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    ongoing series of research reports that sets aside
    theories, assumptions, and widely held beliefs to
    discover the truth about consumer preferences
    and behaviors as they interact with brands
    through Email, Facebook, and Twitter. These
    unique reports draw on the experience of real
    consumers, collected through extensive research,
    consumer focus groups, and online surveys.

    has explored why and how consumers engage–
    and disengage—with brands across the most
    popular one-to-one marketing channels: Email,
    Facebook, and Twitter. We’ve identified the unique
    characteristics of each channel and shared key
    strategies for building an effective, integrated
    marketing program.

    In this report, we’ll explore:

    •	     The rise of mobile and the growth of the
           mobile market

    •	     The arrival of “Mobile Dependence
           Day” for consumers as they embrace

    •	     The    impact  of   consumers’    new
           smartphone dependence on channel
           preferences and purchasing behavior

    By taking a closer look at the mobile phenomenon,
    we hope to provide you with valuable insight
    into how the landscape of interactive marketing
    is changing, the importance of engaging users
    in the mobile environment, and how marketers
    can position themselves to take advantage of
    this new platform.

2        © 2011 ExactTarget |
OVERVIEW: mobile dependence day
For years now, we’ve heard proclamations          that newfound power and freedom is quickly
that this year will be the “Year of Mobile”…      replaced by complete and utter smartphone
then the next year…then the next. Expecting       dependence. And for that reason, the arrival
this highly-touted revolution to arrive with a    of each user’s “Year of Mobile” is far less
BANG, we failed to recognize that the “Year of    important than their inevitable “Mobile
Mobile” is happening all around us—not as a       Dependence Day”—and its impact on our
unified cultural experience, but in a moment      culture and our businesses.  
of personal awakening for each individual,
                                                  To function effectively in this brave new world,
triggered by a single purchase: the smartphone.
                                                  marketers must embrace one fact: mobile
For more than 40% of the US population,           is not a channel—it’s a platform. Or, more
the “Year of Mobile” has already arrived, the     accurately, a series of platforms (smartphones,
moment the screen on their first smartphone       tablets, etc.)—through which marketers can
flickered to life. Like fireworks on the Fourth   engage consumers in real time, from texting
of July, each smartphone lights up its            to calling, apps to email, Facebook to Twitter,
user’s life with unprecedented functionality,     and beyond. As gatekeepers of the cross-
connectivity, and productivity. Ironically,       channel mobile platform, consumers control
                                                  your ability to market through these channels.
                                                  The question is whether your marketing team
                                                  is prepared to serve the unique needs of these
                                                  mobile dependents and their devices.

                                                                                                     © 2011 ExactTarget |   3
the mobile market
       Just 15 years ago, personal cell phones were a relative novelty. In that short timeframe, mobile technology has advanced dramatically,
       service and equipment have become extremely affordable, and consumers have been drawn to mobile like ants to a picnic.

       The fact is, the smartphone market has seen explosive growth in recent years—and, based on market trends, we expect it will
       continue. In February 2011, comScore reported1 that US smartphone usage had grown by an astounding 60% in the previous 12
       months. In addition, the total number of Americans using smartphones rose to 63.2 million in 4Q 2010.

                                                                                                                          artphone o
                                                                                                                      f sm
       According to the International Data Corporation (IDC)2, the worldwide smartphone market is
       expected to grow by 49.2% in 2011. This is more than four times faster than the expected
                                                                                                                     o              wn
       growth of the overall mobile phone market—which seems to indicate that current
                                                                                                                  pe                  ed
       feature phone owners are rapidly switching to smartphones, while non-cell phone
       owners are jumping directly to smartphones with their first cell phone purchase.
       According to our own May 2011 survey:

       •	   89% of US online consumers age 15+ own a cell phone
       •	   41% own a smartphone (with email capabilities, web access, and
            other advanced functionality)

       •	   48% own a feature phone (typically limited to calling and text messaging)
       •	   Just 11% don’t own a cell phone

       Although Blackberry pioneered the development of smartphones, the industry
       landscape is changing rapidly. As feature-rich competitors like Apple’s iPhone
       and—most recently—Google’s Android platform have emerged, feature phone
       makers have struggled to maintain market share. In fact, although Android is
       a relative newcomer to the smartphone market, its popularity eclipses even the
       iPhone—likely due to its relative affordability. (Many Android models are offered
       free with a long-term service contract, while iPhones are not.) Overall, one-third
       (33%) of US smartphone owners have an Android phone, followed by iPhone at 25%
       and Blackberry at 19%.                                                                                   Android
                                                                                                                33%       iPhone                Other    5%
                                                                                                                          25%      Blackberry   18%
       1. “2010 Digital Year in Review”                            19%
       2. IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker

4   © 2011 ExactTarget |
Although Android is
a relative newcomer,
its popularity
eclipses even the
iPhone. Overall,

33%                         of
US smartphone
owners have an
Android phone,
followed by iPhone

at     25%
and Blackberry at

© 2011 ExactTarget |   5
                                          Constantly            Several                 About               At Least               At Least                Less Than          Never
                                          Throughout            Times                   Once                Weekly                 Monthly                 Monthly
                                          the Day               a Day                   a Day

                                                            Telephone                                                                                                              1% 2%
                                                                                          31%                                            38%                      18%        10%
                                                            Text Message                                                                                                       3%
                                                                                                 38%                                 28%             11%               13%
                                                                                        29%                            24%            13%             11% 5% 4%                13%
                                                            Browse the Internet
                                                                            18%                       22%                    19%                 17%         8%        6%          11%
                                                                            17%                 18%              15%           11% 4% 6%                                       29%
                                                       6%   Listen to Music
                                                                      12%         12%           12%                    16%    8%              11%                              29%
                                                                9%            11%               15%                    18%          11%             11%                            26%
                                                            Branded Applications (e.g., ESPN, Groupon, Amazon)
    The smartphone has become                                           9%          10%                16%        8%         9%                                                42%
       a modern day Swiss Army                              Watch Video
                                                             6% 6%            8%                  19%                  13%            14%                                      33%
         knife, putting marketers
      not only in a multi-channel
                                                            4% 4%           10%                       22%                    19%              12%                              29%
        environment, but a multi-                           Twitter    2%
    purpose environment as well.                            5% 5% 5% 4% 4%                                                                                                    74%

6   © 2011 ExactTarget |
smartphone usage and activities
We all know that a smartphone is so much more than a phone. It’s a web          functionality? As it turns out, a surprising number of them are—and this multi-
browser, an email device, and a social media portal. It can be a mini stereo,   functional usage is likely contributing to the arrival of Mobile Dependence
a gaming console, a GPS device, an alarm clock, a shopping cart, and a          Day in households nationwide.
personal flotation device—okay, maybe not that last one…but it’s only a
                                                                                According to a new survey from Prosper Mobile Insights, some 52.9% of
matter of time, right?
                                                                                smartphone owners say they use all the functions of their smartphone—to
The smartphone has become a modern day Swiss Army knife, putting                such an extent that they say, “It’s my life.” Another 30.4% say they use all
marketers not only in a multi-channel environment, but a multi-purpose          the basic functions of their device, plus a few apps. And just 16.7% use their
environment as well. But how many people are actually using all that            smartphones exclusively for calling, text messaging, and email.

                                                                                                             According to a new
                                                                                                            survey from Prosper
                                                                                                   Mobile Insights, some 52.9%
                                                                                                     of smartphone owners say
                                                                                                    they use all the functions of
                                                                                                 their smartphone—to such an
                                                                                              extent that they say, “It’s my life.”

                                                                                                                       © 2011 ExactTarget |   7
the smartphone’s big five
                                                   Five common smartphone functions are far-and-away the most popular among smartphone owners:

                                                   1                Calling                                   2                Texting
                                                                    It’s true! People actually use their                       Texting seems to be something of
                                                                    smartphones to make phone                                  an “all or nothing” proposition—
                                                                    calls. In fact, calling is actually the                    people who text tend to do so
                                                                    most common smartphone use.                                quite frequently.

                                                   • 31% of consumers say they use their                      • 38% of consumers surveyed use their
                                                   smartphones to make calls “constantly                      smartphone to text “constantly throughout the
                                                   throughout the day,” while 69% make several                day,” and 67% say they text at least several times
                                                   phone calls each day. In total, 87% report making          per day. A total of 78% report texting at least once
                                                   at least one call per day.                                 per day.

                                                   • Women 18-24 are actually the least likely to             • Only 6% report texting less than once a month.
                                                   use their smartphones for calling—only 56% say
                                                   they make calls at least several times per day.

                                                       “I use all three of these (Facebook, Twitter, and Email).
                                                       up with my huge family and all my friends, lol). Of course

8   © 2011 ExactTarget |
3                Email                              4                Internet                             5                Facebook
                     Email is the third most common                      Web browsing on-the-go is                             Although not as popular as the
                     among smartphone activities.                        also a common activity among                          smartphone functions mentioned
                                                                         smartphone owners.                                    previously, Facebook is the only
                     • More than half of consumers
                                                                                                                               social media outlet used by a
                     (53%) use their smartphone to                       • 18% of smartphone owners
                                                                                                              majority of smartphone owners on a daily basis.
    check email at least several times per day. 29%     use their smartphones to browse the Internet
    report they check email “constantly throughout      “constantly throughout the day,” and 58% do so        • 17% of those surveyed use their smartphones
    the day,” and a total of 66% check email at least   at least once per day.                                to check Facebook “constantly throughout the
    once per day.                                                                                             day,” and 35% check Facebook at least several
                                                        • Interestingly, web surfing is more common
                                                                                                              times a day. In total, 50% check Facebook at
    • Although teens are the least likely to check      among 18-24 year olds than among their younger
                                                                                                              least daily.
    email on their smartphones, a majority still do     counterparts. This is likely due to the limitations
    so regularly. 20% of smartphone-owning teens        placed on teens during the school day—it’s            • Both men and women check Facebook
    report checking email throughout the day, 41%       much easier to sneak a text or check an email         frequently—approximately two thirds of
    check email at least several times per day, and     than browse your favorite website.                    smartphone-owning men and women age 34
    65% check email at least once per day.                                                                    and under use their smartphones to check
                                                                                                              Facebook at least once per day.

However, I use Facebook the most—I check it several times a day (gotta keep
I have a Facebook app on my phone, and I can’t live without it.” – Kelsey (female, age 23)

                                                                                                                       © 2011 ExactTarget |   9
emerging mobile activities
     As we all know, smartphone capabilities are constantly expanding. New features,      Quick Response (QR) Codes and Barcodes
     functions, and applications are introduced on a near-daily basis. And although not   QR codes—those black-and-white pixilated symbols that seem to be
     all of these are readily adopted by smartphone owners, our research shows a few      popping up everywhere—are just slightly less popular than check-ins. 24%
     front-runners that seem to be gaining popularity.                                    of smartphone owners (10% of the overall online population) report having
     Location-Based Services (LBS)                                                        scanned a QR code or similar barcode to obtain more information about a
                                                                                          product, business, or event.
     “Checking in” using location-based services on a mobile phone is still not a
     mainstream activity, but adoption is definitely increasing—and the levels of         Comparison Shopping
     reported usage are somewhat unexpected.                                              Retailers should take note of this relatively new trend, as consumers are
     •	   28% of smartphone owners have used their phone at least once to check           embracing the ability to compare prices while shopping in a brick-and-
          in using location-based services like Foursquare, Gowalla, and Facebook         mortar store. 20% of smartphone owners report having done this, and
          Places. This represents 12% of the overall US online population.                utilization is fairly universal for all consumer groups—both men and women
                                                                                          in all age brackets.
     •	   Women are more likely to use check-in services—37% of female smartphone
          owners have checked in, compared to 21% of males.                               Mobile Coupons
                                                                                          Along the same vein, 15% of smartphone owners (6% of the overall online
     •	   Within the 35-54 age group, 13% of men have ever checked in while
                                                                                          population) report having redeemed a mobile coupon, with women being more
          38% of women have done so. The difference is likely due to the fact
                                                                                          likely than men to utilize this capability (18% vs. 12%).
          that these women are also in the demographic most likely to consider
          themselves “Deal Seekers” (as described in SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, &                 PUSH NOTIFICATIONS
          FOLLOWERS report #3, THE SOCIAL PROFILE).                                       This emerging capability allows companies to send messages directly to their
     •	   This data suggests—contrary to early speculation that check-in services         app users, even when the app is closed. Push notifications are especially
          would be embraced mainly by young hipsters on the prowl—that deal-seekers       useful for conveying timely information like breaking news, exclusive sales,
          are now eagerly gravitating to Foursquare and other LBS providers who offer     and sports updates.
          savings based on proximity.

10    © 2011 ExactTarget |
28% of smartphone owners have used their phone at least once to check in
using location-based services like Foursquare, Gowalla, and Facebook Places.
This represents 12% of the overall US online population.

    which of the following things have you done on your smartphone?
        Checked the Balance on a Bank Account                                                                34%
 “Checked In” Using Location-Based Networking
    (i.e., Facebook Places, Foursquare, Gowalla)                                             28%
                “Liked” a Company on Facebook                                             27%
                 Scanned a QR Code or Barcode                                      24%
                                       Paid a Bill                      23%
 Shopped for Competitive Prices While in a Store                             20%
                      Shared an Article via Email                      20%
                                    Read a Book                   17%
 Watched a Movie or TV Show (e.g., Netflix, Hulu)                 16%
                    Checked in for a Plane Flight                15%
                    Redeemed a Mobile Coupon                     15%
                   Purchased Tickets to an Event           12%
                              Rated a Restaurant          11%
                     Shared an Article via Twitter   5%

                                                                                         © 2011 ExactTarget |   11
     Calling and texting and surfing the Web…It’s all well
     and good, but as marketers, we want to know three
     things about consumers in the mobile marketplace:

     •	   Who’s buying?

     •	   What’s prompting them to buy?

     •	   How are they making the purchase?

     Overall, 16% of smartphone users say they’ve
     made a purchase as the result of a marketing
     message they received on their smartphone.
     Android users are the most likely to report
     making a purchase after receiving a message on
     their smartphones (21%), followed by Windows
     smartphone owners (19%), iPhone owners (17%),
     and Blackberry users (10%).

     When it comes to figuring out the types of
     messages that are most likely to drive purchases,
     four sources lead the way: email, text messages,
     Facebook, and shopping-related apps (e.g., apps
     specific to Amazon, eBay, Groupon, etc.).

     •	   Without question, email is the most
          effective mobile purchase trigger.
          Marketing messages delivered through
          email and read on a smartphone have
          driven more consumers to purchase than
          any other method. 55% of those who’ve
          made at least one purchase based on a
          mobile message report acting on an email.

     •	   Text messaging (41%), Facebook (35%), and
          shopping apps (32%) also show a strong
          ability to drive purchasing behavior.

12    © 2011 ExactTarget |
HOW did you receive the message(s) that led to the purchase?*

                                                       Email                                                                     56%

                                            Text Message                                                41%
                                                  Facebook                                        35%
                        Shopping Related Application
                       (e.g., Amazon, eBay, Groupon)                                            32%

                                                     Twitter                              20%

                                                 Telephone                              18%
                Location-Based Social Networking
     (i.e., Facebook Places, Foursquare, Gowalla)                                   15%
                Non-Shopping Related Application
                      (e.g., Game, News, Weather)                             11%

      *Percentages are based on the 16% of consumers who have completed a purchase as
      a direct result of a marketing message received on their smartphone.

When it comes to figuring out the types of messages that are most likely to drive
purchases, four sources lead the way: Email, Text Messages, Facebook, and
Shopping-Related Apps (e.g., apps specific to Amazon, eBay, Groupon, etc.).
                                                                                                        © 2011 ExactTarget |   13
     Some interesting and unexpected data surfaces when we investigate the ways          purchases can be difficult and expensive, so misattribution will likely continue to
     consumers choose to complete their smartphone-prompted purchases.                   plague mobile marketers.

     Through the Smartphone                                                              In Person
     More than half of the 16% of consumers who’ve made a purchase after receiving       35% of these consumers (about 5.5% of all US mobile consumers) report
     a mobile message (about 9% of the total US online population) report that they’ve   completing their purchase in person. This aligns closely with the original notion
     completed at least one purchase on their smartphone itself. (This includes          of mobile shopping, in which people could receive messages on the go, and
     purchases made through the smartphone’s browser, directly through an app, or        these messages would prompt a visit to a physical store where the purchase
     through the app store.) This is a critical point for marketers, as it illustrates   could be completed in person.
     how consumers’ comfort level with mobile purchases is increasing, while
                                                                                         It’s both fascinating and instructive to explore the correlations between how
     also highlighting the fact that people who buy as a result of mobile messages are
                                                                                         messages are received and how purchases are completed. By looking at how
     likely to complete these purchases through multiple channels.
                                                                                         messaging channels and purchasing channels line up, we gain insight into the
     On a Computer                                                                       specific types of messages that are likely to drive specific types of purchases.
     43% of these consumers (about 7% of all US mobile consumers) have completed         Email Messages
     their purchase on a desktop, laptop, or tablet computer. This makes tracking
                                                                                         Email is most likely to drive purchases either through a browser (the smartphone
     purchases very difficult, as many effective marketing messages received on
                                                                                         browser or a computer browser) or through the app store (as when companies
     smartphones are leading to purchases from a computer—a fact that may be
                                                                                         promote the launch of new smartphone applications). Email isn’t as effective at
     causing marketers to unfairly attribute purchases to search or direct navigation
                                                                                         driving in-person or in-app purchases.
     activity. Unfortunately, the analysis necessary to properly attribute these

14   © 2011 ExactTarget |

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Through the App Store on my Smartphone

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Called the Company to Place the Order

                                                                                                                                                                             Through an App on my Smartphone
Facebook and Twitter Messages                                                                                                                                          34%

                                                                                                                                        Web Browser on my Smartphone
Both Facebook and Twitter tend to drive purchases that can easily                                                                                                                                              31%

                                                                                                  In Person (e.g., In a Store)	
be tracked on the phone itself, including purchases made through
the smartphone browser, through apps installed on the phone, and

                                                                           On my Computer
through the app store. People who act on Facebook and Twitter
messages are less likely to go back to their computer to complete
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              19%                                           18%
the purchase—and neither of these platforms is as effective at
driving in-person purchases.

Text Messages
Text messages are the most likely to drive in-person purchases—
even more so than messages delivered through location-based
social networks like Foursquare and Gowalla. A well-timed text can
drive store traffic—but marketers should use restraint with this tactic,
as texting is still considered a sacred space by many consumers.

There’s no doubt about it—apps drive purchases through apps.
Apps represent a closed system on the smartphone, and messages
delivered through apps don’t tend to prompt purchases through
other channels. However, in-app purchases have the distinct                                  HOW DID YOU COMPLETE THE PURCHASE?*
advantage of providing simple, straightforward purchase tracking.
                                                                           *Percentages are based on the 16% of consumers who have completed a purchase as a
                                                                           direct result of a marketing message received on their smartphone.

     Email is most likely to drive purchases either through a browser or through the
     app store. Email isn’t as effective at driving in-person or in-app purchases.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     © 2011 ExactTarget |                                                 15
DECLARATION OF APP DEPENDENCE                                                               Do shopping apps
            Smartphone owners are notoriously “app-happy.” It seems there’s an app—or twenty—for
            every possible need, and every smartphone owner has a few favorite apps they just can’t
                                                                                                        cause people to buy
            live without.
                                                                                                        more, or are the people
            Half of all smartphone owners have more than ten apps on their phones—iPhone and
            Android owners lead the way with an average of 24 and 21 apps, respectively. In contrast,   who install these apps
            Blackberry owners average only nine apps—a figure that may be explained by the fact that
            relatively few apps are available on the Blackberry platform.                               already predisposed
            Shopping apps have become increasingly common as smartphones gain
            popularity. 56% of smartphone owners have at least one shopping-related
                                                                                                        to purchase?
            app on their phones, and 15% have more than five shopping apps currently
            on their phones. Not surprisingly, those who install shopping apps are also
            the most likely to have ever made a purchase using a smartphone.

            •	   Only 2% of people with no shopping apps installed on their
                 smartphones report having ever made a purchase as the result of a
                 message they received on their smartphone.

            •	   Among people who’ve installed six to ten shopping apps on their
                 smartphone, 39% report having made a purchase because of
                 something they saw on their phone.

            •	   70% of people with 11 or more shopping apps on their phone report
                 having made a purchase.

            The big question is… which is the chicken and which is the egg? Do shopping apps
            cause people to buy more, or are the people who install these apps already predisposed
            to purchase? While we can’t get a definitive answer from the data collected, it’s logical
            to assume that a bit of both are true. People who install shopping apps are by nature
            “handraisers,” who identify themselves as mobile shoppers when they download and
            install these applications. Nevertheless, shopping apps provide a convenient purchasing
            channel; as a result, handraisers are likely buying with greater frequency.

16   © 2011 ExactTarget |
While our survey results are in line with
other smartphone research, there are some
differences worth noting. Our survey asked
about currently installed apps, which yielded
an average of 24 for iPhone users and 21
for Android users. By contrast, Nielsen’s
September 2010 report asked about the
number of apps downloaded—which
yielded an average of 40 for iPhone users
and 25 for Android users. The difference
suggests that consumers download far
more apps than they ultimately keep.

Whether through deletion or disinterest,
this “apptrophy”—the death of an app due
to consumer disuse—is clearly a challenge
for app developers. It’s not enough to get
the download. Companies that rely on apps
as a critical part of their business must also
get permission from purchasers to continue
communications through other channels.

While in-app communications reach
only active app users, email, text, and
smartphone “push” notifications reach both
active and inactive users, giving developers
the ability to increase app usage and upsell/
cross-sell other products. In the increasingly
crowded space of the smartphone (and
tablet) screen, developers who engage
in direct, out-of-app communications
with their customers will have a distinct
advantage over those who don’t. The cure
for apptrophy begins with YOU!

                                                 © 2011 ExactTarget |   17
     ON EMAIL,
     & TWITTER                                                  email                               facebook                               twitter
                                                     Despite the fact that consumers          Similarly, use of Facebook—           With its real-time nature, Twitter
     By their very nature, smartphones put
                                                     tend to view email as a means            whether as a social tool or a time-   is a natural fit for smartphones.
     the internet in your pocket and the world
                                                     of conducting more “formal” or           filler—goes up with the purchase      And while cause-and-effect is
     at your fingertips. With such power in
                                                     important communications, email          of a smartphone. Those with           unclear (are Twitter users more
     the palm of your hand, it’s no wonder
                                                     usage increases with the purchase        smartphones are:                      likely to own smartphones,
     consumers rely on these tiny devices
                                                     of a smartphone. Those who have                                                or are smartphone owners
     for every aspect of daily digital life. In                                               •	   Twice as likely to check
                                                     a smartphone are:                                                              more likely to use Twitter?), it’s
     keeping with the SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, &                                                         Facebook “constantly
                                                                                                                                    no surprise that smartphone
     FOLLOWERS focus of this research series,        •	   47% more likely to                       throughout the day”
                                                                                                                                    owners are the most avid
     we asked consumers to tell us about the              check email “constantly             •	   58% more likely to check         users of Twitter. Those with
     impact smartphone ownership has had on               throughout the day”                      Facebook at least several        smartphones are:
     their use of Email, Facebook, and Twitter.
                                                     •	   30% more likely to check                 times a day
                                                          email at least several times                                              •	   Five times more likely to
     At a high level, smartphones are                                                         •	   44% more likely to check
                                                          a day                                                                          check Twitter “constantly
     driving increased utilization of digital                                                      Facebook at least once a day
                                                                                                                                         throughout the day”
     communication across every channel.             •	   8% more likely to check
     Email, Facebook, and Twitter are all seeing                                              The impact of smartphones on          •	   More than three times
                                                          email at least once a day
     increased activity due to the convenience                                                Facebook use is less dramatic              more likely to check Twitter
     and immediacy afforded by smartphones.          Interestingly, this trend is even more   for teens, although teens with             at least several times a day
                                                     pronounced among teens. While            smartphones do check Facebook
                                                                                                                                    ª	   More than twice as likely to
                                                     teens are likely to check Facebook       more often than those without.
                                                                                                                                         check Twitter at least once
     “I use Twitter almost                           slightly more often than they check
                                                     their email, smartphone ownership
                                                                                              (80% of teens with smartphones
                                                                                              report checking Facebook at
                                                                                                                                         a day

     exclusively on my                               increases teen utilization of email
                                                     dramatically. While only 50% of
                                                                                              least daily, as compared to 69%
                                                                                              for those without a smartphone.)
                                                                                                                                    While the overall impact of
                                                                                                                                    smartphone ownership is

     phone. It just seems                            teens without smartphones check
                                                     email at least once a day, 77% of
                                                                                              This may be due, in part, to the
                                                                                              important role of Facebook in
                                                                                                                                    even more dramatic for Twitter
                                                                                                                                    than Email or Facebook, it’s
     more immediate that                             teens with smartphones do so. In
                                                     fact, teens with smartphones are
                                                                                              teens’ social lives, which makes
                                                                                              them likely to check Facebook
                                                                                                                                    important to keep the relative
                                                                                                                                    numbers in perspective,
     way.” – Michael (male, age 20)                  nearly as likely to check email every
                                                     day as they are to check Facebook
                                                                                              regardless of whether or not they
                                                                                              have a smartphone.
                                                                                                                                    as Twitter’s user base is
                                                                                                                                    significantly smaller.
                                                     every day (80%).

18    © 2011 ExactTarget |
Multi-Channel Approach Helps Scotts Customer Base GROW
  Through their innovative multi-channel                                                              features and benefits of the email program, giving
  marketing program, Scotts Miracle-Gro has                                                           them a reason to sign up.
  achieved remarkable growth in customer
                                                                                                      Scotts invites Facebook fans to become email
  engagement and loyalty. Their creative use of
                                                                                                      subscribers by incorporating registration info on
  email, social media, SMS, and mobile apps
                                                                                                      their company Facebook page—and 50% of
  has helped them become—and remain—the
                                                                                                       fans convert!
  world’s largest marketer of branded consumer
  lawn and garden products, with an email                                                              Scotts has also entered into a unique partnership
  subscriber base in the millions.                                                                     with Major League Baseball. In addition to
                                                                                                       allowing customers to buy the same grass seed
  “Email is the backbone of our marketing
                                                                                                        that’s used in their favorite ballpark, Scotts
  program,” says Kip Edwardson, Director of
                                                                                                               is able to connect with fans on-site at
  Interactive Marketing at Scotts. “We’ve got
                                                                                                                baseball stadiums across the country
  proven ROI on our email program, so our
                                                                                                                using big screen video vignettes and
  overarching goal is to get people signed up for
                                                                                                              SMS text-in registration campaigns.
  email by any means necessary.”
                                                                                                              Need personalized lawncare advice on
  That proven ROI is no accident. Scotts’
                                                                                                            the go? Scotts has an app for that! The
  robust monthly email program includes
                                                                                                           My Scotts Lawn app provides personalized
  highly personalized content based on the
                                                                                                          advice based on location, a custom lawn care
  consumer’s grass type, geographic location,
                                                                                                         calendar, links to coupons and offers, access to
  and any self-identified weed or insect
                                                                                                       live customer care, and much more. The app has
  problems. In addition, Scotts sends seasonal
                                                                                                      been wildly successful—in fact, users spend an
  reminder emails designed to drive repeat purchases, and
                                                                                                     average of seven minutes on the mobile app.
  other timely messages that create cross-sell opportunities for plant
  food, weed killer, grass seed, and other products.                                                “For us, it’s all about giving people what they want
                                                                                                   through their preferred communication medium,”
  With so much riding on email, Scotts understands the importance of
                                                                               Edwardson tells us. “For many people who like Scotts, email is enough.
  making it easy for customers to register for their email program through a
                                                                               Others who REALLY like Scotts will download our app. Then there are
  variety of channels.
                                                                               those people who just rely on our robust web content. And those are all
  On the Scotts website, visitors receive detailed information about the       just fine with us—as long as they keep buying Scotts.”

                                                                                                                     © 2011 ExactTarget |   19
     You thought it was tough competing for mindshare          email. So we decided to evaluate today’s mobile        improvements in smartphone technology and user
     when laptops were a novelty? Today, your messages         email experience relative to the user experience in    experience are creating greater parity between
     are vying for attention on a device that supports not     the recent past. We asked our survey participants to   mobile devices and desktop/laptop computers.
     only email, but also text messaging, web browsing,        rate the degree to which they agree or disagree with
     social networking, shopping, gaming, and endless          the following statements—the same statements we          2     “I spend less time looking at an individual
                                                                                                                              email on my mobile device than I would
     other attention-grabbing applications. The good           asked about in June 2009, just two short years ago.
                                                                                                                      if I looked at the same email on my desktop/
     news is, smartphones make it possible to reach your
                                                                       “My use of email on a mobile device            laptop computer.”
     subscribers via email anytime, anywhere. The bad           1     differs significantly from my use of email
     news is, now you’re trying to get your message across                                                            In 2009, 67% of people agreed that the time spent
                                                               on a desktop/laptop computer.”
     on a screen that’s roughly the size of a Post-It note!                                                           looking at an individual email on their mobile devices
                                                               In June 2009, 64% of survey respondents agreed         was less than if they looked at the same email on a
     We’ve already noted that smartphone ownership
                                                               that their use of email on a mobile device was         computer. In 2011, that number dropped to 44%.
     actually drives increased usage of mobile email—but
                                                               significantly different from their use of email on a
     why? And how can marketers use this development                                                                  First, this suggests that the improved user interface of
                                                               desktop or laptop computer. In response to that
     to improve their interactive marketing strategy?                                                                 mobile email is prompting people to spend more time
                                                               same statement in May 2011, only 51% agreed.
                                                                                                                      looking at individual emails on their mobile devices.
     Given the recent improvements in smartphone text
                                                               While there are still differences in how people use    Second, it suggests that while some people may still
     entry and navigation, we speculated that an improved
                                                               email on a smartphone versus a computer, the           treat mobile email as a tool for inbox triage and quick
     user experience may play a role in the growth of mobile

20    © 2011 ExactTarget |
check-ins, this is becoming less common as more and
more smartphones become a primary email device.
                                                         This is further evidence that smartphones are no
                                                         longer viewed as an email triage tool. Instead,
                                                                                                                     4   “I am as likely to read commercial email
                                                                                                                         (such as newsletters, promotions, etc.) on
                                                         smartphone users increasingly address emails at            my mobile device as I am on my laptop or desktop.”
This is especially significant from an email design
                                                         the point of exposure (i.e., on the smartphone) rather
perspective. Many companies are seeing up to                                                                        There was relatively little change in how consumers
                                                         than waiting until they’re on their laptops, as in years
30% of their emails opened on smartphones.                                                                          responded to this statement. In 2009, 53% disagreed
                                                         past. Smartphones have become an efficient means
Consideration for the small screen is no longer                                                                     with this statement, while in 2011, 48% disagreed.
                                                         of both receiving and responding to email—and the
optional for email designers—it’s a necessity.                                                                      Despite improvements to the user interface, people still
                                                         user experience on a smartphone has improved to
                                                                                                                    won’t spend as much time reading commercial email
                                                         the point that it’s no longer worthwhile to wait and
 3     “I flag or note (mentally or otherwise) email
       I read on my cell phone with the intent of        act on the email from a desktop/laptop.
                                                                                                                    on their smartphones as they will on their computers.

looking at it later on a desktop/laptop computer.”                                                                  This emphasizes the importance of email design
                                                         It’s still important for designers to consider the
                                                                                                                    that renders well regardless of the device used
In 2009, 59% of people agreed that they use their        laptop/desktop experience when designing emails.
                                                                                                                    to open the email. Email design must be cross-
smartphones as a mental note or flagging tool for        While users are more likely to deal with email at the
                                                                                                                    platform compliant—ensuring that the design is
emails, with the intent to respond later when they had   initial point of exposure, they may access the same
                                                                                                                    engaging and readable whether it’s viewed on a 21”
a chance to open their laptop or sit in front of their   email from both a computer and a smartphone.
                                                                                                                    monitor or a 2.5” smartphone screen.
desktop. In 2011, that number dropped to 38%.            (This is cloud computing at its finest!)

                                                                                                                                © 2011 ExactTarget |   21
         Are you getting dirty looks (or worse) from your significant
         other because your phone is permanently affixed to your hand?
         Finding yourself more interested in your text conversation than
         the live one taking place around you? Waking up throughout the
         night to check your email?

         You’re not alone. You’ve experienced your own personal Mobile
         Dependence Day—and once you’ve crossed that line, it seems
         there’s no going back.

         People have undeniably become dependent on (or even
         addicted to) their smartphones, finding it nearly impossible
         to “unplug.” As we move into the heart of the summer travel
         season, more and more of us will discover that “vacation” just
         doesn’t have the same meaning it used to.

         To put this dependence in perspective, we decided to find
         out what people would be willing to give up in order to keep
         their smartphones. In a “desert island” scenario, we asked
         survey respondents to tell us whether they would choose their
         smartphone over various other modern amenities, including
         their car, refrigerator, HDTV, and more.

     “I am constantly on both Twitter and Facebook and at the computer or my
     phone pretty much all day. I cannot even guess how many times I check or
     post because it is constant. I look at email every time I get the alert. I check
     in on Twitter whenever I can, or when I get a new follower or new reply. That’s
     mostly on my phone…Definitely this addiction is growing.” – Judi (female, age 32)
22   © 2011 ExactTarget |
Percentage of people who would keep
their smartphone over the following items

Game Console (e.g., Xbox, Playstation, Wii)          72%

Tablet Computer                                     69%

Dishwasher                                    46%

Laptop Computer                        40%

Microwave                       34%

Cable/ Satellite              32%
TV Programming

HD Television                 32%

Refrigerator    13%

Car       8%

                                                           © 2011 ExactTarget |   23
ly items that won out
                                                                    s (age 15-17), the on
                                                     Among teen
                                                                                          r car, a refrigerator, an
                           nts   said they           over the   smartphone were thei
2% of all responde                 ne over
would keep their sm                                                                     among teens, 16% w
                            ing their car,                   satellite TV. H Even
anything else—includ                                  cable/
                          visi on, cable or
refrigerator, HD tele                                                                              e ultimate symbol
                           ing, microwave,            keep their smar    tphone over a car—th
satellite TV programm               r, tablet
 laptop computer, di                                                                             the choice between
                           ming console.                             ult freedom! H Given
 computer, and ga                                     of young ad
                          just  smartphone
  These folks aren’t                                                                      rator, 46% of teens wou
  dependent—th    ey’re addicted!                      their sm artphone and a refrige
                                                                                                         artphone. H
                                                                           in order to keep their sm
                                             s would give up Xbox
   eat out indefin itely. H 72% of teen
                                                                                                   eir beloved phone.
                                                                   row  ave burritos to keep th
                                         addictive flavor of mic
   70% of te   ens would forego the
                                                                                               markable dedication to
                                                                  on ses, but both show re
                                       red slightly in their resp
    H Adul  t men and women diffe                                                                                   their
                                                                                           smartphone to watch
                                                                en would give up their
                                   of men and 65% of wom
    the creature comforts: 74%
                                                                                                         ne for a fridge
                                                                         ld ha nd over their smartpho
                                             . H 85% of men wou
    favorite TV sh  ows in high definition
                                                                                                    top priority for both
                                                                       e  roadtrip is evidently a
                                           95% of women. H Th
     to keep th e beer cold—as would
                                                                                               vor of a smartphone.
                                                                  ld  give up their car in fa
                                      and 3% of women wou
     gender  s—only 10% of men

24   © 2011 ExactTarget |
Among teens
(age 15-17), the
only items that
won out over
the smartphone
were their car, a
refrigerator, and
cable/satellite TV.

Even among teens,

would keep their
smartphone over a
car—the ultimate
symbol of young
adult freedom!
                      © 2011 ExactTarget |   25
        Mobile Dependence Day has arrived, at least for a significant percentage              Ongoing evolution of devices and networks will continue to
        of US consumers. So now what?
                                                                                        6     shape mobile marketing. Domination by smartphones seems
                                                                                       almost inevitable in the near future, but consider this…
        It’s easy to get caught up in the statistics, but the key takeaways for
        marketers are pretty simple:                                                   If US mobile carriers continue their move away from unlimited data
                                                                                       plans, consumers will likely become more conscious of their usage
                Mobile is not a channel. As explained earlier, mobile is a series
          1     of platforms that allow for on-the-go communications through
                                                                                       and conservative in their use of data-heavy mobile activities like web
                                                                                       browsing and shopping. As a result, marketers should be HUGE
        Email, Facebook, Twitter, SMS, apps, etc. When developing your mobile
                                                                                       proponents of more liberal data plans, broader Wi-Fi networks, and any
        strategy, remember that each of these channels plays an important role.
                                                                                       other measures that would ensure that mobile dependents continue
                Email, Facebook, and Twitter are more important than ever.             to have the level of connectivity they desire. The greater the mobile
          2     With their convenience and immediacy, smartphones are driving          connectivity and reach for consumers, the better marketers will be able
        increased utilization of Email, Facebook, and Twitter. These channels should   to use mobile platforms to drive the interactions that translate into sales
        be major components of your interactive marketing strategy—but remember        opportunities—across both online and offline channels.
        to consider both the mobile and traditional user experience of each.

          3    Comprehensive planning is critical. Today’s consumers
               aren’t committed to one method of viewing—or acting
        on—messages, so marketers must respect the variety of mobile
        experiences and meet people where they are. That means designing               “I have apps for Facebook, Twitter, and
        for both the small screen (smartphones) and the large screen
        (laptop, tablet, or desktop). Similarly, smartphone owners are making          email on my phone, and I check them
        purchases on their phones AND online AND in stores. Make buying
        easy for them, regardless of how they choose to purchase.
                                                                                       throughout the day. I check Facebook
               Fight apptrophy! Smartphone users love apps—but they vie for
          4    attention in a very crowded screen. Creating an app and getting
        downloads is not enough—your strategy should include ongoing email
                                                                                       every two hours. I check Twitter every
        and text communications to foster repeat engagement with the app and
        increase your ability to upsell/cross-sell.                                    half hour for news and sports updates,
                We’re in a period of transition—albeit rapid transition. Just
                because YOU have a smartphone doesn’t mean everyone has
                                                                                       and my email every two hours or so.”
        one. Smartphone owners are still the minority—at least for now—so don’t
        forget to include texting to/from feature phones in your strategy to reach     – Gordon (male, age 27)
        the mobile masses.

26   © 2011 ExactTarget |
Ongoing evolution of devices and networks will continue to shape mobile
marketing. Domination by smartphones seems almost inevitable in the
near future....
                                                       © 2011 ExactTarget |   27
reach Mobile-dependent customers

anytime, Anywhere!
As consumers become more dependent on their smartphones, they
increasingly expect information—including marketing messages—to be
portable. So you need to meet consumers wherever they are—at home, in
the office, or on the go. You need a mobile solution that’s sophisticated, yet
easy to use. You need ExactTarget Mobile.

From SMS to full campaign support, ExactTarget Mobile makes it possible
to execute mobile programs using the same data set as your email, social,
and website programs. Maximize the value of your data, boost your ROI,
and reach your mobile-dependent customers with ExactTarget Mobile!

Learn more at

This document may not be copied without the prior written consent of ExactTarget. © 2011 ExactTarget.

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Mobile Marketing Dependence Day

  • 1.
  • 2. INTRODUCTION SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS is an ongoing series of research reports that sets aside theories, assumptions, and widely held beliefs to discover the truth about consumer preferences and behaviors as they interact with brands through Email, Facebook, and Twitter. These unique reports draw on the experience of real consumers, collected through extensive research, consumer focus groups, and online surveys. To date, SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & FOLLOWERS has explored why and how consumers engage– and disengage—with brands across the most popular one-to-one marketing channels: Email, Facebook, and Twitter. We’ve identified the unique characteristics of each channel and shared key strategies for building an effective, integrated marketing program. In this report, we’ll explore: • The rise of mobile and the growth of the mobile market • The arrival of “Mobile Dependence Day” for consumers as they embrace smartphones • The impact of consumers’ new smartphone dependence on channel preferences and purchasing behavior By taking a closer look at the mobile phenomenon, we hope to provide you with valuable insight into how the landscape of interactive marketing is changing, the importance of engaging users in the mobile environment, and how marketers can position themselves to take advantage of this new platform. 2 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 3. OVERVIEW: mobile dependence day For years now, we’ve heard proclamations that newfound power and freedom is quickly that this year will be the “Year of Mobile”… replaced by complete and utter smartphone then the next year…then the next. Expecting dependence. And for that reason, the arrival this highly-touted revolution to arrive with a of each user’s “Year of Mobile” is far less BANG, we failed to recognize that the “Year of important than their inevitable “Mobile Mobile” is happening all around us—not as a Dependence Day”—and its impact on our unified cultural experience, but in a moment culture and our businesses. of personal awakening for each individual, To function effectively in this brave new world, triggered by a single purchase: the smartphone. marketers must embrace one fact: mobile For more than 40% of the US population, is not a channel—it’s a platform. Or, more the “Year of Mobile” has already arrived, the accurately, a series of platforms (smartphones, moment the screen on their first smartphone tablets, etc.)—through which marketers can flickered to life. Like fireworks on the Fourth engage consumers in real time, from texting of July, each smartphone lights up its to calling, apps to email, Facebook to Twitter, user’s life with unprecedented functionality, and beyond. As gatekeepers of the cross- connectivity, and productivity. Ironically, channel mobile platform, consumers control your ability to market through these channels. The question is whether your marketing team is prepared to serve the unique needs of these mobile dependents and their devices. © 2011 ExactTarget | 3
  • 4. the mobile market Just 15 years ago, personal cell phones were a relative novelty. In that short timeframe, mobile technology has advanced dramatically, service and equipment have become extremely affordable, and consumers have been drawn to mobile like ants to a picnic. The fact is, the smartphone market has seen explosive growth in recent years—and, based on market trends, we expect it will continue. In February 2011, comScore reported1 that US smartphone usage had grown by an astounding 60% in the previous 12 months. In addition, the total number of Americans using smartphones rose to 63.2 million in 4Q 2010. artphone o f sm According to the International Data Corporation (IDC)2, the worldwide smartphone market is expected to grow by 49.2% in 2011. This is more than four times faster than the expected o wn growth of the overall mobile phone market—which seems to indicate that current pe ed feature phone owners are rapidly switching to smartphones, while non-cell phone owners are jumping directly to smartphones with their first cell phone purchase. ty According to our own May 2011 survey: • 89% of US online consumers age 15+ own a cell phone • 41% own a smartphone (with email capabilities, web access, and other advanced functionality) • 48% own a feature phone (typically limited to calling and text messaging) • Just 11% don’t own a cell phone Although Blackberry pioneered the development of smartphones, the industry landscape is changing rapidly. As feature-rich competitors like Apple’s iPhone and—most recently—Google’s Android platform have emerged, feature phone makers have struggled to maintain market share. In fact, although Android is a relative newcomer to the smartphone market, its popularity eclipses even the iPhone—likely due to its relative affordability. (Many Android models are offered free with a long-term service contract, while iPhones are not.) Overall, one-third (33%) of US smartphone owners have an Android phone, followed by iPhone at 25% and Blackberry at 19%. Android Windows 33% iPhone Other 5% 25% Blackberry 18% 1. “2010 Digital Year in Review” 19% 2. IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker 4 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 5. Although Android is a relative newcomer, its popularity eclipses even the iPhone. Overall, 33% of US smartphone owners have an Android phone, followed by iPhone at 25% and Blackberry at 19%. © 2011 ExactTarget | 5
  • 6. HOW OFTEN DO YOU USE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ON YOUR SMARTPHONE? Constantly Several About At Least At Least Less Than Never Throughout Times Once Weekly Monthly Monthly the Day a Day a Day Telephone 1% 2% 31% 38% 18% 10% Text Message 3% 38% 28% 11% 13% Email 29% 24% 13% 11% 5% 4% 13% Browse the Internet 18% 22% 19% 17% 8% 6% 11% Facebook 17% 18% 15% 11% 4% 6% 29% 6% Listen to Music 12% 12% 12% 16% 8% 11% 29% Games 9% 11% 15% 18% 11% 11% 26% Branded Applications (e.g., ESPN, Groupon, Amazon) The smartphone has become 9% 10% 16% 8% 9% 42% a modern day Swiss Army Watch Video 6% 6% 8% 19% 13% 14% 33% knife, putting marketers Maps not only in a multi-channel 4% 4% 10% 22% 19% 12% 29% environment, but a multi- Twitter 2% purpose environment as well. 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 74% 6 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 7. smartphone usage and activities We all know that a smartphone is so much more than a phone. It’s a web functionality? As it turns out, a surprising number of them are—and this multi- browser, an email device, and a social media portal. It can be a mini stereo, functional usage is likely contributing to the arrival of Mobile Dependence a gaming console, a GPS device, an alarm clock, a shopping cart, and a Day in households nationwide. personal flotation device—okay, maybe not that last one…but it’s only a According to a new survey from Prosper Mobile Insights, some 52.9% of matter of time, right? smartphone owners say they use all the functions of their smartphone—to The smartphone has become a modern day Swiss Army knife, putting such an extent that they say, “It’s my life.” Another 30.4% say they use all marketers not only in a multi-channel environment, but a multi-purpose the basic functions of their device, plus a few apps. And just 16.7% use their environment as well. But how many people are actually using all that smartphones exclusively for calling, text messaging, and email. According to a new survey from Prosper Mobile Insights, some 52.9% of smartphone owners say they use all the functions of their smartphone—to such an extent that they say, “It’s my life.” © 2011 ExactTarget | 7
  • 8. the smartphone’s big five Five common smartphone functions are far-and-away the most popular among smartphone owners: 1 Calling 2 Texting It’s true! People actually use their Texting seems to be something of smartphones to make phone an “all or nothing” proposition— calls. In fact, calling is actually the people who text tend to do so most common smartphone use. quite frequently. • 31% of consumers say they use their • 38% of consumers surveyed use their smartphones to make calls “constantly smartphone to text “constantly throughout the throughout the day,” while 69% make several day,” and 67% say they text at least several times phone calls each day. In total, 87% report making per day. A total of 78% report texting at least once at least one call per day. per day. • Women 18-24 are actually the least likely to • Only 6% report texting less than once a month. use their smartphones for calling—only 56% say they make calls at least several times per day. “I use all three of these (Facebook, Twitter, and Email). up with my huge family and all my friends, lol). Of course 8 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 9. 3 Email 4 Internet 5 Facebook Email is the third most common Web browsing on-the-go is Although not as popular as the among smartphone activities. also a common activity among smartphone functions mentioned smartphone owners. previously, Facebook is the only • More than half of consumers social media outlet used by a (53%) use their smartphone to • 18% of smartphone owners majority of smartphone owners on a daily basis. check email at least several times per day. 29% use their smartphones to browse the Internet report they check email “constantly throughout “constantly throughout the day,” and 58% do so • 17% of those surveyed use their smartphones the day,” and a total of 66% check email at least at least once per day. to check Facebook “constantly throughout the once per day. day,” and 35% check Facebook at least several • Interestingly, web surfing is more common times a day. In total, 50% check Facebook at • Although teens are the least likely to check among 18-24 year olds than among their younger least daily. email on their smartphones, a majority still do counterparts. This is likely due to the limitations so regularly. 20% of smartphone-owning teens placed on teens during the school day—it’s • Both men and women check Facebook report checking email throughout the day, 41% much easier to sneak a text or check an email frequently—approximately two thirds of check email at least several times per day, and than browse your favorite website. smartphone-owning men and women age 34 65% check email at least once per day. and under use their smartphones to check Facebook at least once per day. However, I use Facebook the most—I check it several times a day (gotta keep I have a Facebook app on my phone, and I can’t live without it.” – Kelsey (female, age 23) © 2011 ExactTarget | 9
  • 10. emerging mobile activities As we all know, smartphone capabilities are constantly expanding. New features, Quick Response (QR) Codes and Barcodes functions, and applications are introduced on a near-daily basis. And although not QR codes—those black-and-white pixilated symbols that seem to be all of these are readily adopted by smartphone owners, our research shows a few popping up everywhere—are just slightly less popular than check-ins. 24% front-runners that seem to be gaining popularity. of smartphone owners (10% of the overall online population) report having Location-Based Services (LBS) scanned a QR code or similar barcode to obtain more information about a product, business, or event. “Checking in” using location-based services on a mobile phone is still not a mainstream activity, but adoption is definitely increasing—and the levels of Comparison Shopping reported usage are somewhat unexpected. Retailers should take note of this relatively new trend, as consumers are • 28% of smartphone owners have used their phone at least once to check embracing the ability to compare prices while shopping in a brick-and- in using location-based services like Foursquare, Gowalla, and Facebook mortar store. 20% of smartphone owners report having done this, and Places. This represents 12% of the overall US online population. utilization is fairly universal for all consumer groups—both men and women in all age brackets. • Women are more likely to use check-in services—37% of female smartphone owners have checked in, compared to 21% of males. Mobile Coupons Along the same vein, 15% of smartphone owners (6% of the overall online • Within the 35-54 age group, 13% of men have ever checked in while population) report having redeemed a mobile coupon, with women being more 38% of women have done so. The difference is likely due to the fact likely than men to utilize this capability (18% vs. 12%). that these women are also in the demographic most likely to consider themselves “Deal Seekers” (as described in SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & PUSH NOTIFICATIONS FOLLOWERS report #3, THE SOCIAL PROFILE). This emerging capability allows companies to send messages directly to their • This data suggests—contrary to early speculation that check-in services app users, even when the app is closed. Push notifications are especially would be embraced mainly by young hipsters on the prowl—that deal-seekers useful for conveying timely information like breaking news, exclusive sales, are now eagerly gravitating to Foursquare and other LBS providers who offer and sports updates. savings based on proximity. 10 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 11. 28% of smartphone owners have used their phone at least once to check in using location-based services like Foursquare, Gowalla, and Facebook Places. This represents 12% of the overall US online population. which of the following things have you done on your smartphone? Checked the Balance on a Bank Account 34% “Checked In” Using Location-Based Networking (i.e., Facebook Places, Foursquare, Gowalla) 28% “Liked” a Company on Facebook 27% Scanned a QR Code or Barcode 24% Paid a Bill 23% Shopped for Competitive Prices While in a Store 20% Shared an Article via Email 20% Read a Book 17% Watched a Movie or TV Show (e.g., Netflix, Hulu) 16% Checked in for a Plane Flight 15% Redeemed a Mobile Coupon 15% Purchased Tickets to an Event 12% Rated a Restaurant 11% Shared an Article via Twitter 5% © 2011 ExactTarget | 11
  • 12. PUrchasing behavior Calling and texting and surfing the Web…It’s all well and good, but as marketers, we want to know three things about consumers in the mobile marketplace: • Who’s buying? • What’s prompting them to buy? • How are they making the purchase? Overall, 16% of smartphone users say they’ve made a purchase as the result of a marketing message they received on their smartphone. Android users are the most likely to report making a purchase after receiving a message on their smartphones (21%), followed by Windows smartphone owners (19%), iPhone owners (17%), and Blackberry users (10%). When it comes to figuring out the types of messages that are most likely to drive purchases, four sources lead the way: email, text messages, Facebook, and shopping-related apps (e.g., apps specific to Amazon, eBay, Groupon, etc.). • Without question, email is the most effective mobile purchase trigger. Marketing messages delivered through email and read on a smartphone have driven more consumers to purchase than any other method. 55% of those who’ve made at least one purchase based on a mobile message report acting on an email. • Text messaging (41%), Facebook (35%), and shopping apps (32%) also show a strong ability to drive purchasing behavior. 12 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 13. HOW did you receive the message(s) that led to the purchase?* Email 56% Text Message 41% Facebook 35% Shopping Related Application (e.g., Amazon, eBay, Groupon) 32% Twitter 20% Telephone 18% Location-Based Social Networking (i.e., Facebook Places, Foursquare, Gowalla) 15% Non-Shopping Related Application (e.g., Game, News, Weather) 11% *Percentages are based on the 16% of consumers who have completed a purchase as a direct result of a marketing message received on their smartphone. When it comes to figuring out the types of messages that are most likely to drive purchases, four sources lead the way: Email, Text Messages, Facebook, and Shopping-Related Apps (e.g., apps specific to Amazon, eBay, Groupon, etc.). © 2011 ExactTarget | 13
  • 14. how CONSUMERS MAKE SMARTPHONE-PROMPTED PURCHASES Some interesting and unexpected data surfaces when we investigate the ways purchases can be difficult and expensive, so misattribution will likely continue to consumers choose to complete their smartphone-prompted purchases. plague mobile marketers. Through the Smartphone In Person More than half of the 16% of consumers who’ve made a purchase after receiving 35% of these consumers (about 5.5% of all US mobile consumers) report a mobile message (about 9% of the total US online population) report that they’ve completing their purchase in person. This aligns closely with the original notion completed at least one purchase on their smartphone itself. (This includes of mobile shopping, in which people could receive messages on the go, and purchases made through the smartphone’s browser, directly through an app, or these messages would prompt a visit to a physical store where the purchase through the app store.) This is a critical point for marketers, as it illustrates could be completed in person. how consumers’ comfort level with mobile purchases is increasing, while It’s both fascinating and instructive to explore the correlations between how also highlighting the fact that people who buy as a result of mobile messages are messages are received and how purchases are completed. By looking at how likely to complete these purchases through multiple channels. messaging channels and purchasing channels line up, we gain insight into the On a Computer specific types of messages that are likely to drive specific types of purchases. 43% of these consumers (about 7% of all US mobile consumers) have completed Email Messages their purchase on a desktop, laptop, or tablet computer. This makes tracking Email is most likely to drive purchases either through a browser (the smartphone purchases very difficult, as many effective marketing messages received on browser or a computer browser) or through the app store (as when companies smartphones are leading to purchases from a computer—a fact that may be promote the launch of new smartphone applications). Email isn’t as effective at causing marketers to unfairly attribute purchases to search or direct navigation driving in-person or in-app purchases. activity. Unfortunately, the analysis necessary to properly attribute these 14 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 15. 43% Through the App Store on my Smartphone Called the Company to Place the Order 35% Through an App on my Smartphone Facebook and Twitter Messages 34% Web Browser on my Smartphone Both Facebook and Twitter tend to drive purchases that can easily 31% In Person (e.g., In a Store) be tracked on the phone itself, including purchases made through the smartphone browser, through apps installed on the phone, and On my Computer through the app store. People who act on Facebook and Twitter messages are less likely to go back to their computer to complete 19% 18% the purchase—and neither of these platforms is as effective at driving in-person purchases. Text Messages Text messages are the most likely to drive in-person purchases— even more so than messages delivered through location-based social networks like Foursquare and Gowalla. A well-timed text can drive store traffic—but marketers should use restraint with this tactic, as texting is still considered a sacred space by many consumers. Apps There’s no doubt about it—apps drive purchases through apps. Apps represent a closed system on the smartphone, and messages delivered through apps don’t tend to prompt purchases through other channels. However, in-app purchases have the distinct HOW DID YOU COMPLETE THE PURCHASE?* advantage of providing simple, straightforward purchase tracking. *Percentages are based on the 16% of consumers who have completed a purchase as a direct result of a marketing message received on their smartphone. Email is most likely to drive purchases either through a browser or through the app store. Email isn’t as effective at driving in-person or in-app purchases. © 2011 ExactTarget | 15
  • 16. DECLARATION OF APP DEPENDENCE Do shopping apps Smartphone owners are notoriously “app-happy.” It seems there’s an app—or twenty—for every possible need, and every smartphone owner has a few favorite apps they just can’t cause people to buy live without. more, or are the people Half of all smartphone owners have more than ten apps on their phones—iPhone and Android owners lead the way with an average of 24 and 21 apps, respectively. In contrast, who install these apps Blackberry owners average only nine apps—a figure that may be explained by the fact that relatively few apps are available on the Blackberry platform. already predisposed Shopping apps have become increasingly common as smartphones gain popularity. 56% of smartphone owners have at least one shopping-related to purchase? app on their phones, and 15% have more than five shopping apps currently on their phones. Not surprisingly, those who install shopping apps are also the most likely to have ever made a purchase using a smartphone. • Only 2% of people with no shopping apps installed on their smartphones report having ever made a purchase as the result of a message they received on their smartphone. • Among people who’ve installed six to ten shopping apps on their smartphone, 39% report having made a purchase because of something they saw on their phone. • 70% of people with 11 or more shopping apps on their phone report having made a purchase. The big question is… which is the chicken and which is the egg? Do shopping apps cause people to buy more, or are the people who install these apps already predisposed to purchase? While we can’t get a definitive answer from the data collected, it’s logical to assume that a bit of both are true. People who install shopping apps are by nature “handraisers,” who identify themselves as mobile shoppers when they download and install these applications. Nevertheless, shopping apps provide a convenient purchasing channel; as a result, handraisers are likely buying with greater frequency. 16 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 17. Disuse “Apptrophy” While our survey results are in line with other smartphone research, there are some differences worth noting. Our survey asked about currently installed apps, which yielded an average of 24 for iPhone users and 21 for Android users. By contrast, Nielsen’s September 2010 report asked about the number of apps downloaded—which yielded an average of 40 for iPhone users and 25 for Android users. The difference suggests that consumers download far more apps than they ultimately keep. Whether through deletion or disinterest, this “apptrophy”—the death of an app due to consumer disuse—is clearly a challenge for app developers. It’s not enough to get the download. Companies that rely on apps as a critical part of their business must also get permission from purchasers to continue communications through other channels. While in-app communications reach only active app users, email, text, and smartphone “push” notifications reach both active and inactive users, giving developers the ability to increase app usage and upsell/ cross-sell other products. In the increasingly crowded space of the smartphone (and tablet) screen, developers who engage in direct, out-of-app communications with their customers will have a distinct advantage over those who don’t. The cure for apptrophy begins with YOU! © 2011 ExactTarget | 17
  • 18. IMPACT ON EMAIL, FACEBOOK, & TWITTER email facebook twitter Despite the fact that consumers Similarly, use of Facebook— With its real-time nature, Twitter By their very nature, smartphones put tend to view email as a means whether as a social tool or a time- is a natural fit for smartphones. the internet in your pocket and the world of conducting more “formal” or filler—goes up with the purchase And while cause-and-effect is at your fingertips. With such power in important communications, email of a smartphone. Those with unclear (are Twitter users more the palm of your hand, it’s no wonder usage increases with the purchase smartphones are: likely to own smartphones, consumers rely on these tiny devices of a smartphone. Those who have or are smartphone owners for every aspect of daily digital life. In • Twice as likely to check a smartphone are: more likely to use Twitter?), it’s keeping with the SUBSCRIBERS, FANS, & Facebook “constantly no surprise that smartphone FOLLOWERS focus of this research series, • 47% more likely to throughout the day” owners are the most avid we asked consumers to tell us about the check email “constantly • 58% more likely to check users of Twitter. Those with impact smartphone ownership has had on throughout the day” Facebook at least several smartphones are: their use of Email, Facebook, and Twitter. • 30% more likely to check times a day email at least several times • Five times more likely to At a high level, smartphones are • 44% more likely to check a day check Twitter “constantly driving increased utilization of digital Facebook at least once a day throughout the day” communication across every channel. • 8% more likely to check Email, Facebook, and Twitter are all seeing The impact of smartphones on • More than three times email at least once a day increased activity due to the convenience Facebook use is less dramatic more likely to check Twitter and immediacy afforded by smartphones. Interestingly, this trend is even more for teens, although teens with at least several times a day pronounced among teens. While smartphones do check Facebook ª More than twice as likely to teens are likely to check Facebook more often than those without. check Twitter at least once “I use Twitter almost slightly more often than they check their email, smartphone ownership (80% of teens with smartphones report checking Facebook at a day exclusively on my increases teen utilization of email dramatically. While only 50% of least daily, as compared to 69% for those without a smartphone.) While the overall impact of smartphone ownership is phone. It just seems teens without smartphones check email at least once a day, 77% of This may be due, in part, to the important role of Facebook in even more dramatic for Twitter than Email or Facebook, it’s more immediate that teens with smartphones do so. In fact, teens with smartphones are teens’ social lives, which makes them likely to check Facebook important to keep the relative numbers in perspective, way.” – Michael (male, age 20) nearly as likely to check email every day as they are to check Facebook regardless of whether or not they have a smartphone. as Twitter’s user base is significantly smaller. every day (80%). 18 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 19. Multi-Channel Approach Helps Scotts Customer Base GROW Through their innovative multi-channel features and benefits of the email program, giving marketing program, Scotts Miracle-Gro has them a reason to sign up. achieved remarkable growth in customer Scotts invites Facebook fans to become email engagement and loyalty. Their creative use of subscribers by incorporating registration info on email, social media, SMS, and mobile apps their company Facebook page—and 50% of has helped them become—and remain—the fans convert! world’s largest marketer of branded consumer lawn and garden products, with an email Scotts has also entered into a unique partnership subscriber base in the millions. with Major League Baseball. In addition to allowing customers to buy the same grass seed “Email is the backbone of our marketing that’s used in their favorite ballpark, Scotts program,” says Kip Edwardson, Director of is able to connect with fans on-site at Interactive Marketing at Scotts. “We’ve got baseball stadiums across the country proven ROI on our email program, so our using big screen video vignettes and overarching goal is to get people signed up for SMS text-in registration campaigns. email by any means necessary.” Need personalized lawncare advice on That proven ROI is no accident. Scotts’ the go? Scotts has an app for that! The robust monthly email program includes My Scotts Lawn app provides personalized highly personalized content based on the advice based on location, a custom lawn care consumer’s grass type, geographic location, calendar, links to coupons and offers, access to and any self-identified weed or insect live customer care, and much more. The app has problems. In addition, Scotts sends seasonal been wildly successful—in fact, users spend an reminder emails designed to drive repeat purchases, and average of seven minutes on the mobile app. other timely messages that create cross-sell opportunities for plant food, weed killer, grass seed, and other products. “For us, it’s all about giving people what they want through their preferred communication medium,” With so much riding on email, Scotts understands the importance of Edwardson tells us. “For many people who like Scotts, email is enough. making it easy for customers to register for their email program through a Others who REALLY like Scotts will download our app. Then there are variety of channels. those people who just rely on our robust web content. And those are all On the Scotts website, visitors receive detailed information about the just fine with us—as long as they keep buying Scotts.” © 2011 ExactTarget | 19
  • 20. THE EVOLUTION OF MOBILE EMAIL You thought it was tough competing for mindshare email. So we decided to evaluate today’s mobile improvements in smartphone technology and user when laptops were a novelty? Today, your messages email experience relative to the user experience in experience are creating greater parity between are vying for attention on a device that supports not the recent past. We asked our survey participants to mobile devices and desktop/laptop computers. only email, but also text messaging, web browsing, rate the degree to which they agree or disagree with social networking, shopping, gaming, and endless the following statements—the same statements we 2 “I spend less time looking at an individual email on my mobile device than I would other attention-grabbing applications. The good asked about in June 2009, just two short years ago. if I looked at the same email on my desktop/ news is, smartphones make it possible to reach your “My use of email on a mobile device laptop computer.” subscribers via email anytime, anywhere. The bad 1 differs significantly from my use of email news is, now you’re trying to get your message across In 2009, 67% of people agreed that the time spent on a desktop/laptop computer.” on a screen that’s roughly the size of a Post-It note! looking at an individual email on their mobile devices In June 2009, 64% of survey respondents agreed was less than if they looked at the same email on a We’ve already noted that smartphone ownership that their use of email on a mobile device was computer. In 2011, that number dropped to 44%. actually drives increased usage of mobile email—but significantly different from their use of email on a why? And how can marketers use this development First, this suggests that the improved user interface of desktop or laptop computer. In response to that to improve their interactive marketing strategy? mobile email is prompting people to spend more time same statement in May 2011, only 51% agreed. looking at individual emails on their mobile devices. Given the recent improvements in smartphone text While there are still differences in how people use Second, it suggests that while some people may still entry and navigation, we speculated that an improved email on a smartphone versus a computer, the treat mobile email as a tool for inbox triage and quick user experience may play a role in the growth of mobile 20 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 21. check-ins, this is becoming less common as more and more smartphones become a primary email device. This is further evidence that smartphones are no longer viewed as an email triage tool. Instead, 4 “I am as likely to read commercial email (such as newsletters, promotions, etc.) on smartphone users increasingly address emails at my mobile device as I am on my laptop or desktop.” This is especially significant from an email design the point of exposure (i.e., on the smartphone) rather perspective. Many companies are seeing up to There was relatively little change in how consumers than waiting until they’re on their laptops, as in years 30% of their emails opened on smartphones. responded to this statement. In 2009, 53% disagreed past. Smartphones have become an efficient means Consideration for the small screen is no longer with this statement, while in 2011, 48% disagreed. of both receiving and responding to email—and the optional for email designers—it’s a necessity. Despite improvements to the user interface, people still user experience on a smartphone has improved to won’t spend as much time reading commercial email the point that it’s no longer worthwhile to wait and 3 “I flag or note (mentally or otherwise) email I read on my cell phone with the intent of act on the email from a desktop/laptop. on their smartphones as they will on their computers. looking at it later on a desktop/laptop computer.” This emphasizes the importance of email design It’s still important for designers to consider the that renders well regardless of the device used In 2009, 59% of people agreed that they use their laptop/desktop experience when designing emails. to open the email. Email design must be cross- smartphones as a mental note or flagging tool for While users are more likely to deal with email at the platform compliant—ensuring that the design is emails, with the intent to respond later when they had initial point of exposure, they may access the same engaging and readable whether it’s viewed on a 21” a chance to open their laptop or sit in front of their email from both a computer and a smartphone. monitor or a 2.5” smartphone screen. desktop. In 2011, that number dropped to 38%. (This is cloud computing at its finest!) © 2011 ExactTarget | 21
  • 22. MOBILE DEPENDENCE DAY Are you getting dirty looks (or worse) from your significant other because your phone is permanently affixed to your hand? Finding yourself more interested in your text conversation than the live one taking place around you? Waking up throughout the night to check your email? You’re not alone. You’ve experienced your own personal Mobile Dependence Day—and once you’ve crossed that line, it seems there’s no going back. People have undeniably become dependent on (or even addicted to) their smartphones, finding it nearly impossible to “unplug.” As we move into the heart of the summer travel season, more and more of us will discover that “vacation” just doesn’t have the same meaning it used to. To put this dependence in perspective, we decided to find out what people would be willing to give up in order to keep their smartphones. In a “desert island” scenario, we asked survey respondents to tell us whether they would choose their smartphone over various other modern amenities, including their car, refrigerator, HDTV, and more. “I am constantly on both Twitter and Facebook and at the computer or my phone pretty much all day. I cannot even guess how many times I check or post because it is constant. I look at email every time I get the alert. I check in on Twitter whenever I can, or when I get a new follower or new reply. That’s mostly on my phone…Definitely this addiction is growing.” – Judi (female, age 32) 22 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 23. Percentage of people who would keep their smartphone over the following items Game Console (e.g., Xbox, Playstation, Wii) 72% Tablet Computer 69% Dishwasher 46% Laptop Computer 40% Microwave 34% Cable/ Satellite 32% TV Programming HD Television 32% Refrigerator 13% Car 8% © 2011 ExactTarget | 23
  • 24. ly items that won out s (age 15-17), the on : highlights Among teen d r car, a refrigerator, an nts said they over the smartphone were thei 2% of all responde ne over artpho would keep their sm among teens, 16% w ould ing their car, satellite TV. H Even anything else—includ cable/ visi on, cable or refrigerator, HD tele e ultimate symbol ing, microwave, keep their smar tphone over a car—th satellite TV programm r, tablet shwashe laptop computer, di the choice between ming console. ult freedom! H Given computer, and ga of young ad just smartphone These folks aren’t rator, 46% of teens wou ld dependent—th ey’re addicted! their sm artphone and a refrige artphone. H in order to keep their sm s would give up Xbox eat out indefin itely. H 72% of teen eir beloved phone. row ave burritos to keep th addictive flavor of mic 70% of te ens would forego the markable dedication to on ses, but both show re red slightly in their resp H Adul t men and women diffe their smartphone to watch en would give up their of men and 65% of wom the creature comforts: 74% ne for a fridge ld ha nd over their smartpho . H 85% of men wou favorite TV sh ows in high definition top priority for both e roadtrip is evidently a 95% of women. H Th to keep th e beer cold—as would vor of a smartphone. H ld give up their car in fa and 3% of women wou gender s—only 10% of men 24 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 25. Among teens (age 15-17), the only items that won out over the smartphone were their car, a refrigerator, and cable/satellite TV. Even among teens, 16% would keep their smartphone over a car—the ultimate symbol of young adult freedom! © 2011 ExactTarget | 25
  • 26. conclusion Mobile Dependence Day has arrived, at least for a significant percentage Ongoing evolution of devices and networks will continue to of US consumers. So now what? 6 shape mobile marketing. Domination by smartphones seems almost inevitable in the near future, but consider this… It’s easy to get caught up in the statistics, but the key takeaways for marketers are pretty simple: If US mobile carriers continue their move away from unlimited data plans, consumers will likely become more conscious of their usage Mobile is not a channel. As explained earlier, mobile is a series 1 of platforms that allow for on-the-go communications through and conservative in their use of data-heavy mobile activities like web browsing and shopping. As a result, marketers should be HUGE Email, Facebook, Twitter, SMS, apps, etc. When developing your mobile proponents of more liberal data plans, broader Wi-Fi networks, and any strategy, remember that each of these channels plays an important role. other measures that would ensure that mobile dependents continue Email, Facebook, and Twitter are more important than ever. to have the level of connectivity they desire. The greater the mobile 2 With their convenience and immediacy, smartphones are driving connectivity and reach for consumers, the better marketers will be able increased utilization of Email, Facebook, and Twitter. These channels should to use mobile platforms to drive the interactions that translate into sales be major components of your interactive marketing strategy—but remember opportunities—across both online and offline channels. to consider both the mobile and traditional user experience of each. 3 Comprehensive planning is critical. Today’s consumers aren’t committed to one method of viewing—or acting on—messages, so marketers must respect the variety of mobile experiences and meet people where they are. That means designing “I have apps for Facebook, Twitter, and for both the small screen (smartphones) and the large screen (laptop, tablet, or desktop). Similarly, smartphone owners are making email on my phone, and I check them purchases on their phones AND online AND in stores. Make buying easy for them, regardless of how they choose to purchase. throughout the day. I check Facebook Fight apptrophy! Smartphone users love apps—but they vie for 4 attention in a very crowded screen. Creating an app and getting downloads is not enough—your strategy should include ongoing email every two hours. I check Twitter every and text communications to foster repeat engagement with the app and increase your ability to upsell/cross-sell. half hour for news and sports updates, 5 We’re in a period of transition—albeit rapid transition. Just because YOU have a smartphone doesn’t mean everyone has and my email every two hours or so.” one. Smartphone owners are still the minority—at least for now—so don’t forget to include texting to/from feature phones in your strategy to reach – Gordon (male, age 27) the mobile masses. 26 © 2011 ExactTarget |
  • 27. Ongoing evolution of devices and networks will continue to shape mobile marketing. Domination by smartphones seems almost inevitable in the near future.... © 2011 ExactTarget | 27
  • 28. reach Mobile-dependent customers anytime, Anywhere! As consumers become more dependent on their smartphones, they increasingly expect information—including marketing messages—to be portable. So you need to meet consumers wherever they are—at home, in the office, or on the go. You need a mobile solution that’s sophisticated, yet easy to use. You need ExactTarget Mobile. From SMS to full campaign support, ExactTarget Mobile makes it possible to execute mobile programs using the same data set as your email, social, and website programs. Maximize the value of your data, boost your ROI, and reach your mobile-dependent customers with ExactTarget Mobile! Learn more at This document may not be copied without the prior written consent of ExactTarget. © 2011 ExactTarget.