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This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the relevant
elements you need to cover in your Music Video Assignment
It is suggested you save this PP in a different name and share it with
your group so you always have a copy – some sections require you to
delete the information on the slide and replace with your own work
Add more pages to each section where necessary [you should be
doing this!]
Add visuals as you see necessary
This document will be added to as you progress through the pre-
production phase.
Delete this slide when complete
TASK 1 Idea Generation and
Watch a selection of videos to get your ideas started, make
note of a minimum of 5 – add extra slides, screenshot the
video and in bullet point note down info in terms of camera,
editing, art design, performance, etc and how this might link
to your production
You’ve already done this in your
case study, so you can
summarise that here where
The camerawork in this video is a still image and have moments where they show the
surroundings by moving the camera slightly to side without shaking it so they used a
tripod to steady it also aim most of the shots at the sky and at a person who's holding a
stick that’s shooting out sparks that causes a star like effect which fit with their song lyrics
The editing in the videos has most of the focus on the sparks and blurred most of the
surroundings and made them the main focus they also slow down some clips to add
effect and appeal to the audiences
Their wasn’t that much performances since most of the clip were scenery and someone
standing in the middle of a building or field holding a stick that lets of specks swirling it
around to ake the background stand out more
Also it only has one person featured throughout the whole music video and you cant see
the person ether to add a mysterious effect ti the audiences
The camera focuses on the main character who at the start is a old man
then takes something that makes him happy and thinks he's young again
the camera also move the peoples movement and shakes when they start
yelling or hitting something within the video to make the video more
appealing also zooms in on certain characters when they do something
The editing in the music video is unique because at the start they do like
this effect on the computer where the character looks like the chair he's on
is going backwards while its not and start getting distorted the turns young
again they do some transitions with the camera where they do camera
movement and cut it when the scene changes so its smooth when it
changes another thing they do it slow down some clips to have more of an
effect on the audiences cause there's a scene within the video where
someone's hitting a mailbox and they sort of slow down with the camera
slowly moving with their movement
The performances in the music video doesn't’t happen much because
the video is set like a short film with a story behind it all also it has
The camerawork in the music video show shows different point of views to the characters featured within
it like side views and behind views, it has certain points where it seems first person cause of the way
they’ve done the filming also show scenes where the artist who’s singing in room at random points though
the video
the editing in the music video is steady and set like a short film with smooth transitions to different shots it
like cut to different positions in the shit like you could be behind the character to a first person view where
their filming what the character sees then it cuts to the artist zoomed in on them to add effect
The performances in the video has a wide range of performances because they switch
between the artist and the actors that are featured in the video
The music video is like a story with a plot based of the lyric that the artist is singing so they
made the surrounding similar to them as well to fit in also their always make your focus shift
to something in the back ground
Video: cavetown lemon boy
The camerawork in the video has the artist as the main focus as a spinning effect at
the start then the camera moves backwards at the artist approaches it then it has a
moment where the camera pans out and focuses on a lemon piñata that he process
to hit the video is set in a forest
The editing in the video is simple just shaking bit where he hit the piñata
then near the end it turns into a short animation sequences based on the
lyrics and video
The performances in the video is unique because most of the people
within the are showing positivity and holding flares to make the video
more dramatic another thing is that all work together as a team to make
the music cvideo its like a group of friends
Video: bring me the horizon throne
The camerawork in the video has moments where it pans out
so you can see the artist then itll change to a different scene
then they use some green screen effect where they change the
background they also add slow effect to part of vid to appeal to
the audience more
The editing in the video is fast paced and they used overlays on
some of the people at the start with a cats eye appearing within
Potential songs:
1. mystery of love by sufjan Stevens
2. this is home by cavetown
3. Ride lana del rey barretso remix
4. If I killed someone for you Alec Benjamin
5. Miracle man Oliver tree
6. Human of monsters and men
Techniques ill use is using the camera to zoom in on bit in the
video and make a small transition with it to shift into a different
scene but make it smooth by turning the camera at the same
Another technique is ill focus on the background too so it
contrasts while slowly walking though the forest with a ukulele
because that the main instalment in the song I was going to
use a guitar but ill be to big and a lot to carry though a forest so
had to think of a way around it
Another technique is ill do is if it comes to it is duplicate some
clip of a puddle being rained on and over laying it because we
cant film rivers but ill try working around that
Conventions I will use is the camera work like the way I position
it and place because I want it to fit in with the lyrics and song
and not make it shake at points so ill use maybe a tripod but ill
have moments whee ill place the camera on the floor and have
someone sitting down while looking of in the distance
Another thing is the way ill edit the video ill add different
transition at points but not to much ill add borders at the top and
bottom of the video to lay it out because the camera format is
different to the one I want to use I need it to be 1920x1080 so
its hd maybe add an overlay over the video so it has some type
of effect
Another thing is ill have some people doing stuff in the
background like spray painting some stuff or destroying some
object to represent the mood
5 opportunities of your ideas of the opportunities is that locations will be available and in
walking distances so will be able to film the places with more time
and do it more often
2. another opportunities is that the ideas have is that I can gt
people from the area to help out like friends who don’t have to
worry abut travel cost or anything
3. another op is most of the prop I'll be gathering I already have
acquired and ready to use
4. one op is that I can even work on the editing while capturing the
shots cause the location is close to me
5. lastly one op is that the song is quite long so I have load of
opportunities to capure and try different things to have featured in
my music video
5 restrictions to your ideas
1. one restriction is that I cant film or be near a river so I had to
work around that and down size it so it lest dangerous
2. another restriction is that I have to watch timing cause I have
to think of the prop and people to put into consideration just in
case it rains or travel
3. third restriction is that I could get lost in a forest so I cant go
too far from society just in case something happens
4. another restriction is that I have to think about weather
because I want some rain in my video so I have to plan when it
might but its unlikely
5. last the 5th restriction is cannot include certain thing within
the product so ive made it child friendly by only include friendly
Name of track / name of artist: this is home by cave town
Brief biographical background:The artist robin is 19 years old
born in oxford taught how to play the guitar at the age of 8 he
went to hills road sixth form college 2015-2017 fuelling his
passion for not only music, but creative writing and drawing.
He has branched his creative skills into art and graphic design,
gaining experience through the production of his own
Links to other artists
Genre info
FINAL IDEA – TRACK SUMMARYSummary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content, duration, pace and style of the song]
The song is 3 minutes and 45 seconds long with slow paced singing at the start then slowing
getting faster near the end
The meaning of the song relate to the artist not being able to fall in love and suffering from
anxiety and depression that why there's a lyrics that says “are you tired of me yet” expressing
how they feel
“I'm a little sick right now but I swear when I'm ready I will fly us out of here”
when he says that he is sick, most likely having to do with suicidal thoughts one way or
another. Then saying that when he is ready he will be able to escape his thoughts and being
free with someone or some people who also are going through the depression or also have
suicidal thoughts. Saying that he will help them escape those feelings and thoughts when he
is able to do so himself. Then he says he will cut his hair as a way to start the escape from the
thoughts then saying hide his chest that means hell hide his emotion about certain things
Verses 2
“Turn off your porcelain face”
By porcelain face, he means a mask. Someone is saying to stop hiding yourself and to stop
being fake to the listener or singer. Telling whomever it is for to stop trying to be who they are
not and accept themselves, open their arms and not hide behind who they want to be.
“are you dead? Sometimes I think im dead”
It seems as if this is referring to depression; they are losing their touch with reality and they
feel nearly unreal, to the point where they’re overwhelmed by “ghosts and ghouls” and so, so
“my eyes went dark I don’t know where my pupils are”
he can’t see, possibly everything is dark either physically or metaphorically. He may not know
where he is due to the darkness.
Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your
interpretation, use of imagery or narrative, genre conventions,
My idea for my music is I'm going to be in a forest and im going
to be standing in the middle with a ukulele pretending to play
the instalment and then slowly walk towards the camera then
change the setting to a tunnel with someone sitting there while
it rains to add to the mood and setting ill have a moment where
someone is spray painting a sad face on the wall to represent
the lyric “are you dead? Sometimes I'm dead” then one section
ill film rain landing in a lake or puddle because we cant film a
river because of safety so im working around that
Ill film some wild life to fit in with the song too like birds flying to
represent “ill get us out of here” the flying symbolises the
escape and freedom
TASK 2 Pre-production
You need to assess the viability of your production and
investigate what is required to enable you to make your music
Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will need to
investigate standard costings for such a production and apply
these to your planned production considering which equipment
you would need and resources, etc
Resources to support this are in the Pre-production
assessment folder on Blackboard
Delete the questions on each slide and insert your responses
Summary of intended production’
The intended production is a music video about 3min45sec with the song
this is home by cave town
I'm going make a chill but maybe sad music video with the intended
outcome t being finished in time and fitting with the mood of the song and
placing of it all
The track chosen is this is home by cave town the pacing of the song is
slow and chill at the start but when it hits the middle section it starts to get
fast and loud to keep the audiences engaged the mood is quite sad based
from the lyrics but also has a light mood
The equipment I'm planning on using is a camera to capture the footage ill
be using in the video another thing ill be using is a transparent panel to
protect the camera because I want to film a bit where there's a person
spray painting a wall so I want to capture a front view of it so the spray
over the camera view
Spray paint is another equipment ill use because im having someone
drawing on a wall with it the people in the video will be masked because
some people don’t want to be shown
You need to identify locations and plan a recce.
What are the limitations and risks, eg distance, access, cost,
weather? How will you manage this?
The location I'm going to is a tunnel area with wood bit surrounding it in Clifton
its quite close and travel isn't a problem
The weather isnt a problem ether because I want it to rain to add effect to the
video if it doesn't’t I will film at dusk and use water to improvise and with the
river situation ill do a lake or film a puddle close up and dribble some water on
top of it to get a river like effect
The cost isnt a problem its local so anyone can access it
What do you need? E.g. equipment, resources? Mostly from
college, but who do you need to speak to get this kit? What is
available? When?
Look at equipment hire places, etc
The equipment need to get the footage is a camera so ill get that
from college by booking it out two days in advances
Other resources ive already have collected like the
1. Spray paint
2. Ukulele
3. Mask
4. Panel
5. People
Where will you edit your video? Do you need any other
specialist facilities…?
I will edit my video in premiere pro at college and home since I
have the resources at both points I can also edit it on the go
since I have the software on my laptop
CREW: What is you team? Who is in it? What are each team
members strengths/weaknesses? When are they available?
Ill have one more person on my team called Megan their
available Friday evenings and weekends
Their strengths is that their very co optative and they give good
ideas on the spot their also artistic so they’ll be able to spray
paint something good on the wall during the filming
CAST: Do you need any external performers? When are they
available? Cost implications? Will you have to feed them?
Transport them? I will not need anyone extra since it’s a simple
music video two people is enough
Other personnel? Is anyone else helping you? no
Props: props that'll have is some spray paint cans because ill be using
them within the video also ill have a ukulele because at the start of the
song that instrument is being played so ill use that for the small part of
the video
Another prop/costume is mask that we’ll be wearing because we don’t
want our faces being shown also one bit of the song we’ll have a
mask well make where we rip/peel off to add effect to the video
TASK 3.1 Visual Planning
This section is concerned with the visual planning of your
music video
You should use this section to develop the sequencing or your
video, establish the relationship between the visuals and the
track itself and create a structure for you to follow when filming
It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the video before you
make it; it will make filming and production a more streamlined
The following tasks are part of your visual planning
- Pre-visualisation and concept boards
- Storyboarding
- Shot list
Tool for exploring the direction and visuals
Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel”
Presents key moments in your video
A means to sketch/plan ideas
Information on colour/lighting
Defining the “mise-en-scene”
Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the
production, the following slides have been left blank for you to
approach in your own way, add more as you need to
Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that have
inspired or influenced your video [similar to this:
You should also construct a 15-20second Rip-o-matic test reel
using existing footage to convey the type of video you want to
Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g. intro, verse,
chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad visual ideas to each
You can use this as the master template for your production,
then add more shots to each section when you develop your
full visual plan
You should create a slide showing all the sections of the song,
then add a slide for each section with timings, lyrics, what
happens and details on specific shots
You could storyboard and shot list each section as you go, to
break up the process.
“Often I am upset That I cannot fall in love But I guess This avoids the stress of falling out
of it Are you tired of me yet? I'm a little sick right now But I swear When i'm ready I will fly
us out of here I'll cut my hair To make you stare I'll hide my chest And i'll figure out a way
to get us out of here. Turn off your porcelain face I can't really think right now in this place
There's too many colors Enough to drive all of us insane Are you dead? Sometimes I think
I'm dead Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head But i don't wanna fall
asleep just yet My eyes went dark I don't know where My pupils are But i'll figure out a way
to get us out of here Get a load of this monster He doesn't know how to communicate His
mind is in a different place Will everybody please give him a little bit of space Get a load of
this trainwreck His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet But little do we know
the stars welcome him with open arms Oh Time is Slowly tracing his face But strangely he
feels at home in this place.”
Your storyboard should bring your idea to life
Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video
Provides a basis for production
Suggested online storyboard creators are:
- [very complicated]
- [allows you to insert your own images]
Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and scan or
copy to insert it onto your slides
There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!
Your shot list should contain the sequential breakdown of what
you need to shoot for your video
It should work in partnership with your storyboard
It will be your working document when you film
It should contain the shot number, scene number, shot
description, framing and action you will see
It should also have information on performers in the scene and
other props, etc
Shot list template is on Blackboard in the pre-production folder.
TASK 3.2 Organisational Planning
Include names, contact info, and defined roles at difference
stages of production, using a table is suggested
Names: L. Amos
Contact info: college email
Role: I'm doing some camera work as well as some acting to half
the workload also directing everyone in place usinf a plan
Name: M. Norman
Contact info: College email/phone number
They will also be doing some camerawork to help and acting
we’re basically doing half of each to work as a team to have a
contrast work flow
Information and images of your location[s] for filming
You should have address details, clearance/premissions for
filming, recce photos and floorplans [including camera,
equipment and cast/crew layouts]
Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option
Assess each location for any issues and suggest solutions
The locations that I will have in my film are located in cliftion by
a forest area with a tunnel though the middle also the area has
a path though it so its public anyone can access it all the time
and you can do anything there so I will be allowed to film just
wont include the people passing by because they wouldn’t
want to be included
The camera I will be using I will book from college cannon
700D with a tripod hopefully if they have some available if not I
will improvise find a stand in
Risk Assess each separate filming location using the table in
the camera H&S PP on Bb as a staring point
Completing a generic filming assessment would be a start,
then you can add specialist/site specific risks as you progress
your production
Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document, you
should evaluate if anything changes in production and when
you put control measures in place
You should add the table to each call sheet for each location
Risks – the risks that could happen when filming is that I could
trip and brake the equipment I may be holding at that certain
point in time also another thing is that I could lose small
equipment within the wood so ill keep them close or put them
into a wallet or pocket
Another risk is that it the equipment could get wet from rain or
waters that’s being used within the music video that might
damage the camera so I could use a umbrella when setting up
the tripod with the camera to protect it
Things go wrong
Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or to
minimise the effect on production
You should consider the following areas: Technical, Location,
Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5 potential issues
for each]
Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard
Provide an outline of what you will do on which days during
You should broadly plan to the following structure:
- 2 weeks pre-production
- 1 week filming [plan for up to 2 days]
- 2 weeks editing [essentially 2 days for every day you filmed]
Week 1-pre
Week 2-filming Here I will be filming
outside of college but
first ill gather all the
equipment and props
needed for the video
then go and gather
everyone who's being
featured in it
Next we’ll be going to
location and set
everything up in the
forest and tunnel to prep
the scenes so there
ready for when we start
the shooting
Next we’ll do certain scenes at
different times like a night we’ll
do the fire scene and the night
sky bit while at mid day we do
the start and middle section with
the prop of wings and spray
painting on the wall scene then
depending on which day rains
we will film the scene where
someone sitting on the edge of
the tunnel looking out
Then we’ll put the
scenes together
see which ones
we can all do
Week 3- editing This bit ill gather all of the
footage we captured
during the week of filming
then check if all the
footage is there then save
them in different place to
access them and to keep
Then put them all together
in premiere pro to find out
which bit go where
basically putting them
order start to finish also
putting the music in so I
can put then the scenes
with the right lyrics
In this bit ill cut down the clips so
they move in sync with the music
and looks appealing then once I put
them in order and cut the clips to
the right bit ill save an extra file and
experiment with one by adding
different transition and maybe a
slow motion style scene
This section ill
add the transition
to the bit I thing
will suit well with
the certain clips
and make it look
appealing and
have a sense of
story to make
people carry on
Week 4-editing
Any place you film and anyone you use in the filming of your
video must have a completed form
Blank forms are on Blackboard for you to complete and insert
TASK 4.1 Production Record/Log
Keep track your filming and production work with the camera
You could add stills of your work with annotations
You should include any specific details about how your filming
went and what you did on set to enable you to complete the
You should include Call Sheets and relevant production
documents here
This links with your schedule
Complete a call sheet for each production activity
Forms are on Blackboard
Insert into Powerpoint here

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Music video assignment

  • 2. GUIDANCE This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the relevant elements you need to cover in your Music Video Assignment It is suggested you save this PP in a different name and share it with your group so you always have a copy – some sections require you to delete the information on the slide and replace with your own work Add more pages to each section where necessary [you should be doing this!] Add visuals as you see necessary This document will be added to as you progress through the pre- production phase. Delete this slide when complete
  • 3. TASK 1 Idea Generation and Research
  • 5. RESEARCH Watch a selection of videos to get your ideas started, make note of a minimum of 5 – add extra slides, screenshot the video and in bullet point note down info in terms of camera, editing, art design, performance, etc and how this might link to your production Hint! You’ve already done this in your case study, so you can summarise that here where relevant Camerawork The camerawork in this video is a still image and have moments where they show the surroundings by moving the camera slightly to side without shaking it so they used a tripod to steady it also aim most of the shots at the sky and at a person who's holding a stick that’s shooting out sparks that causes a star like effect which fit with their song lyrics Editing The editing in the videos has most of the focus on the sparks and blurred most of the surroundings and made them the main focus they also slow down some clips to add effect and appeal to the audiences Performances Their wasn’t that much performances since most of the clip were scenery and someone standing in the middle of a building or field holding a stick that lets of specks swirling it around to ake the background stand out more Also it only has one person featured throughout the whole music video and you cant see the person ether to add a mysterious effect ti the audiences
  • 6. VIDEO 2 Camerawork The camera focuses on the main character who at the start is a old man then takes something that makes him happy and thinks he's young again the camera also move the peoples movement and shakes when they start yelling or hitting something within the video to make the video more appealing also zooms in on certain characters when they do something Editing The editing in the music video is unique because at the start they do like this effect on the computer where the character looks like the chair he's on is going backwards while its not and start getting distorted the turns young again they do some transitions with the camera where they do camera movement and cut it when the scene changes so its smooth when it changes another thing they do it slow down some clips to have more of an effect on the audiences cause there's a scene within the video where someone's hitting a mailbox and they sort of slow down with the camera slowly moving with their movement Performances The performances in the music video doesn't’t happen much because the video is set like a short film with a story behind it all also it has moments
  • 7. VIDEO 3 camerawork The camerawork in the music video show shows different point of views to the characters featured within it like side views and behind views, it has certain points where it seems first person cause of the way they’ve done the filming also show scenes where the artist who’s singing in room at random points though the video Editing the editing in the music video is steady and set like a short film with smooth transitions to different shots it like cut to different positions in the shit like you could be behind the character to a first person view where their filming what the character sees then it cuts to the artist zoomed in on them to add effect Performances The performances in the video has a wide range of performances because they switch between the artist and the actors that are featured in the video The music video is like a story with a plot based of the lyric that the artist is singing so they made the surrounding similar to them as well to fit in also their always make your focus shift to something in the back ground Also
  • 8. VIDEO 4 Link: Video: cavetown lemon boy Camerawork The camerawork in the video has the artist as the main focus as a spinning effect at the start then the camera moves backwards at the artist approaches it then it has a moment where the camera pans out and focuses on a lemon piñata that he process to hit the video is set in a forest Editing The editing in the video is simple just shaking bit where he hit the piñata then near the end it turns into a short animation sequences based on the lyrics and video Performances The performances in the video is unique because most of the people within the are showing positivity and holding flares to make the video more dramatic another thing is that all work together as a team to make the music cvideo its like a group of friends
  • 9. VIDEO 5 Link: Video: bring me the horizon throne Camerawork The camerawork in the video has moments where it pans out so you can see the artist then itll change to a different scene then they use some green screen effect where they change the background they also add slow effect to part of vid to appeal to the audience more Editing The editing in the video is fast paced and they used overlays on some of the people at the start with a cats eye appearing within them Performances
  • 10. POTENTIAL SONGS Potential songs: 1. mystery of love by sufjan Stevens 2. this is home by cavetown 3. Ride lana del rey barretso remix 4. If I killed someone for you Alec Benjamin 5. Miracle man Oliver tree 6. Human of monsters and men 7.
  • 11. POTENTIAL TECHNIQUES Techniques ill use is using the camera to zoom in on bit in the video and make a small transition with it to shift into a different scene but make it smooth by turning the camera at the same motion Another technique is ill focus on the background too so it contrasts while slowly walking though the forest with a ukulele because that the main instalment in the song I was going to use a guitar but ill be to big and a lot to carry though a forest so had to think of a way around it Another technique is ill do is if it comes to it is duplicate some clip of a puddle being rained on and over laying it because we cant film rivers but ill try working around that
  • 12. CONVENTIONS YOU PLAN TO USE Conventions I will use is the camera work like the way I position it and place because I want it to fit in with the lyrics and song and not make it shake at points so ill use maybe a tripod but ill have moments whee ill place the camera on the floor and have someone sitting down while looking of in the distance Another thing is the way ill edit the video ill add different transition at points but not to much ill add borders at the top and bottom of the video to lay it out because the camera format is different to the one I want to use I need it to be 1920x1080 so its hd maybe add an overlay over the video so it has some type of effect Another thing is ill have some people doing stuff in the background like spray painting some stuff or destroying some object to represent the mood
  • 14. SUMMARY 5 opportunities of your ideas of the opportunities is that locations will be available and in walking distances so will be able to film the places with more time and do it more often 2. another opportunities is that the ideas have is that I can gt people from the area to help out like friends who don’t have to worry abut travel cost or anything 3. another op is most of the prop I'll be gathering I already have acquired and ready to use 4. one op is that I can even work on the editing while capturing the shots cause the location is close to me 5. lastly one op is that the song is quite long so I have load of opportunities to capure and try different things to have featured in my music video
  • 15. SUMMARY 5 restrictions to your ideas 1. one restriction is that I cant film or be near a river so I had to work around that and down size it so it lest dangerous 2. another restriction is that I have to watch timing cause I have to think of the prop and people to put into consideration just in case it rains or travel 3. third restriction is that I could get lost in a forest so I cant go too far from society just in case something happens 4. another restriction is that I have to think about weather because I want some rain in my video so I have to plan when it might but its unlikely 5. last the 5th restriction is cannot include certain thing within the product so ive made it child friendly by only include friendly objects
  • 16. FINAL IDEA – ARTIST/TITLE/INFO Name of track / name of artist: this is home by cave town Brief biographical background:The artist robin is 19 years old born in oxford taught how to play the guitar at the age of 8 he went to hills road sixth form college 2015-2017 fuelling his passion for not only music, but creative writing and drawing. He has branched his creative skills into art and graphic design, gaining experience through the production of his own merchandise. Links to other artists Genre info Alternative/Indie
  • 17. FINAL IDEA – TRACK SUMMARYSummary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content, duration, pace and style of the song] The song is 3 minutes and 45 seconds long with slow paced singing at the start then slowing getting faster near the end The meaning of the song relate to the artist not being able to fall in love and suffering from anxiety and depression that why there's a lyrics that says “are you tired of me yet” expressing how they feel “I'm a little sick right now but I swear when I'm ready I will fly us out of here” when he says that he is sick, most likely having to do with suicidal thoughts one way or another. Then saying that when he is ready he will be able to escape his thoughts and being free with someone or some people who also are going through the depression or also have suicidal thoughts. Saying that he will help them escape those feelings and thoughts when he is able to do so himself. Then he says he will cut his hair as a way to start the escape from the thoughts then saying hide his chest that means hell hide his emotion about certain things Verses 2 “Turn off your porcelain face” By porcelain face, he means a mask. Someone is saying to stop hiding yourself and to stop being fake to the listener or singer. Telling whomever it is for to stop trying to be who they are not and accept themselves, open their arms and not hide behind who they want to be. “are you dead? Sometimes I think im dead” It seems as if this is referring to depression; they are losing their touch with reality and they feel nearly unreal, to the point where they’re overwhelmed by “ghosts and ghouls” and so, so tired “my eyes went dark I don’t know where my pupils are” he can’t see, possibly everything is dark either physically or metaphorically. He may not know where he is due to the darkness.
  • 18. FINAL IDEA – YOUR IDEA Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your interpretation, use of imagery or narrative, genre conventions, etc] My idea for my music is I'm going to be in a forest and im going to be standing in the middle with a ukulele pretending to play the instalment and then slowly walk towards the camera then change the setting to a tunnel with someone sitting there while it rains to add to the mood and setting ill have a moment where someone is spray painting a sad face on the wall to represent the lyric “are you dead? Sometimes I'm dead” then one section ill film rain landing in a lake or puddle because we cant film a river because of safety so im working around that Ill film some wild life to fit in with the song too like birds flying to represent “ill get us out of here” the flying symbolises the escape and freedom
  • 20. GUIDANCE: PRE-PRODUCTION ASSESSMENT You need to assess the viability of your production and investigate what is required to enable you to make your music video Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will need to investigate standard costings for such a production and apply these to your planned production considering which equipment you would need and resources, etc Resources to support this are in the Pre-production assessment folder on Blackboard Delete the questions on each slide and insert your responses
  • 21. TITLE OF PRODUCTION/PRODUCTI ON OUTLINE Summary of intended production’ The intended production is a music video about 3min45sec with the song this is home by cave town I'm going make a chill but maybe sad music video with the intended outcome t being finished in time and fitting with the mood of the song and placing of it all The track chosen is this is home by cave town the pacing of the song is slow and chill at the start but when it hits the middle section it starts to get fast and loud to keep the audiences engaged the mood is quite sad based from the lyrics but also has a light mood The equipment I'm planning on using is a camera to capture the footage ill be using in the video another thing ill be using is a transparent panel to protect the camera because I want to film a bit where there's a person spray painting a wall so I want to capture a front view of it so the spray over the camera view Spray paint is another equipment ill use because im having someone drawing on a wall with it the people in the video will be masked because some people don’t want to be shown
  • 22. LOCATIONS You need to identify locations and plan a recce. What are the limitations and risks, eg distance, access, cost, weather? How will you manage this? The location I'm going to is a tunnel area with wood bit surrounding it in Clifton its quite close and travel isn't a problem The weather isnt a problem ether because I want it to rain to add effect to the video if it doesn't’t I will film at dusk and use water to improvise and with the river situation ill do a lake or film a puddle close up and dribble some water on top of it to get a river like effect The cost isnt a problem its local so anyone can access it
  • 23. EQUIPMENT What do you need? E.g. equipment, resources? Mostly from college, but who do you need to speak to get this kit? What is available? When? Look at equipment hire places, etc The equipment need to get the footage is a camera so ill get that from college by booking it out two days in advances Other resources ive already have collected like the 1. Spray paint 2. Ukulele 3. Mask 4. Panel 5. People
  • 24. FACILITIES Where will you edit your video? Do you need any other specialist facilities…? I will edit my video in premiere pro at college and home since I have the resources at both points I can also edit it on the go since I have the software on my laptop
  • 25. PERSONNEL CREW: What is you team? Who is in it? What are each team members strengths/weaknesses? When are they available? Ill have one more person on my team called Megan their available Friday evenings and weekends Their strengths is that their very co optative and they give good ideas on the spot their also artistic so they’ll be able to spray paint something good on the wall during the filming CAST: Do you need any external performers? When are they available? Cost implications? Will you have to feed them? Transport them? I will not need anyone extra since it’s a simple music video two people is enough Other personnel? Is anyone else helping you? no
  • 26. PROPS/COSTUME/ETC Props: props that'll have is some spray paint cans because ill be using them within the video also ill have a ukulele because at the start of the song that instrument is being played so ill use that for the small part of the video Another prop/costume is mask that we’ll be wearing because we don’t want our faces being shown also one bit of the song we’ll have a mask well make where we rip/peel off to add effect to the video
  • 27. TASK 3.1 Visual Planning
  • 28. PRE-PRODUCTION: VISUAL PLANNING This section is concerned with the visual planning of your music video You should use this section to develop the sequencing or your video, establish the relationship between the visuals and the track itself and create a structure for you to follow when filming It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the video before you make it; it will make filming and production a more streamlined process The following tasks are part of your visual planning - Pre-visualisation and concept boards - Storyboarding - Shot list
  • 29. PRE- VISUALISATION/CONCEP T BOARDS Tool for exploring the direction and visuals Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel” Presents key moments in your video A means to sketch/plan ideas Information on colour/lighting Defining the “mise-en-scene” Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the production, the following slides have been left blank for you to approach in your own way, add more as you need to Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that have inspired or influenced your video [similar to this: might-be-better-than-the-real-movie]
  • 30.
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  • 32. RIP-O-MATIC You should also construct a 15-20second Rip-o-matic test reel using existing footage to convey the type of video you want to make
  • 33. STRUCTURAL BREAKDOWN Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g. intro, verse, chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad visual ideas to each section You can use this as the master template for your production, then add more shots to each section when you develop your full visual plan You should create a slide showing all the sections of the song, then add a slide for each section with timings, lyrics, what happens and details on specific shots You could storyboard and shot list each section as you go, to break up the process.
  • 34. Lyrics: “Often I am upset That I cannot fall in love But I guess This avoids the stress of falling out of it Are you tired of me yet? I'm a little sick right now But I swear When i'm ready I will fly us out of here I'll cut my hair To make you stare I'll hide my chest And i'll figure out a way to get us out of here. Turn off your porcelain face I can't really think right now in this place There's too many colors Enough to drive all of us insane Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head But i don't wanna fall asleep just yet My eyes went dark I don't know where My pupils are But i'll figure out a way to get us out of here Get a load of this monster He doesn't know how to communicate His mind is in a different place Will everybody please give him a little bit of space Get a load of this trainwreck His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet But little do we know the stars welcome him with open arms Oh Time is Slowly tracing his face But strangely he feels at home in this place.” Details
  • 35. STORYBOARDING Your storyboard should bring your idea to life Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video Provides a basis for production Suggested online storyboard creators are: - - [very complicated] - [allows you to insert your own images] Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and scan or copy to insert it onto your slides There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!
  • 36.
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  • 38.
  • 39. SHOT LIST Your shot list should contain the sequential breakdown of what you need to shoot for your video It should work in partnership with your storyboard It will be your working document when you film It should contain the shot number, scene number, shot description, framing and action you will see It should also have information on performers in the scene and other props, etc Shot list template is on Blackboard in the pre-production folder.
  • 41. PRODUCTION GROUP INFO Include names, contact info, and defined roles at difference stages of production, using a table is suggested Names: L. Amos Contact info: college email Role: I'm doing some camera work as well as some acting to half the workload also directing everyone in place usinf a plan Name: M. Norman Contact info: College email/phone number They will also be doing some camerawork to help and acting we’re basically doing half of each to work as a team to have a contrast work flow
  • 42. LOCATION INFORMATION Information and images of your location[s] for filming You should have address details, clearance/premissions for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts] Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option Assess each location for any issues and suggest solutions
  • 43. LOCATIONS The locations that I will have in my film are located in cliftion by a forest area with a tunnel though the middle also the area has a path though it so its public anyone can access it all the time and you can do anything there so I will be allowed to film just wont include the people passing by because they wouldn’t want to be included The camera I will be using I will book from college cannon 700D with a tripod hopefully if they have some available if not I will improvise find a stand in
  • 44. RISK ASSESSMENT Risk Assess each separate filming location using the table in the camera H&S PP on Bb as a staring point Completing a generic filming assessment would be a start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as you progress your production Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document, you should evaluate if anything changes in production and when you put control measures in place You should add the table to each call sheet for each location
  • 45. RISK ASSESSMENT Risks – the risks that could happen when filming is that I could trip and brake the equipment I may be holding at that certain point in time also another thing is that I could lose small equipment within the wood so ill keep them close or put them into a wallet or pocket Another risk is that it the equipment could get wet from rain or waters that’s being used within the music video that might damage the camera so I could use a umbrella when setting up the tripod with the camera to protect it
  • 46. CONTINGENCY PLANNING Things go wrong Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or to minimise the effect on production You should consider the following areas: Technical, Location, Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5 potential issues for each] Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard
  • 48. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Provide an outline of what you will do on which days during production You should broadly plan to the following structure: - 2 weeks pre-production - 1 week filming [plan for up to 2 days] - 2 weeks editing [essentially 2 days for every day you filmed]
  • 49. SCHEDULE schedule Week 1-pre production Week 2-filming Here I will be filming outside of college but first ill gather all the equipment and props needed for the video then go and gather everyone who's being featured in it Next we’ll be going to location and set everything up in the forest and tunnel to prep the scenes so there ready for when we start the shooting Next we’ll do certain scenes at different times like a night we’ll do the fire scene and the night sky bit while at mid day we do the start and middle section with the prop of wings and spray painting on the wall scene then depending on which day rains we will film the scene where someone sitting on the edge of the tunnel looking out Then we’ll put the scenes together see which ones we can all do better Week 3- editing This bit ill gather all of the footage we captured during the week of filming then check if all the footage is there then save them in different place to access them and to keep them Then put them all together in premiere pro to find out which bit go where basically putting them order start to finish also putting the music in so I can put then the scenes with the right lyrics In this bit ill cut down the clips so they move in sync with the music and looks appealing then once I put them in order and cut the clips to the right bit ill save an extra file and experiment with one by adding different transition and maybe a slow motion style scene This section ill add the transition to the bit I thing will suit well with the certain clips and make it look appealing and have a sense of story to make people carry on watching Week 4-editing
  • 50. CLEARANCE AND PERMISSIONS Any place you film and anyone you use in the filming of your video must have a completed form Blank forms are on Blackboard for you to complete and insert here
  • 52. TASK 4.1 Production Record/Log
  • 53. PRODUCTION RECORD/LOG Keep track your filming and production work with the camera here You could add stills of your work with annotations You should include any specific details about how your filming went and what you did on set to enable you to complete the work You should include Call Sheets and relevant production documents here
  • 54. CALL SHEETS This links with your schedule Complete a call sheet for each production activity Forms are on Blackboard Insert into Powerpoint here