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NISO Virtual Conference:
Revolution or Evolution:
The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content
October 16, 2013

David W. Lewis, Todd Carpenter,
Charles Watkinson, Carl Grant, Jill O’Neill,
Lee-Ann Coleman, Keith Webster
NISO Virtual Conference:
Revolution or Evolution:
The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content
Introduction - Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Keynote: Envisioning a 21st century Information Organization
David W. Lewis, Dean of the Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Library
12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. Information Organization’s Most Valuable Resources: Engaging and Teaching the Necessary Skills for Success
Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO
12:45 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch break 

1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Library/Press Collaborations: Serving A Spectrum of Scholarly Publishing
Charles Watkinson, Director, Purdue University Press, Head of Scholarly Publishing Services, Purdue Libraries
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. The Impact of Cloud, Mobile, and Managing the Changing Platforms of Digital Collections 
Carl Grant, Associate
Dean, Knowledge Services & Chief Technology Officer, University of Oklahoma Libraries
2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Good Connections Are Always Worth Preserving: Publishing and Social Technologies
Jill O'Neill, Director of Planning & Communication, NFAIS
3:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Break 

3:15 – 3:45 p.m. Latest trends in Data Analysis for the Scholarly and Academic Publishing Community
LeeAnn Coleman, PhD, Head of Science, Technology and Medicine, The British Library 

3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Looking to the Future: What’s
the Mindset for a Successful Information Organization?
Keith Webster, Dean of the Libraries, Carnegie Mellon
4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Conference Roundtable
Presenters return for a Q&A discussion lead by Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO
Revolution for Sure
David W. Lewis
NISO Virtual Conference: Revolution or Evolution:
The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content
October 16, 2013
© 2013 David W. Lewis. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
“That is what real revolutions are like. The old
stuff gets broken faster than the new stuff is put
in its place.”

Clay Shirky, “Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable,” March 2009. Available at:
Resulted in:
1. Scientific Journal
2. Novels
3. Use of alphabetical order as a means of
organizing knowledge
4. Silent reading
Resulted in:
5. Literacy became an amateur activity
6. Institutions that had controlled of
information lost that control
7. Renaissance, Reformation, 100 Years War,

Ronald Coase
Job to Be Done
Tyler Cowen and Freestyle Chess
Michael Buckland
Digital Documents
Open Access as a Disruptive Innovation
The Flip
Subsidy Perspective
Ronald Harry Coase
“The Nature of the Firm” Economica 4
(16): 386–405 1937

Question: If markets are efficient, why do we
have firms?
Ronald Harry Coase
“The Nature of the Firm” Economica 4
(16): 386–405 1937

Question: If markets are efficient, why do we
have firms?
Answer: Transaction Costs
Ronald Harry Coase
“The Nature of the Firm” Economica 4
(16): 386–405 1937

• Where the market has high transactions
costs firms bring activities in house
• When transaction costs are low, the market
works and in house activities are dropped
“The Nature of the Firm” and Libraries
• In the past the market could not answer
• Now the market can answer many kinds of
questions easily
“The Nature of the Firm” and Libraries
• In the past the market could not manage
• Now access to many kinds of collections is
• What is hard now is curation and
preservation of locally produced and special
“The Nature of the Firm” and Libraries
Critical Question:
What knowledge management problems do
our institutions and communities have that the
market can’t efficiently solve?

These are the problems we need to focus on
Clayton Christensen

“Job to Be Done”
• People have jobs they need to do in their
• They want to do these jobs in the fastest,
easiest, and cheapest ways possible
• They hire products and services to do these
Carmen Nobel, “Clay Christensen’s Milkshake Marketing,” Working Knowledge, Harvard Business School. February 14, 2011.
Available at:
Clayton M. Christensen, Scott Cook, and Taddy Hall, “What Customers Want from Your Products,” Working Knowledge, Harvard
Business School, January 16, 2006. Available at:
Clayton Christensen

“Job to Be Done”
• What jobs are scholars and students hiring
the library to do?
• How do we provide products that do these
jobs quickly, cheaply, and easily?

Carmen Nobel, “Clay Christensen’s Milkshake Marketing,” Working Knowledge, Harvard Business School. February 14, 2011.
Available at:
Clayton M. Christensen, Scott Cook, and Taddy Hall, “What Customers Want from Your Products,” Working Knowledge, Harvard
Business School, January 16, 2006. Available at:
"People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill.
They want a quarter-inch hole!” — Theodore

People don’t want a library. People want
information and answers.
Tyler Cowen,
Average is Over: Powering America Beyond
the Age of the Great Stagnation
(New York: Dutton, 2013), page 7.

“We're close to the point where the available
knowledge at the hands of the individual, for
questions that can be posed clearly and
articulately, is not so far from the knowledge of
the entire world...”
Tyler Cowen,
Average is Over: Powering America Beyond
the Age of the Great Stagnation
(New York: Dutton, 2013), page 7.

“Whether it is through Siri, Google, or
Wikipedia, there is now almost always a way to
ask and—more importantly—a way to receive
the answer in relatively digestible form.”
Tyler Cowen,
Average is Over: Powering America Beyond
the Age of the Great Stagnation
(New York: Dutton, 2013), page 7.

• Freestyle chess
• Professionals will be teamed with intelligent
• The combination of person and machine can
be much better than either alone, though the
machine alone will be often superior to the
person alone
Tyler Cowen,
Average is Over: Powering America Beyond
the Age of the Great Stagnation
(New York: Dutton, 2013), page 7.

• As a professional you need to add value
above what the intelligent machine can do
• This is a different skill set than simply doing
the task yourself
“Moore’s Law,” Wikipedia. Available at:
• Watson’s hardware cost $3,000,000 in 2011
• By 2020 the same hardware can be expected
to cost less than $50,000
• By 2030 it should cost less than $750
Michael Buckland,
Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto
(Chicago: American Library Association, 1992).

“The central purpose of libraries is to provide a
service: access to information.”
Usually by providing access to documents
HTML version of the text is available at:
Michael Buckland,
Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto
(Chicago: American Library Association, 1992).

1. Paper Library — both bibliographic tools and
document are paper
2. Automated Library — tools electronic and
documents paper
3. Electronic Library — tools and documents
Michael Buckland,
Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto
(Chicago: American Library Association, 1992).

• Library collections serve two purposes
1. Dispensing role
2. Preservation role
• In the paper world the dispensing role is
where the most money is spent
Michael Buckland,
Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto
(Chicago: American Library Association, 1992).

• When documents are paper, people and
documents need to be brought together
• Best way to do this is local collections
• Libraries bring documents from the world to
their local communities
Michael Buckland,
Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto
(Chicago: American Library Association, 1992).

• When documents are electronic, people can get
them at a distance and instantaneously
• Bibliographic tools and documents move to
world/web scale
• The dispensing role becomes cheaper
• The preservation role becomes more important
Melvil Dewey

Our practices and values come from the
Paper Library

One use at a time
Not easily copied
Inflexible, not easily
modified or
• Storage bulky and
• Universal

• Many users at a time
• Easily copied
• Flexible, easily
modified and
• Storage does not
require much space
and is cheap
• Publishers needed •
• Long lasting medium •
• Preservation
strategies understood
• Emotional
attachment to books
as objects
• Anyone can Publish

Content Supply Chain is All Digital

• Print books delivered nearly as quickly as
digital files
• Digital readers nearly as good as print books
Content Supply Chain is All Digital
• You can purchase/access content only when
it is actually needed
• Inventories of content are no longer required
• Inventories become expensive overhead
Opportunity Costs of Print Collections
$5.00 to $13.10

$50.98 to $68.43
Life cycle cost based on 3% discount rate. From Paul N. Courant and Matthew “Buzzy” Nielsen, “On the Cost of Keeping a Book,”
in The Idea of Order: Transforming Research Collections for 21st Century Scholarship, CLIR, June 2010, available at:
Content Supply Chain is All Digital
• Because marginal cost of distributing content
is zero, new business models are possible
• Open Access is the most important so far
Open Access
• Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of
charge, and free of most copyright and licensing
• OA removes price barriers (subscriptions, licensing
fees, pay-per-view fees) and permission barriers
(most copyright and licensing restrictions).

Peter Suber, Open access overview, at:
Open Access
Open Access is:
1. A movement — response to excessive price
increases by commercial journal publishers
2. A new business model for scholarly
communication — costs covered upfront
and the content is then given away
Disruptive Innovation
Clayton Christensen
Clayton M. Christensen, Michael B. Horn, Louis Soares, and Louis
Caldera, Disrupting College: How Disruptive Innovation Can Deliver
Quality and Affordability to Postsecondary Education, February 8,
2011, Available at:

Clayton M. Christensen, SC10 Keynote with Clayton Christensen, December 4, 2010, video
running time: 1:00:28, available at:
Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution to the Healthcare
Crisis, May 13, 2008, video, running time: 1:27:38, available at:
Maxwell Wessel and Clayton M. Christensen, “Surviving Disruption,” Harvard Business Review
90(12):56-64 December 2012.
Disruptive Innovation
• Needs
– New Technology (simplified solution)
– New Business Model
– New Value Chain
• Starts as being not good enough and gets
better fast and comes to dominate the
• How products become cheaper, faster, and
Pace of Substitution of Direct Gold OA for
Subscription Journals

Laakso, et. al. Estimates

S-curve Extrapolation Based on 2000-2009

S-curve Extrapolation Based on 2005-2009

David W. Lewis, “The Inevitability of Open Access,” College & Research Libraries September 2012.
Available at:
Pace of Substitution of Direct Gold OA for Subscription
Journals (log scale)


Laakso, et. al. Estimates

S-curve Extrapolation Based on 2000-2009

S-curve Extrapolation Based on 2005-2009

David W. Lewis, “The Inevitability of Open Access,” College & Research Libraries September 2012.
Available at:
Pace of Substitution of Direct Gold OA for
Subscription Journals Based on Additional 2011
European Commission Data

Laakso, et. al. Estimate with EC Data

Extrapolation Based on 2000-2009

Extrapolation Based on 2005-2009

Extrapolation Based on 2000-2011

Extrapolation Based on 2005-2011

David W. Lewis, “The Inevitability of Open Access: Update One.” Available at:
Old Model
General Public




General Public


Old Model
“Good Old




Old Model
“Bad Old

General Public






Open Access

General Public






Open Access

General Public





The Flip
• In a paper world libraries brought documents
from the world to the local community or
• In the digital world libraries collect and
curate “documents” created by or of
importance to the local institution or
community for the world
The Subsidy Perspective
• If information is not cheap and easy, people
will not use it to the extent that will
maximize societal benefit
• Information needs to be subsidized
• Libraries have been one important means of
providing this subsidy
See: David W. Lewis "What If Libraries Are Artifact Bound Institutions?" Information Technology and Libraries 17(4):191-197 December
1998. Available at:
The Subsidy Perspective
• What matters is that information is cheap
and easy
• Preserving the subsidy matters

• Preserving the institutions that once
provided the subsidy is not what is important
The Subsidy Perspective
• What matters is getting the most scholarship
to the most people
“That is what real revolutions are like. The old
stuff gets broken faster than the new stuff is put
in its place.”

Clay Shirky, “Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable,” March 2009. Available at:

© 2013 David W. Lewis. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
NISO Virtual Conference: Revolution or Evolution
The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content

October 16, 2013




“Publishing is a complex and highly differentiated world but it is not without order. It is structured by the
existence of a plurality of fields which have their own distinctive properties and by the existence of
networks and organizations of various kinds which operate in one or more of these fields.”
John B. Thompson, Books in the Digital Age (Polity, 2005), p. 38


Purdue University Press &
Scholarly Publishing Services
- Purdue UP: branded; peer-reviewed; books and journals aligned with Purdue mission; discipline-focused

- Scholarly Publishing Services: “white label”; less formal; e.g., tech reports, conferences; institution-focused


PRE- and





“The publishing division of Purdue Libraries enhances the impact of Purdue scholarship by
developing information products aligned with the University’s strengths.”

Center of power
Now – 2013 (above)

Then – 2009 (below)
Planning and Operations Council
Dean’s Council

Dean of Libraries

Information Resources Council
Digital Scholarship Council

(James L. Mullins)

Director of PUP &
Head of SPS

AD for Academic Affairs
AD for Technology and Assessment
AD for Planning and Administration
AD for Research

(Charles Watkinson)

Admin Assistant
(Becki Corbin)

Director of Financial Affairs
Director of University Copyright Office
Director of Advancement
Director of Strategic Communication
University Archivist
Booker Chair in Information Literacy

Managing Editor

Sales & Marketing Manager

(Katherine Purple)

Repository Specialist
(Purdue e-Pubs)

Repository Specialist
(HABRI .75 / Purdue e-Pubs .25)

(Bryan Shaffer)

(Dave Scherer)

(Marcy Wilhem-South)

Production Editor
(w/JTRP) 0.5 FTE

Production Editor
(w/Shofar) 0.5 FTE


(Kelley Kimm)

(Dianna Gilroy)

(Heidi Branham)

Editorial Assistant

Alexandra Hoff

Editorial Assistant
(Jennifer Lynch)

JPUR Coordinator
(Brooke Haltema)

Repository Assistant
(Eric Thompson)

Repository Assistant
(Lauren Weldy)

(Megan Kendall)
85 article proposals lead to
11 articles, 35 “snapshots”

High impact learning
practices; student retention
authors, editors, designers.
Faculty reviewers and
advisory board
Library skills:
instruction, assessment, instit
utional outreach.
Publisher skills: content
selection, project
management, editing, design.
Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research
17,500 bibliographic entries
(600 full text Open Access)
20 discussion groups
Events and jobs boards
Blogs, wikis, workspaces
ca. 7,000 visitors per month

Interdisciplinary field, many
outside academy, gap between
(often NIH-funded) research and
on-the-ground practice
Library skills: bibliographical
research, taxonomy, metadata,
licensing, preservation.

HABRI Central – Resources for the Study of the
Human-Animal Bond,

Publisher skills: financial
management, acquisition of
original content, marketing.

Joint Transportation Research Program

Library skills: digitization, metadata, online hosting, linked data, preservation.
Publisher skills: management of peer-review, production process
redesign, project management, identifiers
• Expansion of campus publishing services with more
systematic cost-recovery. Conferences offer a special
• More support for new models of publication, e.g., better
capacity to handle multimedia and links with data.
• Move up the value chain from technology and science areas
where we have established relationships through our informal
publishing activities. E.g., books in civil engineering.
• Promote larger scale opportunities for library/press
» Ca. 130
» Focus on
formal, peerreviewed
» Sales income is
primary source of

» Ca. 110
» Focus on
informal, lightlyreviewed
» Institutional
subsidy is primary
source of funding.

Unique positioning on campuses, close to the authors and users of information.
Shared belief in the importance of maximizing access to scholarly information.
Both oriented toward construction of “unique collections” and “distinctive lists.”
Track record of collaboration across as well as within institutions.
Priorities not dictated by financially-motivated shareholders.
With apologies
to Dr. Seuss
The Impact of Cloud,
Mobile, and
Managing the
Changing Platforms
of Digital Collections.
Topics we‟ll cover

Introduction (2 minutes)
Directions we‟re headed (5 minutes)
How do we do that? (5 minutes)
Concerns (5 minutes)
Wrap-Up (2.5 minutes)
Q & A (10 minutes)
Total (30 minutes)
“One of the biggest flaws in the
common conception of the
future is that the future is
something that happens to
us, not something we create.”
Directions we’re headed
creation in their COMMUNITIES”
R. David Lankes
PC Magazine, January 1, 2013
“Gartner’s Top 10 Tech-Trends for

Mobile Device Battles.
Mobile Applications and HTML5.
Personal Cloud.
Enterprise App Stores.
Internet of Things.
Hybrid IT and Cloud Computing.
Strategic Big Data.
Actionable Analytics.
In Memory Computing.
Integrated Ecosystems.
“A week‟s worth of
the New York Times
contains more
information than the
citizen encountered
in a lifetime.”… “In
the year 2013, the
human race is
“Ipv6 has enough
room for 340
trillion, trillion, trillion
addresses, roughly
50,000 trillion, trillion
addresses per
Growth in Tablet PC’s

“Many young people will never own a
traditional PC, the phone/tablet is all
they’ll need and ever use.”
John Bloom, Author of Content Nation

Image Source:
“With over five billion
individuals currently
armed with mobile
phones, we‟re talking
about unprecedented
levels of access and
insight in the psyches
of over two-thirds of
the wrold‟s
population. …. By
Other considerations: Learning styles

Support diverse learning styles "on average studies
have shown roughly 29% have a visual
preference, 34% auditory and 37% tactile”
SMITH (IN TRUNER,T & FROST, T. 2005, 146)
IDC predicts that in the near
future, nearly 70% of the digital
universe will be created by individuals
BrightPlanet has estimated the size of the Dark Web
to be 500 times the size of the Surface web, which
would make it approximately 550 billion web pages

Creative Commons:
“Very few of
students press
beyond the first
level of the
Web which
contains only
7% of the data
appropriate for
“A library in
New York or in
Kansas is no
long the library
for patrons in
areas, but to all
of those
As librarians, we have to get ready to
massively SCALE

everything we do.
How do we do that?
It won’t be with
the systems of
“We are interpreting
a global world with a
system built for local
“Today‟s average lowend computer
calculates at roughly
10 to the 11th, or a
hundred billion
calculations per
second…. The
average $1,000
laptop should be
computing at the rate
of the human brain in
“Twenty years
ago, most well-off US
citizens owned a
camera, alarmclock, encyclopedias,
a world atlas.. And a
bunch of other assets
that easily add up to
more than $10,000.
All of which comes
standard on today‟s
Knowledge Map
Data Yields HighResolution Maps
of Science”

Bollen J, Van de Sompel H, Hagberg A, Bettencourt L, et al. (2009) Clickstream Data Yields High-Resolution Maps of Science. PLoS ONE 4(3):
e4803. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004803
Libraries will go from being reactive and
generic service organizations to
proactive and highly personalized
“A cloud may
seem to be
beyond the
purview, both in
staff training
and technical
expertise – of
the average
library. It must
not be
Librarians and Access (Specifically Discovery)
For our services to have
value they
must offer
Research data & BIG data
Requires planning for:
• Highly scalable data storage
• Jim Neal (Columbia) points out that networking capacity
must be built out to support:
• Connectivity
• Reliability
• Capacity
• Performance
• Security
Research data & BIG data
As Neal also points out, these will be:


Accessed well beyond institution that created it
Reused by other applications
Collaborated around and upon
Used to drive visualizations/simulations/gaming
Used in conjunction with analytics to drive decision
Research data & BIG data
Issues include:


Usage rights
Intellectual property
Licensed vs. open
Rights management
e-data in the Cloud


Licenses / Limitations
Who “owns” the data?
What if library data is “enhanced”? Who owns
it then?
Rules governing API‟s and their usage?
Extracting library owned data.
When is the

The last one was in 1859

Or, hurricane(s)?
Topics we covered
• Directions we‟re headed
• How do we do that?
• Concerns
“Larry Page of
Google asks:
Are you working
on something that
can change the
world? Yes or no?
The answer for
99.99999% of
people is “no”. I
Carl Grant
Associate Dean for Knowledge Services
Chief Technology Officer
M: +1-540-449-2418
Personal Blog:
Good Connections
Are Always Worth
The Publishing Community’s Use of Social Media
Jill O’Neill
NISO Webinar, October 16, 2013
On Twitter: jillmwo
First, Some Numbers

“You Want to Tell Me and I’ve no Objection
to Hearing it”
Some Statistics (Global Web
Index, Second Quarter 2013)
• Facebook:
• 1.1 billion monthly active users
• 751 million mobile users every month
• 189 million mobile only every month

• YouTube
• 1 billion unique monthly visitors

• Google+
• 359 million monthly active users

• Twitter
• 288 million monthly active users

• Pinterest
• 10 million monthly active users but fastest growing service
Coming Up Fast
• Instagram
• Launched in
2010, Acquired by
Facebook 2012
• 150 million monthly
active users
• Still photos as well as

• Tumblr
• Launched
2007, Acquired by
Yahoo 2013
• ~30-50 million monthly
active users with
average length of visit
being 14 minutes.
• Text, quotes, video, audi
o, photos, etc.
Why Are Businesses Interested?
• Increased awareness of our organization, products or
services among target customers
• (Effective users of social media listed this as key benefit

• More favorable perception of our
organization, products or services

• (Effective users of social media listed this as key benefit

• Increase in new business

• (Effective users of social media listed this as key benefit
The New Conversation: Taking Social Media from
Talk to Action
Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 2011
Mining The Data (NLM)
By examining relevant tweets and other comments, NLM will gain insights to extent of use, context
for which information was sought, and effects of various health-related announcements and events
on usage patterns including:
• Relative frequency with which various NLM resources are mentioned
• Comparison of NLM mentions with mentions of "competitors“
• Identification of urgent information requests for which NLM could "push" vetted information free of
advertising or commercial interest
• Effects of topical health issues such as "mad cow" or West Nile Virus or disasters etc. on use of NLM
• Effect of changing NLM's interface design and textual/graphic style on usage by consumers
• Effectiveness of NLM use of social media to distribute health information
• Comparable analyses of other NIH, DHHS and private sector health information sources
• Demographic characteristics of those whose messages are being examined to the extent permitted by
privacy regulations.
• Ascertaining public interest in using social media for health-related purpose
• Value of tweets and other messages as teaching tools and change-agents for health-relevant behavior
Volume of Activity on Social
Media by Content Providers
STM Provider

STM Provider Aggregator
(Two Divisions)















1 corporate
page; 1 group













Social Media: Different
Uses, Different
Audiences, Different
“Such a Transformation”
Presence (Blogging)
Combining Social Feeds
(Blog, Oxford University Press)
Content for an Elite Brought
Into The Mainstream
Presence (Online Networks)
Google Plus Social Network
Facebook Page (Temple
University Press)
Facebook for Single Title
(Yale University Press)
Pinterest (Yale University
Twitter (University of
Minnesota Press)
Twitter (Yale University Press)
Twitter (The Lancet)
Twitter (EBSCO)
YouTube (ProQuest)
YouTube Isn‟t Just About
Tumblr – Brevity and Mobility!
Good Connections:
Adapting and
“You Were Our Audience and Our
Flipboard – Mobile First
Flipboard – Tablet Display (Scholarly
Social Network) (Small
Independent Presses) (Tradeoriented)
Job Qualifications for Social
Media Coordinator (2013)
• Strong writing, communication, and organizational skills
• Some experience in editing and copyediting
• Knowledge of major and emerging social media
platforms, digital trends, and best practices
• Strong proficiency in
Wordpress, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google
Plus, Pinterest, and working knowledge in other areas of social
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office including
Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook
• Basic understanding of HTML
• Preferable but not required: Basic understanding of CSS and other
web languages
• Preferable but not required: Experience with video and audio
production including filming, iMovie, and Final Cut
Audience and Prompter
Thank You!
Twitter: @jillmwo
Google Plus: Jill O’Neill
A National Library: Playing a
role in data
Lee-Ann Coleman PhD

Head of Science, Technology &
Custodians of old books

And we are embracing digital
National library of the UK
Here for everyone who wants to do
Archiving since 1662
Legal deposit incl. non-print
publications (from April 2013)
Print occupies > 600km shelving
300TB of data in the Digital Library

Provide access to 45k eJournals &
newspapers, eBooks, datasets &
800 bibliographic databases

2M sound recordings, 4M maps, 5M
reports, theses, conference papers,
the world’s largest patents collection
(c.50M) & 8M stamps

Catering for contemporary science

Managing collections
Delivering new content
Developing services


Engaging and inspiring

Science team

Collaborations &

Information lifecycle

The value of research data


Data are a vital part of the scientific record


But what is/should be/will be the role of
libraries in this changing landscape?
• Data as a format is very different
from traditional library content, so are
libraries equipped with the
knowledge, technology and capacity
to deal with it?
• How should libraries prepare for this?

We examined the landscape of data and assessed the services that
the British Library might offer

Testing dataset discovery
A service involving a „new‟ material type
raised questions about:
• Users
• Selection
• Metadata

SDASM Archives. Public Domain Via Flickr

• Operational sustainability
Preliminary work:
• Studies conducted on our behalf
• Literature review of user behaviour
• Internal scoping to define suitable
processes and systems
Lead to a pilot service, using existing

Selection criteria
These considered:

Value to research



Datasets discovery in Explore the British Library

>500 research datasets
Environmental Science
Tropical & Rare Diseases


Metadata for SEARCH

% conversion from dataset view to click














• A wide variety of approaches were used • Usage statistics suggest the service
to search
was used to find research data

The benefits of citing data
• Checking facts
• Obtaining easier access to data

• Enabling re-use of data
• Providing acknowledgement to a
wider group – the data
centre, curators etc.

• Supporting openness and
Reich NG, Perl TM, Cummings DAT, Lessler J (2011) Visualizing Clinical Evidence:
Citation Networks for the Incubation Periods of Respiratory Viral Infections. PLoS ONE
6(4): e19496. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019496

Why finding and citing data is not easy

• No widely used method to identify datasets
• No widely used method to cite datasets

• No effective way to link between articles and datasets

• How can we solve these challenges?

Why DOIs?
The Digital Object Identifier is a persistent identifier that directs
users to an online object, even if it changes location.
Why DOIs?
• Most widely used identifier for research articles
• Researchers and publishers already know how to use them
• Puts datasets on the same playing field as articles
• The DOI system offers an easy way to connect the article
with the underlying data

• Established in 2009 as a not-for-profit
• A member of the International DOI Foundation

• A Registration Agency for DOI names
• 18 full members from Europe, North
America, Asia and Australia (2m DOIs)
• Members work with data centres in their own
• Provide a shared infrastructure for minting

British Library's role in DataCite
International DOI


• The British Library is one of 18
international members of DataCite


• We are an allocating agent


• We provide the DataCite
infrastructure, enabling UK Data
Centres to „mint‟ DOIs for data

Data Centre
Data Centre
Data Client

• While the aim is to support
researchers, we do not work with
individuals - they must deposit to a
data centre/institution
British Library DataCite Service

Examples of UK data centres with DOIs


Thank you!

• E-mail:

Looking to the future:
what‟s the mindset
for a successful
Keith Webster
Dean of University Libraries
16 October 2013
Our Professional Future
Access to information, ideas and works of
imagination is an essential characteristic of
thriving democracies, cultures and economies.
This is increasingly so in the global information
society. Information is a cultural, social and
economic resource and a commodity of crucial
importance in a huge range of diverse
enterprises. Librarians and information scientists
can be at the heart of this revolution, in demand
for their creative, technical and managerial
Library Association/Institute of Information Scientists, 1999
Overview of remarks
As a profession we add value
Not everyone recognises that!
There are tremendous opportunities to
deploy our skills
There isn‟t much money to pay for more of
We need to rethink our business operations
to free up our people
How do we add value?
British Library adds
£419m of value to the
economy each year
Australian research study
Contingent valuation
Respondents were presented with different
hypothetical scenarios
They were asked about their willingness to
pay, and the amount they would expect to
Webster (2012) The evolving role of libraries in the scholarly
Use of print resources



Journal articles








Abstracts, indexes and bibliographies







Conference proceedings




Technical papers










CDs, DVDs, etc.








Standards and specifications

Government publications
Use of electronic resources






















Conference proceedings




Technical papers










AV materials








Journal articles

Standards and specifications

Government publications
Time devoted to using information resources
Personal expenditure on information













Over $1500

How much does it all cost?
Respondents asked to indicate annual spend on
collections - to nearest $1 million
6 said $30 million + (3 reported $100m +)
51 less than $1,000,000
600 don‟t know
UQ mean of $11.3 million
Equates to mean of $1,760 per capita
Actual spend is $2,797 per capita (37.1% under)
Value for money


Value for money
relative to the level of
expenditure disclosed

Very good








Where else would you go for stuff?
Another university to which I am also affiliated


Other universities to which I have no affiliation


National Library of Australia


State libraries


Other public libraries


Overseas universities


Learned Societies


Specialist subject-focused research institutions


Institutional and open access repositories


Purchase from publishers or document delivery intermediaries


Obtain from colleagues/authors



Time matters
Less time than now – I could work more efficiently


None – it would make no difference to me


Up to 10 per cent more time


11-15 per cent more time


16-20 per cent more time


21-25 per cent more time


26-30 per cent more time


31-35 per cent more time


36-40 per cent more time


Over 40 per cent more time

Medium-long term effect on
Volume of research outputs

Volume will increase


Volume will remain


Volume will decrease


Total responses:


Quality of research
Quality will increase


Quality will remain


Quality will decrease


Total responses:

Key impacts of free access to information on
Access to information is indispensible for
research (91% strongly agree)
Maintain comprehensive overview of
developments in field (77%)
Eliminate unproductive time (74%)
Avoiding duplication of research done
elsewhere (50%)
Funding scenarios
Current spent on information resources
across the three sites is $2,496 per
Respondents were asked to recommend a
budget for the purchase of single-user
access to the resources they need average $3,511 per capita
Respondents were also asked to estimate
the costs if they had to be self-sufficient
(purchases, travel to libraries etc) average $5,894 per capita
Summary finding
The final scenario would result in total
costs to the institution of $81.4m
compared to actual spend of $34.5m a financial return of 136 percent
Making a difference
Adverse event avoided
Hospital admission
Hospital acquired infection




Additional tests/procedures


Additional out-patient visits


Marshall (1994) The impact of information services on decision making
Making a difference
Adverse event avoided
Hospital admission
Hospital acquired infection




Additional tests/procedures


Additional out-patient visits


Patient mortality


Marshall (1994) The impact of information services on decision making
What is happening in the
world is bypassing university
Peter Murray-Rust
The scientist‟s view
JISC Libraries of the future debate, April 2009
“…contact with librarians
and information
professionals is rare”
“…researchers are
generally confident in
their [self-taught]
abilities.., librarians see
them as..relatively
“…librarians see it as a
problem that they are not
reaching all researchers
with formal training,
whereas most
researchers don‟t think
they need it”
“The bad news is that I‟m not sure they
understand what goes on in the library
other than taking out books.”
Benton Foundation, 1996

“User perceptions negatively affect the
ability of librarians to meet information
needs simply because a profession
cannot serve those who do not
understand its purpose and expertise.”
Durrance, 1988
• Within five years, graduate students and faculty will fill
all their information needs online, never coming into the
• Libraries will open up their space to other areas of the
university, and develop designer spaces for students
• All library collections and services will be delivered from
the cloud, and 90% of information needs will be met by
non-Library providers
The transformed library of the future will be at the core of
teaching, learning and scholarship

• partnering with academic departments to create learning activities and

• helping to build an infrastructure for learning
• creating an intellectual commons for the community
Guskin (2004) Project on the Future of Higher Education
Demands for our core skills
Data services
Digital research
Open scholarship
Evidence-based medicine
Knowledge-based professions

Collection-centric - 1st generation
Client-focused - 2nd generation
Experience-centered - 3rd generation
Connected Learning Experiences - 4th generation
Current priorities in
academic libraries

1. Continue and complete migration from
print to electronic and realign service
2. Retire legacy collections
3. Continue to repurpose library as primary
learning space
4. Reposition library expertise and resources
to be more closely embedded in research
and teaching enterprise outside library
5. Extend focus of collection development
from external purchase to local curation
Lewis (2007); Webster (2010)
Barriers to implementation
Hybrid environment
Faculty (and librarian?) resistance
Costs of space redevelopment
Library staff training
Faculty reception
Institutional acceptance of repository

In the print library
Local access costs low saved time allowed for
research productivity
Library costs high acquisitions, maintenance,
curation, buildings
Correspondence between
library reputation and
research quality
Great libraries attracted
great scholars
Great scholars attracted
great funding
Research publication is
essential to future research
Technology reduces costs of
production and distribution
Demand from academy is for
online content
Almost all new content born
Large swathe of scholarly print
material now digitised
What might this mean?
Ongoing acquisitions will require increasingly
less space
Substantial parts of existing collections can be
relocated off-site and replaced with digital
As services like Google books mature this will
accelerate (subject to statutory provisions)
This will provide new space opportunities for
universities and their libraries
What‟s involved in storing books?
Open shelves in libraries
Accessible, but expensive centre of campus
real estate
Highly compact off-site configurations
Low storage costs, better preservation but
high access costs
Very different to electronic storage!
Courant and Nielsen (2009) On the Cost of Keeping a Book
Storage costs for pbooks
Estimated over time to exceed purchase
price on average by 50 percent
(Lawrence et al, 2001)
Grow over time as acquisitions continue
Require either more storage, more
discards or more efficient storage
Indicative costs

Open stack


10 year open
then WHS

20 year
open then




Compare with ebooks
HathiTrust will archive and backup an
ebook at $0.15-$0.40 per annum (using
same discount rates as for print books
that equates to $5-$13)
Use of print collections

Pittsburgh study

Cornell study

40% of collection never

55% of books purchased since
1990 never borrowed

If a book isn‟t borrowed during
first 6 years, only 2% chance it
will ever be used


circulation from
open shelf

65% of books purchased in
2001 hadn‟t been borrowed


circulation from
high density


circulation from
off-site storage
Moving forward
Ruthless move towards digital only acquisitions policy, relocation to
storage, collaborative retention,
Lobbying publishers and aggregators for
better ebook terms
Securing campus buy-in
Accelerate the reduction and removal of
routine transactions
- Increase use of web-based activity
- Increase use of self-service
- Close labour-intensive low volume services

Prefer digital form at all times
Patron-driven acquisition as supplement
Better discovery services - eg Summon
Identify opportunities to leverage
economies of scale
- Buy publishers‟ bundles to reduce need
for selection decisions
- Consolidate distributed collections,
warehousing or disposing of obsolete
- Consolidate and multi-purpose service
Library redevelopment
Lots of success stories
Understand need for different spaces on
your campus - do good research


What did you do in the Library?
Use a computer
Quiet study
Meet friends
Group work
Find course materials
Borrow books
Library redevelopment
Lots of success stories
Understand need for different spaces on
your campus - do good research
Showcase good examples (e.g. Hunt
Library, UQ)
The role of librarians
Current state

Future state

Many libraries retain large
numbers of librarians to catalogue
and count
Even more librarians wait at
service desks „just in case‟
Few librarians leave the library

Librarians embedded in research
and teaching activities
Librarians become campus
specialists in areas such as escience, academic technology
and research evaluation
Librarians have meaningful impact

Current barriers
Many librarians lack skills and useful qualifications
Many librarians are resistant to change
Academics do not believe librarians are useful or credible
W(h)ither the Library?



Convergent media services
NISO Virtual Conference
Revolution or Evolution:
The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content

All questions will be posted with presenter answers on
the NISO website following the webinar:

NISO Virtual Conference • October 16, 2013
Thank you for joining us today.
Please take a moment to fill out the brief online survey.
We look forward to hearing from you!

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NISO Oct 16 Virtual Conference: Revolution or Evolution: The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content

  • 1. NISO Virtual Conference: Revolution or Evolution: The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content October 16, 2013 Speakers: David W. Lewis, Todd Carpenter, Charles Watkinson, Carl Grant, Jill O’Neill, Lee-Ann Coleman, Keith Webster
  • 2. NISO Virtual Conference: Revolution or Evolution: The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content Agenda Introduction - Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Keynote: Envisioning a 21st century Information Organization David W. Lewis, Dean of the Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Library 12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. Information Organization’s Most Valuable Resources: Engaging and Teaching the Necessary Skills for Success Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO 12:45 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch break 

1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Library/Press Collaborations: Serving A Spectrum of Scholarly Publishing Needs Charles Watkinson, Director, Purdue University Press, Head of Scholarly Publishing Services, Purdue Libraries 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. The Impact of Cloud, Mobile, and Managing the Changing Platforms of Digital Collections 
Carl Grant, Associate Dean, Knowledge Services & Chief Technology Officer, University of Oklahoma Libraries 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Good Connections Are Always Worth Preserving: Publishing and Social Technologies Jill O'Neill, Director of Planning & Communication, NFAIS 3:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Break 

3:15 – 3:45 p.m. Latest trends in Data Analysis for the Scholarly and Academic Publishing Community
LeeAnn Coleman, PhD, Head of Science, Technology and Medicine, The British Library 

3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Looking to the Future: What’s the Mindset for a Successful Information Organization? Keith Webster, Dean of the Libraries, Carnegie Mellon 4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Conference Roundtable Presenters return for a Q&A discussion lead by Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO
  • 3. Revolution for Sure David W. Lewis NISO Virtual Conference: Revolution or Evolution: The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content October 16, 2013 © 2013 David W. Lewis. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
  • 4. “That is what real revolutions are like. The old stuff gets broken faster than the new stuff is put in its place.” Clay Shirky, “Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable,” March 2009. Available at:
  • 5. Resulted in: 1. Scientific Journal 2. Novels 3. Use of alphabetical order as a means of organizing knowledge 4. Silent reading
  • 6. Resulted in: 5. Literacy became an amateur activity 6. Institutions that had controlled of information lost that control 7. Renaissance, Reformation, 100 Years War, etc.
  • 7. Agenda • • • • • • • • Ronald Coase Job to Be Done Tyler Cowen and Freestyle Chess Michael Buckland Digital Documents Open Access as a Disruptive Innovation The Flip Subsidy Perspective
  • 8. Ronald Harry Coase “The Nature of the Firm” Economica 4 (16): 386–405 1937 Question: If markets are efficient, why do we have firms?
  • 9. Ronald Harry Coase “The Nature of the Firm” Economica 4 (16): 386–405 1937 Question: If markets are efficient, why do we have firms? Answer: Transaction Costs
  • 10. Ronald Harry Coase “The Nature of the Firm” Economica 4 (16): 386–405 1937 • Where the market has high transactions costs firms bring activities in house • When transaction costs are low, the market works and in house activities are dropped
  • 11. “The Nature of the Firm” and Libraries • In the past the market could not answer questions • Now the market can answer many kinds of questions easily
  • 12. “The Nature of the Firm” and Libraries • In the past the market could not manage collections • Now access to many kinds of collections is easy • What is hard now is curation and preservation of locally produced and special materials
  • 13. “The Nature of the Firm” and Libraries Critical Question: What knowledge management problems do our institutions and communities have that the market can’t efficiently solve? These are the problems we need to focus on
  • 14. Clayton Christensen “Job to Be Done” • People have jobs they need to do in their lives • They want to do these jobs in the fastest, easiest, and cheapest ways possible • They hire products and services to do these jobs Carmen Nobel, “Clay Christensen’s Milkshake Marketing,” Working Knowledge, Harvard Business School. February 14, 2011. Available at: Clayton M. Christensen, Scott Cook, and Taddy Hall, “What Customers Want from Your Products,” Working Knowledge, Harvard Business School, January 16, 2006. Available at:
  • 15. Clayton Christensen “Job to Be Done” • What jobs are scholars and students hiring the library to do? • How do we provide products that do these jobs quickly, cheaply, and easily? Carmen Nobel, “Clay Christensen’s Milkshake Marketing,” Working Knowledge, Harvard Business School. February 14, 2011. Available at: Clayton M. Christensen, Scott Cook, and Taddy Hall, “What Customers Want from Your Products,” Working Knowledge, Harvard Business School, January 16, 2006. Available at:
  • 16. "People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!” — Theodore Levitt People don’t want a library. People want information and answers.
  • 17. Tyler Cowen, Average is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation (New York: Dutton, 2013), page 7. “We're close to the point where the available knowledge at the hands of the individual, for questions that can be posed clearly and articulately, is not so far from the knowledge of the entire world...”
  • 18. Tyler Cowen, Average is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation (New York: Dutton, 2013), page 7. “Whether it is through Siri, Google, or Wikipedia, there is now almost always a way to ask and—more importantly—a way to receive the answer in relatively digestible form.”
  • 19. Tyler Cowen, Average is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation (New York: Dutton, 2013), page 7. • Freestyle chess • Professionals will be teamed with intelligent machines • The combination of person and machine can be much better than either alone, though the machine alone will be often superior to the person alone
  • 20. Tyler Cowen, Average is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation (New York: Dutton, 2013), page 7. • As a professional you need to add value above what the intelligent machine can do alone • This is a different skill set than simply doing the task yourself
  • 21. “Moore’s Law,” Wikipedia. Available at:
  • 22. • Watson’s hardware cost $3,000,000 in 2011 • By 2020 the same hardware can be expected to cost less than $50,000 • By 2030 it should cost less than $750
  • 23. Michael Buckland, Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto (Chicago: American Library Association, 1992). “The central purpose of libraries is to provide a service: access to information.” Usually by providing access to documents HTML version of the text is available at:
  • 24. Michael Buckland, Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto (Chicago: American Library Association, 1992). 1. Paper Library — both bibliographic tools and document are paper 2. Automated Library — tools electronic and documents paper 3. Electronic Library — tools and documents electronic
  • 25. Michael Buckland, Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto (Chicago: American Library Association, 1992). • Library collections serve two purposes 1. Dispensing role 2. Preservation role • In the paper world the dispensing role is where the most money is spent
  • 26. Michael Buckland, Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto (Chicago: American Library Association, 1992). • When documents are paper, people and documents need to be brought together • Best way to do this is local collections • Libraries bring documents from the world to their local communities
  • 27. Michael Buckland, Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto (Chicago: American Library Association, 1992). • When documents are electronic, people can get them at a distance and instantaneously • Bibliographic tools and documents move to world/web scale • The dispensing role becomes cheaper • The preservation role becomes more important
  • 28. Melvil Dewey Our practices and values come from the Paper Library
  • 29. Paper • • • • Localized One use at a time Not easily copied Inflexible, not easily modified or annotated • Storage bulky and expensive • Universal Digital • Many users at a time • Easily copied • Flexible, easily modified and annotated • Storage does not require much space and is cheap
  • 30. Paper • Publishers needed • • Long lasting medium • • Preservation strategies understood • Emotional attachment to books as objects • Anyone can Publish Digital Vulnerable Long-term preservation uncertain
  • 31. Content Supply Chain is All Digital • Print books delivered nearly as quickly as digital files • Digital readers nearly as good as print books
  • 32. Content Supply Chain is All Digital • You can purchase/access content only when it is actually needed • Inventories of content are no longer required • Inventories become expensive overhead
  • 33. Opportunity Costs of Print Collections $5.00 to $13.10 $28.77 $50.98 to $68.43 $141.89 Life cycle cost based on 3% discount rate. From Paul N. Courant and Matthew “Buzzy” Nielsen, “On the Cost of Keeping a Book,” in The Idea of Order: Transforming Research Collections for 21st Century Scholarship, CLIR, June 2010, available at:
  • 34. Content Supply Chain is All Digital • Because marginal cost of distributing content is zero, new business models are possible • Open Access is the most important so far
  • 35. Open Access • Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. • OA removes price barriers (subscriptions, licensing fees, pay-per-view fees) and permission barriers (most copyright and licensing restrictions). Peter Suber, Open access overview, at:
  • 36. Open Access Open Access is: 1. A movement — response to excessive price increases by commercial journal publishers 2. A new business model for scholarly communication — costs covered upfront and the content is then given away
  • 37. Disruptive Innovation Clayton Christensen Clayton M. Christensen, Michael B. Horn, Louis Soares, and Louis Caldera, Disrupting College: How Disruptive Innovation Can Deliver Quality and Affordability to Postsecondary Education, February 8, 2011, Available at: 8/9034/disrupting-college/ Clayton M. Christensen, SC10 Keynote with Clayton Christensen, December 4, 2010, video running time: 1:00:28, available at: Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution to the Healthcare Crisis, May 13, 2008, video, running time: 1:27:38, available at: Maxwell Wessel and Clayton M. Christensen, “Surviving Disruption,” Harvard Business Review 90(12):56-64 December 2012.
  • 38. Disruptive Innovation • Needs – New Technology (simplified solution) – New Business Model – New Value Chain • Starts as being not good enough and gets better fast and comes to dominate the market • How products become cheaper, faster, and easier
  • 39. Pace of Substitution of Direct Gold OA for Subscription Journals 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Laakso, et. al. Estimates S-curve Extrapolation Based on 2000-2009 S-curve Extrapolation Based on 2005-2009 David W. Lewis, “The Inevitability of Open Access,” College & Research Libraries September 2012. Available at:
  • 40. Pace of Substitution of Direct Gold OA for Subscription Journals (log scale) 100.0% 10.0% 1.0% Laakso, et. al. Estimates S-curve Extrapolation Based on 2000-2009 S-curve Extrapolation Based on 2005-2009 David W. Lewis, “The Inevitability of Open Access,” College & Research Libraries September 2012. Available at:
  • 41. Pace of Substitution of Direct Gold OA for Subscription Journals Based on Additional 2011 European Commission Data 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Laakso, et. al. Estimate with EC Data Extrapolation Based on 2000-2009 Extrapolation Based on 2005-2009 Extrapolation Based on 2000-2011 Extrapolation Based on 2005-2011 David W. Lewis, “The Inevitability of Open Access: Update One.” Available at:
  • 43. Funders General Public University Old Model “Good Old Days” Scholar Library Publisher
  • 44. Funders Old Model “Bad Old Days” General Public University Scholar Library Publisher Shareholders
  • 47. The Flip • In a paper world libraries brought documents from the world to the local community or institution • In the digital world libraries collect and curate “documents” created by or of importance to the local institution or community for the world
  • 51. The Subsidy Perspective • If information is not cheap and easy, people will not use it to the extent that will maximize societal benefit • Information needs to be subsidized • Libraries have been one important means of providing this subsidy See: David W. Lewis "What If Libraries Are Artifact Bound Institutions?" Information Technology and Libraries 17(4):191-197 December 1998. Available at:
  • 52. The Subsidy Perspective • What matters is that information is cheap and easy • Preserving the subsidy matters • Preserving the institutions that once provided the subsidy is not what is important
  • 53. The Subsidy Perspective • What matters is getting the most scholarship to the most people
  • 54. “That is what real revolutions are like. The old stuff gets broken faster than the new stuff is put in its place.” Clay Shirky, “Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable,” March 2009. Available at:
  • 55. Questions/Comments © 2013 David W. Lewis. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
  • 56. LIBRARY/PRESS COLLABORATIONS SERVING A SPECTRUM OF NEEDS NISO Virtual Conference: Revolution or Evolution The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content October 16, 2013
  • 57. MISSION-DRIVEN PUBLISHING EACH “FIELD” HAS ITS OWN PLAYERS, BUSINESS MODELS, VALUES, MEETINGS, etc. University Presses Library Publishers Society Publishers “Publishing is a complex and highly differentiated world but it is not without order. It is structured by the existence of a plurality of fields which have their own distinctive properties and by the existence of networks and organizations of various kinds which operate in one or more of these fields.” John B. Thompson, Books in the Digital Age (Polity, 2005), p. 38
  • 58. OUR POSITIONING THE AIM IS TO OFFER PUBLISHING SERVICES ACROSS A SPECTRUM OF NEEDS and to CREATE A SYNERGY BENEFICIAL FOR THE UNIVERSITY University Presses Library Publishers Purdue University Press & Scholarly Publishing Services
  • 59. MEETING A SPECTRUM OF NEEDS TWO IMPRINTS, ONE STAFF, SHARED INFRASTRUCTURE - Purdue UP: branded; peer-reviewed; books and journals aligned with Purdue mission; discipline-focused - Scholarly Publishing Services: “white label”; less formal; e.g., tech reports, conferences; institution-focused PURDUE UNIVERSITY PRESS PRE- and POST-PRINT COLLECTIONS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS TECHNICAL REPORTS SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING SERVICES 59 JOURNALS BOOKS E-BOOKS APPS
  • 62. “The publishing division of Purdue Libraries enhances the impact of Purdue scholarship by developing information products aligned with the University’s strengths.”
  • 64. PHYSICAL COLLOCATION Center of power Now – 2013 (above) Then – 2009 (below)
  • 65. ADMINISTRATIVE INTEGRATION Planning and Operations Council Dean’s Council Dean of Libraries Information Resources Council Digital Scholarship Council (James L. Mullins) Director of PUP & Head of SPS AD for Academic Affairs AD for Technology and Assessment AD for Planning and Administration AD for Research (Charles Watkinson) Admin Assistant (Becki Corbin) Director of Financial Affairs Director of University Copyright Office Director of Advancement Director of Strategic Communication University Archivist Booker Chair in Information Literacy Managing Editor Sales & Marketing Manager (Katherine Purple) Repository Specialist (Purdue e-Pubs) Repository Specialist (HABRI .75 / Purdue e-Pubs .25) (Bryan Shaffer) (Dave Scherer) (Marcy Wilhem-South) Production Editor (w/JTRP) 0.5 FTE Production Editor (w/Shofar) 0.5 FTE Communications Assistant (Kelley Kimm) (Dianna Gilroy) (Heidi Branham) Editorial Assistant (JTRP) Alexandra Hoff Editorial Assistant (Jennifer Lynch) JPUR Coordinator (UG) (Brooke Haltema) Repository Assistant (Eric Thompson) Repository Assistant (Lauren Weldy) Communications Assistant (Megan Kendall)
  • 68. SERVE CAMPUS NEEDS HOW CAN WE ADVANCE INSTITUTIONAL PRIORITIES? 85 article proposals lead to 11 articles, 35 “snapshots” High impact learning practices; student retention Student authors, editors, designers. Faculty reviewers and advisory board Library skills: instruction, assessment, instit utional outreach. Publisher skills: content selection, project management, editing, design. Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research
  • 69. SUPPORT DISCIPLINES HOW CAN WE BETTER SERVE DISCIPLINARY COMMUNITIES? 17,500 bibliographic entries (600 full text Open Access) 20 discussion groups Events and jobs boards Blogs, wikis, workspaces ca. 7,000 visitors per month Interdisciplinary field, many outside academy, gap between (often NIH-funded) research and on-the-ground practice Library skills: bibliographical research, taxonomy, metadata, licensing, preservation. HABRI Central – Resources for the Study of the Human-Animal Bond, Publisher skills: financial management, acquisition of original content, marketing.
  • 70. SOLVE ISSUES IN THE SYSTEM HOW CAN WE ADDRESS LARGER SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION CHALLENGES? Gray Literature Joint Transportation Research Program HIDDEN PRINT AND UNSTABLE ONLINE becomes DISCOVERABLE IN PRINT AND ONLINE Library skills: digitization, metadata, online hosting, linked data, preservation. Publisher skills: management of peer-review, production process redesign, project management, identifiers
  • 72. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE • Expansion of campus publishing services with more systematic cost-recovery. Conferences offer a special opportunity. • More support for new models of publication, e.g., better capacity to handle multimedia and links with data. • Move up the value chain from technology and science areas where we have established relationships through our informal publishing activities. E.g., books in civil engineering. • Promote larger scale opportunities for library/press collaboration.
  • 73. WHAT HAPPENS IF WE SCALE THIS UP? » Ca. 130 organizations. » Focus on formal, peerreviewed publications. » Sales income is primary source of funding. • • • • • » Ca. 110 organizations. » Focus on informal, lightlyreviewed publications. » Institutional subsidy is primary source of funding. Unique positioning on campuses, close to the authors and users of information. Shared belief in the importance of maximizing access to scholarly information. Both oriented toward construction of “unique collections” and “distinctive lists.” Track record of collaboration across as well as within institutions. Priorities not dictated by financially-motivated shareholders.
  • 74. “OH, THE PLACES [WE] WILL GO!” With apologies to Dr. Seuss
  • 76. Organization Infrastructure: The Impact of Cloud, Mobile, and Managing the Changing Platforms of Digital Collections.
  • 77. Topics we‟ll cover • • • • • • Introduction (2 minutes) Directions we‟re headed (5 minutes) How do we do that? (5 minutes) Concerns (5 minutes) Wrap-Up (2.5 minutes) Q & A (10 minutes) Total (30 minutes)
  • 78. “One of the biggest flaws in the common conception of the future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create.” MICHAEL ANISSIMOV
  • 80. “The MISSION of LIBRARIANS is to IMPROVE SOCIETY through FACILITATING KNOWLEDGE creation in their COMMUNITIES” R. David Lankes
  • 81. PC Magazine, January 1, 2013 “Gartner’s Top 10 Tech-Trends for 2013” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mobile Device Battles. Mobile Applications and HTML5. Personal Cloud. Enterprise App Stores. Internet of Things. Hybrid IT and Cloud Computing. Strategic Big Data. Actionable Analytics. In Memory Computing. Integrated Ecosystems.
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 87. “A week‟s worth of the New York Times contains more information than the average seventeenth-century citizen encountered in a lifetime.”… “In the year 2013, the human race is
  • 88. “Ipv6 has enough room for 340 trillion, trillion, trillion unique addresses, roughly 50,000 trillion, trillion addresses per person.”
  • 89. Growth in Tablet PC’s Source:
  • 92. “Many young people will never own a traditional PC, the phone/tablet is all they’ll need and ever use.” John Bloom, Author of Content Nation Image Source:
  • 93. “With over five billion individuals currently armed with mobile phones, we‟re talking about unprecedented levels of access and insight in the psyches of over two-thirds of the wrold‟s population. …. By
  • 94. Other considerations: Learning styles Support diverse learning styles "on average studies have shown roughly 29% have a visual preference, 34% auditory and 37% tactile” SMITH (IN TRUNER,T & FROST, T. 2005, 146)
  • 95. IDC predicts that in the near future, nearly 70% of the digital universe will be created by individuals
  • 98. BrightPlanet has estimated the size of the Dark Web to be 500 times the size of the Surface web, which would make it approximately 550 billion web pages Creative Commons:
  • 99. “Very few of today‟s students press beyond the first level of the Web which contains only 7% of the data appropriate for
  • 100. “A library in New York or in Kansas is no long the library for patrons in those geographic areas, but to all of those
  • 101. As librarians, we have to get ready to massively SCALE everything we do.
  • 102. How do we do that?
  • 103. It won’t be with the systems of yesterday.
  • 104. “We are interpreting a global world with a system built for local landscapes.”
  • 105.
  • 106. “Today‟s average lowend computer calculates at roughly 10 to the 11th, or a hundred billion calculations per second…. The average $1,000 laptop should be computing at the rate of the human brain in
  • 107. “Twenty years ago, most well-off US citizens owned a camera, alarmclock, encyclopedias, a world atlas.. And a bunch of other assets that easily add up to more than $10,000. All of which comes standard on today‟s
  • 109.
  • 111. Knowledge Map Source: “Clickstream Data Yields HighResolution Maps of Science” Bollen J, Van de Sompel H, Hagberg A, Bettencourt L, et al. (2009) Clickstream Data Yields High-Resolution Maps of Science. PLoS ONE 4(3): e4803. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004803
  • 112. Libraries will go from being reactive and generic service organizations to proactive and highly personalized
  • 114. “A cloud may seem to be beyond the purview, both in staff training and technical expertise – of the average library. It must not be
  • 115.
  • 116. Librarians and Access (Specifically Discovery)
  • 117. For our services to have value they must offer differentiation.
  • 119.
  • 120. Research data & BIG data Requires planning for: • Highly scalable data storage • Jim Neal (Columbia) points out that networking capacity must be built out to support: • Connectivity • Reliability • Capacity • Performance • Security
  • 121. Research data & BIG data As Neal also points out, these will be: • • • • • • Accessed well beyond institution that created it Extracted Reused by other applications Collaborated around and upon Used to drive visualizations/simulations/gaming Used in conjunction with analytics to drive decision making
  • 122. Research data & BIG data Issues include: • • • • • • • Usage rights Intellectual property Copyright Ownership Licensed vs. open Rights management Preservation
  • 123. e-data in the Cloud • • • • • • • • • Licenses / Limitations Pricing First-sale-doctrine Who “owns” the data? What if library data is “enhanced”? Who owns it then? Rules governing API‟s and their usage? Extracting library owned data. Privacy Preservation
  • 124. When is the next “Carrington Event”? The last one was in 1859 Or, hurricane(s)?
  • 126. Topics we covered • Directions we‟re headed • How do we do that? • Concerns
  • 127. “Larry Page of Google asks: Are you working on something that can change the world? Yes or no? The answer for 99.99999% of people is “no”. I
  • 128. Q&A
  • 129. Carl Grant Associate Dean for Knowledge Services Chief Technology Officer M: +1-540-449-2418 E: Twitter: Personal Blog:
  • 130. Good Connections Are Always Worth Preserving The Publishing Community’s Use of Social Media Jill O’Neill NISO Webinar, October 16, 2013 On Twitter: jillmwo
  • 131. First, Some Numbers “You Want to Tell Me and I’ve no Objection to Hearing it”
  • 132. Some Statistics (Global Web Index, Second Quarter 2013) • Facebook: • 1.1 billion monthly active users • 751 million mobile users every month • 189 million mobile only every month • YouTube • 1 billion unique monthly visitors • Google+ • 359 million monthly active users • Twitter • 288 million monthly active users • Pinterest • 10 million monthly active users but fastest growing service
  • 133. Coming Up Fast • Instagram • Launched in 2010, Acquired by Facebook 2012 • 150 million monthly active users • Still photos as well as video • Tumblr • Launched 2007, Acquired by Yahoo 2013 • ~30-50 million monthly active users with average length of visit being 14 minutes. • Text, quotes, video, audi o, photos, etc.
  • 134. Why Are Businesses Interested? • Increased awareness of our organization, products or services among target customers • (Effective users of social media listed this as key benefit (61%)) • More favorable perception of our organization, products or services • (Effective users of social media listed this as key benefit (31%)) • Increase in new business • (Effective users of social media listed this as key benefit (22%)) The New Conversation: Taking Social Media from Talk to Action Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 2011
  • 135. Mining The Data (NLM) By examining relevant tweets and other comments, NLM will gain insights to extent of use, context for which information was sought, and effects of various health-related announcements and events on usage patterns including: • Relative frequency with which various NLM resources are mentioned • Comparison of NLM mentions with mentions of "competitors“ • Identification of urgent information requests for which NLM could "push" vetted information free of advertising or commercial interest • Effects of topical health issues such as "mad cow" or West Nile Virus or disasters etc. on use of NLM resources • Effect of changing NLM's interface design and textual/graphic style on usage by consumers • Effectiveness of NLM use of social media to distribute health information • Comparable analyses of other NIH, DHHS and private sector health information sources • Demographic characteristics of those whose messages are being examined to the extent permitted by privacy regulations. • Ascertaining public interest in using social media for health-related purpose • Value of tweets and other messages as teaching tools and change-agents for health-relevant behavior
  • 136. Volume of Activity on Social Media by Content Providers Commerical STM Provider Commercial Content STM Provider Aggregator (Two Divisions) Government Agency Twitter Accounts 117 68 13 14 Facebook Pages 38 49 9 6 LinkedIn Groups 23 10 1 corporate page; 1 group YouTube Channels 5 2 1 1 Google+ Accounts 5 20 2 2 Blogs 14 2
  • 137. Social Media: Different Uses, Different Audiences, Different Formats “Such a Transformation”
  • 139. Combining Social Feeds (Blog, Oxford University Press)
  • 140. Content for an Elite Brought Into The Mainstream
  • 142. Google Plus Social Network (Elsevier)
  • 144. Facebook for Single Title Promotion (Yale University Press)
  • 151. YouTube Isn‟t Just About Training
  • 152. Tumblr – Brevity and Mobility!
  • 153. Good Connections: Adapting and Unfolding “You Were Our Audience and Our Prompter”
  • 159. Job Qualifications for Social Media Coordinator (2013) • Strong writing, communication, and organizational skills • Some experience in editing and copyediting • Knowledge of major and emerging social media platforms, digital trends, and best practices • Strong proficiency in Wordpress, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google Plus, Pinterest, and working knowledge in other areas of social media • Proficiency in Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook • Basic understanding of HTML • Preferable but not required: Basic understanding of CSS and other web languages • Preferable but not required: Experience with video and audio production including filming, iMovie, and Final Cut
  • 161. Thank You! Twitter: @jillmwo Google Plus: Jill O’Neill Email:
  • 162. A National Library: Playing a role in data Lee-Ann Coleman PhD Head of Science, Technology & Medicine @ScienceBL
  • 163. Custodians of old books 163
  • 164. And we are embracing digital National library of the UK Here for everyone who wants to do research Archiving since 1662 Legal deposit incl. non-print publications (from April 2013) Print occupies > 600km shelving 300TB of data in the Digital Library Provide access to 45k eJournals & newspapers, eBooks, datasets & 800 bibliographic databases 2M sound recordings, 4M maps, 5M reports, theses, conference papers, the world’s largest patents collection (c.50M) & 8M stamps 164
  • 165. Catering for contemporary science Managing collections Delivering new content Developing services Research Engaging and inspiring Science team Collaborations & Partnerships 165
  • 167. The value of research data • Data are a vital part of the scientific record • But what is/should be/will be the role of libraries in this changing landscape? • Data as a format is very different from traditional library content, so are libraries equipped with the knowledge, technology and capacity to deal with it? • How should libraries prepare for this? We examined the landscape of data and assessed the services that the British Library might offer 167
  • 168. Testing dataset discovery A service involving a „new‟ material type raised questions about: • Users • Selection • Metadata SDASM Archives. Public Domain Via Flickr • Operational sustainability Preliminary work: • Studies conducted on our behalf • Literature review of user behaviour • Internal scoping to define suitable processes and systems Lead to a pilot service, using existing systems 168
  • 169. Selection criteria These considered: Scope: Subject Value to research Access: Restrictions Stability Copyright Quality: Creators Publishers 169
  • 170. Datasets discovery in Explore the British Library >500 research datasets Environmental Science Tropical & Rare Diseases 170 170
  • 171. Results Metadata for SEARCH % conversion from dataset view to click through 100% 90% 80% 80.0 70.0 70% 60% 50% 60.0 50.0 40% 40.0 30% 30.0 20% 20.0 10% 0% 10.0 0.0 • A wide variety of approaches were used • Usage statistics suggest the service to search was used to find research data 171
  • 172. The benefits of citing data • Checking facts • Obtaining easier access to data • Enabling re-use of data • Providing acknowledgement to a wider group – the data centre, curators etc. • Supporting openness and transparency Reich NG, Perl TM, Cummings DAT, Lessler J (2011) Visualizing Clinical Evidence: Citation Networks for the Incubation Periods of Respiratory Viral Infections. PLoS ONE 6(4): e19496. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019496 172
  • 173. Why finding and citing data is not easy • No widely used method to identify datasets • No widely used method to cite datasets • No effective way to link between articles and datasets • How can we solve these challenges? 173
  • 174. Why DOIs? The Digital Object Identifier is a persistent identifier that directs users to an online object, even if it changes location. Why DOIs? • Most widely used identifier for research articles • Researchers and publishers already know how to use them • Puts datasets on the same playing field as articles • The DOI system offers an easy way to connect the article with the underlying data 174
  • 175. DataCite • Established in 2009 as a not-for-profit organisation • A member of the International DOI Foundation • A Registration Agency for DOI names • 18 full members from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia (2m DOIs) • Members work with data centres in their own countries • Provide a shared infrastructure for minting DOIs 175
  • 176. British Library's role in DataCite International DOI Foundation Member • The British Library is one of 18 international members of DataCite DataCite • We are an allocating agent Member Institution • We provide the DataCite infrastructure, enabling UK Data Centres to „mint‟ DOIs for data Data Centre Data Centre Data Client • While the aim is to support researchers, we do not work with individuals - they must deposit to a data centre/institution 176
  • 177. British Library DataCite Service 177
  • 178. Examples of UK data centres with DOIs DOI: 10.5285/1a91c7d1-ec44-4858-9af2-98d80f169bbd 178
  • 179. Thank you! • • • • E-mail: 179
  • 180. Looking to the future: what‟s the mindset for a successful information organisation? Keith Webster Dean of University Libraries 16 October 2013 180
  • 181. Our Professional Future Access to information, ideas and works of imagination is an essential characteristic of thriving democracies, cultures and economies. This is increasingly so in the global information society. Information is a cultural, social and economic resource and a commodity of crucial importance in a huge range of diverse enterprises. Librarians and information scientists can be at the heart of this revolution, in demand for their creative, technical and managerial expertise. Library Association/Institute of Information Scientists, 1999
  • 182. Overview of remarks As a profession we add value Not everyone recognises that! There are tremendous opportunities to deploy our skills There isn‟t much money to pay for more of us We need to rethink our business operations to free up our people
  • 183. How do we add value? British Library adds £419m of value to the economy each year og/increasingvalue/britishlibrar y_economicevaluation.pdf
  • 184. Australian research study Contingent valuation Respondents were presented with different hypothetical scenarios They were asked about their willingness to pay, and the amount they would expect to pay Webster (2012) The evolving role of libraries in the scholarly ecosystem
  • 185. Use of print resources Frequently Sometimes Never Journal articles 748 328 99 Books 557 565 53 Abstracts, indexes and bibliographies 342 458 375 32 264 879 Conference proceedings 163 633 379 Technical papers 144 408 623 10 116 1,049 148 554 473 CDs, DVDs, etc. 65 432 678 Other 27 51 206 Standards and specifications Patents Government publications
  • 186. Use of electronic resources Frequently Sometimes Never 1,112 57 6 Books 307 611 257 Datasets 204 411 560 Databases 624 371 180 52 275 848 Conference proceedings 250 667 258 Technical papers 174 432 569 27 167 981 195 565 415 AV materials 73 415 687 Other 18 23 213 Journal articles Standards and specifications Patents Government publications
  • 187. Time devoted to using information resources
  • 188. Personal expenditure on information resources Nothing 15.4 $1-250 33.4 $251-500 23.9 $501-1000 16.3 $1001-1250 4.3 $1251-1500 1.7 Over $1500 5.1
  • 189. How much does it all cost? Respondents asked to indicate annual spend on collections - to nearest $1 million 6 said $30 million + (3 reported $100m +) 51 less than $1,000,000 600 don‟t know UQ mean of $11.3 million Equates to mean of $1,760 per capita Actual spend is $2,797 per capita (37.1% under)
  • 190. Value for money Excellent Value for money relative to the level of expenditure disclosed Very good Good Fair Poor 182 118 53 16 10
  • 191. Where else would you go for stuff? Another university to which I am also affiliated 106 Other universities to which I have no affiliation 173 National Library of Australia 113 State libraries 149 Other public libraries 58 Overseas universities 97 Learned Societies 36 Specialist subject-focused research institutions 73 Institutional and open access repositories 160 Purchase from publishers or document delivery intermediaries 172 Obtain from colleagues/authors 183 Other 23
  • 192. Time matters Less time than now – I could work more efficiently 1 None – it would make no difference to me 8 Up to 10 per cent more time 15 11-15 per cent more time 15 16-20 per cent more time 33 21-25 per cent more time 44 26-30 per cent more time 36 31-35 per cent more time 17 36-40 per cent more time 19 Over 40 per cent more time 191
  • 193. Medium-long term effect on research Volume of research outputs Volume will increase 16 Volume will remain unchanged 37 Volume will decrease 326 Total responses: 379 Quality of research Quality will increase 15 Quality will remain unchanged 62 Quality will decrease 302 Total responses: 379
  • 194. Key impacts of free access to information on research Access to information is indispensible for research (91% strongly agree) Maintain comprehensive overview of developments in field (77%) Eliminate unproductive time (74%) Avoiding duplication of research done elsewhere (50%)
  • 195. Funding scenarios Current spent on information resources across the three sites is $2,496 per capita Respondents were asked to recommend a budget for the purchase of single-user access to the resources they need average $3,511 per capita Respondents were also asked to estimate the costs if they had to be self-sufficient (purchases, travel to libraries etc) average $5,894 per capita
  • 196. Summary finding The final scenario would result in total costs to the institution of $81.4m compared to actual spend of $34.5m a financial return of 136 percent
  • 197. Making a difference Adverse event avoided Hospital admission Hospital acquired infection Percent 11.5 8.2 Surgery 21.2 Additional tests/procedures 49.0 Additional out-patient visits 26.4 Marshall (1994) The impact of information services on decision making
  • 198. Making a difference Adverse event avoided Hospital admission Hospital acquired infection Percent 11.5 8.2 Surgery 21.2 Additional tests/procedures 49.0 Additional out-patient visits 26.4 Patient mortality 19.2 Marshall (1994) The impact of information services on decision making
  • 199. What is happening in the world is bypassing university libraries Peter Murray-Rust The scientist‟s view JISC Libraries of the future debate, April 2009
  • 200. “…contact with librarians and information professionals is rare” “…researchers are generally confident in their [self-taught] abilities.., librarians see them as..relatively unsophisticated” “…librarians see it as a problem that they are not reaching all researchers with formal training, whereas most researchers don‟t think they need it”
  • 201. “The bad news is that I‟m not sure they understand what goes on in the library other than taking out books.” Benton Foundation, 1996 “User perceptions negatively affect the ability of librarians to meet information needs simply because a profession cannot serve those who do not understand its purpose and expertise.” Durrance, 1988
  • 202. • Within five years, graduate students and faculty will fill all their information needs online, never coming into the library • Libraries will open up their space to other areas of the university, and develop designer spaces for students • All library collections and services will be delivered from the cloud, and 90% of information needs will be met by non-Library providers
  • 203. The transformed library of the future will be at the core of teaching, learning and scholarship • partnering with academic departments to create learning activities and environments • helping to build an infrastructure for learning • creating an intellectual commons for the community Guskin (2004) Project on the Future of Higher Education
  • 204.
  • 205. Demands for our core skills Data services Digital research Open scholarship Evidence-based medicine Knowledge-based professions 2
  • 206.
  • 207.
  • 208.
  • 210. Client-focused - 2nd generation
  • 212. Connected Learning Experiences - 4th generation
  • 213. Current priorities in academic libraries 1. Continue and complete migration from print to electronic and realign service operations 2. Retire legacy collections 3. Continue to repurpose library as primary learning space 4. Reposition library expertise and resources to be more closely embedded in research and teaching enterprise outside library 5. Extend focus of collection development from external purchase to local curation Lewis (2007); Webster (2010)
  • 214. Barriers to implementation Hybrid environment Faculty (and librarian?) resistance Costs of space redevelopment Library staff training Faculty reception Institutional acceptance of repository services
  • 215. • • • • • In the print library Local access costs low saved time allowed for research productivity Library costs high acquisitions, maintenance, curation, buildings Correspondence between library reputation and research quality Great libraries attracted great scholars Great scholars attracted great funding
  • 216. Research publication is essential to future research Technology reduces costs of production and distribution Demand from academy is for online content Almost all new content born digital Large swathe of scholarly print material now digitised
  • 217. What might this mean? Ongoing acquisitions will require increasingly less space Substantial parts of existing collections can be relocated off-site and replaced with digital versions As services like Google books mature this will accelerate (subject to statutory provisions) This will provide new space opportunities for universities and their libraries
  • 218. What‟s involved in storing books? Open shelves in libraries Accessible, but expensive centre of campus real estate Highly compact off-site configurations Low storage costs, better preservation but high access costs Very different to electronic storage! Courant and Nielsen (2009) On the Cost of Keeping a Book
  • 219. Storage costs for pbooks Estimated over time to exceed purchase price on average by 50 percent (Lawrence et al, 2001) Grow over time as acquisitions continue Require either more storage, more discards or more efficient storage
  • 220. Indicative costs Open stack Warehouse 10 year open then WHS 20 year open then WHS 141.89 28.77 50.98 66.43
  • 221. Compare with ebooks HathiTrust will archive and backup an ebook at $0.15-$0.40 per annum (using same discount rates as for print books that equates to $5-$13)
  • 222. Use of print collections Pittsburgh study 1979 Cornell study 2010 40% of collection never circulates 55% of books purchased since 1990 never borrowed If a book isn‟t borrowed during first 6 years, only 2% chance it will ever be used 13% Average circulation from open shelf collections 65% of books purchased in 2001 hadn‟t been borrowed 1% Average circulation from high density collections ~0% Average circulation from off-site storage
  • 223. Moving forward Ruthless move towards digital only acquisitions policy, relocation to storage, collaborative retention, disposal Lobbying publishers and aggregators for better ebook terms Securing campus buy-in
  • 224. Accelerate the reduction and removal of routine transactions - Increase use of web-based activity - Increase use of self-service - Close labour-intensive low volume services Prefer digital form at all times Patron-driven acquisition as supplement Better discovery services - eg Summon
  • 225.
  • 226. Identify opportunities to leverage economies of scale - Buy publishers‟ bundles to reduce need for selection decisions - Consolidate distributed collections, warehousing or disposing of obsolete material - Consolidate and multi-purpose service points
  • 227. Library redevelopment Lots of success stories Understand need for different spaces on your campus - do good research
  • 229. What did you do in the Library? Use a computer Quiet study Meet friends Group work Find course materials Think Coffee Borrow books
  • 230. Library redevelopment Lots of success stories Understand need for different spaces on your campus - do good research Showcase good examples (e.g. Hunt Library, UQ)
  • 231.
  • 232.
  • 233.
  • 234. The role of librarians Current state Future state Many libraries retain large numbers of librarians to catalogue and count Even more librarians wait at service desks „just in case‟ Few librarians leave the library building Librarians embedded in research and teaching activities Librarians become campus specialists in areas such as escience, academic technology and research evaluation Librarians have meaningful impact Current barriers Many librarians lack skills and useful qualifications Many librarians are resistant to change Academics do not believe librarians are useful or credible partners
  • 235.
  • 236.
  • 237.
  • 238.
  • 239.
  • 240.
  • 242.
  • 243. NISO Virtual Conference Revolution or Evolution: The Organizational Impact of Electronic Content Questions? All questions will be posted with presenter answers on the NISO website following the webinar: NISO Virtual Conference • October 16, 2013
  • 244. THANK YOU Thank you for joining us today. Please take a moment to fill out the brief online survey. We look forward to hearing from you!

Editor's Notes

  1. TimBerners-Lee “invented” the web
  2. TimBerners-Lee “invented” the web
  3. Ray Kurzweil in the Singularity is Near says: “The exponential growth of computing is a marvelous quantitative example of the exponentially growing returns from an evolutionary process. We can express the exponential growth of computing in terms of its accelerating pace: it took ninety years to achieve the first MIPS per thousand dollars; now we add one MIPS per thousand dollars every five hours.40 “
  4. Hathitrust, DuraSpace, LOCKSS, Florida Digital Archive, Alabama Preservation Network
  5. Title of presentation is from Jane Austen as her work was tightly focused on human interactions. it could just as easily have been a quote from librarian Barbara Fister on her blog at Inside Higher Ed this past August, when in writing of social media, she used the phrase : “relationships that live primarily in virtual space and on borrowed time”. But I’m sticking with Jane.
  6. Let’s begin with statistics however.
  7. A monthly active user is unique registered user, who visits the site at least once in a 30-day period, better metric for gauging the reality of registered users on a platform. YouTube has a billion monthly users and Google very sensibly is harnessing identity on their Google+ network to the commenting functionality on YouTube (kind of a catch-up).
  8. This 2011 report actually surveyed all kinds of businesses – not just publishing – but the objectives are valid for pointing up why scholarly publishers pursue use of social media. Concerns about visibility, discovery and influencing perception of the organization, product/service. Last week at the STM Association one-day meeting in Frankfurt, there was a panel focusing on reputation management and engagement featuring major STM publishers such as Wiley, Elsevier, and Nature. Indicative that these publishers grasp the necessity of social media as channel for exchange with their customers/users.
  9. But it’s not just corporate entities. All kinds of content providers -- including government agencies -- are interested in social media. Request for quotation on providing text, data-mining software for National Library of Medicine. The interest in social media isn’t just about new forms of communication. For the content provider, it’s also about gaining a better understanding of who the audience is, what they’re saying and thinking. Again, just last week, the statement at last week’s STM meeting was made that those publishers recognized that their communities were increasingly talking about them on social media. They have to engage but esp.they have to listen
  10. I think this table is indicative of current levels of involvement. Must remember that in many large organizations with multiple internal divisions, social media activities aren’t centralized. For some entities, social media is handled by marketing departments and could serve different purposes – whether specific geographic market or promotion of specific product line. Also note that there are many individual twitter accounts belonging to staff members of these organizations (and noted as such in their profiles) but which ought not to be viewed as official outlet.
  11. Up to this point, this presentation has been heavily text based; but just like the publishers, I’m finding that I need to transform the conversation.
  12. Doesn’t look like a traditional blog, but this is laid out to appear to advantage on a tablet. Same characteristics as a blog, visitors can share the content and comment on it as well, collaboratively written by the historians at the National Library of Medicine.
  13. Blog entries, Twitter, video (on Vimeo as well as on YouTube), all combined on the OUP blog to attract traffic, visibility. Without this kind of Cross- channel, cross disciplinary approach, it’s hard to sufficiently fuel the site. OUP has also published new content to this venue, such as a recently re-discovered poem by Dorothy Wordsworth. First publication was to this blog on September 16th.
  14. Always torn between showing the Downton Abbey entry or the Zombie Apocalypse entry; but both are used to bring forward elite content to the mainstream (who may actually be interested in the content). Not just talking to the elite.
  15. As well as maintaining a presence on larger social platforms.
  16. This is an instance of a smaller press with perhaps less resources at its disposal taking advantage of Facebook as a means of creating a sense of community and presence on a social network. Just as we saw with OUP’s blog, Temple fuels its presence here with an RSS feed from its Twitter account as well as linking out to other content (such as that item from The New Yorker). For Temple, this is a forum for engagement and they chose the appropriate platform for connecting with their immediate community of students and faculty. Their North Philly Notes blog is frequently aimed more at specialists and like OUP many of the entries are written by Temple authors.  Content providers are generally using more than one platform depending on the target audience and the content itself. It can be illuminating to compare what is posted on several such platforms across two or three days.
  17. Note that this press focuses on visual arts and design. Subject matter definitely influences where a press may be most successful with social media. Yale Books (UK arm of the Yale University Press) has great images to support their presence here on Pinterest but their description up there at the top notes particularly the specialties of art and architecture. Presence may be dictated by the strength of a particular Platform and on Pinterest, it’s all about the visuals..
  18. Social media is a great leveler of the playing field for smaller entities. Note the number of followers here  8,193 Look who is following the press  W.W. Norton as well as Harvard PressTwitter is for headlines and links (Note that top tweet). I had to drop a slide but Doug Armato who is Executive Director of this Press is himself a master of social media. He engages as himself on Twitter (@noctambulate) and posts about what he’s reading on his own as well as about press titles.
  19. Monthly marketing campaign for a particular set of titles within a specific discipline. Note the two Twitter accounts @yalepress and @yaleRELIbooks and the handy hashtag #YUPoct (Yale University Press with the month abbreviation appended); also reflected this campaign on YUP’s blog. And the URL sends the curious over to explore in greater depth.
  20. I learned from a recent presentation in London that Twitter is one of the top 10 sources of referrals for Elsevier-owned The Lancet, but note the inclusion of media here. Twitter has expanded the content formats that may be associated with a tweet and ELS is spotlighting images (important to medical community) found in the journal itself.
  21. To use the parlance of the young, it’s equivalent to taking a “selfie”.
  22. Want to talk a little bit about YouTube, because of its mainstream status and massive user base. Use of YouTube to deliver training tutorials. The NFAIS website maintains an extensive Library Education resource page that specifically highlights these video tutorials. But not solely tutorial content. NFAIS member organization, the Getty Conservation Institute, includes video on their channel that is intended to attract attention to art curation/conservation as a career.
  23. Promotional video with an author. Temple University doesn’t have its own YouTube Channel so finding this promotional video is primarily accomplished through the Press’ own website. Smaller entities may not have the resources to leverage video entirely on their own so may be dependent on contractor to upload the material. Temple University Press
  24. audio, video, images, quotes, animated gifs, text etc. Displays well in mobile environment. OUP has a tumblr blog.
  25. Recently introduced social platform that fosters discovery via both images and text (lists); no scholarly publishers on this platform as yet, but no reason why they couldn’t be. Lists are a particularly sticky way of keeping users browsing on the site and it fosters discovery. Heavily visual in its orientation.
  26. Recent job posting, but note the bolded sections!
  27. The blood letting zodiac man is taken from one of the Library’s 15th century Harley Manuscripts They were donated to the nation in 1753 and form one of the foundation collections of the BLNot going to spend 20 minutes giving you a discourse on the representation of medicine in the medieval period although it is interesting to reflect on what some of this tells us about information – when you are complaining about writing up your work at least you don’t have to write it by hand and draw the picturesWill it still be around in 700 yearsWill people laugh at it
  28. PhD focus groups: People Science & PolicyWe built evidence based on our own user research, research from the literature, and with internal consultation. But theoretical evidence of discovery as the route for the library to take needed to be backed up with something more concrete – a pilot.A pilot would allows us to test the proposition with users to get concrete evidence for the Library’s work in this area, but also something we could show those internal to the Library.
  29. Some of this information was relevant to metadata, hence needing to have something in place to start selection properly.We couldn’t go out and select everything as an STM dataset at once, so for the pilot we chose a specific subject area: Living with Environmental Change – that is data from monitoring or modeling the environment. This is now also expanded to Biodiversity (for the International Year if Biodiversity in 2010) and soon there will also be records available on Neglected Tropical Diseases. In the next year we will be expanding to Food security – spanning environmental and bioscience topics, from crop genetics and animal breeding to soil quality and pollination.Guidelines were otherwise very much based on existing STM selection criteria.
  30. And this is what it looks like!Research datasets material type, accessible via the I want this tab, direct link.
  31. Darker blues are very useful or just useful. Lighter blues are not useful.Survey confirmed that our approach was suitable, but was it actually being used?Initial effort in promotion of the service to get feedback was high, but towards the end of the first year, when little or no time was put into promotion, usage stats showed that usage still remained stable, even given the ‘pilot’ status of the Search Our Catalogue interface itself.These data do exclude staff IP ranges, so are reading room and external visitors only.And wasn't just curiosity, this graph shows that people were clicking through to the website containing the data.
  32. And just referring to other published articles where readers can’t check the facts for themselves can be problematic. A recent study (shown on the slide) demonstrated that ‘conventional wisdom’ is often not based on experimental data. The study looked at reported incubation times for various viral infections and found that half of the studies did not even provide a source for their estimate. Mapping the citation networks enabled the authors to show that the information about incubation times was often based on a small fraction of the data or on no empirical evidence. But there would be benefits if researchers could actually cite the dataset itself. This would enable people to check the facts for themselves, obtain easier access to the data (theoretically researchers should share any data that underpins a published article but in reality they often don’t), funding organisations could show better value for money if data generated could be re-used, many people or data centres who actually manage data do not receive credit for doing so but this could offer a form of acknowledgement. In addition, the process of science is aided by openness and transparency.
  33. - In the same way that researchers don’t directly get DOIs for their papers, they must go via a publisher to get a DOI for them.When we say ‘data centre’ this is for ease of time – we include trusted digital/institutional repositories in this!!We work at an organisational level
  34. You will see that this DOI appears quite long – data centres are free to determine the format for the DOI suffix (see slide #24).