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The brief
0 The brief, set by the OCR exam board, was to design
  the front page, the double-page spread, and the
  contents page of a new upcoming music magazine. We
  could choose the genre, all models featuring in the
  magazine, the name of the magazine etc…we must
  produce a research/planning page, and finally an
0 The first task is an unmarked preliminary project,
  which must the cover page and page of contents for an
  upcoming 'school magazine’, this is shown on next two
Preliminary Project

   FRONT COVER: I created my preliminary
   project using Adobe ‘InDesign’ as this
   programmed allows me to manipulate
   fonts/images onto each other which is
   necessary for a magazine. I also created my
   ‘Mock up’ magazine on the same
   programme. The green contrasting with the
   sepia pictures gives a vintage effect and
   could also represent the age-long tradition
   of ‘Sixth Form’. The Fonts I used are in
   contrasting colours to the picture so they
   can be seen. The picture represents a happy,
   united feel to the school.

PAGE OF CONTENT: The page of content features a
summary of articles/interviews appearing in the issue of
the magazine. It may also include preview pictures to
gain interest levels of readers.
Treatment (initial
                                                    idea of my
0 For my 2012 coursework I will be constructing the front cover, contents page and a double page spread for a
    new music magazine. I have chosen the genre of Indie, simply because it’s the magazine I’d be most inclined to
    buy, and the one I will therefore get the best research out of.
0   As an initial idea for my magazine I will photograph three ‘upcoming indie musicians’. Two of which will be
    girls, and the other a boy/girl duo. For the front cover of the magazine, I will have a close up shot of a
    girl, subtly edited, smiling and staring directly into the camera. The model on the front will also feature in the
    double page spread. The photographs of the other two will feature in the contents page to show variation and
    more diversity within the Indie Music genre.
0   The location for the double page spread will be outside, perhaps with nature, to coincide with the quirky and
    free-spirited theme of my magazine, possible shots will be a model playing the guitar outside around
    tree’s/fields. The front cover will be shot inside, against a clear background, possibly white (black and white
    theme) as I want the front page to be minimalistic but eye-catching. Since the pictures on the contents page
    will be close up shots, the location for these are less important, but will most likely to be shot in a
    studio/indoor location.
0   The double page spread will be about a new British upcoming female artist. Her look will be
    youthful, current, and ‘Indie’, focusing on her image as a role model to young people, being in her late teens
0   Just as an initial idea for my magazine, I have researched into the magazine ‘Indie’ (The independent style
    magazine). Although the magazine is not a music magazine, the image is very relevant to the idea in mind for
    my music magazine. It has a very young feel, and perhaps appeals more to the female demographic more so
    than the male. But as long as I’m aware of appealing more to girls than boys in my magazine, I can use this to
    my advantage and be creating a product for an audience in mind. I have come up with some rough name ideas
    for my magazine, the idea that the name of the magazine has the first three letters ‘Ind’:
    Indignant, Indignation, Indecorous, Indelible etc…
The front image is a mid-shot; I will
most likely use a mid-shot or closer
angle shot for the front cover. The
colours and fonts are subtle; the focus is
                                             Treatment cont   .
on the model. A closer angle shot
means attention is drawn directly to
that person, and often if the person is
looking into the camera, the eye-level
shot establishes importance, and status
of the model.

                                                                  My idea of black and white
   This particular contents page only
                                                                  creating a subtle artistic and
   has one picture, on my own
   contents page I will include more.
                                                                  indie vibe for the double page
   The idea of all the contents of the                            spread. Two different images
   magazine being on one side is                                  of the same model appear,
   something I like, and the font is                              accompanying the text about
   very fun, very interesting. In my                              her. Again, the ‘indie’ appeal is
   contents page ill possibly have a
                                                                  very simple, without in your
   ‘note from the editor’ type thing,
   and two of three pictures
                                                                  face colours.
   appearing beside the contents.
The bubble across the top
The model of this issue is              Research into existing magazines                ‘140 songs you must
‘Lana Del Rey’ , An American                                                            download now!’ Uses
‘Indie pop’ artist, is made up                                                          alternating background and
here to be ironic (the                                                                  font colours. It is effectively
rhetorical caption ‘Why so                                                              advertising the artists of
bloody good?’) and also to                                                              these crucial songs, and
draw attention. Though her                                                              teasing the reader to buy the
dress is plain, her long dark                                                           magazine and download the
hair is the main focus to the                                                           songs.
cover, as well as the blood
fall down her face.                                                                 The advert for ’26
                                                                                    festivals that will blow
                                                                                    your minds’ is in a yellow
         The title of the
                                                                                    bubble partially covering
         magazine is
                                                                                    the model, this means it
         red. Against
                                                                                    is easily visible, and
                                                                                    becomes a main factor on
         background, th
                                                                                    the magazine. Music
         e simple ‘Q’ in
                                                                                    festivals are very popular
         the red box is          The featuring story to this magazine ‘Lana Del
                                                                                    for Indie music, and
         made                    Rey’ is in a noticeably different font to the
                                                                                    therefor the Indie
         dominant and            others, and also a different colour. The font is
         a centre focus.         bigger than any other on the cover, and the
                                 quirky writing which looks maybe scribbled or
                                 hand-drawn adds to the ‘Indie’ and ‘Young’
                                 appeal to Lana Del Rey.
The picture,            ‘FREE’ is in capital and bold
like in ‘Q’             letters to draw attention to
matches the             this.
caption ‘I’m a
psycho’. The
caption in
diagonal, it
cuts across                                             NME (new musical express)
the page so                                             is an Indie Rock magazine.
takes up more                                           The feature of this week’s
of the front                                            magazine is ‘Lana Del Ray’,
page.                                                   since she’s American the
                                                        theme of the issue is based
                                                        around this (The red white
      ‘Plus’ makes it                                   and blue American flag). The
      seem like this                                    audience for NME is wider
      magazine has                                      than the other two
      MORE, more                                        magazines simply because
      than competing                                    it’s better known and is
      magazines and
                                                        more gender neutral.
      more than its
The red title works incredibly
                            well because it is especially
                            bold against the black and
                            white colour scheme.

                                                             UNCUT has a specific
                                                             clientele, it’s aimed at
The black and white works
                                                             men aged 25-45, hence
here because the faces of
                                                             the Beatles are on the
‘The Beatles’ still stand
                                                             front, as they were from
out, the picture has been
                                                             around this era, and
enhanced, but the black
                                                             hence the black and white
and white work for a
                                                             picture to tie-in with the
simple theme.
                                                             vintage theme. Artists of
                                                             the same calibre have also
                                                             featured in UNCUT such
                                                             as David Bowie,
                                                             Morrissey, John Lennon
This picture is bigger than   ‘Plus’ makes it seem like
the others, so though not     more value for your money.
the ‘cover’ or ‘feature’      Also, the simpler layout
story, its importance in      and lack of exuberant fonts
the issue is made known       and shapes makes you
by the picture being          think this magazine is for a
larger, and the               smaller audience than ‘Q’
accompanying quotation.       or ‘Uncut’.

All contents
pages seem to
use a number                            Advertising a
scheme; this                            subscription to the
highlights the                          magazine. In my own
page number                             magazine I may
where each                              include this, and also
story will                              include an
feature. It also                        advertisement for
organises the                           smart phone
page. It also                           apps/online copies of
features                                the magazine to keep
pictures of each                        up to date with
artist included                         audiences and
in this                                 technology.
issue, almost as
a teaser.
This magazine, like
                                 ‘Uncut’ repeats the
                                 theme of red and white
                                 that was seen on the
‘140 songs to download           contents page, this
now’ is advertisement for        keeps continuity and
the involved artists that will   gives a more
most likely be of the indie      professional feel to the
genre because that’s the         magazine.
genre of the magazine. Once
someone has downloaded
the songs they may be more           The close up picture of
tempted to purchase the              cover feature ‘Lana Del
magazine again.                      Ray’ gives a sex
                                     appeal, and also an
                                     intimacy with the artist.
                                     The picture dominates the
                                     page, because she is this
                                     issues double page
                                     spread. I may use a close
                                     up picture of the cover
                                     story in the contents page
                                     myself, to offer
                                     variation, and also a
                                     ‘connection’ with the
‘Uncut’ is different to
the other to as it only
includes one picture.
Having one picture
gives a less cluttered
page, and since the
readers are
established (25-45
male age bracket)         The black and white
they don’t need           theme from the cover
pictures of every         continues onto this
featured band.            page, giving a vintage
                          feel, vintage being
                          associated with the
                          type of music
                          (indie/rock) this
                          magazine promotes.
Iconic Indie
Indie music- research
Indie became known in the UK around the 1980’s, it’s a genre of Alternative Rock, with influences from punk,
folk and grunge music. Indie music is rather a ‘Niche’ genre, with a specific audience and a stereotype, which
accompanies this audience. Best known Indie artists in the UK are: Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, Radiohead, The
Vaccines, Fleet Foxes, Mumford and Sons, Ingrid Michaelson, Ellie Goulding, Damien Rice, The Kooks, The
wombats etc.
Characteristics of an Indie Music Consumer (The Indie music demographic)
            •           Dress in Skinny jeans, band t-shirts, vests, cardigans, baggy jumpers,
retro/vintage clothing, plimsolls, dolly shoes, flip flops.
Aged between 15-25 (my magazine aimed at 15-19 year olds (students)
            •           Attend music festivals such as Glastonbury, Reading…as well as regularly attending
            •           Shop at Topshop, Charity shops, Vintage Shops, H&M, Online shopping etc
            •           Free time spent; With friends, at parties
            •           More likely to smokedrink socially
            •           Take pride in appearance
            •           Take influence from celebrities such as Alexa Chung and Henry Holland.
Indie musicians
0 Mumford and Sons are a British Indie Folk band, who became popular in 2010. The unique selling point
   of this band is their ‘folk’ image and instruments. The instruments they play are untraditional for a
   modern Indie band, instruments such as the banjo, mandolin, and accordion. Their appeal is their
   diversity, individuality, and quirky image.

0 Ingrid Michaelson is an Indie solo artist, most of her songs are piano based, but also include the ukulele
   and guitar. Ingrid Michaelson is a typical Indie icon in that her overall appearance is care-free, young, and
   approachable. She doesn’t come across as this corporate artist who keeps up with latest trends, which is
   appealing to audiences.

0 Fleet Foxes are similar to Mumford in their Indie Folk appeal, but dress more traditionally, checked shirts
   and jeans are more what this band is about. Fleet Foxes also include ‘pop’ influence, and gained fans but
   their Myspace presence in 2007. The Fleet Foxes bring more of an American Indie appeal, rather than
   UK Indie like Mumford.
The Vaccines are a British Indie rock band, who’s overall image is incredibly vintage, greatly inspired by the
70/80’s but with a modern revival. Short sleeved shirts, vintage shirts, high wasted jeans; flares are iconic within
the band, as well as the general anarchistic vibe gained from the band.

Damien Rice is an Indie folk/rock solo Artist from Celbridge (Ireland). Damien Rice is a rather an unknown
artist, he isn’t mainstream, and hadn’t had much notice until his song ‘Cannonball’ was used as the 2011 Xfactor
winners song. This unknown-ness is appealing to Indie Music fans as being different is important. Damien Rice has
a very unique voice, and his image matches this, he is incredibly ‘rough and rugged’ but in an appealing and
relatable way.

Ellie Goulding is an ‘Indie Pop’ artist, possibly with the most ‘general’ appeal of all the artists I have researched.
Ellie Goulding was among the first few celebrities to shave one side of her head in the on-going trend during the
summer, she is a fashion icon with her vintage blouses, shorts, and baggy jumpers. Her ‘messy’ blonde hair is her
trademark feature.

I have researched a few Indie Artists as planning for my own magazine. It’s important to have an understanding on
the image that Indie artists portray, as the genre of my own magazine should be recognised straight away as an
Indie music magazine. Staple Indie styling, from my research is: vintage, casual, shirts, jeans, shorts, not ‘try hard’
or ‘styled’ so to speak, very rough and ready.
Fonts/name of my magazine

In my treatment I mentioned calling my magazine something with the beginning letters ‘Ind’ because of it
being an Indie Magazine. I worked around ideas such as Indignant, Indignation, Indecorous, Indelible… and
I’ve now decided on the name Indignant, because it sounds fierce, original. Indignant means to show
anger/annoyance at something that is unjust, which I think is appropriate because Indie is a quirky genre with
a rebellious feel to it, its anarchy against mainstream/corporate music. Using ‘Myfonts’
( I have researched possible fonts to use on the front cover of my magazine.

I like the 3D effect of this font, and the idea of bricks, bricks give an Urban feel, so if I was perhaps doing a Rap
magazine, or an R&B, this font would be ideal.

This font is edgier than the other two because of the rubbed out/patchy effect it has. Although the Indie music
genre is rough and ready, the font is too ‘word processed’ looking, I want my magazine to look professional,
and not as though it’s been made in word.

This font is too elegant to feature on a music magazine; it’s too curvy and graphology like. Although it’s simple,
unlike the other simple font it doesn’t have the ‘look’ of an Indie magazine.

I like this font the most of the five because of how simple and imperfect it. It is perhaps slightly childish, but
with the simple theme I hope to create on my front cover, this font would really work, especially with a mostly
white background.
Research into the writing style of a double-page spread article

0 Q
0 “She looks demonic standing here in her white slip dress and prom queen crown, blood running
  down her forehead, staring into the camera. Her expression switches by the frame from looking
  either like she’s mourning someone or about to knife them. She photographs like a model, which is
  to say the camera accentuates the deep pools of her eyes and the epic pout of her lips. During a
  break in the Q cover shoot in this West London photo studio, Lana Del Ray walks over to a
  computer screen that is projecting back each picture of her taken. The one on screen now is an
  extreme close-up of her face: on it her mascara is streaked and her crown askew. She appears
  bruised and broken. “That,” she says, pointing an extravagantly nailed finger at the screen, “that’s
  my life.” “Until she posted her self-made clip for a haunting torch song called Video Games onto
  YouTube last May, Lana Del Ray was almost entirely unknown.”

0 The format of this ‘Q’ double page spread is descriptive, and comes across honestly, in a
  colloquial appealing way as though we are with the interviewer or know her personally.
  The text is the opener to the interview, and it then goes into show and question and
  answer type format with Lana Del Ray eg. “Have you had notion of what made people so
  respond to Video Games?” and her answer is then shown “I know that it’s a beautiful song
  and I sing it really low which might set it apart. …” The picture that accompanies the
  double page spread is haunting, and complicated, which reflects perhaps the genre of ‘Q’,
  as it is obviously aimed for an elder demographic because of it’s more brutal appeal, this
  is obviously not aimed at young children
0 “Popularity algorithms and comment board snark can go whistle: if the weight of expectation
  carries any significance, then Lana Del Ray is the biggest artist on the planet right now. “
0 “The week before she releases her official debut album, ‘Born to Die’, it’s the biggest selling pre-sale
  record of 2012 on Amazon UK---selling twice as many copies as Leonard Cohen’s ‘Old Idea’s’ (Also
  out January 30th) at Number Two---and according to HMV’s Gennaro Castaldo, it will be number
  One a week on Sunday.”
0 NME is for a less wide and more specific audience than ‘Q’, this is made immediately clear
  by the less glossy pages, and the less extravagant pictures. The writing format is more
  personal than ‘Q’, maybe because of the lesser audience than ‘Q’ or ‘Uncut’.

0 Uncut
0 “Between 1960 and ’62, THE BEATLES played more than 300 nights in Hamburg, being schooled in
  the holy mysteries of rock’n’roll. There are pills, girls and fights, but mostly there is “music, music,
  music” and the company of remarkable characters: the English Little Richard, a protective ex-
  boxer, and a charismatic singer who will enlist them as his backing band. Fifty years after The
  Beatles arrived at the Star-Club, Uncut discovers the full story of their apprenticeship and
  wonders---did Hamburg see the most exciting part of their career?”
0 Uncut is obviously for an older demographic and most likely males, because statistically
  men prefer Indie Rock. The writing in the opening paragraph is supposed to excite
  audiences, but is only appealing to those who were around at this era, as they’ll
  understand the references to “’62” and “Little Richard”.
0 In my own magazine, since it’s aimed at a relatively young audience (16-early twenties) the
  writing needs to be young, hip, and colloquial…so of all the magazines, probably the most like ‘Q’
  magazine’s upfront appeal.
0 I have began writing my double page spread article for my own magazine ‘Indignant’, I begin with
  a detailed description of Ariella Ad(the name of my ‘indie musician’), and will then move onto a
  question and answer part:

0 Ariella Ada, or ‘Az’ as she’s known professionally, sits opposite me at an intimate table in the
  Rosetta Hotel in Bristol. Her pistachio-shaped green-blue eyes seem to smile as she openly
  tells me of her Hebrew heritage, and her secret obsession with Scrabble…of this not
  technically part of the interview, but wonderful to learn anyway. She’s animated as she
  reminisces the first video she uploaded to YouTube, and how a year later she never expected
  to be signed to a mass record label, be voted ‘The UK’s under 21 new talent’ or to have 2012’s
  fastest growing single with ‘Stepping stones and a yellow rose’. When I begin to ask her
  questions, she sits forward and gives me her complete attention, a stern expression of
  concentration that says she’s giving me nothing short of the real Ariella.
Mock up
  This is a mock up of my final magazine. The image is
  not one I have taken, but the general appeal of the
  model, the layout, fonts and colours are all likely to
  appear on my own final design.

                       For the masthead
                       this is the font I
                       decided to use
                       named ‘Hello I like
                       you’ (found on
             , desi
                       gned by Cindy
                       Kinash). Its very
                       quirky, graphology-
                       like, yet simple.

The bar code/dateline is a legal requirement. The
UK price for my magazine (£2.99) is higher than
‘NME’ magazine (2,40) which is a magazine aimed
at a lower/lesser audience. My magazine is aimed
at a lower demographic than magazine ‘Q’
because ‘Q’ is a glossier and more of a general
magazine, whereas I’m focusing on the indie
genre, and perhaps more bias to girls , so my
magazine will be cheaper than ‘Q’ or ‘Uncut’
magazine (‘Q’=3.99 and ‘Uncut’= £4.80). My
magazine is also aimed at students, aged 15-19,
so my cheaper price will be more appealing to the
‘student budget.’
This is the ‘Selling line’ or
‘Slogan’ of my magazine that
readers would recognise
from each issue of my
magazine. I may change my
slogan to something more
original such as ‘Because
great music matters’ or ‘All
the current music updates
before they get mainstream’
(Because Indie music is a
niche market, consumers
want to feel special and a part
of something niche).

  This appeals to the
  indie demographic as
  they enjoy live
  music/gigs, so is

        This is the main cover line. The
        red gives a splash of colour to
        the black and white and makes
        magazine stand out. The
        slanted angle of this text adds
        to the quirkiness of my
The black and white of the image instantly
lowers audience appeal because of its diversity
compared to other magazines. It makes the
demographic ‘exclusive’.

The image itself is a mid-shot, the model stares
directly at the camera, showing intimacy with
the readers, yet her hand on her mouth shows
a shyness, and makes the magazine seem

There is a candid vide from this picture, it
doesn’t seem staged or posed, this is appealing
to the Indie audience.

   ‘Free’ makes it seem like readers
   are gaining something extra for
   their money, making my magazine
   value for money.

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  • 1.
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  • 3. The brief 0 The brief, set by the OCR exam board, was to design the front page, the double-page spread, and the contents page of a new upcoming music magazine. We could choose the genre, all models featuring in the magazine, the name of the magazine etc…we must produce a research/planning page, and finally an evaluation. 0 The first task is an unmarked preliminary project, which must the cover page and page of contents for an upcoming 'school magazine’, this is shown on next two slides.
  • 4. Preliminary Project FRONT COVER: I created my preliminary project using Adobe ‘InDesign’ as this programmed allows me to manipulate fonts/images onto each other which is necessary for a magazine. I also created my ‘Mock up’ magazine on the same programme. The green contrasting with the sepia pictures gives a vintage effect and could also represent the age-long tradition of ‘Sixth Form’. The Fonts I used are in contrasting colours to the picture so they can be seen. The picture represents a happy, united feel to the school. PAGE OF CONTENT: The page of content features a summary of articles/interviews appearing in the issue of the magazine. It may also include preview pictures to gain interest levels of readers.
  • 5. Treatment (initial idea of my project) 0 For my 2012 coursework I will be constructing the front cover, contents page and a double page spread for a new music magazine. I have chosen the genre of Indie, simply because it’s the magazine I’d be most inclined to buy, and the one I will therefore get the best research out of. 0 As an initial idea for my magazine I will photograph three ‘upcoming indie musicians’. Two of which will be girls, and the other a boy/girl duo. For the front cover of the magazine, I will have a close up shot of a girl, subtly edited, smiling and staring directly into the camera. The model on the front will also feature in the double page spread. The photographs of the other two will feature in the contents page to show variation and more diversity within the Indie Music genre. 0 The location for the double page spread will be outside, perhaps with nature, to coincide with the quirky and free-spirited theme of my magazine, possible shots will be a model playing the guitar outside around tree’s/fields. The front cover will be shot inside, against a clear background, possibly white (black and white theme) as I want the front page to be minimalistic but eye-catching. Since the pictures on the contents page will be close up shots, the location for these are less important, but will most likely to be shot in a studio/indoor location. 0 The double page spread will be about a new British upcoming female artist. Her look will be youthful, current, and ‘Indie’, focusing on her image as a role model to young people, being in her late teens herself. 0 Just as an initial idea for my magazine, I have researched into the magazine ‘Indie’ (The independent style magazine). Although the magazine is not a music magazine, the image is very relevant to the idea in mind for my music magazine. It has a very young feel, and perhaps appeals more to the female demographic more so than the male. But as long as I’m aware of appealing more to girls than boys in my magazine, I can use this to my advantage and be creating a product for an audience in mind. I have come up with some rough name ideas for my magazine, the idea that the name of the magazine has the first three letters ‘Ind’: Indignant, Indignation, Indecorous, Indelible etc…
  • 6. The front image is a mid-shot; I will most likely use a mid-shot or closer angle shot for the front cover. The colours and fonts are subtle; the focus is Treatment cont . on the model. A closer angle shot means attention is drawn directly to that person, and often if the person is looking into the camera, the eye-level shot establishes importance, and status of the model. My idea of black and white This particular contents page only creating a subtle artistic and has one picture, on my own contents page I will include more. indie vibe for the double page The idea of all the contents of the spread. Two different images magazine being on one side is of the same model appear, something I like, and the font is accompanying the text about very fun, very interesting. In my her. Again, the ‘indie’ appeal is contents page ill possibly have a very simple, without in your ‘note from the editor’ type thing, and two of three pictures face colours. appearing beside the contents.
  • 7.
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  • 12.
  • 13. The bubble across the top The model of this issue is Research into existing magazines ‘140 songs you must ‘Lana Del Rey’ , An American download now!’ Uses ‘Indie pop’ artist, is made up alternating background and here to be ironic (the font colours. It is effectively rhetorical caption ‘Why so advertising the artists of bloody good?’) and also to these crucial songs, and draw attention. Though her teasing the reader to buy the dress is plain, her long dark magazine and download the hair is the main focus to the songs. cover, as well as the blood fall down her face. The advert for ’26 festivals that will blow your minds’ is in a yellow The title of the bubble partially covering magazine is the model, this means it red. Against is easily visible, and the becomes a main factor on background, th the magazine. Music e simple ‘Q’ in festivals are very popular the red box is The featuring story to this magazine ‘Lana Del for Indie music, and made Rey’ is in a noticeably different font to the therefor the Indie dominant and others, and also a different colour. The font is demographic. a centre focus. bigger than any other on the cover, and the quirky writing which looks maybe scribbled or hand-drawn adds to the ‘Indie’ and ‘Young’ appeal to Lana Del Rey.
  • 14. The picture, ‘FREE’ is in capital and bold like in ‘Q’ letters to draw attention to matches the this. caption ‘I’m a psycho’. The caption in diagonal, it cuts across NME (new musical express) the page so is an Indie Rock magazine. takes up more The feature of this week’s of the front magazine is ‘Lana Del Ray’, page. since she’s American the theme of the issue is based around this (The red white ‘Plus’ makes it and blue American flag). The seem like this audience for NME is wider magazine has than the other two MORE, more magazines simply because than competing it’s better known and is magazines and more gender neutral. more than its advertising.
  • 15. The red title works incredibly well because it is especially bold against the black and white colour scheme. UNCUT has a specific clientele, it’s aimed at The black and white works men aged 25-45, hence here because the faces of the Beatles are on the ‘The Beatles’ still stand front, as they were from out, the picture has been around this era, and enhanced, but the black hence the black and white and white work for a picture to tie-in with the simple theme. vintage theme. Artists of the same calibre have also featured in UNCUT such as David Bowie, Morrissey, John Lennon etc.
  • 16. This picture is bigger than ‘Plus’ makes it seem like the others, so though not more value for your money. the ‘cover’ or ‘feature’ Also, the simpler layout story, its importance in and lack of exuberant fonts the issue is made known and shapes makes you by the picture being think this magazine is for a larger, and the smaller audience than ‘Q’ accompanying quotation. or ‘Uncut’. All contents pages seem to use a number Advertising a scheme; this subscription to the highlights the magazine. In my own page number magazine I may where each include this, and also story will include an feature. It also advertisement for organises the smart phone page. It also apps/online copies of features the magazine to keep pictures of each up to date with artist included audiences and in this technology. issue, almost as a teaser.
  • 17. This magazine, like ‘Uncut’ repeats the theme of red and white that was seen on the ‘140 songs to download contents page, this now’ is advertisement for keeps continuity and the involved artists that will gives a more most likely be of the indie professional feel to the genre because that’s the magazine. genre of the magazine. Once someone has downloaded the songs they may be more The close up picture of tempted to purchase the cover feature ‘Lana Del magazine again. Ray’ gives a sex appeal, and also an intimacy with the artist. The picture dominates the page, because she is this issues double page spread. I may use a close up picture of the cover story in the contents page myself, to offer variation, and also a ‘connection’ with the audience.
  • 18. ‘Uncut’ is different to the other to as it only includes one picture. Having one picture gives a less cluttered page, and since the readers are established (25-45 male age bracket) The black and white they don’t need theme from the cover pictures of every continues onto this featured band. page, giving a vintage feel, vintage being associated with the type of music (indie/rock) this magazine promotes.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Iconic Indie Musicians/Audience research Indie music- research Indie became known in the UK around the 1980’s, it’s a genre of Alternative Rock, with influences from punk, folk and grunge music. Indie music is rather a ‘Niche’ genre, with a specific audience and a stereotype, which accompanies this audience. Best known Indie artists in the UK are: Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, Radiohead, The Vaccines, Fleet Foxes, Mumford and Sons, Ingrid Michaelson, Ellie Goulding, Damien Rice, The Kooks, The wombats etc. Characteristics of an Indie Music Consumer (The Indie music demographic) • Dress in Skinny jeans, band t-shirts, vests, cardigans, baggy jumpers, retro/vintage clothing, plimsolls, dolly shoes, flip flops. Aged between 15-25 (my magazine aimed at 15-19 year olds (students) • Attend music festivals such as Glastonbury, Reading…as well as regularly attending Gigs. • Shop at Topshop, Charity shops, Vintage Shops, H&M, Online shopping etc • Free time spent; With friends, at parties • More likely to smokedrink socially • Take pride in appearance • Take influence from celebrities such as Alexa Chung and Henry Holland.
  • 22. Indie musicians 0 Mumford and Sons are a British Indie Folk band, who became popular in 2010. The unique selling point of this band is their ‘folk’ image and instruments. The instruments they play are untraditional for a modern Indie band, instruments such as the banjo, mandolin, and accordion. Their appeal is their diversity, individuality, and quirky image. 0 Ingrid Michaelson is an Indie solo artist, most of her songs are piano based, but also include the ukulele and guitar. Ingrid Michaelson is a typical Indie icon in that her overall appearance is care-free, young, and approachable. She doesn’t come across as this corporate artist who keeps up with latest trends, which is appealing to audiences. 0 Fleet Foxes are similar to Mumford in their Indie Folk appeal, but dress more traditionally, checked shirts and jeans are more what this band is about. Fleet Foxes also include ‘pop’ influence, and gained fans but their Myspace presence in 2007. The Fleet Foxes bring more of an American Indie appeal, rather than UK Indie like Mumford.
  • 23. The Vaccines are a British Indie rock band, who’s overall image is incredibly vintage, greatly inspired by the 70/80’s but with a modern revival. Short sleeved shirts, vintage shirts, high wasted jeans; flares are iconic within the band, as well as the general anarchistic vibe gained from the band. Damien Rice is an Indie folk/rock solo Artist from Celbridge (Ireland). Damien Rice is a rather an unknown artist, he isn’t mainstream, and hadn’t had much notice until his song ‘Cannonball’ was used as the 2011 Xfactor winners song. This unknown-ness is appealing to Indie Music fans as being different is important. Damien Rice has a very unique voice, and his image matches this, he is incredibly ‘rough and rugged’ but in an appealing and relatable way. Ellie Goulding is an ‘Indie Pop’ artist, possibly with the most ‘general’ appeal of all the artists I have researched. Ellie Goulding was among the first few celebrities to shave one side of her head in the on-going trend during the summer, she is a fashion icon with her vintage blouses, shorts, and baggy jumpers. Her ‘messy’ blonde hair is her trademark feature. I have researched a few Indie Artists as planning for my own magazine. It’s important to have an understanding on the image that Indie artists portray, as the genre of my own magazine should be recognised straight away as an Indie music magazine. Staple Indie styling, from my research is: vintage, casual, shirts, jeans, shorts, not ‘try hard’ or ‘styled’ so to speak, very rough and ready.
  • 24. Fonts/name of my magazine research In my treatment I mentioned calling my magazine something with the beginning letters ‘Ind’ because of it being an Indie Magazine. I worked around ideas such as Indignant, Indignation, Indecorous, Indelible… and I’ve now decided on the name Indignant, because it sounds fierce, original. Indignant means to show anger/annoyance at something that is unjust, which I think is appropriate because Indie is a quirky genre with a rebellious feel to it, its anarchy against mainstream/corporate music. Using ‘Myfonts’ ( I have researched possible fonts to use on the front cover of my magazine. I like the 3D effect of this font, and the idea of bricks, bricks give an Urban feel, so if I was perhaps doing a Rap magazine, or an R&B, this font would be ideal. This font is edgier than the other two because of the rubbed out/patchy effect it has. Although the Indie music genre is rough and ready, the font is too ‘word processed’ looking, I want my magazine to look professional, and not as though it’s been made in word. This font is too elegant to feature on a music magazine; it’s too curvy and graphology like. Although it’s simple, unlike the other simple font it doesn’t have the ‘look’ of an Indie magazine. I like this font the most of the five because of how simple and imperfect it. It is perhaps slightly childish, but with the simple theme I hope to create on my front cover, this font would really work, especially with a mostly white background.
  • 25. Research into the writing style of a double-page spread article 0 Q 0 “She looks demonic standing here in her white slip dress and prom queen crown, blood running down her forehead, staring into the camera. Her expression switches by the frame from looking either like she’s mourning someone or about to knife them. She photographs like a model, which is to say the camera accentuates the deep pools of her eyes and the epic pout of her lips. During a break in the Q cover shoot in this West London photo studio, Lana Del Ray walks over to a computer screen that is projecting back each picture of her taken. The one on screen now is an extreme close-up of her face: on it her mascara is streaked and her crown askew. She appears bruised and broken. “That,” she says, pointing an extravagantly nailed finger at the screen, “that’s my life.” “Until she posted her self-made clip for a haunting torch song called Video Games onto YouTube last May, Lana Del Ray was almost entirely unknown.” 0 The format of this ‘Q’ double page spread is descriptive, and comes across honestly, in a colloquial appealing way as though we are with the interviewer or know her personally. The text is the opener to the interview, and it then goes into show and question and answer type format with Lana Del Ray eg. “Have you had notion of what made people so respond to Video Games?” and her answer is then shown “I know that it’s a beautiful song and I sing it really low which might set it apart. …” The picture that accompanies the double page spread is haunting, and complicated, which reflects perhaps the genre of ‘Q’, as it is obviously aimed for an elder demographic because of it’s more brutal appeal, this is obviously not aimed at young children
  • 26. 0 NME 0 “Popularity algorithms and comment board snark can go whistle: if the weight of expectation carries any significance, then Lana Del Ray is the biggest artist on the planet right now. “ 0 “The week before she releases her official debut album, ‘Born to Die’, it’s the biggest selling pre-sale record of 2012 on Amazon UK---selling twice as many copies as Leonard Cohen’s ‘Old Idea’s’ (Also out January 30th) at Number Two---and according to HMV’s Gennaro Castaldo, it will be number One a week on Sunday.” 0 NME is for a less wide and more specific audience than ‘Q’, this is made immediately clear by the less glossy pages, and the less extravagant pictures. The writing format is more personal than ‘Q’, maybe because of the lesser audience than ‘Q’ or ‘Uncut’. 0 Uncut 0 “Between 1960 and ’62, THE BEATLES played more than 300 nights in Hamburg, being schooled in the holy mysteries of rock’n’roll. There are pills, girls and fights, but mostly there is “music, music, music” and the company of remarkable characters: the English Little Richard, a protective ex- boxer, and a charismatic singer who will enlist them as his backing band. Fifty years after The Beatles arrived at the Star-Club, Uncut discovers the full story of their apprenticeship and wonders---did Hamburg see the most exciting part of their career?” 0 Uncut is obviously for an older demographic and most likely males, because statistically men prefer Indie Rock. The writing in the opening paragraph is supposed to excite audiences, but is only appealing to those who were around at this era, as they’ll understand the references to “’62” and “Little Richard”.
  • 27. 0 In my own magazine, since it’s aimed at a relatively young audience (16-early twenties) the writing needs to be young, hip, and colloquial…so of all the magazines, probably the most like ‘Q’ magazine’s upfront appeal. 0 I have began writing my double page spread article for my own magazine ‘Indignant’, I begin with a detailed description of Ariella Ad(the name of my ‘indie musician’), and will then move onto a question and answer part: 0 Ariella Ada, or ‘Az’ as she’s known professionally, sits opposite me at an intimate table in the Rosetta Hotel in Bristol. Her pistachio-shaped green-blue eyes seem to smile as she openly tells me of her Hebrew heritage, and her secret obsession with Scrabble…of this not technically part of the interview, but wonderful to learn anyway. She’s animated as she reminisces the first video she uploaded to YouTube, and how a year later she never expected to be signed to a mass record label, be voted ‘The UK’s under 21 new talent’ or to have 2012’s fastest growing single with ‘Stepping stones and a yellow rose’. When I begin to ask her questions, she sits forward and gives me her complete attention, a stern expression of concentration that says she’s giving me nothing short of the real Ariella.
  • 28. Mock up This is a mock up of my final magazine. The image is not one I have taken, but the general appeal of the model, the layout, fonts and colours are all likely to appear on my own final design. For the masthead this is the font I decided to use named ‘Hello I like you’ (found on, desi gned by Cindy Kinash). Its very quirky, graphology- like, yet simple. The bar code/dateline is a legal requirement. The UK price for my magazine (£2.99) is higher than ‘NME’ magazine (2,40) which is a magazine aimed at a lower/lesser audience. My magazine is aimed at a lower demographic than magazine ‘Q’ because ‘Q’ is a glossier and more of a general magazine, whereas I’m focusing on the indie genre, and perhaps more bias to girls , so my magazine will be cheaper than ‘Q’ or ‘Uncut’ magazine (‘Q’=3.99 and ‘Uncut’= £4.80). My magazine is also aimed at students, aged 15-19, so my cheaper price will be more appealing to the ‘student budget.’
  • 29. This is the ‘Selling line’ or ‘Slogan’ of my magazine that readers would recognise from each issue of my magazine. I may change my slogan to something more original such as ‘Because great music matters’ or ‘All the current music updates before they get mainstream’ (Because Indie music is a niche market, consumers want to feel special and a part of something niche). This appeals to the indie demographic as they enjoy live music/gigs, so is audience-specific. This is the main cover line. The red gives a splash of colour to the black and white and makes magazine stand out. The slanted angle of this text adds to the quirkiness of my magazine.
  • 30. The black and white of the image instantly lowers audience appeal because of its diversity compared to other magazines. It makes the demographic ‘exclusive’. The image itself is a mid-shot, the model stares directly at the camera, showing intimacy with the readers, yet her hand on her mouth shows a shyness, and makes the magazine seem understated. There is a candid vide from this picture, it doesn’t seem staged or posed, this is appealing to the Indie audience. ‘Free’ makes it seem like readers are gaining something extra for their money, making my magazine value for money.