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Quran 9:33
He is the One who sent His messenger
with the guidance and the religion of truth,
and will make it dominate all religions,
in spite of the idol worshipers.
11 . 9 . 2019
© 10.9.2016 , Ahmad Nishitoba
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There is no god except
w w w . U S N 1 6 1 2 . N E T
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Peace be upon you,
Salamun alaykum
We human beings were once living a happy life in Heaven without wars,
animosity, poverty, suffering, disease, ... no fear, no worry, no despair,
just perfect living in total peace and happiness.
But then a creature started thinking that his powers and skills were
totally his, that God couldn’t take them away. Slowly he started project-
ing this idea on everything else. His focus changed, he no longer con-
sidered God as the source of everything he needed, he would just go to
another creature and get what he wanted while forgetting God.
That creature was Satan, the first rebel who started spreading his idea
all over the Heavenly community. However the vast majority refused,
they were the angels, who had no doubts that God is their only sup-
porter, and that nobody and nothing else can harm or benefit them.
Satan couldn’t convince except a small minority. Now, God could have
sent them all directly to an eternal Hell, but the Most Merciful decided to
give them another chance:
This small minority could either be evicted from Heaven to this world for
a specific period of time, doing some specific roles in order to redeem
themselves and return to Heaven, or they could accept the freedom of
choice, come to Earth and undergo an elaborate test of choice, while
being subjected to Satan’s temptations and constant attacks.
The vast majority of the small minority, who had doubts, refused the
freedom of choice, and preferred to perform submissive roles in this
world for a period of time then go back home. These are all the crea-
tures we know, from the huge planets to the animals, to the creatures
smaller than the atom. They were smarter than us arrogant and ignorant
humans who decided to take the test perhaps Satan is right !
Yet everyday we see him fail in proving his point, how many people
have suffered from seeking benefit from the creatures instead of
God? how many have gone through the pain of addiction and the
agony of despair? How many wars have been fought running after
money and/or power, thinking that these things can bring back
their long lost happiness?
Satan has failed over and over again in proving his point. However
he has claimed a lot of followers despite his failure in ruling the
Earth. Now the interim that God had given him to rule the Earth
within limits to prove his point, is reaching an end.
It is time for the kingdom of God to inherit the earth, fulfilling the
prophecy of the scriptures, the prophecy of the kingdom of
On this earth today, there are billions of people who follow
distorted religions, but the religion of God has always been one and
the same; “Submission”. Abraham called us “Submitters” because
one submits his soul to God and accepts Him alone as the center of
his life, neither Moses nor Jesus ever claimed to be Jewish or Chris-
tian and all the prophets were monotheistic submitters to God
alone. None of the messengers has ever asked the people to
idoliz e him and love him more than God, yet billions idolize Jesus
and Muhammad and many other mere mortals, dead and alive.
When will all this satanic domination and corruption on earth end?
The purification of God’s religion has started by sending a messen-
ger, Rashad Khalifa, to America with a miracle revealed in 1974. A
digital miracle suitable for the computer age, it can be witnessed
now by anyone, anytime, and anywhere.
I am sent after him to proclaim the advent of the kingdom and
Satan’s demise as a ruler of the planet, the long awaited physical
kingdom that will restore justice on earth. The prophecy of the final
scripture, Quran, starts with a disaster that will strike America very
soon to announce Satan’s fall.
Now it’s time for you to witness the proof of that event which will
change life on earth, the Earthquake of the November 9th, 2019.
Ahmad Nishitoba
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Timeline to USN
Abraham was the original prophet of
God’s religion; Submission,as he was the
one who named us Submitters, and God
gave him the religious duties; the contact
prayers, the obligatory charity, Fasting, and
The concept of worshipping God alone has
always existed though, through prophets
like Noah.
Moses and the prophets were
given the Torah, but the Children of
Israel violated God’s covenant, killed
their prophets and followed the man-
made, fabricated laws of the “Talmud”
instead of the Torah alone.
Despite the distortions of every
religion, there are sincere people
who worship God alone, and those
should believe in God’s new proven
message and follow it.
He was sent with the Gospel to
restore the religion after the chil-
dren of Israel had distorted the
Torah, added man made laws and
became hard-hearted. God saved
Jesus’ soul before being crucified.
Yet later on, Constantine the
Roman emperor mixed the pagan
idol worship with the Gospel
resulting in a hybrid religion based
on a trinity that is not mentioned in
the Bible.
He is the last prophet sent with
the final scripture to all the
people; Quran. Quran confirms
the truth in previous scriptures
and supersedes them.
Yet again, Satan intervened and
soon after Muhammad’s death,
the idolaters reverted but this
time they idolized Muhammad
himself. The idolization of Muham-
mad continues to this day, aided
by the man-made fabricated laws
of the “Hadith” books.
After all the prophets had delivered
their scriptures, God sent a purifying
messenger, Rashad Khalifa to con-
firm the truth and restore the religion
of Submission to its original, once
and for all. Aided by one of the great
miracles, the number 19 (revealed in
1974), all the modules of Quran were
confirmed and two false verses were
exposed same as the “Hadith” books
were exposed as satanic fabrica-
tions. Also other hidden information
in Quran was delivered by Rashad
like the date of the end of the world.
-His message can be found in “The
authorized English translation of
Quran + its 38appendices”
The purifying miracle of 19
restored the religion of God
“Submission” to its original
form, free of idol worship. This
has paved the way for the
advent of God’s kingdom of
Heaven, the “United Submit-
ters Nation”. A true monothe-
istic, righteous kingdom that
inherits the earth from Satan
and his followers after ages of
corruption and bloodshed. It
starts with the event of 119.
This good news is delivered by
Ahmad Nishitoba.
Submission Torah Gospel Quran 19 USN
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I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
The Simple Facts of the miracle:
(For further details, check “Appendix 1 of the authorized English trans-
lation of Quran by Rashad Khalifa”)
-1 The miracle was discovered in 1974, which is 1406 (19x74) hijri
lunar years after the revelation of Quran. The number 19 is men-
tioned once in Quran, in chapter 74 titled “the Hidden Secret”.
-2 The first verse of Quran consists of 19 letters.
-3 Quran consists of 114 chapters = 19 x 6
-4 Quran consists of 6346 verses = 19 x 334
-5 The first revelation (First 5 verses of chapter 96) consists of 19
words or 76 letters = 19 x 4.
-6 The whole chapter 96, consists of 19 verses and 304 Arabic
letters = 19 x 16
-7 The last revelation (Chapter 110) consists of 19 words, its first
verse consists of 19 letters.
God’s Signature:
•19 is composed of 1 and 9 , the first and
last numbers. Thus it signifies that God is
the Alpha and Omega.
•The numerical (gematrical) value of the
word ONE in Arabic (Quran’s language),
WAHED, is equal to 19, declaring to the
world that: “There is no god except God”.
For almost 1400 years, no one knew the meaning of the Arabic initials that occur in the beginning of
29 chapters out of the 114 chapters of Quran. It turned out that those initials were the key to unlock
the miracle of Quran. Guided by God and using a giant computer, Rashad Khalifa discovered that
the initials occur in their respective chapters in multiples of one number, the prime number 19.
For example the letter Q occurs in the two Q-initialed chapters, 57 (19x3) times in each.
•Rabbi Judah the Pious of
the 11th Century A.D. also
discovered the 19 code in
the Torah.
•The sun, the moon, and the
earth become aligned once
every 19 years
•God’s stamp on you and
me is manifested in the fact
that the human body con-
tains 209 bones, 19 x 11.
•”In general the length of
pregnancy is 38 weeks after
fertilization, 19 x 2
”Langman’s Medical Embri-
•In 1974, God revealed to the world a miracle that will change the
course of history.
•The messenger of God, Rashad Khalifa, was commissioned with
using the miracle of 19 to purify God’s religion, Submission.
•19 serves as God’s signature on the universe and on the final
scripture, Quran.
•19 is the building block of Quran and serves as its proof, or in the
words of Rashad Khalifa: “The Quran is charcterized by a unique
phenomenon never found in any human authored book. Every element
of the Quran is mathematically composed.”
“For the first time in history we have a scripture with built-in proof of
divine authorship--a superhuman mathematical composition.”
“Any reader of this book (The authorized english translation of Quran by
Rashad Khalifa) can easily verify the Quran’s mathematical miracle.”
[74:30] Over it is nineteen.
[74:31] We appointed angels to
be guardians of Hell, and we
assigned their number (19) (1)to disturb
the disbelievers, (2) to convince the
Christians and Jews (that this is a divine
scripture),(3) to strengthen the faith of the
faithful, (4) to remove all traces of doubt
from the hearts of Christians, Jews, as
well as the believers, and (5) to expose
those who harbor doubt in their hearts,
and the disbelievers; they will say, “What
did God mean by this allegory?” God thus
sends astray whomever He wills. None
knows the soldiers of your Lord except He.
This is a reminder for the people.
Check “The Authorized English Translation of Quran and Its 38 Appendices by Rashad Khalifa” for details of the miracle
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A prophecy hidden in the final scripture Quran for 1400 years,
has finally been revealed.
Jesus delivered the news of a prophet and a messenger to
come after him, the prophet delivers the final scripture that
contains the prophecy and the messenger brings God’s prom-
ise to the righteous, the prophecy of the kingdom of Heaven.
Both of the prophet and the messenger have a similar name,
“a praised one”, Muhammad or Ahmad in Arabic.
[61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of
Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, I am
God’s messenger to you, confirming the
Torah and bringing good news of a messenger
to come after me whose name will be Ahmad.”
Then, when he showed them the clear proofs,
they said, “This is profound magic.”
3 messengers, 1 of them is a messenger with a book (A Prophet), participated in the delivery of the prophecy
Prophet Muhammad
[7:158] Say, "O people, I am GOD's
messenger to all of you. To Him
belongs the sovereignty of the heav-
ens and the earth. There is no god
except He. He controls life and
death." Therefore, you shall believe in
GOD and His messenger,
the gentile p rophet, who believes in
GOD and His words. Follow him, that
you may be guided.
Rashad Khalifa
[3:81] GOD took a covenant from the
prophets, saying, "I will give you the
scripture and wisdom. Afterwards,
a messenger
existing scriptures. You shall believe
in him and support him." He said, "Do
you agree with this, and pledge to
agree." He said, "You have thus borne
witness, and I bear witness along
with you."
Ahmad Nishitoba
ture, Quran, the book that contains
the prophecy of the kingdom of God.
Many distortions were injected into
purifying messenger, aided by the
miracle of 19, was sent to restore the
religion once and for all to its original
form. This messenger was Rashad
Khalifa. After him, I was inspired of
ecy, along with numerical proofs
based on the number 19, Quran’s
proof of divine authorship.
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
4 w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
Muhammad + Rashad + Ahmad = 192+583+118 = 893 = 19x47 =Ash-hadu Anna Laa Ilaaha Illa Allaah (I bear witness that there is no god except God)
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Numerical Proofs
Basics :
• A numerical proof is simply an
extraordinary equation that links
different components together
to prove their relationship. Also
to put emphasis on a certain
• A divine proof can not be imi-
tated, and it defies the probabil-
ity of occuring by coincidence.
• However the “visible” proof is
only for confirmation of an
“unseen” truth that can be felt
by the heart.
• Thus a proof can not be used
for getting information from
Quran, nor for divination.
• Moses was sent with divine
miracles as well as Jesus, now
in the digital age of computers,
the miraculous numerical proofs
can be witnessed anytime, any-
• The number is God’s stamp of
authenticity on any proof that has a
righteous truthful message behind it.
• A 19 multiple means that a full com-
plete unit has been stamped and
sealed by God.
Words written in the language of
Quran, Arabic, have a numerical
value, since each letter has an
individual value. The messenger
Rashad Khalifa used the table of
values called Gematrical-Values.
God further gave me the main
table composed of (Gematrical
values + two ordinal value sys-
tems). This main system of finding
values for words is called “Total
Gematrical Value” or TGV, it has
deciphered a whole new code of
messages from God.
Ash-hadu anna laa ilaaha illa Allaah
I bear witness that there is no god except GOD
The Arabic declaration of faith:
TGV: 389 92 68 104 71 169 = 893
+ + + +
893 = 19 x 47
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I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
10 11
230 25
ASV :Alphabetical Sequential Value
GSV :Gematrical Sequential Value
GV :Gematrical Value
TGV :Total Gematrical Value
*The transliteration in English is just to
give you an idea of the Arabic alphabet.
Do not use it for pronunciation.
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The gematrical value (GV) is an
ancient system of assigning numeri-
cal values to letters so that they could
be used instead of numbers which
were not yet invented, same like how
the Roman numerals were used. So
Aleph (A) for example had a value of
1, Baa’=2 and so on.
There are two other systems that
assign values to the letters, they are
collating systems that are used to
arrange the 28 letters of the Arabic
alphabet in a sequence.
One of them is the (GSV), that follows
the order of gematrical values
assigned to each letter, and the other
(ASV), arranges them according to
their similar shapes.
God inspired me to fuse the three
systems available, in one main
system, called the“Total Gematrical
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Types Of Numerical Proofs
Internal 19 Proofs
1- God names the final scripture three
names, the TG values of them are
connected by 19, in order to prove
the divinely-made connections. In the
proofs below, the “multiple of 19” is
found in the difference between the
TG values.
Quran , The Scripture , The statute Book
Alqur’aan Alkitaab Alfurqaan
= 533 = 552 = 647
Quran + 19 = The Scripture
533 + 19 = 552
The Scripture + [19x5] = The Statute
552 + 95 = 647
Quran + 114 = The Statute
*114 (19x6) chapters in Quran
External 19 proofs
2- Gabriel is the angel of revelation,
through whom the quran was given
to prophet Muhammad (A prophet is
a messenger who is given a word by
word revelation ,let’s find out how
these quranic facts are proven by
God, and stamped by 19.
Muhammad , Gabriel , The Prophet
Muhammad Jibreel Alnabeyy
= 192 = 360 = 211
Muhammad + 19 = The Prophet
192 + 19 = 2 11
Quran +19 = Muhammad+Gabriel
533 + 19 = 192 + 360
The scripture = Muhammad + Gabriel
Standalone Proofs
552 = 192 + 360
Gabriel + Quran = “I bear witness
that there is no
god except God”
360 + 533 = 893 = 19 x47
The Torah = Altawraa in Arabic = 798
+The Gospel = Alinjeel in Arabic = 284
+ Quran = Al-Qur’aan = 533
1- External 19 proofs are found
when we add the TG values of the
components to each other, and the
result is a 19 or a multiple of 19.
Gabriel + The Scripture = 19 x48
Gabriel + The Statute = 19 x53
[3:3] He sent down to you this
scripture, truthfully, confirming all
previous scriptures, and He sent
down the Torah and the Gospel
= 1615 = 19 x85
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+ + + + + +
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
[9:33] [61:9] He is the
One who sent His messenger
with the guidance and the religion
of truth, and will make it dominate all
religions, inspite of the idol worshipers.
[48:28] He is the One who sent His messenger
with the guidance and the religion of truth, to
make it prevail over all other religions.
God suffices as a witness.
messenger delivering prophecy : Ahmad Nishitoba
book of prophecy : Quran
place of prophecy : America
start date of prophecy : 11.9.2019
San Francisco
The great prophecy is a hidden
prophecy in the final scripture,
Quran. It is about a turning
point in the history of man-
kind, the advent of God’s king-
dom of Heaven. The fulfilment
of that prophecy will start with
a huge earthquake hitting
America on 11.9.2019.
This event will eventually result
in the majority of Americans
embracing the religion of God,
Submission. And then Submis-
sion will spread to the rest of
the world.
Two different verses of the prophecy:
9+33 +48+28 = Ahmad = 99+19
Three chapter numbers:
9+48+61= Ahmad 118
Three verses of the prophecy:
9+33 +48+28 +61+9 = 19+169 = 188
Chapter 99
”The Quake”
TGV of word
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I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
1- One of the Hidden Secrets of Quran :
• Chapter 74 is titled “The Hidden Secret”, one secret was 19,
which was revealed through the messenger of the covenant,
Rashad Khalifa
• The other secret is the messenger who comes after
Rashad Khalifa with the kingdom of Heaven
Chapter 74 - “The Hidden Secret”
In Arabic is “Al Muddathir”, TGV= 918
• Jesus prophesied a messenger and a prophet to come after
him, by similar names in John 14:16, according to David
Banjamin Keldani (From the book “Muhammad in the Bible”)
Periqlytos means “Ahmad” in Arabic, or “a praised one”
• This Bible verse corresponds with the following Quranic verse • The name of the messenger hidden in Quran is also coded in the
first verse of chapter 74, titled “The Hidden secret”
• The reason why the prophet and the messenger, Muhammad
and Ahmad are connected by a similar name is that the kingdom
of Heaven prophesied by Jesus will come through “Ahmad118
Nishitoba992”(TGV=1110) and will be based on Quran delivered
by Muhammad (TGV=192), which also contains the prophecy.
• Now let’s confirm the name hidden within Muhammad’s name
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will
give you another “Periqlytos” to be with you forever.
they said, “This is profound magic.”
[61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Children
of Israel, I am God’s messenger to you, confirming the
Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to
come after me whose name will be Ahmad.
” Then, when he showed them the clear proofs,
TGV of verse [74:1] + Ahmad Nishitoba = 19x19 x6
74 118 192
Chapter 74 + The Hidden Secret = Nishitoba
Chapter 74 + Ahmad = Muhammad
74 918 992
[74:1] O you hidden secret.
1056 1110 = 2166
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I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
• Let’s witness the information hidden within the title of the chapter,
“Alsuff” in Arabic, or “The Column” which points to the unity to
come through the messenger mentioned in verse [61:6] : “Ahmad”.
The Column = Al-Suff, its TGV= 307 = 3+65+122+117
169 Date
These three verses are similar in wording,
they talk about the great prophecy of God’s
kingdom to come, on 11.9.2019
CHAPTER 61 - THE COLUMN [61:12] In return, He forgives your sins, and admits you into gardens
with flowing streams, with beautiful mansions in the gardens of Eden.
This is the greatest triumph.
[61:13] Additionally, you get something you truly love: support from
GOD and guaranteed victory. Give good news to the believers.
[61:14] O you who believe, be GOD's supporters, like the disciples of
Jesus, son of Mary. When he said to them, "Who are my supporters
towards GOD," they said, "We are GOD's supporters." Thus, a group
from the Children of Israel believed, and another group disbelieved.
We helped those who believed against their enemy, until they won.
= 307
= God + 19 + 119
= 119+[9+33]+[48+28]+[61+9]
[61:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[61:1] Glorifying GOD is everything in the heavens and everything
on earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise.
[61:2] O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do?
[61:3] Most abominable in the sight of GOD is that you
say what you do not do.
[61:4] GOD loves those who fight in His cause united in one column,
like the bricks in one wall.
[61:5] Recall that Moses said to his people, "O my people, why do
you hurt me, even though you know that I am GOD's messenger to
you?" When they deviated, GOD diverted their hearts. For GOD
does not guide the wicked people.
[61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, "O Children of Israel,
I am GOD's messenger to you, confirming the Torah and bringing
good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be
Ahmad." Then, when he showed them the
clear proofs, they said, "This is profound magic."
[61:7] Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies about GOD,
and he is being invited to Submission? GOD does not guide
the evil people.
[61:8] They wish to put out GOD's light with their mouths. But GOD
insists upon perfecting His light, in spite of the disbelievers.
[61:9] He has sent His messenger with the guidance and the true
religion, and will make it dominate all religions,
in spite of the idol worshipers.
[61:10] O you who believe, let Me inform you of a trade that will
save you from painful retribution.
[61:11] Believe in GOD and His messenger and strive in the cause
of GOD with your money and your lives. This is the best deal for you,
if you only knew.
Therefore, as you can see, the
total gematrical value of the
title of the chapter (in which
the name of the messenger is
mentioned) validates the date
proof above, God proves with
His stamp (19), the date (119),
and the second proof
connects the great prophecy
with 119
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I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
2. Jesus, Muhammad and Ahmad :
• Even though Satan has convinced the followers of every
religion, that their messenger is the final messenger, yet some
believers have always believed and waited for the prophecy of
a messenger to come with the Kingdom of God
• Now let us confirm that the “Ahmad” prophesied by Jesus and
mentioned in [61:6] refers to a prophet by the name of “Muhamad
and a messenger by the name of ”Ahmad Nishitoba”
• And if we zoom in a little closer, we can find a confirmation of the
exact identity of the messenger prophesied
• Half the meaning of the verse above was given temporarily to
those who received Quran, that this “Ahmad” mentioned in the
verse is “Muhammad” despite the mysterious change in his
name. Muhammad is mentioned by his exact name 4 times
in Quran, like in the following verse :
[61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Children
of Israel, I am God’s messenger to you, confirming the
Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to
come after me whose name will be Ahmad.
Then, when he showed them the clear proofs,
they said, “This is profound magic.”
[33:40] Muhammad was not the father of any man among
you. He was a messenger of God and the final prophet.
God is fully aware of all things
TGV of verse [61:6] + Jesus + Ahmad + Muhammad= 19 x560
10043 287
10043 1110 11153
192 10640
TGV of verse [61:6] + Ahmad Nishitoba = 19 x587
• Therefore now we can be sure that the reason why the name
“Muhammad” was altered a bit in verse [61:6] is because the
name of another messenger was hidden temporarily in it
+ +
19 X5
• There is confirmation of the fact that the “Ahmad” mentioned
in [61:6] also refers to “Muhammad” If we add all the chapter
numbers of the 4 verses that the name “Muhammad” is
mentioned in ([48:29],[47:2],[33:40],[3:144], to the verse where
the name “Ahmad” occurs [61:6], we get this TGV
48+47+33+3+61 = 192 (Muhammad)
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I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
4- Ahmad, Submission, America, and the Quake :
3- A Name Hidden In the 14 Mysterious Initials :
• In Quran, there are 14 sets of initials that nobody knew their
meaning for almost 1400 years. The 14 sets of letters prefix
29 chapters, out of the 114 chapters of Quran
• Those letters unlocked the miracle of Quran, 19. As we have
seen earlier, there is another secret hidden in Quran, the name
of the messenger who will bring the kingdom of Heaven
• The 14 sets are composed of 14 different Arabic letters, half
the Arabic Alphabet, when we add the TG Values of those 14
letters we get the TGV of Ahmad Nishitoba
• This total sum of the 14 mysterious initials doesn
’ t only have the
name of the messenger coded within it, but also it contains the
exact event and date delivered by this messenger
[15:87] We have given you the seven pairs, and the great Quran.
a=3 +
R=230 +
A’=104 +
Q=140 +
L=65 +
K=53 +
T=34 +
M=77 +
h=36 +
s=87 +
S=122 +
E=48 +
H’=22 +
= 1110 (Total Sum)
1110=Ahmad Nishitoba
(Ahmad 3+22+77+16 + Nishitoba 89+48+334+48+425+39+6+3 = 1110)
1110 = 991 + 119
[99:1] When the earth is severely quaked.
Date of the quake 11.9
14 Different Initials Prefix 29 Chapters of Quran
for almost 1400 years nobody knew their meaning
God reserved this knowledge for the age of the computer
118 300 418
118 414 532
Chapter 99 in Quran is titled “The Quake”
Ahmad + Submission = 19 x22
Ahmad = 118 = 99 + 19
Ahmad + America = 19 x28
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Quran, America and The Date :
Quake Date :
Submission and San Francisco :
• America in Arabic is Amreeka, with a TGV=414
87+3+89 +117+230+3+89+87+48+87+53+39=932
• Quran = 533 • Date =
chapter 99
titled the Quake Location:America+SF
• The exact date & location of the quake are confirmed in the
following proofs : Month 11 Day 9 Year 2019
• The title of chapter 48 is AlfatH or Victory in English
• The TGV of AlfatH (Victory) = 632
• TGV of San Francisco written in Arabic = 932
America + 119 = Quran
Victory through the Quake of America :
• Chapter 99 is titled The Quake
• Even though an earthquake is a terrible disaster, God protects
the sincere and also punishes the transgressors through such an
event. That specific event of 119 will mark the start of establishing
the kingdom of Heaven on earth, and thus it is Victory for God’s
religion, Submission.
• Therefore, the spread of the religion (Submission) throughout
(America) will start with a Quake (99) on (119), the center of that
earthquake will be San Francisco.
America + 99+119 = Victory
Submission + Victory = San Francisco
300 632 932
Submission + America + 99+119 = San Francisco
300 414 quake 932
414 quake 632
414 533
1110+ 99 +414+932
=19x19 x13
= 4693
Quake in America on 119 :
• Chapter 99 as we have seen before is titled “The Quake”
Alzalzalah in Arabic with a TGV=284
America + The Quake +119 = 19 x43
414 284 817
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
119 + 1900
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Ahmad Nishitoba & The Date :
• As we have witnessed, the 14 initials contain hidden information
about a messenger’s name, and a Quake on 11.9.2019
Let’s now look at the name and the date and how they are
intertwined and divinely designed by God
• Now we shall confirm that the exact date of the prophecy comes
from God through the messenger Ahmad.
(Please note that the above proof is coded using the Gematrical Value system.
(GV) and not the main system TGV which is used throughout this document. The
GV is the system of counting that Rashad used, and is a main component in the
(TGV) total gematrical value system. You can find both systems on page 6.
-For verification, These are the individual letter values of the words of the proof:
• If we consider the above a representation of the days of the
eleventh month November, we will notice that the date of the
Quake 119 occurs inbetween two numbers, 118 which is theTGV
of Ahmad” and 1110 which is the TGV of “Ahmad Nishitoba”.
This is to confirm the relation between the messenger with both
first and full names, with the date he delivers.
117 118 119 1110 1111
God + Ahmad = 119
66 53
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
• Satan and the humans were evicted from Heaven, because
the humans followed Satan’s command, and believed that the
creatures had independent powers, in the sense that they
could harm or benefit on their own.
• So the test began on Earth, with Satan installed as a
temporary ruler, spreading his mischief, and trying to claim as
many followers as possible before his interim as a ruler
comes to an end.
• Verse [15:38] is repeated word by word in [38:81], the TGV of
each of them = 1382
• Also on adding the chapter and verse numbers we get the
name of the messenger and the date of the end of the respite
“Until the specified day and time”+ 119 = 19 x79
15 + 38 = 53 GV . of Ahmad
15 + 38 + 118 = 19 x 9
38 + 81 = 119 End of Respite
TGv. of Ahmad 171
[2:30] Recall that your Lord said to the angels,
"I am placing a representative on Earth." They said,
"Will You place therein one who will spread evil therein and shed
blood, while we sing Your praises, glorify You, and uphold Your
absolute authority?" He said, "I know what you do not know."
Satan, a temporary god on Earth
The End of Satan’s Respite as a Ruler
People thought that this “representative” or “Khalifa” in Arabic,
mentioned above is Adam and his descendants. However God has
revealed to us through his messenger, Rashad Khalifa, that the
representative meant here is Satan who rules the earth within limits
God inspired me that Satan’s interim (as a ruler) ends on 11.9.2019,
then the human representative will take over and install the kingdom
of Heaven on Earth.
[15:36] He said, "My Lord, respite me until the day they are resurrected."
[15:37] He said, "You are respited.
[15:38] "Until the specified day and time."
[15:39] He said, "My Lord, since You have willed that I go astray, I will
surely entice them on earth; I will send them all astray.
[15:40] "Except those among Your worshipers who are devoted absolutely
to You alone."
[15:41] He said, "This is a law that is inviolable.
[15:42] "You have no power over My servants. You only have power over
the strayers who follow you.
[15:43] "And Hell awaits them all.
[38:81] "Until the specified day and time."
[15:38] "Until the specified day and time."
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
sum of sura numbers
sum of verse numbers
“Until the specified day and time”+ 2019 = 19 x179
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
of the religion of God, Submission
Chapter 98 - PROOF Chapter 99 - THE QUAKE
[98:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[98:1] Those who disbelieved among the people of the scripture,
as well as the idol worshipers, insist on their ways, despite the proof
given to them.*
[98:2] A messenger from GOD is reciting to them sacred instructions.*
[98:3] In them there are valuable teachings.
[98:4] In fact, those who received the scripture did not dispute until the
proof was given to them.
[98:5] All that was asked of them was to worship GOD, devoting the
religion absolutely to Him alone, observe the contact prayers (Salat), and
give the obligatory charity (Zakat). Such is the perfect religion.
[98:6] Those who disbelieved among the people of the scripture, and the
idol worshipers, have incurred the fire of Gehenna forever. They are the
worst creatures.
[98:7] Those who believed and led a righteous life are the best creatures.
[98:8] Their reward at their Lord is the gardens of Eden with flowing
streams, wherein they abide forever. GOD is pleased with them, and they
are pleased with Him. Such is the reward for those who reverence their Lord.
*98:1,2 The proof is the Quran's mathematical code (Appendix 1) and the
messenger is Rashad Khalifa. The number of the sura (98), plus the verse
number (2), plus the numerical value of ''Rashad Khalifa'' (1230) add up to
70 1330, the same total as in 81:19 (Appendix 2 ) -Rashad Khalifa
[99:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[99:1] When the earth is severely quaked.
[99:2] And the earth ejects its loads.
[99:3] The human will wonder: "What is happening?"
[99:4] On that day, it will tell its news.
[99:5] That your Lord has commanded it.
[99:6] On that day, the people will issue from every direction,
to be shown their works.
[99:7] Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it.
[99:8] And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it.
Immediately after chapter (98) that talks about
the proof of Quran and the messenger who
delivers it (Rashad Khalifa), comes chapter 99,
the quake. This confirms that after the revelation
of the proof, and after the religion is restored to
its original, by means of that proof, it is time for
the advent of the kingdom of God, which starts
by a huge Quake that will usher in a new era of
righteousness on Earth on 11.9.2019.
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
1330 (19x70)
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Chapter 100 - THE GALLOPERS
Chapter 99 - THE QUAKE
[99:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[99:1] When the earth is severely quaked.
[99:2] And the earth ejects its loads.
[99:3] The human will wonder: "What is happening?"
[99:4] On that day, it will tell its news.
[99:5] That your Lord has commanded it.
[99:6] On that day, the people will issue from every direction,
to be shown their works.
[99:7] Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it.
[99:8] And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it.
[100:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[100:1] By the fast gallopers. TGV= +661The Gallopers)
[100:2] Igniting sparks.
[100:3] Invading by morning.
[100:4] Striking terror therein.
[100:5] Penetrating to the heart of their territory.
[100:6] The human being is unappreciat ive of his Lord.
[100:7] He bears witness to this fact.
[100:8] He loves material things excess ively.
[100:9] Does he not realize that the day will come when the graves
are opened?
[100:10] And all secrets are brought out.
[100:11] They will find out, on that day, that their Lord has been fully
Cognizant of them.
• The next chapter after chapter 99 (The Quake) is chapter
number 100, titled “The Gallopers”. The chapter talks about
the event of 911, the mathematical structure provided a
clear confirmation of this prophecy.
• The gallopers point to the fast airplanes (and/or missiles)
that invaded NY, igniting sparks, in the morning of 911.2001,
when we calculate the TGV of verse ([100:1] By the fast
gallopers.) we get a total TGV of
39+3+65+104+16+48+425+841+6+22+3 661+911
=1572= )
• This value is not haphazard, the number 661 is the TGV of
“The Gallopers” which represents the airplanes.
• The reason why chapter 100(911 comes after and not
before chapter99 119 is because 119 is the exact opposite
of 911 .911 was schemed by Satan in order to launch his
campaign of wars leading to total domination of the planet,
while 119 comes to restore righteousness, and to give the
rule of the planet to the sincere God-worshipers around the
world. Like rewinding a tape, the scheme of 911 will be
nullified and we will go from the distorted event of 911
(chapter 100) back to the original purity, peace and real
freedom through the event of 119 (chapter 99). The num-
bers also rearrange themselves from 911 backwards to 119,
to display God’s message and signature, 19 = 1 god
• Some writers have noted the prominent 11 on the 911 event, the
twin towers looked like a big 11, and the first plane to hit was flight
11, also chapter 100 has 11 verses. This tells us that God had
another purpose when He allowed Satan’s scheme to materialize.
God wanted to warn against “being unappreciative” and “loving
material things excessively” as in the verses above, through allow-
ing the economic center, the twin towers to collapse, the 11 pro-
claims “1 god, 1 religion”. And points to the next event on the 11th
month of the 19th year in the 3rd Millennium.
America + 119 + 911 = 2001 to 2019
19 x 19 x4
414 1444
New York + 911 + San Francisco + 119 = 19 x132
546 932
New York written in Arabic= 89+48+39+48+39+230+53 =546)
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Chapter 99
[99:0] In the name of God
Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[99:1] When the earth is severely qua ked.
[99:2] And the earth ejects its load s.
[99:3] The human will wonder:
"What is happening?"
[99:4] On that day, you will tell its news.
[99:5] That your Lord has commanded it.
[99:6] On that day, the people will issue
from every direction, to be shown their
[99:7] Whoever does an atom's weigh t of
good will see it.
[99:8] And whoever does an atom' s
weight of evil will see it.
99 = 11 x 9 99 + 11 + 9 =119
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Chapter 99 - The Quake-“Alzalzala”
[99:1] When the earth is severely quaked .
• Chapter 99 speaks not only about the final quake of
the Hour (The Judgment Day), but also gives us details
about another quake that will hit San Francisco in 11.9.2019
to change the course of history, this news was hidden for
1400 years. Let’s examine how the prophecy is coded in
the first verse of the chapter.
• In the above proof we see a confirmation of the two messengers
participating in the delivery of the prophey of the Quake of America 119
• In the next proof we see a confirmation connecting the verse of the
prophecy 99:1, with the exact date of the quake.
• In the following proofs, we can see a confirmation by 19 of the
messenger who brings the prophecy of the Quake 119 of San
Francisco, 932
TGV of verse [99:1]
is calculated as follows
2709 + Ahmad Nishitoba = 19 x 201
TGV [99:1]
TGV [99:1]
2709 = Rashad Khalifa + Ahmad Nishitoba + 119
TGV 99:1 1480 1110 Quake Day
2709 119 3819
991 19 x201
99 + 1 + Ahmad Nishitoba + San Francisco + 119 = 19 x 119
Verse 1110 932 DAY DAY
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
+ =
2709 2019 5719
991 19 x301
+ =
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
• The prophecy of “the kingdom of Heaven” which Jesus
talked about is an ancient prophecy that has been handed
down across the centuries, religions and civilizations
• The prophecy said that after long ages of corruption,
bloodshed and oppression, God will topple Satan from his
throne as a temporary ruler of the earth, and the interim given
to him (as a ruler) will come to an end. He and his demons can
continue to whisper to the people, but his rule will stop with the
coming of the kingdom of righteousness
• The believers in God alone, will finally be unified in one kingdom
[21:92] This is your nation, a united nation, and I alone
am your Lord, you shall worship Me alone.
[23:52] And this is your nation, a united nation, and I
alone am your Lord, you shall reverence Me.
Submitters= 122+6+77+48+425+230+25
USN= 668+933+560
USN = 2161
21 is chapter 21
titled (The Prophets)
which contains the
proclamation of the
united nation of subm-
itters in verse [21:92]
61 is chapter 61
titled (The Column)
which in verse [61:6]
contains the name of
the messenger who delivers
the good news of the USN
USN = Ahmad Nishitoba + San Francisco + 119
2161 1110 932
[99:1] When the earth is severely quaked
99+1 + USN = 19 x 119
Verse 2161 Quake Day
USN + 119 = USN + 2019=
19 x 120 19 x220
2161 Day 2280 2161 year 4180
“This is your nation, a united nation” + [19 x2161 = [21
TGV of sentence=1762 Chapter’s USN
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
19 x21
= 2161
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
[21:92] This is your nation, a united nation,
and I alone am your Lord, you shall worship
Me alone.
21 + 92 + 105 = 99 + 119
Verses [21:92] ,[21:105] Chapter Event
The Quake
A Proclamation for the Worshipers
[21:105] We have decreed in the Psalms, as
well as in other scriptures, that the earth
shall be inherited by My righteous worshipers.
[21:106] This is a proclamation for people
who are worshipers.
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
America in Quran I - Chapter 30 AlRoom - Romans
• America being the most important community of our Time,
is mentioned in Quran. The final scripture has a prophecy of
America being defeated a few years after invading Iraq, the
defeat will come through a major earthquake that will change
the course of America and History. Americans will submit to
their Creator en masse as a result, and billions world wide
will follow.The defeat will actually bring victory to America
• The first prophecy mentioned in chapter 30, which is titled
“Romans=Al-Room” is the invasion of Iraq by America, the
second is the defeat of America by an earthquake that will
destroy San Francisco on November 2019.
• Please note that because of wrong diacritics (marks added to
indicate short vowel sounds) the words “Ghalabat=won” and
“Thayughlaboun=they will be defeated”, in verses 2 and 3 respe-
ctively, were always misread as “Ghulibat=was defeated” and
“Thayaghliboun=they will win” .
- The literal translation of the chapter’s title “AlRoom” is
“Romans”, however during the time of revelation of Quran,
Persia was called “AlFors=Persians” and Rome was called by
its people, therefore the word “Romans” indicate a country
- The new revelation is that “Romans” here is a code name for
“America” or (Amrika in Arabic) as we shall see. Many
writers have written before, about the similarities between
the old empire of Rome and the empire of America today
both religion and politics wise.
[30:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[30:1] A. L. M.*
[30:2] The Romans have won
[30:3] In the nearest land. After their winning, they will be defeated.
[30:4] Within several years. Such is GOD's decision, both in the
first prophecy, and the second. On that day, the believers shall rejoice.
[30:5] In GOD's victo ry. He grants victory to whomever He wills. He is
the Almighty, Most Merciful.
[30:6] Such is GOD's promise - and GOD never breaks His promise -
but most people do not know.
[30:7] They care only about things of this world that are visible to
them, while being totally oblivious to the Hereafter.
[30:8] Why do they not reflect on themselves? GOD did not create the
heavens and the earth, and everything between them, except for a
specific purpose, and for a specific life span. However, most people,
with regard to meeting their Lord, are disbelievers.
[30:9] Have they not roamed the earth and noted the consequences
for those who preceded them? They used to be more powerful, more
prosperous, and more productive on earth. Their messengers went to
them with clear signs. Consequently, GOD was not the One who
wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls.
[30:10] The consequences for those who committed evil had to be
evil. That is because they rejected GOD's revelations, and ridiculed them.
414 414
1• Romans = America
2• Iraq = Nearest Land
Al-Room =
Amrika =
“The Nearest Land” + Iraq = 19 x 97
Adna Alard=1298 Al-I’raaq=545 1843
=3+16+89+48 +3+65+3+230+841 =3+65+104+230+3+140
In Quran, Kaaba,the shrine
in Mecca is considered the
focal point [2:125]
Therefore Iraq is denoted
here by “The nearest land”
from that focal point
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
America in Quran II - Chapter ۳۰ AlRoom - Romans
• But all of this starts with a terrible disaster, the earthquake
that will strike the center of transgression & homosexuality,
San Francisco, as a sign of the end of Satan’s rule on earth
• A kingdom of righteousness will emerge from the disaster
based in America, and based on Justice, real Freedom,
Compassion and Equality for all human beings.
[30:3] In the nearest land.
After their winning,
they will be defeated.
[99:1] When the earth
is severely quaked.
30+3 + 119 =19 x 8
Verse 152
30+3 + 2019 =19 x 108
Verse year 2052
30+3 + 99+1 = 19 x 7
Verse Verse 133
• The prophecy is about a defeat for America as a system of
governance, that invaded Iraq for the wrong causes and killed
hundreds of thousands of civilians and led the American
population into all kinds of transgression, wars, materialism
and distortion of God’s systems of society, like marriage
• The prophecy is also about victory for the sincere believers in
God, allover the world, Submission the true religion of God
will spread from America to the rest of the world
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Children of Israel in Quran I
Chapter 17
Bani Isra’eel - Children of Israel
• The prophecy of the Children of Israel in Quran is
tied with the prophecy of America.
• After the huge quake and after America undergoes major
changes, it will turn against its closest ally: Israel, and “will
wipe out all the gains” the Children of Israel have
accomplished in Israel.
• Thus restoring Justice after decades of oppression. Satan
has successfully hired the majority of the Jewish nation to
do his bidding in Palestine, torturing, murdering and
oppresing, soon tables will turn and this hub of transgression
will face God’s Justice.
• That doesn’t mean that all Jewish people are bad, there are
many Jewish people who stand by Justice.
• The problem is not with a race or religion, but the problem is
with transgression and forgetting God, that’s why in the
following verses God warns :”if you revert to transgression,
we will counter with retribution”.
[17:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
during the night, from the Sacred Masjid (of Mecca) to the farthest place
of prostration, whose surroundings we have blessed, in order to show him
some of our signs. He is the Hearer, the Seer.
[17:2] Similarly, we gave Moses the scripture, and rendered it a beacon for
the Children of Israel that: "You shall not set up any idol as a lord and
master beside Me."
[17:3] They are descendants of those whom we carried with Noah; he was
an appreciative servant.
[17:4] We addressed the Children of Israel in the scripture:
"You will commit gross evil on earth, twice. You are destined
to fall into great heights of arrogance.
you servants of ours who possessed great might, and they
invaded your homes. This is a prophecy that indeed came to pass.
[17:6] "Afterwards, we gave you a turn over them, and
supplied you with a lot of wealth and children; we gave you
the upper hand.
[17:7] "If you work righteousness, you work righteousness for
your own good, but if you commit evil you do so to your own
detriment. Thus, when the second time comes to pass, they will
They will wipe out all the gains you had accomplished."
[17:8] Your Lord showers you with His mercy. But if you revert to
transgression, we will counter with retribution. We have designated
[17:101] We supported Moses with nine profound miracles - ask the
Children of Israel. When he went to them, Pharaoh said to him,
"I think that you, Moses, are bewitched."
[17:102] He said, "You know full well that no one can manifest these
except, obviously, the Lord of the heavens and the earth. I think that
you, Pharaoh, are doomed."
[17:103] When he pursued them, as he chased them out of the land,
we drowned him, together with those who sided with him, all of them.
[17:104] And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, "Go live into
all in one group."
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
Children of Israel in Quran II
Chapter 17
Bani Isra’eel - Children of Israel
[17:4] We addressed the Children of Israel in the scripture:
"You will commit gross evil on earth, twice. You are destined
to fall into great heights of arrogance.
[17:5] "When the first time came to pass, we sent against you
servants of ours who possessed great might, and they invaded
your homes. This is a prophecy that indeed came to pass.
[17:6] "Afterwards, we gave you a turn over them, and supplied
you with a lot of wealth and children; we gave you the upper hand.
[17:7] "If you work righteousness, you work righteousness for
your own good, but if you commit evil you do so to your own
detriment. Thus, when the second time comes to pass, they will
defeat you and enter the masjid, just as they did the first time.
They will wipe out all the gains you had accomplished."
[17:8] Your Lord showers you with His mercy. But if you revert to
transgression, we will counter with retribution. We have
designated Gehenna as a final abode for the disbelievers.
“Servants of ours” + Romans = 19 x 37
“Servants of ours who possessed great might”+Romans = 19 x72
Ibaadan Lana =104+6+3+16+3+65+89+3 414 ۳
• In both the first and second prophecy in these verses, the same
people invade the homes of the Children of Israel.
• Those people are the Romans, as proven by the previous proof.
The servants who possess great might are the ancient Romans
in the first prophecy and the modern Romans (America) in the
second one.
• The first prophecy was fulfilled when the Roman emperor, Titus
in 70 AD invaded Jerusalem and destroyed the temple.
• A Jewish eyewitness who accompanied Titus had this to say, of
the situation that led to the destruction of Jerusalem.
• In the second time, when the Children of Israel commit gross evil
on earth, the modern Romans (America) as we have proven
before, will also invade Israel and enter the masjid “The place of
prostration” which is now in place of the old
temple in Jerusalem.
• The prophecy of America in verse [30:3] is
linked with the prophecy of the Children of
Israel in verse [17:7], as proven here
"I cannot refrain from saying what my emotions bids me. It seems to me
that if the Romans had proven powerless against the sinner, the city
it would have shared the thunderbolts of Sodom, for it had brought
forth a generation more ungodly than these. Because of the folly of
these men, the entire nation perished." _Flavious Josephus
30+3 + 17+7 = 19 x 3
America Israel 57
Prophecy Prophecy
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
=954 414
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
119 DAY OF
[48:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[48:1] We have bestowed upon you (O Messenger) a great victory.
[48:2] Whereby GOD forgives your past sins, as well as future sins, and
perfects His blessings upon you, and guides you in a straight path.
[48:3] Additionally, GOD will support you with an unwavering support.
[48:4] He is the One who places contentment into the hearts of believers
to augment more faith, in addition to their faith. To GOD belongs all forces
of the heavens and the earth. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
[48:5] He will certainly admit the believing men and women into gardens
with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever. He will remit their sins.
This is, in the sight of GOD, a great triumph.
[48:6] And He will requite the hypocrite men and women and the idol
worshipping men and women, for they have harbored evil thoughts about GOD.
Their evil will backfire against them. For GOD is angry with them, condemns
them, and has prepared for them Gehenna. What a miserable destiny!
[48:7] To GOD belongs all the forces in the heavens and the earth.
GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
[48:8] We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news, and a warner.
[48:9] That you people may believe in GOD and His messenger, and reverence Him,
and observe Him, and glorify Him, day and night.
[48:10] Surely, those who pledge allegiance to you, are pledging allegiance to GOD.
GOD approves their pledge; He places His hand above their hands. Those who
violate such a pledge, commit the violation to their own detriment. As for those
who fulfill their pledge with GOD, He will grant them a great recompense.
”48:1 This profound statement consists of 19 letters, indicating that our generation
is the generation of victory for God's purified, unified, and consolidated
religion-Submission (3 :19,85). It is our generation that witnessed the revelations
of God's great miracle in the Quran (Appendix 1).”-Rashad Khalifa
48+1 + Ahmad Nishitoba = 19 x61
= 19 x203
Verse [48:1] 1110 =1159
+“We have bestowed upon you a great victory.”
+“When triumph comes from God, and victory.”
TGV of Verse 48:1 =
TGV of Verse 110:1 =
Chapter 61 titled “The Column” signifying unity of the
believers, it mentions the messenger by name, “Ahmad”.
* Each of these verses consist of 19 Arabic letters
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l
[110:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[110:1] When triumph comes from GOD, and victory.
[110:2] You will see the people embracing GOD's religion in throngs.
[110:3] You shall glorify and praise your Lord,
and implore Him for forgiveness. He is the Redeemer.
110 + Ahmad = 19 x 12
Chapter 118 228 627
Triumph + Ahmad = 19 x 33
Alnasr=3+65+89+122+230 ۳
“When triumph comes fr
om God, and victory” = 1919 + 119
“When triumph comes f om God, and victory” = 19 + 2019
TGV of verse
verse consists of 19 letters. This indicates that this generation of believers shall attain the
promised victory. Submission (true Islam) will prevail throughout the world (48:28).- Rashad Khalifa
[17:81] Proclaim,“The truth has pre-
vailed, and falsehood has vanished;
falsehood will inevitably vanish.”
[17:82] We send down in the Quran
healing and mercy for the believers.
At the same time, it only increases
the wickedness of the transgressors.
w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t by Ahmad Nishitoba

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Quake 119.19

  • 1. O Quran 9:33 He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, and will make it dominate all religions, in spite of the idol worshipers. THE PROPHECY OF QURAN EARTHQUAKE OF SAN FRANCISCO 11 . 9 . 2019 © 10.9.2016 , Ahmad Nishitoba You have permission to publish and distribute this document as long as you don’t change it in any way S G D N There is no god except w w w . U S N 1 6 1 2 . N E T
  • 2. I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l 1 I N T R O D U C T I O N Peace be upon you, Salamun alaykum We human beings were once living a happy life in Heaven without wars, animosity, poverty, suffering, disease, ... no fear, no worry, no despair, just perfect living in total peace and happiness. But then a creature started thinking that his powers and skills were totally his, that God couldn’t take them away. Slowly he started project- ing this idea on everything else. His focus changed, he no longer con- sidered God as the source of everything he needed, he would just go to another creature and get what he wanted while forgetting God. That creature was Satan, the first rebel who started spreading his idea all over the Heavenly community. However the vast majority refused, they were the angels, who had no doubts that God is their only sup- porter, and that nobody and nothing else can harm or benefit them. Satan couldn’t convince except a small minority. Now, God could have sent them all directly to an eternal Hell, but the Most Merciful decided to give them another chance: This small minority could either be evicted from Heaven to this world for a specific period of time, doing some specific roles in order to redeem themselves and return to Heaven, or they could accept the freedom of choice, come to Earth and undergo an elaborate test of choice, while being subjected to Satan’s temptations and constant attacks. The vast majority of the small minority, who had doubts, refused the freedom of choice, and preferred to perform submissive roles in this world for a period of time then go back home. These are all the crea- tures we know, from the huge planets to the animals, to the creatures smaller than the atom. They were smarter than us arrogant and ignorant humans who decided to take the test perhaps Satan is right ! Yet everyday we see him fail in proving his point, how many people have suffered from seeking benefit from the creatures instead of God? how many have gone through the pain of addiction and the agony of despair? How many wars have been fought running after money and/or power, thinking that these things can bring back their long lost happiness? Satan has failed over and over again in proving his point. However he has claimed a lot of followers despite his failure in ruling the Earth. Now the interim that God had given him to rule the Earth within limits to prove his point, is reaching an end. It is time for the kingdom of God to inherit the earth, fulfilling the prophecy of the scriptures, the prophecy of the kingdom of Heaven. On this earth today, there are billions of people who follow distorted religions, but the religion of God has always been one and the same; “Submission”. Abraham called us “Submitters” because one submits his soul to God and accepts Him alone as the center of his life, neither Moses nor Jesus ever claimed to be Jewish or Chris- tian and all the prophets were monotheistic submitters to God alone. None of the messengers has ever asked the people to idoliz e him and love him more than God, yet billions idolize Jesus and Muhammad and many other mere mortals, dead and alive. When will all this satanic domination and corruption on earth end? The purification of God’s religion has started by sending a messen- ger, Rashad Khalifa, to America with a miracle revealed in 1974. A digital miracle suitable for the computer age, it can be witnessed now by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. I am sent after him to proclaim the advent of the kingdom and Satan’s demise as a ruler of the planet, the long awaited physical kingdom that will restore justice on earth. The prophecy of the final scripture, Quran, starts with a disaster that will strike America very soon to announce Satan’s fall. Now it’s time for you to witness the proof of that event which will change life on earth, the Earthquake of the November 9th, 2019. Ahmad Nishitoba w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 3. 2 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l Timeline to USN Abraham was the original prophet of God’s religion; Submission,as he was the one who named us Submitters, and God gave him the religious duties; the contact prayers, the obligatory charity, Fasting, and Pilgrimage. The concept of worshipping God alone has always existed though, through prophets like Noah. Moses Moses and the prophets were given the Torah, but the Children of Israel violated God’s covenant, killed their prophets and followed the man- made, fabricated laws of the “Talmud” instead of the Torah alone. Despite the distortions of every religion, there are sincere people who worship God alone, and those should believe in God’s new proven message and follow it. Jesus He was sent with the Gospel to restore the religion after the chil- dren of Israel had distorted the Torah, added man made laws and became hard-hearted. God saved Jesus’ soul before being crucified. Yet later on, Constantine the Roman emperor mixed the pagan idol worship with the Gospel resulting in a hybrid religion based on a trinity that is not mentioned in the Bible. Muhammad He is the last prophet sent with the final scripture to all the people; Quran. Quran confirms the truth in previous scriptures and supersedes them. Yet again, Satan intervened and soon after Muhammad’s death, the idolaters reverted but this time they idolized Muhammad himself. The idolization of Muham- mad continues to this day, aided by the man-made fabricated laws of the “Hadith” books. Rashad After all the prophets had delivered their scriptures, God sent a purifying messenger, Rashad Khalifa to con- firm the truth and restore the religion of Submission to its original, once and for all. Aided by one of the great miracles, the number 19 (revealed in 1974), all the modules of Quran were confirmed and two false verses were exposed same as the “Hadith” books were exposed as satanic fabrica- tions. Also other hidden information in Quran was delivered by Rashad like the date of the end of the world. -His message can be found in “The authorized English translation of Quran + its 38appendices” Ahmad The purifying miracle of 19 restored the religion of God “Submission” to its original form, free of idol worship. This has paved the way for the advent of God’s kingdom of Heaven, the “United Submit- ters Nation”. A true monothe- istic, righteous kingdom that inherits the earth from Satan and his followers after ages of corruption and bloodshed. It starts with the event of 119. This good news is delivered by Ahmad Nishitoba. 2280Ad E n d O F T h e W o r l d Submission Torah Gospel Quran 19 USN 119 119.2019 Abraham w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 4. 3 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l The Simple Facts of the miracle: (For further details, check “Appendix 1 of the authorized English trans- lation of Quran by Rashad Khalifa”) -1 The miracle was discovered in 1974, which is 1406 (19x74) hijri lunar years after the revelation of Quran. The number 19 is men- tioned once in Quran, in chapter 74 titled “the Hidden Secret”. -2 The first verse of Quran consists of 19 letters. -3 Quran consists of 114 chapters = 19 x 6 -4 Quran consists of 6346 verses = 19 x 334 -5 The first revelation (First 5 verses of chapter 96) consists of 19 words or 76 letters = 19 x 4. -6 The whole chapter 96, consists of 19 verses and 304 Arabic letters = 19 x 16 -7 The last revelation (Chapter 110) consists of 19 words, its first verse consists of 19 letters. iracle M 19 Numerical God’s Signature: •19 is composed of 1 and 9 , the first and last numbers. Thus it signifies that God is the Alpha and Omega. •The numerical (gematrical) value of the word ONE in Arabic (Quran’s language), WAHED, is equal to 19, declaring to the world that: “There is no god except God”. For almost 1400 years, no one knew the meaning of the Arabic initials that occur in the beginning of 29 chapters out of the 114 chapters of Quran. It turned out that those initials were the key to unlock the miracle of Quran. Guided by God and using a giant computer, Rashad Khalifa discovered that the initials occur in their respective chapters in multiples of one number, the prime number 19. For example the letter Q occurs in the two Q-initialed chapters, 57 (19x3) times in each. •Rabbi Judah the Pious of the 11th Century A.D. also discovered the 19 code in the Torah. •The sun, the moon, and the earth become aligned once every 19 years •God’s stamp on you and me is manifested in the fact that the human body con- tains 209 bones, 19 x 11. •”In general the length of pregnancy is 38 weeks after fertilization, 19 x 2 ”Langman’s Medical Embri- ology” •In 1974, God revealed to the world a miracle that will change the course of history. •The messenger of God, Rashad Khalifa, was commissioned with using the miracle of 19 to purify God’s religion, Submission. •19 serves as God’s signature on the universe and on the final scripture, Quran. •19 is the building block of Quran and serves as its proof, or in the words of Rashad Khalifa: “The Quran is charcterized by a unique phenomenon never found in any human authored book. Every element of the Quran is mathematically composed.” “For the first time in history we have a scripture with built-in proof of divine authorship--a superhuman mathematical composition.” “Any reader of this book (The authorized english translation of Quran by Rashad Khalifa) can easily verify the Quran’s mathematical miracle.” [74:30] Over it is nineteen. [74:31] We appointed angels to be guardians of Hell, and we assigned their number (19) (1)to disturb the disbelievers, (2) to convince the Christians and Jews (that this is a divine scripture),(3) to strengthen the faith of the faithful, (4) to remove all traces of doubt from the hearts of Christians, Jews, as well as the believers, and (5) to expose those who harbor doubt in their hearts, and the disbelievers; they will say, “What did God mean by this allegory?” God thus sends astray whomever He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is a reminder for the people. Quran Chapter 74 “The Hidden secret” Check “The Authorized English Translation of Quran and Its 38 Appendices by Rashad Khalifa” for details of the miracle w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 5. PROPHECY OF QURAN EARTHQUAKE OF AMERICA SAN FRANCISCO 11.9.2019 A prophecy hidden in the final scripture Quran for 1400 years, has finally been revealed. Jesus delivered the news of a prophet and a messenger to come after him, the prophet delivers the final scripture that contains the prophecy and the messenger brings God’s prom- ise to the righteous, the prophecy of the kingdom of Heaven. Both of the prophet and the messenger have a similar name, “a praised one”, Muhammad or Ahmad in Arabic. Quran [61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, I am God’s messenger to you, confirming the Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be Ahmad.” Then, when he showed them the clear proofs, they said, “This is profound magic.” 3 messengers, 1 of them is a messenger with a book (A Prophet), participated in the delivery of the prophecy Prophet Muhammad [7:158] Say, "O people, I am GOD's messenger to all of you. To Him belongs the sovereignty of the heav- ens and the earth. There is no god except He. He controls life and death." Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messenger, the gentile p rophet, who believes in GOD and His words. Follow him, that you may be guided. Rashad Khalifa [3:81] GOD took a covenant from the prophets, saying, "I will give you the scripture and wisdom. Afterwards, a messenger existing scriptures. You shall believe in him and support him." He said, "Do you agree with this, and pledge to agree." He said, "You have thus borne witness, and I bear witness along with you." Ahmad Nishitoba - ture, Quran, the book that contains the prophecy of the kingdom of God. Many distortions were injected into purifying messenger, aided by the miracle of 19, was sent to restore the religion once and for all to its original form. This messenger was Rashad Khalifa. After him, I was inspired of - ecy, along with numerical proofs based on the number 19, Quran’s proof of divine authorship. I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l 4 w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t Muhammad + Rashad + Ahmad = 192+583+118 = 893 = 19x47 =Ash-hadu Anna Laa Ilaaha Illa Allaah (I bear witness that there is no god except God)
  • 6. 19 19 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l 5 Numerical Proofs Basics : • A numerical proof is simply an extraordinary equation that links different components together to prove their relationship. Also to put emphasis on a certain truth. • A divine proof can not be imi- tated, and it defies the probabil- ity of occuring by coincidence. • However the “visible” proof is only for confirmation of an “unseen” truth that can be felt by the heart. • Thus a proof can not be used for getting information from Quran, nor for divination. • Moses was sent with divine miracles as well as Jesus, now in the digital age of computers, the miraculous numerical proofs can be witnessed anytime, any- where. • The number is God’s stamp of authenticity on any proof that has a righteous truthful message behind it. • A 19 multiple means that a full com- plete unit has been stamped and sealed by God. Words written in the language of Quran, Arabic, have a numerical value, since each letter has an individual value. The messenger Rashad Khalifa used the table of values called Gematrical-Values. God further gave me the main table composed of (Gematrical values + two ordinal value sys- tems). This main system of finding values for words is called “Total Gematrical Value” or TGV, it has deciphered a whole new code of messages from God. Ash-hadu anna laa ilaaha illa Allaah I bear witness that there is no god except GOD The Arabic declaration of faith: TGV: 389 92 68 104 71 169 = 893 + + + + + 893 = 19 x 47 w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 7. I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l TOTAL GEMATRICAL VALUE OF THE ARABIC ALPHABET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LETTER ASV GSV GV TGV LETTER ASV GSV GV TGV 3 6 425 527 11 22 631 16 734 230 25 87 334 122 841 34 944 104 1047 117 140 53 65 77 89 36 39 48 T V 6 G a B J d H Z T h O E K L M s N A’ F S Q R Sh t tha Kh the D THE Gh ASV :Alphabetical Sequential Value GSV :Gematrical Sequential Value GV :Gematrical Value TGV :Total Gematrical Value ASV+GSV+GV=TGV *The transliteration in English is just to give you an idea of the Arabic alphabet. Do not use it for pronunciation. w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t The gematrical value (GV) is an ancient system of assigning numeri- cal values to letters so that they could be used instead of numbers which were not yet invented, same like how the Roman numerals were used. So Aleph (A) for example had a value of 1, Baa’=2 and so on. There are two other systems that assign values to the letters, they are collating systems that are used to arrange the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet in a sequence. One of them is the (GSV), that follows the order of gematrical values assigned to each letter, and the other (ASV), arranges them according to their similar shapes. God inspired me to fuse the three systems available, in one main system, called the“Total Gematrical Value”system.
  • 8. 7 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l Types Of Numerical Proofs STAMPED AND SEALED BY 19 Internal 19 Proofs 1- God names the final scripture three names, the TG values of them are connected by 19, in order to prove the divinely-made connections. In the proofs below, the “multiple of 19” is found in the difference between the TG values. Quran , The Scripture , The statute Book Alqur’aan Alkitaab Alfurqaan = 533 = 552 = 647 Quran + 19 = The Scripture 533 + 19 = 552 The Scripture + [19x5] = The Statute Book 552 + 95 = 647 Quran + 114 = The Statute book *114 (19x6) chapters in Quran External 19 proofs 2- Gabriel is the angel of revelation, through whom the quran was given to prophet Muhammad (A prophet is a messenger who is given a word by word revelation ,let’s find out how these quranic facts are proven by God, and stamped by 19. Muhammad , Gabriel , The Prophet Muhammad Jibreel Alnabeyy 77+22 77+16 11+6 230+48+ 65 3+65 89+6+ 48+ = 192 = 360 = 211 Muhammad + 19 = The Prophet 192 + 19 = 2 11 Quran +19 = Muhammad+Gabriel 533 + 19 = 192 + 360 The scripture = Muhammad + Gabriel Standalone Proofs 552 = 192 + 360 Gabriel + Quran = “I bear witness that there is no god except God” 360 + 533 = 893 = 19 x47 The Torah = Altawraa in Arabic = 798 +The Gospel = Alinjeel in Arabic = 284 + Quran = Al-Qur’aan = 533 1- External 19 proofs are found when we add the TG values of the components to each other, and the result is a 19 or a multiple of 19. Gabriel + The Scripture = 19 x48 Gabriel + The Statute = 19 x53 Book [3:3] He sent down to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming all previous scriptures, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel = 1615 = 19 x85 w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t + + + + + + + 3+65+117 230+140 3+89 425+6 3+65+53 3+65+140 230+3+3+ 89 (
  • 9. 8 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l OVERVIEW OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE PROPHECY : [9:33] [61:9] He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, and will make it dominate all religions, inspite of the idol worshipers. [48:28] He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, to make it prevail over all other religions. God suffices as a witness. messenger delivering prophecy : Ahmad Nishitoba book of prophecy : Quran place of prophecy : America start date of prophecy : 11.9.2019 San Francisco The great prophecy is a hidden prophecy in the final scripture, Quran. It is about a turning point in the history of man- kind, the advent of God’s king- dom of Heaven. The fulfilment of that prophecy will start with a huge earthquake hitting America on 11.9.2019. This event will eventually result in the majority of Americans embracing the religion of God, Submission. And then Submis- sion will spread to the rest of the world. Two different verses of the prophecy: 9+33 +48+28 = Ahmad = 99+19 118 Three chapter numbers: 9+48+61= Ahmad 118 Three verses of the prophecy: 9+33 +48+28 +61+9 = 19+169 = 188 Chapter 99 ”The Quake” TGV of word ”God” w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 10. 9 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l THE MESSENGER AHMAD NISHITOBA - I 1- One of the Hidden Secrets of Quran : • Chapter 74 is titled “The Hidden Secret”, one secret was 19, which was revealed through the messenger of the covenant, Rashad Khalifa • The other secret is the messenger who comes after Rashad Khalifa with the kingdom of Heaven Chapter 74 - “The Hidden Secret” In Arabic is “Al Muddathir”, TGV= 918 (3+65+77+16+527+230=918) • Jesus prophesied a messenger and a prophet to come after him, by similar names in John 14:16, according to David Banjamin Keldani (From the book “Muhammad in the Bible”) Periqlytos means “Ahmad” in Arabic, or “a praised one” • This Bible verse corresponds with the following Quranic verse • The name of the messenger hidden in Quran is also coded in the first verse of chapter 74, titled “The Hidden secret” • The reason why the prophet and the messenger, Muhammad and Ahmad are connected by a similar name is that the kingdom of Heaven prophesied by Jesus will come through “Ahmad118 Nishitoba992”(TGV=1110) and will be based on Quran delivered by Muhammad (TGV=192), which also contains the prophecy. • Now let’s confirm the name hidden within Muhammad’s name John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another “Periqlytos” to be with you forever. they said, “This is profound magic.” [61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, I am God’s messenger to you, confirming the Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be Ahmad. ” Then, when he showed them the clear proofs, TGV of verse [74:1] + Ahmad Nishitoba = 19x19 x6 74 118 192 Chapter 74 + The Hidden Secret = Nishitoba Chapter 74 + Ahmad = Muhammad 74 918 992 [74:1] O you hidden secret. 1056 1110 = 2166 w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 11. 10 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l THE MESSENGER AHMAD NISHITOBA - II • Let’s witness the information hidden within the title of the chapter, “Alsuff” in Arabic, or “The Column” which points to the unity to come through the messenger mentioned in verse [61:6] : “Ahmad”. The Column = Al-Suff, its TGV= 307 = 3+65+122+117 169 Date These three verses are similar in wording, they talk about the great prophecy of God’s kingdom to come, on 11.9.2019 CHAPTER 61 - THE COLUMN [61:12] In return, He forgives your sins, and admits you into gardens with flowing streams, with beautiful mansions in the gardens of Eden. This is the greatest triumph. [61:13] Additionally, you get something you truly love: support from GOD and guaranteed victory. Give good news to the believers. [61:14] O you who believe, be GOD's supporters, like the disciples of Jesus, son of Mary. When he said to them, "Who are my supporters towards GOD," they said, "We are GOD's supporters." Thus, a group from the Children of Israel believed, and another group disbelieved. We helped those who believed against their enemy, until they won. THE COLUMN = 307 = God + 19 + 119 = 119+[9+33]+[48+28]+[61+9] [61:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [61:1] Glorifying GOD is everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise. [61:2] O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do? [61:3] Most abominable in the sight of GOD is that you say what you do not do. [61:4] GOD loves those who fight in His cause united in one column, like the bricks in one wall. [61:5] Recall that Moses said to his people, "O my people, why do you hurt me, even though you know that I am GOD's messenger to you?" When they deviated, GOD diverted their hearts. For GOD does not guide the wicked people. [61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, "O Children of Israel, I am GOD's messenger to you, confirming the Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be Ahmad." Then, when he showed them the clear proofs, they said, "This is profound magic." [61:7] Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies about GOD, and he is being invited to Submission? GOD does not guide the evil people. [61:8] They wish to put out GOD's light with their mouths. But GOD insists upon perfecting His light, in spite of the disbelievers. [61:9] He has sent His messenger with the guidance and the true religion, and will make it dominate all religions, in spite of the idol worshipers. [61:10] O you who believe, let Me inform you of a trade that will save you from painful retribution. [61:11] Believe in GOD and His messenger and strive in the cause of GOD with your money and your lives. This is the best deal for you, if you only knew. Therefore, as you can see, the total gematrical value of the title of the chapter (in which the name of the messenger is mentioned) validates the date proof above, God proves with His stamp (19), the date (119), and the second proof connects the great prophecy with 119 w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 12. 11 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l THE MESSENGER AHMAD NISHITOBA - III 2. Jesus, Muhammad and Ahmad : • Even though Satan has convinced the followers of every religion, that their messenger is the final messenger, yet some believers have always believed and waited for the prophecy of a messenger to come with the Kingdom of God • Now let us confirm that the “Ahmad” prophesied by Jesus and mentioned in [61:6] refers to a prophet by the name of “Muhamad and a messenger by the name of ”Ahmad Nishitoba” • And if we zoom in a little closer, we can find a confirmation of the exact identity of the messenger prophesied • Half the meaning of the verse above was given temporarily to those who received Quran, that this “Ahmad” mentioned in the verse is “Muhammad” despite the mysterious change in his name. Muhammad is mentioned by his exact name 4 times in Quran, like in the following verse : [61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, I am God’s messenger to you, confirming the Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be Ahmad. Then, when he showed them the clear proofs, they said, “This is profound magic.” [33:40] Muhammad was not the father of any man among you. He was a messenger of God and the final prophet. God is fully aware of all things TGV of verse [61:6] + Jesus + Ahmad + Muhammad= 19 x560 10043 287 10043 1110 11153 192 10640 118 TGV of verse [61:6] + Ahmad Nishitoba = 19 x587 • Therefore now we can be sure that the reason why the name “Muhammad” was altered a bit in verse [61:6] is because the name of another messenger was hidden temporarily in it 287 Jesus 118 Ahmad 169 GOD 192 Muhammad 414 America 583 Rashad + + + + + + 19 X5 19X19 19= X24 = = 19X28 = = = Start-point End-point • There is confirmation of the fact that the “Ahmad” mentioned in [61:6] also refers to “Muhammad” If we add all the chapter numbers of the 4 verses that the name “Muhammad” is mentioned in ([48:29],[47:2],[33:40],[3:144], to the verse where the name “Ahmad” occurs [61:6], we get this TGV 48+47+33+3+61 = 192 (Muhammad) w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 13. 12 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l THE MESSENGER AHMAD NISHITOBA - IV 4- Ahmad, Submission, America, and the Quake : 3- A Name Hidden In the 14 Mysterious Initials : • In Quran, there are 14 sets of initials that nobody knew their meaning for almost 1400 years. The 14 sets of letters prefix 29 chapters, out of the 114 chapters of Quran • Those letters unlocked the miracle of Quran, 19. As we have seen earlier, there is another secret hidden in Quran, the name of the messenger who will bring the kingdom of Heaven • The 14 sets are composed of 14 different Arabic letters, half the Arabic Alphabet, when we add the TG Values of those 14 letters we get the TGV of Ahmad Nishitoba • This total sum of the 14 mysterious initials doesn ’ t only have the name of the messenger coded within it, but also it contains the exact event and date delivered by this messenger [15:87] We have given you the seven pairs, and the great Quran. a=3 + R=230 + A’=104 + Q=140 + L=65 + K=53 + T=34 + N=89 M=77 + h=36 + s=87 + S=122 + E=48 + H’=22 + = 1110 (Total Sum) 1110=Ahmad Nishitoba (Ahmad 3+22+77+16 + Nishitoba 89+48+334+48+425+39+6+3 = 1110) 1110 = 991 + 119 Also [99:1] When the earth is severely quaked. Date of the quake 11.9 14 Different Initials Prefix 29 Chapters of Quran a,L,M,S,R,K,h,E,A’,T,s,H’,Q,N for almost 1400 years nobody knew their meaning God reserved this knowledge for the age of the computer 118 300 418 118 414 532 Chapter 99 in Quran is titled “The Quake” Ahmad + Submission = 19 x22 Ahmad = 118 = 99 + 19 Ahmad + America = 19 x28 w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 14. 13 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l INTRICATE PROPHECY PROOFS - I Quran, America and The Date : Quake Date : Submission and San Francisco : • America in Arabic is Amreeka, with a TGV=414 3+77+230+48+53+3=414 3+65+117+425+22=632 87+3+89 +117+230+3+89+87+48+87+53+39=932 3+65+25+65+25+65+36=284 • Quran = 533 • Date = Date Ahmad Nishitoba chapter 99 titled the Quake Location:America+SF 119 • The exact date & location of the quake are confirmed in the following proofs : Month 11 Day 9 Year 2019 • The title of chapter 48 is AlfatH or Victory in English • The TGV of AlfatH (Victory) = 632 • TGV of San Francisco written in Arabic = 932 America + 119 = Quran Victory through the Quake of America : • Chapter 99 is titled The Quake • Even though an earthquake is a terrible disaster, God protects the sincere and also punishes the transgressors through such an event. That specific event of 119 will mark the start of establishing the kingdom of Heaven on earth, and thus it is Victory for God’s religion, Submission. • Therefore, the spread of the religion (Submission) throughout (America) will start with a Quake (99) on (119), the center of that earthquake will be San Francisco. America + 99+119 = Victory Submission + Victory = San Francisco 300 632 932 Submission + America + 99+119 = San Francisco 300 414 quake 932 414 quake 632 414 533 119+2019 1110+ 99 +414+932 =19x19 x13 = 4693 = 2019 Quake in America on 119 : • Chapter 99 as we have seen before is titled “The Quake” Alzalzalah in Arabic with a TGV=284 America + The Quake +119 = 19 x43 414 284 817 w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t 119 + 1900 +
  • 15. 14 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l INTRICATE PROPHECY PROOFS - II Ahmad Nishitoba & The Date : • As we have witnessed, the 14 initials contain hidden information about a messenger’s name, and a Quake on 11.9.2019 Let’s now look at the name and the date and how they are intertwined and divinely designed by God • Now we shall confirm that the exact date of the prophecy comes from God through the messenger Ahmad. (Please note that the above proof is coded using the Gematrical Value system. (GV) and not the main system TGV which is used throughout this document. The GV is the system of counting that Rashad used, and is a main component in the (TGV) total gematrical value system. You can find both systems on page 6. -For verification, These are the individual letter values of the words of the proof: God=Allaah=(66=1+30+30+5) Ahmad=(53=1+8+40+4) • If we consider the above a representation of the days of the eleventh month November, we will notice that the date of the Quake 119 occurs inbetween two numbers, 118 which is theTGV of Ahmad” and 1110 which is the TGV of “Ahmad Nishitoba”. This is to confirm the relation between the messenger with both first and full names, with the date he delivers. 117 118 119 1110 1111 AHMAD DATE AHMAD NISHITOBA God + Ahmad = 119 66 53 w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 16. 15 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l THE END OF SATAN’S RULE ON EARTH Flashback • Satan and the humans were evicted from Heaven, because the humans followed Satan’s command, and believed that the creatures had independent powers, in the sense that they could harm or benefit on their own. • So the test began on Earth, with Satan installed as a temporary ruler, spreading his mischief, and trying to claim as many followers as possible before his interim as a ruler comes to an end. • Verse [15:38] is repeated word by word in [38:81], the TGV of each of them = 1382 • Also on adding the chapter and verse numbers we get the name of the messenger and the date of the end of the respite SN UNITED SUBMITTERS NATION “Until the specified day and time”+ 119 = 19 x79 15 + 38 = 53 GV . of Ahmad 15 + 38 + 118 = 19 x 9 38 + 81 = 119 End of Respite TGv. of Ahmad 171 [2:30] Recall that your Lord said to the angels, "I am placing a representative on Earth." They said, "Will You place therein one who will spread evil therein and shed blood, while we sing Your praises, glorify You, and uphold Your absolute authority?" He said, "I know what you do not know." Satan, a temporary god on Earth The End of Satan’s Respite as a Ruler People thought that this “representative” or “Khalifa” in Arabic, mentioned above is Adam and his descendants. However God has revealed to us through his messenger, Rashad Khalifa, that the representative meant here is Satan who rules the earth within limits God inspired me that Satan’s interim (as a ruler) ends on 11.9.2019, then the human representative will take over and install the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. [15:36] He said, "My Lord, respite me until the day they are resurrected." [15:37] He said, "You are respited. [15:38] "Until the specified day and time." [15:39] He said, "My Lord, since You have willed that I go astray, I will surely entice them on earth; I will send them all astray. [15:40] "Except those among Your worshipers who are devoted absolutely to You alone." [15:41] He said, "This is a law that is inviolable. [15:42] "You have no power over My servants. You only have power over the strayers who follow you. [15:43] "And Hell awaits them all. [38:81] "Until the specified day and time." [15:38] "Until the specified day and time." w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t sum of sura numbers sum of verse numbers 1501 1382 “Until the specified day and time”+ 2019 = 19 x179 3401 1382
  • 17. 16 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l PURIFICATION THEN RESTORATION of the religion of God, Submission Chapter 98 - PROOF Chapter 99 - THE QUAKE [98:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [98:1] Those who disbelieved among the people of the scripture, as well as the idol worshipers, insist on their ways, despite the proof given to them.* [98:2] A messenger from GOD is reciting to them sacred instructions.* [98:3] In them there are valuable teachings. [98:4] In fact, those who received the scripture did not dispute until the proof was given to them. [98:5] All that was asked of them was to worship GOD, devoting the religion absolutely to Him alone, observe the contact prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat). Such is the perfect religion. [98:6] Those who disbelieved among the people of the scripture, and the idol worshipers, have incurred the fire of Gehenna forever. They are the worst creatures. [98:7] Those who believed and led a righteous life are the best creatures. [98:8] Their reward at their Lord is the gardens of Eden with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever. GOD is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. Such is the reward for those who reverence their Lord. *98:1,2 The proof is the Quran's mathematical code (Appendix 1) and the messenger is Rashad Khalifa. The number of the sura (98), plus the verse number (2), plus the numerical value of ''Rashad Khalifa'' (1230) add up to 70 1330, the same total as in 81:19 (Appendix 2 ) -Rashad Khalifa [99:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [99:1] When the earth is severely quaked. [99:2] And the earth ejects its loads. [99:3] The human will wonder: "What is happening?" [99:4] On that day, it will tell its news. [99:5] That your Lord has commanded it. [99:6] On that day, the people will issue from every direction, to be shown their works. [99:7] Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it. [99:8] And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it. Immediately after chapter (98) that talks about the proof of Quran and the messenger who delivers it (Rashad Khalifa), comes chapter 99, the quake. This confirms that after the revelation of the proof, and after the religion is restored to its original, by means of that proof, it is time for the advent of the kingdom of God, which starts by a huge Quake that will usher in a new era of righteousness on Earth on 11.9.2019. w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t 1330 (19x70)
  • 18. 17 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l Chapter 100 - THE GALLOPERS Chapter 99 - THE QUAKE [99:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [99:1] When the earth is severely quaked. [99:2] And the earth ejects its loads. [99:3] The human will wonder: "What is happening?" [99:4] On that day, it will tell its news. [99:5] That your Lord has commanded it. [99:6] On that day, the people will issue from every direction, to be shown their works. [99:7] Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it. [99:8] And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it. [100:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [100:1] By the fast gallopers. TGV= +661The Gallopers) [100:2] Igniting sparks. [100:3] Invading by morning. [100:4] Striking terror therein. [100:5] Penetrating to the heart of their territory. [100:6] The human being is unappreciat ive of his Lord. [100:7] He bears witness to this fact. [100:8] He loves material things excess ively. [100:9] Does he not realize that the day will come when the graves are opened? [100:10] And all secrets are brought out. [100:11] They will find out, on that day, that their Lord has been fully Cognizant of them. 911119 • The next chapter after chapter 99 (The Quake) is chapter number 100, titled “The Gallopers”. The chapter talks about the event of 911, the mathematical structure provided a clear confirmation of this prophecy. • The gallopers point to the fast airplanes (and/or missiles) that invaded NY, igniting sparks, in the morning of 911.2001, when we calculate the TGV of verse ([100:1] By the fast gallopers.) we get a total TGV of 39+3+65+104+16+48+425+841+6+22+3 661+911 =1572= ) ) ) ) ) ) • This value is not haphazard, the number 661 is the TGV of “The Gallopers” which represents the airplanes. • The reason why chapter 100(911 comes after and not before chapter99 119 is because 119 is the exact opposite of 911 .911 was schemed by Satan in order to launch his campaign of wars leading to total domination of the planet, while 119 comes to restore righteousness, and to give the rule of the planet to the sincere God-worshipers around the world. Like rewinding a tape, the scheme of 911 will be nullified and we will go from the distorted event of 911 (chapter 100) back to the original purity, peace and real freedom through the event of 119 (chapter 99). The num- bers also rearrange themselves from 911 backwards to 119, to display God’s message and signature, 19 = 1 god • Some writers have noted the prominent 11 on the 911 event, the twin towers looked like a big 11, and the first plane to hit was flight 11, also chapter 100 has 11 verses. This tells us that God had another purpose when He allowed Satan’s scheme to materialize. God wanted to warn against “being unappreciative” and “loving material things excessively” as in the verses above, through allow- ing the economic center, the twin towers to collapse, the 11 pro- claims “1 god, 1 religion”. And points to the next event on the 11th month of the 19th year in the 3rd Millennium. America + 119 + 911 = 2001 to 2019 19 x 19 x4 414 1444 2508 New York + 911 + San Francisco + 119 = 19 x132 546 932 New York written in Arabic= 89+48+39+48+39+230+53 =546) w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t 911
  • 19. 18 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l Chapter 99 THE QUAKE [99:0] In the name of God Most Gracious, Most Merciful [99:1] When the earth is severely qua ked. [99:2] And the earth ejects its load s. [99:3] The human will wonder: "What is happening?" [99:4] On that day, you will tell its news. [99:5] That your Lord has commanded it. [99:6] On that day, the people will issue from every direction, to be shown their works. [99:7] Whoever does an atom's weigh t of good will see it. [99:8] And whoever does an atom' s weight of evil will see it. 99 = 11 x 9 99 + 11 + 9 =119
  • 20. 19 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l INTRICATE PROPHECY PROOFS - V Chapter 99 - The Quake-“Alzalzala” [99:1] When the earth is severely quaked . • Chapter 99 speaks not only about the final quake of the Hour (The Judgment Day), but also gives us details about another quake that will hit San Francisco in 11.9.2019 to change the course of history, this news was hidden for 1400 years. Let’s examine how the prophecy is coded in the first verse of the chapter. • In the above proof we see a confirmation of the two messengers participating in the delivery of the prophey of the Quake of America 119 • In the next proof we see a confirmation connecting the verse of the prophecy 99:1, with the exact date of the quake. • In the following proofs, we can see a confirmation by 19 of the messenger who brings the prophecy of the Quake 119 of San Francisco, 932 TGV of verse [99:1] is calculated as follows (3+734+3 +25+65+25+65+425 3+65+3+230+841 +25+65+25+3+65 +36+3=2709 2709 + Ahmad Nishitoba = 19 x 201 TGV [99:1] TGV [99:1] 1110 2709 = Rashad Khalifa + Ahmad Nishitoba + 119 TGV 99:1 1480 1110 Quake Day 2709 119 3819 991 19 x201 99 + 1 + Ahmad Nishitoba + San Francisco + 119 = 19 x 119 Verse 1110 932 DAY DAY w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t + + = = 2709 2019 5719 991 19 x301 + + = = ( ] ] 3819 Date
  • 21. 20 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l UNITED SUBMITTERS NATION USN PROCLAMATION • The prophecy of “the kingdom of Heaven” which Jesus talked about is an ancient prophecy that has been handed down across the centuries, religions and civilizations • The prophecy said that after long ages of corruption, bloodshed and oppression, God will topple Satan from his throne as a temporary ruler of the earth, and the interim given to him (as a ruler) will come to an end. He and his demons can continue to whisper to the people, but his rule will stop with the coming of the kingdom of righteousness • The believers in God alone, will finally be unified in one kingdom [21:92] This is your nation, a united nation, and I alone am your Lord, you shall worship Me alone. [23:52] And this is your nation, a united nation, and I alone am your Lord, you shall reverence Me. United=48+39+89+3+48+425+16 Submitters= 122+6+77+48+425+230+25 Nation=89+48+334+89 USN= 668+933+560 USN = 2161 21 is chapter 21 titled (The Prophets) which contains the proclamation of the united nation of subm- itters in verse [21:92] 61 is chapter 61 titled (The Column) which in verse [61:6] contains the name of the messenger who delivers the good news of the USN USN = Ahmad Nishitoba + San Francisco + 119 2161 1110 932 [99:1] When the earth is severely quaked 99+1 + USN = 19 x 119 Verse 2161 Quake Day USN + 119 = USN + 2019= 19 x 120 19 x220 2161 Day 2280 2161 year 4180 “This is your nation, a united nation” + [19 x2161 = [21 TGV of sentence=1762 Chapter’s USN Number SN UNITED NATION w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t 19 x21 [ [ = 2161 =668 =560 =2161 =933
  • 22. 21 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l ONE UNITED NATION UNDER GOD SN [21:92] This is your nation, a united nation, and I alone am your Lord, you shall worship Me alone. 21 + 92 + 105 = 99 + 119 Verses [21:92] ,[21:105] Chapter Event The Quake A Proclamation for the Worshipers [21:105] We have decreed in the Psalms, as well as in other scriptures, that the earth shall be inherited by My righteous worshipers. [21:106] This is a proclamation for people who are worshipers. w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 23. 22 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l PROPHECY OF AMERICA AND ISRAEL America in Quran I - Chapter 30 AlRoom - Romans • America being the most important community of our Time, is mentioned in Quran. The final scripture has a prophecy of America being defeated a few years after invading Iraq, the defeat will come through a major earthquake that will change the course of America and History. Americans will submit to their Creator en masse as a result, and billions world wide will follow.The defeat will actually bring victory to America • The first prophecy mentioned in chapter 30, which is titled “Romans=Al-Room” is the invasion of Iraq by America, the second is the defeat of America by an earthquake that will destroy San Francisco on November 2019. • Please note that because of wrong diacritics (marks added to indicate short vowel sounds) the words “Ghalabat=won” and “Thayughlaboun=they will be defeated”, in verses 2 and 3 respe- ctively, were always misread as “Ghulibat=was defeated” and “Thayaghliboun=they will win” . - The literal translation of the chapter’s title “AlRoom” is “Romans”, however during the time of revelation of Quran, Persia was called “AlFors=Persians” and Rome was called by its people, therefore the word “Romans” indicate a country - The new revelation is that “Romans” here is a code name for “America” or (Amrika in Arabic) as we shall see. Many writers have written before, about the similarities between the old empire of Rome and the empire of America today both religion and politics wise. SN [30:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [30:1] A. L. M.* [30:2] The Romans have won [30:3] In the nearest land. After their winning, they will be defeated. [30:4] Within several years. Such is GOD's decision, both in the first prophecy, and the second. On that day, the believers shall rejoice. [30:5] In GOD's victo ry. He grants victory to whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, Most Merciful. [30:6] Such is GOD's promise - and GOD never breaks His promise - but most people do not know. [30:7] They care only about things of this world that are visible to them, while being totally oblivious to the Hereafter. [30:8] Why do they not reflect on themselves? GOD did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, except for a specific purpose, and for a specific life span. However, most people, with regard to meeting their Lord, are disbelievers. [30:9] Have they not roamed the earth and noted the consequences for those who preceded them? They used to be more powerful, more prosperous, and more productive on earth. Their messengers went to them with clear signs. Consequently, GOD was not the One who wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls. [30:10] The consequences for those who committed evil had to be evil. That is because they rejected GOD's revelations, and ridiculed them. ROMANS = AMERICA 414 414 1• Romans = America 2• Iraq = Nearest Land Al-Room = 3+65+230+39+77 Amrika = 3+77+230+48+53+3 “The Nearest Land” + Iraq = 19 x 97 Adna Alard=1298 Al-I’raaq=545 1843 =3+16+89+48 +3+65+3+230+841 =3+65+104+230+3+140 In Quran, Kaaba,the shrine in Mecca is considered the focal point [2:125] Therefore Iraq is denoted here by “The nearest land” from that focal point w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 24. 23 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l PROPHECY OF AMERICA AND ISRAEL America in Quran II - Chapter ۳۰ AlRoom - Romans • But all of this starts with a terrible disaster, the earthquake that will strike the center of transgression & homosexuality, San Francisco, as a sign of the end of Satan’s rule on earth • A kingdom of righteousness will emerge from the disaster based in America, and based on Justice, real Freedom, Compassion and Equality for all human beings. SN [30:3] In the nearest land. After their winning, they will be defeated. [99:1] When the earth is severely quaked. 30+3 + 119 =19 x 8 Verse 152 30+3 + 2019 =19 x 108 Verse year 2052 30+3 + 99+1 = 19 x 7 Verse Verse 133 • The prophecy is about a defeat for America as a system of governance, that invaded Iraq for the wrong causes and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and led the American population into all kinds of transgression, wars, materialism and distortion of God’s systems of society, like marriage • The prophecy is also about victory for the sincere believers in God, allover the world, Submission the true religion of God will spread from America to the rest of the world w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 25. 24 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l PROPHECY OF AMERICA AND ISRAEL Children of Israel in Quran I Chapter 17 Bani Isra’eel - Children of Israel • The prophecy of the Children of Israel in Quran is tied with the prophecy of America. • After the huge quake and after America undergoes major changes, it will turn against its closest ally: Israel, and “will wipe out all the gains” the Children of Israel have accomplished in Israel. • Thus restoring Justice after decades of oppression. Satan has successfully hired the majority of the Jewish nation to do his bidding in Palestine, torturing, murdering and oppresing, soon tables will turn and this hub of transgression will face God’s Justice. • That doesn’t mean that all Jewish people are bad, there are many Jewish people who stand by Justice. • The problem is not with a race or religion, but the problem is with transgression and forgetting God, that’s why in the following verses God warns :”if you revert to transgression, we will counter with retribution”. SN [17:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful during the night, from the Sacred Masjid (of Mecca) to the farthest place of prostration, whose surroundings we have blessed, in order to show him some of our signs. He is the Hearer, the Seer. [17:2] Similarly, we gave Moses the scripture, and rendered it a beacon for the Children of Israel that: "You shall not set up any idol as a lord and master beside Me." [17:3] They are descendants of those whom we carried with Noah; he was an appreciative servant. [17:4] We addressed the Children of Israel in the scripture: "You will commit gross evil on earth, twice. You are destined to fall into great heights of arrogance. you servants of ours who possessed great might, and they invaded your homes. This is a prophecy that indeed came to pass. [17:6] "Afterwards, we gave you a turn over them, and supplied you with a lot of wealth and children; we gave you the upper hand. [17:7] "If you work righteousness, you work righteousness for your own good, but if you commit evil you do so to your own detriment. Thus, when the second time comes to pass, they will They will wipe out all the gains you had accomplished." [17:8] Your Lord showers you with His mercy. But if you revert to transgression, we will counter with retribution. We have designated [17:101] We supported Moses with nine profound miracles - ask the Children of Israel. When he went to them, Pharaoh said to him, "I think that you, Moses, are bewitched." [17:102] He said, "You know full well that no one can manifest these except, obviously, the Lord of the heavens and the earth. I think that you, Pharaoh, are doomed." [17:103] When he pursued them, as he chased them out of the land, we drowned him, together with those who sided with him, all of them. [17:104] And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, "Go live into all in one group." w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t
  • 26. 25 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l PROPHECY OF AMERICA AND ISRAEL Children of Israel in Quran II Chapter 17 Bani Isra’eel - Children of Israel SN THE PROPHECY [17:4] We addressed the Children of Israel in the scripture: "You will commit gross evil on earth, twice. You are destined to fall into great heights of arrogance. [17:5] "When the first time came to pass, we sent against you servants of ours who possessed great might, and they invaded your homes. This is a prophecy that indeed came to pass. [17:6] "Afterwards, we gave you a turn over them, and supplied you with a lot of wealth and children; we gave you the upper hand. [17:7] "If you work righteousness, you work righteousness for your own good, but if you commit evil you do so to your own detriment. Thus, when the second time comes to pass, they will defeat you and enter the masjid, just as they did the first time. They will wipe out all the gains you had accomplished." [17:8] Your Lord showers you with His mercy. But if you revert to transgression, we will counter with retribution. We have designated Gehenna as a final abode for the disbelievers. “Servants of ours” + Romans = 19 x 37 “Servants of ours who possessed great might”+Romans = 19 x72 Ibaadan Lana =104+6+3+16+3+65+89+3 414 ۳ 289+3+39+65+48+6+3+87+334+16+48+16 • In both the first and second prophecy in these verses, the same people invade the homes of the Children of Israel. • Those people are the Romans, as proven by the previous proof. The servants who possess great might are the ancient Romans in the first prophecy and the modern Romans (America) in the second one. • The first prophecy was fulfilled when the Roman emperor, Titus in 70 AD invaded Jerusalem and destroyed the temple. • A Jewish eyewitness who accompanied Titus had this to say, of the situation that led to the destruction of Jerusalem. • In the second time, when the Children of Israel commit gross evil on earth, the modern Romans (America) as we have proven before, will also invade Israel and enter the masjid “The place of prostration” which is now in place of the old temple in Jerusalem. • The prophecy of America in verse [30:3] is linked with the prophecy of the Children of Israel in verse [17:7], as proven here "I cannot refrain from saying what my emotions bids me. It seems to me that if the Romans had proven powerless against the sinner, the city it would have shared the thunderbolts of Sodom, for it had brought forth a generation more ungodly than these. Because of the folly of these men, the entire nation perished." _Flavious Josephus 30+3 + 17+7 = 19 x 3 America Israel 57 Prophecy Prophecy T I T U S w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t =289 =954 414 703 1368
  • 27. 26 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l 119 DAY OF DISASTER, VICTORY & TRIUMPH CHAPTER 48 - VICTORY TRIUMPH FROM GOD & VICTORY [48:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [48:1] We have bestowed upon you (O Messenger) a great victory. [48:2] Whereby GOD forgives your past sins, as well as future sins, and perfects His blessings upon you, and guides you in a straight path. [48:3] Additionally, GOD will support you with an unwavering support. [48:4] He is the One who places contentment into the hearts of believers to augment more faith, in addition to their faith. To GOD belongs all forces of the heavens and the earth. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise. [48:5] He will certainly admit the believing men and women into gardens with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever. He will remit their sins. This is, in the sight of GOD, a great triumph. [48:6] And He will requite the hypocrite men and women and the idol worshipping men and women, for they have harbored evil thoughts about GOD. Their evil will backfire against them. For GOD is angry with them, condemns them, and has prepared for them Gehenna. What a miserable destiny! [48:7] To GOD belongs all the forces in the heavens and the earth. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise. [48:8] We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news, and a warner. [48:9] That you people may believe in GOD and His messenger, and reverence Him, and observe Him, and glorify Him, day and night. [48:10] Surely, those who pledge allegiance to you, are pledging allegiance to GOD. GOD approves their pledge; He places His hand above their hands. Those who violate such a pledge, commit the violation to their own detriment. As for those who fulfill their pledge with GOD, He will grant them a great recompense. ”48:1 This profound statement consists of 19 letters, indicating that our generation is the generation of victory for God's purified, unified, and consolidated religion-Submission (3 :19,85). It is our generation that witnessed the revelations of God's great miracle in the Quran (Appendix 1).”-Rashad Khalifa 48+1 + Ahmad Nishitoba = 19 x61 = 19 x203 Verse [48:1] 1110 =1159 48+1 +“We have bestowed upon you a great victory.” +110+1 +“When triumph comes from God, and victory.” TGV of Verse 48:1 = TGV of Verse 110:1 = 3857 Chapter 61 titled “The Column” signifying unity of the believers, it mentions the messenger by name, “Ahmad”. * Each of these verses consist of 19 Arabic letters w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t 1659 2038
  • 28. 27 I n t h e n a m e o f G o d , M o s t G r a c i o u s , M o s t M e r c i f u l SN CHAPTER 110 - TRIUMPH [110:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [110:1] When triumph comes from GOD, and victory. [110:2] You will see the people embracing GOD's religion in throngs. [110:3] You shall glorify and praise your Lord, and implore Him for forgiveness. He is the Redeemer. 110 + Ahmad = 19 x 12 Chapter 118 228 627 =2038 110:1 Triumph + Ahmad = 19 x 33 Alnasr=3+65+89+122+230 ۳ “When triumph comes fr r om God, and victory” = 1919 + 119 “When triumph comes f om God, and victory” = 19 + 2019 TGV of verse verse consists of 19 letters. This indicates that this generation of believers shall attain the promised victory. Submission (true Islam) will prevail throughout the world (48:28).- Rashad Khalifa [17:81] Proclaim,“The truth has pre- vailed, and falsehood has vanished; falsehood will inevitably vanish.” [17:82] We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers. At the same time, it only increases the wickedness of the transgressors. w w w . u s n 2 1 6 1 . n e t by Ahmad Nishitoba =509