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Osteoporoza može da se leči
Utorak, 21 Oktobar 2008 22:35
Osteoporoza je jedan od glavnih uzroka tegoba kod starijih osoba, posebno kod žena, koje
nakon menopauze velikom brzinom gube kalcijum iz kostiju, čime one postaju krte, lako
lomljive. Iako nasleđe ima veliku ulogu u nastanku osteoporoze, ishrana i fizička aktivnost
nose deo odgovornosti za nastanak preloma kostiju, komplikacije ove bolesti. Za nastanak
jakih kostiju nije bitan samo kalcijum. Naučnici su otkrili i druge hranljive sastojke koji utiču
na očuvanje koštane mase.
Najpoznatiji mineral za jačanje kostiju je kalcijum. Najbolje je da se on u mladosti unosi u dovoljnim količinama kako
bi se formirale jake kosti. Ali šta da se radi ako smo u mladosti bili nesmotreni i nismo unosili dovoljno ovog minerala.
Nakon tridesete godine kalcijum više ne može da poveća koštanu masu, ali je i dalje unošenje kalcijuma bitno, jer se
na taj način usporava njegov gubitak i sprečava prelom kostiju.
Žene treba da se trude da u menopauzu uđu sa što jačim i težim kostima. Posle menopauze gubitak kalcijuma je jako
ubrzan. Taj gubitak može znatno da se smanji unosom kalcijuma. Jedna studija pokazuje da je kod žena koje su u
postmenopauzi bile šest i više godina, unosom 900mg kalcijuma dnevno (tri šolje mleka) došlo do prekida gubitka
koštane mase. Po nekim studijama za žene u postmenopauzi je dovoljno unošenje 1000mg kalcijuma dnevno, a po
drugim 1500mg. Unos velikih količina kalcijuma ne može da izmeni genetsku predispoziciju za osteoporozu, ali može
da smanji njegov nedostatak u organizmu. Kalcijuma ima dosta u mleku i mlečnim proizvodima, ali za utehu onima
koji ga ne vole, kalcijuma ima i u kelju odakle se veoma dobro iskorišćava, zatim u lososu i
sardinama sa kostima.
Vitamin D je neophiodan za metabolizam kalcijuma. Ženama u postmenopauzi je potrebno 10%
više ovog vitamina od preporučene dnevne doze zbog smanjene sposobnosti njegove
resorpcije, znači 220ij dnevno. Novozelandski istraživači sa Univerziteta Otago su našli da su
žene koje su dve do tri godine uzimale uz kalcijum i vitamin D imale znatno manje preloma od onih koje su uzimale
samo kalcijum. Odličan izvor D vitamina su masne morske ribe. U 100g lososa iz konzerve ima 500ij vitamina D. Ista
količina sardina ima 300ij, a jegulja ima ubedljivo najviše, čak 5.000ij. U šolji mleka ima 100ij vitamina D. Pomoću
sunčevih zraka se stvara vitamin D, pa u zimskim mesecima treba posebno obratiti pažnju na njegov unos.
Mineral bor, koji se u organizmu nalazi u tragovima, značajno utiče na jačinu kostiju. Njegov nedostatak može da
dovede do znatnog remećenja metabolizma kalcijuma, usled čega kosti postaju krte, naročito kosti kukova, te se lako
lome. Bor povećava nivo estrogena, kao i drugih sastojaka , koji sprečavaju gubitak kalcijuma i demineralizaciju
kostiju. Dr Forest Nilsen (Forrest H. Nielsen) iz Centra za istraživanje čovekove ishrane u Severnoj Dakoti tvrdi da bez
dovoljno bora organizam nije u stanju da zadrži neophodnu količinu kalcijuma. Otkrio je da žene koje u
postmenopauzi ne unose dovoljno bora imaju znatni gubitak kalcijuma i magnezijuma, minerala koji jačaju kosti. Ali,
kad su žene uzimale 3mg bora na dan, količinu koja lako može da se obezbedi hranom, gubitak kalcijuma se smanjio
za 40%. Dr Nilsen ističe u svojim studijama da je bor dovodio do udvostručenja estradiola 17B, najaktivnijeg oblika
estrogena, dostižući nivo koji postoji kod žena koje uzimaju zamenu za estrogen. Bora ima najviše u voću, naročito u
jabukama, kruškama, grožđu, urmama, suvom grožđu i breskvama, u mahunarkama, pogotovu soji, u jezgrastom
voću, uključujući badem, kikiriki i lešnik, ali i u medu.
Mineral mangan, kao i bor, učestvuje u metabolizmu kostiju. Neophodno je njegovo prisustvo da bi se sprečio gubitak
kalcijuma. Ananas je pun mangana, a uz to on se iz ovog voća veoma brzo resorbuje. Mangana ima i u ovsenom
brašnu, jezgrastom voću, cerealijama, pasulju, integralnoj pšenici, spanaću i čaju.
Previše soli u ishrani dovodi do slabljenja kostiju, jer «izvlači» iz njih kalcijum. Istraživači sa Novog Zelanda su grupu
starijih žena prvo podvrgli dijeti sa malo soli (1.6g), a zatim im davali hranu sa znatno više soli (3.9G). U obe dijete je
unos kalcijuma bio isti. Ipak, uz ishranu sa više soli je gubitak kalcijuma bio veći za 30%. Previše slana ishrana je
štetna u svim godinama, a posebno kod starijih žena koje inače imaju veći rizik od osteoporoze
i preloma kostiju.
Skorašnje harvardsko istraživanje na 84.000 sredovečnih žena je pokazalo da su one žene koje
su pile više od tri šoljice kafe dnevno bile tri puta sklonije prelomu kuka od onih koje su unosile
malo i nimalo kofeina. Čaj nije pokazivao štetne efekte. Posebno je rizična kombinacija malo
kalcijuma, a dosta kafe. Mora se napomenuti da postoje i studije koje nisu uočile vezu između konzumiranja kafe i
Iznenađuje činjenica istraživača sa Pitsburškog univerziteta da malo alkohola, tri do šest čašica u sedam
dana dovodi da povećanja estrogena, šro povoljno deluje na mineralizaciju kostiju. Međutim, veće
količine alkohola ne povećavaju estrogen. Postoje podaci da veće količine alkohola oštećuju koštane
ćelije. Na obdukcijama se vidi da kosti alkoholičara izgledaju kao kod četrdrdeset godina starijie osobe.
Količina alkohola koja ne predstavlja opasnost po kosti je ista ona količina koja se preporučuje za opšte
zdravlje : ne više od jednog do dva pića dnevno.
Pravilna ishrana kao prevencija osteoporoze
Autor: doc dr Maja Nikolić
Prelomi kostiju koji su posedica osteoporoze jesu značajan uzrok bolesti i smrti
u celom svetu, a poznato je da su žene više ugrožene od
muškaraca.Osteoporoza je stanje, bolest, koštane krhkosti koja je
posedica promena u mikro-arhitekturi i smanjenja gustine kosti.
Koštana masa u određenom životnom dobu je zavisna od postignutog vrhunca
koštane gustine i kasnijeg postepenog gubitka. Svaki od tih činilaca je zavisan
od genetskih (naslednih), hormonalnih, prehrambenih i uslova
Zna se da je potrebna dovoljna količina kalcijuma da bi se postigla najveća moguća koštana masa, a
smatra se da su količine ispod 500 mg kalcijuma dnevno predisponirajuće za smanjenu koštanu masu.
Osim kalcijuma hronični nedostatak ili manji unos vitamina D, magnezijuma, moguće i bora,
florida i vitamini K, B12 i B6, mogu doprineti nastanaku osteoporoze.
Slično tome povećan unos belančevina, natrijuma, alkohola, kofeina kao i pušenje može
negativno uticati na gustinu kosti. Tipična isharana u tzv. visokocivilizovanim zemljama (visok unos
belančevina, i rafinirane, prerađene hrane) u kombinaciji s načinom života bez puno fizičke aktivnosti i
kretanja može doprineti povećanoj pojavi osteoporoze u starijem životnom dobu.
Takođe je činjenica da se prosečan životni vek bitno produžio, pa je i time povećana incidneca osteoporoze
i time rizika od lomova kostiju.
Gornji odlomak sažetak je naučnog rada objavljenom u uglednom svetskom časopisu British Journal of
Biomedical Sciencies.
Uloga kalcijuma
Osim naučnih postoji i celi niz podatka, ali i neshvatanja suštine problema metabolizma kosti. Još 1930.
godine je prihvaćeno, nakon ispitivanja kod školske dece u Škotskoj, da je potrebna dovoljna količina
kalcijuma za normalan rast i razvoj kosti kod dece, ali se nije znalo koliko je tog minerala potrebno uneti u
Od 1970. godine, kada je u svetu osteoporoza prihvaćena kao javno zdravsveni problem, vrše se temeljita
ispitivanja koliko je potrebno kalcijuma za pravilan rast i održavanja kosti tokom života, naročito kada više
nema dovljoljno hormona kod žena, a to je u menopauzi.
Od 1980.godine, kada se uvedene nove metode merenja gustine kostiju pokazalo se da samo pojačani unos
kalcijuma nije bilo dovoljan da se smanji broj preloma kosti.
Ipak, posle 1990.godine ponovljenim ispitivanjima i novim, masovnim, pregledima na velikom broju žena
je pokazalo da je kalcijum neophodan za zdravlje kosti i da ima pozitivan uticaj na gustinu
kosti i smanjenje preloma.
Danas se zna da odgovarajući, dovoljan, unos kalcijuma smanjuje gubitak koštane mase u
menopauzi, jer prirodno se tada gubi od 1-2% koštane mase godišnje. Takav preventivan učinak
kalcijuma na smanjenje preloma je posebno izražen kod žena koje su više od 10 godina u menopauzi, a ne
koriste se hormonalnim lečenjem.
Takođe je dokazano da za vreme rasta i razvoja kosti odgovarajući unos kalcijuma značajno
povećava koštanu masu, odnosno poboljšava gustinu kosti i već time preventivno utiče na
mogući kasniji razvoj osteoporoze.
Vratimo se na osnovno pitanje, a to je šta je u stvari osteoporoza pa se o tome danas već prilično
obaveštava, ali možda ne dovoljno obuhvatno.
Ukratko, osteoporoza, što doslovno znači "šupljikava kost", je bolest kod koje nastaje
gubitak koštane mase tokom procesa starenja ili iz nekog drugog razloga.
To znači da se može javiti i kod muškaraca, a ne samo kod žena, mada je kod žena bolest češća do 7
puta i obično je povezana s menopauzom, što odgovara naglom padu ženskih polnih
hormona, posebno estrogena.
Međutim osteoporoza obično nema jako izražene simptome, ali zbog toga komplikacije mogu biti
jako bolne i mogu dovesti do trajnih posledica, a to su prelom kuka i podlaktice, kao najčešćih
oblika preloma.
Zašto su žene ugroženije?
Sledeće je pitanje koji su razlozi da žene, posebno starije, imaju povećan rizik za osteoporozu.
 žene imaju manju koštanu masu nego odrasli muškarci, prema tome gubitak kalcijuma iz kosti
češće dovodi do krhkosti kosti.
 muški polni hormon (testosteron), duže štiti muškarce jer počinje opadati iza 60-te godine, a kod
žena je menopauza obično oko 50. godine.
 mlađe žene koje se previše bave nekim aktivnostima, kao što su neki sportovi i grane umetnosti
(balet, moderan ples, ali i drugi oblici izvođačkih umjetnosti) mogu biti anoreksične (bolest
ishrane), te zbog toga imaju manju koštanu masu, ili zbog manjka estrogena.
 žene obično unose manje kalcijuma u ishrani nego muškarci, jer češće imaju problema sa
nepodnošenjem mleka zbog manjka enzima laktoze i zbog češće upotrebe mnogih strogih dijeta za
smanjenje telesne težine.
Koji su rizici pojačanog unosa odnosno viška kalcijuma. Naime, smatralo se da postoji povezanost između
unosa kalcijuma i stvaranja bubrežnih kamenaca, a pojedinci su smatrali i žučnih kamenaca.
Pokazalo se međutim savim suprotno, a to je da povećan unos kalcijuma, naročito ako se unosi ishranom
smajuje rizik nastanka bubrežnih kamenaca kod većine ljudi, a sa problemom žučnih kamenaca kalcijum
nije uopšt povezan.
Zbog toga se smatra de ne postoji rizik za nastanak drugih bolesti, naročito bubrežnih kamenaca, ili
taloženja u krvnim sudovima zbog odgovarajućeg i pojačanog unosa kalcijuma ishranom ili dodacima
ishrani u vidu minerala.
Na koji način je najbolje unositi kalcijum u ljudski organizam?
Svi se slažu da ishrana mora biti ključni činilac pri unosu kalcijuma, jer ga tako organizam najbolje
prihvata i time postižemo ravnotežu u ishrani.
Kost je živi organ, čak 20% kosti se renovira svake godine, prema tome važnost kacijuma, koji se stalno
mora ugrađivati u kost da održi čvrstinu i mora biti uvek dostupan. Tokom rasta i razvoja je zbog toga
važno obratiti pažnju na činjenicu da najveću koštanu masu imamo oko 30-te godine, a da od tada ona
postepeno opada, a nagli se pad očekuje kod žena oko 50-te, a kod muškaraca iza 65-te godine.
Žene u menopauzi gube do 20% koštane mase u prvih 5 godine i time su puno osetljivije na razvoj
osteoporoze od muškaraca. Jasno je iz toga ako ne želimo imati osteoporozu da moramo postići najveću
moguću koštanu masu do 30-te godine.
Kako je to moguće učiniti?
Poznato je da mleko i mlečni proizvodi osim kalcijuma sadrže i vitamin D, koji je neophodan
za metabolizam kalcijuma, pa su mlečni proizvodi prihvaćeni kao standardi po kojima se
može proceniti unos kalcijuma u ljudski organizam .
Litar svežeg mleka sadrži oko 1200 mg kalcijuma, a ima i dovoljno vitamina D u sebi, ako
mleko nije obrano. Međutim, ako ne podnosite ili ne volite sveže mleko postoje i drugi mlečni
proizvodi, od raznih vrsta sira, jogurta sa ili bez dodataka, obično voća, kefira, kiselog mleka, i pravog
sladoleda, da svako može naći ono što voli.
Ipak nisu mlečni proizvodi jedni koji sadrže značajne količine kalcijuma. Počevši od ribe i ribljih
konzervi koji u naročito u slučaju plave ribe sadrže osim kalcijuma i značajne količine
vitamina D .
Drugi mesni proizvodi ne sadže značajnije količine kalcijuma.
Od povrća bi za kalcijum bio najbolji kelj, brokoli i spanać,
a od voće kora od limuna i narandže, zatim suve smokve i suve šljive.
Osim njih najbolji su donosioci kalcijuma lešnjaci, kikiriki, bademi, pistaći i orasi. Dobro je reći na ovom
mestu da i mineralne vode mogu sadržavati značajne količine kalcijuma, a bez viška fosfora, što ima
pozitivan učinak.
Kako se bolest može sprečiti?
Važno je već u ranoj dobi graditi i čuvati kosti. Telesna vežba, odgovarajući unos kalcijuma te
nadohnada hormona važni su za prevenciju osteoporoze.
Telesna vežba povećava koštanu masu pre menopauze i usporava gubitak kosti nakon
menopauze. Kosti postaju jače uz vežbanje kao i mišići. Hodanje, lagano trčanje, vežbanje
sa tegovima, tenis i aerobik pomažu kostima. Naravno da opterećenje, dužina trajanja
vežbanja i učestalost zavisi od zdravstvenog stanja osobe i mora se dogovoriti sa nadležnim
lekarom ili trenerom.
Gubitak kosti može se ubrzati ako osoba ishranom unosi premalo kalcijuma. Kalcijum usporava gubitak
kosti. Ako je količina kalcijuma u krvotoku malena telo ga uzima iz kostura.
 Deca od 1 do 10 godina: 800 mg
 Mladi (11-24 godina): 1200-1500 mg
 Od 25 do 50 godina: 1000 mg ako su jajnici intaktni
 Od 25 do 50 godina: 1500 mg (bez jajnika, bez HNL)
 Preko 50 godina: 1500 mg bez HNL
 Preko 50 godina: 1000 mg uz HNL
 Sve žene starije od 65 godina: 1500 mg
 Trudnice i dojilje: 1200 mg
To su dnevne doze elementarnog kalcijuma. Važno je uzimati prepatrat koji u sebi ima odgovarajuću
dnevnu dozu. Telo apsorbuje samo 350- 500 mg elementarnog kalcijuma odjednom tako da je
korisno dozu podeliti barem u dve doze.
Dobri izvori kalcijuma su:
mlečni proizvodi (mleko, sir), jogurt, sardine, prokelj i brokoli, povrće sa zelenim lišćem kao spanać, orasi,
lešnici, bademi, sezamovo seme, morska hrana uključujući školjke i rakove.
Kalcijum se ne može apsorbovati bez vitamina D.
Vitamin D se stvara u koži delovanjem sunca i dovoljno je 2 do 3 puta nedeljno biti izložen
suncu oko 15 minuta za potrebe organizma.
Osim toga taj važni vitamin nalazimo u jajima, jetri ili u već gotovim preparatima.
Kako postići unos od barem 1000 mg kalcijuma dnevno?
Evo i nekoliko primera kako postići unos od barem 1000 mg kalcijuma dnevno. Jasno je poželjan barem
jedan mlečni obrok dnevno, osim toga treba pojačati unos zelenog povrća. Korisno je koristiti oraščiće i
slične prirodne proizvode umesto čipsa i raznih drugih grickalica. Pogrešno je mišljenje da orasi ili bademi
nisu za dijetalnu ishranu. Masnoće koje oni u sebi sadrže su biljnog porekla i ne povećavaju opasni
holesterol, već su korisne kao izvor kalcijuma i nezasićenih masnih kiselina.
Sledeći proizvodi sadrže oko 300 mg kalcijuma
 1 komad sira
 1 čaša jogurta
 1 komad pizze sa sirom
 11 suvih smokava
 1 šoljica badema
 1 šoljica mleka
 1 puding s mlekom
 1 činija svežeg sira
 4 šoljice kuvanog brokolija
S druge strane je važno znati i koliko koji proizvodi sadže kalcijuma.
100 grama sledećih prehramebenih proizvoda sadrži prikazanu količinu
kalcijuma u miligramima
 palačinke rađene s mlekom 180
 palačinke nadevene s borovnicom 206
 palačinke sa sirom 270
 palačinke s orasima 206
 savijača od sira 400
 lazanja sa sirom 118
 pizza sa sirom 120
 cheesburger 138
 fishburger 101
 kreker sa sirom 151
Čokoladni proizvodi
 čokoladna pločica s mlekom (Kinder) 130
 čokoladna pločica (Mars) 168
 čokoladna pločica s bademima 224
 mlečna čokolada 400
Semenke i slično
 pistaći 138
 lešnik 226
 badem 252
Namirnice iz mora
 riblji namaz 222
 riblja ikra 275
 sardine 174
 lignje 180
 riba-škarpina 137
 osušeni bakalar 160
 kora od narandže 161
 narandža 42
 kora od limuna 134
 mandarina 33
 crna ribizla 46
 jagoda 26
 kupina 44
 malina 40
 suva šljiva 41
 trešnja 63
 suva kajsija 82
Mleko i mlečni proizvodi
 mlečni sladoled 108-162
 sirni namaz, masni 562
 topljeni sir 547
 sveži kravlji sir 92
 sojin sir (tofu) 105
 gauda 820
 mozzarella 403
 ementaler 1020
 sir feta 620
 goorgonzola 612
 edamer 800
 jogurt, punomasni 120
 jogurt, obrani 143
 kiselo mleko 105
 sveže mleko 100-120
 kiselo mleko 100
 kozje mleko 130
 ovčje mleko 193
 peršun (zeleni deo) 245
 celer, koren 68
 masline 96
 kiseli kupus 126
 kelj 212
 brokoli 103
Manje belančevina - manje osteoporoze
SUBOTA, 24 OKTOBAR 2009 08:15
Osteoporoza je bolest na koju, pored porodične
istorije bolesti, izgleda najviše utiče savremeni
način života, koji, između ostalog, karakteriše
i preterana upotreba belančevina,
rafinisanih ugljenih hidrata i fosfata.
Unošenje malih količina životinjskih proizvoda,
a velikih količina biljnih proizvoda olakšava rast
i popravljanje kostiju.
Osteoporoza je ozbiljno stanje u kome kosti
postaju porozne, što dovodi do slabljenja
skeletnog sistema i čestih fraktura. Ova bolest
više napada žene, a žene u postmenopauzi su rizična grupa. To se najčešće dešava kao
rezultat hormonskih promena.
Pojava osteoporoze se karakteriše stalnim gubitkom kalcijuma i to po stopi 1-2% kod
žena tridesetih godina, a povećava se na 4-5% u periodu menopauze.
Faktori rizika su, osim porodične istorije bolesti, i suvišno uzimanje mesa, kofeina, šećera,
rafinisanih ugljenih hidrata ili fosfata u gaziranim pićima. Dodatni uzroci su česta upotreba
alkohola, pušenje i dugo sedenje.
Naknadno unošenje kalcijuma ne pomaže
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ishrana bogata belančevinama dovodi do
nedostatka kalcijuma i da nikakvo naknadno unošenje kalcijuma ne može da
koriguje tu ravnotežu ukoliko se uzima hrana koja je veoma bogata proteinima.
Mnogi naučnici veruju da ishrana bogata belančevina, koja se upražnjava tokom
čitavog života, stvara velike količine kiseline u organizmu i da je to možda i glavni
uzrok nastanka osteoporoze.
Zaključak je: unošenje malih količina životinjskih proizvoda, a velikih količina biljnih
proizvoda olakšava rast i popravljanje kostiju.
Zeleno lisnato povrće je bogat izvor vitamina K, beta karotina, vitamina C, kalcijuma i
magnezijuma. Vitamin K je odgovoran za formiranje osteokalcina, proteina koji povećava
količinu kalcijuma koji je uključen u mineralizaciju kostiju. Izvori kalcijuma su brokoli,
mleko, orasi, lešnici, bademi i semenke.
Da bismo sprečili osteoporozu, trebalo bi da se pridržavamo sledećih saveta:
1. Ne konzumirajte više od 1g proteina dnevno na kilogram telesne težine. To znači da
bi meso mogli da konzumiraju najviše jednom dnevno, a idealno bi bili kada bi uvrstili u
ishranu ribu, jer ona sadrži više esencijalnih masnoća, a manje estrogenskih hormona.
2. Radi unošenja minerala oslonite se na semenke i koštunjavo voće. A ne na mlečne
proizvode. Mlečni proizvodi, naročito sir, imaju mnogo belančevina i estrogenskih hormona,
a malo magnezijuma. Puna kašičica mlevenih semenki na dan daje vam mnogo kalcijuma,
magnezijuma i esencijalnih masnoća.
3. Svakodnevno vežbajte. Najbolje vežbe su one pod opterećenjem, pri kojima se koriste i
donji I gornji telesni mišići.
4. Izbegavajte kafu i gazirane proizvode.
Ravnoteža kalcijuma zavisi od više faktora, a najvažniji su: nedostatak magnezijuma,
nedostatak vežbanja, nedostatak želudačne kiseline, previše belančevina, previše stresa,
previše kafe.
Naučnici polako dolaze do zaključka da kod žena osnovi razlog nije smanjenje proizvodnje
estrogena u menopauzi, već je, baš naprotiv, relativni višak estrogena u odnosu na
progesteron ono što ubrzava osteoporozu.
Uzimanje prirodnog progesterona povećava gustinu koštanog tkiva četiri puta više
nego uzimanje estrogena.
Dr Slobodanka Babić, nutricionista
Sačuvajte zdrave kosti: Kompletan program zaštite od osteoporoze
Gordana Golubović, Foto: SHUTTERSTOCK, DREAMSTIME, 26. 10. 2011. 00:02
Komentara 0 | Preporuka 1
Uz pomoć odgovarajućih vežbi i pravilne ishrane možete da sačuvate vitalnost kostiju i sprečite
pojavu osteoporoze, bolesti koja povećava rizik od preloma, naročito kod žena u menopauzi.
Ovde potpis
Koliko će kosti biti zdrave, zavisi pre svega od toga kako se izgrade u detinjstvu i mladosti. U
periodu rasta i razvoja značajni su raznovrsna ishrana s dovoljno kalcijuma, vitamina D,
izlaganje suncu, kao i povećana fizička aktivnost i vežbanje. U odraslom dobu takođe je
važno pridržavati se ovih principa kako bi se sačuvala zdrava i kvalitetna kost. Ovo je naročito
važno za žene u menopauzi (nakon prestanka ciklusa), jer se u tom periodu smanjuje lučenje
ženskog hormona estrogena zbog čega prestaje njegova zaštitna uloga za kost. Tada dolazi
do gubitka koštane mase, smanjenja čvrstine kostiju i osteoporoze, pa se tako povećava i
rizik za prelom. Kod muškaraca je gubitak koštane mase manji, sporije se dešava i kosti su
čvršće, pa oni ređe imaju osteoporozu i prelome.
TEST: Da li ste skloni riziku od osteoporoze
Svetska zdravstvena organizacija napravila je test za otkrivanje osoba koje su sklone riziku da
obole od osteoporoze.
Odgovorite na sledeća pitanja:
– Da li je neko od vaših roditelja imao osteoporozu ili prelom kuka posle manjeg udarca ili pada?
– Da li ste vi imali prelom kosti posle manjeg udarca ili pada?
– Da li uzimate glikokortikoide („prednizon“, „deksametazon“, „metilprednizolon“) duže od tri
– Da li ste se smanjili u visini više od tri centimetra?
– Da li često pijete veće količine alkohola?
– Da li pušite više od 20 cigareta dnevno?
– Da li imate prolive (zbog Kronove bolesti, ulceroznog kolitisa ili celijačne bolesti)?
– Da li ste izgubili menstrualni ciklus pre 45 godine?
– Da li su vam menstruacije izostale 12 ili više meseci, ali ne zbog menopauze ili trudnoće?
Ukoliko su odgovori na sva pitanja „ne“ a imate više od 50 godina, preporučuje se da nastavite da
čuvate zdravlje svojih kostiju.
Ako je odgovor na neko od ovih pitanja „da“, javite se svom lekaru i prođite ovaj test zajedno.
Vaš lekar će onda odlučiti da li treba da radite osteodenzitrometriju, tj. merenje koštane gustine,
kojom može da se utvrdi da li imate osteoporozu ili ne. Ukoliko imate osteoporozu, vaš lekar će
vam propisati terapiju. Danas postoje veoma efikasni lekovi koji ne samo da zaustavljaju gubitak
koštane mase već mogu da dovedu i do njenog uvećanja.
Kada biramo namirnice koje treba da obezbede kalcijum i vitamin D, treba da
vodimo računa i o njihovoj energetskoj vrednosti, kao i o sadržaju proteina.
Pravilo je da se biraju namirnice koje imaju dobar sadržaj kalcijuma i proteina,
a manju energetsku vrednost.
Kako da sačuvate čvrste kosti
– Unosite hranu bogatu kalcijumom i vitaminom D
– Povećajte fizičku aktivnost i vežbajte
– Izbegavajte sedenje u zatvorenim prostorijama
– Izbegavajte pušenje i uzimanje većih količina alkoholnih pića
Kvalitetne namirnice za zdravlje
Adekvatan unos kalcijuma i vitamina D kroz ishranu, fizička aktivnost i izlaganje suncu važni su
u detinjstvu i mladosti kada kosti rastu i razvijaju se. U tom periodu se formira maksimum
koštane mase, koja se kasnije, tokom života, prirodno smanjuje. Na smanjenje koštane mase utiču
genetski faktori, kao i stil života. Loše navike, pušenje, unos alkoholnih pića, velike količine kafe
i pojedine bolesti mogu ubrzati gubitak koštane mase.
KALCIJUM - Ovaj mineral je najzastupljeniji u našem telu i ima važnu ulogu u građenju
kostiju. Ishrana savremenog čoveka takođe ne obezbeđuje dovoljan unos ovog minerala, što je
posebno upadljivo u rizičnim kategorijama u koje spadaju i žene u menopauzi. Preporučen
dnevni unos kalcijuma za žene iz svih izvora (ukupna ishrana i suplementi – dodaci ishrani)
– Od 19 do 50 godina: 1.000 mg/dan
– Više od 50 godina: 1.500 mg/dan
VITAMIN D - Ovaj vitamin unosimo putem hrane, ali se stvara i u koži pod dejstvom sunčevih
zraka. Dnevne potrebe za unosom vitamina D variraju i povećane su u zimskom periodu i kod
svih osoba koje se ne izlažu suncu. Preporučen dnevni unos vitamina D kod žena je:
– Do 50 godina: 500 IU/dan
– Od 50 godina: 800 IU/dan
Vežbajte, ali pametno
Vežbanje ima poseban značaj u sprečavanju i lečenju osteoporoze. Fizička aktivnost povećava
koštanu masu, poboljšava koordinaciju pokreta i smanjuje učestalost preloma.
Ne preterujte
– Pre nego što počnete da vežbate, konsultujte se sa svojim lekarom
– Počnite s lakšim vežbama
– Postepeno povećavajte intenzitet vežbi
– Da bi imalo efekta, vežbanje mora da bude deo svakodnevnih aktivnosti
– Izbegavajte vežbe koje zahtevaju značajno savijanje trupa
– Izbegavajte skakanje s visine i sportove koji zahtevaju nagle pokrete
Koje vežbe i koliko često?
Nudimo vam neke od vežbi koje su korisne za očuvanje zdravlja vaših kostiju. Počnite s manjim
brojem ponavljanja i postepeno povećavajte intenzitet.
Reč osteporoza, u bukvalnom prevodu sa grčkog, znači šupljikava kost. Osteoporozu nazivaju i "tihim kradljivcem kalcijuma".
Ova, sistemska i progresivna, bolest pogađa svaku treću ženu, u periodu posle menopauze, a kod muškarca se retko javlja.
Smatra se da na jednu osobu, kojoj je potvrđena dijagnoza osteoporoze, dolaze četiri osobe koje ne znaju da je imaju.
Osteoporoza je bolest koju odlikuje smanjenje mineralne koštane gustine. Gubitkom kalcijuma, smanjuje se čvrstina, kosti
postaju meke i lako se lome, bilo spontano ili pod uticajem sile koja, ranije, ne bi mogla da izazove prelom. Često, ova bolest
prolazi bez simptoma, a prelomi, koji spontano nastanu, prolaze neopaženo i bolest biva otkrivena u već uznapredovalom
Maksimalna mineralizacija kostiju postiže se u periodu od dvadesete do tridesete godine života. Nakon tog perioda, koštana
gustina lagano počinje da se smanjuje, da bi u periodu posle menopauze, dostigla minimum. Najugroženiji su kičmeni
pršljenovi i butna kost. Smatra se, da će u budućnosti, do 2050. g., zbog savremenog načina života, broj obolelih biti
utrostručen, što će ovu bolest učiniti i velikim socijalno-ekonomskim problemom!
Osteoporoza može biti primarna (kada se javi kod žena posle menopauze), sekundarna (posledica korišćenja lekova koji
izazivaju demineralizaciju kostiju) i senilna (kod žena i muškaraca posle 75. g. života).
Faktori rizika su:
 rana menopauza (što kao posledicu ima manjak estrogena), nastala pre 45. godine života ili veštački izazvana nakon
hirurškog odstranjivanja materice i oba jajnika
 teže hronične bolesti (bolesti organa za varenje)
 malapsorpcioni sindrom, Kronova bolest, hipertireoza , oboljenja paraštitnih žlezda, oboljenja bubrega i jetre
 dugotrajna primena određenih lekova (kortikosteroida, sedativa, barbiturata - antiepileptika)
 mala telesna masa
 nasledni faktor (jedan ili više obolelih u porodici)
 pušenje, prekomerno konzumiranje alkohola, kafe, fizička neaktivnost
 neadekvatna ishrana - previše soli i proteina u ishrani i ishrana siromašna kalcijumom i vitaminom D
 izlaganje jonizujućem zračenju
 dugotrajna imobilizacija
 žene koje nisu rađale
 prekomerna telesna aktivnost uz amenoreju
 izrazito neredovan menstrualni ciklus
Jedan od regionalanih centara Srbije za dijagnostiku ove bolesti, nalazi se na Zlatiboru, u okviru Specijalne bolnice Čigota. Važno
je na vreme otići na pregled, jer osteoporoza je bolest koja se može sprečiti i lečiti. Pregled se posebno preporučuje ženama koje
su starije od 65 godina, koje su ušle u menopauzu pre 45. g., osobama koje su imale spontane prelome i čija se visina smanjila za
više od 2,5 cm, kao i osobama koje su na dugoj terapiji glukokortikoidima. U našem narodu, smatra se da je normalno da se visina
smanjuje sa godinama, ali je smanjenje visine zapravo posledica malih preloma unutar kičmenig stuba, što dovodi do
urastanja. Jedna od najozbiljnijih komplikacija ove bolesti je prelom kuka, posle koga se pacijenti retko vrate normalnim
aktivnostima, a čak 20% preloma ima smrtni ishod u narednih godinu dana.
Nakon procene faktora rizika za nastanak osteoporoze, treba uraditi merenje koštane mineralne gustine (BMD - Bone Mineral
Density) DXA metodom, koja se bazira na primeni niskoenergetskog X zračenja, prema preporukama WHO (Svetske
zdravstvene organizacije). Merenje se vrši na lumbalnom delu kičme ili kuku. Rezultati merenja BMD- koštane gustine mogu da
se izraze kao odstupanje (broj standardnih devijacija) od srednje gustine kosti mladih zdravih osoba (20-40 godina) i to se zove T-
skor ili kao odstupanje od vrednosti koja odgovara istim godinama starosti zdravih osoba i zove se Z- skor. DXA metoda je
pouzdan i siguran dijagnostički test za rano otkrivanje osteoporoze. Pregled traje manje od 5 minuta, doza zračenja je minimalna
(sto i više puta je manje od doze koja se absorbuje standardnom radiografijom pluća). Postoji i ultrazvučna denzitometrija - brz i
ekonomičan metod, bez zračenja. Merenje se vrši na petnoj kosti.Ova metoda se može koristiti kao skrining metoda ali nije
pouzdana i precizna kao DXA metoda. Radiološka metoda je nepouzdana jer su promene na kičmi uočljive tek kada je gubitak
minerala 30-50%.
Prema preporukama Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, osteoporozu imaju osobe čiji je BMD (bone mineral density-
mineralna gustina kostiju) manja od 2,5 SD (standardne devijacije) denziteta kostiju kontrolne grupe, a osobe koje imaju
BMD od -1 do -2,5 SD imaju osteopeniju, odnosno trostruko veći rizik za nastanak fraktura.
U savremenoj terapiji osteoporoze koriste se bisfosfonati (Alendronat, Bonviva, Fosamax, Fosavance, Alefos, Bonap).
Bisfosfonati povećavaju mineralizaciju kostiju, smanjuju razgranju kostiju, što se meri povećanjem mineralne koštane gustine. To
su lekovi kod kojih je pravilna primena ključna za uspeh terapije (teško se resorbuju). Uzimaju se uvek ujutru, naštinu, u
uspravnom položaju, sa punom čašom vode. Nakon uzimanja leka, bitno je, bar trideset minuta, ostati u uspravnom položaju (da
bi se izbegao refluksni ezofagitis), tj., možete šetati ili sedeti, ali ležanje ne dolazi u obzir. Tek nakon sat vremena od uzimanja
leka, možete popiti kafu, doručkovati i uzeti ostale lekove. Bisfosfonati se međusobno razlikuju po režimu doziranja, neki se
uzimaju jednom mesečno, drugi jednom sedmično, a neki svakog dana. Najčešći uzrok neuspeha terapije je nepoštovanje
doziranja, kao i finansijski momenat (neki od ovih lekova nisu na pozitivnoj listi i koštaju par hiljada dinara). Terapiju nikako ne
treba prekidati u prvih godinu dana jer može doći do "rebound" efekta, tj. pada mineralne koštane gustine. Poboljšanje rezultata
može se očekivati tek posle godinu dana konstantne primene leka.
Osteoporoza se može sprečiti ili bar usporiti pravlinim životnim navikama! Treba početi sa optimalnom fizičkom aktivnošću i
pravilnom ishranom od ranog detinjstva. Kasnije, treba izbegavati pušenje, smanjiti unos alkohola i soli, kofeina (ne uzimati više
od 2 šoljice kafe dnevno), održavati kondiciju trčanjem ili nekom drugom vežbom u kojoj se koristi težina sopstvenog tela
(preskakanje vijače, grupni spotrovi, ples, dizanje tegova).
Savetuje se povećan unos kalcijuma (oko 1000mg dnevno-u hrani i suplementima) i vitamina D (800 ij dnevno). Ne treba unositi
više od 2000 mg kalcijuma dnevno zbog mogućih nuspojava. Vitamin D je neophodan u procesu mineralizacije kostiju, jer bez
njega nema iskorišćenja kalcijuma iz hrane. Posle menopauze, žene bi trebalo da unose preparate na bazi fitoestrogena (kod nas su
dostupni Menosoya, Oestrofact). Sunčajte se, ali samo u vremenu kada zračenje neće naškoditi vašoj koži, šetajte, odaberite
fizičku akivnost koja odgovara vašim godinama i upražnjavajte je bar pola sata dnevno, jer će to imati monogo bolji efekat na
vaše telo nego više časovno vežbanje u teretani, jednom nedeljno.
U našim apotekama možete naći veliki broj preparata kalcijuma (većinom je u obliku eferveta ili tableta za žvakanje) i vitamina D
(kapsule, kapi), zajedno, u jednom preparatu ili odvojeno. Kalcijum možete uzimati u dozi od 500 do 1000 mg dnevno, ukoliko
nemate kamen u bubregu ili žučnoj kesi. Njegovu resorpciju mogu usporiti ili smanjiti oksalati (nalaze se u spanaću, kakau, čaju),
fosfati (u svinjetini, fermentisanim sirevima, koka-koli) i fitinska kiselina (ima je u integralnim žitaricama, sušenom povrću,
čokoladi), zato se savetuje da izbegavate ove namirnice dok ste na terapiji. Vitamin D se može naći u različitim oblicima i
jačinama, ali je neophodno da njegova dnevna doza bude 800 ij. Nedavno se pojavio i preparat Osteo K2, koji u svom satavu ima
kalcijum, vitamin D i K2. Dodatkom vitamina K2 pospešuje se resorpcija kalcijuma i smanjuje se taloženje kalcijuma na krvim
sudovima i gubitak elastičnosti. Ipak, ne zaboravite da ovo nije lek, već dijetetski proizvod.
Obratite se vašem farmaceutu za savet. Uvek navedite koje preparate već koristite, neki od multivitaminskih suplemenata, mogu
sadržati vitamin D, koji je liposolubilan i može doći do predoziranja.
Osteoporoza i ishrana
osteoporoza, ishrana, gubitak kalcijuma
Autor: Nutricia, 20.09.2012.
Osteoporoza je ozbiljno stanje u kome kosti postaju porozne, što dovodi do slabljenja skeletnog sistema i čestih
fraktura. Ova bolest više napada žene, a žene u postmenopauzi su rizična grupa. To se najčešće dešava kao rezultat
hormonskih promena.
Pojava osteoporoze se karakteriše stalnim gubitkom kalcijuma i to po stopi 1-2 % kod žena tridesetih
godina, a povećava se na 4-5% u periodu menopauze. Faktori rizika su osim porodične istorije bolesti i
suvisno uzimanje mesa, kofeina, šećera, rafinisanih ugljenih hidrata ili fosfata u gaziranim pićima.
Dodatni uzroci su česta upotreba alkohola, pušenje i dugo sedenje.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ishrana bogata belančevinama dovodi do nedostataka kalcijuma i da
nikakvo naknadno unošenje kalcijuma ne može kod visokoproteinske ishrane koriguje tu neravnotežu.
Mnogi naučnici veruju da je ishrana koja je celog života bila bogata belančevinama stvarala velike
količine kiseline u organizmu i da je to možda i glavni uzrok nastanka osteoporoze. Zaključak je unošenje
malih količina životinjskih proizvoda, a velikih količina biljnih olakšavaju rast i popravljanje kostiju.
Zeleno lisnato povrće je bogat izvor vitamina K, beta karotina, vitamina C, kalcijuma i magnezijuma.
Vitamin K je odgovoran za formiranje osteokalcina, proteina koji povećava kalcijum koji je uključen u
mineralizaciju kostiju. Izvori kalcijuma su brokoli, mleko, orasi, lešnici, bademi, i semenke.
Da bi smo sprečili osteoporozu treba se pridržavati sledećih saveta:
 Ne konzumirajte više od 1g protein dnevno na kg telesne tezine. To znači da bi meso mogli da konzumiraju
najviše jednom dnevno, a idealno bi bili kada bi uvrstili u ishranu ribu, jer on sadrži više esencijalnih
masnoća, a manje estrogenskih hormona.
 Radi unošenja minerala oslonite se na semenke i koštunjavo voće. A ne na mlečne proizvode. Mlečni
proizvodi, naročito sir imaju mnogo belančevina i estrogenskih hormona, a malo magnezijuma. Puna kašičica
mlevenih semenki na dan daje vam mnogo kalcijum a, magnezijuma i esencijalnih masnoća.
 Svakodnevno vežbajte. Najbolje vežbe su one pod opterećenjem, pri kojima se koriste i donji gornji telesni
 Izbegavajte kafu i gazirane proizvode.
Ravnoteža kalcijuma zavisi od vise faktora, a najvažniji su:nedostatak magnezijuma, nedostatak vežbanja,
nedostatak želudačne kiseline, previse belančevina, previše stresa, previše kafe.
Naučnici polako dolaze do zaključka da kod žena osnovni razlog nije smanjenje proizvodnje estrogena u
menopauzi, već suprotno, relativni višak estrogena u odnosu na progesteron, je ono što ubrzava
osteoporozu. Uzimanje prirodnog progesterona povećava gustinu koštanog tkiva četiri puta više nego
uzimanje estrogena.
Osteoporosis Diet Dangers: Foods to Avoid
Salt, soda, caffeine: Could your daily diet be damaging your bones -- even leading to
Getting enough calcium and vitamin D is essential for warding off osteoporosis. For even stronger bones,
avoid these everyday osteoporosis diet dangers.
Osteoporosis Diet Danger 1: Salt Is Bad for the Bone!
Salt can pose a great obstacle to a sturdy skeleton. Research has found that postmenopausal women with
a high-salt diet lose more bone minerals than other women of the same age.
"The salt content of the typical American diet is one of the reasons why calcium requirements are so high,"
says Linda K. Massey, PhD, RD, a professor of human nutrition at Washington State University in
Massey says studies show that regular table salt, not simply sodium, causes calcium loss, weakening
bones with time. That’s important because Americans get about 90% of our sodium through salt.
We also get about twice as much sodium as we should. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
advise limiting sodium to 2,300 milligrams a day – equal to a teaspoon of salt. But most Americans get at
least 4,000 milligrams a day.
"Generally speaking, for every 2,300 milligrams of sodium you take in, about 40 milligrams of calcium is
lost in the urine," Massey explains.
Getting the recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D every day helps offset bone loss from salt.
 Adults up to age 50 require 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily -- the equivalent of three 8-ounce glasses of
 Older adults need 1,200 milligrams of daily calcium – about half a glass more of milk.
As for vitamin D:
 People need 200 International Units (IU) of vitamin D a day until age 50.
 Adults need 400 IU of vitamin D from the ages of 51 to 70 years.
 Seniors need 600 IU of vitamin D a day after age 70.
Good sources of vitamin D are natural sunlight and from fortified milk, egg yolks, saltwater fish, liver, and
Of all the dangers to bone, salt is perhaps the hardest to curb. Salt shows up in nearly all processed
foods, including whole grain breads, breakfast cereals, and fast foods.
Removing the salt shaker from the table, and cooking without added salt, helps. But avoiding processed
foods provides the biggest bang for the buck. Processed foods supply 75% of the sodium we eat.
If you want to get a grip on this diet danger, here are some of the highest-salt foods to limit or avoid.
Choose no-added salt versions whenever possible.
 Processed meats, such as deli turkey and ham, and hot dogs
 Fast food, such as pizza, burgers, tacos, and fries
 Processed foods, including regular and reduced-calorie frozen meals
 Regular canned soups and vegetables and vegetable juices
 Baked products, including breads and breakfast cereals
Scan food labels for sodium content. There's a good chance the majority of it comes from salt, so the
lower the sodium, the better for bones.
When you dine out, check the web sites of your favorite restaurants for the sodium content of the dishes
you order most often. If your typical meals exceed 800 milligrams of sodium, opt for lower-sodium
alternatives, such as grilled fish or chicken, steamed vegetables, baked potato, and salad. Request that
your meal be prepared without salt, too.
If you think you can’t lower your salt sufficiently, eat plenty of potassium-rich foods, such as bananas,
tomatoes, and orange juice. Potassium may help decrease the loss of calcium.
Osteoporosis Diet Dangers: Foods to Avoid
Salt, soda, caffeine: Could your daily diet be damaging your bones -- even leading to
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Osteoporosis Diet Danger 2: Some Popular Drinks
Many soft drinks and certain other carbonated soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which can increase
calcium excretion in your urine. And nearly all soft drinks lack calcium. That combination spells trouble for
women at risk of osteoporosis.
"Excess phosphorus promotes calcium loss from the body when calcium intake is low," Massey explains.
The occasional soda is fine, but many people, particularly women, consume more than an occasional can
or glass. To make matters worse, soft drink consumers may also avoid calcium-laden beverages that
bolster bones, such as milk, yogurt-based drinks, and calcium and vitamin D fortified orange juice.
To prevent osteoporosis, instead sip these drinks:
 Eight ounces of orange juice fortified with calcium and vitamin D
 A mixture of fortified orange juice and seltzer or club soda that's free of
phosphoric acid
 Fruit smoothie: Combine 8 ounces fat-free yogurt, one medium banana or a
cup of fresh or frozen berries and 2 ice cubes in a blender or food processor
 Fat-free plain or chocolate milk
Osteoporosis Diet Danger 3: The Cost of Caffeine
Caffeine leaches calcium from bones, sapping their strength.
"You lose about 6 milligrams of calcium for every 100 milligrams of caffeine ingested," Massey says.
That's not as much of a loss as salt, but it's worrisome, nonetheless. Caffeine is a particular problem when
a woman doesn’t get enough calcium each day to begin with.
The good news is that limiting caffeine intake to 300 milligrams a day while getting adequate calcium
probably offsets any losses caffeine causes, Massey says.
Coffee is a major caffeine source. For example, a 16-ounce cup of coffee can provide 320 milligrams.
High-caffeine sodas can contain up to 80 milligrams per can or more.
Although tea also contains caffeine, studies suggest it does not harm, and probably helps, bone density in
older women, regardless of whether they add milk to the beverage. Researchers think that tea contains
plant compounds that protect bone.
Ready to curb caffeine? Here are some tips:
 Wean yourself from coffee by drinking half regular and half-decaf drinks to
 Avoid caffeine-laden drinks
 Reach for decaffeinated iced tea or hot tea
 Splurge on a decaf, fat-free latte drink and get 450 milligrams of calcium in
the bargain
Osteoporosis Diet Danger 4: Is Protein Problematic?
The idea that protein, particularly animal protein, is problematic for bones is a myth, says bone researcher
Jane Kerstetter, PhD, RD, professor of nutrition at the University of Connecticut. "Protein does not
dissolve bone. Just the opposite."
Bones are about 50% protein. Bone repair requires a steady stream of dietary amino acids, the building
blocks of body proteins.
"Adequate calcium and vitamin D cast a protective net around bones, but protein comes in a close
second," Kerstetter says.
Osteoporosis Diet Dangers: Foods to Avoid
Salt, soda, caffeine: Could your daily diet be damaging your bones -- even leading to
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Osteoporosis Diet Danger 4: Is Protein Problematic? continued...
Although most Americans get plenty of protein, many older women fail to get enough protein on a daily
basis and it's hurting their bones, according to Kerstetter.
The suggested daily protein intake is 0.8 grams of protein per 2.2 pounds for men and women over age
19. That amounts to about 55 grams of protein a day for a 150-pound woman and about 64 grams a day
for a 175-pound man.
Get the protein you need to bolster bones with these protein sources:
 3 ounces light tuna, drained: 22 grams protein
 3 ounces cooked chicken, turkey, or pork tenderloin: about 20 grams
 3 ounces cooked salmon: 19 grams
 8 ounces fat-free plain yogurt: 13 grams
 8 ounces fat-free milk: 8 grams
 1 medium egg: 6 grams
Osteoporosis Diet Danger 5: There's Something About Soy
While soy products such as edamame, tofu, tempeh, and soy beverages are rich in bone-building protein,
they contain plant compounds that may hamper calcium absorption.
Oxalates in soy can bind up calcium and make it unavailable to the body, Massey says. Problems may
arise when you eat a lot of soy but don’t eat a lot of calcium, according to Kerstetter.
The research is mixed about soy. Some small studies show soy can cause problems with bone strength;
others show that the right type of soy (with the soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein) protect bone
strength. To avoid any risk, be sure to get a lot of calcium in your diet, primarily through dairy foods or
Soy products fortified with calcium may foster a false sense of security. When researchers compared
calcium content and solubility of calcium-added beverages, they found that much of the calcium in soy and
other beverages sank to the bottom of the container and could not be redistributed throughout the drink,
even with shaking.
Still, fortified soy products, such as tofu processed with calcium, provide a hefty dose of bone-building
nutrients and make a good addition to a balanced diet. If your diet is heavy on soy, be sure to also take in
at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium every day.
Best Diet to Beat Osteoporosis
"You can't feel osteoporosis, so it's not always easy to imagine that what you're eating, or not, is harming
your bones," Kerstetter says. "But your diet is really important on a daily basis. If you string together a
bunch of bad eating days, it's dangerous in the long run."
The safest strategy is eating a diet that’s low in salt and rich in fresh and minimally processed whole
grains, fruits, and vegetables. Include enough calcium and vitamin D from foods, and supplements if
necessary, and be sure to limit caffeine and carbonated drinks.
What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis (‘porous bones’) is a disease causing bones to become fragile and more likely to
break. Without prevention or treatment, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks
or fractures. Any bones can be affected, but fractures occur typically in the hip and spine (these
are of special concern), and the wrist.
A hip fracture impairs a person’s ability to walk without assistance, and without appropriate
treatment results in longterm or permanent disability, even death. Hip fractures almost certainly
require hospitalization for major surgery, while spinal or vertebral fractures are likely to cause
intense back pain, loss of height, and deformity.
Why do the bones become vulnerable?
Skeletal bones have a thick outer shell, and a strong inner
mesh of collagen (protein), calcium salts and other minerals. The interior has a honeycomb-like
appearance, the spaces within the bone holding blood vessels and bone marrow. Bone is alive,
and it changes constantly. Up to age 30, bones increase in density. During a person’s lifetime
bone is continually renewed in a process called ‘bone turnover’ as old, worn out bone is lost
(broken down by cells called osteoclasts) and replaced (by bone building cells called
After age 30, regular exercise and correct diet will help to maintain bone mass. However, over
time, especially as the population lives longer, cumulative bone loss causes the holes between
bone to enlarge, making the bones more ‘porous’ and therefore fragile – hence ‘osteoporosis’.
There are other causative factors as well (see below). This Osteoporosis usually affects the
whole skeleton, although the most vulnerable bones are the weight- and impact-bearing hip and
spine (and to a lesser degree the wrist).
Who is at risk?
Statistically, women are four times as likely to develop Osteoporosis than men in America,
where millions of aging adults are at risk. In Britain, where it is estimated that 3 million people
suffer from Osteoporosis, 1 of every 2 women and 1 in 5 men will suffer a fracture after the age
of 50 – there are a quarter of a million fractures each year (one every 3 minutes!), half being
spinal fractures, almost a fourth hip fractures, and a fifth wrist fractures.
Apart from the cumulative bone-loss problem, other factors increasing the risk of developing
Osteoporosis are:
Women Men
 a lack of oestrogen due to early menopause (before
age 45)
 early hysterectomy (before age 45), particularly with
removal of both ovaries (oophorectomy)
 missing periods for six months or more (excluding
pregnancy) due to excessive exercise or dieting
 low levels of the male hormone,
testosterone (hypogonadism)
Men and Women
 long-term use of corticosteroid tablets in high doseage (such as for arthritis and asthma)
 history of osteoporosis in immediate family (mother or father), particularly of hip fracture in
 other medical conditions (Cushing’s syndrome, liver and thyroid problems)
 malabsorption problems (coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease, gastric surgery)
 long-term immobility, heavy drinking of alcohol, smoking
What can be done to prevent or delay the onset of Osteoporosis?
Although there are treatments for osteoporosis once the ailment has developed (eg, healthy
habits and the taking of calcium supplements can slow the process), there is currently no cure. A
healthy lifestyle maintained from before age 30 is the best defense against the onset of
osteoporosis. It has been shown that exercising while still a teenager increases bone mass,
greatly reducing the risk of osteoporosis in adulthood. So in your healthy lifestyle you should:
 Ensure you eat a balanced diet and indulge in outdoor exercise/recreation which provides the
recommended daily levels of calcium (1000 to 1200 mg; probably the lesser amount for a
woman on Hormone Replacement Therapy) and vitamin D (400 to 800 IU or International
Units). See notes below on calcium and vitamins.
 Perform regular weight-bearing exercise
 Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
 Whole Body Vibration Training has been shown to increase bone density.
Also be informed about bone health
issues, undertake bone density tests as you grow older, and take medication when
Calcium is a mineral fundamental to good bone structure. The mineral salts of bone are estimated to
contain 99% of the calcium in the body; also 85% of
the phosphorus and 40 – 60% of the sodium and magnesium. Calcium is present in many foods as
natural compounds; calcium-fortified foods and calcium supplements can be used also. Calcium
absorption requires other vitamins and minerals to be present in the diet, specifically magnesium,
Vitamin A and Vitamin D. Calcium retention needs Vitamin B6 and Vitamin K.
Vitamin D is available normally in a balanced diet (such as egg yolks, saltwater fish, liver and fortified
dairy products) and is produced by absorption of sunlight through the skin.
Vitamin C is required in sufficient amounts for Collagen production.
Osteoporosis Diet
The best source of all the nutrients you need is in a sensible balanced diet with plenty of fruit,
vegetables, beans, yogurt, bread and potatoes, plus smaller amounts of very lean meat, low-
fat cheese and oily fish (especially sardines), plus at least 1/2 a pint or about 250ml of low-fat
milk per day. Best calcium sources are dairy products (milk, cheese and yogurt), green leafy
vegetables, baked beans, bony fish and dried fruit. Reduce consumption of red meat,
chocolate and caffeine, and be aware that excessive Vitamin A intake as retinol (in fish and
dairy products) may be a factor in increased risk of broken bones (not yet proven), however
Vitamin A as carotene in vegetables is not a problem.
Take regular exercise, outdoors preferrably, (such as running, skipping, aerobics, tennis, or
brisk walking), at least three times a week for at least 20 minutes.
Osteoporosis Diet Plan
Day 1 Day 2
1 cup oatmeal
0.5 cup or 120ml fat-free milk
5 dried, chopped apricots
1 tbsp chopped nuts
1 sesame bagel
2 tbsp fat-reduced cream
0.5 cup or 120ml orange juice (calcium-fortified)
Method: Top cooked oatmeal with apricots and nuts.
0.5 cup grapes
0.5 cup or 120ml orange
juice (calcium-fortified)
0.5 cup fat-reduced cottage cheese
0.25 cup orange segments
0.25 cup grapes
1 tbsp sesame seeds
4 cherry or grape tomatoes
2 cups mixed salad leaves
3 Ryvita biscuits
Method: Mix the cheese, orange and grapes together, place
on top of salad leaves in a bowl, and sprinkle with the seeds.
Serve with the tomatoes and Ryvita.
1 cup lentil soup
6″ or 15cm French bread
0.5 cup fat-free yogurt
1 apple
4 oz or about 115 gm skinless, boneless chicken breast,
thinly sliced
1 clove minced garlic
1 tsp oil
0.5 cup tomato sauce
0.5 cup broccoli florets
1 cup spinach
1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
1 oz or about 30 gm (dry weight) pasta
Method: Cook garlic for 2 minutes in the oil heated in a non-
stick skillet. Add and stir-fry the chicken for 2-3 minutes, then
add the tomato sauce and broccoli, and cook for 5 minutes.
Serve over cooked pasta, topped with Parmesan, and with
4 oz or about 115 gm
canned sardines, drained
2 cups mixed salad leaves
1 tbsp fat-free dressing
1 large sliced tomato
8 oz or about 230 gm baked
1 tbsp shredded cheese
Method: Top the split baked
potato with cheese, and
serve with sardines and
mixed, dressed salad.
Snacks:Choose from -
 Small handful pumpkin seeds, soy nuts or other nuts
 Apple
 Dried figs (2) or apricots (4)
See Also
Bone up on high-calcium foods! – Article on improving calcium levels in the body.
Look for bone friendly recipes here.
Nutrition and Osteoporosis
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Nutrition and osteoporosis are closely linked. If you're not getting the right nutrients, whether in your diet
or through supplements, you're putting yourself at greater risk for osteoporosis. But just what nutrients
should you be getting to help fight osteoporosis, and how should you be getting them?
The most important nutrients for fighting osteoporosis are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is a key
building block for your bones, while vitamin D is the "key" that unlocks the door to your bones and allows
them to absorb calcium.
Recommended Related to Osteoporosis
Causes of Osteoporosis
Are you searching for what causes osteoporosis? You may be surprised to learn that many factors
contribute to the condition. For instance, a decrease in estrogen at menopause is one cause. There is also
a genetic component. If your mother or grandmother had osteoporosis, the chances are higher for you to
have it too. Eating a diet that's low in calcium, getting little exercise, and smoking cigarettes also
contribute to getting osteoporosis. It's important to know all you can about what causes osteoporosis...
Read the Causes of Osteoporosis article > >
The two go hand in hand: if you don't get enough D, it won't matter how much calcium you get, because
your bones can't absorb it properly. But if you don't get enough calcium, there's nothing for the vitamin D
to help your bones absorb.
The National Academy of Sciences has developed recommendations for how much calcium and vitamin D
you need at every age:
 Young children 1-3 years old should get 700 milligrams (mg) of calcium a day.
 Children 4-8 years old should get 1,000 mg per day.
 Teenagers should get 1,300 mg of calcium a day.
 Adults up to age 70 should get 1,000 mg per day. Women 51 and over should get 1,200 mg/day.
 Women and men 71 and over should get 1,200 mg per day.
To "unlock" that calcium, the National Academy of Sciences recommends 600 international units (IU) of
vitamin D per day from age 1 through age 70 and 800 IU after age 70. But some experts are now saying
we need even more vitamin D.
Some osteoporosis experts say that we should be getting 800 to 1,200 IU of vitamin D per day. This is
particularly important, because the primary source of natural vitamin D -- exposure to sunlight -- carries
the potential risk of skin cancer. As more of us slather on sunscreen and stay in the shade, we need to
make sure we get enough vitamin D from other sources.
To find out how much vitamin D you personally need, consider a blood test for vitamin D (25-hydroxy
vitamin D) from your doctor. It measures how much vitamin D is in your body.
Experts think that vitamin D may do more to protect you from osteoporosis than only helping you absorb
"Particularly in older individuals, vitamin D deficiency makes you more likely to fall down," says Ethel Siris,
director of the Toni Stabile Osteoporosis Center at Columbia University Medical Center. "If you get
enough vitamin D, you not only improve your calcium, but you're less likely to fall and get a fracture."
Nutrition and Osteoporosis: Why Food Is Your Best Bet
To strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, you can get calcium and vitamin D from your diet,
supplements, or both. What's most important is that you get them. But if you can, it's best to get these
nutrients in the food you eat and the beverages you drink.
Nutrition and Osteoporosis
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Nutrition and Osteoporosis: Why Food Is Your Best Bet continued...
Why? Because it's easier to remember. You may not take a pill every day, but you eat every day.
"Study after study has shown that people aren't very good at taking supplements regularly," says Robert
Heaney, MD, FACP, a professor of medicine at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., and a nationally
recognized expert on osteoporosis. "But eating is something you do every day, so it's easier to make a
habit of dairy consumption."
Foods also are a more complete source of nutrition than supplements. Milk, yogurt, cheese, and other
dairy products not only contain high levels of calcium, but other key nutrients for bone health, like
phosphorus and protein.
"Milk and yogurt and cheese contain so many of the nutrients that are necessary for bone health that they
outperform supplement tablets strikingly," Heaney says.
It’s important to read food labels and look for foods and beverages that provide calcium. Food designated
with labels such as ''calcium-rich'' or ''excellent source of calcium'' are high in calcium or fortified with
calcium. Select those that contain 10% or more of the Daily Value for calcium.
For those who are dairy or lactose intolerant, there are plenty of other good food sources for calcium:
 Calcium-fortified orange juice, nondairy milk alternatives, and cereals
 Green, leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli and spinach
 Seafood can be a calcium rich non-dairy option. Seafood such as oysters,
ocean perch, clams, blue crab, and shrimp can be a good source of dietary
Vitamin D is a little harder to get in your daily diet. Milk is fortified with vitamin D -- an 8-ounce glass of
fortified milk provides 98 IU.
Other good food sources of vitamin D include:
 Certain fish, such as salmon, tuna fish, and sardines
 Orange juices and breakfast cereals fortified with vitamin D
Nutrition and Osteoporosis: The Role of Supplements
Sometimes you need a nutrition boost to fight osteoporosis. If you can't get enough calcium and Vitamin D
in your diet, taking supplements is an essential part of your bone health. To make sure the supplement
you're taking contains the ingredients you think it does, look for the seal of U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) on
the bottle.
Calcium supplements come in several types, including:
 Calcium citrate
 Calcium carbonate
As far as your bones are concerned, it doesn't matter which type you take. The difference is in how you
take them. Calcium carbonate supplements should be taken with meals for you to absorb the most
calcium. However, calcium citrate doesn't need to be taken with food. So if it's not convenient for you to
take a supplement with a meal, look for a non-calcium carbonate supplement. In general, you absorb
more calcium when these supplements are taken with food and when no more than 500 mg are taken at
one time.
Most of these supplements also come in formulas that include a dose of vitamin D. If you get the
combination form, you'll get both nutrients in one pill.
Nutrition and Osteoporosis
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Tips for Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements
Whether you're getting your calcium and/or vitamin D in food or pills, your body can only absorb so much
of it at a time. So it doesn't make sense to take in more than about 600 mg of calcium at a sitting, says
Heaney agrees.
"If you take in 1,000 mg of calcium in one meal, you might absorb 200 mg of it," he says. "But if
you take it in two or three meals, you might absorb 300 mg.''
Whatever supplements you're taking, be sure to check the label.
"They all have different amounts of calcium and D in a serving," says Siris. "If you switch brands, be sure
you know how much D you're getting in the new brand."
Further Reading:
 Slideshow: Super Foods for Your Bones
 Slideshow: The Truth About Vitamin D
 Vitamin D: Getting Enough-Related Information
 Vitamin D Dilemma
 Child Vitamin D Deficiencies
 Vitamin D and Your Health
 Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?
 See All Vitamin D Topics
 Got Milk?
 Calcium is the cornerstone of strong bones. Adults up to age 50 need 1,000 milligrams per day. Beginning at
age 51, women need 1,200 milligrams every day, and when men hit 71, they need to hit that mark, too. The
pop star of calcium sources is undoubtedly milk. A single 8-ounce cup of milk, whether skim, low-fat, or
whole, has 300 milligrams of calcium.
Yogurt and Cheese
Not a milk drinker? A cup of yogurt has at least as much calcium as an 8-ounce cup of milk. And 1 ounce of Swiss
cheese has nearly as much. Even if you're lactose intolerant, yogurt and hard cheeses are low in lactose. Or try dairy
products that are lactose-reduced or lactose-free. Removing lactose from milk and dairy foods does not affect the
calcium content.
Milk and dairy products are not the only ways to get calcium. Another excellent source is sardines. All those little fish
bones have just what you need to build bone mass in your own body. Eating 3 ounces of canned sardines delivers a
little more calcium than a cup of milk.
You might be surprised to learn that calcium is plentiful in many vegetables. Go for dark leafy greens such as bok
choy (seen above), Chinese cabbage, and kale. The traditional soul food favorites, collard and turnip greens, offer a
lot of calcium, too. One cup of chopped, cooked turnip greens has about 200 milligrams of calcium.
Fortified Foods
If dairy products, sardines, and leafy greens leave you cold, consider eating fortified foods. These are products that do
not naturally contain calcium but have been enhanced with varying amounts of the essential mineral. Breakfast foods
are a great start -- fortified orange juice has up to 240 milligrams of calcium, and fortified cereals deliver up to 1,000
milligrams per cup. Check the nutritional label for the exact amount.
Calcium Supplements
Supplements are an easy way to boost your calcium intake, but some reports suggest you may not need them. If
you're already getting enough calcium from food, taking more in pill form won't contribute to bone health. Experts say
there's little benefit in getting more than 2,000 milligrams of calcium per day, and too much can lead to kidney stones.
For the best absorption, take no more than 500 milligrams at one time. Some calcium supplements, such as calcium
carbonate, are better absorbed if taken with meals; however, calcium citrate can be taken anytime.
Soy Foods
Half a cup of calcium-enriched tofu contains as much as 861 milligrams of calcium, but calcium is not the only mineral
that gives bones a leg up. New research suggests plant-based chemicals called isoflavones strengthen bone density
as well. Isoflavones are plentiful in soy foods, such as tofu, and appear to have an estrogen-like effect on the body.
This may make soy useful in warding off bone disease in postmenopausal women.
Salmon and other types of fatty fish offer an array of bone-boosting nutrients. They contain calcium as well as vitamin
D, which assists in calcium absorption. They're also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements have been
shown to reduce bone loss in elderly women and may prevent osteoporosis.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds can bolster bone health in several ways. Walnuts and flaxseeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids.
Peanuts and almonds contain potassium, which protects against the loss of calcium in urine. Nuts also contain protein
and other nutrients that play a supportive role in building strong bones.
Hold the Salt
Salt is a major culprit in depriving the body of calcium. The more salt you eat, the more calcium gets carried away by
urine. Sticking to a low-salt diet can help you keep more calcium to strengthen your bones.
OK, sunshine is not a food. But the body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight. Without vitamin D, our bodies
cannot properly absorb the calcium in foods. Cloudy weather, a northern latitude, and darker skin can interfere. So
some people may choose a vitamin D supplement. The recommended dietary intake is 600 IU a day for most adults,
jumping to 800 IU above age 70.
Weight-Bearing Exercise
To get the most out of your bone-boosting diet, you’ll want to do regular weight-bearing exercise. This includes any
activity that uses the weight of your body or outside weights to stress the bones and muscles. The result is that your
body lays down more bone material, and your bones become denser. Brisk walking, dancing, tennis, and yoga have
all been shown to benefit your bones.
Related Reading
 Osteoporosis Treatments
 Drink Less for Strong Bones
 Can You Reverse Osteoporosis?
 The Truth About Vitamin D
 Predicting Bad Bones: Bone Density Tests
 Video: Osteoporosis Prevention
 Osteoporosis Community
 Video: Osteoporosis Screening
Healthy Eating for Healthy Bones
As we get older, we often pay less attention to our diet. We may live alone and not always bother cooking a meal.
We may become less active as we age, which can also reduce our appetite. Grocery shopping may become more
difficult so we do less of it. The result is that we soon run out of items like milk, yogurt and fresh fruit and
vegetables. The next thing you know, some tea and toast is all we really have left, or care to prepare.
It is important to plan your diet and your grocery shopping so that your bones will stay as healthy and strong as
possible. You have no doubt heard that calcium and vitamin D are good for your bones. They are, but they are not
the only important nutrients. A well balanced diet, made up of all the four food groups in Canada’s Food Guide, is
the secret to healthy bones.
In addition to calcium and other minerals, bone is made up of protein, a nutrient that is
necessary for building and repairing body tissues including bones. Protein gives bone its
strength and flexibility. Protein is also the big component of muscles, which are, of course,
crucial for mobility and in preventing falls. The “Meat and Alternatives” food group provides
your body with protein. Meat and alternatives also contain other vitamins and minerals that
are essential for overall good health.
How do you know how much protein you need? Canada’s Food Guide recommends 2 – 3
servings of meat or alternatives each day for those over 50. A serving size is about
the size and thickness of your palm (excluding the thumb and fingers). This means that you
should eat a palm size portion of protein with at least two of your three meals. The “Meats”
include beef, pork, poultry and fish.
The “Alternatives” include beans, lentils, tofu, egg whites, peanut (or other nut)
butters, shelled nuts and seeds.
Dairy products are also a good source of protein and have the added advantage of being
good sources of calcium.
Too many seniors don’t eat enough protein or other important nutrients. Less protein
means more fragile bones. Less protein also means weaker muscles. Weaker
muscles lead to poorer balance and more falls, and falls can lead to fractures. It is
not unusual to find that people who break a bone also had a deficiency of protein in their
diet over a period of several months just before their fracture. So, put ham or peanut
butter on your morning toast; have boiled eggs or a salmon sandwich with your lunch,
a chicken breast or hamburger patty with your supper. Eat well and eat regularly.
 How much calcium do we need?
 Does excess body acidity contribute to bone loss?
 The truth about lactose intolerance
 Vitamin D: A key factor in good calcium absorption
 How to choose a supplement
Calcium: An Important Nutrient that Builds Stronger Bones
Bone is living tissue, constantly renewing itself. Although bone is strong and relatively
flexible, everyday wear and tear causes tiny structural defects, much like those that occur in
the foundations of a building over time. In our bodies, there are two groups of special cells
that perform the work of a “maintenance crew.” Osteoclasts excavate any areas of
damaged or weakened bone and then osteoblasts fill in the crevices with material that
hardens to form new bone. This two-part process is called bone remodelling, and the cycle
of remodelling is completed every three to four months in a healthy young adult.
As we age, the two groups of cells that form the maintenance crew become less efficient in
working together – the osteoclasts remove old bone faster than the osteoblasts are able to
rebuild it. In addition, calcium, like many nutrients, is absorbed less effectively as we age. In
people who have relatively healthy bones, adequate calcium intake can help the remodelling
process stay balanced. Studies of older adults show that adequate calcium intake can slow
bone loss and lower the risk of fracture.
For those over 50, Canada’s Food Guide recommends 3 servings of milk and alternatives
(2 servings for adults under age 50) – yogurt, cheese, calcium-fortified beverages,
puddings, custards, etc. This essentially means that, if you are over 50, you need the
equivalent of one good serving of dairy at each meal.
Take your pick: have a glass of milk (go ahead and have chocolate milk if you prefer), have
soup that’s made with milk (like cream of mushroom soup), main courses made with cheese
such as lasagna, or have yogurt with fruit for dessert. A 3 cm cube of hard cheese has as
much calcium as a cup of milk. Skim milk products provide as much calcium as whole
milk with the added advantage of less fat and cholesterol. Dairy products are an excellent
source of calcium and are also a good source of protein.
If you are intolerant to dairy products or if you prefer to avoid dairy, there are other
alternatives food sources that are high in calcium. These include:
 calcium-fortified soy, almond and rice beverages (check the nutrition labels)
 calcium-fortified orange juice (check the nutrition labels)
 canned salmon or canned sardines. (When you eat the bones that have been softened by
the canning process, these foods are excellent sources of calcium.)
Daily Calcium Requirement (this includes your
diet and supplements)
19 to 50 1000 mg
50+ 1200 mg
pregnant or
lactatingwomen 18+
1000 mg
Food Product – 250 to 300+ mg Ca
Buttermilk 1 cup/250mL 300 mg
Fortified orange juice 1 cup/250mL 300 mg
Fortified rice or soy beverage 1 cup/250mL 300 mg**
Milk – whole, 2%, 1%, skim, chocolate 1 cup/250mL 300 mg***
Milk, evaporated 1/2 cup/125
367 mg
Milk – powder, dry 1/3 cup/75 mL 270 mg
Yogurt – plain, 1-2% M.F. 3/4 cup/175
332 mg
Food Product – 160 to 249 mg Ca
Almonds, dry roast 1/2 cup/125
186 mg
Beans – white, canned 1 cup/250 mL 191 mg
Cheese – Blue, Brick, Cheddar, Edam, Gouda, Gruyere,
1 ¼”/3 cm
245 mg
Cheese – Mozzarella 1 ¼”/3 cm
200 mg
Drinkable yogurt 4/5 cup/200
191 mg
Frozen yogurt, vanilla 1 cup/250 mL 218 mg
Fruit-flavoured yogurt 3/4 cup/175
200 mg
Ice cream cone, vanilla, soft serve 1 232 mg
Kefir (fermented milk drink) – plain 3/4 cup/175
187 mg
Molasses, blackstrap 1 Tbsp/15 mL 180 mg
Salmon, with bones – canned 1/2 can/105 g 240 mg
Sardines, with bones 1/2 can/55 g 200 mg
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup/250 mL 170 mg
Food Product – 125 to 159 mg Ca
Beans – baked, with pork, canned 1 cup/250 mL 129 mg
Beans – navy, soaked, drained, cooked 1 cup/250 mL 126 mg
Collard greens – cooked 1/2 cup/125
133 mg
Cottage cheese, 1 or 2% 1 cup/250 mL 150 mg
Figs, dried 10 150 mg
Instant oatmeal, calcium added 1 pouch/32 g 150 mg
Soy flour 1/2 cup/125
127 mg
Tofu, regular – with calcium sulfate 3 oz/84 g 130 mg
Food Product – 75 to 124 mg Ca
Beans – baked, plain 1 cup/250 mL 86 mg
Beans – great northern, soaked, drained, cooked 1 cup/250 mL 120 mg
Beans – pinto, soaked, drained, cooked 1 cup/250 mL 79 mg
Beet greens – cooked 1/2 cup/125
82 mg
Bok choy, Pak-choi – cooked 1/2 cup/125
84 mg
Bread, white 2 slices 106 mg
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) 1 cup/250 mL 77 mg
Chili con carne, with beans – canned 1 cup/250 mL 84 mg
Cottage cheese – 2%, 1% 1/2 cup/125
75 mg
Dessert tofu 1/2 cup/100 g 75 mg
Okra – frozen, cooked 1/2 cup/125
89 mg
Processed cheese slices, thin 1 115 mg
Turnip greens – frozen, cooked 1/2 cup/125
104 mg
Food Product – under 75 mg Ca
Artichoke – cooked 1 medium 54 mg
Beans, snap – fresh or frozen, cooked 1/2 cup/125
33 mg
Broccoli – cooked 1/2 cup/125
33 mg
Chinese broccoli (gai lan) – cooked 1/2 cup/125
46 mg
Dandelion greens – cooked 1/2 cup/125
74 mg
Edamame (East Asian dish, baby soybeans in the pod) 1/2 cup/125
52 mg
Fireweed leaves, raw 1/2 cup/125
52 mg
Grapefruit, pink or red 1/2 27 mg
Hummus 1/2 cup/125
50 mg
Kale – cooked 1/2 cup/125
49 mg
Kiwifruit 1 26 mg
Mustard greens – cooked 1/2 cup/125
55 mg
Orange 1 medium 50 mg
Parmesan cheese, grated 1 Tbsp/15 mL 70 mg
Rutabaga (yellow turnip) – cooked 1/2 cup/125
43 mg
Seaweed (agar) – dried 1/2 cup/125
35 mg
Snow peas – cooked 1/2 cup/125
36 mg
Squash (acorn, butternut) – cooked 1/2 cup/125
44 mg
*Approximate values. **Added calcium may settle to the bottom of the container; shake
well before drinking. ***Calcium-enriched milk – add 100 mg per serving.
The calcium in soy beverage is absorbed at the rate of 75% of milk. The calcium in some
foods such as sesame seeds, rhubarb, Swiss chard and spinach is not well absorbed,
because of very high oxalate content, which binds the calcium. Therefore these foods have
not been included.
Does Excess Body Acidity Contribute to Bone Loss?
Some groups claim that North Americans, who have a diet high in protein and dairy
products, are at greater risk of osteoporosis and fractures than people who live in countries
where meat and dairy products are not a large part of the diet. The reasoning behind this
claim is that meat and dairy products contain protein, and excess protein can contribute to
bone loss.
However, rarely do seniors eat too much protein. The opposite is, in fact, more commonly
the truth. In most people who fracture, it is not too much protein that is the problem; it is,
more often than not, too little protein. Many studies show that women and seniors do not
consume enough protein daily. In fact, in the elderly, protein deficiency may be an
important problem for bone health. Excessive amounts of protein are not a concern for most
people and will only promote bone loss if calcium intake is not adequate.
In addition, there are no studies showing that drinking milk causes bone loss. Indeed, the
opposite is true: more dairy means greater bone mass and therefore stronger bones.
The Truth About Lactose Intolerance
Avoiding milk and other dairy foods because of lactose intolerance can have serious effects
on nutrient intake, including lowering the intake of calcium, which leads to an increased risk
of osteoporosis and fracture. Here are some tips to help you lessen the symptoms of lactose
 Try to consume small amounts of milk and other dairy products more frequently
throughout the day rather than having fewer, larger servings of dairy.
 Consume milk and milk products with meals.
 Consume milk and milk products every day. This may reduce the symptoms, because the
bacteria in the gut get used to the lactose and less gas may be produced.
 Try lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk and other dairy products; a glass of lactose-free
milk provides the same nutrients as regular milk.
 Enjoy hard cheeses such as Swiss, Edam, Gouda and Cheddar, which contain very little
lactose. There are some lower fat cheese alternatives.
 Choose yogurt. The bacteria in some yogurts may help break down the lactose it contains.
 Try Kefir (a fermented milk drink). It may be better tolerated.
 Use lactase drops/tablets (available at a pharmacy) in milk to reduce the lactose content.
Vitamin D: An Important Nutrient That Protects You Against Falls and
Vitamin D is very important for bone health. It helps build stronger bones, partly by
increasing the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D also improves the function of muscles, which
in turn improves your balance and decreases the likelihood of falling. Vitamin D is therefore
doubly essential in helping protect you against fractures.
Vitamin D comes from the sun. The sun’s rays interact with our skin to produce vitamin D
that can be used for bone and muscle health. In Canada, because we live in a northern
climate, we don’t get as much sun as we need; and when we apply sunscreen in the
summer, that disables the skin’s ability to produce vitamin D from sun exposure.
Additionally, as we age, the skin’s ability to make vitamin D decreases and for all of these
reasons, many Canadians are low on vitamin D.
There are very few food sources of vitamin D. In fact, it is impossible for adults to get
sufficient vitamin D from diet alone, no matter how good their nutrition. Therefore,
Osteoporosis Canada recommends routine vitamin D supplementation for all
Canadian adults year round. Healthy adults between19-50 years of age, including
pregnant or breast feeding women, require 400 – 1,000 IU daily. Those over 50 or those
younger adults at high risk (with osteoporosis, multiple fractures, or conditions affecting
vitamin D absorption) should receive 800 – 2,000 IU daily. These amounts are safe. Taking
more than 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily should be done only under medical supervision.
The best way to ensure that you are getting sufficient vitamin D is by taking a supplement.
The type of vitamin D you should purchase is vitamin D3 (also called cholecalciferol). This is
the most common type of vitamin D found in supplements in Canada.
Vitamin D by itself comes in 400 and 1000 IU tablets. Most multivitamins contain some
vitamin D but the amounts vary quite a bit, so be sure to read the small print on the label
carefully. Some calcium supplements also contain vitamin D3 and again the amounts vary. If
you are unclear how much vitamin D your supplements contain, please check with your
There is something special about Vitamin D that does not apply to most other vitamins or
supplements. Vitamin D is fat soluble. This means vitamin D can be “made up.” If you miss
your vitamin D today, for example, you can take double the amount tomorrow. If you miss
your vitamin D for a whole week, you can take all the vitamin D that you missed altogether
at the end of the week. However, you shouldn’t do this on a regular basis without
consulting with your physician and this can only be done with vitamin D. It cannot be done
with other medications or supplements.
How Do I Know if I Need a Calcium Supplement?
Osteoporosis Canada strongly recommends that everyone obtain their calcium through
nutrition whenever possible. Even if you take excess calcium from your diet, that is not
harmful. However, some individuals just can’t seem to get enough calcium in their diet.
These persons may need to take a calcium supplement, but this should be discussed with a
physician as calcium supplements can have some side effects and have been associated with
some risks.
To know whether or not you need to take a calcium supplement, you really need to figure
out how much calcium you are getting in your diet. Here is a very simple way to calculate
First, give yourself a baseline of 300 mg of calcium simply for eating anything at all. This is
because there is a small amount of calcium in a variety of foods such as breads, muffins,
oranges, etc. At the end of the day, even without eating any high calcium foods, you can’t
help but get about 300 mg of calcium in your daily diet.
Now, add another 300 mg for any of the following high calcium foods:
 1 cup (250 ml) of cow’s milk or goat’s milk (including whole milk, 2%, skim or chocolate
 1 cup (250 ml) of fortified soy, almond or rice beverage
 1 cup (250 ml) of fortified (or calcium rich) orange juice
 ¾ cup of yogurt (175 ml)
 2 slices of cheese
 one chunk of cheese (a 3 cm cube)
 salmon, canned with bones (1/2 can or 107 g) or sardines, canned with bones (7 medium
or 84 g).
Three servings of any of the above will give you about 900 mg of calcium, and if you add the
300 mg of baseline calcium for eating anything at all, this will ensure the 1200 mg of
calcium you need if you are over 50. Don’t forget to add in any calcium you might be getting
from a multivitamin tablet.
If you are already getting close to the recommended amount of calcium for your age group,
then you are doing great. Your body needs calcium and you are already getting the calcium
you need from your diet.
Extra dietary calcium is not harmful. However, getting more calcium than you need from
supplements can be harmful. Excess calcium from supplements has been associated with
kidney stones, heart problems, prostate cancer, constipation and digestive problems. Do
not take extra calcium from supplements if your diet is already giving you enough
If you are not getting or cannot get the recommended amount of calcium for your age group
from your diet, or if you are not certain if your diet is giving you enough calcium, then you
should discuss whether you need to take a low dose calcium supplement with your doctor.
You should not just arbitrarily take a calcium supplement on your own.
If you find it difficult to obtain the recommended amounts of calcium through diet alone,
your physician may recommend a combination of foods rich in calcium and a low dose
calcium supplement as a good strategy for you. Calcium supplements are tablets, capsules
or liquids containing the mineral calcium from a non-food source. Many brands of calcium
supplements are available. When making a choice, take the following factors into
The product label should state the amount of elemental calcium in each tablet, e.g., 300
mg of elemental calcium in a 750 mg tablet of calcium carbonate. The amount of elemental
calcium is the figure you use to calculate your true daily intake from a supplement.
The most expensive preparations are not necessarily better. Costs will vary among brand
name products and similar generic supplements. Prices may also vary with the amount of
elemental calcium per tablet. Compare brands and prices.
For some, calcium supplements may cause stomach upset, constipation or nausea.
Try different brands or forms, e.g., gelatine capsules, chewable calcium or effervescent
tablets, to find a suitable product for you. Calcium citrate may be a good alternative to
calcium carbonate.
Specific Canadian standards have been established for lead content, quality, and
disintegration; products with DIN (Drug Identification Number) or NPN (Natural
Product Number) numbers have passed these tests. If you have any doubts, ask your
pharmacist to recommend a good calcium supplement for you.
Some calcium tablets are very large and may be difficult to swallow. If this is a problem for
you and you can’t see the tablet through the bottle, ask your pharmacist or sales person
about tablet size. You may wish to inquire about chewable or effervescent tablets or calcium
in a gelatine capsule form. In addition, calcium tablets that also contain vitamin D tend to be
larger in size. If size matters to you, take your calcium and vitamin D separately rather than
in a combined form.
To maximize the absorption of calcium:
1. Take calcium carbonate with food or immediately after eating. It is absorbed more
effectively when there is food in the stomach. Calcium citrate, calcium lactate and calcium
gluconate are well absorbed at any time.
2. Take calcium with plenty of water.
3. Take no more than 500-600 mg of elemental calcium at one time. In fact, it is best
to take smaller doses more frequently rather than large doses once a day.
4. Antacids such as TUMS are an acceptable source of calcium. The calcium in these
products is calcium carbonate and should be taken at mealtime for better absorption.
Only take a calcium supplement if your doctor has advised you to do so. Unless you are very
confident that you are taking the correct dose, show your bottle of calcium to your doctor or
pharmacist to be sure that you are not taking too much calcium, which may be harmful. If
you change the brand of calcium supplement you are taking, you may need to show the new
bottle to your doctor or pharmacist again, to make sure that your dose of calcium has not
For more information, contact Osteoporosis Canada at 1-800-463-6842 and ask for the
Nutrition fact sheet.
Osteoporosis and Nutrition
Part 1 of 2 - The Role of Calcium and Other Nutrients on Osteoporosis
By Carol Eustice, Guide
Updated May 25, 2006 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
Nutrition is one of many factors that influence bone mass. Dietary intake can also impact the tendency
to fall and plays a significant role in maintaining a soft tissue cushion to protect the skeleton from the
impact of a fall.
Calcium and Calcium Balance
Bone serves as the reservoir for 99% of the body's total calcium. Calcium is an essential nutrient for
bone health. It is also needed for the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly and for blood to
clot normally. The body loses calcium every day through:
 urine
 feces
 sweat
 the skin
 the hair
 the nails
The lost calcium is normally replaced by calcium in the diet. When the diet does not contain enough
calcium to offset such losses, the body breaks down bone to release calcium needed to accommodate
these physiologic demands.
Many other nutrients affect bone health, too, because they impact the absorption or excretion of
calcium. Calcium balance-not just intake-is necessary for healthy bones. This balance is dependent on
the absorption rate of calcium consumed as well as the rate of (mostly urinary) calcium excretion. For
example, in a study of 560 healthy women, one researcher demonstrated that only about 10% of the
variance in calcium balance among these women was explained by differences in their calcium intakes
and absorption only explained another 15%. Urinary losses explained slightly more then 50 percent.
Nutrients Affecting Calcium Balance
Several nutrients significantly influence calcium balance:
Vitamin D
Vitamin D has a positive impact on calcium balance, as it increases calcium absorption in the
gastrointestinal tract. The most readily available source of vitamin D is exposure to direct sunlight.
Vitamin D is also found in fatty fish, eggs, liver, butter, fortified foods such as milk and
multivitamins. Vitamin D deficiency may be a problem among some elderly, those in institutional
settings, and some people with chronic neurological or gastrointestinal diseases.
Protein is essential in our diets to build tissue during growth and to repair and replace tissue
throughout the life cycle. It is also needed for fracture healing and proper function of the immune
system. Protein deficiency is an important factor contributing to death, institutionalization, and loss of
independence among the elderly following hip fracture.
However, protein also increases the body's need for calcium by increasing calcium excretion. Excess
protein in the diet is used by the body for energy, just like fats and carbohydrates. However, as
protein is burned for energy, it produces a chemical called sulfate, which the body excretes through
the kidneys. Sulfate increases the excretion of calcium.
It is generally believed that most Americans exceed the recommended intake for protein:
 44 grams for women
 56 grams for men
Sodium (and chloride), the components of table salt, increase the calcium requirement by
increasing urinary calcium excretion. Individuals with low salt intakes may be able to maintain
calcium balance at low calcium intakes, while those with more typical U.S. salt intakes will have higher
calcium requirements.
Oxalate is a nutrient that increases the calcium requirement by interfering with calcium absorption in
the same food (not in others). Spinach, for example, is an extremely nutritious food, but its calcium is
not absorbed because it is chemically bound to the oxalates that are present. However, eating spinach
with cheese would not affect the absorption of calcium from the cheese. Foods high in oxalates include
spinach, rhubarb and sweet potatoes.
Some concern has been expressed that there may be too much phosphorous in the North American
diet, particularly since phosphorous (in the form of phosphoric acid) is a constituent of cola beverages
and because phosphate is added to many processed foods.
Phosphorous may increase the body's need for calcium by interfering with calcium absorption. There is
no scientific consensus that current levels of phosphorous intake are, by themselves, harmful. There is,
however, general agreement that today's higher phosphorous intakes would be entirely safe in
individuals with normal kidney function if calcium intakes were at recommended levels.
The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee can reduce calcium absorption by a few milligrams, but that
loss can be easily offset by adding a tablespoon or two of milk. Much of the apparently harmful effect
of caffeine appears to be due not to the caffeine itself, but to the fact that caffeine-containing
beverages are often substituted for milk in the diet.
Adequate fiberintake is necessary to aid digestion and prevent several chronic diseases such as colon
cancer and heart disease. Fiber has a minimal effect on the absorption of calcium. The fiber in wheat
bran is most likely to interfere, but unless the intake level is extreme, this is not a significant problem.
Go On To Part 2 --- Osteoporosis and Nutrition --->
Calcium and Vitamin D
Many published studies have demonstrated that low calcium intake is associated with low bone mass
and increased fracture risk. It has been suggested that calcium deficiencies in youth can account for a
5-10% difference in peak bone mass and can significantly increase the risk for hip fracture in later life.
 Osteoporosis Prevention For Kids: A Guide for Parents
Among postmenopausal women, studies have shown that supplemental calcium can decrease the rate
of bone loss from the femoral neck, the spine and the total body. Women who have been
postmenopausal for six or more years tend to reap a greater benefit from calcium supplementation
than those who are within five years of menopause. Since calcium is a nutrient, not a drug, the
positive effects of supplemental calcium are most pronounced among women with low to moderate
calcium intakes. Recent clinical trials have suggested that supplementation with calcium or calcium
plus vitamin D, can reduce fracture incidence by about 30-50% in subjects with low calcium intakes.
 Calcium Supplements: What You Should Look For?
Vitamin D deficiency is also a concern in bone health. The nutrient is essential for calcium absorption
and normal bone mineralization. Studies have shown that low levels of vitamin D can contribute to low
bone density. Recent evidence suggests that deficiencies in this nutrient may additionally contribute to
hip fractures in postmenopausal women.
 Osteoporosis Prevention: The Role of Calcium and Vitamin D
Protein and Bone Health
It is known that high protein intake increases the calcium requirement. However, the association
between protein and osteoporotic bone fractures in individuals has not been fully explored.
Reduced protein intake has been linked to low femoral neck bone density in elderly hospitalized
patients. In these individuals, clinical outcomes following hip fracture were significantly enhanced when
protein intake was normalized through nutritional supplementation.
Soy and Isoflavones
The soybean plant, a legume, contains specific phytochemicals known as isoflavones. Phytochemicals
are non-nutritive substances, in that they contain no vitamins or minerals. Isoflavones are also
phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are compounds that have mild estrogenic effects.
Chick peas and legumes are good sources of isoflavones. The legume, soy, has the greatest
concentration of these chemicals.
Isoflavones have received a good deal of attention for their possible cancer and heart disease-
preventive traits. Because of their estrogen-like properties, many believe that isoflavones and other
phytoestrogens may one day play a role in postmenopausal health.
One isoflavone derivative, ipriflavone, is currently used outside of the United States as an
osteoporosis therapy. Ipriflavone has had a bone-protective effect in several studies. Further research
is needed to understand the systemic effects of this compound before it can be considered a
therapeutic approach for osteoporosis prevention and treatment.
Nutrition and Weight
Nutritional status and body weight are additional considerations in skeletal health. Nutritional status
can influence one's tendency to fall and is a factor in the maintenance of adequate soft tissue mass to
protect the bones from a fall-related fracture. Of particular concern are thin, undernourished, elderly
individuals who may lack sufficient muscle and fat mass in the hip region.
 How to Prevent Slips and Falls
Body weight, is an important determinant of bone density. The skeleton of heavy individuals tends to
benefit from it's increased load-carrying role. Studies have demonstrated that body weight is positively
correlated with bone mineral density, and that weight loss is associated with bone loss. (Increasing
calcium intake appears to reduce the bone loss that accompanies weight loss.)
Weight loss in older individuals has been linked to an increase in fracture risk. Researchers found that
"extreme" weight loss (10% or more) beginning at age fifty, increased the risk of hip fracture in older
women and men. Conversely, a weight gain of 10% or more decreased hip fracture risk. Such studies
suggest that maintaining weight in later life may have a protective effect on bone
Related Resources
 Nutrition and Vitamins
 Osteoporosis
 Osteoporosis Screening Quiz
 Dietary Supplements
Source: NIH ORBD ~ NRC, Nutrition and the Skeleton, 8/2001
Go Back To Part 1 --- Osteoporosis and Nutrition --->
Prevention of Osteoporosis (cont.)
1. Osteoporosis Slideshow Pictures
2. Super Foods for Your Bones Slideshow Pictures
3. Take the Osteoporosis Quiz
Medical Author:
Coburn Hobar, MD
Medical Editor:
William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR
Prevention of Osteoporosis Introduction
Nutrition and Osteoporosis Prevention
Exercise and Osteoporosis Prevention
Lifestyle and Osteoporosis Prevention
Medication for Osteoporosis Prevention
Early Screening for Osteoporosis
For More Information
Osteoporosis Pictures
Synonyms and Keywords
Authors and Editors
Prevention of Osteoporosis Topic Guide
Prevention of Osteoporosis Introduction
Osteoporosis (porous bone) is a disease in which bones become weak and are more likely to
break (fracture). Without prevention or treatment, osteoporosis can progress without pain or
symptoms until a fracture occurs. Fractures from osteoporosis commonly occur in the hip, spine,
and wrist.
Osteoporosis is the underlying cause of more than 1.5 million fractures annually (300,000 hip
fractures, approximately 700,000 vertebral fractures, 250,000 wrist fractures, and more than
300,000 fractures in other areas). The estimated national cost (hospitals and nursing homes) for
osteoporosis and related injuries is $14 billion each year in the United States.
Osteoporosis is not just an "old woman's disease." Although it is more common in white or
Asian women older than 50 years of age, osteoporosis can occur in almost any person at any
age. In fact, more than 2 million American men have osteoporosis, and in women, bone loss can
begin as early as 25 years of age. Building strong bones and reaching peak bone density
(maximum strength and solidness) can be the best defense against developing osteoporosis.
After reaching the peak, which usually occurs by the age of 30, a healthy lifestyle can help keep
bones strong.
Osteoporosis is more or less preventable for most people. Prevention is very important because,
while treatments are available for osteoporosis, no cure currently exists. Prevention of
osteoporosis involves several aspects, including nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and early screening.
Next Page:
Nutrition and Osteoporosis Prevention»
Nutrition and Osteoporosis Prevention
Eating the right foods is essential for good nutrition. Our bodies need the right vitamins, minerals, and
other nutrients to stay healthy. Getting enough calcium and vitamin D is important for strong bones as well
as for proper function of the heart, muscles, and nerves. The best way to get enough calcium and vitamin
D is through a balanced diet.
A diet high in calcium

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  • 1. 1 OSTEOPOROSIS osteoporoze&catid=35:pravilna-ishrana&Itemid=63 Osteoporoza može da se leči hranom Ishrana Utorak, 21 Oktobar 2008 22:35 Osteoporoza je jedan od glavnih uzroka tegoba kod starijih osoba, posebno kod žena, koje nakon menopauze velikom brzinom gube kalcijum iz kostiju, čime one postaju krte, lako lomljive. Iako nasleđe ima veliku ulogu u nastanku osteoporoze, ishrana i fizička aktivnost nose deo odgovornosti za nastanak preloma kostiju, komplikacije ove bolesti. Za nastanak jakih kostiju nije bitan samo kalcijum. Naučnici su otkrili i druge hranljive sastojke koji utiču na očuvanje koštane mase. Najpoznatiji mineral za jačanje kostiju je kalcijum. Najbolje je da se on u mladosti unosi u dovoljnim količinama kako bi se formirale jake kosti. Ali šta da se radi ako smo u mladosti bili nesmotreni i nismo unosili dovoljno ovog minerala. Nakon tridesete godine kalcijum više ne može da poveća koštanu masu, ali je i dalje unošenje kalcijuma bitno, jer se na taj način usporava njegov gubitak i sprečava prelom kostiju. Žene treba da se trude da u menopauzu uđu sa što jačim i težim kostima. Posle menopauze gubitak kalcijuma je jako ubrzan. Taj gubitak može znatno da se smanji unosom kalcijuma. Jedna studija pokazuje da je kod žena koje su u postmenopauzi bile šest i više godina, unosom 900mg kalcijuma dnevno (tri šolje mleka) došlo do prekida gubitka koštane mase. Po nekim studijama za žene u postmenopauzi je dovoljno unošenje 1000mg kalcijuma dnevno, a po drugim 1500mg. Unos velikih količina kalcijuma ne može da izmeni genetsku predispoziciju za osteoporozu, ali može da smanji njegov nedostatak u organizmu. Kalcijuma ima dosta u mleku i mlečnim proizvodima, ali za utehu onima koji ga ne vole, kalcijuma ima i u kelju odakle se veoma dobro iskorišćava, zatim u lososu i sardinama sa kostima. Vitamin D je neophiodan za metabolizam kalcijuma. Ženama u postmenopauzi je potrebno 10% više ovog vitamina od preporučene dnevne doze zbog smanjene sposobnosti njegove resorpcije, znači 220ij dnevno. Novozelandski istraživači sa Univerziteta Otago su našli da su žene koje su dve do tri godine uzimale uz kalcijum i vitamin D imale znatno manje preloma od onih koje su uzimale samo kalcijum. Odličan izvor D vitamina su masne morske ribe. U 100g lososa iz konzerve ima 500ij vitamina D. Ista količina sardina ima 300ij, a jegulja ima ubedljivo najviše, čak 5.000ij. U šolji mleka ima 100ij vitamina D. Pomoću sunčevih zraka se stvara vitamin D, pa u zimskim mesecima treba posebno obratiti pažnju na njegov unos. Mineral bor, koji se u organizmu nalazi u tragovima, značajno utiče na jačinu kostiju. Njegov nedostatak može da dovede do znatnog remećenja metabolizma kalcijuma, usled čega kosti postaju krte, naročito kosti kukova, te se lako lome. Bor povećava nivo estrogena, kao i drugih sastojaka , koji sprečavaju gubitak kalcijuma i demineralizaciju kostiju. Dr Forest Nilsen (Forrest H. Nielsen) iz Centra za istraživanje čovekove ishrane u Severnoj Dakoti tvrdi da bez
  • 2. 2 dovoljno bora organizam nije u stanju da zadrži neophodnu količinu kalcijuma. Otkrio je da žene koje u postmenopauzi ne unose dovoljno bora imaju znatni gubitak kalcijuma i magnezijuma, minerala koji jačaju kosti. Ali, kad su žene uzimale 3mg bora na dan, količinu koja lako može da se obezbedi hranom, gubitak kalcijuma se smanjio za 40%. Dr Nilsen ističe u svojim studijama da je bor dovodio do udvostručenja estradiola 17B, najaktivnijeg oblika estrogena, dostižući nivo koji postoji kod žena koje uzimaju zamenu za estrogen. Bora ima najviše u voću, naročito u jabukama, kruškama, grožđu, urmama, suvom grožđu i breskvama, u mahunarkama, pogotovu soji, u jezgrastom voću, uključujući badem, kikiriki i lešnik, ali i u medu. Mineral mangan, kao i bor, učestvuje u metabolizmu kostiju. Neophodno je njegovo prisustvo da bi se sprečio gubitak kalcijuma. Ananas je pun mangana, a uz to on se iz ovog voća veoma brzo resorbuje. Mangana ima i u ovsenom brašnu, jezgrastom voću, cerealijama, pasulju, integralnoj pšenici, spanaću i čaju. Previše soli u ishrani dovodi do slabljenja kostiju, jer «izvlači» iz njih kalcijum. Istraživači sa Novog Zelanda su grupu starijih žena prvo podvrgli dijeti sa malo soli (1.6g), a zatim im davali hranu sa znatno više soli (3.9G). U obe dijete je unos kalcijuma bio isti. Ipak, uz ishranu sa više soli je gubitak kalcijuma bio veći za 30%. Previše slana ishrana je štetna u svim godinama, a posebno kod starijih žena koje inače imaju veći rizik od osteoporoze i preloma kostiju. Skorašnje harvardsko istraživanje na 84.000 sredovečnih žena je pokazalo da su one žene koje su pile više od tri šoljice kafe dnevno bile tri puta sklonije prelomu kuka od onih koje su unosile malo i nimalo kofeina. Čaj nije pokazivao štetne efekte. Posebno je rizična kombinacija malo kalcijuma, a dosta kafe. Mora se napomenuti da postoje i studije koje nisu uočile vezu između konzumiranja kafe i osteoporoze. Iznenađuje činjenica istraživača sa Pitsburškog univerziteta da malo alkohola, tri do šest čašica u sedam dana dovodi da povećanja estrogena, šro povoljno deluje na mineralizaciju kostiju. Međutim, veće količine alkohola ne povećavaju estrogen. Postoje podaci da veće količine alkohola oštećuju koštane ćelije. Na obdukcijama se vidi da kosti alkoholičara izgledaju kao kod četrdrdeset godina starijie osobe. Količina alkohola koja ne predstavlja opasnost po kosti je ista ona količina koja se preporučuje za opšte zdravlje : ne više od jednog do dva pića dnevno. Pravilna ishrana kao prevencija osteoporoze Autor: doc dr Maja Nikolić Prelomi kostiju koji su posedica osteoporoze jesu značajan uzrok bolesti i smrti u celom svetu, a poznato je da su žene više ugrožene od muškaraca.Osteoporoza je stanje, bolest, koštane krhkosti koja je posedica promena u mikro-arhitekturi i smanjenja gustine kosti. Koštana masa u određenom životnom dobu je zavisna od postignutog vrhunca koštane gustine i kasnijeg postepenog gubitka. Svaki od tih činilaca je zavisan od genetskih (naslednih), hormonalnih, prehrambenih i uslova okoline.
  • 3. 3 Zna se da je potrebna dovoljna količina kalcijuma da bi se postigla najveća moguća koštana masa, a smatra se da su količine ispod 500 mg kalcijuma dnevno predisponirajuće za smanjenu koštanu masu. Osim kalcijuma hronični nedostatak ili manji unos vitamina D, magnezijuma, moguće i bora, florida i vitamini K, B12 i B6, mogu doprineti nastanaku osteoporoze. Slično tome povećan unos belančevina, natrijuma, alkohola, kofeina kao i pušenje može negativno uticati na gustinu kosti. Tipična isharana u tzv. visokocivilizovanim zemljama (visok unos belančevina, i rafinirane, prerađene hrane) u kombinaciji s načinom života bez puno fizičke aktivnosti i kretanja može doprineti povećanoj pojavi osteoporoze u starijem životnom dobu. Takođe je činjenica da se prosečan životni vek bitno produžio, pa je i time povećana incidneca osteoporoze i time rizika od lomova kostiju. Gornji odlomak sažetak je naučnog rada objavljenom u uglednom svetskom časopisu British Journal of Biomedical Sciencies. Uloga kalcijuma Osim naučnih postoji i celi niz podatka, ali i neshvatanja suštine problema metabolizma kosti. Još 1930. godine je prihvaćeno, nakon ispitivanja kod školske dece u Škotskoj, da je potrebna dovoljna količina kalcijuma za normalan rast i razvoj kosti kod dece, ali se nije znalo koliko je tog minerala potrebno uneti u organizam. Od 1970. godine, kada je u svetu osteoporoza prihvaćena kao javno zdravsveni problem, vrše se temeljita ispitivanja koliko je potrebno kalcijuma za pravilan rast i održavanja kosti tokom života, naročito kada više nema dovljoljno hormona kod žena, a to je u menopauzi. Od 1980.godine, kada se uvedene nove metode merenja gustine kostiju pokazalo se da samo pojačani unos kalcijuma nije bilo dovoljan da se smanji broj preloma kosti. Ipak, posle 1990.godine ponovljenim ispitivanjima i novim, masovnim, pregledima na velikom broju žena je pokazalo da je kalcijum neophodan za zdravlje kosti i da ima pozitivan uticaj na gustinu kosti i smanjenje preloma. Danas se zna da odgovarajući, dovoljan, unos kalcijuma smanjuje gubitak koštane mase u menopauzi, jer prirodno se tada gubi od 1-2% koštane mase godišnje. Takav preventivan učinak kalcijuma na smanjenje preloma je posebno izražen kod žena koje su više od 10 godina u menopauzi, a ne koriste se hormonalnim lečenjem. Takođe je dokazano da za vreme rasta i razvoja kosti odgovarajući unos kalcijuma značajno povećava koštanu masu, odnosno poboljšava gustinu kosti i već time preventivno utiče na mogući kasniji razvoj osteoporoze. Vratimo se na osnovno pitanje, a to je šta je u stvari osteoporoza pa se o tome danas već prilično obaveštava, ali možda ne dovoljno obuhvatno. Ukratko, osteoporoza, što doslovno znači "šupljikava kost", je bolest kod koje nastaje gubitak koštane mase tokom procesa starenja ili iz nekog drugog razloga.
  • 4. 4 To znači da se može javiti i kod muškaraca, a ne samo kod žena, mada je kod žena bolest češća do 7 puta i obično je povezana s menopauzom, što odgovara naglom padu ženskih polnih hormona, posebno estrogena. Međutim osteoporoza obično nema jako izražene simptome, ali zbog toga komplikacije mogu biti jako bolne i mogu dovesti do trajnih posledica, a to su prelom kuka i podlaktice, kao najčešćih oblika preloma. Zašto su žene ugroženije? Sledeće je pitanje koji su razlozi da žene, posebno starije, imaju povećan rizik za osteoporozu.  žene imaju manju koštanu masu nego odrasli muškarci, prema tome gubitak kalcijuma iz kosti češće dovodi do krhkosti kosti.  muški polni hormon (testosteron), duže štiti muškarce jer počinje opadati iza 60-te godine, a kod žena je menopauza obično oko 50. godine.  mlađe žene koje se previše bave nekim aktivnostima, kao što su neki sportovi i grane umetnosti (balet, moderan ples, ali i drugi oblici izvođačkih umjetnosti) mogu biti anoreksične (bolest ishrane), te zbog toga imaju manju koštanu masu, ili zbog manjka estrogena.  žene obično unose manje kalcijuma u ishrani nego muškarci, jer češće imaju problema sa nepodnošenjem mleka zbog manjka enzima laktoze i zbog češće upotrebe mnogih strogih dijeta za smanjenje telesne težine. Koji su rizici pojačanog unosa odnosno viška kalcijuma. Naime, smatralo se da postoji povezanost između unosa kalcijuma i stvaranja bubrežnih kamenaca, a pojedinci su smatrali i žučnih kamenaca. Pokazalo se međutim savim suprotno, a to je da povećan unos kalcijuma, naročito ako se unosi ishranom smajuje rizik nastanka bubrežnih kamenaca kod većine ljudi, a sa problemom žučnih kamenaca kalcijum nije uopšt povezan. Zbog toga se smatra de ne postoji rizik za nastanak drugih bolesti, naročito bubrežnih kamenaca, ili taloženja u krvnim sudovima zbog odgovarajućeg i pojačanog unosa kalcijuma ishranom ili dodacima ishrani u vidu minerala. Na koji način je najbolje unositi kalcijum u ljudski organizam? Svi se slažu da ishrana mora biti ključni činilac pri unosu kalcijuma, jer ga tako organizam najbolje prihvata i time postižemo ravnotežu u ishrani. Kost je živi organ, čak 20% kosti se renovira svake godine, prema tome važnost kacijuma, koji se stalno mora ugrađivati u kost da održi čvrstinu i mora biti uvek dostupan. Tokom rasta i razvoja je zbog toga važno obratiti pažnju na činjenicu da najveću koštanu masu imamo oko 30-te godine, a da od tada ona postepeno opada, a nagli se pad očekuje kod žena oko 50-te, a kod muškaraca iza 65-te godine. Žene u menopauzi gube do 20% koštane mase u prvih 5 godine i time su puno osetljivije na razvoj osteoporoze od muškaraca. Jasno je iz toga ako ne želimo imati osteoporozu da moramo postići najveću moguću koštanu masu do 30-te godine. Kako je to moguće učiniti? Poznato je da mleko i mlečni proizvodi osim kalcijuma sadrže i vitamin D, koji je neophodan za metabolizam kalcijuma, pa su mlečni proizvodi prihvaćeni kao standardi po kojima se može proceniti unos kalcijuma u ljudski organizam .
  • 5. 5 Litar svežeg mleka sadrži oko 1200 mg kalcijuma, a ima i dovoljno vitamina D u sebi, ako mleko nije obrano. Međutim, ako ne podnosite ili ne volite sveže mleko postoje i drugi mlečni proizvodi, od raznih vrsta sira, jogurta sa ili bez dodataka, obično voća, kefira, kiselog mleka, i pravog sladoleda, da svako može naći ono što voli. Ipak nisu mlečni proizvodi jedni koji sadrže značajne količine kalcijuma. Počevši od ribe i ribljih konzervi koji u naročito u slučaju plave ribe sadrže osim kalcijuma i značajne količine vitamina D . Drugi mesni proizvodi ne sadže značajnije količine kalcijuma. Od povrća bi za kalcijum bio najbolji kelj, brokoli i spanać, a od voće kora od limuna i narandže, zatim suve smokve i suve šljive. Osim njih najbolji su donosioci kalcijuma lešnjaci, kikiriki, bademi, pistaći i orasi. Dobro je reći na ovom mestu da i mineralne vode mogu sadržavati značajne količine kalcijuma, a bez viška fosfora, što ima pozitivan učinak. Kako se bolest može sprečiti? Važno je već u ranoj dobi graditi i čuvati kosti. Telesna vežba, odgovarajući unos kalcijuma te nadohnada hormona važni su za prevenciju osteoporoze. Telesna vežba povećava koštanu masu pre menopauze i usporava gubitak kosti nakon menopauze. Kosti postaju jače uz vežbanje kao i mišići. Hodanje, lagano trčanje, vežbanje sa tegovima, tenis i aerobik pomažu kostima. Naravno da opterećenje, dužina trajanja vežbanja i učestalost zavisi od zdravstvenog stanja osobe i mora se dogovoriti sa nadležnim lekarom ili trenerom. Gubitak kosti može se ubrzati ako osoba ishranom unosi premalo kalcijuma. Kalcijum usporava gubitak kosti. Ako je količina kalcijuma u krvotoku malena telo ga uzima iz kostura.  Deca od 1 do 10 godina: 800 mg  Mladi (11-24 godina): 1200-1500 mg  Od 25 do 50 godina: 1000 mg ako su jajnici intaktni  Od 25 do 50 godina: 1500 mg (bez jajnika, bez HNL)  Preko 50 godina: 1500 mg bez HNL  Preko 50 godina: 1000 mg uz HNL  Sve žene starije od 65 godina: 1500 mg  Trudnice i dojilje: 1200 mg To su dnevne doze elementarnog kalcijuma. Važno je uzimati prepatrat koji u sebi ima odgovarajuću dnevnu dozu. Telo apsorbuje samo 350- 500 mg elementarnog kalcijuma odjednom tako da je korisno dozu podeliti barem u dve doze. Dobri izvori kalcijuma su: mlečni proizvodi (mleko, sir), jogurt, sardine, prokelj i brokoli, povrće sa zelenim lišćem kao spanać, orasi, lešnici, bademi, sezamovo seme, morska hrana uključujući školjke i rakove. Kalcijum se ne može apsorbovati bez vitamina D.
  • 6. 6 Vitamin D se stvara u koži delovanjem sunca i dovoljno je 2 do 3 puta nedeljno biti izložen suncu oko 15 minuta za potrebe organizma. Osim toga taj važni vitamin nalazimo u jajima, jetri ili u već gotovim preparatima. Kako postići unos od barem 1000 mg kalcijuma dnevno? Evo i nekoliko primera kako postići unos od barem 1000 mg kalcijuma dnevno. Jasno je poželjan barem jedan mlečni obrok dnevno, osim toga treba pojačati unos zelenog povrća. Korisno je koristiti oraščiće i slične prirodne proizvode umesto čipsa i raznih drugih grickalica. Pogrešno je mišljenje da orasi ili bademi nisu za dijetalnu ishranu. Masnoće koje oni u sebi sadrže su biljnog porekla i ne povećavaju opasni holesterol, već su korisne kao izvor kalcijuma i nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Sledeći proizvodi sadrže oko 300 mg kalcijuma  1 komad sira  1 čaša jogurta  1 komad pizze sa sirom  11 suvih smokava  1 šoljica badema  1 šoljica mleka  1 puding s mlekom  1 činija svežeg sira  4 šoljice kuvanog brokolija S druge strane je važno znati i koliko koji proizvodi sadže kalcijuma. 100 grama sledećih prehramebenih proizvoda sadrži prikazanu količinu kalcijuma u miligramima  palačinke rađene s mlekom 180  palačinke nadevene s borovnicom 206  palačinke sa sirom 270  palačinke s orasima 206  savijača od sira 400  lazanja sa sirom 118  pizza sa sirom 120  cheesburger 138  fishburger 101  kreker sa sirom 151 Čokoladni proizvodi  čokoladna pločica s mlekom (Kinder) 130  čokoladna pločica (Mars) 168  čokoladna pločica s bademima 224  mlečna čokolada 400 Semenke i slično  pistaći 138
  • 7. 7  lešnik 226  badem 252 Namirnice iz mora  riblji namaz 222  riblja ikra 275  sardine 174  lignje 180  riba-škarpina 137  osušeni bakalar 160 Voće  kora od narandže 161  narandža 42  kora od limuna 134  mandarina 33  crna ribizla 46  jagoda 26  kupina 44  malina 40  suva šljiva 41  trešnja 63  suva kajsija 82 Mleko i mlečni proizvodi  mlečni sladoled 108-162  sirni namaz, masni 562  topljeni sir 547  sveži kravlji sir 92  sojin sir (tofu) 105  gauda 820  mozzarella 403  ementaler 1020  sir feta 620  goorgonzola 612  edamer 800  jogurt, punomasni 120  jogurt, obrani 143  kiselo mleko 105  sveže mleko 100-120  kiselo mleko 100  kozje mleko 130  ovčje mleko 193 Povrće  peršun (zeleni deo) 245  celer, koren 68
  • 8. 8  masline 96  kiseli kupus 126  kelj 212  brokoli 103 osteoporoze.html Manje belančevina - manje osteoporoze SUBOTA, 24 OKTOBAR 2009 08:15 Osteoporoza je bolest na koju, pored porodične istorije bolesti, izgleda najviše utiče savremeni način života, koji, između ostalog, karakteriše i preterana upotreba belančevina, rafinisanih ugljenih hidrata i fosfata. Unošenje malih količina životinjskih proizvoda, a velikih količina biljnih proizvoda olakšava rast i popravljanje kostiju. Osteoporoza je ozbiljno stanje u kome kosti postaju porozne, što dovodi do slabljenja skeletnog sistema i čestih fraktura. Ova bolest više napada žene, a žene u postmenopauzi su rizična grupa. To se najčešće dešava kao rezultat hormonskih promena. Pojava osteoporoze se karakteriše stalnim gubitkom kalcijuma i to po stopi 1-2% kod žena tridesetih godina, a povećava se na 4-5% u periodu menopauze. Faktori rizika su, osim porodične istorije bolesti, i suvišno uzimanje mesa, kofeina, šećera, rafinisanih ugljenih hidrata ili fosfata u gaziranim pićima. Dodatni uzroci su česta upotreba alkohola, pušenje i dugo sedenje. Naknadno unošenje kalcijuma ne pomaže Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ishrana bogata belančevinama dovodi do nedostatka kalcijuma i da nikakvo naknadno unošenje kalcijuma ne može da koriguje tu ravnotežu ukoliko se uzima hrana koja je veoma bogata proteinima. Mnogi naučnici veruju da ishrana bogata belančevina, koja se upražnjava tokom čitavog života, stvara velike količine kiseline u organizmu i da je to možda i glavni uzrok nastanka osteoporoze. Zaključak je: unošenje malih količina životinjskih proizvoda, a velikih količina biljnih proizvoda olakšava rast i popravljanje kostiju. Zeleno lisnato povrće je bogat izvor vitamina K, beta karotina, vitamina C, kalcijuma i magnezijuma. Vitamin K je odgovoran za formiranje osteokalcina, proteina koji povećava količinu kalcijuma koji je uključen u mineralizaciju kostiju. Izvori kalcijuma su brokoli, mleko, orasi, lešnici, bademi i semenke. Da bismo sprečili osteoporozu, trebalo bi da se pridržavamo sledećih saveta:
  • 9. 9 1. Ne konzumirajte više od 1g proteina dnevno na kilogram telesne težine. To znači da bi meso mogli da konzumiraju najviše jednom dnevno, a idealno bi bili kada bi uvrstili u ishranu ribu, jer ona sadrži više esencijalnih masnoća, a manje estrogenskih hormona. 2. Radi unošenja minerala oslonite se na semenke i koštunjavo voće. A ne na mlečne proizvode. Mlečni proizvodi, naročito sir, imaju mnogo belančevina i estrogenskih hormona, a malo magnezijuma. Puna kašičica mlevenih semenki na dan daje vam mnogo kalcijuma, magnezijuma i esencijalnih masnoća. 3. Svakodnevno vežbajte. Najbolje vežbe su one pod opterećenjem, pri kojima se koriste i donji I gornji telesni mišići. 4. Izbegavajte kafu i gazirane proizvode. Rezime: Ravnoteža kalcijuma zavisi od više faktora, a najvažniji su: nedostatak magnezijuma, nedostatak vežbanja, nedostatak želudačne kiseline, previše belančevina, previše stresa, previše kafe. Naučnici polako dolaze do zaključka da kod žena osnovi razlog nije smanjenje proizvodnje estrogena u menopauzi, već je, baš naprotiv, relativni višak estrogena u odnosu na progesteron ono što ubrzava osteoporozu. Uzimanje prirodnog progesterona povećava gustinu koštanog tkiva četiri puta više nego uzimanje estrogena. Dr Slobodanka Babić, nutricionista Sačuvajte zdrave kosti: Kompletan program zaštite od osteoporoze Gordana Golubović, Foto: SHUTTERSTOCK, DREAMSTIME, 26. 10. 2011. 00:02 Komentara 0 | Preporuka 1 Uz pomoć odgovarajućih vežbi i pravilne ishrane možete da sačuvate vitalnost kostiju i sprečite pojavu osteoporoze, bolesti koja povećava rizik od preloma, naročito kod žena u menopauzi.
  • 10. 10 Ovde potpis Koliko će kosti biti zdrave, zavisi pre svega od toga kako se izgrade u detinjstvu i mladosti. U periodu rasta i razvoja značajni su raznovrsna ishrana s dovoljno kalcijuma, vitamina D, izlaganje suncu, kao i povećana fizička aktivnost i vežbanje. U odraslom dobu takođe je važno pridržavati se ovih principa kako bi se sačuvala zdrava i kvalitetna kost. Ovo je naročito važno za žene u menopauzi (nakon prestanka ciklusa), jer se u tom periodu smanjuje lučenje ženskog hormona estrogena zbog čega prestaje njegova zaštitna uloga za kost. Tada dolazi do gubitka koštane mase, smanjenja čvrstine kostiju i osteoporoze, pa se tako povećava i rizik za prelom. Kod muškaraca je gubitak koštane mase manji, sporije se dešava i kosti su čvršće, pa oni ređe imaju osteoporozu i prelome. TEST: Da li ste skloni riziku od osteoporoze Svetska zdravstvena organizacija napravila je test za otkrivanje osoba koje su sklone riziku da obole od osteoporoze. Odgovorite na sledeća pitanja: – Da li je neko od vaših roditelja imao osteoporozu ili prelom kuka posle manjeg udarca ili pada? – Da li ste vi imali prelom kosti posle manjeg udarca ili pada? – Da li uzimate glikokortikoide („prednizon“, „deksametazon“, „metilprednizolon“) duže od tri meseca? – Da li ste se smanjili u visini više od tri centimetra? – Da li često pijete veće količine alkohola? – Da li pušite više od 20 cigareta dnevno? – Da li imate prolive (zbog Kronove bolesti, ulceroznog kolitisa ili celijačne bolesti)? – Da li ste izgubili menstrualni ciklus pre 45 godine? – Da li su vam menstruacije izostale 12 ili više meseci, ali ne zbog menopauze ili trudnoće? Ukoliko su odgovori na sva pitanja „ne“ a imate više od 50 godina, preporučuje se da nastavite da čuvate zdravlje svojih kostiju. Ako je odgovor na neko od ovih pitanja „da“, javite se svom lekaru i prođite ovaj test zajedno. Vaš lekar će onda odlučiti da li treba da radite osteodenzitrometriju, tj. merenje koštane gustine, kojom može da se utvrdi da li imate osteoporozu ili ne. Ukoliko imate osteoporozu, vaš lekar će vam propisati terapiju. Danas postoje veoma efikasni lekovi koji ne samo da zaustavljaju gubitak koštane mase već mogu da dovedu i do njenog uvećanja.
  • 11. 11 Kada biramo namirnice koje treba da obezbede kalcijum i vitamin D, treba da vodimo računa i o njihovoj energetskoj vrednosti, kao i o sadržaju proteina. Pravilo je da se biraju namirnice koje imaju dobar sadržaj kalcijuma i proteina, a manju energetsku vrednost. Kako da sačuvate čvrste kosti – Unosite hranu bogatu kalcijumom i vitaminom D – Povećajte fizičku aktivnost i vežbajte – Izbegavajte sedenje u zatvorenim prostorijama – Izbegavajte pušenje i uzimanje većih količina alkoholnih pića Kvalitetne namirnice za zdravlje Adekvatan unos kalcijuma i vitamina D kroz ishranu, fizička aktivnost i izlaganje suncu važni su u detinjstvu i mladosti kada kosti rastu i razvijaju se. U tom periodu se formira maksimum koštane mase, koja se kasnije, tokom života, prirodno smanjuje. Na smanjenje koštane mase utiču genetski faktori, kao i stil života. Loše navike, pušenje, unos alkoholnih pića, velike količine kafe i pojedine bolesti mogu ubrzati gubitak koštane mase. KALCIJUM - Ovaj mineral je najzastupljeniji u našem telu i ima važnu ulogu u građenju kostiju. Ishrana savremenog čoveka takođe ne obezbeđuje dovoljan unos ovog minerala, što je posebno upadljivo u rizičnim kategorijama u koje spadaju i žene u menopauzi. Preporučen dnevni unos kalcijuma za žene iz svih izvora (ukupna ishrana i suplementi – dodaci ishrani) – Od 19 do 50 godina: 1.000 mg/dan – Više od 50 godina: 1.500 mg/dan VITAMIN D - Ovaj vitamin unosimo putem hrane, ali se stvara i u koži pod dejstvom sunčevih zraka. Dnevne potrebe za unosom vitamina D variraju i povećane su u zimskom periodu i kod svih osoba koje se ne izlažu suncu. Preporučen dnevni unos vitamina D kod žena je: – Do 50 godina: 500 IU/dan – Od 50 godina: 800 IU/dan
  • 12. 12 Vežbajte, ali pametno Vežbanje ima poseban značaj u sprečavanju i lečenju osteoporoze. Fizička aktivnost povećava koštanu masu, poboljšava koordinaciju pokreta i smanjuje učestalost preloma. Ne preterujte – Pre nego što počnete da vežbate, konsultujte se sa svojim lekarom – Počnite s lakšim vežbama – Postepeno povećavajte intenzitet vežbi – Da bi imalo efekta, vežbanje mora da bude deo svakodnevnih aktivnosti – Izbegavajte vežbe koje zahtevaju značajno savijanje trupa – Izbegavajte skakanje s visine i sportove koji zahtevaju nagle pokrete Koje vežbe i koliko često? Nudimo vam neke od vežbi koje su korisne za očuvanje zdravlja vaših kostiju. Počnite s manjim brojem ponavljanja i postepeno povećavajte intenzitet. OSTEOPOROZA - PREVENCIJA I DODACI ISHRANI U TOKU LEČENJA Reč osteporoza, u bukvalnom prevodu sa grčkog, znači šupljikava kost. Osteoporozu nazivaju i "tihim kradljivcem kalcijuma". Ova, sistemska i progresivna, bolest pogađa svaku treću ženu, u periodu posle menopauze, a kod muškarca se retko javlja. Smatra se da na jednu osobu, kojoj je potvrđena dijagnoza osteoporoze, dolaze četiri osobe koje ne znaju da je imaju. Osteoporoza je bolest koju odlikuje smanjenje mineralne koštane gustine. Gubitkom kalcijuma, smanjuje se čvrstina, kosti postaju meke i lako se lome, bilo spontano ili pod uticajem sile koja, ranije, ne bi mogla da izazove prelom. Često, ova bolest prolazi bez simptoma, a prelomi, koji spontano nastanu, prolaze neopaženo i bolest biva otkrivena u već uznapredovalom stadijumu. Maksimalna mineralizacija kostiju postiže se u periodu od dvadesete do tridesete godine života. Nakon tog perioda, koštana gustina lagano počinje da se smanjuje, da bi u periodu posle menopauze, dostigla minimum. Najugroženiji su kičmeni pršljenovi i butna kost. Smatra se, da će u budućnosti, do 2050. g., zbog savremenog načina života, broj obolelih biti utrostručen, što će ovu bolest učiniti i velikim socijalno-ekonomskim problemom! Osteoporoza može biti primarna (kada se javi kod žena posle menopauze), sekundarna (posledica korišćenja lekova koji izazivaju demineralizaciju kostiju) i senilna (kod žena i muškaraca posle 75. g. života). Faktori rizika su:  rana menopauza (što kao posledicu ima manjak estrogena), nastala pre 45. godine života ili veštački izazvana nakon hirurškog odstranjivanja materice i oba jajnika  teže hronične bolesti (bolesti organa za varenje)  malapsorpcioni sindrom, Kronova bolest, hipertireoza , oboljenja paraštitnih žlezda, oboljenja bubrega i jetre  dugotrajna primena određenih lekova (kortikosteroida, sedativa, barbiturata - antiepileptika)  mala telesna masa  nasledni faktor (jedan ili više obolelih u porodici)  pušenje, prekomerno konzumiranje alkohola, kafe, fizička neaktivnost  neadekvatna ishrana - previše soli i proteina u ishrani i ishrana siromašna kalcijumom i vitaminom D  izlaganje jonizujućem zračenju  dugotrajna imobilizacija  žene koje nisu rađale  prekomerna telesna aktivnost uz amenoreju  izrazito neredovan menstrualni ciklus Jedan od regionalanih centara Srbije za dijagnostiku ove bolesti, nalazi se na Zlatiboru, u okviru Specijalne bolnice Čigota. Važno je na vreme otići na pregled, jer osteoporoza je bolest koja se može sprečiti i lečiti. Pregled se posebno preporučuje ženama koje
  • 13. 13 su starije od 65 godina, koje su ušle u menopauzu pre 45. g., osobama koje su imale spontane prelome i čija se visina smanjila za više od 2,5 cm, kao i osobama koje su na dugoj terapiji glukokortikoidima. U našem narodu, smatra se da je normalno da se visina smanjuje sa godinama, ali je smanjenje visine zapravo posledica malih preloma unutar kičmenig stuba, što dovodi do urastanja. Jedna od najozbiljnijih komplikacija ove bolesti je prelom kuka, posle koga se pacijenti retko vrate normalnim aktivnostima, a čak 20% preloma ima smrtni ishod u narednih godinu dana. Nakon procene faktora rizika za nastanak osteoporoze, treba uraditi merenje koštane mineralne gustine (BMD - Bone Mineral Density) DXA metodom, koja se bazira na primeni niskoenergetskog X zračenja, prema preporukama WHO (Svetske zdravstvene organizacije). Merenje se vrši na lumbalnom delu kičme ili kuku. Rezultati merenja BMD- koštane gustine mogu da se izraze kao odstupanje (broj standardnih devijacija) od srednje gustine kosti mladih zdravih osoba (20-40 godina) i to se zove T- skor ili kao odstupanje od vrednosti koja odgovara istim godinama starosti zdravih osoba i zove se Z- skor. DXA metoda je pouzdan i siguran dijagnostički test za rano otkrivanje osteoporoze. Pregled traje manje od 5 minuta, doza zračenja je minimalna (sto i više puta je manje od doze koja se absorbuje standardnom radiografijom pluća). Postoji i ultrazvučna denzitometrija - brz i ekonomičan metod, bez zračenja. Merenje se vrši na petnoj kosti.Ova metoda se može koristiti kao skrining metoda ali nije pouzdana i precizna kao DXA metoda. Radiološka metoda je nepouzdana jer su promene na kičmi uočljive tek kada je gubitak minerala 30-50%. Prema preporukama Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, osteoporozu imaju osobe čiji je BMD (bone mineral density- mineralna gustina kostiju) manja od 2,5 SD (standardne devijacije) denziteta kostiju kontrolne grupe, a osobe koje imaju BMD od -1 do -2,5 SD imaju osteopeniju, odnosno trostruko veći rizik za nastanak fraktura. U savremenoj terapiji osteoporoze koriste se bisfosfonati (Alendronat, Bonviva, Fosamax, Fosavance, Alefos, Bonap). Bisfosfonati povećavaju mineralizaciju kostiju, smanjuju razgranju kostiju, što se meri povećanjem mineralne koštane gustine. To su lekovi kod kojih je pravilna primena ključna za uspeh terapije (teško se resorbuju). Uzimaju se uvek ujutru, naštinu, u uspravnom položaju, sa punom čašom vode. Nakon uzimanja leka, bitno je, bar trideset minuta, ostati u uspravnom položaju (da bi se izbegao refluksni ezofagitis), tj., možete šetati ili sedeti, ali ležanje ne dolazi u obzir. Tek nakon sat vremena od uzimanja leka, možete popiti kafu, doručkovati i uzeti ostale lekove. Bisfosfonati se međusobno razlikuju po režimu doziranja, neki se uzimaju jednom mesečno, drugi jednom sedmično, a neki svakog dana. Najčešći uzrok neuspeha terapije je nepoštovanje doziranja, kao i finansijski momenat (neki od ovih lekova nisu na pozitivnoj listi i koštaju par hiljada dinara). Terapiju nikako ne treba prekidati u prvih godinu dana jer može doći do "rebound" efekta, tj. pada mineralne koštane gustine. Poboljšanje rezultata može se očekivati tek posle godinu dana konstantne primene leka. Osteoporoza se može sprečiti ili bar usporiti pravlinim životnim navikama! Treba početi sa optimalnom fizičkom aktivnošću i pravilnom ishranom od ranog detinjstva. Kasnije, treba izbegavati pušenje, smanjiti unos alkohola i soli, kofeina (ne uzimati više od 2 šoljice kafe dnevno), održavati kondiciju trčanjem ili nekom drugom vežbom u kojoj se koristi težina sopstvenog tela (preskakanje vijače, grupni spotrovi, ples, dizanje tegova). Savetuje se povećan unos kalcijuma (oko 1000mg dnevno-u hrani i suplementima) i vitamina D (800 ij dnevno). Ne treba unositi više od 2000 mg kalcijuma dnevno zbog mogućih nuspojava. Vitamin D je neophodan u procesu mineralizacije kostiju, jer bez njega nema iskorišćenja kalcijuma iz hrane. Posle menopauze, žene bi trebalo da unose preparate na bazi fitoestrogena (kod nas su dostupni Menosoya, Oestrofact). Sunčajte se, ali samo u vremenu kada zračenje neće naškoditi vašoj koži, šetajte, odaberite fizičku akivnost koja odgovara vašim godinama i upražnjavajte je bar pola sata dnevno, jer će to imati monogo bolji efekat na vaše telo nego više časovno vežbanje u teretani, jednom nedeljno. U našim apotekama možete naći veliki broj preparata kalcijuma (većinom je u obliku eferveta ili tableta za žvakanje) i vitamina D (kapsule, kapi), zajedno, u jednom preparatu ili odvojeno. Kalcijum možete uzimati u dozi od 500 do 1000 mg dnevno, ukoliko nemate kamen u bubregu ili žučnoj kesi. Njegovu resorpciju mogu usporiti ili smanjiti oksalati (nalaze se u spanaću, kakau, čaju), fosfati (u svinjetini, fermentisanim sirevima, koka-koli) i fitinska kiselina (ima je u integralnim žitaricama, sušenom povrću, čokoladi), zato se savetuje da izbegavate ove namirnice dok ste na terapiji. Vitamin D se može naći u različitim oblicima i jačinama, ali je neophodno da njegova dnevna doza bude 800 ij. Nedavno se pojavio i preparat Osteo K2, koji u svom satavu ima kalcijum, vitamin D i K2. Dodatkom vitamina K2 pospešuje se resorpcija kalcijuma i smanjuje se taloženje kalcijuma na krvim sudovima i gubitak elastičnosti. Ipak, ne zaboravite da ovo nije lek, već dijetetski proizvod. Obratite se vašem farmaceutu za savet. Uvek navedite koje preparate već koristite, neki od multivitaminskih suplemenata, mogu sadržati vitamin D, koji je liposolubilan i može doći do predoziranja. Osteoporoza i ishrana osteoporoza, ishrana, gubitak kalcijuma
  • 14. 14 Autor: Nutricia, 20.09.2012. Osteoporoza je ozbiljno stanje u kome kosti postaju porozne, što dovodi do slabljenja skeletnog sistema i čestih fraktura. Ova bolest više napada žene, a žene u postmenopauzi su rizična grupa. To se najčešće dešava kao rezultat hormonskih promena. Pojava osteoporoze se karakteriše stalnim gubitkom kalcijuma i to po stopi 1-2 % kod žena tridesetih godina, a povećava se na 4-5% u periodu menopauze. Faktori rizika su osim porodične istorije bolesti i suvisno uzimanje mesa, kofeina, šećera, rafinisanih ugljenih hidrata ili fosfata u gaziranim pićima. Dodatni uzroci su česta upotreba alkohola, pušenje i dugo sedenje. Ishrana Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ishrana bogata belančevinama dovodi do nedostataka kalcijuma i da nikakvo naknadno unošenje kalcijuma ne može kod visokoproteinske ishrane koriguje tu neravnotežu. Mnogi naučnici veruju da je ishrana koja je celog života bila bogata belančevinama stvarala velike količine kiseline u organizmu i da je to možda i glavni uzrok nastanka osteoporoze. Zaključak je unošenje malih količina životinjskih proizvoda, a velikih količina biljnih olakšavaju rast i popravljanje kostiju. Zeleno lisnato povrće je bogat izvor vitamina K, beta karotina, vitamina C, kalcijuma i magnezijuma. Vitamin K je odgovoran za formiranje osteokalcina, proteina koji povećava kalcijum koji je uključen u mineralizaciju kostiju. Izvori kalcijuma su brokoli, mleko, orasi, lešnici, bademi, i semenke. Da bi smo sprečili osteoporozu treba se pridržavati sledećih saveta:  Ne konzumirajte više od 1g protein dnevno na kg telesne tezine. To znači da bi meso mogli da konzumiraju najviše jednom dnevno, a idealno bi bili kada bi uvrstili u ishranu ribu, jer on sadrži više esencijalnih masnoća, a manje estrogenskih hormona.
  • 15. 15  Radi unošenja minerala oslonite se na semenke i koštunjavo voće. A ne na mlečne proizvode. Mlečni proizvodi, naročito sir imaju mnogo belančevina i estrogenskih hormona, a malo magnezijuma. Puna kašičica mlevenih semenki na dan daje vam mnogo kalcijum a, magnezijuma i esencijalnih masnoća.  Svakodnevno vežbajte. Najbolje vežbe su one pod opterećenjem, pri kojima se koriste i donji gornji telesni mišići.  Izbegavajte kafu i gazirane proizvode. Ravnoteža kalcijuma zavisi od vise faktora, a najvažniji su:nedostatak magnezijuma, nedostatak vežbanja, nedostatak želudačne kiseline, previse belančevina, previše stresa, previše kafe. Naučnici polako dolaze do zaključka da kod žena osnovni razlog nije smanjenje proizvodnje estrogena u menopauzi, već suprotno, relativni višak estrogena u odnosu na progesteron, je ono što ubrzava osteoporozu. Uzimanje prirodnog progesterona povećava gustinu koštanog tkiva četiri puta više nego uzimanje estrogena. Osteoporosis Diet Dangers: Foods to Avoid Salt, soda, caffeine: Could your daily diet be damaging your bones -- even leading to osteoporosis? Getting enough calcium and vitamin D is essential for warding off osteoporosis. For even stronger bones, avoid these everyday osteoporosis diet dangers. Osteoporosis Diet Danger 1: Salt Is Bad for the Bone! Salt can pose a great obstacle to a sturdy skeleton. Research has found that postmenopausal women with a high-salt diet lose more bone minerals than other women of the same age. "The salt content of the typical American diet is one of the reasons why calcium requirements are so high," says Linda K. Massey, PhD, RD, a professor of human nutrition at Washington State University in Spokane. Massey says studies show that regular table salt, not simply sodium, causes calcium loss, weakening bones with time. That’s important because Americans get about 90% of our sodium through salt. We also get about twice as much sodium as we should. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise limiting sodium to 2,300 milligrams a day – equal to a teaspoon of salt. But most Americans get at least 4,000 milligrams a day. "Generally speaking, for every 2,300 milligrams of sodium you take in, about 40 milligrams of calcium is lost in the urine," Massey explains. Getting the recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D every day helps offset bone loss from salt.  Adults up to age 50 require 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily -- the equivalent of three 8-ounce glasses of milk.  Older adults need 1,200 milligrams of daily calcium – about half a glass more of milk. As for vitamin D:  People need 200 International Units (IU) of vitamin D a day until age 50.  Adults need 400 IU of vitamin D from the ages of 51 to 70 years.
  • 16. 16  Seniors need 600 IU of vitamin D a day after age 70. Good sources of vitamin D are natural sunlight and from fortified milk, egg yolks, saltwater fish, liver, and supplements. Of all the dangers to bone, salt is perhaps the hardest to curb. Salt shows up in nearly all processed foods, including whole grain breads, breakfast cereals, and fast foods. Removing the salt shaker from the table, and cooking without added salt, helps. But avoiding processed foods provides the biggest bang for the buck. Processed foods supply 75% of the sodium we eat. If you want to get a grip on this diet danger, here are some of the highest-salt foods to limit or avoid. Choose no-added salt versions whenever possible.  Processed meats, such as deli turkey and ham, and hot dogs  Fast food, such as pizza, burgers, tacos, and fries  Processed foods, including regular and reduced-calorie frozen meals  Regular canned soups and vegetables and vegetable juices  Baked products, including breads and breakfast cereals Scan food labels for sodium content. There's a good chance the majority of it comes from salt, so the lower the sodium, the better for bones. When you dine out, check the web sites of your favorite restaurants for the sodium content of the dishes you order most often. If your typical meals exceed 800 milligrams of sodium, opt for lower-sodium alternatives, such as grilled fish or chicken, steamed vegetables, baked potato, and salad. Request that your meal be prepared without salt, too. If you think you can’t lower your salt sufficiently, eat plenty of potassium-rich foods, such as bananas, tomatoes, and orange juice. Potassium may help decrease the loss of calcium. Osteoporosis Diet Dangers: Foods to Avoid Salt, soda, caffeine: Could your daily diet be damaging your bones -- even leading to osteoporosis? (continued) Save This Article For Later Share this: Font size: AAA Osteoporosis Diet Danger 2: Some Popular Drinks Many soft drinks and certain other carbonated soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which can increase calcium excretion in your urine. And nearly all soft drinks lack calcium. That combination spells trouble for women at risk of osteoporosis. "Excess phosphorus promotes calcium loss from the body when calcium intake is low," Massey explains. The occasional soda is fine, but many people, particularly women, consume more than an occasional can or glass. To make matters worse, soft drink consumers may also avoid calcium-laden beverages that bolster bones, such as milk, yogurt-based drinks, and calcium and vitamin D fortified orange juice. To prevent osteoporosis, instead sip these drinks:  Eight ounces of orange juice fortified with calcium and vitamin D
  • 17. 17  A mixture of fortified orange juice and seltzer or club soda that's free of phosphoric acid  Fruit smoothie: Combine 8 ounces fat-free yogurt, one medium banana or a cup of fresh or frozen berries and 2 ice cubes in a blender or food processor  Fat-free plain or chocolate milk Osteoporosis Diet Danger 3: The Cost of Caffeine Caffeine leaches calcium from bones, sapping their strength. "You lose about 6 milligrams of calcium for every 100 milligrams of caffeine ingested," Massey says. That's not as much of a loss as salt, but it's worrisome, nonetheless. Caffeine is a particular problem when a woman doesn’t get enough calcium each day to begin with. The good news is that limiting caffeine intake to 300 milligrams a day while getting adequate calcium probably offsets any losses caffeine causes, Massey says. Coffee is a major caffeine source. For example, a 16-ounce cup of coffee can provide 320 milligrams. High-caffeine sodas can contain up to 80 milligrams per can or more. Although tea also contains caffeine, studies suggest it does not harm, and probably helps, bone density in older women, regardless of whether they add milk to the beverage. Researchers think that tea contains plant compounds that protect bone. Ready to curb caffeine? Here are some tips:  Wean yourself from coffee by drinking half regular and half-decaf drinks to start  Avoid caffeine-laden drinks  Reach for decaffeinated iced tea or hot tea  Splurge on a decaf, fat-free latte drink and get 450 milligrams of calcium in the bargain Osteoporosis Diet Danger 4: Is Protein Problematic? The idea that protein, particularly animal protein, is problematic for bones is a myth, says bone researcher Jane Kerstetter, PhD, RD, professor of nutrition at the University of Connecticut. "Protein does not dissolve bone. Just the opposite." Bones are about 50% protein. Bone repair requires a steady stream of dietary amino acids, the building blocks of body proteins. "Adequate calcium and vitamin D cast a protective net around bones, but protein comes in a close second," Kerstetter says. Osteoporosis Diet Dangers: Foods to Avoid Salt, soda, caffeine: Could your daily diet be damaging your bones -- even leading to osteoporosis? (continued) Save This Article For Later Osteoporosis Diet Danger 4: Is Protein Problematic? continued... Although most Americans get plenty of protein, many older women fail to get enough protein on a daily basis and it's hurting their bones, according to Kerstetter.
  • 18. 18 The suggested daily protein intake is 0.8 grams of protein per 2.2 pounds for men and women over age 19. That amounts to about 55 grams of protein a day for a 150-pound woman and about 64 grams a day for a 175-pound man. Get the protein you need to bolster bones with these protein sources:  3 ounces light tuna, drained: 22 grams protein  3 ounces cooked chicken, turkey, or pork tenderloin: about 20 grams  3 ounces cooked salmon: 19 grams  8 ounces fat-free plain yogurt: 13 grams  8 ounces fat-free milk: 8 grams  1 medium egg: 6 grams Osteoporosis Diet Danger 5: There's Something About Soy While soy products such as edamame, tofu, tempeh, and soy beverages are rich in bone-building protein, they contain plant compounds that may hamper calcium absorption. Oxalates in soy can bind up calcium and make it unavailable to the body, Massey says. Problems may arise when you eat a lot of soy but don’t eat a lot of calcium, according to Kerstetter. The research is mixed about soy. Some small studies show soy can cause problems with bone strength; others show that the right type of soy (with the soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein) protect bone strength. To avoid any risk, be sure to get a lot of calcium in your diet, primarily through dairy foods or supplements. Soy products fortified with calcium may foster a false sense of security. When researchers compared calcium content and solubility of calcium-added beverages, they found that much of the calcium in soy and other beverages sank to the bottom of the container and could not be redistributed throughout the drink, even with shaking. Still, fortified soy products, such as tofu processed with calcium, provide a hefty dose of bone-building nutrients and make a good addition to a balanced diet. If your diet is heavy on soy, be sure to also take in at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium every day. Best Diet to Beat Osteoporosis "You can't feel osteoporosis, so it's not always easy to imagine that what you're eating, or not, is harming your bones," Kerstetter says. "But your diet is really important on a daily basis. If you string together a bunch of bad eating days, it's dangerous in the long run." The safest strategy is eating a diet that’s low in salt and rich in fresh and minimally processed whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Include enough calcium and vitamin D from foods, and supplements if necessary, and be sure to limit caffeine and carbonated drinks. What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis (‘porous bones’) is a disease causing bones to become fragile and more likely to break. Without prevention or treatment, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks
  • 19. 19 or fractures. Any bones can be affected, but fractures occur typically in the hip and spine (these are of special concern), and the wrist. A hip fracture impairs a person’s ability to walk without assistance, and without appropriate treatment results in longterm or permanent disability, even death. Hip fractures almost certainly require hospitalization for major surgery, while spinal or vertebral fractures are likely to cause intense back pain, loss of height, and deformity. Why do the bones become vulnerable? Skeletal bones have a thick outer shell, and a strong inner mesh of collagen (protein), calcium salts and other minerals. The interior has a honeycomb-like appearance, the spaces within the bone holding blood vessels and bone marrow. Bone is alive, and it changes constantly. Up to age 30, bones increase in density. During a person’s lifetime bone is continually renewed in a process called ‘bone turnover’ as old, worn out bone is lost (broken down by cells called osteoclasts) and replaced (by bone building cells called osteoblasts). After age 30, regular exercise and correct diet will help to maintain bone mass. However, over time, especially as the population lives longer, cumulative bone loss causes the holes between bone to enlarge, making the bones more ‘porous’ and therefore fragile – hence ‘osteoporosis’. There are other causative factors as well (see below). This Osteoporosis usually affects the whole skeleton, although the most vulnerable bones are the weight- and impact-bearing hip and spine (and to a lesser degree the wrist). Who is at risk? Statistically, women are four times as likely to develop Osteoporosis than men in America, where millions of aging adults are at risk. In Britain, where it is estimated that 3 million people suffer from Osteoporosis, 1 of every 2 women and 1 in 5 men will suffer a fracture after the age of 50 – there are a quarter of a million fractures each year (one every 3 minutes!), half being spinal fractures, almost a fourth hip fractures, and a fifth wrist fractures.
  • 20. 20 Apart from the cumulative bone-loss problem, other factors increasing the risk of developing Osteoporosis are: Women Men  a lack of oestrogen due to early menopause (before age 45)  early hysterectomy (before age 45), particularly with removal of both ovaries (oophorectomy)  missing periods for six months or more (excluding pregnancy) due to excessive exercise or dieting  low levels of the male hormone, testosterone (hypogonadism) Men and Women  long-term use of corticosteroid tablets in high doseage (such as for arthritis and asthma)  history of osteoporosis in immediate family (mother or father), particularly of hip fracture in mother  other medical conditions (Cushing’s syndrome, liver and thyroid problems)  malabsorption problems (coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease, gastric surgery)  long-term immobility, heavy drinking of alcohol, smoking What can be done to prevent or delay the onset of Osteoporosis? Although there are treatments for osteoporosis once the ailment has developed (eg, healthy habits and the taking of calcium supplements can slow the process), there is currently no cure. A healthy lifestyle maintained from before age 30 is the best defense against the onset of osteoporosis. It has been shown that exercising while still a teenager increases bone mass, greatly reducing the risk of osteoporosis in adulthood. So in your healthy lifestyle you should:  Ensure you eat a balanced diet and indulge in outdoor exercise/recreation which provides the recommended daily levels of calcium (1000 to 1200 mg; probably the lesser amount for a woman on Hormone Replacement Therapy) and vitamin D (400 to 800 IU or International Units). See notes below on calcium and vitamins.  Perform regular weight-bearing exercise  Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption  Whole Body Vibration Training has been shown to increase bone density.
  • 21. 21 Also be informed about bone health issues, undertake bone density tests as you grow older, and take medication when appropriate. Calcium is a mineral fundamental to good bone structure. The mineral salts of bone are estimated to contain 99% of the calcium in the body; also 85% of the phosphorus and 40 – 60% of the sodium and magnesium. Calcium is present in many foods as natural compounds; calcium-fortified foods and calcium supplements can be used also. Calcium absorption requires other vitamins and minerals to be present in the diet, specifically magnesium, Vitamin A and Vitamin D. Calcium retention needs Vitamin B6 and Vitamin K. Vitamin D is available normally in a balanced diet (such as egg yolks, saltwater fish, liver and fortified dairy products) and is produced by absorption of sunlight through the skin. Vitamin C is required in sufficient amounts for Collagen production. Osteoporosis Diet The best source of all the nutrients you need is in a sensible balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables, beans, yogurt, bread and potatoes, plus smaller amounts of very lean meat, low- fat cheese and oily fish (especially sardines), plus at least 1/2 a pint or about 250ml of low-fat milk per day. Best calcium sources are dairy products (milk, cheese and yogurt), green leafy vegetables, baked beans, bony fish and dried fruit. Reduce consumption of red meat, chocolate and caffeine, and be aware that excessive Vitamin A intake as retinol (in fish and dairy products) may be a factor in increased risk of broken bones (not yet proven), however Vitamin A as carotene in vegetables is not a problem. Take regular exercise, outdoors preferrably, (such as running, skipping, aerobics, tennis, or brisk walking), at least three times a week for at least 20 minutes. Osteoporosis Diet Plan Day 1 Day 2 Breakfast 1 cup oatmeal 0.5 cup or 120ml fat-free milk 5 dried, chopped apricots 1 tbsp chopped nuts Breakfast 1 sesame bagel 2 tbsp fat-reduced cream
  • 22. 22 0.5 cup or 120ml orange juice (calcium-fortified) Method: Top cooked oatmeal with apricots and nuts. cheese 0.5 cup grapes 0.5 cup or 120ml orange juice (calcium-fortified) Lunch 0.5 cup fat-reduced cottage cheese 0.25 cup orange segments 0.25 cup grapes 1 tbsp sesame seeds 4 cherry or grape tomatoes 2 cups mixed salad leaves 3 Ryvita biscuits Method: Mix the cheese, orange and grapes together, place on top of salad leaves in a bowl, and sprinkle with the seeds. Serve with the tomatoes and Ryvita. Lunch 1 cup lentil soup 6″ or 15cm French bread 0.5 cup fat-free yogurt 1 apple Dinner 4 oz or about 115 gm skinless, boneless chicken breast, thinly sliced 1 clove minced garlic 1 tsp oil 0.5 cup tomato sauce 0.5 cup broccoli florets 1 cup spinach 1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese 1 oz or about 30 gm (dry weight) pasta Method: Cook garlic for 2 minutes in the oil heated in a non- stick skillet. Add and stir-fry the chicken for 2-3 minutes, then add the tomato sauce and broccoli, and cook for 5 minutes. Serve over cooked pasta, topped with Parmesan, and with spinach. Dinner 4 oz or about 115 gm canned sardines, drained 2 cups mixed salad leaves 1 tbsp fat-free dressing 1 large sliced tomato 8 oz or about 230 gm baked potato 1 tbsp shredded cheese Method: Top the split baked potato with cheese, and serve with sardines and mixed, dressed salad.
  • 23. 23 Snacks:Choose from -  Small handful pumpkin seeds, soy nuts or other nuts  Apple  Dried figs (2) or apricots (4) See Also Bone up on high-calcium foods! – Article on improving calcium levels in the body. Look for bone friendly recipes here. Nutrition and Osteoporosis Save This Article For Later Nutrition and osteoporosis are closely linked. If you're not getting the right nutrients, whether in your diet or through supplements, you're putting yourself at greater risk for osteoporosis. But just what nutrients should you be getting to help fight osteoporosis, and how should you be getting them? The most important nutrients for fighting osteoporosis are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is a key building block for your bones, while vitamin D is the "key" that unlocks the door to your bones and allows them to absorb calcium. Recommended Related to Osteoporosis Causes of Osteoporosis Are you searching for what causes osteoporosis? You may be surprised to learn that many factors contribute to the condition. For instance, a decrease in estrogen at menopause is one cause. There is also a genetic component. If your mother or grandmother had osteoporosis, the chances are higher for you to have it too. Eating a diet that's low in calcium, getting little exercise, and smoking cigarettes also contribute to getting osteoporosis. It's important to know all you can about what causes osteoporosis... Read the Causes of Osteoporosis article > > The two go hand in hand: if you don't get enough D, it won't matter how much calcium you get, because your bones can't absorb it properly. But if you don't get enough calcium, there's nothing for the vitamin D to help your bones absorb. The National Academy of Sciences has developed recommendations for how much calcium and vitamin D you need at every age:  Young children 1-3 years old should get 700 milligrams (mg) of calcium a day.  Children 4-8 years old should get 1,000 mg per day.  Teenagers should get 1,300 mg of calcium a day.  Adults up to age 70 should get 1,000 mg per day. Women 51 and over should get 1,200 mg/day.
  • 24. 24  Women and men 71 and over should get 1,200 mg per day. To "unlock" that calcium, the National Academy of Sciences recommends 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day from age 1 through age 70 and 800 IU after age 70. But some experts are now saying we need even more vitamin D. Some osteoporosis experts say that we should be getting 800 to 1,200 IU of vitamin D per day. This is particularly important, because the primary source of natural vitamin D -- exposure to sunlight -- carries the potential risk of skin cancer. As more of us slather on sunscreen and stay in the shade, we need to make sure we get enough vitamin D from other sources. To find out how much vitamin D you personally need, consider a blood test for vitamin D (25-hydroxy vitamin D) from your doctor. It measures how much vitamin D is in your body. Experts think that vitamin D may do more to protect you from osteoporosis than only helping you absorb calcium. "Particularly in older individuals, vitamin D deficiency makes you more likely to fall down," says Ethel Siris, director of the Toni Stabile Osteoporosis Center at Columbia University Medical Center. "If you get enough vitamin D, you not only improve your calcium, but you're less likely to fall and get a fracture." Nutrition and Osteoporosis: Why Food Is Your Best Bet To strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, you can get calcium and vitamin D from your diet, supplements, or both. What's most important is that you get them. But if you can, it's best to get these nutrients in the food you eat and the beverages you drink. Nutrition and Osteoporosis (continued) Save This Article For Later Share this: Font size: AAA Nutrition and Osteoporosis: Why Food Is Your Best Bet continued... Why? Because it's easier to remember. You may not take a pill every day, but you eat every day. "Study after study has shown that people aren't very good at taking supplements regularly," says Robert Heaney, MD, FACP, a professor of medicine at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., and a nationally recognized expert on osteoporosis. "But eating is something you do every day, so it's easier to make a habit of dairy consumption." Foods also are a more complete source of nutrition than supplements. Milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products not only contain high levels of calcium, but other key nutrients for bone health, like phosphorus and protein. "Milk and yogurt and cheese contain so many of the nutrients that are necessary for bone health that they outperform supplement tablets strikingly," Heaney says. It’s important to read food labels and look for foods and beverages that provide calcium. Food designated with labels such as ''calcium-rich'' or ''excellent source of calcium'' are high in calcium or fortified with calcium. Select those that contain 10% or more of the Daily Value for calcium. For those who are dairy or lactose intolerant, there are plenty of other good food sources for calcium:  Calcium-fortified orange juice, nondairy milk alternatives, and cereals
  • 25. 25  Green, leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli and spinach  Seafood can be a calcium rich non-dairy option. Seafood such as oysters, ocean perch, clams, blue crab, and shrimp can be a good source of dietary calcium. Vitamin D is a little harder to get in your daily diet. Milk is fortified with vitamin D -- an 8-ounce glass of fortified milk provides 98 IU. Other good food sources of vitamin D include:  Certain fish, such as salmon, tuna fish, and sardines  Orange juices and breakfast cereals fortified with vitamin D Nutrition and Osteoporosis: The Role of Supplements Sometimes you need a nutrition boost to fight osteoporosis. If you can't get enough calcium and Vitamin D in your diet, taking supplements is an essential part of your bone health. To make sure the supplement you're taking contains the ingredients you think it does, look for the seal of U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) on the bottle. Calcium supplements come in several types, including:  Calcium citrate  Calcium carbonate As far as your bones are concerned, it doesn't matter which type you take. The difference is in how you take them. Calcium carbonate supplements should be taken with meals for you to absorb the most calcium. However, calcium citrate doesn't need to be taken with food. So if it's not convenient for you to take a supplement with a meal, look for a non-calcium carbonate supplement. In general, you absorb more calcium when these supplements are taken with food and when no more than 500 mg are taken at one time. Most of these supplements also come in formulas that include a dose of vitamin D. If you get the combination form, you'll get both nutrients in one pill. Nutrition and Osteoporosis (continued) Save This Article For Later Share this: Font size: AAA Tips for Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements Whether you're getting your calcium and/or vitamin D in food or pills, your body can only absorb so much of it at a time. So it doesn't make sense to take in more than about 600 mg of calcium at a sitting, says Siris.
  • 26. 26 Heaney agrees. "If you take in 1,000 mg of calcium in one meal, you might absorb 200 mg of it," he says. "But if you take it in two or three meals, you might absorb 300 mg.'' Whatever supplements you're taking, be sure to check the label. "They all have different amounts of calcium and D in a serving," says Siris. "If you switch brands, be sure you know how much D you're getting in the new brand." Further Reading:  Slideshow: Super Foods for Your Bones  Slideshow: The Truth About Vitamin D  Vitamin D: Getting Enough-Related Information  Vitamin D Dilemma  Child Vitamin D Deficiencies  Vitamin D and Your Health  Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?  See All Vitamin D Topics  Got Milk?  Calcium is the cornerstone of strong bones. Adults up to age 50 need 1,000 milligrams per day. Beginning at age 51, women need 1,200 milligrams every day, and when men hit 71, they need to hit that mark, too. The pop star of calcium sources is undoubtedly milk. A single 8-ounce cup of milk, whether skim, low-fat, or whole, has 300 milligrams of calcium. Yogurt and Cheese Not a milk drinker? A cup of yogurt has at least as much calcium as an 8-ounce cup of milk. And 1 ounce of Swiss cheese has nearly as much. Even if you're lactose intolerant, yogurt and hard cheeses are low in lactose. Or try dairy products that are lactose-reduced or lactose-free. Removing lactose from milk and dairy foods does not affect the calcium content.
  • 27. 27 Sardines Milk and dairy products are not the only ways to get calcium. Another excellent source is sardines. All those little fish bones have just what you need to build bone mass in your own body. Eating 3 ounces of canned sardines delivers a little more calcium than a cup of milk. Greens You might be surprised to learn that calcium is plentiful in many vegetables. Go for dark leafy greens such as bok choy (seen above), Chinese cabbage, and kale. The traditional soul food favorites, collard and turnip greens, offer a lot of calcium, too. One cup of chopped, cooked turnip greens has about 200 milligrams of calcium. Fortified Foods If dairy products, sardines, and leafy greens leave you cold, consider eating fortified foods. These are products that do not naturally contain calcium but have been enhanced with varying amounts of the essential mineral. Breakfast foods are a great start -- fortified orange juice has up to 240 milligrams of calcium, and fortified cereals deliver up to 1,000 milligrams per cup. Check the nutritional label for the exact amount. Calcium Supplements
  • 28. 28 Supplements are an easy way to boost your calcium intake, but some reports suggest you may not need them. If you're already getting enough calcium from food, taking more in pill form won't contribute to bone health. Experts say there's little benefit in getting more than 2,000 milligrams of calcium per day, and too much can lead to kidney stones. For the best absorption, take no more than 500 milligrams at one time. Some calcium supplements, such as calcium carbonate, are better absorbed if taken with meals; however, calcium citrate can be taken anytime. Soy Foods Half a cup of calcium-enriched tofu contains as much as 861 milligrams of calcium, but calcium is not the only mineral that gives bones a leg up. New research suggests plant-based chemicals called isoflavones strengthen bone density as well. Isoflavones are plentiful in soy foods, such as tofu, and appear to have an estrogen-like effect on the body. This may make soy useful in warding off bone disease in postmenopausal women. Salmon Salmon and other types of fatty fish offer an array of bone-boosting nutrients. They contain calcium as well as vitamin D, which assists in calcium absorption. They're also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements have been shown to reduce bone loss in elderly women and may prevent osteoporosis. Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds can bolster bone health in several ways. Walnuts and flaxseeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Peanuts and almonds contain potassium, which protects against the loss of calcium in urine. Nuts also contain protein and other nutrients that play a supportive role in building strong bones. Hold the Salt
  • 29. 29 Salt is a major culprit in depriving the body of calcium. The more salt you eat, the more calcium gets carried away by urine. Sticking to a low-salt diet can help you keep more calcium to strengthen your bones. Sunshine OK, sunshine is not a food. But the body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight. Without vitamin D, our bodies cannot properly absorb the calcium in foods. Cloudy weather, a northern latitude, and darker skin can interfere. So some people may choose a vitamin D supplement. The recommended dietary intake is 600 IU a day for most adults, jumping to 800 IU above age 70. Weight-Bearing Exercise To get the most out of your bone-boosting diet, you’ll want to do regular weight-bearing exercise. This includes any activity that uses the weight of your body or outside weights to stress the bones and muscles. The result is that your body lays down more bone material, and your bones become denser. Brisk walking, dancing, tennis, and yoga have all been shown to benefit your bones. Related Reading  Osteoporosis Treatments  Drink Less for Strong Bones  Can You Reverse Osteoporosis?  The Truth About Vitamin D  Predicting Bad Bones: Bone Density Tests  Video: Osteoporosis Prevention  Osteoporosis Community  Video: Osteoporosis Screening
  • 31. 31 Nutrition Healthy Eating for Healthy Bones As we get older, we often pay less attention to our diet. We may live alone and not always bother cooking a meal. We may become less active as we age, which can also reduce our appetite. Grocery shopping may become more difficult so we do less of it. The result is that we soon run out of items like milk, yogurt and fresh fruit and vegetables. The next thing you know, some tea and toast is all we really have left, or care to prepare. It is important to plan your diet and your grocery shopping so that your bones will stay as healthy and strong as possible. You have no doubt heard that calcium and vitamin D are good for your bones. They are, but they are not the only important nutrients. A well balanced diet, made up of all the four food groups in Canada’s Food Guide, is the secret to healthy bones. MEAT AND ALTERNATIVES In addition to calcium and other minerals, bone is made up of protein, a nutrient that is necessary for building and repairing body tissues including bones. Protein gives bone its strength and flexibility. Protein is also the big component of muscles, which are, of course, crucial for mobility and in preventing falls. The “Meat and Alternatives” food group provides your body with protein. Meat and alternatives also contain other vitamins and minerals that are essential for overall good health. How do you know how much protein you need? Canada’s Food Guide recommends 2 – 3 servings of meat or alternatives each day for those over 50. A serving size is about the size and thickness of your palm (excluding the thumb and fingers). This means that you should eat a palm size portion of protein with at least two of your three meals. The “Meats” include beef, pork, poultry and fish. The “Alternatives” include beans, lentils, tofu, egg whites, peanut (or other nut) butters, shelled nuts and seeds. Dairy products are also a good source of protein and have the added advantage of being good sources of calcium. Too many seniors don’t eat enough protein or other important nutrients. Less protein means more fragile bones. Less protein also means weaker muscles. Weaker muscles lead to poorer balance and more falls, and falls can lead to fractures. It is not unusual to find that people who break a bone also had a deficiency of protein in their diet over a period of several months just before their fracture. So, put ham or peanut butter on your morning toast; have boiled eggs or a salmon sandwich with your lunch, a chicken breast or hamburger patty with your supper. Eat well and eat regularly.
  • 32. 32  How much calcium do we need?  Does excess body acidity contribute to bone loss?  The truth about lactose intolerance  Vitamin D: A key factor in good calcium absorption  How to choose a supplement  Calcium: An Important Nutrient that Builds Stronger Bones Bone is living tissue, constantly renewing itself. Although bone is strong and relatively flexible, everyday wear and tear causes tiny structural defects, much like those that occur in the foundations of a building over time. In our bodies, there are two groups of special cells that perform the work of a “maintenance crew.” Osteoclasts excavate any areas of damaged or weakened bone and then osteoblasts fill in the crevices with material that hardens to form new bone. This two-part process is called bone remodelling, and the cycle of remodelling is completed every three to four months in a healthy young adult.
  • 33. 33 As we age, the two groups of cells that form the maintenance crew become less efficient in working together – the osteoclasts remove old bone faster than the osteoblasts are able to rebuild it. In addition, calcium, like many nutrients, is absorbed less effectively as we age. In
  • 34. 34 people who have relatively healthy bones, adequate calcium intake can help the remodelling process stay balanced. Studies of older adults show that adequate calcium intake can slow bone loss and lower the risk of fracture. For those over 50, Canada’s Food Guide recommends 3 servings of milk and alternatives (2 servings for adults under age 50) – yogurt, cheese, calcium-fortified beverages, puddings, custards, etc. This essentially means that, if you are over 50, you need the equivalent of one good serving of dairy at each meal. Take your pick: have a glass of milk (go ahead and have chocolate milk if you prefer), have soup that’s made with milk (like cream of mushroom soup), main courses made with cheese such as lasagna, or have yogurt with fruit for dessert. A 3 cm cube of hard cheese has as much calcium as a cup of milk. Skim milk products provide as much calcium as whole milk with the added advantage of less fat and cholesterol. Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium and are also a good source of protein. If you are intolerant to dairy products or if you prefer to avoid dairy, there are other alternatives food sources that are high in calcium. These include:  calcium-fortified soy, almond and rice beverages (check the nutrition labels)  calcium-fortified orange juice (check the nutrition labels)  canned salmon or canned sardines. (When you eat the bones that have been softened by the canning process, these foods are excellent sources of calcium.)
  • 35. 35 HOW MUCH CALCIUM DO WE NEED? Age Daily Calcium Requirement (this includes your diet and supplements) 19 to 50 1000 mg 50+ 1200 mg pregnant or lactatingwomen 18+ 1000 mg CALCIUM CONTENT OF SOME COMMON FOODS PORTION CALCIUM* Food Product – 250 to 300+ mg Ca Buttermilk 1 cup/250mL 300 mg Fortified orange juice 1 cup/250mL 300 mg Fortified rice or soy beverage 1 cup/250mL 300 mg** Milk – whole, 2%, 1%, skim, chocolate 1 cup/250mL 300 mg*** Milk, evaporated 1/2 cup/125 mL 367 mg Milk – powder, dry 1/3 cup/75 mL 270 mg Yogurt – plain, 1-2% M.F. 3/4 cup/175 mL 332 mg
  • 36. 36 Food Product – 160 to 249 mg Ca Almonds, dry roast 1/2 cup/125 mL 186 mg Beans – white, canned 1 cup/250 mL 191 mg Cheese – Blue, Brick, Cheddar, Edam, Gouda, Gruyere, Swiss 1 ¼”/3 cm cube 245 mg Cheese – Mozzarella 1 ¼”/3 cm cube 200 mg Drinkable yogurt 4/5 cup/200 mL 191 mg Frozen yogurt, vanilla 1 cup/250 mL 218 mg Fruit-flavoured yogurt 3/4 cup/175 mL 200 mg Ice cream cone, vanilla, soft serve 1 232 mg Kefir (fermented milk drink) – plain 3/4 cup/175 mL 187 mg Molasses, blackstrap 1 Tbsp/15 mL 180 mg Salmon, with bones – canned 1/2 can/105 g 240 mg Sardines, with bones 1/2 can/55 g 200 mg Soybeans, cooked 1 cup/250 mL 170 mg Food Product – 125 to 159 mg Ca Beans – baked, with pork, canned 1 cup/250 mL 129 mg Beans – navy, soaked, drained, cooked 1 cup/250 mL 126 mg Collard greens – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 133 mg
  • 37. 37 Cottage cheese, 1 or 2% 1 cup/250 mL 150 mg Figs, dried 10 150 mg Instant oatmeal, calcium added 1 pouch/32 g 150 mg Soy flour 1/2 cup/125 mL 127 mg Tofu, regular – with calcium sulfate 3 oz/84 g 130 mg Food Product – 75 to 124 mg Ca Beans – baked, plain 1 cup/250 mL 86 mg Beans – great northern, soaked, drained, cooked 1 cup/250 mL 120 mg Beans – pinto, soaked, drained, cooked 1 cup/250 mL 79 mg Beet greens – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 82 mg Bok choy, Pak-choi – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 84 mg Bread, white 2 slices 106 mg Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) 1 cup/250 mL 77 mg Chili con carne, with beans – canned 1 cup/250 mL 84 mg Cottage cheese – 2%, 1% 1/2 cup/125 mL 75 mg Dessert tofu 1/2 cup/100 g 75 mg Okra – frozen, cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 89 mg Processed cheese slices, thin 1 115 mg Turnip greens – frozen, cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 104 mg
  • 38. 38 Food Product – under 75 mg Ca Artichoke – cooked 1 medium 54 mg Beans, snap – fresh or frozen, cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 33 mg Broccoli – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 33 mg Chinese broccoli (gai lan) – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 46 mg Dandelion greens – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 74 mg Edamame (East Asian dish, baby soybeans in the pod) 1/2 cup/125 mL 52 mg Fireweed leaves, raw 1/2 cup/125 mL 52 mg Grapefruit, pink or red 1/2 27 mg Hummus 1/2 cup/125 mL 50 mg Kale – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 49 mg Kiwifruit 1 26 mg Mustard greens – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 55 mg Orange 1 medium 50 mg Parmesan cheese, grated 1 Tbsp/15 mL 70 mg Rutabaga (yellow turnip) – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 43 mg Seaweed (agar) – dried 1/2 cup/125 mL 35 mg
  • 39. 39 Snow peas – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 36 mg Squash (acorn, butternut) – cooked 1/2 cup/125 mL 44 mg *Approximate values. **Added calcium may settle to the bottom of the container; shake well before drinking. ***Calcium-enriched milk – add 100 mg per serving. The calcium in soy beverage is absorbed at the rate of 75% of milk. The calcium in some foods such as sesame seeds, rhubarb, Swiss chard and spinach is not well absorbed, because of very high oxalate content, which binds the calcium. Therefore these foods have not been included. Does Excess Body Acidity Contribute to Bone Loss? THE PROTEIN CONTROVERSY Some groups claim that North Americans, who have a diet high in protein and dairy products, are at greater risk of osteoporosis and fractures than people who live in countries where meat and dairy products are not a large part of the diet. The reasoning behind this claim is that meat and dairy products contain protein, and excess protein can contribute to bone loss. However, rarely do seniors eat too much protein. The opposite is, in fact, more commonly the truth. In most people who fracture, it is not too much protein that is the problem; it is, more often than not, too little protein. Many studies show that women and seniors do not consume enough protein daily. In fact, in the elderly, protein deficiency may be an important problem for bone health. Excessive amounts of protein are not a concern for most people and will only promote bone loss if calcium intake is not adequate. In addition, there are no studies showing that drinking milk causes bone loss. Indeed, the opposite is true: more dairy means greater bone mass and therefore stronger bones. The Truth About Lactose Intolerance Avoiding milk and other dairy foods because of lactose intolerance can have serious effects on nutrient intake, including lowering the intake of calcium, which leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis and fracture. Here are some tips to help you lessen the symptoms of lactose intolerance:  Try to consume small amounts of milk and other dairy products more frequently throughout the day rather than having fewer, larger servings of dairy.
  • 40. 40  Consume milk and milk products with meals.  Consume milk and milk products every day. This may reduce the symptoms, because the bacteria in the gut get used to the lactose and less gas may be produced.  Try lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk and other dairy products; a glass of lactose-free milk provides the same nutrients as regular milk.  Enjoy hard cheeses such as Swiss, Edam, Gouda and Cheddar, which contain very little lactose. There are some lower fat cheese alternatives.  Choose yogurt. The bacteria in some yogurts may help break down the lactose it contains.  Try Kefir (a fermented milk drink). It may be better tolerated.  Use lactase drops/tablets (available at a pharmacy) in milk to reduce the lactose content. Vitamin D: An Important Nutrient That Protects You Against Falls and Fractures Vitamin D is very important for bone health. It helps build stronger bones, partly by increasing the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D also improves the function of muscles, which in turn improves your balance and decreases the likelihood of falling. Vitamin D is therefore doubly essential in helping protect you against fractures. Vitamin D comes from the sun. The sun’s rays interact with our skin to produce vitamin D that can be used for bone and muscle health. In Canada, because we live in a northern climate, we don’t get as much sun as we need; and when we apply sunscreen in the summer, that disables the skin’s ability to produce vitamin D from sun exposure. Additionally, as we age, the skin’s ability to make vitamin D decreases and for all of these reasons, many Canadians are low on vitamin D. There are very few food sources of vitamin D. In fact, it is impossible for adults to get sufficient vitamin D from diet alone, no matter how good their nutrition. Therefore, Osteoporosis Canada recommends routine vitamin D supplementation for all Canadian adults year round. Healthy adults between19-50 years of age, including pregnant or breast feeding women, require 400 – 1,000 IU daily. Those over 50 or those younger adults at high risk (with osteoporosis, multiple fractures, or conditions affecting vitamin D absorption) should receive 800 – 2,000 IU daily. These amounts are safe. Taking more than 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily should be done only under medical supervision. The best way to ensure that you are getting sufficient vitamin D is by taking a supplement. The type of vitamin D you should purchase is vitamin D3 (also called cholecalciferol). This is the most common type of vitamin D found in supplements in Canada.
  • 41. 41 Vitamin D by itself comes in 400 and 1000 IU tablets. Most multivitamins contain some vitamin D but the amounts vary quite a bit, so be sure to read the small print on the label carefully. Some calcium supplements also contain vitamin D3 and again the amounts vary. If you are unclear how much vitamin D your supplements contain, please check with your pharmacist. There is something special about Vitamin D that does not apply to most other vitamins or supplements. Vitamin D is fat soluble. This means vitamin D can be “made up.” If you miss your vitamin D today, for example, you can take double the amount tomorrow. If you miss your vitamin D for a whole week, you can take all the vitamin D that you missed altogether at the end of the week. However, you shouldn’t do this on a regular basis without consulting with your physician and this can only be done with vitamin D. It cannot be done with other medications or supplements. How Do I Know if I Need a Calcium Supplement? Osteoporosis Canada strongly recommends that everyone obtain their calcium through nutrition whenever possible. Even if you take excess calcium from your diet, that is not harmful. However, some individuals just can’t seem to get enough calcium in their diet. These persons may need to take a calcium supplement, but this should be discussed with a physician as calcium supplements can have some side effects and have been associated with some risks. To know whether or not you need to take a calcium supplement, you really need to figure out how much calcium you are getting in your diet. Here is a very simple way to calculate this. First, give yourself a baseline of 300 mg of calcium simply for eating anything at all. This is because there is a small amount of calcium in a variety of foods such as breads, muffins, oranges, etc. At the end of the day, even without eating any high calcium foods, you can’t help but get about 300 mg of calcium in your daily diet. Now, add another 300 mg for any of the following high calcium foods:  1 cup (250 ml) of cow’s milk or goat’s milk (including whole milk, 2%, skim or chocolate milk)  1 cup (250 ml) of fortified soy, almond or rice beverage  1 cup (250 ml) of fortified (or calcium rich) orange juice  ¾ cup of yogurt (175 ml)  2 slices of cheese
  • 42. 42  one chunk of cheese (a 3 cm cube)  salmon, canned with bones (1/2 can or 107 g) or sardines, canned with bones (7 medium or 84 g). Three servings of any of the above will give you about 900 mg of calcium, and if you add the 300 mg of baseline calcium for eating anything at all, this will ensure the 1200 mg of calcium you need if you are over 50. Don’t forget to add in any calcium you might be getting from a multivitamin tablet. If you are already getting close to the recommended amount of calcium for your age group, then you are doing great. Your body needs calcium and you are already getting the calcium you need from your diet. Extra dietary calcium is not harmful. However, getting more calcium than you need from supplements can be harmful. Excess calcium from supplements has been associated with kidney stones, heart problems, prostate cancer, constipation and digestive problems. Do not take extra calcium from supplements if your diet is already giving you enough calcium. If you are not getting or cannot get the recommended amount of calcium for your age group from your diet, or if you are not certain if your diet is giving you enough calcium, then you should discuss whether you need to take a low dose calcium supplement with your doctor. You should not just arbitrarily take a calcium supplement on your own. WHEN YOUR DOCTOR ADVISES YOU TO TAKE A CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT If you find it difficult to obtain the recommended amounts of calcium through diet alone, your physician may recommend a combination of foods rich in calcium and a low dose calcium supplement as a good strategy for you. Calcium supplements are tablets, capsules or liquids containing the mineral calcium from a non-food source. Many brands of calcium supplements are available. When making a choice, take the following factors into consideration: THE AMOUNT OF CALCIUM PER TABLET OR DOSE The product label should state the amount of elemental calcium in each tablet, e.g., 300 mg of elemental calcium in a 750 mg tablet of calcium carbonate. The amount of elemental calcium is the figure you use to calculate your true daily intake from a supplement. PRICE The most expensive preparations are not necessarily better. Costs will vary among brand name products and similar generic supplements. Prices may also vary with the amount of elemental calcium per tablet. Compare brands and prices.
  • 43. 43 SIDE EFFECTS For some, calcium supplements may cause stomach upset, constipation or nausea. Try different brands or forms, e.g., gelatine capsules, chewable calcium or effervescent tablets, to find a suitable product for you. Calcium citrate may be a good alternative to calcium carbonate. SAFETY Specific Canadian standards have been established for lead content, quality, and disintegration; products with DIN (Drug Identification Number) or NPN (Natural Product Number) numbers have passed these tests. If you have any doubts, ask your pharmacist to recommend a good calcium supplement for you. TABLET SIZE Some calcium tablets are very large and may be difficult to swallow. If this is a problem for you and you can’t see the tablet through the bottle, ask your pharmacist or sales person about tablet size. You may wish to inquire about chewable or effervescent tablets or calcium in a gelatine capsule form. In addition, calcium tablets that also contain vitamin D tend to be larger in size. If size matters to you, take your calcium and vitamin D separately rather than in a combined form. HOW TO TAKE A SUPPLEMENT To maximize the absorption of calcium: 1. Take calcium carbonate with food or immediately after eating. It is absorbed more effectively when there is food in the stomach. Calcium citrate, calcium lactate and calcium gluconate are well absorbed at any time. 2. Take calcium with plenty of water. 3. Take no more than 500-600 mg of elemental calcium at one time. In fact, it is best to take smaller doses more frequently rather than large doses once a day. 4. Antacids such as TUMS are an acceptable source of calcium. The calcium in these products is calcium carbonate and should be taken at mealtime for better absorption. BE SURE ABOUT YOUR DOSE OF SUPPLEMENTAL CALCIUM Only take a calcium supplement if your doctor has advised you to do so. Unless you are very confident that you are taking the correct dose, show your bottle of calcium to your doctor or pharmacist to be sure that you are not taking too much calcium, which may be harmful. If you change the brand of calcium supplement you are taking, you may need to show the new
  • 44. 44 bottle to your doctor or pharmacist again, to make sure that your dose of calcium has not changed. For more information, contact Osteoporosis Canada at 1-800-463-6842 and ask for the Nutrition fact sheet. Osteoporosis and Nutrition Part 1 of 2 - The Role of Calcium and Other Nutrients on Osteoporosis By Carol Eustice, Guide Updated May 25, 2006 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board Nutrition is one of many factors that influence bone mass. Dietary intake can also impact the tendency to fall and plays a significant role in maintaining a soft tissue cushion to protect the skeleton from the impact of a fall. Calcium and Calcium Balance Bone serves as the reservoir for 99% of the body's total calcium. Calcium is an essential nutrient for bone health. It is also needed for the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly and for blood to clot normally. The body loses calcium every day through:  urine  feces  sweat  the skin  the hair  the nails The lost calcium is normally replaced by calcium in the diet. When the diet does not contain enough calcium to offset such losses, the body breaks down bone to release calcium needed to accommodate these physiologic demands. Many other nutrients affect bone health, too, because they impact the absorption or excretion of calcium. Calcium balance-not just intake-is necessary for healthy bones. This balance is dependent on the absorption rate of calcium consumed as well as the rate of (mostly urinary) calcium excretion. For example, in a study of 560 healthy women, one researcher demonstrated that only about 10% of the variance in calcium balance among these women was explained by differences in their calcium intakes and absorption only explained another 15%. Urinary losses explained slightly more then 50 percent. Nutrients Affecting Calcium Balance Several nutrients significantly influence calcium balance: Vitamin D Vitamin D has a positive impact on calcium balance, as it increases calcium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The most readily available source of vitamin D is exposure to direct sunlight. Vitamin D is also found in fatty fish, eggs, liver, butter, fortified foods such as milk and multivitamins. Vitamin D deficiency may be a problem among some elderly, those in institutional settings, and some people with chronic neurological or gastrointestinal diseases. Protein Protein is essential in our diets to build tissue during growth and to repair and replace tissue throughout the life cycle. It is also needed for fracture healing and proper function of the immune
  • 45. 45 system. Protein deficiency is an important factor contributing to death, institutionalization, and loss of independence among the elderly following hip fracture. However, protein also increases the body's need for calcium by increasing calcium excretion. Excess protein in the diet is used by the body for energy, just like fats and carbohydrates. However, as protein is burned for energy, it produces a chemical called sulfate, which the body excretes through the kidneys. Sulfate increases the excretion of calcium. It is generally believed that most Americans exceed the recommended intake for protein:  44 grams for women  56 grams for men Sodium Sodium (and chloride), the components of table salt, increase the calcium requirement by increasing urinary calcium excretion. Individuals with low salt intakes may be able to maintain calcium balance at low calcium intakes, while those with more typical U.S. salt intakes will have higher calcium requirements. Oxalate Oxalate is a nutrient that increases the calcium requirement by interfering with calcium absorption in the same food (not in others). Spinach, for example, is an extremely nutritious food, but its calcium is not absorbed because it is chemically bound to the oxalates that are present. However, eating spinach with cheese would not affect the absorption of calcium from the cheese. Foods high in oxalates include spinach, rhubarb and sweet potatoes. Phosphorous Some concern has been expressed that there may be too much phosphorous in the North American diet, particularly since phosphorous (in the form of phosphoric acid) is a constituent of cola beverages and because phosphate is added to many processed foods. Phosphorous may increase the body's need for calcium by interfering with calcium absorption. There is no scientific consensus that current levels of phosphorous intake are, by themselves, harmful. There is, however, general agreement that today's higher phosphorous intakes would be entirely safe in individuals with normal kidney function if calcium intakes were at recommended levels. Caffeine The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee can reduce calcium absorption by a few milligrams, but that loss can be easily offset by adding a tablespoon or two of milk. Much of the apparently harmful effect of caffeine appears to be due not to the caffeine itself, but to the fact that caffeine-containing beverages are often substituted for milk in the diet. Fiber Adequate fiberintake is necessary to aid digestion and prevent several chronic diseases such as colon cancer and heart disease. Fiber has a minimal effect on the absorption of calcium. The fiber in wheat bran is most likely to interfere, but unless the intake level is extreme, this is not a significant problem. Go On To Part 2 --- Osteoporosis and Nutrition ---> Calcium and Vitamin D Many published studies have demonstrated that low calcium intake is associated with low bone mass and increased fracture risk. It has been suggested that calcium deficiencies in youth can account for a 5-10% difference in peak bone mass and can significantly increase the risk for hip fracture in later life.  Osteoporosis Prevention For Kids: A Guide for Parents Among postmenopausal women, studies have shown that supplemental calcium can decrease the rate of bone loss from the femoral neck, the spine and the total body. Women who have been postmenopausal for six or more years tend to reap a greater benefit from calcium supplementation than those who are within five years of menopause. Since calcium is a nutrient, not a drug, the positive effects of supplemental calcium are most pronounced among women with low to moderate calcium intakes. Recent clinical trials have suggested that supplementation with calcium or calcium plus vitamin D, can reduce fracture incidence by about 30-50% in subjects with low calcium intakes.  Calcium Supplements: What You Should Look For? Vitamin D deficiency is also a concern in bone health. The nutrient is essential for calcium absorption and normal bone mineralization. Studies have shown that low levels of vitamin D can contribute to low bone density. Recent evidence suggests that deficiencies in this nutrient may additionally contribute to hip fractures in postmenopausal women.  Osteoporosis Prevention: The Role of Calcium and Vitamin D Protein and Bone Health It is known that high protein intake increases the calcium requirement. However, the association between protein and osteoporotic bone fractures in individuals has not been fully explored.
  • 46. 46 Reduced protein intake has been linked to low femoral neck bone density in elderly hospitalized patients. In these individuals, clinical outcomes following hip fracture were significantly enhanced when protein intake was normalized through nutritional supplementation. Soy and Isoflavones The soybean plant, a legume, contains specific phytochemicals known as isoflavones. Phytochemicals are non-nutritive substances, in that they contain no vitamins or minerals. Isoflavones are also phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are compounds that have mild estrogenic effects. Chick peas and legumes are good sources of isoflavones. The legume, soy, has the greatest concentration of these chemicals. Isoflavones have received a good deal of attention for their possible cancer and heart disease- preventive traits. Because of their estrogen-like properties, many believe that isoflavones and other phytoestrogens may one day play a role in postmenopausal health. One isoflavone derivative, ipriflavone, is currently used outside of the United States as an osteoporosis therapy. Ipriflavone has had a bone-protective effect in several studies. Further research is needed to understand the systemic effects of this compound before it can be considered a therapeutic approach for osteoporosis prevention and treatment. Nutrition and Weight Nutritional status and body weight are additional considerations in skeletal health. Nutritional status can influence one's tendency to fall and is a factor in the maintenance of adequate soft tissue mass to protect the bones from a fall-related fracture. Of particular concern are thin, undernourished, elderly individuals who may lack sufficient muscle and fat mass in the hip region.  How to Prevent Slips and Falls Body weight, is an important determinant of bone density. The skeleton of heavy individuals tends to benefit from it's increased load-carrying role. Studies have demonstrated that body weight is positively correlated with bone mineral density, and that weight loss is associated with bone loss. (Increasing calcium intake appears to reduce the bone loss that accompanies weight loss.) Weight loss in older individuals has been linked to an increase in fracture risk. Researchers found that "extreme" weight loss (10% or more) beginning at age fifty, increased the risk of hip fracture in older women and men. Conversely, a weight gain of 10% or more decreased hip fracture risk. Such studies suggest that maintaining weight in later life may have a protective effect on bone Related Resources  Nutrition and Vitamins  Osteoporosis  Osteoporosis Screening Quiz  Dietary Supplements Source: NIH ORBD ~ NRC, Nutrition and the Skeleton, 8/2001 Go Back To Part 1 --- Osteoporosis and Nutrition ---> Prevention of Osteoporosis (cont.) 1. Osteoporosis Slideshow Pictures 2. Super Foods for Your Bones Slideshow Pictures 3. Take the Osteoporosis Quiz Medical Author: Coburn Hobar, MD
  • 47. 47 Medical Editor: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR Prevention of Osteoporosis Introduction Nutrition and Osteoporosis Prevention Exercise and Osteoporosis Prevention Lifestyle and Osteoporosis Prevention Medication for Osteoporosis Prevention Early Screening for Osteoporosis For More Information Osteoporosis Pictures Synonyms and Keywords Authors and Editors Prevention of Osteoporosis Topic Guide Prevention of Osteoporosis Introduction Osteoporosis (porous bone) is a disease in which bones become weak and are more likely to break (fracture). Without prevention or treatment, osteoporosis can progress without pain or symptoms until a fracture occurs. Fractures from osteoporosis commonly occur in the hip, spine, and wrist. Osteoporosis is the underlying cause of more than 1.5 million fractures annually (300,000 hip fractures, approximately 700,000 vertebral fractures, 250,000 wrist fractures, and more than 300,000 fractures in other areas). The estimated national cost (hospitals and nursing homes) for osteoporosis and related injuries is $14 billion each year in the United States. Osteoporosis is not just an "old woman's disease." Although it is more common in white or Asian women older than 50 years of age, osteoporosis can occur in almost any person at any age. In fact, more than 2 million American men have osteoporosis, and in women, bone loss can begin as early as 25 years of age. Building strong bones and reaching peak bone density (maximum strength and solidness) can be the best defense against developing osteoporosis. After reaching the peak, which usually occurs by the age of 30, a healthy lifestyle can help keep bones strong. Osteoporosis is more or less preventable for most people. Prevention is very important because, while treatments are available for osteoporosis, no cure currently exists. Prevention of osteoporosis involves several aspects, including nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and early screening. Next Page: Nutrition and Osteoporosis Prevention» Nutrition and Osteoporosis Prevention Eating the right foods is essential for good nutrition. Our bodies need the right vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to stay healthy. Getting enough calcium and vitamin D is important for strong bones as well as for proper function of the heart, muscles, and nerves. The best way to get enough calcium and vitamin D is through a balanced diet. A diet high in calcium