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Magdy El-Masry
Prof. of Cardiology
Tanta University
Cancer and Treatment Modalities
CVD in cancer survivors
Screening of cancer survivors
 Chest Radiotherapy is frequently used as an adjunct to surgery/chemotherapy in
thoracic malignancies (breast, lung, esophageal) and lymphomas.
 Although radiotherapy results in significantly improved survival of cancer patients,
the irradiation of healthy surrounding tissues results in complications.
Radiation Associated Cardiac Disease :
An Under-Recognized Entity?
Management Pearls
from a New Expert Review
JACC Scientific Expert Panel
( J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27 )
JACC panel gives guidance on nuanced care
of a very complex disease
 Milind Y. Desai
 Brian P. Griffin
 Stephan Windecker
 Patrizio Lancellotti
 Jeroen J. Bax
Radiation Oncology
New York
 Oren Cahlon
Cardiothoracic Surgery
 Douglas R. Johnston
The review, which was published by JACC on Aug.
2019 , is a consensus effort by an international
group of seven experts based on their experience
with RACD over the past 20 years.
The article covers a description of at-risk groups,
clinical manifestations, screening recommendations,
and management and surgical considerations.
Who is at Risk for RACD?
The review drew mostly on available data from patients who received radiation
therapy for breast cancer or Hodgkin’s lymphoma, although patients who have
received radiation for other cancers in the thorax are also at risk.
 Age younger than 50 at time of radiation therapy
 Existing cardiovascular risk factors or disease
 Lack of shielding or cobalt as the radiation source
 High cumulative dose (>30 Gy) or
high dose of radiation fractions (>2 Gy/day)
 Tumor in or next to the heart
 Anterior or left chest radiation
 Concomitant chemotherapy, particularly with anthracyclines or trastuzumab
Risk factors for developing RACD
Pathophysiology of RACD
Mechanism of injury
Pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (TNF-a, IL-6,
IL-8) ➔ chronic vascular damage
Fibroblasts ➔ activated myofibroblasts ➔ fibrosis
Altered DNA methylation ➔ changes in gene expression
Progressive valve thickening and calcification ➔ valve
regurgitation or stenosis
↑ Mitochondrial membrane permeability ➔ ↑ reactive
oxidative species ➔ chronic endothelial dysfunction
Suspected pathophysiology of radiation-induced cardiovascular damage.
Current Cardiology Reports (2020) 22:151
DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; IL-6, interleukin 6; IL-8, interleukin 8; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-alpha.
 Incidence
 Time to onset
after acute radiation therapy
Cardiac structure Incidence
Myocardium 5-10%
Pericardium 8–30%
70% (autopsy studies)
Conduction system Up to 75%
Vasculopathy Up to 85%
Valves Up to 81%
(Symptoms in < 30% of those affected)
Cardiovascular complications of radiation therapy.
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology. Sept 10, 2020
Imaging or laboratory
cardiac death
RACD usually occurs with a certain latency from a few hours to several decades after the
heart and its substructures receive direct or indirect irradiation. According the occurrence
timing of cardiac radiation response, RACD includes acute and late cardiac toxicities.
*RACD comprises a spectrum of heart disease including cardiomyopathy, pericarditis,
coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease and conduction system abnormalities.
Overview of cardiovascular structures being affected after radiation therapy (RT)
Tissue Involved Diagnostic Consideration Time of Presentation After RT
Pericardium Acute pericarditis Days to weeks
Chronic effusion Weeks to months
Constrictive pericarditis Years
Vascular tree Premature CAD Years
MI Months to years
Asymptomatic CAD Years
Aortic arch calcification Years
Carotid stenosis Years
TIA/stroke Months to years
PVD Months to years
Endocardium Valvular disease Years
Myocardium Myocarditis Weeks to months
Cardiomyopathy Months to years
Chronic HF Years
Diastolic dysfunction Years
Conduction system Heart block Months to years
Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261.
Manifestations of RACD
Cardiac radiation exposure causes a number of abnormalities.
Exposure of the heart and surrounding vasculature to radiation may lead to several
adverse structural and functional changes in the heart (RACD)
Cancers 2020, 12(2), 415
Radiation Associated
Cardiac Disease (RACD)
“RACD can have diverse presentations that overlap with other
cardiac conditions,
and it may arise so long after the radiation exposure that clinicians
may not think of it,”
“But recognizing it is important, as management considerations
are paramount to a patient’s quality of life and long-term survival.”
Challenges of Clinical Detection for RACD
Potential manifestations of chest and mediastinal XRT
(J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
•Constrictive pericarditis due to extensive fibrous thickening, adhesions, chronic constriction and can be associated with chronic pericardial
effusion. Associated with significantly higher surgical mortality
Cardiac muscle
•Diffuse subclinical myocardial fibrosis with associated progressive systolic and diastolic dysfunction
•Nonischemic cardiomyopathy can occur as an advanced stage of the disease due to extensive fibrosis with severe diastolic dysfunction and
signs and symptoms of heart failure (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction more common than reduced ejection fraction)
•Ischemic cardiomyopathy can occur due to advanced CAD
•Valve apparatus and leaflet thickening, fibrosis, shortening, and calcification predominant on left-sided valves
•Thickening and calcification of aortomitral curtain very commonly seen
•Valve regurgitation more common than stenosis
•Aortic valve stenosis most common stenotic lesion
Coronary artery disease
•Accelerated CAD often seen at a much younger age
•Concomitant atherosclerotic risk factors further enhance development of CAD
•Can occur ≤5 yrs after exposure
•Coronary ostia and proximal segments are typically involved
•CAD significantly increases the risk of myocardial infarction and death
Carotid artery disease
•Radiotherapy induced lesions are more extensive, involving longer segments and atypical areas of carotid segments
Other vascular disease
•Calcification of the ascending aorta and aortic arch (porcelain aorta)
•Lesions of any other vascular segments present within the radiation field
Conduction system disease
•Ectopy, tachyarrhythmia, baseline sinus tachycardia and autonomic dysfunction commonly seen
•Increased risk of pacemaker implantation due to conduction system disease
•Progressive pulmonary fibrosis
•Recurrent pleural effusions
•Constrictive pericarditis due to extensive fibrous
thickening, adhesions, chronic constriction and can
be associated with chronic pericardial effusion.
Associated with significantly higher
surgical mortality
The final evolution,
constrictive pericarditis
The most frequent manifestation of acute stage
is exudative pericarditis
ECG and Echo showing pericarditis/pericardial effusion related to radiation therapy.
(A): ECG shows diffuse ST elevation suggestive of pericarditis. (B): Echo (subcostal view) showing small pericardial
effusion during attack of recurrence. (C): Echo (subcostal view) showing complete resolution of the pericardial effusion.
A 60 year female with left lung cancer, who presented in April 2014, within 2 weeks of radiation therapy with typical
pain of pericarditis. She had recurrence of pericarditis in Nov 14, for which she was given NSAID and cochicine with
good effect.Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261
Features of Pericardial Constriction
(A) Annulus reversus with preservation of septal early diastolic tissue velocity (e’), (B) compared with reduced lateral
wall e’; (C) reduced LV free wall strain due to tethering with reduced longitudinal motion (pink); (D) simultaneous
right and left heart catheterization shows equalization of diastolic pressures between the right and left
ventricles (black arrow); cardiac CT demonstrating pericardial calcification anteriorly (white arrow) and laterally
extending into the mitral annulus (yellow arrow) on (E) axial and (F) sagittal reconstructions. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img
Cardiac muscle
•Diffuse subclinical myocardial fibrosis with
associated progressive systolic and diastolic
•Nonischemic cardiomyopathy can occur as an
advanced stage of the disease due to extensive
fibrosis with severe diastolic dysfunction and signs
and symptoms of heart failure
(HFpEF more common than HFrEF)
•Ischemic cardiomyopathy can occur due to
advanced CAD
Distinguishing Features of a Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
Due to Underlying Myocardial Fibrosis.
Reduced (A) septal and (B) lateral early diastolic tissue velocities (e’); (C) grade 3 restrictive mitral inflow, with a
short E-wave (white arrow) deceleration time (<150 ms) and small A-wave (yellow arrow); (D) reduced global 2D
longitudinal strain (pink region). (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
•Valve apparatus and leaflet thickening, fibrosis,
shortening, and calcification predominant on left-
sided valves
•Thickening and calcification of aortomitral curtain
very commonly seen
•Valve regurgitation more common than stenosis
•Aortic valve stenosis most common stenotic lesion
Echo from a 52-year-old male treated with mantle radiation for Hodgkin’s lymphoma
25 years ago. PS-LAX view demonstrates severe, calcific stenosis of the aortic valve
(large arrow), with associated thickening and calcification of the aorto-mitral curtain
(small arrow). Curr Treat Options Cardio Med (2019) 21: 22
Echoshowing moderate arotic stenosis mild regurgitation. A 57 year old man with history of
Hodgkin’s lymphoma treated with mediastinal radiation in 1982. In February 2012 he was
evaluated because of symptoms of fatigue. Echo showed mild mitral annular calcification and
moderate calcific aortic stenosis.A cardiac catherization also showed CAD, with signficant
RCA disease for which he underwent stenting. (A): Echo (parasternal view) showing mild
mitral annular calcification and severe aortic valve calcification. (B): Doppler shows moderate
aortic stenosis with mild regurgitation. Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261
Latent Valvular Manifestations of Chest Radiation.
A 52-year-old man
treated with mantle
radiation for Hodgkin
lymphoma 25 years
ago demonstrates:
severe calcification of
the aortic valve,
aorto-mitral curtain,
and mitral valve on
2DE (A, arrows) and
CT(B, arrow), resulting
in severe
mitral (C) and
aortic (D) stenosis
using Doppler echo.
(J Am Coll Cardiol Img
3 D – TEE demonstrating the difference between rheumatic valve disease and
radiation-induced valve disease.
(A) Rheumatic mitral valve with bilateral commissural fusion (black arrows).
(B) In contrast in radiation-induced valve disease, there is no commissural
fusion (red arrows). Gujral DM, et al. Heart 2015;0:1–8.
Coronary artery disease
•Accelerated CAD often seen at a much younger
•Concomitant atherosclerotic risk factors further
enhance development of CAD
•Can occur ≤5 yrs after exposure
•Coronary ostia and proximal segments are
typically involved
•CAD significantly increases the risk of myocardial
infarction and death
(A) Angiogram showing severe distal left main coronary stenosis extending into the
ostial and proximal LAD.
(B) IVUS of the distal left main confirming marked stenosis with circumferential
atherosclerosis without calcification.
JACC May 25, 2018
Radiation-Associated Coronary Artery Disease.
Severe right coronary ostial stenosis (arrows) after radiotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma
(surgical clips from splenectomy). (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
Example of radiation-associated ischemic disease.
c and d Diffuse multivessel CAD (white arrows) in middle-aged man previously treated with
thoracic radiotherapy for esophageal cancer presenting with acute coronary syndromes.
Current Cardiology Reports (2020) 22:151
Coronary artery calcium (CAC) imaging in an asymptomatic 73- year-old Caucasian female with a history of ductal
carcinoma in situ of the left breast, who received a total of 60.4 Gy radiation to the left breast with no adjunct
chemotherapy at the age of 64. The total CAC score was determined to be 320.2 with the CAC score of each coronary
vessel as follows: left main coronary artery = 171.1, left anterior descending artery = 126.1 (arrow), left circumflex = 0,
and right coronary artery = 22.9. Patient’s calcium burden places her in the 83rd percentile of coronary artery calcium
burden for age, race, and gender by the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)). Her estimated MESA 10-year
coronary heart disease (CHD) event rate is estimated to be 5.2 % if the CAC score is put into account and 2.6 % by
conventional risk factor assessment, showing the influence of the CAC score to increase her absolute risk of CHD events
at 10 years by 100 %. Curr Oncol Rep (2016) 18:15
Other vascular disease
•Calcification of the ascending aorta and aortic
arch (porcelain aorta)
•Lesions of any other vascular segments present
within the radiation field
Carotid artery disease
•Radiotherapy induced lesions are more
extensive, involving longer segments and atypical
areas of carotid segments
Radiation-Associated Aortic Disease
Severe calcification of the ascending aorta on cardiac CT (axial [A], coronal [B], and
sagittal [C] views; yellow arrows) and at the time of surgery (D) (white rrows).
*Calcification of the aorto-mitral curtain extending into the anterior mitral valve leaflet.
(J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
Conduction system disease
•Ectopy, tachyarrhythmia, baseline sinus
tachycardia and autonomic dysfunction* commonly
•Increased risk of pacemaker implantation due to
conduction system disease**
*Inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST)→risk of tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy
**XRT results in fibrosis of conduction pathways and subsequent abnormalities, including atrioventricular block, sick
sinus syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and ventricular tachyarrhythmias, that can occur years later . Infranodal and right
bundle branch blocks are common, with the anteriorly located right bundle being particularly susceptible. There is a
higher proportion of RACD patients who require pacemaker post-operatively
A 46-year-old man
(Hx of childhood radiotherapy for Hodgkin’s disease) → ECG showing complete heart block
A 46-year-old man (Hx of childhood radiotherapy for Hodgkin’s disease)
MRI of the heart showing
fibrosis (red arrows)
(A) Four chamber view. (B) Short axis view.
CT of the chest showing
calcification of the mitral valve
and no pulmonary pathology
TTE showing calcified
anterior mitral leaflet
( red arrow )
On arrival to the ER , he was bradycardic with mild SOB. ECG in ER showed CHB. Twenty
minutes later without any interventions, ECG showed sinus tachycardia with RBBB
•Progressive pulmonary fibrosis
•Recurrent pleural effusions
Radiation-Induced Pulmonary Disease ( RAPD ) :
 An early reversible toxicity ( radation pneumonitis)
 A late irreversible toxicity (radiation fibrosis).
Radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis
 is relatively common following chest radiotherapy
 is the late manifestation of radiation-induced pulmonary disease(RAPD)
 is another challenging aspect. (RACD + RAPD →make diagnosis particularly challenging)
51 year-old man treated with full mantle radiation for Hodgkin's lymphoma 20 years
ago demonstrates: a) severe calcification of the aortic valve, aorto-mitral curtain and
mitral valve on 2D echocardiography (left upper panel, arrows); b) increased
continuous flow Doppler gradient across the aortic valve suggesting severe stenosis
(left lower panel); c) increased continuous flow Doppler gradient across the mitral
valve suggesting severe stenosis (right upper panel) and computerized tomography
of the same patient demonstrating pulmonary fibrosis (arrow, right lower panel)
JACC :Jun 21, 2017
Pulmonary fibrosis
has an adverse
impact on survival
in RACD and should
be evaluated
Screening for RACD
The review recommends the following surveillance strategy
for patients who have a history of chest radiation therapy*:
Annual history and physical examination with a focus on signs and symptoms of RACD
> If signs and symptoms are present, testing as needed to evaluate
Screening echocardiography to assess structural abnormalities, ventricular performance
and valvular disease
> First time: Five years after exposure in high-risk patients, 10 years after exposure in
> Reassess every five years
Functional noninvasive stress testing to screen for coronary artery disease (CAD)
> First time: Five to 10 years after exposure in high-risk patients
> Reassess every five years
*? Baseline pre-radiotherapy ECHO & risk factor modification
Imaging modality Method Normal range Detection of cardiotoxcity Pro/con Recommendation
Echo, 2D LVEF,
>53% ≥ 10% absolute change to
a value <50%
Widely accessible
and used, but
relatively high
Recommended in
combination with
GLS and
Echo, speckle
GLS >18% value <18% or > 15%
relative reduction from
High reliability and
validity, sensitive for
early detection,
especially in
combination with
Recommended in
combination with
2D echo and
Echo, 3D LVEF, 3D >55% ≥ 10% absolute change to
a value < 50%
High reliability, not
so widely used, more
complicated than 2D
Recommended if
CMR LVEF >55% ≥ 10% absolute change to
a value < 50%
Reliable method, low
availability, add
tissue information
when needed
when tissue
information is
necessary (i.e.,
Recommended imaging for detection and follow-up of cardiotoxicity in patients
treated for breast cancer.
Current Heart Failure Reports, September 2020
 Screening 2D echo .Consider GLS & 3D echo (( Baseline & Follow Up ))
 Alternative modality →CMR (Recommended in those with suboptimal echocardiography or discrepant results)
Myocardial perfusion study showing ischemia in the inferior wall (region of radiation therapy).
A 57 year old asymptomatic man, who had received a total of 50 Gy radiation 2 years
previously for cancer esophagus. Myocardial perfusion study shows ischemia in the inferior
wall. Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261
SPECT : a functional noninvasive stress test
Multimodality Imaging
 Specialized imaging plays a role to better evaluate RACD
and for preoperative assessment and planning.
 It should be assumed that patients suffered radiation injury
to the aorta, ventricles, pericardium, lungs and chest wall.
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology.
Sept 10, 2020
Tests to consider include:
Multidetector cardiac CT for preoperative evaluation and planning, to provide
full assessment of aortic, valvular and intravalvular calcium, and in some
instances noninvasive coronary angiography
Nuclear scintigraphy to assess myocardial ischemia
Cardiac MRI to assess myocardial fibrosis and pericardial constriction and as an
adjunct to echocardiography in some cases
Left and right heart catheterization with simultaneous pressure measurements
to distinguish constrictive pericarditis from myocardial restriction
Extracardiac vascular ultrasonography of the carotid and subclavian arteries
Pulmonary function testing
Challenge of Clinical Managements for RACD
Team Management , timing of surgery or transcatheter therapy
The review provides specific management guidance,
starting with the recommendation that patients be managed
by an experienced team of cardiologists, imaging specialists,
interventionalists and cardiothoracic surgeons.
Medical therapy should follow standard guidelines, as
no RACD-specific therapies have been identified and
However, most patients with significant symptoms
eventually require invasive therapies.
Percutaneous CV
For RACD patients with CAD as the primary manifestation,
PCI is usually preferred unless concomitant valvular
disease can be addressed simultaneously with surgery.
Regarding transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), aortic
valve disease more frequently involves extensive calcification of
the valves and blood vessels, as well as severe conduction
abnormalities, posing potential complications.
With extensive planning, TAVR is still the preferred strategy for
severe isolated aortic stenosis in this setting, particularly if
transfemoral access can be safely employed.
“Careful evaluation of other valvular lesions needs to be undertaken, and if
there is evidence of advanced multivalvular disease (with or without
concomitant CAD), surgery might be the preferred option,”
“In terms of transcatheter mitral valve therapies, there needs to be further evolution
before their routine clinical implementation.”
Cardiac Surgery :
Issues of Concern
Quick In Quick Out
Preoperative preparation
“Significant radiation exposure is a critical risk factor that does not
show up on standard preoperative risk stratification scores,”
“For truly informed consent, these patients require more detailed
preoperative testing to better assess comorbidity, procedural risk
and optimal treatment strategies.”
Connect the dots
 The authors recommend that surgery generally be delayed to
later in the disease course than would be the case in the
absence of prior radiation therapy.
 Radiation injury to the lungs and pleura with resultant lymphatic
dysfunction makes patients susceptible to intrathoracic fluid
retention after surgery, significantly hampering recovery and
diminishing long-term quality of life.
 “Avoiding redo surgery should be a paramount consideration,”
“All issues, such as replacing multiple valves, should be taken
care of during the first operation if at all possible.”
(Redo surgery in RACD carries a significant ↑ in operative risk and mortality
compared with the non-RACD surgery)
 Thorough and systematic preoperative planning is critical, as is
flexibility in dealing with unexpected reconstruction problems,
 The authors specifically recommend an aggressive approach to
double-valve replacement because of the tendency of RACD
patients to have extensive calcification and a small aortic root and
mitral annulus.
 Because radiation-damaged valve tissue tends to thicken and scar
over time, replacement is preferred over repair, particularly for
the mitral valve.
 “Surgery for RACD often involves resection of extensive calcium
and reconstruction of multiple areas of the heart, including the
aorta and the annuli of the mitral and aortic valves,
Technically Challenging Operation → Commando Procedure .
Commando Procedure
(aortic and mitral valve replacement with reconstruction of aortomitral curtain)
(A) Aortic valve, mitral valve, and aorto-mitral curtain exposed and excised, (B) mitral
prosthesis implanted, (C) aorto-mitral curtain reconstructed using pericardium or synthetic
patch, (D) aortic valve prosthesis implantation, with patch reconstruction of the aortic
annulus, (E) ascending aortic patch closure. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
Echo revealing significant mixed (stenotic and regurgitant) aortic and mitral valve disease and calcification
of aortomitral curtain (A to C) Computed tomography revealing no porcelain aorta or pulmonary (D and
E) no obstructive coronary artery disease (F and G) schematic representation of Commando operation
(aortic and mitral valve replacement with reconstruction of aortomitral curtain) (H to K).
Patient With RACD Who Underwent Cardiac Surgery. ( J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27 )
Postoperative considerations
The article identified a number of postoperative
problems that tend to occur in this population:
1)Chronic pleural and pericardial effusions
2)Conduction system disturbances, often requiring longer
temporary pacing
3)Prolonged postoperative diuresis, sometimes for weeks
4)Fibrosis-induced limitation of cardiac output, requiring
avoidance of beta-blocker overuse and consideration of
higher pacemaker rates
Radiotherapy Protocols
Techniques to reduce radiation dose to the heart
Clinical Prevention for RACD
Irradiation of non-tumour tissue is unavoidable→RACD : a necessary evil ?
Cardiac dose sparing and avoidance techniques
is available nowadays.
(There are multiple techniques to minimize radiotherapy dose to the heart)
Radiation-Related Heart Disease: Up-to-Date Developments .
Cardiac dose sparing and avoidance techniques
For curable cancers, such as breast cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma, cardiac dose protection and/or avoidance techniques might be
beneficial in minimizing RACD. For breast cancer, several techniques have been utilized clinically. These techniques include the
following: (1) radiation therapy (RT) delivery with breath control or holding techniques, (2) prone patient positioning, (3) new RT
techniques such as intensity-modulated RT (IMRT), proton therapy, or partial breast irradiation techniques, and (4) single-fraction,
intraoperative radiation.
Radiation-associated cardiac disease (RACD) —
which typically arises years or decades
after a cancer patient undergoes
radiation therapy to the chest
— should be
systematically screened for
and monitored,
with management delivered by an experienced
multidisciplinary team of cardiovascular specialists.
(Cardio-Oncology Multidisciplinary Practice)
Take Home Figures
JACC Scientific Expert Panel
( J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27 )
Pathophysiology of RACD. Effect of XRT on various organs. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
Imaging in RACD→ Suggested screening and diagnostic algorithm for RACD.
(J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
Effusion + ++++ − − + + − − −
Pericarditis ++ ++ − − + +++ − − −
Constriction + ++++ + − ++ ++++ − ++ −
Cardiac muscle
? ? − − − +++ − ? −
Nonischemic ++ ++ + + ++ ++++ ++++ ++ −
Ischemic ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++ ++++ ++++ ++ −
Heart failure
with preserved
++ ++++ +++ ? ++ ++ ++++ ++ −
? ++++ ++++ ? +++ +++ + ++ −
system disease
++++ +++ ++ ? ++ ++ − − −
artery disease
+++ +++ +++ ++++ +++ ++ ++++ ++ −
− − − − ++++ − − − ++++
ECG Echo
(+/− Contrast,
Utility of Various Diagnostic Tests in RACD. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
Treatment of RACD → Suggested management algorithm of patient with RACD.
(J Am Coll Cardiol
Ther Adv Chronic Dis
2019, Vol. 10: 1–10
The proposed mechanism of statins, colchicine, and aspirin on the reduction of
radiation-associated cardiovascular disease (RACVD). J Am Heart Assoc. 2020;9:e014668.
Radiation therapy :Existing Cardiac Imaging Recommendations Based on Prior Data
Baseline and repeated echo after radiation therapy involving the heart are
recommended for the diagnosis and follow‐up of valvular heart disease
1.Annual echocardiogram if symptomatic valvular disease
2.Screening echocardiogram 10 y after radiation therapy and every 5 y
thereafter in asymptomatic patients
Cardiac MRI
Recommended in those with suboptimal echocardiography or discrepant
Coronary CT angiography/calcium artery calcium score
Reasonable to perform ≥5 y post radiotherapy, and further workup (eg,
coronary angiography, functional testing) is indicated for risk stratification if
there is concern for severe ischemic heart disease
1.Reasonable to screen for CAD with a functional noninvasive stress test 5–
10 y after radiation exposure in asymptomatic individuals deemed a high risk
for radiation induced heart disease
2.Repeat stress testing can be planned every 5 y if the first exam does not
show inducible ischemia
1 European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and the American Society of Echocardiography. Eur Heart J
Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013;14:721–740.
2 European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J. 2016;37:2768–2801.
3 Sociedad Latino Americana de Cardiologıa Intervencionista. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2016;87:895–899.
Methods for the evaluation of CVD and their applications in Cardio-Oncology
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research (2020) 13:417–430
Methods of cardiovascular
Subtypes Current applications and references Path forward
Echocardiography • 2D
• 3D
• GLS imaging
• LVEF assessment via 2D echo is first line for cardiotoxicity screening [18,19,20,21,22]
• 3D TTE is superior to 2D TTE in LVEF assessment [23]
• GLS detects systolic dysfunction earlier than LVEF and has been used to identify
subclinical cardiotoxicity [21, 24,25,26]
• Standardized reporting of 3D TTE and GLS
• Assess cost-effectiveness of routine
echocardiographic monitoring
Nuclear imaging • MUGA
• SPECT/PET largely used for evaluation of myocardial perfusion and well suited for
patients receiving cancer therapy [27,28,29]
F-FDG can evaluate for inflammation, ischemia, and cellular injury following
cancer therapy [30,31,32,33,34]
• Clinical application of PET tracers as a
diagnostic method visualizes specific cellular
processes such as ROS production, apoptosis,
necrosis, cardiac remodeling, and
mitochondrial function.
• Cardiac MRI • T1 with contrast
• T2
• 4D flow MRI
• Superior LV and RV function assessment compared with echocardiography [58–59]
• LV mass and cardiomyocyte mass as additional markers of cardiotoxicity [35, 36]
• Contrast CMR for identification of myocardial fibrosis [35, 37]
• T2 imaging for presence of myocardial edema as an early sign of cardiotoxicity [61, 63–
• Studies assessing the use of myocardial
fibrosis, LV mass, cardiomyocyte mass, and
myocardial edema in the diagnosis of
cardiotoxicity and guide the use of
cardioprotective therapies
• Clinical application of 4D flow MRI for
vascular evaluation
Cardiac computed tomography • Non-contrast CT
• Coronary CTA
• CAC scores from non-contrast CT for identifying coronary atherosclerosis [67, 69]
• Contrast cardiac CT for further assessment of coronary lesions [38,39,40,41]
• Valvular imaging with cardiac CT for architectural changes and pre-procedural planning
[42, 43]
• Increased use of low-dose CT for coronary
• Improved image processing of CTA for non-
invasive evaluation of stenoses
Biomarkers • Protein
(troponin, BNP, hs-
CRP, and others)
• Metabolomics
• Genomics
• Troponin and BNP have been most commonly used biomarkers to evaluate for
cardiotoxicity [76–93]
• IgE, hs-CRP, MMA, MPO, and others have been studied to a lesser degree
• Metabolites of cardiomyocyte energy consumption have also been identified to be
altered in animal models of cardiotoxicity [101–106]
• Various genetic variants have been associated with increased risk of cardiotoxicity
• Prospective assessment of utility of
biomarkers in risk stratification and early
diagnosis of cardiotoxicity
• Evaluate novel metabolic and genomic
biomarkers and utilize them as adjuncts to
In vitro models • Induced
pluripotent stem
cells (iPSCs)
• Stem cells obtained from human subjects can be differentiated into cardiomyocytes
and grown in culture for patient-specific testing of drug-induced toxicity and
understanding mechanisms of toxicity [111–118]
• Further development of the iPSC platform is
needed in order for cost-effective and timely
clinical testing
In vivo models •
vein injection of
chemotherapy in
• Hypertensive
• Transgenic mouse
• Intraperitoneal injections of chemotherapy in rodents are commonly used as pre-
clinical models [52, 53]
• Transgenic mice with altered immune systems may have increased susceptibility to
chemotherapy and provide mechanistic insights [54,55,56]
• More consistent dosing protocols for
intraperitoneal injections need to be
• Further studies with transgenic mice will help
identify more biomarkers and drug targets.
European Society for Medical Oncology
Available online 17 January 2020
These ESMO consensus recommendations attempt to summarise best practices
for the care of cancer patients exposed to potential cardiotoxic therapy,
including chemotherapeutic agents, targeted therapies and radiotherapy (RT).
1) CAG
severe Cx
2) ‘porcelain’
calcification on
cardiac CT
3) severe mitral
annular, aorto-
mitral curtain,
and aortic valve
calcification on
cardiac CT and 4)
5) near-
inferior wall
ischemic scar
on CMR in
short-axis and
6) vertical long-
axis planes
7) complete heart
block on ECG
8) severe
calcification on
noncontrast CT,
and 9) strain
‘bullseye’ plot
reduced LV AL
wall deformation
due to tethering.
Overview of cardiovascular structures being affected after radiation therapy (RT)
Tissue Involved Diagnostic Consideration Time of Presentation After RT Cardiac Evaluation
Pericardium Acute pericarditis Days to weeks TTE
Chronic effusion Weeks to months TTE
Constrictive pericarditis Years TTE, MRI, right‐sided
Vascular tree Premature CAD Years CT, SPECT, catheterization, TTE
(stress), risk factors
MI Months to years Catheterization
Asymptomatic CAD Years CT, SPECT, catheterization, TTE
(stress), risk factors
Aortic arch calcification Years CT, MRI
Carotid stenosis Years Perfusion imaging, MRI, risk
TIA/stroke Months to years Perfusion imaging, MRI, risk
PVD Months to years Perfusion imaging, CT‐flow
Endocardium Valvular disease Years Echo (stress), TEE
Myocardium Myocarditis Weeks to months Echo, MRI, biomarkers
Cardiomyopathy Months to years TTE
Chronic HF Years TTE
Diastolic dysfunction Years TTE
Conduction system Heart block Months to years ECG, Holter
Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261.
Cardiac structure Incidence Time to onset after acute
radiation therapy
Myocardium 5-10% Uncertain
Pericardium 8–30%
70% (autopsy studies)
5 years
Conduction system Up to 75% 1–23 years
Vasculopathy Up to 85% 9 years
Valves Up to 81%
(Symptoms in < 30% of those
10 years (asymptomatic)
16.5 years (symptomatic)
Cardiovascular complications of radiation therapy.
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology. Sept 10, 2020
Evolution of XRT Dosage
Reduction in mean heart radiation doses for left breast cancer by
(A) year and (B) different techniques.
(J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
Cumulative incidence of
MACE stratified by
(A) pre-existing CHD (Gray’s
p < 0.001) or
mean heart dose (MHD )in
(B) patients without pre-
existing CHD (Gray’s
p = 0.025) and (C) patients
with pre-existing CHD (Gray’s
p = 0.98).
Ionizing radiation can induce both endothelial cell activation and dysfunction.
The resulting vasoconstrictive, pro-inflammatory, procoagulatory, prothrombotic, and
prohypertrophic environment can initiate and/or trigger the progression of several
pathological cardiovascular conditions, together with other vascular risk factors (e.g.,
dyslipidemia and hypertension)
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2019) 76:699–728
Synthesis of the mechanisms of radiation-induced atherosclerosis
Current Atherosclerosis Reports (2019) 21: 50
A theoretical overview of how radiation-induced macrovascular and microvascular
pathologies can interact to cause myocardial ischemia, which may ultimately develop
into clinical heart disease. International Journal of Molecular Medicine Published online on: October 17, 2016
The complex etiology of vascular dysfunction
Curr Atheroscler Rep (2017) 19: 22
Radiation Therapy Delivery Techniques
RadioGraphics 2019; 39:344–366
Note.—NSCLC = non–small cell lung cancer, SABR = stereotactic ablative body radiation
therapy, 3D = three-dimensional, 2D = two-dimensional.
Generally, the probability of RACD is positively related to
the radiation dose that the heart received.
Radiation-Related Heart Disease: Up-to-Date Developments
RACD usually occurs with a certain latency from a few hours to several decades after the heart and its substructures
receive direct or indirect irradiation.
The endpoints of RACD could be categorized as radiation-induced death from heart disease (mortality), clinical
manifestations (clinical disease), and imaging or laboratory abnormalities (subclinical disease).According the occurrence
timing of cardiac radiation response, RACD includes acute and late cardiac toxicities.
Newer technical developments in radiotherapy
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)
A type of 3D radiotherapy that uses computer-generated images to show the size and shape of the
tumour. Thin beams of radiation of different intensities are aimed at the tumour from many angles. This
type of radiotherapy reduces the damage to healthy tissue near the tumour.
Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT)
A picture is composed of the tumour and surrounding anatomy using cone-beam CT scans, which are
taken while the patient is prepared to receive radiotherapy via a linear particle accelerator. This image is
fused with the original planning CT scan, and irradiation is delivered when the difference between the
two CT scans is either non-existent or is within constraints.
Dose-guided radiotherapy (DGRT)
Similar to IGRT, this technique is based on cone-beam CT images taken on the linear particle accelerator;
the radiation dose to the tumour and organs at risk is calculated and compared with the prescribed dose,
and irradiation is delivered only when the difference is either non-existent or is within constraints.
Deep inspirational breath hold (DIBH)
Patients take a deep breath during treatment and hold this breath while the radiation is delivered; the
lungs fill with air and the heart moves away from the chest. DIBH can be useful in radiotherapy of the
chest, particularly to decrease the radiation dose to the heart, as in the treatment of left-sided breast
cancer and mediastinal lymphoma.
Proton therapy
This type of radiotherapy uses protons instead of standard photons. Proton therapy may reduce the
radiation dose to healthy tissues, which may be of considerable benefit for the treatment of cancers of
the head and neck and organs such as the brain, eye, lung, spine and prostate.
This instrument combines continuous MRI and the simultaneous delivery of radiotherapy. MRI is
particularly useful in some anatomical areas, such as the brain and the pelvis, owing to its high contrast
of soft tissues.
The ratio between the effects on tumour tissue versus the effects on normal tissues (also known as organs at risk) is called the therapeutic
index. The therapeutic index of radiotherapy can be defined as a sigmoidal relationship between the dose and effects on normal tissues
and tumours; the difference between both curves is used to calculate the therapeutic index (see illustration). The therapeutic index can be
increased by biological and physical methods. Biologically, by delivering low, frequent (usually daily) doses of radiation, more tumour cells
are killed than late-reacting cells such as endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Adverse effects on late-reacting tissues are usually irreversible,
which means that radiation dose must be limited to avoid such effects. The delivery of a high total radiation dose in many small ‘fractions’
thereby avoids off-target adverse effects in late-reacting healthy tissues1. The therapeutic index of radiotherapy is favourable if the
response of the tumour tissue is greater than that of the surrounding normal tissue and if severe normal-tissue complications can be
avoided. Optimized techniques physically deliver a much higher dose of radiation to the tumour than to organs at risk. Furthermore, the
use of radioprotectors and mitigators, or specific tumour radiosensitizers, may also improve the therapeutic index13,149,150,151. Currently,
tumour radiosensitization is most commonly achieved by combining radiotherapy with chemotherapeutics.
The therapeutic index of radiotherapy
Incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality
following chest irradiation.
Front. Cardiovasc. Med., 20 March 2020
Cancer and heart failure (HF)
as comorbidity: disease
specific and shared risks.
Cancer and HF share event risk
factors associated with the
development or worsening of the
disease condition.
*Active cancer causes
inflammation, cachexia, and
anemia, which are known risk
factors for worsening HF.
*Vice versa, HF primarily promotes
chronic inflammation and
neurohormonal activation, which
also presumably contribute to
cancer progression.
* In addition, cancer and HF shares
common disease risks (green
Circulation Journal ,Publication released
online September 12, 2020
(cancer therapeutics-related
cardiac dysfunction. )
Cardio-oncology, the multidisciplinary cardiovascular care of cancer patients, has been
proposed as a new approach to improve prevention, early identification and
management of cardiotoxicity. While in recent years much of the focus has been on
the early detection and prevention of heart failure, cancer therapies are associated
with a broad range of cardiovascular toxicities including cardiac arrhythmias,
hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. The present article summarises expert-
based recommendations on the management of the more prevalent non-heart failure
cancer-related cardiovascular toxicities.
Cardiovascular toxicity is a reality that impacts on the quality of life and overall survival
of cancer patients. Careful analysis of the needs of these patients is mandatory in order
to develop preventive strategies focused on the early detection and treatment of CV
toxicities. We need cardio-oncology multidisciplinary teams to integrate skills and
abilities and to standardise the care proces
Methods for the evaluation of CVD and their applications in Cardio-Oncology
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research (2020) 13:417–430
Methods of cardiovascular
Subtypes Current applications and references Path forward
Echocardiography • 2D
• 3D
• GLS imaging
• LVEF assessment via 2D echo is first line for cardiotoxicity screening [18,19,20,21,22]
• 3D TTE is superior to 2D TTE in LVEF assessment [23]
• GLS detects systolic dysfunction earlier than LVEF and has been used to identify
subclinical cardiotoxicity [21, 24,25,26]
• Standardized reporting of 3D TTE and GLS
• Assess cost-effectiveness of routine
echocardiographic monitoring
Nuclear imaging • MUGA
• SPECT/PET largely used for evaluation of myocardial perfusion and well suited for
patients receiving cancer therapy [27,28,29]
F-FDG can evaluate for inflammation, ischemia, and cellular injury following
cancer therapy [30,31,32,33,34]
• Clinical application of PET tracers as a
diagnostic method visualizes specific cellular
processes such as ROS production, apoptosis,
necrosis, cardiac remodeling, and
mitochondrial function.
• Cardiac MRI • T1 with contrast
• T2
• 4D flow MRI
• Superior LV and RV function assessment compared with echocardiography [58–59]
• LV mass and cardiomyocyte mass as additional markers of cardiotoxicity [35, 36]
• Contrast CMR for identification of myocardial fibrosis [35, 37]
• T2 imaging for presence of myocardial edema as an early sign of cardiotoxicity [61, 63–
• Studies assessing the use of myocardial
fibrosis, LV mass, cardiomyocyte mass, and
myocardial edema in the diagnosis of
cardiotoxicity and guide the use of
cardioprotective therapies
• Clinical application of 4D flow MRI for
vascular evaluation
Cardiac computed tomography • Non-contrast CT
• Coronary CTA
• CAC scores from non-contrast CT for identifying coronary atherosclerosis [67, 69]
• Contrast cardiac CT for further assessment of coronary lesions [38,39,40,41]
• Valvular imaging with cardiac CT for architectural changes and pre-procedural planning
[42, 43]
• Increased use of low-dose CT for coronary
• Improved image processing of CTA for non-
invasive evaluation of stenoses
Biomarkers • Protein
(troponin, BNP, hs-
CRP, and others)
• Metabolomics
• Genomics
• Troponin and BNP have been most commonly used biomarkers to evaluate for
cardiotoxicity [76–93]
• IgE, hs-CRP, MMA, MPO, and others have been studied to a lesser degree
• Metabolites of cardiomyocyte energy consumption have also been identified to be
altered in animal models of cardiotoxicity [101–106]
• Various genetic variants have been associated with increased risk of cardiotoxicity
• Prospective assessment of utility of
biomarkers in risk stratification and early
diagnosis of cardiotoxicity
• Evaluate novel metabolic and genomic
biomarkers and utilize them as adjuncts to
In vitro models • Induced
pluripotent stem
cells (iPSCs)
• Stem cells obtained from human subjects can be differentiated into cardiomyocytes
and grown in culture for patient-specific testing of drug-induced toxicity and
understanding mechanisms of toxicity [111–118]
• Further development of the iPSC platform is
needed in order for cost-effective and timely
clinical testing
In vivo models •
vein injection of
chemotherapy in
• Hypertensive
• Transgenic mouse
• Intraperitoneal injections of chemotherapy in rodents are commonly used as pre-
clinical models [52, 53]
• Transgenic mice with altered immune systems may have increased susceptibility to
chemotherapy and provide mechanistic insights [54,55,56]
• More consistent dosing protocols for
intraperitoneal injections need to be
• Further studies with transgenic mice will help
identify more biomarkers and drug targets.
Various approaches to study the impact of cancer therapy on the heart
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research (2020) 13:417–430

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Radiation Associated Cardiac Disease

  • 1. Magdy El-Masry Prof. of Cardiology Tanta University
  • 3. Cancer and Treatment Modalities CVD in cancer survivors ↓ Screening of cancer survivors
  • 4.  Chest Radiotherapy is frequently used as an adjunct to surgery/chemotherapy in thoracic malignancies (breast, lung, esophageal) and lymphomas.  Although radiotherapy results in significantly improved survival of cancer patients, the irradiation of healthy surrounding tissues results in complications.
  • 5. Radiation Associated Cardiac Disease : An Under-Recognized Entity?
  • 6. Management Pearls from a New Expert Review JACC Scientific Expert Panel ( J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27 )
  • 7. JACC panel gives guidance on nuanced care of a very complex disease
  • 8. Cardiology Cleveland  Milind Y. Desai  Brian P. Griffin Switzerland  Stephan Windecker Belgium  Patrizio Lancellotti Netherlands  Jeroen J. Bax Radiation Oncology New York  Oren Cahlon Cardiothoracic Surgery Cleveland  Douglas R. Johnston The review, which was published by JACC on Aug. 2019 , is a consensus effort by an international group of seven experts based on their experience with RACD over the past 20 years. The article covers a description of at-risk groups, clinical manifestations, screening recommendations, and management and surgical considerations.
  • 9. Who is at Risk for RACD? The review drew mostly on available data from patients who received radiation therapy for breast cancer or Hodgkin’s lymphoma, although patients who have received radiation for other cancers in the thorax are also at risk. RACD & RAPD
  • 10.  Age younger than 50 at time of radiation therapy  Existing cardiovascular risk factors or disease  Lack of shielding or cobalt as the radiation source  High cumulative dose (>30 Gy) or high dose of radiation fractions (>2 Gy/day)  Tumor in or next to the heart  Anterior or left chest radiation  Concomitant chemotherapy, particularly with anthracyclines or trastuzumab RACD Risk factors for developing RACD
  • 12. Mechanism of injury Pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (TNF-a, IL-6, IL-8) ➔ chronic vascular damage Fibroblasts ➔ activated myofibroblasts ➔ fibrosis Altered DNA methylation ➔ changes in gene expression Progressive valve thickening and calcification ➔ valve regurgitation or stenosis ↑ Mitochondrial membrane permeability ➔ ↑ reactive oxidative species ➔ chronic endothelial dysfunction Suspected pathophysiology of radiation-induced cardiovascular damage. Current Cardiology Reports (2020) 22:151 DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; IL-6, interleukin 6; IL-8, interleukin 8; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-alpha.
  • 13.  Incidence  Time to onset after acute radiation therapy
  • 14. Cardiac structure Incidence Myocardium 5-10% Pericardium 8–30% 70% (autopsy studies) Conduction system Up to 75% Vasculopathy Up to 85% Valves Up to 81% (Symptoms in < 30% of those affected) Cardiovascular complications of radiation therapy. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology. Sept 10, 2020
  • 15. Imaging or laboratory abnormalities Subclinical Disease Clinical manifestations* Clinical Disease Radiation-related cardiac death Mortality RACD usually occurs with a certain latency from a few hours to several decades after the heart and its substructures receive direct or indirect irradiation. According the occurrence timing of cardiac radiation response, RACD includes acute and late cardiac toxicities. *RACD comprises a spectrum of heart disease including cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease and conduction system abnormalities.
  • 16. Overview of cardiovascular structures being affected after radiation therapy (RT) Tissue Involved Diagnostic Consideration Time of Presentation After RT Pericardium Acute pericarditis Days to weeks Chronic effusion Weeks to months Constrictive pericarditis Years Vascular tree Premature CAD Years MI Months to years Asymptomatic CAD Years Aortic arch calcification Years Carotid stenosis Years TIA/stroke Months to years PVD Months to years Endocardium Valvular disease Years Myocardium Myocarditis Weeks to months Cardiomyopathy Months to years Chronic HF Years Diastolic dysfunction Years Conduction system Heart block Months to years Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261.
  • 18. Cardiac radiation exposure causes a number of abnormalities. Exposure of the heart and surrounding vasculature to radiation may lead to several adverse structural and functional changes in the heart (RACD) Cancers 2020, 12(2), 415 Radiation Associated Cardiac Disease (RACD)
  • 19. “RACD can have diverse presentations that overlap with other cardiac conditions, and it may arise so long after the radiation exposure that clinicians may not think of it,” “But recognizing it is important, as management considerations are paramount to a patient’s quality of life and long-term survival.” Challenges of Clinical Detection for RACD
  • 20. Potential manifestations of chest and mediastinal XRT (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27) Pericardium •Constrictive pericarditis due to extensive fibrous thickening, adhesions, chronic constriction and can be associated with chronic pericardial effusion. Associated with significantly higher surgical mortality Cardiac muscle •Diffuse subclinical myocardial fibrosis with associated progressive systolic and diastolic dysfunction •Nonischemic cardiomyopathy can occur as an advanced stage of the disease due to extensive fibrosis with severe diastolic dysfunction and signs and symptoms of heart failure (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction more common than reduced ejection fraction) •Ischemic cardiomyopathy can occur due to advanced CAD Valves •Valve apparatus and leaflet thickening, fibrosis, shortening, and calcification predominant on left-sided valves •Thickening and calcification of aortomitral curtain very commonly seen •Valve regurgitation more common than stenosis •Aortic valve stenosis most common stenotic lesion Coronary artery disease •Accelerated CAD often seen at a much younger age •Concomitant atherosclerotic risk factors further enhance development of CAD •Can occur ≤5 yrs after exposure •Coronary ostia and proximal segments are typically involved •CAD significantly increases the risk of myocardial infarction and death Carotid artery disease •Radiotherapy induced lesions are more extensive, involving longer segments and atypical areas of carotid segments Other vascular disease •Calcification of the ascending aorta and aortic arch (porcelain aorta) •Lesions of any other vascular segments present within the radiation field Conduction system disease •Ectopy, tachyarrhythmia, baseline sinus tachycardia and autonomic dysfunction commonly seen •Increased risk of pacemaker implantation due to conduction system disease Lungs •Progressive pulmonary fibrosis •Recurrent pleural effusions
  • 21. Pericardium •Constrictive pericarditis due to extensive fibrous thickening, adhesions, chronic constriction and can be associated with chronic pericardial effusion. Associated with significantly higher surgical mortality The final evolution, constrictive pericarditis The most frequent manifestation of acute stage is exudative pericarditis
  • 22. ECG and Echo showing pericarditis/pericardial effusion related to radiation therapy. (A): ECG shows diffuse ST elevation suggestive of pericarditis. (B): Echo (subcostal view) showing small pericardial effusion during attack of recurrence. (C): Echo (subcostal view) showing complete resolution of the pericardial effusion. A 60 year female with left lung cancer, who presented in April 2014, within 2 weeks of radiation therapy with typical pain of pericarditis. She had recurrence of pericarditis in Nov 14, for which she was given NSAID and cochicine with good effect.Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261
  • 23. Features of Pericardial Constriction (A) Annulus reversus with preservation of septal early diastolic tissue velocity (e’), (B) compared with reduced lateral wall e’; (C) reduced LV free wall strain due to tethering with reduced longitudinal motion (pink); (D) simultaneous right and left heart catheterization shows equalization of diastolic pressures between the right and left ventricles (black arrow); cardiac CT demonstrating pericardial calcification anteriorly (white arrow) and laterally extending into the mitral annulus (yellow arrow) on (E) axial and (F) sagittal reconstructions. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
  • 24. Cardiac muscle •Diffuse subclinical myocardial fibrosis with associated progressive systolic and diastolic dysfunction •Nonischemic cardiomyopathy can occur as an advanced stage of the disease due to extensive fibrosis with severe diastolic dysfunction and signs and symptoms of heart failure (HFpEF more common than HFrEF) •Ischemic cardiomyopathy can occur due to advanced CAD
  • 25. Distinguishing Features of a Restrictive Cardiomyopathy Due to Underlying Myocardial Fibrosis. Reduced (A) septal and (B) lateral early diastolic tissue velocities (e’); (C) grade 3 restrictive mitral inflow, with a short E-wave (white arrow) deceleration time (<150 ms) and small A-wave (yellow arrow); (D) reduced global 2D longitudinal strain (pink region). (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
  • 26. Valves •Valve apparatus and leaflet thickening, fibrosis, shortening, and calcification predominant on left- sided valves •Thickening and calcification of aortomitral curtain very commonly seen •Valve regurgitation more common than stenosis •Aortic valve stenosis most common stenotic lesion
  • 27. Echo from a 52-year-old male treated with mantle radiation for Hodgkin’s lymphoma 25 years ago. PS-LAX view demonstrates severe, calcific stenosis of the aortic valve (large arrow), with associated thickening and calcification of the aorto-mitral curtain (small arrow). Curr Treat Options Cardio Med (2019) 21: 22
  • 28. Echoshowing moderate arotic stenosis mild regurgitation. A 57 year old man with history of Hodgkin’s lymphoma treated with mediastinal radiation in 1982. In February 2012 he was evaluated because of symptoms of fatigue. Echo showed mild mitral annular calcification and moderate calcific aortic stenosis.A cardiac catherization also showed CAD, with signficant RCA disease for which he underwent stenting. (A): Echo (parasternal view) showing mild mitral annular calcification and severe aortic valve calcification. (B): Doppler shows moderate aortic stenosis with mild regurgitation. Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261
  • 29. Latent Valvular Manifestations of Chest Radiation. A 52-year-old man treated with mantle radiation for Hodgkin lymphoma 25 years ago demonstrates: severe calcification of the aortic valve, aorto-mitral curtain, and mitral valve on 2DE (A, arrows) and CT(B, arrow), resulting in severe mitral (C) and aortic (D) stenosis using Doppler echo. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
  • 30. 3 D – TEE demonstrating the difference between rheumatic valve disease and radiation-induced valve disease. (A) Rheumatic mitral valve with bilateral commissural fusion (black arrows). (B) In contrast in radiation-induced valve disease, there is no commissural fusion (red arrows). Gujral DM, et al. Heart 2015;0:1–8.
  • 31. Coronary artery disease •Accelerated CAD often seen at a much younger age •Concomitant atherosclerotic risk factors further enhance development of CAD •Can occur ≤5 yrs after exposure •Coronary ostia and proximal segments are typically involved •CAD significantly increases the risk of myocardial infarction and death
  • 32. (A) Angiogram showing severe distal left main coronary stenosis extending into the ostial and proximal LAD. (B) IVUS of the distal left main confirming marked stenosis with circumferential atherosclerosis without calcification. JACC May 25, 2018
  • 33. Radiation-Associated Coronary Artery Disease. Severe right coronary ostial stenosis (arrows) after radiotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma (surgical clips from splenectomy). (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
  • 34. Example of radiation-associated ischemic disease. c and d Diffuse multivessel CAD (white arrows) in middle-aged man previously treated with thoracic radiotherapy for esophageal cancer presenting with acute coronary syndromes. Current Cardiology Reports (2020) 22:151
  • 35. Coronary artery calcium (CAC) imaging in an asymptomatic 73- year-old Caucasian female with a history of ductal carcinoma in situ of the left breast, who received a total of 60.4 Gy radiation to the left breast with no adjunct chemotherapy at the age of 64. The total CAC score was determined to be 320.2 with the CAC score of each coronary vessel as follows: left main coronary artery = 171.1, left anterior descending artery = 126.1 (arrow), left circumflex = 0, and right coronary artery = 22.9. Patient’s calcium burden places her in the 83rd percentile of coronary artery calcium burden for age, race, and gender by the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)). Her estimated MESA 10-year coronary heart disease (CHD) event rate is estimated to be 5.2 % if the CAC score is put into account and 2.6 % by conventional risk factor assessment, showing the influence of the CAC score to increase her absolute risk of CHD events at 10 years by 100 %. Curr Oncol Rep (2016) 18:15
  • 36. Other vascular disease •Calcification of the ascending aorta and aortic arch (porcelain aorta) •Lesions of any other vascular segments present within the radiation field Carotid artery disease •Radiotherapy induced lesions are more extensive, involving longer segments and atypical areas of carotid segments
  • 37. Radiation-Associated Aortic Disease Severe calcification of the ascending aorta on cardiac CT (axial [A], coronal [B], and sagittal [C] views; yellow arrows) and at the time of surgery (D) (white rrows). *Calcification of the aorto-mitral curtain extending into the anterior mitral valve leaflet. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
  • 38. Conduction system disease •Ectopy, tachyarrhythmia, baseline sinus tachycardia and autonomic dysfunction* commonly seen •Increased risk of pacemaker implantation due to conduction system disease** *Inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST)→risk of tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy **XRT results in fibrosis of conduction pathways and subsequent abnormalities, including atrioventricular block, sick sinus syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and ventricular tachyarrhythmias, that can occur years later . Infranodal and right bundle branch blocks are common, with the anteriorly located right bundle being particularly susceptible. There is a higher proportion of RACD patients who require pacemaker post-operatively
  • 39. A 46-year-old man (Hx of childhood radiotherapy for Hodgkin’s disease) → ECG showing complete heart block
  • 40. A 46-year-old man (Hx of childhood radiotherapy for Hodgkin’s disease) MRI of the heart showing fibrosis (red arrows) (A) Four chamber view. (B) Short axis view. CT of the chest showing calcification of the mitral valve and no pulmonary pathology TTE showing calcified anterior mitral leaflet ( red arrow ) On arrival to the ER , he was bradycardic with mild SOB. ECG in ER showed CHB. Twenty minutes later without any interventions, ECG showed sinus tachycardia with RBBB
  • 41. Lungs •Progressive pulmonary fibrosis •Recurrent pleural effusions Radiation-Induced Pulmonary Disease ( RAPD ) :  An early reversible toxicity ( radation pneumonitis)  A late irreversible toxicity (radiation fibrosis). Radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis  is relatively common following chest radiotherapy  is the late manifestation of radiation-induced pulmonary disease(RAPD)  is another challenging aspect. (RACD + RAPD →make diagnosis particularly challenging)
  • 42. 51 year-old man treated with full mantle radiation for Hodgkin's lymphoma 20 years ago demonstrates: a) severe calcification of the aortic valve, aorto-mitral curtain and mitral valve on 2D echocardiography (left upper panel, arrows); b) increased continuous flow Doppler gradient across the aortic valve suggesting severe stenosis (left lower panel); c) increased continuous flow Doppler gradient across the mitral valve suggesting severe stenosis (right upper panel) and computerized tomography of the same patient demonstrating pulmonary fibrosis (arrow, right lower panel) JACC :Jun 21, 2017 Pulmonary fibrosis has an adverse impact on survival in RACD and should be evaluated
  • 44. The review recommends the following surveillance strategy for patients who have a history of chest radiation therapy*: Annual history and physical examination with a focus on signs and symptoms of RACD > If signs and symptoms are present, testing as needed to evaluate Screening echocardiography to assess structural abnormalities, ventricular performance and valvular disease > First time: Five years after exposure in high-risk patients, 10 years after exposure in others > Reassess every five years Functional noninvasive stress testing to screen for coronary artery disease (CAD) > First time: Five to 10 years after exposure in high-risk patients > Reassess every five years *? Baseline pre-radiotherapy ECHO & risk factor modification
  • 45. Imaging modality Method Normal range Detection of cardiotoxcity Pro/con Recommendation Echo, 2D LVEF, biplane Simpson >53% ≥ 10% absolute change to a value <50% Widely accessible and used, but relatively high variability Recommended in combination with GLS and biomarkers Echo, speckle tracking GLS >18% value <18% or > 15% relative reduction from baseline High reliability and validity, sensitive for early detection, especially in combination with biomarkers. Recommended in combination with 2D echo and biomarkers Echo, 3D LVEF, 3D >55% ≥ 10% absolute change to a value < 50% High reliability, not so widely used, more complicated than 2D Recommended if available CMR LVEF >55% ≥ 10% absolute change to a value < 50% Reliable method, low availability, add tissue information when needed Recommended when tissue information is necessary (i.e., myocarditis) Recommended imaging for detection and follow-up of cardiotoxicity in patients treated for breast cancer. Current Heart Failure Reports, September 2020  Screening 2D echo .Consider GLS & 3D echo (( Baseline & Follow Up ))  Alternative modality →CMR (Recommended in those with suboptimal echocardiography or discrepant results)
  • 46. Myocardial perfusion study showing ischemia in the inferior wall (region of radiation therapy). A 57 year old asymptomatic man, who had received a total of 50 Gy radiation 2 years previously for cancer esophagus. Myocardial perfusion study shows ischemia in the inferior wall. Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261 SPECT : a functional noninvasive stress test
  • 48.  Specialized imaging plays a role to better evaluate RACD and for preoperative assessment and planning.  It should be assumed that patients suffered radiation injury to the aorta, ventricles, pericardium, lungs and chest wall. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology. Sept 10, 2020
  • 49. Tests to consider include: Multidetector cardiac CT for preoperative evaluation and planning, to provide full assessment of aortic, valvular and intravalvular calcium, and in some instances noninvasive coronary angiography Nuclear scintigraphy to assess myocardial ischemia Cardiac MRI to assess myocardial fibrosis and pericardial constriction and as an adjunct to echocardiography in some cases Left and right heart catheterization with simultaneous pressure measurements to distinguish constrictive pericarditis from myocardial restriction Extracardiac vascular ultrasonography of the carotid and subclavian arteries Pulmonary function testing
  • 51. Challenge of Clinical Managements for RACD Team Management , timing of surgery or transcatheter therapy The review provides specific management guidance, starting with the recommendation that patients be managed by an experienced team of cardiologists, imaging specialists, interventionalists and cardiothoracic surgeons.
  • 52. Medical therapy should follow standard guidelines, as no RACD-specific therapies have been identified and validated. However, most patients with significant symptoms eventually require invasive therapies.
  • 54. For RACD patients with CAD as the primary manifestation, PCI is usually preferred unless concomitant valvular disease can be addressed simultaneously with surgery. Regarding transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), aortic valve disease more frequently involves extensive calcification of the valves and blood vessels, as well as severe conduction abnormalities, posing potential complications. With extensive planning, TAVR is still the preferred strategy for severe isolated aortic stenosis in this setting, particularly if transfemoral access can be safely employed. “Careful evaluation of other valvular lesions needs to be undertaken, and if there is evidence of advanced multivalvular disease (with or without concomitant CAD), surgery might be the preferred option,” “In terms of transcatheter mitral valve therapies, there needs to be further evolution before their routine clinical implementation.”
  • 55. Cardiac Surgery : Issues of Concern Quick In Quick Out
  • 56. Preoperative preparation “Significant radiation exposure is a critical risk factor that does not show up on standard preoperative risk stratification scores,” “For truly informed consent, these patients require more detailed preoperative testing to better assess comorbidity, procedural risk and optimal treatment strategies.” Connect the dots
  • 57.  The authors recommend that surgery generally be delayed to later in the disease course than would be the case in the absence of prior radiation therapy.  Radiation injury to the lungs and pleura with resultant lymphatic dysfunction makes patients susceptible to intrathoracic fluid retention after surgery, significantly hampering recovery and diminishing long-term quality of life.  “Avoiding redo surgery should be a paramount consideration,” “All issues, such as replacing multiple valves, should be taken care of during the first operation if at all possible.” (Redo surgery in RACD carries a significant ↑ in operative risk and mortality compared with the non-RACD surgery)
  • 58.  Thorough and systematic preoperative planning is critical, as is flexibility in dealing with unexpected reconstruction problems,  The authors specifically recommend an aggressive approach to double-valve replacement because of the tendency of RACD patients to have extensive calcification and a small aortic root and mitral annulus.  Because radiation-damaged valve tissue tends to thicken and scar over time, replacement is preferred over repair, particularly for the mitral valve.  “Surgery for RACD often involves resection of extensive calcium and reconstruction of multiple areas of the heart, including the aorta and the annuli of the mitral and aortic valves, Technically Challenging Operation → Commando Procedure .
  • 59. Commando Procedure (aortic and mitral valve replacement with reconstruction of aortomitral curtain) (A) Aortic valve, mitral valve, and aorto-mitral curtain exposed and excised, (B) mitral prosthesis implanted, (C) aorto-mitral curtain reconstructed using pericardium or synthetic patch, (D) aortic valve prosthesis implantation, with patch reconstruction of the aortic annulus, (E) ascending aortic patch closure. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:1132–49)
  • 60. Echo revealing significant mixed (stenotic and regurgitant) aortic and mitral valve disease and calcification of aortomitral curtain (A to C) Computed tomography revealing no porcelain aorta or pulmonary (D and E) no obstructive coronary artery disease (F and G) schematic representation of Commando operation (aortic and mitral valve replacement with reconstruction of aortomitral curtain) (H to K). Patient With RACD Who Underwent Cardiac Surgery. ( J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27 )
  • 62. The article identified a number of postoperative problems that tend to occur in this population: 1)Chronic pleural and pericardial effusions 2)Conduction system disturbances, often requiring longer temporary pacing 3)Prolonged postoperative diuresis, sometimes for weeks 4)Fibrosis-induced limitation of cardiac output, requiring avoidance of beta-blocker overuse and consideration of higher pacemaker rates
  • 63. Radiotherapy Protocols Techniques to reduce radiation dose to the heart Clinical Prevention for RACD Irradiation of non-tumour tissue is unavoidable→RACD : a necessary evil ?
  • 64. Cardiac dose sparing and avoidance techniques is available nowadays. (There are multiple techniques to minimize radiotherapy dose to the heart) Radiation-Related Heart Disease: Up-to-Date Developments . Cardiac dose sparing and avoidance techniques For curable cancers, such as breast cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma, cardiac dose protection and/or avoidance techniques might be beneficial in minimizing RACD. For breast cancer, several techniques have been utilized clinically. These techniques include the following: (1) radiation therapy (RT) delivery with breath control or holding techniques, (2) prone patient positioning, (3) new RT techniques such as intensity-modulated RT (IMRT), proton therapy, or partial breast irradiation techniques, and (4) single-fraction, intraoperative radiation.
  • 66. Radiation-associated cardiac disease (RACD) — which typically arises years or decades after a cancer patient undergoes radiation therapy to the chest — should be systematically screened for and monitored, with management delivered by an experienced multidisciplinary team of cardiovascular specialists. COMP (Cardio-Oncology Multidisciplinary Practice)
  • 67. Take Home Figures JACC Scientific Expert Panel ( J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27 )
  • 68.
  • 69. Pathophysiology of RACD. Effect of XRT on various organs. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
  • 70. Imaging in RACD→ Suggested screening and diagnostic algorithm for RACD. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
  • 71. Pericardial diseases Effusion + ++++ − − + + − − − Pericarditis ++ ++ − − + +++ − − − Constriction + ++++ + − ++ ++++ − ++ − Cardiac muscle disease Subclinical myocardial fibrosis ? ? − − − +++ − ? − Nonischemic ++ ++ + + ++ ++++ ++++ ++ − Ischemic ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++ ++++ ++++ ++ − Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction ++ ++++ +++ ? ++ ++ ++++ ++ − Valvular disease ? ++++ ++++ ? +++ +++ + ++ − Conduction system disease ++++ +++ ++ ? ++ ++ − − − Coronary artery disease +++ +++ +++ ++++ +++ ++ ++++ ++ − Extracardiac vascular disease − − − − ++++ − − − ++++ ECG Echo (+/− Contrast, Strain) Stress Echo Stress Nuclear MDCT CMR LHC RHC Extra vascular Ultrasound Utility of Various Diagnostic Tests in RACD. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
  • 72. Treatment of RACD → Suggested management algorithm of patient with RACD. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75. Ther Adv Chronic Dis 2019, Vol. 10: 1–10
  • 76. The proposed mechanism of statins, colchicine, and aspirin on the reduction of radiation-associated cardiovascular disease (RACVD). J Am Heart Assoc. 2020;9:e014668.
  • 77. Radiation therapy :Existing Cardiac Imaging Recommendations Based on Prior Data Echo Baseline and repeated echo after radiation therapy involving the heart are recommended for the diagnosis and follow‐up of valvular heart disease 1.Annual echocardiogram if symptomatic valvular disease 2.Screening echocardiogram 10 y after radiation therapy and every 5 y thereafter in asymptomatic patients ASE/EACVI (1) Cardiac MRI Recommended in those with suboptimal echocardiography or discrepant results ESC(2) Coronary CT angiography/calcium artery calcium score Reasonable to perform ≥5 y post radiotherapy, and further workup (eg, coronary angiography, functional testing) is indicated for risk stratification if there is concern for severe ischemic heart disease SCAI(3) SPECT ASE/EACVI(1) 1.Reasonable to screen for CAD with a functional noninvasive stress test 5– 10 y after radiation exposure in asymptomatic individuals deemed a high risk for radiation induced heart disease 2.Repeat stress testing can be planned every 5 y if the first exam does not show inducible ischemia 1 European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and the American Society of Echocardiography. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013;14:721–740. 2 European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J. 2016;37:2768–2801. 3 Sociedad Latino Americana de Cardiologıa Intervencionista. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2016;87:895–899.
  • 78. Methods for the evaluation of CVD and their applications in Cardio-Oncology Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research (2020) 13:417–430 Methods of cardiovascular evaluation Subtypes Current applications and references Path forward Echocardiography • 2D • 3D • GLS imaging • LVEF assessment via 2D echo is first line for cardiotoxicity screening [18,19,20,21,22] • 3D TTE is superior to 2D TTE in LVEF assessment [23] • GLS detects systolic dysfunction earlier than LVEF and has been used to identify subclinical cardiotoxicity [21, 24,25,26] • Standardized reporting of 3D TTE and GLS • Assess cost-effectiveness of routine echocardiographic monitoring Nuclear imaging • MUGA • SPECT • PET • SPECT/PET largely used for evaluation of myocardial perfusion and well suited for patients receiving cancer therapy [27,28,29] • PET 18 F-FDG can evaluate for inflammation, ischemia, and cellular injury following cancer therapy [30,31,32,33,34] • Clinical application of PET tracers as a diagnostic method visualizes specific cellular processes such as ROS production, apoptosis, necrosis, cardiac remodeling, and mitochondrial function. • Cardiac MRI • T1 with contrast • T2 • 4D flow MRI • Superior LV and RV function assessment compared with echocardiography [58–59] • LV mass and cardiomyocyte mass as additional markers of cardiotoxicity [35, 36] • Contrast CMR for identification of myocardial fibrosis [35, 37] • T2 imaging for presence of myocardial edema as an early sign of cardiotoxicity [61, 63– 65] • Studies assessing the use of myocardial fibrosis, LV mass, cardiomyocyte mass, and myocardial edema in the diagnosis of cardiotoxicity and guide the use of cardioprotective therapies • Clinical application of 4D flow MRI for vascular evaluation Cardiac computed tomography • Non-contrast CT • Coronary CTA • CAC scores from non-contrast CT for identifying coronary atherosclerosis [67, 69] • Contrast cardiac CT for further assessment of coronary lesions [38,39,40,41] • Valvular imaging with cardiac CT for architectural changes and pre-procedural planning [42, 43] • Increased use of low-dose CT for coronary assessment • Improved image processing of CTA for non- invasive evaluation of stenoses Biomarkers • Protein biomarkers (troponin, BNP, hs- CRP, and others) • Metabolomics • Genomics • Troponin and BNP have been most commonly used biomarkers to evaluate for cardiotoxicity [76–93] • IgE, hs-CRP, MMA, MPO, and others have been studied to a lesser degree [44,45,46,47,48] • Metabolites of cardiomyocyte energy consumption have also been identified to be altered in animal models of cardiotoxicity [101–106] • Various genetic variants have been associated with increased risk of cardiotoxicity [49,50,51] • Prospective assessment of utility of biomarkers in risk stratification and early diagnosis of cardiotoxicity • Evaluate novel metabolic and genomic biomarkers and utilize them as adjuncts to imaging In vitro models • Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) • Stem cells obtained from human subjects can be differentiated into cardiomyocytes and grown in culture for patient-specific testing of drug-induced toxicity and understanding mechanisms of toxicity [111–118] • Further development of the iPSC platform is needed in order for cost-effective and timely clinical testing In vivo models • Intraperitoneal/tail vein injection of chemotherapy in rodents • Hypertensive animals • Transgenic mouse models • Intraperitoneal injections of chemotherapy in rodents are commonly used as pre- clinical models [52, 53] • Transgenic mice with altered immune systems may have increased susceptibility to chemotherapy and provide mechanistic insights [54,55,56] • More consistent dosing protocols for intraperitoneal injections need to be established • Further studies with transgenic mice will help identify more biomarkers and drug targets.
  • 79. European Society for Medical Oncology Available online 17 January 2020 These ESMO consensus recommendations attempt to summarise best practices for the care of cancer patients exposed to potential cardiotoxic therapy, including chemotherapeutic agents, targeted therapies and radiotherapy (RT).
  • 80. 1) CAG demonstrating severe Cx stenosis; 2) ‘porcelain’ ascending aortic calcification on cardiac CT 3) severe mitral annular, aorto- mitral curtain, and aortic valve calcification on cardiac CT and 4) TTE 5) near- transmural inferior wall ischemic scar on CMR in short-axis and 6) vertical long- axis planes 7) complete heart block on ECG 8) severe pericardial calcification on noncontrast CT, and 9) strain ‘bullseye’ plot demonstrating reduced LV AL wall deformation due to tethering.
  • 81. Overview of cardiovascular structures being affected after radiation therapy (RT) Tissue Involved Diagnostic Consideration Time of Presentation After RT Cardiac Evaluation Pericardium Acute pericarditis Days to weeks TTE Chronic effusion Weeks to months TTE Constrictive pericarditis Years TTE, MRI, right‐sided catheterization Vascular tree Premature CAD Years CT, SPECT, catheterization, TTE (stress), risk factors MI Months to years Catheterization Asymptomatic CAD Years CT, SPECT, catheterization, TTE (stress), risk factors Aortic arch calcification Years CT, MRI Carotid stenosis Years Perfusion imaging, MRI, risk factors TIA/stroke Months to years Perfusion imaging, MRI, risk factors PVD Months to years Perfusion imaging, CT‐flow Endocardium Valvular disease Years Echo (stress), TEE Myocardium Myocarditis Weeks to months Echo, MRI, biomarkers Cardiomyopathy Months to years TTE Chronic HF Years TTE Diastolic dysfunction Years TTE Conduction system Heart block Months to years ECG, Holter Clinical Cardiology. 2017;40:255–261.
  • 82. Cardiac structure Incidence Time to onset after acute radiation therapy Myocardium 5-10% Uncertain Pericardium 8–30% 70% (autopsy studies) 5 years Conduction system Up to 75% 1–23 years Vasculopathy Up to 85% 9 years Valves Up to 81% (Symptoms in < 30% of those affected) 10 years (asymptomatic) 16.5 years (symptomatic) Cardiovascular complications of radiation therapy. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology. Sept 10, 2020
  • 83. Evolution of XRT Dosage Reduction in mean heart radiation doses for left breast cancer by (A) year and (B) different techniques. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:905–27)
  • 84. Cumulative incidence of MACE stratified by (A) pre-existing CHD (Gray’s p < 0.001) or mean heart dose (MHD )in (B) patients without pre- existing CHD (Gray’s p = 0.025) and (C) patients with pre-existing CHD (Gray’s p = 0.98).
  • 85. Ionizing radiation can induce both endothelial cell activation and dysfunction. The resulting vasoconstrictive, pro-inflammatory, procoagulatory, prothrombotic, and prohypertrophic environment can initiate and/or trigger the progression of several pathological cardiovascular conditions, together with other vascular risk factors (e.g., dyslipidemia and hypertension) Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2019) 76:699–728
  • 86. Synthesis of the mechanisms of radiation-induced atherosclerosis Current Atherosclerosis Reports (2019) 21: 50
  • 87. A theoretical overview of how radiation-induced macrovascular and microvascular pathologies can interact to cause myocardial ischemia, which may ultimately develop into clinical heart disease. International Journal of Molecular Medicine Published online on: October 17, 2016
  • 88.
  • 89. The complex etiology of vascular dysfunction Curr Atheroscler Rep (2017) 19: 22
  • 90.
  • 91. Radiation Therapy Delivery Techniques RadioGraphics 2019; 39:344–366 Note.—NSCLC = non–small cell lung cancer, SABR = stereotactic ablative body radiation therapy, 3D = three-dimensional, 2D = two-dimensional.
  • 92. Generally, the probability of RACD is positively related to the radiation dose that the heart received. Radiation-Related Heart Disease: Up-to-Date Developments RACD usually occurs with a certain latency from a few hours to several decades after the heart and its substructures receive direct or indirect irradiation. The endpoints of RACD could be categorized as radiation-induced death from heart disease (mortality), clinical manifestations (clinical disease), and imaging or laboratory abnormalities (subclinical disease).According the occurrence timing of cardiac radiation response, RACD includes acute and late cardiac toxicities.
  • 93. Newer technical developments in radiotherapy Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) A type of 3D radiotherapy that uses computer-generated images to show the size and shape of the tumour. Thin beams of radiation of different intensities are aimed at the tumour from many angles. This type of radiotherapy reduces the damage to healthy tissue near the tumour. Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) A picture is composed of the tumour and surrounding anatomy using cone-beam CT scans, which are taken while the patient is prepared to receive radiotherapy via a linear particle accelerator. This image is fused with the original planning CT scan, and irradiation is delivered when the difference between the two CT scans is either non-existent or is within constraints. Dose-guided radiotherapy (DGRT) Similar to IGRT, this technique is based on cone-beam CT images taken on the linear particle accelerator; the radiation dose to the tumour and organs at risk is calculated and compared with the prescribed dose, and irradiation is delivered only when the difference is either non-existent or is within constraints. Deep inspirational breath hold (DIBH) Patients take a deep breath during treatment and hold this breath while the radiation is delivered; the lungs fill with air and the heart moves away from the chest. DIBH can be useful in radiotherapy of the chest, particularly to decrease the radiation dose to the heart, as in the treatment of left-sided breast cancer and mediastinal lymphoma. Proton therapy This type of radiotherapy uses protons instead of standard photons. Proton therapy may reduce the radiation dose to healthy tissues, which may be of considerable benefit for the treatment of cancers of the head and neck and organs such as the brain, eye, lung, spine and prostate. MRI-linac This instrument combines continuous MRI and the simultaneous delivery of radiotherapy. MRI is particularly useful in some anatomical areas, such as the brain and the pelvis, owing to its high contrast of soft tissues.
  • 94. The ratio between the effects on tumour tissue versus the effects on normal tissues (also known as organs at risk) is called the therapeutic index. The therapeutic index of radiotherapy can be defined as a sigmoidal relationship between the dose and effects on normal tissues and tumours; the difference between both curves is used to calculate the therapeutic index (see illustration). The therapeutic index can be increased by biological and physical methods. Biologically, by delivering low, frequent (usually daily) doses of radiation, more tumour cells are killed than late-reacting cells such as endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Adverse effects on late-reacting tissues are usually irreversible, which means that radiation dose must be limited to avoid such effects. The delivery of a high total radiation dose in many small ‘fractions’ thereby avoids off-target adverse effects in late-reacting healthy tissues1. The therapeutic index of radiotherapy is favourable if the response of the tumour tissue is greater than that of the surrounding normal tissue and if severe normal-tissue complications can be avoided. Optimized techniques physically deliver a much higher dose of radiation to the tumour than to organs at risk. Furthermore, the use of radioprotectors and mitigators, or specific tumour radiosensitizers, may also improve the therapeutic index13,149,150,151. Currently, tumour radiosensitization is most commonly achieved by combining radiotherapy with chemotherapeutics. The therapeutic index of radiotherapy NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | (2019) 5:13
  • 95. Incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality following chest irradiation. Front. Cardiovasc. Med., 20 March 2020
  • 96. Cancer and heart failure (HF) as comorbidity: disease specific and shared risks. Cancer and HF share event risk factors associated with the development or worsening of the disease condition. *Active cancer causes inflammation, cachexia, and anemia, which are known risk factors for worsening HF. *Vice versa, HF primarily promotes chronic inflammation and neurohormonal activation, which also presumably contribute to cancer progression. * In addition, cancer and HF shares common disease risks (green ovals). Circulation Journal ,Publication released online September 12, 2020 CTRCD (cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction. )
  • 97. Cardio-oncology, the multidisciplinary cardiovascular care of cancer patients, has been proposed as a new approach to improve prevention, early identification and management of cardiotoxicity. While in recent years much of the focus has been on the early detection and prevention of heart failure, cancer therapies are associated with a broad range of cardiovascular toxicities including cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. The present article summarises expert- based recommendations on the management of the more prevalent non-heart failure cancer-related cardiovascular toxicities. Conclusions Cardiovascular toxicity is a reality that impacts on the quality of life and overall survival of cancer patients. Careful analysis of the needs of these patients is mandatory in order to develop preventive strategies focused on the early detection and treatment of CV toxicities. We need cardio-oncology multidisciplinary teams to integrate skills and abilities and to standardise the care proces
  • 98. Methods for the evaluation of CVD and their applications in Cardio-Oncology Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research (2020) 13:417–430 Methods of cardiovascular evaluation Subtypes Current applications and references Path forward Echocardiography • 2D • 3D • GLS imaging • LVEF assessment via 2D echo is first line for cardiotoxicity screening [18,19,20,21,22] • 3D TTE is superior to 2D TTE in LVEF assessment [23] • GLS detects systolic dysfunction earlier than LVEF and has been used to identify subclinical cardiotoxicity [21, 24,25,26] • Standardized reporting of 3D TTE and GLS • Assess cost-effectiveness of routine echocardiographic monitoring Nuclear imaging • MUGA • SPECT • PET • SPECT/PET largely used for evaluation of myocardial perfusion and well suited for patients receiving cancer therapy [27,28,29] • PET 18 F-FDG can evaluate for inflammation, ischemia, and cellular injury following cancer therapy [30,31,32,33,34] • Clinical application of PET tracers as a diagnostic method visualizes specific cellular processes such as ROS production, apoptosis, necrosis, cardiac remodeling, and mitochondrial function. • Cardiac MRI • T1 with contrast • T2 • 4D flow MRI • Superior LV and RV function assessment compared with echocardiography [58–59] • LV mass and cardiomyocyte mass as additional markers of cardiotoxicity [35, 36] • Contrast CMR for identification of myocardial fibrosis [35, 37] • T2 imaging for presence of myocardial edema as an early sign of cardiotoxicity [61, 63– 65] • Studies assessing the use of myocardial fibrosis, LV mass, cardiomyocyte mass, and myocardial edema in the diagnosis of cardiotoxicity and guide the use of cardioprotective therapies • Clinical application of 4D flow MRI for vascular evaluation Cardiac computed tomography • Non-contrast CT • Coronary CTA • CAC scores from non-contrast CT for identifying coronary atherosclerosis [67, 69] • Contrast cardiac CT for further assessment of coronary lesions [38,39,40,41] • Valvular imaging with cardiac CT for architectural changes and pre-procedural planning [42, 43] • Increased use of low-dose CT for coronary assessment • Improved image processing of CTA for non- invasive evaluation of stenoses Biomarkers • Protein biomarkers (troponin, BNP, hs- CRP, and others) • Metabolomics • Genomics • Troponin and BNP have been most commonly used biomarkers to evaluate for cardiotoxicity [76–93] • IgE, hs-CRP, MMA, MPO, and others have been studied to a lesser degree [44,45,46,47,48] • Metabolites of cardiomyocyte energy consumption have also been identified to be altered in animal models of cardiotoxicity [101–106] • Various genetic variants have been associated with increased risk of cardiotoxicity [49,50,51] • Prospective assessment of utility of biomarkers in risk stratification and early diagnosis of cardiotoxicity • Evaluate novel metabolic and genomic biomarkers and utilize them as adjuncts to imaging In vitro models • Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) • Stem cells obtained from human subjects can be differentiated into cardiomyocytes and grown in culture for patient-specific testing of drug-induced toxicity and understanding mechanisms of toxicity [111–118] • Further development of the iPSC platform is needed in order for cost-effective and timely clinical testing In vivo models • Intraperitoneal/tail vein injection of chemotherapy in rodents • Hypertensive animals • Transgenic mouse models • Intraperitoneal injections of chemotherapy in rodents are commonly used as pre- clinical models [52, 53] • Transgenic mice with altered immune systems may have increased susceptibility to chemotherapy and provide mechanistic insights [54,55,56] • More consistent dosing protocols for intraperitoneal injections need to be established • Further studies with transgenic mice will help identify more biomarkers and drug targets.
  • 99. Various approaches to study the impact of cancer therapy on the heart Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research (2020) 13:417–430

Editor's Notes

  1. Abbreviations: CAD, coronary artery disease; CT, computed tomography; ECG, electrocardiogram; Echo, echocardiography; HF, heart failure; MI, myocardial infarction; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PVD, peripheral vascular disease; RT, radiotherapy; SPECT, single‐photon emission computed tomography; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography; TIA, transient ischemic attack; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography.
  2. The clinical process of pericarditis can be divided into 4 stages including acute and chronic pericarditis, fibrinous pericarditis , and the final evolution, constrictive pericarditis[19].The most frequent manifestation of acute stage is exudative pericarditis [2]. Its occurrence is mainly related to damage of capillary endothelial cells and lymphatic stenosis or occlusion[20, 21]. Before the optimization of RT techniquset and scheme, about 80% of patients receiving RT suffered acute pericarditis[22, 23]. Many of patients with pericardial effusion present with hemodynamic abnormalities, but in most cases it is self-limited. The presence of a clear, benign pericardial effusion in acute phase may predispose patients to chronic pericarditis. But only 20% of patients developed symptomatic constrictive pericarditis.[24]. The morbidity is closely related to the radiation dose received by the heart. When the radiation dose is increased by 10 Gy, the morbidity increases five times[25]. Although the incidence of pericarditis has decreased to 6-10% with the optimization of radiotherapy protective techniques and programs, studies have shown that the risk of pericarditis among breast cancer survivors is still increasing[8, 26]. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2019, Vol. 15
  3. Radiation-induced vascular injury:Radiation both initiates and accelerates atherosclerosis, leading to vascular events like stroke, coronary artery disease, and peripheral artery disease. 
  4. Radiation-induced lung injury (RILI) is a general term for damage to the lungs as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation  In general terms, such damage is divided into early inflammatory damage (radiation pneumonitis) and later complications of chronic scarring (radiation fibrosis).
  5.  RT improves survival of patients with tumor, but it also involves some inevitable complications of radiation. Radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD) is one of the most serious complications.
  6. CMR = cardiac magnetic resonance; ECG = electrocardiogram; LHC = left heart catheterization; MDCT = multidetector computed tomography; RACD = radiation-associated cardiac disease; RHC = right heart catheterization.
  7. The proposed mechanism of statins, colchicine, and aspirin on the reduction of radiation-associated cardiovascular disease (RACVD). The normal inflammatory pathway is enhanced and perpetuated by the radiation-induced inflammatory pathway. Statins have been shown to counteract DNA damage repair, reactive oxygen/rho species in RACVD, while counteracting the normal inflammation pathway recruitment of transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b), and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). Colchicine is proposed to counteract the initial platelet response, as well as have a role in blocking inflammation-associated monocyte recruitment. Aspirin is proposed to specifically counteract the angiogenesis portion of inflammation, especially when paired with vascular endothelial growth factor-A inhibitors. Adapted from Donis et al,7 and Williams, et al.13. NFjb, nuclear factor j-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; rho, part of Ras superfamily of guanosine triphosphate; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-a.
  8. 2D two dimensional, 3D three dimensional, GLS global longitudinal strain, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, MUGA multiple-gated acquisition scan, PET positron emission tomography, SPECT single-positron emission computed tomography, CTA computed tomography angiography, BNP brain natriuretic peptide, hs-CRP high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, MMA monomethyl arginine, MPO myeloperoxidase
  9. Listed clockwise 1 to 9: 1) coronary angiography demonstrating severe circumflex stenosis; 2) ‘porcelain’ ascending aortic calcification on cardiac computed tomography (CT); 3) severe mitral annular, aorto-mitral curtain, and aortic valve calcification on cardiac CT and 4) transthoracic echocardiography; 5) near-transmural inferior wall ischemic scar on cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) in short-axis and 6) vertical long-axis planes; 7) complete heart block on electrocardiography; 8) severe pericardial calcification on noncontrast CT, and 9) strain ‘bullseye’ plot demonstrating reduced left ventricular anterolateral wall deformation due to tethering.
  10. Abbreviations: CAD, coronary artery disease; CT, computed tomography; ECG, electrocardiogram; Echo, echocardiography; HF, heart failure; MI, myocardial infarction; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PVD, peripheral vascular disease; RT, radiotherapy; SPECT, single‐photon emission computed tomography; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography; TIA, transient ischemic attack; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography.
  11. radiation-induced vascular injury:Radiation both initiates and accelerates atherosclerosis, leading to vascular events like stroke, coronary artery disease, and peripheral artery disease. 
  12. 2D two dimensional, 3D three dimensional, GLS global longitudinal strain, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, MUGA multiple-gated acquisition scan, PET positron emission tomography, SPECT single-positron emission computed tomography, CTA computed tomography angiography, BNP brain natriuretic peptide, hs-CRP high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, MMA monomethyl arginine, MPO myeloperoxidase