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Određeno voće
• Bobičasto (šumsko) voće
• Ovo voće spada u najbogatije izvore antioksidantne hrane na svetu. Borovnice,
maline, kupine, trešnje, jagode, godži bobice, kamu kamu, mogu biti uvrštene
u brojne recepte, a njihova primena omogućiće vam odličan izvor vitamina C, A,
kao i odličan antivirusni / antifugalni agent za dizanje imuniteta. Šumsko voće je
posebno bogato proantocijanidima, koji sadrže antiaging karakteristike. Visok
nivo fenola, zeoksantina, likopena, kriptoksantina i luteina. Manje poznata
“superhrana” dud, kamu kamu i godži bobice već stotinama godinama se koriste
u tradicionalnoj kineskoj medicini za jačanje imuno sistema i podizanje energije,
pa zbog toga potražite ove tri biljke u formi praha ili sušeno voće u prodavnicama
• Camu camu
• Žuto i narandžasto voće i povrće
• Ono sadrži prirodne biljne pigmente karotenoide. Beta-karoten u krompiru,
bundevi, šargarepi se pretvara u vitamin A koji pomaže u održavanju zdravih
očiju, smanjuje rizik od raka, srčanih bolesti, podiže imunitet. Svetli pigmenti koji
se mogu naći u biljnoj hrani bogat su izvor fitohemikalija, posebno karotenoidnih
antioksidanasa. Ovo je razlog zbog čega biste trebali da jedete voće i povrće
“duginih boja” i da ih tako poslažete u svom tanjiru.
• Žuto i narandžasto voće i povrće
• Karotenoidi (alfa-karoten, beta-karoten, likopen, lutein,
kriptoksantin) su derivati vitamina A koji se mogu pronaći u
mnogim vrstama citrusnog voća, slatkom krompiru, bobičastom voću,
bundevama, tikvama i drugoj biljnoj hrani.
• Žuto i narandžasto voće i povrće
• Jedan od najistraženijih karotenoida je beta karoten. To je esencijalni nutrijent
za jačanje imuno sistema, za detoksikaciju, zdravlje jetre, borbu protiv kancera
kože, očiju i organa. Kada je reč o povrću bogatom ugljenim hidratima studije
pokazuju da kompleksni ugljeni hidrati, uključujući slatki krompir, šargarepu,
cveklu, kao i žitarice celog zrna, ove namirnice smanjuju rizik od brojnih
vrsta kancera, posebno kancera organa gornjeg dela digestivnog trakta.
Razlog tome je i količina billjnih vlakana, ali istraživanja se i dalje vrše kako bi
sa sigurnošću naučnici mogli da potvrde benefit ovih namirnica vezanih za
lečenje i prevenciju kancera.
• Lisnato zeleno povrće
• Zeleniš je kamen temeljac zdrave ishrane, jer je izuzetno bogat vitaminima,
mineralima, antioksidansima i enzimima, i ujedno sadrži veoma nizak broj
kalorija. Zeleniš svih vrsta – spanać, kelj, prokelj, blitva, rimska salata, rukola
i ostalo zeleno lisnato povrće bogato je antioksidansima koji su poznati u borbi
protiv raka i drugih teških bolesti, a pored toga sadrže gvožđe i beta-karoten
(vrsta vitamina A). Prirodni su izvor glukozinolata, takođe sadrže antibakterijska
i antivirusna svojstva, deaktiviraju kancerogene ćelije, i sprečavaju stvaranje
tumora i metastaza.
• Lisnato zeleno povrće
• Izotiocijanati (ITCS) se nalaze u zelenišu, sačinjeni su od glukozinolata,
pomažu detoksikaciju tela na ćelijskom nivou. Dodajte pregršt lisnatog zeleniša
uz ručak i večeru da biste povećali unos hranljivih materija. Sokovi od povrća se
veoma lako vare, i ukoliko želite da počnete da ih pravite, vodite se time da ih
pravite tako što ćete cediti / blendirati tri vrste povrća i jednu vrstu voća, koristeći
limun kao neutralni sastojak koji se dodaje svim sokovima / smutijima.
• Kruciferno povrće
• Brokoli, karfiol, kelj, rotkvice, rukola, kupus i prokelj su poznati kao snažni
borci protiv raka i oni su puni vitamina C. Skoro svi članovi porodice Brassica
krucifernog povrća su bogati hranljivim materijama i izvori su fitohemikalija pod
nazivom izotiocijanati, koji su vezani za prevenciju raka. Pored izotiocijanita,
kruciferno povrće sadrži dve vrste jakih antioksidanasa i enzima koji štite
strukturu DNK. Uključite tri obroka dnevno koji se sastoji od krucifernog
povrća kao i drugih vrsta povrća korisnih za smanjenje rizika od raka,
uključujući luk, tikvice, špargla, artičoke, paprike, šargarepe i cvekle.
• Sveže bilje i začini
• Kurkuma, koja sadrži aktivni sastojak kurukmin, dokazano je da smanjuje
veličinu tumora i utiče na borbu protiv kancera debelog creva i dojki. Zajedno
sa upotrebom bibera, pojačava se apsorpcija kurkume i time smanjujemo
zapaljenski proces u organizmu. Potrudite se da unosite kurkumu svakodnevno u
toku kuvanja, u vidu suplementa, i pravite napitke koji sadrže kurkumu.
• Sveže bilje i začini
• Npr. Kurkuma limunada (⅓ kašičice kurkume, ⅓ kašičice cimeta, ¼ isceđenog
limuna, 1/5 kašicice bibera i 2dl tople vode). Pored kurkume značajni začini za
upotrebu u borbi i prevenciji protiv kancera su cimet, biber, kari, beli luk i drugi.
Od svežeg bilja preporučuje se da koristite đumbir, svež beli luk, majčinu
dušicu, ruzmarin, origano, bosljak, peršunov list, korijander itd. – koje
možete koristiti kao dodatak sokovima, smutijima, dresinzima i svim ostalim
• Koštunjavi plodovi i semenke
• Čia i laneno seme predstavljaju nutrijentno najbogatije semenke na
svetu. Bogate su biljnim vlaknima, omega 3 masnim kiselinama i
brojnim minetalima. Konopljine, susamove, bundevine i
suncekretove semenke su takođe delotvorne i pružaju koristi
zahvaljujući masnim kiselina. Isto tako i orasi i lešnici. Potrudite se da
svakodnevno uvrstite ove namirnice u svoju ishranu.
Beli luk
• W
• W
• W
• W
• W
• W
• W
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• W
• O
Antineoplastično dejstvo belog luka
• Organosulfurne komponente u belom luku dovode do smanjenja
incidence za tumore dojki, krvi, ž.kesice, debelog creva, kože,
materice, jednjaka I karcinome pluća.
• Potencijalni mehanizmi dejstva su:
• - smanjenje formiranja nitrozamina
• - smanjenje bioaktivnosti karcinogena
• -pobošanje reparacije DNA
• -stimulacija imuniteta
• - antirpoliferativni efekti
Antineoplastično dejstvo belog luka
• Drugi faktori su:
• - stimulacija enzima citohrom P450
• - vezivanje sumpornih jedinjenja
• - antioksidantna aktivnost
• Hemijske komponente belog luka koje su pokazale ove navedene efekte su:
• Ajoene
• Allicin
• Diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide
• SAC I S-allylmercaptocysteine
• p
• broccoli leaves and stems contain high levels of total
phenolics, and high antioxidant and anticancer activities and can
provide opportunities for early-maturing broccoli as functional
fresh raw vegetables.
• New research has linked a compound found in Brussels
sprouts, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables to one of
the body’s most potent tumor-suppressing genes.
• The study says that the compound, called I3C (indole-3-
carbinol), is involved in a complex chemical chain reaction that
frees the tumor suppressor to do its job. The research also
highlights the chemical warfare that goes on inside the body as
it struggles to prevent tumors from developing even as
tumors themselves fight to grow and spread.
• It turns out Mom was right – you should eat your broccoli.
• broccoli is so healthy, and how its lesser known, younger
offshoot may be a powerful anti-cancer agent
• Researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State
University have found that sulforaphane – a compound found
in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy and
brussels sprouts – has strong anti-cancer properties.
• Even more promising results have been found in broccoli
sprouts. The tiny, thread-like broccoli sprouts sold at stores
next to alfalfa sprouts have more than 50 times the amount of
sulforaphane than found in mature broccoli.
• r
• Elizabeth Jeffery, PhD, ….her studies suggest that steaming your
broccoli for three to four minutes until it turns a bright green
will boost its cancer-fighting compounds.
• Broccoli contains lots of compounds studied for their cancer-
fighting abilities. One of the top contenders is sulforaphane.
• Sulforaphane isn’t found naturally in broccoli: it forms when
other compounds in broccoli come
together: glucosinolates and the enzyme myrosinase.
• But microwave or boil your broccoli too much and it can
destroy its myrosinase. Destroy that — sulforaphane can’t
• Broccoli sprouts have up to 100x the amount of sulforaphane compared to
mature broccoli.
• You would need to eat 1.5 pounds of mature broccoli (woah! that’s a lot) to get
the same amount of sulforaphane as 1 ounce of broccoli sprouts.
• A study by Jeffery that compared boiling, microwaving, and
steaming found that steaming broccoli for up to five
minutes was the best way to retain its myrosinase. Boiling and
microwaving broccoli for one minute or less destroyed the
majority of the enzyme.
• If you prefer your broccoli cooked longer — even mushy —
you can still get sulforaphane to form by eating your
broccoli with raw foods that contain myrosinase. Radishes,
arugula, even Brussels sprouts are a few.
• t
• It also contains the enzyme myrosinase, which plants have evolved for defending themselves against herbivores.
Through what's known as 'myrosinase activity', the glucosinolates get transformed into sulforaphane, which is
what we want.
• To kick myrosinase activity into gear, you need to do damage to the broccoli, so you'd think cooking would do
the trick.
• Unfortunately, studies have shown that common broccoli cooking methods, like boiling and microwaving,
seriously reduce the amount of glucosinolates in the vegetable - even if you just zap it for a couple minutes. And
myrosinase is super-sensitive to heat, too.
• Hence, by far the largest amount of sulforaphane you can get from broccoli is by munching on raw florets. Ugh.
• This got the team of researchers thinking about the results of stir-frying - the most popular method for preparing
vegetables in China.
• "Surprisingly, few methods have reported the sulforaphane concentrations in stir-fried broccoli, and to the best
of our knowledge, no report has focused on sulforaphane stability in the stir-frying process," the
researchers noted in their study.
• First, they basically pulverised the broccoli, chopping it into 2 millimetre pieces
to get as much myrosinase activity going as possible (remember, it happens
when broccoli is damaged).
• Then they divided their samples into three groups - one was left raw, one was
stir-fried for four minutes straight after chopping, and the third was chopped
and then left alone for 90 minutes before being stir-fried for four minutes as
• The 90 minute waiting period was to see whether the broccoli would have
more time to develop the beneficial compounds before being lightly cooked.
• And that's exactly what the team found - the broccoli that was stir-fried right
away had 2.8 times less sulforaphane than the one left to 'develop' for longer.
• "Our results suggest that after cutting broccoli florets into small pieces, they
• t
• rr
• T
• The bioactive constituents include betaine, polyphenols, carotenoids,
flavonoids, saponins, and the water-soluble pigments the betalains
• Betaine Betaine is a vital methyl group donor [18]. Betaine can disrupt
inflammation [18–20] through suppressing nuclear factor kappa-light chain
enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) and Akt activation [51], and the initiation
of inflammasomes [18]. Betaine has not been directly investigated as a cancer
chemoprevention compound, although its anti-inflammation effects suggest
that the compound may be active. Betaine is readily taken up by ingestion in
• Polyphenols Polyphenols are a structural class of chemicals characterized by the
presence of large multiples of phenol structural units. The number and
characteristics of these phenol structures underlie the unique physical,
chemical, and biological properties. The polyphenols in red beetroot have
chemopreventive qualities, as they have hydroxyl groups that donate their
protons to ROS. The phenolic acids, e.g., ferulic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric
acid, syringic acid, and vanillic acid have been purified from beetroot [17]. While
none of these compounds have been extracted from red beetroot and
evaluated for chemopreventive potential, data derived about these compounds
extracted from other sources (see below) suggest that the polyphenols in red
beetroot should have chemopreventive qualities.
• Phenolic Acids Ferulic acid (FA) is a strong membrane antioxidant and known to
be an effective scavenger of free radicals [21]. It has been shown to induce cell
apoptosis through loss of mitochondrial membrane potential [22]. Twenty-five
FA metabolites were found in the plasma, most of which were also found in the
urine, while in the feces, colonic metabolism led to simpler phenolic compounds
[21]. Ferulic acid intake reduced NADPH oxidase activity, superoxide release,
apoptosis, and necrosis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in mice [22].
Superoxide production was abrogated by FA in rats [23]. This polyphenol was
also shown to improve lung inflammation in rats [52,53] suggesting that it may
antagonize lung carcinogenesis.
• The primary flavonoids in red beetroot are rutin, kaempferol, rhamnetin,
rhamnocitrin, and astragalin. The relatively poor bioavailability of rutin has been
discussed by Faggian et al. [40]. Rutin was shown to decrease focal areas of
dysplasia in mice chemically-induced to develop colon cancer
• The saponins in red beetroot are oleanolic acid and several betavulgarosides.
• TBetanins The most studied bioactive compounds in beetroot are the betalains.
Betalains are a class of red and yellow indole-derived pigments found in plants
of the Caryophyllales, where they replace anthocyanin pigments. The
predominant forms of these water-soluble pigments are betacyanin (red color)
and Molecules 2019, 24, 1602 5 of 12 betaxanthin (yellow color) [62]. Red
beetroot is the primary source of betalains in western diets, as they are not
widely present in the plant world [63]. They are not carcinogenic [64] or
mutagenic [42], and are anti-mutagenic against the direct acting mutagen,
Methylnitro-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) as assessed by the Ames test [42,65].
They did not induce demethylation in the promoters of tested methylation-
silenced onco-suppressor genes in MCF-7 cells [66]. Betalains have no known
toxicity in rodents and humans [62,63], and the extracted food dye E162 (which
is primarily betalains) is commonly used in the food industry
• Phytochemical compounds of Beetroot and its property of antioxidant, anti-
inflammation and anticancer:
• Beetroot is a rich source of phytochemical compounds that includes ascorbic
acid, cartotenoids, phenolic acids and flavonoids [6-8]. Betalains [9,10] is one of
a highly bioactive pigment has been found in Beetroot. Betalains is having high
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities and variety in vivo human. It has
a wonderful role for beetroot in clinical pathologies characterized by oxidative
stress and chronic inflammation such as liver disease, arthritis and even cancer
(Figure 4).
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određeni začini
Bosiljak/ Holy basil
• z
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• c
• c
Ulje crnog kima
• As N.sativa possesses
• antiviral,
• antioxidant,
• anti-inflammatory,
• anticoagulant,
• immunomodulatory,
• bronchodilatory,
• antihistaminic,
• antitussive,
• antipyretic and analgesic activities,
• In addition, N.sativa has also shown anti-hypertensive, anti-obesity, anti-
diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-ulcer, and antineoplastic activities
• Various randomized controlled trials, pilot studies, case reports and in
vitro and in vivo studies confirmed that N. sativa has antiviral,
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, bronchodilatory,
antihistaminic, antitussive activities
• In addition, N. sativa has also shown anti-hypertensive, anti-obesity,
anti-diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-ulcer, and antineoplastic
• Vrste ženšena po načinu pripreme /sušenja
• Fresh ginseng refers to immediate harvest without any additional processing. Because of problems during storage or circulation, in most cases, fresh
ginseng is turned into white or red ginseng. White ginseng refers to dried ginseng, while red ginseng is the transformed ginseng created by traditional
processing with successive steaming and drying. Our research group developed a new processed ginseng (called sun ginseng) from P. ginseng through
steaming under optimized high temperature and pressure conditions. Sun ginseng contains increased levels of biologically active, less polar
ginsenosides and enhanced pharmacological activities compared to those of white and red ginseng [10,11]. This processing method has also been
applied to different Panax species and other natural medicines [12]. Other types of processed ginseng have been developed using modified steaming,
explosive puffing, or fermentation with specific microorganisms, such as intestinal microbial flora. Black ginseng is prepared by repeated cycles of
atmospheric steaming and sun-drying [13]. Puffed ginseng is prepared by applying an optimized puffing pressure and residual moisture content in
ginseng [14]. Fermentation with intestinal microbial flora leads to structural modification of the ginsenosides. Compound K, the intestinal metabolite
of ginsenoside, is a representative bioengineered ginsenoside that shows potent anti-cancer effects [15]. New types of processed ginseng
preparations will be developed in the future [16]. Aside from the ginseng preparations that have originated from cultivated ginseng plants, wild
mountain ginseng grown in the highlands is also available.
• Biological effects
• Many studies suggest that ginsenosides have antioxidant properties.
Ginsenosides have been observed to increase internal antioxidant enzymes
and act as a free-radical scavenger.
• Ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2 have been observed in cell models as having an
inhibitory effect on the cell growth of various cancer cells while studies in
animal models have suggested that ginsenosides have neuroprotective
properties and could be useful in treating neurodegenerative disease such as
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
• Ganoderma lucidum
• Reiši (Reishi)
• Reiši ili hrastova sjajnica je verovatno jedna od najpoznatijih lekovitih
gljiva. Nije jestiva, jer je previše drvenasta i nema neki poseban ukus.
Kinezi je zovu ,,ling ći", što u prevodu znači ,,sveta gljiva". Reiši gljive
su izuzetno cenjene zbog svojih adaptogenih svojstva koja pomažu
telu da se bolje nosi sa stresom, stimulativno deluju na organizam i
podižu opšti tonus.
• One pomažu da se ojača prirodni imunitet organizma i poboljša
cirkulacija krvi. Dokazano je da je ova vrsta gljiva dragocena za
tretman brojnih bolesti, uključujući: Virusne infekcije, kao što je grip,
bronhitis, hipertenzija (povišen krvni pritisak), poremećaj sna i mnoge
• Kordiceps
• Kordiceps gljive lako su prepoznatljive, jer nikako ne podsećaju na
pečurke. Više liče na papričice feferone, jer imaju dugačko s tablo i
• One imaju dugu istoriju u kineskoj i indijskoj medicinskoj tradiciji, a
njihova lekovita svojstva vrednovana su kao i kod reiši gljiva.
Zajedničko im je da se smatraju adaptogenim gljivama, što znači da
organizmu “inteligentno” pružaju mogućnost da prilagodi svoj
unutrašnji balans onako kako je to njemu u datom stanju potrebno.
Osim ovoga, one se preporučuju i kao:
• blagi sedativ, antihistaminik (deluje protiv alergija), zaštita jetre i
bubrega, u borbi protiv leukemije
• Gljiva ćuranov rep (Coriolus versicolor)
• Koriolus svojim oblikom podseća na rep ćurana. Ovaj tip gljive spada u manje poznate, bar kada je reč o
zapadnim civilizacijama. Zbog specifičnog oblika i boje koje su veoma raznovrsne, poznata je pod
nazivom ćuranov rep. Najznačajniji sastojci koriolus gljive su dva polisaharida: krestin (PSK) i peptid
(PSP). Obe ove supstance imaju izuzetno antivtumorsko dejstvo, što ih svrstava u red pravih boraca
protiv raka i širenja malignih ćelija.
• Gljiva ćuranov rep pruža snažan stub odbrane i pomoć pri jačanju imunog sistema, a osim ovoga,
značajne su i za: Povećanje efikasnosti hemoterapije, smanjenje toksičnih efekata i bola kod
hemoterapije i zračenja, produženje života i podizanje njegovog kvaliteta kod pacijenata obolelih od
raka. Takođe, pomaže kod lečenja disajnih puteva, urinarnog i probavnog trakta, poremećaja rada i
funkcija jetre, kod poremećaja rada pluća, tretiranja herpesa i mnogih drugih oboljenja.
• Chaga
• Čaga gljive su možda i najmanje poznate gljive u Evropi i Americi, ali one
zaista imaju dugu istoriju primene u medicini istočnog sveta.
Karakteristične su za Sibir, pa su u narodnoj medicini ovog kraja sveta
jako prisutne. Ovaj tip gljiva poznat je po svojoj izuzetnoj sposobnosti da
jačaju imunološki sistem organizma zbog veoma snažnih antioksidanata
koje u sebi sadrže. Osim imunološke superfunkcije, čaga gljive
omogućuju da se telo obezbedi neophodnim mikonutrijentima koji su u
stanju da štite telo od slobodnih radikala, inače reaktivnih molekula koje
oštećuju ćelije i dovode do bolesti. Ova vrsta gljive veoma je specifična
po izgledu, jer raste na kori drveća i najmanje izgleda kao klasična
pečurka sa stablom i kapom. Čaga više liči na mahovinu pripijenu na
stablo drveta, nego na pečurku.
• Šitake (Shiitake)
• Šitake su prave pečurke po svom izgledu, bar prema onome
kako većina nas zamišlja pečurke, jer imaju svoju dršku i šešir.
Ova vrsta gljive verovatno je najpoznatija po svojoj sposobnosti
da štiti organizam od kardiovaskularnih bolesti i podržava opšte
zdravlje i funkciju srca. Ipak, ovo nisu jedina zdravstvena stanja
u kojima su se šitake gljive pokazale lekovitim, već i kod nekih
drugih, uključujući:
• Virusne ili bakterijske infekcije, stvaranje krvnih ugrušaka,
utičući na nastanak trombocita, razbijanje nagomilanog plaka
na zidovima arterija
• Maitake
• Maitake gljive su još jedna vrsta koja je odavno poznata i primenjena
u istočnim medicinskim tradicijama, dok je u ostatku sveta za njih
malo ko čuo. Izgledaju kao buket izrazito mesnatog lišća. Ove gljive
poznate su po svojoj upotrebi u lečenju teških medicinskih stanja, kao
što su rak, a posebno su se pokazale efikasnim kod tretmana
posebnog oblika kancera – leukemije. Međutim, maitake se
primenjuju i kod drugih tipova oboljenja i slabosti, kao što su: Visok
krvni pritisak, dijabetes tip 2, slabo varenje i mnoge druge.
• osobe koje su dnevno jele 18 grama pečurki imale su 45 odsto manji
rizik od razvoja karcinoma, u poređenju sa onima koji nisu jeli
HPT deo III (1).pptx

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  • 2.
  • 3. Određeno voće • Bobičasto (šumsko) voće • Ovo voće spada u najbogatije izvore antioksidantne hrane na svetu. Borovnice, maline, kupine, trešnje, jagode, godži bobice, kamu kamu, mogu biti uvrštene u brojne recepte, a njihova primena omogućiće vam odličan izvor vitamina C, A, kao i odličan antivirusni / antifugalni agent za dizanje imuniteta. Šumsko voće je posebno bogato proantocijanidima, koji sadrže antiaging karakteristike. Visok nivo fenola, zeoksantina, likopena, kriptoksantina i luteina. Manje poznata “superhrana” dud, kamu kamu i godži bobice već stotinama godinama se koriste u tradicionalnoj kineskoj medicini za jačanje imuno sistema i podizanje energije, pa zbog toga potražite ove tri biljke u formi praha ili sušeno voće u prodavnicama
  • 5. • Žuto i narandžasto voće i povrće • Ono sadrži prirodne biljne pigmente karotenoide. Beta-karoten u krompiru, bundevi, šargarepi se pretvara u vitamin A koji pomaže u održavanju zdravih očiju, smanjuje rizik od raka, srčanih bolesti, podiže imunitet. Svetli pigmenti koji se mogu naći u biljnoj hrani bogat su izvor fitohemikalija, posebno karotenoidnih antioksidanasa. Ovo je razlog zbog čega biste trebali da jedete voće i povrće “duginih boja” i da ih tako poslažete u svom tanjiru.
  • 6. • Žuto i narandžasto voće i povrće • Karotenoidi (alfa-karoten, beta-karoten, likopen, lutein, kriptoksantin) su derivati vitamina A koji se mogu pronaći u mnogim vrstama citrusnog voća, slatkom krompiru, bobičastom voću, bundevama, tikvama i drugoj biljnoj hrani.
  • 7. • Žuto i narandžasto voće i povrće • Jedan od najistraženijih karotenoida je beta karoten. To je esencijalni nutrijent za jačanje imuno sistema, za detoksikaciju, zdravlje jetre, borbu protiv kancera kože, očiju i organa. Kada je reč o povrću bogatom ugljenim hidratima studije pokazuju da kompleksni ugljeni hidrati, uključujući slatki krompir, šargarepu, cveklu, kao i žitarice celog zrna, ove namirnice smanjuju rizik od brojnih vrsta kancera, posebno kancera organa gornjeg dela digestivnog trakta. Razlog tome je i količina billjnih vlakana, ali istraživanja se i dalje vrše kako bi sa sigurnošću naučnici mogli da potvrde benefit ovih namirnica vezanih za lečenje i prevenciju kancera.
  • 8. • Lisnato zeleno povrće • Zeleniš je kamen temeljac zdrave ishrane, jer je izuzetno bogat vitaminima, mineralima, antioksidansima i enzimima, i ujedno sadrži veoma nizak broj kalorija. Zeleniš svih vrsta – spanać, kelj, prokelj, blitva, rimska salata, rukola i ostalo zeleno lisnato povrće bogato je antioksidansima koji su poznati u borbi protiv raka i drugih teških bolesti, a pored toga sadrže gvožđe i beta-karoten (vrsta vitamina A). Prirodni su izvor glukozinolata, takođe sadrže antibakterijska i antivirusna svojstva, deaktiviraju kancerogene ćelije, i sprečavaju stvaranje tumora i metastaza.
  • 9. • Lisnato zeleno povrće • Izotiocijanati (ITCS) se nalaze u zelenišu, sačinjeni su od glukozinolata, pomažu detoksikaciju tela na ćelijskom nivou. Dodajte pregršt lisnatog zeleniša uz ručak i večeru da biste povećali unos hranljivih materija. Sokovi od povrća se veoma lako vare, i ukoliko želite da počnete da ih pravite, vodite se time da ih pravite tako što ćete cediti / blendirati tri vrste povrća i jednu vrstu voća, koristeći limun kao neutralni sastojak koji se dodaje svim sokovima / smutijima.
  • 10. • Kruciferno povrće • Brokoli, karfiol, kelj, rotkvice, rukola, kupus i prokelj su poznati kao snažni borci protiv raka i oni su puni vitamina C. Skoro svi članovi porodice Brassica krucifernog povrća su bogati hranljivim materijama i izvori su fitohemikalija pod nazivom izotiocijanati, koji su vezani za prevenciju raka. Pored izotiocijanita, kruciferno povrće sadrži dve vrste jakih antioksidanasa i enzima koji štite strukturu DNK. Uključite tri obroka dnevno koji se sastoji od krucifernog povrća kao i drugih vrsta povrća korisnih za smanjenje rizika od raka, uključujući luk, tikvice, špargla, artičoke, paprike, šargarepe i cvekle.
  • 11. • Sveže bilje i začini • Kurkuma, koja sadrži aktivni sastojak kurukmin, dokazano je da smanjuje veličinu tumora i utiče na borbu protiv kancera debelog creva i dojki. Zajedno sa upotrebom bibera, pojačava se apsorpcija kurkume i time smanjujemo zapaljenski proces u organizmu. Potrudite se da unosite kurkumu svakodnevno u toku kuvanja, u vidu suplementa, i pravite napitke koji sadrže kurkumu.
  • 12. • Sveže bilje i začini • Npr. Kurkuma limunada (⅓ kašičice kurkume, ⅓ kašičice cimeta, ¼ isceđenog limuna, 1/5 kašicice bibera i 2dl tople vode). Pored kurkume značajni začini za upotrebu u borbi i prevenciji protiv kancera su cimet, biber, kari, beli luk i drugi. Od svežeg bilja preporučuje se da koristite đumbir, svež beli luk, majčinu dušicu, ruzmarin, origano, bosljak, peršunov list, korijander itd. – koje možete koristiti kao dodatak sokovima, smutijima, dresinzima i svim ostalim receptima.
  • 13. • Koštunjavi plodovi i semenke • Čia i laneno seme predstavljaju nutrijentno najbogatije semenke na svetu. Bogate su biljnim vlaknima, omega 3 masnim kiselinama i brojnim minetalima. Konopljine, susamove, bundevine i suncekretove semenke su takođe delotvorne i pružaju koristi zahvaljujući masnim kiselina. Isto tako i orasi i lešnici. Potrudite se da svakodnevno uvrstite ove namirnice u svoju ishranu.
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  • 43. Antineoplastično dejstvo belog luka • Organosulfurne komponente u belom luku dovode do smanjenja incidence za tumore dojki, krvi, ž.kesice, debelog creva, kože, materice, jednjaka I karcinome pluća. • Potencijalni mehanizmi dejstva su: • - smanjenje formiranja nitrozamina • - smanjenje bioaktivnosti karcinogena • -pobošanje reparacije DNA • -stimulacija imuniteta • - antirpoliferativni efekti
  • 44. Antineoplastično dejstvo belog luka • Drugi faktori su: • - stimulacija enzima citohrom P450 • - vezivanje sumpornih jedinjenja • - antioksidantna aktivnost • Hemijske komponente belog luka koje su pokazale ove navedene efekte su: • Ajoene • Allicin • Diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide • SAC I S-allylmercaptocysteine
  • 46. Brocoli • broccoli leaves and stems contain high levels of total phenolics, and high antioxidant and anticancer activities and can provide opportunities for early-maturing broccoli as functional fresh raw vegetables. • New research has linked a compound found in Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables to one of the body’s most potent tumor-suppressing genes. • The study says that the compound, called I3C (indole-3- carbinol), is involved in a complex chemical chain reaction that frees the tumor suppressor to do its job. The research also highlights the chemical warfare that goes on inside the body as it struggles to prevent tumors from developing even as tumors themselves fight to grow and spread.
  • 47. Brocoli • It turns out Mom was right – you should eat your broccoli. • broccoli is so healthy, and how its lesser known, younger offshoot may be a powerful anti-cancer agent • Researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University have found that sulforaphane – a compound found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy and brussels sprouts – has strong anti-cancer properties. • Even more promising results have been found in broccoli sprouts. The tiny, thread-like broccoli sprouts sold at stores next to alfalfa sprouts have more than 50 times the amount of sulforaphane than found in mature broccoli.
  • 48. • r
  • 49. Brocoli • Elizabeth Jeffery, PhD, ….her studies suggest that steaming your broccoli for three to four minutes until it turns a bright green will boost its cancer-fighting compounds. • Broccoli contains lots of compounds studied for their cancer- fighting abilities. One of the top contenders is sulforaphane. • Sulforaphane isn’t found naturally in broccoli: it forms when other compounds in broccoli come together: glucosinolates and the enzyme myrosinase. • But microwave or boil your broccoli too much and it can destroy its myrosinase. Destroy that — sulforaphane can’t form.
  • 50. • Broccoli sprouts have up to 100x the amount of sulforaphane compared to mature broccoli. • You would need to eat 1.5 pounds of mature broccoli (woah! that’s a lot) to get the same amount of sulforaphane as 1 ounce of broccoli sprouts.
  • 51. Brocoli • A study by Jeffery that compared boiling, microwaving, and steaming found that steaming broccoli for up to five minutes was the best way to retain its myrosinase. Boiling and microwaving broccoli for one minute or less destroyed the majority of the enzyme. • If you prefer your broccoli cooked longer — even mushy — you can still get sulforaphane to form by eating your broccoli with raw foods that contain myrosinase. Radishes, arugula, even Brussels sprouts are a few.
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  • 53. Brocoli • It also contains the enzyme myrosinase, which plants have evolved for defending themselves against herbivores. Through what's known as 'myrosinase activity', the glucosinolates get transformed into sulforaphane, which is what we want. • To kick myrosinase activity into gear, you need to do damage to the broccoli, so you'd think cooking would do the trick. • Unfortunately, studies have shown that common broccoli cooking methods, like boiling and microwaving, seriously reduce the amount of glucosinolates in the vegetable - even if you just zap it for a couple minutes. And myrosinase is super-sensitive to heat, too. • Hence, by far the largest amount of sulforaphane you can get from broccoli is by munching on raw florets. Ugh. • This got the team of researchers thinking about the results of stir-frying - the most popular method for preparing vegetables in China. • "Surprisingly, few methods have reported the sulforaphane concentrations in stir-fried broccoli, and to the best of our knowledge, no report has focused on sulforaphane stability in the stir-frying process," the researchers noted in their study.
  • 54. Brocoli • First, they basically pulverised the broccoli, chopping it into 2 millimetre pieces to get as much myrosinase activity going as possible (remember, it happens when broccoli is damaged). • Then they divided their samples into three groups - one was left raw, one was stir-fried for four minutes straight after chopping, and the third was chopped and then left alone for 90 minutes before being stir-fried for four minutes as well. • The 90 minute waiting period was to see whether the broccoli would have more time to develop the beneficial compounds before being lightly cooked. • And that's exactly what the team found - the broccoli that was stir-fried right away had 2.8 times less sulforaphane than the one left to 'develop' for longer. • "Our results suggest that after cutting broccoli florets into small pieces, they
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  • 62. CVEKLA • The bioactive constituents include betaine, polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids, saponins, and the water-soluble pigments the betalains • Betaine Betaine is a vital methyl group donor [18]. Betaine can disrupt inflammation [18–20] through suppressing nuclear factor kappa-light chain enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) and Akt activation [51], and the initiation of inflammasomes [18]. Betaine has not been directly investigated as a cancer chemoprevention compound, although its anti-inflammation effects suggest that the compound may be active. Betaine is readily taken up by ingestion in humans
  • 63. CVEKLA • Polyphenols Polyphenols are a structural class of chemicals characterized by the presence of large multiples of phenol structural units. The number and characteristics of these phenol structures underlie the unique physical, chemical, and biological properties. The polyphenols in red beetroot have chemopreventive qualities, as they have hydroxyl groups that donate their protons to ROS. The phenolic acids, e.g., ferulic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, syringic acid, and vanillic acid have been purified from beetroot [17]. While none of these compounds have been extracted from red beetroot and evaluated for chemopreventive potential, data derived about these compounds extracted from other sources (see below) suggest that the polyphenols in red beetroot should have chemopreventive qualities.
  • 64. CVEKLA • Phenolic Acids Ferulic acid (FA) is a strong membrane antioxidant and known to be an effective scavenger of free radicals [21]. It has been shown to induce cell apoptosis through loss of mitochondrial membrane potential [22]. Twenty-five FA metabolites were found in the plasma, most of which were also found in the urine, while in the feces, colonic metabolism led to simpler phenolic compounds [21]. Ferulic acid intake reduced NADPH oxidase activity, superoxide release, apoptosis, and necrosis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in mice [22]. Superoxide production was abrogated by FA in rats [23]. This polyphenol was also shown to improve lung inflammation in rats [52,53] suggesting that it may antagonize lung carcinogenesis.
  • 65. CVEKLA • The primary flavonoids in red beetroot are rutin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, rhamnocitrin, and astragalin. The relatively poor bioavailability of rutin has been discussed by Faggian et al. [40]. Rutin was shown to decrease focal areas of dysplasia in mice chemically-induced to develop colon cancer • The saponins in red beetroot are oleanolic acid and several betavulgarosides.
  • 66. CVEKLA • TBetanins The most studied bioactive compounds in beetroot are the betalains. Betalains are a class of red and yellow indole-derived pigments found in plants of the Caryophyllales, where they replace anthocyanin pigments. The predominant forms of these water-soluble pigments are betacyanin (red color) and Molecules 2019, 24, 1602 5 of 12 betaxanthin (yellow color) [62]. Red beetroot is the primary source of betalains in western diets, as they are not widely present in the plant world [63]. They are not carcinogenic [64] or mutagenic [42], and are anti-mutagenic against the direct acting mutagen, Methylnitro-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) as assessed by the Ames test [42,65]. They did not induce demethylation in the promoters of tested methylation- silenced onco-suppressor genes in MCF-7 cells [66]. Betalains have no known toxicity in rodents and humans [62,63], and the extracted food dye E162 (which is primarily betalains) is commonly used in the food industry
  • 67. CVEKLA • Phytochemical compounds of Beetroot and its property of antioxidant, anti- inflammation and anticancer: • Beetroot is a rich source of phytochemical compounds that includes ascorbic acid, cartotenoids, phenolic acids and flavonoids [6-8]. Betalains [9,10] is one of a highly bioactive pigment has been found in Beetroot. Betalains is having high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities and variety in vivo human. It has a wonderful role for beetroot in clinical pathologies characterized by oxidative stress and chronic inflammation such as liver disease, arthritis and even cancer (Figure 4).
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  • 122. • As N.sativa possesses • antiviral, • antioxidant, • anti-inflammatory, • anticoagulant, • immunomodulatory, • bronchodilatory, • antihistaminic, • antitussive, • antipyretic and analgesic activities, • In addition, N.sativa has also shown anti-hypertensive, anti-obesity, anti- diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-ulcer, and antineoplastic activities
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  • 133. • Various randomized controlled trials, pilot studies, case reports and in vitro and in vivo studies confirmed that N. sativa has antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, bronchodilatory, antihistaminic, antitussive activities • In addition, N. sativa has also shown anti-hypertensive, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-ulcer, and antineoplastic activities
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  • 140. • Vrste ženšena po načinu pripreme /sušenja • Fresh ginseng refers to immediate harvest without any additional processing. Because of problems during storage or circulation, in most cases, fresh ginseng is turned into white or red ginseng. White ginseng refers to dried ginseng, while red ginseng is the transformed ginseng created by traditional processing with successive steaming and drying. Our research group developed a new processed ginseng (called sun ginseng) from P. ginseng through steaming under optimized high temperature and pressure conditions. Sun ginseng contains increased levels of biologically active, less polar ginsenosides and enhanced pharmacological activities compared to those of white and red ginseng [10,11]. This processing method has also been applied to different Panax species and other natural medicines [12]. Other types of processed ginseng have been developed using modified steaming, explosive puffing, or fermentation with specific microorganisms, such as intestinal microbial flora. Black ginseng is prepared by repeated cycles of atmospheric steaming and sun-drying [13]. Puffed ginseng is prepared by applying an optimized puffing pressure and residual moisture content in ginseng [14]. Fermentation with intestinal microbial flora leads to structural modification of the ginsenosides. Compound K, the intestinal metabolite of ginsenoside, is a representative bioengineered ginsenoside that shows potent anti-cancer effects [15]. New types of processed ginseng preparations will be developed in the future [16]. Aside from the ginseng preparations that have originated from cultivated ginseng plants, wild mountain ginseng grown in the highlands is also available.
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  • 147. • Biological effects • Many studies suggest that ginsenosides have antioxidant properties. Ginsenosides have been observed to increase internal antioxidant enzymes and act as a free-radical scavenger. • Ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2 have been observed in cell models as having an inhibitory effect on the cell growth of various cancer cells while studies in animal models have suggested that ginsenosides have neuroprotective properties and could be useful in treating neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • 149. Reiši • Ganoderma lucidum • Reiši (Reishi) • Reiši ili hrastova sjajnica je verovatno jedna od najpoznatijih lekovitih gljiva. Nije jestiva, jer je previše drvenasta i nema neki poseban ukus. Kinezi je zovu ,,ling ći", što u prevodu znači ,,sveta gljiva". Reiši gljive su izuzetno cenjene zbog svojih adaptogenih svojstva koja pomažu telu da se bolje nosi sa stresom, stimulativno deluju na organizam i podižu opšti tonus. • One pomažu da se ojača prirodni imunitet organizma i poboljša cirkulacija krvi. Dokazano je da je ova vrsta gljiva dragocena za tretman brojnih bolesti, uključujući: Virusne infekcije, kao što je grip, bronhitis, hipertenzija (povišen krvni pritisak), poremećaj sna i mnoge
  • 150. • Kordiceps • Kordiceps gljive lako su prepoznatljive, jer nikako ne podsećaju na pečurke. Više liče na papričice feferone, jer imaju dugačko s tablo i peteljku. • One imaju dugu istoriju u kineskoj i indijskoj medicinskoj tradiciji, a njihova lekovita svojstva vrednovana su kao i kod reiši gljiva. Zajedničko im je da se smatraju adaptogenim gljivama, što znači da organizmu “inteligentno” pružaju mogućnost da prilagodi svoj unutrašnji balans onako kako je to njemu u datom stanju potrebno. Osim ovoga, one se preporučuju i kao: • blagi sedativ, antihistaminik (deluje protiv alergija), zaštita jetre i bubrega, u borbi protiv leukemije
  • 151. • Gljiva ćuranov rep (Coriolus versicolor) • Koriolus svojim oblikom podseća na rep ćurana. Ovaj tip gljive spada u manje poznate, bar kada je reč o zapadnim civilizacijama. Zbog specifičnog oblika i boje koje su veoma raznovrsne, poznata je pod nazivom ćuranov rep. Najznačajniji sastojci koriolus gljive su dva polisaharida: krestin (PSK) i peptid (PSP). Obe ove supstance imaju izuzetno antivtumorsko dejstvo, što ih svrstava u red pravih boraca protiv raka i širenja malignih ćelija. • Gljiva ćuranov rep pruža snažan stub odbrane i pomoć pri jačanju imunog sistema, a osim ovoga, značajne su i za: Povećanje efikasnosti hemoterapije, smanjenje toksičnih efekata i bola kod hemoterapije i zračenja, produženje života i podizanje njegovog kvaliteta kod pacijenata obolelih od raka. Takođe, pomaže kod lečenja disajnih puteva, urinarnog i probavnog trakta, poremećaja rada i funkcija jetre, kod poremećaja rada pluća, tretiranja herpesa i mnogih drugih oboljenja.
  • 152. • Chaga • Čaga gljive su možda i najmanje poznate gljive u Evropi i Americi, ali one zaista imaju dugu istoriju primene u medicini istočnog sveta. Karakteristične su za Sibir, pa su u narodnoj medicini ovog kraja sveta jako prisutne. Ovaj tip gljiva poznat je po svojoj izuzetnoj sposobnosti da jačaju imunološki sistem organizma zbog veoma snažnih antioksidanata koje u sebi sadrže. Osim imunološke superfunkcije, čaga gljive omogućuju da se telo obezbedi neophodnim mikonutrijentima koji su u stanju da štite telo od slobodnih radikala, inače reaktivnih molekula koje oštećuju ćelije i dovode do bolesti. Ova vrsta gljive veoma je specifična po izgledu, jer raste na kori drveća i najmanje izgleda kao klasična pečurka sa stablom i kapom. Čaga više liči na mahovinu pripijenu na stablo drveta, nego na pečurku.
  • 153. • Šitake (Shiitake) • Šitake su prave pečurke po svom izgledu, bar prema onome kako većina nas zamišlja pečurke, jer imaju svoju dršku i šešir. Ova vrsta gljive verovatno je najpoznatija po svojoj sposobnosti da štiti organizam od kardiovaskularnih bolesti i podržava opšte zdravlje i funkciju srca. Ipak, ovo nisu jedina zdravstvena stanja u kojima su se šitake gljive pokazale lekovitim, već i kod nekih drugih, uključujući: • Virusne ili bakterijske infekcije, stvaranje krvnih ugrušaka, utičući na nastanak trombocita, razbijanje nagomilanog plaka na zidovima arterija
  • 154. • Maitake • Maitake gljive su još jedna vrsta koja je odavno poznata i primenjena u istočnim medicinskim tradicijama, dok je u ostatku sveta za njih malo ko čuo. Izgledaju kao buket izrazito mesnatog lišća. Ove gljive poznate su po svojoj upotrebi u lečenju teških medicinskih stanja, kao što su rak, a posebno su se pokazale efikasnim kod tretmana posebnog oblika kancera – leukemije. Međutim, maitake se primenjuju i kod drugih tipova oboljenja i slabosti, kao što su: Visok krvni pritisak, dijabetes tip 2, slabo varenje i mnoge druge.
  • 155. • osobe koje su dnevno jele 18 grama pečurki imale su 45 odsto manji rizik od razvoja karcinoma, u poređenju sa onima koji nisu jeli pečurke.