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Supporting	Positive	Behavior	
Through	PBIS	
Lori	Lynass	Ed.D.
Today’s	Purpose	
• To	learn	the	cri=cal	features	and	essen=al	
prac=ces	of	Posi=ve	Behavioral	Interven=ons	
and	Supports	(PBIS)	and	the	Para-professional	
Opening	Discussion	
•  What	do	you	already	know	about	PBIS?		
•  What	are	the	top	social/behavioral	issues	you	deal	with?	
•  What	is	your	biggest	concern	about	supervising?
PBIS	as	a	Mul+-Tiered	System	of	Support	
Why	implement	PBIS?	
Create	a	posi=ve	school	culture:	
School	environment	is	predictable	
School	environment	is	posi+ve	
School	environment	is	safe	
School	environment	is	consistent
Con=nuum	of	
Support	for	ALL	
Soc Studies
Soc skills
First	Things	First:	
What	is	the	Expected	Behavior?	
•  Have	all	staff	agreed	as	to	what	the	expected/desired	
behaviors	should	be?	
•  Have	we	systema=cally	taught	it	to	students?	
•  Do	we	review	and	re-teach	desired	behavior	to	students	
as	part	of	our	correc=ve	procedures?
Playground	Expectations
Why	Develop	a	System	for	
Teaching	Behavior?	
•  Behaviors	are	prerequisites	for	academics	
•  Procedures	and	rou=nes	create	structure	
•  Repe==on	is	key	to	learning	new	skills:	
• For	a	child	to	learn	something	new,	it	needs	to	be	
repeated	on	average	of	8	=mes	
• For	a	child	to	unlearn	an	old	behavior	and	replace	
with	a	new	behavior,	the	new	behavior	must	be	
repeated	on	average	28	=mes	(Harry	Wong)
Acknowledgement	Systems	in	PBIS……Its	
About	Feedback	and	Relationships
Acknowledging	Behavior	
•  By	acknowledging	only	the	“big”	behaviors,	adults	send	
the	message	that	everyday	behaviors	of	safety,	
responsibility,	and	respect	are	not	important.		
•  Small	steps	on	the	way	to	achievement	need	to	be	
5:1 ratio	=	High	Performance	
The	posi+vity/nega+vity	ra+o	(P/N)	has	been	found	to	be	a	cri=cal	indicator	
of	Performance	
•  High Performance teams = 5.6 : 1
•  Medium Performance teams = 1.9 : 1
•  Low Performance teams = .36	:	1	
Losada & Heaphy 2004
High	Rates	of	Positive	Contact	
•  Friendly,	helpful,	open	demeanor	
•  Proac=ve,	non-con=ngent		
•  High	rate	of	delivery	-	5:1	Ra=o	
•  Short	(5	to	10	seconds	in	dura=on)	
•  Involve	groups	over	individuals	(so	that	more	kids	are	
*	Sends	the	“I	see	you	and	no=ce	you	as	a	person	message”.
• Students	are	comple=ng	a	wriben	
assignment.		One	student	
struggles	with	wri=ng	and	has	
difficulty	comple=ng	even	a	couple	
of	sentences.		Another	student	
writes	clearly	and	concisely.		What	
would	effec7ve	praise	look	like	for	
each	student?
•  Students,	especially	low-income	students,	have	higher	
academic	outcomes	and	more	posi=ve	social-emo=onal	
adjustment	than	their	peers	who	do	not	have	a	posi=ve	
rela=onship	with	their	teacher	(Murray	and	Malmgren,	2005).	
•  For	high	school	students,	posi=ve	rela=onships	can	decrease	
the	risk	of	drop-out	by	nearly	50%	(Dika	and	Singh,	2002).	
•  Teacher-student	rela=onships	and	interac=ons	can	impact	
peer	percep=ons	and	acceptance	of	students	(Hughes	et	al.,	
Relationships	matter
Rainier	Beach	Recogni=ons
Students	Caught	Being	Respeciul
Pt.	DeOiance	–	Golden	Plungers!!!
Clear	and	Consistent	Procedures	
for	Dealing	With	Problem	
•  Punishment	or	consequence	works	as	an	immediate	way	to	try	
and	get	a	behavior	to	stop	and	to	“make	the	child	pay”	for	what	
has	occurred.	
•  Discipline	defined	means	teaching,	learning	and	giving	instruc=on.	
Discipline	offers	skills	that	can	change	behavior.	It	can	help	the	
developing	brain	make	connec=ons	about	good	choices.	
•  We	want	to	respond,	not	react.	
Punishment vs Discipline
We	Lack	Consistency	and	We	Spend	
Too	much	Time	Being	Reactive
Staff	Managed	-	Minor	 Office	Managed	-	Major	
Cell	Phones	
Computer	Use	–	Inappropriate	
Electronic	Toys	
Inappropriate	Dress	
Inappropriate	Language	
Making	Noises	
Minor	Vandalism	
Name	Calling	
Not	Listening	
Not	Simng	in	Seat	
Off	Task	
Talking	Out	
Accessing	Off	Limits	Areas	
Aggressive	Language/Threats	
Blatant	Insubordina=on	
Danger	to	Self	and	Others	
Explicit	Language	
Illegal	Substances	
Leaving	School	Grounds	
Lewd	Behavior	
Major	Vandalism	
Significant	Disrup=ve	Behavior	
Repe==ve	Minor	Infrac=ons	
Uncontrollable	Screaming/Yelling	
Level	out	behaviors
Behavioral	Errors	
• More	open	occur	because:	
§  Students	do	not	have	appropriate	skills-	“Skill	Deficits”		
§ Students	do	not	know	when	to	use	skills	
§  Students	have	not	been	taught	specific		
		area	procedures	and	rou=nes	
§ Skills	are	not	taught	in	context
Intervening	with	Problem	
•  This	will	vary	by	the	type	of	behavior	witnessed,	
but	should	always	involve	re-teaching	and	
reinforcing	the	desired	behavior.	
•  The	goals	is	to	make	the	behavior	ineffec=ve	and	
inefficient	and	to	make	the	desired	behavior	
effec=ve	and	efficient.	
•  Every	schools	has	their	“hot	spots”
Responding to 

Minor Problem Behaviors#
•  Acknowledge	students	exhibi=ng	expected	behavior	
•  Secure	aben=on	&	redirect	student	to	expected	behavior	
•  Provide	choice	between	expected	behavior	and	staff-
managed	consequence	
•  Deliver	staff-managed	consequences	consistently	
•  Do	not	make	Mountains	out	of	Molehills	
•  Avoid	escala=ng	problems		
•  Follow	through	with	office-managed	consequences
Corrective	Consequences	
•  Ask	the	student	to	state	the	appropriate,	expected	behavior	
for	the	situa=on	-	if	they	can't	or	won't,	state	the	appropriate,	
expected	behavior	and	ask	them	to	repeat	it	to	you	
•  Remind	the	student(s)	what	the	school	prescribed	
consequence	for	the	par=cular	behavior	is	
•  Use	the	least	aversive	consequence	allowed	-	follow	school	
guidelines	concerning	repeated	or	chronic	viola=ons	
•  Apply	the	consequence	immediately	&	consistently
Active	Supervision
What	is	Active	Supervision?	
•  A	proac=ve	approach	used	in	school	semngs	to	monitor	
large	areas	to	ensure	safety	and	reduce	problem	
•  Commonly	used	in	non-classroom	semngs	such	as	the	
cafeteria	or	playground	where	we	open	have	less	adult	
direc=on	and	supervision.	
•  In	Ac=ve	Supervision	we	Move,	Scan	and	Interact	
•  2010	Susannah	Brackeb,	University	of	Pibsburgh
Supervision	Considerations	
•  Who	supervises?		
•  How	open?	
•  Is	supervision	“equally	distributed?”		
•  Has	everyone	who	supervises	received	adequate	
•  What’s	the	adult	to	student	ra=o?		
•  Are	all	supervisors	visible	to	students?	
•  What	areas	need	mul=ple	supervisors?
Supervision	Policy?	
•  “ALL	STAFF	supervise	all	the	=me.”	
•  “Every	man/woman	for	themselves.”	
•  “Since	when	do	we	have	a	school-wide	supervision	
What	is	your	schools	policy	and	your	expected	role?
Behavioral	Errors	
• More	open	occur	because:	
§  Students	do	not	have	appropriate	skills-	“Skill	Deficits”		
§ Students	do	not	know	when	to	use	skills	
§  Students	have	not	been	taught	specific		
		area	procedures	and	rou=nes	
§ Skills	are	not	taught	in	context
Movement	and	
Video	Modeling	
• Moving,	Scanning	&	Interac=ng
Map	It	Out	&	Plan	It	Out
•  Movement	should	be:		
•  Constant		
•  Unpredictable	
•  Planned/Purposeful	
•  Targeted	
•  Designed	to	Increase	Contact	Opportuni=es	
*Shrink	movement	area	if	needed	–	works	well	for	
*Make	kids	feel	like	you	are	everywhere!
Be	Visible,	Appear	to	Be	
•  Highly	visible	adults	
	reduce	student	anxiety	
•  Use	student	helpers	
•  Be	easily	iden=fied	
•  Wear	a	bright	vest	
•  Wear	a	bright	hat	
•  Carry	a	bright	folder
• Effec=ve	scanning	techniques	Include	
constant	shiping	of	visual	and	aural	
aben=on	to	cover	all	areas	under	
•  Visual	methods	that	can	iden=fy	both	
appropriate	and	inappropriate	behaviors	
•  Listening	for	words	or	sounds	associated	with	
appropriate	and	inappropriate	target	
Environmental	Supports
How	can	we	decrease	the	likelihood	the	behavior	will	occur?
Environmental	Supports
Line	Up	Zones
Add	Structure	
•  One	Way	Hallways	
•  Staggered	Lunch	Releases	
•  Shrink	Playgrounds	&	Add	Structured	Games	
•  Increase	Adult	to	Student	Ra=o	Through	Volunteer	
Program,	Watch	DOGS,	City	Year,	Americorps,	Rotary	
•  Have	alterna=ve	recess	ac=vi=es	for	students	
•  Enlist	students	to	be	peer	support	(mediators,	buddies,	
•  hbp://
•  Where	are	the	“trouble	zones”	of	the	areas	you	
•  What	are	some	ways	you	can	more	ac=vely	scan	
and	monitor	these	areas?	
•  What	environmental	supports	are	needed?
Small	Changes	on	the	Playground:	
One	Schools	Changes	
•  We	zoned	off	the	playground	and	set	expecta=ons	about	
where	adults	would	supervise.	
•  We	ordered	orange	vests	and	organized	fanny	packs	with	
everything	a	“duty”	could	possibly	need!	
•  We	created	office	and	bathroom	passes	to	clear	up	why	kids	
were	coming	inside.	Discovered	clothespins	are	more	
•  	We	created	a	problem	solving	resource	wall	to	use	when	
•  	Added	indoor	recess	choices:	computer	lab,	more	toys	&	
Activity	3	-	Active	Supervision		
Self	Assessment	
•  Think	about	the	last	=me	you	were	ac=vely	supervising	a	
large	group	of	student	and	complete	the	self-
•  Count	up	number	of	yes	to	determine	overall	ac=ve	
supervision	score.	
•  Talk	with	a	partner	about	1	area	that	you	would	like	to	
improve	or	work	on.		What	support	do	you	need?	
Final	Discussion	
•  What	new	strategies	will	you	use	based	on	today’s	
•  Who	will	be	implemen=ng	these	strategies?	
•  How	will	you	determine	if	your	new	strategies	are	

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National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals
Above and beyond sound it out
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Above and beyond sound it out
National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals
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National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals
Digging Deeper into the Common Core
Digging Deeper into the Common CoreDigging Deeper into the Common Core
Digging Deeper into the Common Core
National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals
Kent Gerlach Presentation
Kent Gerlach PresentationKent Gerlach Presentation
ESSA Implications for Paraeducators, Administrators and Teachers
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National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals

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Session #44; Strategies for Preventing Problem Behavior
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Session #24: Autism 101 Presentation
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Session #16 The Trauma Informed Paraeducator
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Session #37: Small ways to prevent big behaviors
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Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
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Washington State Paraeducator Certificates- Friday General Session
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Session #11 Effective Financial Support to Paraprofessionals
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Session #24: Autism 101 Handouts
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Session #42: Managing Tantrum, Meltdown Behaviors
Session #42: Managing Tantrum, Meltdown BehaviorsSession #42: Managing Tantrum, Meltdown Behaviors
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Handout 3 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...
Handout 3 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...Handout 3 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...
Handout 3 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...
Handout 2 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...
Handout 2 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...Handout 2 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...
Handout 2 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...
Handout 1 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...
Handout 1 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...Handout 1 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed...
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Above and beyond sound it out
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Introduction to Data Collection
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Digging Deeper into the Common Core
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Kent Gerlach Presentation
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ESSA Implications for Paraeducators, Administrators and Teachers
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