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Renewable Energy for the Future
THE CHALLENGE FOR THE 21. CENTURY Day by day we hear more disturbing
news about the “Climate Change” that is happening all over the world. More and more
people are getting seriously impacted by increasingly strong and more frequent
hurricanes. We hear about unprecedented droughts in one area while there is severe
flooding in another. People are forced to leave entire regions due to desertification of the
Many scientists today accept that we are in the midst of a dramatic and accelerating
climatic shift. There seems to be no viable solution and there is no clear vision of where
we are heading. It is becoming increasing clear that this climatic shift will pose enormous
costs for most countries and there is a distinct possibility that the world economic
structure and balance will be irrevocably destroyed. Every person living on this planet
will ultimately have to face the consequences of dramatic environmental changes which
are induced by human intervention in the delicate ecological balance of nature.
As per the latest UN report, Scientists have determined that the main causes of these
changes are toxic emissions from industries and motor vehicles throughout the world.
Increasing global pollution levels and urbanization together with rapid deforestation add
to these problems.
Achieving a secure, efficient and clean energy supply is one of the major issues facing the
world community. The growing scarcity and lack of availability of fuels remains a serious
problem for many and the consequential depletion of precious financial, environmental
and time resources affects all humanity. It seems clear, that humanity has reached a
crossroads and an immediate shift in the used technology has to take place.
Since long alternatives have been shown and tested. One of the most promising
technologies is the area of renewable energies. Our sun sends daily more than 100 times
enough energy to our planet to easily cater for all our energy requirements.
Renewable energy technologies offer a sustainable and clean solution for bringing power
to the people, whether in an urban or rural setting. What is urgently needed is a shift in
Values, Policies, Education and Awareness. Here is where Non-Government
organizations can play a major role.
1.2 Renewable Energy Technologies and Applications
The study focuses on concentrating solar thermal power generation because this is by far
the greatest renewable energy resource in the EU-MENA region, but other renewable
energy sources are represented as well, in order to obtain a well balanced mix of energies
that can not only cope with the growing energy demand, but also with the needs of power
security and grid stability.
Introduction to Solar Energy
Energy is one of the most important requirements for this world to function properly. Its
availability and regular supply are of paramount interest. As we are all aware, energy
and fuel prices are rising day by day and the negative effects of global warming are more
and more visible. World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST), a registered Charitable Trust/
recognized Solar Research Centre and sister organization of the Brahma Kumaris, is
setting up “India One” a 1.0 Mw el. solar thermal power plant in order to demonstrate
and multiply this innovative technology for India. WRST makes use of the in-house
developed new 60m2 Scheffler parabolic dish in order to set up the power plant near its
Shantivan Campus in Abu Road, Rajasthan. For this project, WRST has teamed up with
Fraunhofer Institute (ISE), enjoys the support of Wolfgang Scheffler and has secured part
funding from the Indian and German Government. WRST is in close liaison with various
solar R&D institutions and manufacturers and has started fabrication and erection by
beginning of 2011.
Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun.
Every day the sun radiates an enormous amount of
energy. The sun radiates more energy in one
second than people have used since the beginning
of time. All this energy comes from within the
sun itself. Like other stars, the sun is a big gas
ball made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. The
sun generates energy in its core in a process called
nuclear fusion.
Fig 2.1 Nuclear Fusion
During nuclear fusion, the sun’s extremely high pressure and hot temperature cause
hydrogen atoms to come apart and their nuclei to fuse or combine. Some matter is lost
during nuclear fusion. The lost matter is emitted into space as radiant energy.
It takes millions of years for the energy in the sun’s core to make its way to the solar
surface, and then approximately eight minutes to travel the 93 million miles to earth. The
solar energy travels to the earth at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light.
Only a small portion of the energy radiated by the sun into space strikes the earth, one
part in two billion. Yet this amount of energy is enormous. Every day enough energy
strikes the United States to supply the nation’s energy needs for one and a half years!
About 15 percent of the sun’s energy that hits the earth is reflected back into space.
Another 30 percent is used to evaporate water, which, lifted into the atmosphere,
produces rainfall. Plants, the land, and the oceans also absorb solar energy. The rest
could be used to supply our needs.
1. Photovoltaic are solar cells that produce electricity
directly from sunlight. The solar Cells are made of thin
layers of material, usually silicon. The layers, after
treatment with special compounds, have either too many
or too few electrons.
Fig 2.2 Photovoltaic
2. Solar Thermal power is heat energy
obtained by exposing a collecting device to
the rays of the sun. A solar thermal system
makes use of the warmth absorbed by the
collector to heat water or another working
fluid, or to make steam. Hot water is used in
homes or commercial buildings and for
industrial processes. Steam is used for
process heat or for operating a turbine
generator to produce electricity or industrial
power. Fig 2.3 Solar Thermal power
1. Solar energy makes use of a renewable natural resource that is readily available.
2. Solar power used by itself creates no carbon dioxide or other toxic emissions.
3. Use of solar thermal power to heat water or generate electricity will help reduce the
Territory’s complete dependence on fossil fuels.
4. Solar water heaters are an established technology, readily available on the commercial
market, and simple enough to build, install and maintain by yourself.
5. The production of electricity by the photovoltaic process is quiet and produces no toxic
6. PV cells generate direct-current electricity that can be stored in batteries and used in a
wide range of voltages depending on the configuration of the battery bank.
1. Solar thermal systems are not cost-effective in areas that have long periods of cloudy
weather or short daylight hours.
2. The arrays of collecting devices for large systems cover extensive land areas.
3. Photovoltaic-produced electricity is presently more expensive than power supplied by
4. Batteries need periodic maintenance and replacement.
5. High voltage direct-current electricity can pose safety hazards to inadequately trained
home operators or utility personnel.
2.4 Why Solar Energy is One of the Key Solutions to World Energy Demand
The sun is the most plentiful energy source for the earth. All wind, fossil fuel, hydro and
biomass energy have their origins in sunlight. Solar energy falls on the surface of the
earth at a rate of 120 petawatts, (1 petawatt = 1015 watt). This means all the solar energy
received from the sun in one days can satisfied the whole world’s demand for more than
20 years.
We are able to calculate the potential for each renewable energy source based on today’s
technology. (Figure 1) Future advances in technology will lead to higher potential for
each energy source. However, the worldwide demand for energy is expected to keep
increasing at 5 percent each year.1 Solar energy is the only choice that can satisfy such a
huge and steadily increasing demand.
Fig 2.4 Energy sources
So the energy requirement of world is too between the use of people. So the energy
demand is too large of their daily routine and work. In old days compare to present days
the percentage ratio are so large. Thats are show that in this diagram :
Fig 2.5 World Energy Demand
There are several applications for solar energy, for instance: electricity generation,
photochemical, solar propulsion, solar desalination, and room temperate control. The
collection of solar energy and its transfer to electricity energy will have wide application
and deep impact on our society, so it has attracted the attention of the researchers.
Fig 2.6 Electricity Energy Consumption %
A solar plant is a mostly used in renewable process. In the solar system there are two
types of system as follow as :
1. Photovoltic solar system
2. Concentrated power solar system
3.1 Photovoltaic Power
PV systems are typically used for distributed or remote power systems with or without
connection to the utility grid. Their capacity ranges from a few Watt to several MW.
Batteries are usually applied in smaller decentralized supply systems to store the solar
energy over the night. There are also scenarios for very large PV systems up to 1.5 GW
each to be built in desert areas until 2050 /IEA 2003-1/. Both small and large scale
options have been included in the MED-CSP scenario, but only grid connected PV has
been quantified in the renewable electricity mix. The electricity yield of PV systems is
modelled as function of the global irradiance on a surface tilted at the respective latitude
angle. PV cannot offer any secured capacity. Backup capacity must be provided by other
technologies within the grid. Energy from very large PV could be stored in pump storage
systems. The annual capacity factor and the annual full load hours are defined by the
annual solar irradiance and the relation of the annual mean system efficiency to the layout
efficiency (q-factor). The q-factor is today typically 0.67 and expected to become 0.85 in
the year 2050.
Fig 3.1 Capacity factor of grid-connected PV systems
In the training report we are describe about the concentrated power solar system. In
that time there are mostly uses of concentrated power solar system or solar thermal
system. It has mostly dependent on climate.
“It is based on a phenomenon convert into thermal energy to electrical energy.”
Fig 3.2 Concentrated power solar system
In India a solar system are most used a Photovoltic system. But now a first time there are
used a Concentrated Power Solar Thermal System. In India in Abu road (Rajasthan) a
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
3000 kWh/m²/y
2250 kWh/m²/y
1500 kWh/m²/y
Shantivan near a Brahma Kumari Spritual Trust has started a 1.0MW solar power thermal
plant in cogeneration with innovative thermal storage for continuous operation by the
WORLD RENEUAWAL SPIRITUAL TRUST.This is india’s first concentrated solar
power plant which is organize by brahma kumaries spiritual trust. In this plant a thermal
energy convert into electrical energy by a solar power(solar radiation).There are describe
a structure and model of solar panel (a equipment which is solar are work).
3.2 Concentrated solar power plant
Concentrating solar thermal power technologies (CSP) are based on the concept of
concentrating solar radiation to be used for electricity generation within conventional
power cycles using steam turbines, gas turbines or Stirling engines. For concentration,
most systems use glass mirrors that continuously track the position of the sun. The
concentrated sunlight is absorbed on a receiver that is specially designed to reduce heat
losses. A fluid flowing through the receiver takes the heat away towards the power cycle,
where e.g. high pressure, high temperature steam is generated to drive a turbine. Air,
water, oil and molten salt are used as heat transfer fluids.
Fig 3.3 Principle of concentrating solar beam radiation
Concentrated solar power systems generate solar power by using mirrors or lenses to
concentrate a large area of sunlight, or solar thermal energy, onto a small area. Electricity
is generated when the concentrated light is converted to heat, which drives a heat engine
(usually a steam turbine) connected to an electrical power generator or powers a
thermochemical reaction .
CSP is being widely commercialized and the CSP market has seen about 740 MW of
generating capacity added between 2007 and the end of 2010. More than half of this
(about 478 MW) was installed during 2010, bringing the global total to 1095 MW. Spain
added 400 MW in 2010, taking the global lead with a total of 632 MW, while the US
ended the year with 509 MW after adding 78 MW, including two fossil–CSP hybrid
The Middle East is also ramping up their plans to install CSP based projects and
as a part of that Plan, Shams-I the largest CSP Project in the world has been installed in
Abu Dhabi, by Masdar.
CSP growth is expected to continue at a fast pace. As of January 2014, Spain had a total
capacity of 2,204 MW making this country the world leader in CSP. Interest is also
notable in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as India and China. The global
market has been dominated by parabolic-trough plants, which account for 90% of CSP
Concentrating technologies exist in five common forms, namely parabolic trough,
enclosed trough, dish Stirling’s, concentrating linear Fresnel reflector, and solar power
tower. Although simple, these solar concentrators are quite far from the theoretical
maximum concentration. For example, the parabolic-trough concentration gives about 1/3
of the theoretical maximum for the design acceptance angle, that is, for the same overall
tolerances for the system. Approaching the theoretical maximum may be achieved by
using more elaborate concentrators based on non imaging optics.
Parabolic troughs, linear Fresnel systems and power towers can be coupled to steam
cycles of 5 to 200 MW of electric capacity, with thermal cycle efficiencies of 30 – 40 %.
Dish-Stirling engines are used for decentralised generation in the 10 kW range. The
values for parabolic troughs have been demonstrated in the field. Today, these systems
achieve annual solar-to-electricity-efficiencies of about 10 – 15 %, with the perspective to
reach about 18 % in the medium term. The values for the other systems are based on
component and prototype system test data and the assumption of mature development of
current technology. The overall solar-electric efficiencies include the conversion of solar
energy to heat within the collector and the conversion of the heat to electricity in the
power block. The conversion efficiency of the power block remains basically the same as
in fuel fired power plants.
Power towers can achieve very high operating temperatures of over 1000 °C, enabling
them to produce hot air for gas turbine operation. Gas turbines can be used in combined
cycles, yielding very high conversion efficiencies of the thermal cycle of more than 50 %.
Each of these technologies can be operated with fossil fuel as well as solar energy. This
hybrid operation has the potential to increase the value of CSP technology by increasing
its power availability and decreasing its cost by making more effective use of the power
block. Solar heat collected during the daytime can be stored in concrete, molten salt,
ceramics or phase-change media. At night, it can be extracted from the storage to run the
power block. Fossil and renewable fuels like oil, gas, coal and biomass can be used for
co-firing the plant, thus providing power capacity whenever required .
Table 3.1 Performance data of various concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies
Moreover, solar energy can be used for co-generation of electricity and process heat. In
this case, the primary energy input is used with efficiencies of up to 85 %. Possible
applications cover the combined production of industrial heat, district cooling and sea
water desalination.
All concepts have the perspective to expand their time of solar operation to base load
using thermal energy storage and larger collector fields. To generate one Megawatt-hour
of solar electricity per year, a land area of only 4 to 12 m² is required. This means, that
one km2
of arid land can continuously and indefinitely generate as much electricity as any
conventional 50 MW coal - or gas fired power station.
Thus, two main characteristics make concentrating solar power a key technology in a
future renewable energy supply mix in MENA:
 it can deliver secured power as requested by demand
Unit MW
Peak Solar
Annual Solar
Thermal Cycle
Factor (solar)
Land Use
Trough 10 – 200 70 - 80 21% (d) 10 – 15% (d) 30 – 40 % ST 24% (d) 6 - 8
17 – 18% (p) 25 – 90% (p)
Fresnel 10 - 200 25 - 100 20% (p) 9 - 11% (p) 30 - 40 % ST 25 - 90% (p) 4 - 6
Power Tower 10 – 150 300 – 1000 20% (d) 8 – 10 % (d) 30 – 40 % ST 25 – 90% (p) 8 - 12
35 % (p) 15 – 25% (p) 45 – 55 % CC
Dish-Stirling 0.01 – 0.4 1000 – 3000 29% (d) 16 – 18 % (d) 30 – 40 % Stirl. 25% (p) 8 - 12
18 – 23% (p) 20 – 30 % GT
 its natural resource is very abundant and practically unlimited
Their thermal storage capability and hybrid operation with fuels allows CSP plants to
provide power on demand. Their availability and capacity credit is considered to be 90 %.
CSP plants can be build from several kW to several 100 MW capacity.
Fig 3.4 Principle of solar thermal co-generation of heat and power
Different types of concentrators produce different peak temperatures and correspondingly
varying thermodynamic efficiencies, due to differences in the way that they track the sun
and focus light. New innovations in CSP technology are leading systems to become more
and more cost-effective.
Fig 3.5 60m2 Dish with receiver
Cogen Cycle
Solar Collector
Process Heat
• solar electricity
• integrated backup capacity,
power on demand
• increased solar operating
hours, reduced fuel input
• additional process heat for
cooling, drying, seawater
desalination, etc.
Cogen Cycle
Solar Collector
Process Heat
• solar electricity
• integrated backup capacity,
power on demand
• increased solar operating
hours, reduced fuel input
• additional process heat for
cooling, drying, seawater
desalination, etc.
This is new 60m2 prototype parabolic dish with cavity receiver and storage.
In this report we are considered and describe that a project of “India one ” by the
“WORLD RENEWAL SPIRITUAL TRUST” .Its describe also a work of a plant of all
departments. In the report also show that a work of fabrication, department of all section
and study their work. A report shown a structure of solar panel and studied different
types of their panel, and also show that how its work.
3.3 Prospects of CSP Research and Development and Projects Ahead
While present parabolic trough plants use synthetic oil as heat transfer fluid within the
collectors, and a heat exchanger for steam generation, efforts to achieve direct steam
generation within the absorber tubes are underway in the DISS and INDITEP projects
sponsored by the European Commission, with the aim to reduce costs and to enhance
efficiency by 15-20% . Direct solar steam generation has recently been demonstrated by
CIEMAT and DLR on the Plataforma Solar in Almeria/ Spain, in a 500 m long test loop,
providing superheated steam at 400 °C and 100 bar. All those R&D efforts aim at
increasing efficiency and reducing costs.
A European industrial consortium has developed the new parabolic trough collector
SKAL-ET, which aims to achieve better performance and cost by improving the
mechanical structure and the optical and thermal properties of the parabolic troughs.
Another European consortium has developed a simplified trough collector prototype with
segmented flat mirrors following the principle of Fresnel.
The high temperatures available in solar towers can not only be used to drive steam
cycles, but also for gas turbines and combined cycle systems. Such system promises up to
35 % peak and 25 % annual solar-electric efficiency when coupled to a combined cycle
power plant. A solar receiver was developed within the European SOLGATE project for
heating pressurised air by placing the volumetric absorber into a pressure vessel with a
parabolic quartz window for solar radiation incidence. Multi-tower solar arrays may be
arranged in the future so that the heliostat reflectors can alternatively point to various
tower receivers. Like in other Fresnel systems, the horizontally arranged heliostats almost
completely cover the land area and create a bright, semi-shaded space below for
agricultural or other purposes.
Table 3.2 Selected CSP Technology Overview
Technology Experience Next Step Current
of the Solar
Parabolic trough
reflector with oil-
cooled vacuum-
isolated absorber
tube in hybrid steam
cycle power plant
SEGS I – IX , 354
MW installed
between 1985 and
1991 in California,
since then operating,
steam generated in
oil/steam heat
exchangers at
370°C, 100 bar
projects under
development in
Israel and USA
Solel, Israel (design,
absorber), Flagsol
(Germany (reflectors)
Re-designed and up-
scaled structure of
oil-cooled parabolic
trough for steam
cycle operation
100 & 150 m units
of SKAL-ET (up-
scaled EuroTrough)
collector integrated
to SEGS VI in
California since
April 2003
2 x 50 MW
project under
development in
Southern Spain
Solarmillennium AG,
Flagsol, Schlaich,
Bergermann & Partner,
Schott, Germany
(reflectors, structure,
absorber tube)
Direct steam
generating parabolic
700 m DISS test-
loop in Plataforma
Solar de Almeria,
Spain, direct steam
demonstrated at 400
°C, 100 bar
Concept for a 5
MW demo plant
Iberinco, Initec,
Ciemat, (Spain)
Flagsol, DLR, ZSW
Solar tower system
with pressurised hot-
air central receiver
for solar gas turbine
240 kW gas turbine
operated first time
December 2002 at
Plataforma Solar de
2 x 80 kW gas
turbine co-
system for
DLR (Germany), Esco
Solar (Italy)
and combined cycle
Almeria, gas turbine
operated at 800 °C,
8 bar, (SOLGATE
electricity and
cooling under
construction in
Solar tower system
with un-pressurised
volumetric hot-air
3 MWthermal TSA
project in 1996-
1998, steam
generated at 550 °C,
100 bar; new
modular ceramic
presently tested in
the European. Solair
endurance test
and concept
development for
a 2 MW
prototype plant
within the
Solucar, Ciemat
(Spain), Heliotech
(Denmark), DLR,
Kraftanlagen München,
Linear Fresnel
collector with
concentrator and
direct steam
generating absorber
100 m prototype
tested in Liege,
Belgium, direct
saturated steam
generated at 275 °C
Compact Linear
Fresnel Reflector 1
MW the prototype
installed in a steam
cycle plant in Liddell
in New South Wales,
200 m test loop
for superheated
steam generation
at Plataforma
Solar, Spain
Design and
construction of a
first 1 MW e
pilot plant
Solar Heat & Power
As we are all aware, energy and fuel prices are rising day by day and the negative effects
of global warming are more and more visible. World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST), a
registered Charitable Trust recognized Solar Research Centre and sister organization of
the Brahma Kumaris, is setting up “India One” a 1.0 Mw el. Solar thermal power plant
in order to demonstrate and multiply this innovative technology for India.
WRST makes use of the in-house developed new 60m2 Scheffler parabolic dish in order
to set up the power plant near its Shantivan Campus in Abu Road, Rajasthan. For this
project, WRST has teamed up with Fraunhofer Institute (ISE), enjoys the support of
Wolfgang Scheffler and has secured part funding from the Indian and German
Government. WRST is in close liaison with various solar R&D institutions and
manufacturers and has started fabrication and erection by beginning of 2011.
Fig 3.6 WRST
This solar thermal power plant has generate a 1 MW power generate within a one hour.
This plant a dish technology in direct steam generation mode for a full of 16 hours storage
a receiver in solar plant.
The main advantage of a solar panel:
1. It is a cheapest process in solar power plant.
2. A process is very efficient.
3. A solar panel are flexible and its strength is high.
4. Power on demand and high efficiency due to cogeneration.
5. A panel have a tracking system, its rotate a disc according to sun to adjust the
focused of receiver of reflector.
A concept based on a “CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER SYSTEM”. In this solar
plant there are a solar panel(or solar equipment). In the model of solar panel(according to
fabrication) divided into three parts as follow as:
A Solar panel made from these three things.
There are a solar panel stand on his place where sun in there. So the a disc which has 750
mirrors are aligned. When sun rays are incident on a mirror so it is reflect by reflector and
focused into a receiver.
A receiver a made of cast iron which has 500 mm diameter and it is design of cylindrical
shape. A quartz mirror are there in aligned . So the disc are focused a light into the
receiver . In the receiver has a coil of pipe which has water are arrived in the coil. As the
light going to receiver , A receiver initial temperature are rise , so the water are arrived in
the coil are temperature raised ( A receiver temperature is 250 to 450 c) and in receiver
are generate or water are change into a steam. A steam phase are superheated for
according to temperature. A water header are supplied a water and a one coil are going to
steam header which has steam are stored in there. A steam header steam are going into
the turbine. In turbine a steam can rotate a rotor which has produced a electricity through
generator. And a generator are supplied electricity in a campus .That is a concept to
generate electricity by sun.
But the many new technology are using in solar equipment:
Fig 3.7 Solar panels
Description of solar plant
There are classified in following DEPARTMENT:
These department can operate and make a whole plant. It will provide all types of
requirement . Each department has own work of different stream on plant.
Mostly in this report according to mechanical data which is used in report . So mostly the
describe of a fabrication department used in this plant of gradually used in works and its
help to get more information.
In this department there are make a solar panel or solar equipment or solar apparatus
which is used in reflect the solar plant of receiver. So there are different parts of the solar
panel and its receiver . A part of solar panel or solar equipment are as follow as:
And all other things which are also describe in a report are as follow as :
Fig 4.1 B.K Solar plant
And other things which are mention in this report.
So we are starting to fabrication which are mention in this report that how its make and
describe all procedure of a panel which are made in fabrication department. There are
also show that which types of machine are used in this plant just examples :
1. Welding machines.
2. Cutting machines.
And other equipment which can make a panels.
4.1.1 STAND :
A stand is the part of solar panel . It can stand the whole panel with in their parts. One
portion attach to the ground ( with make a foundation of solar panel) and other portion
make stable and supporting a rotating wheel and other portion have plate in a stand(top of
the stand)emerged a bush bearing.
Its design is complex. It is three parts which can attach to the ground in a
fixture(foundation of panel).A design of stand is mostly made of three alphabet: (T) , (X)
, (A). A design are made to supporting a rotating wheel , stable on whole solar panel and
other things which can increase a strength and given more stability.
It is basically made of pipes (which are made of mild steel) are assembled in installation
of stand. A first installation there have jig which can help make and assembled of pipes
.A portion of (A) and (X). After the installation of pipes in other way that install (T)
which types of pipes are assembled. In their joints of pipes does welded. Each joint are
welded by welders. There are three plates aligned which has attached to a foundation .At
the end of the stand ( Part of the top in solar panel) has three plates jointed which have
emerged to rotating wheel bush bearing. So that is the procedure are installation of pipes
in stand which has aligned a solar panel .
A diagram which can see that a stand of solar panel.
Fig 4.2 Frame of Panel
In diagram show that a position of stand which can supporting a rotating wheel . A
foundation are made of contact of ground and a stand pipes are attached with it, Its given
more stability and high strength.
A Rotating wheel is the main part of solar panel or it is a rotating part of solar system. In
the solar panel nave many tracking devices which can rotate a rotating wheel supported of
reflector . A reflector can rotate by support of rotating wheel. Because its have a tracking
devices(types of sensor) which are rotate according to sun which maintain a focus of
receiver. Its has a gear which attach to stand of two supporter which are gear can rotate
the disc with help of MECHANICAL TIMER .
Its design are complex. Its similar to a half- circle which have added and installed many
different pipes of different parameters .In the two sides of downward direction there are
two bush bearings which can supporting emerged in reflector. There have a plate thats
called a “B” Point which are emerged in a stand from the top sided of the plate(a bush
bearing are inserted in top stand plate) which can support to each other. And the other
side of rotating wheel are support the whole disc. A diagram shows the single rotating
wheel of solar panel
Fig 4.3 Rotating Wheel
In the diagram shows the structure of rotating wheel .Its also shows that a bush bearing in
sided and another sided a plate have a also bush bearing. A gear are attached in the
downward side of lower portion.
In the installation of rotating wheel there are four steps are made of rotating wheel .There
are as follows as:
In the first step there are a jig which are settled and installation of radial plate( joint a
plate of shape of half circle with the help of welding) .A radial plate diameter is 55.70mm
with 12mm thickness and a 150mm width. In the installation of rotating wheel a pipes
assembled on rotating wheel on the help of jig . In jig the installation of pipes a rotating
wheel are settled a different parameters of pipes . After the installation of first step they
its going in second step.
In second step the a rotating wheel have radial plate are emerged a radial tube (pipes of
tube of 25x25) and also attached a reference plate in the lower portion side.
In the third step the a rotating wheel going to another step of installation . In third step a
jig can attached a B point . To measure a b. point we measure a reference plate with help
of apparatus with the 12 mm hole of reference plate to similar to a B. Point 12mm hole
are centre are similar that in the right position of rotating wheel on jig. There are 6 pipes
are installed in a rotating wheel on vertical attached to a plate ( on B.point) .
In fourth step going to another installation of pipes in another jig we create a parameters
which are aligned in pipes on a plate installed also of two side bearings and a one bush
bearing on plate. So in fourth step a 12 pipes are installed of different parameters to given
a more stability and more strength on rotating wheel. In the centre of radial tube also
aligned a gear which help to track a solar panel.
A diagram show that the rotating wheel in attached on stand.
Fig 4.4 Rotating Wheel
In diagram a rotating wheel has gear with tracking to disc. And the upper portion of pipes
are supported a whole disc on the top side. A side bearing are attached and give supported
a hole disc.
Its design is too complex with a different pipes to attached to given a more stability and
more strength.
A reflector is main part of a solar panel to reflected a sun light when a sun light is
incident on a reflector its reflect a light to a receiver . A reflector has reflect a light of
focus on receiver in 500 mm diameter given 95% .On according to a many apparatus and
devices which can maintain a focus point on receiver.
Fig 4.5 Reflector
A reflector are too flexible which are design to flex or expand on the help of a actuator on
aligned on a centre bar.
There are a centre bar which are attached a rotating wheel to support a hole reflector to
upper to lower portion or top to bottom.
A centre bar is a part of reflector which support a reflector to support of rotating wheel .
Its attached in a centre of reflector of upper to lower portion and also said that to top to
Fig 4.6 Center Bar
It is made of four of triangular types of design anel which are attached to each other.
There are two portion have attached a plate to each of to and bottom sided. And other two
are centre of reflector.
It is attached a back portion of a reflector.
In the a three space in centre bar which has aligned a actuator to change position of
A reflector design is based on a parabola ,it is also that a disc is look like a parabolic disc
which is 60m2 area. A parabolic disc is made of many pipes and angles . In the disc there
are 750 mirrors (glasses are coating with a silver paint) are aligned in the 60m2 disc. A
Parabolic curve design given focus on the receiver quartz plate which 500 mm diameter.
So the main concept to concentrate on focus to the receiver with a 95% focus point.
A fabrication of reflector is a different types of procedure of different types of jig which
has made a parts are made of this jig which are assembled in a final process.
There are three types of jigs and process which made a reflector are as follow as:
1. Outer frame
2. Inner frame
3. Framed assemble
1. Outer frame:
In the first process are create a jig of circle shape which has help to create a outer frame.
In this process aseembled a pipes and angles with the help of welding. A outer frame has
too complex which fabrication are welded and prepare to going in a next process.
2. Inner frame:
In inner frame are made in a jig which has different size of jigs (small to big) which has
welded a small plates and small joint type of material which has alinged in a glasses in
3. Framed assembled :
This is a final stage process which has alinged and attached a inner frame according to
jig which have requirement of that.Its also joint a plate of 12 mm which has 27 plate
attached in a reflector jig.
So this is the process which are made a reflector has arrived in a various process.
A receiver is the part of solar panel which has not included or attached in solar panel but
it is stand on the front of the reflector or disc. Its weight is 2.7 tone according to design.
A receiver is the part of solar process which a reflector are focused in the receiver it is a
consume a sun rays when incident in a reflector by sun . So the receiver has store the heat
to maintain the required temperature. In the inside of receiver has a cast iron which has a
pipe of coil . A coil has inlet and outlet in receiver so that the water are enter through inlet
in receiver and after change into steam its going outside to outlet.
Mostly the receiver has made to create a steam (on phase of superheated) in coil which
are entered in water to water header tank.
A receiver has also attached a quartz plate of a upper side of portion on a 500 mm
diameter of receiver and a reflector can focused of his 500mm diameter which has reflect
a sun light.
A receiver is a cylindrical type of design which manufactured many types of individual
parts of this cylindrical the upper side there are 500 mm diameter which has
arranged a quartz plate. There are inner coating of cast iron which has a coil of pipe .
There also have a stand to maintain and keep the front of disc.
A design are make to keep focus on receiver. So the focus is necessary part of that.
Fig 4.7 Receiver with Reflector Disc
A diagram shows that a position of receiver in front of reflector or disc. In diagram also
show that a receiver shape and there stand which has given support to receiver.
A receiver has fabricate in workshop a one process. In this process we use a material of
mild steel. There are aligned a front plate in the upper portion . A front plate looking a
circle which has 12m thickness and outer diameter is 916mm and inner diameter is 500
mm. In the centre of front plate are also attached a quartz plate ( a quartz plate work that
enter the sun light but didn’t get out in the atmosphere or outside).A light has enter to
receiver of his inner diameter. Its have a coil of mild steel which are coating of cast iron
to maintain a temperature between receiver.
Fig 4.8 Reciever coil
There have coating of cast iron which have a coil which flow in water in coil to generate a
steam by temperature. A diagram shows that a basic model of receiver and there has a
coil of inlet and outlet.
A turbine is necessary part of the solar plant which are direct coupled to generator.
A concept that all of receiver steam has store in a steam header. A steam header steam are
going in turbine in high pressure of 42 bar exist the steam and near has low pressure its
exist a normal pressure. There have a 8000kg store the steam and a rotor speed of 3000
rpm. A turbine has a SIEMONS COMPANY which has import to Germany.
A turbine are generate a 1megawatt electricity . A turbine rotor are direct coupled to a
generator which are rotate to generate electricity.
In turbine creates also raw water which has stored in a raw water tank to re-used the water
in turbine.
A water are also clarify and treated in minerals in water to keep precaution of corrosion
between the pipes.
There has a office to see a maintain and maintenance of turbine and also operate the
turbine .
Fig 3.9 Turbine
In diagram shows that a turbine which have high pressure and low pressure and all there
necessary parts which required and all necessary parts in turbine.
So this is all about the learning’s at SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT within 45
DAYS. To do my summer training in SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT was a
phenomenal learning experience for me. This one month was a joy ride for me in the
mechanical field, and now on completion of my training I can say that I have gained very
sound knowledge in mechanical field.
 Always wear helmet for protection of head.
 Always wear spectacles for protection of dust
 Wear dust mask to protect dust from entering nose.
 Wear gloves while doing oily work.
 Always wear shoes to protect our self from electric shock.

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Renewable Energy for the Future

  • 1. 1 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Chapter-1 Renewable Energy for the Future 1.1 INTRODUCTION THE CHALLENGE FOR THE 21. CENTURY Day by day we hear more disturbing news about the “Climate Change” that is happening all over the world. More and more people are getting seriously impacted by increasingly strong and more frequent hurricanes. We hear about unprecedented droughts in one area while there is severe flooding in another. People are forced to leave entire regions due to desertification of the land. Many scientists today accept that we are in the midst of a dramatic and accelerating climatic shift. There seems to be no viable solution and there is no clear vision of where we are heading. It is becoming increasing clear that this climatic shift will pose enormous costs for most countries and there is a distinct possibility that the world economic structure and balance will be irrevocably destroyed. Every person living on this planet will ultimately have to face the consequences of dramatic environmental changes which are induced by human intervention in the delicate ecological balance of nature. As per the latest UN report, Scientists have determined that the main causes of these changes are toxic emissions from industries and motor vehicles throughout the world. Increasing global pollution levels and urbanization together with rapid deforestation add to these problems. Achieving a secure, efficient and clean energy supply is one of the major issues facing the world community. The growing scarcity and lack of availability of fuels remains a serious problem for many and the consequential depletion of precious financial, environmental and time resources affects all humanity. It seems clear, that humanity has reached a crossroads and an immediate shift in the used technology has to take place. Since long alternatives have been shown and tested. One of the most promising technologies is the area of renewable energies. Our sun sends daily more than 100 times enough energy to our planet to easily cater for all our energy requirements.
  • 2. 2 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Renewable energy technologies offer a sustainable and clean solution for bringing power to the people, whether in an urban or rural setting. What is urgently needed is a shift in Values, Policies, Education and Awareness. Here is where Non-Government organizations can play a major role. 1.2 Renewable Energy Technologies and Applications The study focuses on concentrating solar thermal power generation because this is by far the greatest renewable energy resource in the EU-MENA region, but other renewable energy sources are represented as well, in order to obtain a well balanced mix of energies that can not only cope with the growing energy demand, but also with the needs of power security and grid stability.
  • 3. 3 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Chapter-2 Introduction to Solar Energy 2.1 INTRODUCTION Energy is one of the most important requirements for this world to function properly. Its availability and regular supply are of paramount interest. As we are all aware, energy and fuel prices are rising day by day and the negative effects of global warming are more and more visible. World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST), a registered Charitable Trust/ recognized Solar Research Centre and sister organization of the Brahma Kumaris, is setting up “India One” a 1.0 Mw el. solar thermal power plant in order to demonstrate and multiply this innovative technology for India. WRST makes use of the in-house developed new 60m2 Scheffler parabolic dish in order to set up the power plant near its Shantivan Campus in Abu Road, Rajasthan. For this project, WRST has teamed up with Fraunhofer Institute (ISE), enjoys the support of Wolfgang Scheffler and has secured part funding from the Indian and German Government. WRST is in close liaison with various solar R&D institutions and manufacturers and has started fabrication and erection by beginning of 2011. Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun. Every day the sun radiates an enormous amount of energy. The sun radiates more energy in one second than people have used since the beginning of time. All this energy comes from within the sun itself. Like other stars, the sun is a big gas ball made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. The sun generates energy in its core in a process called nuclear fusion. Fig 2.1 Nuclear Fusion During nuclear fusion, the sun’s extremely high pressure and hot temperature cause hydrogen atoms to come apart and their nuclei to fuse or combine. Some matter is lost during nuclear fusion. The lost matter is emitted into space as radiant energy. It takes millions of years for the energy in the sun’s core to make its way to the solar surface, and then approximately eight minutes to travel the 93 million miles to earth. The solar energy travels to the earth at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light.
  • 4. 4 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Only a small portion of the energy radiated by the sun into space strikes the earth, one part in two billion. Yet this amount of energy is enormous. Every day enough energy strikes the United States to supply the nation’s energy needs for one and a half years! About 15 percent of the sun’s energy that hits the earth is reflected back into space. Another 30 percent is used to evaporate water, which, lifted into the atmosphere, produces rainfall. Plants, the land, and the oceans also absorb solar energy. The rest could be used to supply our needs. 2.2 APPLICATIONS 1. Photovoltaic are solar cells that produce electricity directly from sunlight. The solar Cells are made of thin layers of material, usually silicon. The layers, after treatment with special compounds, have either too many or too few electrons. Fig 2.2 Photovoltaic 2. Solar Thermal power is heat energy obtained by exposing a collecting device to the rays of the sun. A solar thermal system makes use of the warmth absorbed by the collector to heat water or another working fluid, or to make steam. Hot water is used in homes or commercial buildings and for industrial processes. Steam is used for process heat or for operating a turbine generator to produce electricity or industrial power. Fig 2.3 Solar Thermal power
  • 5. 5 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 2.3 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SOLAR ENERGY  ADVANTAGES 1. Solar energy makes use of a renewable natural resource that is readily available. 2. Solar power used by itself creates no carbon dioxide or other toxic emissions. 3. Use of solar thermal power to heat water or generate electricity will help reduce the Territory’s complete dependence on fossil fuels. 4. Solar water heaters are an established technology, readily available on the commercial market, and simple enough to build, install and maintain by yourself. 5. The production of electricity by the photovoltaic process is quiet and produces no toxic fumes. 6. PV cells generate direct-current electricity that can be stored in batteries and used in a wide range of voltages depending on the configuration of the battery bank.  DISADVANTAGES 1. Solar thermal systems are not cost-effective in areas that have long periods of cloudy weather or short daylight hours. 2. The arrays of collecting devices for large systems cover extensive land areas. 3. Photovoltaic-produced electricity is presently more expensive than power supplied by utilities. 4. Batteries need periodic maintenance and replacement. 5. High voltage direct-current electricity can pose safety hazards to inadequately trained home operators or utility personnel. 2.4 Why Solar Energy is One of the Key Solutions to World Energy Demand The sun is the most plentiful energy source for the earth. All wind, fossil fuel, hydro and biomass energy have their origins in sunlight. Solar energy falls on the surface of the earth at a rate of 120 petawatts, (1 petawatt = 1015 watt). This means all the solar energy received from the sun in one days can satisfied the whole world’s demand for more than 20 years. We are able to calculate the potential for each renewable energy source based on today’s technology. (Figure 1) Future advances in technology will lead to higher potential for
  • 6. 6 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 each energy source. However, the worldwide demand for energy is expected to keep increasing at 5 percent each year.1 Solar energy is the only choice that can satisfy such a huge and steadily increasing demand. Fig 2.4 Energy sources So the energy requirement of world is too between the use of people. So the energy demand is too large of their daily routine and work. In old days compare to present days the percentage ratio are so large. Thats are show that in this diagram :
  • 7. 7 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Fig 2.5 World Energy Demand There are several applications for solar energy, for instance: electricity generation, photochemical, solar propulsion, solar desalination, and room temperate control. The collection of solar energy and its transfer to electricity energy will have wide application and deep impact on our society, so it has attracted the attention of the researchers. Fig 2.6 Electricity Energy Consumption %
  • 8. 8 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Chapter-3 SOLAR POWER PLANT 3.1 INTRODUCTION A solar plant is a mostly used in renewable process. In the solar system there are two types of system as follow as : 1. Photovoltic solar system 2. Concentrated power solar system 3.1 Photovoltaic Power PV systems are typically used for distributed or remote power systems with or without connection to the utility grid. Their capacity ranges from a few Watt to several MW. Batteries are usually applied in smaller decentralized supply systems to store the solar energy over the night. There are also scenarios for very large PV systems up to 1.5 GW each to be built in desert areas until 2050 /IEA 2003-1/. Both small and large scale options have been included in the MED-CSP scenario, but only grid connected PV has been quantified in the renewable electricity mix. The electricity yield of PV systems is modelled as function of the global irradiance on a surface tilted at the respective latitude angle. PV cannot offer any secured capacity. Backup capacity must be provided by other technologies within the grid. Energy from very large PV could be stored in pump storage systems. The annual capacity factor and the annual full load hours are defined by the annual solar irradiance and the relation of the annual mean system efficiency to the layout efficiency (q-factor). The q-factor is today typically 0.67 and expected to become 0.85 in the year 2050.
  • 9. 9 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Fig 3.1 Capacity factor of grid-connected PV systems In the training report we are describe about the concentrated power solar system. In that time there are mostly uses of concentrated power solar system or solar thermal system. It has mostly dependent on climate. “It is based on a phenomenon convert into thermal energy to electrical energy.” Fig 3.2 Concentrated power solar system In India a solar system are most used a Photovoltic system. But now a first time there are used a Concentrated Power Solar Thermal System. In India in Abu road (Rajasthan) a 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year CapacityFactor 3000 kWh/m²/y 2250 kWh/m²/y 1500 kWh/m²/y
  • 10. 10 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Shantivan near a Brahma Kumari Spritual Trust has started a 1.0MW solar power thermal plant in cogeneration with innovative thermal storage for continuous operation by the WORLD RENEUAWAL SPIRITUAL TRUST.This is india’s first concentrated solar power plant which is organize by brahma kumaries spiritual trust. In this plant a thermal energy convert into electrical energy by a solar power(solar radiation).There are describe a structure and model of solar panel (a equipment which is solar are work). 3.2 Concentrated solar power plant Concentrating solar thermal power technologies (CSP) are based on the concept of concentrating solar radiation to be used for electricity generation within conventional power cycles using steam turbines, gas turbines or Stirling engines. For concentration, most systems use glass mirrors that continuously track the position of the sun. The concentrated sunlight is absorbed on a receiver that is specially designed to reduce heat losses. A fluid flowing through the receiver takes the heat away towards the power cycle, where e.g. high pressure, high temperature steam is generated to drive a turbine. Air, water, oil and molten salt are used as heat transfer fluids. Fig 3.3 Principle of concentrating solar beam radiation Concentrated solar power systems generate solar power by using mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight, or solar thermal energy, onto a small area. Electricity is generated when the concentrated light is converted to heat, which drives a heat engine
  • 11. 11 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 (usually a steam turbine) connected to an electrical power generator or powers a thermochemical reaction . CSP is being widely commercialized and the CSP market has seen about 740 MW of generating capacity added between 2007 and the end of 2010. More than half of this (about 478 MW) was installed during 2010, bringing the global total to 1095 MW. Spain added 400 MW in 2010, taking the global lead with a total of 632 MW, while the US ended the year with 509 MW after adding 78 MW, including two fossil–CSP hybrid plants.[4] The Middle East is also ramping up their plans to install CSP based projects and as a part of that Plan, Shams-I the largest CSP Project in the world has been installed in Abu Dhabi, by Masdar. CSP growth is expected to continue at a fast pace. As of January 2014, Spain had a total capacity of 2,204 MW making this country the world leader in CSP. Interest is also notable in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as India and China. The global market has been dominated by parabolic-trough plants, which account for 90% of CSP plants. Concentrating technologies exist in five common forms, namely parabolic trough, enclosed trough, dish Stirling’s, concentrating linear Fresnel reflector, and solar power tower. Although simple, these solar concentrators are quite far from the theoretical maximum concentration. For example, the parabolic-trough concentration gives about 1/3 of the theoretical maximum for the design acceptance angle, that is, for the same overall tolerances for the system. Approaching the theoretical maximum may be achieved by using more elaborate concentrators based on non imaging optics. Parabolic troughs, linear Fresnel systems and power towers can be coupled to steam cycles of 5 to 200 MW of electric capacity, with thermal cycle efficiencies of 30 – 40 %. Dish-Stirling engines are used for decentralised generation in the 10 kW range. The values for parabolic troughs have been demonstrated in the field. Today, these systems achieve annual solar-to-electricity-efficiencies of about 10 – 15 %, with the perspective to reach about 18 % in the medium term. The values for the other systems are based on component and prototype system test data and the assumption of mature development of current technology. The overall solar-electric efficiencies include the conversion of solar energy to heat within the collector and the conversion of the heat to electricity in the
  • 12. 12 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 power block. The conversion efficiency of the power block remains basically the same as in fuel fired power plants. Power towers can achieve very high operating temperatures of over 1000 °C, enabling them to produce hot air for gas turbine operation. Gas turbines can be used in combined cycles, yielding very high conversion efficiencies of the thermal cycle of more than 50 %. Each of these technologies can be operated with fossil fuel as well as solar energy. This hybrid operation has the potential to increase the value of CSP technology by increasing its power availability and decreasing its cost by making more effective use of the power block. Solar heat collected during the daytime can be stored in concrete, molten salt, ceramics or phase-change media. At night, it can be extracted from the storage to run the power block. Fossil and renewable fuels like oil, gas, coal and biomass can be used for co-firing the plant, thus providing power capacity whenever required . Table 3.1 Performance data of various concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies Moreover, solar energy can be used for co-generation of electricity and process heat. In this case, the primary energy input is used with efficiencies of up to 85 %. Possible applications cover the combined production of industrial heat, district cooling and sea water desalination. All concepts have the perspective to expand their time of solar operation to base load using thermal energy storage and larger collector fields. To generate one Megawatt-hour of solar electricity per year, a land area of only 4 to 12 m² is required. This means, that one km2 of arid land can continuously and indefinitely generate as much electricity as any conventional 50 MW coal - or gas fired power station. Thus, two main characteristics make concentrating solar power a key technology in a future renewable energy supply mix in MENA:  it can deliver secured power as requested by demand Capacity Unit MW Concen- tration Peak Solar Efficiency Annual Solar Efficiency Thermal Cycle Efficiency Capacity Factor (solar) Land Use m²/MWh/y Trough 10 – 200 70 - 80 21% (d) 10 – 15% (d) 30 – 40 % ST 24% (d) 6 - 8 17 – 18% (p) 25 – 90% (p) Fresnel 10 - 200 25 - 100 20% (p) 9 - 11% (p) 30 - 40 % ST 25 - 90% (p) 4 - 6 Power Tower 10 – 150 300 – 1000 20% (d) 8 – 10 % (d) 30 – 40 % ST 25 – 90% (p) 8 - 12 35 % (p) 15 – 25% (p) 45 – 55 % CC Dish-Stirling 0.01 – 0.4 1000 – 3000 29% (d) 16 – 18 % (d) 30 – 40 % Stirl. 25% (p) 8 - 12 18 – 23% (p) 20 – 30 % GT
  • 13. 13 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034  its natural resource is very abundant and practically unlimited Their thermal storage capability and hybrid operation with fuels allows CSP plants to provide power on demand. Their availability and capacity credit is considered to be 90 %. CSP plants can be build from several kW to several 100 MW capacity. Fig 3.4 Principle of solar thermal co-generation of heat and power Different types of concentrators produce different peak temperatures and correspondingly varying thermodynamic efficiencies, due to differences in the way that they track the sun and focus light. New innovations in CSP technology are leading systems to become more and more cost-effective. Fig 3.5 60m2 Dish with receiver CSP CO-GENERATION PLANTS  100 % Green Power Fuel Cogen Cycle Concentrating Solar Collector Field Solar Heat Thermal Energy Storage Process Heat • solar electricity • integrated backup capacity, power on demand • increased solar operating hours, reduced fuel input • additional process heat for cooling, drying, seawater desalination, etc. Electricity CSP CO-GENERATION PLANTS  100 % Green Power Fuel Cogen Cycle Concentrating Solar Collector Field Solar Heat Thermal Energy Storage Process Heat • solar electricity • integrated backup capacity, power on demand • increased solar operating hours, reduced fuel input • additional process heat for cooling, drying, seawater desalination, etc. Electricity
  • 14. 14 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 This is new 60m2 prototype parabolic dish with cavity receiver and storage. In this report we are considered and describe that a project of “India one ” by the “WORLD RENEWAL SPIRITUAL TRUST” .Its describe also a work of a plant of all departments. In the report also show that a work of fabrication, department of all section and study their work. A report shown a structure of solar panel and studied different types of their panel, and also show that how its work. 3.3 Prospects of CSP Research and Development and Projects Ahead While present parabolic trough plants use synthetic oil as heat transfer fluid within the collectors, and a heat exchanger for steam generation, efforts to achieve direct steam generation within the absorber tubes are underway in the DISS and INDITEP projects sponsored by the European Commission, with the aim to reduce costs and to enhance efficiency by 15-20% . Direct solar steam generation has recently been demonstrated by CIEMAT and DLR on the Plataforma Solar in Almeria/ Spain, in a 500 m long test loop, providing superheated steam at 400 °C and 100 bar. All those R&D efforts aim at increasing efficiency and reducing costs. A European industrial consortium has developed the new parabolic trough collector SKAL-ET, which aims to achieve better performance and cost by improving the mechanical structure and the optical and thermal properties of the parabolic troughs. Another European consortium has developed a simplified trough collector prototype with segmented flat mirrors following the principle of Fresnel. The high temperatures available in solar towers can not only be used to drive steam cycles, but also for gas turbines and combined cycle systems. Such system promises up to 35 % peak and 25 % annual solar-electric efficiency when coupled to a combined cycle power plant. A solar receiver was developed within the European SOLGATE project for heating pressurised air by placing the volumetric absorber into a pressure vessel with a parabolic quartz window for solar radiation incidence. Multi-tower solar arrays may be arranged in the future so that the heliostat reflectors can alternatively point to various tower receivers. Like in other Fresnel systems, the horizontally arranged heliostats almost completely cover the land area and create a bright, semi-shaded space below for agricultural or other purposes.
  • 15. 15 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Table 3.2 Selected CSP Technology Overview Technology Experience Next Step Current Providers/Developers of the Solar Components Parabolic trough reflector with oil- cooled vacuum- isolated absorber tube in hybrid steam cycle power plant SEGS I – IX , 354 MW installed between 1985 and 1991 in California, since then operating, steam generated in oil/steam heat exchangers at 370°C, 100 bar 50+ MW projects under development in Israel and USA Solel, Israel (design, absorber), Flagsol (Germany (reflectors) Re-designed and up- scaled structure of oil-cooled parabolic trough for steam cycle operation 100 & 150 m units of SKAL-ET (up- scaled EuroTrough) collector integrated to SEGS VI in California since April 2003 2 x 50 MW project under development in Southern Spain EuroTrough Consortium, Solarmillennium AG, Flagsol, Schlaich, Bergermann & Partner, Schott, Germany (reflectors, structure, absorber tube) Direct steam generating parabolic trough 700 m DISS test- loop in Plataforma Solar de Almeria, Spain, direct steam generation demonstrated at 400 °C, 100 bar Concept for a 5 MW demo plant under development (INDITEP project) Iberinco, Initec, Ciemat, (Spain) Flagsol, DLR, ZSW (Germany) Solar tower system with pressurised hot- air central receiver for solar gas turbine 240 kW gas turbine operated first time December 2002 at Plataforma Solar de 2 x 80 kW gas turbine co- generation system for DLR (Germany), Esco Solar (Italy)
  • 16. 16 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 and combined cycle operation Almeria, gas turbine operated at 800 °C, 8 bar, (SOLGATE project) electricity and cooling under construction in Italy Solar tower system with un-pressurised volumetric hot-air receiver 3 MWthermal TSA project in 1996- 1998, steam generated at 550 °C, 100 bar; new modular ceramic hot-air-receiver presently tested in the European. Solair Project Receiver endurance test and concept development for a 2 MW prototype plant within the German Cosmosol project Solucar, Ciemat (Spain), Heliotech (Denmark), DLR, Kraftanlagen München, (Germany) Linear Fresnel collector with secondary concentrator and direct steam generating absorber tube 100 m prototype tested in Liege, Belgium, direct saturated steam generated at 275 °C Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector 1 MW the prototype installed in a steam cycle plant in Liddell in New South Wales, Australia 200 m test loop for superheated steam generation at Plataforma Solar, Spain Design and construction of a first 1 MW e pilot plant FhG-ISE, PSE, DLR (Germany) Solar Heat & Power (Germany) 3.4 WORLD RENEWAL SPIRITUAL TRUST As we are all aware, energy and fuel prices are rising day by day and the negative effects of global warming are more and more visible. World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST), a registered Charitable Trust recognized Solar Research Centre and sister organization of
  • 17. 17 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 the Brahma Kumaris, is setting up “India One” a 1.0 Mw el. Solar thermal power plant in order to demonstrate and multiply this innovative technology for India. WRST makes use of the in-house developed new 60m2 Scheffler parabolic dish in order to set up the power plant near its Shantivan Campus in Abu Road, Rajasthan. For this project, WRST has teamed up with Fraunhofer Institute (ISE), enjoys the support of Wolfgang Scheffler and has secured part funding from the Indian and German Government. WRST is in close liaison with various solar R&D institutions and manufacturers and has started fabrication and erection by beginning of 2011. Fig 3.6 WRST This solar thermal power plant has generate a 1 MW power generate within a one hour. This plant a dish technology in direct steam generation mode for a full of 16 hours storage a receiver in solar plant. The main advantage of a solar panel: 1. It is a cheapest process in solar power plant.
  • 18. 18 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 2. A process is very efficient. 3. A solar panel are flexible and its strength is high. 4. Power on demand and high efficiency due to cogeneration. 5. A panel have a tracking system, its rotate a disc according to sun to adjust the focused of receiver of reflector. 3.5 CONCEPT A concept based on a “CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER SYSTEM”. In this solar plant there are a solar panel(or solar equipment). In the model of solar panel(according to fabrication) divided into three parts as follow as: 1. STAND 2. A ROTATING WHEEL 3. REFLECTOR OR PARABOLIC DISC. A Solar panel made from these three things. There are a solar panel stand on his place where sun in there. So the a disc which has 750 mirrors are aligned. When sun rays are incident on a mirror so it is reflect by reflector and focused into a receiver. A receiver a made of cast iron which has 500 mm diameter and it is design of cylindrical shape. A quartz mirror are there in aligned . So the disc are focused a light into the receiver . In the receiver has a coil of pipe which has water are arrived in the coil. As the light going to receiver , A receiver initial temperature are rise , so the water are arrived in the coil are temperature raised ( A receiver temperature is 250 to 450 c) and in receiver are generate or water are change into a steam. A steam phase are superheated for according to temperature. A water header are supplied a water and a one coil are going to steam header which has steam are stored in there. A steam header steam are going into the turbine. In turbine a steam can rotate a rotor which has produced a electricity through generator. And a generator are supplied electricity in a campus .That is a concept to generate electricity by sun. But the many new technology are using in solar equipment:
  • 20. 20 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Chapter-4 Description of solar plant There are classified in following DEPARTMENT: 1. FABRICATION DEPARTMENT. 2. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 3. ELECTRONICS AND CONTROL DEPARTMENT. 4. CIVIL DEPARTMENT. These department can operate and make a whole plant. It will provide all types of requirement . Each department has own work of different stream on plant. Mostly in this report according to mechanical data which is used in report . So mostly the describe of a fabrication department used in this plant of gradually used in works and its help to get more information. 4.1 FABRICATION DEPARTMENT In this department there are make a solar panel or solar equipment or solar apparatus which is used in reflect the solar plant of receiver. So there are different parts of the solar panel and its receiver . A part of solar panel or solar equipment are as follow as: 1. STAND 2. ROTATING WHEEL 3. REFLECTOR 4. RECEIVER And all other things which are also describe in a report are as follow as : 1. TURBINE. 2. PUMPS. 3. WATER COOLING TOWER. 4. WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM. 5. CONTROLING ROOM OF REFLECTOR.
  • 21. 21 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Fig 4.1 B.K Solar plant And other things which are mention in this report. So we are starting to fabrication which are mention in this report that how its make and describe all procedure of a panel which are made in fabrication department. There are also show that which types of machine are used in this plant just examples : 1. Welding machines. 2. Cutting machines. And other equipment which can make a panels. 4.1.1 STAND : A stand is the part of solar panel . It can stand the whole panel with in their parts. One portion attach to the ground ( with make a foundation of solar panel) and other portion make stable and supporting a rotating wheel and other portion have plate in a stand(top of the stand)emerged a bush bearing. DESIGN: Its design is complex. It is three parts which can attach to the ground in a fixture(foundation of panel).A design of stand is mostly made of three alphabet: (T) , (X)
  • 22. 22 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 , (A). A design are made to supporting a rotating wheel , stable on whole solar panel and other things which can increase a strength and given more stability. FABRICATING : It is basically made of pipes (which are made of mild steel) are assembled in installation of stand. A first installation there have jig which can help make and assembled of pipes .A portion of (A) and (X). After the installation of pipes in other way that install (T) which types of pipes are assembled. In their joints of pipes does welded. Each joint are welded by welders. There are three plates aligned which has attached to a foundation .At the end of the stand ( Part of the top in solar panel) has three plates jointed which have emerged to rotating wheel bush bearing. So that is the procedure are installation of pipes in stand which has aligned a solar panel . A diagram which can see that a stand of solar panel. Fig 4.2 Frame of Panel
  • 23. 23 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 In diagram show that a position of stand which can supporting a rotating wheel . A foundation are made of contact of ground and a stand pipes are attached with it, Its given more stability and high strength. 4.1.2 ROTATING WHEEL A Rotating wheel is the main part of solar panel or it is a rotating part of solar system. In the solar panel nave many tracking devices which can rotate a rotating wheel supported of reflector . A reflector can rotate by support of rotating wheel. Because its have a tracking devices(types of sensor) which are rotate according to sun which maintain a focus of receiver. Its has a gear which attach to stand of two supporter which are gear can rotate the disc with help of MECHANICAL TIMER . DESIGN Its design are complex. Its similar to a half- circle which have added and installed many different pipes of different parameters .In the two sides of downward direction there are two bush bearings which can supporting emerged in reflector. There have a plate thats called a “B” Point which are emerged in a stand from the top sided of the plate(a bush bearing are inserted in top stand plate) which can support to each other. And the other side of rotating wheel are support the whole disc. A diagram shows the single rotating wheel of solar panel . Fig 4.3 Rotating Wheel
  • 24. 24 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 In the diagram shows the structure of rotating wheel .Its also shows that a bush bearing in sided and another sided a plate have a also bush bearing. A gear are attached in the downward side of lower portion. 4.1.3 FABRICATION OF ROTATING WHEEL In the installation of rotating wheel there are four steps are made of rotating wheel .There are as follows as: 1. FIRST STEP In the first step there are a jig which are settled and installation of radial plate( joint a plate of shape of half circle with the help of welding) .A radial plate diameter is 55.70mm with 12mm thickness and a 150mm width. In the installation of rotating wheel a pipes assembled on rotating wheel on the help of jig . In jig the installation of pipes a rotating wheel are settled a different parameters of pipes . After the installation of first step they its going in second step. In second step the a rotating wheel have radial plate are emerged a radial tube (pipes of tube of 25x25) and also attached a reference plate in the lower portion side. In the third step the a rotating wheel going to another step of installation . In third step a jig can attached a B point . To measure a b. point we measure a reference plate with help of apparatus with the 12 mm hole of reference plate to similar to a B. Point 12mm hole are centre are similar that in the right position of rotating wheel on jig. There are 6 pipes are installed in a rotating wheel on vertical attached to a plate ( on B.point) . In fourth step going to another installation of pipes in another jig we create a parameters which are aligned in pipes on a plate installed also of two side bearings and a one bush bearing on plate. So in fourth step a 12 pipes are installed of different parameters to given a more stability and more strength on rotating wheel. In the centre of radial tube also aligned a gear which help to track a solar panel.
  • 25. 25 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 A diagram show that the rotating wheel in attached on stand. Fig 4.4 Rotating Wheel In diagram a rotating wheel has gear with tracking to disc. And the upper portion of pipes are supported a whole disc on the top side. A side bearing are attached and give supported a hole disc. Its design is too complex with a different pipes to attached to given a more stability and more strength. 4.1.4 REFLECTOR (DISC) A reflector is main part of a solar panel to reflected a sun light when a sun light is incident on a reflector its reflect a light to a receiver . A reflector has reflect a light of focus on receiver in 500 mm diameter given 95% .On according to a many apparatus and devices which can maintain a focus point on receiver.
  • 26. 26 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Fig 4.5 Reflector A reflector are too flexible which are design to flex or expand on the help of a actuator on aligned on a centre bar. There are a centre bar which are attached a rotating wheel to support a hole reflector to upper to lower portion or top to bottom.
  • 27. 27 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 4.2 CENTRE BAR A centre bar is a part of reflector which support a reflector to support of rotating wheel . Its attached in a centre of reflector of upper to lower portion and also said that to top to bottom. Fig 4.6 Center Bar It is made of four of triangular types of design anel which are attached to each other. There are two portion have attached a plate to each of to and bottom sided. And other two are centre of reflector. It is attached a back portion of a reflector. In the a three space in centre bar which has aligned a actuator to change position of reflector. 4.3 DESIGN OF REFLECTOR A reflector design is based on a parabola ,it is also that a disc is look like a parabolic disc which is 60m2 area. A parabolic disc is made of many pipes and angles . In the disc there are 750 mirrors (glasses are coating with a silver paint) are aligned in the 60m2 disc. A
  • 28. 28 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Parabolic curve design given focus on the receiver quartz plate which 500 mm diameter. So the main concept to concentrate on focus to the receiver with a 95% focus point. 4.4 FABRICATION OF REFLECTOR A fabrication of reflector is a different types of procedure of different types of jig which has made a parts are made of this jig which are assembled in a final process. There are three types of jigs and process which made a reflector are as follow as: 1. Outer frame 2. Inner frame 3. Framed assemble 1. Outer frame: In the first process are create a jig of circle shape which has help to create a outer frame. In this process aseembled a pipes and angles with the help of welding. A outer frame has too complex which fabrication are welded and prepare to going in a next process. 2. Inner frame: In inner frame are made in a jig which has different size of jigs (small to big) which has welded a small plates and small joint type of material which has alinged in a glasses in reflector. 3. Framed assembled : This is a final stage process which has alinged and attached a inner frame according to jig which have requirement of that.Its also joint a plate of 12 mm which has 27 plate attached in a reflector jig. So this is the process which are made a reflector has arrived in a various process. 4.5 RECEIVER A receiver is the part of solar panel which has not included or attached in solar panel but it is stand on the front of the reflector or disc. Its weight is 2.7 tone according to design.
  • 29. 29 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 A receiver is the part of solar process which a reflector are focused in the receiver it is a consume a sun rays when incident in a reflector by sun . So the receiver has store the heat to maintain the required temperature. In the inside of receiver has a cast iron which has a pipe of coil . A coil has inlet and outlet in receiver so that the water are enter through inlet in receiver and after change into steam its going outside to outlet. Mostly the receiver has made to create a steam (on phase of superheated) in coil which are entered in water to water header tank. A receiver has also attached a quartz plate of a upper side of portion on a 500 mm diameter of receiver and a reflector can focused of his 500mm diameter which has reflect a sun light. 4.6 DESIGN A receiver is a cylindrical type of design which manufactured many types of individual parts of this cylindrical the upper side there are 500 mm diameter which has arranged a quartz plate. There are inner coating of cast iron which has a coil of pipe . There also have a stand to maintain and keep the front of disc. A design are make to keep focus on receiver. So the focus is necessary part of that.
  • 30. 30 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Fig 4.7 Receiver with Reflector Disc A diagram shows that a position of receiver in front of reflector or disc. In diagram also show that a receiver shape and there stand which has given support to receiver. 4.7 FABRICATION OF RECEIVER A receiver has fabricate in workshop a one process. In this process we use a material of mild steel. There are aligned a front plate in the upper portion . A front plate looking a circle which has 12m thickness and outer diameter is 916mm and inner diameter is 500 mm. In the centre of front plate are also attached a quartz plate ( a quartz plate work that enter the sun light but didn’t get out in the atmosphere or outside).A light has enter to receiver of his inner diameter. Its have a coil of mild steel which are coating of cast iron to maintain a temperature between receiver.
  • 31. 31 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 Fig 4.8 Reciever coil There have coating of cast iron which have a coil which flow in water in coil to generate a steam by temperature. A diagram shows that a basic model of receiver and there has a coil of inlet and outlet. 4.8 TURBINE A turbine is necessary part of the solar plant which are direct coupled to generator. A concept that all of receiver steam has store in a steam header. A steam header steam are going in turbine in high pressure of 42 bar exist the steam and near has low pressure its exist a normal pressure. There have a 8000kg store the steam and a rotor speed of 3000 rpm. A turbine has a SIEMONS COMPANY which has import to Germany. A turbine are generate a 1megawatt electricity . A turbine rotor are direct coupled to a generator which are rotate to generate electricity. In turbine creates also raw water which has stored in a raw water tank to re-used the water in turbine.
  • 32. 32 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 A water are also clarify and treated in minerals in water to keep precaution of corrosion between the pipes. There has a office to see a maintain and maintenance of turbine and also operate the turbine . Fig 3.9 Turbine In diagram shows that a turbine which have high pressure and low pressure and all there necessary parts which required and all necessary parts in turbine.
  • 33. 33 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 CONCLUSION So this is all about the learning’s at SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT within 45 DAYS. To do my summer training in SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT was a phenomenal learning experience for me. This one month was a joy ride for me in the mechanical field, and now on completion of my training I can say that I have gained very sound knowledge in mechanical field.
  • 34. 34 CIT/ME/SEMINAR/034 SAFETY MEASURES  Always wear helmet for protection of head.  Always wear spectacles for protection of dust  Wear dust mask to protect dust from entering nose.  Wear gloves while doing oily work.  Always wear shoes to protect our self from electric shock.