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     R CHEST

Thoracic Cage – is the entire/outer structure of the
= is a bony structure with a conical shape which is
  narrower at the top.
= it provides support and protection for many
  important organs
= is constructed of the
 Sternum
 12 pairs of ribs
 12 thoracic vertebrae
 Muscles
 Cartilage

= it is narrower at its superior end and broader at its
  inferior end and is flattened from front to back
  (Tortora: 222)
1. Suprasternal notch – is an important
= a U-shaped indentation located on the
     superior border of the manubrium or joint
     just above the sternum in between the
2. Sternum – “breastbone”
= flat bone which lies in the center of the chest
= measures about 15 cm (6 inches) in length
= it is attached to the first 7 ribs
    3 parts:
a. Manubrium – the superior part
=articulates with the costal cartilage of the 1st and the 2 nd
b. The body – the middle and the largest part
=articulates directly or indirectly with the costal cartilage of
     the 2nd through the 10th ribs
c. Xiphoid process – the inferior and the smallest part
= no ribs are attached to it the xiphoid process provides
     attachment for some abdominal muscles

3. Costal Angle - the right and left costal margins form an
    angle where they meet at the xiphoid process
= usually 90 degrees or less, this angle increases when the
    rib cage is chronically over inflated as its emphysema
4. Manusbriosternal angle or sternal angle
= also called the “angle of Louis”
= this is the articulation of the manubrium and the body of
   the sternum and it is continuous with the 2nd rib and
   becomes a reference point for counting ribs and
   intercostal spaces (Jarvis, 448)

5. Intercostal spaces – are the spaces in between the ribs

6. Ribs – the 12 pairs of ribs give the structural support to
   the sides of the thoracic cavity
= constitute the main structures of the thoracic cage
= they are numbered superiorly to inferiorly, the uppermost
   pair is number one
= each pair of ribs has a corresponding pair of ICS located
   immediately inferior to it
= anteriorly, the first 7 pairs articulate with the
  sternum by way of costal cartilages
= the first pair of ribs curves up immediately under
  the clavicle, so only a small portion of these ribs
  and 1st interspaces are palpable
= ribs 2 to 6 are easy to count anteriorly
= ribs 7 to 10 connect to the cartilages of the pair
  lying superior to them rather than to the sternum
= 11th and 12th ribs are floating ribs” because they
  do not connect to either the sternum or another
  pair anteriorly, they are attached posteriorly to
  the vertebra and their anterior tips are free and
= posteriorly, each pair of ribs articulates with the
  respective thoracic vertebra
= the ribs are more difficult to palpate posteriorly
  (        :297)

7. Clavicle – or the collar bone
= a slender, doubly curved bone
= it attaches to the manubrium of the sternum to
  the acromion of the scapula
= it acts as a brace to hold the arm away from the
  top of the thorax and helps prevent shoulder
1. C 7 or vertebra prominens
= the most prominent bony spur protruding at
    the base of the neck when the head is

2. Spinous process
= single projection arising from the posterior
     aspect of the vertebral arch
= it alligns with their same numbered ribs only
     down to T4
= after T4, the spinous processes angle
     downward from their vertebral body and
     overlies the vertebral body and rib below
3. Scapula – or the shoulder blades
= they are triangular and are commonly
     called “wings”
= it is not directly attached to the axial
 2 important processes:

a. Acromion - connects with the clavicle
     laterally at the acromioclavicular joint
b. Coracoid – the beaklike

= points over the top of the shoulder and
     anchors some of the muscles of the joints
1.Midsternal line
= passes through
the center of the
2. Midclavicular line
=an imaginary line
that descends from
the middle of the
1. Vertebral line
= also called spinal
= overlies the
spinous processes
of the vertebrae
2. Scapular line
= drops from the
inferior angle of the
scapula (Bickley:212)
1. Anterior axillary line
= line extends from
the anterior axillary
fold where the pectoralis
major muscle inserts
2. Posterior axillary line
= continues down from
the posterior axillary fold
where latissimus dorsi
muscle inserts(Smeltzer:477)
3. Midaxillary line
= runs down from the apex
of the axilla and lies between
and parallel to the other
Mediastinum – is the middle section of the
    thoracic cavity containing the esophagus,
    trachea, heart and the great vessels
= the right and the left pleural cavities, on either
    side of the mediastinum contains the lungs
Lungs – are two coned-shaped, elastic structure
    suspended within the thoracic cavity
= are paired but not precisely symmetric
= the right lung is shorter than the left lung
  because of the underlying liver
= the left lung is narrower than the right lung
  because the heart bulges to the left
= at the point of the midclavicular line on the
  anterior surface of the thorax, the lung
  extends approximately to the 6 th rib
= laterally, lung tissue reaches the level of the 8 th
= posteriorly, the lung base lies at about the 10 th rib
= the right lung has 3 lobes
= the left lung has 2 lobes (Jarvis:452)

    POSTERIORLY (       :300)

= is a flexible structure that lies anterior to the
= begins at the level of the cricoid cartilage in
  the neck
= is approximately 10 to 12 cm long (adult)
= help to maintain the shape and prevent its
  collapse during respiration (        :301)
= both bronchi are at an oblique position in the
  mediastinum and enter the lungs at the hilum
= the right main bronchus is shorter and more
  vertical than the left
= the left bronchus is narrower and extends at
  more of right angle of the trachea
 The trachea and the bronchi represent “dead

  space” in the respiratory system
= they function primarily as a passageway for
  both inspired and expired air ( Phipps: 979)
1. Apex – extends slightly above the clvicle
= highest point of lung tissue is 3- 4 cm above the inner
    third of the clavicle
2. Base – the broad lung area resting on the diaphragm at
    the 6th rib in the midclavicular line (Jarvis: 452)

1.  C 7 – marks the apex of lung tissue
2.  T 10 – usually corresponds to the base
= deep inspiration expands the lungs and their lower border
    drops to the level of T12 (Jarvis:450)
1. Draping
2. Position
3. Other provisions to ensure further comfort
• Provide warm room and conducive for examination

    = well lighted
    = well ventilated
• Provide privacy

• Wash your hands but be sure hands are not cold

• The diaphragm of your stethoscope must warm

• Request your client to empty his/her bladder

• Examination must not be interrupted
II. Observe for Chest Configuration
   Does the chest move equally on the two

   Does breathing appear distressing?

   Is it noisy?

   Is breathing regular?

   Is there any prolongation of expiration?
=Thorax provides information about the musculoskeletal
        structure, patients nutritional status, and respiratory
= the nurse must observe the skin over the thorax for color and
        turgor and for the evidence of loss of subcutaneous
= it is important to note symmetry, if present
= when findings are recorded, anatomic landmarks are used as
        point of reference (Smeltzer:476)
I. observe respiration
1.    Rate: normal, above normal. Below normal
2.    Rhythm: regular, irregular
3.    Depth: normal, deep, shallow
4.    Effort: use of accessory muscles
II. Observe for Chest Configuration
   Does the chest move equally on the two

   Does breathing appear distressing?

   Is it noisy?

   Is breathing regular?

   Is there any prolongation of expiration?
1. Barrel chest – results as a result of ossification of
    the lungs
= increase in the anteroposterior diameter of the thorax
= patient with emphysema, the ribs are more widely
    space and the ICS tend to buldge on expiration

2. Funnel chest (Pectus Excavatum) – occurs when
    there is a depression in the lower portion of the
= this may compress the heart and the great vessels
    resulting in murmurs
= may occur with rickets or Marfan’s syndrome
3. Pigeon chest (Pectus Carinatum) – may occur as
  a result of displacement of the sternum
= there is an increase in the anteroposterior
= may occur with rickets, Marfan’s syndrome or
  severe kyphoscoliosis

4. Kyphoscoliosis – characterized by elevation of the
  scapula and the corresponding S-shaped spine
= this deformity limits lung expansion within the
= may occur with osteoporosis and other skeletal
  disorders that affect the thorax (Smeltzer:476)
Normal adult – 12-19 breaths per minute (rate)
                 500-500 ml (depth) air moving in and out/respiration
               even (pattern)
Ratio of pulse to respiration = 4:1

1. Eupnea – normal breathing at 12-19 breaths/min

2. Bradypnea – slower than normal, less than breaths/min with
     normal depth and regular rhythm
= associated with increase ICP, brain injury, and drug

3. Tachypnea – rapid, shallow breathing, more than 24
= commonly seen in patient with pneumonia, pulmonary
    edema. Metabolic acidosis, septicemia, severe pain and
    rib fracture
4. Hyporventilation – shallow, irregular breathing

5. Hyperventilation – increased rate and depth of
= associated with severe acidosis of diabetic, renal
  origin (Kausmaul breathing)

6. Apnea – period of cessation of breathing
= time of duration varies
= may occur briefly during other breathing disorders
  such as sleep apnea
= if sustained, apnea is life-threatening
7. Cheyne stokes – characterized by alternating
  episodes of apnea and periods of deep breathing
= deep respirations become increasingly shallow,
  followed by apnea that may last approx. 20 seconds
= the cycle repeats after each apneic period
= associated with heart failure and damage of the
  respiratory center (drug-induced, tumor, trauma)

8. Biot’s respiration – or cluster breathing
= periods of normal breathing (3-4 breaths) followed
  by varying period of apnea (usually 10 seconds to 1
= CNS disorder (Kozier:1297)

 OBSERVE                                      NORMAL                                              ABNORMAL

 General Appearance     Quiet respiration                                Lips puckered when exhaling

                        Sitting or reclining without difficulty          Restless and apprehensive

                        Skin translucent, appears dry                    Leans forward with hands or elbows on knees

                        Nailbeds pink                                    Skin: diaphoretic, dull pale or ruddy

                        Mucous membranes pink and moist*                 Cyanosis: skin or mucous membranes have bluish cast

                        Cyanosis or pallor assessed by establishing an   Central cyanosis: results from decreased oxygenation of blood
                        early individual baseline                        +
                                                                         Peripheral cyanosis: result of local vasoconstriction or
                                                                         decreased cardiac output

                                                                         Nail clubbing: painless enlargement of terminal phalanges
                                                                         related to chronic tissue hypoxia

 Trachea                Midline in neck                                  Tracheal deviation; displacement either lateral, anterior,
                                                                         Jugular venous distension

                                                                         Cough: strong or weak, dry or wet, productive or non-
                                                                         Sputum production: amount, color, odor, consistency

* Dark-skinned people might have normal bluish-pigmentation mucous membranes.
+ Central cyanosis is relevant to respiratory status. Observe nailbeds, mucous membrane and lips.

OBSERVE                                       NORMAL                                               ABNORMAL

Rate                     Eupnea: 12 to 20                                  Tachypnea: rate> 20 breaths/minute

                                                                           Bradypnea: rate < 12 breaths/minute

Breathing pattern        Minimal effort with inspiration: passive, quiet   Hyperpnea: increased breathing depth
                         Inspiration/expiration ratio: 1:2                 Accessory muscle breathing

                         Male: diaphragmatic breathing                     Apnea: total absence of breathing

                         Female: thoracic breathing                        Biots: irregular rhythm with periods of apnea

                                                                           Cheyne-Stokes: cyclical deeper and shallower breaths,
                                                                           followed by periods of apnea

                                                                           Kussmaul’s: deep, rapid, and regular breathing

                                                                           Paradoxical: portion of chest wall moves in during inhalation
                                                                           and out during exhalation

                                                                           Stridorous: audible, loud, low-pitched sound with inhalation
                                                                           and exhalation

Thoracic configuration   Symmetric appearance                              Chest expands unevenly

                                                                           Muscular development asymmetric

                         Anteroposterior diameter (AP) less than           Barrel chest: AP diameter increased in relation to transverse
                         transverse diameter                               diameter

                         Spine straight                                    Kyphosis: increased thoracic curvature

                                                                           Scoliosis: increased lateral curvature

                         Scapulae on same horizontal plane                 Scapular placement asymmetric
= Start palpation by feeling for the position of the
= facing to the patient, place two fingers either
  side of the trachea (note whether the distance
  between the trachea and the sternomastoid
  tendons are equal
= at the back of the patient, hook your finger
  round the tendon to meet the trachea (maybe
  displaced- mass in the neck
= palpates the thorax for tenderness, masses,
  lesions, respiratory excursion and vocal
  fremitus (Smeltzer:478)
Purposes (Bickley:230)
1. Identification of tender areas

2. Assessment of observed abnormalities

3. Further assessment of chest expansion

4. Assessment of tactile fremitus

Identify tender mass
= palpate an area of pain or lesions are
   apparent – perform direct palpation with
   the fingertips (for the lesion and
   subcutaneous masses)
= use the ball of the hand for deeper masses or
  generalized flank or rib discomfort

Assess any abnormalities
= observe for any masses or sinus tract
  (inflammatory, tube-like opening onto the skin

Respiratory Excursion
= an examination of the thoracic expansion and
  may disclose significant information about
  thoracic movement during breathing
= assess the patient for range and symmetry of
= instruct patient to inhale deeply
 while moving the thumbs from
 the 10th rib with the fingers
loosely grasping and parallel to
the lateral rib cage.

= slide them medially about 2-2.5 cm
(1 inch) just enough to raise fold
of skin on each side bet. the
 thumb and the spine

= watch the distance bet. the thumb
as they move apart during inspiration.

= feel for the range and symmetry
of the rib cage as it expands and
Fremitus – refers to
palpable vibrations
transmitted through
the bronchopulmonary
tree to the chest wall
when the patient speaks
= is the detection of the
resulting vibration on
the chest wall by touch
= normal fremitus varies
= lower pitched sounds
better through the normal
and       produce       greater
of the chest wall
= the patient is asked
to repeat “99”, “1 2 3”,
or “eee,eee,eee” as you
move your hands down
the thorax
= the vibrations are
detected with the palmar
surfaces of the fingers and
hands or the ulnar aspect
of the extended hands
= hands are moved in sequence down to the thorax
= corresponding areas of the thorax are compared
= if fremitus is faint, ask patient to say it again more
  loudly or in deeper voice (Smeltzer:479)
= is one of the most important technique of physical
=percussion of the chest sets and the chest wall and
  underlying tissues into motion, producing audible
  sound and palpable vibrations
Purposes: 1. to detect the resonance or hollowness of
  the chest (underlying tissues are air-filled, fluid-filled or
2. Used to estimate the size and location of certain
  structure within the thorax (diaphragm, heart, liver)
= it penetrates only about 5-7cm into the chest therefore
  it will not help to detect deep-seated lesions
 Posterior
= percussion usually begins with the posterior
= ideally, the patient is in a sitting position with
  the head flexed forward and the arm crossed
  on the lap – the position separates the
  scapulae widely and exposes more lung area
= proceeds down the posterior thorax,
  percussing symmetry areas at 5-6cm (2-2.5
  inch) interval (Smeltzer:480)
= hyperextend the middle
finger of your left hand
= press its distal interphalangeal
joint firmly on the surface
to be percussed
= avoid surface contact by
 any part of the hand because
 this dampens our vibrations
Note: thumb, 2nd, 4th, 5th fingers
are not touching the chest
= position your right forearm
 quite close to the surface, with the hand cocked upward
= the middle finger should be partially flexed, related, and
   poised to strike
= with a quick sharp
but relaxed wrist
movement, strike the
pleximeter finger
with the right middle
 finger or plexor finger
= aim at your distal
interphalangeal joint
= strike using the tip
of your plexor finger,
 not the finger pad
= your finger should
be almost at right angles
 to the pleximeter

  HAVE CREATED (Bickley:224)
1.   Resonance – low-pitched sound heard over
     normal lungs
2.   Hyperresonance – loud, lower-pitched sound
     than normal resonance heard over
     hyperinflated lung such as in chronic
     obstructive lung disease, acute asthma
3.   Tympany – drumlike, loud, empty quality heard
     over gas-filled stomach or intestine or
4.   Dull – medium intensity pitch and duration,
     heard over areas “mixed” solid and lung tissue
5.   Flat – soft, high pitched sound of short duration
     heard over very dense tissue where air is not
     present (Lewis:555)
= percuss one side of
the chest and then the
other at each level
= omit the areas over
 the scapulae – the
thickness of muscle and
bone alters the percussion
notes over the lungs

= patient is an upright
position with shoulders
arched backward and
 arms at the table
= begin in the supra-
clavicular area and
proceeds downward,
from one intercostal space to the next
= for female patient, it maybe necessary to displace the
   breasts with the left hand while percussing with the right
= using both hands, place finger of one on the chest with
   fingers separated (Bickley:232)
= strike one of them with the terminal phalynx of the
  middle finger of the of the other hand
= it must be removed again immediately, otherwise
  the resultant sound will be damped
= the striking movement should be a flick of the wrist
  and the striking finger should be at right angle to
  the other finger
= each side is compared with the equivalent area
  from top to bottom
= the anterior and lateral thorax is examined with the
  patient in supine position
= if patient cannot sit, percussion of the posterior
  thorax is performed with the patient positioned on
  the side

= prefers to use the diaphragm of the
= in thin bony chest, the bell may give a more
  airtight fit and is less likely to trap hairs
  underneath which produces a crackling sound
= the most important examining technique for
  assessing air flow through the
  tracheobronchial tree
= it involves:
1. Listening to the sounds generated by
2. Listening for any adventitious (added)
3. If abnormalities are suspected, listening
     to the sounds of the patient’s whispered
     voice as they are transmitted through the
     chest wall
= ask patient to take deep breath through the
= listen to the breath sounds using the same
  pattern for percussion, moving from one side to
  the other and comparing symmetric areas of the
  lungs (Bickley:226)
= listen at least 1 full breath on each location
  TO HYPERVENTILATION (light-headedness,

= evaluate the presence and quality of normal breath
= are usually louder in the upper anterior lung fields

1. Vesicular – soft and low-pitched
= they are heard through inspiration, continue without
    pause through expiration
= have 3:1 ratio with inspiration longer than expiration
= can be heard over most of both lungs

2. Bronchovesicular – with inspiratory and expiratory
    sounds about equal in length, at times separated by
    a silent interval differences in pitch and intensity are
    often easily detected during expiration
= often can be heard in the 1st and 2nd interspaces
  anteriorly and between the scapulae
= can be heard over the large airways esp. on the

3. Bronchial – louder and higher in pitch
= with a short silence between inspiratory and
  expiratory sounds
= expiratory sound last longer than inspiratory
= can be heard over the manubrium, if heard at
  all (Bickley:227)

1.   Wheezes – rhonchi
= a high-pitched, musical sound similar to a
= it is heard most commonly during
     expiration, but also can be heard during
= low-pitched, coarse, loud, low snoring or
     moaning sound
=it is heard in narrowed airway diseases
     such as asthma, chronic emphysema

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Nursing 205

  • 3.
  • 4. Thoracic Cage – is the entire/outer structure of the thorax. = is a bony structure with a conical shape which is narrower at the top. = it provides support and protection for many important organs = is constructed of the  Sternum  12 pairs of ribs  12 thoracic vertebrae  Muscles  Cartilage = it is narrower at its superior end and broader at its inferior end and is flattened from front to back (Tortora: 222)
  • 6. 1. Suprasternal notch – is an important landmark = a U-shaped indentation located on the superior border of the manubrium or joint just above the sternum in between the clavicles. 2. Sternum – “breastbone” = flat bone which lies in the center of the chest anteriorly = measures about 15 cm (6 inches) in length = it is attached to the first 7 ribs
  • 7. 3 parts: a. Manubrium – the superior part =articulates with the costal cartilage of the 1st and the 2 nd ribs b. The body – the middle and the largest part =articulates directly or indirectly with the costal cartilage of the 2nd through the 10th ribs c. Xiphoid process – the inferior and the smallest part = no ribs are attached to it the xiphoid process provides attachment for some abdominal muscles 3. Costal Angle - the right and left costal margins form an angle where they meet at the xiphoid process = usually 90 degrees or less, this angle increases when the rib cage is chronically over inflated as its emphysema
  • 8. 4. Manusbriosternal angle or sternal angle = also called the “angle of Louis” = this is the articulation of the manubrium and the body of the sternum and it is continuous with the 2nd rib and becomes a reference point for counting ribs and intercostal spaces (Jarvis, 448) 5. Intercostal spaces – are the spaces in between the ribs 6. Ribs – the 12 pairs of ribs give the structural support to the sides of the thoracic cavity = constitute the main structures of the thoracic cage = they are numbered superiorly to inferiorly, the uppermost pair is number one = each pair of ribs has a corresponding pair of ICS located immediately inferior to it
  • 9. = anteriorly, the first 7 pairs articulate with the sternum by way of costal cartilages = the first pair of ribs curves up immediately under the clavicle, so only a small portion of these ribs and 1st interspaces are palpable = ribs 2 to 6 are easy to count anteriorly = ribs 7 to 10 connect to the cartilages of the pair lying superior to them rather than to the sternum = 11th and 12th ribs are floating ribs” because they do not connect to either the sternum or another pair anteriorly, they are attached posteriorly to the vertebra and their anterior tips are free and palpable
  • 10. = posteriorly, each pair of ribs articulates with the respective thoracic vertebra = the ribs are more difficult to palpate posteriorly ( :297) 7. Clavicle – or the collar bone = a slender, doubly curved bone = it attaches to the manubrium of the sternum to the acromion of the scapula = it acts as a brace to hold the arm away from the top of the thorax and helps prevent shoulder disclocation
  • 12.
  • 13. 1. C 7 or vertebra prominens = the most prominent bony spur protruding at the base of the neck when the head is flexed 2. Spinous process = single projection arising from the posterior aspect of the vertebral arch = it alligns with their same numbered ribs only down to T4 = after T4, the spinous processes angle downward from their vertebral body and overlies the vertebral body and rib below
  • 14. 3. Scapula – or the shoulder blades = they are triangular and are commonly called “wings” = it is not directly attached to the axial skeleton  2 important processes: a. Acromion - connects with the clavicle laterally at the acromioclavicular joint b. Coracoid – the beaklike = points over the top of the shoulder and anchors some of the muscles of the joints (Jarvis:449)
  • 15. REFERENCE LINE ANTERIOR CHEST 1.Midsternal line = passes through the center of the sternum 2. Midclavicular line =an imaginary line that descends from the middle of the clavicle(Smeltzer:447)
  • 16. POSTERIOR CHEST 1. Vertebral line = also called spinal line = overlies the spinous processes of the vertebrae 2. Scapular line = drops from the inferior angle of the scapula (Bickley:212)
  • 17. LATERAL CHEST 1. Anterior axillary line = line extends from the anterior axillary fold where the pectoralis major muscle inserts 2. Posterior axillary line = continues down from the posterior axillary fold where latissimus dorsi muscle inserts(Smeltzer:477) 3. Midaxillary line = runs down from the apex of the axilla and lies between and parallel to the other two(Jarvis:450)
  • 18. THE THORACIC CAVITY Mediastinum – is the middle section of the thoracic cavity containing the esophagus, trachea, heart and the great vessels = the right and the left pleural cavities, on either side of the mediastinum contains the lungs Lungs – are two coned-shaped, elastic structure suspended within the thoracic cavity (Jarvis:457) = are paired but not precisely symmetric structures
  • 19. = the right lung is shorter than the left lung because of the underlying liver = the left lung is narrower than the right lung because the heart bulges to the left = at the point of the midclavicular line on the anterior surface of the thorax, the lung extends approximately to the 6 th rib = laterally, lung tissue reaches the level of the 8 th rib
  • 20. = posteriorly, the lung base lies at about the 10 th rib = the right lung has 3 lobes = the left lung has 2 lobes (Jarvis:452)  IN A HEALTHY ADULTS, DURING DEEP INSPIRATION, THE LUNGS EXTEND DOWN TO THE 8TH ICS ANTERIORLY AND 12TH POSTERIORLY  DURING EXPIRATION, LUNGS RISE TO THE 5TH OR 6TH ICS ANTERIORLY AND 10TH ICS POSTERIORLY ( :300)
  • 21.
  • 22. TRACHEA = is a flexible structure that lies anterior to the esophagus = begins at the level of the cricoid cartilage in the neck = is approximately 10 to 12 cm long (adult) = help to maintain the shape and prevent its collapse during respiration ( :301)
  • 23. BRONCHI = both bronchi are at an oblique position in the mediastinum and enter the lungs at the hilum = the right main bronchus is shorter and more vertical than the left = the left bronchus is narrower and extends at more of right angle of the trachea  The trachea and the bronchi represent “dead space” in the respiratory system = they function primarily as a passageway for both inspired and expired air ( Phipps: 979)
  • 24.
  • 25. LUNGS BORDERS ANTERIOR 1. Apex – extends slightly above the clvicle = highest point of lung tissue is 3- 4 cm above the inner third of the clavicle 2. Base – the broad lung area resting on the diaphragm at the 6th rib in the midclavicular line (Jarvis: 452) POSTERIOR 1. C 7 – marks the apex of lung tissue 2. T 10 – usually corresponds to the base = deep inspiration expands the lungs and their lower border drops to the level of T12 (Jarvis:450)
  • 26. PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PATIENT MUST BE CLEAR AND WITH COURTESY 1. Draping 2. Position 3. Other provisions to ensure further comfort • Provide warm room and conducive for examination = well lighted = well ventilated • Provide privacy • Wash your hands but be sure hands are not cold • The diaphragm of your stethoscope must warm • Request your client to empty his/her bladder • Examination must not be interrupted
  • 27. II. Observe for Chest Configuration  Does the chest move equally on the two sides?  Does breathing appear distressing?  Is it noisy?  Is breathing regular?  Is there any prolongation of expiration?
  • 28. INSPECTION =Thorax provides information about the musculoskeletal structure, patients nutritional status, and respiratory system = the nurse must observe the skin over the thorax for color and turgor and for the evidence of loss of subcutaneous tissue = it is important to note symmetry, if present = when findings are recorded, anatomic landmarks are used as point of reference (Smeltzer:476) I. observe respiration 1. Rate: normal, above normal. Below normal 2. Rhythm: regular, irregular 3. Depth: normal, deep, shallow 4. Effort: use of accessory muscles
  • 29. II. Observe for Chest Configuration  Does the chest move equally on the two sides?  Does breathing appear distressing?  Is it noisy?  Is breathing regular?  Is there any prolongation of expiration?
  • 30. 1. Barrel chest – results as a result of ossification of the lungs = increase in the anteroposterior diameter of the thorax = patient with emphysema, the ribs are more widely space and the ICS tend to buldge on expiration 2. Funnel chest (Pectus Excavatum) – occurs when there is a depression in the lower portion of the sternum = this may compress the heart and the great vessels resulting in murmurs = may occur with rickets or Marfan’s syndrome
  • 31. 3. Pigeon chest (Pectus Carinatum) – may occur as a result of displacement of the sternum = there is an increase in the anteroposterior diameter = may occur with rickets, Marfan’s syndrome or severe kyphoscoliosis 4. Kyphoscoliosis – characterized by elevation of the scapula and the corresponding S-shaped spine = this deformity limits lung expansion within the thorax = may occur with osteoporosis and other skeletal disorders that affect the thorax (Smeltzer:476)
  • 32.
  • 33. BREATHING PATTERNS AND RESPIRATORY RATE Normal adult – 12-19 breaths per minute (rate) 500-500 ml (depth) air moving in and out/respiration even (pattern) Ratio of pulse to respiration = 4:1 1. Eupnea – normal breathing at 12-19 breaths/min 2. Bradypnea – slower than normal, less than breaths/min with normal depth and regular rhythm = associated with increase ICP, brain injury, and drug overdose 3. Tachypnea – rapid, shallow breathing, more than 24 breaths/min = commonly seen in patient with pneumonia, pulmonary edema. Metabolic acidosis, septicemia, severe pain and rib fracture
  • 34. 4. Hyporventilation – shallow, irregular breathing 5. Hyperventilation – increased rate and depth of breathing = associated with severe acidosis of diabetic, renal origin (Kausmaul breathing) 6. Apnea – period of cessation of breathing = time of duration varies = may occur briefly during other breathing disorders such as sleep apnea = if sustained, apnea is life-threatening
  • 35. 7. Cheyne stokes – characterized by alternating episodes of apnea and periods of deep breathing = deep respirations become increasingly shallow, followed by apnea that may last approx. 20 seconds = the cycle repeats after each apneic period = associated with heart failure and damage of the respiratory center (drug-induced, tumor, trauma) 8. Biot’s respiration – or cluster breathing = periods of normal breathing (3-4 breaths) followed by varying period of apnea (usually 10 seconds to 1 min) = CNS disorder (Kozier:1297)
  • 36.
  • 37. TABLE 35-3 POSSIBLE FINDINGS BY INSPECTION IN A PULMONARY EXAMINATION OBSERVE NORMAL ABNORMAL General Appearance Quiet respiration Lips puckered when exhaling Sitting or reclining without difficulty Restless and apprehensive Skin translucent, appears dry Leans forward with hands or elbows on knees Nailbeds pink Skin: diaphoretic, dull pale or ruddy Mucous membranes pink and moist* Cyanosis: skin or mucous membranes have bluish cast Cyanosis or pallor assessed by establishing an Central cyanosis: results from decreased oxygenation of blood early individual baseline + Peripheral cyanosis: result of local vasoconstriction or decreased cardiac output Nail clubbing: painless enlargement of terminal phalanges related to chronic tissue hypoxia Trachea Midline in neck Tracheal deviation; displacement either lateral, anterior, posterior Jugular venous distension Cough: strong or weak, dry or wet, productive or non- productive Sputum production: amount, color, odor, consistency * Dark-skinned people might have normal bluish-pigmentation mucous membranes. + Central cyanosis is relevant to respiratory status. Observe nailbeds, mucous membrane and lips.
  • 38. TABLE 35-3 POSSIBLE FINDINGS BY INSPECTION IN A PULMONARY EXAMINATION OBSERVE NORMAL ABNORMAL Rate Eupnea: 12 to 20 Tachypnea: rate> 20 breaths/minute Bradypnea: rate < 12 breaths/minute Breathing pattern Minimal effort with inspiration: passive, quiet Hyperpnea: increased breathing depth expiration Inspiration/expiration ratio: 1:2 Accessory muscle breathing Male: diaphragmatic breathing Apnea: total absence of breathing Female: thoracic breathing Biots: irregular rhythm with periods of apnea Cheyne-Stokes: cyclical deeper and shallower breaths, followed by periods of apnea Kussmaul’s: deep, rapid, and regular breathing Paradoxical: portion of chest wall moves in during inhalation and out during exhalation Stridorous: audible, loud, low-pitched sound with inhalation and exhalation Thoracic configuration Symmetric appearance Chest expands unevenly Muscular development asymmetric Anteroposterior diameter (AP) less than Barrel chest: AP diameter increased in relation to transverse transverse diameter diameter Spine straight Kyphosis: increased thoracic curvature Scoliosis: increased lateral curvature Scapulae on same horizontal plane Scapular placement asymmetric
  • 39. PALPATION = Start palpation by feeling for the position of the trachea. = facing to the patient, place two fingers either side of the trachea (note whether the distance between the trachea and the sternomastoid tendons are equal = at the back of the patient, hook your finger round the tendon to meet the trachea (maybe displaced- mass in the neck = palpates the thorax for tenderness, masses, lesions, respiratory excursion and vocal fremitus (Smeltzer:478)
  • 40. Purposes (Bickley:230) 1. Identification of tender areas 2. Assessment of observed abnormalities 3. Further assessment of chest expansion 4. Assessment of tactile fremitus Identify tender mass = palpate an area of pain or lesions are apparent – perform direct palpation with the fingertips (for the lesion and subcutaneous masses)
  • 41. = use the ball of the hand for deeper masses or generalized flank or rib discomfort Assess any abnormalities = observe for any masses or sinus tract (inflammatory, tube-like opening onto the skin Respiratory Excursion = an examination of the thoracic expansion and may disclose significant information about thoracic movement during breathing = assess the patient for range and symmetry of excursion
  • 42. = instruct patient to inhale deeply while moving the thumbs from the 10th rib with the fingers loosely grasping and parallel to the lateral rib cage. = slide them medially about 2-2.5 cm (1 inch) just enough to raise fold of skin on each side bet. the thumb and the spine = watch the distance bet. the thumb as they move apart during inspiration. = feel for the range and symmetry of the rib cage as it expands and contracts
  • 43. TACTILE FREMITUS Fremitus – refers to palpable vibrations transmitted through the bronchopulmonary tree to the chest wall when the patient speaks = is the detection of the resulting vibration on the chest wall by touch = normal fremitus varies = lower pitched sounds travel better through the normal and produce greater vibration of the chest wall
  • 44. = the patient is asked to repeat “99”, “1 2 3”, or “eee,eee,eee” as you move your hands down the thorax = the vibrations are detected with the palmar surfaces of the fingers and hands or the ulnar aspect of the extended hands = hands are moved in sequence down to the thorax = corresponding areas of the thorax are compared = BONY AREAS ARE NOT TESTED = if fremitus is faint, ask patient to say it again more loudly or in deeper voice (Smeltzer:479)
  • 45. PERCUSSION = is one of the most important technique of physical examination =percussion of the chest sets and the chest wall and underlying tissues into motion, producing audible sound and palpable vibrations Purposes: 1. to detect the resonance or hollowness of the chest (underlying tissues are air-filled, fluid-filled or solid) 2. Used to estimate the size and location of certain structure within the thorax (diaphragm, heart, liver) = it penetrates only about 5-7cm into the chest therefore it will not help to detect deep-seated lesions (Epstein:627)
  • 46.  Posterior = percussion usually begins with the posterior thorax = ideally, the patient is in a sitting position with the head flexed forward and the arm crossed on the lap – the position separates the scapulae widely and exposes more lung area = proceeds down the posterior thorax, percussing symmetry areas at 5-6cm (2-2.5 inch) interval (Smeltzer:480)
  • 47. = hyperextend the middle finger of your left hand (pleximeter) = press its distal interphalangeal joint firmly on the surface to be percussed = avoid surface contact by any part of the hand because this dampens our vibrations Note: thumb, 2nd, 4th, 5th fingers are not touching the chest = position your right forearm quite close to the surface, with the hand cocked upward = the middle finger should be partially flexed, related, and poised to strike
  • 48. = with a quick sharp but relaxed wrist movement, strike the pleximeter finger with the right middle finger or plexor finger = aim at your distal interphalangeal joint
  • 49. = strike using the tip of your plexor finger, not the finger pad = your finger should be almost at right angles to the pleximeter A SHORT FINGERNAIL IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOID SELF-INJURY WITHDRAW YOUR STRIKING FINGER QUICKLY TO AVOID DAMPING THE VIBRATIONS YOU HAVE CREATED (Bickley:224)
  • 50. PERCUSSION SOUNDS 1. Resonance – low-pitched sound heard over normal lungs 2. Hyperresonance – loud, lower-pitched sound than normal resonance heard over hyperinflated lung such as in chronic obstructive lung disease, acute asthma 3. Tympany – drumlike, loud, empty quality heard over gas-filled stomach or intestine or pneumothorax 4. Dull – medium intensity pitch and duration, heard over areas “mixed” solid and lung tissue (pneumonia) 5. Flat – soft, high pitched sound of short duration heard over very dense tissue where air is not present (Lewis:555)
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  • 54. = percuss one side of the chest and then the other at each level = omit the areas over the scapulae – the thickness of muscle and bone alters the percussion notes over the lungs (Bickley:225)
  • 55. Anterior = patient is an upright position with shoulders arched backward and arms at the table = begin in the supra- clavicular area and proceeds downward, from one intercostal space to the next = for female patient, it maybe necessary to displace the breasts with the left hand while percussing with the right = using both hands, place finger of one on the chest with fingers separated (Bickley:232) YOU MAY ASK THE PATIENT TO MOVE HER BREAST FOR YOU
  • 56. = strike one of them with the terminal phalynx of the middle finger of the of the other hand = it must be removed again immediately, otherwise the resultant sound will be damped = the striking movement should be a flick of the wrist and the striking finger should be at right angle to the other finger = each side is compared with the equivalent area from top to bottom = DO NOT FORGET THE SIDES = the anterior and lateral thorax is examined with the patient in supine position = if patient cannot sit, percussion of the posterior thorax is performed with the patient positioned on the side
  • 57. AUSCULTATION = prefers to use the diaphragm of the stethoscope = in thin bony chest, the bell may give a more airtight fit and is less likely to trap hairs underneath which produces a crackling sound (Epstein:628) = the most important examining technique for assessing air flow through the tracheobronchial tree
  • 58. = it involves: 1. Listening to the sounds generated by breathing 2. Listening for any adventitious (added) sound 3. If abnormalities are suspected, listening to the sounds of the patient’s whispered voice as they are transmitted through the chest wall
  • 59. = ask patient to take deep breath through the mouth = listen to the breath sounds using the same pattern for percussion, moving from one side to the other and comparing symmetric areas of the lungs (Bickley:226) = listen at least 1 full breath on each location BE ALERT FOR PATIENT DISCOMFORT DUE TO HYPERVENTILATION (light-headedness, faintness) ALLOW PATIENT TO REST AS NEEDED (Smeltzer:480)
  • 60. BREATH SOUNDS = evaluate the presence and quality of normal breath sounds = are usually louder in the upper anterior lung fields 1. Vesicular – soft and low-pitched = they are heard through inspiration, continue without pause through expiration = have 3:1 ratio with inspiration longer than expiration = can be heard over most of both lungs 2. Bronchovesicular – with inspiratory and expiratory sounds about equal in length, at times separated by a silent interval differences in pitch and intensity are often easily detected during expiration
  • 61. = often can be heard in the 1st and 2nd interspaces anteriorly and between the scapulae = can be heard over the large airways esp. on the right 3. Bronchial – louder and higher in pitch = with a short silence between inspiratory and expiratory sounds = expiratory sound last longer than inspiratory sounds = can be heard over the manubrium, if heard at all (Bickley:227)
  • 62. ADVENTITIOUS SOUND 1. Wheezes – rhonchi = a high-pitched, musical sound similar to a squeak = it is heard most commonly during expiration, but also can be heard during inspiration = low-pitched, coarse, loud, low snoring or moaning sound =it is heard in narrowed airway diseases such as asthma, chronic emphysema
  • 63. 2.