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“The 5
of Teacher
Building Resilience
from the Inside Out
Welcome 						2
The facts - Why prioritize your wellbeing?		 4
Getting started - Start were you are			 8
Foundation 1 - How do you cope?			 11
Foundation 2 - How do you restore?			 14
Foundation 3 - How do you connect with others?	 17
Foundation 4 - How do you treat your body?		 20
Foundation 5 - What legacy do you leave?		 23
What now – the next step				 26
About Daniela Falecki					27
Congratulations for choosing you.
I know you care about students and
you love teaching but sometimes we
need to take a moment for ourselves,
so well done for making that decision
and downloading this Ebook.
Can I also say
Stop rolling your eyes, you are.
Did you know you can be involved in
up to 1000 interpersonal contacts a
day? So, if you feel like the world has
emotionally vomited on you at the
end of each day, it has. Teaching is
an emotional vocation where we get
mentally tired with all the decisions we
have to make in a day.
What we, as teachers need, is some
time out for ourselves, to have specific
strategies to restore our own energy
and evidence-based tools to maintain
our wellbeing, All for the purpose of
being our best possible self for students.
As a teacher for more than 20 years I
know all too well the ups and downs we
experience on a day to day basis and
the need for us to better support our
own wellbeing. I know what it is like to
have students demand your attention,
parents demand your time, and the
system demand your paperwork.
This ebook is for YOU the teacher,
who gives their all, who stays up late
cutting up coloured paper for activities,
laminates new resources and ideas,
and spends weekends researching
and planning engaging lessons. You’re
tired but you do it anyway, your partner
doesn’t know why you get so frustrated
and society thinks you work 9-3.
So, what are the foundations of teacher
Just as we don’t become fit by going to
the gym once, we cannot maintain our
wellbeing with one-off activities such as
the annual staff BBQ. We need to be
more conscious about our decisions,
more aware of our choices and more
active in planning effective and
purposeful wellbeing habits.
In this ebook, I will be sharing with
you some simple, yet effective
strategies to support your wellbeing
based on the following 5 domains;
1. Cognitive wellbeing
How we think
2. Emotional wellbeing
How we cope
3. Social wellbeing
How we connect
with others
4. Physical wellbeing
How we move, sleep
and eat
5. Spiritual wellbeing
How we connect to our
values and beliefs of
meaning and purpose
So, let’s get started in building
positive wellbeing habits.
Did you know teachers can be involved
in 1000 interpersonal connections a
day? (Holmes 2005). The quality of
these interactions can either diminish
or enhance wellbeing. In fact teachers
are among those professionals with the
highest levels of job stress and burnout
across many countries. (Stoeber, J., &
Rennert, D, 2008).
Growing research is showing that not
only are beginning teachers struggling
as they enter the profession but
experienced teachers are increasingly
becoming burned out, including that
of Principals. In the recent Australian
Principal Occupational Health, Safety
and Wellbeing Survey (2016), the two
leading causes of stress were;
- Sheer Quantity of Work, and
- Lack of Time to Focus on Teaching
and Learning
In other studies, common stressors
include school systems becoming
increasingly more bureaucratic, greater
service delivery demands in the form of
heavy workloads with fewer resources.
Teachers are expected to manage
difficult student behaviour including
violence and lack of student motivation.
Teachers are stretched with a lack
of planning time coupled with an
increased emphasis on accountability
(Jennifer Curry, 2012).
The changing nature of society expects
schools to address social justice,
promote a sense of belonging, build
resilience and keep abreast of mass
media influences which fuels unrealistic
expectations of teachers. (Mccallum &
Price, 2010).
A summary of the 10 main causes of teacher stress
can be seen in the picture below.
On a personal level, I know what it is like
to repeat the same conversations with
students each day, juggle curriculum
to meet outcomes, manage individual
staff and their diverse personalities,
communicate with parents in helping
them understand their children, all
while running from meeting to meeting
to document every decision made.
While I was passionate about teaching,
the area I had little time to focus on was
planning engaging lessons with real-life
experiences for my students.
When learning to be a teacher, we
get taught great skills in how to plan
curriculum, differentiate learning, asses
and report, but we do not learn how to
manage different personality types, how
to coach, mentor or simply navigate
our own emotions let alone manage
those of others. As a result, we have to
draw on our own social and emotional
resources to remain resilient. The
problem here is that if we do not have
direct or solution focused strategies to
manage our own stress, we may turn to
destructive strategies that simply relieve
the emotional stress such as food and
alcohol, however these do not support
our wellbeing as they do not address the
specific issues (Parker, 2012).
If teachers have strategies to support
their wellbeing, they will be better
placed to manage every day stressors
of the job to not only survive but flourish.
In doing so, they become better role
models and educators for our students.
Teachers themselves recognise that
focussing on their own wellbeing is
crucial in supporting student wellbeing,
(Sue Roffey, Wellbeing Australia, 2012),
but are often unsure as to how to do
this. The growing evidence coming
from the field of Positive Psychology is
showing how we can not only support
student wellbeing but that of teacher
wellbeing as well.
Successful teacher wellbeing
interventions include;
• Reflection strategies for
insight into professional
• Mindfulness training to
manage stress
• Emotional management
strategies to restore
• Coaching psychology to
build learning communities
• Growth Mindset approaches
to solving problems
• Self-care practices to restore
when needed
• Celebrate achievements
and success to feel valued
“When written in Chinese, the
word “crisis” is composed
of two characters-one
represents danger, the other
represents opportunity.”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Teachers are very good at assessing student learning, but when is the last
time you actually thought about your own wellbeing to assess where you are
right now? Knowing and improving your wellbeing is important because your
stress levels can have an 8% variance on students’ academic performance
(Teacher Support Network, UK, 2007).
Anyway, enough theory and talking for now, lets be proactive and take some
positive action.
Below you will find a set of questions for you to answer that encourage you to think
about you and how you manage the everyday stresses you face at work.
How well do you support your wellbeing at work?
Statements about our school…. (circle your response) Always Some-times Rarely
1	 I often experience positive emotions at work such as joy,
	 excitement and happiness
2	 I am able to track the good stuff by either sharing it with
	 others or writing it down myself
3	 I frequently give positive feedback to both staff and
	 students to recognize effort and achievements
4	 I am able to receive positive feedback from others when
	 they notice I have done a great job
5	 I have the ability to manage my emotions in times of stress
	 using specific strategies that do not impact negatively on others
6	 I am aware and have identified my top 5 character strengths
7	 I frequently plan ways to use my top 5 character strengths
8	 I am able to spot character strengths in others and help them
	 use them
9	 I feel in the ‘flow’ in my classroom various times throughout
	 the week
10	 I frequently use language that promotes a strength-based
11	 I feel strongly supported by at least 2 other staff members
	 at school
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
Statements about our school…. (circle your response) Always Some-times Rarely
12	 I feel supported by the school executive with a strong sense
	 of belonging
13	 I am able to connect well with students and their parents to
	 form great relationships
14	 I offer frequent support to others with care, concern and
15	 I am able to ask for help or support when I need it most
16	 I feel as my job has meaning and purpose on daily bases
17	 I practice mindfulness at various time throughout the day
18	 I often remind myself of why I entered teaching and what I love
	 about it to stay motivated and not get caught up in the small stuff
19	 I am mindful of my own actions and behaviour to be the best
	 role model I can be for fellow staff and students
20	 I am aware of my core values as a teacher and live these
	 every day
21	 I frequently set myself small goals each day or week and set
	 about achieving them
22	 I frequently celebrate my achievements with small rewards
	 and sharing them with others
23	 I frequently stop and reflect on everything I have achieved in
	 a term and give myself a pat on the back
24	 I have a clear vision of the type of teacher I want to be and
	 how to be it
25	 I recognize I am working as part of a larger team and strive to
	 support the school vision
26	 Overall, I love my job and love coming to work
27	 Overall, I know I am good at my job and do it well
28	 Overall, I feel supported by my school community
29	 Overall, I know I am making some valuable contributions to
30	 Overall, I have contributed to some great achievements in
	 my role
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
3 2	 1
Add each column at the bottom
Add across the subtotal of each column to give you a score out of 90
If you scored;
75 - 90 : Congratulations, you frequently use
strategies to support your wellbeing. Keep doing
what you are doing. Maybe even share some of
your strategies with others through mentoring.
50 - 74 : It is great you are using some strategies to support your wellbeing, perhaps
you could try a few more to ensure you have more consistent energy throughout
the week.
0 – 49 : Have you heard the saying, put on your own oxygen mask before giving one
to others? It is time for you to do somethings for yourself. Checkout www.teacher- for specific strategies you can use to be the best teacher for
your students you can be.
achievements you make each day? eg,
the support you receive from staff and
the partnerships you have with parents?
Don’t brush over this concept too
quickly. It is important to sit with this
and deeply reflect on the types
of conversations you have in the
staffroom. Are you the person whinging
all the time? Or the person celebrating
person dampening others enthusiasm
with comments like “we’ve tried that
before and it didn’t do anything”, or are
the you the person who encourages
growth and new ideas? Of course, the
reality is we are usually a bit of both
of these people, but if you had to
put a percentage on your positive to
negative comments in the staffroom,
honestly, what would your ratio be?
Time to take
The first foundation of wellbeing is
Cognitive Wellbeing.
Cognitive wellbeing refers to your
mindset and ability to cope with the
cognitive demands you face.
Did you know you have 60,000 thoughts
a day, and these are usually the same
60,000 thought you had the day before
and the same before that. You see,
your thoughts are not passive words
that just roll through your head, they are
powerful waves that direct your focus
and your attention.
We have choices every moment to
think about what is working well or what
isn’t. In a teaching day there is so much
that happens and if we do not be more
conscious of our thoughts, they become
unconscious habits. So, my question
to you is this? Are you someone who
is always focussed on what is going
wrong in a school day, eg, students
misbehaving, staff underperforming
and parents demanding? Or are you
someone who focusses on the small
“The pessimist sees difficulty in every
opportunity. The optimist sees the
opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston Churchill
action steps
Set yourself a timer and spend 2 minutes
making a list of all the challenges you
face at work. Use the full amount of
time, even if you just sit there thinking.
Now, repeat the same exercise but this
time write down all the things that work
well at your school. Again, use the full 2
Which list was longer?
Which list was easier to write?
What does this tell you about where
your focus is?
The point of this is to find ways to better
track the good stuff. One way I use is
by using a Gratitude Journal App. Do
a search on your phone and see how
many amazing apps exist.
where keeping a gratitude journal has
been shown to have amazing benefits
for people. If you want to know more
about this science checkout Robert
Emmons talk about his research
and common practices for building
gratitude –
h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m /
The next foundation of wellbeing to
consider is Emotional Wellbeing
Emotional wellbeing is closely related
to emotional intelligence which refers
to our ability to identify, manage
and use our emotions in responsible
and respectful ways. This means
acknowledging our feelings, not
hiding them, and being able to own
our feelings, not blaming others for our
I remember there being many days
where I was a little emotional pressure
cooker, trying to remain professional,
in control and respectful when
sometimes all I want to do was scream
or slap people in the face with a big
wet fish. Either way, it was me and my
emotions that I needed to manage. If
I didn’t, I became one of the people
that Blythe Rowe calls the bullies,
bludgers or blamers.
Speak to any teacher and they will tell
you they do what they do because
they care. Caring is an emotion and
teaching is an emotional vocation
that can be draining if we do not have
strategies to switch off and restore the
research tells us that teachers tend
to turn to negative strategies such as
food, alcohol, caffeine or emotional
withdrawal as a means for managing
their emotions. The problem here, is
that these are not restorative practices
and only perpetuate the problem.
Given that you as a teacher spend
so much time pouring your energy
outwards, research in the area of
mindfulness tells us, that taking a
few moments to go inwards, can be
extremely beneficial. Mindfulness
is the act of being present without
judgement of what is happening, it
is being aware and observing our
thoughts. Some people think it is a
Buddhist tradition, yet mindfulness has
existed for centuries in many different
forms. But mindfulness is not just
meditation, it is more than this. It means
stopping, being present, focussing
Set yourself a time to become
more mindful each day. This may
involve doing a walking meditation
whilst on playground duty (http://,
a breathing meditation before going to
bed (, or a
focussed attention exercise whilst driving
home in your car (as you drive simply list
in your mind all the things you see in front
of you – as your mind wanders, bring it
back to what you see in the now).
Remember the purpose here is to give
energy back to yourself by stopping,
breathing and bringing your attention
to your own body as well as the here
and now. It means stopping thinking
about everyone else and everything
you have to do, and prioritising yourself
for 5 minutes a day. There is no right way
for practicing mindfulness or meditation,
find your way and have fun with it.
“One can’t stop the
waves but you can
learn to surf.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
on our breath and restoring our own
energy cup. Today, mindfulness has
attracted a lot of scientists to research
the impact meditation can have on the
brain. Mindfulness activities have been
shown to positively support teachers
to better manage stress and increase
resilience. The book “Mindfulness for
Teachers” by Patricia A. Jennings, has
extensive research and resources if you
want to know more.
How do you currently restore your
own cup?
The next step on our wellbeing
journey is exploring the foundation of
Social Wellbeing.
Of all the dimensions of wellbeing, this
is actually the one that teachers do
best. We connect in the staffroom, we
gather at social functions and greet
each other warmly. But let’s face it,
there is always that one staff member
who grates on your nerves, who seems
to think differently to you and who is
just plain weird. However, the majority
are pretty supportive and when times
are tough people tend to rally around
and help each other.
As teachers, we are all about giving
and sharing with others, whether this
be with students, parents or colleagues,
however it is the type of connection we
one of the founding fathers of Positive
Psychology is well known for advocating
that “other people matter”. Wellbeing
is not something that is isolated to our
own inner experience but comes from
the types of connections we have with
others as well.
Spend the next week praising a
colleague once a day with positive
feedback. We do this all the time with
students, but how often are we really
doing it with colleagues? I don’t mean
tokenistic praise either, I mean, real
and genuine acknowledgement of
tasks completed, effort applied and
time spent on meeting requirements
or outcomes. Start to notice the
types of connections you are having
with colleagues, are these based
on positive feedback or negative
feedback? Notice people’s responses,
are there any changes? If so what?
“Be Kind; Everyone
You Meet is Fighting a
Hard Battle” - Plato
a natural negative bias where we are
trained to look for the negative. This
means we more easily look for what is
wrong than what is right. Add to this the
fact that teachers are trained to give
feedback on how to improve, which
usually involves noticing weakness
and areas for development, as we
have a staffroom where colleagues
are highlighting errors instead of
achievements and weakness instead
of instead of strengths. For example,
I would spend hours upon hours
preparing an excursion, only to
have 4 people tell me there is one
typo in my permission note. People
rarely acknowledge all the things
you have done in their feedback,
instead highlighting what you haven’t
done. This is a deficit-based model
of feedback instead of a strength-
based model of giving feedback.
John Gottman, an expert in the field
of relationships has identified we need
to give more positive feedback to
others than negative in order for a
relationship to remain stable. He calls
this the 5:1 Relationship ratio.
So, what can you do?
Let’s move onto the next foundation of
wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing.
Physical wellbeing refers to our decisions
and actions when it comes to exercise,
eating and sleeping. But before you roll
your eyes, I’m not going to tell you to go
to the gym, but what I am going to say is
cut back on the sugar.
Did you know sugar can directly
influence your mood, your energy, your
heart rate and your brain? Check out
the facts about sugar and the impact it
is having on your wellbeing
Still not convinced, “That Sugar
Film” (
watch?v=6uaWekLrilY), showcases the
real-life impact sugar has on our bodies
and it’s not from lollies. It’s the hidden
sugars that matter. So, as teachers, let’s be
more mindful with the snacks we put out
at morning tea. Let’s put down the muffin
and pick up the fruit? or sustained energy
protein hit? Plan your diet better and it will
have a dramatically positive impact on
your mood, energy and thinking capacity.
According to the American Heart
Association (AHA), we should only
be having 25 grams of sugar a day (6
teaspoons), yet most of us are having
15 teaspoons or more. Remember the
point here is to encourage you to be
more mindful of your choices.
And yes……. We need to move more.
Moving helps oxygenate our blood,
“One can’t stop the
waves but you can
learn to surf.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
It’s now time to take more notice of the
labels of the food you are eating, how
much sugar is in your food? eg did you
know there is the same amount of sugar
in a small tub of diet yogurt as a Kit Kat?
Have a go at some of these recipes
from Sarah Wilson “I Quit Sugar”
What about moving your body?
Whatever you are already doing,
increase it by 10%. This could mean
walking the dog a longer distance,
going to that yoga class you’ve been
thinking about, downloading a Pilates
app or YouTube video, or even creating
a Fitbit Challenge with some co-workers.
remove toxins and release stress
chemicals that contribute to weight
gain. So, let’s bend and stretch to start
a meeting to open our mind and joints.
our bodies and brains, let’s be kinder to
our body so we are able to better able
to manage stress, problem solve and be
effective in role as educators.
Well, here we are at the final stage
of building our wellbeing habits. To
conclude our foundations, we reflect on
our Spiritual Wellbeing. This refers to your
sense of meaning and purpose, and is
directly related to your values and beliefs.
Did you know researchers in the field
of psychology have identified that
happiness and pleasure alone, known as
hedonic wellbeing, is not enough for us
to maintain our wellbeing, we also need
eudemonic wellbeing which refers to
how meaningful and purposeful we feel.
When is the last time you remembered
what drove you to teaching? What do
you love about the job? What is most
important to you as an educator?
As a teacher, I would like to think that
I have inspired every student who has
been in front of me, however, the reality
is probably a bit different. While I know
I have left a lasting legacy with some,
I also know that I have made many
mistakes, said the wrong thing at times.
However, I do know that I love teaching,
am always looking to improve myself as
a person and teacher, and frequently
question my values and beliefs to ensure
I act with integrity and authenticity.
How do you see your job? Is it a career,
a calling or just a job? Did it start as a
calling and now it’s a job? Or is it still
a calling?
Either way, consider why you do what
you do? What impact have you had on
others over the past few years?
Think about the students’ lives you have
affected in positive ways? How many
children, or perhaps now adults, are
sharing stories around the dinner table
that involve you as a critical factor in
their learning or shaping their identity.
Take a moment to stop and think about
the legacy you have already left and
the legacy you would like to leave in
the future?
Amy Wrzesniewski, Professor of
Organizational Behavior at Yale School of
Management, has identified that people
who view their work as a “job” see it mainly
as a means of income. Those who view it
as a “career” frame work as a stepping
stone along an occupational trajectory.
This who see it as a “calling” are people
who believe in the meaning of the work
they do, regardless of pay or prestige.
“Each man must look to
himself to teach him the
meaning of life. It is not
something discovered:
it is something moulded”
“Life isn’t about waiting
for the storm to pass….
It’s about learning how
to dance in the rain”
Thankyou again for downloading
this ebook, I hope you have enjoyed
exploring the 5 Foundations of Teacher
Remember, wellbeing is not static,
the key to building wellbeing habits is
small actions every day. Each of your
reflection pages form the basis of your
own wellbeing plan. The next step is for
you to keep up these actions in your
own way.
If you are looking for little reminders
on a daily basis, perhaps a pack of 52
Teacher Wellbeing cards will work best
for you (you can buy these at www.
If you are looking to learn more theory,
tools and resources, you can join me
online with Teacher Training Australia
(TTA) in my “Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit”
or “Mentoring Made Easy” courses. Both
are 6 hrs NESA approved courses.
And finally, if you want to experience
firsthand the habits of wellbeing, by
having me come to your school for
a keynote, workshop or consulting,
then email me at daniela@teacher-
Thanks again for taking this journey with
me, I hope it has proved useful and
remember YOU MATTER.
Daniela Falecki
Daniela Falecki, B.Ed (Physical Ed
& Health), M.Ed (Leadership), is a
passionate educator with over twenty
years’ experience across primary,
secondary and tertiary sectors of
education. Daniela has experience in
both government and independent
schools, and has seen first-hand the
challenges teachers face. Daniela
is committed to providing teachers
with evidence-based strategies for
optimal functioning through consulting,
coaching and training.
Daniela holds a Masters in Education
(Leadership) from Western Sydney
university, a Bachelor of Education
from the University of Wollongong, a
Certificate in Rudolf Steiner Education
from Parsifal College and is a certified
is a Senior Associate for the Positivity
Institute with Dr Suzy Green and a
member of the International Coach
Federation and International Positive
Psychology Association. Daniela also
currently lectures at Western Sydney
University in Educational Psychology,
Pedagogy and Wellbeing. In 2014
Daniela was placed in the top 3 for
“Lecturer of the Year” as rated by
students for her engaging style.
As an educator Daniela has
specialized in the area of pastoral
care and mentoring in her roles as Year
Advisor, beginner teacher mentor,
Head Teacher, Curriculum advisor for
NSW Department of Education and
Communities as well as the Association
of Independent Schools (AIS). Daniela
also operated as the NSW Manager for a
National Outdoor Education company
(OEG), where she liaised with the top
10 private schools in Sydney to deliver
high quality programs specialising in
leadership, resilience and relationships
for both staff and students.
Daniela continues to work across all
sectors of education including the
development of BOSTES accredited
online mentoring programs for teachers
that embed Coaching Psychology and
Positive Psychology within education.
This includes programs written for
the University of Sydney and Western
Sydney University in the areas of early
career teachers, supervising teachers of
pre-service teachers, university advisors
and indigenous teachers.
Daniela is also a sought after speaker
at schools and conferences across
Australia known as the “Keep-it-
Real Teacher”. Daniela’s style is
often described as highly motivating,
inspiring, engaging, practical, and
most of all realistic for teachers in
today’s dynamic environment.
Remember to support your own wellbeing too
– you may just be the best vision of wellbeing students have
Daniela Falecki

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Teacher's wellbeing

  • 1. TEACHER WELLBEING EBOOK “The 5 Foundations of Teacher Wellbeing” Building Resilience from the Inside Out
  • 2. CONTENTS PAGE Welcome 2 The facts - Why prioritize your wellbeing? 4 Getting started - Start were you are 8 Foundation 1 - How do you cope? 11 Foundation 2 - How do you restore? 14 Foundation 3 - How do you connect with others? 17 Foundation 4 - How do you treat your body? 20 Foundation 5 - What legacy do you leave? 23 What now – the next step 26 About Daniela Falecki 27 Congratulations for choosing you. I know you care about students and you love teaching but sometimes we need to take a moment for ourselves, so well done for making that decision and downloading this Ebook. Can I also say YOU ARE AMAZING! Stop rolling your eyes, you are. WELCOME Did you know you can be involved in up to 1000 interpersonal contacts a day? So, if you feel like the world has emotionally vomited on you at the end of each day, it has. Teaching is an emotional vocation where we get mentally tired with all the decisions we have to make in a day. What we, as teachers need, is some time out for ourselves, to have specific 2
  • 3. WELCOME strategies to restore our own energy and evidence-based tools to maintain our wellbeing, All for the purpose of being our best possible self for students. As a teacher for more than 20 years I know all too well the ups and downs we experience on a day to day basis and the need for us to better support our own wellbeing. I know what it is like to have students demand your attention, parents demand your time, and the system demand your paperwork. This ebook is for YOU the teacher, who gives their all, who stays up late cutting up coloured paper for activities, laminates new resources and ideas, and spends weekends researching and planning engaging lessons. You’re tired but you do it anyway, your partner doesn’t know why you get so frustrated and society thinks you work 9-3. So, what are the foundations of teacher wellbeing? Just as we don’t become fit by going to the gym once, we cannot maintain our wellbeing with one-off activities such as the annual staff BBQ. We need to be more conscious about our decisions, more aware of our choices and more active in planning effective and purposeful wellbeing habits. In this ebook, I will be sharing with you some simple, yet effective strategies to support your wellbeing based on the following 5 domains; 1. Cognitive wellbeing How we think 2. Emotional wellbeing How we cope 3. Social wellbeing How we connect with others 4. Physical wellbeing How we move, sleep and eat 5. Spiritual wellbeing How we connect to our values and beliefs of meaning and purpose So, let’s get started in building positive wellbeing habits. 3
  • 4. 4 THE FACTS WHY PRIORITIZE YOUR WELLBEING? Did you know teachers can be involved in 1000 interpersonal connections a day? (Holmes 2005). The quality of these interactions can either diminish or enhance wellbeing. In fact teachers are among those professionals with the highest levels of job stress and burnout across many countries. (Stoeber, J., & Rennert, D, 2008). Growing research is showing that not only are beginning teachers struggling as they enter the profession but experienced teachers are increasingly becoming burned out, including that of Principals. In the recent Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey (2016), the two leading causes of stress were; - Sheer Quantity of Work, and - Lack of Time to Focus on Teaching and Learning In other studies, common stressors include school systems becoming increasingly more bureaucratic, greater service delivery demands in the form of heavy workloads with fewer resources.
  • 5. 5 THE FACTS WHY PRIORITIZE YOUR WELLBEING? Teachers are expected to manage difficult student behaviour including violence and lack of student motivation. Teachers are stretched with a lack of planning time coupled with an increased emphasis on accountability (Jennifer Curry, 2012). The changing nature of society expects schools to address social justice, promote a sense of belonging, build resilience and keep abreast of mass media influences which fuels unrealistic expectations of teachers. (Mccallum & Price, 2010). A summary of the 10 main causes of teacher stress can be seen in the picture below.
  • 6. On a personal level, I know what it is like to repeat the same conversations with students each day, juggle curriculum to meet outcomes, manage individual staff and their diverse personalities, communicate with parents in helping them understand their children, all while running from meeting to meeting to document every decision made. While I was passionate about teaching, the area I had little time to focus on was planning engaging lessons with real-life experiences for my students. When learning to be a teacher, we get taught great skills in how to plan curriculum, differentiate learning, asses and report, but we do not learn how to manage different personality types, how to coach, mentor or simply navigate our own emotions let alone manage those of others. As a result, we have to draw on our own social and emotional resources to remain resilient. The problem here is that if we do not have direct or solution focused strategies to manage our own stress, we may turn to destructive strategies that simply relieve the emotional stress such as food and alcohol, however these do not support our wellbeing as they do not address the specific issues (Parker, 2012). 6 THE FACTS WHY PRIORITIZE YOUR WELLBEING?
  • 7. If teachers have strategies to support their wellbeing, they will be better placed to manage every day stressors of the job to not only survive but flourish. In doing so, they become better role models and educators for our students. Teachers themselves recognise that focussing on their own wellbeing is crucial in supporting student wellbeing, (Sue Roffey, Wellbeing Australia, 2012), but are often unsure as to how to do this. The growing evidence coming from the field of Positive Psychology is showing how we can not only support student wellbeing but that of teacher wellbeing as well. Successful teacher wellbeing interventions include; • Reflection strategies for insight into professional practice • Mindfulness training to manage stress • Emotional management strategies to restore • Coaching psychology to build learning communities • Growth Mindset approaches to solving problems • Self-care practices to restore when needed • Celebrate achievements and success to feel valued 7 “When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters-one represents danger, the other represents opportunity.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy THE FACTS WHY PRIORITIZE YOUR WELLBEING?
  • 8. 8 GETTING STARTED - START WHERE YOU ARE Teachers are very good at assessing student learning, but when is the last time you actually thought about your own wellbeing to assess where you are right now? Knowing and improving your wellbeing is important because your stress levels can have an 8% variance on students’ academic performance (Teacher Support Network, UK, 2007). Anyway, enough theory and talking for now, lets be proactive and take some positive action. Below you will find a set of questions for you to answer that encourage you to think about you and how you manage the everyday stresses you face at work. TEACHER WELLBEING AUDIT How well do you support your wellbeing at work? Statements about our school…. (circle your response) Always Some-times Rarely 1 I often experience positive emotions at work such as joy, excitement and happiness 2 I am able to track the good stuff by either sharing it with others or writing it down myself 3 I frequently give positive feedback to both staff and students to recognize effort and achievements 4 I am able to receive positive feedback from others when they notice I have done a great job 5 I have the ability to manage my emotions in times of stress using specific strategies that do not impact negatively on others 6 I am aware and have identified my top 5 character strengths 7 I frequently plan ways to use my top 5 character strengths 8 I am able to spot character strengths in others and help them use them 9 I feel in the ‘flow’ in my classroom various times throughout the week 10 I frequently use language that promotes a strength-based mindset 11 I feel strongly supported by at least 2 other staff members at school 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
  • 9. 9 Statements about our school…. (circle your response) Always Some-times Rarely 12 I feel supported by the school executive with a strong sense of belonging 13 I am able to connect well with students and their parents to form great relationships 14 I offer frequent support to others with care, concern and compassion 15 I am able to ask for help or support when I need it most 16 I feel as my job has meaning and purpose on daily bases 17 I practice mindfulness at various time throughout the day 18 I often remind myself of why I entered teaching and what I love about it to stay motivated and not get caught up in the small stuff 19 I am mindful of my own actions and behaviour to be the best role model I can be for fellow staff and students 20 I am aware of my core values as a teacher and live these every day 21 I frequently set myself small goals each day or week and set about achieving them 22 I frequently celebrate my achievements with small rewards and sharing them with others 23 I frequently stop and reflect on everything I have achieved in a term and give myself a pat on the back 24 I have a clear vision of the type of teacher I want to be and how to be it 25 I recognize I am working as part of a larger team and strive to support the school vision 26 Overall, I love my job and love coming to work 27 Overall, I know I am good at my job and do it well 28 Overall, I feel supported by my school community 29 Overall, I know I am making some valuable contributions to others 30 Overall, I have contributed to some great achievements in my role 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 GETTING STARTED - START WHERE YOU ARE
  • 10. SO, HOW DID YOU GO? Add each column at the bottom Add across the subtotal of each column to give you a score out of 90 If you scored; 75 - 90 : Congratulations, you frequently use strategies to support your wellbeing. Keep doing what you are doing. Maybe even share some of your strategies with others through mentoring. 50 - 74 : It is great you are using some strategies to support your wellbeing, perhaps you could try a few more to ensure you have more consistent energy throughout the week. 0 – 49 : Have you heard the saying, put on your own oxygen mask before giving one to others? It is time for you to do somethings for yourself. Checkout www.teacher- for specific strategies you can use to be the best teacher for your students you can be. 10 GETTING STARTED START WHERE YOU ARE
  • 11. achievements you make each day? eg, the support you receive from staff and the partnerships you have with parents? Don’t brush over this concept too quickly. It is important to sit with this and deeply reflect on the types of conversations you have in the staffroom. Are you the person whinging all the time? Or the person celebrating successandachievements?Areyouthe person dampening others enthusiasm with comments like “we’ve tried that before and it didn’t do anything”, or are the you the person who encourages growth and new ideas? Of course, the reality is we are usually a bit of both of these people, but if you had to put a percentage on your positive to negative comments in the staffroom, honestly, what would your ratio be? Time to take FOUNDATION 1 HOW DO YOU COPE? The first foundation of wellbeing is Cognitive Wellbeing. Cognitive wellbeing refers to your mindset and ability to cope with the cognitive demands you face. Did you know you have 60,000 thoughts a day, and these are usually the same 60,000 thought you had the day before and the same before that. You see, your thoughts are not passive words that just roll through your head, they are powerful waves that direct your focus and your attention. We have choices every moment to think about what is working well or what isn’t. In a teaching day there is so much that happens and if we do not be more conscious of our thoughts, they become unconscious habits. So, my question to you is this? Are you someone who is always focussed on what is going wrong in a school day, eg, students misbehaving, staff underperforming and parents demanding? Or are you someone who focusses on the small “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill 11
  • 12. FOUNDATION 1 HOW DO YOU COPE? ACTION STEP 12 those action steps again… Set yourself a timer and spend 2 minutes making a list of all the challenges you face at work. Use the full amount of time, even if you just sit there thinking. Now, repeat the same exercise but this time write down all the things that work well at your school. Again, use the full 2 minutes. Which list was longer? Which list was easier to write? What does this tell you about where your focus is? The point of this is to find ways to better track the good stuff. One way I use is by using a Gratitude Journal App. Do a search on your phone and see how many amazing apps exist. Thiscomesfromthescienceofgratitude, where keeping a gratitude journal has been shown to have amazing benefits for people. If you want to know more about this science checkout Robert Emmons talk about his research and common practices for building gratitude – h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=8964envYh58
  • 14. 14 FOUNDATION 2 HOW DO YOU RESTORE? The next foundation of wellbeing to consider is Emotional Wellbeing Emotional wellbeing is closely related to emotional intelligence which refers to our ability to identify, manage and use our emotions in responsible and respectful ways. This means acknowledging our feelings, not hiding them, and being able to own our feelings, not blaming others for our circumstances. I remember there being many days where I was a little emotional pressure cooker, trying to remain professional, in control and respectful when sometimes all I want to do was scream or slap people in the face with a big wet fish. Either way, it was me and my emotions that I needed to manage. If I didn’t, I became one of the people that Blythe Rowe calls the bullies, bludgers or blamers. Speak to any teacher and they will tell you they do what they do because they care. Caring is an emotion and teaching is an emotional vocation that can be draining if we do not have strategies to switch off and restore the energythatwegivetoothers.However, research tells us that teachers tend to turn to negative strategies such as food, alcohol, caffeine or emotional withdrawal as a means for managing their emotions. The problem here, is that these are not restorative practices and only perpetuate the problem. Given that you as a teacher spend so much time pouring your energy outwards, research in the area of mindfulness tells us, that taking a few moments to go inwards, can be extremely beneficial. Mindfulness is the act of being present without judgement of what is happening, it is being aware and observing our thoughts. Some people think it is a Buddhist tradition, yet mindfulness has existed for centuries in many different forms. But mindfulness is not just meditation, it is more than this. It means stopping, being present, focussing
  • 15. FOUNDATION 2 HOW DO YOU RESTORE? ACTION STEP 15 Set yourself a time to become more mindful each day. This may involve doing a walking meditation whilst on playground duty (http://, a breathing meditation before going to bed (, or a focussed attention exercise whilst driving home in your car (as you drive simply list in your mind all the things you see in front of you – as your mind wanders, bring it back to what you see in the now). Remember the purpose here is to give energy back to yourself by stopping, breathing and bringing your attention to your own body as well as the here and now. It means stopping thinking about everyone else and everything you have to do, and prioritising yourself for 5 minutes a day. There is no right way for practicing mindfulness or meditation, find your way and have fun with it. “One can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf.” Jon Kabat-Zinn on our breath and restoring our own energy cup. Today, mindfulness has attracted a lot of scientists to research the impact meditation can have on the brain. Mindfulness activities have been shown to positively support teachers to better manage stress and increase resilience. The book “Mindfulness for Teachers” by Patricia A. Jennings, has extensive research and resources if you want to know more. How do you currently restore your own cup?
  • 17. 17 FOUNDATION 3 HOW DO YOU CONNECT WITH OTHERS? The next step on our wellbeing journey is exploring the foundation of Social Wellbeing. Of all the dimensions of wellbeing, this is actually the one that teachers do best. We connect in the staffroom, we gather at social functions and greet each other warmly. But let’s face it, there is always that one staff member who grates on your nerves, who seems to think differently to you and who is just plain weird. However, the majority are pretty supportive and when times are tough people tend to rally around and help each other. As teachers, we are all about giving and sharing with others, whether this be with students, parents or colleagues, however it is the type of connection we havethatmatters.Infact,ChrisPeterson, one of the founding fathers of Positive Psychology is well known for advocating that “other people matter”. Wellbeing is not something that is isolated to our own inner experience but comes from the types of connections we have with others as well.
  • 18. FOUNDATION 3 HOW DO YOU CONNECT WITH OTHERS? ACTION STEP 18 Spend the next week praising a colleague once a day with positive feedback. We do this all the time with students, but how often are we really doing it with colleagues? I don’t mean tokenistic praise either, I mean, real and genuine acknowledgement of tasks completed, effort applied and time spent on meeting requirements or outcomes. Start to notice the types of connections you are having with colleagues, are these based on positive feedback or negative feedback? Notice people’s responses, are there any changes? If so what? “Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Hard Battle” - Plato Thechallengehowever,isthatwehave a natural negative bias where we are trained to look for the negative. This means we more easily look for what is wrong than what is right. Add to this the fact that teachers are trained to give feedback on how to improve, which usually involves noticing weakness and areas for development, as we have a staffroom where colleagues are highlighting errors instead of achievements and weakness instead of instead of strengths. For example, I would spend hours upon hours preparing an excursion, only to have 4 people tell me there is one typo in my permission note. People rarely acknowledge all the things you have done in their feedback, instead highlighting what you haven’t done. This is a deficit-based model of feedback instead of a strength- based model of giving feedback. John Gottman, an expert in the field of relationships has identified we need to give more positive feedback to others than negative in order for a relationship to remain stable. He calls this the 5:1 Relationship ratio. So, what can you do?
  • 20. 20 FOUNDATION 4 HOW DO TREAT YOUR BODY? Let’s move onto the next foundation of wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing. Physical wellbeing refers to our decisions and actions when it comes to exercise, eating and sleeping. But before you roll your eyes, I’m not going to tell you to go to the gym, but what I am going to say is cut back on the sugar. Did you know sugar can directly influence your mood, your energy, your heart rate and your brain? Check out the facts about sugar and the impact it is having on your wellbeing how-sugar-affects-your-body Still not convinced, “That Sugar Film” ( watch?v=6uaWekLrilY), showcases the real-life impact sugar has on our bodies and it’s not from lollies. It’s the hidden sugars that matter. So, as teachers, let’s be more mindful with the snacks we put out at morning tea. Let’s put down the muffin and pick up the fruit? or sustained energy protein hit? Plan your diet better and it will have a dramatically positive impact on your mood, energy and thinking capacity. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), we should only be having 25 grams of sugar a day (6 teaspoons), yet most of us are having 15 teaspoons or more. Remember the point here is to encourage you to be more mindful of your choices. And yes……. We need to move more. Moving helps oxygenate our blood, “One can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf.” Jon Kabat-Zinn
  • 21. FOUNDATION 4 HOW DO YOU TREAT YOUR BODY? ACTION STEP 21 It’s now time to take more notice of the labels of the food you are eating, how much sugar is in your food? eg did you know there is the same amount of sugar in a small tub of diet yogurt as a Kit Kat? Have a go at some of these recipes from Sarah Wilson “I Quit Sugar” What about moving your body? Whatever you are already doing, increase it by 10%. This could mean walking the dog a longer distance, going to that yoga class you’ve been thinking about, downloading a Pilates app or YouTube video, or even creating a Fitbit Challenge with some co-workers. remove toxins and release stress chemicals that contribute to weight gain. So, let’s bend and stretch to start a meeting to open our mind and joints. let’sshakeoffanytensionandstrengthen our bodies and brains, let’s be kinder to our body so we are able to better able to manage stress, problem solve and be effective in role as educators.
  • 23. FOUNDATION 5 WHAT LEGACY DO YOU LEAVE? 23 Well, here we are at the final stage of building our wellbeing habits. To conclude our foundations, we reflect on our Spiritual Wellbeing. This refers to your sense of meaning and purpose, and is directly related to your values and beliefs. Did you know researchers in the field of psychology have identified that happiness and pleasure alone, known as hedonic wellbeing, is not enough for us to maintain our wellbeing, we also need eudemonic wellbeing which refers to how meaningful and purposeful we feel. When is the last time you remembered what drove you to teaching? What do you love about the job? What is most important to you as an educator? As a teacher, I would like to think that I have inspired every student who has been in front of me, however, the reality is probably a bit different. While I know I have left a lasting legacy with some, I also know that I have made many mistakes, said the wrong thing at times. However, I do know that I love teaching, am always looking to improve myself as a person and teacher, and frequently question my values and beliefs to ensure I act with integrity and authenticity.
  • 24. FOUNDATION 5 WHAT LEGACY DO YOU LEAVE? ACTION STEP 24 How do you see your job? Is it a career, a calling or just a job? Did it start as a calling and now it’s a job? Or is it still a calling? Either way, consider why you do what you do? What impact have you had on others over the past few years? Think about the students’ lives you have affected in positive ways? How many children, or perhaps now adults, are sharing stories around the dinner table that involve you as a critical factor in their learning or shaping their identity. Take a moment to stop and think about the legacy you have already left and the legacy you would like to leave in the future? Amy Wrzesniewski, Professor of Organizational Behavior at Yale School of Management, has identified that people who view their work as a “job” see it mainly as a means of income. Those who view it as a “career” frame work as a stepping stone along an occupational trajectory. This who see it as a “calling” are people who believe in the meaning of the work they do, regardless of pay or prestige. “Each man must look to himself to teach him the meaning of life. It is not something discovered: it is something moulded” Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve
  • 26. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain” 26 NOW WHAT? THE NEXT STEP Thankyou again for downloading this ebook, I hope you have enjoyed exploring the 5 Foundations of Teacher Wellbeing. Remember, wellbeing is not static, the key to building wellbeing habits is small actions every day. Each of your reflection pages form the basis of your own wellbeing plan. The next step is for you to keep up these actions in your own way. If you are looking for little reminders on a daily basis, perhaps a pack of 52 Teacher Wellbeing cards will work best for you (you can buy these at www. If you are looking to learn more theory, tools and resources, you can join me online with Teacher Training Australia (TTA) in my “Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit” or “Mentoring Made Easy” courses. Both are 6 hrs NESA approved courses. And finally, if you want to experience firsthand the habits of wellbeing, by having me come to your school for a keynote, workshop or consulting, then email me at daniela@teacher- Thanks again for taking this journey with me, I hope it has proved useful and remember YOU MATTER. Daniela Falecki
  • 27. 27 ABOUT DANIELA FALECKI Daniela Falecki, B.Ed (Physical Ed & Health), M.Ed (Leadership), is a passionate educator with over twenty years’ experience across primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of education. Daniela has experience in both government and independent schools, and has seen first-hand the challenges teachers face. Daniela is committed to providing teachers with evidence-based strategies for optimal functioning through consulting, coaching and training. Daniela holds a Masters in Education (Leadership) from Western Sydney university, a Bachelor of Education from the University of Wollongong, a Certificate in Rudolf Steiner Education from Parsifal College and is a certified LifeCoachandNLPPractitioner.Daniela is a Senior Associate for the Positivity Institute with Dr Suzy Green and a member of the International Coach Federation and International Positive Psychology Association. Daniela also currently lectures at Western Sydney University in Educational Psychology, Pedagogy and Wellbeing. In 2014 Daniela was placed in the top 3 for “Lecturer of the Year” as rated by students for her engaging style. As an educator Daniela has specialized in the area of pastoral care and mentoring in her roles as Year Advisor, beginner teacher mentor, Head Teacher, Curriculum advisor for NSW Department of Education and Communities as well as the Association
  • 28. of Independent Schools (AIS). Daniela also operated as the NSW Manager for a National Outdoor Education company (OEG), where she liaised with the top 10 private schools in Sydney to deliver high quality programs specialising in leadership, resilience and relationships for both staff and students. Daniela continues to work across all sectors of education including the development of BOSTES accredited online mentoring programs for teachers that embed Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology within education. This includes programs written for the University of Sydney and Western Sydney University in the areas of early career teachers, supervising teachers of pre-service teachers, university advisors and indigenous teachers. Daniela is also a sought after speaker at schools and conferences across Australia known as the “Keep-it- Real Teacher”. Daniela’s style is often described as highly motivating, inspiring, engaging, practical, and most of all realistic for teachers in today’s dynamic environment. Remember to support your own wellbeing too – you may just be the best vision of wellbeing students have Daniela Falecki ABOUT DANIELA FALECKI