio. 2011(e) 17.5 Telecom Markets by Country According to IDATE and data from operators 39.8 and national regulators, in 2007 the United 7.9 States reported £133 billion telecom service revenues, the highest among all other countries on the table. Japan ranked second with £50.4 6.0 billion. 3.5 In terms of telecom revenues per capita, the United Kingdom, United States and Canada 9.0 are in the top three with more than £430. 2.2 14.2 Fixed line penetration is not that impressive SMS Mobile Games across countries – in Germany, there are 66 MMS Mobile e-mail fixed lines per 100 people, the highest among Mobile IM Mobile Video Mobile Music Others all the countries. In Japan, France, and Italy, the penetration is even lower than 50 percent. Source: Portio Research © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 The United States and United Kingdom have 10
  • 11. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES Telecoms Market Key Indicators, 2007 UK France Germany Italy USA Canada Japan Telecoms service revenues £26.9bn £24.4bn £30.4bn £20.5bn £133.0bn £14.2bn £50.4bn Telecoms revenues per capita £443 £382 £369 £353 £442 £432 £395 Fixed lines per 100 population 55.5 45.1 66.0 44.4 53.1 58.3 47.4 Monthly outbound fixed-line minutes per capita 203 138 171 122 223 182 78 Mobile connection per 100 population 121.0 86.9 117.9 154.4 85.3 61.6 78.9 Share of mobile post-pay connections 36% 66% 45% 10% 92% 78% 98% 3G connections per 100 population 20.6 9.2 10.6 41.4 14.0 0.9 65.4 Source: IDATE, operators, national regulators © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 the most monthly outbound fixed line minutes mobile users use text messaging. MMS is most per capita, at more than 200 minutes. Japan, on popular in Italy – more than four out of 10 the contrary, has the least, at less than 80 users there use MMS and photo messaging. E- minutes per capita. mailing is rarely used in most of the countries, except for Japan, where three out of four users 3G connections per 100 people are particularly use e-mail on their mobile phones, while text high in Japan, at more than 65. Italy comes messaging, MMS and photo messaging are next with 41 connections, while France and relatively low. Canada lag behind with less than 10 3G connections per 100. Through its survey of countries, Ofcom's research also revealed that females are more likely to Text messaging is still more popular compared use both fixed lines and mobiles than males. to MMS, photo messaging and e-mailing among most of the countries surveyed for In Japan, the United States, Italy, France and Ofcom's research, Understanding International the United Kingdom, weekly mobile usage is Communications Behaviour, published in higher than landline, while in Canada, fixed October 2008. In Germany, Italy, the United line usage is much higher than mobile. In Kingdom and France, more than 70 percent of Germany, usage of the two devices almost tie. Communication Usage of Mobile Phones Which of the following do you use your mobile phone for? Base: all adults aged 18+ who own a mobile phone % (UK 929, France 914, Germany 946, Italy 952, USA 834, Canada 785, Japan 914) 100 90 Text messaging MMS or photo messaging 86 80 79 E-mailing 78 70 74 75 60 50 55 46 40 41 30 27 26 25 27 20 14 16 10 12 13 9 10 10 8 6 0 UK France Germany Italy USA Canada Japan Source: Ofcom’s Understanding International Communications Behaviour research, October 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 11
  • 12. APRIL 2009 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF THE NEWSPAPER Percentage of Online Users Using Fixed Line and Mobile on a Weekly Basis Additional proportion of women, in addition to male proportion, claiming weekly use of a landline Proportion of men,claiming weekly use of a landline Additional proportion of women, in addition to male proportion, claiming weekly use of a mobile Proportion of men, claiming weekly use of a mobile Denote a statistically significant change % 100 1 1 96 6 4 4 3 2 88 11 88 80 7 84 86 86 8 5 81 77 76 1 72 74 5 70 60 61 14 40 41 20 0 UK France Germany Italy USA Canada Japan Source: Ofcom’s Understanding International Communications Behaviour research, October 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 European Mobile Content Revenue by Country and Category, 2013 Revenues/per capita ranking: million 1 13 3 4 11 15 10 2 9 8 16 14 5 6 12 7 1,200 1,000 Mobile Content Revenues 800 600 400 200 0 Germany France Italy Spain Netherlands Greece Sweden Austria Portugal Belgium Switzerland Denmark Norway Ireland Finland UK Other content 152 161 142 137 97 35 22 22 17 21 19 14 13 11 9 13 Video/TV 251 241 335 334 129 43 30 31 24 36 33 21 17 16 14 21 Games 218 190 169 134 111 37 25 26 21 29 20 17 15 12 8 15 Music 178 145 154 97 90 31 23 33 16 20 19 12 16 12 8 10 Logos 17 14 43 30 32 4 5 5 2 4 4 2 3 2 2 2 Ring-back tones 44 45 27 37 22 8 10 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 Ring tones 120 92 42 71 62 17 13 13 11 12 9 9 7 6 5 5 Source: Jupiter Research Mobile Forecast (Western Europe), June, 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 12
  • 13. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES In 2013, the United Kingdom, Germany, Global Mobile Usage France, Italy and Spain will represent 79 percent of the overall mobile content market Global mobile subscribers accounted for 1.74 in Europe, which accounts for 5.4 billion billion in 2004, and are expected to rise to 3.9 in total, according to Jupiter Research's Mobile billion this year, growing to 4.9 billion in Forecast, June 2008. Video and TV revenue 2012, according to estimates by Portio will make up the biggest chunk in the five Research. The worldwide mobile users will countries, followed by games and music. reach 4.9 billion in 2012. According to Informa Telecoms & Media’s World Cellular Information Services, Worldwide Mobile Subscribers, 2004-2012(e) Million 6,000 5,000 4,906.9 4,589.7 4,000 4,254.3 3,901.3 3,502.2 3,000 3,080.9 2,650.2 2,000 2,169.7 1,744.5 1,000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007(e) 2008(e) 2009(e) 2010(e) 2011(e) 2012(e) Source: Portio Research © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 Worldwide Mobile Phone Subscriptions, 1999-2009 Billion Million 4.00 600 Yearly Net Adds (Million) 3.75 Cumulative Subscribers (Billion) 3.50 3.25 500 3.00 2.75 400 2.50 2.25 2.00 300 1.75 1.50 1.25 200 1.00 0.75 100 0.50 0.25 0.00 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Informa Telecoms & Media’s World Cellular Information Services © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 13
  • 14. APRIL 2009 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF THE NEWSPAPER worldwide mobile phone subscriptions only accounted for 500 million in 1999. However, Mobile Phone Users the numbers increase more than 200 million Who Only Use Voice Services, every year. In 2009, the total subscriptions will % 2001 vs. 2006 total nearly four million. 90 According to Strategy Analytics, the Asia 80 2001 2006 Pacific region has contributed the most mobile 70 users worldwide throughout the years, 60 boosting from less than 400 million in 2002 to 50 nearly two billion in 2010. North America 40 and Western Europe have increased at a flat 30 pace; users from each remained at less than 20 400 million throughout the years. 10 The rest of the world, however, grew rapidly 0 North Western Asia Rest from less than 300 million in 2002 to nearly America Europe Pacific of World 1.5 billion in 2010, next only to the Asia Source: Strategy Analytics © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 Pacific. sales of each are expected to reach 1.1 billion Worldwide Mobile Users in 2011. TV phones are growing from niche by Region, 2002-2011 to an expected 150 million in 2011, according Million Asia Pacific to Strategy Analytics. 2,500 Rest of the World Western Europe 2,000 North America 1,500 Sales of Multimedia Handsets, North America, Western Europe 1,000 and Asia Pacific, 2002-2011 500 Million 1,200 Camera Phone 0 1,000 Music Phone 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 TV Phone 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 800 Source: Strategy Analytics © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 600 400 The number of people using mobile solely 200 for voice services have dropped, according to 0 Strategy Analytics. In 2001, more than eight 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 out of 10 North American users used mobile phones solely for voice service, but that Source: Strategy Analytics © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 percentage decreased to 50 percent in 2006. In Western Europe and rest of the world, about 60 percent of the users were using mobile only for voice services. However, 2G vs. 3G the percentage has dropped to less than 20 According to IDATE, the 2G network is highly percent and about 30 percent, respectively. penetrated in all the countries surveyed, with The Asia Pacific has the lowest percentage of 100 percent reach in the United Kingdom, users who use mobile only for voice services – Japan and Italy, and more than 95 percent about 50 percent in 2001 and then down penetration in other countries. to about 10 percent in 2006. Multimedia handsets in North America, Western Europe, 3G in Japan also has 100 percent penetration, and the Asia Pacific have taken off since the highest in all the countries. The United 2002, especially for camera phones and Kingdom is next, with 92 percent 3G music phones. In 2002, camera phones and penetration. In other countries, the reach is music phones sold less than 50 million, but around 70 percent to 80 percent. 14
  • 15. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES Mobile Network: 2G vs. 3G Availability % 2G 3G HSPA 100 100 99 99 100 98 100 100 95 92 80 87 80 78 78 78 78 70 70 70 70 60 40 20 15 0 UK France Germany Italy USA Canada Japan Note: Some figures estimated for the UK, Germany, Canada and Japan. HSDPA figure unavailable in Canada. Source: IDATE, 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 High Speed Packet Access (HSPA), a standard that improves the end-user experience by Global Wireless Internet Access increasing peak data rates, is quite popular in Users through Mobile Phone, the European countries surveyed and Japan. 2002-2008 The United Kingdom leads with 87 percent Million reach, while in other countries reach is between 1,200 114% 107% 1,100 48% 39% 20% 19% 70 percent to 80 percent. In the United States, 1,000 reach is relatively lower, at only 15 percent. 900 920 800 Number of users 700 Growth rate % 770 Mobile Internet 600 640 500 According to iResearch, global wireless online 400 460 access users though mobile phone increased 300 310 200 from 70 million to 920 million in 2008. The 100 150 growth rate was more than 100 percent in 2003 0 70 and 2004, but dropped to double digits in the 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006e 2007e 2008e Source: iResearch Inc. years following. © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 Mobile Internet Penetration, Europe, Nov., 2007 47.2 m +4.8% Mobile Internet users 21% 45.0 m Non-mobile Internet users 79% August 2007 November 2007 Source: Mobiento © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 15
  • 16. APRIL 2009 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF THE NEWSPAPER Flat Rate Monthly Pay Mobile Internet Subscribers by Country, 2013 Million % 12 50 11.7 Flat-rate mobile 11.7 Internet subscribers 11.4 (pay monthly only) 10 Share of flat-rate mobile 40 Internet subscribers (%) 8 Average 8.2 8.0 30 30 in Europe 27 28 30 6 22 23 23 20 21 21 18 19 20 17 17 4 15 12 2.8 10 2 2.0 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.7 0 0 Greece Portugal Belgium Italy Germany Switzerland Ireland Spain Netherland Austria France UK Sweden Denmark Finland Norway Source: Jupiter Research Mobile Forecast (Western Europe), June 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 In Europe, mobile Internet users accounted for Scandinavian countries outperform others – 21 percent of overall online users. The overall with over 27 percent. Those which lag behind mobile Web users in Europe reached 45 the overall European average, which is 21 million in August 2007, and increased 4.8 percent, include Greece, Portugal, Belgium, percent to 47.2 million in November 2007, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Ireland. according to Mobiento. According to Nielsen, in the second quarter According to Jupiter Research Mobile Forecast, of 2008, there were 34.3 million PC-based in 2013, Germany and France will lead in terms Internet users and 5.8 million mobile Web of the number of flat-rate monthly pay mobile users. The numbers went up to 35.3 million and Internet subscribers – each with 11.7 million 7.3 million in the third quarter, respectively. users, followed by the UK’s 11.4 million. Italy Mobile Internet has a relatively higher and Spain come next with 8.2 million and quarterly growth in terms of unique audience – eight million subscribers, respectively. 25 percent, compared to PC-based Internet, In terms of percentage of mobile population, which is only 3 percent. Mobile Internet and PC-based Internet Unique Audience and Growth, UK, Q2 vs. Q3, 2008 Unique Audience (million) Unique Audience % Growth 40 30 PC-based Internet Mobile Internet 35 25 34.3 35.3 25% 30 20 25 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 7.3 5.8 0 3% 0 Q2 Q3 Q2-Q3 Source: Nielsen © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 16
  • 17. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES Mobile Content Consumption: France, Germany and the UK, May 2008 80 Any news or info via browser 32 11 57 Accessed Web search 18 iPhone 5 Smartphone 32 15 Market Watched mobile TV and/or video 7 42 Accessed a social networking site or blog 10 3 70 Listened to music on mobile phone 33 18 70 Used e-mail (work or personal) 26 8 % 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Source: M:Metrics © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 Seventy percent of iPhone users listen to music or use e-mail on their phone, while 33 percent Global Desktop Web Sites and 26 percent of smartphone users do so. vs. Mobile Web Sites The overall market average is 18 percent and Desktop Web Sites 8 percent, respectively. 200 (to reach 850M computers) Numbers of Web Sites (million) Mobile Web Sites Mobile search, mobile social networking and (to reach 3.5B handsets) 150 mobile TV are relatively not that popular – 57 percent, 42 percent and 32 percent of iPhone users do so, versus 18 percent, 10 percent and 100 15 percent of smartphone users. The average market reach of these three activities are less 50 than 10 percent. 0 According to Whoop, the number of Internet 1995 2000 2005 2008 2009 2010 Web sites, emerging in the mid 1990s, grew to Source: Whoop © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 more than 150 million and reached 850 million computers between 2005 and 2008. Mobile Web will reach more than 150 million in number on sites, emerging in early 2000s, by comparison, a total of 3.5 billion handsets in 2010. U.S. Mobile Users who Accessed News and Information, Unique users Three-month Average Ending January 2008 (000s) and January 2009 % 70,000 120 60,000 107% 63,182 100 50,000 Jan-08 87% Jan-09 80 40,000 % Change 71% 36,870 60 30,000 40 20,000 22,369 19,283 10,000 20 10,821 10,312 0 0 Daily Weekly Ever in the month Source: comScore © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 17
  • 18. APRIL 2009 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF THE NEWSPAPER In the United States, according to comScore, the mobile users who ever accessed news and Japanese Mobile Market information on a monthly basis were up from Statistics 36.8 million in January 2008 to 63.2 million in Highest Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) globally January 2009, with a 71 percent increase. 106 million mobile subscribers The growth is even higher in the heavy-used 9 out of 10 use mobile data services groups. Those who do so on a weekly basis 4 out of 5 on 3G increased from 10.3 million to 19.3 million, Messaging is almost free up 87 percent, while the daily users rose from 40% of mobile data users are on data flat rate plans 10.8 million to 22.4 million – a 107 percent Source: Infinita, Inc. and Telecom Carriers Association increase. © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 Japanese Mobile Market Japan is known as the most advanced mobile Key Mobile Operators in Japan market in the world, with more than 106 Carrier Total 3G million subscribers, the highest percentage of DoCoMo 53,628,700 45,199,900 3G users, the highest average revenue per user, KDDI 30,304,900 29,916,400 and the highest concentration of multimedia SoftBank 19,111,700 15,112,700 users. Nine out of 10 mobile users use data Total 103,045,300 90,229,000 services, while at least 80 percent are on a 3G Source: Telecom Carriers Association, June 2008 network. Messaging is almost free in Japan, © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 and at least four out of 10 data users are on data flat rate plans, according to Infitina, Inc. and Telecom Carriers Association. The three main operators, DoCoMo, KDDI, and Japanese Mobile Usage SoftBank, have over 103 million mobile (% of Respondents) subscribers, and over 90 million of these users enabled 100% Mobile Search are on 3G. usage 44% enabled 55% In addition, Japan boasts some of the most GPS usage 23% advanced mobile functionality used by its enabled 46% Mobile TV subscribers. Mobile phones in Japan are usage 36% routinely used for boarding passes for airlines enabled 73% Mobile NFC usage 18% and trains, student and employee Base: All Respondents, N= 3,178 (2008) identification, e-tickets and e-keys. A mobile Source: impress R&D, September 2008 can also serve as an electronic purse, which © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 users can use at restaurants or shops. The accessibility of purchase history can also frequency wireless communication technology combine with loyalty programmes and which enables the exchange of data between coupons, which allow marketers to send devices over a short distance, is enabled relevant and customised messages to among at least seven out of 10 handsets, individual users. The mobile Web also allows although only 18 percent use it. Mobile TV is users to socialise, make purchases, or get any available to about half of the respondents, information they are looking for immediately. while nearly four out of 10 use it. According to the survey conducted by impress R&D, many mobile functionalities have a fair reach in Japan, although it may still need some time for users to really adopt them. For example, all the Japanese respondents have access to mobile search, although only 44 percent actually use it. GPS on mobile is available among 55 percent of users, while only 23 percent use it. Mobile NFC , or Near Field Communication, a short-range high 18
  • 19. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES 2. Mobile Marketing and Advertising Despite a downturn in overall advertising The growth of mobile advertising resembles spending, global mobile ad spending is on the the “hockey stick” growth pattern of Internet ascendancy, expected to grow in double digits advertising in the early 2000s. While it worldwide for the foreseeable future. represents less than 1 percent of all interactive Innovative newspaper companies are investing spending in most places globally in 2009, in the development of content and business mobile advertising spending is expected to models on the mobile channel, knowing that grow exponentially. the mobile Web will continue to grow and become more lucrative for the future. In the United States alone, mobile advertising spending will grow from US$648 million in 2008 to $3.33 billion in 2013, a 2009 study by eMarketer forecasts. Global mobile advertising U.S. Mobile Advertising Spending spending is and will continue to be dominated (Millions of dollars and percent change, by mobile text message advertising, dwarfing US$ million year over year) the next two most popular types of mobile 3,500 39.3% advertising, display and directory search 3,000 3,330 advertising, a 2008 study by eMarketer states. 2,500 69.5% 2,390 Global mobile text message advertising 2,000 spending will grow from $2.56 billion in 2007 1,500 41.7% to $14.17 billion in 2012, while mobile display 30.9% 1,410 advertising will grow from $53 million to $1.2 1,000 35.0% 17.3% 995 500 760 billion, and mobile search will expand from 648 $83 million to $3.77 billion in the same period, 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 according to eMarketer. Source: eMarketer, February 2009 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 A number of factors are contributing to the 19
  • 20. APRIL 2009 SHAPING THE FUTURE OF THE NEWSPAPER models for the mobile channel as part of Global Mobile Advertising newspaper companies’ mobile marketing Spending, by Format strategies. A variety of revenue-making (Millions of dollars, 2007-2012) campaigns have been launched, but remain a 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 small subset of the projected mobile Mobile message advertising spend for the foreseeable future. advertising* 2,560 4,200 6,440 9,260 11,960 14,173 Mobile display • Global mobile subscriptions by far surpass advertising** 52 142 338 629 945 1,203 broadband subscriptions. One-third of the Mobile search world’s population subscribes to a mobile advertising*** 83 244 597 1,290 2,345 3,773 Total 2,695 4,586 7,375 11,179 15,250 19,149 phone service, while only 3 percent to 4 Note: numbers may not add up to a total due to rounding. percent subscribe to broadband Internet. In * Spending on placement in text messages, includes direct spending some countries, particularly in the developing on message campaigns as well as spending on promotional coverage of end-user messaging costs. world, mobile is the primary digital media. ** Spending on display banners, links or icons placed on WAP, mobile HTML sites or embedded in mobile applications such as maps or entertainment services (eg games or video). A variety of agencies are riding the wave of *** Spending on sponsored display ads and text links that appear mobile advertising and marketing demand, alongside mobile search results, as well as spending on audio ads played to mobile phone callers making a directory inquiry. including some agencies that have strong ties Source: eMarketer, 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 to newspaper companies. These companies are offering a variety of services to help promote recent surge in mobile advertising growth, and newspaper company mobile services, and also the bullish projections for the next five years handle mobile advertising campaigns. include the wide distribution of smartphones, improving network capabilities and attractive MORE Mobile Marketing mobile subscription rates. Owned by: Telenor Group, Oslo • Smartphones and iPhones adoption is Founded: 2008 ratcheting up the access of multimedia Countries served: Nordics information. iPhone usage reportedly Marketing director: Anders Børde represents 30 times more data usage and 50 times more search requests than other phones. • Unlimited mobile data plans increase in MORE Mobile Relations, a year-old amalgam popularity, which encourages more access to of four mobile marketing companies from each multimedia information. of the Nordic countries, provides services to assist clients in developing relationships with • Mobile technologies are developing more their customers using mobile marketing and multimedia, geography-targeting and advertising tactics. demography-targeting advertising units to reach consumers more precisely. Among MORE’s clients are newspaper companies, including Schibsted’s Verdans • Advertisers and agencies are increasingly Gang, and A-Pressen, a group of regional interested in the target-ability and acceptance Norwegian newspapers. MORE and A-Pressen of mobile advertising. are both owned by Telenor Group, one of the • Publishers are building sustainable business world’s largest telecoms. While the most Global Smartphone Sales and Market Share, by Vendor (In thousands of units, Q4 2007-2008) Company 4Q08 Sales Market Share4Q08 4Q07 Sales Market Share4Q07 4Q07-4Q08 Growth Nokia 15,561.7 40.8% 18,703.3 50.9% -16.8% RIM 7,442.6 19.5% 4,024.7 10.9% 84.9% Apple 4,079.4 10.7% 1,928.3 5.2% 111.6% HTC 1,631.7 4.3% 1,361.1 3.7% 19.9% Samsung 1,598.2 4.2% 671.5 1.8% 138.0% Others 7,829.7 20.5% 10,077.3 27.4% -22.3% Total 38,143.3 100% 36,766.1 100% 3.7% Source: Gartner Group, 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 20
  • 21. VOLUME 8 REPORT N° 4 WINNING MOBILE STRATEGIES Scandinavian Consumer Study of Mobile Message Usefulness Medium Degree of perceived usefulness Receive special promotions from airlines 44 37 Norway on your mobile 37 Sweden Find more info on destination/hotel/attraction 47 48 Denmark on mobile Web sites 38 52 Receive discount coupons to your mobile 45 40 Search via mobile closest shop, restaurant, 50 55 pharmacy 58 Receive to your mobile 10 best offers 31 34 when entering a shopping mall 30 Download film content and cinema 42 33 programme to your mobile 39 %0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 High Degree of perceived usefulness Receive alert from post office 80 83 on package delivery 71 Receive reminder alert for appointment 80 79 with dentist/doctor 72 Receive booking information 75 72 to your mobile 72 Receive alerts from community, school, 66 80 traffic authorities, etc on your mobile 64 %0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Source: More Mobile Marketing, 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 Scandinavian Consumer Study of Mobile Message Usefulness Advertising Channel Intrusiveness 60 TV 60 Norway 64 Sweden 31 Newspaper 11 Denmark 25 43 Radio 50 45 25 Cinema 15 22 42 Internet 34 49 19 Boards 5 8 62 DM (traditional mail) 40 47 55 Mobile messages without permission 82 60 20 Mobile messages with permission 20 20 % 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Source: More Mobile Marketing, 2008 © World Association of Newspapers 2008-2009 obvious mobile strategy is to create a mobile message alerts for sports scores, weather, version of the newspaper, there are a variety of traffic, news, stock market on an opt-in basis, strategies to execute, said Marketing Director developing the mobile user database through Anders Børde, including building loyalty marketing events and giveaways, and more. strategies, a coupon business, sending out text (See Chapter 4 for Børde’s essay on the subject). 21