SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Slogan: gives     Logo/master head: This logo is in the shape of
                  the editor a      a speech bubble, this is because it gives the
                  voice             impression that this is what would be said         Central image :
                  regarding the     about the magazine, Many bright colours are        Rihanna is a very
  Brand New                                                                            popular artist and
                  magazine, will    used such as pink white and black which
  magazine,                                                                            has been on shows
                  never change      enforces that this is a female orientated
  included in                                                                          such as the x factor
                                    magazine this will be consistent throughout
  a box out,                                                                           recently , therefore,
                                    every issue, very bold and in your face as it is
  which                                                                                she will be well
                                    a pop magazine (conventional).
  means the                                                                            known on the front
  magazine                                                                             image of this
  may not be                                                                           magazine, creating
  well                                                                                 brand awareness
                                                                                           Cover lines: These
                                                                                           give the audience
This shows
                                                                                           an insight into the
what is
                                                                                           main stories
                                                                                           included in this
within the
                                                                                           magazine, so they
magazine, a
                                                                                           will know
                                                                                           whether they will
version of a
                                                                                           be interested
                                                                                           before buying.
page, in order
to give the                                                                                Main-cover
audience a                                                                                 line, this again
sneak preview                                                                              gives the
of what is                                                                                 audience an
inside.                                                                                    insight into the
Another                                                                                    main focus of
article: one of                                                                            the magazine.
the most
famous, pop                                                                                Advertisement
bands which                                                                                – fashion
again will                                                                                 related: This is
attract female                                                                             going to attract
audience.                                                                                  the female
                                                                                           audience even
  Cover                               Other articles –                                     further, as many
  picture:                                                 Box – out for exclusives,
                  Other articles:     image: to show                                       different
  to entice                                                this is going to draw the
                  More famous         the audience                                         females love
  the                                                      audience into gossip
                  artists.            what else is                                         fashion.
  audience                                                 regarding the audience

   The genre of this magazine is pop, this is obvious through the logo that has been created and the
   colour scheme used and in particular the popular artist included as the main image . It is a very in
   your face magazine as the colours are very bright which means it is conventional and ideal for the
   target audience of females.
This is the main cover story and
therefore the main article of We
Love Pop, as you can see the main                       Similarly to the front cover, the same colours are used
cover line is very bold and in your                     (pink white black and yellow) this therefore shows that
face so that it is easier to read, also                 there is a consistency through all of ‘’We Love Pop’s’’
it seems as if the main cover line is                   magazine. Also on the second page, Cher Lloyd has her
quoted therefore this suggests that                     own section for her name; this has her own style, as it
the main article will be full of                        has a diamond above it so this will therefore, co link
gossip, which stereotypically girls                     with her album (synergy)
will love. Again the main colours of
pink and black are used the same as
the magazines logo.

This is the main article, as you can see the beginning of the        Main image: This image is of Cher Lloyd another
article begins with a larger letter, which is conventional for       popular artist, her fame was through the hit show
most texts not only magazines but novels too. The questions          the x factor, therefore the female audience can
asked to Cher are in pink so that the text is split apart and        somewhat relate to her lifestyle choices. The
easier for the audience to read and pick out the most                costume used for this artist shows a little flesh
interesting parts they would like to read, an image is also          however the female audience would be able to
                                                                     purchase these items and imitate her look. The
included in the middle of the article to illustrate the life of
                                                                     main prop in which she uses is a camera which
Cher better and so that the audience can visualise what the          again the majority of the target audience would
article is saying. Also another conventional thing that is used      already currently have. Another thing in what
at the bottom of this page is the page number as this is used        makes Cher different is the fact that she has many
in all magazines and the online version of the article is also       tattoos on her arms, for parents this may be quite
stated in the fonts which are used for the main cover line on        negative due to the fact that young girls aspire to
                                                                     be like her.
the front page.
Master head: due to the             Banner: the banner across the
genre of this magazine being        top of this magazine is
a rock magazine, it is now          exclusive to festivals, therefore    Posters: this is going to attract
apparent why the master             this gives us an insight into        the audiences perception as they
head looks as if it has been        what the audience would              will be getting something ‘’free’’
smashed as this is very             expect to see within the             in which they can view the
rebellious, also the title itself   magazine                             festivals if they were not able to
‘’Kerrang’’ sounds like the                                              make it in person
amplifier of a guitar, or the
strumming of strings.
                                                                                            The theme
                                                                                            colours that
                                                                                            Kerrang always
                                                                                            use are white
    Main image:                                                                             yellow and
    the main                                                                                black.
    image is of an
                                                                                               Cover line
    artist within
                                                                                               the main
    rock, he seems
                                                                                               cover line is
    as if he had
                                                                                               in the same
    been playing in
                                                                                               type of
    concert as he
                                                                                               fonts as the
    still has is
                                                                                               head, it is
                                                                                               also in the
Other articles:                                                                                same colour
some of the                                                                                    so that it
articles are in                                                                                links, it
green which                                                                                    states the
obviously links                                                                                artists this
to the artists                                                                                 magazine is
name they are                                                                                  focusing on.
justified to the
left.                                                                                     Competition:
                                                                                          this is another
Box out: again the                                                                        way in which
use of Plus gives the                                                                     the audience
perception the                                                                            can interact
audience is getting                                                                       with the
more                                                               Barcode: the           magazine
                                                                   barcode is a           therefore it
              Banner: the banner across the bottom of the                                 makes it
              magazine is for the exclusives In the                                       somewhat
                                                                   element that is
              magazine with ‘PLUS’ in bold so that the                                    more engaging
                                                                   used on all
              audience could recognise what else is                                       for the
              included in the magazine. It also gives the          products.              audience.
              connotations that the magazine is giving the
              audience more, compared to its competition
Text: The title of the article is very bold with the conventional colours of black and white, the
writing used again is very rebellious due to the fact that it is the story of the artists, therefore this
may be why certain capitals are used for certain letters. The font used is similar to that used on a
ransom note, therefore this may contribute to her story. Some of the most important text is in red
which matches the artists shirt and also the writer of the article is red so that it stands out from the
other text. The article its self is justified into columns in order to make it easier for the audience to
read, also as I mentioned before regarding other magazines, the beginning of the article starts with
a bold capital letter.

  Image: Similarly to most magazines the image is justified to the right hand side, and is cut away
  and placed onto a background. She is not doing a particular rocky pose, she is just natural.
  However she is wearing quite dark eye make up and is wearing a red baggy lumber jack shirt.
  The facial expression in which she's is pulling ‘’I’m not bothered’’ obviously illustrates what the
  article is about. Her hair is slightly messed but straightened over her face to show her rebellious
  personality. She also has her hands on her hips to create a stern look to reinforce her
  personality traits.
This contents page is in an
                                           unusual layout it is Split into
       Master head is in the top           two, top to bottom whereas
       left corner of the                  other content pages are split
       magazine, however it is             into columns, I think that this is
       yellow, so that it stands           because the magazine is being
       out from the darker                 extra rebellious.

Also on the first                                                                  The top half of the
half of the                                                                        magazine is artist
contents there                                                                     focused, therefore
are Previews of                                                                    it shows the what
articles that are                                                                  the magazine is
also going to be                                                                   mainly going to be
included in the                                                                    based on.

Justified on                                                                       There is also a
the right                                                                          Banner separating
hand side of                                                                       the two
the bottom                                                                         sections, in which
half of the                                                                        the master head is
magazine is                                                                        also included.
the Editors
note, image
and                                                                                 Included
signature                                                                           in the
this gives                                                                          bottom
the                                                                                 half of the
magazine a                                                                          contents
personal                                                                            are the
view from                                                                           Different
the editor                                                                          pages
himself.                                                     There is also a        included
Which               All the colours used are                 small preview od       in the
therefore           Conventional colours used                what is going to be    magazine
creates a           through all of Kerrang                   included in Next       issue that
connection          magazines.                               months issue.          week,
between the                                                                         these are
audience                                                                            all
and the                                                                             justified
editor.                                                                             into
Master head the master head of this              The main image has been cut onto a
  magazine is again always consistent in           bright blue background, this is to
  the same block font, however the                 brighten the magazine, but to also make
  colour may change depending on the               the artist look more appealing as the
  background colour of the magazine.               red colour of his hair clashes with the
 articles on                                                                                 Other cover
 the let hand                                                                                lines, these
 side are in a                                                                               are justified
 different                                                                                   to the right,
 colour to                                                                                   in white to
 those on the                                                                                link with the
 right this                                                                                  master head,
 therefore be                                                                                these articles
 a more                                                                                      may link with
 important                                                                                   the main
 article                                                                                     artists from
                                                                                             my chemical
The Free posters
                                                                                             they are also
would attract the
audience as they
                                                                                             toward the
would get the
                                                                                             top of the
impression ha
                                                                                             page so that
they were going
                                                                                             the artists
to get something
                                                                                             face is not
out of the
magazine after
the read

                                                                                             The Main
                                                                                             cover line
The Alternative                                                                              again is in
images justified                                                                             white linking
down the left                                                                                with the other
hand side are in                                                                             articles and
a banner sort of                                                                             the master
format, they                                                                                 head, this
show a preview                      Also included underneath the main cover                  then makes
of the free                         line is a Quotation this is from the main                the magazine
things in which                     article quoted from the main artist,                     link together.
the audience                        however due to the fact it is on the front               The main
are going to                        cover it can also be seen as gossip as it is             cover line is
have.                               revealing parts of this artists life and it              also bold and
                                    can be questionable of how much of it is                 in the same
                                    actually true as the editor would try to                 type of font as
                                    make the magazine as entertaining as                     the master
                                    possible.                                                head
The text is justified to the left hand side of this page, however it is in an unusual format as the
image takes up some of this page too. This means that the amount of text in which they are
obviously going to use is restricted. The title of this article is very bold and larger than the rest of
the text, I would presume that the font would link with the artists CD cover or merchandise as it
is different to NME’s master head. Also main quotations and key points within the text, including
the first letter of the article are in blue, so that the audience can easily pick out this information.
The actual article itself follows traditional conventions of a magazine as it is justified and
paragraphed into columns.

The image as I mentioned above is very large on this double page spread as it take up the whole of
the left page, but it also overlaps onto the second page, resulting in the amount of text being less,
this is probably down to the target audience, as they would prefer to look at the image rather than
read the interview, also it would attract a less educated audience as there would be less to read. The
image itself is of the band, including there instruments, they are not posing as such, just looking
straight at the camera, which makes it seem as if they are looking straight to the audience.
Therefore people who like this band would really like how clear and large the image actually is.
Banner                The Master head and main cover line at the top
index:                of this magazine is in a box out in order to make
included              the fonts easier to read and more vibrant. The
within this           master head and main cover line fonts do not
magazine is a         change through the pages
list of all the
bands that
are included
within the
this is very                                                                              The contents
different to
                                                                                          page is also
magazines                                                                                 and each
therefore this                                                                            section is
is a unique                                                                               sub
thing in                                                                                  headlined, in
which this                                                                                the same
magazine                                                                                  font as the
does, I think                                                                             cover line
an element                                                                                and they are
of each band                                                                              also in box
included on                                                                               out in order
the list for                                                                              to make
that week                                                                                 them easier
would have a                                                                              to read.
page number
next to it so
that the
could find it,
it is also in

  The Advertisements at the bottom of the                    At the bottom in the page arrow
  page shows that this magazine is trying to                 there is a Command and persuasive
  promote itself even further due to the fact                technique in order to make the
  that it is trying to get its audience to                   audience continue to read the
  subscribe, also it is in a box out with yellow             magazine, the arrow is in red, the
  font different to that of the magazine so                  same colour as the Master head.
  that it stands out and is noticeable to the
Image: the image again is justified to the left, and cutaway onto a plain background, in this case
black in order to show the image more effectively. The artist looks very casual, he is wearing a
plain white t shirt with a yellow and black cap in order to look very realistic. He has no facial
expression, however he is blowing smoke through his noes and his mouth, therefore this shows
us the edgy side of the artist. The colour of the artists cap links to the colour of the logo on the
right side of the double page spread.
The Gradient Background for this contents
 page is used, in order to make the
 background of the magazine more
 engaging to the audience, the background                   The Master head
 links also with the colour of the artists                  has been split into
 dress and the colour of her shoes.                         three parts, I think
                                                            that this is an
                                                            effective way of
                                                            making the
                                                            contents title more
                                                            engaging for the
                                                            audience, it is very
                                                            simplistic however
  The Main                                                  it works with the
  Article                                                   background, the
  overview is                                               font is the same as
  also justified to                                         the main Vibe
  the left of the                                           master head so
  artist, separate                                          again the house
  from the other                                            style links.
  information so
  that it is more
  accessible.                                                          The articles
                                                                       justified to
                                                                       the right
                                                                       hand side
                                                                       sections, w
                                                                       ith sub
                                                                       In order for
                                                                       contents to
                                                                       be easy to
The Website is                                                         understand
another                                                                and
convention that is                                                     navigate.
used in most

                                                          The Page number
              The Main image is in a sexual pose in       and Date gives the
              order to attract the male gaze she is       typical conventions
              across the majority of the bottom half of   of a magazine.
              the page which is also very simplistic
Master head: the master head is again at the
     top of the page in a banner, the banner is                     The star is used in order to make
     black to link with the image, the word                         the magazine more
     ‘’popular’’ is also in yellow which links to the               appealing, as stars signify
     colour of the background.                                      pop, as they are very bright and

                                                                                       Justified to the
                                                                                       right hand side
The Issue date                                                                         in columns is
price and issue                                                                        the main articles
number are                                                                             of the magazine
typical                                                                                and what is
conventions                                                                            included, it is
found on any                                                                           separated, by
magazine.                                                                              two shapes in
                                                                                       which again
                                                                                       make the
                                                                                       magazine look
                                                                                       more appealing
                                                                                       for the
                                                                                       audience. The
                                                                                       rest of the
                                                                                       contents then
                                                                                       continue onto
                                                                                       the bottom right
The main article is                                                                    hand side of the
separated with a                                                                       page.
box out, and a
competition, this
obviously draws
the audience into
the magazine,

                         The main image is in a sepia effect,
                         this is most likely because the
                         magazine is very old, she has had her      The text also has a wider line
                         hair done and lots of make up so that      spacing than most magazines
                         she looks glamorous also, the pose in      and its justified into the centre
                         which she is doing is like a half smile,   of the column.
                         looking straight toward the audience.
The text is justified to the left hand side of the magazine, the title is larger than the rest of
   the text which is conventional, and it is in a similar font to the master head. The main text
   within the article is in blue, which obviously links to the artists however this is unknown as
   there is no obvious link to the image. Similarly to other magazines the first letter of the
   article is larger than the rest of the text.

The main image is justified to the right hand side of the magazine, however the image slightly
overlaps onto the right hand side of the magazine, with a small text box of information on top of
the image. Differently to other magazines this image has not been cut away and put onto a plain
background, this magazine has the scene of a street in order to make it more realistic. The artist
within the image also looks as if he is hitch hiking, which could relate to some members of the
audience. The only piece of colour which is on the right hand side of this magazine is the main
caption of the article, and this is yellow in order to link with the main master head and
background of the front page of the magazine.
There is also a second
article included           The main image covers three quarters of the page and it is in a
however this is            black and white effect, it shows racial equality as at this time this
significantly smaller      was a massive issue.
that the first this only
covers a quarter of the
page, the title is in a
bright pint colour and
the image is also in
colour two to ensure
that the article stands
out from the                                                                              The main cover
background.                                                                               lines for each
                                                                                          article are in
                                                                                          similar fonts to
                                                                                          the main
                                                                                          master head
                                                                                          and in black to
                                                                                          ensure that
                                                                                          they stand
                                                                                          pout from the
                                                                                          body of the
                                                                                          text, obviously
Underneath the                                                                            the headings
second article is                                                                         are also in bold
the actual                                                                                and very large
contents in which                                                                         so that they
page numbers                                                                              are easier to
and the main                                                                              see
articles are
included in bold
the page numbers
are included in
pink so that they
stand out from
the background
and link with the

                           This seems to be the main article of the             The page numbers
                           magazine as it is the biggest and has the            for this magazine
                           most space, the text is justified to the             are very large for
                           left and seems to continue onto                      the two main
                           another page                                         articles, so that
                                                                                they are easier to
                                                                                jump to .

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Music magazine analysis

  • 1. Slogan: gives Logo/master head: This logo is in the shape of the editor a a speech bubble, this is because it gives the voice impression that this is what would be said Central image : regarding the about the magazine, Many bright colours are Rihanna is a very Brand New popular artist and magazine, will used such as pink white and black which magazine, has been on shows never change enforces that this is a female orientated included in such as the x factor magazine this will be consistent throughout a box out, recently , therefore, every issue, very bold and in your face as it is which she will be well a pop magazine (conventional). means the known on the front magazine image of this may not be magazine, creating well brand awareness established Cover lines: These give the audience This shows an insight into the what is main stories included included in this within the magazine, so they magazine, a will know smaller whether they will version of a be interested contents before buying. page, in order to give the Main-cover audience a line, this again sneak preview gives the of what is audience an inside. insight into the Another main focus of article: one of the magazine. the most famous, pop Advertisement bands which – fashion again will related: This is attract female going to attract audience. the female audience even Cover Other articles – further, as many picture: Box – out for exclusives, Other articles: image: to show different to entice this is going to draw the More famous the audience females love the audience into gossip artists. what else is fashion. audience regarding the audience included. The genre of this magazine is pop, this is obvious through the logo that has been created and the colour scheme used and in particular the popular artist included as the main image . It is a very in your face magazine as the colours are very bright which means it is conventional and ideal for the target audience of females.
  • 2. This is the main cover story and therefore the main article of We Love Pop, as you can see the main Similarly to the front cover, the same colours are used cover line is very bold and in your (pink white black and yellow) this therefore shows that face so that it is easier to read, also there is a consistency through all of ‘’We Love Pop’s’’ it seems as if the main cover line is magazine. Also on the second page, Cher Lloyd has her quoted therefore this suggests that own section for her name; this has her own style, as it the main article will be full of has a diamond above it so this will therefore, co link gossip, which stereotypically girls with her album (synergy) will love. Again the main colours of pink and black are used the same as the magazines logo. This is the main article, as you can see the beginning of the Main image: This image is of Cher Lloyd another article begins with a larger letter, which is conventional for popular artist, her fame was through the hit show most texts not only magazines but novels too. The questions the x factor, therefore the female audience can asked to Cher are in pink so that the text is split apart and somewhat relate to her lifestyle choices. The easier for the audience to read and pick out the most costume used for this artist shows a little flesh interesting parts they would like to read, an image is also however the female audience would be able to purchase these items and imitate her look. The included in the middle of the article to illustrate the life of main prop in which she uses is a camera which Cher better and so that the audience can visualise what the again the majority of the target audience would article is saying. Also another conventional thing that is used already currently have. Another thing in what at the bottom of this page is the page number as this is used makes Cher different is the fact that she has many in all magazines and the online version of the article is also tattoos on her arms, for parents this may be quite stated in the fonts which are used for the main cover line on negative due to the fact that young girls aspire to be like her. the front page.
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  • 7. Master head: due to the Banner: the banner across the genre of this magazine being top of this magazine is a rock magazine, it is now exclusive to festivals, therefore Posters: this is going to attract apparent why the master this gives us an insight into the audiences perception as they head looks as if it has been what the audience would will be getting something ‘’free’’ smashed as this is very expect to see within the in which they can view the rebellious, also the title itself magazine festivals if they were not able to ‘’Kerrang’’ sounds like the make it in person amplifier of a guitar, or the strumming of strings. The theme colours that Kerrang always use are white Main image: yellow and the main black. image is of an Cover line artist within the main rock, he seems cover line is as if he had in the same been playing in type of concert as he fonts as the still has is master guitar. head, it is also in the Other articles: same colour some of the so that it articles are in links, it green which states the obviously links artists this to the artists magazine is name they are focusing on. justified to the left. Competition: this is another Box out: again the way in which use of Plus gives the the audience perception the can interact audience is getting with the more Barcode: the magazine barcode is a therefore it Banner: the banner across the bottom of the makes it conventional magazine is for the exclusives In the somewhat element that is magazine with ‘PLUS’ in bold so that the more engaging used on all audience could recognise what else is for the included in the magazine. It also gives the products. audience. connotations that the magazine is giving the audience more, compared to its competition
  • 8. Text: The title of the article is very bold with the conventional colours of black and white, the writing used again is very rebellious due to the fact that it is the story of the artists, therefore this may be why certain capitals are used for certain letters. The font used is similar to that used on a ransom note, therefore this may contribute to her story. Some of the most important text is in red which matches the artists shirt and also the writer of the article is red so that it stands out from the other text. The article its self is justified into columns in order to make it easier for the audience to read, also as I mentioned before regarding other magazines, the beginning of the article starts with a bold capital letter. Image: Similarly to most magazines the image is justified to the right hand side, and is cut away and placed onto a background. She is not doing a particular rocky pose, she is just natural. However she is wearing quite dark eye make up and is wearing a red baggy lumber jack shirt. The facial expression in which she's is pulling ‘’I’m not bothered’’ obviously illustrates what the article is about. Her hair is slightly messed but straightened over her face to show her rebellious personality. She also has her hands on her hips to create a stern look to reinforce her personality traits.
  • 9. This contents page is in an unusual layout it is Split into Master head is in the top two, top to bottom whereas left corner of the other content pages are split magazine, however it is into columns, I think that this is yellow, so that it stands because the magazine is being out from the darker extra rebellious. background. Also on the first The top half of the half of the magazine is artist contents there focused, therefore are Previews of it shows the what articles that are the magazine is also going to be mainly going to be included in the based on. magazine Justified on There is also a the right Banner separating hand side of the two the bottom sections, in which half of the the master head is magazine is also included. the Editors note, image and Included signature in the this gives bottom the half of the magazine a contents personal are the view from Different the editor pages himself. There is also a included Which All the colours used are small preview od in the therefore Conventional colours used what is going to be magazine creates a through all of Kerrang included in Next issue that connection magazines. months issue. week, between the these are audience all and the justified editor. into columns
  • 10. Master head the master head of this The main image has been cut onto a magazine is again always consistent in bright blue background, this is to the same block font, however the brighten the magazine, but to also make colour may change depending on the the artist look more appealing as the background colour of the magazine. red colour of his hair clashes with the blue. Other articles on Other cover the let hand lines, these side are in a are justified different to the right, colour to in white to those on the link with the right this master head, therefore be these articles a more may link with important the main article artists from my chemical romance, The Free posters they are also would attract the justified audience as they toward the would get the top of the impression ha page so that they were going the artists to get something face is not out of the covered. magazine after the read The Main cover line The Alternative again is in images justified white linking down the left with the other hand side are in articles and a banner sort of the master format, they head, this show a preview Also included underneath the main cover then makes of the free line is a Quotation this is from the main the magazine things in which article quoted from the main artist, link together. the audience however due to the fact it is on the front The main are going to cover it can also be seen as gossip as it is cover line is have. revealing parts of this artists life and it also bold and can be questionable of how much of it is in the same actually true as the editor would try to type of font as make the magazine as entertaining as the master possible. head
  • 11. The text is justified to the left hand side of this page, however it is in an unusual format as the image takes up some of this page too. This means that the amount of text in which they are obviously going to use is restricted. The title of this article is very bold and larger than the rest of the text, I would presume that the font would link with the artists CD cover or merchandise as it is different to NME’s master head. Also main quotations and key points within the text, including the first letter of the article are in blue, so that the audience can easily pick out this information. The actual article itself follows traditional conventions of a magazine as it is justified and paragraphed into columns. The image as I mentioned above is very large on this double page spread as it take up the whole of the left page, but it also overlaps onto the second page, resulting in the amount of text being less, this is probably down to the target audience, as they would prefer to look at the image rather than read the interview, also it would attract a less educated audience as there would be less to read. The image itself is of the band, including there instruments, they are not posing as such, just looking straight at the camera, which makes it seem as if they are looking straight to the audience. Therefore people who like this band would really like how clear and large the image actually is.
  • 12. Banner The Master head and main cover line at the top index: of this magazine is in a box out in order to make included the fonts easier to read and more vibrant. The within this master head and main cover line fonts do not magazine is a change through the pages list of all the bands that are included within the magazine, this is very The contents different to page is also most Sectioned, magazines and each therefore this section is is a unique sub thing in headlined, in which this the same magazine font as the does, I think cover line an element and they are of each band also in box included on out in order the list for to make that week them easier would have a to read. page number next to it so that the audience could find it, it is also in alphabetical order. The Advertisements at the bottom of the At the bottom in the page arrow page shows that this magazine is trying to there is a Command and persuasive promote itself even further due to the fact technique in order to make the that it is trying to get its audience to audience continue to read the subscribe, also it is in a box out with yellow magazine, the arrow is in red, the font different to that of the magazine so same colour as the Master head. that it stands out and is noticeable to the audience.
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  • 14. Image: the image again is justified to the left, and cutaway onto a plain background, in this case black in order to show the image more effectively. The artist looks very casual, he is wearing a plain white t shirt with a yellow and black cap in order to look very realistic. He has no facial expression, however he is blowing smoke through his noes and his mouth, therefore this shows us the edgy side of the artist. The colour of the artists cap links to the colour of the logo on the right side of the double page spread.
  • 15. The Gradient Background for this contents page is used, in order to make the background of the magazine more engaging to the audience, the background The Master head links also with the colour of the artists has been split into dress and the colour of her shoes. three parts, I think that this is an effective way of making the contents title more engaging for the intended audience, it is very simplistic however The Main it works with the Article background, the overview is font is the same as also justified to the main Vibe the left of the master head so artist, separate again the house from the other style links. information so that it is more accessible. The articles are justified to the right hand side in sections, w ith sub headings. In order for the contents to be easy to The Website is understand another and convention that is navigate. used in most magazines. The Page number The Main image is in a sexual pose in and Date gives the order to attract the male gaze she is typical conventions across the majority of the bottom half of of a magazine. the page which is also very simplistic
  • 16. Master head: the master head is again at the top of the page in a banner, the banner is The star is used in order to make black to link with the image, the word the magazine more ‘’popular’’ is also in yellow which links to the appealing, as stars signify colour of the background. pop, as they are very bright and shiny. Justified to the right hand side The Issue date in columns is price and issue the main articles number are of the magazine typical and what is conventions included, it is found on any separated, by magazine. two shapes in which again make the magazine look more appealing for the audience. The rest of the contents then continue onto the bottom right The main article is hand side of the separated with a page. box out, and a competition, this obviously draws the audience into the magazine, The main image is in a sepia effect, this is most likely because the magazine is very old, she has had her The text also has a wider line hair done and lots of make up so that spacing than most magazines she looks glamorous also, the pose in and its justified into the centre which she is doing is like a half smile, of the column. looking straight toward the audience.
  • 17. The text is justified to the left hand side of the magazine, the title is larger than the rest of the text which is conventional, and it is in a similar font to the master head. The main text within the article is in blue, which obviously links to the artists however this is unknown as there is no obvious link to the image. Similarly to other magazines the first letter of the article is larger than the rest of the text. The main image is justified to the right hand side of the magazine, however the image slightly overlaps onto the right hand side of the magazine, with a small text box of information on top of the image. Differently to other magazines this image has not been cut away and put onto a plain background, this magazine has the scene of a street in order to make it more realistic. The artist within the image also looks as if he is hitch hiking, which could relate to some members of the audience. The only piece of colour which is on the right hand side of this magazine is the main caption of the article, and this is yellow in order to link with the main master head and background of the front page of the magazine.
  • 18. There is also a second article included The main image covers three quarters of the page and it is in a however this is black and white effect, it shows racial equality as at this time this significantly smaller was a massive issue. that the first this only covers a quarter of the page, the title is in a bright pint colour and the image is also in colour two to ensure that the article stands out from the The main cover background. lines for each article are in similar fonts to the main master head and in black to ensure that they stand pout from the body of the text, obviously Underneath the the headings second article is are also in bold the actual and very large contents in which so that they page numbers are easier to and the main see articles are included in bold the page numbers are included in pink so that they stand out from the background and link with the title This seems to be the main article of the The page numbers magazine as it is the biggest and has the for this magazine most space, the text is justified to the are very large for left and seems to continue onto the two main another page articles, so that they are easier to jump to .