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Repositioning User Experience as a
Strategic Process



Liam Friedland
Jon Innes

Workshop Slides
UPA ‗03, ‗04, ‗05, ‘06
CHI ‗04, ‗05, ‘06
User Friendly ‗07
Conceptual Framework for Tutorial

 key processes                    Moving to a strategic orientation

                                  Framework as a means for thinking
operational                        about UX activities as they relate to core
                                   business processes

                                  Benefit from a
organizational                     systematic, structured, approach

                                  Process areas function as lenses to
                                   focus thinking and approach

                                  Interaction between key processes to
                                   create business value-add

                                                     © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland

User Experience
The user experience group deals with all aspects of
user‘s interactions with the product: how it is
perceived, learned, and used. It includes ease of use
and most important of all, the needs the product

   -Don Norman in The Invisible Computer

                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland

                              The structured work processes which lead to a
                              desired set of outputs (physical, knowledge, etc)

                              Groupings of people that provide concentrations of
              organization    specialized expertise, work experience, and skills.

                              A detailed plan for achieving success in situations
              strategy        such as war, politics, business, industry or
                              sport, or the skill of planning for such situations.
                                   -Cambridge Dictionary Online

                                                                  © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Why We Must Reposition UX as Strategic

   Non-strategic organizations are targets for downsizing

   Our role is unclear to many key decision makers

   Shrinking margins lead to closer analysis of costs & ROI

   Global, offshore, and outsourced production models

   Maturing technology markets—design as differentiator

   Scope and sophistication of technology-based products

                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Why Is UX Strategic?

   UX becomes a differentiating factor in a commodity market
       Technologies mature and become mainstream
       Competitors develop comparable offerings over time
       Mainstream markets value UX more than early adopters

   Effective UX organizations lower costs and reduce risks
       High quality design specifications improve project planning
       Allows management to accurately determine value of end product
       Improved communications = reduced errors and improved efficiency

   High technology businesses are maturing
       Design becomes a more distinct phase separate from development
       Development of products becoming more like manufacturing

                                                   © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
One External Worldview of UX Group

Standard View: Consulting / Service Organization

     Design: Makes things look good
     Usability: Tests to find bugs after the code                    Need to
      is working                                                      move from
     Not a core business competency
     Important but not essential
     Practitioners don‘t have a good sense of
      business issues

                                               © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Strategic Worldview of UX Group

New Framework: Strategic Function

     User-centered product planning informs all
      aspects of product direction
     Essential to product development—cannot
      be done without UX                                                …to this

     Key contributions throughout the
      development cycle
     Business value is large, wide-ranging, and
     Quantifiable, reproducible, high-quality

                                                 © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Run UX Like a Business

Optimize based on the following:
   What you produce
   How efficiently you produce it
   Justify what you charge to your customers (ROI)
   Effectively leverage your value-network
   Market your products and services effectively
   Tap into the market trends for UX

Could you sell your business plan to investors?

                                              © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Operational Processes

 key processes                    Core technical skills and
                                  UX and the product development

                                  Cost and benefit models of UX

                                  Business Value: Identifying the
strategic                          visible & hidden value propositions
                                   in UX techniques

                                                   © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Symbiotic Operational Skills




                                 © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Complimentary Outputs


          Information                 Interaction
          Architecture                  Design


            Concept                    Visual
           Prototyping                 Design


                                        © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Areas of Expertise—User Research

   Cataloging detailed information on users
       Key activities
       Goals & Tasks
       Needs & Wants

   Understanding human factors relating to product design
       Cognitive
       Physical

   Focusing on contexts of product use
       Communities
       Interactions
       Collaborations

                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Deliverables—User Research

   User research is only useful when the information it creates
    reaches others and impacts organizational behavior

   The tangible deliverables are reports and presentations that

       User requirements and profile data (formative)
         •   Surveys
         •   Field studies
         •   Formative usability tests

       Design defects and enhancements (refining)
         •   Heuristic reviews
         •   Cognitive walkthroughs
         •   Field studies
         •   Usability tests

                                                © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Areas of Expertise—Design

   Creates tangible artifacts by synthesizing data from multiple
    requirements streams
       Marketing
       Technical
       Legal
       Usage
       Aesthetics

   Problem solving
       Exploring multiple solution spaces
       Rapid, iterative processes

   Visualization
       Information / Messaging / Branding
       Structure / Behavior
       Form / Ergonomics

                                             © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland

   Design is only useful when it generates specifications
    from which products can be built

   Prototypes & specifications serve as detailed plans for
    building products and should cover:
       Software
         •   Information architecture / Navigation
         •   Interaction
         •   Screen layout / Terminology
         •   Branding elements (product graphics & identity)

       Hardware
         •   Form
         •   Materials
         •   Branding elements (colors, finishes, product graphics)

                                                      © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Development Cycle & Potential UX Activities

     Planning                        Alpha                       Beta                         GA
 Field studies                Design refinement         Design refinement           Analyze support calls
 Task analysis                QA of the UI              QA of the UI                Site visits

 Use cases                    Usability testing                                     Next cycle planning
                                                        Usability testing
  Market analysis             Develop visual identity   Finalize visuals            UI post-mortem

 Competitive evaluation       UI Walkthrough                                        Baseline studies
                                                        Develop resource files
 Feature planning                                       Beta site visits
 Project plans & dev                                    Documentation review
 estimates                                              UI Walkthrough
 Task flows
 Documentation plans
 Heuristic evaluations
 Info architecture
 Testing prototypes
 Design specs
 (flows & screens)

 User Research            Design         Hybrid

                                                                       © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Development Cycle

   Planning                     Alpha               Beta                   GA

                                     UX Sweet Spot: ROI Highest


   Ability to influence product direction

   Cost to make changes to product
                                                       © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Development Cycle

   Planning                     Alpha              Beta                    GA

                              Other UX Opportunities:
                             UI QA & Usability Validation


   Ability to influence product direction

   Cost to make changes to product
                                                       © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Typical Activity Levels: Design Orientation

 Level of Effort


                                                      © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Typical Activity Levels: Usability Orientation

 Level of Effort


                                             © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Typical Activity Levels: UX Orientation

 Level of Effort


                                            © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Moving Beyond Cost Justification

                 Discuss Business Value
UX    Other          Design happens—with or without professional
40%   60%            Unprofessional design process is inefficient
                      design process
                     40% of typical project budget are spent on UX
                      design and related development activities
                     Validation of design before development reduces
                      project risks dramatically

                 Wasting $$$ is NOT an option
                     Wrong requirements = wrong product
                     Poorly specified = lost time in meetings, dead end
                      coding & low quality
                     Hard to demonstrate = lost sales
                     Hard to learn = higher training and support costs
                     Hard to use = lost productivity

                                             © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Measuring Operational Success

If you can‘t measure it…you can‘t improve it

      Measurement is key to creating a feedback loop in any
       system. Without measurement how do you know if things
       are getting better or worse?

      How is your team evaluated?
           Promotions and bonuses should be based on results
           It is important to track metrics on a variety of levels

      Does your executive management track usability like other
       key performance indicators?
           Give executives metrics so they understand the return on the
            investment (ROI)
           Everything becomes easier when senior management tracks
            usability metrics and understands how they relate to success

                                                      © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
ROI Framework

3    Types of
                              ROI Framework*

     Lower Costs
     (improve efficiency)
                             Dollars x Volume
                            * Addresses what‘s important to business leaders
 $   Increase
     Profits                * Consider the visible & hidden benefits & issues

                            * While numbers are important, rhetorical points can
                              also be highly persuasive when used systematically
 J   Increase
     Market Share

                                               © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
ROI Focus Areas

     Internal Focus      External Focus

    Risk Management          Productivity

    Increase Revenues        Training

    Reduce Costs             Error Reduction

                              Support Costs

                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
ROI: Internal Focus (company)

Focus Area    Metrics                          Talking Points
Development   (Time for changes) x             Creating the right product / features for the
(risk mgmt)   (# changes) x (Developer         market
                                               Design & design validation can be done
                                               before coding begins
              (x 100 if change is post ship)
                                               Eliminate large-scale, mid to late-stage
                                               change orders

                                               Majority of product scope is known up front
Development   (Time in discussions) x          Design process is managed and
(risk mgmt)   (# times) x (# Employees) x      coordinated and time spent discussing
              (Pay rate)                       design intentions is reduced

                                               Increase development efficiency.
                                               Engineering, QA, Documentation can all
                                               develop plans earlier and more completely
                                               based on specs

                                               Development schedule can be more tightly

                                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
ROI: Internal Focus (company)

Focus Area           Metrics                                Talking Points
Sales                (Time spent explaining how             Product features and configuration
(increase revenue)   the UI works) = (Time lost             resonate with customers
                     on selling product benefits)
                                                            Reduce time spent explaining what the
                                                            product is
                     (lost sales as potential by-product)
                                                            Increase time spent explaining the
                                                            business value of the product

                                                            If it appears easy to use, it is one less
                                                            objection a prospect can make
Technical            (Time on call) x (# calls) x           Reduce high frequency support issues
Support              (Pay rate)
                                                            Reduce total time on calls
(lower costs)
                                                            Reduce total number of calls

                                                            Improve overall customer satisfaction

                                                                        © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
ROI: External Focus (customer)

Focus Area      Metrics                      Talking Points
User            (Time on task) x (# times    Increase process effectiveness
Productivity    per day) x (# employees) x
                (Pay rate)                   Increase process efficiency

                                             Reduce time on tasks

User Training   (Time in training) x         Reduce or eliminate time spent in training
                (# employees) x
                (Employee pay rate)          Reduce or eliminate non-revenue
                                             generating activities

                                                        © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
ROI: External Focus (customer)

Focus Area    Metrics                      Talking Points
User Errors   Time in error recovery x #   Reduce time spent on error recovery
              times per day x #
              employees x Pay rate         Increase process efficiency

                                           Increase process accuracy

IT Support    Time on call x # calls x     Reduce loss of productivity while
              Pay rate (support)           employee deals with support issues.

                                           Reduce total time on calls

                                           Reduce number of calls

                                                     © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Summary: Operational Processes

   UX contributes unique skills to product development

   Leverage the ―sweet spot‖ to maximize impact and ROI

   Analyze where your group:
       Spends its time and what tangible outputs it produces
       How this adds value to the company and its customers
       Quantify these whenever possible
       Establish simple metrics that management at all levels can track
       Embed metrics & talking points into organizational

                                                © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Activity: Analyze the State of UX Operations

   Create an activity audit graph to visualize the current
    activity levels for your group
       This shows the current operational ―state of the union‖

   Describe the positive impact of the work your group is
    currently doing
       Identify the ROI for at least 2 activities your group
        currently performs

   Describe the impact of not performing certain activities
       Identify the ROI that could be derived by increasing your
        group‘s efforts in at least 2 areas

                                                   © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Example: Activity Audit Graph

 Level of Effort


                                        © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Example: ROI Points

High Investment:   Impact: Higher levels of development coordination

Design             ROI Points:
Specifications:     Dev knows what they‘re supposed to build

                    QA can do better test plans and improve coverage

                    Writers can improve plans and start earlier

                    Reduction in meetings discussing final designs

Low Investment:    Impact: Insufficient data to properly inform design

Use Cases          ROI Points:
                    Design may be based on incorrect assumptions

                    High risk that end product may not meet user needs

                    Hard to prioritize feature sets

                                                 © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Activity: Operational Analysis

   Take the next 45 Minutes to analyze your group‘s operational
    outputs & the associated ROI

    1. 10 Minutes: Create an activity audit graph for your group

    2. 10 Minutes: Analyze areas of high investment

    3. 10 Minutes: Analyze areas of low investment

    4. 15 Minutes: Discuss your analysis with partner at table

                                                 © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Organizational Processes

 key processes
                                  Why UX groups have organizational
                                   issues (myths & realities)

                                  Effective and efficient cross
                                   organizational collaboration

                                  Spreading the UX gospel

                                  UX and how it fits into the
                                   value network

                                                   © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Consider Your Value Network

What is a value network?
 The context in which you produce your existing deliverables

 It limits what you can do and defines how you are rewarded

What should you consider?
 Who benefits from your work?

 What partners do you have in creating your value-add?

 Who provides your necessary resources or materials?

Listening to your value network has both pros and cons
 Can help you determine how to improve existing offerings

 May blind you to new opportunities and limit growth

From ―The Innovator‘s Dilemma‖ by Clayton Christensen

                                                        © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Collaboration is Key

   Step outside of your cube or office
       Make sure you interact with people in other groups regularly

   Take a big picture perspective of the organization
       What groups are responsible for what?
       What is your ―foreign policy‖?

   Define your goals and strategies for influencing other groups
       What have you done for them lately?
       What can they do for you?

   How do you interact with other groups in your company?
       Take their viewpoints to understand how to influence them

   Cultivate allies in other groups to help you:
       Drive UX initiatives
       Educate others and change the company culture

                                                     © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Formal Organizational Relationships

                                  CEO                  Exec

       VP Marketing         CTO            VP Eng                 VP Sales

                Dir Prod
Dir Mar Com    Management         Dir UX        Dir Platform

                                            © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Informal Organizational Forces

                                  CEO                  Exec

       VP Marketing         CTO            VP Eng                 VP Sales

                Dir Prod
Dir Mar Com    Management         Dir UX        Dir Platform

                                            © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
No One Understands What We Do—Why?

Does your           Is this mission clear to everyone in management?
group have a        Can managers in the other groups articulate UE‘s mission?
clearly             Do those at the C-level know your mission?

Does your           Do you have a group website?
group                    Does it highlight what your group produces?
communicate              Does it provide useful resources for those in other groups?
to the rest of           Is it up to date and informative?
the company?             Do other intranet pages link to it?

How does            Is your group‘s work part of the project plans?
your group‘s        Do UX milestones/deliverables appear in the process
work fit into        documents?
what the

                                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Working with Product Management

              PM Myths                                        UX Myths
UXconfuses developers by                    PM   doesn‘t care about
 adding new requirements                       ―the user‖ or usability

Usabilitystudies might leak                 Marketing  research and user
 information                                   research are not complementary

Nextgeneration UI previews
 might stall current sales

Improve   requirements processes & documents
    Develop detailed use cases based on user research
    Better consideration of overall design & tradeoffs

    Bring end user versus customer perspective into requirements

Improve   communication with development teams

                                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Joint PM & UX Initiatives

Work together to
                       Specify UI designs to support new feature descriptions
define UI details
for requirements       Help provide UI samples for presentations and collateral

Do customer            Document what customers really do and need
case studies           Add UX resources to ensure user profiles and tasks are
together                included

Develop a
demo for a             Use as driving force behind UI prototype
trade show or          Helps create a shared vision that can be used in
for a sales             customer presentations

Introduce ―use         Introduce best practices into the requirements analysis
case‖ oriented
process                Benefits both customers of PM and UX

                                                    © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Collaborating with Development

              Development Myths                                     UX Myths
All   this (UX) stuff is impractical               Developers    are the enemy
       It takes too much time to study users             They care more about technology
        and write specs                                    than users
       We need to focus on coding                        All they want to do is meet the

UX is a threat. They want to take the
 creativity out of being a developer                UX  doesn‘t need to understand
          Process = Bureaucracy = Bad                anything about technology &
All it takes to design a usable product
 is intelligence & common sense

                                           Win - Win
Buildthe best product possible given the constraints
Improve efficiency and focus – stop wasting time!
       Determine the design earlier so we can focus on building it
       Avoid iterating in code needlessly and discussing it in endless meetings

                                                                © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Joint Development & UX Initiatives

Develop a
reusable code         Helps enforce UI consistency
library for UI        Promotes reuse and reduces development time

Develop a style       Helps coordinate UI work across all staff & groups
guide for a
                      Ensures UI is consistent and UX has voice in process
product or
product line          Design re-factoring = code re-factoring

Collaborate on
prototyping           Reduces project uncertainty and risks for dev and UX
new product or        Helps build a sense of team ownership

Work together on      Help the development group specify the UI
development &
                      Get involved in review of functional specifications
review of
specifications        Ensures UX specification is feasible & improves planning

                                                   © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Collaborating with QA

                   QA Myths                                      UX Myths
UI   bugs aren‘t really bugs                      UX is unrelated to quality
         Unimportant or a matter of opinion         engineering

UIbugs are unimportant or                         QA  engineers can‘t help improve
 low priority                                        the UI or evaluate usability

                                               Win - Win
Improve the quality of the product as measured by the bug counts
Improve the metrics by which the company tracks quality

                                                              © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Joint QA & UX Initiatives

Improve the bug
process to better
capture UX               Improve tracking of usability and UI issues

Organize UI
walkthroughs             Decreases QA‘s workload
to catch UX
bugs earlier in          Allows QA to concentrate on functional & stress
the process               testing

Collaborate on
testing and bug          Help ensure UI bugs get fixed
prioritization with
QA                       Help QA better identify and classify UI bugs

Leverage use             Facilitates the test planning process
cases & UX
specs for QA             Helps QA create better test plans
testing                  Facilitates automated testing

                                                       © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Building Relationships for Success

The following principles should guide your interactions:

   Involving the right people at the right time
        Does everyone in your group know who to contact and when?

   Achieving results through formal & informal channels
        Who owns things and who has the power to get things done?

   Fostering effective give and take relationships
        Build relationships through reciprocity

   Understanding perspectives and agendas of others
        Learn about your ―organizational neighbors‖

   Knowing when to fight and when to compromise
        Its fine to be an idealist in theory, but you have to be a realist in practice

                                                    Adapted from the ―Successful Managers Handbook‖

                                                                 © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Summary: Organizational Processes

   UX needs to serve as a ―change agent‖
        Product designs reflect the organizations that created them
        You need to change the culture and influence others to change the UI

   Make influencing others a part of your job
        Put together a plan and execute it

   Don‘t be afraid to share responsibility for UX
        Engage others in your mission as team mates
        You can accomplish much more as a team
        Sharing your knowledge of UX makes other recognize its value and yours

   Introducing new UX processes impact many existing people
        Be proactive, talk to those impacted and partner with them
        Consider other groups your customers—listen to them!

                                                       © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Organizational Activity

   Who has formal or informal power at your company?

   Analyze these groups
       Determine the best approach for engaging them
       Develop a ―foreign policy‖ for interacting with and influencing them

   What is SWOT?
       Strengths
       Weaknesses
       Opportunities
       Threats

   In the activity for this section we will be doing SWOT-Plus
       Plus planning—creating a plan for engagement

                                                      © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Example: SWOT PM Group

                Owns    requirements and feature prioritization
Strengths       Owns    customer research as part of marketing
                Has   access to customers and possibly users

                Requirements     rarely focused on users and tasks
Weaknesses      Requirements often too vague for engineers to plan or
                 implement against

                Help   streamline requirements by focusing on users and tasks
                Collaborateto expand traditional marketing research to
Opportunities    include studies of end users
                ROI:   reduce time and increase quality of requirements docs

                May    prioritize features over real end user needs
                May    perceive UX as encroaching into PM domain of requirements

                                                        © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Example: SWOT PM Group

        Find   allies within PM organization
        Educate    them about User Experience

        Identifynew projects where requirements are weak
        Assist PM in researching and documenting requirements

        Study  marketing best practices
        Identify ways to improve process based on UX deliverables

        Work with PM to incorporate UX processes into PM activities

        Collaborate with PM on the following items:
        Competitive analyses

        Requirements specifications

        Customer visits

                                                 © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Activity: Organizational Analysis

   Take the next 45 minutes to analyze your company

    1. Focus first on the groups you want to influence the most
    2. Next, analyze your own group (UX) in the same fashion
    3. Compare the results with others at your table

   Worksheets for this activity are at the back of the

                                                     © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Strategic Processes

                                  Thinking strategically
 key processes

                                  Aligning UX with strategic
operational                        corporate initiatives

                                  Influencing strategy to include UX


                                  Adjusting tactics to match
                                  Engaging upper management to
                                   ensure success

                                                © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Strategy: Its Not Just for Marketing Anymore

   What is strategy?
       Determining if what you are doing makes sense from a big picture

   Strategy example: Types of management
       Operationally focused:
         •   Row harder!
       Tactically focused:
         •   Why row, put up a sail…
       Strategically focused
         •   Are we rowing in the right direction?
         •   Do we need to go there at all?

   For too long, people in our profession have been
    focusing on rowing harder

                                                     © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Long Term Strategic Planning

       For an organization to endure it must adapt

       All too often managers neglect managing this change
             Too busy with operational work
             Fail to take the big picture/long term perspective

       Drucker* talks about planning from the following perspectives
             What will our business be
             What should our business be
             What new things should we go into
             What existing product lines and businesses should we abandon

       You need to consider these questions both from a UX and a
        company perspective

*   From ―Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices‖ by Peter Drucker

                                                                                © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Six Forces Impacting Businesses

Power, vigor, and competence of           Power, vigor, and competence of      Power, vigor, and competence
     existing competitors                         complementors                        of customers

                                   The Business

        Power, vigor, and competence of                             Power, vigor, and competence of
                   suppliers                                            potential competitors

                                            Possibility that what your
                                          business is doing can be done
                                                in a different way

   From ―Only the Paranoid Survive‖ by Andy Grove
                                                                            © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Strategic Inflection Points

The Inflection Curve
                                                     Business goes on to new heights

                                Inflection Point                  Business declines

Requires a fundamental transformation from what you were to what you will be

From ―Only the Paranoid Survive‖ by Andy Grove
                                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Inflection Points in Detail

             Home     to academic                                    Local   to global

 Market                           Usability/design   to User Experience

            Nuclear    family to aging boomer                        Consumer     to enterprise

           HTML    to RIA/AJAX                                     Pager   to Blackberry

  Tech             Disconnected      PC to WWW          Lab     testing to remote usability testing

             CD    to MP3                         Brick   & mortar to eCommerce

          iMac   to iPod                                         Database    to applications

             Version       23 to vision project               Concept   sketch to design spec
            Software       utilities to enterprise security            Hardware    to software

              Total   quality management                             Balanced    scorecard

Process   Total   design management                True   UCD         Data-based    design

                   Extreme      programming           Offshore     development             6   Sigma

                                                                      © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: Offshore Development

           Competence of low-cost offshore suppliers
           Ubiquitous high-speed communications
           Competitors leveraging offshore
           Customers (IT) leveraging offshore

        Inflection Point
           Process focus
           Competency shifts from manufacturing to
            design, sales, & marketing

                                       © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: Offshore Development

 Level of Effort


                   Before   After
                                    © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: HTML to AJAX

          Browser-based applications become ubiquitous
          DHTML and asynchronous updates afford richer
           interaction in latest browsers
          Poor perceived usability of traditional web-based UI
          Industry thought leaders launch AJAX applications

       Inflection Point
          Technology focus
          Web moves from flat pages, to rich applications

                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: HTML to AJAX

 Level of Effort


                   Before   After
                                     © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: EAI Tools to Applications

           Technology becomes standardized (e.g. web services)
           Many undifferentiated competitors emerge
           EAI tools become a commodity
           Larger companies enter market (IBM, Microsoft)
           Prices drop & margins shrink

        Inflection Point
           Product focus
           Existing products become platform for new products
           Move towards a total product solution
           New business becomes selling apps built from EAI tools

                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: EAI Tools to Applications

 Level of Effort


                   Before   After
                                            © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: Vision Project

           Invent a new product or market
           New technology renders old product / line obsolete

        Inflection Point
           Product, market, or technology focus
           Create a shared vision around new ways of doing business

                                            © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: Vision Project

 Level of Effort


                   Before   After
                                    © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: iMac to iPod

          Computers become a low margin, high volume business
          Internet & MP3s enable new distribution channel
          Music industry lacks digital-age strategy
          Existing MP3 players provide poor UX
          Third-party accessories market completes system

       Inflection Point
          Focus: Market? Product? Process? Technology?
          Hardware, software, and content distribution create end-
           to-end solution and provide first-mover advantage

                                           © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Case Study: iMac to iPod

 Level of Effort


                   Before   After
                                    © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Extend UX‘s Charter: Think Strategically

                        Develop a UX                        Influence and drive
                        strategic initiative                corporate strategy
 Breadth of UX Vision

                        that leverages                      from a UX perspective
                        existing UX activities

                        Analyze and improve                 Align and integrate UX
                        current UX operations               to reflect existing
                        based on metrics                    strategic corporate

                                           Level of Difficulty

                                                                 © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Putting it all Together

 key processes

                                  Driving strategy into reality

                                  Focusing your activities

organizational                    Setting up feedback mechanisms



                                                   © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Driving Strategy: Planning

Plan                                                    Align          Execute

   Understand the corporate strategy by ―tapping-in‖

   Identify the thought leaders or their proxies and study what they
    are saying

   Inventory your assets and core competencies to assess where
    they lie relative to the new strategic initiatives

   Perform a SWOT analysis on your own team

   Assess potential organizational alliances and blockages

   Perform initial business-value benefits analysis

                                                © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Driving Strategy: Alignment

Plan       Align                                                      Execute

    Meet with the organizational thought leaders or their proxies

    Interview these individuals to determine opportunities

    Explain your group‘s position, alignments, and key value add
     to their organizations and the overall business

    Determine mutually beneficial points of collaboration

    Ask for feedback and recommendations for additional points
     of synergy company-wide

                                                © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Driving Strategy: Execution

Plan       Align       Execute

    Adjust group‘s priorities to align with the new initiatives

    Develop final value-benefit analysis based on new priorities and
     activities for UX

    Always be on the lookout for new ways that UX can contribute

    Work with your new partners to ensure successful execution

                                                  © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Fine-tuning Strategy

   Its all about creating a self adapting organization
        Cybernetics
        Kaizen
        ―The Fifth Discipline‖

   The key to an enduring organization is adaptation
   Organizations that fail to evolve become extinct
   Setup reliable feedback loops and evaluate your strategy continuously
        How does the current strategy impact UX and its deliverables
        Always be on the look out for unique ways UX can contribute

   Be prepared for changes!
        Long term plans are by nature dynamic
        Avoid putting all of your eggs in one basket
        Don‘t drop everything for a strategy unless you have express corporate
         mandates to do so
        Always have a backup plan (or two)

                                                            © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Focus Your Activities

       operational outputs

       operational outputs
                             organizational needs
       operational outputs
                             organizational needs
       operational outputs                              strategic vision
                             organizational needs
       operational outputs
                             organizational needs
       operational outputs

       operational outputs


                                                    © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Example: Strategic Presentation

We will review an example of a strategic presentation covering
the following points:

   Company Overview (Business & Market)
   Forces impacting company / UX group
   Inflection points
   Current & planned levels of UX operational outputs
   Areas of impact and ROI points to support planned changes
   Impact on value network

                                               © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Activity: Strategic Plan

1 Hour Activity
First 30 minutes – Create a 5 minute presentation
   Describe the strategic positioning plan for UX at your
    company. This should contain:
       A brief overview of company
       The strategic forces impacting the company
       Inflection points
       Activity audit graph showing current & planned levels
       Required changes in operational outputs
       ROI talking points to justify planned levels
       Impact on value network

                                                   © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Activity: Strategic Plan

Next 30 minutes—practice your presentation
   Present your positioning plan to the other members at
    your table.
   Presentations should run no more than 5 minutes each

   As a group, nominate 1 plan to present to the class

                                             © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Activity: Pitching Your Vision

Final 45 minutes:

   Nominated individuals from each group present to the entire

   Discussion of presentations

                                            © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
Final Thoughts

 Strategy without tactics is the slowest route
 to victory. Tactics without strategy is the
 noise before defeat.

             -Sun Tzu

                               © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland

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TUTORIAL: Repositioning User Experience

  • 1. Repositioning User Experience as a Strategic Process operational Interaction organizational strategic Liam Friedland Jon Innes TM Workshop Slides UPA ‗03, ‗04, ‗05, ‘06 CHI ‗04, ‗05, ‘06 User Friendly ‗07
  • 2. Conceptual Framework for Tutorial key processes  Moving to a strategic orientation  Framework as a means for thinking operational about UX activities as they relate to core business processes Interaction  Benefit from a organizational systematic, structured, approach  Process areas function as lenses to focus thinking and approach strategic  Interaction between key processes to TM create business value-add © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 3. Definitions User Experience The user experience group deals with all aspects of user‘s interactions with the product: how it is perceived, learned, and used. It includes ease of use and most important of all, the needs the product fulfills. -Don Norman in The Invisible Computer © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 4. Definitions The structured work processes which lead to a operations desired set of outputs (physical, knowledge, etc) Interaction Groupings of people that provide concentrations of organization specialized expertise, work experience, and skills. A detailed plan for achieving success in situations strategy such as war, politics, business, industry or sport, or the skill of planning for such situations. -Cambridge Dictionary Online TM © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 5. Why We Must Reposition UX as Strategic  Non-strategic organizations are targets for downsizing  Our role is unclear to many key decision makers  Shrinking margins lead to closer analysis of costs & ROI  Global, offshore, and outsourced production models  Maturing technology markets—design as differentiator  Scope and sophistication of technology-based products © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 6. Why Is UX Strategic?  UX becomes a differentiating factor in a commodity market  Technologies mature and become mainstream  Competitors develop comparable offerings over time  Mainstream markets value UX more than early adopters  Effective UX organizations lower costs and reduce risks  High quality design specifications improve project planning  Allows management to accurately determine value of end product  Improved communications = reduced errors and improved efficiency  High technology businesses are maturing  Design becomes a more distinct phase separate from development  Development of products becoming more like manufacturing © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 7. One External Worldview of UX Group Standard View: Consulting / Service Organization  Design: Makes things look good  Usability: Tests to find bugs after the code Need to is working move from this…  Not a core business competency  Important but not essential  Practitioners don‘t have a good sense of business issues © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 8. Strategic Worldview of UX Group New Framework: Strategic Function  User-centered product planning informs all aspects of product direction  Essential to product development—cannot be done without UX …to this  Key contributions throughout the development cycle  Business value is large, wide-ranging, and demonstrable  Quantifiable, reproducible, high-quality processes © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 9. Run UX Like a Business Optimize based on the following:  What you produce  How efficiently you produce it  Justify what you charge to your customers (ROI)  Effectively leverage your value-network  Market your products and services effectively  Tap into the market trends for UX Could you sell your business plan to investors? © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 10. Operational Processes key processes  Core technical skills and deliverables operational  UX and the product development lifecycle Interaction organizational  Cost and benefit models of UX  Business Value: Identifying the strategic visible & hidden value propositions in UX techniques TM © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 11. Symbiotic Operational Skills Design Research TM © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 12. Complimentary Outputs Field Studies Information Interaction Architecture Design User Experience Concept Visual Prototyping Design Usability Testing © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 13. Areas of Expertise—User Research  Cataloging detailed information on users  Key activities  Goals & Tasks  Needs & Wants  Understanding human factors relating to product design  Cognitive  Physical  Focusing on contexts of product use  Communities  Interactions  Collaborations © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 14. Deliverables—User Research  User research is only useful when the information it creates reaches others and impacts organizational behavior  The tangible deliverables are reports and presentations that capture:  User requirements and profile data (formative) • Surveys • Field studies • Formative usability tests  Design defects and enhancements (refining) • Heuristic reviews • Cognitive walkthroughs • Field studies • Usability tests © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 15. Areas of Expertise—Design  Creates tangible artifacts by synthesizing data from multiple requirements streams  Marketing  Technical  Legal  Usage  Aesthetics  Problem solving  Exploring multiple solution spaces  Rapid, iterative processes  Visualization  Information / Messaging / Branding  Structure / Behavior  Form / Ergonomics © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 16. Deliverables—Design  Design is only useful when it generates specifications from which products can be built  Prototypes & specifications serve as detailed plans for building products and should cover:  Software • Information architecture / Navigation • Interaction • Screen layout / Terminology • Branding elements (product graphics & identity)  Hardware • Form • Materials • Branding elements (colors, finishes, product graphics) © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 17. Development Cycle & Potential UX Activities Planning Alpha Beta GA Field studies Design refinement Design refinement Analyze support calls Task analysis QA of the UI QA of the UI Site visits Use cases Usability testing Next cycle planning Usability testing Market analysis Develop visual identity Finalize visuals UI post-mortem Competitive evaluation UI Walkthrough Baseline studies Develop resource files Feature planning Beta site visits Project plans & dev Documentation review estimates UI Walkthrough Task flows Documentation plans Heuristic evaluations Info architecture Visualizations Prototypes Testing prototypes Design specs (flows & screens) TM User Research Design Hybrid © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 18. Development Cycle Planning Alpha Beta GA UX Sweet Spot: ROI Highest TM Ability to influence product direction Cost to make changes to product © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 19. Development Cycle Planning Alpha Beta GA Other UX Opportunities: UI QA & Usability Validation TM Ability to influence product direction Cost to make changes to product © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 20. Typical Activity Levels: Design Orientation High Level of Effort Low © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 21. Typical Activity Levels: Usability Orientation High Level of Effort Low © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 22. Typical Activity Levels: UX Orientation High Level of Effort Low © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 23. Moving Beyond Cost Justification  Discuss Business Value UX Other  Design happens—with or without professional insight 40% 60%  Unprofessional design process is inefficient design process  40% of typical project budget are spent on UX design and related development activities  Validation of design before development reduces project risks dramatically  Wasting $$$ is NOT an option  Wrong requirements = wrong product  Poorly specified = lost time in meetings, dead end coding & low quality  Hard to demonstrate = lost sales  Hard to learn = higher training and support costs  Hard to use = lost productivity © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 24. Measuring Operational Success If you can‘t measure it…you can‘t improve it  Measurement is key to creating a feedback loop in any system. Without measurement how do you know if things are getting better or worse?  How is your team evaluated?  Promotions and bonuses should be based on results  It is important to track metrics on a variety of levels  Does your executive management track usability like other key performance indicators?  Give executives metrics so they understand the return on the investment (ROI)  Everything becomes easier when senior management tracks usability metrics and understands how they relate to success © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 25. ROI Framework 3 Types of Benefits ROI Framework* $ Lower Costs (improve efficiency) Dollars x Volume * Addresses what‘s important to business leaders $ Increase Profits * Consider the visible & hidden benefits & issues * While numbers are important, rhetorical points can also be highly persuasive when used systematically J Increase Market Share © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 26. ROI Focus Areas Internal Focus External Focus  Risk Management  Productivity  Increase Revenues  Training  Reduce Costs  Error Reduction  Support Costs © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 27. ROI: Internal Focus (company) Focus Area Metrics Talking Points Development (Time for changes) x Creating the right product / features for the (risk mgmt) (# changes) x (Developer market pay) Design & design validation can be done before coding begins (x 100 if change is post ship) Eliminate large-scale, mid to late-stage change orders Majority of product scope is known up front Development (Time in discussions) x Design process is managed and (risk mgmt) (# times) x (# Employees) x coordinated and time spent discussing (Pay rate) design intentions is reduced Increase development efficiency. Engineering, QA, Documentation can all develop plans earlier and more completely based on specs Development schedule can be more tightly coordinated © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 28. ROI: Internal Focus (company) Focus Area Metrics Talking Points Sales (Time spent explaining how Product features and configuration (increase revenue) the UI works) = (Time lost resonate with customers on selling product benefits) Reduce time spent explaining what the product is (lost sales as potential by-product) Increase time spent explaining the business value of the product If it appears easy to use, it is one less objection a prospect can make Technical (Time on call) x (# calls) x Reduce high frequency support issues Support (Pay rate) Reduce total time on calls (lower costs) Reduce total number of calls Improve overall customer satisfaction © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 29. ROI: External Focus (customer) Focus Area Metrics Talking Points User (Time on task) x (# times Increase process effectiveness Productivity per day) x (# employees) x (Pay rate) Increase process efficiency Reduce time on tasks User Training (Time in training) x Reduce or eliminate time spent in training (# employees) x (Employee pay rate) Reduce or eliminate non-revenue generating activities © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 30. ROI: External Focus (customer) Focus Area Metrics Talking Points User Errors Time in error recovery x # Reduce time spent on error recovery times per day x # employees x Pay rate Increase process efficiency Increase process accuracy IT Support Time on call x # calls x Reduce loss of productivity while Pay rate (support) employee deals with support issues. Reduce total time on calls Reduce number of calls © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 31. Summary: Operational Processes  UX contributes unique skills to product development  Leverage the ―sweet spot‖ to maximize impact and ROI  Analyze where your group:  Spends its time and what tangible outputs it produces  How this adds value to the company and its customers  Quantify these whenever possible  Establish simple metrics that management at all levels can track  Embed metrics & talking points into organizational consciousness © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 32. Activity: Analyze the State of UX Operations  Create an activity audit graph to visualize the current activity levels for your group  This shows the current operational ―state of the union‖  Describe the positive impact of the work your group is currently doing  Identify the ROI for at least 2 activities your group currently performs  Describe the impact of not performing certain activities  Identify the ROI that could be derived by increasing your group‘s efforts in at least 2 areas © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 33. Example: Activity Audit Graph High Level of Effort Low © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 34. Example: ROI Points High Investment: Impact: Higher levels of development coordination Design ROI Points: Specifications:  Dev knows what they‘re supposed to build  QA can do better test plans and improve coverage  Writers can improve plans and start earlier  Reduction in meetings discussing final designs Low Investment: Impact: Insufficient data to properly inform design Use Cases ROI Points:  Design may be based on incorrect assumptions  High risk that end product may not meet user needs  Hard to prioritize feature sets © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 35. Activity: Operational Analysis  Take the next 45 Minutes to analyze your group‘s operational outputs & the associated ROI 1. 10 Minutes: Create an activity audit graph for your group 2. 10 Minutes: Analyze areas of high investment 3. 10 Minutes: Analyze areas of low investment 4. 15 Minutes: Discuss your analysis with partner at table © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 36. Organizational Processes key processes  Why UX groups have organizational issues (myths & realities) operational  Effective and efficient cross organizational collaboration Interaction organizational  Spreading the UX gospel  UX and how it fits into the strategic value network TM © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 37. Consider Your Value Network What is a value network?  The context in which you produce your existing deliverables  It limits what you can do and defines how you are rewarded What should you consider?  Who benefits from your work?  What partners do you have in creating your value-add?  Who provides your necessary resources or materials? Listening to your value network has both pros and cons  Can help you determine how to improve existing offerings  May blind you to new opportunities and limit growth From ―The Innovator‘s Dilemma‖ by Clayton Christensen © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 38. Collaboration is Key  Step outside of your cube or office  Make sure you interact with people in other groups regularly  Take a big picture perspective of the organization  What groups are responsible for what?  What is your ―foreign policy‖?  Define your goals and strategies for influencing other groups  What have you done for them lately?  What can they do for you?  How do you interact with other groups in your company?  Take their viewpoints to understand how to influence them  Cultivate allies in other groups to help you:  Drive UX initiatives  Educate others and change the company culture © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 39. Formal Organizational Relationships CEO Exec Assist VP Marketing CTO VP Eng VP Sales Dir Prod Dir Mar Com Management Dir UX Dir Platform © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 40. Informal Organizational Forces CEO Exec Assist VP Marketing CTO VP Eng VP Sales Dir Prod Dir Mar Com Management Dir UX Dir Platform © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 41. No One Understands What We Do—Why? Does your  Is this mission clear to everyone in management? group have a  Can managers in the other groups articulate UE‘s mission? clearly  Do those at the C-level know your mission? defined mission? Does your  Do you have a group website? group  Does it highlight what your group produces? communicate  Does it provide useful resources for those in other groups? to the rest of  Is it up to date and informative? the company?  Do other intranet pages link to it? How does  Is your group‘s work part of the project plans? your group‘s  Do UX milestones/deliverables appear in the process work fit into documents? what the company does? © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 42. Working with Product Management PM Myths UX Myths UXconfuses developers by PM doesn‘t care about adding new requirements ―the user‖ or usability Usabilitystudies might leak Marketing research and user information research are not complementary Nextgeneration UI previews might stall current sales Win-Win Improve requirements processes & documents Develop detailed use cases based on user research Better consideration of overall design & tradeoffs Bring end user versus customer perspective into requirements Improve communication with development teams © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 43. Joint PM & UX Initiatives Work together to  Specify UI designs to support new feature descriptions define UI details for requirements  Help provide UI samples for presentations and collateral Do customer  Document what customers really do and need case studies  Add UX resources to ensure user profiles and tasks are together included Develop a demo for a  Use as driving force behind UI prototype trade show or  Helps create a shared vision that can be used in for a sales customer presentations presentation Introduce ―use  Introduce best practices into the requirements analysis case‖ oriented phase requirements process  Benefits both customers of PM and UX © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 44. Collaborating with Development Development Myths UX Myths All this (UX) stuff is impractical Developers are the enemy It takes too much time to study users They care more about technology and write specs than users We need to focus on coding All they want to do is meet the schedule UX is a threat. They want to take the creativity out of being a developer UX doesn‘t need to understand  Process = Bureaucracy = Bad anything about technology & development All it takes to design a usable product is intelligence & common sense Win - Win Buildthe best product possible given the constraints Improve efficiency and focus – stop wasting time! Determine the design earlier so we can focus on building it Avoid iterating in code needlessly and discussing it in endless meetings © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 45. Joint Development & UX Initiatives Develop a reusable code  Helps enforce UI consistency library for UI  Promotes reuse and reduces development time development Develop a style  Helps coordinate UI work across all staff & groups guide for a  Ensures UI is consistent and UX has voice in process product or product line  Design re-factoring = code re-factoring Collaborate on prototyping  Reduces project uncertainty and risks for dev and UX new product or  Helps build a sense of team ownership features Work together on  Help the development group specify the UI development &  Get involved in review of functional specifications review of specifications  Ensures UX specification is feasible & improves planning © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 46. Collaborating with QA QA Myths UX Myths UI bugs aren‘t really bugs UX is unrelated to quality  Unimportant or a matter of opinion engineering UIbugs are unimportant or QA engineers can‘t help improve low priority the UI or evaluate usability Win - Win Improve the quality of the product as measured by the bug counts Improve the metrics by which the company tracks quality © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 47. Joint QA & UX Initiatives Improve the bug process to better capture UX  Improve tracking of usability and UI issues issues Organize UI walkthroughs  Decreases QA‘s workload to catch UX bugs earlier in  Allows QA to concentrate on functional & stress the process testing Collaborate on testing and bug  Help ensure UI bugs get fixed prioritization with QA  Help QA better identify and classify UI bugs Leverage use  Facilitates the test planning process cases & UX specs for QA  Helps QA create better test plans testing  Facilitates automated testing © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 48. Building Relationships for Success The following principles should guide your interactions:  Involving the right people at the right time  Does everyone in your group know who to contact and when?  Achieving results through formal & informal channels  Who owns things and who has the power to get things done?  Fostering effective give and take relationships  Build relationships through reciprocity  Understanding perspectives and agendas of others  Learn about your ―organizational neighbors‖  Knowing when to fight and when to compromise  Its fine to be an idealist in theory, but you have to be a realist in practice Adapted from the ―Successful Managers Handbook‖ © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 49. Summary: Organizational Processes  UX needs to serve as a ―change agent‖  Product designs reflect the organizations that created them  You need to change the culture and influence others to change the UI  Make influencing others a part of your job  Put together a plan and execute it  Don‘t be afraid to share responsibility for UX  Engage others in your mission as team mates  You can accomplish much more as a team  Sharing your knowledge of UX makes other recognize its value and yours  Introducing new UX processes impact many existing people  Be proactive, talk to those impacted and partner with them  Consider other groups your customers—listen to them! © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 50. Organizational Activity  Who has formal or informal power at your company?  Analyze these groups  Determine the best approach for engaging them  Develop a ―foreign policy‖ for interacting with and influencing them  What is SWOT?  Strengths  Weaknesses  Opportunities  Threats  In the activity for this section we will be doing SWOT-Plus  Plus planning—creating a plan for engagement © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 51. Example: SWOT PM Group Owns requirements and feature prioritization Strengths Owns customer research as part of marketing Has access to customers and possibly users Requirements rarely focused on users and tasks Weaknesses Requirements often too vague for engineers to plan or implement against Help streamline requirements by focusing on users and tasks Collaborateto expand traditional marketing research to Opportunities include studies of end users ROI: reduce time and increase quality of requirements docs May prioritize features over real end user needs Threats May perceive UX as encroaching into PM domain of requirements © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 52. Example: SWOT PM Group Find allies within PM organization Educate them about User Experience Identifynew projects where requirements are weak Assist PM in researching and documenting requirements Plan Study marketing best practices Identify ways to improve process based on UX deliverables Work with PM to incorporate UX processes into PM activities Collaborate with PM on the following items: Competitive analyses Requirements specifications Customer visits © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 53. Activity: Organizational Analysis  Take the next 45 minutes to analyze your company 1. Focus first on the groups you want to influence the most 2. Next, analyze your own group (UX) in the same fashion 3. Compare the results with others at your table  Worksheets for this activity are at the back of the workbook © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 54. Strategic Processes  Thinking strategically key processes  Aligning UX with strategic operational corporate initiatives  Influencing strategy to include UX Interaction aspects organizational  Adjusting tactics to match strategy strategic  Engaging upper management to ensure success TM © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 55. Strategy: Its Not Just for Marketing Anymore  What is strategy?  Determining if what you are doing makes sense from a big picture standpoint  Strategy example: Types of management  Operationally focused: • Row harder!  Tactically focused: • Why row, put up a sail…  Strategically focused • Are we rowing in the right direction? • Do we need to go there at all?  For too long, people in our profession have been focusing on rowing harder © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 56. Long Term Strategic Planning  For an organization to endure it must adapt  All too often managers neglect managing this change  Too busy with operational work  Fail to take the big picture/long term perspective  Drucker* talks about planning from the following perspectives  What will our business be  What should our business be  What new things should we go into  What existing product lines and businesses should we abandon  You need to consider these questions both from a UX and a company perspective * From ―Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices‖ by Peter Drucker © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 57. Six Forces Impacting Businesses Power, vigor, and competence of Power, vigor, and competence of Power, vigor, and competence existing competitors complementors of customers The Business Power, vigor, and competence of Power, vigor, and competence of suppliers potential competitors Possibility that what your business is doing can be done in a different way From ―Only the Paranoid Survive‖ by Andy Grove © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 58. Strategic Inflection Points The Inflection Curve Business goes on to new heights Inflection Point Business declines Requires a fundamental transformation from what you were to what you will be From ―Only the Paranoid Survive‖ by Andy Grove © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 59. Inflection Points in Detail Home to academic Local to global Market Usability/design to User Experience Nuclear family to aging boomer Consumer to enterprise HTML to RIA/AJAX Pager to Blackberry Tech Disconnected PC to WWW Lab testing to remote usability testing CD to MP3 Brick & mortar to eCommerce iMac to iPod Database to applications Version 23 to vision project Concept sketch to design spec Product Software utilities to enterprise security Hardware to software Total quality management Balanced scorecard Process Total design management True UCD Data-based design Extreme programming Offshore development 6 Sigma © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 60. Case Study: Offshore Development Forces  Competence of low-cost offshore suppliers  Ubiquitous high-speed communications  Competitors leveraging offshore  Customers (IT) leveraging offshore Inflection Point  Process focus  Competency shifts from manufacturing to design, sales, & marketing © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 61. Case Study: Offshore Development High Level of Effort Low Before After © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 62. Case Study: HTML to AJAX Forces  Browser-based applications become ubiquitous  DHTML and asynchronous updates afford richer interaction in latest browsers  Poor perceived usability of traditional web-based UI  Industry thought leaders launch AJAX applications Inflection Point  Technology focus  Web moves from flat pages, to rich applications © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 63. Case Study: HTML to AJAX High Level of Effort Low Before After © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 64. Case Study: EAI Tools to Applications Forces  Technology becomes standardized (e.g. web services)  Many undifferentiated competitors emerge  EAI tools become a commodity  Larger companies enter market (IBM, Microsoft)  Prices drop & margins shrink Inflection Point  Product focus  Existing products become platform for new products  Move towards a total product solution  New business becomes selling apps built from EAI tools © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 65. Case Study: EAI Tools to Applications High Level of Effort Low Before After © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 66. Case Study: Vision Project Forces  Invent a new product or market  New technology renders old product / line obsolete Inflection Point  Product, market, or technology focus  Create a shared vision around new ways of doing business © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 67. Case Study: Vision Project High Level of Effort Low Before After © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 68. Case Study: iMac to iPod Forces  Computers become a low margin, high volume business  Internet & MP3s enable new distribution channel  Music industry lacks digital-age strategy  Existing MP3 players provide poor UX  Third-party accessories market completes system Inflection Point  Focus: Market? Product? Process? Technology?  Hardware, software, and content distribution create end- to-end solution and provide first-mover advantage © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 69. Case Study: iMac to iPod High Level of Effort Low Before After © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 70. Extend UX‘s Charter: Think Strategically Develop a UX Influence and drive strategic initiative corporate strategy Breadth of UX Vision that leverages from a UX perspective existing UX activities Analyze and improve Align and integrate UX current UX operations to reflect existing based on metrics strategic corporate initiatives Level of Difficulty © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 71. Putting it all Together key processes  Driving strategy into reality operational  Focusing your activities Interaction organizational  Setting up feedback mechanisms strategic TM © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 72. Driving Strategy: Planning Plan Align Execute  Understand the corporate strategy by ―tapping-in‖ organizationally  Identify the thought leaders or their proxies and study what they are saying  Inventory your assets and core competencies to assess where they lie relative to the new strategic initiatives  Perform a SWOT analysis on your own team  Assess potential organizational alliances and blockages  Perform initial business-value benefits analysis © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 73. Driving Strategy: Alignment Plan Align Execute  Meet with the organizational thought leaders or their proxies  Interview these individuals to determine opportunities  Explain your group‘s position, alignments, and key value add to their organizations and the overall business  Determine mutually beneficial points of collaboration  Ask for feedback and recommendations for additional points of synergy company-wide © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 74. Driving Strategy: Execution Plan Align Execute  Adjust group‘s priorities to align with the new initiatives  Develop final value-benefit analysis based on new priorities and activities for UX  Always be on the lookout for new ways that UX can contribute  Work with your new partners to ensure successful execution © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 75. Fine-tuning Strategy  Its all about creating a self adapting organization  Cybernetics  Kaizen  ―The Fifth Discipline‖  The key to an enduring organization is adaptation  Organizations that fail to evolve become extinct  Setup reliable feedback loops and evaluate your strategy continuously  How does the current strategy impact UX and its deliverables  Always be on the look out for unique ways UX can contribute  Be prepared for changes!  Long term plans are by nature dynamic  Avoid putting all of your eggs in one basket  Don‘t drop everything for a strategy unless you have express corporate mandates to do so  Always have a backup plan (or two) © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 76. Focus Your Activities operational outputs operational outputs organizational needs operational outputs organizational needs operational outputs strategic vision organizational needs operational outputs organizational needs operational outputs operational outputs TM © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 77. Example: Strategic Presentation We will review an example of a strategic presentation covering the following points:  Company Overview (Business & Market)  Forces impacting company / UX group  Inflection points  Current & planned levels of UX operational outputs  Areas of impact and ROI points to support planned changes  Impact on value network © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 78. Activity: Strategic Plan 1 Hour Activity First 30 minutes – Create a 5 minute presentation  Describe the strategic positioning plan for UX at your company. This should contain:  A brief overview of company  The strategic forces impacting the company  Inflection points  Activity audit graph showing current & planned levels  Required changes in operational outputs  ROI talking points to justify planned levels  Impact on value network © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 79. Activity: Strategic Plan Next 30 minutes—practice your presentation  Present your positioning plan to the other members at your table.  Presentations should run no more than 5 minutes each  As a group, nominate 1 plan to present to the class © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 80. Activity: Pitching Your Vision Final 45 minutes:  Nominated individuals from each group present to the entire class  Discussion of presentations © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland
  • 81. Final Thoughts Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. -Sun Tzu © Jon Innes | Liam Friedland