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      Garden Tips
      for the
      West Kimberley

       The West Kimberley region is recognised as one of
       the world’s most beautiful, yet harshest environments.
       Unchanged for millions of years, the plants and animals
       have managed to survive extreme conditions of heat
       and cold. Growing a garden in this region can be quite
       challenging. The most critical aspect to gardening in
       the West Kimberley is maintaining a good supply of
       water and local knowledge on how much should be
       used effectively.

       This brochure has been put together by horticulture
       experts to help you make correct choices on plants
       for your garden. It explains how to grow a huge array
       of plants and grass types by using less water and still
       achieve great results.

       Temperatures across the region are consistently high
       and summer temperature averages range between 34°C
       to 38°C, with the June to August period presenting an
       average range of 26°C to 29°C. Extremes in temperature
       are regularly recorded between 0°C and 46°C plus.

       The climate of the region is arid, semi-desert with
       relatively high rainfall between January and March,
       reducing to smaller showers between April and June of
       around 3mm to 10mm. The rainfall is mostly seasonal,
Bougainvillea 'Penelope'

posing significant challenges to gardeners in the months
when there is often no rainfall at all (June-September).

Wind can play a major role in affecting both plant growth
and the amount of water needed. Winds vary by season
and location in the West Kimberley and the cyclonic
winds experienced between January and March can
significantly set back many plant varieties. It’s wise to
establish wind breaks or barriers to protect plants and
reduce the effects of soil evaporation.

Soil types
Soil types in the region vary, although pindan red loam
and gravel or heavy stone baked loam makes up the
basis of most soils throughout this region. These soils
should be blended using compost and gypsum to make
them suitable for successfully growing plants not native
to the region. Growing local plants is the most effective
way to establish a water-efficient garden.

Garden styles can have a major influence on the amount
of water used. Plant selection is also critical and there
are many other regions of the world that experience
similar environmental conditions. Various plants from
these regions have developed adaptations such as
water storage capabilities or hibernation abilities during
extreme conditions, making these plants ideal for the
West Kimberley. When establishing a new garden it is
important to consider factors such as evaporation, wind
Bush Poinciana

         and soil erosion, water features, mulching, watering
         systems and selecting the right plants.

         Reducing evaporation
         A key factor to any design is the creation of a sun and
         wind protected environment. This reduces evaporation
         caused by heat and wind and increases humidity,
         resulting in lusher and stronger growth. Almost every
         garden can achieve this by:

            ~ Creating large perimeter hedges.
            ~ Use of trees and palms to shade the garden.
            ~ The addition of a pergola, shade sails/cloth,
                 gazebos and patio structures.
            ~ Placing structures such as sheds around the
                 outside perimeter of the garden/property to create
                 protected positions within the garden.
            ~ Positioning buildings on windward sides of the
                 property to assist in breaking down the major
                 prevailing winds.
         Styles of garden suitable to this region
         Selecting a garden style when planning your new
         garden can deliver conformity and structure in its final
         appearance. Styles that feature waterwise plants and
         water efficient gardening techniques include:

            ~ Mediterranean
            ~ Local native plants
            ~ Tropical and edible plants
Crown of Thorns

Many home gardens are a hybrid of different styles and
breaking your garden into segments or mixing styles can
create an aesthetically pleasing blend. However, it is
vital that the plants are grouped together by water usage
requirements to minimise wastage.

Water features
These are becoming a popular component of many
Australian gardens. Positioning your water feature in a
shaded location will assist in reducing evaporation. This
will lower temperatures by as much as 8°C. Whenever
possible, water features, including ponds, should be
filled or topped up with natural rainfall, ideally from
roof overflow or drainage redirection. Keeping the water
surface area to a minimum and including water plants
reduces evaporation.

Retrofitting your existing garden to be waterwise
Consider retrofitting your garden by transplanting
plants into more suitable water requirement groups
and plant others that will assist in the creation of
micro-communities. It is worthwhile replacing your old
reticulation system with a modern watering device that
delivers a precise number of water droplets direct to the
roots of the plant without spray or misting.

Improving the garden environment
While there are a huge range of introduced plant species
capable of growing in the region, the West Kimberley is a
bit more restricted in the varieties suitable for domestic
cultivation. Reducing evaporation through the creation of
Hing Kong Orchid Tree

         microclimates and extensive use of mulches will reduce
         the demand for watering.

         Wind protection
         Adding wind protection devices such as shade cloth or
         hessian wraps around new and establishing trees and
         shrubs is critical to encouraging fast initial growth. This also
         reduces wind induced evaporation and the need to water.

         Soil conditioning
         Native species will usually grow in natural soil without
         any additional organic matter. When planting exotic
         species, adding a composted soil into the planting hole
         will greatly benefit the establishment and growth of
         the plant. It is important to use a premium quality soil
         improver. Look for the Australian Standard's five tick red
         mark that identifies premium quality blends.

         Where possible, mounding or raising garden beds using
         a richly organic soil is beneficial and these types of
         garden beds will be less susceptible to saturation during
         heavy rains. The open, free-draining nature of the soil
         improver mixed at a 50/50 ratio with the garden soil
         type will encourage rapid establishment of a deeper root
         system requiring less water. Organically enriched garden
         soils retain moisture and nutrients around the plant’s
         root system longer, resulting in stronger growth.
Variegated Pandanus

There are many different types of mulches available.
Within densely planted garden beds, it is better to use
composted organic products.

~ Compost - Organic mulches vary by locality and often
   by the availability of organic material. Most organic
   materials can be successfully turned into compost,
   and home scraps and garden vegetation can be
   used to create compost suitable for using as surface
   mulch. Green waste or shredded tree clippings
   make excellent surface mulch for garden beds once
   composted. Coco peat, a product derived from
   coconut production and available in compressed
   blocks from nurseries, is also an economical way to
   reduce surface evaporation.
~ Rocks and stones - Stones, pebbles and coarse sand
   are also considered as mulch and can be used
   in shaded locations. They should not be used as
   surface mulch in full sun garden beds. This practise
   will intensely heat the soil during the day, causing
   rapid drying of the surface of the soil where feeder
   roots grow. The rocks will continue to conduct heat
   in the evening, maintaining high levels of evaporation
   and subsequent watering requirements to sustain
   most exotic garden plants.
~ Combination of mulching - Use a 200mm-thick layer
   of composted organic matter as a surface cover on
   all external garden beds where plants are to grow. In
   other areas stones, pebbles, rock, gravel and coarse
   sand will look good and smother seasonal weeds.
Direct Delivery Watering System

         An efficient watering system is vitally important to
         deliver water in the appropriate volumes for specific
         garden needs. Technology continually improves in direct
         delivery irrigation systems and specialist irrigation outlets
         offer important advice for anyone considering adding a
         watering system to their garden.

         Watering for lawns
         Lawns are best watered using subsurface irrigation
         systems which deliver water direct to the lawn’s root
         system. These systems are installed under the turf
         before it is laid or can be cut into the surface of existing
         lawn areas. If your system uses pop-up sprinklers,
         converting to low volume stream sprinklers should be
         considered. These sprinklers deliver water in a more
         direct manner instead of mist droplets that often blow
         away. While lawns are important to a garden’s aesthetic
         appeal, they do use large amounts of water. Try to keep
         lawn areas to a minimum.

         Watering for plants
         Plants should be watered using direct delivery irrigation
         systems. The most effective garden bed watering systems
         for use in the West Kimberley are dribblers, drippers and
         subsurface inline irrigators. These sprinklers deliver water
         direct to the base of the plant and the water soaks the soil
         directly below the plant. This encourages roots to follow
         the water down deeply into the soil, reducing the chances
         of the plant becoming water stressed when the topsoil
         dries on the hottest days.
Waterwise Planting

A critical factor when establishing a waterwise garden,
is plant selection and how the plants will be grouped
together. Obtaining advice of a professional gardener or
landscaper will assist in the right plant placement and
structure of your garden.

~ Strategic placement around the garden’s external
   boundaries will shield the garden from winds and
   cool on hot days, protect plants from the extremes
   and create a microclimate where many different plant
   species will grow well.
~ Cluster plantings where the same or mixed
   varieties are grouped closely together by their water
   requirements. A watering system should be designed
   to provide different amounts of water to each plant
   grouping, reducing the waste that occurs with
   over watering.
~ Microclimates are created when plants are grouped
   in this way, which assists in reducing evaporation.
   These protected mini communities create wind
   breaks and raise humidity. Native trees play a critical
   role in protecting plants below the canopy from the
   harshest of hot days, cooling the garden and also the
   home environment, reducing the need for power for
   air conditioners.
Hibiscus Pendunculatum

         Following is a selection of proven plant species to
         consider adding to your garden. Under ‘Water Needs’,
         one drop plants are the most water efficient with two
         drop plants requiring more water to survive.

         More information on these plant varieties can be gained
         online by visiting

         Plant selection
                                                            Native/       Water
            Common Name           Botanical Name
                                                            Exotic        Needs
          Trailing Lantana   Lantana montevidensis      E             1

          Native Jasmine or Pandorea jasminoides        N             1
          Bower of Beauty
          Moses in the       Tradescantia spathacea     E             2
          Sago Palm          Cycas revoluta             E             1

          Triangle Palm      Dypsis decaryi             E             1

          Foxtail Palm       Wodyetia bifurcata         N             2

          Millstream Fan     Livistona alfredii         N             1

          Cardboard Palm     Zamia furfuracea           E             1
Madagascan Periwinkle

    Growth Habit                     Description

200mm groundcover   Available in mauve and white flowering
                    forms. Hardy, low growing colourful
                    groundcover for a full sun position.
Vigorous spreader   Twining vine with large bunches of pink
to 5m               trumpet flowers.
Groundcover         Clumping groundcover, ideal for shaded
Compact Cycad 2m    Architectural feature plant, ideal for pots,
                    full sun or shaded garden positions.
Palm to 7m          A full sun, drought tolerant palm with
                    grey green foliage and an unusual triangle
                    shaped crown.
Specimen palm       An outstanding specimen palm, suitable for
to 10m              small or large garden areas. Deep succulent
                    roots allow it to survive long dry periods with
                    little ill effect.

Palm to 10m         Compact fan palm, capable of growing
                    through long dry periods without detrimental
                    effect. Broad fan-shaped foliage.
Clumping cycad 2m   Compact clumping cycad, ideal for pots
                    and full sun garden positions.
Moses in a Cradle, Tradescantia Spathacea

                                                                 Native/       Water
             Common Name                    Botanical Name
                                                                 Exotic        Needs
          Golden Cane                Chrysalidocarpus        E             2
          Palm                       lutescens
          Wonga Wonga                Pandorea pandorana      N             1

          Dwarf Coconut              Cocos nucifera          E             1
          Climbers and Decorative Foliage
          Dwarf Oleander             Nerium oleander nana    E             1
          Oleander                   Nerium oleander         E             1

          Fijian Fire Bush           Acalypha wilkonsonii    E             2

          African Daisy              Osteospermum ecklonis   E             1

          Bougainvillea              Bougainvillea glabra    E             1

          Dwarf                      Bougainvillea glabra    E             1
          Bougainvillea              nana

          Geranium                   Pelargonium zonale      E             1
                                     Hybrid Cultivars

          Vinca                      Catharanthus rosea      E             1
                                     Hybrid Cultivars

          Portulaca                  Portulaca grandiflora    E             1
                                     Hybrid Cultivars
          Day Lily                   Hemerocallis cv.        E             1

    Growth Habit                         Description

Clumping palm 6m        Tough palm for full sun or part shade
                        garden positions.
Vigorous spreader       Glossy foliage, small trumpet flowers in
to 6m                   large bunches. Colours vary from pink
                        through yellow.
Palm to 5m              Smaller growing coconut palm for use in
                        a full sun position.

Shrub to 1m             Very hardy, low growing shrub.
Shrub to 4m             Excellent screening or windbreak plant.
                        Dense growing, extremely hardy with very
                        low water requirements once established.
Shrub to 3m             This plant comes with several different
                        species and cultivars growing in different
                        colours and sizes.
Flat growth to 60cm     Fast spreading growth, lush green foliage,
                        brightly-coloured flowers as well as its
                        drought tolerance make these popular.
Climber to 5m           One of the most rewarding, hardiest
                        flowering climbing plants available to
                        West Kimberley gardeners.
Shrub to 1m             New compact forms of this popular
                        climber that have a shrub-like habit,
                        remaining compact and flowering for
                        9 months of the year.
Upright annual to 1m    Many different flower colours available,
                        this can make a showy bedding plant.
                        Drought tough.
Upright, small shrub-   Heat loving bedding plant in a range of
like plants to 50cm     flower colours. Can set own seed or survive
                        winter to flower again the following summer.
Spreading               Summer season annual with flowers in
groundcover to 30cm     electric colours.
Grassy-looking plant    Drought tough flowering lily that can also
to 40cm                 handle being inundated for part of the year.
                        Many colours available in flowers.
Pride of Barbados

                                                                Native/       Water
             Common Name             Botanical Name
                                                                Exotic        Needs
          Border Silver        Dianella ensifolia ‘Border E               1
          Dianella             Silver’

          Blue Garlic Vine     Cydista aequinoctialis       E             1

          Little Jess Dianella Dianella cv. ‘Little Jess’   N             1

          Miniature Mat        Lomandra cv.‘Tanika’         N             1

          Fig                  Ficus carica                 E             1

          Carob                Ceratonia siliqua            E             1

          Chinese Date         Zizphus jujuba               E             1

          Jungle Flame         Ixora coccinea               E             2

          Bismarck Palm        Bismarckia nobilis           E             1

          Tress and Shrubs
          Hills Fig            Ficus hilli                  E             1

          Weeping Fig          Ficus benjimina              E             2

    Growth Habit                         Description

Grassy, clumping plant Tough, attractive strap-leaf plant with cream
to 60cm                variegation. An excellent border plant.
                       Tiny purple flower spikes.
Climber to 2m           Outstanding flowering climber, producing
                        mauve-pink flowers with garlic fragrance.
Grassy, clumping plant Rich green foliage and a compact habit make
to 60cm                this tough plant a classy choice for a border.
Grassy clumping plant   Dwarf grass with bright green fine foliage
to 60cm                 and white flower clusters. Can handle
                        seasonal flooding as well as drought times.
Spreading tree to 4m    Deciduous tree for tough locations, bearing
                        fruit in summer.
Spreading tree to 6m    Evergreen tree with foliage that can be
                        stock feed and edible pods in late summer.
Very hardy to 6m        Deciduous tree, heat and cold hardy,
                        bearing olive-shaped fruit in summer with
                        an apple flavour.
Hedging shrub to 1m     A popular sub tropical shrub ideal for
                        both sunny and semi shaded positions.
                        Very hardy once established.
Fan palm to 20m         A magnificent feature palm, often
                        producing striking grey-blue foliage.
                        Producing a deep tap root, this is incredibly
                        waterwise once established.

Large, spreading tree   A grand specimen with deep green foliage
to 20m                  and a spreading crown. An excellent shade
                        tree that will dramatically cool the garden.
Large, spreading tree   A magnificent weeping foliage tree that
to 18m                  makes a wonderful feature specimen in a
                        larger garden. Can also be used as a pot plant
                        indoors and outdoors, full sun and shade.
The Blue Garlic Vine

                                                              Native/       Water
              Common Name           Botanical Name
                                                              Exotic        Needs
           Cotton Wood         Hibiscus tileaceous rubra E              2

           Firecracker Plant   Russellia equisitiformis   E             1

           Lilyturf            Liriope muscari            E             2

           Evergreen           Plumeria obtusa            E             1

           Red Butterfly        Bauhinia galpini           E             1

           Golden Trumpet      Allamanda cathartica       E             2

           Crown of Thorns     Euphorbia milli            E             1

           Twin Leaf           Corymbia cadophora         N             1

           Variegated          Pandanus veitchii          E             1
           Pandanus            variegata

           Blue Water Lily     Nymphaea violacea          N
           Boab                Adansonia gregorii         N             1

           Purple Mulla        Ptilotus exaltatus         N             1
Tropical Grevillea

    Growth Habit                         Description

Small tree to 5m       A tough coastal tree, producing burgundy-
                       red foliage and ideally used as a screening
                       plant or garden backdrop.
Compact shrub to 1m    An excellent cascading growth habit,
                       with red tubular flowers produced in the
                       thousands. There is also a cream version
                       available. Ideal for full sun positions.
Clumping, strap-leaf   A very tough strap-leaf plant producing
500mm                  attractive flowers followed by purple berries.
Small tree to 6m       Outstanding flowering tree, with dark green
                       foliage all year round and white heavenly
                       fragrant flowers for 10 months.
Spreading shrub to 2m Prolific flowering shrub, with an extensive
                      deep root system and capable of surviving
                      long periods without watering.
Shrub to 2m            Exceptionally beautiful yellow flowering
                       climber with lush emerald green foliage.
Succulent shrub        Tough compact shrub, ideal for gardens
to 500mm               in full sun or pot culture. Flowers all year
                       round in a range of colours from cream,
                       yellow to red.
Compact tree to 8m     Outstanding broad leaf foliage tree, with
                       huge clusters of flowers ranging in colour
                       from pink through to red.
Branching shrub        An outstanding feature shrub, with
to 4m                  magnificent creamy-yellow foliage
                       variegations. Ideal as a large shrubbery plant.
Pond plant             Native water lily, growing best in this climate.
Unique tree            The iconic plant of the Kimberley region.
                       Slow growing but very attractive as an
                       immature small sized tree.
Herbaceous plant       Prolific flowering wildflower that makes a
to 1m max              superb display when planted on mass in
                       January from seed.

            Lawn varieties suitable for the West Kimberley
            ~ Paspalum - a coastal grass which is a succulent,
               low-lying, turf type grass that thrives in the warm
               season. It’s capable of growing near very salty water
               and performs better than most grass types in hot,
               humid environments.
            ~ Couch grass - an ideal grass type for most garden
               situations and the toughest varieties are ‘Wintergreen’
               and ‘Windsor Green’, with the latter having a
               particularly deep and wiry root system.
            ~ Zoysia grass - fast becoming one of the most popular
               turf grasses overseas because of its waterwise
               traits. Capable of surviving summer without added
               water, it becomes dormant and regenerates with the
               first rains.
            ~ Buffalo grass - is recognised as one of the most
               waterwise varieties available to home gardeners.
               Best varieties for this region include ‘Palmetto’ and
               ‘Sir Walter’.
Variegated Lily Turf

Groundcovers/grass alternatives
~ Lippia (Phyla nodiflora) - covers the ground like a
   mat. It is a perennial, broadleaf herb, with grey-green
   leaves 10mm to 20mm long. Each tiny leaf has two
   or three serrations on each side. Lippia produces
   numerous small, round lilac flowers. The plant has
   a taproot up to 2 metres deep, allowing it to survive
   long, dry periods.
~ Kidney weed (Dichondra repen) - excellent
   groundcover for shaded and sunny positions.
   The extensive root system helps the plant survive
   drought conditions.
~ Silver falls (Dichondra argentea) - exotic species of
   Dichondra capable of growing strongly in a full-sun
   position, as well as in semi-shaded gardens.

Best planting seasons
The best time of the year for planting in the West
Kimberley is when the traditional rainy season arrives
(November – February). Planting should be done from
December through to March to get the best from high
soil moisture levels.

We hope this brochure has been helpful in assisting
you with ideas on how to establish and maintain a
waterwise garden.

Remember, the Water Corporation has lots of ways
you can save water, both in the home and around
your garden.

Simply call the Waterwise Infoline on 13 10 39 or visit
our website at

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Garden Tips for the West Kimberley

  • 1. waterwiseways Garden Tips for the West Kimberley
  • 2. Aloe INTRODUCTION The West Kimberley region is recognised as one of the world’s most beautiful, yet harshest environments. Unchanged for millions of years, the plants and animals have managed to survive extreme conditions of heat and cold. Growing a garden in this region can be quite challenging. The most critical aspect to gardening in the West Kimberley is maintaining a good supply of water and local knowledge on how much should be used effectively. This brochure has been put together by horticulture experts to help you make correct choices on plants for your garden. It explains how to grow a huge array of plants and grass types by using less water and still achieve great results. CLIMATE AND GARDENING ENVIRONMENT Temperature Temperatures across the region are consistently high and summer temperature averages range between 34°C to 38°C, with the June to August period presenting an average range of 26°C to 29°C. Extremes in temperature are regularly recorded between 0°C and 46°C plus. Rainfall The climate of the region is arid, semi-desert with relatively high rainfall between January and March, reducing to smaller showers between April and June of around 3mm to 10mm. The rainfall is mostly seasonal,
  • 3. Bougainvillea 'Penelope' posing significant challenges to gardeners in the months when there is often no rainfall at all (June-September). Wind Wind can play a major role in affecting both plant growth and the amount of water needed. Winds vary by season and location in the West Kimberley and the cyclonic winds experienced between January and March can significantly set back many plant varieties. It’s wise to establish wind breaks or barriers to protect plants and reduce the effects of soil evaporation. Soil types Soil types in the region vary, although pindan red loam and gravel or heavy stone baked loam makes up the basis of most soils throughout this region. These soils should be blended using compost and gypsum to make them suitable for successfully growing plants not native to the region. Growing local plants is the most effective way to establish a water-efficient garden. GARDEN DESIGN AND STYLE Garden styles can have a major influence on the amount of water used. Plant selection is also critical and there are many other regions of the world that experience similar environmental conditions. Various plants from these regions have developed adaptations such as water storage capabilities or hibernation abilities during extreme conditions, making these plants ideal for the West Kimberley. When establishing a new garden it is important to consider factors such as evaporation, wind
  • 4. Bush Poinciana and soil erosion, water features, mulching, watering systems and selecting the right plants. Reducing evaporation A key factor to any design is the creation of a sun and wind protected environment. This reduces evaporation caused by heat and wind and increases humidity, resulting in lusher and stronger growth. Almost every garden can achieve this by: ~ Creating large perimeter hedges. ~ Use of trees and palms to shade the garden. ~ The addition of a pergola, shade sails/cloth, gazebos and patio structures. ~ Placing structures such as sheds around the outside perimeter of the garden/property to create protected positions within the garden. ~ Positioning buildings on windward sides of the property to assist in breaking down the major prevailing winds. Styles of garden suitable to this region Selecting a garden style when planning your new garden can deliver conformity and structure in its final appearance. Styles that feature waterwise plants and water efficient gardening techniques include: ~ Mediterranean ~ Local native plants ~ Tropical and edible plants
  • 5. Crown of Thorns Many home gardens are a hybrid of different styles and breaking your garden into segments or mixing styles can create an aesthetically pleasing blend. However, it is vital that the plants are grouped together by water usage requirements to minimise wastage. Water features These are becoming a popular component of many Australian gardens. Positioning your water feature in a shaded location will assist in reducing evaporation. This will lower temperatures by as much as 8°C. Whenever possible, water features, including ponds, should be filled or topped up with natural rainfall, ideally from roof overflow or drainage redirection. Keeping the water surface area to a minimum and including water plants reduces evaporation. Retrofitting your existing garden to be waterwise Consider retrofitting your garden by transplanting plants into more suitable water requirement groups and plant others that will assist in the creation of micro-communities. It is worthwhile replacing your old reticulation system with a modern watering device that delivers a precise number of water droplets direct to the roots of the plant without spray or misting. Improving the garden environment While there are a huge range of introduced plant species capable of growing in the region, the West Kimberley is a bit more restricted in the varieties suitable for domestic cultivation. Reducing evaporation through the creation of
  • 6. Hing Kong Orchid Tree microclimates and extensive use of mulches will reduce the demand for watering. Wind protection Adding wind protection devices such as shade cloth or hessian wraps around new and establishing trees and shrubs is critical to encouraging fast initial growth. This also reduces wind induced evaporation and the need to water. Soil conditioning Native species will usually grow in natural soil without any additional organic matter. When planting exotic species, adding a composted soil into the planting hole will greatly benefit the establishment and growth of the plant. It is important to use a premium quality soil improver. Look for the Australian Standard's five tick red mark that identifies premium quality blends. Where possible, mounding or raising garden beds using a richly organic soil is beneficial and these types of garden beds will be less susceptible to saturation during heavy rains. The open, free-draining nature of the soil improver mixed at a 50/50 ratio with the garden soil type will encourage rapid establishment of a deeper root system requiring less water. Organically enriched garden soils retain moisture and nutrients around the plant’s root system longer, resulting in stronger growth.
  • 7. Variegated Pandanus Mulching There are many different types of mulches available. Within densely planted garden beds, it is better to use composted organic products. ~ Compost - Organic mulches vary by locality and often by the availability of organic material. Most organic materials can be successfully turned into compost, and home scraps and garden vegetation can be used to create compost suitable for using as surface mulch. Green waste or shredded tree clippings make excellent surface mulch for garden beds once composted. Coco peat, a product derived from coconut production and available in compressed blocks from nurseries, is also an economical way to reduce surface evaporation. ~ Rocks and stones - Stones, pebbles and coarse sand are also considered as mulch and can be used in shaded locations. They should not be used as surface mulch in full sun garden beds. This practise will intensely heat the soil during the day, causing rapid drying of the surface of the soil where feeder roots grow. The rocks will continue to conduct heat in the evening, maintaining high levels of evaporation and subsequent watering requirements to sustain most exotic garden plants. ~ Combination of mulching - Use a 200mm-thick layer of composted organic matter as a surface cover on all external garden beds where plants are to grow. In other areas stones, pebbles, rock, gravel and coarse sand will look good and smother seasonal weeds.
  • 8. Direct Delivery Watering System WATER-EFFICIENT PRACTICES AND SYSTEMS An efficient watering system is vitally important to deliver water in the appropriate volumes for specific garden needs. Technology continually improves in direct delivery irrigation systems and specialist irrigation outlets offer important advice for anyone considering adding a watering system to their garden. Watering for lawns Lawns are best watered using subsurface irrigation systems which deliver water direct to the lawn’s root system. These systems are installed under the turf before it is laid or can be cut into the surface of existing lawn areas. If your system uses pop-up sprinklers, converting to low volume stream sprinklers should be considered. These sprinklers deliver water in a more direct manner instead of mist droplets that often blow away. While lawns are important to a garden’s aesthetic appeal, they do use large amounts of water. Try to keep lawn areas to a minimum. Watering for plants Plants should be watered using direct delivery irrigation systems. The most effective garden bed watering systems for use in the West Kimberley are dribblers, drippers and subsurface inline irrigators. These sprinklers deliver water direct to the base of the plant and the water soaks the soil directly below the plant. This encourages roots to follow the water down deeply into the soil, reducing the chances of the plant becoming water stressed when the topsoil dries on the hottest days.
  • 9. Waterwise Planting SELECTING PLANTS FOR THE WEST KIMBERLEY A critical factor when establishing a waterwise garden, is plant selection and how the plants will be grouped together. Obtaining advice of a professional gardener or landscaper will assist in the right plant placement and structure of your garden. ~ Strategic placement around the garden’s external boundaries will shield the garden from winds and cool on hot days, protect plants from the extremes and create a microclimate where many different plant species will grow well. ~ Cluster plantings where the same or mixed varieties are grouped closely together by their water requirements. A watering system should be designed to provide different amounts of water to each plant grouping, reducing the waste that occurs with over watering. ~ Microclimates are created when plants are grouped in this way, which assists in reducing evaporation. These protected mini communities create wind breaks and raise humidity. Native trees play a critical role in protecting plants below the canopy from the harshest of hot days, cooling the garden and also the home environment, reducing the need for power for air conditioners.
  • 10. Hibiscus Pendunculatum PLANTS SUITABLE FOR THE WEST KIMBERLEY REGION Following is a selection of proven plant species to consider adding to your garden. Under ‘Water Needs’, one drop plants are the most water efficient with two drop plants requiring more water to survive. More information on these plant varieties can be gained online by visiting Plant selection Native/ Water Common Name Botanical Name Exotic Needs Trailing Lantana Lantana montevidensis E 1 Native Jasmine or Pandorea jasminoides N 1 Bower of Beauty Moses in the Tradescantia spathacea E 2 Cradle Sago Palm Cycas revoluta E 1 Triangle Palm Dypsis decaryi E 1 Foxtail Palm Wodyetia bifurcata N 2 Palms Millstream Fan Livistona alfredii N 1 Palm Cardboard Palm Zamia furfuracea E 1
  • 11. Madagascan Periwinkle Growth Habit Description 200mm groundcover Available in mauve and white flowering forms. Hardy, low growing colourful groundcover for a full sun position. Vigorous spreader Twining vine with large bunches of pink to 5m trumpet flowers. Groundcover Clumping groundcover, ideal for shaded positions. Compact Cycad 2m Architectural feature plant, ideal for pots, full sun or shaded garden positions. Palm to 7m A full sun, drought tolerant palm with grey green foliage and an unusual triangle shaped crown. Specimen palm An outstanding specimen palm, suitable for to 10m small or large garden areas. Deep succulent roots allow it to survive long dry periods with little ill effect. Palm to 10m Compact fan palm, capable of growing through long dry periods without detrimental effect. Broad fan-shaped foliage. Clumping cycad 2m Compact clumping cycad, ideal for pots and full sun garden positions.
  • 12. Moses in a Cradle, Tradescantia Spathacea Native/ Water Common Name Botanical Name Exotic Needs Golden Cane Chrysalidocarpus E 2 Palm lutescens Wonga Wonga Pandorea pandorana N 1 Vine Dwarf Coconut Cocos nucifera E 1 Palm Climbers and Decorative Foliage Dwarf Oleander Nerium oleander nana E 1 Oleander Nerium oleander E 1 Fijian Fire Bush Acalypha wilkonsonii E 2 African Daisy Osteospermum ecklonis E 1 Bougainvillea Bougainvillea glabra E 1 Dwarf Bougainvillea glabra E 1 Bougainvillea nana Geranium Pelargonium zonale E 1 Hybrid Cultivars Vinca Catharanthus rosea E 1 Hybrid Cultivars Portulaca Portulaca grandiflora E 1 Hybrid Cultivars Day Lily Hemerocallis cv. E 1
  • 13. Vinca Growth Habit Description Clumping palm 6m Tough palm for full sun or part shade garden positions. Vigorous spreader Glossy foliage, small trumpet flowers in to 6m large bunches. Colours vary from pink through yellow. Palm to 5m Smaller growing coconut palm for use in a full sun position. Shrub to 1m Very hardy, low growing shrub. Shrub to 4m Excellent screening or windbreak plant. Dense growing, extremely hardy with very low water requirements once established. Shrub to 3m This plant comes with several different species and cultivars growing in different colours and sizes. Flat growth to 60cm Fast spreading growth, lush green foliage, brightly-coloured flowers as well as its drought tolerance make these popular. Climber to 5m One of the most rewarding, hardiest flowering climbing plants available to West Kimberley gardeners. Shrub to 1m New compact forms of this popular climber that have a shrub-like habit, remaining compact and flowering for 9 months of the year. Upright annual to 1m Many different flower colours available, this can make a showy bedding plant. Drought tough. Upright, small shrub- Heat loving bedding plant in a range of like plants to 50cm flower colours. Can set own seed or survive winter to flower again the following summer. Spreading Summer season annual with flowers in groundcover to 30cm electric colours. Grassy-looking plant Drought tough flowering lily that can also to 40cm handle being inundated for part of the year. Many colours available in flowers.
  • 14. Pride of Barbados Native/ Water Common Name Botanical Name Exotic Needs Climbers Border Silver Dianella ensifolia ‘Border E 1 Dianella Silver’ Blue Garlic Vine Cydista aequinoctialis E 1 Little Jess Dianella Dianella cv. ‘Little Jess’ N 1 Miniature Mat Lomandra cv.‘Tanika’ N 1 Rush Fig Ficus carica E 1 Carob Ceratonia siliqua E 1 Chinese Date Zizphus jujuba E 1 Jungle Flame Ixora coccinea E 2 Bismarck Palm Bismarckia nobilis E 1 Tress and Shrubs Hills Fig Ficus hilli E 1 Weeping Fig Ficus benjimina E 2
  • 15. Wattle Growth Habit Description Grassy, clumping plant Tough, attractive strap-leaf plant with cream to 60cm variegation. An excellent border plant. Tiny purple flower spikes. Climber to 2m Outstanding flowering climber, producing mauve-pink flowers with garlic fragrance. Grassy, clumping plant Rich green foliage and a compact habit make to 60cm this tough plant a classy choice for a border. Grassy clumping plant Dwarf grass with bright green fine foliage to 60cm and white flower clusters. Can handle seasonal flooding as well as drought times. Spreading tree to 4m Deciduous tree for tough locations, bearing fruit in summer. Spreading tree to 6m Evergreen tree with foliage that can be stock feed and edible pods in late summer. Very hardy to 6m Deciduous tree, heat and cold hardy, bearing olive-shaped fruit in summer with an apple flavour. Hedging shrub to 1m A popular sub tropical shrub ideal for both sunny and semi shaded positions. Very hardy once established. Fan palm to 20m A magnificent feature palm, often producing striking grey-blue foliage. Producing a deep tap root, this is incredibly waterwise once established. Large, spreading tree A grand specimen with deep green foliage to 20m and a spreading crown. An excellent shade tree that will dramatically cool the garden. Large, spreading tree A magnificent weeping foliage tree that to 18m makes a wonderful feature specimen in a larger garden. Can also be used as a pot plant indoors and outdoors, full sun and shade.
  • 16. The Blue Garlic Vine Native/ Water Common Name Botanical Name Exotic Needs Cotton Wood Hibiscus tileaceous rubra E 2 Firecracker Plant Russellia equisitiformis E 1 Lilyturf Liriope muscari E 2 Evergreen Plumeria obtusa E 1 Frangipani Red Butterfly Bauhinia galpini E 1 Bush Golden Trumpet Allamanda cathartica E 2 Crown of Thorns Euphorbia milli E 1 Twin Leaf Corymbia cadophora N 1 Bloodwood Variegated Pandanus veitchii E 1 Pandanus variegata Blue Water Lily Nymphaea violacea N Boab Adansonia gregorii N 1 Purple Mulla Ptilotus exaltatus N 1 Mulla
  • 17. Tropical Grevillea Growth Habit Description Small tree to 5m A tough coastal tree, producing burgundy- red foliage and ideally used as a screening plant or garden backdrop. Compact shrub to 1m An excellent cascading growth habit, with red tubular flowers produced in the thousands. There is also a cream version available. Ideal for full sun positions. Clumping, strap-leaf A very tough strap-leaf plant producing 500mm attractive flowers followed by purple berries. Small tree to 6m Outstanding flowering tree, with dark green foliage all year round and white heavenly fragrant flowers for 10 months. Spreading shrub to 2m Prolific flowering shrub, with an extensive deep root system and capable of surviving long periods without watering. Shrub to 2m Exceptionally beautiful yellow flowering climber with lush emerald green foliage. Succulent shrub Tough compact shrub, ideal for gardens to 500mm in full sun or pot culture. Flowers all year round in a range of colours from cream, yellow to red. Compact tree to 8m Outstanding broad leaf foliage tree, with huge clusters of flowers ranging in colour from pink through to red. Branching shrub An outstanding feature shrub, with to 4m magnificent creamy-yellow foliage variegations. Ideal as a large shrubbery plant. Pond plant Native water lily, growing best in this climate. Unique tree The iconic plant of the Kimberley region. Slow growing but very attractive as an immature small sized tree. Herbaceous plant Prolific flowering wildflower that makes a to 1m max superb display when planted on mass in January from seed.
  • 18. Waterlily TURF AND GROUNDCOVERS Lawn varieties suitable for the West Kimberley ~ Paspalum - a coastal grass which is a succulent, low-lying, turf type grass that thrives in the warm season. It’s capable of growing near very salty water and performs better than most grass types in hot, humid environments. ~ Couch grass - an ideal grass type for most garden situations and the toughest varieties are ‘Wintergreen’ and ‘Windsor Green’, with the latter having a particularly deep and wiry root system. ~ Zoysia grass - fast becoming one of the most popular turf grasses overseas because of its waterwise traits. Capable of surviving summer without added water, it becomes dormant and regenerates with the first rains. ~ Buffalo grass - is recognised as one of the most waterwise varieties available to home gardeners. Best varieties for this region include ‘Palmetto’ and ‘Sir Walter’.
  • 19. Variegated Lily Turf Groundcovers/grass alternatives ~ Lippia (Phyla nodiflora) - covers the ground like a mat. It is a perennial, broadleaf herb, with grey-green leaves 10mm to 20mm long. Each tiny leaf has two or three serrations on each side. Lippia produces numerous small, round lilac flowers. The plant has a taproot up to 2 metres deep, allowing it to survive long, dry periods. ~ Kidney weed (Dichondra repen) - excellent groundcover for shaded and sunny positions. The extensive root system helps the plant survive drought conditions. ~ Silver falls (Dichondra argentea) - exotic species of Dichondra capable of growing strongly in a full-sun position, as well as in semi-shaded gardens. Best planting seasons The best time of the year for planting in the West Kimberley is when the traditional rainy season arrives (November – February). Planting should be done from December through to March to get the best from high soil moisture levels.
  • 20. waterwiseways We hope this brochure has been helpful in assisting you with ideas on how to establish and maintain a waterwise garden. Remember, the Water Corporation has lots of ways you can save water, both in the home and around your garden. Simply call the Waterwise Infoline on 13 10 39 or visit our website at