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NoncirrhoticPortal Hypertension
Dr. Syeda Mishal Saleem
PGT Internal Medicine
POF Hospital, Wah Cantt
• Portal hypertension is a clinical manifestation which is defined as the presence of a Hepatic
venous pressure gradient > 5 mmHg.
• The main cause of PHTN is Liver Cirrhosis. There are, however, a variety of disorders which
PHTN without Liver Cirrhosis and falls under the category of Non-Cirrhotic portal hypertension.
• The diseases leading to NCPH are primarily vascular in nature and classified anatomically based
site of involvement as:
Splenic vein
Coronary vein
Causes of NCPH
PreHepatic Hepatic PostHepatic
Presinusoidal Sinusoidal Postsinusoidal
portal vein
Non cirrhotic portal
Amylodosis Sinusoidal obstruction
syndrome/ veno-
Inferior vena cava
Splenic vein
Portosinusoidal Vascular
Fibrosis due to Metabolic
causes (Nonalcohol
associated fatty liver disease)
Granulomatous phlebitis
(Sarcoidosis, Myobacterium
avium) Constrictive pericarditis
Granulomatous liver lesions
Fibrosis due to inflammatory
causes( viral hepatitis, CMV)
Phlebosclerosis of hepatic
veins (due to early Alcohol
associated liver disease,
chronic radiation injury,
hypervitaminosis A)
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
Devlopment disorders (Adult
polycystic liver disease, congenital
hepatic fibrosis,Arteriovenous
Drugs and toxins:
Amiodarone, methoteraxate,
vinyl chloride , copper)
Primary vascular malignancies
Billiary Disorders ( Billiary
cholangitis, Autoimmune
cholangiopathy, PSC , Toxic billiary
injury from vinyl chloride )
Defenestration of sinusoidal
lining in early alchol
associated liver disease.
Hepatic venous obstruction /
budd chiari syndrome
Neoplastic occlusion of portal vein (
due to Lymphoma, epithelial
malignancies, CLL)
Infiltrative ( Mastocytosis,
Gaucher disease)
 INCPH diagnosis is based on clinical criteria and the formal exclusion of any other causes of portal
hypertension. Diagnosis require following criteria :
. Presence of portal hypertension in the abscence of cirrhosis on liver
Exclusion of conditions that may cause cirrhosis or non cirrhotic portal
hypetension e.g : congenital hepatic fibrosis, sarcoidosis, schistosomiasis
• --
Imaging showing patent portal and heptic veins
At least one
clinical sign of
or Gastric
Exclusion of Chronic liver disease like Chronic Hepatitis B or C virus infection, NASH,
Alchol associated steatohepatitis, Autoimmune hepatitis
Idiopathic non cirrhotic portal hypertension is most common in Asia
Idiopathic non cirrhotic portal hypertension
Porto-sinusoidal vascular Disease:
It is a broad spectrum term that includes following groups:
 Patients with histologic features of INCPH on liver biopsy (e.g: oblitrative venopathy,
nodular regenerative hyperplasia, incomplete septal cirrhosis) but without clinical
manifestation of portal hypertension (e.g: esophageal or gastric varices)
The etiology of PSVD can be classified in five categories: )
1) Immunological
disorders (i.e.
association with
common variable
connective tissue
diseases, Crohn’s
disease, etc.
2) Chronic infections
3) Exposure to
medications or toxins
(e.g. azathioprine,
long term use of
combination of
didanosine and
stavudine, 6-
thioguanine, arsenic),
4) genetic
predisposition (i.e.
familial aggregation
and association with
Turner disease)
5) Prothrombotic
conditions (e.g.
 Schistosomiasis is one of the most common causeof NCPH worldwie
 Chronic hepatic schistsomiasis is characterized by :
, .
• schistsomal eggs in stool + liver biopsy - granulomas or
• EHPVO is defined as:
• ‘‘A vascular disorder of liver, characterized by obstruction of the extra-hepatic PV
with or without involvement of intra-hepatic PV radicles or splenic or Superior
Mesenteric Vein’’ .
• Recent thrombus in the PV along with the presence of cavernoma, however, it excludes
Liver Cirrhosis and other liver diseases like NCPF, as well as HCC.
• Isolated occlusion of the splenic vein or superior mesenteric vein does not constitute
• It is a major cause of PHTN (54%) and UGIB in children (68–84%) from the developing
world, however it occurs in adults too.
Extrahepatic Portal Vein Obstruction
Clinical Features
Varices 84%
varices 7%
varices- 2%
anorectal, GB
bed, biliary tree
• Variceal hemorrhages episodes are
often recurrent, related to febrile
illnesses, use of NSAID, and ↑ in
frequency and severity with age till
• In contrast to cirrhosis, these bleeding
episodes are well tolerated in view of
preserved liver synthetic functions.
• Moderate splenomegaly
• Portal biliopathy - 60-100 %
• Symptomatic Portal bilipathy (pain,
jaundice, fever)- develop in 5-14%
of cases on long-term follow-up
• Growth retardation
• Prognosis:
• Prognsis of EHPVO after control of variceal bleed is good,
with long term (>10 years) survival nearly 100%
• Natural history is complicated by development of portal biliopathy
& ectopic varices
NCPF (Non-cirrhotic portal Fibrosis)
• NCPF is a disease of uncertain etiology
• Characterized by periportal fibrosis and involvement of small and
medium branches of the portal vein, resulting in the development
of portal hypertension.
• The liver functions primarily remain normal, in most cases
NCPF (Non-cirrhotic portal Fibrosis)
Diagnostic criteria: (APASL)
• Patent spleno-portal axis and hepatic veins on ultrasound Doppler
• Presence of moderate to massive splenomegaly
• Evidence of portal hypertension, varices, and/or collaterals
• Test results indicating normal or near-normal liver functions
• Icreased or Near-normal HVPG
•Liver histology-no evidence of cirrhosis or parenchymal injury Other features:
• Absence of signs of chronic liver disease
• NOTE: 2/3rd of patients present with G I Bleed
• Uncontrolled variceal bleeding is a common cause of death
• Long term survival after eradication of esophagogastric varices or after
a shunt surgery is nearly 80-100%
• Liver functions usually remain well preserved, but with course of time in
20–33% of cases, liver slowly undergoes parenchymal atrophy with
subsequent decompensation
Clinical Features of NCPH:
Abdominal pain due to acute portal vein thrombosis
Severe GI bleed due to hepatic decompensation,
Intestinal infarction may occur when mesenteric venous
thrombosis also occurs with portal vein thrombosis
Spleenomegaly with hyperspleenism
Ascites (25%)
Enlargement of porto-systemic collaterals :Esophagus, Stomach, Rectum,
Retroperitoneum, Biliary (Portal biliopathy), Periumbilical
Hepatic encephalopahy (rare)
Laboratory Findings:
• Usually normal
• Elevations of alkaline
phosphatase and
GGT are seen with
development of portal
biliopathy, while
may be seen during
bleed episodes
particularly in the
setting of growth
• Due to
Hypercoagulable state :
• Factor V leiden Mutation
• Deficiency of protein C
• Deficiency of protein S
• Antiphopholipid Syndrome
• JAK 2 tyrosine kinase mutations--
myeloproliferative neoplasm
• Elevated factor VIII levels
• Hyperhomocystenemia
• Mutation of TT677 of
• Mutation in gene that codes for
thrombin- activatable fibrinolysis
• Hypercoagulopathy secondary to
portosystemic shunting and
reduced blood flow
Color Doppler USG
Contrast enhanced
Test Magnetic
 EUS may be helpful in some casese.
 In patients with jaundice, Magnetic Resonance Cholangiography may
demonstrate compression of bile duct by a large portal cavernoma
(portal bilipathy), a finding that is more common in patients with
Hypercoagulable state.
 In patients with Pylephlebitis, CT may demonstrate intra-abdominal
source of infection, thrombosis, or gas in the portl venous system or a
hepatic abscess.
Esophageal or
Gastric vices
> Non cirrhotic
portal fibrosis
> Sinusoidal
Liver biopsy
noncirrhotic portal
hypertension from
Endoscopic band ligation
Beta blockers (non selective) to reduce portal pressure
Portosystemic Shunting (TIPS) , is reserved for faliures of
endoscopic therapies
Liver transplantation for progressive liver dysfunction
Anticoagulation or thrombolytic theray
Role of Anticoagulation:
 Anticoagulation, particularly with low molecular weight Heparin or
unfractioned Heprain or thrombolytic therapy may be indicated for
for isolated acute portal vein thrombosis,which leads to atleast
PARTIAL RECANALIZATION in upto 75% of cases when started
within 6 months of thrombosis.
 It can also be possibly used for acute Splenic vein thrombosis.
 Oral anticagulat is continued long term if a hypercogulable disorder
is identified or if an acute portal vein thrombosis extends into the
mesenteric veins.
A 55 years old man, hypertensive and diabetic, came in ER with complaints of 2-3 episodes of
severe vomitings with blood and pain abdomen for 2 days. He had repeated visits in
gastroenterology clinic for repeated GI infections.No other significant history.
On examination there is massive spleenomegaly.
His BCP is showing pancytopenia, LFTS are normal.
USG- Abdomen shows thick ehogenic portal veins and spleenomegaly. Liver size is normal.
1. What is your diagnosis?
2. What other test you are going to do in emergency managment??
3. What is your treatment plan??
1. Non Cirrhotic Portal hypertension (idiopthic)
2. Endocopy -- varices
3. Endoscopic band ligation, followed by CT Abdomen/MRA
and then proceed accordingly
A 47 years old man, resident of Phillipines, referred by GP to Gatroenterology clinic for complaint of 2
episodes of vomiting with blood since morning, abnormal LFTS and abnormal Liver ultrasound. He was noted
to have abnormal Lfts during his annual checkup 1 year back. His anomalous results persisted, and
diagnosed as fatty liver on basis of laboratory results at that time..
6 years back he was suspected to had Tuberculosis, so he was put on ATT.
• Now, his labs revealed slightly elevated basophils (1.2%) , AST 66U/L, GGT145U/L.
• Hepatitis pannels are negative for Hep B and C. Iron studies , stool and urine culture are normal for acute
• USG- Abdomen showed an extremely hterogenous parenchyma, which appeared to be interstitial fibrosis
throughout the liver with increased septal lines, suggestive of underlying liver fibrosis. And multiple high
echogenic nodules. Also high echogenic portal veins. CT abdomen showed dilated callliber of PV, multiple
calcified nodules with normal liver margins.
1. What is your suspected diagnosis??
2. What other diagnostic tests you are going to perform for final diagnosis??
1. Chronic Schistosomiasis leading to NCPH
2. Liver Biopsy
Subscribe to youtube channel: Dr. Mishal
Follow on instagram: dr.mishal_
• uptodate, non cirrhotic portal hypertension, 2021
• cmdt, non cirrhotic portal hypertension, 2021
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• Bhatia V, Jain AK, Sarin SK. Choledocholithiasis associated with portal biliopathy in patients with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction. Management with endoscopic sphincterotomy.
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• Dumortier J, Vaillant E, Boillot O, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of biliary obstruction caused by portal cavernoma. Endoscopy.2003;35:446–450.
• Oo YH, Olliff S, Haydon G, Thorburn D. Symptomatic portal biliopathy: a single centre experience from the UK. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009;21:206–213.
• Webb LJ, Sherlock S. The aetiology, presentation and natural history of extra-hepatic portal venous obstruction. Q J Med.1979;48:627–639.
• Rangari M, Gupta R, Jain M, et al. Hepatic dysfunction in patients with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction. Liver Int.2003;23:434–437.
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Non Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension

  • 1.
  • 2. NoncirrhoticPortal Hypertension Dr. Syeda Mishal Saleem PGT Internal Medicine POF Hospital, Wah Cantt
  • 3. • Portal hypertension is a clinical manifestation which is defined as the presence of a Hepatic venous pressure gradient > 5 mmHg. • The main cause of PHTN is Liver Cirrhosis. There are, however, a variety of disorders which PHTN without Liver Cirrhosis and falls under the category of Non-Cirrhotic portal hypertension. • The diseases leading to NCPH are primarily vascular in nature and classified anatomically based site of involvement as: INTRODUCTION: PreHepatic Hepatic PostHepatic
  • 5. Causes of NCPH PreHepatic Hepatic PostHepatic Presinusoidal Sinusoidal Postsinusoidal Extrahepatic portal vein obstruction (EVPHO) Idiopathic Non cirrhotic portal hypertension Amylodosis Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome/ veno- occlusivedisease Inferior vena cava Obstruction Splenic vein thrombosis Portosinusoidal Vascular disease Fibrosis due to Metabolic causes (Nonalcohol associated fatty liver disease) Granulomatous phlebitis (Sarcoidosis, Myobacterium avium) Constrictive pericarditis Splanchnic arteriovenous fistulas Granulomatous liver lesions (Schistosomiasis) Fibrosis due to inflammatory causes( viral hepatitis, CMV) Phlebosclerosis of hepatic veins (due to early Alcohol associated liver disease, chronic radiation injury, hypervitaminosis A) Restrictive Cardiomyopathy Devlopment disorders (Adult polycystic liver disease, congenital hepatic fibrosis,Arteriovenous fistulas) Drugs and toxins: Amiodarone, methoteraxate, vinyl chloride , copper) Primary vascular malignancies (epitheloid hemangioendothelioma, angisarcoma) Billiary Disorders ( Billiary cholangitis, Autoimmune cholangiopathy, PSC , Toxic billiary injury from vinyl chloride ) Defenestration of sinusoidal lining in early alchol associated liver disease. Hepatic venous obstruction / budd chiari syndrome Neoplastic occlusion of portal vein ( due to Lymphoma, epithelial malignancies, CLL) Infiltrative ( Mastocytosis, Gaucher disease) Lipogranuloma
  • 6. .  INCPH diagnosis is based on clinical criteria and the formal exclusion of any other causes of portal hypertension. Diagnosis require following criteria : . Presence of portal hypertension in the abscence of cirrhosis on liver histology. Exclusion of conditions that may cause cirrhosis or non cirrhotic portal hypetension e.g : congenital hepatic fibrosis, sarcoidosis, schistosomiasis • -- Imaging showing patent portal and heptic veins At least one clinical sign of portal hypertension Spleenomeg-- -aly Esophageal or Gastric Varices Ascites Portovenou- -s collaterals Exclusion of Chronic liver disease like Chronic Hepatitis B or C virus infection, NASH, Alchol associated steatohepatitis, Autoimmune hepatitis Diagnosis: Idiopathic non cirrhotic portal hypertension is most common in Asia Idiopathic non cirrhotic portal hypertension
  • 7. Porto-sinusoidal vascular Disease: It is a broad spectrum term that includes following groups:  Patients with histologic features of INCPH on liver biopsy (e.g: oblitrative venopathy, nodular regenerative hyperplasia, incomplete septal cirrhosis) but without clinical manifestation of portal hypertension (e.g: esophageal or gastric varices) The etiology of PSVD can be classified in five categories: ) 1) Immunological disorders (i.e. association with common variable immunodeficiency syndrome, connective tissue diseases, Crohn’s disease, etc. 2) Chronic infections 3) Exposure to medications or toxins (e.g. azathioprine, long term use of didanosine, combination of didanosine and stavudine, 6- thioguanine, arsenic), 4) genetic predisposition (i.e. familial aggregation and association with Turner disease) 5) Prothrombotic conditions (e.g. inherited thrombophilias myeloproliferative neoplasm antiphospholipid syndrome).
  • 8.  Schistosomiasis is one of the most common causeof NCPH worldwie  Chronic hepatic schistsomiasis is characterized by : , . esophageal varices hepatomegaly spleenomegaly with hypersplenism • schistsomal eggs in stool + liver biopsy - granulomas or ovas Diagnosis: Schistosomiasis
  • 9. • EHPVO is defined as: • ‘‘A vascular disorder of liver, characterized by obstruction of the extra-hepatic PV with or without involvement of intra-hepatic PV radicles or splenic or Superior Mesenteric Vein’’ . • Recent thrombus in the PV along with the presence of cavernoma, however, it excludes Liver Cirrhosis and other liver diseases like NCPF, as well as HCC. • Isolated occlusion of the splenic vein or superior mesenteric vein does not constitute EHPVO • It is a major cause of PHTN (54%) and UGIB in children (68–84%) from the developing world, however it occurs in adults too. Extrahepatic Portal Vein Obstruction
  • 10. Clinical Features Variceal bleed: Esophageal Varices 84% Gastric varices 7% Portal Hypertensiv e gastropathy 7% Ectopic varices- 2% Duodenal, anorectal, GB bed, biliary tree • Variceal hemorrhages episodes are often recurrent, related to febrile illnesses, use of NSAID, and ↑ in frequency and severity with age till adolescence. • In contrast to cirrhosis, these bleeding episodes are well tolerated in view of preserved liver synthetic functions. • Moderate splenomegaly • Portal biliopathy - 60-100 % (Asymptomatic) • Symptomatic Portal bilipathy (pain, jaundice, fever)- develop in 5-14% of cases on long-term follow-up • Growth retardation
  • 11. • Prognosis: • Prognsis of EHPVO after control of variceal bleed is good, with long term (>10 years) survival nearly 100% • Natural history is complicated by development of portal biliopathy & ectopic varices
  • 12. NCPF (Non-cirrhotic portal Fibrosis) • NCPF is a disease of uncertain etiology • Characterized by periportal fibrosis and involvement of small and medium branches of the portal vein, resulting in the development of portal hypertension. • The liver functions primarily remain normal, in most cases
  • 13. NCPF (Non-cirrhotic portal Fibrosis) Diagnostic criteria: (APASL) • Patent spleno-portal axis and hepatic veins on ultrasound Doppler • Presence of moderate to massive splenomegaly • Evidence of portal hypertension, varices, and/or collaterals • Test results indicating normal or near-normal liver functions • Icreased or Near-normal HVPG •Liver histology-no evidence of cirrhosis or parenchymal injury Other features: • Absence of signs of chronic liver disease • NOTE: 2/3rd of patients present with G I Bleed
  • 14. PROGNOSIS: • Uncontrolled variceal bleeding is a common cause of death • Long term survival after eradication of esophagogastric varices or after a shunt surgery is nearly 80-100% • Liver functions usually remain well preserved, but with course of time in 20–33% of cases, liver slowly undergoes parenchymal atrophy with subsequent decompensation
  • 15. Clinical Features of NCPH: Abdominal pain due to acute portal vein thrombosis Severe GI bleed due to hepatic decompensation, Intestinal infarction may occur when mesenteric venous thrombosis also occurs with portal vein thrombosis Spleenomegaly with hyperspleenism Ascites (25%) Enlargement of porto-systemic collaterals :Esophagus, Stomach, Rectum, Retroperitoneum, Biliary (Portal biliopathy), Periumbilical Hepatic encephalopahy (rare)
  • 16. Laboratory Findings: LFTS • Usually normal • Elevations of alkaline phosphatase and GGT are seen with development of portal biliopathy, while hypoalbuminemia may be seen during bleed episodes particularly in the setting of growth failure Pancytopenia • Due to Hyperspleenism Hypercoagulable state : • Factor V leiden Mutation • Deficiency of protein C • Deficiency of protein S • Antiphopholipid Syndrome • JAK 2 tyrosine kinase mutations-- myeloproliferative neoplasm • Elevated factor VIII levels • Hyperhomocystenemia • Mutation of TT677 of methylenetetrahydrofolate • Mutation in gene that codes for thrombin- activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor. • Hypercoagulopathy secondary to portosystemic shunting and reduced blood flow
  • 17. Imaging: Color Doppler USG Contrast enhanced CT Initial Diagostic Test Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Confirmatory Test  EUS may be helpful in some casese.  In patients with jaundice, Magnetic Resonance Cholangiography may demonstrate compression of bile duct by a large portal cavernoma (portal bilipathy), a finding that is more common in patients with Hypercoagulable state.  In patients with Pylephlebitis, CT may demonstrate intra-abdominal source of infection, thrombosis, or gas in the portl venous system or a hepatic abscess.
  • 18. Esophageal or Gastric vices Endoscopy > Non cirrhotic portal fibrosis >Schistosomia- -sis >Nodular regenerative hyperplasis > Sinusoidal dilatation Liver biopsy Distinguish noncirrhotic portal hypertension from cirrhosis Elastography OTHER STUDIES:
  • 19. TREATMENT: Endoscopic band ligation Beta blockers (non selective) to reduce portal pressure Portosystemic Shunting (TIPS) , is reserved for faliures of endoscopic therapies Liver transplantation for progressive liver dysfunction Anticoagulation or thrombolytic theray
  • 20. Role of Anticoagulation:  Anticoagulation, particularly with low molecular weight Heparin or unfractioned Heprain or thrombolytic therapy may be indicated for for isolated acute portal vein thrombosis,which leads to atleast PARTIAL RECANALIZATION in upto 75% of cases when started within 6 months of thrombosis.  It can also be possibly used for acute Splenic vein thrombosis.  Oral anticagulat is continued long term if a hypercogulable disorder is identified or if an acute portal vein thrombosis extends into the mesenteric veins.
  • 21. CASE 1: A 55 years old man, hypertensive and diabetic, came in ER with complaints of 2-3 episodes of severe vomitings with blood and pain abdomen for 2 days. He had repeated visits in gastroenterology clinic for repeated GI infections.No other significant history. On examination there is massive spleenomegaly. His BCP is showing pancytopenia, LFTS are normal. USG- Abdomen shows thick ehogenic portal veins and spleenomegaly. Liver size is normal. 1. What is your diagnosis? 2. What other test you are going to do in emergency managment?? 3. What is your treatment plan?? 1. Non Cirrhotic Portal hypertension (idiopthic) 2. Endocopy -- varices 3. Endoscopic band ligation, followed by CT Abdomen/MRA and then proceed accordingly
  • 22. CASE 2: A 47 years old man, resident of Phillipines, referred by GP to Gatroenterology clinic for complaint of 2 episodes of vomiting with blood since morning, abnormal LFTS and abnormal Liver ultrasound. He was noted to have abnormal Lfts during his annual checkup 1 year back. His anomalous results persisted, and diagnosed as fatty liver on basis of laboratory results at that time.. 6 years back he was suspected to had Tuberculosis, so he was put on ATT. • Now, his labs revealed slightly elevated basophils (1.2%) , AST 66U/L, GGT145U/L. • Hepatitis pannels are negative for Hep B and C. Iron studies , stool and urine culture are normal for acute infections. • USG- Abdomen showed an extremely hterogenous parenchyma, which appeared to be interstitial fibrosis throughout the liver with increased septal lines, suggestive of underlying liver fibrosis. And multiple high echogenic nodules. Also high echogenic portal veins. CT abdomen showed dilated callliber of PV, multiple calcified nodules with normal liver margins. 1. What is your suspected diagnosis?? 2. What other diagnostic tests you are going to perform for final diagnosis?? 1. Chronic Schistosomiasis leading to NCPH 2. Liver Biopsy
  • 23. Subscribe to youtube channel: Dr. Mishal Follow on instagram: dr.mishal_
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