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Breakdown of Production
Day: What to do (Software):
1 Taking & Gathering Photographs.
2 Front Cover Designing (Photoshop).
3 Front Cover Designing (Photoshop).
4 Double Page Spread Designing (Photoshop).
5 Double Page Spread Designing (Photoshop).
6 Double Page Spread Designing (Photoshop) & Article
Writing (Word/Photoshop).
7 Website Building (Google Chrome).
8 Website Building (Google Chrome).
Contingency Plan
Potential Problem Effect on Production Solution/Control
Losing work from the Mac’s Will mean you lose everything you have
done so far at that point.
Back up work in plenty of places, such as
OneDrive and USB’s.
Spillage of food and/or drink on the
Will damage the Mac and could make
you lose all work.
Don’t eat or drink near the Mac’s.
Poor Planning. Will make work harder to do and also
make the work look worse.
Plan thoroughly for every part of the
Losing SD card from camera. Will mean you have lost all the photos
you have taken.
Back up work in plenty of places and be
careful with where you place important
Photos from the camera corrupting. Will lose all photos that have been taken. Go out and take the photos again, if
there is no way to get them back.
Losing any equipment. Will lose everything from you have done
with the equipment.
Keep the equipment in safe places and
consistently in the same place so you
always know.
Breaking equipment. Will lose everything from you have done
with the equipment.
Be careful with equipment and use all
the safety features that you can.
Production Screenshots
Front Cover
In this screenshot I have created a template for my front cover, this has
spaces for the magazine name, headline, main story and 4 other
sections at the bottom for side stories. To make this I used the guides
and rulers on Photoshop to create evenly proportioned sections,
everything was made evenly, for example the bottom 4 sections equal
the same size as the top three sections. This makes the magazine look
more professional as everything is evenly spaced.
Next I decided to add the magazine company name and the title of the
magazine onto the front cover, to do this I used fonts found from and downloaded them in order to use them for my
magazine. I also used colour overlay in order to have it match the
colour theme of the rest of the cover, this being the gold/yellow and
black design, I also decided to get rid of the original line at the top, this
is as I needed more space for my headline and magazine name.
Next I collected images to use on the front cover and fit them into the
template, these images were of three big names in Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel
Messi, and Neymar. These are the main focus of my article and as well as this
they will bring a lot of eyes to the product because of what big names they
all are. I fit them into the template through using the background removing
tool, as well as eraser to get them to fit the certain parts of the template that
they were put into. As well as this I had the two previous winners be holding
the Balon D’or and the new younger player who hasn’t won the competition
before be in the middle of them with out the Balon D’or.
Then I decided I didn’t like that design so I changed it, I thought the
headline did not have enough room for the thing that should be
grabbing most people’s attention, so I moved the pictures of Messi,
Ronaldo, and Neymar down and made more space for the headline, I
also changed the design of this, instead of having one line for the title I
would have the main part, this being the “Balon D’or!”, stick out on it’s
own and have a larger part of the cover than the rest of the headline,
this being “Battle For The”.
I then took and added my own photo’s into the magazine, these were
used as the little added stories in the bottom of the magazine, they are
added at the bottom to attract attention to certain sports that are
included in the stories, for example the MMA fans may like that MMA
is included on the cover and this will attract them to the product more.
I also added a barcode.
I then added a background to the front cover as I believed without one it
looked a bit plain and boring, the background I decided to use is similar to
the Champions League design, which fits in with another part of my cover,
this being one of the stories at the bottom, as well as it showing the most
prestigious club football competition in the world, which fits in with the
Balon D’or theme, as well as attracting an audience.
My front cover went very similarly to how I originally planned it, the split into three
sections on the main story is exactly how I had first planned it, as I did this in my
experiment in order to see how it would work. As well as this all the photo’s that I
took for the front cover were good and not exactly what I was originally thinking of
doing, as I thought I may take the pictures outside and not in a studio, but I think the
studio photo’s work better, as they all now have a similar background and therefore
carry a theme throughout the bottom stories on the cover, I think this turned out
better than my original plan. As well as this the original plan for the template of the
cover was changed and the fonts in the title are different than original planned, as I
changed it to have two parts with two different fonts, rather than having the typical
one line of text in the same font, I think this makes the cover more unique and
different, this could make it stand out when being in comparison to other magazines.
If I were to do this again improvements I would make would start with the template I
originally made, as this did not incorporate a barcode into the front cover, so when it
came to adding one I was unsure on where to put it and I think the placing of it isn’t
great, so if I were to do it again I would make sure I planned for this in the first place
rather than forgetting about it until it was needed, as well as this I would spend more
time editing certain parts if there were more time in which to do so, for example
where the players have been cut from the backgrounds they previously had, as they
could have been cut out better than how they are, as certain small parts may be
missing from them or there may be certain parts added from the backgrounds that
shouldn't be there. I think the effectiveness of the product is good, as it shows what
is needed and will appeal very well to the target audience, due to the way of design
and the subjects included.
Front Cover Evaluation
My magazine is very different to most sports magazines that are made, I feel that makes it
more unique and can possibly make it stand out more. My example of this is a comparison
between my magazine and an edition of FourFourTwo magazine. Firstly I think my magazine
is a lot neater and uses a better kind of template than the FourFourTwo magazine does, this
is as the FourFourTwo magazine has a lot more on the cover, in a lot less spread space, they
use a lot of blobs and stars, for example the “Pele at Santos” part of the cover, this can make
the magazine look like it has more information packed into it, but can make the cover more
messy, as there can be too much on the cover that is put on top of other parts of the
magazine, whereas with my magazine there is a clear structure, the main part of the cover is
obvious and separate from the rest, where as the other stories are along the bottom of the
cover, making it look more neat and separating each story from each other. As well as this
because of all the information on the cover the name of the magazine is slightly covered up,
and this could effect the branding of the magazine, where as with my cover it is clear to see
the magazine company, as well as all the titles of different sections.
Front Cover Comparison
Double Page Spread
I then started the double page spread, I decided the first page of this would
be on Messi, Neymar and Ronaldo, the three top Balon D’or contestants, this
page would have a little bio on them and the year that they have had, as well
as including stats, to start this I created a background for each different
player, this colour scheme of this being relevant to each players team
colours. I then created another box beneath the one with the picture in in
order to place the text for each of the players.
From there I added the articles to the page, there were three different
articles on each player, stating the stats and having a little bio on each
players year. The colours used match the colours on the top picture,
apart from in Messi’s I changed the blue slightly as the light blue was
hard to read against the red background, especially with the amount of
text I had.
Next I used guides and rulers in order to create my own football pitch
layout in Photoshop, I did this myself to make it all original rather than
copying one from the internet, I used the guides to make sure
everything was done evenly and then from there I moved the pitch
around to cover the whole page, and I also changed the opacity so it
will fit in better with the background I will put into it.
Next I copied over the pictures and backgrounds I created for Messi,
Ronaldo, and Neymar, these would serve as the front three of my team
of the year selection, I used the same pictures as I thought I should use
the same kind of theme throughout the two pages of the double page
Then I decided on the rest of my team of the year, I also designed these
in the same way as I designed the first three players, with the box
around them including the colours that there team are most associated
with, this brings a lot of colour and vibrancy to the magazine as well as
making all the colours relevant with each of the players rather than just
a random load of colours.
I then added more to the second page, I added a title as it may have
not made much sense, I added the title that it is our team of the year
prediction for this year, rather than just having a random team on a
From that I decided to then add player names to the side of the
pictures, this is just in case anyone doesn’t know who the players are,
or just can’t recognise them from that photo, this means they can
easily check who the player is.
I then added a background to the page, similar to the one on the front cover in order to
match the stories together will similar themes, as well as the background representing the
most prestigious club footballing tournament in the world, the Champions League, I
changed the opacity of this to make sure it acted as a background and didn’t take anything
away from the rest of the content that is on the page. I also added page numbers to the
bottom of each page.
Double Page Spread Evaluation
The double page spread went a bit differently to how I had first planned
it, my original idea was to have a little bio on the three finalists and then
have the majority of the double page spread taken by the team of the
year, where as it ended up being half and half, as the articles I wrote for
the three contenders ended up being very in detail and needed more
space, I would have rather they had more space but the team of the year
would have looked daft if it was any smaller than it is in the final product,
as well as this I didn’t plan on each player in the team of the year having
the same sort of card design as a background, I think this is a positive
change as it creates a theme and a colour scheme throughout both
pages. As well as this the original idea for the background was to be one
of my own pictures that I had taken, this didn’t work in the end as all the
pictures were too bright to use as a background, none of them fit in with
the rest of the page, so I used the same background as I did on my front
cover, I did this as the background fit with the theme of the best players,
due to the competition the background represents being so prestigious. If
I were to do this again in order to improve it I would slightly change the
layout in a way where I could have the team of the year section smaller so
that the text on the first page of the double page spread could be slightly
larger, as it is very blocky and just readable at the minute. I think the
effectiveness of the product is good, as it shows what is needed and will
appeal very well to the target audience, due to the way of design and the
subjects included
Double Page Spread Comparison
Like the front cover of my magazine the double page spread is also a lot
different from typical sports magazines. In comparison to the real double page
spread I think my version is different as there is not as much block text, I think
mine is more aimed at the target audience of the usual sports fan, who don’t
necessarily want to read a lot of block text, as visuals are more important to
sports fans than text, so in mine I have the team of the year being mostly
pictures with the colour schemed background, with just a name next to the
player, I think this is better than having a big block text as the target audience
would much prefer to visually see what our opinions and reasons are rather
than reading all the text. As well as this I think that my pictures are used better,
in the real magazine they use pictures, in a cartoon form, in order to break up
text, where as my images are used to add to the text on the first page, as well
as on the second they are the main point of the page, making block text not
needed on this page.
To create my website I used Wix, as while doing experiments this wa my
favourite to use, I started by designing my home page, this would feature
different parts on the home page that link to other parts of the website, to
do this I made strips for different parts of the site, this included the latest
news, which had my logo, a football news strip, a combat sports news strip, a
magazine order strip, and a contact us page at the bottom.
I then created the next page, this was the
latest news page, this featured the biggest
news stories of the site as well as the stories
being from all sports rather than anything
specific, I included 5 stories, 3 of these
promoted the magazine as they wouldn’t
give all the information in order for people
to want to order the magazine, this works as
a promotion for the magazine as well as an
informative news page. This also had a kind
of colour scheme where the two different
shades of colour would be used on the
stories that are next to each other, this
makes the page more interesting and better
than just having one boring colour in the
background, as well as making an easy point
to see where one story finishes.
I then made the page to promote the magazine, this was the magazine
ordering page, it included a short description of the magazine as well as
showing the price for one, or for two different subscriptions.
The last page I made was the
contact page, this listed all the
social media pages as well as an
email address to contact, it used a
slide format in order to do this. The
pages listed are the Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat,
and an email address to contact.
Website Evaluation
I think my website went well, compared to the original
plans I had for my website it is pretty much the same,
the original plans included having a home page that
would link to other pages with different sports on
them, a news page, a contact us page, and a magazine
order page, the only difference between the original
plans and the actual website I made was that I didn’t
create the pages for the specific sports, I made 4
pages, these being the home/landing page, latest
news page, contact page, and the page where you
order the magazine. If I were to do this again firstly I
would change the style of the website slightly, I would
make the homepage have more features, for example
side bars which feature the latest news story, and will
then link you into the latest news page, as well as this
I would have a better colour scheme and would have
taken more photo’s to suit the website design if I had
more time. I think the effectiveness of the product is
good, as it shows what is needed and will appeal very
well to the target audience, due to the way of design
and the subjects included, as well as the ease of
navigating throughout the website.
Home Page
Magazine Order Page
Website Comparison
I think my website was more similar to other products than my
magazine was, in comparison to ESPN there are many similar parts,
for example the branding is very similar, having the logo on the to
navigation bar as well as having a strip with the logo on at the top of
the site. As well as this I think both websites work similarly, with strips
of different news stories being on the front page of ESPN, which will
link to the actual news story, and on my home page there are strips
linking into different sports. A difference between the two sites is that
the ESPN site has a lot more features, an example of this being the
two side bars next to the news stories, these being the “Suggested
Favourites” and customising options on the left, and the “Top
Headlines” on the right, this gives the website viewer more options,
where as on my website there is just the links to the different sports
pages on the website, with no options for different customisation, my
site is more limited than the ESPN site. As well as this they have the
main part of the page in the middle, with a background on the outer
parts of the page, where as my page is all about the strips of the
different pages, making my main page wider than ESPN’s. As well as
this they include a promotional betting strip at the top, this will be as
they have been sponsored by bet365 to do this.
What have you leaned?
Overall from this project I have learned a lot about print products and the way in which they are
designed, as well as the media surrounding them and the way they branch out, for example websites
and social media can be two of the most important things for the branding of a magazine. As well
this I have learnt a lot about other magazines, for example what every magazine does, and what is
very unique to certain magazines in the industry.

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Print Production & Evaluation

  • 2. Breakdown of Production Day: What to do (Software): 1 Taking & Gathering Photographs. 2 Front Cover Designing (Photoshop). 3 Front Cover Designing (Photoshop). 4 Double Page Spread Designing (Photoshop). 5 Double Page Spread Designing (Photoshop). 6 Double Page Spread Designing (Photoshop) & Article Writing (Word/Photoshop). 7 Website Building (Google Chrome). 8 Website Building (Google Chrome).
  • 4. Contingency Plan Potential Problem Effect on Production Solution/Control Losing work from the Mac’s Will mean you lose everything you have done so far at that point. Back up work in plenty of places, such as OneDrive and USB’s. Spillage of food and/or drink on the Mac’s. Will damage the Mac and could make you lose all work. Don’t eat or drink near the Mac’s. Poor Planning. Will make work harder to do and also make the work look worse. Plan thoroughly for every part of the work. Losing SD card from camera. Will mean you have lost all the photos you have taken. Back up work in plenty of places and be careful with where you place important things. Photos from the camera corrupting. Will lose all photos that have been taken. Go out and take the photos again, if there is no way to get them back. Losing any equipment. Will lose everything from you have done with the equipment. Keep the equipment in safe places and consistently in the same place so you always know. Breaking equipment. Will lose everything from you have done with the equipment. Be careful with equipment and use all the safety features that you can.
  • 7. In this screenshot I have created a template for my front cover, this has spaces for the magazine name, headline, main story and 4 other sections at the bottom for side stories. To make this I used the guides and rulers on Photoshop to create evenly proportioned sections, everything was made evenly, for example the bottom 4 sections equal the same size as the top three sections. This makes the magazine look more professional as everything is evenly spaced.
  • 8. Next I decided to add the magazine company name and the title of the magazine onto the front cover, to do this I used fonts found from and downloaded them in order to use them for my magazine. I also used colour overlay in order to have it match the colour theme of the rest of the cover, this being the gold/yellow and black design, I also decided to get rid of the original line at the top, this is as I needed more space for my headline and magazine name.
  • 9. Next I collected images to use on the front cover and fit them into the template, these images were of three big names in Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, and Neymar. These are the main focus of my article and as well as this they will bring a lot of eyes to the product because of what big names they all are. I fit them into the template through using the background removing tool, as well as eraser to get them to fit the certain parts of the template that they were put into. As well as this I had the two previous winners be holding the Balon D’or and the new younger player who hasn’t won the competition before be in the middle of them with out the Balon D’or.
  • 10. Then I decided I didn’t like that design so I changed it, I thought the headline did not have enough room for the thing that should be grabbing most people’s attention, so I moved the pictures of Messi, Ronaldo, and Neymar down and made more space for the headline, I also changed the design of this, instead of having one line for the title I would have the main part, this being the “Balon D’or!”, stick out on it’s own and have a larger part of the cover than the rest of the headline, this being “Battle For The”.
  • 11. I then took and added my own photo’s into the magazine, these were used as the little added stories in the bottom of the magazine, they are added at the bottom to attract attention to certain sports that are included in the stories, for example the MMA fans may like that MMA is included on the cover and this will attract them to the product more. I also added a barcode.
  • 12. I then added a background to the front cover as I believed without one it looked a bit plain and boring, the background I decided to use is similar to the Champions League design, which fits in with another part of my cover, this being one of the stories at the bottom, as well as it showing the most prestigious club football competition in the world, which fits in with the Balon D’or theme, as well as attracting an audience.
  • 13. My front cover went very similarly to how I originally planned it, the split into three sections on the main story is exactly how I had first planned it, as I did this in my experiment in order to see how it would work. As well as this all the photo’s that I took for the front cover were good and not exactly what I was originally thinking of doing, as I thought I may take the pictures outside and not in a studio, but I think the studio photo’s work better, as they all now have a similar background and therefore carry a theme throughout the bottom stories on the cover, I think this turned out better than my original plan. As well as this the original plan for the template of the cover was changed and the fonts in the title are different than original planned, as I changed it to have two parts with two different fonts, rather than having the typical one line of text in the same font, I think this makes the cover more unique and different, this could make it stand out when being in comparison to other magazines. If I were to do this again improvements I would make would start with the template I originally made, as this did not incorporate a barcode into the front cover, so when it came to adding one I was unsure on where to put it and I think the placing of it isn’t great, so if I were to do it again I would make sure I planned for this in the first place rather than forgetting about it until it was needed, as well as this I would spend more time editing certain parts if there were more time in which to do so, for example where the players have been cut from the backgrounds they previously had, as they could have been cut out better than how they are, as certain small parts may be missing from them or there may be certain parts added from the backgrounds that shouldn't be there. I think the effectiveness of the product is good, as it shows what is needed and will appeal very well to the target audience, due to the way of design and the subjects included. Front Cover Evaluation
  • 14. My magazine is very different to most sports magazines that are made, I feel that makes it more unique and can possibly make it stand out more. My example of this is a comparison between my magazine and an edition of FourFourTwo magazine. Firstly I think my magazine is a lot neater and uses a better kind of template than the FourFourTwo magazine does, this is as the FourFourTwo magazine has a lot more on the cover, in a lot less spread space, they use a lot of blobs and stars, for example the “Pele at Santos” part of the cover, this can make the magazine look like it has more information packed into it, but can make the cover more messy, as there can be too much on the cover that is put on top of other parts of the magazine, whereas with my magazine there is a clear structure, the main part of the cover is obvious and separate from the rest, where as the other stories are along the bottom of the cover, making it look more neat and separating each story from each other. As well as this because of all the information on the cover the name of the magazine is slightly covered up, and this could effect the branding of the magazine, where as with my cover it is clear to see the magazine company, as well as all the titles of different sections. Front Cover Comparison
  • 16. I then started the double page spread, I decided the first page of this would be on Messi, Neymar and Ronaldo, the three top Balon D’or contestants, this page would have a little bio on them and the year that they have had, as well as including stats, to start this I created a background for each different player, this colour scheme of this being relevant to each players team colours. I then created another box beneath the one with the picture in in order to place the text for each of the players.
  • 17. From there I added the articles to the page, there were three different articles on each player, stating the stats and having a little bio on each players year. The colours used match the colours on the top picture, apart from in Messi’s I changed the blue slightly as the light blue was hard to read against the red background, especially with the amount of text I had.
  • 18. Next I used guides and rulers in order to create my own football pitch layout in Photoshop, I did this myself to make it all original rather than copying one from the internet, I used the guides to make sure everything was done evenly and then from there I moved the pitch around to cover the whole page, and I also changed the opacity so it will fit in better with the background I will put into it.
  • 19. Next I copied over the pictures and backgrounds I created for Messi, Ronaldo, and Neymar, these would serve as the front three of my team of the year selection, I used the same pictures as I thought I should use the same kind of theme throughout the two pages of the double page spread.
  • 20. Then I decided on the rest of my team of the year, I also designed these in the same way as I designed the first three players, with the box around them including the colours that there team are most associated with, this brings a lot of colour and vibrancy to the magazine as well as making all the colours relevant with each of the players rather than just a random load of colours.
  • 21. I then added more to the second page, I added a title as it may have not made much sense, I added the title that it is our team of the year prediction for this year, rather than just having a random team on a page.
  • 22. From that I decided to then add player names to the side of the pictures, this is just in case anyone doesn’t know who the players are, or just can’t recognise them from that photo, this means they can easily check who the player is.
  • 23. I then added a background to the page, similar to the one on the front cover in order to match the stories together will similar themes, as well as the background representing the most prestigious club footballing tournament in the world, the Champions League, I changed the opacity of this to make sure it acted as a background and didn’t take anything away from the rest of the content that is on the page. I also added page numbers to the bottom of each page.
  • 24. Double Page Spread Evaluation The double page spread went a bit differently to how I had first planned it, my original idea was to have a little bio on the three finalists and then have the majority of the double page spread taken by the team of the year, where as it ended up being half and half, as the articles I wrote for the three contenders ended up being very in detail and needed more space, I would have rather they had more space but the team of the year would have looked daft if it was any smaller than it is in the final product, as well as this I didn’t plan on each player in the team of the year having the same sort of card design as a background, I think this is a positive change as it creates a theme and a colour scheme throughout both pages. As well as this the original idea for the background was to be one of my own pictures that I had taken, this didn’t work in the end as all the pictures were too bright to use as a background, none of them fit in with the rest of the page, so I used the same background as I did on my front cover, I did this as the background fit with the theme of the best players, due to the competition the background represents being so prestigious. If I were to do this again in order to improve it I would slightly change the layout in a way where I could have the team of the year section smaller so that the text on the first page of the double page spread could be slightly larger, as it is very blocky and just readable at the minute. I think the effectiveness of the product is good, as it shows what is needed and will appeal very well to the target audience, due to the way of design and the subjects included
  • 25. Double Page Spread Comparison Like the front cover of my magazine the double page spread is also a lot different from typical sports magazines. In comparison to the real double page spread I think my version is different as there is not as much block text, I think mine is more aimed at the target audience of the usual sports fan, who don’t necessarily want to read a lot of block text, as visuals are more important to sports fans than text, so in mine I have the team of the year being mostly pictures with the colour schemed background, with just a name next to the player, I think this is better than having a big block text as the target audience would much prefer to visually see what our opinions and reasons are rather than reading all the text. As well as this I think that my pictures are used better, in the real magazine they use pictures, in a cartoon form, in order to break up text, where as my images are used to add to the text on the first page, as well as on the second they are the main point of the page, making block text not needed on this page.
  • 27. To create my website I used Wix, as while doing experiments this wa my favourite to use, I started by designing my home page, this would feature different parts on the home page that link to other parts of the website, to do this I made strips for different parts of the site, this included the latest news, which had my logo, a football news strip, a combat sports news strip, a magazine order strip, and a contact us page at the bottom.
  • 28. I then created the next page, this was the latest news page, this featured the biggest news stories of the site as well as the stories being from all sports rather than anything specific, I included 5 stories, 3 of these promoted the magazine as they wouldn’t give all the information in order for people to want to order the magazine, this works as a promotion for the magazine as well as an informative news page. This also had a kind of colour scheme where the two different shades of colour would be used on the stories that are next to each other, this makes the page more interesting and better than just having one boring colour in the background, as well as making an easy point to see where one story finishes.
  • 29. I then made the page to promote the magazine, this was the magazine ordering page, it included a short description of the magazine as well as showing the price for one, or for two different subscriptions.
  • 30. The last page I made was the contact page, this listed all the social media pages as well as an email address to contact, it used a slide format in order to do this. The pages listed are the Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and an email address to contact.
  • 31. Website Evaluation I think my website went well, compared to the original plans I had for my website it is pretty much the same, the original plans included having a home page that would link to other pages with different sports on them, a news page, a contact us page, and a magazine order page, the only difference between the original plans and the actual website I made was that I didn’t create the pages for the specific sports, I made 4 pages, these being the home/landing page, latest news page, contact page, and the page where you order the magazine. If I were to do this again firstly I would change the style of the website slightly, I would make the homepage have more features, for example side bars which feature the latest news story, and will then link you into the latest news page, as well as this I would have a better colour scheme and would have taken more photo’s to suit the website design if I had more time. I think the effectiveness of the product is good, as it shows what is needed and will appeal very well to the target audience, due to the way of design and the subjects included, as well as the ease of navigating throughout the website. Home Page Magazine Order Page LatestNewsPageContactPage(Inslides,notallonepage)
  • 32. Website Comparison I think my website was more similar to other products than my magazine was, in comparison to ESPN there are many similar parts, for example the branding is very similar, having the logo on the to navigation bar as well as having a strip with the logo on at the top of the site. As well as this I think both websites work similarly, with strips of different news stories being on the front page of ESPN, which will link to the actual news story, and on my home page there are strips linking into different sports. A difference between the two sites is that the ESPN site has a lot more features, an example of this being the two side bars next to the news stories, these being the “Suggested Favourites” and customising options on the left, and the “Top Headlines” on the right, this gives the website viewer more options, where as on my website there is just the links to the different sports pages on the website, with no options for different customisation, my site is more limited than the ESPN site. As well as this they have the main part of the page in the middle, with a background on the outer parts of the page, where as my page is all about the strips of the different pages, making my main page wider than ESPN’s. As well as this they include a promotional betting strip at the top, this will be as they have been sponsored by bet365 to do this.
  • 33. What have you leaned? Overall from this project I have learned a lot about print products and the way in which they are designed, as well as the media surrounding them and the way they branch out, for example websites and social media can be two of the most important things for the branding of a magazine. As well this I have learnt a lot about other magazines, for example what every magazine does, and what is very unique to certain magazines in the industry.