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Music Magazine
The masthead is at the top of the page and in a bold font which makes the
magazine easily recognisable and eye-catching to the audience. The contrasting
colours of a white title on a black background allows it to stand out even more to
attract the reader’s attention, and the black background disappears to be replaced
by the dark hair of the models head which allows the title to blend in with the rest
of the cover, connoting the title is an important part of the cover and a main
feature. The capital letters and exclamation mark connote the magazine is loud
which represents the music style of rock being conveyed, also the word Kerrang
itself is an onomatopoeia representing the sound an electric guitar makes when a
chord is played, which denotes the genre of this magazine once again. The black
lines running through the title resemble guitar strings which allow the magazine to
stand out as a music magazine and support the overall atmosphere of the rock
themed magazine and the frayed edges of the title make the magazine look worn
and uses which further supports the rock theme of this magazine.
The main image uses direct address which engages the audience’s attention
towards the magazine as the model is looking directly at the camera which
bonds the them and the reader, making the magazine more appealing to read.
The model is in the centre of the cover in a medium shot which draws the
attention to him and shows the audience he is a main feature of this issue of
KERRANG! The shadow on his face links with the cover line ‘Jared Leto’s
dark side exposed’ as half of his face is being shadowed to add some mystery
about him which intrigues the reader. The model is dressed in dark clothes
which appeals to the target audience of this rock magazine and fits in with the
colour scheme.
The main cover line is written over the top of the model to indicate they’re
connected and the text is in a large font which makes it stand out along with
the main image to show that is a main feature of this magazine. A quote is
used to make the relationship between the reader and the model seem more
personal and give an honest insight into the model and his personality and
leave the reader interested and guess the context behind the quote.
There are smaller images around the page to add a visual aid to the cover and
get a mix of text and pictures to make the cover look more interesting and
appeal to people passing by giving the magazine a quick glance and still give
information to people stopping to read the front cover and still get useful
information from it and learn what is contained inside.
The cover lines around the page show other features of the magazine and
they’re all written in capital letters to help them stand out and different
colours to show the separation between them. They are smaller than the main
cover line to keep the focus aimed towards that and the remaining cover lines
are all similar in size to show they have equal importance and share the same
amount of contents inside the magazine. The use of exclamation marks make
them seem more interesting and draws the eye to them. The cover lines fill up
empty space to emphasise the magazine is filed with lots of information
which could vary and appeal to a variety of people.
There is a colour scheme is red, white and black which fits the rock style and
allows the text to stand out against the rest of the cover. Red is a very vibrant
colour against black and white which make the magazine eye-catching and it is
a warm colour which is an inviting feature of this front cover. This strict
colour scheme implies the magazine is professional and organised which is an
appealing asset to the audience.
The barcode is at the bottom of the page in the corner to show it isn’t
important compared to the rest of the cover and so doesn’t take the focus
away from the main features. Below the barcode is the price written in a small
font in order to not put people off buying the magazine because of the price.
The masthead is located at the top of the page in a large font and is the first
text the reader sees which identifies the magazine without any indication
needed from the front cover. The use of white and yellow on a blue
background colour makes the words stand out individually which catches the
eye of the reader. Next to the masthead in the blue background also in yellow
shows the issue number and cover date which are key pieces of information
but aren’t relevant to the contents of the magazine which is why they’re
located at the top but in a small size. The title is the brightest part of the page
which indicated where to start reading as it’s the most noticeable feature of
the page.
The main image used direct address and the model has her hands stretched
out forwards as to grab the audience’s attention to read the rest if the
magazine and become interested in what is involved. Her hands also frame her
face and she is smiling which adds a positive vibe to the magazine. It has been
taken in a mid-shot so we can see these facial expressions.
There are nine subheadings that show each category of the magazine and
make it easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for. This denotes the
magazine is organised and can clearly show the readers what they’re looking
for without much difficult which is a positive feature. Each header is on a
banner of a black background which makes it stand out and is visually
pleasing for the reader as it breaks down the entire contents of the magazine
into small groups and the yellow text colour stands out well against it. Each
article has a place under a subheading allowing them to be quick and easy to
The sub images are smaller than the main image so they don’t take the
attention away from a main feature of this contents page. These images are
numbered in coordination with the articles written down the left hand side of
the page. These numbers show that each image has a purpose and that the
magazine will show more information about them later on in the magazine.
The images give the reader visual previews into what is included in the
magazine which appeals to younger viewers or people wanting to save time
and not want to read through the list of articles to find out what they’re
looking for. The use of pictures makes the page less boring as there are more
visual and colourful things to look at rather than just text.
Each article is numbered in red to be noticeable to the reader which allows the
magazine to be navigated easier. The main article title is written in black and is
bold to stand out and underneath some of them is additional information in
grey which doesn’t take the main focus away from the titles but encourages
the reader to want to read the article.
The colour scheme is blue, yellow, black and white. These are gender neutral
colours which mean this contents page will appeal to both men and women.
Blue and yellow are contrasting colours which convey the idea that this
magazine is aimed at an alternative target audience and doesn’t comply to
conventional principles.
Page numbers are shown next to sub images and in front of the articles to
make the magazine easy to navigate and quicker for the audience to locate
what they’re looking for.
There is information about subscriptions in the bottom left corner which
encourages the readers to buy more magazines before even reading this issue.
It is located at the bottom of the page as it doesn’t affect what is being
included inside the magazine but is an important piece of information so
sticks with the colour scheme with a black background so it stands out.
The headline is printed over both pages of the spread which makes it more
eye-catching and proves both pages are connected and share the same
information. It is a quote which makes the message seem more personal to the
readers which is an engaging feature. It is in red and white which are colours
that easily stand out against the black background and contrast each other
making it stand out even more. It is the largest text on the page and is written
in bold letters which demonstrates that it is the main headline and is relevant
to the rest of the information displayed on the page.
The main article is in two columns which is traditional and has the
connotations of newspapers which makes this page look very professional and
skilled. It is very informative as it gives key information which would be
interesting to readers. It includes quotes and the names of other bands and
people which would appeal to a wider audience who are fans of these
additional features mentioned. It also gives a closer understanding into the
personalities of the band members which would make My Chemical Romance
fans want to read it as it is likely they will share some information about
themselves. The text is located near the middle of the page and starts with a
drop cap to make the writing more inviting and encourage people to read it.
There are multiple high definition images on this double page spread. The main
image is the largest which stands out more than the others and it shows the singer
of the featured band on stage to justify that this is a music magazine. The other
smaller images are taken of the other band members which is informative to the
readers to who is in the band and demonstrates the equality of the members.
These images interest the target audience as there are studio images as well as live
performance photo which adds variety. They’re taken in monochrome which adds
a sophisticated and professional look that also complies with the overall colour
scheme of black, white and red. The reader is given a visual element which helps
to break up the text on the page which is more visually pleasing. All images are
taken in a mid-shot or closer which gives the impression that the reader is closer
to the models which bonds them and adds realism to the images. This shot type
also allows the reader to see the facial expressions and body language of them.
None of the band members are posing or the photographs too which reinforces
this sense of realism and they aren’t overly edited which is a further asset to this
realistic view.
The colour scheme is black white and red which is a consistent style with
Kerrang. These colours are strongly contrasting which allows all the text to
stand out against the dark background yet still adds some colour to make the
important parts noticeable. This contrast also makes the text easy to read.
There are anchors used on some of the images to provide additional
information to what is going on in the photos and give an insight into the
situation which connects the reader to the band more.
There is an additional box running down the side of the double page spread
which gives a written description of what a few of this bands new songs are.
This box is informative to the reader and gives them an insight into their style
without having to listen to the songs which is a helpful application to the page
and can encourage the readers to listen to their music.
There are buzz words used to attract the audience’s attention and connote
ideas that this information won’t be found anywhere else. This encourages the
audience to want to read the article as it may seem rare and exclusive.
The masthead is in a large font in the top left hand corner which stands out as
the title of the magazine. It is being covered by the models head which
implies it is easily recognisable and doesn’t need the whole title to be showing
in order to be recognised. It is the largest sized text on the cover meaning it
stands out and denotes it is the title of the magazine. Beneath the masthead in
smaller font that states what the letters of the title stand for to give the
readers extra information straight away that it is a music magazine without
having to look inside it to find out which is a timesaving feature that the
audience would appreciate.
The main cover line is written over the top of the model to show they’re
related and links the image to the cover line ‘the record that changed my life’
and he is holding a record which justifies this link. This headline is in a
different font from the rest of the cover which makes it stand out more and is
in a handwritten style and changes to first person which adds a personal touch
and engages the audience’s attention to it on a personal level which would be
appealing to the reader. It is also in a larger size to make it more eye-catching
to the reader and the individuality of it against the rest of the cover is visually
pleasing which may lure in the readers.
The main cover line finishes with a question to interest the readers and reach
out to them on a personal level and encourages them to like the magazine and
want to buy it.
The main image introduces us to the artist and shows what this issue of the
magazine will be featuring. Direct address is used to bond the model and the
reader using eye contact and make the magazine seem friendly and personal to
the viewer even by a quick glance which makes it more appealing. The photo
is taken in a mid-shot which allows focus on the model and we can see his
facial expressions and body language without being too close up which may
take away from the rest of the cover. He is standing with his arms folded as if
to say he has interesting information to tell the readers but is restraining it,
edging people to buy the magazine so they can find out inside this issue.
The cover lines are written in capital letters to make them bold and eye-
catching and the alteration between blue and white for each line separate each
of the artist’s names to give them individuality and make them easier to read.
The smaller cover lines on the right hand side are in a smaller font connoting
they are less significant to the main article, but they still fit the overall colour
scheme allowing them to fit in with the general theme of the page.
There is a colour scheme of red, white, black and light blue which are gender
neutral colours which doesn’t restrict who the magazine may appeal to. This is
a simplistic colour scheme which doesn’t distract from the information on the
The barcode is located at the bottom of the page in the corner to denote it is
insignificant to the contents of the magazine. Along with the barcode is the
price in a small font so it isn’t noticeable at first so the audience doesn’t get
put off by the price and won’t let that affect their decision to buy it or not. It
is small and out of the way so it doesn’t take away from the main feature.
The masthead is written across the top of the contents page and is next to the
magazine name to give it brand identity. The font is in capital letters to stand
out and is the largest text in the screen to show it is a key part of information
on the page.
The main image is of the model on stage performing to justify that the
contents of the magazine is music related. It fits in with the colour scheme of
red, black and white as the main model is wearing a black shirt and he model
in the background is wearing black and red. The model is singing whilst
playing guitar showing the talent featured inside this magazine which connotes
it is professional and only documents the best articles that would appeal to its
There are five subheadings which split the articles up into categories to make
it easier for the reader to find what they’re looking for. The headings are in a
larger size to make them noticeable and draw the eye to what is included
inside the magazine. They are all written on black banners in white to make
them stand out even more from the rest of the page.
The articles are written in bold underneath their subheading in capital letters
to make them noticeable and easy to read. They include additional
information about the article underneath the title in grey so it is less
prominent but gives the reader more insight into what he article is about
rather than having to read the entire thing.
The page numbers are written in red to make them eye-catching to the reader
as they’re an important feature of the contents page as they show where
everything is located in the magazine and the layout of it.
Underneath the main image is additional text advertising the featuring article
by giving the audience a glimpse into what it is about and what will be
included. It is all written in black with the title of this text in a larger size to
stand out and appeal to fans of the Arctic Monkeys whereas the page number
is red to make it stand out so the reader can skip to that page straight away.
At the bottom of the page is subscription information which includes a
money off deal to encourage the readers to buy more issues of this magazine
before even reading this one. This is on the contents page to inform the
readers about this deal early on. This advert deviates from the colour scheme
of red, black and white which makes it stand out more and be visible.
The colour scheme is consistent with the front cover with the main colours
being red, black and white which creates a sense of fluency and
professionalism to the magazine.
There is no obvious headline on this page but indented into the text is a quote
which is eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing to the reader as all the text is
together in one area.
The largest image is in black and white which makes it look old
but still sophisticated. This denotes this band have been around
for a long amount of time and portrays their classy, vintage style
of dress. The images take up about two thirds of the spread
which is visually pleasing for the reader. Multiple images are used
on this double page spread which makes it interesting and draws
the eye all around the page which is a good technique to attract
the audience. A couple of the photos use direct address which
engages the audience’s attention towards the page and bonds the
audience to the models. The main singer is used in one of these
images as he would be more likely to be recognised and he is
pointing out towards the reader which adds a personal touch to
this page. There is a mixture of images where the models are
posing and when they are not which makes the page more
interesting and not too repetitive.
Drop capitals are used and they show a separation between each chunk of
writing which makes it seem like less to the reader and therefore makes the
amount of text less intimidating.
The main article is located across the bottom of the page in columns which is
a traditional feature of articles which makes it look professional and lures in
the readers’ attention and makes them want to read it.
There is a colour scheme of red, black and white which seems to be a
consistent theme with NME magazines and other music magazine with this
similar genre. This scheme attracts the target audience of people who like
rock/indie music. They are also gender neutral colours which means the target
audience isn’t restricted to any gender.
An additional box has been added in red so it stands out against the rest of
the double page spread, yet still complies with the colour scheme. It is on the
right page so it can be seen easily when flicking through the magazine and
makes it looks the page more interesting a quick glance.
The masthead is being covered by the models head which connotes the
magazine is well known and doesn’t need the whole title to be shown in order
to be recognised. The text is in a simple font and some of the gaps in the
letters are filled in with colour to make it more eye-catching and appealing to
the reader. This makes the cover identifiable as this touch of colour is
consistent with all covers by this brand of music magazine.
The main image used direct address to engage the audience’s attention toward
the magazine and the photo is taken in a mid –shot to give more focus to who
the model is and show the facial expressions and body language. She is
holding her top exposing part of her chest which connote she is revealing
information about herself that would be featured inside the magazine. Her
clothing fit in with the overall colour scheme of this front cover and her
unnaturally coloured hair make this magazine stand out which would draw in
the reader’s attention towards it. The jewellery on her hand is unusual which
bring conveys notions about uniqueness to the cover and that she is
unconventional yet wealthy and elegant.
The cover lines vary in size which helps the reader determine what
information is the most important. The most eye-catching cover lines are
written in black making them bold denoting they’re the key feature of this
issue. Some cover lines are written in a light grey. The main cover lines are
shown to be in capital letters which make them eye-catching and prominent
over the rest of the cover.
The colour scheme of this front cover is grey and black with the only colour
being the models purple hair and the blue and yellow visible in the title which
make the cover eye-catching. This colour scheme makes the front cover look
professional and sophisticated. The coloured areas enhance the title and the
main image which draws the eye of the reader to it as it is visually encouraging
and directs the audience to the main features of the front cover straight away.
The bar code is located at the bottom of the page on the corner which makes
it go unnoticed. It isn’t covering anything on the page to keep it out of the
way and not interfere with any information on the page and everything can be
seen. It also blends in with the colour scheme which makes it even an even
less obvious feature on the cover.
The title of this contents page is in black against a white background allowing
it to stand out as the main masthead of this page. It is written in capital letters
to make it even more noticeable. The font of this matches any other main
cover line to express their significance.
The main image of this contents page is the largest photo on the page so it is
the most noticeable. He is not using direct address which makes the audience
wonder what he is looking at as it is just past the eye line of the reader. It has
been taken in a mid-shot so his facial expressions and body language can be
seen without difficulty and he can be identified easily. There is a warm glow
of sunlight behind him which is inviting to the reader and would encourage
them to want to read on.
The page is broken up into different sections which separate every feature so
information will be easier to locate. These sections also break up the amount
of text on the page, making it seem like there is less to read. It is a crowded
layout yet informative which is the main purpose of this page.
There are smaller images at the top of the page which add a visual aid to the
page to break up the amount of text written which is visually pleasing for the
readers. These images give a further insight into what is included in the
magazine to inform the readers about what else the magazine has to offer.
The name of the magazine is located at the top of the page to keep the brand
identity of the magazine and remind the readers what they’re reading.
Along the left hand side of the page is a chart showing the top songs and
albums out recently, reinforcing the fact that it is a music magazine. They stick
with the colour scheme of the rest of the page so it blends in and doesn’t
clash with the rest of the information.
The colour scheme of this contents page is blue, grey, black and white which
are all cool colours which create a calm atmosphere about the magazine. The
blue is bright and eye-catching which grasps the attention of the audience.
The grey, white and black are very bland colours but this adds a sophisticated
look to the magazine.
There is no headline for this page which deviates against the conventions of a
music magazine but makes it unique and doesn’t distract from the text. The
artists name substitutes as the title of this double page spread as it is the
largest text on the page and at the top as an introduction to what the article is
This image is in black and white which makes it look sophisticated and
elegant. The model is in a sexual pose which may have been used to attract the
male gaze and interest more readers. It is a very large image which shows it is
significant and draws the attention to her. It has been taken in a mid-shot
which allows the audience to see her facial expressions and body language
easily which may represent features of her personality to the reader.
The layout of this page is very simplistic as to not take the attention away
from the main feature of the article.
There are three columns to this page which looks very professional and adds
sophistication. Columns are a traditional style with professional
magazine/newspaper articles which shows the reader that this magazine
company is qualified and are experts.
There is a very large drop capital which is the only colour on the page which
makes this page really stand out to the audience, even if they’re just flicking
The colour scheme for this double page spread is black and white with red to
make it stand out and look bold.
The model is using direct address to invite the reader to this page as it makes
it seem more personal as if she is looking right at them. This would bond the
reader and the model which could encourage the reader to read the article.

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Music magazine analysis

  • 2.
  • 3. The masthead is at the top of the page and in a bold font which makes the magazine easily recognisable and eye-catching to the audience. The contrasting colours of a white title on a black background allows it to stand out even more to attract the reader’s attention, and the black background disappears to be replaced by the dark hair of the models head which allows the title to blend in with the rest of the cover, connoting the title is an important part of the cover and a main feature. The capital letters and exclamation mark connote the magazine is loud which represents the music style of rock being conveyed, also the word Kerrang itself is an onomatopoeia representing the sound an electric guitar makes when a chord is played, which denotes the genre of this magazine once again. The black lines running through the title resemble guitar strings which allow the magazine to stand out as a music magazine and support the overall atmosphere of the rock themed magazine and the frayed edges of the title make the magazine look worn and uses which further supports the rock theme of this magazine. MASTHEAD
  • 4. The main image uses direct address which engages the audience’s attention towards the magazine as the model is looking directly at the camera which bonds the them and the reader, making the magazine more appealing to read. The model is in the centre of the cover in a medium shot which draws the attention to him and shows the audience he is a main feature of this issue of KERRANG! The shadow on his face links with the cover line ‘Jared Leto’s dark side exposed’ as half of his face is being shadowed to add some mystery about him which intrigues the reader. The model is dressed in dark clothes which appeals to the target audience of this rock magazine and fits in with the colour scheme. MAIN IMAGE
  • 5. The main cover line is written over the top of the model to indicate they’re connected and the text is in a large font which makes it stand out along with the main image to show that is a main feature of this magazine. A quote is used to make the relationship between the reader and the model seem more personal and give an honest insight into the model and his personality and leave the reader interested and guess the context behind the quote. MAIN COVER LINE
  • 6. There are smaller images around the page to add a visual aid to the cover and get a mix of text and pictures to make the cover look more interesting and appeal to people passing by giving the magazine a quick glance and still give information to people stopping to read the front cover and still get useful information from it and learn what is contained inside. IMAGES
  • 7. The cover lines around the page show other features of the magazine and they’re all written in capital letters to help them stand out and different colours to show the separation between them. They are smaller than the main cover line to keep the focus aimed towards that and the remaining cover lines are all similar in size to show they have equal importance and share the same amount of contents inside the magazine. The use of exclamation marks make them seem more interesting and draws the eye to them. The cover lines fill up empty space to emphasise the magazine is filed with lots of information which could vary and appeal to a variety of people. COVER LINES
  • 8. There is a colour scheme is red, white and black which fits the rock style and allows the text to stand out against the rest of the cover. Red is a very vibrant colour against black and white which make the magazine eye-catching and it is a warm colour which is an inviting feature of this front cover. This strict colour scheme implies the magazine is professional and organised which is an appealing asset to the audience. COLOUR SCHEME
  • 9. The barcode is at the bottom of the page in the corner to show it isn’t important compared to the rest of the cover and so doesn’t take the focus away from the main features. Below the barcode is the price written in a small font in order to not put people off buying the magazine because of the price. BAR CODE
  • 10.
  • 11. The masthead is located at the top of the page in a large font and is the first text the reader sees which identifies the magazine without any indication needed from the front cover. The use of white and yellow on a blue background colour makes the words stand out individually which catches the eye of the reader. Next to the masthead in the blue background also in yellow shows the issue number and cover date which are key pieces of information but aren’t relevant to the contents of the magazine which is why they’re located at the top but in a small size. The title is the brightest part of the page which indicated where to start reading as it’s the most noticeable feature of the page. MASTHEAD
  • 12. The main image used direct address and the model has her hands stretched out forwards as to grab the audience’s attention to read the rest if the magazine and become interested in what is involved. Her hands also frame her face and she is smiling which adds a positive vibe to the magazine. It has been taken in a mid-shot so we can see these facial expressions. MAIN IMAGE
  • 13. There are nine subheadings that show each category of the magazine and make it easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for. This denotes the magazine is organised and can clearly show the readers what they’re looking for without much difficult which is a positive feature. Each header is on a banner of a black background which makes it stand out and is visually pleasing for the reader as it breaks down the entire contents of the magazine into small groups and the yellow text colour stands out well against it. Each article has a place under a subheading allowing them to be quick and easy to find. SUBHEADINGS
  • 14. The sub images are smaller than the main image so they don’t take the attention away from a main feature of this contents page. These images are numbered in coordination with the articles written down the left hand side of the page. These numbers show that each image has a purpose and that the magazine will show more information about them later on in the magazine. The images give the reader visual previews into what is included in the magazine which appeals to younger viewers or people wanting to save time and not want to read through the list of articles to find out what they’re looking for. The use of pictures makes the page less boring as there are more visual and colourful things to look at rather than just text. IMAGES
  • 15. Each article is numbered in red to be noticeable to the reader which allows the magazine to be navigated easier. The main article title is written in black and is bold to stand out and underneath some of them is additional information in grey which doesn’t take the main focus away from the titles but encourages the reader to want to read the article. ARTICLES
  • 16. The colour scheme is blue, yellow, black and white. These are gender neutral colours which mean this contents page will appeal to both men and women. Blue and yellow are contrasting colours which convey the idea that this magazine is aimed at an alternative target audience and doesn’t comply to conventional principles. COLOUR SCHEME
  • 17. Page numbers are shown next to sub images and in front of the articles to make the magazine easy to navigate and quicker for the audience to locate what they’re looking for. PAGE NUMBERS
  • 18. There is information about subscriptions in the bottom left corner which encourages the readers to buy more magazines before even reading this issue. It is located at the bottom of the page as it doesn’t affect what is being included inside the magazine but is an important piece of information so sticks with the colour scheme with a black background so it stands out. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
  • 19.
  • 20. The headline is printed over both pages of the spread which makes it more eye-catching and proves both pages are connected and share the same information. It is a quote which makes the message seem more personal to the readers which is an engaging feature. It is in red and white which are colours that easily stand out against the black background and contrast each other making it stand out even more. It is the largest text on the page and is written in bold letters which demonstrates that it is the main headline and is relevant to the rest of the information displayed on the page. MASTHEAD
  • 21. The main article is in two columns which is traditional and has the connotations of newspapers which makes this page look very professional and skilled. It is very informative as it gives key information which would be interesting to readers. It includes quotes and the names of other bands and people which would appeal to a wider audience who are fans of these additional features mentioned. It also gives a closer understanding into the personalities of the band members which would make My Chemical Romance fans want to read it as it is likely they will share some information about themselves. The text is located near the middle of the page and starts with a drop cap to make the writing more inviting and encourage people to read it. MAIN ARTICLE
  • 22. There are multiple high definition images on this double page spread. The main image is the largest which stands out more than the others and it shows the singer of the featured band on stage to justify that this is a music magazine. The other smaller images are taken of the other band members which is informative to the readers to who is in the band and demonstrates the equality of the members. These images interest the target audience as there are studio images as well as live performance photo which adds variety. They’re taken in monochrome which adds a sophisticated and professional look that also complies with the overall colour scheme of black, white and red. The reader is given a visual element which helps to break up the text on the page which is more visually pleasing. All images are taken in a mid-shot or closer which gives the impression that the reader is closer to the models which bonds them and adds realism to the images. This shot type also allows the reader to see the facial expressions and body language of them. None of the band members are posing or the photographs too which reinforces this sense of realism and they aren’t overly edited which is a further asset to this realistic view. IMAGES
  • 23. The colour scheme is black white and red which is a consistent style with Kerrang. These colours are strongly contrasting which allows all the text to stand out against the dark background yet still adds some colour to make the important parts noticeable. This contrast also makes the text easy to read. COLOUR SCHEME
  • 24. There are anchors used on some of the images to provide additional information to what is going on in the photos and give an insight into the situation which connects the reader to the band more. ANCHORS
  • 25. There is an additional box running down the side of the double page spread which gives a written description of what a few of this bands new songs are. This box is informative to the reader and gives them an insight into their style without having to listen to the songs which is a helpful application to the page and can encourage the readers to listen to their music. ADDITIONAL BOX
  • 26. There are buzz words used to attract the audience’s attention and connote ideas that this information won’t be found anywhere else. This encourages the audience to want to read the article as it may seem rare and exclusive. BUZZ WORDS
  • 27.
  • 28. The masthead is in a large font in the top left hand corner which stands out as the title of the magazine. It is being covered by the models head which implies it is easily recognisable and doesn’t need the whole title to be showing in order to be recognised. It is the largest sized text on the cover meaning it stands out and denotes it is the title of the magazine. Beneath the masthead in smaller font that states what the letters of the title stand for to give the readers extra information straight away that it is a music magazine without having to look inside it to find out which is a timesaving feature that the audience would appreciate. MASTHEAD
  • 29. The main cover line is written over the top of the model to show they’re related and links the image to the cover line ‘the record that changed my life’ and he is holding a record which justifies this link. This headline is in a different font from the rest of the cover which makes it stand out more and is in a handwritten style and changes to first person which adds a personal touch and engages the audience’s attention to it on a personal level which would be appealing to the reader. It is also in a larger size to make it more eye-catching to the reader and the individuality of it against the rest of the cover is visually pleasing which may lure in the readers. MAIN COVER LINE
  • 30. The main cover line finishes with a question to interest the readers and reach out to them on a personal level and encourages them to like the magazine and want to buy it. MAIN COVER LINES
  • 31. The main image introduces us to the artist and shows what this issue of the magazine will be featuring. Direct address is used to bond the model and the reader using eye contact and make the magazine seem friendly and personal to the viewer even by a quick glance which makes it more appealing. The photo is taken in a mid-shot which allows focus on the model and we can see his facial expressions and body language without being too close up which may take away from the rest of the cover. He is standing with his arms folded as if to say he has interesting information to tell the readers but is restraining it, edging people to buy the magazine so they can find out inside this issue. MAIN IMAGE
  • 32. The cover lines are written in capital letters to make them bold and eye- catching and the alteration between blue and white for each line separate each of the artist’s names to give them individuality and make them easier to read. The smaller cover lines on the right hand side are in a smaller font connoting they are less significant to the main article, but they still fit the overall colour scheme allowing them to fit in with the general theme of the page. COVER LINES
  • 33. There is a colour scheme of red, white, black and light blue which are gender neutral colours which doesn’t restrict who the magazine may appeal to. This is a simplistic colour scheme which doesn’t distract from the information on the page. COLOUR SCHEME
  • 34. The barcode is located at the bottom of the page in the corner to denote it is insignificant to the contents of the magazine. Along with the barcode is the price in a small font so it isn’t noticeable at first so the audience doesn’t get put off by the price and won’t let that affect their decision to buy it or not. It is small and out of the way so it doesn’t take away from the main feature. BAR CODE
  • 35.
  • 36. The masthead is written across the top of the contents page and is next to the magazine name to give it brand identity. The font is in capital letters to stand out and is the largest text in the screen to show it is a key part of information on the page. MASTHEAD
  • 37. The main image is of the model on stage performing to justify that the contents of the magazine is music related. It fits in with the colour scheme of red, black and white as the main model is wearing a black shirt and he model in the background is wearing black and red. The model is singing whilst playing guitar showing the talent featured inside this magazine which connotes it is professional and only documents the best articles that would appeal to its audience. MAIN IMAGE
  • 38. There are five subheadings which split the articles up into categories to make it easier for the reader to find what they’re looking for. The headings are in a larger size to make them noticeable and draw the eye to what is included inside the magazine. They are all written on black banners in white to make them stand out even more from the rest of the page. SUBHEADINGS
  • 39. The articles are written in bold underneath their subheading in capital letters to make them noticeable and easy to read. They include additional information about the article underneath the title in grey so it is less prominent but gives the reader more insight into what he article is about rather than having to read the entire thing. ARTICLE
  • 40. The page numbers are written in red to make them eye-catching to the reader as they’re an important feature of the contents page as they show where everything is located in the magazine and the layout of it. PAGE NUMBERS
  • 41. Underneath the main image is additional text advertising the featuring article by giving the audience a glimpse into what it is about and what will be included. It is all written in black with the title of this text in a larger size to stand out and appeal to fans of the Arctic Monkeys whereas the page number is red to make it stand out so the reader can skip to that page straight away. ADDITIONAL TEXT
  • 42. At the bottom of the page is subscription information which includes a money off deal to encourage the readers to buy more issues of this magazine before even reading this one. This is on the contents page to inform the readers about this deal early on. This advert deviates from the colour scheme of red, black and white which makes it stand out more and be visible. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
  • 43. The colour scheme is consistent with the front cover with the main colours being red, black and white which creates a sense of fluency and professionalism to the magazine. COLOUR SCHEME
  • 44.
  • 45. There is no obvious headline on this page but indented into the text is a quote which is eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing to the reader as all the text is together in one area. MASTHEAD
  • 46. The largest image is in black and white which makes it look old but still sophisticated. This denotes this band have been around for a long amount of time and portrays their classy, vintage style of dress. The images take up about two thirds of the spread which is visually pleasing for the reader. Multiple images are used on this double page spread which makes it interesting and draws the eye all around the page which is a good technique to attract the audience. A couple of the photos use direct address which engages the audience’s attention towards the page and bonds the audience to the models. The main singer is used in one of these images as he would be more likely to be recognised and he is pointing out towards the reader which adds a personal touch to this page. There is a mixture of images where the models are posing and when they are not which makes the page more interesting and not too repetitive. MAIN IMAGE
  • 47. Drop capitals are used and they show a separation between each chunk of writing which makes it seem like less to the reader and therefore makes the amount of text less intimidating. DROP CAPITALS
  • 48. The main article is located across the bottom of the page in columns which is a traditional feature of articles which makes it look professional and lures in the readers’ attention and makes them want to read it. MAIN ARTICLE
  • 49. There is a colour scheme of red, black and white which seems to be a consistent theme with NME magazines and other music magazine with this similar genre. This scheme attracts the target audience of people who like rock/indie music. They are also gender neutral colours which means the target audience isn’t restricted to any gender. COLOUR SCHEME
  • 50. An additional box has been added in red so it stands out against the rest of the double page spread, yet still complies with the colour scheme. It is on the right page so it can be seen easily when flicking through the magazine and makes it looks the page more interesting a quick glance. ADDITIONAL BOX
  • 51.
  • 52. The masthead is being covered by the models head which connotes the magazine is well known and doesn’t need the whole title to be shown in order to be recognised. The text is in a simple font and some of the gaps in the letters are filled in with colour to make it more eye-catching and appealing to the reader. This makes the cover identifiable as this touch of colour is consistent with all covers by this brand of music magazine. MASTHEAD
  • 53. The main image used direct address to engage the audience’s attention toward the magazine and the photo is taken in a mid –shot to give more focus to who the model is and show the facial expressions and body language. She is holding her top exposing part of her chest which connote she is revealing information about herself that would be featured inside the magazine. Her clothing fit in with the overall colour scheme of this front cover and her unnaturally coloured hair make this magazine stand out which would draw in the reader’s attention towards it. The jewellery on her hand is unusual which bring conveys notions about uniqueness to the cover and that she is unconventional yet wealthy and elegant. MAIN IMAGE
  • 54. The cover lines vary in size which helps the reader determine what information is the most important. The most eye-catching cover lines are written in black making them bold denoting they’re the key feature of this issue. Some cover lines are written in a light grey. The main cover lines are shown to be in capital letters which make them eye-catching and prominent over the rest of the cover. COVER LINES
  • 55. The colour scheme of this front cover is grey and black with the only colour being the models purple hair and the blue and yellow visible in the title which make the cover eye-catching. This colour scheme makes the front cover look professional and sophisticated. The coloured areas enhance the title and the main image which draws the eye of the reader to it as it is visually encouraging and directs the audience to the main features of the front cover straight away. COLOUR SCHEME
  • 56. The bar code is located at the bottom of the page on the corner which makes it go unnoticed. It isn’t covering anything on the page to keep it out of the way and not interfere with any information on the page and everything can be seen. It also blends in with the colour scheme which makes it even an even less obvious feature on the cover. BAR CODE
  • 57.
  • 58. The title of this contents page is in black against a white background allowing it to stand out as the main masthead of this page. It is written in capital letters to make it even more noticeable. The font of this matches any other main cover line to express their significance. MASTHEAD
  • 59. The main image of this contents page is the largest photo on the page so it is the most noticeable. He is not using direct address which makes the audience wonder what he is looking at as it is just past the eye line of the reader. It has been taken in a mid-shot so his facial expressions and body language can be seen without difficulty and he can be identified easily. There is a warm glow of sunlight behind him which is inviting to the reader and would encourage them to want to read on. MAIN IMAGE
  • 60. The page is broken up into different sections which separate every feature so information will be easier to locate. These sections also break up the amount of text on the page, making it seem like there is less to read. It is a crowded layout yet informative which is the main purpose of this page. LAYOUT
  • 61. There are smaller images at the top of the page which add a visual aid to the page to break up the amount of text written which is visually pleasing for the readers. These images give a further insight into what is included in the magazine to inform the readers about what else the magazine has to offer. IMAGES
  • 62. The name of the magazine is located at the top of the page to keep the brand identity of the magazine and remind the readers what they’re reading. BRAND
  • 63. Along the left hand side of the page is a chart showing the top songs and albums out recently, reinforcing the fact that it is a music magazine. They stick with the colour scheme of the rest of the page so it blends in and doesn’t clash with the rest of the information. ADDITIONAL BOXES
  • 64. The colour scheme of this contents page is blue, grey, black and white which are all cool colours which create a calm atmosphere about the magazine. The blue is bright and eye-catching which grasps the attention of the audience. The grey, white and black are very bland colours but this adds a sophisticated look to the magazine. COLOUR SCHEME
  • 65.
  • 66. There is no headline for this page which deviates against the conventions of a music magazine but makes it unique and doesn’t distract from the text. The artists name substitutes as the title of this double page spread as it is the largest text on the page and at the top as an introduction to what the article is about. MASTHEAD
  • 67. This image is in black and white which makes it look sophisticated and elegant. The model is in a sexual pose which may have been used to attract the male gaze and interest more readers. It is a very large image which shows it is significant and draws the attention to her. It has been taken in a mid-shot which allows the audience to see her facial expressions and body language easily which may represent features of her personality to the reader. MAIN IMAGE
  • 68. The layout of this page is very simplistic as to not take the attention away from the main feature of the article. LAYOUT
  • 69. There are three columns to this page which looks very professional and adds sophistication. Columns are a traditional style with professional magazine/newspaper articles which shows the reader that this magazine company is qualified and are experts. COLUMNS
  • 70. There is a very large drop capital which is the only colour on the page which makes this page really stand out to the audience, even if they’re just flicking through. DROP CAPITAL
  • 71. The colour scheme for this double page spread is black and white with red to make it stand out and look bold. COLOUR SCHEME
  • 72. The model is using direct address to invite the reader to this page as it makes it seem more personal as if she is looking right at them. This would bond the reader and the model which could encourage the reader to read the article. MODE OF ADDRESS