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Public Relations Planning
One of the advantages of developing a communications plan is that it allows you to assess your
situation, establish your objectives and maintain greater control over your communications
program and, in turn, the image you project for your litho club. In addition, by outlining the
various activities you may want to pursue, you will be able to set priorities for those which can
be supported within your budget constraints. This will help eliminate some of the "as you go"
style of spending which can prematurely deplete the club finances.

The following descriptions represent key steps in establishing a communications plan:

1. Situation Analysis

Before you proceed in any direction, it's important to know where you're at. What are the
strengths and weaknesses of your organization? What does your organization offer new members
or the community at large? What is the club's purpose? What do people currently think of your

You could be making many assumptions about the status of your organization. Recent reports in
trade journals indicate the graphic arts industry has some major image problems. Perhaps your
local community including prospective graphic arts students, have some misconceptions about
the industry and your organization.

Find out what the community thinks of your local litho club. Ask people outside your
organization, formally or informally, what they know about the graphic arts industry and your
club. A brief questionnaire will help you ask consistently organized questions and assure reliable
responses. That will give you a new perspective in analyzing your situation and determining your
future course of action.

2. Establish Objectives

Once you know where you're at, you can then determine where you want to go and how to get
there. You may want your objectives to include broader, industry-wide goals such as, "Creating a
positive image of the graphic arts industry to attract a greater number (you should establish a
specific number) of top students (define what a "top student" is) to graphic arts careers."

When establishing objectives, remember they should be:

      Improvement oriented
      Clearly defined
      Measurable
      Attainable
      Tied to specific expectations
3. Identify Your Audience

First consider a broad audience to include those who affect your organization and those who are
affected by your organization. You may cite groups like printing and publishing professionals,
educators, students, government agencies, suppliers, clients and others.

The next step is to divide these larger groups into smaller, reachable target audiences and
prioritize then so your communications effort is directed toward the most important among them.
In this way you can direct your primary effort toward those groups on which you wish to have
the greatest impact.

4. Shape Your Message

Once you've learned what your audiences think of your organization, you can then begin to mold
your desired image. You can use communications opportunities to shape your image. If you want
the public to see your organization as progressive, professional or community-minded, look for
opportunities to display those qualities. Then be sure your target audiences are made aware of
what you've accomplished.

Of course, it's important that you paint a true picture of your organization -- not a fabricated
image. But unless the public is made aware of your progressiveness, professionalism and
community-mindedness through your communications effort -- you may never achieve your
desired image.

Keep in mind that all club events or activities may not receive news media coverage, but this
does not mean that those events cannot be important public relations opportunities.

5. Tools for Reaching Your Audience

Local and trade news media can be important vehicles for reaching your target audiences. There
are several important sources that can be used in developing a mailing list for your club. These

      Local publicity distribution services
      Media list services
      Bacon's Publicity Checker
      Standard Directory
      Laramie's Television Contacts
      Laramie's Radio Contacts
      Broadcasting/Cablecasting Yearbook
      Editor and Publisher Yearbook
      Local libraries/Chambers of Commerce

Select a resource that best suits your needs, then develop and maintain a mailing list so you won't
need to reinvent one with each publicity mailing. A mailing list should include the following:
   Name of publication/station
      Editor's/Reporter's name
      Address
      Phone Number
      Any other pertinent information, such as deadlines, circulation figures, etc.

                Chapter 2. Public Relations Implementation
Publicity and Promotion

Planned activities can be the source of considerable attention by the news media Your
community, professionals in the graphic arts industry and others may be very interested in your
activities. Promotion of those activities can generate a considerable amount of publicity that will
benefit your club and the entire industry.

The following are just a few examples of what can be done to enhance your communication

   1. Participate in local community events. Try to participate in a unique and interesting
      fashion. Often local parades, events or shows need participants who can add color or
      interest to these events. Be creative.
   2. Seek opportunities to address pertinent associations , schools or other community
      organizations. Before addressing any such group, release a news story announcing the
      event and your club's participation, if the host organization is not doing so. Send an
      advance copy of the talk to appropriate editors and/or radio and television broadcasters.
      Publication deadlines will vary, so be sure to give advance notice appropriate to each
      publication's specific requirements. Radio and television also need as much advance
      notice as you can give them, even if they typically deal with fast breaking news.
   3. Participate in college and high school career days by setting up an exhibit or a booth.
      Announce such an event in a news story well in advance and don't forget to issue
      personal invitations to graphic arts instructors, students and appropriate editors.
   4. Don't overlook newsworthy events which may be a regular part of your club's activities,
      such as:

News About People:

* Appointment of new officers
* Retirements
* Participation in community activities
* Club-sponsored scholarship recipients
* Award winners, such as "Member of the Year'

News About Club Activities
* Special events/meetings
* Scholarship sponsorship/availability
* Education support, donations, presentations
* Annual National Convention
* Social events

Editors and Newscasters have hundreds of news items competing for their attention and limited
time and space to fill. Nevertheless, a legitimate local or industry news story can catch their
attention. The following guidelines, along with the sample news release section in this manual,
will help you in your efforts.

Publicity Guidelines
   1. Use samples to guide your writing.

In the samples provided in this manual, you will notice:

The source (you) is clearly identified in the upper-left hand comer and includes a name and
phone number of a person to contact for further information. Use club letterhead if you have it.

The stories are brief. They tell who, what, where, when, why and how. They tell it quickly, but
with sufficient detail to satisfy reader interest.

Language is plain, everyday English. Avoid using industry terms which may not be commonly
known. Even when submitting information to the trade publications, you should not become
overly technical in your language.

The most important information should always be at the beginning of the story -- this is known
as the "lead."

Stories should be typed and double-spaced on one side of 8-1/2" x 11" paper. Use club stationery
for the top page, if it's available.

Include black and white glossy photos when appropriate. Avoid the "grip and grin" handshake
poses and sedentary group shots. Always try to show some action in photographs. Never write on
a photo -- front or back! Provide captions on a separate piece of paper, attached with removable
tape, which explain the photo subject.

   2. Call on local editors and media people. Research indicates that when an editor can
      connect a face and name with a news release, the chance that it will be used greatly
      increases. You might want to personally deliver an important news release. Some words
      of advice:

You might need to request a brief appointment in the case of daily newspaper editors. Early
mornings or early afternoons are the best time to call or meet an editor because those times avoid
deadline periods. Avoid calling on weekly newspapers the day before the paper goes to press;
they'll be too busy to talk to you.

If you have cause to place advertisements with a publication or station, do not presume or
suggest in any way that this gives you the right to have your news releases used. That is the
surest way to guarantee that nothing you submit will be used.

Be sure to provide copies of stories to all appropriate media outlets.

Observe deadlines! Get "events" stories in the mail as much as two weeks to a month in advance,
depending on the publication. Magazines may require as much as two to three months lead time.

If you write a story during or after an event, be sure to deliver it promptly while it is still timely.

                               Chapter 3.
                 Rules For Working With The News Media
                         (By Samuel Weber, Editor, Electronics Magazine)

    1. Become familiar with the major publications for reaching your audience and know what
        kind of information they need.
    2. Establish and maintain regular communications.
    3. Always be honest.
    4. Don't be afraid to say, "I Don't Know," but be willing to find someone who does.
    5. Be available.
    6. If you've promised a story exclusively to one publication, honor your promise.
    7. Maintain the schedules agreed upon with the publication.
    8. When you supply written information to an editor, make sure it's accurate, clear and
    9. When talking to an editor, determine his level of understanding about your organization.
    10. Never threaten or cajole an editor with advertising.

                          Chapter 4. Meetings and Events
Your regular meetings and special events are ideal opportunities to bring in new members as
well as attract local media coverage. Thorough planning and follow-through are key to the
success of these events. Use the meeting checklist provided in this section to guide your

Open houses, meetings and printing demonstrations are prime means of showing students,
teachers, business leaders and others what modern print operations are really like and attract
local media coverage as well. Because these events are such attention-getters, you'll want to do
everything possible to assure that they go "off without a hitch"

The main ingredient in a successful meeting is a good speaker. In selecting speakers, remember
that people who excel in their business are not necessarily excellent speakers. Try to select guest
speakers who are known to make interesting and engaging presentations.

Subject matter and titles also are important. The talk should be of interest to the maximum
number of members and the title should be descriptive and, if possible, intriguing. Be sure to
screen speakers carefully so there will be no surprises when they present to your club.

Keep in touch with the speaker after he or she has agreed to make a presentation to your club.
Inform the speaker of the nature of the meeting, the time available and what rise is on the
agenda. Let the speaker know what the room looks like and what equipment is available for
his/her use. Find out in advance if he/she needs additional audio visual support such as a slide
projector or flip chart. Also, request background information suitable for an introduction. A
black and white photo could also enhance your pre-meeting announcements.

Be sure to circulate meeting announcements to the appropriate media well in advance, but not so
far in advance that the announcement will be lost or discarded. The same holds true for
announcing the meeting to club members. You may want to notify your membership with a
catchy announcement a month or more in advance so they can plan to attend. You might also use
similar information to produce an item or two for your club newsletter. Then, follow-up with
reminder postcards and/or phone calls to verify attendance.

Be sure your announcements convey the benefits of attendance to club members.

There are many other details to attend to prior to the meeting. The speakers remuneration (if any)
should be discussed openly and immediately. Whether or not it a paid speaker, the club should,
at a minimum, offer to make any necessary reservations for travel or lodging

If your guest should require hotel accommodations, offer to provide transportation from the hotel
to the meeting facility. If the speaker declines, be sure adequate directions are provided. Even if
the speaker does not take advantage of the courtesies you offer, you will make a good

Other details include pre-meeting setup of any necessary props, focusing the projector and
making sure slides are in trays right-side-up, heating or air conditioning is set properly, knowing
how to control the lights, and so on.

Another important activity is introducing your speaker to club officers and members. Never let
your guest stand alone while club members socialize.

Start your meeting on time and take care of any necessary business promptly, allowing ample
time for your speaker to present. When announcing your speaker, be sure to pronounce his or her
name correctly. Very few people are annoyed when they are asked for the correct pronunciation
of their name, but it is embarrassing for everyone if a speaker's name is mangled in an
If there is to be a question and answer session to follow a presentation, it's a good idea to have
someone screen the questions so they do not stray too far from the topic or become too narrowly
defined. With larger audiences, it helps to have a moderator repeat the questions so that everyone
can hear. You may want to have a few questions "planted" in the audience to avoid dead silence
when the speaker asks, "Are there any questions?"

When the speaker is through, thank him/her for attending, and extend an invitation to stay for
any planned post-meeting social gatherings. See that the speaker has necessary transportation
and directions for departure. In a day or two, write your speaker to reiterate your appreciation
and include any newspaper clips about the meeting.

If your speaker presented a strong message that could impact the industry, your club or the
community, take advantage of this opportunity for post-meeting publicity. Provide a summary of
the speakers' salient points to the media Do not just rehash everything that was said, but focus on
the powerful, insightful, educational portions of the presentation.


You may think you will never have occasion to be interviewed by a representative of the news
media. However, the possibility is not as remote as you think. As your organization uses its
communication efforts to develop a higher profile, you may find there are media organizations
who rum to your club to find industry experts. Or perhaps your club's activities will capture
media interest and someone in your organization ms), be asked to elaborate on the club's

There are many do's and don'ts for dealing with the news media in an interview. Some of those
most pertinent to the Litho Club organization may include:

   1. Learn, if possible, the full reason for the requested interview and how you or your
      organization fit into the story. This will help you prepare for the interview in advance.
   2. Prepare for the interview. Once you have an idea of what the reporter needs to know
      about, plan how you are going to respond to anticipated questions.
   3. Know the message you want to convey during the interview and make sure each point is
      worked into your responses as appropriate.
   4. Use simple terms. Omit industry jargon or lingo. Carefully explain any specialized
      terminology that must be used but don't be condescending.
   5. Give direct answers. Do not ramble on the subject, but give direct answers beginning
      with the conclusions, followed by supporting facts.
   6. Give reporters as much printed information as possible at the time of the interview for
      greater understanding in reporting on the subject.

Handling the public relations function for your Litho Club should be very rewarding and help
your organization grow. While it is definitely hard work, it can also be fun. And that's what you
should strive for while achieving the goals of the organization -- to have fun.
Public relations planning

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Public relations planning

  • 1. Public Relations Planning One of the advantages of developing a communications plan is that it allows you to assess your situation, establish your objectives and maintain greater control over your communications program and, in turn, the image you project for your litho club. In addition, by outlining the various activities you may want to pursue, you will be able to set priorities for those which can be supported within your budget constraints. This will help eliminate some of the "as you go" style of spending which can prematurely deplete the club finances. The following descriptions represent key steps in establishing a communications plan: 1. Situation Analysis Before you proceed in any direction, it's important to know where you're at. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your organization? What does your organization offer new members or the community at large? What is the club's purpose? What do people currently think of your organization? You could be making many assumptions about the status of your organization. Recent reports in trade journals indicate the graphic arts industry has some major image problems. Perhaps your local community including prospective graphic arts students, have some misconceptions about the industry and your organization. Find out what the community thinks of your local litho club. Ask people outside your organization, formally or informally, what they know about the graphic arts industry and your club. A brief questionnaire will help you ask consistently organized questions and assure reliable responses. That will give you a new perspective in analyzing your situation and determining your future course of action. 2. Establish Objectives Once you know where you're at, you can then determine where you want to go and how to get there. You may want your objectives to include broader, industry-wide goals such as, "Creating a positive image of the graphic arts industry to attract a greater number (you should establish a specific number) of top students (define what a "top student" is) to graphic arts careers." When establishing objectives, remember they should be:  Improvement oriented  Clearly defined  Measurable  Attainable  Tied to specific expectations
  • 2. 3. Identify Your Audience First consider a broad audience to include those who affect your organization and those who are affected by your organization. You may cite groups like printing and publishing professionals, educators, students, government agencies, suppliers, clients and others. The next step is to divide these larger groups into smaller, reachable target audiences and prioritize then so your communications effort is directed toward the most important among them. In this way you can direct your primary effort toward those groups on which you wish to have the greatest impact. 4. Shape Your Message Once you've learned what your audiences think of your organization, you can then begin to mold your desired image. You can use communications opportunities to shape your image. If you want the public to see your organization as progressive, professional or community-minded, look for opportunities to display those qualities. Then be sure your target audiences are made aware of what you've accomplished. Of course, it's important that you paint a true picture of your organization -- not a fabricated image. But unless the public is made aware of your progressiveness, professionalism and community-mindedness through your communications effort -- you may never achieve your desired image. Keep in mind that all club events or activities may not receive news media coverage, but this does not mean that those events cannot be important public relations opportunities. 5. Tools for Reaching Your Audience Local and trade news media can be important vehicles for reaching your target audiences. There are several important sources that can be used in developing a mailing list for your club. These include:  Local publicity distribution services  Media list services  Bacon's Publicity Checker  Standard Directory  Laramie's Television Contacts  Laramie's Radio Contacts  Broadcasting/Cablecasting Yearbook  Editor and Publisher Yearbook  Local libraries/Chambers of Commerce Select a resource that best suits your needs, then develop and maintain a mailing list so you won't need to reinvent one with each publicity mailing. A mailing list should include the following:
  • 3. Name of publication/station  Editor's/Reporter's name  Address  Phone Number  Any other pertinent information, such as deadlines, circulation figures, etc. Chapter 2. Public Relations Implementation Publicity and Promotion Planned activities can be the source of considerable attention by the news media Your community, professionals in the graphic arts industry and others may be very interested in your activities. Promotion of those activities can generate a considerable amount of publicity that will benefit your club and the entire industry. The following are just a few examples of what can be done to enhance your communication effort: 1. Participate in local community events. Try to participate in a unique and interesting fashion. Often local parades, events or shows need participants who can add color or interest to these events. Be creative. 2. Seek opportunities to address pertinent associations , schools or other community organizations. Before addressing any such group, release a news story announcing the event and your club's participation, if the host organization is not doing so. Send an advance copy of the talk to appropriate editors and/or radio and television broadcasters. Publication deadlines will vary, so be sure to give advance notice appropriate to each publication's specific requirements. Radio and television also need as much advance notice as you can give them, even if they typically deal with fast breaking news. 3. Participate in college and high school career days by setting up an exhibit or a booth. Announce such an event in a news story well in advance and don't forget to issue personal invitations to graphic arts instructors, students and appropriate editors. 4. Don't overlook newsworthy events which may be a regular part of your club's activities, such as: News About People: * Appointment of new officers * Retirements * Participation in community activities * Club-sponsored scholarship recipients * Award winners, such as "Member of the Year' News About Club Activities
  • 4. * Special events/meetings * Scholarship sponsorship/availability * Education support, donations, presentations * Annual National Convention * Social events Editors and Newscasters have hundreds of news items competing for their attention and limited time and space to fill. Nevertheless, a legitimate local or industry news story can catch their attention. The following guidelines, along with the sample news release section in this manual, will help you in your efforts. Publicity Guidelines 1. Use samples to guide your writing. In the samples provided in this manual, you will notice: The source (you) is clearly identified in the upper-left hand comer and includes a name and phone number of a person to contact for further information. Use club letterhead if you have it. The stories are brief. They tell who, what, where, when, why and how. They tell it quickly, but with sufficient detail to satisfy reader interest. Language is plain, everyday English. Avoid using industry terms which may not be commonly known. Even when submitting information to the trade publications, you should not become overly technical in your language. The most important information should always be at the beginning of the story -- this is known as the "lead." Stories should be typed and double-spaced on one side of 8-1/2" x 11" paper. Use club stationery for the top page, if it's available. Include black and white glossy photos when appropriate. Avoid the "grip and grin" handshake poses and sedentary group shots. Always try to show some action in photographs. Never write on a photo -- front or back! Provide captions on a separate piece of paper, attached with removable tape, which explain the photo subject. 2. Call on local editors and media people. Research indicates that when an editor can connect a face and name with a news release, the chance that it will be used greatly increases. You might want to personally deliver an important news release. Some words of advice: You might need to request a brief appointment in the case of daily newspaper editors. Early mornings or early afternoons are the best time to call or meet an editor because those times avoid
  • 5. deadline periods. Avoid calling on weekly newspapers the day before the paper goes to press; they'll be too busy to talk to you. If you have cause to place advertisements with a publication or station, do not presume or suggest in any way that this gives you the right to have your news releases used. That is the surest way to guarantee that nothing you submit will be used. Be sure to provide copies of stories to all appropriate media outlets. Observe deadlines! Get "events" stories in the mail as much as two weeks to a month in advance, depending on the publication. Magazines may require as much as two to three months lead time. If you write a story during or after an event, be sure to deliver it promptly while it is still timely. Chapter 3. Rules For Working With The News Media (By Samuel Weber, Editor, Electronics Magazine) 1. Become familiar with the major publications for reaching your audience and know what kind of information they need. 2. Establish and maintain regular communications. 3. Always be honest. 4. Don't be afraid to say, "I Don't Know," but be willing to find someone who does. 5. Be available. 6. If you've promised a story exclusively to one publication, honor your promise. 7. Maintain the schedules agreed upon with the publication. 8. When you supply written information to an editor, make sure it's accurate, clear and complete. 9. When talking to an editor, determine his level of understanding about your organization. 10. Never threaten or cajole an editor with advertising. Chapter 4. Meetings and Events Your regular meetings and special events are ideal opportunities to bring in new members as well as attract local media coverage. Thorough planning and follow-through are key to the success of these events. Use the meeting checklist provided in this section to guide your planning. Open houses, meetings and printing demonstrations are prime means of showing students, teachers, business leaders and others what modern print operations are really like and attract local media coverage as well. Because these events are such attention-getters, you'll want to do everything possible to assure that they go "off without a hitch" Speakers
  • 6. The main ingredient in a successful meeting is a good speaker. In selecting speakers, remember that people who excel in their business are not necessarily excellent speakers. Try to select guest speakers who are known to make interesting and engaging presentations. Subject matter and titles also are important. The talk should be of interest to the maximum number of members and the title should be descriptive and, if possible, intriguing. Be sure to screen speakers carefully so there will be no surprises when they present to your club. Keep in touch with the speaker after he or she has agreed to make a presentation to your club. Inform the speaker of the nature of the meeting, the time available and what rise is on the agenda. Let the speaker know what the room looks like and what equipment is available for his/her use. Find out in advance if he/she needs additional audio visual support such as a slide projector or flip chart. Also, request background information suitable for an introduction. A black and white photo could also enhance your pre-meeting announcements. Be sure to circulate meeting announcements to the appropriate media well in advance, but not so far in advance that the announcement will be lost or discarded. The same holds true for announcing the meeting to club members. You may want to notify your membership with a catchy announcement a month or more in advance so they can plan to attend. You might also use similar information to produce an item or two for your club newsletter. Then, follow-up with reminder postcards and/or phone calls to verify attendance. Be sure your announcements convey the benefits of attendance to club members. There are many other details to attend to prior to the meeting. The speakers remuneration (if any) should be discussed openly and immediately. Whether or not it a paid speaker, the club should, at a minimum, offer to make any necessary reservations for travel or lodging If your guest should require hotel accommodations, offer to provide transportation from the hotel to the meeting facility. If the speaker declines, be sure adequate directions are provided. Even if the speaker does not take advantage of the courtesies you offer, you will make a good impression. Other details include pre-meeting setup of any necessary props, focusing the projector and making sure slides are in trays right-side-up, heating or air conditioning is set properly, knowing how to control the lights, and so on. Another important activity is introducing your speaker to club officers and members. Never let your guest stand alone while club members socialize. Start your meeting on time and take care of any necessary business promptly, allowing ample time for your speaker to present. When announcing your speaker, be sure to pronounce his or her name correctly. Very few people are annoyed when they are asked for the correct pronunciation of their name, but it is embarrassing for everyone if a speaker's name is mangled in an introduction.
  • 7. If there is to be a question and answer session to follow a presentation, it's a good idea to have someone screen the questions so they do not stray too far from the topic or become too narrowly defined. With larger audiences, it helps to have a moderator repeat the questions so that everyone can hear. You may want to have a few questions "planted" in the audience to avoid dead silence when the speaker asks, "Are there any questions?" When the speaker is through, thank him/her for attending, and extend an invitation to stay for any planned post-meeting social gatherings. See that the speaker has necessary transportation and directions for departure. In a day or two, write your speaker to reiterate your appreciation and include any newspaper clips about the meeting. If your speaker presented a strong message that could impact the industry, your club or the community, take advantage of this opportunity for post-meeting publicity. Provide a summary of the speakers' salient points to the media Do not just rehash everything that was said, but focus on the powerful, insightful, educational portions of the presentation. Interviews You may think you will never have occasion to be interviewed by a representative of the news media. However, the possibility is not as remote as you think. As your organization uses its communication efforts to develop a higher profile, you may find there are media organizations who rum to your club to find industry experts. Or perhaps your club's activities will capture media interest and someone in your organization ms), be asked to elaborate on the club's involvement. There are many do's and don'ts for dealing with the news media in an interview. Some of those most pertinent to the Litho Club organization may include: 1. Learn, if possible, the full reason for the requested interview and how you or your organization fit into the story. This will help you prepare for the interview in advance. 2. Prepare for the interview. Once you have an idea of what the reporter needs to know about, plan how you are going to respond to anticipated questions. 3. Know the message you want to convey during the interview and make sure each point is worked into your responses as appropriate. 4. Use simple terms. Omit industry jargon or lingo. Carefully explain any specialized terminology that must be used but don't be condescending. 5. Give direct answers. Do not ramble on the subject, but give direct answers beginning with the conclusions, followed by supporting facts. 6. Give reporters as much printed information as possible at the time of the interview for greater understanding in reporting on the subject. Handling the public relations function for your Litho Club should be very rewarding and help your organization grow. While it is definitely hard work, it can also be fun. And that's what you should strive for while achieving the goals of the organization -- to have fun.