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Submitted By,
Anila Charles
B.Ed Natural Science
St Thomas Mukkolakkal
There are many kinds of garden, such as flower-garden, fruit-garden, vegetable garden,
botanical garden and the garden of medicinal herbs. Almost all the Indians have
vegetable gardens close to their houses.These are known as kitchen gardens. School too,
have their own gardens for their students to work in.
General description:
Every garden has a fence around it. This fence is generally made of wood or bamboo.
Sometimes green fence is raised round the garden.
The garden is divided into some sections. Each section is divided into some beds. Each
bed is surrounded by an earthen elevation. There is a well at the middle of the garden.
Some sections are meant for flower plants; some sections are meant for fruit trees; some
sections are meant for greens; some sections are meant for vegetables; some sections are
meant for medicinal herbs.
Herb garden
The herb garden is often a separate space in the garden, devoted to growing a specific
group of plants known as herbs . These gardens may be informal patches of plants, or
they may be carefully designed, even to the point of arranging and clipping the plants to
form specific patterns, as in a knot garden.
Herb gardens may be purely functional or they may include a blend of functional and
ornamental plants. The herbs are usually used to flavour food in cooking, though they
may also be used in other ways, such as discouraging pests, providing pleasant scents,
or serving medicinal purposes(such as a physic garden) among others.
A kitchen garden can be created by planting different herbs in pots or containers, with
the added benefit of mobility. Although not all herbs thrive in pots or containers, some
herbs do better than others. Mint, a fragrant yet invasive herb, is an example of an herb
that is advisable to keep in a container or it will take over the whole garden
Some popular culinary herbs in temperate climates are to a large extent still the same
as in the medieval period.
Herbs often have multiple uses. For example, mint may be used for cooking, tea, and
pest control. Examples of herbs and their uses
 Annual culinary herbs: basil,dill,,summer savory
 Perennial culinary herbs:mint,rosemary,thyme,terragon
 Herbs used for potpourri:lavender,lemon verbena
 Herbs used for tea: mint,lemon verbena,chamomile,bergamot,hibiscus
 Herbs used for other purposes: stevia for sweetening, feverfew for pest control in
the garden.
Witches' garden
A witches' garden is an herb garden specifically designed and used for the cultivation
of herbs, for culinary, medicinal and/or spiritual purposes. Herbal baths, the making of
incense, tied in bundles for rituals or prayers, or placed in charms are just some of the
ways herbs can be used for spiritual purposes.
Herb gardens developed from the general gardens of the ancient classical world, which
were used for growing vegetables, flowers, fruits and medicines. For centuries "wise
women" and "healers" understood the uses of herbs for the purposes of healing and
magic. During the medieval period,monks and nuns acquired this medical knowledge
and grew the necessary herbs in specialized gardens.
Typical plants found within a witches' garden are the
following:rosemary,sage,mint,parseley,catnip,henbane,rue,bay,aloe,basil,chives,dill and
angelica and Basil is especially common in these gardens, not just for its culinary use,
but as a strong protection herb. It is said, "Where basil grows, no evil goes!" and "Where
basil is, no evil lives!" With the advance of medical and botanical sciences in
Renaissance Europe monastic herb gardens developed into botanical gardens.
However, these are just examples of the common herbs found within a witch's garden.
Many other plants and herbs can be grown. It is a very personal garden, and therefore
is unique to the individual witch. For a "true" witch or pagan, this garden is not just used
for the purposes of each of the herbs grown, but it is also a way to become in touch with
mother nature and become one with the Earth.
To popularise the usefulness of commonly available and frequently used herbal
plants and to conserve the associated traditional knowledge for future
generations, ICIMOD and the (NTNC) is holding a competition on the occasion of
World Environment Day 2010 (5 June 2010) on ‘Promoting Herbal Gardens in
Schools’ in the Kathmandu valley. The schools will be encouraged to set up
herbal gardens within their school complexes. The networks maintained by the
are being used to reach out to the schools.
 To encourage and promote schools to introduce the home herbal garden
concept to students
 To inculcate a sense of familiarity from childhood with surrounding
biodiversity and its conservation, especially herbal plants
 To educate schoolchildren in identifying different types of herbs and their
uses including growing them in a garden
 To encourage students to use herbs in food
The competition has three major components
 Herbal Poster with recipie
Use of herbs is increasing in cookery practices and forms an important
dietary supplement. In view of this, the participating schools will prepare a
food recipe focusing on one particular herb (additional herbs can be used)
and presented at ICIMOD on 7 June 2010. It will be illustrated on standard
chart paper. A sample of the recipe (food) or of the herb/spice used will
earn bonus points.
(This competition was successfully completed on 7 June 2010)
 Herbal Profile
Schools will prepare the profiles of up to 20 herbs outlining their uses and
values in written form on A4 page (one herb per page, both sides). Experts
will select the best three profiles based on the following criteria.
- Variety of herbs
- Benefits; uses; location; season/climatic conditions
- Presentation of the content in the profile pages
- Mention of sources of information
The best three profiles, and if appropriate two special mentions, will
receive awards. The profile will be submitted to ICIMOD by 1st September
2010; and prizes will be awarded on 23 September 2010 on the occasion of
National Conservation Day at the ICIMOD Knowledge Park at Godavari.
 Herbal Garden
Schools will be encouraged to set up herbal gardens within their school
complexes. The minimum size of the proposed garden should be 15 sq.
metres; a bigger plot does not merit extra points. School can have two
separate plots to make up a total of 15 sq m, if they do not have a single
plot. Pots can be used in addition for decoration but use of ornamental
plants is not allowed. , The ICIMOD and NTNC team will evaluate and judge
on 20 September 2010 to select the best three gardens (and two special
mentions) based on the following criteria.
- Manuring (only organic and compost will be allowed; no chemical fertilisers)
- Labeling of the plants
- Variety of herbs planted
- Size and number of plants planted
- Watering, weeding, and fencing
Importance of an Herbal Garden
An herb is defined as a plant or any part of a plant that is used for medicinal, aromatic or
culinary purposes. For at least 5,000 years, herbs have been used by virtually all cultures
for these purposes, and many modern medicines are derived from the very same plants. In
today's world, an herb garden can be useful for quick remedies, to add a different taste
sensation to an old recipe, or to ward off moths or ants.
History of Medicinal Herbs
Pottery fragments from as far back as 3150 BC indicate that the Egyptians added herbs to
beer and wine as curatives for various ailments. Tablets discovered from Babylonia in 3000
indicate use of therapeutic herbs, and it is thought that the Chinese, Egyptians and East
Indians were using them also. Famed Sheng Nong, a noted herbalist around 2737 BC,
discovered the medicinal uses of green tea leaves, an herb that only gets more popular as
time goes on. Cinnamon was also discovered in this time period and was used as a flavoring
in foods as well as medicinally. Wormwood was discovered and became a popular cure for
parasitic infestations from roundworms and pin worms around 1600 BC. In 1626, Paris
founded a medicinal herbal garden which became the Botanical Garden, which still exists.
Physicians Jean Herouard and Guy de La Rousse planted the herbal garden to study the
herb's medicinal uses, and it became known as the Royal Herb Garden. Today, the 28-acre
site is known as the Jardin des Plantes and is open to the public. Herb studies for medicinal
uses proved to be the backbone of today's modern medicines, as many of today's
prescriptive and over-the-counter medications were derived from herbs.
Culinary Herbs
Virtually any herb you wish to purchase for use as seasonings in cooking can be grown in a
home herbal garden; the most expensive and rare, such as vanilla bean and saffron being a
few of the exceptions. Common herbs used in cooking, including parsley, sage, rosemary,
cilantro, dill, garlic, thyme, mint, chives and oregano are easily grown almost anywhere in
America. Some seeds, pots and good soil are the only ingredients you need to grow your
own fresh herbs in a sunny area in your yard, on your deck or on a small porch.
Aromatic Herbal Uses
Aromatherapy--the use of specific essential oils from herbs--has become immensely
popular in the past 10 years. Many people find use of the essential oils to be preferable to
taking a pill or drinking an infusion (tea). The oils of specific herbs are blended in a carrier
oil, such as almond or jojoba oil, and can be used in a variety of ways, including massage.
Sometimes, the essential oils are inhaled via diffusers or by breathing in the scent of oils
added to bath water. Essential oils can be added to bath salts, soaps, natural lotions and
candles. Herbal oils do different things. For instance, lavender relaxes, while peppermint
Household Uses of Herbs
Many herbs have strong scents that can repel insects from the home as well as dissuade
moths from eating woolen clothing. Sachets of sweet-smelling herbs can keep drawers and
closets fresh, and sprigs of fresh or dried herbs can make the air in a room pleasant and
fresh. Planting herbs around the vegetable garden can deter insects and rodents from
munching on your seedlings. Some of the well-known companion plants for vegetables
include lavender (repels ticks), basil and rosemary (repels mosquitoes), chives (deters
aphids), tansy (repels ants) and rosemary (deters bean beetles). To keep deer from eating
your landscaping, plantings should include basil, oregano, catmint, sage and rosemary.
General Care of an Herbal Garden
As with most plants, herbs require water, sunlight and pruning. Generally, herbs will do
fine without additional fertilizer, but a late season boost of garden fertilizer will keep them
producing longer. Any time a herb produces flowers, it is trying to end its cycle of
producing new leaves. Snip off the base of any flower spikes, and the plant will keep
producing and will keep its mounding shape. Herbs grow very well in pots that allow ample
root growth and offer at least partial sunlight. Water only when the soil appears dry or the
plant shows signs of stress by drooping. The best time to water plants is after the sun goes
down since it allows the roots all night to soak up and utilize the water. Perennial herbs,
such as chives will do well with little human interference of any kind.
NB: (Fam - Family, T - Tree, H - Herb, C - Climber, S- shrub)
Common name /
Maturity period
Botanical Name or
Parts Used Medicinal Use
Amla ( T )After 4th year Emblica officinalis
Fam - euphorbiaceac
Fruit Vitamin - C, Cough ,
Diabetes, cold, Laxativ,
hyper acidity.
Ashok ( T )10 years onward Saraca Asoca
Fam : Caesalpinanceac
Bark Flower Menstrual Pain,
uterine, disorder,
Aswagandha ( H ), One year Withania Somnifera
Fam: Solanaccac
Root, Leafs Restorative Tonic,
stress, nerves disorder,
Bael / Bilva (T)After 4-5 year Aegle marmelous
Fam: Rutaccac
Fruit, Bark Diarrrhoea, Dysentry,
Bhumi Amla ( H), with in
one year
Phyllanthous amarus
Fam : euphorbiaccac
Whole Plant Aenimic, jaundice,
Brahmi ( H ) Indian penny
worth/one year
Fam: Scrophulariaccac
Whole plant Nervous, Memory
Chiraita ( high altituted) with
in one year ( H )
Swertia Chiraita
Fam : Gentianaccac
Whole Plant Skin Desease, Burning,
censation, fever.
Gudmar / madhunasini,
after Four year ( C )
Gymnema Sylvestre
Fam: Asclepiadaccac
Leaves Diabetes, hydrocil,
Guggul ( T)after 8 years Commiphora Wightii
Fam: burseraccac
Gum rasine Rheuma tised,
arthritis, paralysis,
Guluchi / Giloe ( C )With in
one year
Stem Gout, Pile, general
debility, fever,
Calihari / panchanguliaGlori
Lily Five years
Gloriosa superba
Fam: Liliaccac
Seed, tuber Skin Desease, Labour
pain, Abortion, General
Kalmegh/ Bhui neem ( H )
with in one year
PaniculataFam :
Whole Plant Fever, weekness,
release of gas.
Long peeper / Pippali ( C )
after two to three years
Peeper longum
Fam : Piperaccac
Fruit, Root Appetizer, enlarged
spleen , Bronchities,
Cold, antidote.
Makoi ( H )Kakamachi/ With
in one year
Solanum nigrum
Fam: Solanaccac
Fruit/whole plant Dropsy, General
debility,Diuretic, anti
Pashan Bheda / Pathar Chur
( H )One year
Coleus barbatus
Fam : Lamiaccac
Root Kidny stone, Calculus.
Sandal Wood ( T )Thirty
years onward
Santalum Album
Fam: santalinaccac
Heart wood , oil Skin disorder, Burning,
sensation, Jaundice,
Sarpa Gandha ( H )After 2
Ranwolfia Serpentina
Fam: apocynaccac
Root Hyper tension,
Satavari ( C )After 2-3 year Asparagus Racemosus
Family: liliaccac
Tuber, root Enhance lactation,
general weekness,
fatigue, cough.
Senna ( S )With in 1 year Casia augustifolia
Fam: Liliaceae
Dry Tubers Rheumatism, general
debility tonic,
Tulsi (perennial) Each 3
Ocimum sanclum
Fam: Lamiaccac
Leaves/Seed Cough, Cold,
Vai Vidanka ( C ), 2nd year
Embelia Ribes
Fam: Myrsinaccac
Root, Fruit, Leaves Skin disease, Snake
Bite, Helminthiasis.
Pippermint ( h) Perennial Mentha pipertia
Leaves, Flower, Oil Digestive, Pain killer.
Henna/Mehdi ( S ) 1/25
Lawsennia iermis
Fam: lytharaceae
Leaf,Flower, Seed Burning, Steam, Anti
Gritkumari ( H) 2nd-5th yr Aloe Verra
Fam: Liliaceae
Leaves Laxative, Wound
healing, Skin burns &
Sada Bahar ( H )
Vincea rosea/
Fam :apocyanace
Whole Plant Leaukamia,
Antispasmodic , Atidot.
Vringraj ( H ) Eclipta alba
Fam: Compositae
Seed/whole Anti-inflamatory,
Digestive, hairtonic.
Swet chitrak
Perennial ( h )
Plumbago Zeylanica
Fam: Plumbaginaceae
Root, Rootbar Appetiser,
Antibacterial, Aticacer.
Rakta Chitrak ( H ) Plumbago Indica
Fam : plumbaginaceae
Root, Root bar Indyspeipsia, colic,
imflammation, cough.
Kochila ( T )15 yrs Strychinos nuxvomica
Fam: loganiaceae
Seed Nervous, Paralysis,
healing wound.
Harida ( T ) Terminalia Chebula
Fam: Combretaceae
Seed Trifala, wound ulcer,
leprosy, inflammation,
Bahada (T) TerminaliaBellerica
Seed, Bark Cough, Insomnia,
Dropsy, Vomiting,
Ulcer, Trifala.
Gokhur ( H )
CrawlingPuncture Vine/1 yr
Tribulus Terrestris
Fam: Lygophyllaceae
Whole Plant Sweet cooling,
Aphrodisiac, appetizer,
Digestive, Urinary.
Neem ( T ) Azardirchata - indica
Fam : Mahaceae
Rhizome Sdedative, analgesic,
epilepsy, hypertensive.
Anantamool/sariva ( S
)Indian Sarap sarilla
Hemibi smus Indicus
Fam: Asclepiadaceae
Root/ Leaf Appetiser, Carminative,
Bach ( H )
Sweet Flag/1 yr
Acorus Calamus
Fam : araceae
Rhizome Sdedative, analgesic,
tpilepsy, hypertensive.
Vasa ( S ) Adhatoda vesica
Fam : Sacanthaceae
Whole Plant Antispasmodic,
respiratory, Stimulant.
Nageswar ( T ) Nag Champa Mesua Ferrea
Fam : Guttiferae
Bark, Leaf, Flower Asthma, Skin, Burning,
Vomiting, Dysentry,
Benachar ( S ) Khus/khus Vetiveria Ziziinoides
Fam : Toaceae /
Root Hyperdisia, Burning,
ulcer, Skin, Vomiting.
Mandukparni ( H )
Centella asiatica
Fam : Umdelliferae
Whole plant - Antiinflamatory,
Jundice, Diuretic,
Kaincha/CreeperBaidanka Mucuna Truriens
Fam : Fabaceae
Root, Hair, Seed, Leaf - Nervous, Disorder,
Strangury, Dropsy.
Perenial Shrub
Fam : Lauraceae
Bark, Oil - Bronchitis, Asthma,
Cardiac, Disorder,
Kurai ( S ) Holorheena
Bark, Seed - Scabies, Antipyretic,
Amoibic dysentery.
Kantakari / AkrantiPerennial
( H )
Fam : Solanaceae
Whole Plant, Fruit, Seed - Diuretic,
Appetiser, Stomachic.
1.Cherula - Aerva lanata
2.Mukkutti - Biophytum sensitivum
3.Uzhinja - Cardiospermum halicabum
4.Nilapana - Curculigo orchioides
5.Karuka - Cynodon dactylon
6.Kanjunni - Eclipta prostrate
7.Muyalchevi - Emilia sonchifolia
8.Vishnukranthi - Evolvulus alsinoides
9.Thiruthali - ipomea marginata
10.Poovamkurunnal Vernonia cinerea
People spade the gardens, root out grasses, prepare beds, sow seeds, plant trees and
water the plants. They keep the garden neat and clean. They also manure the gardens.
They also follow the process of grafting. They also follow the process of germinating and
transplanting. They work, generally in morning and evening.
People get fresh vegetables and fresh greens from their gardens. These are very
nutritious for them. People work in their gardens and thereby do physical exercise. So,
their health remains well. They do not need to purchase greens and vegetables from the
market. So, their money is saved. They also find pleasure in beholding their own
Gardening is very helpful, no doubt. So, every family should raise a garden close to the
 www.promoting herbalgardensinschool
 www.encyclopedia ofmedicinalplantsdasapushppangal

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Online Assignment

  • 1. Submitted By, Anila Charles RegNo:18114386001 B.Ed Natural Science St Thomas Mukkolakkal
  • 4.
  • 5. Introduction: There are many kinds of garden, such as flower-garden, fruit-garden, vegetable garden, botanical garden and the garden of medicinal herbs. Almost all the Indians have vegetable gardens close to their houses.These are known as kitchen gardens. School too, have their own gardens for their students to work in. General description: Every garden has a fence around it. This fence is generally made of wood or bamboo. Sometimes green fence is raised round the garden. The garden is divided into some sections. Each section is divided into some beds. Each bed is surrounded by an earthen elevation. There is a well at the middle of the garden. Some sections are meant for flower plants; some sections are meant for fruit trees; some sections are meant for greens; some sections are meant for vegetables; some sections are meant for medicinal herbs. Herb garden The herb garden is often a separate space in the garden, devoted to growing a specific group of plants known as herbs . These gardens may be informal patches of plants, or they may be carefully designed, even to the point of arranging and clipping the plants to form specific patterns, as in a knot garden. Herb gardens may be purely functional or they may include a blend of functional and ornamental plants. The herbs are usually used to flavour food in cooking, though they may also be used in other ways, such as discouraging pests, providing pleasant scents, or serving medicinal purposes(such as a physic garden) among others. A kitchen garden can be created by planting different herbs in pots or containers, with the added benefit of mobility. Although not all herbs thrive in pots or containers, some
  • 6. herbs do better than others. Mint, a fragrant yet invasive herb, is an example of an herb that is advisable to keep in a container or it will take over the whole garden Some popular culinary herbs in temperate climates are to a large extent still the same as in the medieval period. Herbs often have multiple uses. For example, mint may be used for cooking, tea, and pest control. Examples of herbs and their uses  Annual culinary herbs: basil,dill,,summer savory  Perennial culinary herbs:mint,rosemary,thyme,terragon  Herbs used for potpourri:lavender,lemon verbena  Herbs used for tea: mint,lemon verbena,chamomile,bergamot,hibiscus  Herbs used for other purposes: stevia for sweetening, feverfew for pest control in the garden. Witches' garden A witches' garden is an herb garden specifically designed and used for the cultivation of herbs, for culinary, medicinal and/or spiritual purposes. Herbal baths, the making of incense, tied in bundles for rituals or prayers, or placed in charms are just some of the ways herbs can be used for spiritual purposes. Herb gardens developed from the general gardens of the ancient classical world, which were used for growing vegetables, flowers, fruits and medicines. For centuries "wise women" and "healers" understood the uses of herbs for the purposes of healing and magic. During the medieval period,monks and nuns acquired this medical knowledge and grew the necessary herbs in specialized gardens. Typical plants found within a witches' garden are the following:rosemary,sage,mint,parseley,catnip,henbane,rue,bay,aloe,basil,chives,dill and angelica and Basil is especially common in these gardens, not just for its culinary use, but as a strong protection herb. It is said, "Where basil grows, no evil goes!" and "Where basil is, no evil lives!" With the advance of medical and botanical sciences in Renaissance Europe monastic herb gardens developed into botanical gardens. However, these are just examples of the common herbs found within a witch's garden. Many other plants and herbs can be grown. It is a very personal garden, and therefore is unique to the individual witch. For a "true" witch or pagan, this garden is not just used for the purposes of each of the herbs grown, but it is also a way to become in touch with mother nature and become one with the Earth.
  • 7. PROMOTING HERBAL GARDENS IN SCHOOLS To popularise the usefulness of commonly available and frequently used herbal plants and to conserve the associated traditional knowledge for future generations, ICIMOD and the (NTNC) is holding a competition on the occasion of World Environment Day 2010 (5 June 2010) on ‘Promoting Herbal Gardens in Schools’ in the Kathmandu valley. The schools will be encouraged to set up herbal gardens within their school complexes. The networks maintained by the are being used to reach out to the schools. Objectives  To encourage and promote schools to introduce the home herbal garden concept to students  To inculcate a sense of familiarity from childhood with surrounding biodiversity and its conservation, especially herbal plants  To educate schoolchildren in identifying different types of herbs and their uses including growing them in a garden  To encourage students to use herbs in food The competition has three major components  Herbal Poster with recipie Use of herbs is increasing in cookery practices and forms an important dietary supplement. In view of this, the participating schools will prepare a food recipe focusing on one particular herb (additional herbs can be used) and presented at ICIMOD on 7 June 2010. It will be illustrated on standard chart paper. A sample of the recipe (food) or of the herb/spice used will earn bonus points. (This competition was successfully completed on 7 June 2010)  Herbal Profile Schools will prepare the profiles of up to 20 herbs outlining their uses and values in written form on A4 page (one herb per page, both sides). Experts will select the best three profiles based on the following criteria. - Variety of herbs
  • 8. - Benefits; uses; location; season/climatic conditions - Presentation of the content in the profile pages - Mention of sources of information The best three profiles, and if appropriate two special mentions, will receive awards. The profile will be submitted to ICIMOD by 1st September 2010; and prizes will be awarded on 23 September 2010 on the occasion of National Conservation Day at the ICIMOD Knowledge Park at Godavari.  Herbal Garden Schools will be encouraged to set up herbal gardens within their school complexes. The minimum size of the proposed garden should be 15 sq. metres; a bigger plot does not merit extra points. School can have two separate plots to make up a total of 15 sq m, if they do not have a single plot. Pots can be used in addition for decoration but use of ornamental plants is not allowed. , The ICIMOD and NTNC team will evaluate and judge on 20 September 2010 to select the best three gardens (and two special mentions) based on the following criteria. - Manuring (only organic and compost will be allowed; no chemical fertilisers) - Labeling of the plants - Variety of herbs planted - Size and number of plants planted - Watering, weeding, and fencing Importance of an Herbal Garden Overview An herb is defined as a plant or any part of a plant that is used for medicinal, aromatic or culinary purposes. For at least 5,000 years, herbs have been used by virtually all cultures for these purposes, and many modern medicines are derived from the very same plants. In today's world, an herb garden can be useful for quick remedies, to add a different taste sensation to an old recipe, or to ward off moths or ants. History of Medicinal Herbs Pottery fragments from as far back as 3150 BC indicate that the Egyptians added herbs to beer and wine as curatives for various ailments. Tablets discovered from Babylonia in 3000 indicate use of therapeutic herbs, and it is thought that the Chinese, Egyptians and East Indians were using them also. Famed Sheng Nong, a noted herbalist around 2737 BC, discovered the medicinal uses of green tea leaves, an herb that only gets more popular as time goes on. Cinnamon was also discovered in this time period and was used as a flavoring in foods as well as medicinally. Wormwood was discovered and became a popular cure for parasitic infestations from roundworms and pin worms around 1600 BC. In 1626, Paris founded a medicinal herbal garden which became the Botanical Garden, which still exists. Physicians Jean Herouard and Guy de La Rousse planted the herbal garden to study the
  • 9. herb's medicinal uses, and it became known as the Royal Herb Garden. Today, the 28-acre site is known as the Jardin des Plantes and is open to the public. Herb studies for medicinal uses proved to be the backbone of today's modern medicines, as many of today's prescriptive and over-the-counter medications were derived from herbs. Culinary Herbs Virtually any herb you wish to purchase for use as seasonings in cooking can be grown in a home herbal garden; the most expensive and rare, such as vanilla bean and saffron being a few of the exceptions. Common herbs used in cooking, including parsley, sage, rosemary, cilantro, dill, garlic, thyme, mint, chives and oregano are easily grown almost anywhere in America. Some seeds, pots and good soil are the only ingredients you need to grow your own fresh herbs in a sunny area in your yard, on your deck or on a small porch. Aromatic Herbal Uses Aromatherapy--the use of specific essential oils from herbs--has become immensely popular in the past 10 years. Many people find use of the essential oils to be preferable to taking a pill or drinking an infusion (tea). The oils of specific herbs are blended in a carrier oil, such as almond or jojoba oil, and can be used in a variety of ways, including massage. Sometimes, the essential oils are inhaled via diffusers or by breathing in the scent of oils added to bath water. Essential oils can be added to bath salts, soaps, natural lotions and candles. Herbal oils do different things. For instance, lavender relaxes, while peppermint invigorates. Household Uses of Herbs Many herbs have strong scents that can repel insects from the home as well as dissuade moths from eating woolen clothing. Sachets of sweet-smelling herbs can keep drawers and closets fresh, and sprigs of fresh or dried herbs can make the air in a room pleasant and fresh. Planting herbs around the vegetable garden can deter insects and rodents from munching on your seedlings. Some of the well-known companion plants for vegetables include lavender (repels ticks), basil and rosemary (repels mosquitoes), chives (deters aphids), tansy (repels ants) and rosemary (deters bean beetles). To keep deer from eating your landscaping, plantings should include basil, oregano, catmint, sage and rosemary. General Care of an Herbal Garden As with most plants, herbs require water, sunlight and pruning. Generally, herbs will do fine without additional fertilizer, but a late season boost of garden fertilizer will keep them producing longer. Any time a herb produces flowers, it is trying to end its cycle of producing new leaves. Snip off the base of any flower spikes, and the plant will keep producing and will keep its mounding shape. Herbs grow very well in pots that allow ample root growth and offer at least partial sunlight. Water only when the soil appears dry or the plant shows signs of stress by drooping. The best time to water plants is after the sun goes down since it allows the roots all night to soak up and utilize the water. Perennial herbs, such as chives will do well with little human interference of any kind.
  • 10. LIST OF IMPORTANT MEDICINAL PLANTS AND THEIR USES NB: (Fam - Family, T - Tree, H - Herb, C - Climber, S- shrub) Plant Common name / Maturity period Botanical Name or Family Parts Used Medicinal Use Amla ( T )After 4th year Emblica officinalis Fam - euphorbiaceac Fruit Vitamin - C, Cough , Diabetes, cold, Laxativ, hyper acidity. Ashok ( T )10 years onward Saraca Asoca Fam : Caesalpinanceac Bark Flower Menstrual Pain, uterine, disorder, Deiabetes. Aswagandha ( H ), One year Withania Somnifera Fam: Solanaccac Root, Leafs Restorative Tonic, stress, nerves disorder, aphrodiasiac. Bael / Bilva (T)After 4-5 year Aegle marmelous Fam: Rutaccac Fruit, Bark Diarrrhoea, Dysentry, Constipation. Bhumi Amla ( H), with in one year Phyllanthous amarus Fam : euphorbiaccac Whole Plant Aenimic, jaundice, Dropsy. Brahmi ( H ) Indian penny worth/one year Bacopa,Monnieri Fam: Scrophulariaccac Whole plant Nervous, Memory enhancer,mental disorder. Chiraita ( high altituted) with in one year ( H ) Swertia Chiraita Fam : Gentianaccac Whole Plant Skin Desease, Burning, censation, fever.
  • 11. Gudmar / madhunasini, after Four year ( C ) Gymnema Sylvestre Fam: Asclepiadaccac Leaves Diabetes, hydrocil, Asthama. Guggul ( T)after 8 years Commiphora Wightii Fam: burseraccac Gum rasine Rheuma tised, arthritis, paralysis, laxative. Guluchi / Giloe ( C )With in one year Tinospora CordifoliaFam Stem Gout, Pile, general debility, fever, Jaundice. Calihari / panchanguliaGlori Lily Five years Gloriosa superba Fam: Liliaccac Seed, tuber Skin Desease, Labour pain, Abortion, General debility. Kalmegh/ Bhui neem ( H ) with in one year Andrographis PaniculataFam : scanthaccac Whole Plant Fever, weekness, release of gas. Long peeper / Pippali ( C ) after two to three years Peeper longum Fam : Piperaccac Fruit, Root Appetizer, enlarged spleen , Bronchities, Cold, antidote. Makoi ( H )Kakamachi/ With in one year Solanum nigrum Fam: Solanaccac Fruit/whole plant Dropsy, General debility,Diuretic, anti dysenteric. Pashan Bheda / Pathar Chur ( H )One year Coleus barbatus Fam : Lamiaccac Root Kidny stone, Calculus. Sandal Wood ( T )Thirty years onward Santalum Album Fam: santalinaccac Heart wood , oil Skin disorder, Burning, sensation, Jaundice, Cough. Sarpa Gandha ( H )After 2 year Ranwolfia Serpentina Fam: apocynaccac Root Hyper tension, insomnia. Satavari ( C )After 2-3 year Asparagus Racemosus Family: liliaccac Tuber, root Enhance lactation, general weekness, fatigue, cough.
  • 12. Senna ( S )With in 1 year Casia augustifolia Fam: Liliaceae Dry Tubers Rheumatism, general debility tonic, aphrodisiac. Tulsi (perennial) Each 3 months Ocimum sanclum Fam: Lamiaccac Leaves/Seed Cough, Cold, bronchitis,expectorand. Vai Vidanka ( C ), 2nd year onward Embelia Ribes Fam: Myrsinaccac Root, Fruit, Leaves Skin disease, Snake Bite, Helminthiasis. Pippermint ( h) Perennial Mentha pipertia Fam:Lamiaccac Leaves, Flower, Oil Digestive, Pain killer. Henna/Mehdi ( S ) 1/25 years Lawsennia iermis Fam: lytharaceae Leaf,Flower, Seed Burning, Steam, Anti Imflamatary. Gritkumari ( H) 2nd-5th yr Aloe Verra Fam: Liliaceae Leaves Laxative, Wound healing, Skin burns & care,Ulcer. Sada Bahar ( H ) Periwinkle/Nyantara Vincea rosea/ catharanthusRoseus Fam :apocyanace Whole Plant Leaukamia, Hypotensiv, Antispasmodic , Atidot. Vringraj ( H ) Eclipta alba Fam: Compositae Seed/whole Anti-inflamatory, Digestive, hairtonic. Swet chitrak Perennial ( h ) Plumbago Zeylanica Fam: Plumbaginaceae Root, Rootbar Appetiser, Antibacterial, Aticacer. Rakta Chitrak ( H ) Plumbago Indica Fam : plumbaginaceae Root, Root bar Indyspeipsia, colic, imflammation, cough. Kochila ( T )15 yrs Strychinos nuxvomica Fam: loganiaceae Seed Nervous, Paralysis, healing wound.
  • 13. Harida ( T ) Terminalia Chebula Fam: Combretaceae Seed Trifala, wound ulcer, leprosy, inflammation, Cough. Bahada (T) TerminaliaBellerica Fam:comretaceae Seed, Bark Cough, Insomnia, Dropsy, Vomiting, Ulcer, Trifala. Gokhur ( H ) CrawlingPuncture Vine/1 yr Tribulus Terrestris Fam: Lygophyllaceae Whole Plant Sweet cooling, Aphrodisiac, appetizer, Digestive, Urinary. Neem ( T ) Azardirchata - indica Fam : Mahaceae Rhizome Sdedative, analgesic, epilepsy, hypertensive. Anantamool/sariva ( S )Indian Sarap sarilla Hemibi smus Indicus Fam: Asclepiadaceae Root/ Leaf Appetiser, Carminative, aphrodisiac, Astringent. Bach ( H ) Sweet Flag/1 yr Acorus Calamus Fam : araceae Rhizome Sdedative, analgesic, tpilepsy, hypertensive. Vasa ( S ) Adhatoda vesica Fam : Sacanthaceae Whole Plant Antispasmodic, respiratory, Stimulant. Nageswar ( T ) Nag Champa Mesua Ferrea Fam : Guttiferae Bark, Leaf, Flower Asthma, Skin, Burning, Vomiting, Dysentry, Piles. Benachar ( S ) Khus/khus Vetiveria Ziziinoides Fam : Toaceae / Graminae Root Hyperdisia, Burning, ulcer, Skin, Vomiting. Mandukparni ( H ) Indianpennywort Centella asiatica Fam : Umdelliferae Whole plant - Antiinflamatory, Jundice, Diuretic, Diarrhoea. Kaincha/CreeperBaidanka Mucuna Truriens Fam : Fabaceae Root, Hair, Seed, Leaf - Nervous, Disorder, Constipation, Nephroaphy, Strangury, Dropsy.
  • 14. Dalchini Perenial Shrub Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Fam : Lauraceae Bark, Oil - Bronchitis, Asthma, Cardiac, Disorder, Fever. Kurai ( S ) Holorheena antidysentrica Fam:apocyaceaceae Bark, Seed - Scabies, Antipyretic, Amoibic dysentery. Kantakari / AkrantiPerennial ( H ) Solanum Xanthocarpum Fam : Solanaceae Whole Plant, Fruit, Seed - Diuretic, Antiinflamatory, Appetiser, Stomachic. DASHA-PUSHPPAGHAL and its Uses 1.Cherula - Aerva lanata 2.Mukkutti - Biophytum sensitivum 3.Uzhinja - Cardiospermum halicabum
  • 15. 4.Nilapana - Curculigo orchioides 5.Karuka - Cynodon dactylon 6.Kanjunni - Eclipta prostrate 7.Muyalchevi - Emilia sonchifolia
  • 16. 8.Vishnukranthi - Evolvulus alsinoides 9.Thiruthali - ipomea marginata 10.Poovamkurunnal Vernonia cinerea
  • 17. Gardening: People spade the gardens, root out grasses, prepare beds, sow seeds, plant trees and water the plants. They keep the garden neat and clean. They also manure the gardens. They also follow the process of grafting. They also follow the process of germinating and transplanting. They work, generally in morning and evening. Usefulness: People get fresh vegetables and fresh greens from their gardens. These are very nutritious for them. People work in their gardens and thereby do physical exercise. So, their health remains well. They do not need to purchase greens and vegetables from the market. So, their money is saved. They also find pleasure in beholding their own creation. Conclusion: Gardening is very helpful, no doubt. So, every family should raise a garden close to the house. REFERENCES  www.promoting herbalgardensinschool  www.encyclopedia ofmedicinalplantsdasapushppangal