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RN Arpana Bhusal
Content layout
 Introduction
 Definition
 Incidence
 Types
 Risk factors
 Pathophysiology
 Clinical features
7/24/2022 3
 Diagnostic evaluation
 Management
 Emergency management
 Pharmacological management
 Surgical management
 Nursing management
 Complications
 Prevention
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Blood supply
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A pulmonary embolism is a potential cardiovascular
emergency where a blood clot develops in a blood vessels
elsewhere in a body( most commonly from the legs), travels to
an artery fin lungs, and forms an occlusion(blockage) of the
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 Pulmonary embolism (PE) refers to the obstruction of the
Pulmonary artery or one of its branches by a thrombus (or
thrombi)that originates somewhere in the venous system or
in the I
right side of the heart.
 It can damage part of the lung due to restricted blood flow,
decrease oxygen levels in the blood, and affect other organs
as well. Large or multiple blood clots can be fatal.
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Pulmonary embolism
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 Approximately 15% patients died, causing, contributing or
accompanying in hospital related to pulmonary embolism
for the past 40 years.
 Recent large, contemporary observational studies of PE
have reported an overall 3 months mortality of 17% and an
hospital mortality of 31%when PE associated with
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1. Thrombotic: blood
2. Non thrombotic: fat, air, tumor, amniotic fluid.
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Risk factors for Pulmonary embolism
Venous stasis (slowing of blood flow
in veins)
 Prolonged immobilization (especially
 prolonged periods of sitting or traveling
 varicose veins
 Spinal cord injury
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Risk factors contd…
Hypercoagulability ( due to release of tissue thromboplastin
after injury /surgery)
 Injury
 Tumor ( pancreatic, GIT, Genitourinary, breast and lung
 Increased platelet count (polycythemia)
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Risk factors contd…
Venous endothelial disease
 Thrombophlebitis
 vascular diseases
 foreign bodies (iv/central venous catheters)
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Risk factors contd…
Certain disease states (combination of states,
coagulation Alterations, and venous Injury)
 Heart disease (Heart failure)
 Trauma ( Fracture of hip, pelvis, vertebra, lower
 Post operative state /postpartum period
 Diabetes mellitus and COPD
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Other predisposing factors
 Advanced age
 Obesity
 Pregnancy
 Oral contraceptive use
 Constrictive clothing
 History of previous PE
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Pathophysiology contd..
1.When an emboli travel to the lungs, they lodge in the
pulmonary vasculature.
2.The size of emboli determine the location
Blood flow is obstructed, leading to decreased perfusion of the
section of the lung supplied by the vessel.
3. The client continues to ventilate the lungs portion, but
because the tissue is not perfused, resulting in hypoxemia.
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Pathophysiology contd..
4.If an embolus lodges in a large pulmonary vessel, it increases
proximal pulmonary vascular resistance, causes atelectasis, and
eventually reduces cardiac output.
5.The arterioles constrict because of platelet degranulation,
accompanied by a release of histamine, serotonin,
catecholamine and prostaglandins.
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Pathophysiology contd..
6.These chemical agents result in bronchial and pulmonary
arterial constriction.
8.Pulmonary embolism
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Clinical manifestations
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Clinical manifestations
 Clinical manifestations or symptoms depends on the size of
the emboli and the size and number of blood vessels
occluded. Most common manifestations are :
 DYSPNEA is the most frequent symptom
 Tachypnea (very rapid respiratory rate) is the most
frequent sign.
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Continue… ..
 Chest pain is common and is usually sudden and pleurtic in
 It may be substernal and may mimic angina pectoris
or may Myocardial infraction.
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Other symptoms include
 Anxiety
 Fever, Tachycardia, apprehension, cough,
diaphoresis, hemoptysis and syncope.
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Sign and symptoms according to size of
In massive emboli,
 Shock
 Pallor
 Severe dyspnea
 Crushing chest pain
 Pulse is rapid and weak
 Bp is low
 ECG indicates right ventricular strain
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Sign and symptoms according to size of
embolus contd…
In medium sized emboli,
 Pleuritic chest pain
 Dyspnea
 Slight fever
 Productive cough with blood streaked sputum
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Sign and symptoms according to size of
embolus contd…
In small emboli,
 Pulmonary hypertension
 ECG and chest X- ray indicates right ventricular
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Diagnostic evaluation
 History taking
 Physical examination
 Venous studies
 Chest x-ray
 Continuous ECG monitoring
 ABGs analysis
 CBCs
 D- dimer level
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
 Lungs scan ( ventilation and perfusion )
 Pulmonary angiography
 CT scan
7/24/2022 32
Diagnostic evaluation contd…
1. History taking and physical examination
 There always needs to be a high a level of
suspicion that a pulmonary embolus may be
the cause of chest pain or shortness of
 The health care professional will take a
history of the chest pain, including its
characteristics, its onset, and any
associated symptoms that may direct the
diagnosis to pulmonary embolism
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
 It may include asking about risk factors for deep vein
 Coughing up blood sputum may be a sign of pulmonary
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
 Physical examination will
concentrate initially on the
heart and lungs, since
chest pain and shortness
of breath may also be the
presenting complaints for
heart attack, pneumonia,
(collapsed lung),
dissection of an aortic
aneurysm, among others.
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
 With pulmonary embolism, the chest examination is often
normal, but if there is some associated inflammation on
the surface of the lung , a rub may be heard.
 The surfaces of the lung and the inside of the chest wall are
covered by a membrane (the pleura) that is full of nerve
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
 When the pleura becomes inflamed, as can occur in
pulmonary embolus, a sharp pain can result that is worsened
by breathing, so-called pleurisy or pleuritic chest pain.
 The physical examination may include examining an
extremity, looking for signs of a DVT, including warmth,
redness, tenderness, and swelling.
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Homan’s sign
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Deep vein thrombosis
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
2.D- dimer blood test
This test detects the presence of a
protein produced when a blood clot
breaks down somewhere in the body. A
negative results is a good indicator that
a clot is not present. A positive result
suggests that clots, may be present, but
more testing is needed to confirm.
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
3. ABGs analysis
A sudden drop in the blood
oxygen level may suggest a
pulmonary embolism.
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
4.Coagulation profile
Additional blood work should include coagulation studies to
evaluate for a hyper coagulable state, if clinically indicated. A
prolonged prothrombin time or activated partial thromboplastin
time does not imply a lower risk of new thrombosis.
progression of DVT and PE can occur despite full therapeutic
anticoagulation in 13% of patients.
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
5.Chest X-rays
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
Chest X-rays
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
6.Lungs scan
 This test, called a ventilation perfusion scan, uses small
amount of radioactive material to study airflow( ventilation)
and blood flow ( perfusion) in the lungs.
 First, patient inhale a small amount of radioactive material
while a special camera designed to radioactive substances
records air movement in lungs.
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
 Then a small amount of radioactive material is injected into
a vein via arm. Images taken after the injection show
whether patient have a normal or diminished flow of blood
to the lungs.
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
7.Pulmonary angiogram
 During this test, a flexible tube
( catheter is inserted into large
vein- usually in the femoral
vein- and threaded through the
heart’s right atrium and then
into pulmonary arteries. A
special dye is injected into the
catheter, and X-rays are taken
as dye travels along the arteries
in the lungs.
 It also measure pressure in the
right side of the heart.
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
A noninvasive sonar test known as duplex venous USGs (
sometimes called duplex scan or compression ultra-
sonography) uses high-frequency sound waves to check for
blood clots in the lower limb veins.( thighs)
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Diagnostic evaluation contd…
9.Magnetic resonance imaging
MRI scans use radio waves and a powerful magnetic field to
produce detailed images of internal structures.
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Medical management
 Because PE is often a medical emergency, emergency
management is of primary concern. After emergency measures
have been initiated and the patient is stabilized, the treatment
goal is to dissolve the existing emboli and prevent new ones
from forming.
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Emergency management
 Massive PE is a life – threatening emergency
 The immediate objective is to stabilize the
cardiopulmonary system.
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Emergency management consists of the
following actions:-
 Oxygen is administered immediately to relive hypoxemia,
respiratory distress, and central cyanosis.
 Establish IV Lines.
 Vasopressors ,inotropic agents such as dopamine and anti
dysrhythmic agents may be indicated to support
circulation if the client is unstable.
 Perfusion scan, Hemodynamic monitoring andABG.
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 Hypotension is treated by a slow infusions of
 Continue monitoring ECG
 Blood is drawn for serum electrolytes, CBC etc
 If clinical assessment and ABG analysis indicate the
need, the patient is intubated and placed on a mechanical
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 If the patient has suffered massive embolism and is
hypotensive, an indwelling urinary catheter is inserted to
monitor urinary output.
 Small doses of IV Morphine or sedative are administered to
relive patient anxiety.
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General management
 Measure are initiated to improve respiratory and vascular
 Oxygen therapy
 Use of elastic compression stocking or intermittent pneumatic
leg compression devices reduces venous stasis.
 Elevating the leg above the level of heart.
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Elastic compression stocking
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Intermittent pneumatic leg
compression devices
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Treatment may include a variety of
General measures to improve respiratory and vascular
 Anticoagulation therapy
 Thrombolytic therapy
 Surgical intervention
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Pharmacologic therapy
 Anticoagulation therapy: (heparin, warfarin Sodium) has
traditionally been the primary method for managing acute deep
venous thrombosis and PE.
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Pharmacologic therapy contd…
 Thrombolytic therapy: (urokinase, streptokinase, alteplase
and reteplase)
 Thrombolytic therapy resolves the thrombi or emboli more
quickly and restores more normal Hemodynamic functioning
of the Pulmonary circulation, thereby reducing Pulmonary
hypertension and improving Perfusion, Oxygenation, and
cardiac output.
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Pharmacologic therapy contd…
 Bleeding is a significant side effect. Contraindications to
Thrombolytic therapy include a CV
A within the past 2
months, or other active intracranial processes, active
bleeding, surgery within 10 days of the Thrombolytic
therapy, recent delivery or labor and sever hypertension.
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Pharmacologic therapy contd…
 Before start Thrombolytic therapy, INR. PTT ,
HEMATOCRIT,AND PLATELET counts are obtained.
 Heparin is stopped prior to administration of a
Thrombolytic therapy.
 During therapy, all but essential invasive procedure are
avoidied because of potential bleeding.
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Surgical management
 Pulmonary embolectomy
It is the emergency surgical removal of emboli which are
blocking blood circulation. It usually involves removal of
thrombi, and is then reffered to as thrombectomy.
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 Vein filter
A catheter can also be used to position a filter Vein filter. A
catheter can also be used to position a filter in the body's main
vein called the inferior vena cava that leads from your legs to
the right side of the heart.
This filter can help keep clots from being carried into lungs.
This procedure is typically reserved for people who can't take
anticoagulant drugs or when anticoagulant drugs don't work
well enough or fast enough. Some filters can be removed when
they are no longer needed.
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Nursing management
Nursing assessment
 Take history with emphasis on onset and severity of dyspnea
and nature of chest pain.
 Examine the patient leg carefully.
 Assess for swelling of leg, duskiness, warmth, pain on
pressure over gastrocnemius muscle, pain on dorsiflexon of
the foot( positive homan’s sign), which indicate
thrombophlebitis as source.
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 Monitor respiratory rate may be accelerated out of proportion
to degree of fever and tachycardia.
 Observe the rate of inspiration to expiration.
 Percuss for resonance, dullness, and flatness.
 Ascultate for friction rub, crackles, ronchi, and wheezing.
 Ascultate heart; listen for splitting of second heart sound.
 Evaluate results of PT/PTT tests for patients on
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Nursing diagnosis
1. Ineffective breathing pattern related to acute increase in
alveolar dead air space and possible changes in lungs
mechanics from embolism.
2. Ineffective tissue perfusion(pulmonary) related to decresed
blood circulation.
3. Acute pain(pleuritic) related to congestion, possible pleural
effusion, possible lungs infraction.
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Nursing diagnosis contd…
4.Anxiety related to dyspnea, pain and prognosis of disease.
5.Risk for injury related to altered hemodynamic factors and
anticoagulant therapy.
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Nursing interventions
 Correcting breathing pattern
 Assess for hypoxia, headache, restlessness, apprehension,
cyanosis, behavioral changes.
 Monitor vital signs, ECG, oximetery, and ABG analysis for
 Monitor patients response to IV fluids/vasopressors
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Nursing interventions contd..
 Monitor oxygen therapy used to relieve hypoxemia.
 Prepare patient for assisted ventilation when hypoxemia is
due to local areas of pneumo-constriction and abnormalities
of V/Q ratios.
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Nursing interventions contd..
 Improving tissue perfusion
 Closely monitor for shock decreasing blood pressure,
tachycardia, cool, clammy skin.
 Monitor prescribed medications given to preserve right
ventricular filling pressure, increased BP.
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Nursing interventions contd..
 Patient should be kept in bedrest to reduce oxygen demand
and risk of bleeding.
 Monitor urinary output hourly, because there may be
reduced renal perfusion and decreased GFR.
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Nursing interventions contd..
 Relieving pain
 Watch patient for signs of discomfort and pain.
 Ascertain if pain worsens with deep breathing and coughing:
auscultate for friction rub.
 Give prescribed morphine, and monitor for pain relief and
signs of respiratory depression.
 Position with head of bed slightly elevated( unless
contraindicated by shock) and with chest splinted for deep
breathing and coughing.
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Nursing interventions contd..
 Evaluate patient for sign of hypoxia thoroughly when
anxiety, restlessness, and agitation of new onset are
noted, before administering as needed sedatives.
 Consider physician evaluation when these signs are
present, especially if accompanied by cyanotic nail
beds, circumoral pallor, and increased respiratory rate.
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Nursing interventions contd..
 Reducing anxiety
 Correct dyspnea and relief physical discomfort.
 Explain diagnostic prcedures and the patients role :correct
 Listen to patiet concers; attentive listening relieves anxiety
and reduces emotional distress.
 Speak calmly and slowly.
7/24/2022 78
Patient education and health maintenance
 Advise patient of the possible need to continue taking
anticoagulant therapy for 6 weeks up to an indefinite period.
 Teach about the sign of bleeding, especiallyof gums, nose,
bruising, blood in urine and stools.
 For patient on anti coagulants, instruct to sue soft
toothbrush, avoid shaving with blade razor, and avois
aspirin containing products. Notify health care provider of
bleeding and bruishing.
7/24/2022 79
Patient education and health maintenance
 Warn against taking medications unless approved by health
care provider, because many drugs interact with
 Instruct patient to tell dentist about taking an anticoagulant.
 Warn against inactivity for prolonged periods or sitting with
leg crossed to prevent recurrence.
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Patient education and health
maintenance contd..
 Warn against sports/activities that may cause injury to legs
and predispose to a thrombus.
 Encourage wearing a medical alert bracelet identifying
patient on anti coagulant.
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 Cardiac arrest
 Shock
 Abnormal heart rhythms
 Pulmonary infraction
 Pleural effusion
 Paradoxical embolism
 Pulmonary hypertension
 Respiratory failure
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Prevention of Pulmonary embolism
 For patients at risk for PE, the most effective approach
for prevention is to prevent DVT (deep venous
 Active leg exercise to avoid venous stasis.
 Early ambulation is necessary.
 Use elastic compression stocking.
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7/24/2022 84
Smeltzer.S.G. Bare.B.G. Hinkle.J.G. Cheezer K.H.(2010) “Brunner &
Suddarth’s Textbook of medical- surgical nursing”.volume 1. (12th
edition).New Delhi,Kluwer India. Pvt. Ltd. 2078/03/12 at 12:00 pm
Mandal G.N (2016) “A Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing”. 5th
edition. Kathmandu.Makalu Publication House.2078/03/11 at 4:30 pm
2019. Mayo Foundation of Medical Foundation and Research.
Pulmonary embolism.
October 23, 2018. pulmonary-embolism. at 2pm
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Pulmonary Embolism

  • 1.
  • 3. Content layout  Introduction  Definition  Incidence  Types  Risk factors  Pathophysiology  Clinical features 7/24/2022 3
  • 4.  Diagnostic evaluation  Management  Emergency management  Pharmacological management  Surgical management  Nursing management  Complications  Prevention 7/24/2022 4
  • 6. Introduction A pulmonary embolism is a potential cardiovascular emergency where a blood clot develops in a blood vessels elsewhere in a body( most commonly from the legs), travels to an artery fin lungs, and forms an occlusion(blockage) of the artery. 7/24/2022 6
  • 7. Definition  Pulmonary embolism (PE) refers to the obstruction of the Pulmonary artery or one of its branches by a thrombus (or thrombi)that originates somewhere in the venous system or in the I right side of the heart.  It can damage part of the lung due to restricted blood flow, decrease oxygen levels in the blood, and affect other organs as well. Large or multiple blood clots can be fatal. 7/24/2022 7
  • 10. Incidence  Approximately 15% patients died, causing, contributing or accompanying in hospital related to pulmonary embolism for the past 40 years.  Recent large, contemporary observational studies of PE have reported an overall 3 months mortality of 17% and an hospital mortality of 31%when PE associated with hypotension. 7/24/2022 10
  • 11. Types 1. Thrombotic: blood 2. Non thrombotic: fat, air, tumor, amniotic fluid. 7/24/2022 11
  • 12. Risk factors for Pulmonary embolism Venous stasis (slowing of blood flow in veins)  Prolonged immobilization (especially postoperative)  prolonged periods of sitting or traveling  varicose veins  Spinal cord injury 7/24/2022 12
  • 13. Risk factors contd… Hypercoagulability ( due to release of tissue thromboplastin after injury /surgery)  Injury  Tumor ( pancreatic, GIT, Genitourinary, breast and lung tumor)  Increased platelet count (polycythemia) 7/24/2022 13
  • 14. Risk factors contd… Venous endothelial disease  Thrombophlebitis  vascular diseases  foreign bodies (iv/central venous catheters) 7/24/2022 14
  • 15. Risk factors contd… Certain disease states (combination of states, coagulation Alterations, and venous Injury)  Heart disease (Heart failure)  Trauma ( Fracture of hip, pelvis, vertebra, lower extremities)  Post operative state /postpartum period  Diabetes mellitus and COPD 7/24/2022 15
  • 16. Other predisposing factors  Advanced age  Obesity  Pregnancy  Oral contraceptive use  Constrictive clothing  History of previous PE 7/24/2022 16
  • 21. Pathophysiology contd.. 1.When an emboli travel to the lungs, they lodge in the pulmonary vasculature. 2.The size of emboli determine the location Blood flow is obstructed, leading to decreased perfusion of the section of the lung supplied by the vessel. 3. The client continues to ventilate the lungs portion, but because the tissue is not perfused, resulting in hypoxemia. 7/24/2022 21
  • 22. Pathophysiology contd.. 4.If an embolus lodges in a large pulmonary vessel, it increases proximal pulmonary vascular resistance, causes atelectasis, and eventually reduces cardiac output. 5.The arterioles constrict because of platelet degranulation, accompanied by a release of histamine, serotonin, catecholamine and prostaglandins. 7/24/2022 22
  • 23. Pathophysiology contd.. 6.These chemical agents result in bronchial and pulmonary arterial constriction. 7.Vasoconstriction 8.Pulmonary embolism 7/24/2022 23
  • 25. Clinical manifestations  Clinical manifestations or symptoms depends on the size of the emboli and the size and number of blood vessels occluded. Most common manifestations are :  DYSPNEA is the most frequent symptom  Tachypnea (very rapid respiratory rate) is the most frequent sign. 7/24/2022 25
  • 26. Continue… ..  Chest pain is common and is usually sudden and pleurtic in origin.  It may be substernal and may mimic angina pectoris or may Myocardial infraction. 7/24/2022 26
  • 27. Other symptoms include  Anxiety  Fever, Tachycardia, apprehension, cough, diaphoresis, hemoptysis and syncope. 7/24/2022 27
  • 28. Sign and symptoms according to size of embolus In massive emboli,  Shock  Pallor  Severe dyspnea  Crushing chest pain  Pulse is rapid and weak  Bp is low  ECG indicates right ventricular strain 7/24/2022 28
  • 29. Sign and symptoms according to size of embolus contd… In medium sized emboli,  Pleuritic chest pain  Dyspnea  Slight fever  Productive cough with blood streaked sputum 7/24/2022 29
  • 30. Sign and symptoms according to size of embolus contd… In small emboli,  Pulmonary hypertension  ECG and chest X- ray indicates right ventricular hypertrophy 7/24/2022 30
  • 31. Diagnostic evaluation  History taking  Physical examination  Venous studies  Chest x-ray  Continuous ECG monitoring  ABGs analysis  CBCs  D- dimer level 7/24/2022 31
  • 32. Diagnostic evaluation contd…  Lungs scan ( ventilation and perfusion )  Pulmonary angiography  CT scan  MRI 7/24/2022 32
  • 33. Diagnostic evaluation contd… 1. History taking and physical examination  There always needs to be a high a level of suspicion that a pulmonary embolus may be the cause of chest pain or shortness of breath.  The health care professional will take a history of the chest pain, including its characteristics, its onset, and any associated symptoms that may direct the diagnosis to pulmonary embolism 7/24/2022 33
  • 34. Diagnostic evaluation contd…  It may include asking about risk factors for deep vein thrombosis.  Coughing up blood sputum may be a sign of pulmonary embolism. 7/24/2022 34
  • 35. Diagnostic evaluation contd…  Physical examination will concentrate initially on the heart and lungs, since chest pain and shortness of breath may also be the presenting complaints for heart attack, pneumonia, pneumothorax (collapsed lung), dissection of an aortic aneurysm, among others. 7/24/2022 35
  • 36. Diagnostic evaluation contd…  With pulmonary embolism, the chest examination is often normal, but if there is some associated inflammation on the surface of the lung , a rub may be heard.  The surfaces of the lung and the inside of the chest wall are covered by a membrane (the pleura) that is full of nerve endings. 7/24/2022 36
  • 37. Diagnostic evaluation contd…  When the pleura becomes inflamed, as can occur in pulmonary embolus, a sharp pain can result that is worsened by breathing, so-called pleurisy or pleuritic chest pain.  The physical examination may include examining an extremity, looking for signs of a DVT, including warmth, redness, tenderness, and swelling. 7/24/2022 37
  • 40. Diagnostic evaluation contd… 2.D- dimer blood test This test detects the presence of a protein produced when a blood clot breaks down somewhere in the body. A negative results is a good indicator that a clot is not present. A positive result suggests that clots, may be present, but more testing is needed to confirm. 7/24/2022 40
  • 41. Diagnostic evaluation contd… 3. ABGs analysis A sudden drop in the blood oxygen level may suggest a pulmonary embolism. 7/24/2022 41
  • 42. Diagnostic evaluation contd… 4.Coagulation profile Additional blood work should include coagulation studies to evaluate for a hyper coagulable state, if clinically indicated. A prolonged prothrombin time or activated partial thromboplastin time does not imply a lower risk of new thrombosis. progression of DVT and PE can occur despite full therapeutic anticoagulation in 13% of patients. 7/24/2022 42
  • 45. Diagnostic evaluation contd… 6.Lungs scan  This test, called a ventilation perfusion scan, uses small amount of radioactive material to study airflow( ventilation) and blood flow ( perfusion) in the lungs.  First, patient inhale a small amount of radioactive material while a special camera designed to radioactive substances records air movement in lungs. 7/24/2022 45
  • 46. Diagnostic evaluation contd…  Then a small amount of radioactive material is injected into a vein via arm. Images taken after the injection show whether patient have a normal or diminished flow of blood to the lungs. 7/24/2022 46
  • 47. Diagnostic evaluation contd… 7.Pulmonary angiogram  During this test, a flexible tube ( catheter is inserted into large vein- usually in the femoral vein- and threaded through the heart’s right atrium and then into pulmonary arteries. A special dye is injected into the catheter, and X-rays are taken as dye travels along the arteries in the lungs.  It also measure pressure in the right side of the heart. 7/24/2022 47
  • 48. Diagnostic evaluation contd… 8.Ultrasound A noninvasive sonar test known as duplex venous USGs ( sometimes called duplex scan or compression ultra- sonography) uses high-frequency sound waves to check for blood clots in the lower limb veins.( thighs) 7/24/2022 48
  • 49. Diagnostic evaluation contd… 9.Magnetic resonance imaging MRI scans use radio waves and a powerful magnetic field to produce detailed images of internal structures. 7/24/2022 49
  • 50. Medical management  Because PE is often a medical emergency, emergency management is of primary concern. After emergency measures have been initiated and the patient is stabilized, the treatment goal is to dissolve the existing emboli and prevent new ones from forming. 7/24/2022 50
  • 51. Emergency management  Massive PE is a life – threatening emergency  The immediate objective is to stabilize the cardiopulmonary system. 7/24/2022 51
  • 52. Emergency management consists of the following actions:-  Oxygen is administered immediately to relive hypoxemia, respiratory distress, and central cyanosis.  Establish IV Lines.  Vasopressors ,inotropic agents such as dopamine and anti dysrhythmic agents may be indicated to support circulation if the client is unstable.  Perfusion scan, Hemodynamic monitoring andABG. 7/24/2022 52
  • 53. Contd…  Hypotension is treated by a slow infusions of dobutamine.  Continue monitoring ECG  Blood is drawn for serum electrolytes, CBC etc  If clinical assessment and ABG analysis indicate the need, the patient is intubated and placed on a mechanical ventilator. 7/24/2022 53
  • 54. Contd…  If the patient has suffered massive embolism and is hypotensive, an indwelling urinary catheter is inserted to monitor urinary output.  Small doses of IV Morphine or sedative are administered to relive patient anxiety. 7/24/2022 54
  • 55. General management  Measure are initiated to improve respiratory and vascular status.  Oxygen therapy  Use of elastic compression stocking or intermittent pneumatic leg compression devices reduces venous stasis.  Elevating the leg above the level of heart. 7/24/2022 55
  • 59. Treatment may include a variety of modalities General measures to improve respiratory and vascular status.  Anticoagulation therapy  Thrombolytic therapy  Surgical intervention 7/24/2022 59
  • 60. Pharmacologic therapy  Anticoagulation therapy: (heparin, warfarin Sodium) has traditionally been the primary method for managing acute deep venous thrombosis and PE. 7/24/2022 60
  • 61. Pharmacologic therapy contd…  Thrombolytic therapy: (urokinase, streptokinase, alteplase and reteplase)  Thrombolytic therapy resolves the thrombi or emboli more quickly and restores more normal Hemodynamic functioning of the Pulmonary circulation, thereby reducing Pulmonary hypertension and improving Perfusion, Oxygenation, and cardiac output. 7/24/2022 61
  • 62. Pharmacologic therapy contd…  Bleeding is a significant side effect. Contraindications to Thrombolytic therapy include a CV A within the past 2 months, or other active intracranial processes, active bleeding, surgery within 10 days of the Thrombolytic therapy, recent delivery or labor and sever hypertension. 7/24/2022 62
  • 63. Pharmacologic therapy contd…  Before start Thrombolytic therapy, INR. PTT , HEMATOCRIT,AND PLATELET counts are obtained.  Heparin is stopped prior to administration of a Thrombolytic therapy.  During therapy, all but essential invasive procedure are avoidied because of potential bleeding. 7/24/2022 63
  • 64. Surgical management  Pulmonary embolectomy It is the emergency surgical removal of emboli which are blocking blood circulation. It usually involves removal of thrombi, and is then reffered to as thrombectomy. 7/24/2022 64
  • 66.  Vein filter A catheter can also be used to position a filter Vein filter. A catheter can also be used to position a filter in the body's main vein called the inferior vena cava that leads from your legs to the right side of the heart. This filter can help keep clots from being carried into lungs. This procedure is typically reserved for people who can't take anticoagulant drugs or when anticoagulant drugs don't work well enough or fast enough. Some filters can be removed when they are no longer needed. 7/24/2022 66
  • 68. Nursing management Nursing assessment  Take history with emphasis on onset and severity of dyspnea and nature of chest pain.  Examine the patient leg carefully.  Assess for swelling of leg, duskiness, warmth, pain on pressure over gastrocnemius muscle, pain on dorsiflexon of the foot( positive homan’s sign), which indicate thrombophlebitis as source. 7/24/2022 68
  • 69.  Monitor respiratory rate may be accelerated out of proportion to degree of fever and tachycardia.  Observe the rate of inspiration to expiration.  Percuss for resonance, dullness, and flatness.  Ascultate for friction rub, crackles, ronchi, and wheezing.  Ascultate heart; listen for splitting of second heart sound.  Evaluate results of PT/PTT tests for patients on anticoagulants 7/24/2022 69
  • 70. Nursing diagnosis 1. Ineffective breathing pattern related to acute increase in alveolar dead air space and possible changes in lungs mechanics from embolism. 2. Ineffective tissue perfusion(pulmonary) related to decresed blood circulation. 3. Acute pain(pleuritic) related to congestion, possible pleural effusion, possible lungs infraction. 7/24/2022 70
  • 71. Nursing diagnosis contd… 4.Anxiety related to dyspnea, pain and prognosis of disease. 5.Risk for injury related to altered hemodynamic factors and anticoagulant therapy. 7/24/2022 71
  • 72. Nursing interventions  Correcting breathing pattern  Assess for hypoxia, headache, restlessness, apprehension, cyanosis, behavioral changes.  Monitor vital signs, ECG, oximetery, and ABG analysis for oxygenation.  Monitor patients response to IV fluids/vasopressors 7/24/2022 72
  • 73. Nursing interventions contd..  Monitor oxygen therapy used to relieve hypoxemia.  Prepare patient for assisted ventilation when hypoxemia is due to local areas of pneumo-constriction and abnormalities of V/Q ratios. 7/24/2022 73
  • 74. Nursing interventions contd..  Improving tissue perfusion  Closely monitor for shock decreasing blood pressure, tachycardia, cool, clammy skin.  Monitor prescribed medications given to preserve right ventricular filling pressure, increased BP. 7/24/2022 74
  • 75. Nursing interventions contd..  Patient should be kept in bedrest to reduce oxygen demand and risk of bleeding.  Monitor urinary output hourly, because there may be reduced renal perfusion and decreased GFR. 7/24/2022 75
  • 76. Nursing interventions contd..  Relieving pain  Watch patient for signs of discomfort and pain.  Ascertain if pain worsens with deep breathing and coughing: auscultate for friction rub.  Give prescribed morphine, and monitor for pain relief and signs of respiratory depression.  Position with head of bed slightly elevated( unless contraindicated by shock) and with chest splinted for deep breathing and coughing. 7/24/2022 76
  • 77. Nursing interventions contd..  Evaluate patient for sign of hypoxia thoroughly when anxiety, restlessness, and agitation of new onset are noted, before administering as needed sedatives.  Consider physician evaluation when these signs are present, especially if accompanied by cyanotic nail beds, circumoral pallor, and increased respiratory rate. 7/24/2022 77
  • 78. Nursing interventions contd..  Reducing anxiety  Correct dyspnea and relief physical discomfort.  Explain diagnostic prcedures and the patients role :correct misconception.  Listen to patiet concers; attentive listening relieves anxiety and reduces emotional distress.  Speak calmly and slowly. 7/24/2022 78
  • 79. Patient education and health maintenance  Advise patient of the possible need to continue taking anticoagulant therapy for 6 weeks up to an indefinite period.  Teach about the sign of bleeding, especiallyof gums, nose, bruising, blood in urine and stools.  For patient on anti coagulants, instruct to sue soft toothbrush, avoid shaving with blade razor, and avois aspirin containing products. Notify health care provider of bleeding and bruishing. 7/24/2022 79
  • 80. Patient education and health maintenance contd..  Warn against taking medications unless approved by health care provider, because many drugs interact with anticoagulants.  Instruct patient to tell dentist about taking an anticoagulant.  Warn against inactivity for prolonged periods or sitting with leg crossed to prevent recurrence. 7/24/2022 80
  • 81. Patient education and health maintenance contd..  Warn against sports/activities that may cause injury to legs and predispose to a thrombus.  Encourage wearing a medical alert bracelet identifying patient on anti coagulant. 7/24/2022 81
  • 82. Complications  Cardiac arrest  Shock  Abnormal heart rhythms  Pulmonary infraction  Pleural effusion  Paradoxical embolism  Pulmonary hypertension  Respiratory failure 7/24/2022 82
  • 83. Prevention of Pulmonary embolism  For patients at risk for PE, the most effective approach for prevention is to prevent DVT (deep venous thrombosis).  Active leg exercise to avoid venous stasis.  Early ambulation is necessary.  Use elastic compression stocking. 7/24/2022 83
  • 85. References Smeltzer.S.G. Bare.B.G. Hinkle.J.G. Cheezer K.H.(2010) “Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of medical- surgical nursing”.volume 1. (12th edition).New Delhi,Kluwer India. Pvt. Ltd. 2078/03/12 at 12:00 pm Mandal G.N (2016) “A Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing”. 5th edition. Kathmandu.Makalu Publication House.2078/03/11 at 4:30 pm 2019. Mayo Foundation of Medical Foundation and Research. Pulmonary embolism. 2pm. October 23, 2018. pulmonary-embolism. at 2pm 7/24/2022 85