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Gold Coast
Permaculture"...the greatest change we need to make is from
consumption to production, even if on a small
scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do
this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the
futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens,
who depend on the very system they attack, and
who produce words and bullets, not food and
- Bill Mollison
Permanent Agriculture:
Permaculture is a holistic system of design
for human needs. It is most often applied to
basic human needs such as water, food and
shelter, but it is also used to design more
abstract systems such as community and
economic structures. Permaculture is
sometimes described as the use of ecology
as the basis for designing integrated
systems of food production, housing,
appropriate technology and community
development. The term Permaculture
Was coined by two Australians David Holmgren
and Bill Mollison in the 1970s and the
concept was defined further when they
published "Permaculture One" in 1978.
"What Permaculturists are doing is the most
important activity that any group is doing on
the planet”.
-Dr David Suzuki geneticist, broadcaster and
international environmental advocate.
Ethics and Design
• Gold Coast Permaculture operates on an ethical
basis, the three guiding ethics of Permaculture are:
Care of the Earth, Care for People and Return the
• Gold Coast Permaculture return the surplus in a
number of ways, including community work, gifts
of surplus to clients and financial support for
international and local projects that demonstrate
shared values.
• We practice and promote agricultural techniques
that are reparative and regenerative and suited to
local conditions.
• A permaculture gardener will plant in “Guilds” the most famous of these
being the “Three Sisters”
• Corn ,Squash, and Beans.
• “Guilding” is simply placing plants together that have beneficial
• The synergy in the “Three Sisters” guild comes from the nitrogen fixing
relationship between the beans and the bacteria living in the soil.
• These bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil.
• Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients in crop production and is
produced synthetically via the haber-bosch process.
• In the organic/ permaculture systems that we use, many plants that have
this special nitrogen fixing ability.
• Nitrogen that is fixed into the soil is then used by the corn and the squash.
• In turn the squash provides a thick carpet of mulch to protect the shallow
rooted corn from water loss and the corn provides a living trellis on which
the beans can grow.
• This pattern of symbiosis is repeated again and again throughout
permaculture planting to achieve remarkable economy in energy use.
• Gold Coast Permaculture have a range of climate appropriate plants.
• Gold Coast Permaculture operates on a decentralized nursery model, so we are able
to offer clients better value for money plants than other major nurseries.
• Please use the following sites for comparison.
• Our fruit tree suppliers are Daley's Fruit.
• Our plants are sold in pots, not as slips, and are planted out using the what is
considered the best practice model.
• All trees are started with a special tailor made compost and also inoculated with
beneficial microbes for optimal performance.
Insert School Name
Zone 1
Give design ideas and sector site
analysis here..
Zone 1a
General ideas and suggestions for
site suggest design elements. ie
This is a sloping site we suggest
contour hedges to minimise erosion
and slow water
Ect etc
We suggest a tank at the top of the
hill to gravity feed water
Ect ect
Make statements for must have
elements ie Integrated pest
management is a must.
. Roughly 20 percent of the garden
will be planted with perennial and
annual flowers to encourage
pollinators such as butterflies and
native bees. The flowers will also
add to the visual appeal of the
garden. Many beneficial garden
insects are attracted to various
flowers and they are a must for all
organic gardens. Furthermore non
beneficial insects are disorientated
by a diverse range of plantings
making them less likely to build up
to damaging numbers.
Support species will add value to
composts by supporting a larger
range of microbial activity these
microbes take the place of the “till
and fertilize regime often practiced
in organic gardening and
convention gardening, allowing
beneficial soil microbes to breed in
compost adds to the gardens over
all stability. Support species also
offer housing to a number of
beneficial insects and birds that
help maintain a stable ecology in
the garden. This reduces disease
and pest out breaks and the need
for damaging and dangerous
fungicides, herbicides and
insecticides. Bio intensive
production relies on quality
Garden support
The following section outlines other possible inclusions.
Retaining Using Tires
Tires are readily available and as long as
retaining walls do not exceed 900mm no
engineering certificate is needed they can be
painted for ascetics and are an extremely
cheap and durable method.
Water Tank Maintenance:
Under the Queensland Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002, the property owner must
maintain plumbing and drainage on their property. This includes all apparatus, fittings or
pipes for supplying water to the premises from a service providers infrastructure or from a
water storage tank and for moving water within a premise. You need to regularly maintain
your rainwater tank system to ensure clean water, protect the health of your family, the
local community and the environment. Simple ways to keep contaminants out of your
tank system are to: Although normally pressurised, the domestic water system will also
be designed for low pressure operation. Oversized pipes will allow the system to remain
functional as a gravity system, should the pump (s) break or the electricity fail. The
domestic water will run through a filter and UV light before reaching any domestic taps.
The agriculture ponds and pool water system will be circulated through separate wetland
filtration systems, flow forms, and ponds/pools. Aesthetically pleasing, these functional
water features will help create a lush and fertile sense of place cleaned regularly install a
first flush diverter which stops the initial flow of water from your roof from entering the
tank. Keep your roof clear of large tree branches keep gutters and downpipes clear of
leaves and debris check inlet and overflow screens are securely in place, are in good
Australian standard AS/NZ4766 for
upright polyethylene tanks, should be
met when purchasing a tank. It won't
crack, fade or rust and it's one-piece
construction makes it exceptionally
strong and easy to clean.
A first flush mechanism is suggested
and also a small pump so that hose
watering can be done from rainwater
tanks. Rainwater is free of chlorine
which can impact on organic soils
negatively. Our suggestion is a
minimum of 2x 5000 litre slim-line
tanks .
Raised Garden Beds are made from high strength
steel, with an internal food grade polymer lining
for long life protection. This is a great lightweight
alternative to treated pine, which can contain toxic
chemicals, hardwood which is expensive and rock
or concrete panels which are heavy and
cumbersome. The edges of the raised Garden
Beds have been protected with a long life edge
strip to ensure safety when handling the beds.
The joins are machine riveted, making them
durable and long-lasting.
They are all tested and engineered to support
the weight of the soil. Raised Garden Beds
are easy to install and can be positioned
anywhere. The raised Garden Beds are made
in the true Colorbond® colours, Pale
Eucalypt, Paperbark or plain Galvanised,
designed for its durability and excellent
weathering qualities.
Bio Intensive
Garden Beds
Bio Intensive garden beds offer
excellent value for money
combined with maximum garden
output. They deliver best practice
sustainability requiring no additional
materials. Short term they provide
instant access to high quality
organic growing. Long term they
sequester carbon and improve
depleted soils and build humus.
Such high quality carbon rich soil
adds to the health of the over all
garden and the products derived
from it. High carbon soils also
deliver increased water holding
capacity and the ability to host large
amount of soil organisms which act
as soil workers eliminating the need
to till. The ability to plant out
intensely, creates less chance for
weeds to appear and reduces
De-Composed Granite:
is an inexpensive way of incorporating
paths around the garden. The granite
packs down well and also absorbs
moisture during rain events and later
releases it to the plants in the garden.
Exposed Aggregate:
is an extremely popular choice of finish
for any concrete area. All samples can be
produced utilizing either grey or off white
cement or with a choice of colour oxides
added to the concrete mix.
Texture Stone:
a superb Himalayan Sandstone, is a
beautiful and versatile product that adds a
feeling of warmth and timeless elegance to
compliment or feature any design.
The subtle colour variances ensure that
this product looks stunning in any
Available in Natural, Honed and
Sandblasted, Texture Stone offers the
perfect finish for any application internally
or externally.
Perfect for the Australian environment it
offers warm, neutral colours that stay
cooler in the heat of summer.
Cheap and Cheerful
Pathways need not be expensive, gravel and
woodchips make excellent low cost pathways, they are
easily maintained free of weeds by sheet mulching
with cardboard or newspaper.
Children enjoy watering and interacting with the garden, it can be a
leisure activity at lunchtime ,or a planned group activity. Watering
can be worked into the syllabus in many different ways,
conservation, measurement, and calculation to name a few.
Important considerations are appropriate sized watering cans and
also the access to a hose so that holiday and weekend watering if
needed can be achieved quickly, a watering wand as shown in
the photo is suggested..
How to build a worm farm:
Feeding fruit and vegetable scraps to earthworms is a
cheap and simple way of recycling food and garden
waste. Worm castings make a great fertiliser for gardens.
Worm farms are ideal for people living in flats or houses
with small backyards and for dealing with lunch scraps at
the office.
Worm farms use special earthworms called compost
worms that thrive in the warm, rich, moist environment of
the worm farm. The most common compost worms are
Tiger Worms, Red Wrigglers and Indian Blues and they
can eat about half of their body weight in one day. The
population in a well maintained worm farm doubles every
two to three months.
What you’ll need to build a simple worm farm
A container for the worm farm. There are many types of
suitable containers for keeping worms, from simple
polystyrene or wooden boxes from the fruit shop to
stackable worm farms and plastic worm factories, which
can be bought. The container must have drainage holes.
A polystyrene foam fruit box about 28 cm high with
drainage holes box is ideal for a first worm farm.
At least 2,000 compost worms. These worms will breed
and multiply to about 8,000 worms in 6 months. There
are many companies that sell compost worms.
Three sheets of newspaper. A bucketful of 'bedding'
material, which is a blend of partly decomposed
compost, straw, grass clippings or
shredded paper or leaf mould. A suitably sized loose
cover, such as Hessian. If you do not have Hessian, you
could use a sheet of cardboard or
even a whole newspaper. Fruit and vegetable scraps
from your kitchen. Two bricks to support the box.
To buy worms or worm farms, consult the Yellow Pages
under 'Worm Farms'. Some local councils also sell worm
Choose a shady spot outdoors for your worm farm, preferably
on a spot with good drainage. Tree roots or grass runners may
invade open based worm farms seeking out water and nutrients.
To avoid this problem, place the worm farm on a plastic sheet.
2) Line your container with a few sheets of dampened newspaper.
3) Half fill the container with bedding mix that is moist but not
soggy. Bedding mix can consist of compost, grass clippings and
shredded paper. It is important to provide a bedding mix that is
not as fresh as the main food source. The best material for this is
well-rotted compost, which is a great way to use compost produced
from garden waste. Prop the container on bricks to make sure the
drainage holes are clear.
4) Add the compost worms.
5) Cover the container with a layer of Hessian and water till moist
but not wet.
6) Add fruit and vegetable scraps each week. Add a small
amount of food in the first week and over 6 months gradually
increase the amount. A worm farm with a surface area of one
metre square and around 10,000 worms will eat about 10kg of
food waste each week. Worms will breed and grow in direct
proportion to the feed provided and the size of the worm farm. It is
best to feed your worms weekly. If uneaten food remains, then you
know you have overfed the worms.
7) After feeding the worms, cover the food
scraps with some compost or soil to avoid attracting
vinegar flies.
8) Add water every few days or when
necessary to prevent the worm farm from drying out.
More water may need to be added on hot, windy days.
It is important to keep the worm farm moist, as the worms
may die if it dries out.
However, the worm farm should not be soggy either.
Remember, there is moisture in the food scraps.
After 6 months, it may be necessary to start another
worm farm, either by starting the whole process in
another container, or, if using a box with holes in the
bottom, by placing the second box on top of the first and
only putting food scraps in the top box. The worms will
migrate through the holes to the top box to feed.
To collect the worms from an established worm farm,
remove the castings and place on a piece of shade cloth
held over a tray. The worms will migrate through the
cloth onto the tray below.
The worm castings can be used in the garden in the
same way as compost or mixed with commercial potting
mixes to pot plants. However, do not remove all of the
castings as the worms need a good bedding mix for
What to feed the worms:
Worms will eat almost any type of vegetable and fruit
scraps, coffee grindings, paper, leaves and even damp
cardboard. Do not add onions or too much acidic food
like oranges, mandarins or pineapples. Avoid materials
contaminated with toxic chemicals, for example, sawdust
from treated wood. Chop up food before adding and try
to feed the worms a mix of materials.
Worm facts
# There are 350 species of earthworms in Australia and
most of those found on farms and in gardens are
introduced species. Compost worms are rare in the bush
because the conditions are not suitable. Compost worms
are a special type of earthworm. Compost worms are
generally more active than normal earthworms. They
thrive in the rich, moist and warm environment of a worm
farm and can eat about half their body weight in one day.
# The population in a well maintained worm farm doubles
e v e r y two to three e months . Earthworms are
hermaphrodites, which means each worm has female
and male sex organs, so every worm can have babies.
But reproduction can only occur between two mature
worms of the same species.
# After mating, both earthworms form a capsule (or
cocoon) containing up to 20 eggs. Even though each
mature compost worm might mate every 7 to 10 days
and produce about 4 to 20 capsules a week, only 3 of
these capsules produce babies. Each capsule produces
around 4 baby worms, which makes a total of 12 babies
per adult per week.
# Babies hatch after about 30 days and are ready to
breed 55 to 70 days later. Earthworm eggs can survive in
very dry conditions for a long time. The babies usually
hatch when the soil becomes moist.
# Although earthworms do not have eyes, they sense
light as well as vibrations and temperature through
special organs in their skin.
# You can also add compost worms to standard compost
bins or heaps, as long as you do not let the contents of
the bin get too hot.
Using worm castings is like any other gardening activity,
so wear your gardening gloves and wash hands
thoroughly after handling materials
• Worm Farms we recommend and worm resources.
• It’s suggested that you increase the existing school worm farms by two
kilograms and purchase or create a worm swag type product
Seed Sowing in Germination Trays/Containers:
There are some distinctive advantages in
sowing seeds in germination trays.
Firstly, the environment for seed germination is
much easier to control and certainly simpler to
maintain. It is far easier to care for and give
extra attention to many tiny seedlings in a small
place such as a germination tray compared to a
wide area of garden bed. During the critical
early period of growth, when ideal conditions
can make such a difference, this can easily be
accomplished with far less time and effort.
By using a germination tray, the young
seedlings can be grown to an age that they can
be transplanted into the garden bed with much
greater ease and a better chance of success.
This will also help to overcome the problem of
weeds overtaking young seedlings in the
garden. By planting out seedlings that are
already three to four weeks old, these seedlings
will already have a head start on any new weeds
that may germinate in the garden bed, because
the garden soil can be tilled immediately prior to
transplanting. However, if you were to plant the
seeds directly into the garden, weed seeds may
germinate at the same time and would quickly
outgrow the plants that you have sown.
• Recycled options.
• Get the kids to use their imaginations, brainstorm to find out what can
be a good planting container.
• Newspaper pots.
Buy It.
Build It.
Buying can be easy, but expensive. Building it can be
fun for a School or community group and a lot cheaper!
Conservation, Food Forests, Food Plants - Perennial — by Jan
Buckley June 23, 2008 - Article from
Why it works so well The design is basically a circular swale, and it
works well because there’s only one place to mulch, feed and water,
which serves many plants. It’s a good spot to put all your kitchen
scraps, to use as a handy compost heap, and it can also take
cardboard, paper and tin cans. It can make use of excess water run-
off, or if water is scarce, grey water can be directed to the circle so
water is reused. On top of that, bananas grow well in a circle, and
bear bunches on the outside. Both bananas and paw paws are gross
feeders and thrive on nutrients from the decaying organic matter in
the central hole.
So you get ample production of fruit, and root crops. You can also
plant climbing plants like beans to grow up the banana stalks once
they are tall. Volunteer plants like pumpkins and tomatoes are likely to
spring up from vegetable scraps in the compost. Step by step
establishment you will need about four banana suckers (preferably a
dwarf variety, to allow easy picking), four to five paw paws and ten
sweet potato runners; also newspaper and plenty of mulch material.
Start by marking a circle about two metres in diameter. Then dig a
dish-shaped hole 0.5 to one metre deep in the centre. Mound the soil
around the outside in a circular ridge. If you like you can dig a arrow
inlet at ground level to collect rainwater runoff. Cover the whole earth
circle with wet paper or cardboard, or banana leaves. Fill the hollow
with rough mulch material such as coarse twigs, leaves, straw,
decaying logs, rice husks, etc. Add scatterings of manure, ash, lime,
dolomite or other fertilisers.
Overfill into a dome; it will sink down over time. If stones are available
you can bank them around the outside of the rim. Now plant banana
suckers at 60cmintervals around the rim of the mound. Pierce the
newspaper and mulch layers and plant into the fine raised soil.
Alternate with paw paws, and fill the spaces on the top and outside of
the rim with sweet potato. Ten or so plants will spread to cover the soil
with their edible foliage. You can also use other root crops like
cassava and Jerusalem artichokes. Comfrey can be interplanted as a
green manure crop; cut the leaves and add them to the nutrient heap
as fertiliser. On the inside of the rim you can add shade and moisture-
loving plants like taro and ginger.
You can plan a mandala garden using the circle as the focal point.
Wrap a circular sawdust path around the outside with keyhole garden
beds radiating off it. Keep an access path to give entry to the banana
circle. This design can be scaled larger for communities such as
schools and villages, and has proved useful in countries like the
Philippines and India. Multiple circles with vegetable mandala’s
produce food for villagers, use roof runoff or reuse washroom water
where water is a critical resource, and provide shady areas for people
to sit outside. Meanwhile it is something almost any of us can do in a
back garden or bit of space. It is easy, effective and looks good too.
The pattern, which particularly suits tropical and subtropical areas,
can be adapted to temperate or other climates using different species.
Taro Circles
Taro and Coco Yam
circles function in a
similar way to Banana
circles and are a great
way to help alleviate
and remediate damp
areas. Taro and yam are
amongst the oldest
known cultivated plants
in the world. They are
very decorative and
hardy and very
Fun in the
School gardens can be a lot of fun,
they are a place to play and think
and learn as well as a place to
Some fun things to include in a
school garden are a cob oven to
make pizzas in.
Cob ovens are cheap to build and
usually take under 1 day to
Cob ovens also provide healthy
meals cooked and eaten in the
garden, using firewood grown on
They are great fundraisers as
parents and friends of the school
line up for a healthy hot slice of
pizza on fete days and special
Cob ovens can also be used as
pottery kilns.
Shaded Places
Shaded places are important
for children especially in
A shaded quiet place can be
an oasis, during a hot
lunchtime. Cubby housing
and other games such as
chess, cards or scrabble can
be played out of the sun.
A number of techniques can
be combined to achieve this
“super adobe or earth bag
seating/building is one
option. Another method is bio
architecture which combines
living plants, such as fast
growing trees and/or vines
with basic support poles to
create shaded areas.
Shaded Places
Additional Projects
Once the gardens mainframe and existing elements
are consolidated via good management and routine.
The school may choose to embark upon additional
projects that further enhance the educational and
developmental aspects of school gardens. Some
examples might be the beautification of the garden
using techniques such as mosaic, or incorporating
musical gardens. Other ideas are murals, creative
signage, ‘clothes’ for trees, scarecrows, hopscotch
courts and bird houses/baths.
Additional Projects
Chickens are one of the
greatest assets to any garden.
They can provide eggs, meat,
feathers as well as manure for
the garden. Chickens are
great for bug and pest control
and extremely good at
preparing the ground for
planting as they “tractor”
along. Chickens enjoy being
on fresh ground where they
consume weeds, and break
weed cycles. Fresh ground
creates a healthier
environment ,which results in
happier, healthier and more
productive birds. Chicken
“Tractors” come in a variety of
shapes and sizes they are
best designed to fit on top of
existing garden beds so as to
take advantage of their many
unique and useful abilities.
Commercial foods
manufactured for chickens can
be costly and are often of poor
quality. A chickens diet can be
easily supplemented with
hardy, easy to grow grains,
legumes and herbs. The
addition of these fresh foods
improves not only the quality
of the chicken’s life, but the
quality of the eggs the bird
provides. Providing healthy
food and living conditions such
as free ranging in chicken
tractors can extend the quality
of a chicken’s life and create
meaningful opportunities for
children to interact. However,
the loss of a chicken can be
both an expense and a
heartbreak to any children,
who may have developed a
bond with the creature.
A fantastic site for instructions on how to feed your
chickens -
• Grants
• The following is a selection of grants available to communities and schools.
• We recommend that the school purchases a copy of the “Our Community” Gold version of the
grants finder book.
• This is a valuable reference and is available for $55 dollars per year.
• Our community is also a valuable resource for school and community groups.
• Other organisations on the Gold Coast are able to offer assistance. Volunteering Gold Coast is good especially with grants writing and training.
• Your local councillor has a staffer to help local groups find and apply for funding.
• It is also recommended that the school form a not for profit community group so as to be able to
apply for a wider variety of grants and partner with other philanthropic organisations.
• Becoming a not for profit community group is a simple matter requiring minimal paperwork and a
small investment of time. The forms can be obtained from the Office of fair trading.
• A fee of $125 is required per year.
Grant tips.
• Grants.
• The most important parts of any grant application are;
• • a clear project title,
• • a balanced and reasonable budget,
• • a project plan - the what, why, how, who, when and where,
• • a timeline of all tasks required for the project,
• • a method of evaluation for your project, and
• • a concise, realistic project summary demonstrating the need for the project.
• 1. Read the guidelines before commencing your application.
• 2. Tailor your application to what the guidelines ask for. For example, include only the number of pages
• allowed, type the application if requested.
• 3. Balance your budget. Offer a good return on the investment in your project.
• 4. Support material should add value to your application. Don't include things that aren't relevant.
• 5. Letters of support (in-kind confirmations or principle support) should reflect the 'scope' of your project.
• Partners or in-kind contributors typically provide letters of support or letters of confirmation.
• 6. Do not use jargon, abbreviations, acronyms or terminology that may cause confusion.
• 7. Seek clarification from the funding body if you’re unsure about any questions.
• 8. Double-check how many copies of your application the funding body wants.
• 9. Get your application reviewed by an experienced peer, local organisation and/or peak body .
• 10. Keep a copy of the fully signed application for your records.
Supermarkets major retailers.
Coles and Land Care:
Annual grants program providing funding up to $1100 for activities
such as bush tucker gardens, vegetable gardens, composting and
green waste recycling, water wise and carbon gardening activities,
and for the purchase of children's gardening equipment up to $500.
Closing date: Quarterly with funding rounds in March, May, August,
Yates and Land care:
Annual grants program providing funding up to $1100 to assist in the
development of School Environmental Management Plans (SEMPs)
or to implement actions identified in SEMPs.
Closing date: Quarterly with funding rounds in March, May, August,
Quarterly funding rounds.
School Grants
Supermarkets major retailers
• Super IGA
• Apply directly to your community store.
• Bunnings
• Bunning offers a range of donations and services and are best contacted
through the store closest to you.
• The Good Guys.
• The Good guys have a community fund ,contact your local store.
• Myers
• Case by case basis.
School Grants, banks
National Australia Bank
Awards for school-community partnerships that can demonstrate improved
educational outcomes. Awards range from $25 000 to $100 000.
Closing date: Applications open in June and close in July
Commonwealth Bank
Awards for school-community partnerships that can demonstrate improved
educational outcomes. Awards range from $25 000 to $100 000.
Closing date: Applications open in June and close in July
More junior land care grants.
Small grants, next round 15th July 2011.
Teachers Credit Union
Small grants.
School Grants
• Gold Coast City Council.
• A range of grants and services are available ,including help with grant writing contact your local member.
• Australian Government website.
• Numerous grants available.
• Qld Government
• Various grants available.
• Healthy and Active.
Business and Government Grants continued
• Telstra
• Funds of $1200 ongoing.
• Green grants
• Energex
• Bi annual funding to $50000 closed 31 march 2011
• Allconnex water.
• Free schools package contact retailer.
• Optus
• Optus community fund, case by case basis contact direct.
Business and Government
• BP
• You will see that an existing Permaculture garden was funded through this grant. It is our suggestion that you
contact Albert Park Flexible Learning Centre for information on how they obtained the grant and write a similar
• Provides funding up to $2500 to strengthen links between schools and industry. Provides an opportunity for
schools to initiate or continue projects that add value to the school, the community and business environments.
The project must fit with one of the following themes: science and technology; environmental issues; energy or
engineering. Closing date: Usually closes in April.
• Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Gardens
• Grants of up to $60 000 available for Queensland state primary schools to fund the development
of a vegetable garden and home-style kitchen. Schools need to be able to fund a part-time garden
specialist and a part-time kitchen specialist to support the project.
Closing date: Round 2 dates to be announced
• Biological Farmers of Australia******** (recommended site for easy classroom lessons)
• Dates to be announced.
• Community gambling and liquor fund .
• Ongoing rounds,
Government and Business Organisations
NSW Government
Nursery association of Australia**********
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden(fee payable)
South Australian Government.
• Backyards 4 Wildlife
• Life Lab (lessons and downloadable content)
• School Garden Sustainability
• Community Gardens Fact Sheets
• Gould League (paid site)
books on this page are highly recommended
• Outdoor Classrooms*******
• Well known Permaculture educators with long histories in mainstream education, this
book and following resources are highly recommended.
• Leonie Shanahan*******
• Well known Permaculture teacher responsible for the development of more than a
dozen gardens on the Sunshine Coast.
• Growing Tropical Vegetables Elizabeth Fekonia********
• Seed to Seed, growing school gardens.*********
• The Green Teacher
• The Environmental Workshop: Multiple Learning Outcomes in School Gardens
Nuttall, Carolyn and Mary-Anne Cotter (1999) Dellasta, Vic
Teaching resources for involving children in the development and maintenance of school gardens,
and for linking gardening to curricula. Primary school focus. Many worksheets included. 48pp.
ISBN 1 875 640 428. AU$20 + $3.50 p&p within Australia. Both Carolyn’s books can be obtained
from the author Ph 07 3844 7272 Email:
• A Children’s Food Forest: An Outdoor Classroom
Nuttall, Carolyn (1996) Food Forests and Learnscapes in Education, Brisbane
Based on a school garden project in Brisbane. Curriculum focus. Permaculture perspective. 72pp.
AU$15 plus $3 p&p
Junior Master Gardener.
Community Organisations
and Support Networks
• Our Community *****(Grants and all things community)
• Gardens for learning****(Australian School Gardens Network)
• Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network
• The Gold Coast community gardens group
• Gold Coast Organic Growers
School Gardens on the
Gold Coast and Brisbane
School Program Contact
Nerang State Primary**** Stephanie Alexander Gretchen Durbidge
Burleigh State Primary Stephanie Alexander 55 68 6666 Louise Newell
Bulimba State Primary**** Stephanie Alexander Phil Young (07) 3395-9666
Nashville State School**** Permaculture based
Sue-Anne Sheppard(07)
3869 7333
Kenmore South State
Permaculture based Scott Curtis: 07 3327 0888
Moorooka State School
Permaculture based Kerry Powell: 07 3426 5333
Brisbane Independent
Permaculture based Michelle Bland or Angel
Waters:07 3378 5466
Zillmere State School Permaculture based Janet Bannah: 07 3863
Journey to forever
Excellent resource, for all things gardening.
The Edible Schoolyard *****
This middle school garden in the US has been an inspiration to many school
gardens. The site contains resources and tips for starting a school garden, the
process of their garden’s creation, lesson plans and lots of useful information.
The Green Schools Initiative******
Excellent resources.
Gardening USA
Kinder Gardens.
• Enviro Schools New Zealand
• Gardens for Learning.*****
• School Gardens Weekly
• Kids gardening
• Cornel University
School Garden
Tools and Equipment
Resources List
• Clothing Aprons 1 per student
• Garden Pouch 1 per student
• Gloves 1 per student
• Hats (School hat) 1 per student
• Hand & Garden tools Broom
• Buckets/Carry bags 1 per 3 students
• Garden fork 1 per 2 students
• Garden Spade 1 per 2 students
• Hammer/mallet
• Hand Fork 1 per student
• Hand Cultivator 1 per student
• Loppers
• Measuring tape
• Rulers
• Scissors/snips
• Dibber/seed sower.
• Seed raising Greenhouse
• Grow Tunnel
• Mini Propagator (seed tray with cover)
• Pot Maker (make pots of newspaper)
• Seed raising mix
• Seed trays
• Seedlings Potting mix
• Sieve
Equipment continued
• Magnifying glass
• Moisture Meter
• Rain gauge (120, 150, 180,
220 mm)
• Soil Test kit (N,P,K,pH)
• Soil/Compost/
• Sundial
• Weather Cube
• Weather Station
• Wind Flags
• pH tester
• Bird Netting
• Labelling & training
Bamboo stakes
• Bed labels
• Decorative Plant stakes
• Garden marker pencils or
• Seed/seedling labels
• Plant tags for trees
(aluminium or copper)
• Twine
• Wooden stakes
Equipment continued
• Charts/ Posters
• Sow When,
• Companion Planting,
• Weed ID
• Plant ID
• Bird ID
• Insect ID
• Outdoor Classrooms:
• A School Garden Handbook
• Seed to Seed: Food Gardens in
• Growing Tropical Vegetables
• Gnomes
• Garden infrastructure Bird
• Chook tractor/housing
• Garden edging
• Pond liners
• Raised bed materials
• Shed (Grounds/maintenance
• Tool racks/hooks

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  • 1. Gold Coast Permaculture"...the greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter.“ - Bill Mollison
  • 2. Permanent Agriculture: Permaculture is a holistic system of design for human needs. It is most often applied to basic human needs such as water, food and shelter, but it is also used to design more abstract systems such as community and economic structures. Permaculture is sometimes described as the use of ecology as the basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing, appropriate technology and community development. The term Permaculture Was coined by two Australians David Holmgren and Bill Mollison in the 1970s and the concept was defined further when they published "Permaculture One" in 1978. . "What Permaculturists are doing is the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet”. -Dr David Suzuki geneticist, broadcaster and international environmental advocate. Permaculture
  • 3. Ethics and Design • Gold Coast Permaculture operates on an ethical basis, the three guiding ethics of Permaculture are: Care of the Earth, Care for People and Return the Surplus. • Gold Coast Permaculture return the surplus in a number of ways, including community work, gifts of surplus to clients and financial support for international and local projects that demonstrate shared values. • We practice and promote agricultural techniques that are reparative and regenerative and suited to local conditions.
  • 4.
  • 5. PERMACULTURE PLANTING GUIDE • A permaculture gardener will plant in “Guilds” the most famous of these being the “Three Sisters” • Corn ,Squash, and Beans. • “Guilding” is simply placing plants together that have beneficial relationships. • The synergy in the “Three Sisters” guild comes from the nitrogen fixing relationship between the beans and the bacteria living in the soil. • These bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil. • Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients in crop production and is produced synthetically via the haber-bosch process. • In the organic/ permaculture systems that we use, many plants that have this special nitrogen fixing ability. • Nitrogen that is fixed into the soil is then used by the corn and the squash. • In turn the squash provides a thick carpet of mulch to protect the shallow rooted corn from water loss and the corn provides a living trellis on which the beans can grow. • This pattern of symbiosis is repeated again and again throughout permaculture planting to achieve remarkable economy in energy use.
  • 6. PERMACULTURE PLANTING GUIDE • Gold Coast Permaculture have a range of climate appropriate plants. • Gold Coast Permaculture operates on a decentralized nursery model, so we are able to offer clients better value for money plants than other major nurseries. • Please use the following sites for comparison. • Our fruit tree suppliers are Daley's Fruit. • • • Our plants are sold in pots, not as slips, and are planted out using the what is considered the best practice model. • All trees are started with a special tailor made compost and also inoculated with beneficial microbes for optimal performance.
  • 8. Zone 1 Give design ideas and sector site analysis here..
  • 9.
  • 10. Zone 1a General ideas and suggestions for site suggest design elements. ie This is a sloping site we suggest contour hedges to minimise erosion and slow water Ect etc We suggest a tank at the top of the hill to gravity feed water Ect ect
  • 11. Zone1a Make statements for must have elements ie Integrated pest management is a must. . Roughly 20 percent of the garden will be planted with perennial and annual flowers to encourage pollinators such as butterflies and native bees. The flowers will also add to the visual appeal of the garden. Many beneficial garden insects are attracted to various flowers and they are a must for all organic gardens. Furthermore non beneficial insects are disorientated by a diverse range of plantings making them less likely to build up to damaging numbers.
  • 12.
  • 13. Support species will add value to composts by supporting a larger range of microbial activity these microbes take the place of the “till and fertilize regime often practiced in organic gardening and convention gardening, allowing beneficial soil microbes to breed in compost adds to the gardens over all stability. Support species also offer housing to a number of beneficial insects and birds that help maintain a stable ecology in the garden. This reduces disease and pest out breaks and the need for damaging and dangerous fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. Bio intensive production relies on quality compost. Garden support
  • 14. The following section outlines other possible inclusions.
  • 15. Retaining Using Tires Tires are readily available and as long as retaining walls do not exceed 900mm no engineering certificate is needed they can be painted for ascetics and are an extremely cheap and durable method.
  • 16. Water Tank Maintenance: Under the Queensland Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002, the property owner must maintain plumbing and drainage on their property. This includes all apparatus, fittings or pipes for supplying water to the premises from a service providers infrastructure or from a water storage tank and for moving water within a premise. You need to regularly maintain your rainwater tank system to ensure clean water, protect the health of your family, the local community and the environment. Simple ways to keep contaminants out of your tank system are to: Although normally pressurised, the domestic water system will also be designed for low pressure operation. Oversized pipes will allow the system to remain functional as a gravity system, should the pump (s) break or the electricity fail. The domestic water will run through a filter and UV light before reaching any domestic taps. The agriculture ponds and pool water system will be circulated through separate wetland filtration systems, flow forms, and ponds/pools. Aesthetically pleasing, these functional water features will help create a lush and fertile sense of place cleaned regularly install a first flush diverter which stops the initial flow of water from your roof from entering the tank. Keep your roof clear of large tree branches keep gutters and downpipes clear of leaves and debris check inlet and overflow screens are securely in place, are in good condition. WATER TANK OPTIONS
  • 17. Australian standard AS/NZ4766 for upright polyethylene tanks, should be met when purchasing a tank. It won't crack, fade or rust and it's one-piece construction makes it exceptionally strong and easy to clean. A first flush mechanism is suggested and also a small pump so that hose watering can be done from rainwater tanks. Rainwater is free of chlorine which can impact on organic soils negatively. Our suggestion is a minimum of 2x 5000 litre slim-line tanks . . WATER TANK OPTIONS
  • 18. Raised Garden Beds are made from high strength steel, with an internal food grade polymer lining for long life protection. This is a great lightweight alternative to treated pine, which can contain toxic chemicals, hardwood which is expensive and rock or concrete panels which are heavy and cumbersome. The edges of the raised Garden Beds have been protected with a long life edge strip to ensure safety when handling the beds. The joins are machine riveted, making them durable and long-lasting. They are all tested and engineered to support the weight of the soil. Raised Garden Beds are easy to install and can be positioned anywhere. The raised Garden Beds are made in the true Colorbond® colours, Pale Eucalypt, Paperbark or plain Galvanised, designed for its durability and excellent weathering qualities. RAISED GARDEN BED OPTIONS
  • 19. Bio Intensive Garden Beds Bio Intensive garden beds offer excellent value for money combined with maximum garden output. They deliver best practice sustainability requiring no additional materials. Short term they provide instant access to high quality organic growing. Long term they sequester carbon and improve depleted soils and build humus. Such high quality carbon rich soil adds to the health of the over all garden and the products derived from it. High carbon soils also deliver increased water holding capacity and the ability to host large amount of soil organisms which act as soil workers eliminating the need to till. The ability to plant out intensely, creates less chance for weeds to appear and reduces labour.
  • 20. HARD & SOFT PATH OPTIONS De-Composed Granite: is an inexpensive way of incorporating paths around the garden. The granite packs down well and also absorbs moisture during rain events and later releases it to the plants in the garden. Exposed Aggregate: is an extremely popular choice of finish for any concrete area. All samples can be produced utilizing either grey or off white cement or with a choice of colour oxides added to the concrete mix.
  • 21. Texture Stone: a superb Himalayan Sandstone, is a beautiful and versatile product that adds a feeling of warmth and timeless elegance to compliment or feature any design. The subtle colour variances ensure that this product looks stunning in any application. Available in Natural, Honed and Sandblasted, Texture Stone offers the perfect finish for any application internally or externally. Perfect for the Australian environment it offers warm, neutral colours that stay cooler in the heat of summer. HARD & SOFT PATH OPTIONS
  • 22. Cheap and Cheerful Pathways need not be expensive, gravel and woodchips make excellent low cost pathways, they are easily maintained free of weeds by sheet mulching with cardboard or newspaper.
  • 23. IRRIGATION USING LITTLE HELPERS Children enjoy watering and interacting with the garden, it can be a leisure activity at lunchtime ,or a planned group activity. Watering can be worked into the syllabus in many different ways, conservation, measurement, and calculation to name a few. Important considerations are appropriate sized watering cans and also the access to a hose so that holiday and weekend watering if needed can be achieved quickly, a watering wand as shown in the photo is suggested..
  • 24. How to build a worm farm: Feeding fruit and vegetable scraps to earthworms is a cheap and simple way of recycling food and garden waste. Worm castings make a great fertiliser for gardens. Worm farms are ideal for people living in flats or houses with small backyards and for dealing with lunch scraps at the office. Worm farms use special earthworms called compost worms that thrive in the warm, rich, moist environment of the worm farm. The most common compost worms are Tiger Worms, Red Wrigglers and Indian Blues and they can eat about half of their body weight in one day. The population in a well maintained worm farm doubles every two to three months. What you’ll need to build a simple worm farm A container for the worm farm. There are many types of suitable containers for keeping worms, from simple polystyrene or wooden boxes from the fruit shop to stackable worm farms and plastic worm factories, which can be bought. The container must have drainage holes. A polystyrene foam fruit box about 28 cm high with drainage holes box is ideal for a first worm farm. At least 2,000 compost worms. These worms will breed and multiply to about 8,000 worms in 6 months. There are many companies that sell compost worms. Three sheets of newspaper. A bucketful of 'bedding' material, which is a blend of partly decomposed compost, straw, grass clippings or shredded paper or leaf mould. A suitably sized loose cover, such as Hessian. If you do not have Hessian, you could use a sheet of cardboard or even a whole newspaper. Fruit and vegetable scraps from your kitchen. Two bricks to support the box. To buy worms or worm farms, consult the Yellow Pages under 'Worm Farms'. Some local councils also sell worm farms. WORM FARMING
  • 25. Method: Choose a shady spot outdoors for your worm farm, preferably on a spot with good drainage. Tree roots or grass runners may invade open based worm farms seeking out water and nutrients. To avoid this problem, place the worm farm on a plastic sheet. 2) Line your container with a few sheets of dampened newspaper. 3) Half fill the container with bedding mix that is moist but not soggy. Bedding mix can consist of compost, grass clippings and shredded paper. It is important to provide a bedding mix that is not as fresh as the main food source. The best material for this is well-rotted compost, which is a great way to use compost produced from garden waste. Prop the container on bricks to make sure the drainage holes are clear. 4) Add the compost worms. 5) Cover the container with a layer of Hessian and water till moist but not wet. 6) Add fruit and vegetable scraps each week. Add a small amount of food in the first week and over 6 months gradually increase the amount. A worm farm with a surface area of one metre square and around 10,000 worms will eat about 10kg of food waste each week. Worms will breed and grow in direct proportion to the feed provided and the size of the worm farm. It is best to feed your worms weekly. If uneaten food remains, then you know you have overfed the worms. 7) After feeding the worms, cover the food scraps with some compost or soil to avoid attracting vinegar flies. 8) Add water every few days or when necessary to prevent the worm farm from drying out. More water may need to be added on hot, windy days. It is important to keep the worm farm moist, as the worms may die if it dries out. However, the worm farm should not be soggy either. Remember, there is moisture in the food scraps. After 6 months, it may be necessary to start another worm farm, either by starting the whole process in another container, or, if using a box with holes in the bottom, by placing the second box on top of the first and only putting food scraps in the top box. The worms will migrate through the holes to the top box to feed. To collect the worms from an established worm farm, remove the castings and place on a piece of shade cloth held over a tray. The worms will migrate through the cloth onto the tray below. The worm castings can be used in the garden in the same way as compost or mixed with commercial potting mixes to pot plants. However, do not remove all of the castings as the worms need a good bedding mix for breeding. WORM FARMING
  • 26. What to feed the worms: Worms will eat almost any type of vegetable and fruit scraps, coffee grindings, paper, leaves and even damp cardboard. Do not add onions or too much acidic food like oranges, mandarins or pineapples. Avoid materials contaminated with toxic chemicals, for example, sawdust from treated wood. Chop up food before adding and try to feed the worms a mix of materials. Worm facts # There are 350 species of earthworms in Australia and most of those found on farms and in gardens are introduced species. Compost worms are rare in the bush because the conditions are not suitable. Compost worms are a special type of earthworm. Compost worms are generally more active than normal earthworms. They thrive in the rich, moist and warm environment of a worm farm and can eat about half their body weight in one day. # The population in a well maintained worm farm doubles e v e r y two to three e months . Earthworms are hermaphrodites, which means each worm has female and male sex organs, so every worm can have babies. But reproduction can only occur between two mature worms of the same species. # After mating, both earthworms form a capsule (or cocoon) containing up to 20 eggs. Even though each mature compost worm might mate every 7 to 10 days and produce about 4 to 20 capsules a week, only 3 of these capsules produce babies. Each capsule produces around 4 baby worms, which makes a total of 12 babies per adult per week. # Babies hatch after about 30 days and are ready to breed 55 to 70 days later. Earthworm eggs can survive in very dry conditions for a long time. The babies usually hatch when the soil becomes moist. # Although earthworms do not have eyes, they sense light as well as vibrations and temperature through special organs in their skin. # You can also add compost worms to standard compost bins or heaps, as long as you do not let the contents of the bin get too hot. Note: Using worm castings is like any other gardening activity, so wear your gardening gloves and wash hands thoroughly after handling materials WORM FARMING
  • 27. WORM FARMING • Worm Farms we recommend and worm resources. • • • It’s suggested that you increase the existing school worm farms by two kilograms and purchase or create a worm swag type product
  • 28. PLANT GROWING - NURSERY OPTIONS Seed Sowing in Germination Trays/Containers: There are some distinctive advantages in sowing seeds in germination trays. Firstly, the environment for seed germination is much easier to control and certainly simpler to maintain. It is far easier to care for and give extra attention to many tiny seedlings in a small place such as a germination tray compared to a wide area of garden bed. During the critical early period of growth, when ideal conditions can make such a difference, this can easily be accomplished with far less time and effort. By using a germination tray, the young seedlings can be grown to an age that they can be transplanted into the garden bed with much greater ease and a better chance of success. This will also help to overcome the problem of weeds overtaking young seedlings in the garden. By planting out seedlings that are already three to four weeks old, these seedlings will already have a head start on any new weeds that may germinate in the garden bed, because the garden soil can be tilled immediately prior to transplanting. However, if you were to plant the seeds directly into the garden, weed seeds may germinate at the same time and would quickly outgrow the plants that you have sown.
  • 29. • Recycled options. • Get the kids to use their imaginations, brainstorm to find out what can be a good planting container. • Newspaper pots. • PLANT GROWING - NURSERY OPTIONS
  • 30. Buy It. http://www.sundownershadeho Build It. http://www.easygrowvegetables .com/html/shadehouse.html Buying can be easy, but expensive. Building it can be fun for a School or community group and a lot cheaper! PLANT GROWING - NURSERY OPTIONS
  • 31. Conservation, Food Forests, Food Plants - Perennial — by Jan Buckley June 23, 2008 - Article from Why it works so well The design is basically a circular swale, and it works well because there’s only one place to mulch, feed and water, which serves many plants. It’s a good spot to put all your kitchen scraps, to use as a handy compost heap, and it can also take cardboard, paper and tin cans. It can make use of excess water run- off, or if water is scarce, grey water can be directed to the circle so water is reused. On top of that, bananas grow well in a circle, and bear bunches on the outside. Both bananas and paw paws are gross feeders and thrive on nutrients from the decaying organic matter in the central hole. So you get ample production of fruit, and root crops. You can also plant climbing plants like beans to grow up the banana stalks once they are tall. Volunteer plants like pumpkins and tomatoes are likely to spring up from vegetable scraps in the compost. Step by step establishment you will need about four banana suckers (preferably a dwarf variety, to allow easy picking), four to five paw paws and ten sweet potato runners; also newspaper and plenty of mulch material. Start by marking a circle about two metres in diameter. Then dig a dish-shaped hole 0.5 to one metre deep in the centre. Mound the soil around the outside in a circular ridge. If you like you can dig a arrow inlet at ground level to collect rainwater runoff. Cover the whole earth circle with wet paper or cardboard, or banana leaves. Fill the hollow with rough mulch material such as coarse twigs, leaves, straw, decaying logs, rice husks, etc. Add scatterings of manure, ash, lime, dolomite or other fertilisers. A BANANA-PAW PAW CIRCLE
  • 32. Overfill into a dome; it will sink down over time. If stones are available you can bank them around the outside of the rim. Now plant banana suckers at 60cmintervals around the rim of the mound. Pierce the newspaper and mulch layers and plant into the fine raised soil. Alternate with paw paws, and fill the spaces on the top and outside of the rim with sweet potato. Ten or so plants will spread to cover the soil with their edible foliage. You can also use other root crops like cassava and Jerusalem artichokes. Comfrey can be interplanted as a green manure crop; cut the leaves and add them to the nutrient heap as fertiliser. On the inside of the rim you can add shade and moisture- loving plants like taro and ginger. You can plan a mandala garden using the circle as the focal point. Wrap a circular sawdust path around the outside with keyhole garden beds radiating off it. Keep an access path to give entry to the banana circle. This design can be scaled larger for communities such as schools and villages, and has proved useful in countries like the Philippines and India. Multiple circles with vegetable mandala’s produce food for villagers, use roof runoff or reuse washroom water where water is a critical resource, and provide shady areas for people to sit outside. Meanwhile it is something almost any of us can do in a back garden or bit of space. It is easy, effective and looks good too. The pattern, which particularly suits tropical and subtropical areas, can be adapted to temperate or other climates using different species. A BANANA-PAW PAW CIRCLE
  • 33. Taro Circles Taro and Coco Yam circles function in a similar way to Banana circles and are a great way to help alleviate and remediate damp areas. Taro and yam are amongst the oldest known cultivated plants in the world. They are very decorative and hardy and very nutritious.
  • 34. Fun in the Garden School gardens can be a lot of fun, they are a place to play and think and learn as well as a place to relax. Some fun things to include in a school garden are a cob oven to make pizzas in. Cob ovens are cheap to build and usually take under 1 day to construct. Cob ovens also provide healthy meals cooked and eaten in the garden, using firewood grown on site. They are great fundraisers as parents and friends of the school line up for a healthy hot slice of pizza on fete days and special occasions. Cob ovens can also be used as pottery kilns.
  • 35. Shaded Places Shaded places are important for children especially in Queensland. A shaded quiet place can be an oasis, during a hot lunchtime. Cubby housing and other games such as chess, cards or scrabble can be played out of the sun. A number of techniques can be combined to achieve this “super adobe or earth bag seating/building is one option. Another method is bio architecture which combines living plants, such as fast growing trees and/or vines with basic support poles to create shaded areas.
  • 37. Additional Projects Once the gardens mainframe and existing elements are consolidated via good management and routine. The school may choose to embark upon additional projects that further enhance the educational and developmental aspects of school gardens. Some examples might be the beautification of the garden using techniques such as mosaic, or incorporating musical gardens. Other ideas are murals, creative signage, ‘clothes’ for trees, scarecrows, hopscotch courts and bird houses/baths.
  • 39. Chickens Chickens are one of the greatest assets to any garden. They can provide eggs, meat, feathers as well as manure for the garden. Chickens are great for bug and pest control and extremely good at preparing the ground for planting as they “tractor” along. Chickens enjoy being on fresh ground where they consume weeds, and break weed cycles. Fresh ground creates a healthier environment ,which results in happier, healthier and more productive birds. Chicken “Tractors” come in a variety of shapes and sizes they are best designed to fit on top of existing garden beds so as to take advantage of their many unique and useful abilities.
  • 40. Chickens continued Commercial foods manufactured for chickens can be costly and are often of poor quality. A chickens diet can be easily supplemented with hardy, easy to grow grains, legumes and herbs. The addition of these fresh foods improves not only the quality of the chicken’s life, but the quality of the eggs the bird provides. Providing healthy food and living conditions such as free ranging in chicken tractors can extend the quality of a chicken’s life and create meaningful opportunities for children to interact. However, the loss of a chicken can be both an expense and a heartbreak to any children, who may have developed a bond with the creature. A fantastic site for instructions on how to feed your chickens -
  • 41. Grants • Grants • The following is a selection of grants available to communities and schools. • We recommend that the school purchases a copy of the “Our Community” Gold version of the grants finder book. • This is a valuable reference and is available for $55 dollars per year. • Our community is also a valuable resource for school and community groups. • Other organisations on the Gold Coast are able to offer assistance. Volunteering Gold Coast is good especially with grants writing and training. • Your local councillor has a staffer to help local groups find and apply for funding. • It is also recommended that the school form a not for profit community group so as to be able to apply for a wider variety of grants and partner with other philanthropic organisations. • Becoming a not for profit community group is a simple matter requiring minimal paperwork and a small investment of time. The forms can be obtained from the Office of fair trading. • A fee of $125 is required per year.
  • 42. Grant tips. • Grants. • The most important parts of any grant application are; • • a clear project title, • • a balanced and reasonable budget, • • a project plan - the what, why, how, who, when and where, • • a timeline of all tasks required for the project, • • a method of evaluation for your project, and • • a concise, realistic project summary demonstrating the need for the project. • 10 QUICK GRANT WRITING TIPS • 1. Read the guidelines before commencing your application. • 2. Tailor your application to what the guidelines ask for. For example, include only the number of pages • allowed, type the application if requested. • 3. Balance your budget. Offer a good return on the investment in your project. • 4. Support material should add value to your application. Don't include things that aren't relevant. • 5. Letters of support (in-kind confirmations or principle support) should reflect the 'scope' of your project. • Partners or in-kind contributors typically provide letters of support or letters of confirmation. • 6. Do not use jargon, abbreviations, acronyms or terminology that may cause confusion. • 7. Seek clarification from the funding body if you’re unsure about any questions. • 8. Double-check how many copies of your application the funding body wants. • 9. Get your application reviewed by an experienced peer, local organisation and/or peak body . • 10. Keep a copy of the fully signed application for your records.
  • 43. SCHOOL GRANTS AVAILABLE Supermarkets major retailers. Coles and Land Care: Annual grants program providing funding up to $1100 for activities such as bush tucker gardens, vegetable gardens, composting and green waste recycling, water wise and carbon gardening activities, and for the purchase of children's gardening equipment up to $500. Closing date: Quarterly with funding rounds in March, May, August, October. Yates and Land care: Annual grants program providing funding up to $1100 to assist in the development of School Environmental Management Plans (SEMPs) or to implement actions identified in SEMPs. Closing date: Quarterly with funding rounds in March, May, August, October Woolworths /Fresh-Food-Kids/Community-Grants/ Quarterly funding rounds.
  • 44. School Grants Supermarkets major retailers • Super IGA • %20Community%20Chest%20%3C%20IGA%20Community%20Chest%20 FAQs&branch_ID=2687 • Apply directly to your community store. • Bunnings • • Bunning offers a range of donations and services and are best contacted through the store closest to you. • The Good Guys. • • The Good guys have a community fund ,contact your local store. • Myers • • Case by case basis.
  • 45. School Grants, banks National Australia Bank Awards for school-community partnerships that can demonstrate improved educational outcomes. Awards range from $25 000 to $100 000. Closing date: Applications open in June and close in July Commonwealth Bank Awards for school-community partnerships that can demonstrate improved educational outcomes. Awards range from $25 000 to $100 000. Closing date: Applications open in June and close in July giving/staff-community-fund/local-grants.aspx Westpac community/junior-landcare-grants/ More junior land care grants. ANZ involvement/giving/ Small grants, next round 15th July 2011. Teachers Credit Union Small grants.
  • 46. School Grants Government • Gold Coast City Council. • • A range of grants and services are available ,including help with grant writing contact your local member. • Australian Government website. • • • • • Numerous grants available. • Qld Government • • • %3ANot+for+Profit+Organisation%3A%3AEnvironment+and+resources • • • Various grants available. • Healthy and Active. •
  • 47. Business and Government Grants continued • Telstra nDocument&menu=3 • Funds of $1200 ongoing. • Green grants • • Energex • • Bi annual funding to $50000 closed 31 march 2011 • Allconnex water. • Free schools package contact retailer. • Optus ommunity+Programs • Optus community fund, case by case basis contact direct.
  • 48. SCHOOL GRANTS AVAILABLE Business and Government • BP • • You will see that an existing Permaculture garden was funded through this grant. It is our suggestion that you contact Albert Park Flexible Learning Centre for information on how they obtained the grant and write a similar proposal. • Provides funding up to $2500 to strengthen links between schools and industry. Provides an opportunity for schools to initiate or continue projects that add value to the school, the community and business environments. The project must fit with one of the following themes: science and technology; environmental issues; energy or engineering. Closing date: Usually closes in April. • Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Gardens • Grants of up to $60 000 available for Queensland state primary schools to fund the development of a vegetable garden and home-style kitchen. Schools need to be able to fund a part-time garden specialist and a part-time kitchen specialist to support the project. Closing date: Round 2 dates to be announced • • Biological Farmers of Australia******** (recommended site for easy classroom lessons) • • Dates to be announced. • Community gambling and liquor fund . • • Ongoing rounds,
  • 49. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Government and Business Organisations CERES NSW Government Nursery association of Australia********** Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden(fee payable) NRM. South Australian Government.
  • 50. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES • Backyards 4 Wildlife • • Life Lab (lessons and downloadable content) • • School Garden Sustainability • • Community Gardens Fact Sheets • • • Gould League (paid site) •
  • 51. Books books on this page are highly recommended • Outdoor Classrooms******* • Well known Permaculture educators with long histories in mainstream education, this book and following resources are highly recommended. • • Leonie Shanahan******* • Well known Permaculture teacher responsible for the development of more than a dozen gardens on the Sunshine Coast. • planning-an-edible-school-garden-page • Growing Tropical Vegetables Elizabeth Fekonia******** • • Seed to Seed, growing school gardens.********* •
  • 52. Books Continued • The Green Teacher • • The Environmental Workshop: Multiple Learning Outcomes in School Gardens Nuttall, Carolyn and Mary-Anne Cotter (1999) Dellasta, Vic Teaching resources for involving children in the development and maintenance of school gardens, and for linking gardening to curricula. Primary school focus. Many worksheets included. 48pp. ISBN 1 875 640 428. AU$20 + $3.50 p&p within Australia. Both Carolyn’s books can be obtained from the author Ph 07 3844 7272 Email: • A Children’s Food Forest: An Outdoor Classroom Nuttall, Carolyn (1996) Food Forests and Learnscapes in Education, Brisbane Based on a school garden project in Brisbane. Curriculum focus. Permaculture perspective. 72pp. AU$15 plus $3 p&p Junior Master Gardener. • &simplesearch=jmg&criteriastring=simplesearch%3Djmg
  • 53. Community Organisations and Support Networks • Our Community *****(Grants and all things community) • • Gardens for learning****(Australian School Gardens Network) • • Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network • • The Gold Coast community gardens group • Gold Coast Organic Growers
  • 54. School Gardens on the Gold Coast and Brisbane School Program Contact Nerang State Primary**** Stephanie Alexander Gretchen Durbidge 0409489890 Burleigh State Primary Stephanie Alexander 55 68 6666 Louise Newell Bulimba State Primary**** Stephanie Alexander Phil Young (07) 3395-9666 Nashville State School**** Permaculture based Sue-Anne Sheppard(07) 3869 7333 Kenmore South State School Permaculture based Scott Curtis: 07 3327 0888 Moorooka State School Permaculture based Kerry Powell: 07 3426 5333 Brisbane Independent School Permaculture based Michelle Bland or Angel Waters:07 3378 5466 Zillmere State School Permaculture based Janet Bannah: 07 3863 8333
  • 55. OVERSEAS RESOURCES Journey to forever Excellent resource, for all things gardening. The Edible Schoolyard ***** This middle school garden in the US has been an inspiration to many school gardens. The site contains resources and tips for starting a school garden, the process of their garden’s creation, lesson plans and lots of useful information. The Green Schools Initiative****** Excellent resources. Gardening USA Resources Kinder Gardens.
  • 56. • Enviro Schools New Zealand • • Gardens for Learning.***** • • School Gardens Weekly • • Kids gardening • • Cornel University • OVERSEAS RESOURCES continued
  • 57. School Garden Tools and Equipment Resources List General • Clothing Aprons 1 per student • Garden Pouch 1 per student • Gloves 1 per student • Hats (School hat) 1 per student • Hand & Garden tools Broom • Buckets/Carry bags 1 per 3 students • Garden fork 1 per 2 students • Garden Spade 1 per 2 students • Hammer/mallet • Hand Fork 1 per student • Hand Cultivator 1 per student • Loppers • Measuring tape • Rulers • Scissors/snips Propagation • Dibber/seed sower. • Seed raising Greenhouse • Grow Tunnel • Mini Propagator (seed tray with cover) • Pot Maker (make pots of newspaper) • Seed raising mix • Seed trays • Seedlings Potting mix • Sieve
  • 58. Equipment continued Monitoring • Magnifying glass • Moisture Meter • Rain gauge (120, 150, 180, 220 mm) • Soil Test kit (N,P,K,pH) • Soil/Compost/ thermometer • Sundial • Weather Cube • Weather Station • Wind Flags • pH tester Extras • Bird Netting • Labelling & training Bamboo stakes • Bed labels • Decorative Plant stakes • Garden marker pencils or pens • Seed/seedling labels • Plant tags for trees (aluminium or copper) • Twine • Wooden stakes
  • 59. Equipment continued Information • Charts/ Posters • Sow When, • Companion Planting, • Weed ID • Plant ID • Bird ID • Insect ID • Outdoor Classrooms: • A School Garden Handbook • Seed to Seed: Food Gardens in Schools • Growing Tropical Vegetables General • Gnomes • Garden infrastructure Bird Feeders • Chook tractor/housing • Garden edging • Pond liners • Raised bed materials • Shed (Grounds/maintenance building) • Tool racks/hooks