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Networking for
APRIL 15&16, 2019
Who We Are
What We Do
Tell Us About You
The Richest People
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 Become a magnet for attracting the right people in your space
 Create a master plan before attending any event and execute
 Stop handing out business cards and make real connections
 Become the go to person in your sphere of influence
 Command any room the minute you walk in
 Join any conversation at any event
 Become the most liked person at an event
Objectives cont’d
Be always warm and open to starting a conversation
Make building and managing your network a part of
who you are
Take your networking to the net
How to build a network
See your career, business, practice and personal
relationships take off
Why network
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5 Misconceptions About
A good network keeps you informed.
Teaches you new things.
Makes you more innovative.
Gives you a sounding board to flesh out
your ideas.
Helps you get things done when you’re in a
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Misconception 1:
Networking is mostly a waste of time.
A lack of experience with networking can
lead people to question whether it’s a
valuable use of their time, especially when
the relationships being developed are not
immediately related to the task at hand.
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Misconception 2.
People are either naturally gifted at networking or
they are not, it’s generally difficult to change that.
Many people believe that networking comes easily for
the extroverted and runs counter to a shy person’s
intrinsic nature.
If they see themselves as lacking that innate talent,
they don’t invest because they don’t believe effort
will get them very far.
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Believe it and You Will See it
If you believe that networking is a skill you can
develop you are more likely to be motivated to
improve it,
Work at it, and get better returns for your
networking than someone with a fixed mind-set.
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Misconception 3:
Relationships should form naturally.
One of the biggest misconceptions that people
have about networking is that relationships should
form and grow spontaneously, among people who
naturally like each other.
Working at it strategically and methodically, they
believe, is instrumental, somehow even unethical.
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Misconception 4. Networks are
inherently self-serving or selfish.
Many people who fail to engage in networking justify
their choice as a matter of personal values.
They find networking “insincere” or “manipulative”
— a way of obtaining unfair advantage, and
therefore, a violation of the principle of meritocracy.
Others, however, see networking in terms of
reciprocity and giving back as much as one gets.
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One study discovered that
Views about the ethics of networking tend to
split by level.
While junior professionals were prone to feeling
“dirty” about the instrumental networking they
knew they had to do to advance their careers,
their seniors did not feel the slightest bit
conflicted about it because they believed they
had something of comparable value to offer.
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The difference came down to
Confidence or doubt about the worth of their
contributions, with junior professionals feeling more
like supplicants than parties to equitable exchange.
My own research suggests that the only way to
conceive of networking in nobler, more appealing
ways is to do it, and experience for oneself its value,
not only for you but for your team and organization.
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Misconception 5:
Our strong ties are the most valuable.
 Another misconception that gets in the way of building a more
useful network is the intuitive idea that our most important
relationships in our network are our strong ties — close, high trust
relationships with people who know us well, our inner circle.
 While these are indeed important, we tend to underestimate the
importance of our “weak ties” — our relationships with people we
don’t know well yet or we don’t see very often—the outer circle of
our network.
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Our mind-sets about networking
Affect the time and effort we put into it, and
ultimately, the return we get on our investment.
Why widen your circle of acquaintances speculatively,
when there is hardly enough time for the real work?
If you think you’re never going to be good at it?
Or, that it is in the end, a little sleazy, at best
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Mind-sets can change and do
But only with direct experience.
The only way you will come to
understand that networking is one of
the most important resources for your
job and career is to try it,
Discover the value for yourself.
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What is Networking?
Why is it important to anyone who wants to succeed
Critical to personal, career and business development
Successful persons create and nurture a network of
Your income can grow only to the extent that you grow
I create my life versus what happens to me
What is Networking?
Essentially, networking is getting to know
people who can help you develop your career,
business or personal prospects .
You don't need to be a big shot or the most
outgoing person in the world to network
Its simply connecting with people
One simple rule
 “It takes only a moment’s conscious decision
to become a networker, with no interference
to one’s daily routine.
 All it requires is a slight shift in attitude, and
adopting one simple rule:
 Greet each new acquaintance with an
openness to learn more about that person, a
willingness to help, and an offer to stay in
[Buzzy Gordon -]
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How big is your network?
People you
have known
in the past
People you
know now
People you
will know in
the future
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Dunbar’s number
 150 = the maximum number of
people with whom we can
maintain relationships
 Hypothesis by primatologist Robin Dunbar
that 150 is the maximum number of social
interactions you can manage
 It is the number at which groups start to
break down
 The number is higher or lower across
different species of social primates
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Map your network
My Network
Prof. Orgs. Universities Friends Suppliers Customers
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What are the benefits of
 A lot of good jobs never make it to the pages of a recruitment website
or newspaper.
 They get filled by word of mouth and the more senior the position, the
more often it happens this way.
 Even if the job is advertised, it helps to know someone inside the
new organisation who can give you the inside line.
 They may even end up interviewing you which will always make it a less
stressful experience
What are the benefits of
 Access to their rolodex
 Ability to genuinely helps others
 Inability to network can hinder your performance on the
job, in business and in personal life
 In the end business is conducted through personal
 Cannot focus only on financial aspect
• People who can help you
get your work done
• Often internal & current-
• People who can help you
grow personally &
• Usually external & share
common interests
• People who can help you
shape your future goals &
• May be internal or external
& are future-oriented
3 reasons for networking
How Leaders Create and Use Networks
by Herminia Ibarra and Mark Hunter HBR Jan. 2007
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Networking vs. Relationship Building
 The word “networking” is commonly used to describe the
process of cultivating business relationships.
 There’s nothing inherently wrong with networking, but it
often has the connotation of being manipulative and self-
 Should we shy away from it?
 No matter how good your service or product is you are in
the people business
Not all network contacts are equal
Networks contain a small number of
people that have proportionately more
influence over the network than others
This 5-10% of individuals, called
critical connectors by organisational
anthropologist Karen Stephenson,
occupy specific places within networks
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Hubs, Gate-keepers & Pulse-takers
Hubs are directly
connected to many
people and, as a result,
have the ability to
information quickly
Gatekeepers stand
at the intersection
between parts of the
organisation, or areas
of expertise
Pulse-takers are the
covert influencers
within networks who
are often more
knowing than
known, and they
connect with others
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Your networking plan
Map your
your critical
Engage and
add value
Develop &
grow your
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Consider volunteering your services for
organizations that align with your interests and
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Shyness researchers
have found that people forget themselves
and their anxiety more easily
if they’re involved in activities that are
helpful to others and give them a pre-
determined role or job.
For example,
many self-described shy people don’t
have any problem talking to strangers if
it’s part of their job.
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Be yourself, at least for now.
what is the “self”?
If temperament and personality is 50%
inherited, is your self your genetics?
Is it the other 50% — the particular way you
happened by chance to be raised?
Is it an amalgamation of the millions of
commercials you’ve seen on TV and online
that has influenced your perspective in ways
you’re not consciously aware of?
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More importantly,
 what if your self would like to sit at home in a
sweat suit 24/7, playing video games, and eating
Should you still be “true to yourself”?
 Rather than being yourself,
 I think you should decide who you want to be,
find an ideal, and act in accordance with it.
 Take whatever you think is inherent to your
personality and marshal it towards excellence.
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Implementation is simple:
when you reach a point where you get tired
of your shyness, say to yourself
This is dumb!
I’m just going to start acting confident.”
And then you do so;
act loose and relaxed, look people in the
eye, and start talking to them.
Works like a charm.
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The Socio-Biology of
• trustworthy
• likeable
• represent warmth
• represent comfort
• represent safety
For the message to get
through people must
believe that you are
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This happens without words
We plug into
thousands of
preconscious cues.
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Eye Communication
oYour #1 skill
• verbal - 7%
• vocal - 38%
• visual - 55%
oconnects mind to mind
The Eyes Have It!!
Adults make trait judgments
after viewing faces
for only 100ms.
Some of the traits we spontaneously
attribute to strangers based solely
on their face includes –
intelligence, honesty, dominance,
competence, trustworthiness, and
likability. 48
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The benefits of
Good Eye Communication...
oConnects First Brain to First Brain
oUse involvement in business/social
•5 to 7 seconds of eye contact
The Power of First Impression
Our first judgments of people are so strong they often
override the FACTS that we subsequently learn.
In other words,
◦we can and do judge a book by its cover, all the time.
◦ Often, we don’t change our minds, even after we’ve read it.
The Power of First Impression
The research also suggests that we can’t change our first
impressions, even when we know the facts.
◦Maybe the solution is not trying to change our initial thoughts,
but waiting beyond that initial second before we take action.
◦The more time we have, the more we will consider the truth or
the facts about others.
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The First Brain:
The Non-reasoning, Non-rational Part
• Seat of human emotion
• The brain stem
–Provide immediate
instinctual response
• Limbic system
–The emotional centre
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The New Brain: The cerebral cortex
Seat of conscious thought
• Memory
• Language
• Creativity
• Decision making
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To Get To The New Brain
•The message
must first pass
through the first
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• is based on emotional impact
• we must be believed to have
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Dress and Appearance
• You never get a second chance
to make a good first
• The first 2 seconds
programmes the impression
• Makes emotional contact
• Clothes as costume
Dress for Success
The Benefits of Good Posture and Movement
in first impressions posture tells more than clothes
you feel taller and more powerful
you look more confident
eye communication is easier
your movement gives visual variety to the eye of the
What if I Don’t Have Anything
To Deposit
Nothing to deposit
in my social capital account?
Networking for Students
Young entrepreneurs
Early career professionals
Start Where You Are
 Take the role of the mentee
 Believe in your vision and share it
 Find your tribe
 Use school connections to your advantage
 Know your target and go out
 Know where you fall in the pecking order
 Ask great questions
 Interview successful people and ask them to help other students by
sharing their knowledge
 Use the classes you take –
 Get an A and others will take you seriously
 Lead a group. Help others succeed
 Go online and be credible – no one can tell you age except
you state it or share a picture
 Volunteer and deliver
 Find opportunities to prove yourself before meeting with
anyone in person
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Building a network that’s worth millions
 What if you maintained contact with all the persons you
had great relationships or interactions with since
 What would that be worth over a life time?
 Where do you start?
 How to create a system that works for you?
RICH BELLIS 07.15.16 5:00 AM
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won’t work at another.
Just as your skills should evolve,
so should your network.
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Your career isn’t static—
 In order to get ahead, some things have to change.
 Your skills should evolve, and you should check periodically
to make sure they’re keeping you competitive.
 Even the way you use social media to find jobs and get your
name out there should also change over time.
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But what about people?
We often think of our professional network as a continuously
expanding thing.
Meet someone new, add them to the list.
The list gets longer, your opportunities get ever wider.
It may not be that simple, though.
Just as we discard some skills in order to pick up others,
it’s smart to focus on different types of people who can offer you
the most support depending on where you find yourself.
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at each stage of your working life.
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When you’re just starting out
New grads have found for
generations, that family
connections and alumni groups
are still your best bet.
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The alumni network is powerful,
 In this day and age when people are so
alumni are more likely to lend a hand to a
new grad in need than they might’ve been
It’s like your whole university becomes your fraternity.
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School contacts can be especially useful at
the graduate level
When those people finally enter the
they usually find the colleagues they’ve made
at the graduate level to be their strongest
professional resources.
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The Changing View of Recruiters
Recruiters used to be just for executive-level
people and people in temporary jobs
The stigma associated with headhunters is
beginning to dissipate as younger workers
begin reaching out for professional help.
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The reason
when you’re at an associate level, you’re really
looking for that next step
It’s really a numbers game—all those people are
looking to move into that junior-manager role
fewer factors may set them apart as there are
among candidates for senior-level positions.
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depends on where you want to
go next.
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Looking for a new employer?
Then a manager that you’ve
previously worked for who’s
moved onto another company can
be a great person to stay
connected to.
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Prefer to stay put?
A senior person within your own
organization who can serve as a
mentor or advocate for you to
start moving up is your best bet.
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The key, in either case,
Use those first few years to build
relationships with people one or
two levels your senior.
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It’s at mid-career that the contacts
outside your own company may
begin to matter more for you,
The people to focus are really going to be
your peer group and your previous
colleagues who’ve moved on, especially to
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They want to know what you’ve
already done
This means they need someone who can
vouch for the concrete results you’ve
delivered in the past and how you did it.
This means contacts who were right there
with you when that happened.
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Once you’re at the upper reaches
of the career ladder,
it can be tempting to rub elbows mainly
just with the other people there.
But if it was your peers who helped you
most around mid-career,
They may not always be your most
powerful contacts at senior levels.
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You can’t devalue people who are less
experienced than you
Maybe someday they’re going to be the ones in a hiring
You should stay in touch with the people you’ve previously
If they’re now at another organization [that’s] looking for
another high-level role to fill,
 they can go to whoever it is in that C-suite and say, ‘Confidentially, my
old boss at X-Y-and-Z would be a great fit.’"
Of course, the prerequisite to benefitting in this type of
situation is having been a good boss and mentor earlier on.
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You can’t devalue people who are less
experienced than you
They’re creating innovative companies.
They’re people who can offer even more
senior people something to learn from.
Maybe someday they’re going to be the ones
in a hiring position.
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Can we take a picture?
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Many Options
 Old school, college or university classmates, alumni
 Family members and their friends
 Professional organisations
 Trade organisations
 Professionals -doctor, lawyer or accountant, etc.
 Club members or anyone else you meet socially
 Civic and charitable organisations
 Faith based organisations
 Professors, advisers, coaches
 Former or present work colleagues or bosses
 Pick up a sport – golf, tennis, sailing, shooting
How to decide what to do and where?
 What are you interested in?
 What’s your passion?
 What inspires you?
 Shared beliefs, experiences – child with special needs, same
faith, giving back (ability to do more with others)
 Only works if you do the work – get to know people, work
on projects, deliver
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Build Relationships in Diverse Ways
 The world has gotten quite complex – Facebook, Linkedin, etc.
 Remember the 6-degrees-of-separation principle.
 Go to reunions
 Join your alumni
 Simply provide good service
 Go after the # 2 person to reach a power broker
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 Don't ask directly for a job - networking is not a job fair; it's an
opportunity to gather potentially useful information.
 Give and take - networking is a two-way exchange, there's no such thing
as a free lunch.
 Do the groundwork - research your contacts before meeting them and
always follow up good leads or pass them on.
 Think laterally – try to expand your network outwards, beyond your
comfort zone or usual sphere of operation.
 Patience is a virtue – getting involved in networking is being in there for
the long haul; don't expect to land a plum job at your first meeting.
 How you do anything is how you do everything
 Be a class act
 Be impeccable in your words
 When in doubt check
 Practice uncommon appreciation
 Better to say no than to break your word
 Give more to get more without immediate benefit
 Find a way to serve – Webinar, Blog, Newsletter
Drop out of the ‘Ain’t it awful club’. No one wants to
hear your complaints [except those who are in your
inner circle]
Ask, Ask, Ask
Act in spite of fears because it is not necessary to
try to get rid of fear in order to succeed
The informational interview
Can we take a picture
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Planning effectively for a networking event
3 Phases Pre-Event, The Event, Post Event
- Why are you going,
- What do you want to accomplish
- Who will be there you want to see/meet?
- What’s the dress code? Can you comply?
- Am I current on what’s happening?
- Can I be of service?
- Be conversant in topics of interest to your target (sports, current
affairs, music, etc.)
At the Event
 - Be pleasant
 - Smile and make eye contact with others
 - Enter the room with confidence
 - When you start a conversation do not hold the person
captive , circulate
 - Pick out the wall flowers standing by themselves nursing
a drink and engage them
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At the Event
 - Do not pass out your business cards like confetti
 - Ask someone for their card first
 - Focus on making a connection
 - Ask great question – not ‘What do you do?’
 Be helpful by playing host
 Focus on quality not quantity
 Promise to follow-up
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 Ask a question and wait to get an answer
 Do not interrupt! Its rude. It says what I have to say is more
 Don’t just wait to speak and formulate your thoughts
 Pay attention
 Put away the Smartphone
 Do not try to show –off with the on-up manship or womanship
 Make the other person feel important
 Don’t flaunt your accomplishments
 Become a master Listener and see your popularity soar!
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Post Event
 Start building the relationships
 Do what you promised to do. E.g. Call, set a time to get
together right away. Do not delay.
 Review the notes you made, shared interest
 Determine how you can be of value
 Keep in touch in a consistent way
 Share - ideas, articles, tickets, products, lunch
 Nurture the relationship
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Mastering the art of conversation and
meeting people anywhere
 Every master was once a disaster
 Hone your social skills
 Have something interesting to share
 Keep abreast of current affairs and local happenings
 Let the other person talk and really listen
 Be pleasant and treat everyone the same
 Make Relationship Building a Way of Life
How to make instant connection and build
rapport with anyone
 Ask a thoughtful question
 Ask what you can do to help
 Give them a reason to remember you.
 Focus on quality not quantity
 Ask what makes them happy, excited, lose sleep
 Remember their name and story.
Don’t let your business card end
up in the trash can!
 Clearly define what you do best.
 Tell a story
 Smile and make eye contact
 Say their name
 Send an intro email on the spot
 Talk about your passions
 Give a genuine compliment
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Nurturing your Network and setting targets
Want to or committed to? 99% or 100%
The #1 reason most people don’t get what they want is
because they don’t know what they want.
Be committed to promoting yourself and your value
Return phone calls immediately
Connect people – refer and let your contact know
Restore damage relationships – communicate, clean-
up, apologise, forgive, be sincere
The Power of Karma
Give outside of the giving season
Share tickets to games, concerts, plays, movies and sit
 Lunch, dinner, breakfast.
Celebrate others’ success every chance you get –
 promotion, national award, children’s success
Determine how you can be of value
Nurturing your Network
 Always be thinking about the other person, not
personal gain.
 Maximize access.
 Don't go for meaningless "numbers".
 Systematize it.
 Always be connecting.
 Dedicate real and meaningful time.
 Be a hybrid.
 Above all else, be there to help people.
Nurturing your Network
 Have the right mindset –
 Networking is more like farming than hunting.
 Have the tools to network with you at all times.
 Listen and ask questions.
 Small courtesies count a lot in today’s world
 Make a point to meet new people.
 Write notes on the backs of business cards you collect.
 Be yourself.
 Follow up!
Is your Network Dying?
 We make ~2000 contact by age 35
 At any one time we can maintain 150 fairly good relationships
 People go away or grow away
 What happens as we build new relationships?
 How do we maintain old relationships?
 Telltale questions you have a problem
 You can’t afford this as traditional marketing is more
expensive/less effective
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More people own a
cell phone than a
- 60 Second Marketer
Taking Our NetworksToThe Net
•Now if the aim of networking is to connect with
likeminded professionals to help you achieve your
professional goals while making meaningful contributions,
then social media is the perfect vehicle.
•Social media allows you to reach, anyone, anywhere,
anytime. It possesses the astonishing capability to create
a one-to-one personal connection with virtually anyone –
the wonders of the perfect cold message or email.
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What Social Media Can Do
1. Build your personal and professional brand.
2. Have control over your brand’s perception.
3. Connect you to employment/leadership opportunities
4. Increase thought leadership & influencer status.
5. Create business opportunities – partnerships/funding.
6. Help you be heard, and promote your skills.
7. Give valuable insight into your market and competition.
8. Help you listen & gain feedback to sentiments in real-time.
•Personal branding, then, is key to optimize your social networking
•a great personal brand is like a well sharp business suit – it makes you look
•Before going to any event use social media to do a bit of research on
your prospects – the people you would like to meet.
•Keep consistency across all your profiles, when you show people who
you are they will believe you.
•LinkedIn is the best network for networking as it allows each of us
to display digital resumes for the perusal of prospects.
A FewTips For Effective Social Networking
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•Do treat your profile as your professional brochure. Use an
appropriate-looking profile image and put in complete and up-to-date
information.This will be your first impression for many.
•Don't blanket connect. Before you ask for a connection, learn about
the candidate. Be ready to explain why they should connect with you.
•Do get intentional testimonials and endorsements that speak to your
actual skills.
•Do reach out and make meaningful connections.Take the time to find
common ground based on your profiles and consider how you can
bring reciprocal value.
•Do get intentional testimonials and endorsements that speak to your
actual skills.
LinkedIn Dos….
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•Don't let your profile sit inactive. Even if you only post an
update once a week, keep it alive.
•Don't treat LinkedIn as a chore. Dedicate real time and
effort to make the most of your connections, and you'll
establish worthwhile, long-term relationships.
•Don't create verbiage combinations that no one
•Don't hog the conversations in groups or make it your
personal soapbox.You should always consider others and
bring value with every post.
LinkedIn Don’ts….
4/15/ 135
10 Things All Professionals Should Be Doing
1. Your desired outcomes?
○ Decision makers, Friends, colleagues, customers, others etc.
2. Choosing your platform(s)
3. What help do you need?
4. What to post?
5. What not to post?
6. When to post?
7. How to engage?
8. Response time
9. Gathering new insights and information
10.‘Google’ your name monthly to test your strategy.
1. – (of the first 100 hits, how many did you directly influence?)
4/15/2019 136
4/15/2019 137
Mistakes to avoid
 Resenting those who are successful
 Focusing on yourself and past accomplishments
 Asking someone for help when you have not spoken to them
in ages.
 Over sharing personally or professionally
 Talking too much
 Promoting several things at once
4/15/2019 139
Office networking matters for productivity
and engagement.
Networking inside the
office is less talked about,
◦but just as important for
sourcing great ideas and
finding inspiration.
Office networking matters for productivity
and engagement.
So often teams get siloed
and forget that they have a
network within the
company that can help
them complete their tasks
more effectively.
Instead of calling it networking, call it
building relationships at work.
Business is about relationships.
If you genuinely care about learning
and hearing people’s stories, you will
build a relationship with them.
Once this exists you can ask for
something from them or vice versa.
Your Network is Your Net-worth:
There are several benefits of building relationships
inside your company.
First is it will help you to meet people from all walks
of lives and hear really interesting stories about their
lives and learn from them.
Second is it will help you to build a brand inside the
Third is you can have an impact on the company
Lastly, you can make new friends.
Being an internal networker means
◦you’re looking outside your
immediate, day-to-day
◦and thinking about how you
can connect with and create
value for others in your
How to Create an Internal Networking Initiative
◦An internal networking initiative will look
different from one organization to another,
depending on your goals, budget, tools, and
◦Regardless, the most important piece is making
resources available to help employees connect.
◦Here are a few ways to do exactly that.
Internal networking
◦Ensures employees work together more often,
giving them a chance to speak with co-workers
and learn about how they can be of value to one
◦When they know what resources are available,
or how others can make their work easier, they
can be more productive and effective.
Host Office Mixers
◦Put “networking” events on the
calendar once a month.
◦Instead of having them after
work hours, plan to end the day
an hour or two early, so
employees don’t see this as
another task on their never-
ending to-do list.
Host Office Mixers
◦This can be as simple as an office
happy hour, or more specific to a
large company project.
◦You can even host department
specific mixers, where you bring
two departments together who
haven’t been connecting as
much as they should or can.
Create Online Chat Groups
If you use an office messaging system, like Slack
that allows for groups, create networking
channels or groups.
Employees can use them to ask fellow co-workers
a question, request resources, or share
information about their role within the company.
Having a chat program like this in place is
valuable, whether or not these “networking”
groups are consistently used.
Employees can exchange insights on posted
content while investing in open communication.
Attend events as a team
Set the tone for internal networking by
attending industry events as a team.
If you can’t afford a big conference, look for
local get-togethers.
Many larger organizations have small chapters
in various cities that hold educational or
networking nights.
Scheduled lunch “dates”
◦Give employees a chance to talk to someone
new once a month with scheduled lunch
◦One Friday every month, assign pairs of
employees to get lunch together, whether they
eat in the office or out somewhere.
◦This gives everyone a regular opportunity to
connect with a different person and is
especially helpful for new employees.
Scheduled lunch “dates”
If employees are weary to
grab lunch with someone
they don’t know,
◦host team lunches instead.
Try Employee Advocacy
◦Employee Advocacy programs support external and
internal networking through content.
◦When employees engage with company-related content
and become aligned with the company's social media
strategy, they are also more in sync with each other.
◦Tools that include internal communication and mobile
features are particularly powerful in connecting the
workforce and engaging them with the company.
Individual Networking
◦Don’t wait until your first day at
the company to get to know
your co-workers.
◦Start with following them on
◦This will give you a head start on
having a list of people you can
possible meet at the company.
◦Think about some people that you pass in the
hallway, in the kitchen or in the elevator that
you exchange a few words with occasionally
but you really don’t know a lot about them.
◦Is there anyone who has a role you’re curious
◦I highly recommend creating a list with people
in different departments, roles and job levels
so that you meet a diverse set of people.
Look for key players anywhere you can find them in your organization.
Start with your peers. Network horizontally across your team.
Connect with stakeholders.
◦ Look at your responsibilities and projects. Who are the people who have interests or concerns for the work
that you are doing? Network with them.
Look for people in cross-functional organizations.
◦ Build relationships with people in sales, finance, HR, IT, etc.
Your boss’ peers.
◦ Get to know the people who work at your boss’ level and report to the same manager.
Your boss’ boss — and his/her peers.
Any movers and/or shakers inside your company.
◦Most companies organize regular
employee events which is an easy way
for you to meet others in the company
that you may not otherwise see on a
daily basis.
◦Check your company’s internal
newsletter or go back and read those
pesky HR emails to see what’s going on
in your office and then mark the dates in
your calendar.
◦Once you have your list of people you would like to meet with, it’s
time to start reaching out!
◦Your email to them can go a little something like this:
Hi [insert the person’s name here],
Hope your week is going well! I realized the other day that we always see each other in the hallway, yet we’ve
never had the opportunity to have a full conversation. Any chance you’re free for lunch in the next few weeks?
I’d love to learn more about what you do in your role and get to know you better.
Let me know and we’ll get something set up in our calendars.
Best, (or of course, your email sign-off of choice)
[insert your name here]
◦Good follow-up alone elevates you above 95% of
your peers as most people don’t follow up very
well, if at all.
◦The follow-up is the hammer and nails of your
networking tool kit.
◦It’s also extremely important that once you have
your lunch/coffee/meeting with the person that
you send a follow-up email to let them know you
appreciated it.
◦Not only does your follow-up up make a good
impression but it’s simply the polite thing to do!
Always follow-up.
◦ So few people bother to follow-up on conversations that doing so will
brand you as someone who is thoughtful and dedicated.
◦ When you run into your CFO in the elevator or you speak with your boss’s
boss’s boss at the holiday party, shoot him/her a quick note of thanks:
◦ “Shelly, it was good running into you on Tuesday.
◦ Thanks for taking the time to speak with me for awhile about XYZ.
◦ Thought you might be interested in this article I came across about ABC.
◦ Would love to chat more about this sometime!”
This lets you turn a chance interaction into an ongoing relationship.
Here’s a quick follow-up message:
Hi [insert the person’s name here],
It was a great having lunch with you yesterday. After always
passing each other in the hallway, it was nice to have a full
conversation! [insert a tidbit from your conversation or
something you realized you have in common here]
Enjoy the rest of your week and hopefully we can catch up
again soon.
[insert your name here]
Ask for Referrals:
◦When you have lunch/meet with
someone, ask for recommendations of other
people who I should have lunch/meet with.
◦This way I was getting a pulse on who the
rockstars at the company were and made
sure to have lunch with them.
◦Another reason why this technique works is
◦ I could ping the recommended person
without hesitation and tell them that “Chris
recommended that I get lunch with you.”
◦This made it almost impossible for them to
say no.
Meet a variety of people:
◦Make sure to meet folks from different departments
to get a sense of how each department works.
◦It helps to understand what each person’s impact on
the company is and appreciate their job.
◦When you are lunching with different folks, don’t
forget to get on the calendar of the influencers i.e
◦They are really busy people so ask them early to get
a time couple weeks down the line.
Don’t be afraid:
◦This is quite possibly the most important part
of the puzzle.
◦A lot of people heavily underestimate the value
of “asking.”
◦The worst case is they will say no and you
won’t be kicking yourself that you never tried.
◦As human beings, we usually like to talk
about ourselves so when you ask someone,
say something like
◦ “I’d love to get lunch with you and hear your
Do your homework:
◦This applies to any meeting or sales situations in life.
◦When you are meeting or talking to someone, do the research.
◦Google them and look at their linkedin, twitter, blog, website etc.
◦You want to have context when you meet them to start the
◦ “So Mark, how did you go from being an engineer to running sales
teams?” sounds a lot better than
◦ “So Mark, lets hear your story.”
◦It also shows the other person that you did some research on them
which is how you knew that they have an engineering background.
◦Small things do help.
Do amazing work and make your
boss love you.
◦ It’s tough to imagine angling for a new role without first being a stand-
out in your current position — after all, your boss’s endorsement will
likely count for a lot when you’re under consideration for advancement.
◦ Review all the metrics on which you’re evaluated.
◦ Are you hitting them out of the park? Is your boss heaping on the
◦ If so, see if you can assume any higher-level responsibilities — perhaps
taking a project off of your boss’s plate. If not, you may want to hold off
on pursuing a new position and instead build a track record of success
where you are.
◦It’s amazing how many opportunities fall into your lap — and how
many relevant contacts you can make — when you become the
“go-to” person for a particular skill or area of knowledge.
◦Your organization’s social media guru is always asked to lead
training sessions, contribute to the company blog, and do media
◦What skills differentiate you from the pack?
◦Can you carve a niche for yourself?
◦Identify your specialty and be sure to articulate it clearly to your
manager and others within your company.
Learn how your work fits into the
bigger picture.
◦ Your company’s “all-hands” meetings may seem like a pain, but they actually present a huge
opportunity to absorb important information about the vision for your organization.
◦ Listen closely and take notes whenever you have the opportunity to hear from senior leaders;
you will gain an understanding for how your work fits in with the larger goals of the company.
◦ Once you develop a thorough understanding of your organization and its many teams, you’ll be
better prepared to speak thoughtfully with colleagues and leaders — as well as to suggest great
ideas that will help the organization meet its goals.
Build relationships across departments.
◦Ask for opportunities to work on project
teams that will expose you to key players in
other departments.
◦Having relationships with colleagues in other
departments will make it easier for you to
acquire information and get things done.
◦As an added bonus, you may hear about job
openings and opportunities for advancement
before they’re publicly announced.
Find a sponsor.
◦ Mentors offer sage wisdom and guidance on
day-to-day workplace situations,
◦ but sponsors wield the power to open doors and
propel you to great new opportunities.
◦ Vault defines a sponsor as “an active advocate
who seeks out new opportunities for you, uses
his or her influence to make sure the right
people know about your accomplishments and
recommends that you be promoted or given a
◦ Often, you will need someone powerful in your
corner to ascend the professional ranks.
So, how do you find this person?
◦Pay attention to executives who seem to respect what
you bring to the table.
◦Find small opportunities to fill them in on the
projects you’re working on, as well as to share your
interests in moving up and your ideas for the
◦Over time, this relationship can advance into
sponsorship — and you may find yourself in a
coveted new role!
10 Ways to Network
for a Career Change Internally
When we’re employed and fancy a change,
we often forget that there may be an opportunity to
make that change while staying with our current
◦It’s like blind spot to us.
We think we have to completely change direction
when seeking to create something brand new,
◦but sometimes what we need for a career change
may be right under our nose.
1. Know Your Strength
◦Think about how good you are at
what you do.
◦Know that you’re good and that
you have built a reputation in your
company around your own sort of
2. Get on the Radar
◦Where are you on your
organization’s radar?
◦What do other employer think of
◦An organization thinks about you in
terms of how you’re doing but also
in terms of what you might do in the
3. Don’t Make Assumptions
◦Watch out for assumptions that are wrong.
◦People who think they know what they want,
make up aspirations and tell one another,
◦ “The next thing I want to do is this/I want to stay in
this job for 10 years”.
This is wrong.
◦ Spend some time thinking about what you really
want before you start asking others for help with
your plans.
4. Be Curious
◦Find out and seek to understand what
the organization’s objectives are.
◦Where is it heading?
◦What markets is it expanding into or
trying to reach?
◦What’s the overall strategy?
◦What products and services are being
developed or launched?
◦Where it’s going and how you can fit
into that by undertaking a new role.
5. Talk to Your Boss
◦The first people to talk about an
internal career change to are line
◦Your boss, your boss’ boss, people at that
sort of level.
◦They’re the people who can approach
HR and other teams and departments
to vouch for your contribution to them
and through them.
6. Connect With HR
◦They will know a lot about
possible new career paths for
you and will give a very
objective view of what’s best
for both you and the company.
◦They are specifically
responsible for making sure
talent is in the right place.
7. Do Your Research
◦Research on which teams
or departments have job
openings that would allow
you to do something you’re
good at and like doing.
8. Know Your Price
Check what the going rate is for the
role you want.
You can do this by
◦contacting JEF,
◦asking colleagues you’re close to and
who are already in that role how much
they earn
◦phoning up recruiters to see how
much their clients are offering for
similar roles.
9. Seek Internal Support
You might want to just reflect on
what internal support you’ve got.
This is about people at a high level in
the organization who are going to
advocate for you in front of the people
who make the decisions about internal
job changes.
Think about who you can approach
and ask for help.
10. Attend Internal Events
◦ Be sure to turn up to as many internal
networking events as you can.
◦ This will put you in touch with individuals
within your organization that you may not
necessarily interact with otherwise.
◦ Talk to people and listen carefully to them and
you might pick up interesting and useful
information on the expansion of existing teams
or new teams being formed.
4/15/2019 190
4/15/2019 191
4/15/2019 192
Networking Tips for Persons in Sales
 1) Be a Connector
 2) Show Up to Events Early
 3) Don’t Talk Product /Service
 4) Find More Networking
 Chambers of Commerce
 Business Networking Groups
 Mastermind Groups
 Groups
 Charity Events
 School PTA Meetings
 High School Sports Games
 Local Youth Sports Events
 City Government
 And check out local event sites
4/15/2019 193
Networking Tips for Persons in Sales
5) Send Your Staff
6) Have Memorable Cards
7) Set Networking Goals
8) Always Have Your Card
to give if asked.
However, you can always
ask for theirs.
4/15/2019 194
Networking Tips for Persons in Sales
9) Don’t Have
Big Handouts
4/15/2019 195
Networking Tips for Persons in Sales
 10) Do The Follow-Up
 11) Use LinkedIn To Follow Up
 12) Follow Their Business on Twitter and Facebook
 13) Follow Up Via Email
 14) Phone Call Follow Up
 15) Read “How to Win Friends and Influence People”
 16) Remember Names and Use Them Often
 17) Join a Networking Breakfast Group
4/15/2019 196
Networking Tips for Persons in Sales
18) Talk To The Wallflowers
20) Prepare General Questions About Business
21) Take Notes on Business Cards
22) Identify the Connectors
23) Keep Expectations Low at First
24) Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
4/15/2019 197
Networking Tips for Persons in Sales
25) Network With Your Clients
26) Always Be Networking
27) Moving Pennies Technique
28) Disappearing Cards Technique
29) The Elevator Pitch
30) Talk About What Excites You
4/15/2019 198
Networking Tips for Persons in Sales
31) It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who They Know
32) Describe Your Perfect Client
33) Keep a Networking Journal
34) Be Memorable
4/15/2019 199
Networking Don’ts
1. Don't go to networking events with friends.
2. Don't try to meet everyone in sight; curate
connections instead.
3. Don't forget to follow up.
4. Don't waste time with sales-oriented people.
5. Don't be a stalker.
6. Don’t doubt your ability to improve with practise.
4/15/2019 200
Networking Don’ts
7. Don't interrupt. Ever.
8. Don't be intimidated.
9. Don't be a card spammer.
10. Don't talk so much.
11. Don't be subtle. Be explicit.
12. Don't ask to "pick my brain."
4/15/2019 201
Networking Don’ts
13. Don't hound the speakers.
14. Don’t hound the speakers
 15. Don’t Scan the room while you’re talking to
16. Don’t ask them who they know
17. Don’t pull out your resume
4/15/2019 202
Networking Don’ts
18. Don’t get someone’s business card and misuse it
19. Don’t hit on someone
20. Don't be a product-pusher.
21. Do not, under any circumstances, ditch a
conversation partner for someone more ‘important.’
22. Don’t fail to thank the organizer(s)
4/15/2019 203
Pointers from - “How to Talk to Anyone”
4/15/2019 204
Let’s Talk…..
4/15/2019 205
What are some of the challenges you face in building your network?
4/15/2019 206
Summary - The 10 Commandments
For Better Networking:
1 Always have your tools.
2 Networking is more like farming than hunting.
3 Understand where you are in the pecking order
4 People remember engaging people
5 The law of Karma is real
6 The little things count for much.
7 Grow Your Quality Network
8 Have a Good Business card strategy
9 Keep it Real - First Impressions Last
10 Close the circuit - Follow up!
Your action plan…
See it
Say it
Write itDo it
Review it
4/15/2019 208
Next Steps
What will you do in the next 24 hours?
What will you do in the next week?
What will you you do in the next month?
What We Do
4/15/2019 211

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  • 1. Networking for Success GRACE KENNEDY LIMITED APRIL 15&16, 2019 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 1
  • 2. Who We Are 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 2
  • 3. What We Do 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 3
  • 5. The Richest People 4/15/2019 5
  • 6. Objectives  Become a magnet for attracting the right people in your space  Create a master plan before attending any event and execute  Stop handing out business cards and make real connections  Become the go to person in your sphere of influence  Command any room the minute you walk in  Join any conversation at any event  Become the most liked person at an event 4/15/2019
  • 7. Objectives cont’d Be always warm and open to starting a conversation Make building and managing your network a part of who you are Take your networking to the net How to build a network See your career, business, practice and personal relationships take off 4/15/2019
  • 10. A good network keeps you informed. Teaches you new things. Makes you more innovative. Gives you a sounding board to flesh out your ideas. Helps you get things done when you’re in a hurry. 4/15/2019 10
  • 11. Misconception 1: Networking is mostly a waste of time. A lack of experience with networking can lead people to question whether it’s a valuable use of their time, especially when the relationships being developed are not immediately related to the task at hand. 4/15/2019 11
  • 12. Misconception 2. People are either naturally gifted at networking or they are not, it’s generally difficult to change that. Many people believe that networking comes easily for the extroverted and runs counter to a shy person’s intrinsic nature. If they see themselves as lacking that innate talent, they don’t invest because they don’t believe effort will get them very far. 4/15/2019 12
  • 13. Believe it and You Will See it If you believe that networking is a skill you can develop you are more likely to be motivated to improve it, Work at it, and get better returns for your networking than someone with a fixed mind-set. 4/15/2019 13
  • 14. Misconception 3: Relationships should form naturally. One of the biggest misconceptions that people have about networking is that relationships should form and grow spontaneously, among people who naturally like each other. Working at it strategically and methodically, they believe, is instrumental, somehow even unethical. 4/15/2019 14
  • 15. Misconception 4. Networks are inherently self-serving or selfish. Many people who fail to engage in networking justify their choice as a matter of personal values. They find networking “insincere” or “manipulative” — a way of obtaining unfair advantage, and therefore, a violation of the principle of meritocracy. Others, however, see networking in terms of reciprocity and giving back as much as one gets. 4/15/2019 15
  • 16. One study discovered that Views about the ethics of networking tend to split by level. While junior professionals were prone to feeling “dirty” about the instrumental networking they knew they had to do to advance their careers, their seniors did not feel the slightest bit conflicted about it because they believed they had something of comparable value to offer. 4/15/2019 16
  • 17. The difference came down to Confidence or doubt about the worth of their contributions, with junior professionals feeling more like supplicants than parties to equitable exchange. My own research suggests that the only way to conceive of networking in nobler, more appealing ways is to do it, and experience for oneself its value, not only for you but for your team and organization. 4/15/2019 17
  • 18. Misconception 5: Our strong ties are the most valuable.  Another misconception that gets in the way of building a more useful network is the intuitive idea that our most important relationships in our network are our strong ties — close, high trust relationships with people who know us well, our inner circle.  While these are indeed important, we tend to underestimate the importance of our “weak ties” — our relationships with people we don’t know well yet or we don’t see very often—the outer circle of our network. 4/15/2019 18
  • 19. Our mind-sets about networking Affect the time and effort we put into it, and ultimately, the return we get on our investment. Why widen your circle of acquaintances speculatively, when there is hardly enough time for the real work? If you think you’re never going to be good at it? Or, that it is in the end, a little sleazy, at best political? 4/15/2019 19
  • 20. Mind-sets can change and do But only with direct experience. The only way you will come to understand that networking is one of the most important resources for your job and career is to try it, Discover the value for yourself. 4/15/2019 20
  • 21. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? 4/15/2019 21
  • 22. What is Networking? Why is it important to anyone who wants to succeed Critical to personal, career and business development Successful persons create and nurture a network of contacts Your income can grow only to the extent that you grow I create my life versus what happens to me 4/15/2019
  • 23. What is Networking? Essentially, networking is getting to know people who can help you develop your career, business or personal prospects . You don't need to be a big shot or the most outgoing person in the world to network effectively. Its simply connecting with people 4/15/2019
  • 24. One simple rule  “It takes only a moment’s conscious decision to become a networker, with no interference to one’s daily routine.  All it requires is a slight shift in attitude, and adopting one simple rule:  Greet each new acquaintance with an openness to learn more about that person, a willingness to help, and an offer to stay in touch.” [Buzzy Gordon -] 4/15/2019 24
  • 25. How big is your network? People you have known in the past People you know now People you will know in the future 4/15/2019 25
  • 26. Dunbar’s number  150 = the maximum number of people with whom we can maintain relationships  Hypothesis by primatologist Robin Dunbar that 150 is the maximum number of social interactions you can manage  It is the number at which groups start to break down  The number is higher or lower across different species of social primates 4/15/2019 26
  • 27. Map your network My Network Prof. Orgs. Universities Friends Suppliers Customers Colleagues 4/15/2019 27
  • 28. What are the benefits of networking?  A lot of good jobs never make it to the pages of a recruitment website or newspaper.  They get filled by word of mouth and the more senior the position, the more often it happens this way.  Even if the job is advertised, it helps to know someone inside the new organisation who can give you the inside line.  They may even end up interviewing you which will always make it a less stressful experience 4/15/2019
  • 29. What are the benefits of networking?  Access to their rolodex  Ability to genuinely helps others  Inability to network can hinder your performance on the job, in business and in personal life  In the end business is conducted through personal relationships  Cannot focus only on financial aspect 4/15/2019
  • 30. Operational • People who can help you get your work done • Often internal & current- focused Personal • People who can help you grow personally & professionally • Usually external & share common interests Strategic • People who can help you shape your future goals & direction • May be internal or external & are future-oriented 3 reasons for networking How Leaders Create and Use Networks by Herminia Ibarra and Mark Hunter HBR Jan. 2007 4/15/2019 30
  • 31. Networking vs. Relationship Building  The word “networking” is commonly used to describe the process of cultivating business relationships.  There’s nothing inherently wrong with networking, but it often has the connotation of being manipulative and self- serving.  Should we shy away from it?  No matter how good your service or product is you are in the people business 4/15/2019
  • 32. Not all network contacts are equal Networks contain a small number of people that have proportionately more influence over the network than others This 5-10% of individuals, called critical connectors by organisational anthropologist Karen Stephenson, occupy specific places within networks Ref: 4/15/2019 32
  • 33. Hubs, Gate-keepers & Pulse-takers Hubs are directly connected to many people and, as a result, have the ability to disseminate information quickly Gatekeepers stand at the intersection between parts of the organisation, or areas of expertise Pulse-takers are the covert influencers within networks who are often more knowing than known, and they connect with others strategically 4/15/2019 33
  • 34. Your networking plan Map your network Identify your critical connections Engage and add value Develop & grow your network 4/15/2019 34
  • 38. Consider volunteering your services for organizations that align with your interests and values. 4/15/2019 38
  • 39. Shyness researchers have found that people forget themselves and their anxiety more easily if they’re involved in activities that are helpful to others and give them a pre- determined role or job. For example, many self-described shy people don’t have any problem talking to strangers if it’s part of their job. 4/15/2019 39
  • 40. Be yourself, at least for now. what is the “self”? If temperament and personality is 50% inherited, is your self your genetics? Is it the other 50% — the particular way you happened by chance to be raised? Is it an amalgamation of the millions of commercials you’ve seen on TV and online that has influenced your perspective in ways you’re not consciously aware of? 4/15/2019 40
  • 41. More importantly,  what if your self would like to sit at home in a sweat suit 24/7, playing video games, and eating chocolate? Should you still be “true to yourself”?  Rather than being yourself,  I think you should decide who you want to be, find an ideal, and act in accordance with it.  Take whatever you think is inherent to your personality and marshal it towards excellence. 4/15/2019 41
  • 42. Implementation is simple: when you reach a point where you get tired of your shyness, say to yourself This is dumb! I’m just going to start acting confident.” And then you do so; act loose and relaxed, look people in the eye, and start talking to them. Works like a charm. 4/15/2019 42
  • 44. The Socio-Biology of COMMUNICATION 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 44
  • 45. • trustworthy • likeable • represent warmth • represent comfort • represent safety For the message to get through people must believe that you are 45 15 April 2019 45
  • 46. This happens without words We plug into thousands of preconscious cues. 4615 April 2019
  • 47. 15 April 2019 47 Eye Communication oYour #1 skill o BELIEVABILITY • verbal - 7% • vocal - 38% • visual - 55% oconnects mind to mind
  • 48. The Eyes Have It!! IN JUST ONE GLANCE: Adults make trait judgments after viewing faces for only 100ms. Some of the traits we spontaneously attribute to strangers based solely on their face includes – intelligence, honesty, dominance, competence, trustworthiness, and likability. 48
  • 49. 15 April 2019 49 The benefits of Good Eye Communication... oConnects First Brain to First Brain oUse involvement in business/social •5 to 7 seconds of eye contact
  • 50. The Power of First Impression Our first judgments of people are so strong they often override the FACTS that we subsequently learn. In other words, ◦we can and do judge a book by its cover, all the time. ◦ Often, we don’t change our minds, even after we’ve read it.
  • 51. The Power of First Impression The research also suggests that we can’t change our first impressions, even when we know the facts. ◦Maybe the solution is not trying to change our initial thoughts, but waiting beyond that initial second before we take action. ◦The more time we have, the more we will consider the truth or the facts about others. ◦
  • 52.
  • 53. 15 April 2019 53
  • 54. The First Brain: The Non-reasoning, Non-rational Part • Seat of human emotion • The brain stem –Provide immediate instinctual response • Limbic system –The emotional centre 15 April 2019 54
  • 55. The New Brain: The cerebral cortex Seat of conscious thought • Memory • Language • Creativity • Decision making 15 April 2019 55
  • 56. To Get To The New Brain •The message must first pass through the first brain 15 April 2019 56
  • 57. 57 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION… • is based on emotional impact • we must be believed to have impact • ALL FIRST BRAIN LIKABILITY IS THE SHORTEST PATH TO BELIEVABILITY AND TRUST 15 April 2019
  • 58. 4/15/ 58 Dress and Appearance • You never get a second chance to make a good first impression • The first 2 seconds programmes the impression • Makes emotional contact • Clothes as costume
  • 59. Dress for Success 15 April 2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 59
  • 60. The Benefits of Good Posture and Movement in first impressions posture tells more than clothes you feel taller and more powerful you look more confident eye communication is easier your movement gives visual variety to the eye of the audience 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBANDJM.COM 60
  • 61. What if I Don’t Have Anything To Deposit IN MY SOCIAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT? 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 61
  • 62. Nothing to deposit in my social capital account? Networking for Students Young entrepreneurs Graduates Early career professionals 4/15/2019
  • 63. Start Where You Are  Take the role of the mentee  Believe in your vision and share it  Find your tribe  Use school connections to your advantage  Know your target and go out  Know where you fall in the pecking order  Ask great questions  Interview successful people and ask them to help other students by sharing their knowledge 4/15/2019
  • 64.  Use the classes you take –  Get an A and others will take you seriously  Lead a group. Help others succeed  Go online and be credible – no one can tell you age except you state it or share a picture  Volunteer and deliver  Find opportunities to prove yourself before meeting with anyone in person 4/15/2019
  • 65. THAT’S WORTH MILLIONS 4/15/2019 65
  • 66. Building a network that’s worth millions  What if you maintained contact with all the persons you had great relationships or interactions with since childhood?  What would that be worth over a life time?  Where do you start?  How to create a system that works for you? 4/15/2019
  • 67. RICH BELLIS 07.15.16 5:00 AM 4/15/2019 67
  • 68. won’t work at another. Just as your skills should evolve, so should your network. 4/15/2019 68
  • 69. Your career isn’t static—  In order to get ahead, some things have to change.  Your skills should evolve, and you should check periodically to make sure they’re keeping you competitive.  Even the way you use social media to find jobs and get your name out there should also change over time. 4/15/2019 69
  • 70. But what about people? We often think of our professional network as a continuously expanding thing. Meet someone new, add them to the list. The list gets longer, your opportunities get ever wider. It may not be that simple, though. Just as we discard some skills in order to pick up others, it’s smart to focus on different types of people who can offer you the most support depending on where you find yourself. 4/15/2019 70
  • 71. at each stage of your working life. 4/15/2019 71
  • 73. When you’re just starting out New grads have found for generations, that family connections and alumni groups are still your best bet. 4/15/2019 73
  • 74. The alumni network is powerful,  In this day and age when people are so super-connected, alumni are more likely to lend a hand to a new grad in need than they might’ve been previously. It’s like your whole university becomes your fraternity. 4/15/2019 74
  • 75. School contacts can be especially useful at the graduate level When those people finally enter the workforce, they usually find the colleagues they’ve made at the graduate level to be their strongest professional resources. 4/15/2019 75
  • 77. The Changing View of Recruiters Recruiters used to be just for executive-level people and people in temporary jobs The stigma associated with headhunters is beginning to dissipate as younger workers begin reaching out for professional help. 4/15/2019 77
  • 78. The reason when you’re at an associate level, you’re really looking for that next step It’s really a numbers game—all those people are looking to move into that junior-manager role fewer factors may set them apart as there are among candidates for senior-level positions. 4/15/2019 78
  • 79. depends on where you want to go next. 4/15/2019 79
  • 80. Looking for a new employer? Then a manager that you’ve previously worked for who’s moved onto another company can be a great person to stay connected to. 4/15/2019 80
  • 81. Prefer to stay put? A senior person within your own organization who can serve as a mentor or advocate for you to start moving up is your best bet. 4/15/2019 81
  • 82. The key, in either case, Use those first few years to build relationships with people one or two levels your senior. 4/15/2019 82
  • 84. It’s at mid-career that the contacts outside your own company may begin to matter more for you, The people to focus are really going to be your peer group and your previous colleagues who’ve moved on, especially to competitors. 4/15/2019 84
  • 85. They want to know what you’ve already done This means they need someone who can vouch for the concrete results you’ve delivered in the past and how you did it. This means contacts who were right there with you when that happened. 4/15/2019 85
  • 87. Once you’re at the upper reaches of the career ladder, it can be tempting to rub elbows mainly just with the other people there. But if it was your peers who helped you most around mid-career, They may not always be your most powerful contacts at senior levels. 4/15/2019 87
  • 88. You can’t devalue people who are less experienced than you Maybe someday they’re going to be the ones in a hiring position. You should stay in touch with the people you’ve previously managed If they’re now at another organization [that’s] looking for another high-level role to fill,  they can go to whoever it is in that C-suite and say, ‘Confidentially, my old boss at X-Y-and-Z would be a great fit.’" Of course, the prerequisite to benefitting in this type of situation is having been a good boss and mentor earlier on. 4/15/2019 88
  • 89. You can’t devalue people who are less experienced than you They’re creating innovative companies. They’re people who can offer even more senior people something to learn from. Maybe someday they’re going to be the ones in a hiring position. 4/15/2019 89
  • 90. Can we take a picture? 4/15/2019 90
  • 91. THE NUTS AND BOLTS 4/15/2019 91
  • 92. Many Options  Old school, college or university classmates, alumni  Family members and their friends  Professional organisations  Trade organisations  Professionals -doctor, lawyer or accountant, etc.  Club members or anyone else you meet socially  Civic and charitable organisations  Faith based organisations  Professors, advisers, coaches  Former or present work colleagues or bosses  Pick up a sport – golf, tennis, sailing, shooting 4/15/2019
  • 93. How to decide what to do and where?  What are you interested in?  What’s your passion?  What inspires you?  Shared beliefs, experiences – child with special needs, same faith, giving back (ability to do more with others)  Only works if you do the work – get to know people, work on projects, deliver 4/15/2019
  • 95. Build Relationships in Diverse Ways  The world has gotten quite complex – Facebook, Linkedin, etc.  Remember the 6-degrees-of-separation principle.  Go to reunions  Join your alumni  Simply provide good service  Go after the # 2 person to reach a power broker 4/15/2019 95
  • 96.  Don't ask directly for a job - networking is not a job fair; it's an opportunity to gather potentially useful information.  Give and take - networking is a two-way exchange, there's no such thing as a free lunch.  Do the groundwork - research your contacts before meeting them and always follow up good leads or pass them on.  Think laterally – try to expand your network outwards, beyond your comfort zone or usual sphere of operation.  Patience is a virtue – getting involved in networking is being in there for the long haul; don't expect to land a plum job at your first meeting. 4/15/2019
  • 97.  How you do anything is how you do everything  Be a class act  Be impeccable in your words  When in doubt check  Practice uncommon appreciation  Better to say no than to break your word  Give more to get more without immediate benefit  Find a way to serve – Webinar, Blog, Newsletter 4/15/2019
  • 98. Drop out of the ‘Ain’t it awful club’. No one wants to hear your complaints [except those who are in your inner circle] Ask, Ask, Ask Act in spite of fears because it is not necessary to try to get rid of fear in order to succeed The informational interview 4/15/2019
  • 99. Can we take a picture 4/15/2019 99
  • 102. Planning effectively for a networking event 3 Phases Pre-Event, The Event, Post Event Pre-Event - Why are you going, - What do you want to accomplish - Who will be there you want to see/meet? - What’s the dress code? Can you comply? - Am I current on what’s happening? - Can I be of service? - Be conversant in topics of interest to your target (sports, current affairs, music, etc.) 4/15/2019
  • 103. At the Event  - Be pleasant  - Smile and make eye contact with others  - Enter the room with confidence  - When you start a conversation do not hold the person captive , circulate  - Pick out the wall flowers standing by themselves nursing a drink and engage them 4/15/2019
  • 105. At the Event  - Do not pass out your business cards like confetti  - Ask someone for their card first  - Focus on making a connection  - Ask great question – not ‘What do you do?’  - LISTEN  Be helpful by playing host  Focus on quality not quantity  Promise to follow-up 4/15/2019
  • 107. Listen!!!  Ask a question and wait to get an answer  Do not interrupt! Its rude. It says what I have to say is more important  Don’t just wait to speak and formulate your thoughts  Pay attention  Put away the Smartphone  Do not try to show –off with the on-up manship or womanship  Make the other person feel important  Don’t flaunt your accomplishments  Become a master Listener and see your popularity soar! 4/15/2019
  • 109. Post Event  Start building the relationships  Do what you promised to do. E.g. Call, set a time to get together right away. Do not delay.  Review the notes you made, shared interest  Determine how you can be of value  Keep in touch in a consistent way  Share - ideas, articles, tickets, products, lunch  Nurture the relationship 4/15/2019
  • 112. Mastering the art of conversation and meeting people anywhere  Every master was once a disaster  Hone your social skills  Have something interesting to share  Keep abreast of current affairs and local happenings  Let the other person talk and really listen  Be pleasant and treat everyone the same  Make Relationship Building a Way of Life 4/15/2019
  • 113. How to make instant connection and build rapport with anyone  Ask a thoughtful question  Ask what you can do to help  Give them a reason to remember you.  Focus on quality not quantity  Ask what makes them happy, excited, lose sleep  Remember their name and story. 4/15/2019
  • 114. Don’t let your business card end up in the trash can!  Clearly define what you do best.  Tell a story  Smile and make eye contact  Say their name  Send an intro email on the spot  Talk about your passions  Give a genuine compliment 4/15/2019
  • 116. Nurturing your Network and setting targets Want to or committed to? 99% or 100% The #1 reason most people don’t get what they want is because they don’t know what they want. Be committed to promoting yourself and your value Return phone calls immediately Connect people – refer and let your contact know Restore damage relationships – communicate, clean- up, apologise, forgive, be sincere 4/15/2019
  • 117. The Power of Karma Give outside of the giving season Share tickets to games, concerts, plays, movies and sit together.  Lunch, dinner, breakfast. Celebrate others’ success every chance you get –  promotion, national award, children’s success Determine how you can be of value 4/15/2019
  • 118. Nurturing your Network  Always be thinking about the other person, not personal gain.  Maximize access.  Don't go for meaningless "numbers".  Systematize it.  Always be connecting.  Dedicate real and meaningful time.  Be a hybrid.  Above all else, be there to help people. 4/15/2019
  • 119. Nurturing your Network  Have the right mindset –  Networking is more like farming than hunting.  Have the tools to network with you at all times.  Listen and ask questions.  Small courtesies count a lot in today’s world  Make a point to meet new people.  Write notes on the backs of business cards you collect.  Be yourself.  Follow up! 4/15/2019
  • 120. Is your Network Dying?  We make ~2000 contact by age 35  At any one time we can maintain 150 fairly good relationships  People go away or grow away  What happens as we build new relationships?  How do we maintain old relationships?  Telltale questions you have a problem  You can’t afford this as traditional marketing is more expensive/less effective 4/15/2019
  • 124. More people own a cell phone than a toothbrush - 60 Second Marketer
  • 125. Taking Our NetworksToThe Net •Now if the aim of networking is to connect with likeminded professionals to help you achieve your professional goals while making meaningful contributions, then social media is the perfect vehicle. •Social media allows you to reach, anyone, anywhere, anytime. It possesses the astonishing capability to create a one-to-one personal connection with virtually anyone – the wonders of the perfect cold message or email. 4/15/ 125
  • 132. What Social Media Can Do 1. Build your personal and professional brand. 2. Have control over your brand’s perception. 3. Connect you to employment/leadership opportunities 4. Increase thought leadership & influencer status. 5. Create business opportunities – partnerships/funding. 6. Help you be heard, and promote your skills. 7. Give valuable insight into your market and competition. 8. Help you listen & gain feedback to sentiments in real-time.
  • 133. •Personal branding, then, is key to optimize your social networking •a great personal brand is like a well sharp business suit – it makes you look good. •Before going to any event use social media to do a bit of research on your prospects – the people you would like to meet. •Keep consistency across all your profiles, when you show people who you are they will believe you. •LinkedIn is the best network for networking as it allows each of us to display digital resumes for the perusal of prospects. A FewTips For Effective Social Networking 4/15/ 133
  • 134. •Do treat your profile as your professional brochure. Use an appropriate-looking profile image and put in complete and up-to-date information.This will be your first impression for many. •Don't blanket connect. Before you ask for a connection, learn about the candidate. Be ready to explain why they should connect with you. •Do get intentional testimonials and endorsements that speak to your actual skills. •Do reach out and make meaningful connections.Take the time to find common ground based on your profiles and consider how you can bring reciprocal value. •Do get intentional testimonials and endorsements that speak to your actual skills. LinkedIn Dos…. 4/15/ 134
  • 135. •Don't let your profile sit inactive. Even if you only post an update once a week, keep it alive. •Don't treat LinkedIn as a chore. Dedicate real time and effort to make the most of your connections, and you'll establish worthwhile, long-term relationships. •Don't create verbiage combinations that no one understands. •Don't hog the conversations in groups or make it your personal soapbox.You should always consider others and bring value with every post. LinkedIn Don’ts…. 4/15/ 135
  • 136. 10 Things All Professionals Should Be Doing 1. Your desired outcomes? ○ Decision makers, Friends, colleagues, customers, others etc. 2. Choosing your platform(s) 3. What help do you need? 4. What to post? 5. What not to post? 6. When to post? 7. How to engage? 8. Response time 9. Gathering new insights and information 10.‘Google’ your name monthly to test your strategy. 1. – (of the first 100 hits, how many did you directly influence?) 4/15/2019 136
  • 138. Mistakes to avoid  Resenting those who are successful  Focusing on yourself and past accomplishments  Asking someone for help when you have not spoken to them in ages.  Over sharing personally or professionally  Talking too much  Promoting several things at once 4/15/2019
  • 141. Office networking matters for productivity and engagement. Networking inside the office is less talked about, ◦but just as important for sourcing great ideas and finding inspiration. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 142
  • 142. Office networking matters for productivity and engagement. So often teams get siloed and forget that they have a network within the company that can help them complete their tasks more effectively. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 143
  • 143. BUILDING YOUR NETWORK Instead of calling it networking, call it building relationships at work. Business is about relationships. If you genuinely care about learning and hearing people’s stories, you will build a relationship with them. Once this exists you can ask for something from them or vice versa. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 144
  • 144. Your Network is Your Net-worth: There are several benefits of building relationships inside your company. First is it will help you to meet people from all walks of lives and hear really interesting stories about their lives and learn from them. Second is it will help you to build a brand inside the company. Third is you can have an impact on the company culture. Lastly, you can make new friends. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 145
  • 145. Being an internal networker means ◦you’re looking outside your immediate, day-to-day activities ◦and thinking about how you can connect with and create value for others in your company. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 146
  • 147. How to Create an Internal Networking Initiative ◦An internal networking initiative will look different from one organization to another, depending on your goals, budget, tools, and needs. ◦Regardless, the most important piece is making resources available to help employees connect. ◦Here are a few ways to do exactly that. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 148
  • 148. Internal networking ◦Ensures employees work together more often, giving them a chance to speak with co-workers and learn about how they can be of value to one another. ◦When they know what resources are available, or how others can make their work easier, they can be more productive and effective. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 149
  • 149. Host Office Mixers ◦Put “networking” events on the calendar once a month. ◦Instead of having them after work hours, plan to end the day an hour or two early, so employees don’t see this as another task on their never- ending to-do list. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 150
  • 150. Host Office Mixers ◦This can be as simple as an office happy hour, or more specific to a large company project. ◦You can even host department specific mixers, where you bring two departments together who haven’t been connecting as much as they should or can. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 151
  • 151. Create Online Chat Groups If you use an office messaging system, like Slack that allows for groups, create networking channels or groups. Employees can use them to ask fellow co-workers a question, request resources, or share information about their role within the company. Having a chat program like this in place is valuable, whether or not these “networking” groups are consistently used. Employees can exchange insights on posted content while investing in open communication. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 152
  • 152. Attend events as a team Set the tone for internal networking by attending industry events as a team. If you can’t afford a big conference, look for local get-togethers. Many larger organizations have small chapters in various cities that hold educational or networking nights. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 153
  • 153. Scheduled lunch “dates” ◦Give employees a chance to talk to someone new once a month with scheduled lunch “dates.” ◦One Friday every month, assign pairs of employees to get lunch together, whether they eat in the office or out somewhere. ◦This gives everyone a regular opportunity to connect with a different person and is especially helpful for new employees. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 154
  • 154. Scheduled lunch “dates” If employees are weary to grab lunch with someone they don’t know, ◦host team lunches instead. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 155
  • 155. Try Employee Advocacy ◦Employee Advocacy programs support external and internal networking through content. ◦When employees engage with company-related content and become aligned with the company's social media strategy, they are also more in sync with each other. ◦Tools that include internal communication and mobile features are particularly powerful in connecting the workforce and engaging them with the company. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 156
  • 157. START EARLY: ◦Don’t wait until your first day at the company to get to know your co-workers. ◦Start with following them on Twitter ◦This will give you a head start on having a list of people you can possible meet at the company. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 159
  • 158. MAKE A LIST ◦Think about some people that you pass in the hallway, in the kitchen or in the elevator that you exchange a few words with occasionally but you really don’t know a lot about them. ◦Is there anyone who has a role you’re curious about? ◦I highly recommend creating a list with people in different departments, roles and job levels so that you meet a diverse set of people. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 160
  • 159. WHO SHOULD I NETWORK WITH? Look for key players anywhere you can find them in your organization. Start with your peers. Network horizontally across your team. Connect with stakeholders. ◦ Look at your responsibilities and projects. Who are the people who have interests or concerns for the work that you are doing? Network with them. Look for people in cross-functional organizations. ◦ Build relationships with people in sales, finance, HR, IT, etc. Your boss’ peers. ◦ Get to know the people who work at your boss’ level and report to the same manager. Your boss’ boss — and his/her peers. Any movers and/or shakers inside your company. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 161
  • 160. RESEARCH COMPANY EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES ◦Most companies organize regular employee events which is an easy way for you to meet others in the company that you may not otherwise see on a daily basis. ◦Check your company’s internal newsletter or go back and read those pesky HR emails to see what’s going on in your office and then mark the dates in your calendar. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 162
  • 161. REACH OUT (IN PERSON OR VIA EMAIL) ◦Once you have your list of people you would like to meet with, it’s time to start reaching out! ◦Your email to them can go a little something like this: Hi [insert the person’s name here], Hope your week is going well! I realized the other day that we always see each other in the hallway, yet we’ve never had the opportunity to have a full conversation. Any chance you’re free for lunch in the next few weeks? I’d love to learn more about what you do in your role and get to know you better. Let me know and we’ll get something set up in our calendars. Best, (or of course, your email sign-off of choice) [insert your name here] 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 163
  • 162. FOLLOW UP ◦Good follow-up alone elevates you above 95% of your peers as most people don’t follow up very well, if at all. ◦The follow-up is the hammer and nails of your networking tool kit. ◦It’s also extremely important that once you have your lunch/coffee/meeting with the person that you send a follow-up email to let them know you appreciated it. ◦Not only does your follow-up up make a good impression but it’s simply the polite thing to do! 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 164
  • 163. Always follow-up. ◦ So few people bother to follow-up on conversations that doing so will brand you as someone who is thoughtful and dedicated. ◦ When you run into your CFO in the elevator or you speak with your boss’s boss’s boss at the holiday party, shoot him/her a quick note of thanks: ◦ “Shelly, it was good running into you on Tuesday. ◦ Thanks for taking the time to speak with me for awhile about XYZ. ◦ Thought you might be interested in this article I came across about ABC. ◦ Would love to chat more about this sometime!” This lets you turn a chance interaction into an ongoing relationship. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 165
  • 164. Here’s a quick follow-up message: Hi [insert the person’s name here], It was a great having lunch with you yesterday. After always passing each other in the hallway, it was nice to have a full conversation! [insert a tidbit from your conversation or something you realized you have in common here] Enjoy the rest of your week and hopefully we can catch up again soon. Best, [insert your name here] 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 166
  • 165. Ask for Referrals: ◦When you have lunch/meet with someone, ask for recommendations of other people who I should have lunch/meet with. ◦This way I was getting a pulse on who the rockstars at the company were and made sure to have lunch with them. ◦Another reason why this technique works is context. ◦ I could ping the recommended person without hesitation and tell them that “Chris recommended that I get lunch with you.” ◦This made it almost impossible for them to say no. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 167
  • 166. Meet a variety of people: ◦Make sure to meet folks from different departments to get a sense of how each department works. ◦It helps to understand what each person’s impact on the company is and appreciate their job. ◦When you are lunching with different folks, don’t forget to get on the calendar of the influencers i.e executives. ◦They are really busy people so ask them early to get a time couple weeks down the line. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 168
  • 167. Don’t be afraid: ◦This is quite possibly the most important part of the puzzle. ◦A lot of people heavily underestimate the value of “asking.” ◦The worst case is they will say no and you won’t be kicking yourself that you never tried. ◦As human beings, we usually like to talk about ourselves so when you ask someone, say something like ◦ “I’d love to get lunch with you and hear your story.” 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 169
  • 168. Do your homework: ◦This applies to any meeting or sales situations in life. ◦When you are meeting or talking to someone, do the research. ◦Google them and look at their linkedin, twitter, blog, website etc. ◦You want to have context when you meet them to start the conversation. ◦ “So Mark, how did you go from being an engineer to running sales teams?” sounds a lot better than ◦ “So Mark, lets hear your story.” ◦It also shows the other person that you did some research on them which is how you knew that they have an engineering background. ◦Small things do help. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 170
  • 169. Do amazing work and make your boss love you. ◦ It’s tough to imagine angling for a new role without first being a stand- out in your current position — after all, your boss’s endorsement will likely count for a lot when you’re under consideration for advancement. ◦ Review all the metrics on which you’re evaluated. ◦ Are you hitting them out of the park? Is your boss heaping on the praise? ◦ If so, see if you can assume any higher-level responsibilities — perhaps taking a project off of your boss’s plate. If not, you may want to hold off on pursuing a new position and instead build a track record of success where you are. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 172
  • 170. Specialize. ◦It’s amazing how many opportunities fall into your lap — and how many relevant contacts you can make — when you become the “go-to” person for a particular skill or area of knowledge. ◦Your organization’s social media guru is always asked to lead training sessions, contribute to the company blog, and do media interviews. ◦What skills differentiate you from the pack? ◦Can you carve a niche for yourself? ◦Identify your specialty and be sure to articulate it clearly to your manager and others within your company. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 173
  • 171. Learn how your work fits into the bigger picture. ◦ Your company’s “all-hands” meetings may seem like a pain, but they actually present a huge opportunity to absorb important information about the vision for your organization. ◦ Listen closely and take notes whenever you have the opportunity to hear from senior leaders; you will gain an understanding for how your work fits in with the larger goals of the company. ◦ Once you develop a thorough understanding of your organization and its many teams, you’ll be better prepared to speak thoughtfully with colleagues and leaders — as well as to suggest great ideas that will help the organization meet its goals. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 174
  • 172. Build relationships across departments. ◦Ask for opportunities to work on project teams that will expose you to key players in other departments. ◦Having relationships with colleagues in other departments will make it easier for you to acquire information and get things done. ◦As an added bonus, you may hear about job openings and opportunities for advancement before they’re publicly announced. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 175
  • 173. Find a sponsor. ◦ Mentors offer sage wisdom and guidance on day-to-day workplace situations, ◦ but sponsors wield the power to open doors and propel you to great new opportunities. ◦ Vault defines a sponsor as “an active advocate who seeks out new opportunities for you, uses his or her influence to make sure the right people know about your accomplishments and recommends that you be promoted or given a raise.” ◦ Often, you will need someone powerful in your corner to ascend the professional ranks. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 176
  • 174. So, how do you find this person? ◦Pay attention to executives who seem to respect what you bring to the table. ◦Find small opportunities to fill them in on the projects you’re working on, as well as to share your interests in moving up and your ideas for the organization. ◦Over time, this relationship can advance into sponsorship — and you may find yourself in a coveted new role! 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 177
  • 175. 10 Ways to Network for a Career Change Internally HTTP://WWW.POSITIONIGNITION.COM/BLOG/2013/5/23/10- WAYS-TO-NETWORK-FOR-A-CAREER-CHANGE-INTERNALLY.HTML 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 178
  • 176. When we’re employed and fancy a change, we often forget that there may be an opportunity to make that change while staying with our current employer. ◦It’s like blind spot to us. We think we have to completely change direction when seeking to create something brand new, ◦but sometimes what we need for a career change may be right under our nose. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 179
  • 177. 1. Know Your Strength ◦Think about how good you are at what you do. ◦Know that you’re good and that you have built a reputation in your company around your own sort of brand. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 180
  • 178. 2. Get on the Radar ◦Where are you on your organization’s radar? ◦What do other employer think of you? ◦An organization thinks about you in terms of how you’re doing but also in terms of what you might do in the future. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 181
  • 179. 3. Don’t Make Assumptions ◦Watch out for assumptions that are wrong. ◦People who think they know what they want, make up aspirations and tell one another, ◦ “The next thing I want to do is this/I want to stay in this job for 10 years”. This is wrong. ◦ Spend some time thinking about what you really want before you start asking others for help with your plans. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 182
  • 180. 4. Be Curious ◦Find out and seek to understand what the organization’s objectives are. ◦Where is it heading? ◦What markets is it expanding into or trying to reach? ◦What’s the overall strategy? ◦What products and services are being developed or launched? ◦Where it’s going and how you can fit into that by undertaking a new role. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 183
  • 181. 5. Talk to Your Boss ◦The first people to talk about an internal career change to are line managers: ◦Your boss, your boss’ boss, people at that sort of level. ◦They’re the people who can approach HR and other teams and departments to vouch for your contribution to them and through them. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 184
  • 182. 6. Connect With HR ◦They will know a lot about possible new career paths for you and will give a very objective view of what’s best for both you and the company. ◦They are specifically responsible for making sure talent is in the right place. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 185
  • 183. 7. Do Your Research ◦Research on which teams or departments have job openings that would allow you to do something you’re good at and like doing. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 186
  • 184. 8. Know Your Price Check what the going rate is for the role you want. You can do this by ◦contacting JEF, ◦asking colleagues you’re close to and who are already in that role how much they earn ◦phoning up recruiters to see how much their clients are offering for similar roles. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 187
  • 185. 9. Seek Internal Support You might want to just reflect on what internal support you’ve got. This is about people at a high level in the organization who are going to advocate for you in front of the people who make the decisions about internal job changes. Think about who you can approach and ask for help. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 188
  • 186. 10. Attend Internal Events ◦ Be sure to turn up to as many internal networking events as you can. ◦ This will put you in touch with individuals within your organization that you may not necessarily interact with otherwise. ◦ Talk to people and listen carefully to them and you might pick up interesting and useful information on the expansion of existing teams or new teams being formed. 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 189
  • 187. PULLING IT ALL TOGETHER 4/15/2019 190
  • 190. Networking Tips for Persons in Sales  1) Be a Connector  2) Show Up to Events Early  3) Don’t Talk Product /Service  4) Find More Networking Events  Chambers of Commerce  Business Networking Groups  Mastermind Groups  Groups  Charity Events  School PTA Meetings  High School Sports Games  Local Youth Sports Events  City Government  And check out local event sites 4/15/2019 193
  • 191. Networking Tips for Persons in Sales 5) Send Your Staff 6) Have Memorable Cards 7) Set Networking Goals 8) Always Have Your Card to give if asked. However, you can always ask for theirs. 4/15/2019 194
  • 192. Networking Tips for Persons in Sales 9) Don’t Have Big Handouts 4/15/2019 195
  • 193. Networking Tips for Persons in Sales  10) Do The Follow-Up  11) Use LinkedIn To Follow Up  12) Follow Their Business on Twitter and Facebook  13) Follow Up Via Email  14) Phone Call Follow Up  15) Read “How to Win Friends and Influence People”  16) Remember Names and Use Them Often  17) Join a Networking Breakfast Group 4/15/2019 196
  • 194. Networking Tips for Persons in Sales 18) Talk To The Wallflowers 20) Prepare General Questions About Business 21) Take Notes on Business Cards 22) Identify the Connectors 23) Keep Expectations Low at First 24) Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously 4/15/2019 197
  • 195. Networking Tips for Persons in Sales 25) Network With Your Clients 26) Always Be Networking 27) Moving Pennies Technique 28) Disappearing Cards Technique 29) The Elevator Pitch 30) Talk About What Excites You 4/15/2019 198
  • 196. Networking Tips for Persons in Sales 31) It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who They Know 32) Describe Your Perfect Client 33) Keep a Networking Journal 34) Be Memorable 4/15/2019 199
  • 197. Networking Don’ts 1. Don't go to networking events with friends. 2. Don't try to meet everyone in sight; curate connections instead. 3. Don't forget to follow up. 4. Don't waste time with sales-oriented people. 5. Don't be a stalker. 6. Don’t doubt your ability to improve with practise. 4/15/2019 200
  • 198. Networking Don’ts 7. Don't interrupt. Ever. 8. Don't be intimidated. 9. Don't be a card spammer. 10. Don't talk so much. 11. Don't be subtle. Be explicit. 12. Don't ask to "pick my brain." 4/15/2019 201
  • 199. Networking Don’ts 13. Don't hound the speakers. 14. Don’t hound the speakers  15. Don’t Scan the room while you’re talking to someone 16. Don’t ask them who they know 17. Don’t pull out your resume 4/15/2019 202
  • 200. Networking Don’ts 18. Don’t get someone’s business card and misuse it 19. Don’t hit on someone 20. Don't be a product-pusher. 21. Do not, under any circumstances, ditch a conversation partner for someone more ‘important.’ 22. Don’t fail to thank the organizer(s) 4/15/2019 203
  • 201. Pointers from - “How to Talk to Anyone” 4/15/2019 204
  • 202. Let’s Talk….. 4/15/2019 205 What are some of the challenges you face in building your network?
  • 204. Summary - The 10 Commandments For Better Networking: 1 Always have your tools. 2 Networking is more like farming than hunting. 3 Understand where you are in the pecking order 4 People remember engaging people 5 The law of Karma is real 6 The little things count for much. 7 Grow Your Quality Network 8 Have a Good Business card strategy 9 Keep it Real - First Impressions Last 10 Close the circuit - Follow up! 4/15/2019
  • 205. Your action plan… See it Say it Write itDo it Review it 4/15/2019 208
  • 206. Next Steps What will you do in the next 24 hours? What will you do in the next week? What will you you do in the next month? 4/15/2019
  • 207. What We Do 4/15/2019 WWW.ABOVEORBEYONDJM.COM 210