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Raimondo Villano
Raimondo Villano
Superbugs & Superdrugs
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© Copyright Raimondo Villano.
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Editorial production: Prof. Dr. Maria Rosaria Giordano.
Advisor executive: Francesco Villano.
Editions Chiron Foundation - Praxys dpt.
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Print AQ - Rome.
1st edition: May 2015 1st reprint: June 2015. 2nd edition: July 2015.
Total number of pages: 176.
Finished writing: June 3, 2015.
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ISBN 978-88-97303-28-2.
CDD 610 VIL sup 2015 en.
LCC RM 265 - 267.
Raimondo Villano
Contents index
Sommario 13
Abstract 15
Résumé 17
Abstrakt 19
Abstracto 21
1. A brief history of antibiotics 25
2. Issues and contrast of antibiotic 33
3. Major resistance to antibiotics 49
4. Look back at some super diseases 55
5. Technologies and research directions 65
6. New therapeutic compounds 77
7. Appendix 85
8. Author profile 169
Raimondo Villano
“Life is short, art is long,
the favorable opportunity,
attempting misleading,
the difficult decision”
Raimondo Villano
Parole chiave
antibiotici, resistenza, batteri.
antibiotics, resistance, bacteria.
Classification LCC
RM 265 - 267.
Antibiotic resistance.
Raimondo Villano
Si tracciano cenni storici sul concetto di antibiosi, su ricerche, scoperta e
produzione degli antibiotici e sul loro ruolo mondiale non solo terapeutico
ma anche strategico dal secondo dopoguerra. Poi, si esaminano a livello
nazionale ed internazionale: le problematiche inerenti consumo, uso
improprio e abuso di antibiotici nell’uomo, in zootecnia, agricoltura e,
quindi, nel ciclo alimentare e nell’ambiente; le politiche di contrasto al
fenomeno dell’iperprescrizione e nei cittadini il grado di informazione e
consapevolezza dei rischi; le linee guida di buona prassi comportamentale
del malato; i documenti principali di lotta a tale emergenza. Si effettuano,
inoltre, una rassegna analitica e un approfondimento su alcune super
patologie (tubercolosi, gonorrea, meningite, ecc.) e sulle resistenze
batteriche ai principali antibiotici. Si realizzano, infine, una ricognizione
sull’attualità delle tecnologie e degli indirizzi di ricerca applicata e una
rassegna sulle principali recenti nuove terapie. Chiude il lavoro
un’appendice tecnica contenente un apparato essenziale di normative e
direttive ministeriali italiane e comunitarie europee sul tema.
Raimondo Villano
You plot historical notes on the concept of antibiosis, on research,
discovery and production of antibiotics and their global role not only
therapeutic but also strategic since World War II. Then, you look at
national and international issues related consumption, misuse and overuse
of antibiotics in humans, in animal husbandry, agriculture, and thus in the
food chain and the environment; policies to combat the phenomenon of
excessive prescription and citizens in the degree of information and
awareness of the risks; guidelines of good practice behavior of the patient;
the main documents of struggle in this emergency. We make also an
analytical overview and a discussion of some super diseases (tuberculosis,
gonorrhea, meningitis, etc.) And bacterial resistance to major antibiotics.
We realize, finally, a survey on current technologies and addresses of
applied research and a survey on major recent new therapies. Closes work
a technical appendix containing an apparatus essential regulations and
ministerial directives Italian and European Community on the theme.
Raimondo Villano
Vous tracez notes historiques sur le concept de antibiose, sur la recherche,
la découverte et la production d’antibiotiques et de leur rôle dans le monde
non seulement thérapeutique, mais aussi stratégique depuis la Seconde
Guerre mondiale. Ensuite, vous regardez les questions nationales et
internationales liées à la consommation, utilisation abusive et excessive
d’antibiotiques chez l’homme, dans l'élevage, l'agriculture et, donc, dans la
chaîne alimentaire et l’environnement; politiques de lutte contre le
phénomène de la prescription excessive et les citoyens dans le degré
d’information et de sensibilisation des risques; lignes directrices de bonne
conduite de la pratique du patient; les principaux documents de lutte dans
cette situation d’urgence. Nous faisons également un aperçu analytique et
une discussion de certaines super maladies (tuberculose, la gonorrhée, la
méningite, etc.) et de la résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques majeurs.
Nous nous rendons compte, enfin, une enquête sur les technologies et les
adresses de la recherche appliquée en cours et une enquête sur les
principales nouvelles thérapies récentes. Ferme fonctionne une annexe
technique contenant les règlements essentiels de l’appareil et les directives
ministérielles italiennes et de la Communauté européenne sur le thème.
Raimondo Villano
Sie plotten historische Anmerkungen über das Konzept der Antibiose, auf
Forschung, Entdeckung und Herstellung von Antibiotika und ihre Rolle in
der Welt nicht nur therapeutisch, sondern auch strategische dem Zweiten
Weltkrieg. Dann schauen Sie auf nationalen und internationalen Fragen im
Zusammenhang mit Konsum, Missbrauch und übermäßige Einsatz von
Antibiotika bei Menschen, in der Tierhaltung, Landwirtschaft, und damit in
die Nahrungskette und die Umwelt; Politik zur Bekämpfung des
Phänomens die übermäßige Verschreibung und Bürger in den Grad der
Information und Sensibilisierung der Risiken; Leitlinien für die gute Praxis
Verhalten des Patienten; die wichtigsten Dokumente des Kampfes in
diesem Notfall. Wir machen auch einen analytischen Überblick und eine
Diskussion einiger Super Krankheiten (Tuberkulose, Gonorrhö, Meningitis,
etc.) und bakterieller Resistenz gegen wichtige Antibiotika. Wir wissen,
schließlich eine Umfrage zu aktuellen Technologien und Adressen von
angewandter Forschung und eine Umfrage zu den wichtigsten aktuellen
neuen Therapien. Schließt Arbeit eine technische Anlage, die eine
Vorrichtung wesentliche Vorschriften und Ministerialrichtlinien
italienischen und europäischen Gemeinschaft über das Thema.
Raimondo Villano
Trazar notas históricas sobre el concepto de antibiosis, en la investigación,
el descubrimiento y la producción de antibióticos y su papel global no sólo
terapéutico, sino también estratégico desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A
continuación, nos fijamos en los asuntos nacionales e internacionales
relacionados con el consumo, el mal uso y abuso de los antibióticos en los
seres humanos, en la ganadería, la agricultura, y por lo tanto en la cadena
alimentaria y el medio ambiente; políticas de lucha contra el fenómeno de
la prescriptión excesiva y los ciudadanos en el grado de información y
conocimiento de los riesgos; pautas de comportamiento de buenas
prácticas de la paciente; los principales documentos de lucha en esta
emergencia. Hacemos también un resumen analítico y una discusión de
algunas enfermedades súper (tuberculosis, gonorrea, meningitis, etc.) y la
resistencia bacteriana a los principales antibióticos. Nos damos cuenta,
por último, un estudio sobre las tecnologías y las direcciones de la
investigación aplicada en curso y una encuesta sobre las principales
nuevas terapias recientes. Cierra funciona un anexo técnico que contiene
un aparato regulaciones esenciales y directivas ministeriales italianas y de
la Comunidad Europea sobre el tema.
Raimondo Villano
S U P E R B U G S & S U P E R D R U G S
Raimondo Villano
1. A brief history of antibiotics
Superbugs & Superdrugs
Raimondo Villano
In 1922 Alexander Fleming (1881-1955)(1)
it has a heavy cold that lasts for
several days: he decided to take a sample of your nasal secretions and
incubate plates for bacterial culture, in order to assess the possible growth
of some bacterial colony.
The next day, while analyzing the colonies of bacteria grown, its tear falls
inadvertently on the culture plate: Fleming does not give weight to the
incident and, after making his comments, he puts the plate.
The next day, taking into consideration the same culture, he realizes with
astonishment that the bacteria grew everywhere except at a point, where
you can see clearly an area round and clear: just where the previous day's
fall the tear. Do you think then that the tear can be a substance with
antibiotic natural, responsible for the death of the bacteria or inhibition of
their growth: in fact occurs as a result that it is an enzyme capable of
destroying bacterial cells and baptizes him because lysozyme its
characteristic activities that seeks to exploit to the treatment of infectious
(1) Alexander Fleming was born to Grace Morton, second wife of Hugh Fleming,
August 6, 1881 in Lochfield in Ayrshire, rural region of Scotland. It comes from a
family of farmers. Childhood play between the moors and develops interest in natural
phenomena; then he says: "I and my brothers unknowingly, we learned a lot from
nature." He lost his father in seven years, he attended the Polytechnic School in Regent
Street. He works hard in the studies but does not excel in performance and brother Tom
encourages him to be employed in a shipping company. Soon, not enthusiastic
employment deemed boring and too humble, profits of a small inheritance to study at
the Faculty of Medicine at St. Mary's Hospital in London, among the most modern of
the time. Student of exceptional ability, easily surpasses the exams, he receives awards
and was chosen as internal student from Sir Almroth Wright, microbiologist, professor
of pathology and immunology of the leading experts of the time. Under his leadership
understands the importance of developing an immunity to heal the body from infection,
and that the director directs his research. At the outbreak of World War I with most of
the staff of the laboratory of St. Mary's Hospital reaches Boulogne in France to treat
wounded soldiers on the front. Fleming became medical officer and his intent is to
search for effective treatments against infections of war wounds: Wright and Fleming
find that all antiseptics available to combat them are useless because the wounds with
ragged gaps and corners are inaccessible to solutions antiseptic, such as phenol which
must be used at low concentration for its destructive action to the treated tissue.
(Source: R. Villano, Treatise of the History of Pharmacy. Structuralism and ontology -
men and works - technical, artistic and cultural - virtue, ethics and aesthetics, Part 1,
Chap. 10, p. 319 vol. 1, Chiron, ISBN, LCC R 131-687, CDD 615 VIL between 2015
v1- 4, 4 volumes, pp. 1635, on completion of construction and scheduled for release in
December 2015 and published in 2016).
Superbugs & Superdrugs
However, the lysozyme presents only a mild antimicrobial activity but is
unable to kill pathogenic microorganisms more aggressive and resistant
such as, for example, the managers of suppurative infections.
The idea of finding an effective antibiotic is therefore for the time being
February 13, 1929 to the Medical Research Club in London a report of
Alexander Fleming, in announcing the possibility of obtaining from the
mold a molecule to fight infections more pernicious, is lost in the
indifference of a public distracted, also because of Fleming same, scientist
of value, but shy and reserved temperament, holding his report in subdued
tones, almost more concerned to emphasize the initial state of the research
compared to important progress.
The report is also published in the prestigious British Journal of
Experimental Pathology, but no one is dealing with.
Fleming, like many other innovators, must make the bitter observation that
the contemporary power, be it political or doctor, he often especially as
concern to protect himself and that all the news, therefore, have the
character of potential hazard.
The discovery of penicillin falls well into the void, remaining there for a
In 1940 Fleming is aware of the studies conducted by two researchers from
Oxford, who have not forgotten his discovery and showed the activity of
penicillin against some bacteria, in the absence of toxic side effects at
therapeutic doses: it is the ' Australian Howard Walter Florey (1898-1968),
a pathologist at the University of Oxford, and the German Ernst Boris
Chain (1906-1979), pharmacologist and biochemist jew German exile from
Nazi Germany hosted in Oxford by Florey(2)
and naturalized British.
The August 16, 1941 is published in the British medical journal The Lancet
article "Further observations on penicillin" signed by seven researchers,
including Howard Walter Florey and Ernst Boris Chain: it describes the
case of a teenager affeto septicemia in which the administration of
penicillin led to a spectacular regression of fever and a sudden
improvement in clinical condition.
(2) Both received in December 1945, the Nobel Prize in medicine with Fleming that
same year receives honorary doctorates from many universities both US and European.
(Source, R. Villano, ibid, Part 1, Chap. 10, p. 333 vol. 1).
Raimondo Villano
The event that after only 3 days of treatment the patient can get up, which
in the absence of complications is routine nowadays, caused a sensation at
the time, doing almost speak of a miracle.
It's the old concept of "antibiosis".
While this work is proceeding slowly, out of the laboratory World War II
rages and becomes more and more pressing need to have available in large
quantities is an effective antibiotic for the troops engaged in the conflict for
the civilian population of the European allies: in both cases the incidence of
infections, facilitated by lack of food and poor living conditions, is
progressive and worrying increase.
With the hope of being able to reduce the loss of life, and ultimately the
social cost of the war, are made available to scientists huge amounts of
capital, giving a major boost to research the following two lines: the first is
to synthesize the molecule in the laboratory, without the direct intervention
of the mold, the second one aims at increasing production of penicillin
using fermentation processes.
The first way proves too long to go to give quick results, reaching the
intended objective well after the end of the war, while the second is that
The December 2, 1942 was born in Boston the era of antibiotics, when
some patients with severe burns are treated with a new and secret drug
developed by a group of researchers who moved to the US because of the
The discovery of penicillin is the result of the intuition of Alexander
Fleming and the work of the British physiologist Howard Florey and the
German chemist Ernst Chain and the enormous amount of money that the
US government has made in this research to find a trump infections that kill
thousands and thousands of wounded soldiers on the various war fronts.
In 1943 it manages to produce a sufficient amount of penicilllina treat 15
wounded Eighth Army of the United States of America in Egypt.
Britain, because of the enormous economic cost caused by the war, is
unable to cope alone with the cost of scientific research on penicillin: each
dose costs a fortune and is necessary to resort to cooperation with the
United States to bring complete the study in time to be able to use the
results during the Second World War.
In order to coordinate the efforts of the British and US allies for the large-
scale production of penicillin, Florey went to the United States, the
Northern Regional Research Laboratory of the US Department of
Agriculture in Peoria, Illinois, where for a while you are doing research on
the reuse of the remains of grain processing.
Superbugs & Superdrugs
The proposed Fleming to use them to enrich the soil where they are grown
molds producing penicillin is successful when debris, properly treated, are
added to the cultures, you get a tenfold increase in the production of
You think, then, do come from all over the world different samples of mold
Penicillium, assuming that some varieties produce a lot of penicillin and
other less, to identify likely to produce the greatest amount of antibiotic.
As it happens to be a winner in this contest "world" is a must sent a woman
from the same town of Peoria, Mary Hunt: This variety is, therefore, called
Mary mold.
The woman discovered on the surface of a melon she bought a mold "as
beautiful and golden color" to get her to bring a sample to the laboratory of
Peoria. The introduction of this mold in the production process increases
tenfold the production capacity launching definitively the large-scale use of
penicillin. With studies tightened, then, it is always given in 1943 the first
structural formula of the penicillin in which it turns out that, even though
there is a central portion common, there are numerous variations due to the
presence of side chains attached to the common core.
Chain and Florey, furthermore, prove that penicillin is a chemical
compound with a well determined structure which is, then, demonstrated
through the analysis of crystallographic Dorothy Hodgkin (1910-1994) that
determine the precise structure of the penicillin molecule in 1946.
This great discovery opens the way for further research on the synthesis of
penicillin. From this moment, millions of people around the world, during
and after the war, would have been saved from the product of this mold
miraculous, identified at this point as the "magic bullet", whose discovery
at the beginning of the century Ehrlich had hoped, to "kill the infectious
organism without harming the host": Alexander Fleming has initiated the
era antibiotic.
In 1943, it was discovered in the US since Russian microbiologist Selman
Abraham Waksman (1888-1973), streptomycin, an important antibiotic that
proves to be a powerful therapeutic coverage against tuberculosis.
Also in 1943 in Sardinia some time Professor Giuseppe Brotzu (3), director
of the Institute of Hygiene, University of Cagliari, walking notes often
putrid stain that extends to the sea about 300 meters from the drain and
sewer, then disappears.
The scholar questions cause of the phenomenon and starts with his
assistants microscopic examinations of water samples taken until it finds
impressive finds of salmonella that are not surprising, however, since the
Raimondo Villano
scientist in recent years typhoid are endemic in Sardinia and putrid waters
are the natural environment for the development of these deadly bacteria.
The attention of Brotzu is attracted, however, by the discovery of molds
that are abundantly developed after 'seeded' the water in a suitable culture
medium. There is the Cephalosporium acremonium, fungus belonging to
the family Sporophorinaceae active in laboratory experiments 'in vitro' not
only against typhoid bacilli and paratyphoid but also against those of
cholera, plague and brucellosis.
Therefore, the fungus inhibits the development of bacteria.
For some distance the sea water is dark and polluted by the putrid waters,
teeming with salmonella; the fungus, then, develops in amounts sufficient
to defeat the bacterium and to 'clean up' the water. Brotzu immediately
clear that the discovery opens new avenues for the treatment of diseases
considered until now highly dangerous. Experiments 'in vitro' goes to those
animals with increasingly positive results that lead him to start human
trials, some patients suffering from typhoid fever and staph infections
receive orally a small dose of culture filtrate of Cephalosporium
acremonium and, within a couple of days, all patients guaritscono. The
great significance of this finding is evident and appears also necessary to
develop research means wider.
In 1949 Giuseppe Brotzu sends in London Officer of Health Professor
Blyth Brooke, known at the time of the Allied occupation of Sardinia, a
copy of a book in which he summed up his studies and his experiences on
the Cephalosporium acremonium. This publication, passed unnoticed in
Italy, aroused the attention of the Health Officer English physician who,
from a culture sample mold sent to him by Brotzu, does start trials in
England under the direction of Sir Howard Florey, who with Fleming and
Chain has already worked on penicillin. This leads, as well, to the
discovery of three new antibiotics, depending on the action, they are called
cephalosporin-type 'p', 'No' and 'c': the first two antibiotics are active
against Gram-positive bacteria and Gram negative while the cephalosporin
'c' is a great replacement of penicillin, being indifferent to the action of
penicillinase. The production of cephalosporins, increasingly effective and
active, in the years represent a real revolution in the therapy of infectious
(3) Which Oxford University bestows an honorary degree in 1967 (Source: R. Villano,
ibid, Part 1, Chap. 11, p. 337, vol. 1).
Superbugs & Superdrugs
In 1952 the University of Edinburgh, where he was rector, Fleming takes
stock of its achievements, noting that "the history of penicillin has
something of romance and helps to explain the weight of fate, luck, fate or
destiny, as you want to call, in the career of every person: nature has
created penicillin; I have just found it! (4). "
At the end of the Second World War the Director of the Institute of Health
scientist and chemist Domenico Marotta (1886-1974) decided to create in
Rome a research center linked to the integrated processes of manufacture of
penicillin, as part of the aid earmarked for the realization of post-war
The decision was made following an opinion from Ernst Chain, the Nobel
Prize in 1945 for discoveries about the chemistry of penicillin, then called
by Marotta in Italy as a crucial figure in the development of the project for
the state production of the antibiotic.
Ernst Chain in 1948 is put at the head of the International Centre for
Chemical Microbiological created by Domenico Marotta at Istitito
Superiore di Sanità in Rome and manages both the pilot plant where we
study the fermentation for the production of antibiotics is the penicillin
factory, among the largest in Europe, which has been operating since 1951
within the Institute itself.
The construction of this plant, among other things, is an event of extreme
importance, as it enables Italy to carve out a significant slice of autonomy
in a world scenario of industrial sector in which the powers are at the top
and US English.
So, thanks to the initiative of Domenico Marotta and the role of Ernst
Chain, who had contacts with the Soviet Union and with other countries of
the Soviet bloc, Italy becomes a focal point for innovation and the
development of industry Pharmaceutical International, in a world divided
by the Cold War and in which penicillin had already assumed a role that
goes far beyond that of a therapy.
(4) R. Villano, ibid, Part 1, Chap. 10, p. 334-337, 343 vol. 1.
(5) R. Villano, ibid, Parte 1, Chap. 10, p. 346 vol. 1.
Raimondo Villano
8. Author profile
Superbugs & Superdrugs
Raimondo Villano
Born in 1960. He lives in Rome and Torre Annunziata. Role:
General Manager Villano International Business Team (from
2012); Chiron CEO Publisher, Honorary Member (2013) and
Associate Professor in History of Health Pharmaceutical
Administration Department of Ruggero II University (Miami,
2014), Trader (since 1976), Trader operating financial
independent of bags and forex (since 1983), Knight SMO Malta
(since 2002), President of Chiron Humanitarian Foundation (since 1985).
Academies: History Art Health-Ministry BC, former papal Tiberina, Melitensi
Studies, Medical Tradition Smithsonian Institution-USA, International Society
History Pharmacy, Acc. History Italian Pharmacy, Soc. Napoletana National
History in. h. Noble College Chemical Pharmaceutical. Over 100 conferences
and chairman in dozens of conferences. He collaborates with important
national and international magazines. You Advisory Board Member for the US
Publisher DPC, which publishes in more than 150 nations. Studies: Classical;
degree and abil .: Pharmacy (1985); courses certificates: Medicinal herbs,
Cosmetic Techniques, Corporate Security, HACCP, History, Social Doctrine of
the Church, theology. Degrees h.c.: Human and Social Sciences (2009); History
and Philosophy (2010); Communication Sciences (2013). Master h.c.: Science
Medical Ethics (2010). He was author, organizer and chairman Safety Course for
managers, obtaining the High Patronage of the Head of State and the UN (2000),
Secretary International Committee Biothecnologies Wabt-Unesco 2008-13,
Diplomatic Adviser AEREC dpt ENVA (from 2011), member of World
Academy Biomedical Technology (Unesco 2007-12), 11 years in the Scientific
Committee of the Health Security IBD (company responsible for the security of
the Courts Naples Appeal Court), Board Beaumont Foundation Onlus research
on cancer with the Prefect of Naples (2011-12), member of European Academy
for Economic and Cultural Relations (2004-15). 32 years partner and owner of
the pharmacy. Partner since 1990, Secretary to 29 years 1990-95 and 2000
Rotary Club President Pompeii-Vesuvius; in Rotary District 2100-
Italy: Professional Ethics, Global Action, Computer; among the many
international roles: archeology Pompeii-Carthage; Committee Prize Magna
Grecia. Napoli president, national Coordinator and founder Federation Young
Chemists; Representative National Trade Union Federative. Assistant
Microbiology Fac. F.cia Na (1985-90, Chair Prof. Lembo-Inst. Sup. Health).
International awards: Diploma of Honor for exceptional services individually
in 5 Vie Action by President Rotary International (Evanston 2001: only 100 /
Superbugs & Superdrugs
year / 1.5 million members); Merit Anti-Crime Task Force-Rotary Italy, Albania,
former Yugoslavia, San Marino (Zurich 2001); Sapientia Mundi-Ethics (Rm
2008); Union Legion of Gold-Work (Rm 2010); Veritas in Charitate-Religion
(2011); Bonifaciano-Culture and Society (2011); Norman-Publishing Gold
Medal (Rm 2014); Norman-Health Galen of Pergamum (Rm 2014). National
Awards: Aesculapius-Health Patronage Ministers Council (Rm 1987); LXVIII
Piccinini-Search (Rm 2006); LXV Stramezzi-Health (Rm 2007); Capitolino-
humanitarian activities (Rm 2010); Tiberino-Culture (Rm 2012); LXXIV
Serono-History (Rm 2012), AEREC-Culture (Rm 2013); Merit Public Health
(DPR 2013), Tiberino-Science (Rm 2014). Author of over 730 publications
health, professional, scientific, historical, religious; more than 50 books (many
translated into English, French, some German, Spanish) with prestigious
publishers as Zanichelli and sponsorship by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage,
Unesco, Rotary, University, etc., present in Italian libraries (including:
Quirinale, National Academy Science, Ministries) and more than 40 countries
(including: National Health Institute-USA, Nationale de France, Congress UK),
in cultural institutes, Universities, Museums; a book made its debut at the
Frankfurt Fair. Catalogues: 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals IBC-Cambridge from
2010; OPAC SBN with over 160 works; from 2010 Sheet Authority Ministry
BAC. Various books are appreciated by authorities, including several times the
Head of State and the Holy Father.
Some books: Global Information Society, 1996; Rotary for Man, 2001;
Managing security in Pharmacy (pres. Dr. Renzulli, already the UN Security
Consultant, 2004); Art and history Pharmacy (pres. Professor Ledermann, Presid.
Em. International Pharmacy History Society, 2 ed., 2006); History and activities
of the SMOM (4th ed., 2007); Pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics
and Catholic moral (pres. Professor Tarro, Comm. Naz.le Bioethics, 3 ed., 2008);
Thesaurus Pharmacologicus (pres. Presid. Pharmacists Italian Dr. Mandelli
2009); Time sculpted silent eternity. Reflections on diachronic investigation for
memory homo faber (pres. Eminent historian Fra 'von Lobstein and critic Prof.
Carosella, 2 ed., 6 repr., 2010); Pharmaceutical business United Naples (Pres .:
Presid. It Accemia. History Pharmacy Dr. Ravens, 2010); Logos and Theophany
in the digital time (pres. Mons. Trafny, President Dpt Science-Faith Pontifical
Cons. Culture, 2012); Religious aspects and ecclesial dimension SMOM (2013).
Among the more than 40 multimedia: Outline art and history pharmacy (patr.
AISF, 2002); Influenza A / H1N1 (patr. Unesco, 2009).
Raimondo Villano
“There are remedies worse than the disease”
Publilius Syrus, Sentences
Superbugs & Superdrugs

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R. villano superbugs & superdrugs p.te 1

  • 3. Superbugs & Superdrugs 6 Copy no. __________________ The author _________________________ © Copyright Raimondo Villano. © Searches, processing, cover by Raimondo Villano. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Nessuna parte del libro può essere riprodotta in pubblicazioni e studi senza citare la fonte. Nessuna parte del libro può essere diffusa con un mezzo qualsiasi, fotocopie, microfilm o altro, senza il permesso scritto dell’editore. All right reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced in publications and studies without root’s citation. No part of this book shall be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by ani means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Editorial production: Prof. Dr. Maria Rosaria Giordano. Editing: Advisor executive: Francesco Villano. Editions Chiron Foundation - Praxys dpt. © 2015 Chiron Foundation. Website: (no-profit); Secretary: Sales:; Catalog: (business). Print AQ - Rome. 1st edition: May 2015 1st reprint: June 2015. 2nd edition: July 2015. Total number of pages: 176. Finished writing: June 3, 2015. Limited numbered series. This volume without cutting the proof of purchase is to be considered free and without serial number and signature of the author is to be considered counterfeit. ISBN 978-88-97303-28-2. CDD 610 VIL sup 2015 en. LCC RM 265 - 267.
  • 4. Raimondo Villano 7 Contents index Sommario 13 Abstract 15 Résumé 17 Abstrakt 19 Abstracto 21 1. A brief history of antibiotics 25 2. Issues and contrast of antibiotic 33 3. Major resistance to antibiotics 49 4. Look back at some super diseases 55 5. Technologies and research directions 65 6. New therapeutic compounds 77 7. Appendix 85 8. Author profile 169
  • 5. Raimondo Villano 9 “Life is short, art is long, the favorable opportunity, attempting misleading, the difficult decision” Hippocrates
  • 6. Raimondo Villano 11 Parole chiave antibiotici, resistenza, batteri. Keywords antibiotics, resistance, bacteria. Classification LCC RM 265 - 267. Title Antibiotic resistance.
  • 7. Raimondo Villano 13 Sommario Si tracciano cenni storici sul concetto di antibiosi, su ricerche, scoperta e produzione degli antibiotici e sul loro ruolo mondiale non solo terapeutico ma anche strategico dal secondo dopoguerra. Poi, si esaminano a livello nazionale ed internazionale: le problematiche inerenti consumo, uso improprio e abuso di antibiotici nell’uomo, in zootecnia, agricoltura e, quindi, nel ciclo alimentare e nell’ambiente; le politiche di contrasto al fenomeno dell’iperprescrizione e nei cittadini il grado di informazione e consapevolezza dei rischi; le linee guida di buona prassi comportamentale del malato; i documenti principali di lotta a tale emergenza. Si effettuano, inoltre, una rassegna analitica e un approfondimento su alcune super patologie (tubercolosi, gonorrea, meningite, ecc.) e sulle resistenze batteriche ai principali antibiotici. Si realizzano, infine, una ricognizione sull’attualità delle tecnologie e degli indirizzi di ricerca applicata e una rassegna sulle principali recenti nuove terapie. Chiude il lavoro un’appendice tecnica contenente un apparato essenziale di normative e direttive ministeriali italiane e comunitarie europee sul tema.
  • 8. Raimondo Villano 15 Abstract You plot historical notes on the concept of antibiosis, on research, discovery and production of antibiotics and their global role not only therapeutic but also strategic since World War II. Then, you look at national and international issues related consumption, misuse and overuse of antibiotics in humans, in animal husbandry, agriculture, and thus in the food chain and the environment; policies to combat the phenomenon of excessive prescription and citizens in the degree of information and awareness of the risks; guidelines of good practice behavior of the patient; the main documents of struggle in this emergency. We make also an analytical overview and a discussion of some super diseases (tuberculosis, gonorrhea, meningitis, etc.) And bacterial resistance to major antibiotics. We realize, finally, a survey on current technologies and addresses of applied research and a survey on major recent new therapies. Closes work a technical appendix containing an apparatus essential regulations and ministerial directives Italian and European Community on the theme.
  • 9. Raimondo Villano 17 Résumé Vous tracez notes historiques sur le concept de antibiose, sur la recherche, la découverte et la production d’antibiotiques et de leur rôle dans le monde non seulement thérapeutique, mais aussi stratégique depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ensuite, vous regardez les questions nationales et internationales liées à la consommation, utilisation abusive et excessive d’antibiotiques chez l’homme, dans l'élevage, l'agriculture et, donc, dans la chaîne alimentaire et l’environnement; politiques de lutte contre le phénomène de la prescription excessive et les citoyens dans le degré d’information et de sensibilisation des risques; lignes directrices de bonne conduite de la pratique du patient; les principaux documents de lutte dans cette situation d’urgence. Nous faisons également un aperçu analytique et une discussion de certaines super maladies (tuberculose, la gonorrhée, la méningite, etc.) et de la résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques majeurs. Nous nous rendons compte, enfin, une enquête sur les technologies et les adresses de la recherche appliquée en cours et une enquête sur les principales nouvelles thérapies récentes. Ferme fonctionne une annexe technique contenant les règlements essentiels de l’appareil et les directives ministérielles italiennes et de la Communauté européenne sur le thème.
  • 10. Raimondo Villano 19 Abstrakt Sie plotten historische Anmerkungen über das Konzept der Antibiose, auf Forschung, Entdeckung und Herstellung von Antibiotika und ihre Rolle in der Welt nicht nur therapeutisch, sondern auch strategische dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Dann schauen Sie auf nationalen und internationalen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Konsum, Missbrauch und übermäßige Einsatz von Antibiotika bei Menschen, in der Tierhaltung, Landwirtschaft, und damit in die Nahrungskette und die Umwelt; Politik zur Bekämpfung des Phänomens die übermäßige Verschreibung und Bürger in den Grad der Information und Sensibilisierung der Risiken; Leitlinien für die gute Praxis Verhalten des Patienten; die wichtigsten Dokumente des Kampfes in diesem Notfall. Wir machen auch einen analytischen Überblick und eine Diskussion einiger Super Krankheiten (Tuberkulose, Gonorrhö, Meningitis, etc.) und bakterieller Resistenz gegen wichtige Antibiotika. Wir wissen, schließlich eine Umfrage zu aktuellen Technologien und Adressen von angewandter Forschung und eine Umfrage zu den wichtigsten aktuellen neuen Therapien. Schließt Arbeit eine technische Anlage, die eine Vorrichtung wesentliche Vorschriften und Ministerialrichtlinien italienischen und europäischen Gemeinschaft über das Thema.
  • 11. Raimondo Villano 21 Abstracto Trazar notas históricas sobre el concepto de antibiosis, en la investigación, el descubrimiento y la producción de antibióticos y su papel global no sólo terapéutico, sino también estratégico desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A continuación, nos fijamos en los asuntos nacionales e internacionales relacionados con el consumo, el mal uso y abuso de los antibióticos en los seres humanos, en la ganadería, la agricultura, y por lo tanto en la cadena alimentaria y el medio ambiente; políticas de lucha contra el fenómeno de la prescriptión excesiva y los ciudadanos en el grado de información y conocimiento de los riesgos; pautas de comportamiento de buenas prácticas de la paciente; los principales documentos de lucha en esta emergencia. Hacemos también un resumen analítico y una discusión de algunas enfermedades súper (tuberculosis, gonorrea, meningitis, etc.) y la resistencia bacteriana a los principales antibióticos. Nos damos cuenta, por último, un estudio sobre las tecnologías y las direcciones de la investigación aplicada en curso y una encuesta sobre las principales nuevas terapias recientes. Cierra funciona un anexo técnico que contiene un aparato regulaciones esenciales y directivas ministeriales italianas y de la Comunidad Europea sobre el tema.
  • 12. Raimondo Villano 23 S U P E R B U G S & S U P E R D R U G S
  • 13. Raimondo Villano 25 1. A brief history of antibiotics
  • 15. Raimondo Villano 27 In 1922 Alexander Fleming (1881-1955)(1) it has a heavy cold that lasts for several days: he decided to take a sample of your nasal secretions and incubate plates for bacterial culture, in order to assess the possible growth of some bacterial colony. The next day, while analyzing the colonies of bacteria grown, its tear falls inadvertently on the culture plate: Fleming does not give weight to the incident and, after making his comments, he puts the plate. The next day, taking into consideration the same culture, he realizes with astonishment that the bacteria grew everywhere except at a point, where you can see clearly an area round and clear: just where the previous day's fall the tear. Do you think then that the tear can be a substance with antibiotic natural, responsible for the death of the bacteria or inhibition of their growth: in fact occurs as a result that it is an enzyme capable of destroying bacterial cells and baptizes him because lysozyme its characteristic activities that seeks to exploit to the treatment of infectious diseases. ______________ (1) Alexander Fleming was born to Grace Morton, second wife of Hugh Fleming, August 6, 1881 in Lochfield in Ayrshire, rural region of Scotland. It comes from a family of farmers. Childhood play between the moors and develops interest in natural phenomena; then he says: "I and my brothers unknowingly, we learned a lot from nature." He lost his father in seven years, he attended the Polytechnic School in Regent Street. He works hard in the studies but does not excel in performance and brother Tom encourages him to be employed in a shipping company. Soon, not enthusiastic employment deemed boring and too humble, profits of a small inheritance to study at the Faculty of Medicine at St. Mary's Hospital in London, among the most modern of the time. Student of exceptional ability, easily surpasses the exams, he receives awards and was chosen as internal student from Sir Almroth Wright, microbiologist, professor of pathology and immunology of the leading experts of the time. Under his leadership understands the importance of developing an immunity to heal the body from infection, and that the director directs his research. At the outbreak of World War I with most of the staff of the laboratory of St. Mary's Hospital reaches Boulogne in France to treat wounded soldiers on the front. Fleming became medical officer and his intent is to search for effective treatments against infections of war wounds: Wright and Fleming find that all antiseptics available to combat them are useless because the wounds with ragged gaps and corners are inaccessible to solutions antiseptic, such as phenol which must be used at low concentration for its destructive action to the treated tissue. (Source: R. Villano, Treatise of the History of Pharmacy. Structuralism and ontology - men and works - technical, artistic and cultural - virtue, ethics and aesthetics, Part 1, Chap. 10, p. 319 vol. 1, Chiron, ISBN, LCC R 131-687, CDD 615 VIL between 2015 v1- 4, 4 volumes, pp. 1635, on completion of construction and scheduled for release in December 2015 and published in 2016).
  • 16. Superbugs & Superdrugs 28 However, the lysozyme presents only a mild antimicrobial activity but is unable to kill pathogenic microorganisms more aggressive and resistant such as, for example, the managers of suppurative infections. The idea of finding an effective antibiotic is therefore for the time being shelved. February 13, 1929 to the Medical Research Club in London a report of Alexander Fleming, in announcing the possibility of obtaining from the mold a molecule to fight infections more pernicious, is lost in the indifference of a public distracted, also because of Fleming same, scientist of value, but shy and reserved temperament, holding his report in subdued tones, almost more concerned to emphasize the initial state of the research compared to important progress. The report is also published in the prestigious British Journal of Experimental Pathology, but no one is dealing with. Fleming, like many other innovators, must make the bitter observation that the contemporary power, be it political or doctor, he often especially as concern to protect himself and that all the news, therefore, have the character of potential hazard. The discovery of penicillin falls well into the void, remaining there for a decade. In 1940 Fleming is aware of the studies conducted by two researchers from Oxford, who have not forgotten his discovery and showed the activity of penicillin against some bacteria, in the absence of toxic side effects at therapeutic doses: it is the ' Australian Howard Walter Florey (1898-1968), a pathologist at the University of Oxford, and the German Ernst Boris Chain (1906-1979), pharmacologist and biochemist jew German exile from Nazi Germany hosted in Oxford by Florey(2) and naturalized British. The August 16, 1941 is published in the British medical journal The Lancet article "Further observations on penicillin" signed by seven researchers, including Howard Walter Florey and Ernst Boris Chain: it describes the case of a teenager affeto septicemia in which the administration of penicillin led to a spectacular regression of fever and a sudden improvement in clinical condition. ______________ (2) Both received in December 1945, the Nobel Prize in medicine with Fleming that same year receives honorary doctorates from many universities both US and European. (Source, R. Villano, ibid, Part 1, Chap. 10, p. 333 vol. 1).
  • 17. Raimondo Villano 29 The event that after only 3 days of treatment the patient can get up, which in the absence of complications is routine nowadays, caused a sensation at the time, doing almost speak of a miracle. It's the old concept of "antibiosis". While this work is proceeding slowly, out of the laboratory World War II rages and becomes more and more pressing need to have available in large quantities is an effective antibiotic for the troops engaged in the conflict for the civilian population of the European allies: in both cases the incidence of infections, facilitated by lack of food and poor living conditions, is progressive and worrying increase. With the hope of being able to reduce the loss of life, and ultimately the social cost of the war, are made available to scientists huge amounts of capital, giving a major boost to research the following two lines: the first is to synthesize the molecule in the laboratory, without the direct intervention of the mold, the second one aims at increasing production of penicillin using fermentation processes. The first way proves too long to go to give quick results, reaching the intended objective well after the end of the war, while the second is that winning. The December 2, 1942 was born in Boston the era of antibiotics, when some patients with severe burns are treated with a new and secret drug developed by a group of researchers who moved to the US because of the war. The discovery of penicillin is the result of the intuition of Alexander Fleming and the work of the British physiologist Howard Florey and the German chemist Ernst Chain and the enormous amount of money that the US government has made in this research to find a trump infections that kill thousands and thousands of wounded soldiers on the various war fronts. In 1943 it manages to produce a sufficient amount of penicilllina treat 15 wounded Eighth Army of the United States of America in Egypt. Britain, because of the enormous economic cost caused by the war, is unable to cope alone with the cost of scientific research on penicillin: each dose costs a fortune and is necessary to resort to cooperation with the United States to bring complete the study in time to be able to use the results during the Second World War. In order to coordinate the efforts of the British and US allies for the large- scale production of penicillin, Florey went to the United States, the Northern Regional Research Laboratory of the US Department of Agriculture in Peoria, Illinois, where for a while you are doing research on the reuse of the remains of grain processing.
  • 18. Superbugs & Superdrugs 30 The proposed Fleming to use them to enrich the soil where they are grown molds producing penicillin is successful when debris, properly treated, are added to the cultures, you get a tenfold increase in the production of antibiotics. You think, then, do come from all over the world different samples of mold Penicillium, assuming that some varieties produce a lot of penicillin and other less, to identify likely to produce the greatest amount of antibiotic. As it happens to be a winner in this contest "world" is a must sent a woman from the same town of Peoria, Mary Hunt: This variety is, therefore, called Mary mold. The woman discovered on the surface of a melon she bought a mold "as beautiful and golden color" to get her to bring a sample to the laboratory of Peoria. The introduction of this mold in the production process increases tenfold the production capacity launching definitively the large-scale use of penicillin. With studies tightened, then, it is always given in 1943 the first structural formula of the penicillin in which it turns out that, even though there is a central portion common, there are numerous variations due to the presence of side chains attached to the common core. Chain and Florey, furthermore, prove that penicillin is a chemical compound with a well determined structure which is, then, demonstrated through the analysis of crystallographic Dorothy Hodgkin (1910-1994) that determine the precise structure of the penicillin molecule in 1946. This great discovery opens the way for further research on the synthesis of penicillin. From this moment, millions of people around the world, during and after the war, would have been saved from the product of this mold miraculous, identified at this point as the "magic bullet", whose discovery at the beginning of the century Ehrlich had hoped, to "kill the infectious organism without harming the host": Alexander Fleming has initiated the era antibiotic. In 1943, it was discovered in the US since Russian microbiologist Selman Abraham Waksman (1888-1973), streptomycin, an important antibiotic that proves to be a powerful therapeutic coverage against tuberculosis. Also in 1943 in Sardinia some time Professor Giuseppe Brotzu (3), director of the Institute of Hygiene, University of Cagliari, walking notes often putrid stain that extends to the sea about 300 meters from the drain and sewer, then disappears. The scholar questions cause of the phenomenon and starts with his assistants microscopic examinations of water samples taken until it finds impressive finds of salmonella that are not surprising, however, since the
  • 19. Raimondo Villano 31 scientist in recent years typhoid are endemic in Sardinia and putrid waters are the natural environment for the development of these deadly bacteria. The attention of Brotzu is attracted, however, by the discovery of molds that are abundantly developed after 'seeded' the water in a suitable culture medium. There is the Cephalosporium acremonium, fungus belonging to the family Sporophorinaceae active in laboratory experiments 'in vitro' not only against typhoid bacilli and paratyphoid but also against those of cholera, plague and brucellosis. Therefore, the fungus inhibits the development of bacteria. For some distance the sea water is dark and polluted by the putrid waters, teeming with salmonella; the fungus, then, develops in amounts sufficient to defeat the bacterium and to 'clean up' the water. Brotzu immediately clear that the discovery opens new avenues for the treatment of diseases considered until now highly dangerous. Experiments 'in vitro' goes to those animals with increasingly positive results that lead him to start human trials, some patients suffering from typhoid fever and staph infections receive orally a small dose of culture filtrate of Cephalosporium acremonium and, within a couple of days, all patients guaritscono. The great significance of this finding is evident and appears also necessary to develop research means wider. In 1949 Giuseppe Brotzu sends in London Officer of Health Professor Blyth Brooke, known at the time of the Allied occupation of Sardinia, a copy of a book in which he summed up his studies and his experiences on the Cephalosporium acremonium. This publication, passed unnoticed in Italy, aroused the attention of the Health Officer English physician who, from a culture sample mold sent to him by Brotzu, does start trials in England under the direction of Sir Howard Florey, who with Fleming and Chain has already worked on penicillin. This leads, as well, to the discovery of three new antibiotics, depending on the action, they are called cephalosporin-type 'p', 'No' and 'c': the first two antibiotics are active against Gram-positive bacteria and Gram negative while the cephalosporin 'c' is a great replacement of penicillin, being indifferent to the action of penicillinase. The production of cephalosporins, increasingly effective and active, in the years represent a real revolution in the therapy of infectious diseases(3) . ______________ (3) Which Oxford University bestows an honorary degree in 1967 (Source: R. Villano, ibid, Part 1, Chap. 11, p. 337, vol. 1).
  • 20. Superbugs & Superdrugs 32 In 1952 the University of Edinburgh, where he was rector, Fleming takes stock of its achievements, noting that "the history of penicillin has something of romance and helps to explain the weight of fate, luck, fate or destiny, as you want to call, in the career of every person: nature has created penicillin; I have just found it! (4). " At the end of the Second World War the Director of the Institute of Health scientist and chemist Domenico Marotta (1886-1974) decided to create in Rome a research center linked to the integrated processes of manufacture of penicillin, as part of the aid earmarked for the realization of post-war reconstruction. The decision was made following an opinion from Ernst Chain, the Nobel Prize in 1945 for discoveries about the chemistry of penicillin, then called by Marotta in Italy as a crucial figure in the development of the project for the state production of the antibiotic. Ernst Chain in 1948 is put at the head of the International Centre for Chemical Microbiological created by Domenico Marotta at Istitito Superiore di Sanità in Rome and manages both the pilot plant where we study the fermentation for the production of antibiotics is the penicillin factory, among the largest in Europe, which has been operating since 1951 within the Institute itself. The construction of this plant, among other things, is an event of extreme importance, as it enables Italy to carve out a significant slice of autonomy in a world scenario of industrial sector in which the powers are at the top and US English. So, thanks to the initiative of Domenico Marotta and the role of Ernst Chain, who had contacts with the Soviet Union and with other countries of the Soviet bloc, Italy becomes a focal point for innovation and the development of industry Pharmaceutical International, in a world divided by the Cold War and in which penicillin had already assumed a role that goes far beyond that of a therapy. ______________ (4) R. Villano, ibid, Part 1, Chap. 10, p. 334-337, 343 vol. 1. (5) R. Villano, ibid, Parte 1, Chap. 10, p. 346 vol. 1.
  • 23. Raimondo Villano 171 Born in 1960. He lives in Rome and Torre Annunziata. Role: General Manager Villano International Business Team (from 2012); Chiron CEO Publisher, Honorary Member (2013) and Associate Professor in History of Health Pharmaceutical Administration Department of Ruggero II University (Miami, 2014), Trader (since 1976), Trader operating financial independent of bags and forex (since 1983), Knight SMO Malta (since 2002), President of Chiron Humanitarian Foundation (since 1985). Academies: History Art Health-Ministry BC, former papal Tiberina, Melitensi Studies, Medical Tradition Smithsonian Institution-USA, International Society History Pharmacy, Acc. History Italian Pharmacy, Soc. Napoletana National History in. h. Noble College Chemical Pharmaceutical. Over 100 conferences and chairman in dozens of conferences. He collaborates with important national and international magazines. You Advisory Board Member for the US Publisher DPC, which publishes in more than 150 nations. Studies: Classical; degree and abil .: Pharmacy (1985); courses certificates: Medicinal herbs, Cosmetic Techniques, Corporate Security, HACCP, History, Social Doctrine of the Church, theology. Degrees h.c.: Human and Social Sciences (2009); History and Philosophy (2010); Communication Sciences (2013). Master h.c.: Science Medical Ethics (2010). He was author, organizer and chairman Safety Course for managers, obtaining the High Patronage of the Head of State and the UN (2000), Secretary International Committee Biothecnologies Wabt-Unesco 2008-13, Diplomatic Adviser AEREC dpt ENVA (from 2011), member of World Academy Biomedical Technology (Unesco 2007-12), 11 years in the Scientific Committee of the Health Security IBD (company responsible for the security of the Courts Naples Appeal Court), Board Beaumont Foundation Onlus research on cancer with the Prefect of Naples (2011-12), member of European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations (2004-15). 32 years partner and owner of the pharmacy. Partner since 1990, Secretary to 29 years 1990-95 and 2000 Rotary Club President Pompeii-Vesuvius; in Rotary District 2100- Italy: Professional Ethics, Global Action, Computer; among the many international roles: archeology Pompeii-Carthage; Committee Prize Magna Grecia. Napoli president, national Coordinator and founder Federation Young Chemists; Representative National Trade Union Federative. Assistant Microbiology Fac. F.cia Na (1985-90, Chair Prof. Lembo-Inst. Sup. Health). International awards: Diploma of Honor for exceptional services individually in 5 Vie Action by President Rotary International (Evanston 2001: only 100 /
  • 24. Superbugs & Superdrugs 172 year / 1.5 million members); Merit Anti-Crime Task Force-Rotary Italy, Albania, former Yugoslavia, San Marino (Zurich 2001); Sapientia Mundi-Ethics (Rm 2008); Union Legion of Gold-Work (Rm 2010); Veritas in Charitate-Religion (2011); Bonifaciano-Culture and Society (2011); Norman-Publishing Gold Medal (Rm 2014); Norman-Health Galen of Pergamum (Rm 2014). National Awards: Aesculapius-Health Patronage Ministers Council (Rm 1987); LXVIII Piccinini-Search (Rm 2006); LXV Stramezzi-Health (Rm 2007); Capitolino- humanitarian activities (Rm 2010); Tiberino-Culture (Rm 2012); LXXIV Serono-History (Rm 2012), AEREC-Culture (Rm 2013); Merit Public Health (DPR 2013), Tiberino-Science (Rm 2014). Author of over 730 publications health, professional, scientific, historical, religious; more than 50 books (many translated into English, French, some German, Spanish) with prestigious publishers as Zanichelli and sponsorship by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Unesco, Rotary, University, etc., present in Italian libraries (including: Quirinale, National Academy Science, Ministries) and more than 40 countries (including: National Health Institute-USA, Nationale de France, Congress UK), in cultural institutes, Universities, Museums; a book made its debut at the Frankfurt Fair. Catalogues: 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals IBC-Cambridge from 2010; OPAC SBN with over 160 works; from 2010 Sheet Authority Ministry BAC. Various books are appreciated by authorities, including several times the Head of State and the Holy Father. Some books: Global Information Society, 1996; Rotary for Man, 2001; Managing security in Pharmacy (pres. Dr. Renzulli, already the UN Security Consultant, 2004); Art and history Pharmacy (pres. Professor Ledermann, Presid. Em. International Pharmacy History Society, 2 ed., 2006); History and activities of the SMOM (4th ed., 2007); Pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral (pres. Professor Tarro, Comm. Naz.le Bioethics, 3 ed., 2008); Thesaurus Pharmacologicus (pres. Presid. Pharmacists Italian Dr. Mandelli 2009); Time sculpted silent eternity. Reflections on diachronic investigation for memory homo faber (pres. Eminent historian Fra 'von Lobstein and critic Prof. Carosella, 2 ed., 6 repr., 2010); Pharmaceutical business United Naples (Pres .: Presid. It Accemia. History Pharmacy Dr. Ravens, 2010); Logos and Theophany in the digital time (pres. Mons. Trafny, President Dpt Science-Faith Pontifical Cons. Culture, 2012); Religious aspects and ecclesial dimension SMOM (2013). Among the more than 40 multimedia: Outline art and history pharmacy (patr. AISF, 2002); Influenza A / H1N1 (patr. Unesco, 2009).
  • 25. Raimondo Villano 173 “There are remedies worse than the disease” Publilius Syrus, Sentences