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My Family Essays
Writing an essay about my family can be a daunting task, not because I lack material or passion
for the subject, but precisely because of its personal nature. Delving into the intricacies of
familial relationships, individual dynamics, and shared experiences requires a delicate balance of
introspection, honesty, and tact. There's a fine line between revealing enough to create a
compelling narrative and respecting the privacy and feelings of those involved.
Moreover, the challenge lies not just in recounting events or listing characteristics of each family
member but in crafting a narrative that captures the essence of what my family means to me. It's
about conveying the intangible bonds, the shared history, the quirks, the traditions, and the
lessons learned that shape our collective identity.
Furthermore, there's the pressure to do justice to each family member's role and significance
without oversimplifying or idealizing their traits and contributions. Every person is a complex
individual with their own strengths, flaws, and impact on the family dynamic, and it's essential
to portray them authentically.
Additionally, there's the emotional aspect of revisiting memories, both joyful and challenging,
which can evoke a range of feelings from nostalgia to vulnerability. Striking the right emotional
tone is crucial to engaging the reader without veering into sentimentality or melodrama.
In essence, writing an essay about my family demands not just writing skills, but also
introspection, empathy, and a deep understanding of the intricate tapestry of relationships. It's a
process that requires navigating through layers of personal history and emotion to craft a
narrative that resonates authentically.
[At the end of the essay:] For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing
needs, resources like offer professional services to help bring your ideas to
My Family EssaysMy Family Essays
Realism in Theatre Essay
The theatrical plays of Angels in America and August: Osage County both of the
playwrights create a heart wrenching, tear jerking, and amazing work. Each
character is developed to have its own sets of values, beliefs, and attitudes towards
life and so there are no two characters alike. With each character having its own
identity, it brings a sense of excitement and unpredictability in the plays. Tracy Letts
the writer for August: Osage County establishes a sense of reality in his play by
developing characters that everyone can relate too. His play is about family, the use
of drugs, cancer, and suicide, subjects that people go through during their lifetime.
Tony Kushner the playwright of Angels in America provides the same feeling... Show
more content on ...
Even though the actors are well rehearsed when it comes to moving around the
stage, they do it so effortlessly that it s not a distraction for the audience. The
movement of actors may be considered a small thing, but it s what make a play
realistic or not. For a realistic play, the way the actors behave makes it seem they
are not worried about the audience and being in their way. They talk, walk and act
in a manner similar to that of our everyday behavior. In August: Osage County the
actors are so believable that we as spectators forget it s a play but rather seeing a
glimpse into someone s family. The realistic play of August: Osage County has
everyone relating to someone or something during the course of the production. The
topics of cancer, marijuana, molestation, drug addiction, and much more have
audience members connecting to these characters in a way that a play has never
done before. This play is considered a dark comedy and it has people experiencing
both laughter and discomfort, sometimes simultaneously (Black Comedy). They
address topics that are taboo in society, issues that theatrical plays never dream of
dedicating an entire show to. Tracy Letts is a fierce writer who doesn t back away
from subject matters that are controversial and not the norm for a traditional play.
The topic of prescription drug abuse engulfs the entire
Advantages Of Ethical Hacking
The Internet is still developing and e commerce is on its advance. More and more
computers get connected to the Internet, wireless devices and networks are
booming and sooner or later, nearly every electronic device may have its own IP
address. The complexity of networks is increasing,the software on devices gets more
complicated as well as user friendly.
Therefore, Security is a very popular topic and quite some effort are made in securing
services, systems and networks. On internet, there is a silent war going on between
the good and the bad guys.between the ones who are trying every possible way to
keep information secured and the ones who are trying to get prohibited access to this
information. Securing an information technology environment ... Show more content
on ...
Ethical hackers who are Security professionals test their network and systems security
for vulnerabilities using the same Tools that a hackermight use to compromise the
network. Any computer professional can learn the skills of ethical hacking
The term cracker describes a hacker who uses their hacking skills and toolset for
destructive or offensive purposes such as disseminating viruses or performing denial
of service (DoS) attacks to compromise or bring down systems and networks. No
longer just looking for fun, these hackers are sometimes paid to damage corporate
reputations or steal or reveal credit card information, while slowing business
processes and compromising the integrity of the organization.
Ethical hackers are employed to protect networks and computers from attacks from
non ethical hackers who illegally penetrate computers to access private and sensitive
information. Though they possess technical skills to those of an unethical hacker, an
ethical hacker utilizes these skills for
What Was The Impact Of Radio Broadcasting In The 1920 s
The Impact of Broadcasting Radio broadcasting dramatically changed the 1920s.
The invention of the radio is revolutionary. The radio allows sports, news,
advertisements, music, and religious services to broadcast in real time. People can
get news the moment it happens. Sports like, baseball are broadcasted in real time.
A wide variety of music is the radio. Advertisements attract business, and helps
product development. Religious services are held in real time, through the radio. We
owe these incredible abilities to Guglielmo Marconi for inventing the radio in 1895,
and Heinrich Hertz for discovering radio waves in 1887. Sports broadcastinglive
contributed to American life. The radio brings real time games, and scores. Babe
Ruth said, Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world
(Ruth). The radio contributed to baseball. The sport grew massively once the radio
broadcasted live games. American life was impacted with greater knowledge of the
sport. Baseball grew and became much larger. Next, live news broadcasts affected
life in an important way. People received live news, instead of waiting for the
newspaper. This increased worldwide knowledge on political, economical, and world
issues. Arthur Edwin Kennelly said,... Show more content on ...
The jazz age developed widely because of the radio. Musicians like Louis
Armstrong, and Bing Crosby became so large because of the radio. The radio
spawned new types of music, allowed musicians to grow, and influenced new music.
The radio also grew businesses, and products. Advertisements helped businesses grow.
Through the advertisements people became aware of various products.
Advertisements helped the economy because money was constantly circulating.
Businesses like, Ford, and General Motors dominated the market with affordable
vehicles. Through the radio Ford, and General Motors were able to advertise
Drama Activity Lesson Plan For Children With Autism
Drama Activity Lesson Plan Name: Saqlain Abbas Game Title: 3 Changes Page #:
62 Target Audience: Children aged 10 12 Purpose: To improve students powers of
observing and identifying KSA/CAP Objectives: 1)The player is able to
demonstrate a clear understanding of the game and is able to follow the
directions and has the ability to provide insight during post game discussion.
2)Through physical change, the player can accept the changes within themselves
and the other person (shown by vivid facial expression, tone, body language) 3)The
player is able to use the 5 human senses (taste, smell, touch, sound, sight) correctly
to identify changes in the other player given a short time frame (15 seconds) How
appropriate? This game is appropriate for children with Autism, ADHD, and ADD
(Attention Deficit Disorder) as it allows them to focus on the other player and
focus on the changes made. This game is also appropriate for children who have a
visual, auditory, or physical disability as the game incorporates the use of all 5
senses allowing them to take part and identify the changes. Description: (steps
necessary to play game): 1)Students are required to form groups of two 2)Each will
be numbered Player 1 and Player 2 . 3)Observe each other in time frame given (Note
clothing, sounds made, hair etc.) 4)Turn around facing opposite direction of the
other player and perform changes within 30 seconds 5)Face player again and observe
Discretion-Related Validity
Essentially, there are a variation of methods to record the job relatedness and
precision of a test as a decision making device, however, a working comprehension of
validation should focus on some general types of validation. According to Heneman,
Judge, and Kammeyer ВMueller (2012, p. 335) Validity is defined as the degree to
which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. All the more, the differences
among face validity, construct validity and criterion related validity are as follows:
Face Validity:
Face validity pertains to whether the test looks valid to the examinees who take it
(Niche Consulting, 2017). Essentially, face validity encompasses the definition of do
the people who are taking the measure think it looks relevant ... Show more content
on ...
Criterion Related Validity is the extent to which a test or questionnaire predicts
some future or desired outcome, for example work behaviour or on the job
performance. This validity has obvious importance in personnel selection,
recruitment and development. Whenever possible, the statistical evaluation of the
relationship between selection measures and valued business outcomes is
desirable. This type of validation is known as criterion related validation and it can
provide concrete evidence of the accuracy of a test for predicting job performance.
Criterion validation involves a statistical study that provides hard evidence of the
relationship between scores on pre employment assessments and valued business
outcomes related to job performance. The statistical evidence resulting from this
process provides a clear understanding of the ROI provided by the testing process
and thus helps document the value provided. Criterion related validation also
provides support for the legal defensibility of an assessment because it clarifies the
assessment s accuracy as a decision making tool. While criterion related validation
may seem mysterious, it has much in common with two more well known concepts
that are used to help find value within business processes: six sigma and business
intelligence. Both of these methods require that data be examined in order to help
clarify relations between various process components. The resulting information can
be used to help streamline business processes and uncover meaningful relationships
between various streams of data. The creation of a feedback loop using criterion
validation is really no different (Handler, 2009).Criterion related validity is the ability
of a test to make accurate
The Equal Pay Act Of 1963
An important federal employment law that all employees and employers should
be aware of is the Equal Pay Act of 1963. As conversed in week nine of class
discussion and video lecture, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 ends wage disparity based
on sex. The main goal of this act was to ban discrimination in wages, benefits, and
pensions based the gender of an employee in any place of employment. Women
traditionally earned less than men for doing similar work. The United States has had
a long history of knowledge of unequal pay between men and women, but it was not
until around World War II that the problem arose and women started fighting for
their rights on this issue. Women have tried passing several bills to help close this
pay gap throughout the 1950 s, but ended up in failure.
According to The American Association of University Women (AAUW), Surrounded
by top women leaders, including several AAUW members, President John F.
Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law on June 10, 1963 (Pearsall). Although
the act was signed on June 10, 1963, it was not effective until June 11, 1964. It took
a while for many organizations call attention to this practice of paying women less
than men. The act gradually expanded over the next decade to include a larger
segment of women into the workforce. According to the U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, The EPA, which is part of the Fair Labor Standards Act of
1938, as amended (FLSA), and which is administered and enforced by
Comparing The Tyger And Songs Of Experience
William Blake was one of England s greatest writers (Tejvan) in the nineteenth
century, but his brilliancy was not noticed until after he was deceased. Blake was
very much a free spirit who often spoke his mind and was very sensitive to cruelty.
At the age of twenty five he married a woman named Catherine Boucher. They
created a book of all Blake s poems called Songs on Innocence, which was not very
popular while he was alive. On the other hand Blake s other book of poems, Songs
of Experience, were much more popular. These two collections are so magnificent
because it is two different forms of writing successfully written by one man. Two
major poems written by William Blakewere The Tygerand The Lamb. The Lamb is
from Songs of... Show more content on ...
The majority of the poetry let the reader visualize a serene world without
corruption. This is what some may call the fantasy world because there is no
drama or evil, it is a world of tranquility and harmony. This idea is represented in the
poem The Lamb for the reason that a lamb itself symbolizes gentleness, and
meekness. The poem is a child s song, in the form of a question and answer. The
first stanza is rural and descriptive, while the second focuses on abstract spiritual
matters and contains explanation and analogy. The child s question is both naive
and profound. The question who made thee? is a simple one, and yet the child is
also tapping into the deep and timeless questions that all human beings have, about
their own origins and the nature of creation (SparkNotes Editors). The lamb itself
symbolizes Jesus. The traditional image of Jesus as a lamb symbolizes the
gentleness and peace of Christian values. This poem, just like most of the poems in
the Songs of Innocence, accounts for more of the positives rather than the
negatives and evils in the world. Contrary to the Songs of Innocence, the Songs of
Experience deliver a much more dark side of life. The Songs of Experience work
via parallels and contrasts to lament the ways in which the harsh experiences of adult
life destroy what is good in innocence, while also articulating the weaknesses of the
innocent perspective
Ponyboys Maturity
Confidence comes with maturity, being more accepting of yourself. Nicole
Scherzinger. Throughout the novel Ponyboy develops a new level of maturity. He
discovers that there is more in life other than his viewpoint. He learns how to get
through the tough times. He learns who to look to for help and guidance. Ponyboy
most importantly learns that he must stay gold. Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold...
(Hinton, pg 148) To me this quote means that Ponyboy should stay true to the kind,
sensitive, and cautious person that he really is deep down inside of him. One of the
ways that Ponyboy matured through the novelis through his friendships. One of the
friendships that matured the most was Ponyboy s friendship with Dally. When the
book started Ponyboy admired Dally. Ponyboy admired that Dally was brave and
risky. Dally knew what to do in every situation because he had experience from all
of the times he had gotten in trouble himself. Ponyboy especially admired this
when he and Johnny were in a pickle and needed help. Ponyboy then slowly
throughout the novel realizes who Dally really is. Don t you know a rumble ain t a
rumble without me? (Hinton, pg. 126). Dally is really a thief who causes trouble and
isn t trusted by many people. He is selfish and the only person he truly loved was
Johnny. When Ponyboy slowly came to these realizations, I think he might have
been slightly disappointed. I believe this because when you truly look up to
someone and you realize their real character, you feel let down or upset at yourself.
Ponyboy, even though upset, still had Dally s back because no matter what Dally
did the Greasers had each other s backs. Ponyboy s mind, immensely shut, didn t
accept the fact that not all Soc s were bad until a little bit later in the book. He then
realizes that the Soc s are also just humans who have just as many harsh problems
as the Greasers. He then is proven this when he meet Cherry. Cherry is a Soc who is
kind, witty, and watches the same sunset that Ponyboy does. They end up sharing an
immense amount of things in common, and get along well. Ponyboy then takes a
couple of steps back and awe s at that fact that even though Cherry is a Soc she is not
mean but instead pleasant to be around.
Relationship Between Theory And Practice
The second half of the last century have seen a great advance in translation field (
translation studies discipline ). Which make many translation scholars emphasis on
the importantce of knowing the translation theory for the translators since the
translation studies become a discipline.Mona Baker stats
Translators have to prove to themselves as to others that they are in control of what
they do, that they do not just translate well because they have a flair for translation,
but rather because, like other professional, they have made a conscious effort to
understand various aspects of their work.
In this essay I will discuss and comment on Mona Baker s statement through Skopos
theory, one of the most well known translation theories, and its applications in
deferent text types and genera. ( relationship between theory and practice) find out
how the translator s theoretical knowledge is needed in translation field.
Skopos thory is a functional theory belongs to a functionalist and communicative
approach to translation theory, that appeared in Germany in 1970s .Translation
studies were concentrated on equivalence concept which was the core idea of
linguistic approach that had dominated for many years. The functional translation
theory of Germany represents a big move away from the linguistic school of
translation studies.
Skopos theory was developed by the scholar Hans Vermeer in 1978. Skopos is a
technical term came from the Greek word for purpose or aim. Vermeer
The Classical Expected Utility Theory And The Dual
Identifying, defining risks (market risks as well as non market risks), presenting and
justifying a unified framework for the analysis, construction and implementation of
risk measures are important components of insurance pricing.
According to the Oxford s advanced learners dictionary, risk can be defined as the
possibility that something uncertain (not predictable) and unpleasant will happen.
Both financial and insurance organisations are therefore faced with this concept of
risk in their everyday activities. Financial risk can be said to be the possibility that
the return achieved on an investment will be different from that expected, and also
takes into account the size of the difference. Whereas insurers will define risk as a
chance of harm, damage or loss against something which is insured.
Several literatures reveal a good number of different approaches and theories to the
price of risk. The two main competing economic theories we shall consider are the
classical expected utility theory, and the dual theory of risk which was developed by
They defined the price of an insurance risk excluding other expenses as the risk
adjusted premium.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: section 2 presents the class of
distortion operators used in insurance pricing, their properties and an application of
pricing by distortion. Section 3 incorporates a new pricing principle by Wang (2002)
and its relevance to natural hedging.
Section 4
The Concept of Social Stratification
Social stratification can be simply defined by stating that it is a system in which a
society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy (Macionis, page 224). The
concept of social stratification is based on four central principles, which are social
stratification is a trait of society, not simply a reflection of individual differences, it
carries over from one generation to the next, while it is universal, it is also
variable, and social stratification involves not only inequality but beliefs as well
(Macionis, pages 224 225). The first principle, that social stratification is a trait of
society, not simply a reflection of individual differences, basically says that
children born into wealthy families are more likely to be of good health, do well in
school, succeed in a career, and live a long life (Macionis, pages 224 225). An
example of this first principle can be seen in the what happened to the Titanic. The
first class passengers survived not because they were better swimmers than the
second and third class passengers, but because of their privileged position
(Macionis, page 224 225). The second principle states that the concept of social
stratification is one that carries over from one generation to the next (Macionis, page
225). This concept is essentially stating that the social standing of a person is partially
determined by their parents. Most people s social standing remains constant
throughout their lives (Macionis, page 225). While social stratification is
Okeechobee Sea
There are many time ecologists are concerned about the effect of exploitation of
natural resources to the interrelated terrestrial and linked aquatic ecosystem. The area
under study involves related terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem of south Florida
ecosystem, and it is tough to underestimate the impact of exploitation of one
ecosystemto the other as these two ecosystems are interlinked in one way or other.
The ecosystem description is that it consists of an aquatic environment characterized
by the Kissimmee Okeechobee Evergladesecosystem that consists of river
Kissimmee and Okeechobee Lake. To the other end is the linked terrestrial ecosystem
around this aquatic ecosystem such an Everglades national park, big cypress
preserve, and Biscayne... Show more content on ...
The process of monitoring these projects on restoration efforts and as well as
methods of evaluation the future and present management action ought to be
carried with some lots of care. However, monitoring such project are guided and
conducted according to stipulated process in the ecological risk assessment as well
as what the policy say on the issue at hand. The issue regarding global climate
change needs one to alter the management plans in such a way to accommodate the
change brought by the global climate change (Ogden, J. C., Davis, S. M., Jacobs, K.
J., Barnes, T., Fling, H. E.
Murrow Introduction To The Original This I Believe
This I Believe is an organization where people can submit essays that share their
beliefs without the fear of being criticized. Founded in 1951 by Edward R.
Murrow, This I Believe invites people of all kind who need have nothing more in
common than integrity to talk out loud about the rules they live by, the things they
have found to be the basic values in their lives. (Edward Murrow, Introduction to
the Original This I Believe ) Whether someone writes their essay about climbing
Gasherbrum II (Pakistan) like Phil Powers or a belief in waffles like Brenda,
everyone has beliefs and everyone has the right to share them. Murrow found a way
to allow people to do this. The one barrier that people have in sharing their beliefs is
the fear of
Race and Caribbean Culture
Race and Caribbean Culture Each culture is unique in its attitudes about which
groups within the cultural community will comprise the majority and which the
minority. The culture also determines how the minority culture will be treated and
how the two groups will be classified. Often, differentiation of groups is determined
by race, rather than things like religion or class. Throughout literary history,
authors have endeavored to capture the past as well as recreate and articulate
sociological inequalities within that past. Issues of race, being one of the primary
examples of social inequality, often appear in controversial and important works of
literature. In the Caribbean Sea, people have had to deal with centuries of racial
prejudices and sociological inequity, since the first explorers arrived on the island
and demanded that those with darker skins become the slaves of those with light
skin. Three particular works of literature, Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, The
Kingdom of This World by Alejo Carpenter, and The Farming of Bones by author
Edwidge Danticat have recreated the historical scenarios of life in the Caribbean
during the time of oppression of the native peoples by white Europeans and shows
just how disturbing and destructive attitudes of superiority and inferiority regarding
racial differences can truly be. Perhaps the most famous example of literature
regarding Caribbean oppression is Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys. In this novel, a
white woman named
Biblical Allusions In If This Is A Man By Primo Levi
In the memoir If This Is A Man Primo Levi offers an insight into his life during the
brutal and inhuman acts inflicted upon the Jews by the SS Soldiers during the
Holocaust. Levi tells the story of his experiences in the Auschwitz concentration
camp, and the divisions between his fellow haftlinge and the German soldiers due to
the significant differences between languageand culture. The results of extreme anti
Semitism led to the dehumanisation and de socialization of the prisoners, who often
had limited understanding of the soldiers intentions. Further, the prisoners were
largely segregated due to the diverse nationalities, religions, and ethnicities. The
prisoners were stripped of all possessions and their loved ones, though one facet that
... Show more content on ...
Dante is in the 8th circle of hell and encounters Ulysses, who retells his final voyage
past the Pillars of Hercules, and into the oceans unknown. The links made between
the story and the prisoners circumstances are very similar. The idea of voyaging into
the oceans unknown, describes the prisoners uncertainty of their future, and the
author uses this literary text to symbolise this. Levi also relates Auschwitz to hell and
this enforces the feeling of being destroyed by the perversity of their captors, enabling
Jean to empathize with him, despite the wan translation...He has received the
message (p.120). This line is used to imply that Jean understands the story
irrespective of Levi s struggle to translate because their circumstances enable them to
comprehend each
The Greeks and The Illiad Essay examples
The Greeks and The Illiad
The Iliad was a masterpiece of a work, which entertained and gave a description of
how the Greeks lived out their lives in battle and at peace. The Iliad, by Homer, is
an epic classic set in Ancient Greece. The story ,in its own, contained the use of epic
characteristics, which reveal further characteristics of the Greeks. A large influence
on the book, was the Greek s religious and mythological stance along with their
strengths and weaknesses that were also displayed. The Greeks, with both their
strengths and weaknesses, reveal the overall character in Homer s tale..
The story of the Iliad takes place in ancient Greece, Troy to be precise. Where a
small scuffle has escalated into a war, ... Show more content on ...
Many Greeks have such matter in them, as like Achilles in the description, who was
no mere mortal among his people. Zeus once predicted, Achilles is a man of great
power and thought, he will slay the brave Hektor and bring honor to his people....
(236) Achilles was a Greek, so forth he was to bring honor to his people. There was
much use of epic characteristics in the Iliad. The Iliad had enormous battles that were
fought constantly between the two opponents. Homer writes in description to Hektor
s fighting, Hektor in the huge pride of his strength rages irresistibly, reliant on Zeus,
and gives way to no one neither god nor man... (204). The characters fighting for the
Greeks or Trojans all were eventually given some kind of supernatural ability to fight
such incredible battles. The hero of the story, Achilles, contained superhuman
strength beyond that of any other man. In description of his strength, ...and the door
barred to his room took three men to open it, but Achilles himself alone could close
it. (488) The mother of Achilles was Thetis making him half god, half man. That
enabled him to have such powers beyond
Essay On Type 2 Diabetes
Reducing Type II Diabetes within our African American Community
According to Healthy People 2020 (2014), diabetes affects over 29 million people
in the United States, with another estimated 28 percent of the population having
undiagnosed cases. Of those at risk, African Americans are almost 2 times more
likely to be diagnosed as opposed to their Caucasian counterparts. Many preventable
associated factors include limited knowledge regarding disease processes, healthy
diet, and limited knowledge of one s own body. Our goal is to provide our African
American community the opportunity to learn more about diabetes and how to
reduce the risk of type II diabetes and signs and symptoms of diabetes during a
community event.
Short Term Goal... Show more content on ...
Lastly, our brochure would highlight the most common signs and symptoms of
hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia including life threatening signs that should be
reported immediately. In order to substantiate our teachings we will ask those that
visit our table to complete a 5 question quiz that on completion will be awarded a
pedometer to assist in a new walking program.
Evidence based research was done in regards to combining diet and exercise
programs to lower the risk of type II diabetes. They discovered that those that
undertook these programs were able to see a decrease in periods of hypoglycemia
and hyperglycemia and were able to maintain normoglycemic levels more easily. In
addition they were able to decrease cardiovascular risk and lower blood pressure
levels. (Healthy People 2020, 2014)
Health Promotion Strategies
Objective One At least two community members that approach our table will be able
to locate a healthy food swap in our brochure and give reasoning why it is a better
choice than a non healthy food choice.
Imbalanced Nutrition: More than body requirements will be our focus regarding
objective one. The most common reason that people develop diabetes mellitus is due
to poor diet control. Diabetes mellitus is caused when the insulin production is
stopped or drastically slowed in the pancreas. This stops the ability for sugars to be
transported into the cells for
Being God Sent For The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
being God sent for the gospel of Jesus Christ, one s identity in Jesus Christ, and
being made a disciple. Each is a demonstration of God accepting His people as
being unworthy to be worthy for His glory. It is a blessing to be a designer
original, because it resembles His image. It is in his image a person observes the
spirit of holiness and the righteousness of God. The theology of preaching helps a
person to recognizes the owner of the breath of life dwelling in one s body.
Likewise, God is willing to restore and revive those that have lost their lives to the
secular world. God controls all matters of life. It is the individual choice to be
made over by God. God is willing to shape, mold, and fill those purposing to
surrender their all before Him. God is to be worshipped, praise, and glorified
within a person s body. Therefore, the role of preaching in ministry begins with self
examination and accountability to rightly divide the word of truth before God, not
pleasing man, (2 Tim. 4:1 5, ESV). The passage of the Scriptures is clearly
emphasizing the charges to Timothy as well as other church leaders. The author,
Thomas Hale writes, Paul gave five charges, preach the word, that is the gospel Jesus
Christ, be prepared at all times, remain on duty; correct, rebuke and encourage. Hale
continues to write, Timothy must preach the Gospel diligently, because the time will
come when men will not accept the truth. People will listen only to what is
interesting to them at the
Short Story About Pokemons
Hey kiddo, I m back! And look who I ve got! The gengar said, full of energy as
always. Hello darling. It said in a smooth feminine voice. Elise could only assume
she was female, and was close friends with Grimsley as well. Hi there. She said,
reaching a hand out to shake that of the new pokemon. I m Elise. Of course you
are! You re very well known throughout here, you know there s no need to introduce
yourself every time. She said, meeting the Mawile s hand with her own. Though I
do appreciate the kindness. I go by Selena, and would love to be the first to spend
time with you tonight. She said. Oh! Well, I d love to try something out with you.
Anything in particular you d like to try, or...? There is one thing. She said,... Show
more content on ...
A mischievous grin spread across her face as she felt both fatigue and tenderness
overcome her, sending small rushes of pleasure and tingles all throughout her
body. She loved the feeling of being possessed. Having your ability to control your
own body being whisked away was such a pleasant experience, and turned her on
more than any pokemon could imagine. Soon enough, the process of her body
resisting the newcomer ceased completely as the froslass spirit from within her
fully took control, and she was halted in place under the regime of the ghost type.
Is that it? She asked out loud, only having the ability to move her mouth and vocal
chords. Should be! She heard the voice ring from within her head. Wow, your body
is so comfy! I could get used to this. Yeah. Elise said, hurriedly. Maybe we can small
chat a bit about how amazing my body is later, but for now how about we focus on,
Comparing Britta And Vig On The Gate Into The Citadel
Britta and Vig looked toward the gate into the Citadel. The flags over the walls
sank to half mast, and the lines going into the city grew longer, extending across
the bridge into the hamlet. What is happening? Vig wondered aloud. A bearded
merchant turned in his saddle, The guards have been ordered to search everyone
entering the city. Not sure why. Vig stared for a moment before whispering to
Britta, This does not seem right to me. Me either, Britta agreed. She glanced
around. Wait! We have an option. Follow me. Wheeling their horses around, they
rode back a short distance, before veering off into a narrow street fronted by
several boarded up store fronts. In front of one, bearing an extremely weathered
signboard, she yanked the reins and dismounted. Vig joined her. She tried the front
door, but it was locked. Slipping around the side, she tried another door, but it too
was inaccessible. We need to get inside. Let me try, Vig offered, then kicked the
door with his boot, it shuddered, then swung open. Impressive, Britta said. Big
feet, Vig rejoined. One of the advantages of being a dwarf. Inside, they found
darkness and cobwebs. Britta found an old lamp with some oil in it and using her
flint and steel, managed to get it lit. But even with the lamp light, the interior still
looked like a cave. Britta surveyed the floor and tapped it with her foot. Vig
watched her. What are you looking for? A trapdoor. I remember reading about one in
a history book at
Waves Lab
PHY 101
Lab Report
Waves Lab
The purpose of this laboratory experiment is to investigate how the vibrating source
affects selected characteristics of the sound produced (Giancoli, 2006).
The following materials were used in the completion of this laboratory experiment: *
Meter stick * Two paper towel rolls / cardboard tubes * Scissors * Two rubber bands
* Wax paper * Transparent tape * Flashlight * Balloon
Part 1: 1. Hold one end of a meter stick down on a tabletop so that 20 cm of the
stick extends past the edge of the table. 2. Pluck the end of the stick that is extending
past the edge of the table to produce a vibration and sound. 3. Observe this ... Show
more content on ...
They can be described using the properties of wave speed, intensity and loudness, and
frequency and pitch (Giancoli, 2006). The speed of sound varies in both different
mediums and at different temperatures. Sound intensity is the rate at which the
sound wave s energy flows through a given area (Giancoli, 2006). It is dependent
upon the amplitude of the wave and the distance from the sound source (Giancoli,
2006). It is also related to loudness. Loudness is the physical response to the
intensity and is subjective depending on the person listening to the sound (Giancoli,
2006). Frequency of sound depends on how fast the source of the sound is vibrating
in which case the frequency of the sound produced depends on the length of the
tubing of a musical instrument (Giancoli, 2006). In these cases, longer tubes tend to
produce lower frequency sounds (Giancoli, 2006). Pitch is the frequency of the
sound as perceived by the listener (Giancoli, 2006).
This experiment did not include exact values, rather, used observations as a source
of data collection and comparison. Therefore, using measurements would be better to
compare the exact changes that occurred as a result of the manipulation of variables.
This would require more expensive and precise tools, but if it was feasible, would
improve the reliability of the results.
The purpose of the experiment was met, as it allowed the experimenter to investigate
how the vibrating source
Comparing Motherhood In A Secret Narrow And A Secret...
Romance novels are typically based in a set pattern and Karen van der Zee s A
Secret Sorrow is no exception. Meanwhile, in Gail Godwin s A Sorrowful Woman
, the romance aspect is not nearly as focused on. While A Secret Sorrow is a nice,
easy romance novel, the short story A Sorrowful Woman is a much better example
of literature, and portrays a much more unique message. The two stories differ
greatly when compared by their theme, by the role of motherhood and children, and
by how they are written. Theme is almost predictable in most romance novels. In A
Secret Sorrow, the conflict of Faye, the main character, not being able to have
children is easily overcome by the power of love. Faye and her future husband end up
adopting children and... Show more content on ...
They go by a set pattern of style and writing. They are usually written with non
complex sentences and often use cliched language and descriptions. For example,
Faye is described as a terrified animal (32) at one point, and Kai s descriptions
consist of him speaking huskily and being tan and strong. The story uses chiched
and flaccid descriptions such as, strong brown hands (35), dark face , and intense
blue eyes (32). These sorts of phrases and wording are common in romance novels,
with the hero in them usually being a tall, strong, and dark man, and being
described in the same way. All and all, it is easy to read. A Sorrowful Woman ,
however, is written in an interesting manner, the author choosing to omit names.
The wife and mother in the story is only known as the woman, the husband is only
known as the husband, and the child is only known as the child. While A Secret
Sorrow has more bland writing, A Sorrowful Woman has more stylistic writing and
more literary elements. It uses more complex sentences and unnatural sounding
and stiff dialogue, including, I don t know what we ll do. It s all my fault, I know.
I m such a burden, I know that. Let me think. I ll think of something. . . . I know
you will. You always do (40). The overall effect is it gives off an air of mystery that
keeps the reader guessing. Rather than giving everything to the reader like A secret
Summary Of Making A Fist By Naomi Shihab Nye
In the poem Making a Fist by Naomi Shihab Nye, Nye uses metaphors to convey
the meaning of mental and physical strength. For example, Nye uses the metaphor
A drum in the desert, harder and harder to hear (3). The drum refers to a heart,
continuing to beat, even though I [she] felt the life is slipping out of me (2). Nye
uses this metaphor of comparing a drum and a heart to convey how as the heart
beats, the body stays alive. This is similar to how as a drum beats, the music
continues to play. The drum is the center of a musical piece, keeping the flow of all
the other instruments in check, just as how the heart is the main source of blood to
the body, keeping it alive. Additionally, in stanza two, Nye s asks How do you know
if you
Descriptive Essay About The Castle
Its a cold Saturday night in October in New York City. Christina had ben fighting
with her mom and step dad all week. No matter what she said, it didn t seem to
change their minds. They were being so unfair. She had finally had enough, so when
they had gone to their room, Christina packed a small bag and left. Having not thought
this all the way through, she walked for a while and saw a park in the distance. It
was so dark, except for the street lights in the corners and one small one by the
bathrooms. Huddled up in a stall of the bathrooms she tried to sleep. All the silence
was scary. The wind was slamming the door back and forth and she could hear
footsteps. She was a quiet as she could possible be, hoping that the person, if any,
would leave. Panic soon set in, the voices were right outside the door. Did they know
she was there? After hours of sitting there quietly, they finally left. Christina took this
opportunity and ran as fast as she could back home.
Happy place
The long awaited day was finally here, Disney! It seemed like we had been waiting
for so long. We hurried and ate breakfast. The shuttle for the beautiful California
hotel was downstairs. The ride seemed to take forever, beautiful palm tress
everywhere. Finally, we were at the entrance. The sheer sight of the castle was
mesmerizing. Rides, games and food everywhere, it was overwhelming. There was
so much to see, what to do first. There was Mickey, Minnie, ooh and Goofy. So many
rides and things to do,
Analysis Of Orson Scott Card s Game
Literary Times
Volume 1
Literature s Best News Service
August 25, 2017
A Look at Orson Scott Card s Famous
Ender s Game by Anna Colby
Don t grow up too fast, a mother might have once cooed to her little one. Not
anymore. Children are tested. If they re worth anything, they re taken to Battle
School, where they train for war. Nearly a century ago, the Buggers attacked Earth.
Now humans thirst for revenge. Their goal: to exterminate the race, no matter how
many little kids minds they have to break in the process. When Ender Wigginis pulled
into this conflict, he finds potential in himself to become a great commander. But is
really the life he wants?
Ender s Game follows the story of Andrew ... Show more content on
I think it s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they
believe, and not love them the way they love themselves (page 240). Ender s love
and understanding is what makes it possible for him to destroy his enemy, which is
part of the reason he hates himself so badly.
Game or Reality?
When I first read this book, I had several reactions. Gee, that was depressing, was
the first. The second was, I ll bet that son of a gun, Card, put some symbolism up in
that book. I wonder where it is? It s taken me a while, but I think I ve figured it out.
First, I want you to ask yourself: what is a game? In some cases, a game is another
place for people to go to escape the bores of everyday life. In other cases, a game is
the problem. The latter is the case for poor Ender. Games play a major part in this
story. So what is the author trying to portray here? There is a fine line between
games and reality, and the moment the line disappears, things get super screwy.
This game knows too much about me. This game tells filthy lies (page 119).
Games played throughout the story include Buggers and astronauts and the Battle
School competitions, but I just want to focus on the last game Ender plays: the
actual war. Spoiler alert! I tried to avoid spoilers, I really did, but you can kill me
after you finish reading this article. During this last game, Ender leads his team in
what appears to be an ordinary battle
In The Forensic Science Field, Laboratory Tests Are
In the forensic science field, laboratory tests are becoming more criticized in today
s world of technology. Human hair is one of the most common types of evidence
found at a crime scene. Following hair analysis, there is also DNA fingerprinting
analysis. Many victims of this flaw have been wrongfully sent to serve time for these
flaws in testing. There have recently been more strategies to help improve these tests
and provide for a better outcome in trial. Labs now have certain guidelines to follow
while running tests, and at crime scenes, investigators are taking precautionary
measures when collecting evidence to test. The forensic sciencefield is one of the
most powerful parts of the criminal justice system. They help separate the... Show
more content on ...
As well as the process of DNA hair analysis, all people are affected by
fingerprinting. Some negative effects of this ongoing problem include the use of
planting fingerprints at a crime scene. There has been cases where DNA evidence
of fingerprints were planted on objects or the evidence and so they would be
wrongfully accused of crimes. Another flaw of fingerprinting is that jobs and
people can be used to profile and discriminate before meeting. When children are
born, their feet are inked and marked on paper to secure the identity. Fingerprinting
is a flaw because it is a mandatory piece of evidence and analysis. When you are
born, a DNA sample is collected at the hospital right after being born, therefore
giving no option to the matter. The only way the process of fingerprinting would
change is if the government decides to change how labs run and laws about
fingerprinting. The reason why fingerprinting analysis is not being changed is
because it is different in every state. With fingerprinting, there is no rule of how many
comparison, or minutiae points forensic scientists must have in order to compare a
known fingerprint to a question. The relation between this issue above to the overall
flaws of the forensic science field is that it can be argued in court that although these
comparison points were found on both fingerprints, it doesn t mean that it could be
that person who could be convicted
Differences Between Carthage And Carthage
Carthage vs. Rome: Conflict to Control the Mediterranean
Carthage didn t start out as Mediterranean power but a trade and merchant
civilization that used the protection of the north African coast to safely send its ships
to all parts of the known world to trade. Its growth was facilitated by its seafaring
citizens with assistance from its centralized proximity to the Mediterranean Ocean.
Carthage didn t have it easy since Greece continuously threatened and pressed upon
its border over the centuries with an occasional outbreak of war and a possibility of
allying with Persia.
As the Carthage civilization increased its Mediterranean presence, it soon secured
positions to the Corsican, Sardinian and Sicilian islands. This expansion encouraged
defensive and offensive posturing from various competitive and jealous neighbors.
Greece continued to threaten Carthage by it ever encroaching colonies circling the
Mediterranean. Rome as well grew concerned as it increased its presence in Italy.
Carthage being a ... Show more content on ...
As Rome began to spread its wings with control in Italy and over the Latin peoples,
it was similar to Carthage in wanting to make territorial gains at the expense of
Greek colonies in Sicily and Italy. Both societies gauged that this territory was the
best possible alternative to avoid total war with Greece proper and restrict further
Greek intrusion. Both the Roman and Carthage joined forces to best the loosely
held independent Greek colonies of southern Italy and Sicily. By 281 BC King
Pyrrhus of Epirus who nearly defeated the allies withdrew and left Carthage to
Sicily and southern Italy to Rome. This victory, however, did not join but made
worry the allies of one another. Rome fought on Italy s mainland with virtually no
help from Carthage, and the same relief was granted from Rome to Carthage when
Pyrrhus nearly took all of Sicily. The Romans also had an issue when Carthage
provided Pyrrhus ship passage back to
2016 Chevrolet Camaro History
The wait is almost over for the 2016 Chevrolet Camaro for sale in Lauderhill. This
new incarnation of the Camaro offers all of the outstanding performance that you
would expect, but you also benefit from a new available engine and slightly revised
design cues. The Camaro is perfect for anyone who wants a sports car that still
comes with a good many practical features.
2016 Chevrolet Camaro Under the Hood Features
The aforementioned new turbocharged engine is a 2.0 liter four cylinder that is
good for 275 hp and 295 lb ft of torque. Across the lineup, you can select from either
a six speed manual or an eight speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters in
the steering wheel.
The 3.6 liter V6 returns for the 2016 Chevrolet Camaro for sale in Lauderhill,
although in a revised state of tune, and as such output is now rated at 335 hp and
284 lb ft of torque. The same rings true with the familiar 6.2 liter V8, which is 455
hp and 455 lb ft of torque. Also new are four drive modes to optimize performance:
Snow/Ice, Tour, Sport, and Track. The latter is only on certain trim levels. Ask your
friendly sales professional about EPA fuel economy estimates, which as of now are
still being evaluated. ... Show more content on ...
The new model features a more sleek front end, and thanks to more aluminum in the
body, it is about 200 lbs. lighter than the 2015 model.
The LS trim comes with automatic headlights, keyless entry, air conditioning, cloth
upholstery, and manually adjustable front seats with power recline. Also standard on
the 2016 Chevrolet Camaro for sale in Lauderhill are OnStar and a six speaker
sound system with a CD player, auxiliary audio input jack and satellite
Case Study Of Smhad And UMW Berhad
Re: Possible Acquisition
This memo provides overview of potential target companies and an evaluation of their
further prospects for acquisition purpose. ABTRAC.INC a MNC from Amsterdam
intends to strengthen its position at Malaysia by Merger Acquisition. We have
identified 2 companies, Sunway Berhad and UMW Berhad as potential acquisition
based on their financial performance and strong market footprint.
Company Profile
Sunway Berhad
Sunway Berhad established in 1974 as tin mining company Sunway group becomes
Malaysia s most successful real Estate and hospitality group. The Sunway group has
12 business divisions namely Property, Construction, Hospitality, Retail, Leisure,
Commercial, Trading Manufacturing, ... Show more content on ...
UMW Berhad
Over the year UMW Berhad shows good annual increasing trend on revenue and
profitability. However in year 2013 lower contribution in earning by its automotive
manufacturing operations in India were affected by slowdown in Indian automotive
industry. The company posted revenue increase by 17% and 6% respectively in 2012
and 2011. YEAR2013201220112010
Future Prospects
Sunway Berhad
In year 2013 Sunway Construction was awarded plenty of projects that would help
boost company profit for next couple of years. Among the prominent project are:
North East Car Park (NEC) underneath KLCC Park by Citi tower worth RM304 mil
Substructure work at KLCC worth EM222mil
Afiniti Medini by Khazanah worth RM282.9 million
In addition to this, the company also involving in government project such as
Elevated Bus Rapid Transit BRT, New MRT project, Kelana Jaya LRT line
extension and UTIM campus extension. Company also will be eyeing MRT Project
Putrajaya line recently announced by PM.
Reflection Essay About Trust
Have you ever been in a really tough position because of a friend? I can say that I
have and learned a valuable lesson about trust. My story goes back into sixth
grade, back when I was wimpy twelve year old. When I look at my trust issues
today, a lot of it comes from my experience at that specific time and place. I think it
s safe to say that everyone has had there Aha Moment about keeping secrets. For
some people, they learn it an easy way, for me and for many others they learned it
hard the way. I was exiting the school on a cold and cloudy afternoon. It was three
days until Christmas break, a break that I felt was a little overdue. There wasn t
much snow on the ground, I knew it was going to be a green Christmas. Once I
breathed in the cold and miserable air I began walking to my friends who were
waiting for me outside. In my head I was thinking about the girl I liked at the time.
At this point a lot of people knew I liked her, most were surprised but whatever,
that s not the point. One of my friends who I told was, well, let s just call him
Fooney for the time being. My friend Fooney was into history as I was back in the
sixth grade. Fooney was nice, but deep down I never trusted him and I would soon
why I shouldn t trust him ever again. Most likely I was chatting with my friends
about trends or rappers (in which I only knew one rapper), that s where I felt the air
get colder, I felt the temperature drop, and I felt a much more darker presence in my
Corseting Essay
Corseting also known as the body shaping method for women was symbolic to
European fashion because it was said to give women the appealing look that all
powerful man wanted. This once classic and elegant style was desired by many
women during the early victorian era, the French were very enthusiastic about their
women portraying a very sexy and unique physique. Therefore, women of high class
were encouraged to wear these insanely body hugging fashion statements in order to
completely give a women s body the ultimate hourglass shape. Corsets were the most
essential pieces in a womans wardrobe during the 16th century because it accentuated
a women s hips and flattered her bust in order to create attractive killer curves. The
breakthrough... Show more content on ...
The corset first started taking shape during the 15th century, at the time wealthy
French women were preoccupied with the idea of having a flat small waistline. In
order to successful achieve this look they would use tightly lined undergarments
that secured and held in their midsection with front or back cross lacing, as stated
in the article titled History of Corsetry . Afterwards, it became a popular trend to
accommodate a women s body to the specific shape of dresses and upscale gowns,
from that point forward, women were then expected to dress with corsets in order to
appeal to men and or keep their husbands faithful. Corset themselves transformed
from simple and ordinary objects to much more complex and elaborate torso
clenching things. As stated in the article History of Corsetry, Corsets in the 17th
century were mostly made from linen and bones, with reeds, bents or whalebones.
The neckline of the corsets ranged from high neck to very low. It goes to show the
extent of craftsmanship that took place in creating the perfect body for women. This
fashion trend was seen all throughout Western Europe during the 17th, 18th and 19th
century, today through paintings one can see that even some of the most aristocratic
women of the time such as Queen Mary II, advocated for a
Australian Involvement In The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a Cold War era proxy war sparked in the 1950s between the
capitalist supported South Vietnam and the communist supported North Vietnamese.
Marking history as the world s first ever televised war, the Vietnam War was subject
to widespread criticism and protest, sparking a clear divide between the Australian
population. The Vietnam War period and its political fallout have left a staggeringly
significant impact on both Australian foreign affairs and culture. While there were a
variety of factors leading the Australian population to the conflict, the main defining
doctrine that the ruling Australian elite and the general population as a whole was to
draw the line in terms of how far Communism s clutches may spread. The Domino...
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For many years following the war, large numbers of Vietnam veterans had a sense
that they themselves were blamed for the war and the manner in which it was
conducted, not the politicians. Some veterans recall being harassed and labelled
as baby killers, rapist and murders upon their return to Australia. For men who
regarded themselves as generally having fought more humanely and professionally
than their American counterparts, this was a harsh, bitter blow. For mere men
whom had lost friends in combat and viewed war atrocities through their very own
eyes, as a lot of soldiers in the war, were appalled at the fact that following the
orders directed by their very own government was, in some instances, being used
against them. Even the RSL proved to be unwelcoming. Backlash and controversy
spouted from veterans of earlier conflicts suggested that Vietnam was not a real war
severely demoralised Vietnam veterans and caused a divide between former veterans
and newly arrived veterans from seeking comradeship and understanding of fellow
servicemen. It wasn t until the late 1980s before attitude towards the war and
veterans had changed for the
The Importance of New Zealand’s Forestry Industry
New Zealand s forests are one of its greatest natural resources, holding significant
financial, physical, and spiritual value (DOC, 2013). These forests provide a
significant trading resource (Perry, Oren, Hart, 2008), directly influence soil and flora
quality (West, 2006), and contribute to the cultural health of Maori by enhancing their
whakapapa (or Connection with the land) (Gallagher Te Atawhai o te Ao, 2011).
This resource, however, is under threat through poor management (Levack, Poole,
Bateson, 2006), over exploitation (MPI, 2003) and the operating conditions of the
Forestry Industry (ACC, 2007). This assignment will examine the impact that
deforestation may have on New Zealand, and possible models for rectifying the ...
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According to ACC reports, there were 200 serious injuries and fatalities in 2012,
leading to a financial cost to ACC of $10 million dollars (ACC, 2014). The
emotional cost of the death of a family member, is incalculable (Bowlby West,
1983), and the resulting void may instigate feelings of disbelief, shock and anger
by the co victims (family), especially without prior mental and emotional readiness
(Clements, DeRanieri, Vigil Benasutti, 2004), such as would occur if a family
member died of a terminal illness. An example of this void can be observed in the
case of Mr Charles Finlay of Tokoroa, who was one of twenty eight forestry
workers to lose his life, in the workplace since 2008. (The New Zealand Herald,
2013). Finlay left behind a widow (Maryanne Butler Finlay) with three children, as
composed in Bowen, (2013), stating That the family are struggling to get over the
death and are undergoing grief counselling, also requiring time off school to recover
from their shortfall .
In addition to the hazards posed by the industry, there have been studies conducted
that suggest mass deforestation of an area can result in a decrease in air
Advantages Of Throw Away Prototyping
Throw away Prototyping Methodology
Throw away prototyping is use to develop or create application as fast as possible.
It helps in creating a part of future application to ensure that a new develop feature is
technically feasible. It is different from sketching, as the sketching is more graphical
and concerned towards the user interfaces and experience and it does not requires or
consist of writing programming chunks or codes snippets.
The throw away prototyping is also called closed ended prototype. It is refers to the
creation of a model that will be discarded rather then making it a part of final
delivered software. It is discarded at the end after completing the project.
A small working model of the software is provided to the end users to conform their
requirements, and to get response or feedback. This small ... Show more content on ...
As it gives us knowledge about the defects, issues and problems in early stage of
product development phase so it become more effective and does not give inaccurate
result at the end of the finalizing phase of the product. In this project, the completing
of each phase, step by step of throwaway prototyping methodology is easy and
transition from one phase to other phase is quick and fast.Due to this method, the
project is completed on time with less cost.
Throw away prototyping is useful to use when sketching is not enough, and it
requires to show the working of features or when need to show the actual
performance or response. TheThrow away prototyping has many advantages and it is
efficient to use, but somehow it become difficult and risky when dealing with
stakeholders and have little knowledge of technical background and in context of tuff
deadline and limited resources.
Effectiveness of
Analysis Of The Movie I re Your Problem Annie
You re your problem Annie, and you re also your solution, is something
surprisingly deep from the R rated Comedy Bridesmaids (1:37:13). This movie is
about a girl, Annie, who along with falling on hard times has to plan her best friend,
Lillian s wedding while dealing with a crazy group of bridesmaids: Helen, the rich
perfectionist, Rita, the mother who hates her three boys, Becca, the newly wed, and
Megan, the overtalkative nutcase. Bridesmaids has a lot of truths about money,
success, and overall happiness. The main themes of the movie are that money will
not always make someone happy and that money does not make anyone better than
anyone else. With those themes there are also a lot of comparisons that could be
made with the movie including how Helen, the very rich, and Annie, the very poor,
constantly struggle to prove who would be a better maid of honor, and how Annie
could be an embodiment of the struggles millennials faced during and after the stock
market collapse.
Two characters that really show that money does not buy happiness: Megan and
Rhodes, a cop who becomes Annie s love interest. Megan is a very interesting
character in this movie because while she is very odd she really has her life put
together. She was able to overcome the obstacles that she talked about with Annie
and how she loves what she does (1:35:54 1:36:24). While Megan does make a lot of
money, she would most certainly be happy without and be able to have a fulfilled
life as long as she did what
The Use Of True Sin In The Birthmark By Nathaniel
True Sin
Sin, a dark and powerful force, twists the soul and warps the mind to the point
where it leaves society with unconquerable difficulties in everyday life. Forces such
as sin create a story drawing in readers. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses literature to its full
potential to express sin s presence in life through his short story, The Birthmark. In
The Birthmark, a man named Aylmer for the first time sees a small defect in his
otherwise beautiful wife, Georgiana. When Aylmer mentions it to her, she feels
vexed, but it does not seem to affect her self image. However, as time went on, the
birthmark eventually starts bothering her, causing her to believe that she possesses
flaws and is in need of fixing. With the assistance of Aylmer s servant, Aminadab,
Aylmer creates a miracle drug, hoping to cure his wife of her imperfection: the
birthmark. The possibly deadly drug incites fear in her husband; however, the
blemish on her face troubles her, as well as her husband, to the point where she
believes her life means nothing. After much meticulous preparation, the wife takes
the cure. At first, everything seems well as her birthmark faded; however, Georgina
soon has a terrible reaction, causing her to pass away, and leaving Aylmer alone and
heartbroken. In The Birthmark, Nathaniel Hawthorne brings to light sin s presence in
society through the use of allusions, symbolism, color, and beauty.
The use of allusions within a story reinforces Hawthorne s argument. In the
What Is Multidimensional Love In The Poem
How Do I Love Thee by Elizabeth Barret Browning is an iconic and powerful love
poem. The work is part of Sonnets from the Portuguese, a collection of poems that
Elizabeth Browning wrote for her husband, poet Robert Browning. It is a passionate
declaration of love from one who is in love, which had resonated with many
generations of readers because of the rawness and relatability of its feelings.
Throughout the text, the speaker uses a diverse array of literary techniques to
demonstrate a multidimensional love. First, passionate love is conveyed in the
spatial metaphor of loving with the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.
Here, love is a substance that fills up and infatuates the speaker, creating a powerful
drive that forces... Show more content on ...
Elizabeth Browning spent most of her adult life as an invalid, ruled over by a
tyrannical father who forbade any of his sons and daughters to marry. She married
Robert Browning in 1846 after a courtship that had to be kept secret (The British
Library). Thus, the passion in the poem represents the exact kind that motivated
Elizabeth Browning to abandon her family tradition to marry Robert Browning.
Furthermore, the transformative power of the love described corresponds to the way
Elizabeth Browning often credited her husband for saving her life. As the power
couple of English poetry, the Brownings are remarkable for their ability to love with
words. Among their collection of hundreds of letters and love poem, How Do I
Love Thee happens to be the most iconic and descriptive portrayal of the love.
More importantly, How Do I Love Thee is one of the most important love poems of
English literature because of how its raw feelings resonate with generations of
readers. Who wouldn t remember being in love? Especially when it makes one feel
like nothing else matters. With the inclusion of various dimensions and types of love,
the poem has something in hand for everybody. From those who have just jumped
into the fervency of a passionate love, to those who are enjoying a steady,
companionate relationship, anyone could enjoy this
John Taylor F Kennedy Biography Essay
Born in Brookline, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917. Born to Rose Elizabeth
Fitzgerald and Joseph Kennedy. He suffered from many disease as a child and by the
age of three had had at least 10 different diseases. He had 9 siblings, 4 sisters and 5
brothers. His family from an early age called him Jack as a nickname and lots of
articles that you will find today will say Jack for him instead of JOhn. He played
football for Harvard and ruptured a disk in his spine causing pain in his back for
the rest of his life. His brother Joe said that he was going to be the Catholic
President. In 1937 Joseph Kennedy became the Ambassador to England and moved
there with all of his family except two of his sons Joe and John because they were at
Harvard studying. After visiting his... Show more content on ...
While in recovery from his surgeries he wrote a book about senators who risked
their career for thing they believed in. The book was called Profiles in courage. IN
1956 he almost was picked to run a vice president but was not and then he decided
that in the next election he would run. On July 13, 1960 he was chosen as the
Democratic Party nominee. John asked Lyndon B Johnson to be his vice president.
On November 8th 1960 John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the 35th president of the
United States. In his inaugural speech he says Ask not what your country can do for
you, ask what you can do for your country, He also asked the country to come
together to fight off common enemies. He was worried that there would be a nuclear
war between The United States and the Soviet Union. Kennedy created Peace Corps
and organization that is still around today. It is an organization that gives assistance
to people around the world. JOhn F Kennedy also started the process of putting the
first man on the moon. Unfortunately Mr. John Kennedy didn t live to see that
happen. On November 21, 1963 Mr. President was participating in a parade in Dallas,
Kushite Art Style
Around the fourth century BC, the manufacturer and trader of iron led to the rise of
the Kush Empire. Kush Empire became a powerful trading center located near the
modern day border of Egypt and Sudan in northeast of Africa. In addition to
producing iron, the people of Kush traded gold, jewelry, pottery, and ivory. The
empire thrived for nearly a thousand years. During that time, the Kushite s developed
an advanced society, adopted some Roman style architecture and developed their own
written language. The Kush Empire also gave women more political power than most
other ancient empires. The art history of Kush starts with the Kingdom of Kerma.
The greatest art production activities occurred in the Napatan and Meroitic periods
(9th century BC to 5th AD). Unlike in other civilizations, most of art productions in
Kush were not controlled by governing authorities. Although stylistic differences
exist, Kushite arts maintain cultural solidity and unique identity. Unlike other ancient
civilizations, Kushite Kings did not practice absolute power. Political authority
involved the priests and militants, who traditionally nominated and determined royal
succession. With most Kushite sculptures, the faces are depicted with little
consideration for idealism . Art historians often refer to the brutal realism of Kushite
art . Earlier Kushite... Show more content on ...
Temple and Tomb chamber walls throughout Kush were decorated with elaborate
designs. Drawn in detailed dress and ornament shapes, the people complexion is
often light brown or dark red. Figurative 2D artworks of the Napatan period shows
the head, arms, and legs in profile, while the shoulders and torso in frontal view.
Under the pyramids, meticulous drawings and writings fill in the burial room,
displaying rituals and beliefs. Architectural features emerged in the Meroitic period:
one room instead of the standard several room, temple
Massachusetts Bay State Essay
Massachusetts also known as the Bay State is a small state, but it has some rich
history. Massachusetts is right next to New York and the Atlantic Ocean.
Massachusetts first settlers were pilgrims. The state capital of Massachusetts is
Boston; Boston is also the most popular state in Massachusetts. Massachusetts
became a state on February 6th, 1788, Massachusetts is also the 6th state. It became
a state on the 6th and it s the 6th state that s funny! The state birds are the
Domesticated Turkey and Black Capped Chickadee. The state flower is the
Mayflower, the pilgrims came on the Mayflower to Massachusetts and the state
flower is the Mayflower. Massachusetts has a lot of state animals and im going to
name them all for you. So the state animals are the Boston Terrier, Tabby Cat, Morgan
Horse and the Right Whale. The state plant is the American Elm. Massachusetts states
colors are blue and green. Massachusetts has 14 counties and Massachusetts has a
population of 6,794,422. Massachusetts is also the 15th most popular state and the
most popular city in Massachusetts is Boston.... Show more content on ...
Dairy products account for about 12% of Massachusetts livestock products income.
Cattle, aqua culture, chicken eggs and turkeys are also very important. Flower and
ornamental shrubs are the primary source of income in Massachusetts. Cranberries
rank second among any other crop products in the state. Massachusetts produces
more than 25% of cranberries grown in the nation, Other important crops are sweet
corn and apples. Hay is a major field crop grown in Massachusetts. Finance, insurance
and real estate ranks
Let the Right One in Analysis Essay
An Analysis of Mise en ScГЁne in Let the Right One In
The theme of loneliness and isolation has been predominant in cinema since its
inception, but Tomas Alfredson explores the idea in a unique way in his 2008
Swedish romantic horror film, Let the Right One In. Set in the snowy winter of
Stockholm, the film depicts the similarly cold and depressing life of Oskar, a young
target of bullying. This frozen, barren setting contributes to the complete isolation
that the viewer feels with the characters. Through strategic shot composition and
specific color and mood choices, Alfredson shows how both Oskar and Eli are cut off
from the world in different ways, and then how their common bloodlust brings them
together. ... Show more content on ...
The camera slowly pans around the playground, showing the bland walls of the
apartment complex surrounding it to amplify their sense of overwhelming
loneliness. Oskar, wanting to find a companion in Eli, provides her with his rubik
s cube to solve. The rubik s cube can also be seen as Eli providing an answer to
Oskar s problems. Both his life and his rubik s cube are puzzles that need solving,
and Eli literally drops in to solve everything for him. This early scene sets the tone
for the rest of the movie and establishes both the characters as lonely outcasts that
need to be saved.
As the relationship between Oskar and Eli continues to blossom, Oskar finds out
that Eli lives off blood to survive. After this realization, there is a scene where Eli
arrives at Oskar s house. Oskar attempts to let her in by motioning and gesturing but
she refuses to cross the threshold. She finally enters without his permission, causing
her to bleed from every opening on her face, turning her into a grotesque image of
her true vampiric form. This causes Oskar to give her permission to enter. This
scene symbolizes the finality of the relationship between Oskar and Eli. Eli is a
violent murderer, and Oskar has violent ambitions, and this is the moment where Eli
attempts to turn those ambitions into reality. The way the shots of Oskar and Eli are
composed suggest a
School Board Vacancies
The school board authorizes to designate a personnel supervisor or another principal
to accept the recommendations of principals or their designees for licensed
employees or non instructional employees and to transmit approved
recommendations to the local school board. The school board vote rather to hire the
individual or not. The principal is the one that contact the candidate to inform him or
her of the schoolboard s decision.
According to Sec. 37 7 301; 37 9 14, announcement of vacancies for full time
professional and non professional positions in the school district shall be posted in
each school building, in the central office, and must be advertised on the district s
website. Vacancies must be advertised for a minimum of fourteen
Use Of Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God
In the 1730 s there were people breaking away from the church and abandoning the
Christian lifestyle. Church leaders were aware of this problem and decided to turn
to the young Jonathan Edwards to recapture the hearts and minds of those who
have left the church. In his most famous sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
God , Edwards uses a variety of techniques to frighten his congregation to return to
Christ. One technique that stood out from the others was imagery. Four of the most
powerful images that he uses was the hanging by a thread, being overwhelmed by
water, an arrow ready to destroy, and the fiery pit. The fear of falling is in all of us.
Whether we admit it or not, we all do not just want to just plummet to our doom.
Satire In The Onion
In the mock press article from The Onion, the author uses satire to critique the way
advertisements sell their products. The Onion wrote this article to mock and bring
to light how advertisers will convince consumers to buy their product. They do this
by utilizing humour and sarcasm to mock advertisements. The article makes
outrageous claims such as, if the frequency of one s foot is out of alignment with
the Earth, the entire body will suffer, in order to mock the way advertisers
exaggerate statements. They do so because an advertisers view their consumers as
naive and gullible. In the mock press release the company exaggerates how a real
advertisement would by using statements that sound and look real, as well as use
words such as vibrational
Gifted Hands Reflection
The portrayal of Dr. Ben Carson s life in Gifted Hands was truly inspirational and
motivational. Through the depiction of his life, we realize that a person can still
thrive despite encountering numerous adversaries. In the first part of the film, the
audience saw a younger Ben, a kid who was hot tempered and quite gullible, so far
from who he is now. As a child, Ben was easily influenced and pressured by his
friends he succumbed to peer pressure as any adolescents would. Those specific
attributes were manifested when Ben had had enough of his classmates bullyingand it
became more evident when he became friends with a reckless and corrupt boy from
his new school. Although Ben possesses the aforementioned negative traits, we also
discovered some outstanding traits of his. Gifted Hands depicted... Show more content
on ...
Ben Carson was truly an exceptional and an accomplished person; however, the
audience came to know that he hasn t always been like that. Ben came from a
broken family since his father broke all contact and left him when he was still
young; thus, he lived with his mother and his older brother. Besides the fact that he
comes from a broken family, he is also a man of color. At that certain part of history,
it is common to belittle and discriminate people belonging to the black ethnicity,
which makes Ben s life tougher and more arduous. In addition to the aforementioned
issues Ben faced, we learned that he was having a difficult time reading which
explains his unsatisfactory grades and a little later it was also revealed that his
mother also has a learning disability since she also can t read. Since the said
obstacles greatly affected his view of himself and his personality, he had a fairly low
self concept. Due to the incessant bullying and teasing of his classmates, he was quite
ashamed of himself and he believed that he was not enough that he was not destined
to be someone outstanding and
Battle Of Saratoga
The Battles of Saratoga The Battles of Saratoga was the turning point of the
Revolutionary War. The victory is made clear by a few things: On October 17,
1777, about 6,000 British and Hessian troops surrendered. General John Burgoyne
had lost about 90 percent of his force that had victoriously marched into New York
from Canada during summer in 1777. The divide and conquer strategy that
Burgoyne presented to British ministers in London was to invade America from
Canada by traveling down the Hudson Valley to Albany. There, he would be joined
by other British troops under the command of Sir William Howe. Howe would be
bringing his troops north from New Jersey and New York City. Burgoyne believed
that this bold stroke would not only isolate New... Show more content on ...
They had just suffered a major setback the Battle of the Brandywine along with
news of the fall of Philadelphia to the British. One American soldier declared, It
was a glorious sight to see the haughty Brittons march out surrender their arms to
an army which but a little before they despised and called paltroons. An amazing
victory for America in October 1777, the success at Saratoga gave France the
confidence in the American cause to become apart of the war as an American ally.
Later American successes owed a great deal to French aid in the form of financial
and military
Frederick The Great Accomplishments
Frederick the Great is best remembered nowadays as the Prussian king who led his
country to the forefront of Europe through several wars and his domestic policies.
Being an enthusiastic patron of the arts, he is also remembered as being a talented
musician and Enlightened despot who sought to become the ideal platonic king .
But while Frederick the Great pursued Enlightenment ideas and patronage of the
arts, he deserves the title, The Great , because of his military and state achievements.
While Frederick is remembered as a great military mind, ironically, as a child,
Frederick seemed to shun all of the militaristic views and habits of his father. Against
his father s wishes, he was interested in learning poetry, French, and music. His
interests... Show more content on ...
He will undoubtedly be remembered for his pursuit of Enlightenment ideas and
patronage of the arts, but it was the stories of Frederick s deeds and speeches far
outlived his own life. It was the stories of Frederick rallying the broken ranks at
Hochkirch, being hit by a cannonball at Torgau, or Frederick s rallying speech at
Leuthen that were remembered by his men and subjects, not the fact that
Frederick was more interested in French than German, or that he played the flute.
It was Frederick s reforms of agriculture, economics, and preservation and
expansion of Prussia against all odds and enemies that people remembered, not the
fact that Frederick wrote a commentary on Machiavelli or had a different taste in
music. We remember Frederick II in our textbooks as Frederick the Great not
because he was a patron of the arts or considered himself a philosopher king, but
because he used his army and reforms to turn the small backwater country of Prussia
into the a feared power in
Will Hunting Psychology Disorder
The main character of this film was Will Hunting, a young man from South Boston
who grew up in the foster system and was portrayed to be of low social economic
status. Regardless of Hunting s background he was remarkably intelligent, he
explained it as similar to the way Beethoven could naturally plan a piano. There
was never and official diagnosis given for Hunting s condition but there were
symptoms that pointed towards anxiety and borderline personality disorder. The
most distinct symptom I noticed for anxiety was during a session with Sean his
therapist. Hunting was talking about a job that was offered to him by the
government dealing with code breaking. Hunting created a scenario in which
breaking a code would cause the death of one of his buddies , a raise in gas prices,
war and oil spills.... Show more content on ...
Hunting showed many of the symptoms of borderline personality disorder
including mood swings, fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, impulsive
behavior, and anger. These symptoms were very clearly shown throughout the
entire film and many were also pointed out by Sean. A scene where the viewer saw
most all of Hunting s symptoms was the scene when Skylar asked Hunting to go to
California with her. He creates a scenario that if he would to go to California with
Skylar she would find something out that she doesn t like about him, abandon him
and he would be stuck in California. He becomes angry and aggressive towards
Skylar yelling at her and pushing her. Finally, when she asks him if he loves her
Hunting says no even though he truly does. This is because of his self destructive
behavior and inability to have stable

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My Family Essays.pdf

  • 1. My Family Essays Writing an essay about my family can be a daunting task, not because I lack material or passion for the subject, but precisely because of its personal nature. Delving into the intricacies of familial relationships, individual dynamics, and shared experiences requires a delicate balance of introspection, honesty, and tact. There's a fine line between revealing enough to create a compelling narrative and respecting the privacy and feelings of those involved. Moreover, the challenge lies not just in recounting events or listing characteristics of each family member but in crafting a narrative that captures the essence of what my family means to me. It's about conveying the intangible bonds, the shared history, the quirks, the traditions, and the lessons learned that shape our collective identity. Furthermore, there's the pressure to do justice to each family member's role and significance without oversimplifying or idealizing their traits and contributions. Every person is a complex individual with their own strengths, flaws, and impact on the family dynamic, and it's essential to portray them authentically. Additionally, there's the emotional aspect of revisiting memories, both joyful and challenging, which can evoke a range of feelings from nostalgia to vulnerability. Striking the right emotional tone is crucial to engaging the reader without veering into sentimentality or melodrama. In essence, writing an essay about my family demands not just writing skills, but also introspection, empathy, and a deep understanding of the intricate tapestry of relationships. It's a process that requires navigating through layers of personal history and emotion to craft a narrative that resonates authentically. [At the end of the essay:] For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, resources like offer professional services to help bring your ideas to life. My Family EssaysMy Family Essays
  • 2. Realism in Theatre Essay The theatrical plays of Angels in America and August: Osage County both of the playwrights create a heart wrenching, tear jerking, and amazing work. Each character is developed to have its own sets of values, beliefs, and attitudes towards life and so there are no two characters alike. With each character having its own identity, it brings a sense of excitement and unpredictability in the plays. Tracy Letts the writer for August: Osage County establishes a sense of reality in his play by developing characters that everyone can relate too. His play is about family, the use of drugs, cancer, and suicide, subjects that people go through during their lifetime. Tony Kushner the playwright of Angels in America provides the same feeling... Show more content on ... Even though the actors are well rehearsed when it comes to moving around the stage, they do it so effortlessly that it s not a distraction for the audience. The movement of actors may be considered a small thing, but it s what make a play realistic or not. For a realistic play, the way the actors behave makes it seem they are not worried about the audience and being in their way. They talk, walk and act in a manner similar to that of our everyday behavior. In August: Osage County the actors are so believable that we as spectators forget it s a play but rather seeing a glimpse into someone s family. The realistic play of August: Osage County has everyone relating to someone or something during the course of the production. The topics of cancer, marijuana, molestation, drug addiction, and much more have audience members connecting to these characters in a way that a play has never done before. This play is considered a dark comedy and it has people experiencing both laughter and discomfort, sometimes simultaneously (Black Comedy). They address topics that are taboo in society, issues that theatrical plays never dream of dedicating an entire show to. Tracy Letts is a fierce writer who doesn t back away from subject matters that are controversial and not the norm for a traditional play. The topic of prescription drug abuse engulfs the entire
  • 3. Advantages Of Ethical Hacking The Internet is still developing and e commerce is on its advance. More and more computers get connected to the Internet, wireless devices and networks are booming and sooner or later, nearly every electronic device may have its own IP address. The complexity of networks is increasing,the software on devices gets more complicated as well as user friendly. Therefore, Security is a very popular topic and quite some effort are made in securing services, systems and networks. On internet, there is a silent war going on between the good and the bad guys.between the ones who are trying every possible way to keep information secured and the ones who are trying to get prohibited access to this information. Securing an information technology environment ... Show more content on ... Ethical hackers who are Security professionals test their network and systems security for vulnerabilities using the same Tools that a hackermight use to compromise the network. Any computer professional can learn the skills of ethical hacking . The term cracker describes a hacker who uses their hacking skills and toolset for destructive or offensive purposes such as disseminating viruses or performing denial of service (DoS) attacks to compromise or bring down systems and networks. No longer just looking for fun, these hackers are sometimes paid to damage corporate reputations or steal or reveal credit card information, while slowing business processes and compromising the integrity of the organization. 1.4 THE JOB ROLE OF AN ETHICAL HACKER Ethical hackers are employed to protect networks and computers from attacks from non ethical hackers who illegally penetrate computers to access private and sensitive information. Though they possess technical skills to those of an unethical hacker, an ethical hacker utilizes these skills for
  • 4. What Was The Impact Of Radio Broadcasting In The 1920 s The Impact of Broadcasting Radio broadcasting dramatically changed the 1920s. The invention of the radio is revolutionary. The radio allows sports, news, advertisements, music, and religious services to broadcast in real time. People can get news the moment it happens. Sports like, baseball are broadcasted in real time. A wide variety of music is the radio. Advertisements attract business, and helps product development. Religious services are held in real time, through the radio. We owe these incredible abilities to Guglielmo Marconi for inventing the radio in 1895, and Heinrich Hertz for discovering radio waves in 1887. Sports broadcastinglive contributed to American life. The radio brings real time games, and scores. Babe Ruth said, Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world (Ruth). The radio contributed to baseball. The sport grew massively once the radio broadcasted live games. American life was impacted with greater knowledge of the sport. Baseball grew and became much larger. Next, live news broadcasts affected life in an important way. People received live news, instead of waiting for the newspaper. This increased worldwide knowledge on political, economical, and world issues. Arthur Edwin Kennelly said,... Show more content on ... The jazz age developed widely because of the radio. Musicians like Louis Armstrong, and Bing Crosby became so large because of the radio. The radio spawned new types of music, allowed musicians to grow, and influenced new music. The radio also grew businesses, and products. Advertisements helped businesses grow. Through the advertisements people became aware of various products. Advertisements helped the economy because money was constantly circulating. Businesses like, Ford, and General Motors dominated the market with affordable vehicles. Through the radio Ford, and General Motors were able to advertise affordable
  • 5. Drama Activity Lesson Plan For Children With Autism Essay Drama Activity Lesson Plan Name: Saqlain Abbas Game Title: 3 Changes Page #: 62 Target Audience: Children aged 10 12 Purpose: To improve students powers of observing and identifying KSA/CAP Objectives: 1)The player is able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the game and is able to follow the directions and has the ability to provide insight during post game discussion. 2)Through physical change, the player can accept the changes within themselves and the other person (shown by vivid facial expression, tone, body language) 3)The player is able to use the 5 human senses (taste, smell, touch, sound, sight) correctly to identify changes in the other player given a short time frame (15 seconds) How appropriate? This game is appropriate for children with Autism, ADHD, and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) as it allows them to focus on the other player and focus on the changes made. This game is also appropriate for children who have a visual, auditory, or physical disability as the game incorporates the use of all 5 senses allowing them to take part and identify the changes. Description: (steps necessary to play game): 1)Students are required to form groups of two 2)Each will be numbered Player 1 and Player 2 . 3)Observe each other in time frame given (Note clothing, sounds made, hair etc.) 4)Turn around facing opposite direction of the other player and perform changes within 30 seconds 5)Face player again and observe
  • 6. Discretion-Related Validity Essentially, there are a variation of methods to record the job relatedness and precision of a test as a decision making device, however, a working comprehension of validation should focus on some general types of validation. According to Heneman, Judge, and Kammeyer ВMueller (2012, p. 335) Validity is defined as the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. All the more, the differences among face validity, construct validity and criterion related validity are as follows: Face Validity: Face validity pertains to whether the test looks valid to the examinees who take it (Niche Consulting, 2017). Essentially, face validity encompasses the definition of do the people who are taking the measure think it looks relevant ... Show more content on ... Criterion Related Validity is the extent to which a test or questionnaire predicts some future or desired outcome, for example work behaviour or on the job performance. This validity has obvious importance in personnel selection, recruitment and development. Whenever possible, the statistical evaluation of the relationship between selection measures and valued business outcomes is desirable. This type of validation is known as criterion related validation and it can provide concrete evidence of the accuracy of a test for predicting job performance. Criterion validation involves a statistical study that provides hard evidence of the relationship between scores on pre employment assessments and valued business outcomes related to job performance. The statistical evidence resulting from this process provides a clear understanding of the ROI provided by the testing process and thus helps document the value provided. Criterion related validation also provides support for the legal defensibility of an assessment because it clarifies the assessment s accuracy as a decision making tool. While criterion related validation may seem mysterious, it has much in common with two more well known concepts that are used to help find value within business processes: six sigma and business intelligence. Both of these methods require that data be examined in order to help clarify relations between various process components. The resulting information can be used to help streamline business processes and uncover meaningful relationships between various streams of data. The creation of a feedback loop using criterion validation is really no different (Handler, 2009).Criterion related validity is the ability of a test to make accurate
  • 7. The Equal Pay Act Of 1963 An important federal employment law that all employees and employers should be aware of is the Equal Pay Act of 1963. As conversed in week nine of class discussion and video lecture, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 ends wage disparity based on sex. The main goal of this act was to ban discrimination in wages, benefits, and pensions based the gender of an employee in any place of employment. Women traditionally earned less than men for doing similar work. The United States has had a long history of knowledge of unequal pay between men and women, but it was not until around World War II that the problem arose and women started fighting for their rights on this issue. Women have tried passing several bills to help close this pay gap throughout the 1950 s, but ended up in failure. According to The American Association of University Women (AAUW), Surrounded by top women leaders, including several AAUW members, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law on June 10, 1963 (Pearsall). Although the act was signed on June 10, 1963, it was not effective until June 11, 1964. It took a while for many organizations call attention to this practice of paying women less than men. The act gradually expanded over the next decade to include a larger segment of women into the workforce. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, The EPA, which is part of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended (FLSA), and which is administered and enforced by
  • 8. Comparing The Tyger And Songs Of Experience William Blake was one of England s greatest writers (Tejvan) in the nineteenth century, but his brilliancy was not noticed until after he was deceased. Blake was very much a free spirit who often spoke his mind and was very sensitive to cruelty. At the age of twenty five he married a woman named Catherine Boucher. They created a book of all Blake s poems called Songs on Innocence, which was not very popular while he was alive. On the other hand Blake s other book of poems, Songs of Experience, were much more popular. These two collections are so magnificent because it is two different forms of writing successfully written by one man. Two major poems written by William Blakewere The Tygerand The Lamb. The Lamb is from Songs of... Show more content on ... The majority of the poetry let the reader visualize a serene world without corruption. This is what some may call the fantasy world because there is no drama or evil, it is a world of tranquility and harmony. This idea is represented in the poem The Lamb for the reason that a lamb itself symbolizes gentleness, and meekness. The poem is a child s song, in the form of a question and answer. The first stanza is rural and descriptive, while the second focuses on abstract spiritual matters and contains explanation and analogy. The child s question is both naive and profound. The question who made thee? is a simple one, and yet the child is also tapping into the deep and timeless questions that all human beings have, about their own origins and the nature of creation (SparkNotes Editors). The lamb itself symbolizes Jesus. The traditional image of Jesus as a lamb symbolizes the gentleness and peace of Christian values. This poem, just like most of the poems in the Songs of Innocence, accounts for more of the positives rather than the negatives and evils in the world. Contrary to the Songs of Innocence, the Songs of Experience deliver a much more dark side of life. The Songs of Experience work via parallels and contrasts to lament the ways in which the harsh experiences of adult life destroy what is good in innocence, while also articulating the weaknesses of the innocent perspective
  • 9. Ponyboys Maturity Confidence comes with maturity, being more accepting of yourself. Nicole Scherzinger. Throughout the novel Ponyboy develops a new level of maturity. He discovers that there is more in life other than his viewpoint. He learns how to get through the tough times. He learns who to look to for help and guidance. Ponyboy most importantly learns that he must stay gold. Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold... (Hinton, pg 148) To me this quote means that Ponyboy should stay true to the kind, sensitive, and cautious person that he really is deep down inside of him. One of the ways that Ponyboy matured through the novelis through his friendships. One of the friendships that matured the most was Ponyboy s friendship with Dally. When the book started Ponyboy admired Dally. Ponyboy admired that Dally was brave and risky. Dally knew what to do in every situation because he had experience from all of the times he had gotten in trouble himself. Ponyboy especially admired this when he and Johnny were in a pickle and needed help. Ponyboy then slowly throughout the novel realizes who Dally really is. Don t you know a rumble ain t a rumble without me? (Hinton, pg. 126). Dally is really a thief who causes trouble and isn t trusted by many people. He is selfish and the only person he truly loved was Johnny. When Ponyboy slowly came to these realizations, I think he might have been slightly disappointed. I believe this because when you truly look up to someone and you realize their real character, you feel let down or upset at yourself. Ponyboy, even though upset, still had Dally s back because no matter what Dally did the Greasers had each other s backs. Ponyboy s mind, immensely shut, didn t accept the fact that not all Soc s were bad until a little bit later in the book. He then realizes that the Soc s are also just humans who have just as many harsh problems as the Greasers. He then is proven this when he meet Cherry. Cherry is a Soc who is kind, witty, and watches the same sunset that Ponyboy does. They end up sharing an immense amount of things in common, and get along well. Ponyboy then takes a couple of steps back and awe s at that fact that even though Cherry is a Soc she is not mean but instead pleasant to be around.
  • 10. Relationship Between Theory And Practice The second half of the last century have seen a great advance in translation field ( translation studies discipline ). Which make many translation scholars emphasis on the importantce of knowing the translation theory for the translators since the translation studies become a discipline.Mona Baker stats Translators have to prove to themselves as to others that they are in control of what they do, that they do not just translate well because they have a flair for translation, but rather because, like other professional, they have made a conscious effort to understand various aspects of their work. In this essay I will discuss and comment on Mona Baker s statement through Skopos theory, one of the most well known translation theories, and its applications in deferent text types and genera. ( relationship between theory and practice) find out how the translator s theoretical knowledge is needed in translation field. Skopos thory is a functional theory belongs to a functionalist and communicative approach to translation theory, that appeared in Germany in 1970s .Translation studies were concentrated on equivalence concept which was the core idea of linguistic approach that had dominated for many years. The functional translation theory of Germany represents a big move away from the linguistic school of translation studies. Skopos theory was developed by the scholar Hans Vermeer in 1978. Skopos is a technical term came from the Greek word for purpose or aim. Vermeer
  • 11. The Classical Expected Utility Theory And The Dual Theory... INTRODUCTION: Identifying, defining risks (market risks as well as non market risks), presenting and justifying a unified framework for the analysis, construction and implementation of risk measures are important components of insurance pricing. According to the Oxford s advanced learners dictionary, risk can be defined as the possibility that something uncertain (not predictable) and unpleasant will happen. Both financial and insurance organisations are therefore faced with this concept of risk in their everyday activities. Financial risk can be said to be the possibility that the return achieved on an investment will be different from that expected, and also takes into account the size of the difference. Whereas insurers will define risk as a chance of harm, damage or loss against something which is insured. Several literatures reveal a good number of different approaches and theories to the price of risk. The two main competing economic theories we shall consider are the classical expected utility theory, and the dual theory of risk which was developed by Yaari(1987). They defined the price of an insurance risk excluding other expenses as the risk adjusted premium. The rest of this paper is structured as follows: section 2 presents the class of distortion operators used in insurance pricing, their properties and an application of pricing by distortion. Section 3 incorporates a new pricing principle by Wang (2002) and its relevance to natural hedging. Section 4
  • 12. The Concept of Social Stratification Social stratification can be simply defined by stating that it is a system in which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy (Macionis, page 224). The concept of social stratification is based on four central principles, which are social stratification is a trait of society, not simply a reflection of individual differences, it carries over from one generation to the next, while it is universal, it is also variable, and social stratification involves not only inequality but beliefs as well (Macionis, pages 224 225). The first principle, that social stratification is a trait of society, not simply a reflection of individual differences, basically says that children born into wealthy families are more likely to be of good health, do well in school, succeed in a career, and live a long life (Macionis, pages 224 225). An example of this first principle can be seen in the what happened to the Titanic. The first class passengers survived not because they were better swimmers than the second and third class passengers, but because of their privileged position (Macionis, page 224 225). The second principle states that the concept of social stratification is one that carries over from one generation to the next (Macionis, page 225). This concept is essentially stating that the social standing of a person is partially determined by their parents. Most people s social standing remains constant throughout their lives (Macionis, page 225). While social stratification is
  • 13. Okeechobee Sea There are many time ecologists are concerned about the effect of exploitation of natural resources to the interrelated terrestrial and linked aquatic ecosystem. The area under study involves related terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem of south Florida ecosystem, and it is tough to underestimate the impact of exploitation of one ecosystemto the other as these two ecosystems are interlinked in one way or other. The ecosystem description is that it consists of an aquatic environment characterized by the Kissimmee Okeechobee Evergladesecosystem that consists of river Kissimmee and Okeechobee Lake. To the other end is the linked terrestrial ecosystem around this aquatic ecosystem such an Everglades national park, big cypress preserve, and Biscayne... Show more content on ... The process of monitoring these projects on restoration efforts and as well as methods of evaluation the future and present management action ought to be carried with some lots of care. However, monitoring such project are guided and conducted according to stipulated process in the ecological risk assessment as well as what the policy say on the issue at hand. The issue regarding global climate change needs one to alter the management plans in such a way to accommodate the change brought by the global climate change (Ogden, J. C., Davis, S. M., Jacobs, K. J., Barnes, T., Fling, H. E.
  • 14. Murrow Introduction To The Original This I Believe This I Believe is an organization where people can submit essays that share their beliefs without the fear of being criticized. Founded in 1951 by Edward R. Murrow, This I Believe invites people of all kind who need have nothing more in common than integrity to talk out loud about the rules they live by, the things they have found to be the basic values in their lives. (Edward Murrow, Introduction to the Original This I Believe ) Whether someone writes their essay about climbing Gasherbrum II (Pakistan) like Phil Powers or a belief in waffles like Brenda, everyone has beliefs and everyone has the right to share them. Murrow found a way to allow people to do this. The one barrier that people have in sharing their beliefs is the fear of
  • 15. Race and Caribbean Culture Race and Caribbean Culture Each culture is unique in its attitudes about which groups within the cultural community will comprise the majority and which the minority. The culture also determines how the minority culture will be treated and how the two groups will be classified. Often, differentiation of groups is determined by race, rather than things like religion or class. Throughout literary history, authors have endeavored to capture the past as well as recreate and articulate sociological inequalities within that past. Issues of race, being one of the primary examples of social inequality, often appear in controversial and important works of literature. In the Caribbean Sea, people have had to deal with centuries of racial prejudices and sociological inequity, since the first explorers arrived on the island and demanded that those with darker skins become the slaves of those with light skin. Three particular works of literature, Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, The Kingdom of This World by Alejo Carpenter, and The Farming of Bones by author Edwidge Danticat have recreated the historical scenarios of life in the Caribbean during the time of oppression of the native peoples by white Europeans and shows just how disturbing and destructive attitudes of superiority and inferiority regarding racial differences can truly be. Perhaps the most famous example of literature regarding Caribbean oppression is Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys. In this novel, a white woman named
  • 16. Biblical Allusions In If This Is A Man By Primo Levi In the memoir If This Is A Man Primo Levi offers an insight into his life during the brutal and inhuman acts inflicted upon the Jews by the SS Soldiers during the Holocaust. Levi tells the story of his experiences in the Auschwitz concentration camp, and the divisions between his fellow haftlinge and the German soldiers due to the significant differences between languageand culture. The results of extreme anti Semitism led to the dehumanisation and de socialization of the prisoners, who often had limited understanding of the soldiers intentions. Further, the prisoners were largely segregated due to the diverse nationalities, religions, and ethnicities. The prisoners were stripped of all possessions and their loved ones, though one facet that ... Show more content on ... Dante is in the 8th circle of hell and encounters Ulysses, who retells his final voyage past the Pillars of Hercules, and into the oceans unknown. The links made between the story and the prisoners circumstances are very similar. The idea of voyaging into the oceans unknown, describes the prisoners uncertainty of their future, and the author uses this literary text to symbolise this. Levi also relates Auschwitz to hell and this enforces the feeling of being destroyed by the perversity of their captors, enabling Jean to empathize with him, despite the wan translation...He has received the message (p.120). This line is used to imply that Jean understands the story irrespective of Levi s struggle to translate because their circumstances enable them to comprehend each
  • 17. The Greeks and The Illiad Essay examples The Greeks and The Illiad The Iliad was a masterpiece of a work, which entertained and gave a description of how the Greeks lived out their lives in battle and at peace. The Iliad, by Homer, is an epic classic set in Ancient Greece. The story ,in its own, contained the use of epic characteristics, which reveal further characteristics of the Greeks. A large influence on the book, was the Greek s religious and mythological stance along with their strengths and weaknesses that were also displayed. The Greeks, with both their strengths and weaknesses, reveal the overall character in Homer s tale.. The story of the Iliad takes place in ancient Greece, Troy to be precise. Where a small scuffle has escalated into a war, ... Show more content on ... Many Greeks have such matter in them, as like Achilles in the description, who was no mere mortal among his people. Zeus once predicted, Achilles is a man of great power and thought, he will slay the brave Hektor and bring honor to his people.... (236) Achilles was a Greek, so forth he was to bring honor to his people. There was much use of epic characteristics in the Iliad. The Iliad had enormous battles that were fought constantly between the two opponents. Homer writes in description to Hektor s fighting, Hektor in the huge pride of his strength rages irresistibly, reliant on Zeus, and gives way to no one neither god nor man... (204). The characters fighting for the Greeks or Trojans all were eventually given some kind of supernatural ability to fight such incredible battles. The hero of the story, Achilles, contained superhuman strength beyond that of any other man. In description of his strength, ...and the door barred to his room took three men to open it, but Achilles himself alone could close it. (488) The mother of Achilles was Thetis making him half god, half man. That enabled him to have such powers beyond
  • 18. Essay On Type 2 Diabetes Reducing Type II Diabetes within our African American Community According to Healthy People 2020 (2014), diabetes affects over 29 million people in the United States, with another estimated 28 percent of the population having undiagnosed cases. Of those at risk, African Americans are almost 2 times more likely to be diagnosed as opposed to their Caucasian counterparts. Many preventable associated factors include limited knowledge regarding disease processes, healthy diet, and limited knowledge of one s own body. Our goal is to provide our African American community the opportunity to learn more about diabetes and how to reduce the risk of type II diabetes and signs and symptoms of diabetes during a community event. Short Term Goal... Show more content on ... Lastly, our brochure would highlight the most common signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia including life threatening signs that should be reported immediately. In order to substantiate our teachings we will ask those that visit our table to complete a 5 question quiz that on completion will be awarded a pedometer to assist in a new walking program. Evidence based research was done in regards to combining diet and exercise programs to lower the risk of type II diabetes. They discovered that those that undertook these programs were able to see a decrease in periods of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and were able to maintain normoglycemic levels more easily. In addition they were able to decrease cardiovascular risk and lower blood pressure levels. (Healthy People 2020, 2014) Health Promotion Strategies Objective One At least two community members that approach our table will be able to locate a healthy food swap in our brochure and give reasoning why it is a better choice than a non healthy food choice. Strategies Imbalanced Nutrition: More than body requirements will be our focus regarding objective one. The most common reason that people develop diabetes mellitus is due to poor diet control. Diabetes mellitus is caused when the insulin production is stopped or drastically slowed in the pancreas. This stops the ability for sugars to be transported into the cells for
  • 19. Being God Sent For The Gospel Of Jesus Christ being God sent for the gospel of Jesus Christ, one s identity in Jesus Christ, and being made a disciple. Each is a demonstration of God accepting His people as being unworthy to be worthy for His glory. It is a blessing to be a designer original, because it resembles His image. It is in his image a person observes the spirit of holiness and the righteousness of God. The theology of preaching helps a person to recognizes the owner of the breath of life dwelling in one s body. Likewise, God is willing to restore and revive those that have lost their lives to the secular world. God controls all matters of life. It is the individual choice to be made over by God. God is willing to shape, mold, and fill those purposing to surrender their all before Him. God is to be worshipped, praise, and glorified within a person s body. Therefore, the role of preaching in ministry begins with self examination and accountability to rightly divide the word of truth before God, not pleasing man, (2 Tim. 4:1 5, ESV). The passage of the Scriptures is clearly emphasizing the charges to Timothy as well as other church leaders. The author, Thomas Hale writes, Paul gave five charges, preach the word, that is the gospel Jesus Christ, be prepared at all times, remain on duty; correct, rebuke and encourage. Hale continues to write, Timothy must preach the Gospel diligently, because the time will come when men will not accept the truth. People will listen only to what is interesting to them at the
  • 20. Short Story About Pokemons Hey kiddo, I m back! And look who I ve got! The gengar said, full of energy as always. Hello darling. It said in a smooth feminine voice. Elise could only assume she was female, and was close friends with Grimsley as well. Hi there. She said, reaching a hand out to shake that of the new pokemon. I m Elise. Of course you are! You re very well known throughout here, you know there s no need to introduce yourself every time. She said, meeting the Mawile s hand with her own. Though I do appreciate the kindness. I go by Selena, and would love to be the first to spend time with you tonight. She said. Oh! Well, I d love to try something out with you. Anything in particular you d like to try, or...? There is one thing. She said,... Show more content on ... A mischievous grin spread across her face as she felt both fatigue and tenderness overcome her, sending small rushes of pleasure and tingles all throughout her body. She loved the feeling of being possessed. Having your ability to control your own body being whisked away was such a pleasant experience, and turned her on more than any pokemon could imagine. Soon enough, the process of her body resisting the newcomer ceased completely as the froslass spirit from within her fully took control, and she was halted in place under the regime of the ghost type. Is that it? She asked out loud, only having the ability to move her mouth and vocal chords. Should be! She heard the voice ring from within her head. Wow, your body is so comfy! I could get used to this. Yeah. Elise said, hurriedly. Maybe we can small chat a bit about how amazing my body is later, but for now how about we focus on,
  • 21. Comparing Britta And Vig On The Gate Into The Citadel Britta and Vig looked toward the gate into the Citadel. The flags over the walls sank to half mast, and the lines going into the city grew longer, extending across the bridge into the hamlet. What is happening? Vig wondered aloud. A bearded merchant turned in his saddle, The guards have been ordered to search everyone entering the city. Not sure why. Vig stared for a moment before whispering to Britta, This does not seem right to me. Me either, Britta agreed. She glanced around. Wait! We have an option. Follow me. Wheeling their horses around, they rode back a short distance, before veering off into a narrow street fronted by several boarded up store fronts. In front of one, bearing an extremely weathered signboard, she yanked the reins and dismounted. Vig joined her. She tried the front door, but it was locked. Slipping around the side, she tried another door, but it too was inaccessible. We need to get inside. Let me try, Vig offered, then kicked the door with his boot, it shuddered, then swung open. Impressive, Britta said. Big feet, Vig rejoined. One of the advantages of being a dwarf. Inside, they found darkness and cobwebs. Britta found an old lamp with some oil in it and using her flint and steel, managed to get it lit. But even with the lamp light, the interior still looked like a cave. Britta surveyed the floor and tapped it with her foot. Vig watched her. What are you looking for? A trapdoor. I remember reading about one in a history book at
  • 22. Waves Lab PHY 101 Lab Report Waves Lab Purpose The purpose of this laboratory experiment is to investigate how the vibrating source affects selected characteristics of the sound produced (Giancoli, 2006). Materials The following materials were used in the completion of this laboratory experiment: * Meter stick * Two paper towel rolls / cardboard tubes * Scissors * Two rubber bands * Wax paper * Transparent tape * Flashlight * Balloon Procedure Part 1: 1. Hold one end of a meter stick down on a tabletop so that 20 cm of the stick extends past the edge of the table. 2. Pluck the end of the stick that is extending past the edge of the table to produce a vibration and sound. 3. Observe this ... Show more content on ... They can be described using the properties of wave speed, intensity and loudness, and frequency and pitch (Giancoli, 2006). The speed of sound varies in both different mediums and at different temperatures. Sound intensity is the rate at which the sound wave s energy flows through a given area (Giancoli, 2006). It is dependent upon the amplitude of the wave and the distance from the sound source (Giancoli, 2006). It is also related to loudness. Loudness is the physical response to the intensity and is subjective depending on the person listening to the sound (Giancoli, 2006). Frequency of sound depends on how fast the source of the sound is vibrating in which case the frequency of the sound produced depends on the length of the tubing of a musical instrument (Giancoli, 2006). In these cases, longer tubes tend to produce lower frequency sounds (Giancoli, 2006). Pitch is the frequency of the sound as perceived by the listener (Giancoli, 2006). This experiment did not include exact values, rather, used observations as a source of data collection and comparison. Therefore, using measurements would be better to compare the exact changes that occurred as a result of the manipulation of variables. This would require more expensive and precise tools, but if it was feasible, would improve the reliability of the results. The purpose of the experiment was met, as it allowed the experimenter to investigate how the vibrating source
  • 23. Comparing Motherhood In A Secret Narrow And A Secret... Romance novels are typically based in a set pattern and Karen van der Zee s A Secret Sorrow is no exception. Meanwhile, in Gail Godwin s A Sorrowful Woman , the romance aspect is not nearly as focused on. While A Secret Sorrow is a nice, easy romance novel, the short story A Sorrowful Woman is a much better example of literature, and portrays a much more unique message. The two stories differ greatly when compared by their theme, by the role of motherhood and children, and by how they are written. Theme is almost predictable in most romance novels. In A Secret Sorrow, the conflict of Faye, the main character, not being able to have children is easily overcome by the power of love. Faye and her future husband end up adopting children and... Show more content on ... They go by a set pattern of style and writing. They are usually written with non complex sentences and often use cliched language and descriptions. For example, Faye is described as a terrified animal (32) at one point, and Kai s descriptions consist of him speaking huskily and being tan and strong. The story uses chiched and flaccid descriptions such as, strong brown hands (35), dark face , and intense blue eyes (32). These sorts of phrases and wording are common in romance novels, with the hero in them usually being a tall, strong, and dark man, and being described in the same way. All and all, it is easy to read. A Sorrowful Woman , however, is written in an interesting manner, the author choosing to omit names. The wife and mother in the story is only known as the woman, the husband is only known as the husband, and the child is only known as the child. While A Secret Sorrow has more bland writing, A Sorrowful Woman has more stylistic writing and more literary elements. It uses more complex sentences and unnatural sounding and stiff dialogue, including, I don t know what we ll do. It s all my fault, I know. I m such a burden, I know that. Let me think. I ll think of something. . . . I know you will. You always do (40). The overall effect is it gives off an air of mystery that keeps the reader guessing. Rather than giving everything to the reader like A secret Sorrow,
  • 24. Summary Of Making A Fist By Naomi Shihab Nye In the poem Making a Fist by Naomi Shihab Nye, Nye uses metaphors to convey the meaning of mental and physical strength. For example, Nye uses the metaphor A drum in the desert, harder and harder to hear (3). The drum refers to a heart, continuing to beat, even though I [she] felt the life is slipping out of me (2). Nye uses this metaphor of comparing a drum and a heart to convey how as the heart beats, the body stays alive. This is similar to how as a drum beats, the music continues to play. The drum is the center of a musical piece, keeping the flow of all the other instruments in check, just as how the heart is the main source of blood to the body, keeping it alive. Additionally, in stanza two, Nye s asks How do you know if you
  • 25. Descriptive Essay About The Castle Its a cold Saturday night in October in New York City. Christina had ben fighting with her mom and step dad all week. No matter what she said, it didn t seem to change their minds. They were being so unfair. She had finally had enough, so when they had gone to their room, Christina packed a small bag and left. Having not thought this all the way through, she walked for a while and saw a park in the distance. It was so dark, except for the street lights in the corners and one small one by the bathrooms. Huddled up in a stall of the bathrooms she tried to sleep. All the silence was scary. The wind was slamming the door back and forth and she could hear footsteps. She was a quiet as she could possible be, hoping that the person, if any, would leave. Panic soon set in, the voices were right outside the door. Did they know she was there? After hours of sitting there quietly, they finally left. Christina took this opportunity and ran as fast as she could back home. Happy place The long awaited day was finally here, Disney! It seemed like we had been waiting for so long. We hurried and ate breakfast. The shuttle for the beautiful California hotel was downstairs. The ride seemed to take forever, beautiful palm tress everywhere. Finally, we were at the entrance. The sheer sight of the castle was mesmerizing. Rides, games and food everywhere, it was overwhelming. There was so much to see, what to do first. There was Mickey, Minnie, ooh and Goofy. So many rides and things to do,
  • 26. Analysis Of Orson Scott Card s Game The Literary Times Volume 1 Literature s Best News Service August 25, 2017 A Look at Orson Scott Card s Famous Ender s Game by Anna Colby Don t grow up too fast, a mother might have once cooed to her little one. Not anymore. Children are tested. If they re worth anything, they re taken to Battle School, where they train for war. Nearly a century ago, the Buggers attacked Earth. Now humans thirst for revenge. Their goal: to exterminate the race, no matter how many little kids minds they have to break in the process. When Ender Wigginis pulled into this conflict, he finds potential in himself to become a great commander. But is really the life he wants? Ender s Game follows the story of Andrew ... Show more content on ... I think it s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves (page 240). Ender s love and understanding is what makes it possible for him to destroy his enemy, which is part of the reason he hates himself so badly. Game or Reality? Classifieds When I first read this book, I had several reactions. Gee, that was depressing, was the first. The second was, I ll bet that son of a gun, Card, put some symbolism up in that book. I wonder where it is? It s taken me a while, but I think I ve figured it out. First, I want you to ask yourself: what is a game? In some cases, a game is another place for people to go to escape the bores of everyday life. In other cases, a game is the problem. The latter is the case for poor Ender. Games play a major part in this story. So what is the author trying to portray here? There is a fine line between games and reality, and the moment the line disappears, things get super screwy. This game knows too much about me. This game tells filthy lies (page 119). Games played throughout the story include Buggers and astronauts and the Battle School competitions, but I just want to focus on the last game Ender plays: the actual war. Spoiler alert! I tried to avoid spoilers, I really did, but you can kill me after you finish reading this article. During this last game, Ender leads his team in what appears to be an ordinary battle
  • 27. In The Forensic Science Field, Laboratory Tests Are Becoming In the forensic science field, laboratory tests are becoming more criticized in today s world of technology. Human hair is one of the most common types of evidence found at a crime scene. Following hair analysis, there is also DNA fingerprinting analysis. Many victims of this flaw have been wrongfully sent to serve time for these flaws in testing. There have recently been more strategies to help improve these tests and provide for a better outcome in trial. Labs now have certain guidelines to follow while running tests, and at crime scenes, investigators are taking precautionary measures when collecting evidence to test. The forensic sciencefield is one of the most powerful parts of the criminal justice system. They help separate the... Show more content on ... As well as the process of DNA hair analysis, all people are affected by fingerprinting. Some negative effects of this ongoing problem include the use of planting fingerprints at a crime scene. There has been cases where DNA evidence of fingerprints were planted on objects or the evidence and so they would be wrongfully accused of crimes. Another flaw of fingerprinting is that jobs and people can be used to profile and discriminate before meeting. When children are born, their feet are inked and marked on paper to secure the identity. Fingerprinting is a flaw because it is a mandatory piece of evidence and analysis. When you are born, a DNA sample is collected at the hospital right after being born, therefore giving no option to the matter. The only way the process of fingerprinting would change is if the government decides to change how labs run and laws about fingerprinting. The reason why fingerprinting analysis is not being changed is because it is different in every state. With fingerprinting, there is no rule of how many comparison, or minutiae points forensic scientists must have in order to compare a known fingerprint to a question. The relation between this issue above to the overall flaws of the forensic science field is that it can be argued in court that although these comparison points were found on both fingerprints, it doesn t mean that it could be that person who could be convicted
  • 28. Differences Between Carthage And Carthage Carthage vs. Rome: Conflict to Control the Mediterranean Carthage didn t start out as Mediterranean power but a trade and merchant civilization that used the protection of the north African coast to safely send its ships to all parts of the known world to trade. Its growth was facilitated by its seafaring citizens with assistance from its centralized proximity to the Mediterranean Ocean. Carthage didn t have it easy since Greece continuously threatened and pressed upon its border over the centuries with an occasional outbreak of war and a possibility of allying with Persia. As the Carthage civilization increased its Mediterranean presence, it soon secured positions to the Corsican, Sardinian and Sicilian islands. This expansion encouraged defensive and offensive posturing from various competitive and jealous neighbors. Greece continued to threaten Carthage by it ever encroaching colonies circling the Mediterranean. Rome as well grew concerned as it increased its presence in Italy. Carthage being a ... Show more content on ... As Rome began to spread its wings with control in Italy and over the Latin peoples, it was similar to Carthage in wanting to make territorial gains at the expense of Greek colonies in Sicily and Italy. Both societies gauged that this territory was the best possible alternative to avoid total war with Greece proper and restrict further Greek intrusion. Both the Roman and Carthage joined forces to best the loosely held independent Greek colonies of southern Italy and Sicily. By 281 BC King Pyrrhus of Epirus who nearly defeated the allies withdrew and left Carthage to Sicily and southern Italy to Rome. This victory, however, did not join but made worry the allies of one another. Rome fought on Italy s mainland with virtually no help from Carthage, and the same relief was granted from Rome to Carthage when Pyrrhus nearly took all of Sicily. The Romans also had an issue when Carthage provided Pyrrhus ship passage back to
  • 29. 2016 Chevrolet Camaro History The wait is almost over for the 2016 Chevrolet Camaro for sale in Lauderhill. This new incarnation of the Camaro offers all of the outstanding performance that you would expect, but you also benefit from a new available engine and slightly revised design cues. The Camaro is perfect for anyone who wants a sports car that still comes with a good many practical features. 2016 Chevrolet Camaro Under the Hood Features The aforementioned new turbocharged engine is a 2.0 liter four cylinder that is good for 275 hp and 295 lb ft of torque. Across the lineup, you can select from either a six speed manual or an eight speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters in the steering wheel. The 3.6 liter V6 returns for the 2016 Chevrolet Camaro for sale in Lauderhill, although in a revised state of tune, and as such output is now rated at 335 hp and 284 lb ft of torque. The same rings true with the familiar 6.2 liter V8, which is 455 hp and 455 lb ft of torque. Also new are four drive modes to optimize performance: Snow/Ice, Tour, Sport, and Track. The latter is only on certain trim levels. Ask your friendly sales professional about EPA fuel economy estimates, which as of now are still being evaluated. ... Show more content on ... The new model features a more sleek front end, and thanks to more aluminum in the body, it is about 200 lbs. lighter than the 2015 model. The LS trim comes with automatic headlights, keyless entry, air conditioning, cloth upholstery, and manually adjustable front seats with power recline. Also standard on the 2016 Chevrolet Camaro for sale in Lauderhill are OnStar and a six speaker sound system with a CD player, auxiliary audio input jack and satellite
  • 30. Case Study Of Smhad And UMW Berhad MEMO To: ABTRAC.INC From: ALIBABA FA.INC Re: Possible Acquisition This memo provides overview of potential target companies and an evaluation of their further prospects for acquisition purpose. ABTRAC.INC a MNC from Amsterdam intends to strengthen its position at Malaysia by Merger Acquisition. We have identified 2 companies, Sunway Berhad and UMW Berhad as potential acquisition based on their financial performance and strong market footprint. Company Profile Sunway Berhad Sunway Berhad established in 1974 as tin mining company Sunway group becomes Malaysia s most successful real Estate and hospitality group. The Sunway group has 12 business divisions namely Property, Construction, Hospitality, Retail, Leisure, Commercial, Trading Manufacturing, ... Show more content on ... UMW Berhad Over the year UMW Berhad shows good annual increasing trend on revenue and profitability. However in year 2013 lower contribution in earning by its automotive manufacturing operations in India were affected by slowdown in Indian automotive industry. The company posted revenue increase by 17% and 6% respectively in 2012 and 2011. YEAR2013201220112010 REVENUE13,951,46015,816,88813,535,75312,820,229 Future Prospects Sunway Berhad In year 2013 Sunway Construction was awarded plenty of projects that would help boost company profit for next couple of years. Among the prominent project are: North East Car Park (NEC) underneath KLCC Park by Citi tower worth RM304 mil Substructure work at KLCC worth EM222mil Afiniti Medini by Khazanah worth RM282.9 million In addition to this, the company also involving in government project such as Elevated Bus Rapid Transit BRT, New MRT project, Kelana Jaya LRT line extension and UTIM campus extension. Company also will be eyeing MRT Project Putrajaya line recently announced by PM. UMW
  • 31. Reflection Essay About Trust Have you ever been in a really tough position because of a friend? I can say that I have and learned a valuable lesson about trust. My story goes back into sixth grade, back when I was wimpy twelve year old. When I look at my trust issues today, a lot of it comes from my experience at that specific time and place. I think it s safe to say that everyone has had there Aha Moment about keeping secrets. For some people, they learn it an easy way, for me and for many others they learned it hard the way. I was exiting the school on a cold and cloudy afternoon. It was three days until Christmas break, a break that I felt was a little overdue. There wasn t much snow on the ground, I knew it was going to be a green Christmas. Once I breathed in the cold and miserable air I began walking to my friends who were waiting for me outside. In my head I was thinking about the girl I liked at the time. At this point a lot of people knew I liked her, most were surprised but whatever, that s not the point. One of my friends who I told was, well, let s just call him Fooney for the time being. My friend Fooney was into history as I was back in the sixth grade. Fooney was nice, but deep down I never trusted him and I would soon why I shouldn t trust him ever again. Most likely I was chatting with my friends about trends or rappers (in which I only knew one rapper), that s where I felt the air get colder, I felt the temperature drop, and I felt a much more darker presence in my mind.
  • 32. Corseting Essay Corseting also known as the body shaping method for women was symbolic to European fashion because it was said to give women the appealing look that all powerful man wanted. This once classic and elegant style was desired by many women during the early victorian era, the French were very enthusiastic about their women portraying a very sexy and unique physique. Therefore, women of high class were encouraged to wear these insanely body hugging fashion statements in order to completely give a women s body the ultimate hourglass shape. Corsets were the most essential pieces in a womans wardrobe during the 16th century because it accentuated a women s hips and flattered her bust in order to create attractive killer curves. The breakthrough... Show more content on ... The corset first started taking shape during the 15th century, at the time wealthy French women were preoccupied with the idea of having a flat small waistline. In order to successful achieve this look they would use tightly lined undergarments that secured and held in their midsection with front or back cross lacing, as stated in the article titled History of Corsetry . Afterwards, it became a popular trend to accommodate a women s body to the specific shape of dresses and upscale gowns, from that point forward, women were then expected to dress with corsets in order to appeal to men and or keep their husbands faithful. Corset themselves transformed from simple and ordinary objects to much more complex and elaborate torso clenching things. As stated in the article History of Corsetry, Corsets in the 17th century were mostly made from linen and bones, with reeds, bents or whalebones. The neckline of the corsets ranged from high neck to very low. It goes to show the extent of craftsmanship that took place in creating the perfect body for women. This fashion trend was seen all throughout Western Europe during the 17th, 18th and 19th century, today through paintings one can see that even some of the most aristocratic women of the time such as Queen Mary II, advocated for a
  • 33. Australian Involvement In The Vietnam War The Vietnam War was a Cold War era proxy war sparked in the 1950s between the capitalist supported South Vietnam and the communist supported North Vietnamese. Marking history as the world s first ever televised war, the Vietnam War was subject to widespread criticism and protest, sparking a clear divide between the Australian population. The Vietnam War period and its political fallout have left a staggeringly significant impact on both Australian foreign affairs and culture. While there were a variety of factors leading the Australian population to the conflict, the main defining doctrine that the ruling Australian elite and the general population as a whole was to draw the line in terms of how far Communism s clutches may spread. The Domino... Show more content on ... For many years following the war, large numbers of Vietnam veterans had a sense that they themselves were blamed for the war and the manner in which it was conducted, not the politicians. Some veterans recall being harassed and labelled as baby killers, rapist and murders upon their return to Australia. For men who regarded themselves as generally having fought more humanely and professionally than their American counterparts, this was a harsh, bitter blow. For mere men whom had lost friends in combat and viewed war atrocities through their very own eyes, as a lot of soldiers in the war, were appalled at the fact that following the orders directed by their very own government was, in some instances, being used against them. Even the RSL proved to be unwelcoming. Backlash and controversy spouted from veterans of earlier conflicts suggested that Vietnam was not a real war severely demoralised Vietnam veterans and caused a divide between former veterans and newly arrived veterans from seeking comradeship and understanding of fellow servicemen. It wasn t until the late 1980s before attitude towards the war and veterans had changed for the
  • 34. The Importance of New Zealand’s Forestry Industry Essay New Zealand s forests are one of its greatest natural resources, holding significant financial, physical, and spiritual value (DOC, 2013). These forests provide a significant trading resource (Perry, Oren, Hart, 2008), directly influence soil and flora quality (West, 2006), and contribute to the cultural health of Maori by enhancing their whakapapa (or Connection with the land) (Gallagher Te Atawhai o te Ao, 2011). This resource, however, is under threat through poor management (Levack, Poole, Bateson, 2006), over exploitation (MPI, 2003) and the operating conditions of the Forestry Industry (ACC, 2007). This assignment will examine the impact that deforestation may have on New Zealand, and possible models for rectifying the ... Show more content on ... According to ACC reports, there were 200 serious injuries and fatalities in 2012, leading to a financial cost to ACC of $10 million dollars (ACC, 2014). The emotional cost of the death of a family member, is incalculable (Bowlby West, 1983), and the resulting void may instigate feelings of disbelief, shock and anger by the co victims (family), especially without prior mental and emotional readiness (Clements, DeRanieri, Vigil Benasutti, 2004), such as would occur if a family member died of a terminal illness. An example of this void can be observed in the case of Mr Charles Finlay of Tokoroa, who was one of twenty eight forestry workers to lose his life, in the workplace since 2008. (The New Zealand Herald, 2013). Finlay left behind a widow (Maryanne Butler Finlay) with three children, as composed in Bowen, (2013), stating That the family are struggling to get over the death and are undergoing grief counselling, also requiring time off school to recover from their shortfall . In addition to the hazards posed by the industry, there have been studies conducted that suggest mass deforestation of an area can result in a decrease in air
  • 35. Advantages Of Throw Away Prototyping Throw away Prototyping Methodology Introduction: Throw away prototyping is use to develop or create application as fast as possible. It helps in creating a part of future application to ensure that a new develop feature is technically feasible. It is different from sketching, as the sketching is more graphical and concerned towards the user interfaces and experience and it does not requires or consist of writing programming chunks or codes snippets. The throw away prototyping is also called closed ended prototype. It is refers to the creation of a model that will be discarded rather then making it a part of final delivered software. It is discarded at the end after completing the project. A small working model of the software is provided to the end users to conform their requirements, and to get response or feedback. This small ... Show more content on ... Uses As it gives us knowledge about the defects, issues and problems in early stage of product development phase so it become more effective and does not give inaccurate result at the end of the finalizing phase of the product. In this project, the completing of each phase, step by step of throwaway prototyping methodology is easy and transition from one phase to other phase is quick and fast.Due to this method, the project is completed on time with less cost. Throw away prototyping is useful to use when sketching is not enough, and it requires to show the working of features or when need to show the actual performance or response. TheThrow away prototyping has many advantages and it is efficient to use, but somehow it become difficult and risky when dealing with stakeholders and have little knowledge of technical background and in context of tuff deadline and limited resources. Effectiveness of
  • 36. Analysis Of The Movie I re Your Problem Annie You re your problem Annie, and you re also your solution, is something surprisingly deep from the R rated Comedy Bridesmaids (1:37:13). This movie is about a girl, Annie, who along with falling on hard times has to plan her best friend, Lillian s wedding while dealing with a crazy group of bridesmaids: Helen, the rich perfectionist, Rita, the mother who hates her three boys, Becca, the newly wed, and Megan, the overtalkative nutcase. Bridesmaids has a lot of truths about money, success, and overall happiness. The main themes of the movie are that money will not always make someone happy and that money does not make anyone better than anyone else. With those themes there are also a lot of comparisons that could be made with the movie including how Helen, the very rich, and Annie, the very poor, constantly struggle to prove who would be a better maid of honor, and how Annie could be an embodiment of the struggles millennials faced during and after the stock market collapse. Two characters that really show that money does not buy happiness: Megan and Rhodes, a cop who becomes Annie s love interest. Megan is a very interesting character in this movie because while she is very odd she really has her life put together. She was able to overcome the obstacles that she talked about with Annie and how she loves what she does (1:35:54 1:36:24). While Megan does make a lot of money, she would most certainly be happy without and be able to have a fulfilled life as long as she did what
  • 37. The Use Of True Sin In The Birthmark By Nathaniel Hawthorne True Sin Sin, a dark and powerful force, twists the soul and warps the mind to the point where it leaves society with unconquerable difficulties in everyday life. Forces such as sin create a story drawing in readers. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses literature to its full potential to express sin s presence in life through his short story, The Birthmark. In The Birthmark, a man named Aylmer for the first time sees a small defect in his otherwise beautiful wife, Georgiana. When Aylmer mentions it to her, she feels vexed, but it does not seem to affect her self image. However, as time went on, the birthmark eventually starts bothering her, causing her to believe that she possesses flaws and is in need of fixing. With the assistance of Aylmer s servant, Aminadab, Aylmer creates a miracle drug, hoping to cure his wife of her imperfection: the birthmark. The possibly deadly drug incites fear in her husband; however, the blemish on her face troubles her, as well as her husband, to the point where she believes her life means nothing. After much meticulous preparation, the wife takes the cure. At first, everything seems well as her birthmark faded; however, Georgina soon has a terrible reaction, causing her to pass away, and leaving Aylmer alone and heartbroken. In The Birthmark, Nathaniel Hawthorne brings to light sin s presence in society through the use of allusions, symbolism, color, and beauty. The use of allusions within a story reinforces Hawthorne s argument. In the
  • 38. What Is Multidimensional Love In The Poem How Do I Love Thee by Elizabeth Barret Browning is an iconic and powerful love poem. The work is part of Sonnets from the Portuguese, a collection of poems that Elizabeth Browning wrote for her husband, poet Robert Browning. It is a passionate declaration of love from one who is in love, which had resonated with many generations of readers because of the rawness and relatability of its feelings. Throughout the text, the speaker uses a diverse array of literary techniques to demonstrate a multidimensional love. First, passionate love is conveyed in the spatial metaphor of loving with the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach. Here, love is a substance that fills up and infatuates the speaker, creating a powerful drive that forces... Show more content on ... Elizabeth Browning spent most of her adult life as an invalid, ruled over by a tyrannical father who forbade any of his sons and daughters to marry. She married Robert Browning in 1846 after a courtship that had to be kept secret (The British Library). Thus, the passion in the poem represents the exact kind that motivated Elizabeth Browning to abandon her family tradition to marry Robert Browning. Furthermore, the transformative power of the love described corresponds to the way Elizabeth Browning often credited her husband for saving her life. As the power couple of English poetry, the Brownings are remarkable for their ability to love with words. Among their collection of hundreds of letters and love poem, How Do I Love Thee happens to be the most iconic and descriptive portrayal of the love. More importantly, How Do I Love Thee is one of the most important love poems of English literature because of how its raw feelings resonate with generations of readers. Who wouldn t remember being in love? Especially when it makes one feel like nothing else matters. With the inclusion of various dimensions and types of love, the poem has something in hand for everybody. From those who have just jumped into the fervency of a passionate love, to those who are enjoying a steady, companionate relationship, anyone could enjoy this
  • 39. John Taylor F Kennedy Biography Essay Born in Brookline, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917. Born to Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald and Joseph Kennedy. He suffered from many disease as a child and by the age of three had had at least 10 different diseases. He had 9 siblings, 4 sisters and 5 brothers. His family from an early age called him Jack as a nickname and lots of articles that you will find today will say Jack for him instead of JOhn. He played football for Harvard and ruptured a disk in his spine causing pain in his back for the rest of his life. His brother Joe said that he was going to be the Catholic President. In 1937 Joseph Kennedy became the Ambassador to England and moved there with all of his family except two of his sons Joe and John because they were at Harvard studying. After visiting his... Show more content on ... While in recovery from his surgeries he wrote a book about senators who risked their career for thing they believed in. The book was called Profiles in courage. IN 1956 he almost was picked to run a vice president but was not and then he decided that in the next election he would run. On July 13, 1960 he was chosen as the Democratic Party nominee. John asked Lyndon B Johnson to be his vice president. On November 8th 1960 John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the 35th president of the United States. In his inaugural speech he says Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country, He also asked the country to come together to fight off common enemies. He was worried that there would be a nuclear war between The United States and the Soviet Union. Kennedy created Peace Corps and organization that is still around today. It is an organization that gives assistance to people around the world. JOhn F Kennedy also started the process of putting the first man on the moon. Unfortunately Mr. John Kennedy didn t live to see that happen. On November 21, 1963 Mr. President was participating in a parade in Dallas,
  • 40. Kushite Art Style Around the fourth century BC, the manufacturer and trader of iron led to the rise of the Kush Empire. Kush Empire became a powerful trading center located near the modern day border of Egypt and Sudan in northeast of Africa. In addition to producing iron, the people of Kush traded gold, jewelry, pottery, and ivory. The empire thrived for nearly a thousand years. During that time, the Kushite s developed an advanced society, adopted some Roman style architecture and developed their own written language. The Kush Empire also gave women more political power than most other ancient empires. The art history of Kush starts with the Kingdom of Kerma. The greatest art production activities occurred in the Napatan and Meroitic periods (9th century BC to 5th AD). Unlike in other civilizations, most of art productions in Kush were not controlled by governing authorities. Although stylistic differences exist, Kushite arts maintain cultural solidity and unique identity. Unlike other ancient civilizations, Kushite Kings did not practice absolute power. Political authority involved the priests and militants, who traditionally nominated and determined royal succession. With most Kushite sculptures, the faces are depicted with little consideration for idealism . Art historians often refer to the brutal realism of Kushite art . Earlier Kushite... Show more content on ... Temple and Tomb chamber walls throughout Kush were decorated with elaborate designs. Drawn in detailed dress and ornament shapes, the people complexion is often light brown or dark red. Figurative 2D artworks of the Napatan period shows the head, arms, and legs in profile, while the shoulders and torso in frontal view. Under the pyramids, meticulous drawings and writings fill in the burial room, displaying rituals and beliefs. Architectural features emerged in the Meroitic period: one room instead of the standard several room, temple
  • 41. Massachusetts Bay State Essay Massachusetts also known as the Bay State is a small state, but it has some rich history. Massachusetts is right next to New York and the Atlantic Ocean. Massachusetts first settlers were pilgrims. The state capital of Massachusetts is Boston; Boston is also the most popular state in Massachusetts. Massachusetts became a state on February 6th, 1788, Massachusetts is also the 6th state. It became a state on the 6th and it s the 6th state that s funny! The state birds are the Domesticated Turkey and Black Capped Chickadee. The state flower is the Mayflower, the pilgrims came on the Mayflower to Massachusetts and the state flower is the Mayflower. Massachusetts has a lot of state animals and im going to name them all for you. So the state animals are the Boston Terrier, Tabby Cat, Morgan Horse and the Right Whale. The state plant is the American Elm. Massachusetts states colors are blue and green. Massachusetts has 14 counties and Massachusetts has a population of 6,794,422. Massachusetts is also the 15th most popular state and the most popular city in Massachusetts is Boston.... Show more content on ... Dairy products account for about 12% of Massachusetts livestock products income. Cattle, aqua culture, chicken eggs and turkeys are also very important. Flower and ornamental shrubs are the primary source of income in Massachusetts. Cranberries rank second among any other crop products in the state. Massachusetts produces more than 25% of cranberries grown in the nation, Other important crops are sweet corn and apples. Hay is a major field crop grown in Massachusetts. Finance, insurance and real estate ranks
  • 42. Let the Right One in Analysis Essay BONDING THROUGH EXILE: An Analysis of Mise en ScГЁne in Let the Right One In The theme of loneliness and isolation has been predominant in cinema since its inception, but Tomas Alfredson explores the idea in a unique way in his 2008 Swedish romantic horror film, Let the Right One In. Set in the snowy winter of Stockholm, the film depicts the similarly cold and depressing life of Oskar, a young target of bullying. This frozen, barren setting contributes to the complete isolation that the viewer feels with the characters. Through strategic shot composition and specific color and mood choices, Alfredson shows how both Oskar and Eli are cut off from the world in different ways, and then how their common bloodlust brings them together. ... Show more content on ... The camera slowly pans around the playground, showing the bland walls of the apartment complex surrounding it to amplify their sense of overwhelming loneliness. Oskar, wanting to find a companion in Eli, provides her with his rubik s cube to solve. The rubik s cube can also be seen as Eli providing an answer to Oskar s problems. Both his life and his rubik s cube are puzzles that need solving, and Eli literally drops in to solve everything for him. This early scene sets the tone for the rest of the movie and establishes both the characters as lonely outcasts that need to be saved. As the relationship between Oskar and Eli continues to blossom, Oskar finds out that Eli lives off blood to survive. After this realization, there is a scene where Eli arrives at Oskar s house. Oskar attempts to let her in by motioning and gesturing but she refuses to cross the threshold. She finally enters without his permission, causing her to bleed from every opening on her face, turning her into a grotesque image of her true vampiric form. This causes Oskar to give her permission to enter. This scene symbolizes the finality of the relationship between Oskar and Eli. Eli is a violent murderer, and Oskar has violent ambitions, and this is the moment where Eli attempts to turn those ambitions into reality. The way the shots of Oskar and Eli are composed suggest a
  • 43. School Board Vacancies The school board authorizes to designate a personnel supervisor or another principal to accept the recommendations of principals or their designees for licensed employees or non instructional employees and to transmit approved recommendations to the local school board. The school board vote rather to hire the individual or not. The principal is the one that contact the candidate to inform him or her of the schoolboard s decision. According to Sec. 37 7 301; 37 9 14, announcement of vacancies for full time professional and non professional positions in the school district shall be posted in each school building, in the central office, and must be advertised on the district s website. Vacancies must be advertised for a minimum of fourteen
  • 44. Use Of Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God In the 1730 s there were people breaking away from the church and abandoning the Christian lifestyle. Church leaders were aware of this problem and decided to turn to the young Jonathan Edwards to recapture the hearts and minds of those who have left the church. In his most famous sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God , Edwards uses a variety of techniques to frighten his congregation to return to Christ. One technique that stood out from the others was imagery. Four of the most powerful images that he uses was the hanging by a thread, being overwhelmed by water, an arrow ready to destroy, and the fiery pit. The fear of falling is in all of us. Whether we admit it or not, we all do not just want to just plummet to our doom. Edwards
  • 45. Satire In The Onion In the mock press article from The Onion, the author uses satire to critique the way advertisements sell their products. The Onion wrote this article to mock and bring to light how advertisers will convince consumers to buy their product. They do this by utilizing humour and sarcasm to mock advertisements. The article makes outrageous claims such as, if the frequency of one s foot is out of alignment with the Earth, the entire body will suffer, in order to mock the way advertisers exaggerate statements. They do so because an advertisers view their consumers as naive and gullible. In the mock press release the company exaggerates how a real advertisement would by using statements that sound and look real, as well as use words such as vibrational
  • 46. Gifted Hands Reflection The portrayal of Dr. Ben Carson s life in Gifted Hands was truly inspirational and motivational. Through the depiction of his life, we realize that a person can still thrive despite encountering numerous adversaries. In the first part of the film, the audience saw a younger Ben, a kid who was hot tempered and quite gullible, so far from who he is now. As a child, Ben was easily influenced and pressured by his friends he succumbed to peer pressure as any adolescents would. Those specific attributes were manifested when Ben had had enough of his classmates bullyingand it became more evident when he became friends with a reckless and corrupt boy from his new school. Although Ben possesses the aforementioned negative traits, we also discovered some outstanding traits of his. Gifted Hands depicted... Show more content on ... Ben Carson was truly an exceptional and an accomplished person; however, the audience came to know that he hasn t always been like that. Ben came from a broken family since his father broke all contact and left him when he was still young; thus, he lived with his mother and his older brother. Besides the fact that he comes from a broken family, he is also a man of color. At that certain part of history, it is common to belittle and discriminate people belonging to the black ethnicity, which makes Ben s life tougher and more arduous. In addition to the aforementioned issues Ben faced, we learned that he was having a difficult time reading which explains his unsatisfactory grades and a little later it was also revealed that his mother also has a learning disability since she also can t read. Since the said obstacles greatly affected his view of himself and his personality, he had a fairly low self concept. Due to the incessant bullying and teasing of his classmates, he was quite ashamed of himself and he believed that he was not enough that he was not destined to be someone outstanding and
  • 47. Battle Of Saratoga The Battles of Saratoga The Battles of Saratoga was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. The victory is made clear by a few things: On October 17, 1777, about 6,000 British and Hessian troops surrendered. General John Burgoyne had lost about 90 percent of his force that had victoriously marched into New York from Canada during summer in 1777. The divide and conquer strategy that Burgoyne presented to British ministers in London was to invade America from Canada by traveling down the Hudson Valley to Albany. There, he would be joined by other British troops under the command of Sir William Howe. Howe would be bringing his troops north from New Jersey and New York City. Burgoyne believed that this bold stroke would not only isolate New... Show more content on ... They had just suffered a major setback the Battle of the Brandywine along with news of the fall of Philadelphia to the British. One American soldier declared, It was a glorious sight to see the haughty Brittons march out surrender their arms to an army which but a little before they despised and called paltroons. An amazing victory for America in October 1777, the success at Saratoga gave France the confidence in the American cause to become apart of the war as an American ally. Later American successes owed a great deal to French aid in the form of financial and military
  • 48. Frederick The Great Accomplishments Frederick the Great is best remembered nowadays as the Prussian king who led his country to the forefront of Europe through several wars and his domestic policies. Being an enthusiastic patron of the arts, he is also remembered as being a talented musician and Enlightened despot who sought to become the ideal platonic king . But while Frederick the Great pursued Enlightenment ideas and patronage of the arts, he deserves the title, The Great , because of his military and state achievements. While Frederick is remembered as a great military mind, ironically, as a child, Frederick seemed to shun all of the militaristic views and habits of his father. Against his father s wishes, he was interested in learning poetry, French, and music. His interests... Show more content on ... He will undoubtedly be remembered for his pursuit of Enlightenment ideas and patronage of the arts, but it was the stories of Frederick s deeds and speeches far outlived his own life. It was the stories of Frederick rallying the broken ranks at Hochkirch, being hit by a cannonball at Torgau, or Frederick s rallying speech at Leuthen that were remembered by his men and subjects, not the fact that Frederick was more interested in French than German, or that he played the flute. It was Frederick s reforms of agriculture, economics, and preservation and expansion of Prussia against all odds and enemies that people remembered, not the fact that Frederick wrote a commentary on Machiavelli or had a different taste in music. We remember Frederick II in our textbooks as Frederick the Great not because he was a patron of the arts or considered himself a philosopher king, but because he used his army and reforms to turn the small backwater country of Prussia into the a feared power in
  • 49. Will Hunting Psychology Disorder The main character of this film was Will Hunting, a young man from South Boston who grew up in the foster system and was portrayed to be of low social economic status. Regardless of Hunting s background he was remarkably intelligent, he explained it as similar to the way Beethoven could naturally plan a piano. There was never and official diagnosis given for Hunting s condition but there were symptoms that pointed towards anxiety and borderline personality disorder. The most distinct symptom I noticed for anxiety was during a session with Sean his therapist. Hunting was talking about a job that was offered to him by the government dealing with code breaking. Hunting created a scenario in which breaking a code would cause the death of one of his buddies , a raise in gas prices, war and oil spills.... Show more content on ... Hunting showed many of the symptoms of borderline personality disorder including mood swings, fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, impulsive behavior, and anger. These symptoms were very clearly shown throughout the entire film and many were also pointed out by Sean. A scene where the viewer saw most all of Hunting s symptoms was the scene when Skylar asked Hunting to go to California with her. He creates a scenario that if he would to go to California with Skylar she would find something out that she doesn t like about him, abandon him and he would be stuck in California. He becomes angry and aggressive towards Skylar yelling at her and pushing her. Finally, when she asks him if he loves her Hunting says no even though he truly does. This is because of his self destructive behavior and inability to have stable