SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Logo-the logo of the magazine is positioned at the       Masthead- the title of the magazine. The title
Skyline-the skyline at the very           top in order for it to be easily recognised and seen     is portrayed in a sans serif font which is a
top of the magazine is very               by regular as well as new readers of the magazine.       relatively formal style. The title Kerrang! Is a
important as it is more often             The cracked title with the broken glass effect           fairly unusual name to use for a magazine. The
than not, what draws the                  incorporates the theme of anarchy.                       magazine name Kerrang! is used in order to
audience in.                                                                                       express the noise a guitar makes when it is
Normally, competitions and                                                                         dropped on the floor through an amp, which
giveaways will interest the                                                                        relates to the rock genre of the magazine. The
audience. In this case, the                                                                        white font matches the black background and
publisher has included many                                                                        therefore is suitable for the magazine.
famous bands within this
genre in order to attract the
target audience. The skyline                                                                         Main cover line- the main cover line is
must appeal to the genre of                                                                          written in capitals which stands out to
the magazine and if it does                                                                          the reader and therefore is eye-
not the magazine may lose                                                                            catching. The use of the word of
potential sales.                                                                                     finest indicates the superiority of the
                                                                                                     band on the front cover. Displayed in
Subsidiary images- these                                                                             the middle to stand out and appeal to
images are used in order to                                                                          the viewer.
show the reader some of the
other features included                                                                                      The use of the word free is a great
within the magazine. The                                                                                     incentive to buy this particular
images give the reader an                                                                                    magazine as it adds a value for money
incentive as to what the will                                                                                factor. Advertising bands by including
find inside the particular                                                                                   free posters for the reader themselves
issue.                                                                                                       is a great way for the bands to
                                                                                                             distribute themselves.

 Puff-the puff is used in a magazine in                     The barcode is positioned in the corner by the
 order to boost or promote the                              publisher purposely to avoid its interference
 content. It is important as it helps                       with the subsidiary stories. It shows the
 entice the reader in with over                             audience the price of the magazine. The price
 exaggerated words such as PLUS!                            is generally tucked away unless the magazine
                                                            is of sensational value for money.
Masthead-the masthead is                          Logo- the logo is used in order for regular as well as new
otherwise known as the title and is               customers to recognise the company publishing the magazine.
used in order to show the audience                A logo is important as it helps audience recognition. The red
the company it is they are familiar               , white and blue colour scheme and layout could be used to
with. The publisher of the magazine               explain the origin of the magazine, i.e. America, or used to  Emphasis on the words
has used the opacity tool for the                 indicate the nationality of the main character.               laugh, loud, funny attracts
masthead so that the letters of the                                                                             the reader in by making
title blend over one another.                                                                                   the magazine seem
                                                                                                                superior and

There is emphasis used by the
publisher. The words funniest,
                                                                                                            Could be seen as the main cover
jokes and dirty connote the theme
                                                                                                            line. Despite its size comparison
and idea of comedy which may
                                                                                                            to the rest of the coverlines, it
attract the target audience of
                                                                                                            relates to the main cover story.
                                                                                                            However, as a viewer, we can
                                                                                                            see that the comparison of the
                                                                                                            size of the coverlines and main
The price of the magazine is                                                                                story are the same, meaning
placed here for a reason. It is                                                                             that if the audience were to be
positioned here so that the price                                                                           unfamiliar with the protagonist
does not stick out in the face of                                                                           on the cover of the magazine, it
the audience as it is expensive.                                                                            may mean the loss of potential
A magazine like GQ here for                                                                                 sales if they cannot identify a
example is a monthly magazine                                                                               name with the image.
where there is generally a large
amount of content in each issue.
Because of this, publishers have                                                                   Main image- the main image is placed in
to charge a higher price to still                                                                  the centre of the magazine so that the
make a worthwhile profit.                                                                          main image stands out to the audience.
                                      Coverline-the coverlines are used in order to promote        The clothing worn has been chosen
                                      some of the subsidiary stories featured within the           purposely so that the foreground
                                      magazine and therefore inform the audience of what can       matches that of the background.
                                      be read inside the magazine without the inconvenience of
                                      them having to flick through every page of the magazine.
There is emphasis on the two words
                                                                                                          oh behave, which has been written in
                                                                                                          block capitals in order to draw the
Masthead- the magazine title of GQ                                                                        audience in. The text underneath is
generally has a different colour scheme                                                                   related to the same story however has
which alternates between two                                                                              been placed underneath because of its
different colours in the majority of                                                                      position of importance within the
issues. For this particular issue, the                                                                    story. This cover line relates to the
colours grey and white have been used                                                                     target audience of males as it implies
in order to match the colour scheme                                                                       tips on how to act like a 21st century
applied to the rest of the front cover of                                                                 gentlemen, giving us proof that the
the magazine. The GQ masthead is                                                                          predominant target audience is
easy to recognize amongst the                                                                             withheld in the male gender.
audience and therefore links to the
idea of audience recognition. For the
masthead, the opacity tool has been
                                                                                                          Main image- the main image is of
used in order for the two letters to
                                                                                                          actress and model Megan Fox who is
have an effect by which they lap over
                                                                                                          considered by some people as a ‘sex
one another.
                                                                                                          icon’. Therefore, by including her in
                                                                                                          the magazine, and particularly on the
                                                                                                          front cover, not only does it more than
                                                                                                          likely increase the amount of
 Coverline- the coverline has                                                                             readers, but it also applies to the male
 been placed in its most common                                                                           gaze theory as men would quite likely
 position for this particular front                                                                       be enticed into purchasing the
 cover. It is generally positioned                                                                        magazine possibly just down to the
 in this way because people of                                                                            fact that the front cover model is
 the western world read from left           The price is shown at the bottom on this particular front     posing in a seductive manner and also
 to right. The coverlines are not           cover as it is a monthly issue as appose to a weekly issue.   is showing slight cleavage. Because of
 regarded as the predominant                Therefore, the publisher can include mass content from        the amount of the front cover taken
 focus of the issue, however, are           within time window of a month. Because of this, it means      up by Megan Fox, it would stand out
 regarded as an important and               that the price is fairly high as the company publishing the   clearly to the consumer of the
 are therefore visibly featured on          magazine would still need to make a large profit margin.      magazine as the main image stands
 the front cover.                                                                                         out vastly against the background.
This front cover is a very controversial front cover for a magazine. The
masthead starts with the name of the magazine NME, using their familiar
red, white and black colour scheme. This is used on a regular basis in order to
help audience recognition. Underneath the masthead, we can also see the
words ‘new musical express’ which helps the person magazine understand
what the name of the magazine stands for. There is a pug featured in the top-
right corner of the magazine, which is used in order to attract the audience to
an exclusive story or for free give-aways, and or competitions. The colour
scheme is white, black, orange, red and yellow. This color scheme has been
used possibly due to the way in which these colours correlate, i.e. Black and
white, yellow and orange.
The title is written in a sans serif as well as serif style font.
The coverlines are all written in a red-white format. This maybe done so that
the stories stand out, but do not majorly clash.

The main image of the piece can be considered controversial as the image is
not a stereotypical representative of what would generally feature on the
front cover of a magazine. The gestures and posture of the main cover artist
indicate a sexual indication, which is proven by the nudity of the front cover
model. Without heavily criticizing the front cover artist, as someone analyzing
the magazine, we could most definitely insinuate that the cover artist Beth
Ditto, especially with a lack of clothes, is not a particularly attractive, nor
expected image to be used on the front cover of the magazine.

The image in itself powerfully contradicts the male gaze theory which was
incorporated by Laura Mulvey. The general reader of a magazine, (especially
                                                                                   The barcode in the right bottom corner is shown in a fairly clear
one which generally is brought by those of a male gender), would, if a female
                                                                                   manner. Despite publishers taking a thorough disliking to
character was to be featured almost expect a main image of a female
                                                                                   barcodes on the front of magazines because they feel is does
character to be somewhat appealing and possibly in a seductive pose. The
                                                                                   not look appealing to the audience, the particular publisher
lipstick on the leg of the main image connotes relation to the main quote
                                                                                   here has placed the barcode clearly on the front cover in order
associated with the piece. The quote in itself followed by the lipstick and the
                                                                                   to attract the reader into buying the magazine because of the
lack of attire suggests that the main cover line shows how the artist is against
                                                                                   cheap price. If the magazine is being sold at a fairly low
the whole concept of all magazines and posters needing to feature someone
                                                                                   price, publishers feel great need to advertise and endorse the
of great looks and mass appeal. Because of the possible controversy this may
                                                                                   fact that their magazine is cheaper than that of their
raise, the magazine may enhance its sales as the audience may want to read
what this artist, who is clearly out there to create controversy, has to say.
This particular double page extract is
taken from music magazine Kerrang!
The double page features the band
all together in the main image. The
title used has a mixture of font style
by the usage of the words being in
both serif and sans serif style. The
main colours used as part of the
colour scheme are black, red and
pink, with the use of the colour pink
being a non-stereotypical feature
associated within the advertisement
of an all male rock band. In addition,
there are subsidiary images which
accompany the main image showing
each band member individually.
  The title of the double-page spread
has been chosen purposefully as it
relates to the largest selling song
from the band ‘Dirty Little Secret’. In
addition, not all readers would
understand the creative choices
made for the magazine as only fans
of the band and those aware of the
songs release would truly get the
idea in which the publisher is trying
to incorporate.
   This particular layout is done in a
introduction, followed by questions       The images used for the piece are generally black and white all by the main image. This effect has
and answers format. The writer of         been used so that the main image really stands out. The clothing worn by the bands members
this piece has created a layout by        represents their genre as they are wearing low cut t-shirts, converse trainers and tight jeans which
which the general text and answers        are a stereotypical feature in rock bands.
are in white, the questions are in
pink, and the writer has also chosen      The top of the page sees a small banner stretching across both pages which is part of the colour
to differentiate each band member         scheme. This small banner familiarizes the audience with the band they are about to read about,
speaking and by doing so, has done it     as well as introduce the reader to who is writing the piece and also, who has taken the photos for
in red.                                   the piece.
This double page spread is taken from
Kerrang! Magazine in 2011. The spread is
a story on Pretty reckless front woman
Taylor Momsen. The predominant colour
scheme used for the piece is black, white
and red. The use of the colour red is used
creatively in the design process and within
the portrayal of the word ‘Wild’. The font
used for the title of the piece is serif for
the word ‘wild’ and sans serif for the word
‘CHILD’. The word wild is used in a
different colour to the rest of the title
used to emphasise her wild lifestyle. The
typography of the word wild is also used in
a lipstick drawn style.
There is an opening paragraph to draw the
reader in top the story written in a sans
serif font which is much larger than the
rest of the text. The paragraph is mainly in
white colour however, the words ‘Taylor
Momsen’ and ‘The Pretty Reckless’ are
written in pink font emphasising the fact
she is a diva as well as emphasising her
name and band she fronts.
                                               The colour scheme used relates to the genre as it incorporates the
The main images of her takes up the left-      colours of red and black which stereotypically, are associated with the
hand side of the page and a small minority     rock and ‘gothic’ look.
of the right-hand side. The background
being black emphasises her peroxide            The double page spread is laid out in a interview style with the
blonde hair and because of this,               questions in pink and answers in white to show the audience who is
incorporates the Laura Mulvey theory of        speaking in the article. The text starts with a drop capital which is a
the male gaze.                                 generic convention within double page spreads.
This example of a double page spread from the popular
culture magazine - Rolling Stone. The article is on pop star
Katy Perry, each page of the spread focuses on something
different, the first page is the article and the second is a
photograph of Katy Perry. The main colour scheme of the
spread is black, white and blue. This gives the spread a
classy and professional design, as Rolling Stone is
considered a high quality magazine. The clothing worn by
Katy Perry is particularly sexual and is exposing a fair
amount of flesh. This is to attract a male audience, with
Katy Perry having recently been seen as attractive and a
sex icon. In addition to this, it allows a female audience
to aspire to look like the artist and be like her, gaining both
the artist and magazine an audience. The clothing despite
its minimal amount is of a denim style which was fairly
popular in the time of this piece being written. She is also
wearing a cross which represents her religion and
beliefs, which she frequently discusses in interviews and in
this one. The cross and her beliefs contrast against her
sexual image, although she teases and flashes a bit of
flesh, she is still respectable and infact does have limits.
The text and typeface is kept simple and professional, this
is to shown the magazine is quality and professional, it
may also to be contrast against Katy Perry's flamboyant
and controversial image and personality. The layout is very
effective. The double page spread is split in two, an image
of the artist on the right and the text on left. This makes it
easier for a person to read and understand it. However
                                                                  There is a lack of vivid colour within this particular piece. The colour scheme
because all of the text has been squeezed onto one
                                                                  is black, white with minimal blue meaning the lack of audience focus on the
page, it has to be written in a very small font. A lot of the
                                                                  text is withdrawn from the writing so that they focus directly on Katy Perry.
writing is bunched up together, this may put the reader
                                                                  The font style is mostly the same, maybe if there were a variety of fonts used
off. There is a kicker used to make up for this. There is a
                                                                  it may make the text look more appealing.
good technique used where the main headline is placed
between the articles, it draws the reader’s attention to the
headline. It also stands out due to the font size.
This particular magazine double page spread is
taken from music magazine NME. The double
page spread is an article on the band The
Teenagers. From the immediate emphasis on the
band featured being named The Teenagers, it
immediately gives us a an audience an incentive
as to which particular target audience we are
going to be focusing on. The layout of the double
page is fairly straight forward with the main
image taking up the vast majority of the left-hand
side, followed by the right-hand side being taken
up by text. The colour scheme is predominantly
black and blue possibly being a reflection of a
male teenage target audience as black and blue
are stereotypically considered colours which
relate to the male gender.
The title of the piece in itself is written in block
capitals- a type of serif font. This particular style
lacks originality and is a fairly simple style for a
title. However, it is straight to the point and gives
a clear indication to the audience who they are
going to be reading about.
The main image of the piece in itself seems to
express 3 relatively ‘scruffy’ teens whom are
placed in what seems to be a bedroom location-          The piece is sub-divided by a quote in the middle of the text which has been placed
thus once again being a relation to the target          there in order to attract the reader in with what they may find intriguing, interesting or
audience. They seem to be in a relaxed posture          comical. The quote is also highlighted in a light blue colour to help it stand out. The
exemplifying the possible laid back nature of           piece starts with a drop capital- a feature which is present in almost all double page
their ‘teenage’ audience.                               spreads.
The text in itself seems to be written as more of a     There are subsidiary boxes which accompany this particular story. On the right hand
conversational style as appose to the ever typical      side of the page, there is a related column which is talking about others bands who
questions and answers layout featured in the vast       have garnished recent media attention. In addition, the ‘NEED TO KNOW’ box at the
amount of double page spreads. The piece is             bottom left of the page seems to be included as almost a factual element, almost
clearly divided into columns of text along with an      increasing the knowledge of the reader who may be unfamiliar with the artist by
additional column which is not so evident to the        introducing them to basic facts.
This particular contents is taken from magazine Rolling
Stone. The contents seems to be portrayed in a very
formal manner and complies to the general expectation
of what would be featured within a magazine of this
type. (i.e. a magazine of a social categorization).
The layout features a main image which is more than
likely correlating to the main cover line. In this case, the
image is in a black and white possible sepia tone, which
has been done, at least in my opinion, to link and match
up with the basic black and white colour scheme
enforced into this particular contents page. We as a
reader can clearly identify the page number of each
story being highlighted in rather a bold black typeface, or
in the case of the subsidiary stories, in small orange font.
The main stories are featured in a black font colour in
order to stand out without mass appeal. In comparison
to this, the smaller stories have been highlighted in a
bright orange colour to make them stand out still under
the eye of the audience.
There is clear division between the stories on the page-
they are arranged via evident paragraphing. The stories
are also highlighted in a much bolder colour with a
description of what the story includes to follow.
In addition to this, we become aware of a small amount
of details which have been crafted onto the page to
garnish media attention. For example, if you look at the
left-bottom of the page, we can see that there is
placement of the magazine website in a blue font which
does not match up to the colour scheme of the contents.
Therefore, one can only presume that it has been placed
in a blue colour to endorse and market the companies
Further to this, at the very right-bottom of the page, we
can see that the issue date and issue number have been
placed onto the contents page.
This particular contents is taken from rock and metal music magazine
Kerrang! The colour scheme of the contents seems to follow an
ordinary example with the main colours being black, white and yellow.
The layout of the contents in itself seems to be fairly jumbled, with
many images. However, despite the clutter of images, we as a reader
can still easily differentiate between the image for the main cover line
and the images which make up part of the subsidiary stories.
At the top-left of the page we can see the editor’s note. An editor’s
note is generally found slightly tucked away on the contents page and
there is nothing particularly exciting about this section. However, the
editor’s note can create a small sense of a personal connection
between reader and writer, which can be considered a nice touch.
At the top right of the page, we see there is a quote from a featured
artist. This can cause a personal connection between the artist and the
band member as they may be able to relate to what he/she may be
saying. In addition to this, many readers may be attracted to read the
magazine as they may want to know the thoughts and views of their
On this particular contents page, it is interesting to note that the name
of the magazine is not actually featured, which is slightly odd; but there
is the issue number and cover date featured underneath the contents
title in itself.
The actual contents in itself seems to be divided into sub-categories
which may have been used to make it easier for the reader to highlight
the individual story it is they may want to read. The colour scheme of
yellow, black and white seems to be applied throughout and the page
numbers are indicated on the left, in a much larger font.
In terms of layout, the layout of the contents is very grid like with no
square boxes or overlapping showing a clear, neat and structured
contents page. The images bordering the main image are all the same,
possibly suggesting equality between these bands. One of the images is
in a black and white style, possibly connoting a retro feel.
In terms of the main image, it has its own border around it, making it
stand out from the rest of the images. It’s larger size almost seems to be
a reflection of the images superiority also.
This particular contents page is taken from music magazine MOJO. The title of
the magazine has been used as a masthead for the contents in order to enhance
the name of the magazine as well as make it more memorable for the reader.
Underneath the masthead, we see a divided section which has a faint border
surrounding it. This has been done to highlight the issue number and date of this
particular issue of the magazine.
The red on the purple/grey background does not seem to stand out or be
anywhere near as effective as the previous colour scheme used for the Kerrang!
Within the contents, band names and individual artist names have been
highlighted in a much bolder font in order to attract the audience. In addition to
this, there is a description of each story. Because of this, it gives the reader an
insight as to what they should expect to find in each story.
The personal quote from Alice Cooper above his image is particularly effective as
indicates forthcoming happenings in the magazine. In addition, the concept of
stating ‘as long as we had beer we were OK’ almost seems to be a suggestive of a
moral panic by incorporating stereotypical ideas about the traditional rockstar.
 The colour scheme used (i.e. red, black and purple) seems to be a fairly
modernized colour scheme by which it may stand out to the reader.
Furthermore, the lack of text and imagery may also be a concept which is trying
to express modernism.
The layout of the contents seems a lot more professional that Kerrang as it is less
cluttered. We see consistency through this contents use to the fact that the font
stays the same throughout.
The fact that Alice Cooper seems to be staring at the reader also gives a personal
connection between him and the reader and almost creates a sense of intimacy
between them visually speaking. It is interesting to note that this particular
contents goes totally against the Laura Mulvey male gaze theory by the
placement of what a majority of people would consider to be an unattractive
male. His more or less naked positioning and posture seems to reverse the ‘eye
candy’ concept which women portray on magazine covers, making the male
almost objectified in this particular case.

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Magazine Analysis

  • 1. Logo-the logo of the magazine is positioned at the Masthead- the title of the magazine. The title Skyline-the skyline at the very top in order for it to be easily recognised and seen is portrayed in a sans serif font which is a top of the magazine is very by regular as well as new readers of the magazine. relatively formal style. The title Kerrang! Is a important as it is more often The cracked title with the broken glass effect fairly unusual name to use for a magazine. The than not, what draws the incorporates the theme of anarchy. magazine name Kerrang! is used in order to audience in. express the noise a guitar makes when it is Normally, competitions and dropped on the floor through an amp, which giveaways will interest the relates to the rock genre of the magazine. The audience. In this case, the white font matches the black background and publisher has included many therefore is suitable for the magazine. famous bands within this genre in order to attract the target audience. The skyline Main cover line- the main cover line is must appeal to the genre of written in capitals which stands out to the magazine and if it does the reader and therefore is eye- not the magazine may lose catching. The use of the word of potential sales. finest indicates the superiority of the band on the front cover. Displayed in Subsidiary images- these the middle to stand out and appeal to images are used in order to the viewer. show the reader some of the other features included The use of the word free is a great within the magazine. The incentive to buy this particular images give the reader an magazine as it adds a value for money incentive as to what the will factor. Advertising bands by including find inside the particular free posters for the reader themselves issue. is a great way for the bands to distribute themselves. Puff-the puff is used in a magazine in The barcode is positioned in the corner by the order to boost or promote the publisher purposely to avoid its interference content. It is important as it helps with the subsidiary stories. It shows the entice the reader in with over audience the price of the magazine. The price exaggerated words such as PLUS! is generally tucked away unless the magazine is of sensational value for money.
  • 2. Masthead-the masthead is Logo- the logo is used in order for regular as well as new otherwise known as the title and is customers to recognise the company publishing the magazine. used in order to show the audience A logo is important as it helps audience recognition. The red the company it is they are familiar , white and blue colour scheme and layout could be used to with. The publisher of the magazine explain the origin of the magazine, i.e. America, or used to Emphasis on the words has used the opacity tool for the indicate the nationality of the main character. laugh, loud, funny attracts masthead so that the letters of the the reader in by making title blend over one another. the magazine seem superior and overwhelming. There is emphasis used by the publisher. The words funniest, Could be seen as the main cover jokes and dirty connote the theme line. Despite its size comparison and idea of comedy which may to the rest of the coverlines, it attract the target audience of relates to the main cover story. males. However, as a viewer, we can see that the comparison of the size of the coverlines and main The price of the magazine is story are the same, meaning placed here for a reason. It is that if the audience were to be positioned here so that the price unfamiliar with the protagonist does not stick out in the face of on the cover of the magazine, it the audience as it is expensive. may mean the loss of potential A magazine like GQ here for sales if they cannot identify a example is a monthly magazine name with the image. where there is generally a large amount of content in each issue. Because of this, publishers have Main image- the main image is placed in to charge a higher price to still the centre of the magazine so that the make a worthwhile profit. main image stands out to the audience. Coverline-the coverlines are used in order to promote The clothing worn has been chosen some of the subsidiary stories featured within the purposely so that the foreground magazine and therefore inform the audience of what can matches that of the background. be read inside the magazine without the inconvenience of them having to flick through every page of the magazine.
  • 3. There is emphasis on the two words oh behave, which has been written in block capitals in order to draw the Masthead- the magazine title of GQ audience in. The text underneath is generally has a different colour scheme related to the same story however has which alternates between two been placed underneath because of its different colours in the majority of position of importance within the issues. For this particular issue, the story. This cover line relates to the colours grey and white have been used target audience of males as it implies in order to match the colour scheme tips on how to act like a 21st century applied to the rest of the front cover of gentlemen, giving us proof that the the magazine. The GQ masthead is predominant target audience is easy to recognize amongst the withheld in the male gender. audience and therefore links to the idea of audience recognition. For the masthead, the opacity tool has been Main image- the main image is of used in order for the two letters to actress and model Megan Fox who is have an effect by which they lap over considered by some people as a ‘sex one another. icon’. Therefore, by including her in the magazine, and particularly on the front cover, not only does it more than likely increase the amount of Coverline- the coverline has readers, but it also applies to the male been placed in its most common gaze theory as men would quite likely position for this particular front be enticed into purchasing the cover. It is generally positioned magazine possibly just down to the in this way because people of fact that the front cover model is the western world read from left The price is shown at the bottom on this particular front posing in a seductive manner and also to right. The coverlines are not cover as it is a monthly issue as appose to a weekly issue. is showing slight cleavage. Because of regarded as the predominant Therefore, the publisher can include mass content from the amount of the front cover taken focus of the issue, however, are within time window of a month. Because of this, it means up by Megan Fox, it would stand out regarded as an important and that the price is fairly high as the company publishing the clearly to the consumer of the are therefore visibly featured on magazine would still need to make a large profit margin. magazine as the main image stands the front cover. out vastly against the background.
  • 4. This front cover is a very controversial front cover for a magazine. The masthead starts with the name of the magazine NME, using their familiar red, white and black colour scheme. This is used on a regular basis in order to help audience recognition. Underneath the masthead, we can also see the words ‘new musical express’ which helps the person magazine understand what the name of the magazine stands for. There is a pug featured in the top- right corner of the magazine, which is used in order to attract the audience to an exclusive story or for free give-aways, and or competitions. The colour scheme is white, black, orange, red and yellow. This color scheme has been used possibly due to the way in which these colours correlate, i.e. Black and white, yellow and orange. The title is written in a sans serif as well as serif style font. The coverlines are all written in a red-white format. This maybe done so that the stories stand out, but do not majorly clash. The main image of the piece can be considered controversial as the image is not a stereotypical representative of what would generally feature on the front cover of a magazine. The gestures and posture of the main cover artist indicate a sexual indication, which is proven by the nudity of the front cover model. Without heavily criticizing the front cover artist, as someone analyzing the magazine, we could most definitely insinuate that the cover artist Beth Ditto, especially with a lack of clothes, is not a particularly attractive, nor expected image to be used on the front cover of the magazine. The image in itself powerfully contradicts the male gaze theory which was incorporated by Laura Mulvey. The general reader of a magazine, (especially The barcode in the right bottom corner is shown in a fairly clear one which generally is brought by those of a male gender), would, if a female manner. Despite publishers taking a thorough disliking to character was to be featured almost expect a main image of a female barcodes on the front of magazines because they feel is does character to be somewhat appealing and possibly in a seductive pose. The not look appealing to the audience, the particular publisher lipstick on the leg of the main image connotes relation to the main quote here has placed the barcode clearly on the front cover in order associated with the piece. The quote in itself followed by the lipstick and the to attract the reader into buying the magazine because of the lack of attire suggests that the main cover line shows how the artist is against cheap price. If the magazine is being sold at a fairly low the whole concept of all magazines and posters needing to feature someone price, publishers feel great need to advertise and endorse the of great looks and mass appeal. Because of the possible controversy this may fact that their magazine is cheaper than that of their raise, the magazine may enhance its sales as the audience may want to read competition. what this artist, who is clearly out there to create controversy, has to say.
  • 5. This particular double page extract is taken from music magazine Kerrang! The double page features the band all together in the main image. The title used has a mixture of font style by the usage of the words being in both serif and sans serif style. The main colours used as part of the colour scheme are black, red and pink, with the use of the colour pink being a non-stereotypical feature associated within the advertisement of an all male rock band. In addition, there are subsidiary images which accompany the main image showing each band member individually. The title of the double-page spread has been chosen purposefully as it relates to the largest selling song from the band ‘Dirty Little Secret’. In addition, not all readers would understand the creative choices made for the magazine as only fans of the band and those aware of the songs release would truly get the idea in which the publisher is trying to incorporate. This particular layout is done in a introduction, followed by questions The images used for the piece are generally black and white all by the main image. This effect has and answers format. The writer of been used so that the main image really stands out. The clothing worn by the bands members this piece has created a layout by represents their genre as they are wearing low cut t-shirts, converse trainers and tight jeans which which the general text and answers are a stereotypical feature in rock bands. are in white, the questions are in pink, and the writer has also chosen The top of the page sees a small banner stretching across both pages which is part of the colour to differentiate each band member scheme. This small banner familiarizes the audience with the band they are about to read about, speaking and by doing so, has done it as well as introduce the reader to who is writing the piece and also, who has taken the photos for in red. the piece.
  • 6. This double page spread is taken from Kerrang! Magazine in 2011. The spread is a story on Pretty reckless front woman Taylor Momsen. The predominant colour scheme used for the piece is black, white and red. The use of the colour red is used creatively in the design process and within the portrayal of the word ‘Wild’. The font used for the title of the piece is serif for the word ‘wild’ and sans serif for the word ‘CHILD’. The word wild is used in a different colour to the rest of the title used to emphasise her wild lifestyle. The typography of the word wild is also used in a lipstick drawn style. There is an opening paragraph to draw the reader in top the story written in a sans serif font which is much larger than the rest of the text. The paragraph is mainly in white colour however, the words ‘Taylor Momsen’ and ‘The Pretty Reckless’ are written in pink font emphasising the fact she is a diva as well as emphasising her name and band she fronts. The colour scheme used relates to the genre as it incorporates the The main images of her takes up the left- colours of red and black which stereotypically, are associated with the hand side of the page and a small minority rock and ‘gothic’ look. of the right-hand side. The background being black emphasises her peroxide The double page spread is laid out in a interview style with the blonde hair and because of this, questions in pink and answers in white to show the audience who is incorporates the Laura Mulvey theory of speaking in the article. The text starts with a drop capital which is a the male gaze. generic convention within double page spreads.
  • 7. This example of a double page spread from the popular culture magazine - Rolling Stone. The article is on pop star Katy Perry, each page of the spread focuses on something different, the first page is the article and the second is a photograph of Katy Perry. The main colour scheme of the spread is black, white and blue. This gives the spread a classy and professional design, as Rolling Stone is considered a high quality magazine. The clothing worn by Katy Perry is particularly sexual and is exposing a fair amount of flesh. This is to attract a male audience, with Katy Perry having recently been seen as attractive and a sex icon. In addition to this, it allows a female audience to aspire to look like the artist and be like her, gaining both the artist and magazine an audience. The clothing despite its minimal amount is of a denim style which was fairly popular in the time of this piece being written. She is also wearing a cross which represents her religion and beliefs, which she frequently discusses in interviews and in this one. The cross and her beliefs contrast against her sexual image, although she teases and flashes a bit of flesh, she is still respectable and infact does have limits. The text and typeface is kept simple and professional, this is to shown the magazine is quality and professional, it may also to be contrast against Katy Perry's flamboyant and controversial image and personality. The layout is very effective. The double page spread is split in two, an image of the artist on the right and the text on left. This makes it easier for a person to read and understand it. However There is a lack of vivid colour within this particular piece. The colour scheme because all of the text has been squeezed onto one is black, white with minimal blue meaning the lack of audience focus on the page, it has to be written in a very small font. A lot of the text is withdrawn from the writing so that they focus directly on Katy Perry. writing is bunched up together, this may put the reader The font style is mostly the same, maybe if there were a variety of fonts used off. There is a kicker used to make up for this. There is a it may make the text look more appealing. good technique used where the main headline is placed between the articles, it draws the reader’s attention to the headline. It also stands out due to the font size.
  • 8. This particular magazine double page spread is taken from music magazine NME. The double page spread is an article on the band The Teenagers. From the immediate emphasis on the band featured being named The Teenagers, it immediately gives us a an audience an incentive as to which particular target audience we are going to be focusing on. The layout of the double page is fairly straight forward with the main image taking up the vast majority of the left-hand side, followed by the right-hand side being taken up by text. The colour scheme is predominantly black and blue possibly being a reflection of a male teenage target audience as black and blue are stereotypically considered colours which relate to the male gender. The title of the piece in itself is written in block capitals- a type of serif font. This particular style lacks originality and is a fairly simple style for a title. However, it is straight to the point and gives a clear indication to the audience who they are going to be reading about. The main image of the piece in itself seems to express 3 relatively ‘scruffy’ teens whom are placed in what seems to be a bedroom location- The piece is sub-divided by a quote in the middle of the text which has been placed thus once again being a relation to the target there in order to attract the reader in with what they may find intriguing, interesting or audience. They seem to be in a relaxed posture comical. The quote is also highlighted in a light blue colour to help it stand out. The exemplifying the possible laid back nature of piece starts with a drop capital- a feature which is present in almost all double page their ‘teenage’ audience. spreads. The text in itself seems to be written as more of a There are subsidiary boxes which accompany this particular story. On the right hand conversational style as appose to the ever typical side of the page, there is a related column which is talking about others bands who questions and answers layout featured in the vast have garnished recent media attention. In addition, the ‘NEED TO KNOW’ box at the amount of double page spreads. The piece is bottom left of the page seems to be included as almost a factual element, almost clearly divided into columns of text along with an increasing the knowledge of the reader who may be unfamiliar with the artist by additional column which is not so evident to the introducing them to basic facts. reader.
  • 9. This particular contents is taken from magazine Rolling Stone. The contents seems to be portrayed in a very formal manner and complies to the general expectation of what would be featured within a magazine of this type. (i.e. a magazine of a social categorization). The layout features a main image which is more than likely correlating to the main cover line. In this case, the image is in a black and white possible sepia tone, which has been done, at least in my opinion, to link and match up with the basic black and white colour scheme enforced into this particular contents page. We as a reader can clearly identify the page number of each story being highlighted in rather a bold black typeface, or in the case of the subsidiary stories, in small orange font. The main stories are featured in a black font colour in order to stand out without mass appeal. In comparison to this, the smaller stories have been highlighted in a bright orange colour to make them stand out still under the eye of the audience. There is clear division between the stories on the page- they are arranged via evident paragraphing. The stories are also highlighted in a much bolder colour with a description of what the story includes to follow. In addition to this, we become aware of a small amount of details which have been crafted onto the page to garnish media attention. For example, if you look at the left-bottom of the page, we can see that there is placement of the magazine website in a blue font which does not match up to the colour scheme of the contents. Therefore, one can only presume that it has been placed in a blue colour to endorse and market the companies website. Further to this, at the very right-bottom of the page, we can see that the issue date and issue number have been placed onto the contents page.
  • 10. This particular contents is taken from rock and metal music magazine Kerrang! The colour scheme of the contents seems to follow an ordinary example with the main colours being black, white and yellow. The layout of the contents in itself seems to be fairly jumbled, with many images. However, despite the clutter of images, we as a reader can still easily differentiate between the image for the main cover line and the images which make up part of the subsidiary stories. At the top-left of the page we can see the editor’s note. An editor’s note is generally found slightly tucked away on the contents page and there is nothing particularly exciting about this section. However, the editor’s note can create a small sense of a personal connection between reader and writer, which can be considered a nice touch. At the top right of the page, we see there is a quote from a featured artist. This can cause a personal connection between the artist and the band member as they may be able to relate to what he/she may be saying. In addition to this, many readers may be attracted to read the magazine as they may want to know the thoughts and views of their ‘idols’. On this particular contents page, it is interesting to note that the name of the magazine is not actually featured, which is slightly odd; but there is the issue number and cover date featured underneath the contents title in itself. The actual contents in itself seems to be divided into sub-categories which may have been used to make it easier for the reader to highlight the individual story it is they may want to read. The colour scheme of yellow, black and white seems to be applied throughout and the page numbers are indicated on the left, in a much larger font. In terms of layout, the layout of the contents is very grid like with no square boxes or overlapping showing a clear, neat and structured contents page. The images bordering the main image are all the same, possibly suggesting equality between these bands. One of the images is in a black and white style, possibly connoting a retro feel. In terms of the main image, it has its own border around it, making it stand out from the rest of the images. It’s larger size almost seems to be a reflection of the images superiority also.
  • 11. This particular contents page is taken from music magazine MOJO. The title of the magazine has been used as a masthead for the contents in order to enhance the name of the magazine as well as make it more memorable for the reader. Underneath the masthead, we see a divided section which has a faint border surrounding it. This has been done to highlight the issue number and date of this particular issue of the magazine. The red on the purple/grey background does not seem to stand out or be anywhere near as effective as the previous colour scheme used for the Kerrang! contents. Within the contents, band names and individual artist names have been highlighted in a much bolder font in order to attract the audience. In addition to this, there is a description of each story. Because of this, it gives the reader an insight as to what they should expect to find in each story. The personal quote from Alice Cooper above his image is particularly effective as indicates forthcoming happenings in the magazine. In addition, the concept of stating ‘as long as we had beer we were OK’ almost seems to be a suggestive of a moral panic by incorporating stereotypical ideas about the traditional rockstar. The colour scheme used (i.e. red, black and purple) seems to be a fairly modernized colour scheme by which it may stand out to the reader. Furthermore, the lack of text and imagery may also be a concept which is trying to express modernism. The layout of the contents seems a lot more professional that Kerrang as it is less cluttered. We see consistency through this contents use to the fact that the font stays the same throughout. The fact that Alice Cooper seems to be staring at the reader also gives a personal connection between him and the reader and almost creates a sense of intimacy between them visually speaking. It is interesting to note that this particular contents goes totally against the Laura Mulvey male gaze theory by the placement of what a majority of people would consider to be an unattractive male. His more or less naked positioning and posture seems to reverse the ‘eye candy’ concept which women portray on magazine covers, making the male almost objectified in this particular case.