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My Magazine Analysis By Charlotte Prangnell
Images On this front cover there is only one image, but the image stands out a lot because it takes up the whole page. The colours used are quite bold as it various shades of black and white with a hint of light blue. The back ground is quite plain and La Roux is made to stand out because of the size of her image and the colour of her hair and her make up used. The image is very affective and eye-catching. Text The text on the front cover attracts the readers attention because everything is big and bold and stands out and is very in your face. The text  stands out because the image is based around different shades of black and white where as the writing is white where the image gets darker and yellow and red where the main articles are advertised. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is a nice balance as the image is so big, because normally the person isn’t normally made this big, so to compliment the image being so big they made the writing big to which stands out from the rest. Colour Scheme The colour scheme on this magazine cover is just black and whites with a little bit of blue and some yellow and red. The yellow really stands out a lot as it has the biggest space used and is on a dark background so really is eye-catching and so does the red NME logo. Over All The magazine will stand out form the rest as it uses subtlety to its advantage because of the choice of colour and the shear size of the artist as magazine don’t normally make the artist this big. Writing Style The writing style is just plain and simple, not to fancy but yet it is very effective as it doesn’t take too much attention of the image.
Images The main image in this is not of very good quality. However, it is also a very good image because it is a live performance which you don't really see that many images on a contents page from a live performance. The other 2 images on this page are of 2 previous NME magazines which look good because they are set out in a individual style. Text The text doesn’t attract my attention as there is far to much of it,  however the title stands out and so do all the subheadings because they are in a bigger font to the rest of the writing on the contents page. Colour Scheme The colour scheme on this is the same as the front cover on the previous page. But on this one there is a lot more white, which makes it boring but also at the same time makes the other colour stand out more. Text To Picture Ratio There should be more pictures on this as there is so much text and only 3 pictures and only one of the pictures are big. Over All The over all Contents page is very plain, quite boring. They could make it better by adding more colours. On the other hand some might say that it is classy not tacky and also quite effective. Writing Style The writing style is just a very simple font but it also makes it very easy to read. It would look better if the tittles were in fancier style rather than plain and simple.
Images The image used on this is very good because it reflects the massive USA behind it because she is sat on a USA flag with the colours and is wearing black so her hair and the flag really stand out. Text To Picture Ratio The image takes up just a little over a page and looks really effective because there isn't too much writing so it wont bore the reader as easily. Text The text on this is very small on this double page spread but it fits in with the theme of text in this magazine, just a plain and easy to read to text. The big D at the start of the interview stands out loads and is in a completely different font to the rest of the writing in the interview. The big USA is good because the opacity has been altered so it doesn’t stand out so much and draw attention away from the image. The “got the love” is very clever because that is some lyrics that she actually sings in one of her songs, also the font used for “got the love” is the same font used for  the big D and is the same size. Colour Scheme The colour scheme in the double page spread is not the typical NME colours (red, white and yellow) and this is really good because it shows they have cared more about the double page spread about what it looks like and the design of it. The colour scheme is black, grey, red and white and because of this is makes the red stand out a lot because there isn’t too much of it. Writing Style The font on this is really nice because it is really fancy and feminine just like Florence Welch out of Florence and the machine. The actual article its self is in a really good simple font and the article is set into three columns which looks really good and organised and professional. Over All The over all double page spread is very good and looks really effective. They could make this better by making the red more vibrant and make it stand out more.  They could also make the font on the actual interview bigger.
Text The text on this front cover is all a good size and easy to read. The logo of the magazine is in a really good font and is really effective. All the colours really stand out in the writing too compared to some other magazines you find. Images The image on this front cover is amazing. The lighting they have used is really good and the pose and the colours, it really is effective and quite spectacular because of the light levels and where the light is shining onto and it looks a lot like a live gig image too. Also the image of slipknot is really good because it of the whole band and it doesn’t take too much attention away from the main image of Billie Joe Armstrong. There is also a little image in the top right corner but you cant really see it that much, it would better if it was bigger. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is a really good balance because there is a lot of writing but its not too big and the main image take up the whole page is a really good picture so even though there is too much writing it still looks really good because of the photo.  Colour Scheme The colour scheme is really good because the back ground is blue and fades into white near Billie’s head and he head to toe in dark colours and his hair is black and he is wearing lots of black eyeliner, as a result of this it make the background, his hands and guitar and his head stand out loads. The colours of the writing is good because that follows a colour scheme of black white and yellow and the writing stand outs loads too but not too much to take attention away from Billie Joe Armstrong. Writing Style The fonts used on this front cover of KERRANG! Are very good because they are simple and easy to read, They are in a nice bold plain font. The KERRANG! Font its self and the GREEN DAY is really good, the GREEN DAY is actually there logo so that makes it even better, and the KERRANG! Stands out so much and is really effective. Over All It would be better if they sorted out the barcode and made it fade into the magazine, it isn’t that hard to do and would make the magazine looks ten times better.
Text There is a lot of text in the contents page, but it is quite easy to read, the mast head and the sub headings stand out quite a lot because they are a completely different colour to the rest of the page.  Images The main image is very good, it has great lighting and the emotion you get from it is positive because he is smiling. The light background and his white t-shirt make his face and his tattoos stand out loads and that is very effective.  The 5 images around it are of a very good range because you have some older people and younger people in there, some black and white ones and also some colour ones, some images where there is just one person in them and some with a group, There is some pictures from a live gig and some photo shoot ones also. That is a very good range and shows diversity. The little image in the top left is good but not as good as the others because it isn’t as big or stand out as much. To make this better you could change the light levels to make the images stand out even  more. Text To Picture Ratio The balance in the text to picture ratio is really good, because there is a lot of writing but there also a lot of pictures there too. Also It doesn’t look too over crowded, it just looks like everything is where is should be and makes you want to read what is there. Writing Style The main font they have used are good because is consistent without the whole contents page apart from the top right hand writing. The majority of the writing is all the same and is very easy to read which is a very good thing in magazines and is also very effective. Colour Scheme The colour scheme is black, yellow and white. The colour scheme is very good, because it is just based on a white background it makes the images, the heading and the sub headings stand out a lot more than they could if it was a coloured background.  Over All To make this better they could put in less writing, make the main image bigger and also change the colour balance of the images to make them stand out more. The over all contents page though is very good and of a very high standard.
Text There isn’t really a good amount of text in this double page spread, There is only 2 small columns for the main article and then just the “lowdown” on my chemical romance. There is also the little amount of text in the top left hand corner. The really big Quote “were being the best MCR we can be” is very effective because one of them has actually said it. Images There is only 4 images in this double page spread but they are too big for the page. They are very good images with great angles and lighting but they simply are too big. The main image is of Gerard Way the lead singer, but if the article is about the whole band, then the main image should be of the whole band not just one person. The middle smaller image could of been better but again they are all very good images. Colour Scheme The colour scheme of this double page spread is black white and red which is a very good combination. The colours work together and really compliment the colour of the images. The “lowdown” is on a white background which is meant to drag your attention to that particular part which works and is really affective. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio in this double page spread is really bad, there is one image that takes up half of the whole double page spread and 3 other images that take up half of the other side. There is hardly any text compared to the images.  Writing Style The font used in this double page spread is really good and simple. It is really easy to read and to understand. The columns used are in a good place and also a good width. The font used in the quote is very good and matches the genre of music that My Chemical Romance use.  Over All Over all there could be a lot more text in the double page spread, that would definitely make it a lot better in that’s sense, they could also take out some of the images or make the smaller ones even smaller, so there is more room for the article.
Text The text on this front cover is all a very good size. The strip on top of the magazine is very good because it attracts the readers attention because even though it is only black and white, the big image isn’t and this works very well. The logo being smashed because of the guy in the image seams to be hitting it with a guitar is a very good effect because then it all ties in.  Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is good, even though there is only 2 images and quite a lot of writing it is still very good because the main image is so good it compensates for the lack of other images. There shouldn’t be any more or any less text or images, is it very good as it is. Colour Scheme The colour scheme is black white and red but it is also a very good combination of colours and can work really well with different genres of music and different magazines. It is a very common colour scheme in magazine but it is a safe bet and still works very well. Writing Style The fonts used are basic but very easy to read and basic but very effective in such a great magazine. The size of the main cover line is a very good size because that is what why you want to readers to buy the magazine, that is what is making the readers buy the magazine. Then the still important but not as important cover lines are just a bit smaller and then the even less important cover lines are even smaller, this is a very good use of font size because it shows which is more important than the others and what you want the readers to read the most, to try and sell the magazines.  Images The little image on the far right hand corner is very good but is also a old image, this could be better by taking a more up to date one. The main image is exceptionally good image and is very effective. The way Matt Bellamy is smashing his guitar into the Q logo and the fact that the Q logo is also smashing is an amazing affect of great photography and editing skills. It is amazingly effective with the cover line “Matt Bellamy is out of control” the use of bringing that into the picture is very clever. Over All The over all front cover is very very good and one of the best ones I have seen. The use of lighting, colour, photography, text  and even text size all mixed into one is a great combination and works really well all together.
Images The images are good but could be better quality, especially the main image of the courteeners. Other than that though they have been placed in a good spot and the people in the main image have been put into good places and the image its self is good, just could of used better lighting and a better camera. Text The text in this is great, it doesn’t take up too much room and is not too fancy and works really well with the Q theme. The way it all fits into one column is very good also as that shows it doesn't take up too much room, it is juts simple and easy to follow. Colour Scheme The colour scheme follows the Q’s theme and works very well with the white back ground as the sub heading and the main heading stand out a lot. They way that the “oasis special” is in a different colour means that that is a significant part in the magazine and that is a very clever use of colour. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is very good, because although there may not be that many images, there is also not too much text and that really compliments each other. The only thing to make it better is if you took a little bit of text out of it. Over All The over all contents page is very good. There is only some changes that could be made, they could put in some more images and less text, they could make the images better quality, they could change the font of the sub headings and the word “contents” that could make the magazine different from the rest. Writing Style Again the fonts used in the contents page are also simple and is also not too fancy. This is very good because it makes it very easy to read.
Text The use of 2 columns is very good and organised in the main article. The way the quotes are in turquoise make them stand out a lot and that is a very good way to attract the readers attention. They have kept it basic and professional which is very good and the way they have made the w very big at the beginning of the article shows that. Images The use of one really big image and 3 small ones is very unique because of where they placed them all. It looks very good because it fits in with the colour scheme because all the images are in black and white. The lighting is amazing on Sebastian King because it really makes his face stand out. How the 3 little images have been placed is very good because the middle one is on a slant to show it its not too boring and they have thought about where to place them. Colour Scheme The colour scheme on this double page spread is black and white with some turquoise quotes. It is very simple very yet very effective and also unique because not that many magazines use this combination. The only change that would really make it look better is if there was more turquoise, maybe some more quotes or just a little turquoise in the images but it could improve the look of it. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is really good but it could be better if there was a little less writing. The way that the images are all just on one side of the double spread is very good because it is quite unique and very effective because the images do not take attention away from the text too much and the text doesn't take attention from the image too much so it is a good balance in the sense. Writing style The font used in the double page spread is really good and simple, very easy to read looks really good with the images. The use of the paragraphs is really good also. Over All The over all double page spread is very good and definitely gets the readers attention. The only changes that would make a good difference is if there is more turquoise and less text.

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My magazine analysis

  • 1. My Magazine Analysis By Charlotte Prangnell
  • 2. Images On this front cover there is only one image, but the image stands out a lot because it takes up the whole page. The colours used are quite bold as it various shades of black and white with a hint of light blue. The back ground is quite plain and La Roux is made to stand out because of the size of her image and the colour of her hair and her make up used. The image is very affective and eye-catching. Text The text on the front cover attracts the readers attention because everything is big and bold and stands out and is very in your face. The text stands out because the image is based around different shades of black and white where as the writing is white where the image gets darker and yellow and red where the main articles are advertised. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is a nice balance as the image is so big, because normally the person isn’t normally made this big, so to compliment the image being so big they made the writing big to which stands out from the rest. Colour Scheme The colour scheme on this magazine cover is just black and whites with a little bit of blue and some yellow and red. The yellow really stands out a lot as it has the biggest space used and is on a dark background so really is eye-catching and so does the red NME logo. Over All The magazine will stand out form the rest as it uses subtlety to its advantage because of the choice of colour and the shear size of the artist as magazine don’t normally make the artist this big. Writing Style The writing style is just plain and simple, not to fancy but yet it is very effective as it doesn’t take too much attention of the image.
  • 3. Images The main image in this is not of very good quality. However, it is also a very good image because it is a live performance which you don't really see that many images on a contents page from a live performance. The other 2 images on this page are of 2 previous NME magazines which look good because they are set out in a individual style. Text The text doesn’t attract my attention as there is far to much of it, however the title stands out and so do all the subheadings because they are in a bigger font to the rest of the writing on the contents page. Colour Scheme The colour scheme on this is the same as the front cover on the previous page. But on this one there is a lot more white, which makes it boring but also at the same time makes the other colour stand out more. Text To Picture Ratio There should be more pictures on this as there is so much text and only 3 pictures and only one of the pictures are big. Over All The over all Contents page is very plain, quite boring. They could make it better by adding more colours. On the other hand some might say that it is classy not tacky and also quite effective. Writing Style The writing style is just a very simple font but it also makes it very easy to read. It would look better if the tittles were in fancier style rather than plain and simple.
  • 4. Images The image used on this is very good because it reflects the massive USA behind it because she is sat on a USA flag with the colours and is wearing black so her hair and the flag really stand out. Text To Picture Ratio The image takes up just a little over a page and looks really effective because there isn't too much writing so it wont bore the reader as easily. Text The text on this is very small on this double page spread but it fits in with the theme of text in this magazine, just a plain and easy to read to text. The big D at the start of the interview stands out loads and is in a completely different font to the rest of the writing in the interview. The big USA is good because the opacity has been altered so it doesn’t stand out so much and draw attention away from the image. The “got the love” is very clever because that is some lyrics that she actually sings in one of her songs, also the font used for “got the love” is the same font used for the big D and is the same size. Colour Scheme The colour scheme in the double page spread is not the typical NME colours (red, white and yellow) and this is really good because it shows they have cared more about the double page spread about what it looks like and the design of it. The colour scheme is black, grey, red and white and because of this is makes the red stand out a lot because there isn’t too much of it. Writing Style The font on this is really nice because it is really fancy and feminine just like Florence Welch out of Florence and the machine. The actual article its self is in a really good simple font and the article is set into three columns which looks really good and organised and professional. Over All The over all double page spread is very good and looks really effective. They could make this better by making the red more vibrant and make it stand out more. They could also make the font on the actual interview bigger.
  • 5. Text The text on this front cover is all a good size and easy to read. The logo of the magazine is in a really good font and is really effective. All the colours really stand out in the writing too compared to some other magazines you find. Images The image on this front cover is amazing. The lighting they have used is really good and the pose and the colours, it really is effective and quite spectacular because of the light levels and where the light is shining onto and it looks a lot like a live gig image too. Also the image of slipknot is really good because it of the whole band and it doesn’t take too much attention away from the main image of Billie Joe Armstrong. There is also a little image in the top right corner but you cant really see it that much, it would better if it was bigger. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is a really good balance because there is a lot of writing but its not too big and the main image take up the whole page is a really good picture so even though there is too much writing it still looks really good because of the photo. Colour Scheme The colour scheme is really good because the back ground is blue and fades into white near Billie’s head and he head to toe in dark colours and his hair is black and he is wearing lots of black eyeliner, as a result of this it make the background, his hands and guitar and his head stand out loads. The colours of the writing is good because that follows a colour scheme of black white and yellow and the writing stand outs loads too but not too much to take attention away from Billie Joe Armstrong. Writing Style The fonts used on this front cover of KERRANG! Are very good because they are simple and easy to read, They are in a nice bold plain font. The KERRANG! Font its self and the GREEN DAY is really good, the GREEN DAY is actually there logo so that makes it even better, and the KERRANG! Stands out so much and is really effective. Over All It would be better if they sorted out the barcode and made it fade into the magazine, it isn’t that hard to do and would make the magazine looks ten times better.
  • 6. Text There is a lot of text in the contents page, but it is quite easy to read, the mast head and the sub headings stand out quite a lot because they are a completely different colour to the rest of the page. Images The main image is very good, it has great lighting and the emotion you get from it is positive because he is smiling. The light background and his white t-shirt make his face and his tattoos stand out loads and that is very effective. The 5 images around it are of a very good range because you have some older people and younger people in there, some black and white ones and also some colour ones, some images where there is just one person in them and some with a group, There is some pictures from a live gig and some photo shoot ones also. That is a very good range and shows diversity. The little image in the top left is good but not as good as the others because it isn’t as big or stand out as much. To make this better you could change the light levels to make the images stand out even more. Text To Picture Ratio The balance in the text to picture ratio is really good, because there is a lot of writing but there also a lot of pictures there too. Also It doesn’t look too over crowded, it just looks like everything is where is should be and makes you want to read what is there. Writing Style The main font they have used are good because is consistent without the whole contents page apart from the top right hand writing. The majority of the writing is all the same and is very easy to read which is a very good thing in magazines and is also very effective. Colour Scheme The colour scheme is black, yellow and white. The colour scheme is very good, because it is just based on a white background it makes the images, the heading and the sub headings stand out a lot more than they could if it was a coloured background. Over All To make this better they could put in less writing, make the main image bigger and also change the colour balance of the images to make them stand out more. The over all contents page though is very good and of a very high standard.
  • 7. Text There isn’t really a good amount of text in this double page spread, There is only 2 small columns for the main article and then just the “lowdown” on my chemical romance. There is also the little amount of text in the top left hand corner. The really big Quote “were being the best MCR we can be” is very effective because one of them has actually said it. Images There is only 4 images in this double page spread but they are too big for the page. They are very good images with great angles and lighting but they simply are too big. The main image is of Gerard Way the lead singer, but if the article is about the whole band, then the main image should be of the whole band not just one person. The middle smaller image could of been better but again they are all very good images. Colour Scheme The colour scheme of this double page spread is black white and red which is a very good combination. The colours work together and really compliment the colour of the images. The “lowdown” is on a white background which is meant to drag your attention to that particular part which works and is really affective. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio in this double page spread is really bad, there is one image that takes up half of the whole double page spread and 3 other images that take up half of the other side. There is hardly any text compared to the images. Writing Style The font used in this double page spread is really good and simple. It is really easy to read and to understand. The columns used are in a good place and also a good width. The font used in the quote is very good and matches the genre of music that My Chemical Romance use. Over All Over all there could be a lot more text in the double page spread, that would definitely make it a lot better in that’s sense, they could also take out some of the images or make the smaller ones even smaller, so there is more room for the article.
  • 8. Text The text on this front cover is all a very good size. The strip on top of the magazine is very good because it attracts the readers attention because even though it is only black and white, the big image isn’t and this works very well. The logo being smashed because of the guy in the image seams to be hitting it with a guitar is a very good effect because then it all ties in. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is good, even though there is only 2 images and quite a lot of writing it is still very good because the main image is so good it compensates for the lack of other images. There shouldn’t be any more or any less text or images, is it very good as it is. Colour Scheme The colour scheme is black white and red but it is also a very good combination of colours and can work really well with different genres of music and different magazines. It is a very common colour scheme in magazine but it is a safe bet and still works very well. Writing Style The fonts used are basic but very easy to read and basic but very effective in such a great magazine. The size of the main cover line is a very good size because that is what why you want to readers to buy the magazine, that is what is making the readers buy the magazine. Then the still important but not as important cover lines are just a bit smaller and then the even less important cover lines are even smaller, this is a very good use of font size because it shows which is more important than the others and what you want the readers to read the most, to try and sell the magazines. Images The little image on the far right hand corner is very good but is also a old image, this could be better by taking a more up to date one. The main image is exceptionally good image and is very effective. The way Matt Bellamy is smashing his guitar into the Q logo and the fact that the Q logo is also smashing is an amazing affect of great photography and editing skills. It is amazingly effective with the cover line “Matt Bellamy is out of control” the use of bringing that into the picture is very clever. Over All The over all front cover is very very good and one of the best ones I have seen. The use of lighting, colour, photography, text and even text size all mixed into one is a great combination and works really well all together.
  • 9. Images The images are good but could be better quality, especially the main image of the courteeners. Other than that though they have been placed in a good spot and the people in the main image have been put into good places and the image its self is good, just could of used better lighting and a better camera. Text The text in this is great, it doesn’t take up too much room and is not too fancy and works really well with the Q theme. The way it all fits into one column is very good also as that shows it doesn't take up too much room, it is juts simple and easy to follow. Colour Scheme The colour scheme follows the Q’s theme and works very well with the white back ground as the sub heading and the main heading stand out a lot. They way that the “oasis special” is in a different colour means that that is a significant part in the magazine and that is a very clever use of colour. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is very good, because although there may not be that many images, there is also not too much text and that really compliments each other. The only thing to make it better is if you took a little bit of text out of it. Over All The over all contents page is very good. There is only some changes that could be made, they could put in some more images and less text, they could make the images better quality, they could change the font of the sub headings and the word “contents” that could make the magazine different from the rest. Writing Style Again the fonts used in the contents page are also simple and is also not too fancy. This is very good because it makes it very easy to read.
  • 10. Text The use of 2 columns is very good and organised in the main article. The way the quotes are in turquoise make them stand out a lot and that is a very good way to attract the readers attention. They have kept it basic and professional which is very good and the way they have made the w very big at the beginning of the article shows that. Images The use of one really big image and 3 small ones is very unique because of where they placed them all. It looks very good because it fits in with the colour scheme because all the images are in black and white. The lighting is amazing on Sebastian King because it really makes his face stand out. How the 3 little images have been placed is very good because the middle one is on a slant to show it its not too boring and they have thought about where to place them. Colour Scheme The colour scheme on this double page spread is black and white with some turquoise quotes. It is very simple very yet very effective and also unique because not that many magazines use this combination. The only change that would really make it look better is if there was more turquoise, maybe some more quotes or just a little turquoise in the images but it could improve the look of it. Text To Picture Ratio The text to picture ratio is really good but it could be better if there was a little less writing. The way that the images are all just on one side of the double spread is very good because it is quite unique and very effective because the images do not take attention away from the text too much and the text doesn't take attention from the image too much so it is a good balance in the sense. Writing style The font used in the double page spread is really good and simple, very easy to read looks really good with the images. The use of the paragraphs is really good also. Over All The over all double page spread is very good and definitely gets the readers attention. The only changes that would make a good difference is if there is more turquoise and less text.