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Lexical field, semantic
features, and
componential analysis

 Assist.Prof.Wichan Sunitham
      001446 Lecture # 6
Ferdinand de Saussure
Swiss linguist and expert in historical linguistics
whose lectures laid the foundations for synchronic
linguistics (1857-1913)

                       Cours de linguistique
                    Course in General Linguistics

The first of the basic principles
to which Saussure refers is that
the relationship between the
signifier and the signified is
arbitrary. The term "arbitrary,"
he points out, "should not
imply that the choice is left
entirely to the speaker." Rather
it means that the signifier-
signified relationship is
"unmotivated"; that is, there is
no "natural connection" or any
intrinsic reason why a
particular sound-image should
be linked with a particular
Lexical fields
A lexeme can be defined by what 'set' it belongs to and how it differs from
ather members of the same set.

Lexical fields
man                       woman                  child

An adult male human      An adult female human A young human
                                  [-male]        [-adult]

   What is a shared semantic feature?

   What are other semantic features?
   [adult]            [male]       [female]        [young]
Lexical fields
[adult]    [male]    [female]   [young]

[+adult]   [+male]   [-male]    [-adult]

                                           Binary features
Lexical fields
man                     woman                      boy               girl
   [+human]         [+adult]     [+male]           [-male]       [-adult]

bull             cow                     calf
   [+mammal]        [+bovine]        [+male]       [-male]       [-adult]

rooster                        hen                 chicken
                         [+male]         [-male]      [+adult]   [-adult]
Lexical fields
drake                 duck         duckling
   [+fowl]       [+adult]    [+male]   [-male]   [-adult]

stallion               mare               foal
   [+horse]      [+adult]    [+male]   [-male]   [-adult]

ram             ewe                lamb
   [+sheep]      [+adult]    [+male]   [-male]   [-adult]
Lexical decomposition
                 Furniture Being for            Having
                 Used for          one            back
                  sitting        person         support
                    +               +              -               +/-
  Stool             +               +              +               +/-
  Chair             +               -              +                -
 Bench              +               -              +               +
Kreidler, 1998
                            What is the shared semantic feature?
Lexical decomposition

             So fat that   Having     Fatter     Fat in a   Having fat Causing
             can be        rounded    than usual pleasant   but large  offense
             bad for       body or               way        and
             health        parts of                         strong
                           body                             body

overweight           -        -          +            -         -          -
                              -                       -         -           -
                 +                       -
                 -            +           -           +         -           -
                 -                        -           +         -           -
chubby                        +                                             -
                 -            -           -           -         +
                 -            -           -           -         +           -
big              -            -           -           -          -         +
Lexical decomposition

สารานุกรมไทยสำาหรับเยาวชน เล่มที่ ๒๒
Lexical decomposition

Sirivimol.indd Sirivimol Sukrasorn and Amara Prasithrathsint, 2011
Lexical decomposition




Semantic roles

Semantic change
Semantic Roles:
Interplay between
Syntax and Semantics

Assist.Prof.Wichan Sunitham
    001446 Lecture # 7
Lexical decomposition


         march    `1


Thematic relations
The children played cards in that room
  agent                    Theme
        When children, animals, or perhaps adults play, they spend time
        doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in

      What 'enjoyable things' did they spend time doing?
      Cards      Syntax = Complement (direct object)
                 Semantics = Theme (its role as an entity
                              that is played)
      Where did they play cards?
      In that room Syntax = Prepositional phrase functioning advbl
                    Semantics = Location (its role as a place where
                                 an event takes place)
      Who played cards?
      The children Syntax = Subject
                    Semantics = Agent (its role as the entity that
Thematic relations                     Stimulus

 What interests me is all the histories of this place
 Who is interested in something?
 me     Syntax = Complement (direct object)
        Semantics = Experiencer (its role as an entity
                    that receives sensory or emotional input)

 What interests me?
 All the histories of this place
         Syntax = Sujbect complement
        Semantics = Stimulus (its role as an entity
                    that stimulates psychological response)
Thematic relations                       Causer

 Chiang Mai was devastated by the flood.
 What changed Chiang Mai?
 The flood Syntax = Object of the preposition
             Semantics = Causer/Causative (its role as an entity
                         that causes a change)

 What was flooded?
 Chiang Mai
       Syntax = Sujbect
         Semantics = Patient (its role as an entity
                     that undergoes an action and changes its
Thematic relationsInstrument
 The author used only his pen and paper to help send these
           people back to their home countries. Direction
 What did the author use to to help send people to their countries?
  his pen and paper Syntax = Dircet object
             Semantics = Instrument (its role as a means
                          by which an action is performed)

  Where were the people sent to?
  to their home countries
           Syntax = Prepositional phrase functioning adverbially
         Semantics = Goal/Direction (its role as an a place where
                     an action is directed towards)
Thematic relations
My uncle has three children to take care of
 Who has three children?
 My uncle Syntax = Subject
               Semantics = Possessor (its role as an entity that
                                 owns something)

 Who are under the care of my uncle?
 three children
        Syntax = Direct object
        Semantics = Benefactor/Benefaciary (its role as an entity
                    for whom direct benefit is done)
Thematic relations                      Source

The teacher gave me a book from New York
 Who receives a book?
 me        Syntax = Indirect object
           Semantics = Recipient (its role as an entity that
                              receives the transfer of ownership)

 Where was the book from?
 from New York
       Syntax = Preposition phrase functioning adjectivally
        Semantics = Source/Origin (its role as an entity
                    from which an entity originates)
Thematic relations                      Time

He did his homework with great care yesterday to impress
   the teacher            Manner
 When did he do his homework?
 yesterday Syntax = Adverb
           Semantics = Time (its role as a point of time at
                              which an action/event occurs)

 How was the homework done?
 with great care
         Syntax = Prepositional phrase functioning adverbially
        Semantics = Manner (its role as a manner showing how
                    an action is carried out)
Thematic relations
 1. Peter died in a car accident.

 2. Regrettably, our flat cannot house everyone in your group.

 3. My mother has never seen snow before.

 4. My friend paid his landlord partly this month.

 5. He pused his way through to the edge of the crowd.

 6. An economic downturn put thousands of workers out of work.

 7. Unless they are given a raise they asked for, all workers
    will burn the factory. The committee will consider this
    in the afternoon and will negotiate with authorities.
Semantic change
- Broadening
- Narrowing
- Melioration

          Semantic change
          - Pejoration
          - Metaphorization
          - Metonymization
Semantic Shift:
constant meaning
variation over time

 Assist.Prof.Wichan Sunitham
    001446 Lectures # 8-9
The Gay Divorce (1934)
Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo (1941)
Punch magazine (1857)

The Great Social Evil.
Time:- Midnight. A ketch not a Hundred
        Miles from the Haymarket.
Bella. “Ah! Fanny! How long have you
       been Gay1”
Joyful, carefree, bright and showy

               addicted to pleasures and dissipations
                  A gay woman = a prostitute
                  A gay man = a womanizer
                  A gay house = a brothel

What changes language
 1.Need of Language users
    Technologies   To google (v)       To macturbate (v)
    Products       To xerox (v)    โกเต๊ก        ค๊อนเหวิร์ส

    Experience      Rubber (n) (Am.)

 2.Group identity/culture
    Zups?        ชิว ชิว
What changes language
   เกาเหลา      เลิศ   ติ๊ด

 4.Word order

 4.Sound change
Traditional typology of meaning change
    Melioration /Elevation                  Pejoration / Degradation

The meaning change from pejorative to   The process by which the meaning of a word
neutral or positively pleasant          becomes negative or less elevated over a
                                        period of time
  Knight    = a boy (Anglo-Saxon)
   a title of rank= a boy (through
   military and feudal associations)

  Minister = a servant
   a head of the government

  Luxury    = lust
   enjoyment of expensive things

Traditional typology of meaning change
     Melioration /Elevation                                Pejoration / Degradation

The meaning change from pejorative to                  The process by which the meaning of a word
neutral or positively pleasant                         becomes negative or less elevated over a
                                                       period of time
 เหย้า         = สถานทีอยู่อาศัย (หลักศิลาจารึก
      สถานทีทให้ความอบอุ่น (“คืนสู่เหย้า")
            ่ ี่
 ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย (คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร)

  แรง          = กำาลัง

 คนกลาง = หญิงทีมีผวแล้วเป็นชูกับชายอื่น
                ่ ั           ้
 เนติมา พัฒนากุล (วิทยานิพนธ์)
Traditional typology of meaning change
    Melioration /Elevation                  Pejoration / Degradation

The meaning change from pejorative to   The process by which the meaning of a word
neutral or positively pleasant          becomes negative or less elevated over a
                                        period of time
                                        Bitch = a female dog -->female speicies
                                                of quadrupeds
                                             lewd, unchaste female
                                        BORKOWSKA and KLEPARSKI (2007)

                                        Rude        = cool (dancehall and hiphop)
                                         not polite
                                        Hallmann (n.d.)
                                        Fuck = (Germanic) to knock/to strike (origin
                                         (Taboo) have sexual intercourse with

                                        Fairrman (2007)
Traditional typology of meaning change
    Melioration /Elevation                          Pejoration / Degradation

The meaning change from pejorative to         The process by which the meaning of a word
neutral or positively pleasant                becomes negative or less elevated over a
                                              period of time

                                        = ชอบ(ใครจกกมกกเหลนิ เหลนิ ใครจกกมกกหว
                                               โลภ (มักมาก)
                                              บ่า ว     = ชายหนุ่ม
                                              ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย (คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร)

                                              แพ้          = ชนะ

                                               BORKOWSKA and KLEPARSKI (2007)
Traditional typology of meaning change
Widening/Broadening/Generalization/extension            Narrowing/Specialization/Restriction

 Range of meanings increases so words can             Range of meanings decreases so words can
 be used in more contexts than were                   be used appropriately only in fewer contxts
 appropriate                                          than before
 = Table upon which cups or vessels were placed
    Closet or cabin with shelves for
    keeping cups and dishes

  Kleenex = a trademark used for facial tissue
    a kind of soft paper tissue, used esp
    as a handerchief

   Fuck           = to have sexual intercourse with

Traditional typology of meaning change
Widening/Broadening/Generalization/extension               Narrowing/Specialization/Restriction

 Range of meanings increases so words can                Range of meanings decreases so words can
 be used in more contexts than were                      be used appropriately only in fewer contxts
 appropriate                                             than before

    อา      = น้องสาวของพ่อ
     น้องสาวของพ่อ และน้องชายของพ่อ
     (เมือก่อนน้องชายพ่อเรียก อาว์

   เทครัว = การหนีจากบ้านเรือนอพยพไปทังครอบ
             ครัว (อักขราภิธานศรับท์)
     ยกครัว กวาดครัว ได้เป็นภรรยาทังแม่
     และลูก หรือทังพีและน้อง (ราชบัณฑิต
                  ้ ่

   ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย (คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร)
Traditional typology of meaning change
Widening/Broadening/Generalization/extension    Narrowing/Specialization/Restriction

 Range of meanings increases so words can   Range of meanings decreases so words can
 be used in more contexts than were         be used appropriately only in fewer contxts
 appropriate                                than before

                                               girl = young person of any gender
                                               young person, which is restricted to
                                               only female
                                               Hallmann (n.d.)

                                               chauffeur         = a man who stocks a fire
                                                 driver → driver with motor vehicles
                                               BORKOWSKA and KLEPARSKI (2007)
Traditional typology of meaning change
Widening/Broadening/Generalization/extension    Narrowing/Specialization/Restriction

 Range of meanings increases so words can   Range of meanings decreases so words can
 be used in more contexts than were         be used appropriately only in fewer contxts
 appropriate                                than before

                                               บ้า น   = หมู่บ้าน (หมู่บ้าน - บ้าน+ชือ)

                                               ขบ                  = กัด (งูขบ หมาขบ)
                                                 อาการกัดที่เฉพาะ คือใช้ฟนหน้ากัดให้แตก

                                               ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย (คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร)

                                               จาริก                  = การเดินทาง

                                               ปราณี กุลวนิชย์
Traditional typology of meaning change
         Metaphor                                          Metonymy
้้The process of change through perceived      The process of change through includsion of
similarity                                     additional senses (not present originally but
                                               closely associated with original meaning)
tea     = type of drink
   evening meal accompanied by
   drinking tea

Hitler    = a man called by the last name
   Sadist, cruel man

 stud       = male animals used for breeding

  good-looking sexy man

 chill   = to cool
  relaxed, calm down
Traditional typology of meaning change
          Metaphor                                         Metonymy
้้The process of change through perceived      The process of change through includsion of
similarity                                     additional senses (not present originally but
                                               closely associated with original meaning)
ควาย= สัตว์สเท้า มักใช้แทนแรงงานในภาคกสิกรรม
   คนโง่ คนไม่ฉลาด

ไม้    = ท่อนไม้
   คน (ไม้ออน ไม้แก่)

 มือ ขวา = มือด้านขวา
  ผู้ช่วย คนสนิท ที่คอยช่วยเหลืออย่าง
Traditional typology of meaning change
         Metaphor                                          Metonymy
้้The process of change through perceived     The process of change through includsion of
similarity                                    additional senses (not present originally but
                                              closely associated with original meaning)

                                            Washington        = the city of Washington

                                                 The state or local government

                                             eye       = body part
                                                   loved one (you are the apple of my
Traditional typology of meaning change
         Metaphor                                       Metonymy
้้The process of change through perceived   The process of change through includsion of
similarity                                  additional senses (not present originally but
                                            closely associated with original meaning)

                                            หัว หงอก    = ศรีษะมีผมสีขาว

                                            มือ ขวา = มือด้านขวา

                                             ผู้ชวย คนสนิท ทีคอยช่วยเหลืออย่าง
                                                 ่           ่
ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย - การเปลี่ยนแปลงทางความหมาย (เอกสารประกอบคำาสอน)

Paulina BORKOWSKA, Grzegorz A. KLEPARSKI. 2007. ZESZYT,

เนติมา พัฒนกุล - การวิเคราะห์การเปลี่ยนแปลงทางความหมายของคำาในหนังสืออักขราภิธาน
ศรับท์ของหมอบรัดเลย์ (๒๕๔๙) (วิทยานิพนธ์มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร)

Fairman, Chirstopher M. 2007. Fuck. Available: (access Dec

Hollmann, Willem B. n.d. Semantic change (source incomplete)

ปราณี  กุลละวณิชย์. ๒๕๔๕. กลไกทีทำาให้ภาษาเปลี่ยนแปลง. การเปลียนแปลงของภาษา ใน     เอกสารการสอนชุดวิชา  ภาษาไทย ๓ หน่วยที่ ๗-๑๕. พิมพ์ครั้งที 
                                  ่                           ่                                                                              ่
๑๐. นนทบุรี:       มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมธิราช.

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3th – study of english - 6th grade – 2012 – april –1st quarter - Teacher Pa...
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  • 1. Lexical field, semantic features, and componential analysis Assist.Prof.Wichan Sunitham 001446 Lecture # 6
  • 2. Ferdinand de Saussure Swiss linguist and expert in historical linguistics whose lectures laid the foundations for synchronic linguistics (1857-1913) Cours de linguistique Course in General Linguistics (1916) Signified Signifier
  • 3. The first of the basic principles to which Saussure refers is that the relationship between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary. The term "arbitrary," he points out, "should not imply that the choice is left entirely to the speaker." Rather it means that the signifier- signified relationship is "unmotivated"; that is, there is no "natural connection" or any intrinsic reason why a particular sound-image should be linked with a particular concept.
  • 4. Lexical fields A lexeme can be defined by what 'set' it belongs to and how it differs from ather members of the same set. Sports
  • 5. Lexical fields man woman child An adult male human An adult female human A young human [-male] [-adult] What is a shared semantic feature? [Human] What are other semantic features? [adult] [male] [female] [young]
  • 6. Lexical fields [adult] [male] [female] [young] [+adult] [+male] [-male] [-adult] Binary features
  • 7. Lexical fields man woman boy girl [+human] [+adult] [+male] [-male] [-adult] bull cow calf [+mammal] [+bovine] [+male] [-male] [-adult] rooster hen chicken [+fowl] [+male] [-male] [+adult] [-adult] [+poultry]
  • 8. Lexical fields drake duck duckling [+fowl] [+adult] [+male] [-male] [-adult] [+poultry] stallion mare foal [+horse] [+adult] [+male] [-male] [-adult] ram ewe lamb [+sheep] [+adult] [+male] [-male] [-adult]
  • 9. Lexical decomposition Furniture Being for Having Upholstery Used for one back sitting person support + + - +/- Stool + + + +/- Chair + - + - Bench + - + + Sofa Kreidler, 1998 What is the shared semantic feature?
  • 10. Lexical decomposition So fat that Having Fatter Fat in a Having fat Causing can be rounded than usual pleasant but large offense bad for body or way and health parts of strong body body overweight - - + - - - - - - - + - obese - + - + - - - - + - - chubby + - - - - - + plump - - - - + - big - - - - - + well-built
  • 12. Lexical decomposition Sirivimol.indd Sirivimol Sukrasorn and Amara Prasithrathsint, 2011
  • 13. Lexical decomposition walk march run limp
  • 15. Semantic Roles: Interplay between Syntax and Semantics Assist.Prof.Wichan Sunitham 001446 Lecture # 7
  • 16. Lexical decomposition walk march `1 run limp
  • 17. Thematic relations The children played cards in that room Location agent Theme When children, animals, or perhaps adults play, they spend time doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in games. What 'enjoyable things' did they spend time doing? Cards Syntax = Complement (direct object) Semantics = Theme (its role as an entity that is played) Where did they play cards? In that room Syntax = Prepositional phrase functioning advbl Semantics = Location (its role as a place where an event takes place) Who played cards? The children Syntax = Subject Semantics = Agent (its role as the entity that
  • 18. Thematic relations Stimulus What interests me is all the histories of this place Experiencer Who is interested in something? me Syntax = Complement (direct object) Semantics = Experiencer (its role as an entity that receives sensory or emotional input) What interests me? All the histories of this place Syntax = Sujbect complement Semantics = Stimulus (its role as an entity that stimulates psychological response)
  • 19. Thematic relations Causer Chiang Mai was devastated by the flood. Patient What changed Chiang Mai? The flood Syntax = Object of the preposition Semantics = Causer/Causative (its role as an entity that causes a change) What was flooded? Chiang Mai Syntax = Sujbect Semantics = Patient (its role as an entity that undergoes an action and changes its state)
  • 20. Thematic relationsInstrument The author used only his pen and paper to help send these people back to their home countries. Direction What did the author use to to help send people to their countries? his pen and paper Syntax = Dircet object Semantics = Instrument (its role as a means by which an action is performed) Where were the people sent to? to their home countries Syntax = Prepositional phrase functioning adverbially Semantics = Goal/Direction (its role as an a place where an action is directed towards)
  • 21. Thematic relations Benefactor My uncle has three children to take care of Possessor Who has three children? My uncle Syntax = Subject Semantics = Possessor (its role as an entity that owns something) Who are under the care of my uncle? three children Syntax = Direct object Semantics = Benefactor/Benefaciary (its role as an entity for whom direct benefit is done)
  • 22. Thematic relations Source The teacher gave me a book from New York Recipient Who receives a book? me Syntax = Indirect object Semantics = Recipient (its role as an entity that receives the transfer of ownership) Where was the book from? from New York Syntax = Preposition phrase functioning adjectivally Semantics = Source/Origin (its role as an entity from which an entity originates)
  • 23. Thematic relations Time He did his homework with great care yesterday to impress the teacher Manner When did he do his homework? yesterday Syntax = Adverb Semantics = Time (its role as a point of time at which an action/event occurs) How was the homework done? with great care Syntax = Prepositional phrase functioning adverbially Semantics = Manner (its role as a manner showing how an action is carried out)
  • 24. Thematic relations 1. Peter died in a car accident. 2. Regrettably, our flat cannot house everyone in your group. 3. My mother has never seen snow before. 4. My friend paid his landlord partly this month. 5. He pused his way through to the edge of the crowd. 6. An economic downturn put thousands of workers out of work. 7. Unless they are given a raise they asked for, all workers will burn the factory. The committee will consider this in the afternoon and will negotiate with authorities.
  • 25. Semantic change - Broadening - Narrowing - Melioration Semantic change - Pejoration - Metaphorization - Metonymization
  • 26. Semantic Shift: constant meaning variation over time Assist.Prof.Wichan Sunitham 001446 Lectures # 8-9
  • 27.
  • 28. The Gay Divorce (1934)
  • 29. Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo (1941)
  • 30. Punch magazine (1857) The Great Social Evil. Time:- Midnight. A ketch not a Hundred Miles from the Haymarket. Bella. “Ah! Fanny! How long have you been Gay1”
  • 31. Joyful, carefree, bright and showy addicted to pleasures and dissipations A gay woman = a prostitute A gay man = a womanizer A gay house = a brothel Homosexuality
  • 32. What changes language 1.Need of Language users Technologies To google (v) To macturbate (v) Products To xerox (v) โกเต๊ก ค๊อนเหวิร์ส Experience Rubber (n) (Am.) 2.Group identity/culture Zups? ชิว ชิว
  • 33.
  • 34. What changes language 3.Borrowings เกาเหลา เลิศ ติ๊ด 4.Word order 4.Sound change
  • 35. Traditional typology of meaning change Melioration /Elevation Pejoration / Degradation The meaning change from pejorative to The process by which the meaning of a word neutral or positively pleasant becomes negative or less elevated over a period of time Knight = a boy (Anglo-Saxon) a title of rank= a boy (through military and feudal associations) Minister = a servant a head of the government department Luxury = lust enjoyment of expensive things BORKOWSKA and KLEPARSKI (2007)
  • 36. Traditional typology of meaning change Melioration /Elevation Pejoration / Degradation The meaning change from pejorative to The process by which the meaning of a word neutral or positively pleasant becomes negative or less elevated over a period of time เหย้า = สถานทีอยู่อาศัย (หลักศิลาจารึก ่ พ่อขุนรามคำาแหง) สถานทีทให้ความอบอุ่น (“คืนสู่เหย้า") ่ ี่ ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย (คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร) แรง = กำาลัง มั่นใจเรื่องการแสดงออก คนกลาง = หญิงทีมีผวแล้วเป็นชูกับชายอื่น ่ ั ้ ผู้ไม่เข้าข้างฝ่ายโน้นฝ่ายนี้ในเหตุการณ์ที่ เกิดขึน้ เนติมา พัฒนากุล (วิทยานิพนธ์)
  • 37. Traditional typology of meaning change Melioration /Elevation Pejoration / Degradation The meaning change from pejorative to The process by which the meaning of a word neutral or positively pleasant becomes negative or less elevated over a period of time Bitch = a female dog -->female speicies of quadrupeds lewd, unchaste female BORKOWSKA and KLEPARSKI (2007) Rude = cool (dancehall and hiphop) not polite Hallmann (n.d.) Fuck = (Germanic) to knock/to strike (origin unclear) (Taboo) have sexual intercourse with Fairrman (2007)
  • 38. Traditional typology of meaning change Melioration /Elevation Pejoration / Degradation The meaning change from pejorative to The process by which the meaning of a word neutral or positively pleasant becomes negative or less elevated over a period of time มัก = ชอบ(ใครจกกมกกเหลนิ เหลนิ ใครจกกมกกหว ศิลาจารึกของพ่อขุนรามคำาแหง โลภ (มักมาก) บ่า ว = ชายหนุ่ม คนรับใช้ ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย (คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร) แพ้ = ชนะ ไม่ชนะ BORKOWSKA and KLEPARSKI (2007)
  • 39. Traditional typology of meaning change Widening/Broadening/Generalization/extension Narrowing/Specialization/Restriction Range of meanings increases so words can Range of meanings decreases so words can be used in more contexts than were be used appropriately only in fewer contxts appropriate than before Cupboard = Table upon which cups or vessels were placed Closet or cabin with shelves for keeping cups and dishes Kleenex = a trademark used for facial tissue a kind of soft paper tissue, used esp as a handerchief Fuck = to have sexual intercourse with Swear Intensifier BORKOWSKA and KLEPARSKI (2007)
  • 40. Traditional typology of meaning change Widening/Broadening/Generalization/extension Narrowing/Specialization/Restriction Range of meanings increases so words can Range of meanings decreases so words can be used in more contexts than were be used appropriately only in fewer contxts appropriate than before อา = น้องสาวของพ่อ น้องสาวของพ่อ และน้องชายของพ่อ (เมือก่อนน้องชายพ่อเรียก อาว์ ่ เทครัว = การหนีจากบ้านเรือนอพยพไปทังครอบ ้ ครัว (อักขราภิธานศรับท์) ยกครัว กวาดครัว ได้เป็นภรรยาทังแม่ ้ และลูก หรือทังพีและน้อง (ราชบัณฑิต ้ ่ ๒๕๔๒) ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย (คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร)
  • 41. Traditional typology of meaning change Widening/Broadening/Generalization/extension Narrowing/Specialization/Restriction Range of meanings increases so words can Range of meanings decreases so words can be used in more contexts than were be used appropriately only in fewer contxts appropriate than before girl = young person of any gender young person, which is restricted to only female Hallmann (n.d.) chauffeur = a man who stocks a fire driver → driver with motor vehicles BORKOWSKA and KLEPARSKI (2007)
  • 42. Traditional typology of meaning change Widening/Broadening/Generalization/extension Narrowing/Specialization/Restriction Range of meanings increases so words can Range of meanings decreases so words can be used in more contexts than were be used appropriately only in fewer contxts appropriate than before บ้า น = หมู่บ้าน (หมู่บ้าน - บ้าน+ชือ) ่ สถานที่อยู่อาศัยของครอบครัว ขบ = กัด (งูขบ หมาขบ) อาการกัดที่เฉพาะ คือใช้ฟนหน้ากัดให้แตก ั ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย (คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร) จาริก = การเดินทาง การเดินทางไปแสวงบุญทางศาสนา ปราณี กุลวนิชย์
  • 43. Traditional typology of meaning change Metaphor Metonymy ้้The process of change through perceived The process of change through includsion of similarity additional senses (not present originally but closely associated with original meaning) tea = type of drink evening meal accompanied by drinking tea Hitler = a man called by the last name Sadist, cruel man BORKOWSKA and KLEPARSKI (2007) stud = male animals used for breeding good-looking sexy man chill = to cool relaxed, calm down
  • 44. Traditional typology of meaning change Metaphor Metonymy ้้The process of change through perceived The process of change through includsion of similarity additional senses (not present originally but closely associated with original meaning) ควาย= สัตว์สเท้า มักใช้แทนแรงงานในภาคกสิกรรม ี่ คนโง่ คนไม่ฉลาด ไม้ = ท่อนไม้ คน (ไม้ออน ไม้แก่) ่ มือ ขวา = มือด้านขวา ผู้ช่วย คนสนิท ที่คอยช่วยเหลืออย่าง ใกล้ชิด
  • 45. Traditional typology of meaning change Metaphor Metonymy ้้The process of change through perceived The process of change through includsion of similarity additional senses (not present originally but closely associated with original meaning) Washington = the city of Washington The state or local government eye = body part loved one (you are the apple of my eyes)
  • 46. Traditional typology of meaning change Metaphor Metonymy ้้The process of change through perceived The process of change through includsion of similarity additional senses (not present originally but closely associated with original meaning) หัว หงอก = ศรีษะมีผมสีขาว คนแก่ มือ ขวา = มือด้านขวา ผู้ชวย คนสนิท ทีคอยช่วยเหลืออย่าง ่ ่ ใกล้ชดิ
  • 47.
  • 48. ศุภชัย ต๊ะวิชัย - การเปลี่ยนแปลงทางความหมาย (เอกสารประกอบคำาสอน) Paulina BORKOWSKA, Grzegorz A. KLEPARSKI. 2007. ZESZYT, 47. เนติมา พัฒนกุล - การวิเคราะห์การเปลี่ยนแปลงทางความหมายของคำาในหนังสืออักขราภิธาน ศรับท์ของหมอบรัดเลย์ (๒๕๔๙) (วิทยานิพนธ์มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร) Fairman, Chirstopher M. 2007. Fuck. Available: (access Dec 2012) Hollmann, Willem B. n.d. Semantic change (source incomplete) ปราณี  กุลละวณิชย์. ๒๕๔๕. กลไกทีทำาให้ภาษาเปลี่ยนแปลง. การเปลียนแปลงของภาษา ใน     เอกสารการสอนชุดวิชา  ภาษาไทย ๓ หน่วยที่ ๗-๑๕. พิมพ์ครั้งที  ่ ่ ่ ๑๐. นนทบุรี: มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมธิราช.