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 Primary Years Programme

Physical education scope and
Primary Years Programme
 Physical education scope and sequence
              August 2003

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2003
     Previously published as draft in 2000

  Organisation du Baccalauréat International
           Route des Morillons 15
          Grand-Saconnex, Genève
Physical education inquiry
To plan physical education (PE) inquiry, teachers must consider the following questions.
•   What do we want students to learn?
•   What do teachers need to learn about this topic?
•   How best will students learn?
•   How will we know what students have learned?

What do we want students to learn?
The PE scope and sequence framework identifies the major expectations considered essential in the
Primary Years Programme (PYP). These expectations are arranged into seven strands: body control
and spatial awareness, adventure challenge, athletics, movement to music, games, gymnastics
and health-related activities.
Body control and spatial awareness focuses on exploring the human body’s capacity for movement,
and how to move around and in-between objects and other individuals safely. Adventure challenge
challenges the students to solve problems collaboratively involving physical and critical thinking
skills. Athletics exposes students to the three aspects of athletics: jumping, throwing and running
events. It develops the different techniques for the individual events while striving to improve student
performance. Movement to music is concerned with learning to move the body in a variety of ways in
response to music, sounds or situations. It also involves awareness of the position of the body and how
the body can be used to convey a feeling or emotion. Games sequentially develops the students’
competence, confidence, success and enjoyment of the advanced skills and concepts associated with
games and sports. Gymnastics exposes the student to a variety of gymnastic skills: on the floor, using
small equipment and various apparatus. Health-related activities develops an awareness of the
importance of physical activity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Through PE, students are learning the “language” of physical movement, exploring the skills
associated with different strands of PE. They learn to understand what they can and cannot do
physically and become aware of their own strengths and weaknesses in this discipline. Physical
activity is an essential aspect of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle and learning through PE helps to
build self-esteem, confidence, cooperation and fitness.
Through sporting activities, PE helps to build links with parents, the local community and beyond. It is
often an area that is especially important for children with learning needs, including those who are
learning English as an additional language (EAL), as they are able to participate fully in PE activities
in a way they are not able to in other areas of the curriculum.
      “There are two unique features of PE. One is its physicality and therefore its transience and
      the other is that in many cases the child is able to perform better than the teacher! … In the
      classroom the child is struggling to make sense of the adult world, dominated by signs and
      symbols that he has ultimately to master. This is not the case in physical activities.”
           Manners HK and Carroll ME. 1995. A Framework for Physical Education in the Early Years.

What do teachers need to learn about this topic?
The PE scope and sequence document should be seen as a framework to demonstrate how a balanced
PE programme could be put into practice in a school. We are aware that resources, staff numbers and
expertise, facilities and scheduling issues all have an impact on the implementation of a PE
curriculum. For this reason, the specific expectations in the document are very general. This allows
teachers, both generalist and single-subject teachers, to develop, adapt or change the activities and the
assessments to suit their individual circumstances.

PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003                                                7.1
Physical education inquiry

Wherever possible and appropriate, links should be made with the school’s programme of inquiry.
Examples of how the scope and sequence can link with the Sample programme of inquiry 2003 have
been included. The direct teaching of PE in a unit of inquiry may not always be feasible due to
timetabling commitments but, where appropriate, prior learning or follow-up activities may be useful
to help students make connections between the different aspects of the curriculum.
Teachers can use the eight key concepts and related questions (Figs 5 and 6 Making the PYP happen)
to guide their own inquiry. Sample inquiry questions have been provided to show how this can be
done. By engaging in inquiry themselves, teachers will not only achieve a deeper understanding of PE
issues but will also be a model for their students by assuming the role of “teacher as learner”.
Teachers’ knowledge and understanding of PE is of key importance, particularly in relation to safety
issues, movement skills, the rules and techniques of physical activities and the resources available. A
wide range of PE resources are available in every school in the form of parents who may be able to
contribute expertise and information about national dances or international versions of games.

How best will students learn?
Students learn best when the activities they are given provide them with the motivation to achieve
their personal goals. The activities should be varied and adjusted to the level of the students involved.
Students need to be challenged to improve their PE skills but also need support and encouragement to
see PE as part of a healthy and active lifestyle with connections to other areas of the curriculum and
community. A range of physical activities, linked to a well-balanced lifestyle, may include further
strands not covered in this document, for example swimming, winter sports, outdoor sports, and non-
competitive activities: aerobics, yoga, circuit training.

How will we know what students have learned?
Assessment provides insights into students’ understanding, knowledge, skills and attitudes. These
insights are necessary to plan further activities that address areas of concern to the teacher and the
students. There should be ongoing formative assessments as well as summative assessments.
Assessment activities should be carefully planned, and opportunities for students to self-assess using
different methods should be included. Examples of assessments appropriate to the specific
expectations are included in this document along with sample activities and key questions.
The main strategy of assessment used in PE will be teacher observation of student performance, but
student self-assessment will also give teachers an indication of how students feel about PE and their
own performances, strengths and weaknesses. This opportunity to find out how students feel about PE
can be important in recognizing and preventing negative attitudes.
Record keeping should be simple and readily accessible to the teacher and the student. Teacher
observations, rubrics and self-evaluations can be used as examples of significant development and
could be included in the student’s portfolio.

* See glossary for explanation of italicized terms.

7.2                                                        PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
Glossary of PYP physical education terms
agility                               The ability to move or change position quickly and easily.

asymmetry                             When one side of the body assumes a different shape from the other.
                                      See also symmetry.

attacker                              The player who has the role of shooting for goals or points.

backward roll                         A movement in which the student rolls head over heels, in a backward
                                      direction, along the floor or apparatus and ends up with their feet on
                                      the floor to stand up.

balance                               The ability to hold a position in a moment of stillness without falling
                                      or wobbling.

binary form (dance)                   A dance or piece of music that is made up of two contrasting sections
                                      A and B.

body control                          An awareness of body shape, different parts of the body, and the
                                      balance and transfer of weight.

body mass index                       A measurement of the ratio between the height and weight of a person.

bridge                                A balance held on legs and hands/arms with body facing upwards
                                      also known as a crab or back bend.

cardiovascular system                 This is formed of two main components—a muscular pump (the heart)
                                      and a network of blood vessels.

PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003                                                   7.3
Glossary of PYP physical education terms

cartwheel                     A rotation of the body through the horizontal axis with the arms and
                              legs extended.

coordination                  The combining of simple movements in proper sequence to make a
                              smooth complex movement.

defender                      The player who has the role of defending the goal or area from the

dodging                       The method used to move away from an opponent either with or
                              without the ball.

dribbling                     The way of moving the ball, by bouncing or kicking it, for close

EAL                           English as an additional language.

fair play                     Respect for rules or equal treatment of all concerned.

fielding and                  Games involving two teams playing against each other with a method
striking games                of scoring that does not involve attacking a goal or target, for example
                              softball, cricket, rounders.

flexibility                   The range of movements that can be achieved at a single joint or series
                              of joints. Whole-body stretches and stretches for the main muscle
                              groups can be introduced.

forward roll                  A movement in which the student rolls head over heels, in a forward
                              direction, along the floor or on apparatus and ends up with their feet
                              on the floor to stand up.

game(s)                       A form of non-competitive or competitive activity played according to
                              rules but not recognized as a sport.

7.4                                                       PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
Glossary of PYP physical education terms

gross motor skills                    Movements, voluntarily controlled by the student, that involve
                                      travelling or coordination of limbs (jumping, climbing, riding a
                                      bicycle) rather than fine motor skills that may include holding small
                                      tools (writing, using scissors). See also locomotor skills.

half-turn jump                        A jump where the landing position is at 180° to the starting position.

handstand                             A balance taking body weight on the hands with the legs in the air.

headstand                             A balance taking body weight on the head (supported by the hands in a
                                      triangle formation) with the legs in the air.

invasion games                        Games involving a team working together to attack a goal or target
                                      that is defended by another team, for example soccer, hockey, rugby,

lead-up games                         Activities that introduce and reinforce specific skills or skill sets in order
                                      to prepare the participant progressively to take an active part in more
                                      complex games or sports.

PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003                                                         7.5
Glossary of PYP physical education terms

locomotor skills              Activities used to travel from one place to another or to project the
                              body upward, for example jumping, hopping, walking, running,
                              skipping, leaping, sliding and galloping.

manipulation                  Demonstration of body control or effective handling of equipment, for
                              example throwing, catching, kicking, dribbling or striking.

manipulative skills           Skills that involve handling some kind of object. Most of these skills
                              involve the hands and feet but other parts of the body can also be used.
                              They help develop manual dexterity, hand–eye and foot–eye coordination.

narrative form (dance)        A dance or piece of music that has an unfolding story or idea.

net games                     Games in which two teams are separated by a net.

non-locomotor skills          Activities that involve movement without travelling, for example
                              bending, stretching, twisting, moving body parts or balancing. See also

pathway                       A sequence of changes in movements that constitutes a progression, for
                              example straight, curved, circular and zig-zag.

pattern                       See sequence.

pike jump                     A jump where the body bends at the waist then straightens with both
                              legs together lifted at a right angle to the body.

pin jump                      A jump with the arms and legs kept together and straight to the body.

rhythmic responses            A physical reaction to a rhythm, often a musical rhythm.

round off                     A cartwheel, a quarter turn and a landing with feet together, showing
                              flight in the second phase.

7.6                                                       PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
Glossary of PYP physical education terms

sequence (pattern)                    A sequence of movements linked together including a starting
                                      position, and a clear and controlled finishing position.

shoulder stand                        A balance that starts from a lying position, lifting the legs and lower
                                      body above the head supported by the shoulders and arms.

spatial awareness                     An awareness of personal and general space, directions and pathways.

sport(s)                              A competitive activity involving physical effort and skill in which an
                                      individual or team competes against another or others. These activities
                                      are generally recognized on a national scale and are often part of
                                      international competitions.

stability                             When the body remains steady but moves around a horizontal or vertical
                                      axis, for example bending, stretching, twisting, turning, rolling,

star jump                             A jump with the arms and legs spread wide like a star.

straddle jump                         A pike jump where the legs are spread wide apart.

PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003                                                  7.7
Glossary of PYP physical education terms

strength                      The maximum force a muscle can exert against a resistance, for
                              example lifting a weight or hitting a ball.

symmetry                      When one side of the body assumes the same shape as the other side.
                              See also asymmetry.

tag games                     A game that involves chasing and running away. Some participants
                              chase the others in an attempt to touch or “capture” them. The others run
                              away so as to avoid being touched.

target games                  Games where points are scored by individuals aiming at and hitting a
                              target, for example golf, archery, bowling.

technique                     The pattern of movement that is technically sound and exists as an
                              integral part of the skill.

ternary form (dance)          A dance or piece of music constructed in three sections where the third
                              section is the same as, or a variation of, the firstA B A.

tuck jump                     A jump with the knees tucked up into the chest.

warm-up and                   Preparation for, or recovery from, strenuous physical effort by doing
warm-down sessions            gentle stretches and exercises.

                            Illustrations courtesy of British Gymnastics

7.8                                                       PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
Recommended resources
Teachers involved in developing the physical education scope and sequence have suggested the
following resources.

British Gymnastics Proficiency Award Scheme (for children 5 years and above).

Colvin AV, Egner Markos NJ and Walker PJ. 2000. Teaching the Nuts and Bolts of Physical
Education: Building Basic Movement Skills. Human Kinetics.

Hall J. 1997. Dance for Infants. A&C Black. (Also available in the Leapfrogs series: Games for
Infants, Gymnastic Activities for Infants and Primary Physical Education Handbook.)

Harris J and Elbourn J. 1997. Teaching Health-Related Exercise at Key Stages 1 and 2. Human

Heath W, Gregory C, Money J, Peat G, Smith J and Stratton G. 1998. Blueprints - Physical Education
Key Stage 2 Scotland P4-P7 Teacher’s Resource Book Second Edition. Level: KS2 (Y3-Y6) (P4-P7)
(Age 7-11 yrs). Nelson Thornes.

Heath W, Gregory C, Money J, Peat G, Smith J, Stratton G and Bishop D. 1998. Blueprints - Physical
Education Key Stage 1 Scotland P1-P3 Teacher's Resource Book Second Edition. Level: KS1 (R-Y2)
(P1-P3) (Age 4-7 yrs). Nelson Thornes.

Hopple CJ. 1995. Teaching for Outcomes in Elementary Physical Education: A Guide for Curriculum
and Assessment. Human Kinetics.

Landy JM and Landy MJ. 1992. Ready-To-Use P.E. Activities for Grades K-2. (Series continues:
Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-9 etc.) Parker Publishing.

Manners HK and Carroll ME. 1995. A Framework for Physical Education in the Early Years. Falmer Press.

Orlick T. 1978. The Cooperative Sports & Games Book: Challenge Without Competition. Pantheon

Purcell Cone T, Werner P, Cone SL and Mays Woods A. 1998. Interdisciplinary Teaching Through
Physical Education. Human Kinetics.

Sanders SW. 2002. Active for Life: Developmentally Appropriate Movement Programs for Young
Children. NAEYC Publications.

Web sites

PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003                                          7.9
Physical education (PE) scope and sequence overview

     Strand             By the end of this age range, children aged 3−5 will:                 By the end of this age range, students aged 5−7 will:                   By the end of this age range, students aged 7−9 will:                 By the end of this age range, students aged 9−12 will:

 Body control       • develop spatial awareness                                             • develop an awareness of space, direction and levels in relation to    • At this age, body control and spatial awareness activities will      • At this age, body control and spatial awareness activities will
 and spatial        • develop gross motor skills                                              others and to their working environment                                 be incorporated into other PE content areas.                           be incorporated into other PE content areas.
 awareness          • develop creative skills through movement.                             • travel in different ways, changing speed and direction with control
                                                                                            • handle different apparatus and small equipment using various
                                                                                              body parts (manipulative skills)
                                                                                            • hold their body weight using various body parts as bases
                                                                                              (balance and stability).

 Adventure          • explore and develop the ability to solve tasks individually           • solve challenging problems, individually, in pairs or in small        • solve challenging problems, individually, in pairs or in small       • solve challenging problems, individually, in pairs or in groups
 challenge          • explore and develop the ability to solve tasks in pairs or in small     groups                                                                  groups                                                               • participate in group activities to accomplish a common goal.
                      groups.                                                               • solve challenges with or without apparatus                            • solve challenges with or without apparatus
                                                                                            • participate in small group activities to accomplish a common goal.    • participate in group activities to accomplish a common goal.

 Athletics          • At this age, athletics (jumping, throwing and running events)         • At this age, athletics (jumping, throwing and running events)         • develop the basic techniques of jumping, throwing and running        • practise specific techniques for jumping, throwing and running
                      should be introduced through the other PE content areas.                should be introduced through the other PE content areas.                events                                                                 events
                                                                                                                                                                    • learn and apply the basic rules of athletic events                   • learn and apply the rules of various events
                                                                                                                                                                    • be introduced to collecting and recording results                    • learn how to collect and record results
                                                                                                                                                                    • understand and apply the basic safety rules in athletic events.      • understand and apply the safety rules in these events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • evaluate their athletic performance and understand how they can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             improve their performance.

 Movement           • explore locomotor skills (including travelling, changing direction,   • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills in order to develop        • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills in order to improve       • demonstrate controlled combinations of movement, changing
 to music             altering pathways, and transferring weight) using music as a            rhythmic responses                                                      rhythmic responses                                                     speed and direction
                      stimulus                                                              • respond through movement to a range of stimuli                        • respond through movement to a range of stimuli                       • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills in order to refine
                    • explore non-locomotor skills using music as a stimulus                • express feelings and moods using imagination and original ideas       • express feelings and moods using imagination and original ideas        rhythmic responses
                    • use imagination and original ideas to respond to a range of           • create simple individual movement sequences                           • create simple movement sequences                                     • respond through movement to a range of stimuli
                      stimuli to express feelings and moods                                 • master a dance containing basic step patterns, which has a            • master a dance containing basic step patterns with a partner or in   • express feelings and moods using imagination and original ideas
                    • be introduced to short sequences using basic step patterns.             beginning, middle and end.                                              small groups                                                         • create more complex movement sequences
                                                                                                                                                                    • begin to master dances with more complex step patterns.              • be exposed to a range of dances containing more complex step
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • master dances containing complex step patterns with partners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and in small groups
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • begin to recognize techniques and forms of dance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • be aware of the different purposes and types of dance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • appreciate the dances of different countries and cultures.

 Games              •   explore coordination, manipulation and balance                      • develop coordination, manipulation and balance                        • develop coordination, manipulation, balance and spatial awareness    • develop coordination, manipulation, balance and spatial awareness
                    •   travel in different ways maintaining body control                   • travel in different ways, changing speed and direction while          • participate in activities that develop spatial awareness and         • participate in activities that refine locomotor skills
                    •   change speed and direction of movement maintaining body control       maintaining body control                                                locomotor skills                                                     • become competent in handling different apparatus and small
                    •   handle small equipment using various body parts                     • explore different apparatus and small equipment using various         • handle different apparatus and small equipment using various           equipment
                    •   participate in, and follow instructions for, simple games             body parts                                                              body parts                                                           • participate in lead-up games
                        requiring little or no equipment.                                   • participate in, and follow instructions for, simple games             • participate in simple lead-up games                                  • participate in scaled-down or adapted versions of the recognized
                                                                                              requiring little or no equipment.                                     • begin to develop their own games and related activities.               sports, for example invasion games, fielding and striking games,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             net games and target games
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • develop their own innovative games and related activities.

 Gymnastics         • learn a variety of movements to form a basic movement                 • develop the traditional gymnastic skills, involving physical          • combine simple movements to create short sequences                   • combine movements to create sequences
                      vocabulary, for example jump, hop, slide, rock                          agility, flexibility, strength and coordination                       • improve the traditional gymnastic skills, involving physical         • refine the traditional gymnastic skills, involving physical agility,
                    • explore different ways of moving on the floor and on apparatus        • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at            agility, flexibility, strength and coordination                        flexibility, strength and coordination
                    • create small movement patterns                                          their own level, on the floor                                         • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at         • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at
                    • hold their body weight in stillness using various body parts as       • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at            their own level, on the floor                                          their own level, on the floor
                      bases                                                                   their own level, using apparatus                                      • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at         • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at
                    • be introduced to one or two basic skills, for example a pin jump      • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills while using small            their own level, using apparatus                                       their own level, using apparatus
                    • explore different ways of moving with small equipment.                  equipment.                                                            • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills while using small         • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills while manipulating
                                                                                                                                                                      equipment.                                                             small equipment.

 Health-            • be aware of some of the elements of a healthy lifestyle (rest,        • recognize the elements and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle        • identify and recognize the elements and the benefits of a healthy    • identify and recognize the elements of a healthy lifestyle (rest,
 related              well-balanced nutrition, exercise etc)                                  (rest, well-balanced nutrition, exercise etc)                           lifestyle (rest, well-balanced nutrition, exercise etc)                well-balanced nutrition, exercise etc)
 activities         • be aware that it is important to be physically active                 • become aware of the importance of physical activities in daily life   • be aware of the importance of physical activity in daily life        • identify and recognize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle
                    • recognize some basic changes that occur to their bodies when          • recognize basic changes that occur to their bodies when exercising    • recognize the physical changes that occur to their bodies when       • be aware of the importance of physical activity in daily life
                      exercising                                                            • demonstrate safety when exercising.                                     exercising                                                           • recognize the physical changes that occur to their bodies when
                    • be made aware of safety aspects when exercising.                                                                                              • demonstrate safety when exercising.                                    exercising
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • demonstrate and apply safety when exercising.

PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7.11
Subject: physical education                                   Age range: 3–5 years                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 4

    Overall expectations
    Physical education (PE) offers children the opportunity to explore the capabilities of their bodies and the variety of ways in which they are able to use their bodies to solve simple problems,
    tackle appropriate physical challenges, manipulate equipment or apparatus, and express themselves in a range of situations. Children will be exposed to a number of activities that will develop
    gross motor skills that may later be applied in various sports. Children will become aware of safe behaviour practices when engaging in physical activities, recognize the importance of fair play,
    cooperative behaviours and the ability to function as part of a group. Children will be introduced to some of the ways exercise affects their bodies.
    Children will have the opportunity to identify and reflect upon “big ideas” by making connections between the questions asked and the concepts that drive the inquiry. They will become aware
    of the relevance these concepts have to all of their learning.
    For the purpose of this scope and sequence, the strands have been grouped as follows (adapted from Fig 13 Making the PYP happen): body control and spatial awareness, adventure
    challenge, athletics, movement to music, games, gymnastics and health-related activities.

*See glossary for explanation of italicized terms.

             Content                                 What do we want children to learn?                         How best will children              How will we know what                  Notes for teachers
                                                                                                                      learn?                        children have learned?

                                           Specific expectations               Sample questions                    Sample activities                  Sample assessments               Resources and comments

                                       The specific expectations may be     Questions that address the key   All activities encompass some, or     Assessments should be directly       Teachers should find ways to
                                          addressed in any order or       concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP     many, of the specific expectations        related to the specific         ensure EAL learners understand
                                                 combination.              happen) challenge learners and        and transdisciplinary skills     expectations. Children should be         tasks and expectations.
                                                                           promote genuine understanding.    (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen).          given the opportunity to
                                                                           Sample questions can be linked                                         demonstrate their understanding
                                                                          to a key concept. Some examples                                               in a variety of ways.
                                                                               are noted below in bold.

 Body control and spatial
 awareness                             Children will:
 This strand focuses on
 exploring the human body’s            • develop spatial awareness        How can you make sure you          Children imagine their feet are      Children can cover the floor        Warm-up and warm-down
 capacity for movement, and                                               have enough space around you       covered in paint. They run           space effectively, using all        sessions should be part of
 how to move around, and in-                                              to move wherever you want?         around the room “covering”           areas but avoiding contact          every class. These exercises
 between, objects and other                                               responsibility                     the floor with paint, making         with others.                        prepare muscles properly for
 individuals safely.                                                                                         sure they do not paint each                                              physical activity and ultimately
                                                                                                             other.                                                                   prevent injury.

                                                                                                             Children run around the gym          Children can change direction       The unit of inquiry “Who am
                                                                                                             and on a signal they change          without bumping into each           I?” in the Sample programme
                                                                                                             direction.                           other.                              of inquiry 2003 has many
                                                                                                                                                                                      opportunities to include PE.

                                       • develop gross motor skills       How many different ways can        Children move around the             Children can show different
                                                                          you move around the gym            gym in various ways with their       ways of moving with their
                                                                          using your hands and feet?         hands and feet touching the          hands and feet touching the
                                                                                                             floor.                               floor.

                                       • develop creative skills          How can you show the parts         The teacher selects a well-          Children can improvise              Little Red Riding Hood
                                         through movement.                of the story using actions?        known story and children have        appropriately using their body      Children skip through the
                                                                                                             to “act out” the story as it is      movements and facial                forest on the way to Grandma’s
                                                                                                             retold.                              expressions to demonstrate the      house, creep along being the
                                                                                                                                                  story.                              wolf, jump up out of bed to
                                                                                                                                                                                      catch Little Red Riding Hood,
                                                                                                                                                                                      chop the wolf with an axe and
                                                                                                                                                                                      run all the way home at the
                                                                                                                                                                                      end of the story.

 Adventure challenge                   Children will:
 This strand enables the
 children to explore and               • explore and develop the          How can you get to the other       Children choose from various         Children can improvise, use
 develop problem-solving                 ability to solve tasks           side of the gym without            materials and find their own         their imagination and choose
 skills.                                 individually                     touching the gym floor?            way to the other side of the         suitable materials to get to the
                                                                          function                           gym, trying not to touch the         other side of the gym.

                                       • explore and develop the          How can you rearrange the          In small groups, children            Children can work cooperatively
                                         ability to solve tasks in        order you are standing in?         arrange themselves in a line         to rearrange their order on the
                                         pairs or in small groups.        function                           on a bench. They try and             bench.
                                                                                                             rearrange their order without
                                                                                                             stepping off. Teacher gradually
                                                                                                             increases the number of
                                                                                                             children in the line.

 At this age, athletics (jumping,                                                                                                                                                     Children should be exposed
 throwing and running events)                                                                                                                                                         to a wide variety of age-
 should be introduced through                                                                                                                                                         appropriate athletic activities.
 the other PE content areas.

                                                                                                                                                                   PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
Subject: physical education                              Age range: 3–5 years                                                                                                                     Page 2 of 4

           Content                             What do we want children to learn?                           How best will children              How will we know what                   Notes for teachers
                                                                                                                  learn?                        children have learned?

                                      Specific expectations                Sample questions                    Sample activities                  Sample assessments                Resources and comments

                                  The specific expectations may be     Questions that address the key    All activities encompass some, or     Assessments should be directly       Teachers should find ways to
                                     addressed in any order or       concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP      many, of the specific expectations        related to the specific         ensure EAL learners understand
                                            combination.              happen) challenge learners and         and transdisciplinary skills     expectations. Children should be         tasks and expectations.
                                                                      promote genuine understanding.     (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen).          given the opportunity to
                                                                      Sample questions can be linked                                          demonstrate their understanding
                                                                     to a key concept. Some examples                                                in a variety of ways.
                                                                          are noted below in bold.

Movement to music                 Children will:
This strand concerns learning
to move the body in a variety     • explore locomotor skills         Can you move your whole             Children listen to the music         Children can recognize the          See also Music scope and
of ways in response to              (including travelling,           body in time to the music?          and every time they hear the         right moment to jump.               sequence.
different tasks and stimuli. It     changing direction, altering                                         drum they do any kind of jump.
can be a response to music,         pathways, and transferring                                                                                                                    Choose a piece of music with
sounds or situations. It also       weight) using music as a         Can you show me different           Play a variety of styles of          Children can respond to             clear sounds. Try to use
involves awareness of the           stimulus                         ways of moving to these             music to which children              different musical sounds in a       different musical instruments.
position of the body in                                              pieces of music?                    respond.                             variety of ways, for example by
relation to oneself and to                                                                                                                    marching, floating and sliding.     Allow all the children the
others. The body can be used                                                                                                                                                      opportunity to make a rhythm
to convey a feeling, mood,                                                                               One or two children are given        Children can respond to the         using drums, triangles, shakers
attitude or to express an                                                                                different instruments and            rhythms created by their            etc. This activity can also be used
emotion.                                                                                                 make a simple rhythm. The            peers. They may march to the        for non-locomotor skills with
                                                                                                         other children move their            drum or shake to the maracas.       various body parts being moved
                                                                                                         bodies in time to the sounds.                                            in response to the rhythms.

                                  • explore non-locomotor            How can you move different          Children use their imagination       Children can demonstrate a
                                    skills using music as a          parts of your body in time to       to show how they can move            movement with a body part in
                                    stimulus                         the music?                          different parts of the body          time with the music or sections
                                                                                                         while listening to the music.        of the music.

                                  • use imagination and original     Who can move and show me            Children use their imagination       Children can demonstrate            Use different kinds of music
                                    ideas to respond to a range      that they are happy?                to show that they are happy in       being happy using movement          and let children find the right
                                    of stimuli to express feelings   connection                          response to a piece of music.        and facial expressions.             music to match their feelings
                                    and moods                                                                                                                                     and moods.

                                  • be introduced to short           What different ways can you         Children step, run, skip, gallop     Children can change direction
                                    sequences using basic step       move using your feet when           and march around the space.          and speed without bumping
                                    patterns.                        listening to the tambourine?        They change direction and            into each other when listening
                                                                                                         speed following the beat of the      to the beat of the tambourine.

Games                             Children will:
This strand explores the
sequential development of         • explore coordination,            Can you find a way to get the       Children take a ball and try to      Children can get the ball to        The unit “Who am I?” in the
children’s competence,              manipulation and balance         ball to the other side of the       get to the other side of the         the other side of the gym,          Sample programme of inquiry
confidence, success and                                              gym, without it touching            gym, around a number of              using a variety of skills.          2003 includes many
enjoyment of the basic skills                                        anything on the floor?              different obstacles, without                                             opportunities for children to
and techniques involved in a                                                                             the ball touching them.                                                  challenge themselves physically.
variety of games-related
activities. Children are                                             Which kind of balance               Children explore using different     Children can find their own         Make sure you set up a variety
exposed to opportunities to                                          equipment do you like to use        balance set-ups to find out what     limits using balance,               of balance equipment with
deal with the concepts of                                            best? perspective                   they like or can do best.            coordination and courage.           different surface heights and
cooperation and teamwork.                                                                                                                                                         widths.

                                  • travel in different ways         Who can move around the             Children find their own way          Children find the best way to       Always start with simple
                                    maintaining body control         gym on three different parts of     of moving using three body           move keeping control of their       games. For very young
                                                                     their body?                         parts.                               movements.                          children, omit any rules that
                                                                                                                                                                                  may cause them to be upset or
                                                                                                                                                                                  excluded from the game, for
                                  • change speed and direction       How can you avoid being             Children participate in simple       Children play simple tag            example being “out” or being
                                    of movement maintaining          caught when playing tag             tag games. They avoid being          games. They look for spaces         in a “hot pot”.
                                    body control                     games? function                     caught by running away from          to avoid being caught.
                                                                                                         the catcher(s).

                                  • handle small equipment           Can you throw this beanbag to       Children throw a beanbag to a        Children can throw the
                                    using various body parts         your friend or throw it through     partner or towards a target.         beanbag under-arm and over-
                                                                     the hoop?                                                                arm, towards the target, using
                                                                                                                                              high and low pathways.

                                                                     How can you make sure the           Children strike a stationary         Children can kick the ball with
                                                                     football goes where you want        object (such as a football or        the inside and outside part of
                                                                     it to go? function                  beanbag) with their foot. They       their foot.
                                                                                                         use the different sides of their
                                                                     Which side of your foot works       foot and find which method
                                                                     best to kick the ball? reflection   works best.

                                                                     Can you bounce this ball using      Children bounce a large ball         Children can control the ball
                                                                     only one hand? Can you try          as they travel. They develop         using their hands while
                                                                     the other hand?                     skills to bounce the ball using      travelling.
                                                                                                         alternate hands.

                                                                                                                                                               PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
Subject: physical education                              Age range: 3–5 years                                                                                                                     Page 3 of 4

           Content                            What do we want children to learn?                            How best will children              How will we know what                   Notes for teachers
                                                                                                                  learn?                        children have learned?

                                     Specific expectations                 Sample questions                    Sample activities                   Sample assessments               Resources and comments

                                  The specific expectations may be     Questions that address the key    All activities encompass some, or     Assessments should be directly       Teachers should find ways to
                                     addressed in any order or        concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP     many, of the specific expectations        related to the specific         ensure EAL learners understand
                                           combination.                happen) challenge learners and        and transdisciplinary skills     expectations. Children should be         tasks and expectations.
                                                                      promote genuine understanding.     (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen).          given the opportunity to
                                                                     Sample questions can be linked to                                        demonstrate their understanding
                                                                     a key concept. Some examples are                                               in a variety of ways.
                                                                            noted below in bold.

Games (cont.)                     Children will:

                                  • participate in, and follow       Can you play “Duck, duck,           “Duck, duck, goose”                  Children can play simple
                                    instructions for, simple         goose”?                             Children sit in a circle facing      games according to the basic
                                    games requiring little or no                                         inwards. One child walks around      rules.
                                    equipment.                                                           the outside patting each seated
                                                                                                         child’s head while calling out
                                                                                                         “duck”. When the caller shouts
                                                                                                         “goose” instead of “duck” the
                                                                                                         seated child has to race around
                                                                                                         the circle and return to their
                                                                                                         space before the caller. The
                                                                                                         child who arrives first remains
                                                                                                         in the circle and the second
                                                                                                         child becomes the caller.

Gymnastics                        Children will:
This strand introduces the
children to a variety of          • learn a variety of movements     Can you lie on your back and        Children lie on their backs and      Children can respond to basic       Safety is an essential element
gymnastic skills: on the floor,     to form a basic movement         push yourself along the floor?      experiment with different            commands and know the names         of gymnastics and should be
using small equipment and           vocabulary, for example                                              ways of moving.                      of various basic actions.           introduced and constantly
various apparatus. They             jump, hop, slide, rock                                                                                                                        reinforced.
explore basic gymnastic skills:                                      Can you find another way of         Children experiment with             Children show an awareness
body control, locomotor                                              sliding? form                       various ways of sliding using        of space, obstacles and other       Apparatus at this age range is
skills, non-locomotor skills,                                                                            different body parts.                people around them as they          likely to be limited to benches
balance and spatial                                                                                                                           move.                               and mats.
                                                                                                                                                                                  At this age, emphasis will be
                                  • explore different ways of        Can you slide on the apparatus?     Children experiment with             Children become confident           on exploration in gymnastics.
                                    moving on the floor and on                                           moving along and over a              with the exploration of the         However, specific skills and
                                    apparatus                                                            variety of apparatus on              apparatus.                          techniques can be gradually
                                                                                                         different body parts.                                                    introduced to improve and
                                                                                                                                                                                  refine skills.
                                                                     What shapes can you make            Children explore ways of
                                                                     yourself into? change               bending, stretching and twisting                                         A checklist of skills may be
                                                                                                         to be as large/small as possible                                         helpful to monitor progress.
                                                                                                         or forming shapes, for example                                           In this age range, appropriate
                                                                                                         a ball.                                                                  skills will include:
                                                                                                                                                                                  • forward roll
                                                                                                                                                                                  • pin jump
                                  • create small movement            Can your group make a little        Children plan and perform            Children can plan and perform       • shoulder stand
                                    patterns                         pattern using three different       simple patterns, linking             a short movement pattern, for       • star jump.
                                                                     movements and show this to          several actions together. They       example slide, roll, slide, roll.
                                                                     the rest of the class?              are invited to talk about what       They can explain how they
                                                                     connection                          they and others have done and        worked and make simple
                                                                                                         make simple judgments.               assessments of their own
                                                                                                                                              pattern and the patterns
                                                                                                         Children travel around the room      created by their peers.
                                                                                                         and on a designated signal they
                                                                                                         find a partner and make the same
                                                                                                         shape as each other (mirror).

                                  • hold their body weight in        Can you balance on four body        Children find the best way to        Children can demonstrate the
                                    stillness using various body     parts (and three, and two, and      balance on a certain number          best way to keep their balance.
                                    parts as bases                   one)?                               of body parts.

                                  • be introduced to one or two      Can you jump up into the air        Children stand on a chosen           Children can show good landing
                                    basic skills, for example a      like a rocket? form                 spot and do a big jump, bending      techniques after jumping. They
                                    pin jump                                                             their knees on landing.              are able to explain why they
                                                                                                                                              need to land like that.

                                  • explore different ways of        What patterns can you make          Children experiment with             Children explore and use their
                                    moving with small                with your ribbon?                   making figures and circles           imagination when working with
                                    equipment.                                                           with their ribbon.                   their chosen piece of equipment,
                                                                                                                                              for example ribbons and balls.
                                                                     How many different ways can         Children throw and catch             They demonstrate a variety of
                                                                     you throw a ball up in the air      different pieces of small            shapes and different ways to use
                                                                     and catch it again?                 equipment, individually and          their equipment.
                                                                                                         with a partner.

                                                                                                                                                               PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
Subject: physical education                               Age range: 3–5 years                                                                                                                     Page 4 of 4

           Content                              What do we want children to learn?                          How best will children              How will we know what                   Notes for teachers
                                                                                                                  learn?                        children have learned?

                                       Specific expectations               Sample questions                    Sample activities                   Sample assessments                Resources and comments

                                   The specific expectations may be     Questions that address the key   All activities encompass some, or     Assessments should be directly        Teachers should find ways to
                                      addressed in any order or       concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP     many, of the specific expectations        related to the specific          ensure EAL learners understand
                                            combination.               happen) challenge learners and        and transdisciplinary skills     expectations. Children should be          tasks and expectations.
                                                                       promote genuine understanding.    (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen).          given the opportunity to
                                                                       Sample questions can be linked                                         demonstrate their understanding
                                                                      to a key concept. Some examples                                               in a variety of ways.
                                                                           are noted below in bold.

Health-related activities          Children will:
This strand introduces the
importance of physical             • be aware of some of the          What can we do to keep             Talk with children about             Children can talk readily about      Teachers should acknowledge
activity and maintaining a           elements of a healthy            healthy? responsibility            keeping healthy and that this        their own ideas of what              that there are many factors
healthy lifestyle. Health-           lifestyle (rest, well-balanced                                      includes resting as well as          constitutes health and how           children are unable to control
related activities are relevant      nutrition, exercise etc)         Why is it important that we        exercising.                          their behaviour can affect their     that affect their health, for
for all other strands of PE.                                          sleep?                                                                  health.                              example time of going to bed,
Some teachers may cover                                                                                                                                                            meals served, whether or not
health-related issues as part of                                                                                                                                                   they walk to school etc.
their normal lessons; others       • be aware that it is important    Why is it good to be able to
may use specific lessons to          to be physically active          run fast? Or jump high? Or                                                                                   Children should experience a
promote understanding in a                                            throw far? reflection                                                                                        wide range of vigorous
more explicit way.                                                                                                                                                                 activities that use whole-body
                                                                      When can you be active?            Class discussions remind                                                  movements.
                                                                      When is it important you are       children of when it is and is not
                                                                      not so active?                     appropriate to be physically                                              Promote awareness in young
                                                                                                         active.                                                                   children by talking about the
                                                                                                                                                                                   effect physical activity has on
                                                                                                                                                                                   their bodies.
                                   • recognize some basic             What has changed when you          Before and after physical            Children can comment on the
                                     changes that occur to their      exercised? change                  activities ask children to           changes they notice in their         Ensure children have enough
                                     bodies when exercising                                              describe how they feel and           bodies during physical activity,     time to recover between
                                                                      Why do you think it has            what they can tell you about         for example “I am hot”, “I feel      energetic physical activities.
                                                                      changed? causation                 their bodies.                        sweaty”, “Your cheeks are red”
                                                                                                                                              or “My legs are tired doing this”.
                                                                      What has stayed the same?                                               The teacher could note down
                                                                                                                                              observations as they are spoken.

                                   • be made aware of safety          What can we do to help us          Children run, skip and slide         Children can stop on the             Safety precautions cannot
                                     aspects when exercising.         stay safe? responsibility          around the room and stop on a        appropriate signal and are aware     remove all risks but should
                                                                                                         signal from the teacher, for         of the reasons for following         eliminate unnecessary hazards.
                                                                      Why is it important to wear        example clapping hands,              instructions straight away.
                                                                      the right kind of clothes when     banging a tambourine, or                                                  The unit of inquiry “What
                                                                      we are exercising?                 lifting hands in the air.                                                 clothes do we wear?” in the
                                                                                                                                                                                   Sample programme of inquiry
                                                                      What must you be careful of                                                                                  2003, provides an opportunity
                                                                      when running around the gym?                                                                                 to discuss the importance of
                                                                      reflection                                                                                                   appropriate clothing in PE.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Model safe practices when
                                                                                                                                                                                   working with children, for
                                                                                                                                                                                   example tidiness of equipment.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Simple rules about appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                                   behaviour during PE need to
                                                                                                                                                                                   be established and maintained.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Teach skills that will keep
                                                                                                                                                                                   children safe:
                                                                                                                                                                                   • responding straight away to
                                                                                                                                                                                     signals from the teacher
                                                                                                                                                                                   • maintaining appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                                     noise levels
                                                                                                                                                                                   • handling large and small
                                                                                                                                                                                     equipment safely
                                                                                                                                                                                   • watching out for others
                                                                                                                                                                                   • maintaining good posture
                                                                                                                                                                                   • wearing suitable clothing
                                                                                                                                                                                     and footwear
                                                                                                                                                                                   • lifting and climbing safely
                                                                                                                                                                                   • jumping and landing
                                                                                                                                                                                   • warming up and warming
                                                                                                                                                                                     down before and after

                                                                                                                                                                PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
Subject: physical education                                   Age range: 5–7 years                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 5

    Overall expectations
    Physical education (PE) offers students the opportunity to discover the capabilities of their bodies and the variety of ways in which they are able to use their bodies to solve problems, address
    physical challenges, function as part of a group, manipulate equipment or apparatus, and express themselves in a range of situations. Students will be exposed to a number of activities that will
    develop gross motor skills that may later be applied in various sports. They will become aware of a number of positive leisure time pursuits. Students will develop skills that they may apply in a
    variety of contexts within and beyond the school setting. These skills include the use of proper safety precautions when engaging in physical activities, recognition of the importance of fair play,
    use of cooperative behaviours and the ability to function as part of a group or team. Students will be introduced to a healthy and active lifestyle and the ways exercise affects their bodies and
    overall fitness or well-being.
    Students will have the opportunity to identify and reflect upon “big ideas” by making connections between the questions asked and the concepts that drive the inquiry. They will become aware
    of the relevance these concepts have to all of their learning.
    For the purpose of this scope and sequence, the strands have been grouped as follows (adapted from Fig 13 Making the PYP happen): body control and spatial awareness, adventure
    challenge, athletics, movement to music, games, gymnastics and health-related activities.

*See glossary for explanation of italicized terms.

             Content                                 What do we want students to learn?                         How best will students              How will we know what                  Notes for teachers
                                                                                                                      learn?                        students have learned?

                                           Specific expectations               Sample questions                    Sample activities                  Sample assessments               Resources and comments

                                       The specific expectations may be     Questions that address the key   All activities encompass some, or     Assessments should be directly      Teachers should find ways to
                                          addressed in any order or       concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP     many, of the specific expectations        related to the specific        ensure EAL learners understand
                                                combination.               happen) challenge learners and       and transdisciplinary skills      expectations. Students should be        tasks and expectations.
                                                                           promote genuine understanding.    (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen).          given the opportunity to
                                                                           Sample questions can be linked                                         demonstrate their understanding
                                                                          to a key concept. Some examples                                               in a variety of ways.
                                                                               are noted below in bold.

 Body control and spatial
 awareness                             Students will:
 This strand explores and
 develops the gross motor              • develop an awareness of          How can you move around            Working in pairs, one leads          Students can move safely           Warm-up and warm-down
 skills that are the foundation          space, direction and levels      the space safely? form,            and one follows the leader           following somebody without         sessions should be part of
 of all physical activities. It          in relation to others and to     responsibility                     closely without touching the         touching the front person or       every class. These exercises
 also promotes awareness of              their working environment                                           leader or anybody else.              anybody else.                      prepare muscles properly for
 the position of objects and/or                                           Can you follow your partner                                                                                physical activity and
 people in relation to oneself                                            closely without touching                                                                                   ultimately prevent injury.
 and to each other, working                                               him/her or anybody else?
 individually or in small                                                                                                                                                            The unit of inquiry “Let’s play”
 groups.                                                                  How can you find a space of                                                                                in the Sample programme of
                                                                          your own? function                                                                                         inquiry 2003 has many
                                                                                                                                                                                     opportunities to include PE.
                                                                          How can you move at different      Students move at different           Students can move at different
                                                                          levels (low, medium and high)?     levels, for example close to         levels with smooth linking         The teacher can develop
                                                                                                             the ground, along apparatus.         actions.                           simple rubrics for students
                                                                                                                                                                                     initially. As students become
                                                                                                                                                                                     more adept at using them, they
                                       • travel in different ways,        What do you need to do to          Students use a simple                Students can use the assessment    can also begin to look for
                                         changing speed and               stop quickly?                      assessment sheet/rubric to           sheet to mark off the different    changes of direction and
                                         direction with control                                              watch and assess their partner.      ways of moving that they see.      speed including stopping.
                                                                                                             The sheet requires the student
                                                                                                             to mark off when they see
                                                                                                             their partner moving in
                                                                                                             different ways, for example
                                                                                                             walking, jogging, hopping,
                                                                                                             jumping, sliding, leaping,
                                                                                                             skipping and galloping.

                                       • handle different apparatus       What different movements           Students balance a beanbag on        Students are able to show
                                         and small equipment using        can you make while balancing       their head and try out various       various movements without
                                         various body parts               a beanbag on your head?            movements without dropping           dropping the beanbag.
                                         (manipulative skills)                                               the beanbag.

                                       • hold their body weight           What different shapes can you      Students make their bodies           Students can make shapes
                                         using various body parts         make on the floor using your       into a letter shape, number          which the teacher is able to
                                         as bases (balance and            body? form                         shape or geometric shape,            recognize.
                                         stability).                                                         either individually or in small

                                                                                                             Roll the dice                        Students can hold their body
                                                                                                             Make a large dice with               weight in a steady balance
                                                                                                             different body parts on each         using the various body parts
                                                                                                             face. Roll the dice and the          shown on the dice.
                                                                                                             students must balance on the
                                                                                                             body part shown.

                                                                                                                                                                   PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
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Pyp pe curriculum ibo

  • 1. k Primary Years Programme Physical education scope and sequence
  • 2. Primary Years Programme Physical education scope and sequence August 2003 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2003 Previously published as draft in 2000 Organisation du Baccalauréat International Route des Morillons 15 Grand-Saconnex, Genève CH-1218 SWITZERLAND
  • 3. Physical education inquiry To plan physical education (PE) inquiry, teachers must consider the following questions. • What do we want students to learn? • What do teachers need to learn about this topic? • How best will students learn? • How will we know what students have learned? What do we want students to learn? The PE scope and sequence framework identifies the major expectations considered essential in the Primary Years Programme (PYP). These expectations are arranged into seven strands: body control and spatial awareness, adventure challenge, athletics, movement to music, games, gymnastics and health-related activities. Body control and spatial awareness focuses on exploring the human body’s capacity for movement, and how to move around and in-between objects and other individuals safely. Adventure challenge challenges the students to solve problems collaboratively involving physical and critical thinking skills. Athletics exposes students to the three aspects of athletics: jumping, throwing and running events. It develops the different techniques for the individual events while striving to improve student performance. Movement to music is concerned with learning to move the body in a variety of ways in response to music, sounds or situations. It also involves awareness of the position of the body and how the body can be used to convey a feeling or emotion. Games sequentially develops the students’ competence, confidence, success and enjoyment of the advanced skills and concepts associated with games and sports. Gymnastics exposes the student to a variety of gymnastic skills: on the floor, using small equipment and various apparatus. Health-related activities develops an awareness of the importance of physical activity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Through PE, students are learning the “language” of physical movement, exploring the skills associated with different strands of PE. They learn to understand what they can and cannot do physically and become aware of their own strengths and weaknesses in this discipline. Physical activity is an essential aspect of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle and learning through PE helps to build self-esteem, confidence, cooperation and fitness. Through sporting activities, PE helps to build links with parents, the local community and beyond. It is often an area that is especially important for children with learning needs, including those who are learning English as an additional language (EAL), as they are able to participate fully in PE activities in a way they are not able to in other areas of the curriculum. “There are two unique features of PE. One is its physicality and therefore its transience and the other is that in many cases the child is able to perform better than the teacher! … In the classroom the child is struggling to make sense of the adult world, dominated by signs and symbols that he has ultimately to master. This is not the case in physical activities.” Manners HK and Carroll ME. 1995. A Framework for Physical Education in the Early Years. What do teachers need to learn about this topic? The PE scope and sequence document should be seen as a framework to demonstrate how a balanced PE programme could be put into practice in a school. We are aware that resources, staff numbers and expertise, facilities and scheduling issues all have an impact on the implementation of a PE curriculum. For this reason, the specific expectations in the document are very general. This allows teachers, both generalist and single-subject teachers, to develop, adapt or change the activities and the assessments to suit their individual circumstances. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.1
  • 4. Physical education inquiry Wherever possible and appropriate, links should be made with the school’s programme of inquiry. Examples of how the scope and sequence can link with the Sample programme of inquiry 2003 have been included. The direct teaching of PE in a unit of inquiry may not always be feasible due to timetabling commitments but, where appropriate, prior learning or follow-up activities may be useful to help students make connections between the different aspects of the curriculum. Teachers can use the eight key concepts and related questions (Figs 5 and 6 Making the PYP happen) to guide their own inquiry. Sample inquiry questions have been provided to show how this can be done. By engaging in inquiry themselves, teachers will not only achieve a deeper understanding of PE issues but will also be a model for their students by assuming the role of “teacher as learner”. Teachers’ knowledge and understanding of PE is of key importance, particularly in relation to safety issues, movement skills, the rules and techniques of physical activities and the resources available. A wide range of PE resources are available in every school in the form of parents who may be able to contribute expertise and information about national dances or international versions of games. How best will students learn? Students learn best when the activities they are given provide them with the motivation to achieve their personal goals. The activities should be varied and adjusted to the level of the students involved. Students need to be challenged to improve their PE skills but also need support and encouragement to see PE as part of a healthy and active lifestyle with connections to other areas of the curriculum and community. A range of physical activities, linked to a well-balanced lifestyle, may include further strands not covered in this document, for example swimming, winter sports, outdoor sports, and non- competitive activities: aerobics, yoga, circuit training. How will we know what students have learned? Assessment provides insights into students’ understanding, knowledge, skills and attitudes. These insights are necessary to plan further activities that address areas of concern to the teacher and the students. There should be ongoing formative assessments as well as summative assessments. Assessment activities should be carefully planned, and opportunities for students to self-assess using different methods should be included. Examples of assessments appropriate to the specific expectations are included in this document along with sample activities and key questions. The main strategy of assessment used in PE will be teacher observation of student performance, but student self-assessment will also give teachers an indication of how students feel about PE and their own performances, strengths and weaknesses. This opportunity to find out how students feel about PE can be important in recognizing and preventing negative attitudes. Record keeping should be simple and readily accessible to the teacher and the student. Teacher observations, rubrics and self-evaluations can be used as examples of significant development and could be included in the student’s portfolio. * See glossary for explanation of italicized terms. 7.2 PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
  • 5. Glossary of PYP physical education terms agility The ability to move or change position quickly and easily. asymmetry When one side of the body assumes a different shape from the other. See also symmetry. attacker The player who has the role of shooting for goals or points. backward roll A movement in which the student rolls head over heels, in a backward direction, along the floor or apparatus and ends up with their feet on the floor to stand up. balance The ability to hold a position in a moment of stillness without falling or wobbling. binary form (dance) A dance or piece of music that is made up of two contrasting sections A and B. body control An awareness of body shape, different parts of the body, and the balance and transfer of weight. body mass index A measurement of the ratio between the height and weight of a person. bridge A balance held on legs and hands/arms with body facing upwards also known as a crab or back bend. cardiovascular system This is formed of two main components—a muscular pump (the heart) and a network of blood vessels. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.3
  • 6. Glossary of PYP physical education terms cartwheel A rotation of the body through the horizontal axis with the arms and legs extended. coordination The combining of simple movements in proper sequence to make a smooth complex movement. defender The player who has the role of defending the goal or area from the attacker. dodging The method used to move away from an opponent either with or without the ball. dribbling The way of moving the ball, by bouncing or kicking it, for close control. EAL English as an additional language. fair play Respect for rules or equal treatment of all concerned. fielding and Games involving two teams playing against each other with a method striking games of scoring that does not involve attacking a goal or target, for example softball, cricket, rounders. flexibility The range of movements that can be achieved at a single joint or series of joints. Whole-body stretches and stretches for the main muscle groups can be introduced. forward roll A movement in which the student rolls head over heels, in a forward direction, along the floor or on apparatus and ends up with their feet on the floor to stand up. game(s) A form of non-competitive or competitive activity played according to rules but not recognized as a sport. 7.4 PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
  • 7. Glossary of PYP physical education terms gross motor skills Movements, voluntarily controlled by the student, that involve travelling or coordination of limbs (jumping, climbing, riding a bicycle) rather than fine motor skills that may include holding small tools (writing, using scissors). See also locomotor skills. half-turn jump A jump where the landing position is at 180° to the starting position. handstand A balance taking body weight on the hands with the legs in the air. headstand A balance taking body weight on the head (supported by the hands in a triangle formation) with the legs in the air. invasion games Games involving a team working together to attack a goal or target that is defended by another team, for example soccer, hockey, rugby, handball. lead-up games Activities that introduce and reinforce specific skills or skill sets in order to prepare the participant progressively to take an active part in more complex games or sports. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.5
  • 8. Glossary of PYP physical education terms locomotor skills Activities used to travel from one place to another or to project the body upward, for example jumping, hopping, walking, running, skipping, leaping, sliding and galloping. manipulation Demonstration of body control or effective handling of equipment, for example throwing, catching, kicking, dribbling or striking. manipulative skills Skills that involve handling some kind of object. Most of these skills involve the hands and feet but other parts of the body can also be used. They help develop manual dexterity, hand–eye and foot–eye coordination. narrative form (dance) A dance or piece of music that has an unfolding story or idea. net games Games in which two teams are separated by a net. non-locomotor skills Activities that involve movement without travelling, for example bending, stretching, twisting, moving body parts or balancing. See also stability. pathway A sequence of changes in movements that constitutes a progression, for example straight, curved, circular and zig-zag. pattern See sequence. pike jump A jump where the body bends at the waist then straightens with both legs together lifted at a right angle to the body. pin jump A jump with the arms and legs kept together and straight to the body. rhythmic responses A physical reaction to a rhythm, often a musical rhythm. round off A cartwheel, a quarter turn and a landing with feet together, showing flight in the second phase. 7.6 PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
  • 9. Glossary of PYP physical education terms sequence (pattern) A sequence of movements linked together including a starting position, and a clear and controlled finishing position. shoulder stand A balance that starts from a lying position, lifting the legs and lower body above the head supported by the shoulders and arms. spatial awareness An awareness of personal and general space, directions and pathways. sport(s) A competitive activity involving physical effort and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others. These activities are generally recognized on a national scale and are often part of international competitions. stability When the body remains steady but moves around a horizontal or vertical axis, for example bending, stretching, twisting, turning, rolling, balancing. star jump A jump with the arms and legs spread wide like a star. straddle jump A pike jump where the legs are spread wide apart. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.7
  • 10. Glossary of PYP physical education terms strength The maximum force a muscle can exert against a resistance, for example lifting a weight or hitting a ball. symmetry When one side of the body assumes the same shape as the other side. See also asymmetry. tag games A game that involves chasing and running away. Some participants chase the others in an attempt to touch or “capture” them. The others run away so as to avoid being touched. target games Games where points are scored by individuals aiming at and hitting a target, for example golf, archery, bowling. technique The pattern of movement that is technically sound and exists as an integral part of the skill. ternary form (dance) A dance or piece of music constructed in three sections where the third section is the same as, or a variation of, the firstA B A. tuck jump A jump with the knees tucked up into the chest. warm-up and Preparation for, or recovery from, strenuous physical effort by doing warm-down sessions gentle stretches and exercises. Illustrations courtesy of British Gymnastics 7.8 PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003
  • 11. Recommended resources Teachers involved in developing the physical education scope and sequence have suggested the following resources. British Gymnastics Proficiency Award Scheme (for children 5 years and above). Colvin AV, Egner Markos NJ and Walker PJ. 2000. Teaching the Nuts and Bolts of Physical Education: Building Basic Movement Skills. Human Kinetics. Hall J. 1997. Dance for Infants. A&C Black. (Also available in the Leapfrogs series: Games for Infants, Gymnastic Activities for Infants and Primary Physical Education Handbook.) Harris J and Elbourn J. 1997. Teaching Health-Related Exercise at Key Stages 1 and 2. Human Kinetics. Heath W, Gregory C, Money J, Peat G, Smith J and Stratton G. 1998. Blueprints - Physical Education Key Stage 2 Scotland P4-P7 Teacher’s Resource Book Second Edition. Level: KS2 (Y3-Y6) (P4-P7) (Age 7-11 yrs). Nelson Thornes. Heath W, Gregory C, Money J, Peat G, Smith J, Stratton G and Bishop D. 1998. Blueprints - Physical Education Key Stage 1 Scotland P1-P3 Teacher's Resource Book Second Edition. Level: KS1 (R-Y2) (P1-P3) (Age 4-7 yrs). Nelson Thornes. Hopple CJ. 1995. Teaching for Outcomes in Elementary Physical Education: A Guide for Curriculum and Assessment. Human Kinetics. Landy JM and Landy MJ. 1992. Ready-To-Use P.E. Activities for Grades K-2. (Series continues: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-9 etc.) Parker Publishing. Manners HK and Carroll ME. 1995. A Framework for Physical Education in the Early Years. Falmer Press. Orlick T. 1978. The Cooperative Sports & Games Book: Challenge Without Competition. Pantheon Books. Purcell Cone T, Werner P, Cone SL and Mays Woods A. 1998. Interdisciplinary Teaching Through Physical Education. Human Kinetics. Sanders SW. 2002. Active for Life: Developmentally Appropriate Movement Programs for Young Children. NAEYC Publications. Web sites PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.9
  • 12. Physical education (PE) scope and sequence overview Strand By the end of this age range, children aged 3−5 will: By the end of this age range, students aged 5−7 will: By the end of this age range, students aged 7−9 will: By the end of this age range, students aged 9−12 will: Body control • develop spatial awareness • develop an awareness of space, direction and levels in relation to • At this age, body control and spatial awareness activities will • At this age, body control and spatial awareness activities will and spatial • develop gross motor skills others and to their working environment be incorporated into other PE content areas. be incorporated into other PE content areas. awareness • develop creative skills through movement. • travel in different ways, changing speed and direction with control • handle different apparatus and small equipment using various body parts (manipulative skills) • hold their body weight using various body parts as bases (balance and stability). Adventure • explore and develop the ability to solve tasks individually • solve challenging problems, individually, in pairs or in small • solve challenging problems, individually, in pairs or in small • solve challenging problems, individually, in pairs or in groups challenge • explore and develop the ability to solve tasks in pairs or in small groups groups • participate in group activities to accomplish a common goal. groups. • solve challenges with or without apparatus • solve challenges with or without apparatus • participate in small group activities to accomplish a common goal. • participate in group activities to accomplish a common goal. Athletics • At this age, athletics (jumping, throwing and running events) • At this age, athletics (jumping, throwing and running events) • develop the basic techniques of jumping, throwing and running • practise specific techniques for jumping, throwing and running should be introduced through the other PE content areas. should be introduced through the other PE content areas. events events • learn and apply the basic rules of athletic events • learn and apply the rules of various events • be introduced to collecting and recording results • learn how to collect and record results • understand and apply the basic safety rules in athletic events. • understand and apply the safety rules in these events • evaluate their athletic performance and understand how they can improve their performance. Movement • explore locomotor skills (including travelling, changing direction, • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills in order to develop • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills in order to improve • demonstrate controlled combinations of movement, changing to music altering pathways, and transferring weight) using music as a rhythmic responses rhythmic responses speed and direction stimulus • respond through movement to a range of stimuli • respond through movement to a range of stimuli • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills in order to refine • explore non-locomotor skills using music as a stimulus • express feelings and moods using imagination and original ideas • express feelings and moods using imagination and original ideas rhythmic responses • use imagination and original ideas to respond to a range of • create simple individual movement sequences • create simple movement sequences • respond through movement to a range of stimuli stimuli to express feelings and moods • master a dance containing basic step patterns, which has a • master a dance containing basic step patterns with a partner or in • express feelings and moods using imagination and original ideas • be introduced to short sequences using basic step patterns. beginning, middle and end. small groups • create more complex movement sequences • begin to master dances with more complex step patterns. • be exposed to a range of dances containing more complex step patterns • master dances containing complex step patterns with partners and in small groups • begin to recognize techniques and forms of dance • be aware of the different purposes and types of dance • appreciate the dances of different countries and cultures. Games • explore coordination, manipulation and balance • develop coordination, manipulation and balance • develop coordination, manipulation, balance and spatial awareness • develop coordination, manipulation, balance and spatial awareness • travel in different ways maintaining body control • travel in different ways, changing speed and direction while • participate in activities that develop spatial awareness and • participate in activities that refine locomotor skills • change speed and direction of movement maintaining body control maintaining body control locomotor skills • become competent in handling different apparatus and small • handle small equipment using various body parts • explore different apparatus and small equipment using various • handle different apparatus and small equipment using various equipment • participate in, and follow instructions for, simple games body parts body parts • participate in lead-up games requiring little or no equipment. • participate in, and follow instructions for, simple games • participate in simple lead-up games • participate in scaled-down or adapted versions of the recognized requiring little or no equipment. • begin to develop their own games and related activities. sports, for example invasion games, fielding and striking games, net games and target games • develop their own innovative games and related activities. Gymnastics • learn a variety of movements to form a basic movement • develop the traditional gymnastic skills, involving physical • combine simple movements to create short sequences • combine movements to create sequences vocabulary, for example jump, hop, slide, rock agility, flexibility, strength and coordination • improve the traditional gymnastic skills, involving physical • refine the traditional gymnastic skills, involving physical agility, • explore different ways of moving on the floor and on apparatus • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at agility, flexibility, strength and coordination flexibility, strength and coordination • create small movement patterns their own level, on the floor • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at • hold their body weight in stillness using various body parts as • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at their own level, on the floor their own level, on the floor bases their own level, using apparatus • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at • interpret and answer movement tasks in their own way, and at • be introduced to one or two basic skills, for example a pin jump • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills while using small their own level, using apparatus their own level, using apparatus • explore different ways of moving with small equipment. equipment. • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills while using small • combine locomotor and non-locomotor skills while manipulating equipment. small equipment. Health- • be aware of some of the elements of a healthy lifestyle (rest, • recognize the elements and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle • identify and recognize the elements and the benefits of a healthy • identify and recognize the elements of a healthy lifestyle (rest, related well-balanced nutrition, exercise etc) (rest, well-balanced nutrition, exercise etc) lifestyle (rest, well-balanced nutrition, exercise etc) well-balanced nutrition, exercise etc) activities • be aware that it is important to be physically active • become aware of the importance of physical activities in daily life • be aware of the importance of physical activity in daily life • identify and recognize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle • recognize some basic changes that occur to their bodies when • recognize basic changes that occur to their bodies when exercising • recognize the physical changes that occur to their bodies when • be aware of the importance of physical activity in daily life exercising • demonstrate safety when exercising. exercising • recognize the physical changes that occur to their bodies when • be made aware of safety aspects when exercising. • demonstrate safety when exercising. exercising • demonstrate and apply safety when exercising. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.11
  • 13. Subject: physical education Age range: 3–5 years Page 1 of 4 Overall expectations Physical education (PE) offers children the opportunity to explore the capabilities of their bodies and the variety of ways in which they are able to use their bodies to solve simple problems, tackle appropriate physical challenges, manipulate equipment or apparatus, and express themselves in a range of situations. Children will be exposed to a number of activities that will develop gross motor skills that may later be applied in various sports. Children will become aware of safe behaviour practices when engaging in physical activities, recognize the importance of fair play, cooperative behaviours and the ability to function as part of a group. Children will be introduced to some of the ways exercise affects their bodies. Children will have the opportunity to identify and reflect upon “big ideas” by making connections between the questions asked and the concepts that drive the inquiry. They will become aware of the relevance these concepts have to all of their learning. For the purpose of this scope and sequence, the strands have been grouped as follows (adapted from Fig 13 Making the PYP happen): body control and spatial awareness, adventure challenge, athletics, movement to music, games, gymnastics and health-related activities. *See glossary for explanation of italicized terms. Content What do we want children to learn? How best will children How will we know what Notes for teachers learn? children have learned? Specific expectations Sample questions Sample activities Sample assessments Resources and comments The specific expectations may be Questions that address the key All activities encompass some, or Assessments should be directly Teachers should find ways to addressed in any order or concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP many, of the specific expectations related to the specific ensure EAL learners understand combination. happen) challenge learners and and transdisciplinary skills expectations. Children should be tasks and expectations. promote genuine understanding. (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen). given the opportunity to Sample questions can be linked demonstrate their understanding to a key concept. Some examples in a variety of ways. are noted below in bold. Body control and spatial awareness Children will: This strand focuses on exploring the human body’s • develop spatial awareness How can you make sure you Children imagine their feet are Children can cover the floor Warm-up and warm-down capacity for movement, and have enough space around you covered in paint. They run space effectively, using all sessions should be part of how to move around, and in- to move wherever you want? around the room “covering” areas but avoiding contact every class. These exercises between, objects and other responsibility the floor with paint, making with others. prepare muscles properly for individuals safely. sure they do not paint each physical activity and ultimately other. prevent injury. Children run around the gym Children can change direction The unit of inquiry “Who am and on a signal they change without bumping into each I?” in the Sample programme direction. other. of inquiry 2003 has many opportunities to include PE. • develop gross motor skills How many different ways can Children move around the Children can show different you move around the gym gym in various ways with their ways of moving with their using your hands and feet? hands and feet touching the hands and feet touching the floor. floor. • develop creative skills How can you show the parts The teacher selects a well- Children can improvise Little Red Riding Hood through movement. of the story using actions? known story and children have appropriately using their body Children skip through the to “act out” the story as it is movements and facial forest on the way to Grandma’s retold. expressions to demonstrate the house, creep along being the story. wolf, jump up out of bed to catch Little Red Riding Hood, chop the wolf with an axe and run all the way home at the end of the story. Adventure challenge Children will: This strand enables the children to explore and • explore and develop the How can you get to the other Children choose from various Children can improvise, use develop problem-solving ability to solve tasks side of the gym without materials and find their own their imagination and choose skills. individually touching the gym floor? way to the other side of the suitable materials to get to the function gym, trying not to touch the other side of the gym. floor. • explore and develop the How can you rearrange the In small groups, children Children can work cooperatively ability to solve tasks in order you are standing in? arrange themselves in a line to rearrange their order on the pairs or in small groups. function on a bench. They try and bench. rearrange their order without stepping off. Teacher gradually increases the number of children in the line. Athletics At this age, athletics (jumping, Children should be exposed throwing and running events) to a wide variety of age- should be introduced through appropriate athletic activities. the other PE content areas. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.13
  • 14. Subject: physical education Age range: 3–5 years Page 2 of 4 Content What do we want children to learn? How best will children How will we know what Notes for teachers learn? children have learned? Specific expectations Sample questions Sample activities Sample assessments Resources and comments The specific expectations may be Questions that address the key All activities encompass some, or Assessments should be directly Teachers should find ways to addressed in any order or concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP many, of the specific expectations related to the specific ensure EAL learners understand combination. happen) challenge learners and and transdisciplinary skills expectations. Children should be tasks and expectations. promote genuine understanding. (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen). given the opportunity to Sample questions can be linked demonstrate their understanding to a key concept. Some examples in a variety of ways. are noted below in bold. Movement to music Children will: This strand concerns learning to move the body in a variety • explore locomotor skills Can you move your whole Children listen to the music Children can recognize the See also Music scope and of ways in response to (including travelling, body in time to the music? and every time they hear the right moment to jump. sequence. different tasks and stimuli. It changing direction, altering drum they do any kind of jump. can be a response to music, pathways, and transferring Choose a piece of music with sounds or situations. It also weight) using music as a Can you show me different Play a variety of styles of Children can respond to clear sounds. Try to use involves awareness of the stimulus ways of moving to these music to which children different musical sounds in a different musical instruments. position of the body in pieces of music? respond. variety of ways, for example by relation to oneself and to marching, floating and sliding. Allow all the children the others. The body can be used opportunity to make a rhythm to convey a feeling, mood, One or two children are given Children can respond to the using drums, triangles, shakers attitude or to express an different instruments and rhythms created by their etc. This activity can also be used emotion. make a simple rhythm. The peers. They may march to the for non-locomotor skills with other children move their drum or shake to the maracas. various body parts being moved bodies in time to the sounds. in response to the rhythms. • explore non-locomotor How can you move different Children use their imagination Children can demonstrate a skills using music as a parts of your body in time to to show how they can move movement with a body part in stimulus the music? different parts of the body time with the music or sections while listening to the music. of the music. • use imagination and original Who can move and show me Children use their imagination Children can demonstrate Use different kinds of music ideas to respond to a range that they are happy? to show that they are happy in being happy using movement and let children find the right of stimuli to express feelings connection response to a piece of music. and facial expressions. music to match their feelings and moods and moods. • be introduced to short What different ways can you Children step, run, skip, gallop Children can change direction sequences using basic step move using your feet when and march around the space. and speed without bumping patterns. listening to the tambourine? They change direction and into each other when listening speed following the beat of the to the beat of the tambourine. tambourine. Games Children will: This strand explores the sequential development of • explore coordination, Can you find a way to get the Children take a ball and try to Children can get the ball to The unit “Who am I?” in the children’s competence, manipulation and balance ball to the other side of the get to the other side of the the other side of the gym, Sample programme of inquiry confidence, success and gym, without it touching gym, around a number of using a variety of skills. 2003 includes many enjoyment of the basic skills anything on the floor? different obstacles, without opportunities for children to and techniques involved in a the ball touching them. challenge themselves physically. variety of games-related activities. Children are Which kind of balance Children explore using different Children can find their own Make sure you set up a variety exposed to opportunities to equipment do you like to use balance set-ups to find out what limits using balance, of balance equipment with deal with the concepts of best? perspective they like or can do best. coordination and courage. different surface heights and cooperation and teamwork. widths. • travel in different ways Who can move around the Children find their own way Children find the best way to Always start with simple maintaining body control gym on three different parts of of moving using three body move keeping control of their games. For very young their body? parts. movements. children, omit any rules that may cause them to be upset or excluded from the game, for • change speed and direction How can you avoid being Children participate in simple Children play simple tag example being “out” or being of movement maintaining caught when playing tag tag games. They avoid being games. They look for spaces in a “hot pot”. body control games? function caught by running away from to avoid being caught. the catcher(s). • handle small equipment Can you throw this beanbag to Children throw a beanbag to a Children can throw the using various body parts your friend or throw it through partner or towards a target. beanbag under-arm and over- the hoop? arm, towards the target, using high and low pathways. How can you make sure the Children strike a stationary Children can kick the ball with football goes where you want object (such as a football or the inside and outside part of it to go? function beanbag) with their foot. They their foot. use the different sides of their Which side of your foot works foot and find which method best to kick the ball? reflection works best. Can you bounce this ball using Children bounce a large ball Children can control the ball only one hand? Can you try as they travel. They develop using their hands while the other hand? skills to bounce the ball using travelling. alternate hands. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.14
  • 15. Subject: physical education Age range: 3–5 years Page 3 of 4 Content What do we want children to learn? How best will children How will we know what Notes for teachers learn? children have learned? Specific expectations Sample questions Sample activities Sample assessments Resources and comments The specific expectations may be Questions that address the key All activities encompass some, or Assessments should be directly Teachers should find ways to addressed in any order or concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP many, of the specific expectations related to the specific ensure EAL learners understand combination. happen) challenge learners and and transdisciplinary skills expectations. Children should be tasks and expectations. promote genuine understanding. (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen). given the opportunity to Sample questions can be linked to demonstrate their understanding a key concept. Some examples are in a variety of ways. noted below in bold. Games (cont.) Children will: • participate in, and follow Can you play “Duck, duck, “Duck, duck, goose” Children can play simple instructions for, simple goose”? Children sit in a circle facing games according to the basic games requiring little or no inwards. One child walks around rules. equipment. the outside patting each seated child’s head while calling out “duck”. When the caller shouts “goose” instead of “duck” the seated child has to race around the circle and return to their space before the caller. The child who arrives first remains in the circle and the second child becomes the caller. Gymnastics Children will: This strand introduces the children to a variety of • learn a variety of movements Can you lie on your back and Children lie on their backs and Children can respond to basic Safety is an essential element gymnastic skills: on the floor, to form a basic movement push yourself along the floor? experiment with different commands and know the names of gymnastics and should be using small equipment and vocabulary, for example ways of moving. of various basic actions. introduced and constantly various apparatus. They jump, hop, slide, rock reinforced. explore basic gymnastic skills: Can you find another way of Children experiment with Children show an awareness body control, locomotor sliding? form various ways of sliding using of space, obstacles and other Apparatus at this age range is skills, non-locomotor skills, different body parts. people around them as they likely to be limited to benches balance and spatial move. and mats. awareness. At this age, emphasis will be • explore different ways of Can you slide on the apparatus? Children experiment with Children become confident on exploration in gymnastics. moving on the floor and on moving along and over a with the exploration of the However, specific skills and apparatus variety of apparatus on apparatus. techniques can be gradually different body parts. introduced to improve and refine skills. What shapes can you make Children explore ways of yourself into? change bending, stretching and twisting A checklist of skills may be to be as large/small as possible helpful to monitor progress. or forming shapes, for example In this age range, appropriate a ball. skills will include: • forward roll • pin jump • create small movement Can your group make a little Children plan and perform Children can plan and perform • shoulder stand patterns pattern using three different simple patterns, linking a short movement pattern, for • star jump. movements and show this to several actions together. They example slide, roll, slide, roll. the rest of the class? are invited to talk about what They can explain how they connection they and others have done and worked and make simple make simple judgments. assessments of their own pattern and the patterns Children travel around the room created by their peers. and on a designated signal they find a partner and make the same shape as each other (mirror). • hold their body weight in Can you balance on four body Children find the best way to Children can demonstrate the stillness using various body parts (and three, and two, and balance on a certain number best way to keep their balance. parts as bases one)? of body parts. • be introduced to one or two Can you jump up into the air Children stand on a chosen Children can show good landing basic skills, for example a like a rocket? form spot and do a big jump, bending techniques after jumping. They pin jump their knees on landing. are able to explain why they need to land like that. • explore different ways of What patterns can you make Children experiment with Children explore and use their moving with small with your ribbon? making figures and circles imagination when working with equipment. with their ribbon. their chosen piece of equipment, for example ribbons and balls. How many different ways can Children throw and catch They demonstrate a variety of you throw a ball up in the air different pieces of small shapes and different ways to use and catch it again? equipment, individually and their equipment. with a partner. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.15
  • 16. Subject: physical education Age range: 3–5 years Page 4 of 4 Content What do we want children to learn? How best will children How will we know what Notes for teachers learn? children have learned? Specific expectations Sample questions Sample activities Sample assessments Resources and comments The specific expectations may be Questions that address the key All activities encompass some, or Assessments should be directly Teachers should find ways to addressed in any order or concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP many, of the specific expectations related to the specific ensure EAL learners understand combination. happen) challenge learners and and transdisciplinary skills expectations. Children should be tasks and expectations. promote genuine understanding. (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen). given the opportunity to Sample questions can be linked demonstrate their understanding to a key concept. Some examples in a variety of ways. are noted below in bold. Health-related activities Children will: This strand introduces the importance of physical • be aware of some of the What can we do to keep Talk with children about Children can talk readily about Teachers should acknowledge activity and maintaining a elements of a healthy healthy? responsibility keeping healthy and that this their own ideas of what that there are many factors healthy lifestyle. Health- lifestyle (rest, well-balanced includes resting as well as constitutes health and how children are unable to control related activities are relevant nutrition, exercise etc) Why is it important that we exercising. their behaviour can affect their that affect their health, for for all other strands of PE. sleep? health. example time of going to bed, Some teachers may cover meals served, whether or not health-related issues as part of they walk to school etc. their normal lessons; others • be aware that it is important Why is it good to be able to may use specific lessons to to be physically active run fast? Or jump high? Or Children should experience a promote understanding in a throw far? reflection wide range of vigorous more explicit way. activities that use whole-body When can you be active? Class discussions remind movements. When is it important you are children of when it is and is not not so active? appropriate to be physically Promote awareness in young active. children by talking about the effect physical activity has on their bodies. • recognize some basic What has changed when you Before and after physical Children can comment on the changes that occur to their exercised? change activities ask children to changes they notice in their Ensure children have enough bodies when exercising describe how they feel and bodies during physical activity, time to recover between Why do you think it has what they can tell you about for example “I am hot”, “I feel energetic physical activities. changed? causation their bodies. sweaty”, “Your cheeks are red” or “My legs are tired doing this”. What has stayed the same? The teacher could note down observations as they are spoken. • be made aware of safety What can we do to help us Children run, skip and slide Children can stop on the Safety precautions cannot aspects when exercising. stay safe? responsibility around the room and stop on a appropriate signal and are aware remove all risks but should signal from the teacher, for of the reasons for following eliminate unnecessary hazards. Why is it important to wear example clapping hands, instructions straight away. the right kind of clothes when banging a tambourine, or The unit of inquiry “What we are exercising? lifting hands in the air. clothes do we wear?” in the Sample programme of inquiry What must you be careful of 2003, provides an opportunity when running around the gym? to discuss the importance of reflection appropriate clothing in PE. Model safe practices when working with children, for example tidiness of equipment. Simple rules about appropriate behaviour during PE need to be established and maintained. Teach skills that will keep children safe: • responding straight away to signals from the teacher • maintaining appropriate noise levels • handling large and small equipment safely • watching out for others • maintaining good posture • wearing suitable clothing and footwear • lifting and climbing safely • jumping and landing appropriately • warming up and warming down before and after activities. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.16
  • 17. Subject: physical education Age range: 5–7 years Page 1 of 5 Overall expectations Physical education (PE) offers students the opportunity to discover the capabilities of their bodies and the variety of ways in which they are able to use their bodies to solve problems, address physical challenges, function as part of a group, manipulate equipment or apparatus, and express themselves in a range of situations. Students will be exposed to a number of activities that will develop gross motor skills that may later be applied in various sports. They will become aware of a number of positive leisure time pursuits. Students will develop skills that they may apply in a variety of contexts within and beyond the school setting. These skills include the use of proper safety precautions when engaging in physical activities, recognition of the importance of fair play, use of cooperative behaviours and the ability to function as part of a group or team. Students will be introduced to a healthy and active lifestyle and the ways exercise affects their bodies and overall fitness or well-being. Students will have the opportunity to identify and reflect upon “big ideas” by making connections between the questions asked and the concepts that drive the inquiry. They will become aware of the relevance these concepts have to all of their learning. For the purpose of this scope and sequence, the strands have been grouped as follows (adapted from Fig 13 Making the PYP happen): body control and spatial awareness, adventure challenge, athletics, movement to music, games, gymnastics and health-related activities. *See glossary for explanation of italicized terms. Content What do we want students to learn? How best will students How will we know what Notes for teachers learn? students have learned? Specific expectations Sample questions Sample activities Sample assessments Resources and comments The specific expectations may be Questions that address the key All activities encompass some, or Assessments should be directly Teachers should find ways to addressed in any order or concepts (Fig 5 Making the PYP many, of the specific expectations related to the specific ensure EAL learners understand combination. happen) challenge learners and and transdisciplinary skills expectations. Students should be tasks and expectations. promote genuine understanding. (Fig 14 Making the PYP happen). given the opportunity to Sample questions can be linked demonstrate their understanding to a key concept. Some examples in a variety of ways. are noted below in bold. Body control and spatial awareness Students will: This strand explores and develops the gross motor • develop an awareness of How can you move around Working in pairs, one leads Students can move safely Warm-up and warm-down skills that are the foundation space, direction and levels the space safely? form, and one follows the leader following somebody without sessions should be part of of all physical activities. It in relation to others and to responsibility closely without touching the touching the front person or every class. These exercises also promotes awareness of their working environment leader or anybody else. anybody else. prepare muscles properly for the position of objects and/or Can you follow your partner physical activity and people in relation to oneself closely without touching ultimately prevent injury. and to each other, working him/her or anybody else? individually or in small The unit of inquiry “Let’s play” groups. How can you find a space of in the Sample programme of your own? function inquiry 2003 has many opportunities to include PE. How can you move at different Students move at different Students can move at different levels (low, medium and high)? levels, for example close to levels with smooth linking The teacher can develop the ground, along apparatus. actions. simple rubrics for students initially. As students become more adept at using them, they • travel in different ways, What do you need to do to Students use a simple Students can use the assessment can also begin to look for changing speed and stop quickly? assessment sheet/rubric to sheet to mark off the different changes of direction and direction with control watch and assess their partner. ways of moving that they see. speed including stopping. The sheet requires the student to mark off when they see their partner moving in different ways, for example walking, jogging, hopping, jumping, sliding, leaping, skipping and galloping. • handle different apparatus What different movements Students balance a beanbag on Students are able to show and small equipment using can you make while balancing their head and try out various various movements without various body parts a beanbag on your head? movements without dropping dropping the beanbag. (manipulative skills) the beanbag. • hold their body weight What different shapes can you Students make their bodies Students can make shapes using various body parts make on the floor using your into a letter shape, number which the teacher is able to as bases (balance and body? form shape or geometric shape, recognize. stability). either individually or in small groups. Roll the dice Students can hold their body Make a large dice with weight in a steady balance different body parts on each using the various body parts face. Roll the dice and the shown on the dice. students must balance on the body part shown. PYP curriculum documents: physical education © IBO 2003 7.17