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Pros And Cons Of In Vitro Fertilization
Toni–Ann Tait Tait–1
Yafeng Wang
Introduction to Philosophy
25 September 2017
Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse (six
months if the woman is over the age 35) or the inability to carry a pregnancy to live birth. In the
United States, 7.4 million women have been stricken with the disease. 1 To resolve this issue,
potential parents look for other options to add to their growing family. Gestational surrogacy is the
last resort for many of these families. It uses a process known as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to
create an embryo using the ova/eggs from the prospective mother and sperm from the father that is
implanted in the gestational surrogate (International Assisted Reproduction Center). These
surrogates are then compensated for the services which they are providing. Many would agree that
this is the right thing to do because this mutual exchange is maximizing happiness for both parties.
However, this is not the case for Elizabeth Anderson, a distinguished Professor of Philosophy and
Women's Studies at the University of Michigan. Anderson argues that "commercial surrogate
contracts objectionably commodify children because they regard parental rights over children not as
trusts to be allocated in the best interests of the child, but as lie property rights, to be allocated at the
will of the parents" (Anderson 19). I strongly agree with Anderson's argument because commercial
surrogacy is strictly for the
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Cullimore Vs Johnson Case
Amie Cullimore, a medical practitioner, filed a child support claim against Michael Ranson, who
more than two decades ago donated his sperm to Amie Cullimore, who subsequently conceived two
children. Cullimore alleges that throughout the years, Ranson has assumed the role of loco parentis,
which means that Ranson has stood in the place of the parent throughout the years. Ranson filed a
response that Bill 28, also known as, All Families Are Equal Act, which extinguishes Cullimore`s
claim based on the assertion that the surrogate parents who lack an intention to be parents cannot be
considered parents in law.
Are sperm and egg donors parents and can they be sued for child support?
No, according to section 5 of the newly introduced ... Show more content on ...
For example, in Cheng v Cheng the court held that it is enough to demonstrate a settled intention to
treat children as their own for the person to be liable to pay child support. Moreover, the child
support responsibilities could extend beyond the biological parentage, because in Cheng v Cheng
these obligations extended to the
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Essay Reproductive Techniques: In Vitro Fertilization
Reproduction is a fundamental right given to everybody. Unfortunately, there are some of us no
reproductive capabilities. In today's world advances in reproductive techniques such as invitro
fertilization, egg or sperm donation and gestational surrogacy have sparked new interests to women
who do not have the ability to reproduce on their own. Legal, moral and ethical issues have been
raised about these advanced methods of reprodution used to substitute natural conception and birth.
These advanced techniques raise issues concerning the rights and parenthood. What does occur in
the process of sperm donation? What happens when a surrogate mother refuses to give the child?
What are the motives of the surrogate mother and why seeking parents ... Show more content on ...
For instance the actress Nicole Kidman recently had a daughter, but you'd never know it, because
Kidman was never actually pregnant. She and her husband, country star Keith Urban, were unable to
conceive, so they hired a surrogate to have the baby for them.
There is a big misconception which, I think needs to be stressed out. From the social point of view,
it could be somewhat problematic for people to figure out the reason and motive why surrogate
performing this duty for. Majority of them believe that it is only for the money, but there are tons of
reasons why surrogates would want to help infertile couples to have a baby. There is aso a very
popular reason that surrogates perform this hard duty only for the idea of helping someone who
needs it. True, the money is a great bonus for the surrogate performing this job, first and foremost,
people have to have belief that surrogate has altruistic motives. Each surrogate is different person
and they may have different motives, thus I think it is unfair for society to assume what their reasons
may be. "Each decision made between the surrogate and the seeking parents are personal, and each
case is under different circumstances." Сouples who desperately want to have kids turn to those who
can help, and surrogates are ready and do help. Although money may be a great bonus for the
surrogate, seeking couples are
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Sperm Donation Controversy
In today's time, new ways have been developed to make individuals lives effortless and more
efficient. A child being conceived through sperm donation is one of the many ways life has been
made easier. Sperm donors have always been in high demand, because there is and still are many
single women, couples (lesbians, heterosexuals), and different cases of individuals who are not able
to conceive a child. The argument has always been over the sperm donor's anonymity, and what
knowledge the child or receiver should be provided. The man who volunteers to donate his sperm
signs a contract that assures him, from both sides (the recipient, and the sperm bank), that his
identity will remain anonymous. Additionally, the sperm donor may be the biological father, but is
not really the father to child, seeing as though they ... Show more content on ...
The contract goes on about protecting the privacy of the child, and the donor. Unlike other
agreements a contract is a legally binding promise. By law each party that has signed the contract
must follow the agreements decided between the two parties or individuals. The right to be
anonymous is a reciprocal right; where the donor cannot seek out the child, and the child can not
seek out the donor either. If there were a donor who chose to be known then his contract and
agreements would be different compared to the anonymous one. Children who are conceived
through anonymous donors would not be able to find information about their biological fathers
because the clinic legally cannot provide information to anyone related about their anonymous
sperm donations. If the women or recipient(s) are concerned that the child would want to know
about their biological father, then they can easily choose a donor that does not mind being known.
The donor enters the clinic with the intention that he will remain anonymous, because the clinic
gives the donor confidence that their data for anonymous individuals is kept private. In
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In Vitro Fertilization Is Ethical
Making someone else's baby Surrogate mothers carry another couple's child with her own eggs or
fertilized eggs from other women. Surrogate motherhood is unethical and needs to be banned due to
the fact that reproductive technologies are inhuman and a form of violence therefore, as surrogacy
becomes more popular, legal problems proliferate. Reproductive technologies such as In Vitro
Fertilization and surrogacy are a form of violence against women because they technologically
ravage women's bodies. In Vitro Fertilization is a medical procedure that's done where an egg is
fertilized by sperm in a test tube (Raymond 1). The procedure is just inhuman in many ways, the
mother is not naturally carrying the bay when fertilized egg and sperm are implanted ... Show more
content on ...
" In one case a gay couple were able to purchase eggs for a surrogate mother for two
newborns(Devine 1)."Here is where commercial surrogacy causes the children to be at risk. "There
is no guarantee that pedophiles will not be able to buy and raise their victims, since there is a egg
and sperm donor. No one with a physical link can protect the child due to lack of natural nurturing
links put the child at a greater risk of abuse(Devine 1)". There are many questions from everyone,
What if these people do not have the right intentions? How do we know the surrogate mother will
take care of the baby until they are born? Questions that go through everyone's head all the time. If
you have to worry about these questions or just be unsure of it then it should be illegal. people who
are unsure about drugs, or a new medication they should take makes them double guess it. Most of
the time if they have to double guess it, they do not do it. "The ultimate horror of the 21st century
science is that if you have enough money you can buy a helpless newborn baby and do whatever
they liked to with it in the privacy of their own home. There is nothing nobody can do to stop
it(Devine 2)." Commercial surrogacy is not something people should not turn to when looking for a
child for whatever reasons they may have. If people were to think about it, like they do not know the
surrogate mother. The surrogate mother doesn't get a background check nor does the family getting
the baby. So literally anyone with the money can get this child. They could possibly harm the child
but yet no one will never know. At least with adoption agencies they look into families background
and make sure they are fit to raise someone else's child. There has been some cases where famous
people have turned to surrogacy such as Michael Jackson. The $250 million pop
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Surrogate Motherhood Is Considered The Most Controversial...
Surrogate motherhood is considered the most controversial form of medically assisted conception.
Surrogacy is defined as an arrangement by which a woman gives birth to a baby on behalf of a
woman who is incapable of conceiving babies herself or is infertile. The issue of surrogacy has been
running for almost three decades. Elizabeth Cane was the first woman in the United States to legally
become a surrogate mother in 1980 (Chittom and Wagner). Surrogate births are illegal in many
countries, including some states in the United States. For example, it is illegal in Michigan,
Washington, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and New York, whereas it legal in California, Oregon,
Texas, and Arkansas (Chittom and Wagner). According to the Organization of Parents Through
Surrogacy (OPTS), about 22,000 babies have been born from surrogate mothers in the United States
since surrogacy became legal in the 1970s (Chittom and Wagner).
There are two types of surrogacy: traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. In traditional
surrogacy, the surrogate mother is impregnated using the sperm of the intended father by a
procedure called donor insemination. In this case, the surrogate mother and the intended father are
genetically related to the baby. In gestational surrogacy, a procedure called in vitro fertilization is
used to impregnate the surrogate mother using a couple's fertilized ovum (Chittom and Wagner).
There are two types of surrogacy arrangements: altruistic and commercial. In
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The Adoption Of Traditional Surrogate Mothers
When a couple decides to have a baby but is unable to due to infertility issues, surrogacy becomes
an option. Surrogates who agree to bear a child for another couple have made parenthood a possible
option for individuals that are not able to adopt a child. Reasons may be because of their age, marital
status, or sexual orientation. There are two kinds of surrogate mothers. A traditional surrogate is a
woman who is artificially inseminated with the father's viable sperm. The traditional surrogate is
then the baby's biological mother because it was her egg that was fertilized by the father's sperm. A
gestational surrogate is known as the "birth mother," who is implanted with an embryo into her
uterus from the biological mother and father. In ... Show more content on ...
Constitution's prohibition on slavery (Textbook p. 296). Throughout the world, surrogacy is a
controversial issue although it is legal in most states. There are many ethical, legal, medical, moral,
and societal implications when it comes to surrogacy. There are many ethical considerations and
implications when it comes to surrogacy. Questions arise of what is right and what is not, especially
when it comes to the child. There has been a positive "compassionate" case when it comes to
surrogacy in the situation that a 48–year–old grandmother carried triplets for her daughter who was
unable to bear children due to infertility issues. While other dilemmas arise such as potential court
battles over custody of a child conceived outside of marriage, reducing birth to a legal arrangement
for the exchange of money, and future emotional distress of the child when learned they were taken
away from their biological mother. As well as embarrassment for the surrogate mother whose
actions some people have likened to prostitution and harm to the surrogate mother's own children
when they learn she has given one child away and have received money in return (Textbook). There
are also many ethical implications in the surrogacy process. Ethical issues arise with the question of
the involvement of the surrogate mother and with the identity of the child. The surrogate mother will
most likely not be the child's primary caretaker and legal questions could
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Anonymous Sperm and Egg Donation Essay
Anonymous Sperm and Egg Donation
Anonymous sperm and egg donation is a serious topic. Some people think they should remain
anonymous and some do not. A few reasons for becoming known donors are legal rights, medical
reasons, and psychological problems. The parents and donor kids should know where the sperm or
egg came from because it might affect their futures. Medical risks are a huge deal that everyone
needs to be aware of, but especially those who are not sure where they came from. Donor children
who do not know who their donor is or are looking for their biological parent, may grow up to have
problems psychologically. Children have the right to know their biological background.
There are many views on sperm and egg donation. Some ... Show more content on
There are worse problems than not knowing whom their donor parent is, though. Lots of donor
children grow up not knowing that they have a greater chance of having a medical problem. To
donate, a person does not have to take any certain tests. They just have to show up and if their sperm
or eggs look fine the hospital staff take it. "Regardless of socioeconomic status, donor offspring are
twice as likely as those raised by biological parents to report problems with the law before age 25.
They are more than twice as likely to report having struggled with substance abuse. And they are
about 1.5 times as likely to report depression or other mental health problems," said Karen Clark, an
investigator. Not only are donor children more likely to get into problems with the law, they are
more likely to get into problems dealing with their health. That is why donor children and their
parents, the ones who raised them, should be allowed to know who the donor parent is.
Children have a right to know who gave them life because of medical reasons. Some people might
argue that genetic medical problems do not give children the right to know the donor parent because
they can just use their DNA or blood sample to know medical problems they might have. However,
what they do not realize is that it can be difficult for donor children to find that information. It is
important for them to also realize that new medical problems could have sprung up since the
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Anthropological Challenges Raised by New Reproductive...
Discuss some of the anthropological challenges raised by the introduction of NRT's (New
Reproductive Technologies).
In the world we live today, technology plays a very important role in the construction of our society.
By the means of new technologies, new theories, ideologies and perspectives are being applied to
understand social phenomena. Society has gone, and is still going through a new revolution, because
technology has changed the way we look at different sectors in our lives, such as in the way we
communicate, social institutions, different jobs and so on. In this assignment, I am going to write
about new reproductive technologies and the impacts these leave regarding the family unit, as such
technologies can change the ... Show more content on ...
In his argument he mentions the debate about artificial insemination, which raised social and legal
problems. The sperm donor might be the husband or just an anonymous man, but whether the
husband or not, the sperm donor was never approved to be the legal or proper father as the
reproduction procedure was not taken place naturally. In fact, it was recommended to be made as a
criminal offence in 1948, by a commission set up by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Therefore the
child born from this procedure has an ambiguous status, or considered illegitimate. It is then made
obvious that the husband of the woman, who raised the child, still has no rights or duties over
him/her. These rights, in some way, belongs to the sperm donor, such that if the mother registers her
husband to be the father of the child, even if he is not, she would be, of course, committing a crime
as only if the husband is genetically the father, would he be considered legitimate. Some who are
against this procedure is particularly against for the reason that the husband would have not played
his role in the procreation of the child, therefore considered as a bad thing to do. Although such
objections were raised, the committee of Warnock still remained in
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Persuasive Essay About Egg Donation
How would you like to wake up next to your boyfriend/husband someday and find out he is your
half–brother? I wonder how often this happens and I wonder how many people don't even realize its
happened to them. We live in a time where you don't need to have a relationship with someone to
have their child, you don't even have to know them. With egg donors and sperm donors this has
become common place. I believe it should be a mandatory requirement for anyone involved with
sperm or egg donation to register with the Donor Sibling Registry and no one involved should be
allowed to remain anonymous. There should also be a limit to the amount of donations made. No
one person should be able to populate the world.
According to the current statistics ... Show more content on ...
Not knowing your biological mother or father can haunt people for their entire lives; I've seen it.
There is an innate need to know your personal history, who you are and where you came from. In
most donor conceived people they only have half of their family tree, just one side of information,
one set of grandparents. They end up wondering do I have my father's eyes or my mother's smile?
And as the years go by what is my medical history? What will I pass onto my children?
For some people it becomes all consuming, take Kathleen LaBounty for instance, she was told not
much more than her donor went to Baylor College of Medicine in 1981. "In her guest room,
LaBounty pulls down a big white box full of research. She photocopied six years ' worth of Baylor
College of Medicine yearbooks, tracked down all 600 men and sent them letters. LaBounty included
photos of herself and said she 'd found a place to do non–legally binding DNA tests. She was
astounded when 250 men replied. Some clearly freaked out, asking her not to contact them again.
But to her surprise, most were incredibly supportive. One said he 'd waited 26 years to get a letter
like that and felt sure he was the guy. But a flurry of correspondence, then DNA tests, found no
match. It was an emotional roller coaster. "One man actually told me he was heartbroken," she
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The Legal Consent Of Gestational Surrogacy
In this Brief, the petitioner Julie Williams will be referred to as Julie, Appellant. Respondent Jessie
Sampson will be referred to as Jessie, Appellee.
This court should answer the question "Does the court have the right to allow Jessie Williams to
keep her daughter despite her earlier contract of surrogacy"? Based on the legal binding gestational
surrogacy contract.
The Merits
At issue in this petition is whether the determination by the trial court, should the child be turned
over to Julie Williams. In light, of this judgement solely based on prior gestational agreement forms,
Julie Williams is requesting that the decision be overturned and the surrogate turn over the child.
Currently there are several federal statutes governing the disposition of gestational surrogacy. There
is Florida Statutes 742.14 Part One, which states prior to engaging in gestational surrogacy, binding
and enforceable gestational surrogacy contract for gestational surrogacy shall not be binding and
enforceable unless the gestational surrogate is 18 years of age or older. Except as provided the
gestational surrogate agrees to relinquish any parental right upon the child's birth, regardless of any
impairment of the child. In addition, the gestational surrogate also agrees to assume parental rights
and responsibilities for the child born to her if it is determined that neither member of the
commissioning couple is the genetic parent of the child.
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The Ethics Of Gestational Surrogacy
Perhaps one of the greatest human desires is to create and love a child. There are those who, by
nature, do not possess such personal aspiration, seeking preventative measures to avoid conception.
Then there are those thrilled to take on the role of parent, whether or not pregnancy fit into the initial
plan. Still there are those who long for a tiny biological life, which cannot be traditionally conceived
or carried to term due to a failure of mechanisms within the body beyond the control of the intended
parents. Such problematic infertility issues have prompted "would be" parents to turn to surrogacy
arrangements to acquire a gestational surrogate, a woman who would consent to implantation and of
a couple's embryo created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and carrying the fetus to termination
should a pregnancy result. Referred to as a "Wild, Wild West" globalized industry, the United States
is a relatively unregulated playground of opportunity for commercial "for hire" contractual
surrogacy otherwise found illegal in the majority of developed countries around the world. In terms
of state to state approaches regulating surrogacy reproductive modalities, a patchwork of laws exist
from extreme outlawing of surrogacy, permissibility with limitations, or most favorable flexible
allowance in operation; consumers of surrogacy services are forced to research the market for the
most advantageous forum. There is no current overarching federal law regulating surrogacy
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Surrogate Mothers Or Those Donating Gametes For Research...
The purpose of this essay is to discuss on whether surrogate mothers or those donating gametes for
research and in fertility treatment of others receive remuneration for their contribution beyond what
is currently offered. This will be done by defining the relevant concepts and associated terminology,
discuss on the physical and emotional impact that may occur, the different factors that may lead to
exploitation and finally considering what could be done to prevent exploitation.
According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) Surrogacy is the process
in which another women carries and gives birth to a baby for the couple who want to have a child.
Surrogacy is an option for those with a medical condition that makes it ... Show more content on ...
The donation of mitochondrial is extremely important because 1 in 200 children in the UK are born
with the condition that can lead to disability and death and there is no cure currently (Mitochondrial
donation, 2014).
In the UK there is a shortage of donated gametes even though gamete donation is in demand
(Murray et al,2000) especially within the ethnic minority groups (Purewal et al, 2005). More often
gamete donation is more common within the men population than it is for the women. This may be
down to the simple fact that the technology and methods for gamete donation for women are more
intrusive and lengthy in comparison to that of a man's. Some oocyte donor express positive
attributions about their donation experience (Jordan et al,2004) whilst others attribute some negative
perceptions mainly about the techniques used and that were involved (Jordan et al,2004).
Using assisted reproductive technology has an emotional effect on the surrogate, it could cause
emotional distress on the surrogate when it comes to handing the baby over (Kennell et al,2002).
Prior to this this stage there would have been a biological bond between the surrogate and the foetus
during her pregnancy, pregnant women produce a hormone known as the oxytocin hormone which
helps prepare the surrogate to have a natural maternal instinct. (FazliKhalaf et al , 2008)
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A Research Article On Hiv
Before reading this article, I must admit that I was not educated on the available options for men
living with HIV to conceive biological children. I always thought that they were limited to adoption
and the use of a sperm donors. I never though that an HIV positive person could have sex with an
HIV negative person without transferring the infection. I've always known that a person's viral load
played a part in they're ability to transfer the virus, but I still wondered what person in their right
mind would take the chance of contracting such a horrible disease. I knew that condoms provided
some protection from contracting the disease, but again, who would take the chance of catching
HIV. So, for me the thought of an HIV– discordant couple producing a biological child was unheard
of, but after reading this article, my opinion has been changed. Article Summary The main topic of
this article focused on HIV–discordant couples that have a desire to conceive biological children. It
focused on the fact that limited clinic in North America offered or provided fertility treatment to
HIV–discordant couples (Newmeyer, Tecimer, Jaworsky, Chihrin, Gough, Rachlis, Martin,
Mohammed, and Loutfy, 2011). This article summarized some of the discrimination and negative
perceptions of HIV positive people, it also discussed a study done in Ontario, Canada that followed
12 HIV–discordant couples who wanted to conceive biological children. In these 12 couples the
men were the HIV positive
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Assisted Reproductive Technology
The policy that will be mainly discussed is the state and federal laws toward the use of Assisted
Reproductive Technology(ART). The government should provide funding to allow all states to pass
infertility insurance laws. In order to give infertile couples a chance to create their own family with
a healthy baby.
First and foremost, an introduction for those who are not familiar with the topic assisted
reproductive technology. Loosely based on the definition provided by 1992 Fertility Clinic Success
Rate and Certification Act, Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is any laboratory procedures
that involve removing eggs from a woman's womb and combine them with a male sperms to make a
zygote ("What is Assisted Reproductive Technology?" par. ... Show more content on
When the woman is unable to carry the baby, the couple would normally consider hiring a surrogate
to do so. This method has helped plenty of heterosexual couples and gay male couples to reach
parenthood(Asch and Marmor par. 18). If we look at the data, in 2001, only 571 surrogacy contracts
were reported and less than 1% of them knew about ARTs(Asch and Marmor par. 18). Only a very
few states accept gestational carrier arrangements. Many states in this country straight out ban the
use of surrogate mothers. Even states that allow surrogate motherhood would most likely to refuse
to approve the contract if any disagreements develop among the parties(Asch and Marmor par. 18).
As a result of the strict regulations on surrogacy in the United States, many couples begin to seek
help overseas(Asch and Marmor par. 18). The president of PlanetHospital, located in California,
sates that they send about 100 couples to India every year for surrogacy. Many people chose to do
this also because it costs less. It costs about $50,000 to have a surrogate mother in the United States,
however, surrogacy in India can be easily managed between $10,000–$12,000(Asch and Marmor
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Having a Baby Through Assisted Reproductive Technology Essay
Conceiving a baby can be easy for some couples and difficult for others. In fact, some couples can
do so naturally and others may need some professional help or even to the point where adoption is
the only possibility available. When given the option of professional help, we need to look at the big
picture and think about the moral, immoral and ethical part of this delicate subject. However, while
it may be difficult for some couples to conceive a baby, there are many methods that can possibly
work and that's when ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) becomes a great part of it. As far as
the moral and ethical part, some people would disagree to this new technology such as IVF (in vitro
fertilization), surrogacy, egg transfer, ... Show more content on ...
Sarah is willing to do whatever it takes to become a mother. She believes that as long as she is
happy and her husband is supporting her idea; the way of conception will not matter. The option of
surrogacy conflicts with the Kantian theory in reference to treating the surrogate mother as merely a
means to an end versus an end in itself. For example, the motive Sarah has is to use the surrogate
mother to carry her child for nine months so that Sarah and Jim may get what they want, which is a
biological child. This being said, the surrogate mother is only viewed as a tool to Sarah and Jim and
not necessarily as a sentient being. On the other hand, her husband is not willing to support her
decision. In fact, he makes his decision based on Contractarianism's theory. He believes that as long
as they are both cooperating with each other and putting their maximum effort conceiving a child
will be accomplished. Jim's idea of conceiving a child is by using the method of superovulation
therapy. He believes that sometimes infertility can be treated with a superovulation therapy, instead
of having a surrogate bearing his child. In this case, Sarah will be treated with medications to
increase the amount of eggs she ovulates every month. From there on, intrauterine insemination is
performed. Given the couple's different points of view, the topic becomes a little controversial. For
instance, Sarah wants a surrogate to carry the child for nine months; while Jim wants
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A Comparison between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Reproduction Research Assignment Sac 5
PART 1 : Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction [ 4 marks ]
– Discuss the differences between, and the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual
reproduction :
Sexual Reproduction is the formation of a new organism from two parents usually, and involves the
joining of gametes [ e.g. sperm, pollen, egg] to form a single cell called a zygote [ or fertilised egg ].
The offspring are similar, but not identical to the parents. Sexually Reproductive organisms include
mammals, most reptiles, and flowering plants. ADVANTAGES
There is greater genetic variation of the offspring and therefore, greater chance of survival in
changing environments. Asexual Reproduction is the process by ... Show more content on ...
The sperm she receives is stored in a little pouch connected to the genital tract and closed off by a
muscular valve. Whether or not she chooses to release the sperm to fertilise her eggs, and create
female bees is her choice. Otherwise, only male drones are hatched.
PART 2 : Structure And Function [ 6 marks ]
– This section must include 3 labelled diagrams of the human male reproductive system, female
reproductive system and the reproductive system of a flower.
There are two testes situated in a sac called the scrotum. Due to the testes needing an optimum
temperature for sperm production, the sac is located outside the body. This is because the core body
temperature is far too warm to keep producing healthy sperm. EPIDIDYMIS –
This stores the large numbers of sperm until they are ejaculated out through the penis. In these two
ducts, sperm complete their maturation. SPERM DUCT/VAS DEFERENS –
The sperm duct, or vas deferens transport sperm from the testes to the urethra. SEMEN–
Semen is the fluid produced to protect the sperm from dehydration and the acidic environment of the
female vagina after sexual intercourse. Semen allows the sperm to swim more easily. URETHRA –
This is the tube that normally carries urine from the urinary bladder. When semen containing sperm
is ejaculated, it also travels out through the urethra, but the
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The Sperm and the Egg
The Sperm and the Egg
Felicia Felix
December 4, 2011
Professor Tiffany Hamlett
This is the journey of the white knight, Sperm, and his princess, Egg, on their journey to Castle
infundibulum, which is the outer part of the fallopian tube, and the land of the uterus. With their
arrival, it will be decided whether they will become a male or female embryo and in turn that
embryo will become a baby! Princess Egg has waited a long time and looked forward for her white
knight to find her. It is fate that the two will meet, because there are so many in their homes that it is
only chance that they combine. We will be starting out with the princess in her home in the ovary,
while the knight is ... Show more content on ...
There are also many different traits they both bring to their meeting that affect the different physical
aspects of the embryo. From the testicles, Sperm makes his way to the epididymis where he spends
his time meeting with his fellow knights and maturing for about a month to prepare for the great
battle to gain unity with Princess Egg forever. Once they finish their training, the knights travel into
the Vans Deferens tube and move into the seminal vesicle where they freshen
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The Issues Some Have with Surrogacy
There are many couples in the world that cannot conceive babies. Surrogacy has helped millions of
families and individuals have children. Some people say that surrogacy is unhealthy for the
surrogate mothers and that it employs immoral methods for achieving pregnancy and parenthood;
however, surrogacy allows everyone to be able to have a child of their own even if they cannot
physically conceive one, it is beneficial to society, and it does not carry the same stigma as it did
years ago.
There are four different types of surrogate parenting. The most common is Classical Surrogacy
which is surrogacy by artificial insemination using the intended father's sperm. In this type of
surrogacy, the surrogate mother is the baby's biological mother (Chittom). A surrogate mother has to
be twenty–one to thirty–seven years old. She needs to have two children of her own and has to have
thirteen years of formal education on surrogacy. Seventy–five percent of surrogate mothers are
married and one–third of them hold full time jobs. Over half of the surrogates in the United States
are military wives (Parker). The majority of surrogate mothers are raised in Christian faith with only
twenty–five percent raised in Catholic faith (Chittom). Surrogates can be friends, family, or
strangers who are contacted through the many different agencies that have developed as surrogate
parenting becomes more common.
Surrogacy allows everyone to have an opportunity to have children of their own.
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The Ecological And Evolutionary Consequences Of Sperm...
Scientific Literature Worksheet (Due week of 9/15)
Name: Bianca Blake TA: Jeffrey Ecklund Section: 07 Date: 09/09/2014
What is the topic number of your assigned article and the title of the paper?
# 12 Title: The ecological and evolutionary consequences of sperm chemoattraction
Outline of the Main Points to be included in your Poster Presentation of your article
WHY: To determine the potential significance of sperm attractants stabilizing species barriers and
increasing gamete interactions evolutionarily and ecologically.
WHAT: I hope to learn of the both the negative and positive effects of sperm chemoattraction.
1. Skim and outline:
a. What is the overall objective of this investigation?
The overall objective of this investigation is analyze if chemoattraction has resulted so that the target
egg may be fertilized when gametes of other closely related species are present.
Why was the study undertaken?
The study was taken to determine the consequences of one–directional migration of a cell in
reaction to a chemical incline of ligands.
b. What did the investigator hope to learn from doing this investigation?
The investigator hoped to learn if sperm attractants might progress to find the precise target within
varied gamete suspensions of similar species.
2. Define unfamiliar terms:
What key terms need to be defined before the investigation can be understood and described?
Chemoattraction: one–directional migration of a cell in reaction to a chemical incline of
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Pesticides : Pesticides And Pesticides
Pesticides are prevalent in many societies, they are used on crops to ward off insects and other
nuisances, in homes to kill rodents, and in gardens to remove weeds. It is interesting that humans are
continuously exposed to chemicals that are literally used to kill other living things. Despite the fact
that many studies have shown that certain chemicals in pesticides have adverse side effects,
pesticide use remains so common place that most people are exposed to pesticides on an almost
daily basis. There are many classes of pesticides, like organophosphates, carbamates, and
pyrethroids, and each class of pesticides effects humans differently. In the empirical article
"Organophosphorous pesticide exposures and sperm quality," Melissa Perry, et al. look at the
association between urinary organophospophorous (OP) pesticide metabolites and the concentration
and motility of sperm.
The researchers of this study conducted an extremely thorough recruitment and subject selection
process. This study focused on newly married couples from agricultural regions in China, even
though this study specifically focused on the effects that OP pesticides had on the males' semen
quality, there were criteria that both the men and the women in the marriages had to meet. The initial
recruitment requirements were: this marriage was the first for both parties, the wives were between
the ages of 20 and 34 years, the wives were nonsmokers, they both were available for the study, they
had to live
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Gestational Surrogacy: Assisted Reproduction
Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction that helps intended parents start families (La Jolla
2012). While there are two forms, traditional and gestational, gestational surrogacy is the most
widely used today. The reason for this is because it allows for both intended parents to have a
genetic tie to their child. Whereas in traditional, only the intended father had the genetic tie. While
both processes are extremely pricy, costing at least $100,000 in the United States, gestational
surrogacy is more expensive because it requires the use of In Vitro Fertilization (BabyCenter 2016).
In addition, surrogacy is expensive because of the legal fees, which can be up to $14,000, that are
included in the contract (BabyCenter 2016). ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, by stating that these women cannot be empowered by making the decision of
becoming a surrogate mother would be taking away their agency. Empowerment takes many shapes
and forms, but overall, empowerment is solely up to the individual. For women such as Aasia, she
felt empowered by making a decision to be a surrogate mother without consulting with her husband.
She chose not to tell him because she knew he would discourage her from going through with the
process. However, at the end of the film, she explains how she is grateful that she was able to
provide for her
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What Kind Of Women Become Surrogates?
What kind of women become surrogates? The ones who have no heart or the ones who have such
big heart that they are willing to carry a child for someone else? Surrogacy comes with costs, pain
and risks but it also comes with happiness, love and appreciation. This is a job for a woman who is
super strong and won't become sentimental and attached when the baby arrives. It's had to carry a
child for nine months and then just give it to someone else. Artificial Insemination was first created
to help couples to have a baby in case of male sub–fertility or because either the woman or man had
a physical or psychological trait they didn 't want their child to have. But in this decade, Artificial
Insemination has been used more commonly in women that are lesbians or women that have no
partner at all, this is where you have to go to a sperm donor to get sperm since there is no male
partner. Artificial fertilization has advanced in the past two centuries; in 1784, there was an Artificial
Insemination done in a dog by scientist Lazarro Spallanzani, and 62 days later, 3 puppies were born.
The first application of Artificial Insemination in humans was done by John Hunter in the 1770s.
There was a cloth merchant with Hypospadia; this is a condition in which the opening of the urethra
is on the underside of the penis, instead of at the tip. And because of this, the man could not have
sex. He was told to collect the sperm while a couple was having sex in a warm syringe and to inject
it into
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Issues Related to Surrogacy Essay example
Issues Related to Surrogacy
The general notions with regards to the possibility of surrogacy seem to have old origins.(LT) The
history of Surrogacy goes way back to the beginning of time; in the Holy Bible and in Roman
history. Surrogacy has been a controversial medical process that has faced authorized issues since its
arrival. Because surrogacy is used to help an infertile couple have a child, many people are
overlooking the fact that there are risks and difficult choices to go along with this issue. In the
United States, the first known case of surrogacy occurred in California in the mid–1970s (LT).
Official reports on this issue published in the United States lack statistical information on the
number of births that were the ... Show more content on ...
This physical problem is whereas a female is born without a womb to carry an embryo. But let's
look at the other side of the situation. Men are the cause of surrogacy as well. One problem men
may have is sperm production problems. That can be caused by a medical issue such as being born
with Down Syndrome. But if there isn't a male in the situation, then most likely, it is the woman's
There are thousands of children in Africa that need to be adopted but instead people are surrogating.
That is a huge issue so many people are overlooking because they are so focused on having their
own baby by surrogacy that they don't think about adoption and the children that has already been
brought into the world and not token care of. The two most common reasons for couples to choose
surrogacy rather than adoption is having the ability to have that biological connection with the child
and they don't want to go through a home study investigation for the family because they might not
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Infertility Advantages And Disadvantages
The devastation of infertility in women can normally be very traumatic and overwhelming, but the
sliver of hope that science has been able to restore, to these women is utterly beautiful. In some
cultures, women who have trouble conceiving are deemed as lesser or inferior. For instance in some
African cultures, a woman who is unable to conceive is almost like an outcast in her family and
society. With the evolution of science, there are now many explanations for infertility issues and
solutions to solve them. Assisted reproduction technologies are third party techniques, which
medically grant the patient the ability to conceive, through the insemination process. These
procedures are geared towards same sex couples, couples suffering with infertility problems, or
couples who are unable to conceive due to genetic disadvantages.
As appealing and exciting as these artificial methods may seem, they come with alarming
disadvantages. There are many risks with artificial insemination, some higher than other. For
example,having more than one fetus in a pregnancy can increase the dangers of early labor and low
birth weight. Artificial fertilizations expand the multiple hazards of miscarriages depending on the
age of the mother. Stress is also a major disadvantage in the process of in vitro fertilization. The
strain of an IVF can be financially, physically and emotionally draining, but with support from
counselors, family and friends, Every mother or couple can power through the ups and downs of
infertility treatment. Surrogacy is another form of assisted reproduction, that allows the surrogate
mother to carry the egg of the the infertile couple.. There are of two types of surrogacy, gestational
and traditional surrogacy. In gestational surrogacy, the fetus is born with no genetic relations to the
surrogate mother. Whereas in traditional surrogacy, the surrogate becomes pregnant with her own
eggs. This form of insemination, can sometimes be dangerous due to the fact that surrogate mother
may form attachments with the fetus, and this can cause the detachment to be much more harder.
For instance, a case that recently surfaced involved a surrogate mother who was willing to kidnap
and flee the country with the child,
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My Action Is Morally Permissible
In today's society, us as humans have many different ideologies, but more importantly have ethical
standards that we live by, or most of us do. Ethics is important in everyday life, from having morals
to what you believe in. You have to think about if my action was morally permissible or
impermissible. Was my action wrong or right? All of this comes into play when we talk about
ethical issues we have throughout our lifetime. Many of us consider us as Christians, which you
believe in the Bible, but yet we tend to still have sexual intercourse or intoxicate our bodies with
poison, according to the Bible. We can be hypocrites about our ethical believes! With many couples
who can not have children, more and more Assisted Reproduction is being used. ... Show more
content on ...
First, if Sarah is so focused on not doing anything besides taking fertility medication, then for
myself, it would be very difficult to change her mind. If you ask me, I am a utilitarian and will agree
with Jim more than Sarah, even though I still believe in God. In Sarah case, I describe that God died
to wash out sins away, which were repentance comes in. I would tell Sarah that if we do something
against your religion or if that is a sin, explain to God that I did this for myself and my family,
knowing it was a sin but then ask for his forgiveness. Also, if that is promoting the greater good for
the overall majority, than that would be morally permissible for Jim and he would find happiness in
that. Sarah has think about how God died for all of our sins, meaning he took his own life for the
greater good, which to me, I think God or Jesus has utilitarian characteristics. You also have to look
at the risk associated with assisted reproductive and what could the possible outcomes be. You could
have no success in your journey of ART, but then you could have great success with it. You could
also hurt your body, which could cause physical harm to Sarah body, but not just that, mental harm
to Sarah and Jim. Mental illness is such a big issue in today's world, especially depression and
anxiety. You have to be realistic when it comes to ART, and if you are
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Artificial Insemination and the Rights of Women, Men, and...
Women have adamantly battled for political and social reproductive rights since, in particular
artificial insemination, have become mainstream phenomena in the recent decade with a focus on
rights of women. In fact, doctors have experimented with the procedure for nearly a century.
However, with the women¹s liberation movement of the 1970s, physician–assisted and self–
insemination has become more and more popular among heterosexual career women and lesbians.
The Origins of Artificial Insemination
She was a Quaker. The wife of a merchant. The infertility patient of Dr. William Pancoast. She was
a woman whose name was never recorded.
Dr. Pancoast, a professor at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, had already examined and ...
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Women, usually healthy and fertile, enlist the help of physicians because they do not have access to
the one element that will yield them a child. And so, doctors prescribe a cure of sorts– sperm. The
procedure allows women increased power to regulate the reproductive processes of their bodies.
Ironically, artificial insemination was not created as a method of empowerment for women. Rather
for men. Male scientists and researchers developed the technology for eugenic purposes, not to
alleviate the pressures of alternative lifestyles of women. That is, to improve the human species.
With the onset of research in genetics in the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists entertained
theories of quality control with respect to human reproduction. Scientists such as Francis Crick and
Dr. William Shockley believed that the growth rate of the population was increasing too rapidly, and
most importantly certain unfavorable demographic clusters were increasing. In short, the wrong
classes and races were reproducing with more frequency than was desired by these men. They hoped
that future progeny would be of the same superior caliber as themselves. To yield this, they
proposed schemes to tax children; to provide cash incentives for sterilization; to license women for
the number of children they may bear and men for the sperm they may deposit in seed banks;
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Gestational Surrogacy Essay
Gestational surrogacy: the laws and related conflicts in Europe
Surrogacy has been known for over thousand years since it was described in the Old Testament of
the Holy Bible. However, we have almost no information about the practice of surrogacy until the
end of the 20th century in the UK. It gained great attention with the 'Baby Cotton' and the 'Baby M'
case in both the UK and the US then. (Horsey & Sheldon, 2012) The view during those days was
that surrogacy was a symbol of the suppresion of women by males, because of the use of the woman
body just for the means of reproduction. Today the general opinion towards surrogacy is shifting to a
more favorable view. More and more people see it as a good alternative for reproduction ... Show
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The Vatican forbids ART (artificial reproductive techniques) and therefore gestational surrogacy.
They state that conception is a gift, and not a right. Other arguments used are future problems with
developing a personal identity and parental rejection. The same approach applies to the Sunni Islam.
(Inhorn et al., 2010) In this light, it is interesting to see that other religions such as Hinduism,
Buddhism, and Judaism have a more favourable approach towards surrogacy. (Ramskold & Posner,
2013) In fact, Israels surrogacy friendly laws are based on the Jewish point on view on the
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Should Surrogacy Be Legal?
Should surrogacy be permitted in Australia?
Surrogacy has been a contentious issue in Australia and many jurisdictions generally permit
altruistic surrogacy but prohibit commercial surrogacy. There have been legal and moral disputes in
our society on whether surrogacy is righteous and should be permitted. In determining whether
surrogacy is permitted, the court looks at a range of factors to decide whether surrogacy acts in the
best interests of the child. The factors favour in allowing surrogacy encompass the creation of the
child is not motivated by grief or the desire to create a surrogate partner, the decision of performing
surrogacy is rational, and there is unequivocal and extensive support network to provide the child a
loving environment.
As Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is getting more developed and frequently adopted, this
brings infertile couples' dream of eagerly having babies to reality. In Evans v Amicus Healthcare
Arden LJ further commented that, "infertility can cause the woman or man affected great personal
distress. In the case of a woman, the ability to give birth to a child gives many women a supreme
sense of fulfilment and purpose in life. It goes to their sense of identity and to their dignity."
However, risks such as embryos getting infected may potentially be occurred while using ART.
Surrogacy may create psychological pressure on infertile couples, and trigger disputes regarding the
legal parentage of the child resulting from surrogacy.
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Speech On Surrogate Mother Surrogacy
In all cultures of the world, motherhood is something which is considered to lie at the heart of the
meaning of love. The concept of a woman's love for her children is viewed as the most powerful,
ferocious, tender and unconditional love that exists. Motherhood for Indian women is a
psychospiritual phenomena and not just a psychosexual one. This psychospiritual meaning of all the
institutions of socialization, particularly marriage of which a child is the outcome, makes the Indian
context different from other societies. The preparation for mother baby interactions begin much
before a woman actually attains motherhood. Now the term motherhood is expanded to the
surrogate motherhood, which means that a women helps women i.e. if any women, couple cannot
conceive on their own and want a baby, they now ... Show more content on ...
(ii) Total Surrogacy: In this, IVF (In vitro fertilization) method is used. The gametes of both
(husband and wife) intended parents are implanted into the uterus of surrogate mother; as a result
the child is the genetic child of intended parents.
(i) Commercial surrogacy: The surrogate mother is paid over and above the necessary medical
expenses according to a contract between surrogate and intended parents.
(ii) Traditional surrogacy: Surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the sperm of intended
father as sperm from a donor when the sperm count is low, in either case the surrogate's own eggs
are used.
(iii) Gestational surrogacy: In Gestational surrogacy the surrogate mother has no genetic ties to the
off spring. Eggs and sperms are extracted from the donors (intended parents) and in vitro fertilized
and implanted into uterus of the surrogate
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Utilitarianism: The Case Of Commercial Surrogacy
Utilitarianism is a universal teleological system. It calls for the greatest good for the greatest
number, meaning that whatever is beneficial to the greatest number of people is good, whereas
whatever benefits the least number of people is otherwise. From the utilitarian stance, surrogacy
may be morally right because the intended parents receive a much–desired child. In the case of
commercial surrogacy, the surrogate mother receives a reward in form of payment, and in altruistic
surrogacy, the surrogate (who acts voluntarily) gives the "gift of new life" (Saxena, Mishra & Malik,
2012). If a surrogacy is to unfold smoothly, then from a utilitarian stance, it is good; as the greater
numbers of people are happy. Even in the application of the ... Show more content on ...
On the contrary, the District of Columbia, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and
Washington have statutes or published case laws prohibiting compensated surrogacy contracts. Most
states fall in the middle, and some do not have statutes that address the validity or legality of
surrogacy contracts (Gugucheva, 2010). Perhaps legislation is slow in coming because the society is
yet to resolve the myriad of ethical and legal questions surrounding surrogate motherhood.
Scholars who oppose surrogacy are of the opinion that infertile couples should consider alternative
options to have children, such as adoption. The argument is that there are already–existing children
and children about to be born in need of parental care and love. However, legal problems can be
associated with this option, especially if the biological parents want the child back. Another similar
alternative is fostering. The downside is that the children in need of foster care often have a difficult
time adjusting. Parents need to be confident and patient. Also, there is a chance that such parents
may not raise the children throughout their entire childhood years; nevertheless, it is possible to
maintain contact. The opposing argument is that surrogacy is better, since the child and intended
parents are genetically
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Anonymous Egg
Anonymous Egg and Sperm Donation Should sperm and egg donors be anonymous? What would
you do if you had a stranger knocking at your door calling you mommy or daddy? According to sirs
the business of egg and sperm donation is built largely on anonymity, the donor's offspring usually
never learn about their biological background. This has led to a question whether or not the donor's
identity should be able to be revealed to their offspring. Sirs notes that some support creating a
sperm and egg donor registry which would allow their genetic offspring to contact them. Critics of a
proposed registry argue it would destroy the donor industry which would lead to a decrease in
people willing to donate. They also add that the donor's privacy should ... Show more content on ...
I believe that all sperm and egg donations should remain anonymous because the parents knew what
they were getting themselves into at the time of need. I just want to emphasize that there is no need
to find out the donor if they did not want you to know who they are. They chose to be anonymous
for a reason not for someone to come and take that right away from them. Being anonymous was a
part of the deal the parents knew they were getting themselves into. I may add that sperm and egg
donors are not true parents so why should they be forced to give up their identity to someone they
know nothing about? Also in the article Misconceived from the magazine The Economist adds that
parents do not want their children knowing they were conceived from a donor because it does not
really have any significant emotional
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Persuasive Speech On Cloning
When looked up on Google i hear well spoken thoughts on you. After reading your background and
what made you into who you are today made me realize that you are a well spoken person. This
letter is in regards of passing a bill on cloning. Cloning is when person is basically replicated. This
is not always the case because the experiment can also be done to animals. Pet owners choose to pay
extra money to buy a pet that will be categorized as in the "superior breed". I understand that you
are a businesswoman and make decisions that will not only have an effect on you but the U.S. I hope
that you take this into consideration and let my words help make a positive impact to the
communities throughout the U.S. In fact there are two types of cloning first is therapeutic cloning,
second is reproductive cloning. Not to mention both of these meet the same standards on coning.
The difference is Therapeutic cloning is done in a petri dish. Then there's reproductive cloning that
is done when doctors get sperm cells and a woman's eggs and they combine them both to make a
baby then the embryo is put back into the mother's womb so the baby can get all the right nutrients
as the mother is getting. At this point they are asking donations from american tax paying dollars to
fund the research for both of these experiments. I know that therapeutic cloning is not the best
candidate to give money for further research because they are bringing a life to this world without
giving it life. That is not the correct way to give a person a life. Knowing that you are christian let
me know that you are for the bible and the thought of giving a person life should come from a
mother not a petri dish. Now on the other hand there are cases where people need reproductive
cloning, for example there are people who have problems reproducing and any other fertile
treatment won't help. That's when reproductive cloning comes in. There are gay and lesbian couples
who want to have a child that has both of their genes, that's when reproductive cloning comes in
place and helps out all these hopeless families. Based off of what i read about You I know you're for
both gays and lesbians. I noticed that when you had your speech on gay marriage making a
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Gender Stereotypes In The Film Starbuck
Starbuck is a movie of a man who participated in sperm donation. This dramatic and comedic film
had a serious message questioning the moral stance on donating sperm. The public audience
described in the film was said to have had a negative attitude on excessive sperm donation. There
should not be a cap on how much an individual can donate sperm. The fact that humans were meant
to be monogamous is unclear. As stated in the reading, humans have been monogamous,
polyandrous, promiscuous, and more at some point in our history. According to the reading, Sperm
and Eggs, the dominant male in societies of gorillas are the ones who mate with most of the females
of that group. This will provide the foundation for stronger offspring by having the male
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The Human Reproduction Act, An Individual
Under s.60 of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, an individual "(a) is liable, on conviction on
indictment, to a fine not exceeding $500,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years,
or to both; or (b) is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $250,000 or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding four years, or to both" for not complying with the guidelines
set out regarding the duties of the reproduction of a child. A surrogate mother is defined as a woman
who carries a fetus conceived through an assisted reproduction procedure which is derived from the
genes of a donor or donors, and with the intent of surrendering such child at the time of birth
(AHRA, 2004). However, there is still ambiguity felt between surrogates and parents related to what
the law sets out as their legal duties in conceiving a child, and this is also pertinent in relation to the
context of a working contract. Having said that, this essay aims at addressing the unclarity, pointing
to the main arguments in favor of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, and how the decision was
aimed to safeguard the rights of those involved; including the child, and to prevent culpability issues
within the health sector and many others linked to the overall process.
To understand why this is a highly controversial issue today, we must look at some of the main
objectives of why this law was enacted and the compromises made in order to achieve satisfaction
of all. First, what are the
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Inhorn's Analysis
Inhorn talks of the "emerging areas of dissonance and dissent to the prevailing religious discourse"
(2012a: 165), indicating that men more readily challenge the religious laws that are in place. The
setting that most embodies this observation is the semen collection clinic, where men must provide a
sample of their semen for analysis. Here, men encounter a number of obstacles that are so contrary
to their religious beliefs, but they must confront them to achieve their desire for children. The first is
that of masturbation, which, as discussed in the previous chapter, denotes something considered zina
or illegal sexual activity by many men and many religious leaders. Furthermore, semen itself is seen
as something polluting once it leaves the ... Show more content on ...
However, there are disparities between religious leaders in the region such as Ayatollah Khamene'i
who permits sperm donation as an option to cure ones infertility. Morgan Clarke talks about how
Islam seeks to 'keep(ing) up with the times' and this is especially apparent in Lebanon where there is
a high number of azoospermia cases – men who have no viable semen whatsoever (Clarke, 2009;
Inhorn 2012a). As a result, in Lebanon, there is much greater leniency towards sperm donation
amongst religious leaders and medical practitioners because it is the only option left for these men.
The belief however is that a child should be created within a legal marital structure and any outside
or third party interference in the form of another man's semen would disrupt this. 'Lineal
masculinity', outlines the difference between the roles of men and women in reproduction (King and
Stone, 2010). Men need to reproduce to preserve their lineage, and contribute to the lineage of their
family that has accumulated over generations. For men, lineage is collective, and any break in the
passage of lineage from one generation to the next, would result in the abolition of all that came
before. These serious notions underline why this type of NRT is so difficult to comprehend for these
men. A man who categorically ruled out sperm donation as a solution in Inhorn's study stated,
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Surrogate Motherhood Essay
Surrogate motherhood refers to that condition of a fertile (footnote) woman who has been contracted
to become impregnated via reproductive technologies such as donor or artificial insemination. It is
that condition wherein that fertile woman also has agreed to transfer her rights on the child to the
biological parents after giving birth. This is bounded by a contract that was signed by the contracting
parents and the surrogate. The reasons for this generally fall into two categories. Either the
contracting couple is unable to produce a child or they would prefer to eliminate or enhance certain
genetic traits. My argument would apply to either case. For the purpose of this paper, the
motivations are irrelevant and the logic following ... Show more content on ...
It is also said that with this type of surrogacy, the intended mother enters into a step parent type of
adoption (Canadian Surrogacy Options, Inc). Lastly, egg donation, would refer to the condition or
process of maintaining a database for potential egg donors (Canadian Surrogacy Options, Inc.) For
the purposes of this discussion, each of these engages in the commidification of the reproductive
agency and human reproduction by legally and socially justifying a condition in which this capacity
may become fungible.
Mother's egg, father's sperm – this type of surrogacy is usually employed in cases wherein the
mother is not capable of carrying a fertilized egg for medical reasons.
Donor egg, father's sperm – a type of surrogacy that is employed when there is doubt on the quality
of the egg or there are no available ovaries for fertilization.
Mother's egg, donor sperm – this is the opposite of donor egg, father's sperm. This is actually taken
into consideration when there is doubt in the quality of the father's sperm.
Donor egg, donor sperm – is the type of surrogacy chosen by intended parents who would want to
establish a genetic link with the child.
Surrogate motherhood became popular in the 1980's. This was popularized by the case of Baby M,
which primarily dealt on the ethical issues raised regarding reproductive
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Traditional Surrogacy And Gestational Surrogacy
Surrogacy is the arrangement of a birth of a child when the parents are not actually childbearing.
This involves a legal agreement between the surrogate and parents, that puts the child under the care
of the parents immediately after birth. The surrogate has no legal ties to the baby and formally
renounces her rights as a parent to the child. There are many different types of surrogacy and ways
in which one can do this procedure. Traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy are two of the
most popular and well–known forms of surrogacy. Traditional uses intrauterine insemination to
implant the biological father 's sperm into the egg of the surrogate. This procedure is typically used
when the mother 's eggs or father 's sperm is no longer viable. Also, this procedure is less expensive
and complex than in–vitro fertilization. This procedure allows the father of the child to be the
biological sperm donor, and feel possessive over his kin. Due to the genetic relation of the baby to
the surrogate mother in this situation, the surrogate is often a relative or friend of the parents. This
can make matters more complex if there is a disagreement during the pregnancy or after the baby is
born. Although, this way the baby is still biologically related to the father and possibly the mother, if
a family member becomes their surrogate. The first legal case of surrogacy was in 1970 with a baby
by the title of, baby M. The lawyer who arranged the baby and mother went on to develop
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Essay about Sperm Donation: A Viable Option
The technology of today's world is astounding. We have learned how to battle diseases that were
once thought to lead to a certain death, we have invented incredible technologies that allow us to
communicate with people across the world instantly, and maybe most impressively of all, we are
able to create human life. We now hold in our hands the technologies that allow those who may not
have been able to conceive naturally to have children they can call their own; children who will
enrich their lives in a way nothing else can, and who will continue their names and lives after they
are gone. In an age where we have more power than ever to use the bodies and DNA of others for
our own benefit, it becomes increasingly important that we remain ... Show more content on ...
Putting these measures into effect would nearly eliminate the chance of unknown incest becoming a
Many opponents of sperm donation also believe that donation should not be allowed to remain
anonymous, citing that this causes negative effects on the resulting children in the long run
(Christian Science Monitor); however I believe this should be entirely the donor's choice. Many
countries have already passed laws no longer allowing anonymous donation. According to the article
"In Britain, a decline in sperm donors; Anonymous no longer, most say they want to help infertile
couples, not just earn extra cash" by the Christian Science Monitor, this ban on anonymous sperm
donation has vastly affected the number of donors, resulting in a shortage of sperm available for use.
This action does not seem to be the most logical answer as it leaves many people wanting children
without means by which they can do so. The effects on the donor conceived children could just as
easily be reduced by other methods such as the creation of a national registry that includes more
accessible data about their donor, such as medical issues the donor themselves may have and a more
detailed family history of medical predispositions; something that many children including Kathleen
LaBounty, a young woman with a
... Get more on ...

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Pros And Cons Of In Vitro Fertilization

  • 1. Pros And Cons Of In Vitro Fertilization Toni–Ann Tait Tait–1 Yafeng Wang Introduction to Philosophy 25 September 2017 Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse (six months if the woman is over the age 35) or the inability to carry a pregnancy to live birth. In the United States, 7.4 million women have been stricken with the disease. 1 To resolve this issue, potential parents look for other options to add to their growing family. Gestational surrogacy is the last resort for many of these families. It uses a process known as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to create an embryo using the ova/eggs from the prospective mother and sperm from the father that is implanted in the gestational surrogate (International Assisted Reproduction Center). These surrogates are then compensated for the services which they are providing. Many would agree that this is the right thing to do because this mutual exchange is maximizing happiness for both parties. However, this is not the case for Elizabeth Anderson, a distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan. Anderson argues that "commercial surrogate contracts objectionably commodify children because they regard parental rights over children not as trusts to be allocated in the best interests of the child, but as lie property rights, to be allocated at the will of the parents" (Anderson 19). I strongly agree with Anderson's argument because commercial surrogacy is strictly for the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Cullimore Vs Johnson Case Amie Cullimore, a medical practitioner, filed a child support claim against Michael Ranson, who more than two decades ago donated his sperm to Amie Cullimore, who subsequently conceived two children. Cullimore alleges that throughout the years, Ranson has assumed the role of loco parentis, which means that Ranson has stood in the place of the parent throughout the years. Ranson filed a response that Bill 28, also known as, All Families Are Equal Act, which extinguishes Cullimore`s claim based on the assertion that the surrogate parents who lack an intention to be parents cannot be considered parents in law. Issue Are sperm and egg donors parents and can they be sued for child support? Conclusion No, according to section 5 of the newly introduced ... Show more content on ... For example, in Cheng v Cheng the court held that it is enough to demonstrate a settled intention to treat children as their own for the person to be liable to pay child support. Moreover, the child support responsibilities could extend beyond the biological parentage, because in Cheng v Cheng these obligations extended to the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Essay Reproductive Techniques: In Vitro Fertilization Reproduction is a fundamental right given to everybody. Unfortunately, there are some of us no reproductive capabilities. In today's world advances in reproductive techniques such as invitro fertilization, egg or sperm donation and gestational surrogacy have sparked new interests to women who do not have the ability to reproduce on their own. Legal, moral and ethical issues have been raised about these advanced methods of reprodution used to substitute natural conception and birth. These advanced techniques raise issues concerning the rights and parenthood. What does occur in the process of sperm donation? What happens when a surrogate mother refuses to give the child? What are the motives of the surrogate mother and why seeking parents ... Show more content on ... For instance the actress Nicole Kidman recently had a daughter, but you'd never know it, because Kidman was never actually pregnant. She and her husband, country star Keith Urban, were unable to conceive, so they hired a surrogate to have the baby for them. There is a big misconception which, I think needs to be stressed out. From the social point of view, it could be somewhat problematic for people to figure out the reason and motive why surrogate performing this duty for. Majority of them believe that it is only for the money, but there are tons of reasons why surrogates would want to help infertile couples to have a baby. There is aso a very popular reason that surrogates perform this hard duty only for the idea of helping someone who needs it. True, the money is a great bonus for the surrogate performing this job, first and foremost, people have to have belief that surrogate has altruistic motives. Each surrogate is different person and they may have different motives, thus I think it is unfair for society to assume what their reasons may be. "Each decision made between the surrogate and the seeking parents are personal, and each case is under different circumstances." Сouples who desperately want to have kids turn to those who can help, and surrogates are ready and do help. Although money may be a great bonus for the surrogate, seeking couples are ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Sperm Donation Controversy In today's time, new ways have been developed to make individuals lives effortless and more efficient. A child being conceived through sperm donation is one of the many ways life has been made easier. Sperm donors have always been in high demand, because there is and still are many single women, couples (lesbians, heterosexuals), and different cases of individuals who are not able to conceive a child. The argument has always been over the sperm donor's anonymity, and what knowledge the child or receiver should be provided. The man who volunteers to donate his sperm signs a contract that assures him, from both sides (the recipient, and the sperm bank), that his identity will remain anonymous. Additionally, the sperm donor may be the biological father, but is not really the father to child, seeing as though they ... Show more content on ... The contract goes on about protecting the privacy of the child, and the donor. Unlike other agreements a contract is a legally binding promise. By law each party that has signed the contract must follow the agreements decided between the two parties or individuals. The right to be anonymous is a reciprocal right; where the donor cannot seek out the child, and the child can not seek out the donor either. If there were a donor who chose to be known then his contract and agreements would be different compared to the anonymous one. Children who are conceived through anonymous donors would not be able to find information about their biological fathers because the clinic legally cannot provide information to anyone related about their anonymous sperm donations. If the women or recipient(s) are concerned that the child would want to know about their biological father, then they can easily choose a donor that does not mind being known. The donor enters the clinic with the intention that he will remain anonymous, because the clinic gives the donor confidence that their data for anonymous individuals is kept private. In ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. In Vitro Fertilization Is Ethical Making someone else's baby Surrogate mothers carry another couple's child with her own eggs or fertilized eggs from other women. Surrogate motherhood is unethical and needs to be banned due to the fact that reproductive technologies are inhuman and a form of violence therefore, as surrogacy becomes more popular, legal problems proliferate. Reproductive technologies such as In Vitro Fertilization and surrogacy are a form of violence against women because they technologically ravage women's bodies. In Vitro Fertilization is a medical procedure that's done where an egg is fertilized by sperm in a test tube (Raymond 1). The procedure is just inhuman in many ways, the mother is not naturally carrying the bay when fertilized egg and sperm are implanted ... Show more content on ... " In one case a gay couple were able to purchase eggs for a surrogate mother for two newborns(Devine 1)."Here is where commercial surrogacy causes the children to be at risk. "There is no guarantee that pedophiles will not be able to buy and raise their victims, since there is a egg and sperm donor. No one with a physical link can protect the child due to lack of natural nurturing links put the child at a greater risk of abuse(Devine 1)". There are many questions from everyone, What if these people do not have the right intentions? How do we know the surrogate mother will take care of the baby until they are born? Questions that go through everyone's head all the time. If you have to worry about these questions or just be unsure of it then it should be illegal. people who are unsure about drugs, or a new medication they should take makes them double guess it. Most of the time if they have to double guess it, they do not do it. "The ultimate horror of the 21st century science is that if you have enough money you can buy a helpless newborn baby and do whatever they liked to with it in the privacy of their own home. There is nothing nobody can do to stop it(Devine 2)." Commercial surrogacy is not something people should not turn to when looking for a child for whatever reasons they may have. If people were to think about it, like they do not know the surrogate mother. The surrogate mother doesn't get a background check nor does the family getting the baby. So literally anyone with the money can get this child. They could possibly harm the child but yet no one will never know. At least with adoption agencies they look into families background and make sure they are fit to raise someone else's child. There has been some cases where famous people have turned to surrogacy such as Michael Jackson. The $250 million pop ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Surrogate Motherhood Is Considered The Most Controversial... Surrogate motherhood is considered the most controversial form of medically assisted conception. Surrogacy is defined as an arrangement by which a woman gives birth to a baby on behalf of a woman who is incapable of conceiving babies herself or is infertile. The issue of surrogacy has been running for almost three decades. Elizabeth Cane was the first woman in the United States to legally become a surrogate mother in 1980 (Chittom and Wagner). Surrogate births are illegal in many countries, including some states in the United States. For example, it is illegal in Michigan, Washington, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and New York, whereas it legal in California, Oregon, Texas, and Arkansas (Chittom and Wagner). According to the Organization of Parents Through Surrogacy (OPTS), about 22,000 babies have been born from surrogate mothers in the United States since surrogacy became legal in the 1970s (Chittom and Wagner). There are two types of surrogacy: traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother is impregnated using the sperm of the intended father by a procedure called donor insemination. In this case, the surrogate mother and the intended father are genetically related to the baby. In gestational surrogacy, a procedure called in vitro fertilization is used to impregnate the surrogate mother using a couple's fertilized ovum (Chittom and Wagner). There are two types of surrogacy arrangements: altruistic and commercial. In ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Adoption Of Traditional Surrogate Mothers When a couple decides to have a baby but is unable to due to infertility issues, surrogacy becomes an option. Surrogates who agree to bear a child for another couple have made parenthood a possible option for individuals that are not able to adopt a child. Reasons may be because of their age, marital status, or sexual orientation. There are two kinds of surrogate mothers. A traditional surrogate is a woman who is artificially inseminated with the father's viable sperm. The traditional surrogate is then the baby's biological mother because it was her egg that was fertilized by the father's sperm. A gestational surrogate is known as the "birth mother," who is implanted with an embryo into her uterus from the biological mother and father. In ... Show more content on ... Constitution's prohibition on slavery (Textbook p. 296). Throughout the world, surrogacy is a controversial issue although it is legal in most states. There are many ethical, legal, medical, moral, and societal implications when it comes to surrogacy. There are many ethical considerations and implications when it comes to surrogacy. Questions arise of what is right and what is not, especially when it comes to the child. There has been a positive "compassionate" case when it comes to surrogacy in the situation that a 48–year–old grandmother carried triplets for her daughter who was unable to bear children due to infertility issues. While other dilemmas arise such as potential court battles over custody of a child conceived outside of marriage, reducing birth to a legal arrangement for the exchange of money, and future emotional distress of the child when learned they were taken away from their biological mother. As well as embarrassment for the surrogate mother whose actions some people have likened to prostitution and harm to the surrogate mother's own children when they learn she has given one child away and have received money in return (Textbook). There are also many ethical implications in the surrogacy process. Ethical issues arise with the question of the involvement of the surrogate mother and with the identity of the child. The surrogate mother will most likely not be the child's primary caretaker and legal questions could ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Anonymous Sperm and Egg Donation Essay Anonymous Sperm and Egg Donation Anonymous sperm and egg donation is a serious topic. Some people think they should remain anonymous and some do not. A few reasons for becoming known donors are legal rights, medical reasons, and psychological problems. The parents and donor kids should know where the sperm or egg came from because it might affect their futures. Medical risks are a huge deal that everyone needs to be aware of, but especially those who are not sure where they came from. Donor children who do not know who their donor is or are looking for their biological parent, may grow up to have problems psychologically. Children have the right to know their biological background. There are many views on sperm and egg donation. Some ... Show more content on ... There are worse problems than not knowing whom their donor parent is, though. Lots of donor children grow up not knowing that they have a greater chance of having a medical problem. To donate, a person does not have to take any certain tests. They just have to show up and if their sperm or eggs look fine the hospital staff take it. "Regardless of socioeconomic status, donor offspring are twice as likely as those raised by biological parents to report problems with the law before age 25. They are more than twice as likely to report having struggled with substance abuse. And they are about 1.5 times as likely to report depression or other mental health problems," said Karen Clark, an investigator. Not only are donor children more likely to get into problems with the law, they are more likely to get into problems dealing with their health. That is why donor children and their parents, the ones who raised them, should be allowed to know who the donor parent is. Children have a right to know who gave them life because of medical reasons. Some people might argue that genetic medical problems do not give children the right to know the donor parent because they can just use their DNA or blood sample to know medical problems they might have. However, what they do not realize is that it can be difficult for donor children to find that information. It is important for them to also realize that new medical problems could have sprung up since the ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Anthropological Challenges Raised by New Reproductive... Discuss some of the anthropological challenges raised by the introduction of NRT's (New Reproductive Technologies). In the world we live today, technology plays a very important role in the construction of our society. By the means of new technologies, new theories, ideologies and perspectives are being applied to understand social phenomena. Society has gone, and is still going through a new revolution, because technology has changed the way we look at different sectors in our lives, such as in the way we communicate, social institutions, different jobs and so on. In this assignment, I am going to write about new reproductive technologies and the impacts these leave regarding the family unit, as such technologies can change the ... Show more content on ... In his argument he mentions the debate about artificial insemination, which raised social and legal problems. The sperm donor might be the husband or just an anonymous man, but whether the husband or not, the sperm donor was never approved to be the legal or proper father as the reproduction procedure was not taken place naturally. In fact, it was recommended to be made as a criminal offence in 1948, by a commission set up by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Therefore the child born from this procedure has an ambiguous status, or considered illegitimate. It is then made obvious that the husband of the woman, who raised the child, still has no rights or duties over him/her. These rights, in some way, belongs to the sperm donor, such that if the mother registers her husband to be the father of the child, even if he is not, she would be, of course, committing a crime as only if the husband is genetically the father, would he be considered legitimate. Some who are against this procedure is particularly against for the reason that the husband would have not played his role in the procreation of the child, therefore considered as a bad thing to do. Although such objections were raised, the committee of Warnock still remained in ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Persuasive Essay About Egg Donation How would you like to wake up next to your boyfriend/husband someday and find out he is your half–brother? I wonder how often this happens and I wonder how many people don't even realize its happened to them. We live in a time where you don't need to have a relationship with someone to have their child, you don't even have to know them. With egg donors and sperm donors this has become common place. I believe it should be a mandatory requirement for anyone involved with sperm or egg donation to register with the Donor Sibling Registry and no one involved should be allowed to remain anonymous. There should also be a limit to the amount of donations made. No one person should be able to populate the world. According to the current statistics ... Show more content on ... Not knowing your biological mother or father can haunt people for their entire lives; I've seen it. There is an innate need to know your personal history, who you are and where you came from. In most donor conceived people they only have half of their family tree, just one side of information, one set of grandparents. They end up wondering do I have my father's eyes or my mother's smile? And as the years go by what is my medical history? What will I pass onto my children? For some people it becomes all consuming, take Kathleen LaBounty for instance, she was told not much more than her donor went to Baylor College of Medicine in 1981. "In her guest room, LaBounty pulls down a big white box full of research. She photocopied six years ' worth of Baylor College of Medicine yearbooks, tracked down all 600 men and sent them letters. LaBounty included photos of herself and said she 'd found a place to do non–legally binding DNA tests. She was astounded when 250 men replied. Some clearly freaked out, asking her not to contact them again. But to her surprise, most were incredibly supportive. One said he 'd waited 26 years to get a letter like that and felt sure he was the guy. But a flurry of correspondence, then DNA tests, found no match. It was an emotional roller coaster. "One man actually told me he was heartbroken," she ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Legal Consent Of Gestational Surrogacy In this Brief, the petitioner Julie Williams will be referred to as Julie, Appellant. Respondent Jessie Sampson will be referred to as Jessie, Appellee. ARGUMENT ON APPEAL This court should answer the question "Does the court have the right to allow Jessie Williams to keep her daughter despite her earlier contract of surrogacy"? Based on the legal binding gestational surrogacy contract. The Merits At issue in this petition is whether the determination by the trial court, should the child be turned over to Julie Williams. In light, of this judgement solely based on prior gestational agreement forms, Julie Williams is requesting that the decision be overturned and the surrogate turn over the child. Currently there are several federal statutes governing the disposition of gestational surrogacy. There is Florida Statutes 742.14 Part One, which states prior to engaging in gestational surrogacy, binding and enforceable gestational surrogacy contract for gestational surrogacy shall not be binding and enforceable unless the gestational surrogate is 18 years of age or older. Except as provided the gestational surrogate agrees to relinquish any parental right upon the child's birth, regardless of any impairment of the child. In addition, the gestational surrogate also agrees to assume parental rights and responsibilities for the child born to her if it is determined that neither member of the commissioning couple is the genetic parent of the child. ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Ethics Of Gestational Surrogacy Perhaps one of the greatest human desires is to create and love a child. There are those who, by nature, do not possess such personal aspiration, seeking preventative measures to avoid conception. Then there are those thrilled to take on the role of parent, whether or not pregnancy fit into the initial plan. Still there are those who long for a tiny biological life, which cannot be traditionally conceived or carried to term due to a failure of mechanisms within the body beyond the control of the intended parents. Such problematic infertility issues have prompted "would be" parents to turn to surrogacy arrangements to acquire a gestational surrogate, a woman who would consent to implantation and of a couple's embryo created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and carrying the fetus to termination should a pregnancy result. Referred to as a "Wild, Wild West" globalized industry, the United States is a relatively unregulated playground of opportunity for commercial "for hire" contractual surrogacy otherwise found illegal in the majority of developed countries around the world. In terms of state to state approaches regulating surrogacy reproductive modalities, a patchwork of laws exist from extreme outlawing of surrogacy, permissibility with limitations, or most favorable flexible allowance in operation; consumers of surrogacy services are forced to research the market for the most advantageous forum. There is no current overarching federal law regulating surrogacy ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Surrogate Mothers Or Those Donating Gametes For Research... The purpose of this essay is to discuss on whether surrogate mothers or those donating gametes for research and in fertility treatment of others receive remuneration for their contribution beyond what is currently offered. This will be done by defining the relevant concepts and associated terminology, discuss on the physical and emotional impact that may occur, the different factors that may lead to exploitation and finally considering what could be done to prevent exploitation. According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) Surrogacy is the process in which another women carries and gives birth to a baby for the couple who want to have a child. Surrogacy is an option for those with a medical condition that makes it ... Show more content on ... The donation of mitochondrial is extremely important because 1 in 200 children in the UK are born with the condition that can lead to disability and death and there is no cure currently (Mitochondrial donation, 2014). In the UK there is a shortage of donated gametes even though gamete donation is in demand (Murray et al,2000) especially within the ethnic minority groups (Purewal et al, 2005). More often gamete donation is more common within the men population than it is for the women. This may be down to the simple fact that the technology and methods for gamete donation for women are more intrusive and lengthy in comparison to that of a man's. Some oocyte donor express positive attributions about their donation experience (Jordan et al,2004) whilst others attribute some negative perceptions mainly about the techniques used and that were involved (Jordan et al,2004). Using assisted reproductive technology has an emotional effect on the surrogate, it could cause emotional distress on the surrogate when it comes to handing the baby over (Kennell et al,2002). Prior to this this stage there would have been a biological bond between the surrogate and the foetus during her pregnancy, pregnant women produce a hormone known as the oxytocin hormone which helps prepare the surrogate to have a natural maternal instinct. (FazliKhalaf et al , 2008) ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. A Research Article On Hiv Before reading this article, I must admit that I was not educated on the available options for men living with HIV to conceive biological children. I always thought that they were limited to adoption and the use of a sperm donors. I never though that an HIV positive person could have sex with an HIV negative person without transferring the infection. I've always known that a person's viral load played a part in they're ability to transfer the virus, but I still wondered what person in their right mind would take the chance of contracting such a horrible disease. I knew that condoms provided some protection from contracting the disease, but again, who would take the chance of catching HIV. So, for me the thought of an HIV– discordant couple producing a biological child was unheard of, but after reading this article, my opinion has been changed. Article Summary The main topic of this article focused on HIV–discordant couples that have a desire to conceive biological children. It focused on the fact that limited clinic in North America offered or provided fertility treatment to HIV–discordant couples (Newmeyer, Tecimer, Jaworsky, Chihrin, Gough, Rachlis, Martin, Mohammed, and Loutfy, 2011). This article summarized some of the discrimination and negative perceptions of HIV positive people, it also discussed a study done in Ontario, Canada that followed 12 HIV–discordant couples who wanted to conceive biological children. In these 12 couples the men were the HIV positive ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Assisted Reproductive Technology The policy that will be mainly discussed is the state and federal laws toward the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology(ART). The government should provide funding to allow all states to pass infertility insurance laws. In order to give infertile couples a chance to create their own family with a healthy baby. First and foremost, an introduction for those who are not familiar with the topic assisted reproductive technology. Loosely based on the definition provided by 1992 Fertility Clinic Success Rate and Certification Act, Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is any laboratory procedures that involve removing eggs from a woman's womb and combine them with a male sperms to make a zygote ("What is Assisted Reproductive Technology?" par. ... Show more content on ... When the woman is unable to carry the baby, the couple would normally consider hiring a surrogate to do so. This method has helped plenty of heterosexual couples and gay male couples to reach parenthood(Asch and Marmor par. 18). If we look at the data, in 2001, only 571 surrogacy contracts were reported and less than 1% of them knew about ARTs(Asch and Marmor par. 18). Only a very few states accept gestational carrier arrangements. Many states in this country straight out ban the use of surrogate mothers. Even states that allow surrogate motherhood would most likely to refuse to approve the contract if any disagreements develop among the parties(Asch and Marmor par. 18). As a result of the strict regulations on surrogacy in the United States, many couples begin to seek help overseas(Asch and Marmor par. 18). The president of PlanetHospital, located in California, sates that they send about 100 couples to India every year for surrogacy. Many people chose to do this also because it costs less. It costs about $50,000 to have a surrogate mother in the United States, however, surrogacy in India can be easily managed between $10,000–$12,000(Asch and Marmor par. ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Having a Baby Through Assisted Reproductive Technology Essay Conceiving a baby can be easy for some couples and difficult for others. In fact, some couples can do so naturally and others may need some professional help or even to the point where adoption is the only possibility available. When given the option of professional help, we need to look at the big picture and think about the moral, immoral and ethical part of this delicate subject. However, while it may be difficult for some couples to conceive a baby, there are many methods that can possibly work and that's when ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) becomes a great part of it. As far as the moral and ethical part, some people would disagree to this new technology such as IVF (in vitro fertilization), surrogacy, egg transfer, ... Show more content on ... Sarah is willing to do whatever it takes to become a mother. She believes that as long as she is happy and her husband is supporting her idea; the way of conception will not matter. The option of surrogacy conflicts with the Kantian theory in reference to treating the surrogate mother as merely a means to an end versus an end in itself. For example, the motive Sarah has is to use the surrogate mother to carry her child for nine months so that Sarah and Jim may get what they want, which is a biological child. This being said, the surrogate mother is only viewed as a tool to Sarah and Jim and not necessarily as a sentient being. On the other hand, her husband is not willing to support her decision. In fact, he makes his decision based on Contractarianism's theory. He believes that as long as they are both cooperating with each other and putting their maximum effort conceiving a child will be accomplished. Jim's idea of conceiving a child is by using the method of superovulation therapy. He believes that sometimes infertility can be treated with a superovulation therapy, instead of having a surrogate bearing his child. In this case, Sarah will be treated with medications to increase the amount of eggs she ovulates every month. From there on, intrauterine insemination is performed. Given the couple's different points of view, the topic becomes a little controversial. For instance, Sarah wants a surrogate to carry the child for nine months; while Jim wants ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. A Comparison between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Reproduction Research Assignment Sac 5 PART 1 : Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction [ 4 marks ] – Discuss the differences between, and the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction : SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Sexual Reproduction is the formation of a new organism from two parents usually, and involves the joining of gametes [ e.g. sperm, pollen, egg] to form a single cell called a zygote [ or fertilised egg ]. The offspring are similar, but not identical to the parents. Sexually Reproductive organisms include mammals, most reptiles, and flowering plants. ADVANTAGES There is greater genetic variation of the offspring and therefore, greater chance of survival in changing environments. Asexual Reproduction is the process by ... Show more content on ... The sperm she receives is stored in a little pouch connected to the genital tract and closed off by a muscular valve. Whether or not she chooses to release the sperm to fertilise her eggs, and create female bees is her choice. Otherwise, only male drones are hatched. PART 2 : Structure And Function [ 6 marks ] – This section must include 3 labelled diagrams of the human male reproductive system, female reproductive system and the reproductive system of a flower. PARTS OF THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM TESTIS – There are two testes situated in a sac called the scrotum. Due to the testes needing an optimum temperature for sperm production, the sac is located outside the body. This is because the core body temperature is far too warm to keep producing healthy sperm. EPIDIDYMIS – This stores the large numbers of sperm until they are ejaculated out through the penis. In these two ducts, sperm complete their maturation. SPERM DUCT/VAS DEFERENS – The sperm duct, or vas deferens transport sperm from the testes to the urethra. SEMEN– PRODUCING GLANDS – Semen is the fluid produced to protect the sperm from dehydration and the acidic environment of the female vagina after sexual intercourse. Semen allows the sperm to swim more easily. URETHRA –
  • 34. This is the tube that normally carries urine from the urinary bladder. When semen containing sperm is ejaculated, it also travels out through the urethra, but the ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Sperm and the Egg The Sperm and the Egg Felicia Felix PSY/265 December 4, 2011 Professor Tiffany Hamlett This is the journey of the white knight, Sperm, and his princess, Egg, on their journey to Castle infundibulum, which is the outer part of the fallopian tube, and the land of the uterus. With their arrival, it will be decided whether they will become a male or female embryo and in turn that embryo will become a baby! Princess Egg has waited a long time and looked forward for her white knight to find her. It is fate that the two will meet, because there are so many in their homes that it is only chance that they combine. We will be starting out with the princess in her home in the ovary, while the knight is ... Show more content on ... There are also many different traits they both bring to their meeting that affect the different physical aspects of the embryo. From the testicles, Sperm makes his way to the epididymis where he spends his time meeting with his fellow knights and maturing for about a month to prepare for the great battle to gain unity with Princess Egg forever. Once they finish their training, the knights travel into the Vans Deferens tube and move into the seminal vesicle where they freshen ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. The Issues Some Have with Surrogacy There are many couples in the world that cannot conceive babies. Surrogacy has helped millions of families and individuals have children. Some people say that surrogacy is unhealthy for the surrogate mothers and that it employs immoral methods for achieving pregnancy and parenthood; however, surrogacy allows everyone to be able to have a child of their own even if they cannot physically conceive one, it is beneficial to society, and it does not carry the same stigma as it did years ago. There are four different types of surrogate parenting. The most common is Classical Surrogacy which is surrogacy by artificial insemination using the intended father's sperm. In this type of surrogacy, the surrogate mother is the baby's biological mother (Chittom). A surrogate mother has to be twenty–one to thirty–seven years old. She needs to have two children of her own and has to have thirteen years of formal education on surrogacy. Seventy–five percent of surrogate mothers are married and one–third of them hold full time jobs. Over half of the surrogates in the United States are military wives (Parker). The majority of surrogate mothers are raised in Christian faith with only twenty–five percent raised in Catholic faith (Chittom). Surrogates can be friends, family, or strangers who are contacted through the many different agencies that have developed as surrogate parenting becomes more common. Surrogacy allows everyone to have an opportunity to have children of their own. ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The Ecological And Evolutionary Consequences Of Sperm... Scientific Literature Worksheet (Due week of 9/15) Name: Bianca Blake TA: Jeffrey Ecklund Section: 07 Date: 09/09/2014 What is the topic number of your assigned article and the title of the paper? # 12 Title: The ecological and evolutionary consequences of sperm chemoattraction Outline of the Main Points to be included in your Poster Presentation of your article WHY: To determine the potential significance of sperm attractants stabilizing species barriers and increasing gamete interactions evolutionarily and ecologically. WHAT: I hope to learn of the both the negative and positive effects of sperm chemoattraction. HOW: 1. Skim and outline: a. What is the overall objective of this investigation? The overall objective of this investigation is analyze if chemoattraction has resulted so that the target egg may be fertilized when gametes of other closely related species are present. Why was the study undertaken? The study was taken to determine the consequences of one–directional migration of a cell in reaction to a chemical incline of ligands. b. What did the investigator hope to learn from doing this investigation? The investigator hoped to learn if sperm attractants might progress to find the precise target within varied gamete suspensions of similar species. 2. Define unfamiliar terms: What key terms need to be defined before the investigation can be understood and described? Chemoattraction: one–directional migration of a cell in reaction to a chemical incline of ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Pesticides : Pesticides And Pesticides Pesticides are prevalent in many societies, they are used on crops to ward off insects and other nuisances, in homes to kill rodents, and in gardens to remove weeds. It is interesting that humans are continuously exposed to chemicals that are literally used to kill other living things. Despite the fact that many studies have shown that certain chemicals in pesticides have adverse side effects, pesticide use remains so common place that most people are exposed to pesticides on an almost daily basis. There are many classes of pesticides, like organophosphates, carbamates, and pyrethroids, and each class of pesticides effects humans differently. In the empirical article "Organophosphorous pesticide exposures and sperm quality," Melissa Perry, et al. look at the association between urinary organophospophorous (OP) pesticide metabolites and the concentration and motility of sperm. The researchers of this study conducted an extremely thorough recruitment and subject selection process. This study focused on newly married couples from agricultural regions in China, even though this study specifically focused on the effects that OP pesticides had on the males' semen quality, there were criteria that both the men and the women in the marriages had to meet. The initial recruitment requirements were: this marriage was the first for both parties, the wives were between the ages of 20 and 34 years, the wives were nonsmokers, they both were available for the study, they had to live ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Gestational Surrogacy: Assisted Reproduction Introduction Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction that helps intended parents start families (La Jolla 2012). While there are two forms, traditional and gestational, gestational surrogacy is the most widely used today. The reason for this is because it allows for both intended parents to have a genetic tie to their child. Whereas in traditional, only the intended father had the genetic tie. While both processes are extremely pricy, costing at least $100,000 in the United States, gestational surrogacy is more expensive because it requires the use of In Vitro Fertilization (BabyCenter 2016). In addition, surrogacy is expensive because of the legal fees, which can be up to $14,000, that are included in the contract (BabyCenter 2016). ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, by stating that these women cannot be empowered by making the decision of becoming a surrogate mother would be taking away their agency. Empowerment takes many shapes and forms, but overall, empowerment is solely up to the individual. For women such as Aasia, she felt empowered by making a decision to be a surrogate mother without consulting with her husband. She chose not to tell him because she knew he would discourage her from going through with the process. However, at the end of the film, she explains how she is grateful that she was able to provide for her ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. What Kind Of Women Become Surrogates? What kind of women become surrogates? The ones who have no heart or the ones who have such big heart that they are willing to carry a child for someone else? Surrogacy comes with costs, pain and risks but it also comes with happiness, love and appreciation. This is a job for a woman who is super strong and won't become sentimental and attached when the baby arrives. It's had to carry a child for nine months and then just give it to someone else. Artificial Insemination was first created to help couples to have a baby in case of male sub–fertility or because either the woman or man had a physical or psychological trait they didn 't want their child to have. But in this decade, Artificial Insemination has been used more commonly in women that are lesbians or women that have no partner at all, this is where you have to go to a sperm donor to get sperm since there is no male partner. Artificial fertilization has advanced in the past two centuries; in 1784, there was an Artificial Insemination done in a dog by scientist Lazarro Spallanzani, and 62 days later, 3 puppies were born. The first application of Artificial Insemination in humans was done by John Hunter in the 1770s. There was a cloth merchant with Hypospadia; this is a condition in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis, instead of at the tip. And because of this, the man could not have sex. He was told to collect the sperm while a couple was having sex in a warm syringe and to inject it into ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Issues Related to Surrogacy Essay example Issues Related to Surrogacy The general notions with regards to the possibility of surrogacy seem to have old origins.(LT) The history of Surrogacy goes way back to the beginning of time; in the Holy Bible and in Roman history. Surrogacy has been a controversial medical process that has faced authorized issues since its arrival. Because surrogacy is used to help an infertile couple have a child, many people are overlooking the fact that there are risks and difficult choices to go along with this issue. In the United States, the first known case of surrogacy occurred in California in the mid–1970s (LT). Official reports on this issue published in the United States lack statistical information on the number of births that were the ... Show more content on ... This physical problem is whereas a female is born without a womb to carry an embryo. But let's look at the other side of the situation. Men are the cause of surrogacy as well. One problem men may have is sperm production problems. That can be caused by a medical issue such as being born with Down Syndrome. But if there isn't a male in the situation, then most likely, it is the woman's problem. There are thousands of children in Africa that need to be adopted but instead people are surrogating. That is a huge issue so many people are overlooking because they are so focused on having their own baby by surrogacy that they don't think about adoption and the children that has already been brought into the world and not token care of. The two most common reasons for couples to choose surrogacy rather than adoption is having the ability to have that biological connection with the child and they don't want to go through a home study investigation for the family because they might not get ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Infertility Advantages And Disadvantages The devastation of infertility in women can normally be very traumatic and overwhelming, but the sliver of hope that science has been able to restore, to these women is utterly beautiful. In some cultures, women who have trouble conceiving are deemed as lesser or inferior. For instance in some African cultures, a woman who is unable to conceive is almost like an outcast in her family and society. With the evolution of science, there are now many explanations for infertility issues and solutions to solve them. Assisted reproduction technologies are third party techniques, which medically grant the patient the ability to conceive, through the insemination process. These procedures are geared towards same sex couples, couples suffering with infertility problems, or couples who are unable to conceive due to genetic disadvantages. As appealing and exciting as these artificial methods may seem, they come with alarming disadvantages. There are many risks with artificial insemination, some higher than other. For example,having more than one fetus in a pregnancy can increase the dangers of early labor and low birth weight. Artificial fertilizations expand the multiple hazards of miscarriages depending on the age of the mother. Stress is also a major disadvantage in the process of in vitro fertilization. The strain of an IVF can be financially, physically and emotionally draining, but with support from counselors, family and friends, Every mother or couple can power through the ups and downs of infertility treatment. Surrogacy is another form of assisted reproduction, that allows the surrogate mother to carry the egg of the the infertile couple.. There are of two types of surrogacy, gestational and traditional surrogacy. In gestational surrogacy, the fetus is born with no genetic relations to the surrogate mother. Whereas in traditional surrogacy, the surrogate becomes pregnant with her own eggs. This form of insemination, can sometimes be dangerous due to the fact that surrogate mother may form attachments with the fetus, and this can cause the detachment to be much more harder. For instance, a case that recently surfaced involved a surrogate mother who was willing to kidnap and flee the country with the child, ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. My Action Is Morally Permissible In today's society, us as humans have many different ideologies, but more importantly have ethical standards that we live by, or most of us do. Ethics is important in everyday life, from having morals to what you believe in. You have to think about if my action was morally permissible or impermissible. Was my action wrong or right? All of this comes into play when we talk about ethical issues we have throughout our lifetime. Many of us consider us as Christians, which you believe in the Bible, but yet we tend to still have sexual intercourse or intoxicate our bodies with poison, according to the Bible. We can be hypocrites about our ethical believes! With many couples who can not have children, more and more Assisted Reproduction is being used. ... Show more content on ... First, if Sarah is so focused on not doing anything besides taking fertility medication, then for myself, it would be very difficult to change her mind. If you ask me, I am a utilitarian and will agree with Jim more than Sarah, even though I still believe in God. In Sarah case, I describe that God died to wash out sins away, which were repentance comes in. I would tell Sarah that if we do something against your religion or if that is a sin, explain to God that I did this for myself and my family, knowing it was a sin but then ask for his forgiveness. Also, if that is promoting the greater good for the overall majority, than that would be morally permissible for Jim and he would find happiness in that. Sarah has think about how God died for all of our sins, meaning he took his own life for the greater good, which to me, I think God or Jesus has utilitarian characteristics. You also have to look at the risk associated with assisted reproductive and what could the possible outcomes be. You could have no success in your journey of ART, but then you could have great success with it. You could also hurt your body, which could cause physical harm to Sarah body, but not just that, mental harm to Sarah and Jim. Mental illness is such a big issue in today's world, especially depression and anxiety. You have to be realistic when it comes to ART, and if you are ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Artificial Insemination and the Rights of Women, Men, and... Women have adamantly battled for political and social reproductive rights since, in particular artificial insemination, have become mainstream phenomena in the recent decade with a focus on rights of women. In fact, doctors have experimented with the procedure for nearly a century. However, with the women¹s liberation movement of the 1970s, physician–assisted and self– insemination has become more and more popular among heterosexual career women and lesbians. The Origins of Artificial Insemination She was a Quaker. The wife of a merchant. The infertility patient of Dr. William Pancoast. She was a woman whose name was never recorded. Dr. Pancoast, a professor at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, had already examined and ... Show more content on ... Women, usually healthy and fertile, enlist the help of physicians because they do not have access to the one element that will yield them a child. And so, doctors prescribe a cure of sorts– sperm. The procedure allows women increased power to regulate the reproductive processes of their bodies. Ironically, artificial insemination was not created as a method of empowerment for women. Rather for men. Male scientists and researchers developed the technology for eugenic purposes, not to alleviate the pressures of alternative lifestyles of women. That is, to improve the human species. With the onset of research in genetics in the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists entertained theories of quality control with respect to human reproduction. Scientists such as Francis Crick and Dr. William Shockley believed that the growth rate of the population was increasing too rapidly, and most importantly certain unfavorable demographic clusters were increasing. In short, the wrong classes and races were reproducing with more frequency than was desired by these men. They hoped that future progeny would be of the same superior caliber as themselves. To yield this, they proposed schemes to tax children; to provide cash incentives for sterilization; to license women for the number of children they may bear and men for the sperm they may deposit in seed banks; ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Gestational Surrogacy Essay Gestational surrogacy: the laws and related conflicts in Europe Introduction Surrogacy has been known for over thousand years since it was described in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. However, we have almost no information about the practice of surrogacy until the end of the 20th century in the UK. It gained great attention with the 'Baby Cotton' and the 'Baby M' case in both the UK and the US then. (Horsey & Sheldon, 2012) The view during those days was that surrogacy was a symbol of the suppresion of women by males, because of the use of the woman body just for the means of reproduction. Today the general opinion towards surrogacy is shifting to a more favorable view. More and more people see it as a good alternative for reproduction ... Show more content on ... The Vatican forbids ART (artificial reproductive techniques) and therefore gestational surrogacy. They state that conception is a gift, and not a right. Other arguments used are future problems with developing a personal identity and parental rejection. The same approach applies to the Sunni Islam. (Inhorn et al., 2010) In this light, it is interesting to see that other religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism have a more favourable approach towards surrogacy. (Ramskold & Posner, 2013) In fact, Israels surrogacy friendly laws are based on the Jewish point on view on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Should Surrogacy Be Legal? Should surrogacy be permitted in Australia? Surrogacy has been a contentious issue in Australia and many jurisdictions generally permit altruistic surrogacy but prohibit commercial surrogacy. There have been legal and moral disputes in our society on whether surrogacy is righteous and should be permitted. In determining whether surrogacy is permitted, the court looks at a range of factors to decide whether surrogacy acts in the best interests of the child. The factors favour in allowing surrogacy encompass the creation of the child is not motivated by grief or the desire to create a surrogate partner, the decision of performing surrogacy is rational, and there is unequivocal and extensive support network to provide the child a loving environment. As Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is getting more developed and frequently adopted, this brings infertile couples' dream of eagerly having babies to reality. In Evans v Amicus Healthcare Arden LJ further commented that, "infertility can cause the woman or man affected great personal distress. In the case of a woman, the ability to give birth to a child gives many women a supreme sense of fulfilment and purpose in life. It goes to their sense of identity and to their dignity." However, risks such as embryos getting infected may potentially be occurred while using ART. Surrogacy may create psychological pressure on infertile couples, and trigger disputes regarding the legal parentage of the child resulting from surrogacy. ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Speech On Surrogate Mother Surrogacy SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD – CHANGING PARADIGM IN INDIAN SOCIAL SCENARIO In all cultures of the world, motherhood is something which is considered to lie at the heart of the meaning of love. The concept of a woman's love for her children is viewed as the most powerful, ferocious, tender and unconditional love that exists. Motherhood for Indian women is a psychospiritual phenomena and not just a psychosexual one. This psychospiritual meaning of all the institutions of socialization, particularly marriage of which a child is the outcome, makes the Indian context different from other societies. The preparation for mother baby interactions begin much before a woman actually attains motherhood. Now the term motherhood is expanded to the surrogate motherhood, which means that a women helps women i.e. if any women, couple cannot conceive on their own and want a baby, they now ... Show more content on ... (ii) Total Surrogacy: In this, IVF (In vitro fertilization) method is used. The gametes of both (husband and wife) intended parents are implanted into the uterus of surrogate mother; as a result the child is the genetic child of intended parents. TYPES OF SURROGACY (i) Commercial surrogacy: The surrogate mother is paid over and above the necessary medical expenses according to a contract between surrogate and intended parents. (ii) Traditional surrogacy: Surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the sperm of intended father as sperm from a donor when the sperm count is low, in either case the surrogate's own eggs are used. (iii) Gestational surrogacy: In Gestational surrogacy the surrogate mother has no genetic ties to the off spring. Eggs and sperms are extracted from the donors (intended parents) and in vitro fertilized and implanted into uterus of the surrogate ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Utilitarianism: The Case Of Commercial Surrogacy Utilitarianism is a universal teleological system. It calls for the greatest good for the greatest number, meaning that whatever is beneficial to the greatest number of people is good, whereas whatever benefits the least number of people is otherwise. From the utilitarian stance, surrogacy may be morally right because the intended parents receive a much–desired child. In the case of commercial surrogacy, the surrogate mother receives a reward in form of payment, and in altruistic surrogacy, the surrogate (who acts voluntarily) gives the "gift of new life" (Saxena, Mishra & Malik, 2012). If a surrogacy is to unfold smoothly, then from a utilitarian stance, it is good; as the greater numbers of people are happy. Even in the application of the ... Show more content on ... On the contrary, the District of Columbia, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Washington have statutes or published case laws prohibiting compensated surrogacy contracts. Most states fall in the middle, and some do not have statutes that address the validity or legality of surrogacy contracts (Gugucheva, 2010). Perhaps legislation is slow in coming because the society is yet to resolve the myriad of ethical and legal questions surrounding surrogate motherhood. Scholars who oppose surrogacy are of the opinion that infertile couples should consider alternative options to have children, such as adoption. The argument is that there are already–existing children and children about to be born in need of parental care and love. However, legal problems can be associated with this option, especially if the biological parents want the child back. Another similar alternative is fostering. The downside is that the children in need of foster care often have a difficult time adjusting. Parents need to be confident and patient. Also, there is a chance that such parents may not raise the children throughout their entire childhood years; nevertheless, it is possible to maintain contact. The opposing argument is that surrogacy is better, since the child and intended parents are genetically ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Anonymous Egg Anonymous Egg and Sperm Donation Should sperm and egg donors be anonymous? What would you do if you had a stranger knocking at your door calling you mommy or daddy? According to sirs the business of egg and sperm donation is built largely on anonymity, the donor's offspring usually never learn about their biological background. This has led to a question whether or not the donor's identity should be able to be revealed to their offspring. Sirs notes that some support creating a sperm and egg donor registry which would allow their genetic offspring to contact them. Critics of a proposed registry argue it would destroy the donor industry which would lead to a decrease in people willing to donate. They also add that the donor's privacy should ... Show more content on ... I believe that all sperm and egg donations should remain anonymous because the parents knew what they were getting themselves into at the time of need. I just want to emphasize that there is no need to find out the donor if they did not want you to know who they are. They chose to be anonymous for a reason not for someone to come and take that right away from them. Being anonymous was a part of the deal the parents knew they were getting themselves into. I may add that sperm and egg donors are not true parents so why should they be forced to give up their identity to someone they know nothing about? Also in the article Misconceived from the magazine The Economist adds that parents do not want their children knowing they were conceived from a donor because it does not really have any significant emotional ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Persuasive Speech On Cloning When looked up on Google i hear well spoken thoughts on you. After reading your background and what made you into who you are today made me realize that you are a well spoken person. This letter is in regards of passing a bill on cloning. Cloning is when person is basically replicated. This is not always the case because the experiment can also be done to animals. Pet owners choose to pay extra money to buy a pet that will be categorized as in the "superior breed". I understand that you are a businesswoman and make decisions that will not only have an effect on you but the U.S. I hope that you take this into consideration and let my words help make a positive impact to the communities throughout the U.S. In fact there are two types of cloning first is therapeutic cloning, second is reproductive cloning. Not to mention both of these meet the same standards on coning. The difference is Therapeutic cloning is done in a petri dish. Then there's reproductive cloning that is done when doctors get sperm cells and a woman's eggs and they combine them both to make a baby then the embryo is put back into the mother's womb so the baby can get all the right nutrients as the mother is getting. At this point they are asking donations from american tax paying dollars to fund the research for both of these experiments. I know that therapeutic cloning is not the best candidate to give money for further research because they are bringing a life to this world without giving it life. That is not the correct way to give a person a life. Knowing that you are christian let me know that you are for the bible and the thought of giving a person life should come from a mother not a petri dish. Now on the other hand there are cases where people need reproductive cloning, for example there are people who have problems reproducing and any other fertile treatment won't help. That's when reproductive cloning comes in. There are gay and lesbian couples who want to have a child that has both of their genes, that's when reproductive cloning comes in place and helps out all these hopeless families. Based off of what i read about You I know you're for both gays and lesbians. I noticed that when you had your speech on gay marriage making a ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Gender Stereotypes In The Film Starbuck Starbuck is a movie of a man who participated in sperm donation. This dramatic and comedic film had a serious message questioning the moral stance on donating sperm. The public audience described in the film was said to have had a negative attitude on excessive sperm donation. There should not be a cap on how much an individual can donate sperm. The fact that humans were meant to be monogamous is unclear. As stated in the reading, humans have been monogamous, polyandrous, promiscuous, and more at some point in our history. According to the reading, Sperm and Eggs, the dominant male in societies of gorillas are the ones who mate with most of the females of that group. This will provide the foundation for stronger offspring by having the male ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Human Reproduction Act, An Individual Under s.60 of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, an individual "(a) is liable, on conviction on indictment, to a fine not exceeding $500,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years, or to both; or (b) is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $250,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding four years, or to both" for not complying with the guidelines set out regarding the duties of the reproduction of a child. A surrogate mother is defined as a woman who carries a fetus conceived through an assisted reproduction procedure which is derived from the genes of a donor or donors, and with the intent of surrendering such child at the time of birth (AHRA, 2004). However, there is still ambiguity felt between surrogates and parents related to what the law sets out as their legal duties in conceiving a child, and this is also pertinent in relation to the context of a working contract. Having said that, this essay aims at addressing the unclarity, pointing to the main arguments in favor of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, and how the decision was aimed to safeguard the rights of those involved; including the child, and to prevent culpability issues within the health sector and many others linked to the overall process. To understand why this is a highly controversial issue today, we must look at some of the main objectives of why this law was enacted and the compromises made in order to achieve satisfaction of all. First, what are the ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Inhorn's Analysis Inhorn talks of the "emerging areas of dissonance and dissent to the prevailing religious discourse" (2012a: 165), indicating that men more readily challenge the religious laws that are in place. The setting that most embodies this observation is the semen collection clinic, where men must provide a sample of their semen for analysis. Here, men encounter a number of obstacles that are so contrary to their religious beliefs, but they must confront them to achieve their desire for children. The first is that of masturbation, which, as discussed in the previous chapter, denotes something considered zina or illegal sexual activity by many men and many religious leaders. Furthermore, semen itself is seen as something polluting once it leaves the ... Show more content on ... However, there are disparities between religious leaders in the region such as Ayatollah Khamene'i who permits sperm donation as an option to cure ones infertility. Morgan Clarke talks about how Islam seeks to 'keep(ing) up with the times' and this is especially apparent in Lebanon where there is a high number of azoospermia cases – men who have no viable semen whatsoever (Clarke, 2009; Inhorn 2012a). As a result, in Lebanon, there is much greater leniency towards sperm donation amongst religious leaders and medical practitioners because it is the only option left for these men. The belief however is that a child should be created within a legal marital structure and any outside or third party interference in the form of another man's semen would disrupt this. 'Lineal masculinity', outlines the difference between the roles of men and women in reproduction (King and Stone, 2010). Men need to reproduce to preserve their lineage, and contribute to the lineage of their family that has accumulated over generations. For men, lineage is collective, and any break in the passage of lineage from one generation to the next, would result in the abolition of all that came before. These serious notions underline why this type of NRT is so difficult to comprehend for these men. A man who categorically ruled out sperm donation as a solution in Inhorn's study stated, ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Surrogate Motherhood Essay Surrogate motherhood refers to that condition of a fertile (footnote) woman who has been contracted to become impregnated via reproductive technologies such as donor or artificial insemination. It is that condition wherein that fertile woman also has agreed to transfer her rights on the child to the biological parents after giving birth. This is bounded by a contract that was signed by the contracting parents and the surrogate. The reasons for this generally fall into two categories. Either the contracting couple is unable to produce a child or they would prefer to eliminate or enhance certain genetic traits. My argument would apply to either case. For the purpose of this paper, the motivations are irrelevant and the logic following ... Show more content on ... It is also said that with this type of surrogacy, the intended mother enters into a step parent type of adoption (Canadian Surrogacy Options, Inc). Lastly, egg donation, would refer to the condition or process of maintaining a database for potential egg donors (Canadian Surrogacy Options, Inc.) For the purposes of this discussion, each of these engages in the commidification of the reproductive agency and human reproduction by legally and socially justifying a condition in which this capacity may become fungible. (FOOT NOTE) Mother's egg, father's sperm – this type of surrogacy is usually employed in cases wherein the mother is not capable of carrying a fertilized egg for medical reasons. Donor egg, father's sperm – a type of surrogacy that is employed when there is doubt on the quality of the egg or there are no available ovaries for fertilization. Mother's egg, donor sperm – this is the opposite of donor egg, father's sperm. This is actually taken into consideration when there is doubt in the quality of the father's sperm. Donor egg, donor sperm – is the type of surrogacy chosen by intended parents who would want to establish a genetic link with the child. Surrogate motherhood became popular in the 1980's. This was popularized by the case of Baby M, which primarily dealt on the ethical issues raised regarding reproductive ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Traditional Surrogacy And Gestational Surrogacy HOW Surrogacy is the arrangement of a birth of a child when the parents are not actually childbearing. This involves a legal agreement between the surrogate and parents, that puts the child under the care of the parents immediately after birth. The surrogate has no legal ties to the baby and formally renounces her rights as a parent to the child. There are many different types of surrogacy and ways in which one can do this procedure. Traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy are two of the most popular and well–known forms of surrogacy. Traditional uses intrauterine insemination to implant the biological father 's sperm into the egg of the surrogate. This procedure is typically used when the mother 's eggs or father 's sperm is no longer viable. Also, this procedure is less expensive and complex than in–vitro fertilization. This procedure allows the father of the child to be the biological sperm donor, and feel possessive over his kin. Due to the genetic relation of the baby to the surrogate mother in this situation, the surrogate is often a relative or friend of the parents. This can make matters more complex if there is a disagreement during the pregnancy or after the baby is born. Although, this way the baby is still biologically related to the father and possibly the mother, if a family member becomes their surrogate. The first legal case of surrogacy was in 1970 with a baby by the title of, baby M. The lawyer who arranged the baby and mother went on to develop ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Essay about Sperm Donation: A Viable Option The technology of today's world is astounding. We have learned how to battle diseases that were once thought to lead to a certain death, we have invented incredible technologies that allow us to communicate with people across the world instantly, and maybe most impressively of all, we are able to create human life. We now hold in our hands the technologies that allow those who may not have been able to conceive naturally to have children they can call their own; children who will enrich their lives in a way nothing else can, and who will continue their names and lives after they are gone. In an age where we have more power than ever to use the bodies and DNA of others for our own benefit, it becomes increasingly important that we remain ... Show more content on ... Putting these measures into effect would nearly eliminate the chance of unknown incest becoming a problem. Many opponents of sperm donation also believe that donation should not be allowed to remain anonymous, citing that this causes negative effects on the resulting children in the long run (Christian Science Monitor); however I believe this should be entirely the donor's choice. Many countries have already passed laws no longer allowing anonymous donation. According to the article "In Britain, a decline in sperm donors; Anonymous no longer, most say they want to help infertile couples, not just earn extra cash" by the Christian Science Monitor, this ban on anonymous sperm donation has vastly affected the number of donors, resulting in a shortage of sperm available for use. This action does not seem to be the most logical answer as it leaves many people wanting children without means by which they can do so. The effects on the donor conceived children could just as easily be reduced by other methods such as the creation of a national registry that includes more accessible data about their donor, such as medical issues the donor themselves may have and a more detailed family history of medical predispositions; something that many children including Kathleen LaBounty, a young woman with a ... Get more on ...