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Lady Gaga is seem as a quirky and             Even though the masthead is covered by Lady              On this cover, there have not
 eccentric pop artist; on this cover           Gaga’s head, the magazine is still recognisable          been many colours used; the
 sophisticated clothing is contrasted          because the blue within the ‘a’, the red within the      only colours which draw the eye
 with an ‘outrageous’ purple wig. The          ‘b’and the yellow within the ‘d’ are the same on         are Lady Gaga’s purple hair and
 choice clothing is provocative and also       every issue of Billboard.                                the block colours within the ‘a’
 shows a serious side to her, maybe                                                                     and the ‘d’. Lady Gaga’s clothing,
 representing that she is serious about                                                                 the cover lines and the
 music, on the other hand the wig                                                                       masthead do not stand out from
 represents her unique style and                                                                        the grey background because
 attitude. My main cover image will                                                                     they are similar in colour, for this
 need to show the ‘personality’ of the                                                                  reason the magazine does not
 artist I choose, an interesting artist will                                                            stand out much from others and
 attract more readers so I must make                                                                    the audience is not encouraged
 the artist I choose appeal to my target                                                                to read the writing, therefore
 audience so that many people want to                                                                   they are not persuaded to buy it.
 read my magazine.                                                                                      However because ‘Billboard’
                                                                                                        magazine is very popular and
                                                                                                        well known I think that many
 The cover lines on this magazine are a                                                                 people would still buy this
 similar colour to the background so                                                                    magazine.
 they do not stand out and are not eye
 catching. When I come to designing
                                                                                                       The large amount of jewellery on
 my magazine I will need to ensure that
                                                                                                       this hand makes this area of the
 the colours I choose complement one
                                                                                                       cover eye catching and therefore
 another but also stand out and are
                                                                                                       draws the eye to the fact that she
 ‘easy’ to read/see.
                                                                                                       is pulling her clothing away from
                                                                                                       her chest. Also, it is possible that
I have drawn a grid to show the rule of thirds. This    Lady Gaga is exposing some of her chest        having a lot of jewellery on one
rule has been used to position Lady Gaga in the         by pulling her clothing to the side; this is   hand and having the other hand
centre of the page. Her face and chest are              provocative and attracts the male gaze         mostly hidden may show that she
included in the central square; these are both          which, in turn, encourages women to            has to different ‘sides’ to her; one
body parts which are suggestive (revealing chest        buy the magazine because they want to          quirky/crazy and one more
and seductive facial expression) so they have           appeal to men like Lady Gaga does on           serious/seductive.
planned this so that the eye is drawn to this area.     this cover.
The colour scheme for this magazine is white,          This ‘pull-out gift guide’ acts as a lure/hook; it encourages the audience to buy the magazine so
red and black. These colours are eye catching          that they can read this section. Unlike a lot of the coverlines, I like where this advert is placed
and compliment each other, however I think             because it is in ‘white space’ and because it has a red boarder it stands out. Also the use of a
that a magazine with a different range of              picture (of the gifts it has on offer) helps to attract viewers because they may see an item which
contrasting colours, which connote fun and             they wish to buy and therefore they may buy the magazine in order to get the item. There are
are more ‘girly’, would appeal more to the             many lures on this cover – Download Taylors new song for free, one magic move to sexy abs.
target audience (which seems to be girls aged
10-15). The colour red connotes passion and
danger and therefore this colour scheme                                                                     This cover image is quite eye catching and
would be more suitable for a magazine aimed                                                                 strong because of the eye contact which
at girls in their late teens or early 20’s. Also,                                                           makes the audience feel like they have a
in order to make her hair and skin stand out, I                                                             connection with her. Taylor swift has her
think that a brighter colour should have been                                                               hands in a heart shape; this could be to show
used for the background, e.g. purple, pink or                                                               her fans that she loves and appreciates them
blue, however if this had been done then the                                                                or it could show her love for music. Her make
colours black, red and white would not have                                                                 up and hair look very natural which could show
been suitable for this magazine.                                                                            that she is quite laid back, however when I
                                                                                                            take photos for my main cover image I will
Cosmo girl is a ‘branch magazine’ from                                                                      make sure that everything is positioned
Cosmopolitan. The definition of                                                                             perfectly, for example her necklace which is
‘cosmopolitan’ is ‘familiar with many                                                                       slightly to the right. I am hoping to use a
countries’ or ‘sophisticated’; they may have                                                                brightly coloured lipstick and possibly eye
used this name to show that the magazine is                                                                 make up as well ad this will make my magazine
stylish, modern and popular worldwide. The                                                                  stand out more than this one does.
word ‘girl’ shows that it is aimed at girls,
instead of women, as it contains material
which is more suitable for girls and some of                                                                   I have drawn a grid on this image, to show
                                                                                                               the rule of thirds. This rule has been used to
the content from ‘Cosmopolitan’ is not
                                                                                                               position Taylor in the centre of the page; her
appropriate for girls, therefore it is important
                                                                                                               hands are in the bottom, middle square and
for the magazines to be distinguishable.
                                                                                                               her eyes are in the top, middle square. This
                                                                                                               draws the viewer’s attention to the eye
The mode of address is very simple. They have used short                  This cover line acts are a           contact she has and the ‘heart’ position of
phrases to clearly show what will be in the magazine. Words               lure/hook. The main piece of         her hands. However the cover lines have not
such as Love, Glam and jewellery appeal to the target audience            information is written in            been organised in the same way; they
(teenage girls) because they are topics which a lot of girls are          large, red text. This draws the      overlap over many different sections which
interested in reading about.                                              eye of the audience and              makes the magazine look busy and they also
                                                                          encourages people to buy the         overlap the image a lot, therefore the eye is
The word love, (which is mentioned 3 times on the cover) links to         magazine so that they can            draw away from Taylor and on to the cover
the heart shape which Taylor’s hands are in. This suggests that love      read about ‘The most                 lines.
will be a theme throughout the magazine.                                  intriguing people of 2008’.
The eye is immediately draw to this masthead for many reasons: firstly it is on the left side of
                                                                                                        Unlike many pop magazines this cover does not
the page so on a stand it will always be seen, secondly it is bright red and stands out from the
                                                                                                        have a huge amount of cover lines; I think that
rest of the cover, thirdly it has a single white ‘Q’ in it instead of a long masthead (the white
                                                                                                        this looks good because the page looks
also stands out from the red, and lastly it is the same in every issue so it is well known and
                                                                                                        sophisticated and clear whereas many pop
                                                                                                        magazine covers look busy and the cover lines
                                                                                                        often take the attention away from the main
On this cover Lily Allen is not wearing any                                                             image.
clothes on her upper body but has her back
facing towards the audience. This is
                                                                                                          On this cover I have drawn a grid to show the
provocative and attracts the male gaze and
                                                                                                          rule of thirds. I think that across the top of the
yet it is still sophisticated because all that
                                                                                                          magazine the rule of thirds has been used; in
the audience can see is her back; attracting
                                                                                                          the first square there is the masthead, in the
the male gaze encourages women to buy the
                                                                                                          second is Lily Allen nude upper body and in the
magazine because they want to appeal to
                                                                                                          third they have placed most of the cover lines.
men like Lily Allen does on this cover. When
                                                                                                          This is an unconventional place to put a block
somebody in the main cover image has their
                                                                                                          of cover lines because they are usually down
back towards the audience I would worry
                                                                                                          the left hand side so that they can be seen
that they may not gain strong eye contact
                                                                                                          when the magazine is in a stand, however I
with the audience and therefore the
                                                                                                          think that on this cover placing the cover lines
audience would not be drawn to the
                                                                                                          here looks good and appeals to the audience
magazine and they may not feel and
                                                                                                          because it fits with the rule of thirds and the
connection with her; on this cover I feel that
                                                                                                          different sized fonts draw the attention to the
her eyes do not stand out enough to grab
                                                                                                          key words.
peoples attention, so if I was to use the pose
that Lily Allen is in then I would highlight the
eyes with bright make-up and I would                                                                      Although the genre of this magazine is not
ensure that the models hair was away from                                                                 pop, I have decided to deconstruct it because it
their eyes so that they are not hidden.                                                                   has Lily Allen on it and in my opinion her music
                                                                                                          is pop. I have also chosen to deconstruct this
The word ‘WICKED’ on this cover has                                                                       cover because ‘Q’ seems to feature many
ambiguous meanings; it could mean ‘cool’                                                                  different genres, including pop, however it may
or ‘evil’ or it could have a sexual                On this cover animals have been used to reflect        not fit to the stereo typical pop look and when I
meaning, this tells the readers that in this       Lilly’s personality and attitude; they are dark in     come to create my magazine I want to look
magazine there will be some information            colour which connotes mystery and danger but           more mature and be for a slightly older
about her life and they can use it to be           also the phrase ‘sexy beast’ has been used to          audience than a lot of pop magazines therefore
more like her. It has been repeated twice          show that these animals are not only dangerous         I think that the simple and ‘classic’ look of ‘Q’
and is in bright red capitals which is eye         but are also seen as graceful and the use of these     has some of the qualities I hope my magazine
catching and connotes passion and danger.          big cats makes Lily seem even more provocative.        will have.
The word ‘contents’ is written in        If a magazine is not in a plastic wallet then people who are interested in buying the
  the same way in every issue of           magazine may look to the contents page to see in more detail what will be included
  Vibe magazine, this makes it             in the magazine, therefore it is essential that the pages listed are appealing and
  recognisable, however this is not        popular with the target audience. This will encourage people to buy the magazine
  essential because a magazine             because they will want to read about the things on the contents page and when
  show be recognisable from the            looking through the magazine to find these, other articles may catch their eye.
  masthead and the style of the
  cover as the front cover is what
  people see on the stand and                                                             Despite the fact that this is a contents
  therefore the job of the front                                                          page, it does not have much writing; I
  cover is to draw people                                                                 think that this may be because they in
  in, whereas the job of the contents                                                     have not listed all the articles. Instead
  page is to give details of what                                                         they have picked out the main topics
  articles will be in the magazine.                                                       covered in the magazine and have
  The main image in the page seems                                                        written small amount of detail about
  to have been taken in order to fit                                                      them. The font is small and is a similar
  around the text. Her position is                                                        colour to the background so it does not
  provocative; therefore attracting                                                       stand out or grab peoples attention;
  the male gaze and inspiring female                                                      the use of a ‘fancy’/’swirly’ font , for
  readers to want her figure. The                                                         the headings, appeals to females and
  clothing she is wearing shows a lot                                                     does stand out from the background
  of flesh which also attracts the                                                        and the rest of the text, however
  male gaze and the heels are both                                                        because it is black (the same colour as
  ‘sexy and sophisticated’. I think                                                       the rest of the text and similar the
  that she has been made to look                                                          background colour) it is not eye
  glamorous so that women will                                                            catching, therefore this magazine is
  want to be like her and read about                                                      suitable for an older/ more mature
  her.                                                                                    audience.
The colour scheme for this contents page (from a vibe magazine) is mainly black, grey and white; these colours connote
sophistication and also mystery, using these colours may encourage women to want these qualities and makes the magazine
more ‘stylish’. The colours used for the contents page do not need to be brightly coloured and eye catching; this one has
chosen a more sophisticated colour pallet which appeals to a slightly older audience than most pop music magazines,
however many magazines still choose to have bright colours because they connote fun and excitement.
The artist on this contents page from ‘Q’      The ‘Q’ logo has been placed in the top left hand corner of the page, this is in some
magazine seems to have been styled to          ways un-needed however it may remind people which magazine they are reading or if
look as though he has no been styled, he       this page is separated from the magazine then a reader would know which magazine it
looks untidy and casual because he has         came from, therefore if this page was being read by somebody who had not read ‘Q’
not shaved and his hair has not been           magazine before then they may become interested in buying it in the future.
styled. His eye contact helps to make the
reader feel that they have a connection                                                       The date has been written in quite a
to him and therefore they may want to                                                         large font at the top of this contents
read on or go straight to the article                                                         page, this is useful because it makes it
about him.                                                                                    clear when the magazine was made and
                                                                                              therefore readers will always know
In the bottom right hand corner there is                                                      whether the information is up to date.
a bright red arrow; this fits with the
colour scheme, however because the                                                            The fonts on this page are simple and are
back ground is his skin the arrow still                                                       all quite similar, this helps to make the
stands out. This arrow seems to have                                                          page clear and easy to understand
been placed here to tell the reader to                                                        however I feel that this simplicity does
turn the page and continue reading,                                                           not make key articles stand out; for my
however if the magazine has already                                                           magazine I aim to stick to a simple colour
been purchased then this is not needed                                                        scheme but I also wish to use a bright
because the reader will naturally                                                             colour and some different font styles and
continue reading; if they are previewing                                                      sizes to make the best
the magazine this may imply that there is                                                     articles/advertisements stand out so that
interesting info on the next page.                                                            people will want to read my magazine

The majority of this page (from ‘Q’ magazine) is taken up by the main image, there is a small column of text down the left had side
which, although it is the key information on the page, only fills about a third of the page. The layout is clear and simple; this style
makes it easy to navigate not only the contents page but also throughout the rest of the magazine because in order for the reader to
be able to find the correct page it must be clear which article is on which page. One way that they have achieved a simplistic look for
this page is the use of simple colours – white, black and red. These have been used in an organized way so that all the page numbers
are written in red and all the detailing is written in black; the red stands out from the rest of the writing and therefore the reader is
encouraged to read the page numbers first. If many different colours had been used then the page may have been busy therefore
making it difficult to read/understand.
Although this is not a pop magazine, I        The black boxes stand out from the pink background without making the page look too
have decided to analyse it because this       busy, therefore I think that this was a suitable choice of colour, also the use of pink and
page seems to be related to pop and it        white writing stands out from the black boxes and still fits in with the colour scheme.
looks like a page from a pop magazine.        This makes the magazine seem organized but also shows that it is for a target audience
The main aspect which is used in many         of about 12 – 18. The choice of font is simple which makes it clear and easy to read, but
pop magazines is the bright colours,          they have still made important information stand out by the use of colour and font size.
mainly pink in this issue, which are eye
catching and connote fun and beauty. I                                                            The use of shapes on this page is
aim to use pink in my magazine however                                                            particularly eye catching and ‘fun’; in
I feel that a more minimalistic colour                                                            many pop magazines, in my
should be used for the background and                                                             opinion, too many shapes are used on
brighter colours should be used for                                                               one page so they all clash and none of
writing or shapes in order to draw                                                                them stand out; they just make the
attention to the information.                                                                     page look busy and unorganized.
                                                                                                  However on this page only a small
At the bottom of this page there is a                                                             amount have been used and they all fit
‘lure/hook’ which is a voucher for “£2                                                            with the colour scheme so that words
OFF”, this draws people in who wish to                                                            such as ‘CLUB NME’ and the number 1
go to the event advertised and will also                                                          stand out from the white background.
encourage other reader to go and                                                                  In my magazine I will use some shapes
therefore spend money on drink, etc                                                               in order to draw attention to the
whilst they are there; this will provide                                                          information included however, I want
more money for the magazine. They                                                                 my magazine to stand out and be
have made this ‘lure’ stand out by using                                                          suitable for a target audience between
a contrasting colour (yellow) for the                                                             the range of mid-teens and early
corner of the voucher and the main                                                                20’s, therefore I will ensure it does not
writing on it.                                                                                    look too busy or colourful. Even
On this page the main image is not of the main person featured in the magazine; it is of the      though bright colours are eye
‘group’ who are number one on this magazines list of “The hottest tunes”, the use of this         catching, I think that if a magazine
image will draw the attention immediately to this group and will therefore encourage the          uses to many colours then it can have
reader to read the rest of the list and possibly buy/listen to one of the songs. It also shows    to opposite affect to what was wanted
readers, who have not heard of the group, what they look like and gives them an idea of the       and people will be put off, so keeping
style of the group.                                                                               to a simple colour palette is vital.
Even though this double page             I think that using these pictures of her in different positions across the top is a very original
spread does not have a title, I think    and eye catching idea, even though the figures are in black and white they still draw the eye.
that it does not need one because        They show the R&B artist in different ‘moods’ and therefore the reader may feel that they
the blue writing in the ‘introduction’   have an understanding of her life and can make a connection with her, this is also supported
shows that the article will be about     by the strong eye contact she is giving, although the picture is a ‘long shot’ her eyes have
Solange Knowles and therefore a          dark makeup on so the audience may still notice them and feel a connection.
title is not needed; the reader has
been given all the information they
                                                                                                           The layout of the page is quite
need to know. Also the blue writing
                                                                                                           original; I have not seen many
draws the eye, so a title is not
                                                                                                           magazines laid out in this way
needed to do this. The fact that she
                                                                                                           – with images across the top
is Beyoncee’s sister may encourage
                                                                                                           third and text across the
people to read this article.
                                                                                                           bottom two thirds. This makes
Although the writing on this double                                                                        the magazine stand out; if a
page spread is not equally spread                                                                          person is previewing the
over the two pages, I think that the                                                                       magazine they are likely to
pages look well organised and                                                                              turn to the centre pages in
balanced. The first page has the                                                                           order to see if the content
majority of the writing on it and the                                                                      appeals to them therefore it is
second only has one column,                                                                                still important that the double
however there has been an key                                                                              page spread is interesting and
quote put in bold on the right hand                                                                        eye catching.
page it helps to create balance.
                                                                                           The red dress she is wearing is short and
 The use of black text ensures that these pages are clear and understandable and           may therefore attract the male gaze, it is
 also allows for bright colours to be used around it in order to make these parts          also quite feminine and the bright red
 stand out from the white background and black text. I think that the simple colour        connotes passion, love, danger and heat,
 palette will appeal to most female readers and although blue and red are not              attracting the male gaze through the dress
 coordinated, they do not clash with one another on these pages because they have          will encourage women to buy clothes from
 only been used in small amounts. The blue writing in the introduction to the text         this magazine (if they sell them) or may
 makes her name stand out and therefore, it is one of the first parts that people will     encourage them to want to be like this
 look at.                                                                                  woman.
Because of the small text it is    The clothing which this group is wearing is quite old fashioned, but it seems to have a young
not clear what the rhetorical      twist to it. This could be because the group or the magazine or anybody related to the group may
question is about however the      want to bring this sort of clothing back into fashion. Another explanation for the clothing choice
use of a rhetorical question       could be that the Black Eyed Peas are a unique and ‘cool’ and and they want to express this
“Will he, Won’t he?” creates       through the clothes they wear. The clothing is the main colour within this double page spread
suspense and excitement, this      because the writing is black and the background it white. Also because the picture covers a lot of
makes people want to read          the two pages, there is not much room for other colour because this would draw the attention
the magazine to find out more      away from the clothing which they are obviously trying to promote.
information about this choice
which will be made. Also,                                                                               Will.I.Am is the only
using rhetorical questions                                                                              member of the band who
allows the reader to believe                                                                            stands out, this is because
that they are involved in his                                                                           the other members have
life; they may feel as though                                                                           been faded, using computer
the decision is not only                                                                                technology, so that they do
important to Will.I.Am but                                                                              not take the readers
also themselves as well.                                                                                attention away from
                                                                                                        Will.I.Am, this has been
The same colours from the                                                                               done because this article is
clothing have been used for                                                                             mostly about Will.I.Am; it is
the key phrase “Will he,                                                                                possible that the only
Won’t”, this helps to make the                                                                          reason the group are posing
                                       The different positions of the                                   with him is so that they are
magazine look well planned
                                       members of the group shows each                                  more easy to recognise
and connects all the different
                                       of their personalities, this makes the                           when they are together
aspects. These colours, gold
                                       reader feel a connection with them,                              than Will.I.Am is when he
and silver, connote richness
                                       but the sunglasses stop us from                                  poses as a solo artist.
and popularity.
                                       having eye contact with Will.I.Am.

The phrase “Will he, won’t he” seems to be not    The arrows at the beginning of the text encourage the reader to start reading, this
only a rhetorical question, but also a play on    is the only thing which really draws attention to the text. It does not contain much
words - his name is – they have used    colour; the only small change in colour is used for a quote; for this the background
the beginning of his name to create a phrase      becomes black and the writing becomes white, this does draw the eye but only
which relates to him in more than one way.        after the reader has looked at the picture and the rhetorical question.
This article is not from a pop             Lily Stands out in this article because she covers the majority of a page and is wearing red
magazine, however I have decided           which is only used for a couple of words on this double page spread, red would usually
to deconstruct it because Lily Allen       connote passion, danger and heat however on these pages I think that is mainly connotes
is a Pop singer and yet this article       danger and aggression; her facial expression and clothing support the idea that she is not
look very different to how I imagine       feeling very happy, she may be finding her life stressful because of the newspaper (which
my/ most pop magazine double               links back to the quote made of cuttings) and therefore she may be feeling angry or
page spreads would look like. The          aggressive. These are all shown through the Gothic style, clothes, coloured writing.
main reason that this article does
not seem to be ‘pop’ is because of                                                              Another reason why this magazine does
the colour scheme; the blacks and                                                               not seem to be pop because of Lily
reds connote danger, seriousness                                                                Allen’s dark hair and make-up; this style
and mystery, these are not themes                                                               makes her seem Gothic and therefore
which most pop magazines wish to                                                                she does not appeal to my target
show.                                                                                           audience when she is styled in this way,
                                                                                                however on the cover of ‘Q’ (one of my
                                                                                                other deconstructions) she does not
There is not a large amount of text
                                                                                                look very Gothic even though there is a
on this page (it is possible that it
                                                                                                lot of black; I think that this is because
continues onto further pages); the is
                                                                                                she is in a ‘sweet’/’innocent’ position
obvious because it is the opposite
                                                                                                and her facial expression supports this
colour to the white background,
                                                                                                and therefore she does not look like she
however it is not eye catching
                                                                                                has a sad/bad attitude unlike on this
because it is all one small font and
                                                                                                double page spread.
the only words which stand out are
her name which are written in red,      There are many striking things about this double page spread; the first thing which
the quote and the clothes take the      draws the eye is the quote which seems to be made out of newspaper cuttings, this
attention away from the writing so      may suggest that she has been in the news so much that she feels that they lie about
reading the full article is actually    her and therefore she has written her opinion in the style of a news paper heading so
one of the last things the reader       that she may finally get her true opinion ‘in the news’. By putting Lily Allen's opinion in
does.                                   very large text, the reader immediately feels the need to read this and this may lead to
                                        them agreeing with her and feeling sorry for her or, on the other hand, they may agree
                                        with “people” and think that she is an attention seeker, if they feel sorry for her or like
                                        her then they may feel that they know her/about her life because in some ways they
                                        know how she feels because in this article she expresses herself.

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Deconstructing magazines

  • 1. Lady Gaga is seem as a quirky and Even though the masthead is covered by Lady On this cover, there have not eccentric pop artist; on this cover Gaga’s head, the magazine is still recognisable been many colours used; the sophisticated clothing is contrasted because the blue within the ‘a’, the red within the only colours which draw the eye with an ‘outrageous’ purple wig. The ‘b’and the yellow within the ‘d’ are the same on are Lady Gaga’s purple hair and choice clothing is provocative and also every issue of Billboard. the block colours within the ‘a’ shows a serious side to her, maybe and the ‘d’. Lady Gaga’s clothing, representing that she is serious about the cover lines and the music, on the other hand the wig masthead do not stand out from represents her unique style and the grey background because attitude. My main cover image will they are similar in colour, for this need to show the ‘personality’ of the reason the magazine does not artist I choose, an interesting artist will stand out much from others and attract more readers so I must make the audience is not encouraged the artist I choose appeal to my target to read the writing, therefore audience so that many people want to they are not persuaded to buy it. read my magazine. However because ‘Billboard’ magazine is very popular and well known I think that many The cover lines on this magazine are a people would still buy this similar colour to the background so magazine. they do not stand out and are not eye catching. When I come to designing The large amount of jewellery on my magazine I will need to ensure that this hand makes this area of the the colours I choose complement one cover eye catching and therefore another but also stand out and are draws the eye to the fact that she ‘easy’ to read/see. is pulling her clothing away from her chest. Also, it is possible that I have drawn a grid to show the rule of thirds. This Lady Gaga is exposing some of her chest having a lot of jewellery on one rule has been used to position Lady Gaga in the by pulling her clothing to the side; this is hand and having the other hand centre of the page. Her face and chest are provocative and attracts the male gaze mostly hidden may show that she included in the central square; these are both which, in turn, encourages women to has to different ‘sides’ to her; one body parts which are suggestive (revealing chest buy the magazine because they want to quirky/crazy and one more and seductive facial expression) so they have appeal to men like Lady Gaga does on serious/seductive. planned this so that the eye is drawn to this area. this cover.
  • 2. The colour scheme for this magazine is white, This ‘pull-out gift guide’ acts as a lure/hook; it encourages the audience to buy the magazine so red and black. These colours are eye catching that they can read this section. Unlike a lot of the coverlines, I like where this advert is placed and compliment each other, however I think because it is in ‘white space’ and because it has a red boarder it stands out. Also the use of a that a magazine with a different range of picture (of the gifts it has on offer) helps to attract viewers because they may see an item which contrasting colours, which connote fun and they wish to buy and therefore they may buy the magazine in order to get the item. There are are more ‘girly’, would appeal more to the many lures on this cover – Download Taylors new song for free, one magic move to sexy abs. target audience (which seems to be girls aged 10-15). The colour red connotes passion and danger and therefore this colour scheme This cover image is quite eye catching and would be more suitable for a magazine aimed strong because of the eye contact which at girls in their late teens or early 20’s. Also, makes the audience feel like they have a in order to make her hair and skin stand out, I connection with her. Taylor swift has her think that a brighter colour should have been hands in a heart shape; this could be to show used for the background, e.g. purple, pink or her fans that she loves and appreciates them blue, however if this had been done then the or it could show her love for music. Her make colours black, red and white would not have up and hair look very natural which could show been suitable for this magazine. that she is quite laid back, however when I take photos for my main cover image I will Cosmo girl is a ‘branch magazine’ from make sure that everything is positioned Cosmopolitan. The definition of perfectly, for example her necklace which is ‘cosmopolitan’ is ‘familiar with many slightly to the right. I am hoping to use a countries’ or ‘sophisticated’; they may have brightly coloured lipstick and possibly eye used this name to show that the magazine is make up as well ad this will make my magazine stylish, modern and popular worldwide. The stand out more than this one does. word ‘girl’ shows that it is aimed at girls, instead of women, as it contains material which is more suitable for girls and some of I have drawn a grid on this image, to show the rule of thirds. This rule has been used to the content from ‘Cosmopolitan’ is not position Taylor in the centre of the page; her appropriate for girls, therefore it is important hands are in the bottom, middle square and for the magazines to be distinguishable. her eyes are in the top, middle square. This draws the viewer’s attention to the eye The mode of address is very simple. They have used short This cover line acts are a contact she has and the ‘heart’ position of phrases to clearly show what will be in the magazine. Words lure/hook. The main piece of her hands. However the cover lines have not such as Love, Glam and jewellery appeal to the target audience information is written in been organised in the same way; they (teenage girls) because they are topics which a lot of girls are large, red text. This draws the overlap over many different sections which interested in reading about. eye of the audience and makes the magazine look busy and they also encourages people to buy the overlap the image a lot, therefore the eye is The word love, (which is mentioned 3 times on the cover) links to magazine so that they can draw away from Taylor and on to the cover the heart shape which Taylor’s hands are in. This suggests that love read about ‘The most lines. will be a theme throughout the magazine. intriguing people of 2008’.
  • 3. The eye is immediately draw to this masthead for many reasons: firstly it is on the left side of Unlike many pop magazines this cover does not the page so on a stand it will always be seen, secondly it is bright red and stands out from the have a huge amount of cover lines; I think that rest of the cover, thirdly it has a single white ‘Q’ in it instead of a long masthead (the white this looks good because the page looks also stands out from the red, and lastly it is the same in every issue so it is well known and sophisticated and clear whereas many pop recognisable. magazine covers look busy and the cover lines often take the attention away from the main On this cover Lily Allen is not wearing any image. clothes on her upper body but has her back facing towards the audience. This is On this cover I have drawn a grid to show the provocative and attracts the male gaze and rule of thirds. I think that across the top of the yet it is still sophisticated because all that magazine the rule of thirds has been used; in the audience can see is her back; attracting the first square there is the masthead, in the the male gaze encourages women to buy the second is Lily Allen nude upper body and in the magazine because they want to appeal to third they have placed most of the cover lines. men like Lily Allen does on this cover. When This is an unconventional place to put a block somebody in the main cover image has their of cover lines because they are usually down back towards the audience I would worry the left hand side so that they can be seen that they may not gain strong eye contact when the magazine is in a stand, however I with the audience and therefore the think that on this cover placing the cover lines audience would not be drawn to the here looks good and appeals to the audience magazine and they may not feel and because it fits with the rule of thirds and the connection with her; on this cover I feel that different sized fonts draw the attention to the her eyes do not stand out enough to grab key words. peoples attention, so if I was to use the pose that Lily Allen is in then I would highlight the eyes with bright make-up and I would Although the genre of this magazine is not ensure that the models hair was away from pop, I have decided to deconstruct it because it their eyes so that they are not hidden. has Lily Allen on it and in my opinion her music is pop. I have also chosen to deconstruct this The word ‘WICKED’ on this cover has cover because ‘Q’ seems to feature many ambiguous meanings; it could mean ‘cool’ different genres, including pop, however it may or ‘evil’ or it could have a sexual On this cover animals have been used to reflect not fit to the stereo typical pop look and when I meaning, this tells the readers that in this Lilly’s personality and attitude; they are dark in come to create my magazine I want to look magazine there will be some information colour which connotes mystery and danger but more mature and be for a slightly older about her life and they can use it to be also the phrase ‘sexy beast’ has been used to audience than a lot of pop magazines therefore more like her. It has been repeated twice show that these animals are not only dangerous I think that the simple and ‘classic’ look of ‘Q’ and is in bright red capitals which is eye but are also seen as graceful and the use of these has some of the qualities I hope my magazine catching and connotes passion and danger. big cats makes Lily seem even more provocative. will have.
  • 4. The word ‘contents’ is written in If a magazine is not in a plastic wallet then people who are interested in buying the the same way in every issue of magazine may look to the contents page to see in more detail what will be included Vibe magazine, this makes it in the magazine, therefore it is essential that the pages listed are appealing and recognisable, however this is not popular with the target audience. This will encourage people to buy the magazine essential because a magazine because they will want to read about the things on the contents page and when show be recognisable from the looking through the magazine to find these, other articles may catch their eye. masthead and the style of the cover as the front cover is what people see on the stand and Despite the fact that this is a contents therefore the job of the front page, it does not have much writing; I cover is to draw people think that this may be because they in in, whereas the job of the contents have not listed all the articles. Instead page is to give details of what they have picked out the main topics articles will be in the magazine. covered in the magazine and have The main image in the page seems written small amount of detail about to have been taken in order to fit them. The font is small and is a similar around the text. Her position is colour to the background so it does not provocative; therefore attracting stand out or grab peoples attention; the male gaze and inspiring female the use of a ‘fancy’/’swirly’ font , for readers to want her figure. The the headings, appeals to females and clothing she is wearing shows a lot does stand out from the background of flesh which also attracts the and the rest of the text, however male gaze and the heels are both because it is black (the same colour as ‘sexy and sophisticated’. I think the rest of the text and similar the that she has been made to look background colour) it is not eye glamorous so that women will catching, therefore this magazine is want to be like her and read about suitable for an older/ more mature her. audience. The colour scheme for this contents page (from a vibe magazine) is mainly black, grey and white; these colours connote sophistication and also mystery, using these colours may encourage women to want these qualities and makes the magazine more ‘stylish’. The colours used for the contents page do not need to be brightly coloured and eye catching; this one has chosen a more sophisticated colour pallet which appeals to a slightly older audience than most pop music magazines, however many magazines still choose to have bright colours because they connote fun and excitement.
  • 5. The artist on this contents page from ‘Q’ The ‘Q’ logo has been placed in the top left hand corner of the page, this is in some magazine seems to have been styled to ways un-needed however it may remind people which magazine they are reading or if look as though he has no been styled, he this page is separated from the magazine then a reader would know which magazine it looks untidy and casual because he has came from, therefore if this page was being read by somebody who had not read ‘Q’ not shaved and his hair has not been magazine before then they may become interested in buying it in the future. styled. His eye contact helps to make the reader feel that they have a connection The date has been written in quite a to him and therefore they may want to large font at the top of this contents read on or go straight to the article page, this is useful because it makes it about him. clear when the magazine was made and therefore readers will always know In the bottom right hand corner there is whether the information is up to date. a bright red arrow; this fits with the colour scheme, however because the The fonts on this page are simple and are back ground is his skin the arrow still all quite similar, this helps to make the stands out. This arrow seems to have page clear and easy to understand been placed here to tell the reader to however I feel that this simplicity does turn the page and continue reading, not make key articles stand out; for my however if the magazine has already magazine I aim to stick to a simple colour been purchased then this is not needed scheme but I also wish to use a bright because the reader will naturally colour and some different font styles and continue reading; if they are previewing sizes to make the best the magazine this may imply that there is articles/advertisements stand out so that interesting info on the next page. people will want to read my magazine The majority of this page (from ‘Q’ magazine) is taken up by the main image, there is a small column of text down the left had side which, although it is the key information on the page, only fills about a third of the page. The layout is clear and simple; this style makes it easy to navigate not only the contents page but also throughout the rest of the magazine because in order for the reader to be able to find the correct page it must be clear which article is on which page. One way that they have achieved a simplistic look for this page is the use of simple colours – white, black and red. These have been used in an organized way so that all the page numbers are written in red and all the detailing is written in black; the red stands out from the rest of the writing and therefore the reader is encouraged to read the page numbers first. If many different colours had been used then the page may have been busy therefore making it difficult to read/understand.
  • 6. Although this is not a pop magazine, I The black boxes stand out from the pink background without making the page look too have decided to analyse it because this busy, therefore I think that this was a suitable choice of colour, also the use of pink and page seems to be related to pop and it white writing stands out from the black boxes and still fits in with the colour scheme. looks like a page from a pop magazine. This makes the magazine seem organized but also shows that it is for a target audience The main aspect which is used in many of about 12 – 18. The choice of font is simple which makes it clear and easy to read, but pop magazines is the bright colours, they have still made important information stand out by the use of colour and font size. mainly pink in this issue, which are eye catching and connote fun and beauty. I The use of shapes on this page is aim to use pink in my magazine however particularly eye catching and ‘fun’; in I feel that a more minimalistic colour many pop magazines, in my should be used for the background and opinion, too many shapes are used on brighter colours should be used for one page so they all clash and none of writing or shapes in order to draw them stand out; they just make the attention to the information. page look busy and unorganized. However on this page only a small At the bottom of this page there is a amount have been used and they all fit ‘lure/hook’ which is a voucher for “£2 with the colour scheme so that words OFF”, this draws people in who wish to such as ‘CLUB NME’ and the number 1 go to the event advertised and will also stand out from the white background. encourage other reader to go and In my magazine I will use some shapes therefore spend money on drink, etc in order to draw attention to the whilst they are there; this will provide information included however, I want more money for the magazine. They my magazine to stand out and be have made this ‘lure’ stand out by using suitable for a target audience between a contrasting colour (yellow) for the the range of mid-teens and early corner of the voucher and the main 20’s, therefore I will ensure it does not writing on it. look too busy or colourful. Even On this page the main image is not of the main person featured in the magazine; it is of the though bright colours are eye ‘group’ who are number one on this magazines list of “The hottest tunes”, the use of this catching, I think that if a magazine image will draw the attention immediately to this group and will therefore encourage the uses to many colours then it can have reader to read the rest of the list and possibly buy/listen to one of the songs. It also shows to opposite affect to what was wanted readers, who have not heard of the group, what they look like and gives them an idea of the and people will be put off, so keeping style of the group. to a simple colour palette is vital.
  • 7. Even though this double page I think that using these pictures of her in different positions across the top is a very original spread does not have a title, I think and eye catching idea, even though the figures are in black and white they still draw the eye. that it does not need one because They show the R&B artist in different ‘moods’ and therefore the reader may feel that they the blue writing in the ‘introduction’ have an understanding of her life and can make a connection with her, this is also supported shows that the article will be about by the strong eye contact she is giving, although the picture is a ‘long shot’ her eyes have Solange Knowles and therefore a dark makeup on so the audience may still notice them and feel a connection. title is not needed; the reader has been given all the information they The layout of the page is quite need to know. Also the blue writing original; I have not seen many draws the eye, so a title is not magazines laid out in this way needed to do this. The fact that she – with images across the top is Beyoncee’s sister may encourage third and text across the people to read this article. bottom two thirds. This makes Although the writing on this double the magazine stand out; if a page spread is not equally spread person is previewing the over the two pages, I think that the magazine they are likely to pages look well organised and turn to the centre pages in balanced. The first page has the order to see if the content majority of the writing on it and the appeals to them therefore it is second only has one column, still important that the double however there has been an key page spread is interesting and quote put in bold on the right hand eye catching. page it helps to create balance. The red dress she is wearing is short and The use of black text ensures that these pages are clear and understandable and may therefore attract the male gaze, it is also allows for bright colours to be used around it in order to make these parts also quite feminine and the bright red stand out from the white background and black text. I think that the simple colour connotes passion, love, danger and heat, palette will appeal to most female readers and although blue and red are not attracting the male gaze through the dress coordinated, they do not clash with one another on these pages because they have will encourage women to buy clothes from only been used in small amounts. The blue writing in the introduction to the text this magazine (if they sell them) or may makes her name stand out and therefore, it is one of the first parts that people will encourage them to want to be like this look at. woman.
  • 8. Because of the small text it is The clothing which this group is wearing is quite old fashioned, but it seems to have a young not clear what the rhetorical twist to it. This could be because the group or the magazine or anybody related to the group may question is about however the want to bring this sort of clothing back into fashion. Another explanation for the clothing choice use of a rhetorical question could be that the Black Eyed Peas are a unique and ‘cool’ and and they want to express this “Will he, Won’t he?” creates through the clothes they wear. The clothing is the main colour within this double page spread suspense and excitement, this because the writing is black and the background it white. Also because the picture covers a lot of makes people want to read the two pages, there is not much room for other colour because this would draw the attention the magazine to find out more away from the clothing which they are obviously trying to promote. information about this choice which will be made. Also, Will.I.Am is the only using rhetorical questions member of the band who allows the reader to believe stands out, this is because that they are involved in his the other members have life; they may feel as though been faded, using computer the decision is not only technology, so that they do important to Will.I.Am but not take the readers also themselves as well. attention away from Will.I.Am, this has been The same colours from the done because this article is clothing have been used for mostly about Will.I.Am; it is the key phrase “Will he, possible that the only Won’t”, this helps to make the reason the group are posing The different positions of the with him is so that they are magazine look well planned members of the group shows each more easy to recognise and connects all the different of their personalities, this makes the when they are together aspects. These colours, gold reader feel a connection with them, than Will.I.Am is when he and silver, connote richness but the sunglasses stop us from poses as a solo artist. and popularity. having eye contact with Will.I.Am. The phrase “Will he, won’t he” seems to be not The arrows at the beginning of the text encourage the reader to start reading, this only a rhetorical question, but also a play on is the only thing which really draws attention to the text. It does not contain much words - his name is – they have used colour; the only small change in colour is used for a quote; for this the background the beginning of his name to create a phrase becomes black and the writing becomes white, this does draw the eye but only which relates to him in more than one way. after the reader has looked at the picture and the rhetorical question.
  • 9. This article is not from a pop Lily Stands out in this article because she covers the majority of a page and is wearing red magazine, however I have decided which is only used for a couple of words on this double page spread, red would usually to deconstruct it because Lily Allen connote passion, danger and heat however on these pages I think that is mainly connotes is a Pop singer and yet this article danger and aggression; her facial expression and clothing support the idea that she is not look very different to how I imagine feeling very happy, she may be finding her life stressful because of the newspaper (which my/ most pop magazine double links back to the quote made of cuttings) and therefore she may be feeling angry or page spreads would look like. The aggressive. These are all shown through the Gothic style, clothes, coloured writing. main reason that this article does not seem to be ‘pop’ is because of Another reason why this magazine does the colour scheme; the blacks and not seem to be pop because of Lily reds connote danger, seriousness Allen’s dark hair and make-up; this style and mystery, these are not themes makes her seem Gothic and therefore which most pop magazines wish to she does not appeal to my target show. audience when she is styled in this way, however on the cover of ‘Q’ (one of my other deconstructions) she does not There is not a large amount of text look very Gothic even though there is a on this page (it is possible that it lot of black; I think that this is because continues onto further pages); the is she is in a ‘sweet’/’innocent’ position obvious because it is the opposite and her facial expression supports this colour to the white background, and therefore she does not look like she however it is not eye catching has a sad/bad attitude unlike on this because it is all one small font and double page spread. the only words which stand out are her name which are written in red, There are many striking things about this double page spread; the first thing which the quote and the clothes take the draws the eye is the quote which seems to be made out of newspaper cuttings, this attention away from the writing so may suggest that she has been in the news so much that she feels that they lie about reading the full article is actually her and therefore she has written her opinion in the style of a news paper heading so one of the last things the reader that she may finally get her true opinion ‘in the news’. By putting Lily Allen's opinion in does. very large text, the reader immediately feels the need to read this and this may lead to them agreeing with her and feeling sorry for her or, on the other hand, they may agree with “people” and think that she is an attention seeker, if they feel sorry for her or like her then they may feel that they know her/about her life because in some ways they know how she feels because in this article she expresses herself.